
• 大学英语三级A考试概述 • 阅读理解部分 • 听力部分 • 词汇与语法部分 • 写作部分 • 模拟试题部分
大学英语三级A考试是为了测试考生在英语学习方面达到的水 平,以满足社会对英语应用能力的要求。
考试的目标是培养考生在听、说、读、写、译等方面具备实 际应用能力,同时测试考生的语法和词汇量。
大学英语三级A考试中的阅读理解部分主要包括短文阅读和词汇理解两大部分。短文阅读通常包括四 篇短文,每篇短文后面跟着五个问题,共二十个问题。考生需要在短时间内理解文章内容,回答问题 。词汇理解则是要求考生根据上下文,猜测并理解生词的含义。
大学英语三级A考试中的应用文写作部分,通常要求学生根据实际情境,撰写一 封邮件、便签、备忘录、通知等应用性质的文章。
测试学生的英语书面表达能力,包括文章 结构、逻辑性、语法和词汇的正确使用。
短文写作部分要求学生根据给定的主题或 情境,撰写一篇150-200词的短文,要求 文章结构清晰、逻辑性强,语法和词汇使 用正确。
大学英语三级A考试要求考生达到英语应用能力A级水平, 即中等水平。
考试要求考生能够掌握3000个左右单词量,能够阅读一般 性的英文材料,能够进行简单的英文写作和日常会话。
大学英语三级A考试总时间为120分钟,其 中听力30分钟,阅读理解40分钟,完形填 空20分钟,翻译20分钟,作文10分钟。

安徽师范大学大学英语写作课期末考试试题一、1. Translation(20%)A. Translate the following Chinese into English (10%)1.开立信用证 [填空题] *_________________________________答案解析:to establish an L/C2. 催开信用证 [填空题] *_________________________________3.装运单据 [填空题] *_________________________________4.开证行 [填空题] *_________________________________5. 截止期 [填空题] *_________________________________B. Translate the following English into Chinese. (10%)1. port of loading [填空题] *_________________________________2. port of unloading [填空题] *_________________________________3. container vessels [填空题] *_________________________________4. Packing list [填空题] *_________________________________5. Commercial Invoice [填空题] *_________________________________二.Choose the proper word or phrase to fill the following sentences (10%)1.hearing from,2.establish business relationships,3.products,4.upon receipt,5.general idea about,6.display,mercial Counselor’s Office,8. enquiry,9. quote, 10. delivery1. We want to with your company. [填空题] *_________________________________2.To give you a our products, we enclose relevant catalogues. [填空题] *_________________________________3.We have your name and address from the of the Chinese embassy in Ghana. [填空题] * _________________________________4. We are looking forward to you soon. [填空题] *_________________________________5. Quotations and samples will be sent to you of your enquiries. [填空题] *_________________________________6. One may write an if he or she wants to buy goods from a seller. [填空题] *_________________________________7. It is our custom in the last three years to buy directly from Chinese suppliers. [填空题] *_________________________________8. Please your lowest price CIF Aqaba. [填空题] *_________________________________9. We should require within 4 weeks of placing an order. [填空题] *_________________________________10. We visited your stand at the Paris Trade Exhibition last month and we were very interested in your of ladies’ shoes. [填空题] *_________________________________三、Choose the best answer (20%)1. We _____ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of Electric Motors.() [单选题] *A. find(正确答案)B. believeC. thinkD. trust2. We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the _____ illustrated catalogue.() [单选题] *A. sentB. enclosed(正确答案)C. givenD. presented3. This price is ____ of your 5% commission.() [单选题] *A. includesB. coveringC. inclusive(正确答案)D. including4. We will do our best to _____ shipment to meet your requirements in time.() [单选题] *A. complyB. makeC. expedite(正确答案)D. arrange5. We _____ you of our readiness to serve you in this end all future business.() [单选题] *A. ensureB. assure(正确答案)C. make sureD. see to6. It is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we ____ you this accommodation.() [单选题] *A. extend(正确答案)B. extantC. increaseD. promote7. Your L/C No.111 for £2000 issued by the Bank Ltd, Liverpool, has____.() [单选题] *A. be arrivingB. been arrivingC. arrived(正确答案)D. thanked8. Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly____.() [单选题] *A. appreciatingB. appreciated(正确答案)C. thankingD. thanked9. We acknowledged the receipt of your letter dated 26th September _____ connection ______ the above subject.() [单选题] *A. for, withB. for, toC. in, with(正确答案)D. in, to10. We regret ______ unable to agree to the buyer's request as stated in the L/C stipulations for insurance to be covered up to the inland city.() [单选题] *A. to beB. being(正确答案)C. to have beenD. been11. We are pleased to _____ you that 6000 dozen of shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C123, L/C No.5678 have gone off on S.S. "Dongfeng"() [单选题] *A. askB. inform(正确答案)C. speakD. talk12. ______ you accept our offer, please cable us for our confirmation.() [单选题] *A. UntilB. UnlessC. If(正确答案)D. As13. We thank you _____ for you cooperation.() [单选题] *A. in advance(正确答案)B. in beforehandC. in progressD. in proceed14. We desire to establish _____ beneficial business relations.() [单选题] *A. mutual(正确答案)B. mutuallyC. equalD. equally15. The term CFR should be followed by _____.() [单选题] *A. port of shipmentB. port of originC. port of loadingD. port of destination(正确答案)16.By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.() [单选题] *A. increaseB. promote(正确答案)C. expandD. extend17. This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply _____ should reach us not later than the end of this month.() [单选题] *A. itB. theyC. whatD. which(正确答案)18. ____ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.() [单选题] *A. In case(正确答案)B. In the caseC. In this caseD. In that case19. Should your L/C____ us at the beginning of May , we shall be able to ship your order.() [单选题] *A. arriveB. reach(正确答案)C. comeD. get20. In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that an L/C has been opened amounting ____$2,000.() [单选题] *A. atB. to(正确答案)C. upD. for四、Translate the following sentences into English (20%)1. The extra expenses arising from transshipment will be borne with us. [填空题] *_________________________________2、We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No. 1134 has now been shipped and taken on board s. s. Eastwind which, we are informed, will be sailing tomorrow. [填空题] *_________________________________3、Please check and confirm the relevant shipping documents attached. [填空题] *_________________________________4、We may entertain your order if you allow us a 3% discount. [填空题] *_________________________________5、It s a pity that we are unable to make a further reduction. [填空题] *_________________________________五、Try to find the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them in the blankets. (10%)1.From the enclosed invoiced you see the price. ______2.We look forward to receive your news soon. ________3.It is impossible for us on extend L/C No.1. ______4.Please let us had your shipping advice without delay. ______5.The buyers want to catch the demand in the start of the season. ______6.We hope this are agreeable to you. ______7.We are in receive of your letter of July 1. ______8.Your fountain pens are not satisfied to us. ______9.We are regret that your woolen piece goods are not of good price. ______10.This has been confirm by the manufacturer. ______ [填空题] *空1答案:Invoices空2答案:to receiving空3答案:to extend空4答案:have空5答案:at the start of空6答案:this is空7答案:in receipt空8答案:satisfactory空9答案:regretting空10答案:confirmed六. Write a letter of complaint according to the notes given below(20%)收到8月12日发运的20箱汽车部件,但开箱后发现货物与同日开具的发票不符。

2016-2017学年第一学期16级《大学英语》期末考试题型及范围I. Grammar & Vocabulary (35’)Section A(15×1’=15’)Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.此部分全部为语法题,考点为本学期课本中所学的语法知识。
重点语法点具体有(后面数字为建议出题数):(1) 现在分词和过去分词(两者间的区别, 如作状语或后置定语等)2-3(2) 不定式(常用动词与不定式搭配;remember/ forget/ regret to do 与remember/ forget/ regret doing 的区别;不定式作后置定语、状语、主语等的运用)1-2 (3) 动名词(常用动词与动名词搭配;try/mean/stop to do与try/mean/stop doing 的区别;It is no use/good+动名词,be busy+动名词, have trouble/difficulty ++动名词等常见句型的使用)1-2(4) 名词性从句(建议重点考察what与That的区别, whether与if的区别) 1-2(5) 定语从句(如何选择正确的关系词(重点),关系词只能用that的情况,介词+关系词)1-2 (6) 状语从句(hardly……when与no sooner……than的句型或其他常见引导词引导不同的状语从句)1-2 (7) 强调句(It is/was……that……) 1 (8)时态(一般时态,现在过去进行时态,现在过去完成时态)2-3 (9) 主谓一致(就远原则,就近原则,each/many a修饰名词的情况等)1-2 (10)虚拟语气(if引导的非真实条件句,表示“命令、要求”的虚拟)1-2e.g. He pretended his father and just left his house.A. not seeingB. not to seeC. to not seeD. not seenSection B(10×1’=10’)Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.此部分全部出自《综合实训》中的Part One Word building 中V. 的词型转换。

课程名称___大学英语2023—2024学年第1学期考试试题_考试方式(闭卷)适用专业本科考试时间(120)分钟题号一二三四五六总分得分评卷人Part ⅠListening Comprehension (15minutes)(15points)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability.It consists of 3sections.Section ADirections:In this section you will hear 5short dialogues.Each dialogue will beplayed only once.After it there is a pause.During the pause you should readthe incomplete statement printed in the test paper and complete it accordingto what you have just heard.Write your words in the corresponding space onthe Answer Sheet.1.The father was ________________his son.2.The woman means that the teacher _______________at the party.3.The man can't remember where he was last night at ________________.4.The man is planning to ________________.5.The woman was late for ________________.Section BDirections:In this section you will hear another 5short dialogues.After each dialoguethere will be a question.Both the dialogues and questions will be played onlyonce.And a pause will follow each question.When you hear a question,youshould write down the answer in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.6.____________________________________________________________.7.____________________________________________________________.安徽大学8.____________________________________________________________.9.____________________________________________________________.10.____________________________________________________________. Section CDirections:In this section you will hear2recorded short passages.Each passage will be followed by2or3questions.Each passage will be played two times.Butthe questions will be played only once.After each question there will be apause.During the pause you should choose the correct answer from the4choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then you should mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage OneQuestions11and12are based on the passage you have just heard.11.A)One week.B)One month.C)One year.D)Two years.12.A)By going to the university in person.B)By studying a general reference book.C)By writing to the university for its catalogue.D)By going to the library for its catalogue.Passage TwoQuestions13to15are based on the passage you have just heard.13.A)She started crying bitterly.B)She fell from the bed and lost consciousness.C)She had a high fever.D)She suddenly stopped breathing.14.A)She called in a policeman.B)She rushed to the police.C)She ran out to get the doctor.D)She tried to phone for help.15.A)She learned the method from a newspaper.B)She remembered her sister's advice.C)The doctor told her what to do.D)The policeman told her what to do.PartⅡVocabulary and Structure(25minutes)(35points) Directions:This part is to test your mastery of the usage of vocabulary and grammar.There are3sections in it.Section ADirections:This section is to test the use of vocabulary.There are20incompletesentences in it.You are required to complete each one by choosing the mostappropriate(恰当的)word or phrase from the4choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the centre.16.We had not gone many miles when we were____________by the police.A)pulled downB)pulled upC)pulled outD)pulled in17.My wife's health will not____________this cold wet climate.A)keep up withB)stand up toC)get rid ofD)come through18.The policemen charged him with____________the public peace.A)disturbingB)interferingC)dismissingD)interrupting19.____________saving a few dollars,Miss Clemson walks to work.A)As a result ofB)For the sake ofC)In the event ofD)On the grounds of20.Their industrial output was____________at$289.2million in1996.A)pricedB)costC)soldD)valued21.They are making preparations for new investment(投资)in the country,____________inlarge projects.A)apparentlyB)especiallyC)eventuallyD)originally22.Between1992and1996,annual sales of gold____________more than200tons in China.A)levelledB)equalledC)averagedD)amounted23.About200companies from15countries and____________have applied to take part in theexhibition.A)regionsB)areasC)partsD)fields24.It was____________that he was not satisfied by my story.A)mysteriousB)essentialC)fancyD)obvious25.In order to discover the crops most suited to the soil,they experimented____________various kinds of grain.A)forB)atC)onD)with26.Wujin Diesel Engine Plant is____________its efforts to compete in the markets.A)strengtheningB)emphasizingC)fulfillingD)restoring27.The news will quickly be known through the____________of the broadcasting station.A)measuresB)mediumC)middleD)manners28.You can____________to your notes when you are speaking.B)turnC)consultD)keep29.Concrete measures have been____________to achieve closer cooperation than ever before.A)mentionedB)realizedC)proposedD)operated30.His face____________a red color because of his embarrassment.A)stuck toB)put onC)took onD)kept to31.We can make exchange rates more____________and narrow the differences.A)popularB)frequentC)flexibleD)public32.There is a forest of cliffs,including an isolated____________in a wooden-club shape.A)peakB)topC)branchD)spot33.The young girl____________the wrapping in her eagerness to find her birthday present.A)took offB)tore offC)took awayD)got away34.The World Cup football match is just____________the corner.A)roundB)nearC)onD)at35.Every one can only marry one____________in China.A)at a timeB)at any timeD)at one timeSection BDirections:This section is to test the use of grammar.There are10incompletesentences in it.You should fill in each blank with the correct form of theword given in the brackets.Write the word or words in the corresponding spaceon the Answer Sheet.36.As I passed the barrier,I declared I(find)________this child on the road.37.Mr.Witherspoon did not object to(explain)________a problem over and over again.38.An interest that has once been dropped cannot easily(recover)________.39.When(respond)________to a question about this,9.9percent of the youths were"greatlysatisfied"and52.8percent were"fairly satisfied".40.I say this merely(indicate)________that this cannot be considered the solution to allsocial problems.41.A child(bring up)________in a poor environment may turn out to be a criminal.42.You should watch the newspapers for the(announce)________of the meeting.43.Pressure is believed to raise the(boil)________point of a liquid.44.Tom is often(understand)________by his classmates as he fails to express himselfproperly.45.These painters say that they(finish)________the downstairs rooms by Wednesday. Section CDirections:This section is to test your ability to construct sentences.There are5groups of words here.You should use them to make grammatically correctsentences.Remember that you need to change the forms of some words and addsome words if necessary.Also remember that no word given should be left out.Example:Good/manners/should/observe/whether/one/eat/restaurant/or/homeGood manners should be observed whether one eats at a restaurant or at home.46.We/hope/positive/results/come/out/on-going/debates/this/matter_________________________________________________________________47.Tibetan people/use/rely/wood/sods(草皮)/for/cook/or/keep/warm_________________________________________________________________48.As/nature/reserve/area/be/rich/forest/resource/and/be/paradise(乐园)/for/animal_________________________________________________________________49.By/end/last/October/foreign-funded/bank/number/175_________________________________________________________________50.Their/product/sell/over/20/country/Southeast/Asia/South/Asia/Europe/America_________________________________________________________________PartⅢReading Comprehension(30 minutes)(20points)Directions:This part is to test your reading ability.There are some tasks for you to fulfill.You should read the given materials carefully and do the tasks as you areinstructed.Task1Directions:After reading the following passage,you will find5questions or unfinished statements,numbered51through55.For each question or statement there are4choices marked A),B),C)or D).You should make the correct choice and markthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecentre.Nowadays,cities are becoming more and more densely populated.Some pessimists are deeply worried about the serious problems posed by the huge populations.They believe that the public services are already overloaded and near the verge of collapse.Especially in some developing countries,the metropolis are overcrowded all the time.Thronged streets, stuffed buses and jammed subways continuously batter people's lives.Some optimists, however,see the current problems as merely part of an evolutionary process.They arguethat London and New York had similar problems but were able eventually to establish an orderly and safe environment for their citizens.It seems that people become the controversial factor here.Either they themselves as inhabitants cause inconvenience toeach other,or they participate together in city developing plans and contribute effortsto facilitate city life.Human elements are therefore the core for determining the futureof big cities.51.According to the passage,____________poses the most serious problem.A)pollutionB)noiseC)populationD)traffic jam52.If the pessimists are to give examples,____________serves as the best one.A)TokyoB)SingaporeC)Mexico CityD)Sydney53."Controversial"has the similar meaning with____________.A)importantB)keyC)disputingD)unusual54.The last sentence implies that____________.A)good management systems are essentialB)a great leader is all importantC)the more people,the betterD)big cities have no bright future55.____________characterizes the way the passage organized.A)DescriptionB)ComparisonC)ExemplificationD)ContrastTask2Directions:There are6sentences marked A),B),C),D),E)and F)here.They are taken from one paragraph but not in the right order.You should read them carefullyand restore(恢复)the first5sentences of the paragraph to their originalorder.Then put the marks of the sentences in the brackets numbered56through60on the Answer Sheet.Remember that one sentence should be left out.A)The more toys that are made,the cheaper they are for us to buy in the shops.B)Because there are so many different jobs to be done in the production of each toy,the workers are organised into groups.C)This means that the workers become very good,or specialised(专业化的),at the work they do.D)Each group does a different job or set of jobs.E)People working in some of the departments may never see the finished toy they have helped to make.F)Because of this specialisation,one person can't make a complete toy by himself.56.()57.()58.()59.()60.()Task3Directions:Read the given passage carefully.Then answer the questions following it in as few words as possible,that is,no more than10words.Remember to writeyour answers in the corresponding space(61through65)on the Answer Sheet.The ideal(理想)culture is the culture that the members of a society think they have;the real culture is the culture they actually have.In all societies there is a differencebetween the two.If an American citizen were asked to tell a visitor from a foreign land something about how Americans think and live,his description would probably be somewhat less than true.He might say,for example,that the United States is a democracy(民主),that all men are created equal,and that all have the same legal and social rights.Hemight fail to mention,however,that some Americans,whose skin happens to have a darker color,do not enjoy these rights equally with other citizens.61.What is discussed in the passage?____________________________________________________________________________ 62.How would an American describe his society to a foreigner?____________________________________________________________________________ 63.What is the reason that an American's description about his society might notcompletely be true?____________________________________________________________________________ 64.What is the truth concerning the Americans with dark skin?____________________________________________________________________________ 65.How does the author prove the difference between the two cultures?____________________________________________________________________________ Task4Directions:Read the given passage carefully.Then complete the chart following it with the information you have got from the passage.Remember to write your answersin the corresponding space(66through70)on the Answer Sheet.Are you aware of the striking similarities between two of the most popular US presidents,Abraham Lincoln and John F.Kennedy?A minor point is that the names Lincolnand Kennedy both have seven letters.Lincoln and Kennedy are both remembered for their sense of humor,as well as for their interest in civil rights.Lincoln became president on1860,Kennedy in1960.Neither man took the advice of his secretary not to make a public appearance on the day on which he was assassinated.They were both killed on a Friday inthe presence of their wives.Both assassins have fifteen letters in their names,and bothwere murdered before they could be brought to trial.And finally,the same caisson carriedthe bodies of both men in their funeral procession.66.___________________________________67.___________________________________68.___________________________________69.___________________________________70.___________________________________PartⅣTranslation—English into Chinese(15minutes)(10points) Directions:This part is to test your ability to translate English sentences and paragraphs.There are3English sentences and one short paragraph.You should translate themcorrectly into Chinese.Remember to write the Chinese in the corresponding space onthe Answer Sheet.71.People throughout the world have been awakened to the fact that the Earth's resourcesare drying up.__________________________________________________________________72.Generally speaking,manufacturers do not deal direct with individual customers.__________________________________________________________________73.We had thought he was an American but he turned out to be a Japanese.__________________________________________________________________74.We firmly believe the Sino-US relationship will only improve and grow in a healthy,stable and forward direction well into the21st century if all the principles laid outin the three Sino-US joint communiqués(联合公报)are observed._________________________________________________________________PartⅤTranslation—Chinese into English(15minutes)(10points) Directions:This part is to test your ability to translate Chinese sentences.There are5 Chinese sentences here.You should translate them correctly into English.Rememberto write the English in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.75.很显然,吸引外资对这个城市的现代化建设是至关重要的。


Part I Writing (15分): 三段式作文,120-150词。
Part II Listening(35分):期末试卷听力题型与新四级听力题型一致,难度低于四级,具体分布为3段英语新闻(7个问题), 出自听力集训十套题; 2个长对话(8个问题), 出自历年真题; 3篇短文(10个问题), 出自新视野大学英语视听说III课本,选择题共25个, 25分。
Part III Reading Comprehension (35 分):
单元课文Text A的部分段落的改编;
一篇来自课本上的Test yourself。
(本部分补考时因时间少于期末考试时间,故补考试卷只有两篇阅读,一篇来自课外,一篇来自课本上的Test yourself;所空出的10分分别加到了作文和翻译上各5分)
Part IV Translation (15分): 段落翻译。
题目由课文1,3,5,8,10单元中Text A中的部分段落改编而成。

安徽大学20 12 —20 13 学年第 1 学期《 基础英语(三) 》考试试卷(A 卷)(闭卷 时间120分钟)考场登记表序号Part I Dictation (15 points)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and the third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on your ANSWER SHEET.Part II Grammar and Vocabulary (30 points, 1 point for each) Directions: There are 30 items in this part. Beneath each part there are four choices. Choosethe one that BEST completes the sentence. Please write the answers on your ANSWER SHEET.1. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, to the truck.A. the greater the stress isB. greater is the stressC. the stress is greaterD. the greater the stress2. It is imperative that students their term papers on time.A. handed inB. would hand inC. have to hand inD. hand in院/系 年级 专业 姓名 学号答 题 勿 超 装 订 线 ------------------------------装---------------------------------------------订----------------------------------------线----------------------------------------3. If only I play the guitar as well as you!A. wouldB. couldC. shouldD. might4. , the wool merchant led his family out into the nightmare of the streets.A. Having lighted a torchB. To light a torchC. Lighting a torchD. Having been lighting a torch5. He unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.A. may have actedB. must have actedC. should actD. would act6. For some time now, world leaders out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.A. had been pointingB. have been pointingC. were pointingD. pointed7. Arriving at the bus stop, waiting there.A. a lot of people wereB. he found a lot of peopleC. a lot of peopleD. people were found8. A hibernating animal needs hardly any food all through the winter, ?A. need itB. needn’t itC. does itD. doesn’t it9. I have never been to London, but that is the city .A. where I like to visit mostB. I’d most like to visitC. which I like to visit mostlyD. where I’d like most to visit10. the advances of the science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.A. As forB. DespiteC. ExceptD. Besides11. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid .A. from being beatenB. being beatenC. beatingD. to be beaten12. Mary has grown from a shy girl to a charming lady. She was no longer the girl she was ten years ago.A. whichB. whomC. whoD. that13. Given their growing importance, the tests have to have better security measures than now.A. existedB. have existedC. existD. existing14. She will have my support, .A. was she right or wrongB. whether right or wrongC. were she right or wrongD. be she right or wrong15. The president is said the country.A. leavingB. to leaveC. to have leftD. having left16. When he heard the news, he was infuriated .A. without wordsB. beyond wordsC. speechlessD. at a loss for words17. The police burst into the door and found the room was . No furniture, no nothing, just the four __________ walls.A. vacant, hollowB. empty, bareC. bare, vacantD. hollow, empty18. we seem to have conquered nature. But we are wrong. Scientists in fact now say that we should stop ________ nature before it is too late.A. In the surface, tempering withB. On the surface, tampering withC. On surface, tampering againstD. In surface, interfering with19. The government has several campaigns to crack _________ pirating.A. launched, down toB. settled, down onC. launched, down onD. settled, down to20. The insurance business is now . The sector’s total income ________ by 15 percent compared with last year.A. thriving, went upB. thriving, is upC. prospering, has been upD. prospering, increased21. Today more and more people in the world believe that the next big wars will be fought _____ water resources. Already, potential international conflicts are __________ in many areas.A. over, looming largeB. against, looming upC. for, looming upD. in, looming large22. In spite of th e women’s liberation movement, people are still not yet completely free _ __ prejudice _______women.A. for, againstB. from, forC. from, againstD. in, towards23. By buying ten books every month, he soon a good library.A. accumulatedB. assembledC. collectedD. acquired24. People want serious reform, but the king only paid lip service their demands. Then last August, the economy plummeted _________ an all-time low.A. for, inB. to, tillC. to, intoD. for, with25. After the last bad fall, she had managed to forget the and loneliness and to ______ happiness.A. exhaust, recoverB. tire, returnC. weary, returnD. fatigue, recapture26. It is universally that dogs have an acute sense of smell.A. confessedB. acknowledgedC. admittedD. conceded27. He has been with a certain form of mental disorder for twenty years.A. afflictedB. addictedC. affiliatedD. consulted28. Though she began her by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous Hollywood movie star.A.employment B.career C.occupation D.profession29. His companions have threatened to his crimes to the police.A. imposeB. expressC. encloseD. expose30. His novel some light on life in China in Ming Dynasty.A. sendsB. providesC. throwsD. putsDirections: There are 15 items in this part. Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the word provided in the parentheses.Please write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.1.That morning General Lee made the ____________ decision that he's going to surrender. (fate)2.Well, if globalization is so good, why is it also so risky? The answer is that two problems could ____________ its potential benefits. (neutral)3.Many people lost their family members in that terrible accident, but they behaved with more ____________ than I had expected. (restrained)4.My grandmother's condition ____________ me beyond words, for an 89-year-old should not have to carry around everything she owns in a bag. (sad)5.As I cleared my throat to lecture, my son gazed at me with an expression of ____________ resignation. (utter)6.It is ____________ that two nations so friendly for centuries should now be at war. (conceive)7.He was overoptimistic. He ____________ the difficulties involved in the endeavor to outcompete the leading world powers. (estimate)8.It seems most unlikely that any reasonably sane person will become a drug ____________ if he knows in advance what the danger is going to be like. (addiction)9.For any problem that is ____________ cultural, there is no quick fix. (ultimate)10.Considering the whole span of earthly time, the effect in which life modifies its surroundingshas been ____________ slight. (relate)11.I think we should stop using poisonous and biologically potent chemicals ____________. (discriminate)12.With that ____________ which Aristotle had taught him, Alexander determined to call upon Diogenes. (generous)13.He was much more mature. He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and ____________. Now he had the air of a man who had found his place in life. (decide)14.I did not read from a sense of ____________, or advancement, or even learning. I read because I love it more than any other activity on earth. (superior)15.How people see themselves is ____________ a part of their identity. (question)Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Please write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly motivated and (1)_______ than male managers?Some research (2) ______ the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater (3) _______, an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a (4) ________ to bring emotional factors to bear (5) _______ making workplace decisions. These differences are (6) ______ to carry advantages for companies, (7) _________ they expand the range of techniques that can be used to (8) _______ the company manage its workforce (9) ________.A study commissioned by the International Women's Forum (10) _______ a management style used by some women managers (and also by some men) that (11) _______ from the command-and-control style (12) ______ used by male managers. Using this "interactive leadership" approach, "women (13) ______ participation, share power and information, (14) ________ other people's self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these (15) _______ reflect their belief that allowing (16) _______ to contribute and to feel (17) _______and important is a win-win (18) ______ good for the employees and the organization." Thestudy's director (19) _______ that "interactive leadership may emerge (20) _______ the management style of choice for many organizations".1.A. confronted B. commanded C. confined D. committed2. A. supports B. argues C. opposes D. despises3. A. combination B. cooperativeness C. coherence D. correlation4. A. willingness B. loyalty C. sensitivity D. virtue5. A. by B. in C. at D. with6. A. disclosed B. watched C. revised D. seen7. A. therefore B. whereas C. because D. nonetheless8.A. help B. enable C. support D. direct9.A. evidently B. precisely C. aggressively D. effectively10.A. developed B. invented C. discovered D. located11.A. derives B. differs C. descends D. detaches12. A. inherently B. traditionally C. conditionally D. occasionally13. A. encourage B. dismiss C. disapprove D. engage14. A. enhance B. enlarge C. ignore D. degrade15. A. themes B. subjects C. researches D. things16. A. managers B. women C. employees D. males17.A. faithful B. powerful C. skillful D. thoughtful18. A. situation B. status C. circumstance D. position19.A. predicted B. predicts C. predict D. has predicted20. A. into B. from C. as D. forDirections: The following ten sentences contain TEN errors. Each sentence contains a maximum of ONE error. You should proofread the sentences and correct them.Please write the answers on your ANSWER SHEET.1.That is troubling me is that I don’t have much experience in international commerce.A B C D2. Not until my mother told me the sad news last night did I knewA B Cthat our neighbor Dr. Li was killed in a car accident the week before.D3. Since the beginning of this century, more and more scientistsAhave become interested in the way how the human brain works.B C D4. Dr. Nolen was honest enough to admit to make errors in judgment on more than one occasion.A B C D5. Jeremy is such a careless person that he has five wallets stolen by pickpockets this year.A B C D6. No matter whatever happens , we’re determined to do our best and make theA B Cexperiment a success .D7. Maradona, who led Argentina to their World Cup triumph in Mexico in June 1986,Ais undoubtedly one of the greatest soccer player the world has ever produced.B C D8. Johnnie was not barely able to walk without help because of the bad injury in his left leg.A B C D9. Mary said to her husband that she didn’t feel like to go to the movies that nightA B Cbecause she was tired out after a day’s work.D10. They say Mexico City is more populous than any city in the world.A B C D。

《大学英语3》课程期末考试试题(A卷)专业、班级:姓名: 学号:注意:在答题过程中,考生必须在机读卡和试卷二上作答,在试卷一上作答一律无效。
重考生必须把自己的班级和学号写在机试卷一Part I Listening Comprehension (20%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversationand the question will be read only once。
After each question there will be apause。
During the pause you must read the four choices marked (A.,(B.,(C.and (D。
,and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet One with a single line through the center。
Example:You will hear:You will read:A. At the office.B。
In the waiting room.C. At the airport。
In a restaurant。
From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work theyhave to finish in the evening。

大学英语考试题型Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998外国语学院《大学英语》考试题型大学英语一级期中考试题型:(手改18分)1. 快速阅读(1-10题/每题1分,共10分) 7个客观题 3个填空题(课外)●A、B、C、怀德试卷,该部分相同2. 听力(11-35题/每题1分,共25分)(课外)第一部分:共15个客观题8个短对话,每个对话1题;2个长对话,共7题第二部分:共10个客观题,3段短文●A、B、C、怀德试卷,该部分相同3. 阅读理解(36-55题,共30分) 20个客观题第一部分(36-45题):15选10,每题1分,共10分(从考试范围内的课文内容中出题)第二部分(46-55题)):2篇阅读理解,每篇5个客观题,每题2分,共20分(课外)●第一部分,A、B、C、怀德试卷,根据考试范围出题;考试范围一致的情况下,该部分怀德试卷可以与C班试卷相同。
4. 词汇(56-75题/每题1分,共20分) 20个客观题主要出题范围:1) Test Yourself2)《大学英语同步辅导教程》相应练习3) 课后习题改编4) 四级真题●A、B、C、怀德试卷,根据各级具体的考试范围出题。
5. 完形填空(76-95题/每题分,共10分)20个客观题(课外)●A、B、C、怀德试卷,根据试卷的难度级别出题。
6. 翻译(96-100题/每题1分,共5分)(从课本的课后练习中出题)●A、B、C、怀德试卷,根据具体的考试范围出题。
大学英语一级期末考试题型:(手改18分)1. 快速阅读(1-10题/每题1分,共10分) 7个客观题 3个填空题(课外)●A、B、C、怀德试卷,该部分相同2. 听力(11-35题/每题1分,共25分)(课外)第一部分:共15个客观题8个短对话,每个对话1题;2个长对话,共7题第二部分:共10个客观题,3段短文●A、B、C、怀德试卷,该部分相同3. 阅读理解(36-45题,共20分) 10个客观题(课外)2篇阅读理解,每篇5个客观题,每题2分,共20分●A、B、C、怀德试卷,可以有一篇难度适中的阅读理解相同,另外一篇根据试卷的难度级别,选择合适的文章。

大学英语(3)期末复习指导2019.12一、期末考试形式与时间1. 大学英语(3)的期末考试为机考,闭卷,考试时长为60分钟。
2. 注意:该课程成绩由形成性考核成绩(50%)和终结性考试成绩(50%)两部分组成,其中形成性考核形式为4次网上记分作业(80%)和面授学习表现(20%)。
二、题型与分值题型分值一、语法选择题10*2=20二、完型填空选择题10*2=20三、阅读理解判断题(2篇)10*3=30四、翻译选择题5*3=15五、词汇填空5*3=15三、复习范围:如下:大学英语(3)期末复习提纲2019.12第一部分单选题1. I’m Sarah. I’m ________ journalist. BA. anB. aC. theD. /2. I’m Diane. I’m ________ artist. AA. anB. aC. theD. /3. I’m ________ university student. BA. anB. aC. theD. /4. ________ hour is 60 minutes. AA. AnB. AC. TheD. /5. He is ________ honest man. AA. anB. aC. thisD. /6. Do you have ________ umbrella? AA. anB. aC. /D. many7. There is ________ island in the middle of the lake. AA. anB. aC. suchD. this8. It is ________ small island. B1A. anB. aC. thisD. that9. France is ________ European country. BA. anB. aC. theD. /10. Hi Susan, I ________ David. Nice to meet you. AA. amB. isC. wasD. were11. ________ you a teacher? AA. AreB. IsC. DoD. Does12. Excuse me, ________ you speak English? BA. areB. doC. doesD. is13. Sorry, I ________ speak English. I speak a little Italian. AA. don’tB. am notC. doesn’tD. do14. –What________ you do? B–I’m a doctor.A. areB. doC. isD. does15. ________ your parents live in London? BA. AreB. DoC. DoesD. Were16. Is ________ your family? AA. thisB. theseC. theyD. them17. These are my ________, Sam and Anna. BA. childsB. childrenC. childrensD. child18. ________ are my brothers, and ________ is my best friend, Lesley. BA. This, theseB. These, thisC. This, thisD. That, those19. Your uncle’s wife is your ________. AA. auntB. sisterC. sister-in-lawD. brother-in-law20. Your aunt’s child is your ________. AA. cousinB. sisterC. brother-in-lawD. sister-in-law21. There ________ some nice parks in our area. BA. haveB. areC. isD. got22. There ________a supermarket near my house. CA. hasB. areC. isD. got23.________ you ________ a garden? AA. Have, gotB. Have, getC. Has, gotD. Has, get24. ________ she________ a new flat? BA. Has, getB. Does, haveC. Have, gotD. Does, got25. - Where are you from? A- I ________ New Zealand.A. am fromB. came fromC. comes fromD. from26. ________ you________ any brothers or sisters, Terry? BA. Have, getB. Have, gotC. Has, gotD. Do, got27. I go ________ every morning. BA. swimB. swimmingC. swimedD. swiming28. Do you like ________ basketball? BA. playB. playingC. playedD. to playing229. What ________ you doing? AA. areB. doC. isD. did30. What ________he doing? AA. isB. doesC. areD. do31. Naomi________ to Paris last week and she ________ a great time there. CA. went, hasB. go, hasC. went, hadD. goes, had32. I ________ know how to swim 2 years ago. BA. don’tB. didn’tC. won'tD. doesn’t33. –What ________ you ________ this weekend? B–I’m going to Paris.A. did, doB. are, doingC. have, doneD. were, doing34. – What ________ you ________ on Saturday? B– We are having a party.A. did, doB. are, doingC. have, doneD. were, doing35. ________ you have a good weekend? AA. DidB. HadC. HaveD. Are36. It ________ a really nice day. AA. wasB. wereC. doesD. has37. I ________ exhausted all weekend. AA. wasB. hadC. doD. did38. Benji________ dance the tango. AA. can’tB. can’t toC. not able toD. able to39. There are three________ paper on the table. AA. sheets ofB. sheet ofC. sheetsD. sheet40. My mother ________ the piano very well. We loved to listen to her. AA. playedB. playC. is playingD. plays41. He ________ a lot of money. AA. paidB. payedC. payesD. pay42. Jack ________ smoking. AA. stoppedB. stopedC. stoppsD. stop43. I ________ know how to swim until I was 12. AA. didn’tB. don’tC. won’tD. aren’t44. When I was a child I________ in the same room as my brother. BA. sleepB. sleptC. was sleepingD. have slept45. The little boy ________ into the river. BA. fallB. fellC. fellsD. falled46. A fridge is ________ than a freezer. AA. more importantB. importanterC. most importantD. much important47. Cable TV is ________ than a washing machine. AA. more usefulB. usefulerC. most usefulD. much useful48. Do you think your language is ________ to learn than English? AA. easierB. easiestC. more easierD. more easy49. What’s ________ thing about learning English? A3A. the hardestB. harderC. more harderD. hardest50. A microwave is ________ expensive than a fridge. BA. mostB. moreC. the moreD. much51. He is ________than his brother. CA. more tallB. most tallC. tallerD. more taller52. Please serve me ________ soup. CA. more someB. more theC. some moreD. some few53. My sister always goes to school at 7:00. She is ________ late. AA. neverB. usuallyC. sometimesD. occasionally54. He doesn’t often go out in the evening. He ________ stays at home reading books. AA. normallyB. sometimesC. seldomD. never55. –How ________ do you go out with friends? B–Every weekend.A. longB. oftenC. /D. much56. It’s the ________ longest river in the world. AA. ninetiethB. ninethC. nineD. nineteen57. Shall I ask him ________ third time? AA. aB. theC. moreD. some58. The bus stop is ________ the supermarket. AA. in front ofB. in the front ofC. at the front ofD. at front of59. There is a clock tower ________ the middle of the square. AA. inB. atC. onD. of60. There are some traffic lights ________ the left. AA. onB. inC. atD. to61. ________ up, please. AA. StandB. StandingC. To standD. To standing62. Please ________ open the window. AA. don’tB. notC. not toD. to not63. – Must they go home after school? B– No, they ________.A. mustn’tB. needn’tC. shouldn’tD. havn’t64. All dogs must ________ a lead. AA. be onB. onC. on toD. be to65. Maria spends hours ________ the shopping center. AA. inB. onC. /D. for66. I often go to bed ________ 11:00 pm. BA. onB. atC. inD. to67. How about ________ to the library in the morning? AA. goingB. goC. to goD. went68. There is a bridge ________ the river. AA. overB. onC. inD. across69. Congratulations ________ your great success in the exam. AA. onB. toC. forD. at470. My parents always give ________ money for my birthday. AA. meB. IC. mineD. my71. My mother never lets ________ help ________ with the cooking. BA. I, sheB. me, herC. I, herD. me, she72. ________ is a big family. AA. OursB. WeC. UsD. Ourselves73. You may use my pen. I will use ________. AA. hersB. herC. sheD. herself74. Our room is on the third floor and ________ is on the second. BA. themB. theirsC. theyD. themselves75. You ________ speak like that to your parents. AA. shouldn’tB. shouldn’t toC. ought to notD. ought not76. You ________ go to the party if you don’t want to. BA. shouldn’tB. don’t have toC. should haven’t toD. shouldn’t to have to77. You ________ pay me next time. AA. canB. can able toC. able toD. have78. She invited me ________ a dinner together. CA. haveB. havingC. to haveD. to having79. He was ________ for his pen name than for his real name. BA. well knownB. better knownC. best knownD. much known80. There is ________ milk left in the bottle. AA. a littleB. a fewC. a lotD. few81. I drink ________ water every day. BA. a fewB. a lot ofC. fewD. a little of82. There are ________ people in the room. AA. a lot ofB. a littleC. littleD. a lot83. I eat ________ fast food. I love it! AA. a lot ofB. a few ofC. littleD. many84. If you have a bad cold, ________ a lot of water. AA. drinkB. drinkingC. to drinkD. drank85. If you have a headache, a cup of mint tea ________. AA. helpsB. is helpingC. is to helpD. will help86. Where ________ for your next holiday? AA. are you goingB. are you going to goC. will you goingD. did you go87. Have you ever ________ to Beijing? AA. beenB. wentC. beingD. go88. ________ he ever climbed a tall mountain? BA. HaveB. HasC. DidD. Does89. I ________ her a minute ago. BA. have seenB. sawC. seeD. seen90. What ________ you like to do? AA. wouldB. areC. canD. have91. As students, we ________ attend classes on time! B5A. canB. mustC. mayD. ought92. –Will you stay for lunch? A–Sorry, ________. My brother is coming to see me.A. I can’tB. I needn’tC. I mustn’tD. I didn’t93. She ________ as an English teacher after she moved to Portugal. AA. workedB. workC. worksD. has worked94. The idea of the book came ________ her when she was on a long bus trip. AA. toB. inC. onD. at95. She says she ________writing in the future. BA. is continuingB. is going to continueC. is continuing toD. is to continuing96. The last book of the series ________ an instant success. AA. isB. wereC. are going toD. be97. She’s currently working ________ a project. AA. onB. toC. atD. with98. He ________ a lot of money to charity when he was alive. BA. givesB. gaveC. was givenD. has given99. The children ________ football on the playground now. CA. playsB. playC. are playingD. were playing100. I ________ watching TV when you called me yesterday. CA. amB. wereC. wasD. are第二部分完形填空1. P28, Unit 2My sister is a student and 1________her free time she works 2________ a tourist guide. She 3________ groups of tourists 4________ the university in Oxford. She doesn’t work from Monday to Thursday 5________she does a lot of work 6________the weekend. “I 7________ my job. I 8________ lots of nice people. 9________ I don’t like it when it 10________!”1. A. at B. in C. on2. A. like B. as C. the same as3. A. showed B. show C. shows4. A. around B. at C. on5. A. so B. and C. but6. A. at B. in C. to7. A. love B. am loving C. loved8. A. meet B. will meet C. met9. A. And B. So C. But10.A. rain B. rains C. will rainKey: 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B2. P80, Unit 5Hi Orich! Thanks for your e-mail. 1________ sounds like you had a great weekend. I’d love to see6the flames next time I 2________ to visit.We went away for the weekend to visit my uncle. He has a farm out in the country. We travelled 3________train and arrived late 4________ the Friday night. On Saturday morning we wanted to go horse riding, but the weather 5________ terrible, 6________ we stayed in the house and watched some 7________. But in the afternoon the sun came out and we decided 8________for a walk. In the evening we di dn’t stay in the house. We had a barbecue in the garden.It didn’t rain and we 9________ a great time. Not as adventurous as you — but a good weekend 10________.Right, I’ve got to go.Take care and write soon. Paulo.1. A. This B. These C. It2. A. come B. comes C. will come3. A. on B. in C. by4. A. on B. in C. at5. A. is B. was C. would be6. A. and B. but C. so7. A. videos B. video C. videoes8. A. going B. go C. to go9. A. have B. has C. had10. A. someway B. anyway C. sometimesKey: 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B3. P125, Unit 8•Be very careful when crossing the road. Remember that cars drive 1________ the left in the UK.•Never walk out into the road 2________ looking.•Always stop at the side of the road and don’t forget 3________ both ways before you cross. •When the road is clear, start crossing.•Don’t run, always walk, and remember to keep 4________ both ways until you get to the other side.•If 5________, always cross at a pedestrian crossing.•If there isn’t a pedestrian crossing 6________, make sure that drivers can see you and 7________ step out from behind a parked car.•8________ particular care when you get off a bus. Wait 9________ the bus drives away and the road is clear 10________ you cross the road.1. A. on B. at C. to2. A. without B. with C. while3. A. looking B. look C. to look74. A. looking B. look C. to look5. A. possibly B. possible C. impossible6. A. near B. near by C. nearby7. A. always B. seldom C. never8. A. Get B. Have C. Take9. A. until B. when C. after10.A. while B. before C. afterKey: 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B4. P159, Unit 10I live in L'Aquila, a small mountain town 1________ the centre of Italy. The weather 2________ is fairly extreme. It's very hot in summer and it can be very cold in winter. Sometimes at night it can be 3________ with temperatures 4________ to below -15º.It’s one o f the coldest towns in Italy. The good thing is 5________ it’s dry. It doesn’t rain 6________, only in spring, and sometimes in late summer. In winter it snows. We can usually go skiing from December 7________ April. In autumn it can get quite windy, and sometimes we have problems 8________ trees falling on the road. And in November it sometimes gets quite foggy, 9________ along the river. But 10________other days, when it’s warm and sunny, the trees look so beautiful.1. A. on B. at C. in2. A. here B. there C. where3. A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze4. A. dropping B. dropped C. to drop5. A. what B. that C. which6. A. a lot B. lot C. a few7. A. in B. to C. by8. A. in B. for C. with9. A. especially B. specially C. especial10.A. on B. in C. atKey: 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. A5. P186, Unit 12Daniel Radcliffe 1________ born in 1990, the year when J.K. Rowling first thought of the now famous Harry Potter. He always wanted t o be 2________ actor, but his parents didn’t like the idea. But when he had the opportunity to 3________Harry Potter his parents agreed and they were very proud 4________him when the first film came out.The success of the films 5________ Daniel both rich and famous. But he still enjoys the simple pleasures of life. He 6________playing guitar and 7________ his favourite football team, Fulham. 8________present he is working on several stage and film projects. Daniel says that he 9________ to work as an actor for as long 10________he can.81. A. is B. was C. were2. A. an B. a C. the3. A. take B. do C. play4. A. of B. in C. for5. A. make B. have made C. has made6. A. love B. loves C. is loving7. A. support B. to support C. supporting8. A. On B. In C. At9. A. is going to continue B. continues C. is continuing10.A. such B. as C. likeKey: 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B第三部分阅读理解Read the text and decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. P27, Unit 2Tania is a personal shopper. She works with lots of different people. They ask her to buy something and she goes out to the shops and finds it. “Some people ask me to buy birthday or Christmas presents.”Jake is a TV researcher. His job is to find new ideas for TV programmes. He surfs the internet and looks for stories. But he also travels around the country talking to people. “I love my job. Every story I research is like a new world.”Debbie is a dog walker. She helps busy people look after their dogs. She takes them for walks, washes them and gives them food when their owners are away. “I love dogs and I like helpi ng people. It’s a perfect job.”1. Tania spends hours in shopping centres. T2. Debbie travels a lot. F3. Jake uses a computer. T4. Tania finds things at good prices. T5. Debbie and Tania help busy people. T2. P30, Unit 2Jade's morningI wake up at about 6:45. I get up and go for a run. Then I have a shower and get dressed. I have a quick breakfast and then I brush my teeth. I leave the house at 8 am. I walk to work. I get to the office at about 8:15. On Saturday and Sunday I get up at about 10:30 and have a long, slow breakfast.Tim's morningI wake up at about 10:30 and I have a cup of coffee with my mum. I have a shower, get dressed and I go to my friend's house. We study together, listen to music and play his computer games. At 1 o'clock we get the bus to the university. Our classes start at 2:30.Cassie's morningI get up at about 7:30. I make breakfast for Jade and her dad. We have breakfast at about 7:45. Then I have a shower, brush my teeth and get dressed. I work at home. I start work at about 8:30.9At about 10 o'clock I leave the house to do some shopping. When I get home I have a cup of coffee with Tim and read the newspaper.1. Tim gets up early. F2. Tim goes to university in the afternoon. T3. Cassie makes breakfast for her family. T4. Cassie goes shopping in the afternoon. F5. Jade walks to work. T3. P41, Unit 3I live in Oxford with my parents, in a small flat in the centre of town. It's in an old building but it's got a lift. It's on a quiet street about five minutes from the shops. It's got two bedrooms, my bedroom and my parents' bedroom, a living room and a small kitchen. It's not very big and it hasn't got a garden but there is a lovely rooftop terrace. I spend most of my time in the living room watching TV or in my bedroom listening to music.1. The author lives in the centre of town. T2. The flat has not got a lift. F3. The flat is near the shops. T4. The flat has a garden. F5. The author spends most of his time reading in the living room. F4. P61, Unit 4Double TakeTwo women, one face. Two very different characters, one destiny. Jane lives in a sleepy town in the USA. She is happily married with two children and a loving husband. Then one summer her double comes to town. She’s a criminal running from the police. That’s when Jane starts to have problems.Year ZeroIt’s the year 3000. All the clocks stop at midnight. The computers finally take control of the world. But a small group of hackers think they can control the machines. Can they save the planet from total destruction? Watch the film and see. The special effects are truly fantastic. Don’t miss it! Roses Only Live One DayA historic romance. Paris, 1789. Jean Pierre is a simple servant. Rose is the beautiful young daughter of his master. History brings them together, but the revolution breaks their hearts. A story of impossible love. But can there possibly be a happy ending? Watch it and find out!(1) Double Take is about two sisters. F(2) Year Zero is about the past. F(3) The story in Roses Only Live One Day happens in France. T(4) The special effects in Year Zero are very good. T(5) Double Take is about a criminal. T5. P78, Unit 510We had a great time last weekend. We decided to camp on Mount Olympus. You know, the mountain with flames that burn in the rock? It was really good!We travelled from Antalya by bus and arrived in Çirali at 6. The bus stopped on the main road and we walked a couple of kilometres to the village. We had a cup of tea and then we started the walk up the mountain. We arrived at the flames just as the sun started to go down.What a view! We watched the sky turn red and then the stars started to come out. It was really beautiful. The flames are incredible too. Some of them are really big. We cooked our food over one of them. We stayed awake all night. We passed the time playing cards and telling stories. One of my friends had a guitar and he played all our favourite songs. Next time you visit we can go there together. But for now — have a look at our fantastic photos!Take care,Orich1. They went camping on Mount Olympus last weekend. T2. They drove all the way to the village. F3. They arrived at the flames at midnight. F4. They didn’t sleep all that night. T5. Orich didn’t go with them. F6. P90, Unit 6It was about thirty years ago. My mum lived with a friend in London. One day she went to the supermarket to buy some things for a surprise birthday party for her friend.At the checkout she paid and put all the things into shopping bags. She put her flatmate’s present and card in with the shopping. As she turned to leave she bumped into another shopper. Her bags fell on the floor. The other shopper dropped his bags too. They helped each other put the things back in the right bags and they both left the supermarket. When my mum got home she couldn’t find th e card and birthday present in the bags.When the other shopper got home he found a parcel and a few letters in his shopping. One of them had an address on it. That evening he took the letters and parcel to the address. He rang the bell and my mum answered the door. She looked at the man. He was tall and dark and had a lovely smile. She invited him to the party. And, well, that was that! They fell in love.1. The author’s mother went to buy some things for a graduation party. F2. The story begins in a supermarket. T3. The author’s flatmate knew the man. F4. The man sent back the things thanks to the address on a letter. T5. The story is about the author’s father and mother. T7. P105, Unit 7A Day in the Life of Sara RobbinsSara Robbins is a newsreader on the radio. Many people don’t recognise her face, but everybody knows her voice!11Sara’s day usually starts when most people are asleep. Her alarm clock normally goes off at 3 am and she needs to be at the studios at four. “The roads are always very quiet at that time and I get to work very quickly.” At 6 am Sara says “good morning” to her listeners. The programme lasts for three hours. “After the programme we have a short meeting to talk about the next day and then we have a long, slow breakfast!”Sara never goes back home after work. “I really need to relax after the programme. I almost always do some sport and sometimes I meet up with a friend.”Sara doesn’t often go out in the evenings during the week. She prefers to stay at home. She loves cooking and hardly ever eats out in the restaurants. “I don’t really have the time.”At weekends, her life is quite different. She often goes away for the weekend. “I love going to Rome or Paris or New York.” She loves the theatres and the art galleries, and says that “the shopping is great!”1. Sara wakes up at 3 am. T2. The program finishes at 10 am. F3. She goes straight home after work. F4. She often eats out during the week. F5. She enjoys travelling at the weekend. T8. P114, Unit 7Designer clothes? A luxury home? Jill Summers, 28, doesn’t want these things. She says her lottery win of £2m isn’t going to change her life.Jill and her husband Derrick, 30, live and work on a farm in Ashford, south-east England. They get up at 4:30 am, seven days a week, 365 days a year.“We’re not stopping now, just because we’ve had some good luck,” says Jill. She and Derrick say they aren’t leaving the family home. “We’re very happy here,” says the lucky Mrs. Summers.Next month the couple are going on their first holiday for eight years. “We’re travelling around Asia and Australia for a few months,” says Derrick. And what about the business? “We’re paying someone to look after the farm. For the first time in eight years.”And what else are they doing with the money? “Well, tomorrow we’re picking up our new car. And next week we’re having a big party for all our friends and family. We’re giving 10% of the money to charity. But we aren’t planning any big changes.”And does she still play the lottery? “Why not, some of the money goes to good causes.”1. Jill and her husband get up at 4:30 every morning. T2. They are going to buy a new house. F3. They are going on a holiday. T4. They haven’t paid anyone to look after the farm during the last eight years. T5. Jill will not play lottery any more. F9. P130, Unit 8Hide and SeekIn this game one child counts to a hundred. All the other children find a good place to hide. The12boy or girl who counted to a hundred must then go and find the other children. The child who is still hiding at the end of the game is the winner.Snap!This is a very simple card game. Two people can play. The two people have the same number of cards. They take it in turns to put the cards down on the table. If two consecutive cards are the same, they must shout “Snap!”.I spyThis is a word game. Two or more people can play. One person chooses an object they can see, and says “I spy with my little eye something beginning with…” and the first letter of the object they can see. The other players must try to guess the word. This is a very good game for long car journeys!1. The child who counts to a hundred is the winner. F2. Snap is a card game. T3. At least two people are needed to play Snap. T4. Two or more people can play I spy. T5. While playing I spy, one of the players must say the word of the object they can see. F10. P138, Unit 9What Should I Buy?The Art of Present BuyingShould buying presents be difficult? Tami Shantra believes not. Here she offers some tips for pain-free present buying.1. You shouldn’t leave present buying until the last minute.2. You should spend some time thinking about the person you’re buying for before you go shopping.3. You should never spend more than you can afford.4. You should always spend a little time and thought on the presentation.5. You should always try to give the person a present on the special day if possible.6. You should always buy a simple card to go with the present and write a short message inside it.7. You shouldn’t buy clothes or shoes for someone you don’t know very well.8. If you don’t know the person very well, it’s better to buy something quite basic, like a box of chocolates or a bunch of flowers.9. Surprise presents are the best presents. You don’t need to wait for a special occasion to buy a present for a person you love.10. Last but not least: remember that buying presents is a pleasure, not a duty. And they shouldalways be given with smile!1. It’s better to spend more than you can afford. F2. You should always spend a little time on the presentation. T3. You should never give the present on the special day. F4. You should buy shoes for someone you don't know very well. F5. The best presents are surprise presents. T1311. P140, Unit 9The World’s Greatest Food FightOn the last Wednesday of August, the Spanish town of Buñol, celebrates the world’s biggest food fight, the “tomatina”. A crowd of up to 20,000 people meet in the town’s main square and throw tomatoes at each other.The first tomatina took place in the mid-1940s. It started with an argument between two men from the town.The men started throwing tomatoes at each other. The argument turned into a game, and everyone on the street started throwing tomatoes. They had so much fun they decided to celebrate the tomatina every year on the same day.The fight starts at 12 noon, at the sound of an enormous firework. It finishes exactly one hour later with the sound of second banger. The participants must not throw any tomatoes before or after these signals. For many years participants brought their own tomatoes, but in 1980 the local council started organising the event and now they pay for the 40,000 kilos of tomatoes used each year. The tomatina is now an international festival and people from all over the world come to Buñol to enjoy the fun.1. Tomatina is the largest food fight in the world. T2. Tomatina first took place more than a century ago. F3. Tomatina originates from an argument. T4. The fight lasts exactly one hour. T5. It is a religious festival. F12. P143, Unit 9DiwaliDiwali (the festival of lights) is one of the most important dates in the Hindu calendar. It is celebrated by Hindus all over the world and takes place in the Hindu month of Aswin (October/November). It lasts for four days and ends with the celebration of the Hindu New Year.On the first day, people decorate their homes with rangolis, traditional patterns made with coloured powders. They light hundreds of tiny oil lamps and make traditional sweets. They buy something new for the house or some jewellery for the women. It is lucky to buy something silver.On the second day, it is traditional to get up early and take a bath before sunrise. In Southern India, people take oil baths, using traditional herbs and fragrant powders.On the third day, the night before the new moon rises, they celebrate with an enormous fireworks display which can last for five or six hours. The noise and smoke is incredible.On the last day, the first day of the Hindu New Year, people visit family members and business colleagues to give them sweets, dry fruits and gifts. All across India, normal life comes to a stop as everyone celebrates the new year.1. Diwali is celebrated in October or November. T2. On the first day, people like to buy something gold. F3. On the second day, it is traditional to take a bath after sunrise. F4. The fireworks display can last for more than five hours. T14。

由于时间仓促等原因,若大家发现下列内容中有错误,请予以指出,谢谢!二、课本structure 部分句子整理:Unit1:一、考查现在分词,(课本P8)1、Turning to the right,you will find a path leading to the cottage. 往右转,你会发现一条通向农舍的小径。
2、Staring into space(发呆,发愣), the small girl felt frustrated at what the teacher asked her.那个小女孩对于老师的发问感到灰心丧气,便只呆呆地愣着。
3、Climbing to the top of the tower, we saw a beautiful sight.爬到塔的顶端,我们看到了美丽的景色。
(课本P8)1、Not only did learning another language teach me the value of hard work, but it also gave me insights into another culture.学习另一种语言不仅教给了我勤奋的价值,还给予我对另一种文明的洞察力。
2、Not only did we lose all our money , but we also came close to(差一点)losing our lives,我们不仅输了(丢了)我们所有的钱,还差点丢了我们的生命。

外国语学院《大学英语》考试题型大学英语一级期中考试题型:(手改18分)1. 快速阅读(1-10题/每题1分,共10分)7个客观题3个填空题(课外)●A、B、C、怀德试卷,该部分相同2. 听力(11-35题/每题1分,共25分)(课外)第一部分:共15个客观题8个短对话,每个对话1题;2个长对话,共7题第二部分:共10个客观题,3段短文●A、B、C、怀德试卷,该部分相同3. 阅读理解(36-55题,共30分)20个客观题第一部分(36-45题):15选10,每题1分,共10分(从考试范围内的课文内容中出题)第二部分(46-55题)):2篇阅读理解,每篇5个客观题,每题2分,共20分(课外)●第一部分,A、B、C、怀德试卷,根据考试范围出题;考试范围一致的情况下,该部分怀德试卷可以与C班试卷相同。
4. 词汇(56-75题/每题1分,共20分)20个客观题主要出题范围:1) Test Yourself2)《大学英语同步辅导教程》相应练习3) 课后习题改编4) 四级真题●A、B、C、怀德试卷,根据各级具体的考试范围出题。
5. 完形填空(76-95题/每题0.5分,共10分)20个客观题(课外)●A、B、C、怀德试卷,根据试卷的难度级别出题。
6. 翻译(96-100题/每题1分,共5分)(从课本的课后练习中出题)●A、B、C、怀德试卷,根据具体的考试范围出题。
1. 快速阅读(1-10题/每题1分,共10分)7个客观题3个填空题(课外)●A、B、C、怀德试卷,该部分相同2. 听力(11-35题/每题1分,共25分)(课外)第一部分:共15个客观题8个短对话,每个对话1题;2个长对话,共7题第二部分:共10个客观题,3段短文●A、B、C、怀德试卷,该部分相同3. 阅读理解(36-45题,共20分)10个客观题(课外)2篇阅读理解,每篇5个客观题,每题2分,共20分●A、B、C、怀德试卷,可以有一篇难度适中的阅读理解相同,另外一篇根据试卷的难度级别,选择合适的文章。

第一次Why do smokers tend to weigh less than nonsmokers and gain weight when they give up the habit?Contrary to“common knowledge”,nonsmokers do not generally eat more than smokers, nor do they exercise less, studies find. Research performed on smokers at rest indicates that nicotine (尼古丁) itself can increase basal metabolic (新陈代谢的) rates,meaning smokers burn more energy than nonsmokers during periods of inactivity. But surveys suggest most smokers smoke not while completely at rest, but while performing light activities such as desk work that can increase metabolic rates by two or three times.Unless nicotine’s metabolic effects increase proportionally with metabolic rates, its influence on weight might be insignificant.Now a study shows that nicotine’s e ffects on body-fuel consumption indeed increase proportionally with increases in activity.“These results indicate that the metabolic effect of nicotine may play a greater part in accounting for body-weight differences between smokers and nonsmokers than w as previously believed,” says Kenneth A. Perkins and his colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.The researchers gave a nicotine nose spray to individuals performing light work— in this case riding an exercise bicycle modified to allow easy riding while subjects remain seated in a comfortable armchair. The activity raised resting metabolic rates two to three times.By analyzing air breathed out, the researchers calculated energy consumption in the armchair bicyclists before and after giving the nose spray and compared the relative changes with subjects in the control group given placebo ((试验药物用的)无效对照剂) nose sprays. Relative to their baseline bicycle expenditures, individuals in the nicotine group expended considerably more energy than did those in control group while doing the same amount of work. With nicotine, Perkins says, “It’s as if the body is becoming much less efficient in using its stored energy.”While the results may seem discouraging to smokers who’d like to quit without gaining weight, Perkins notes that walking an extra mile a day should make up for the difference in metabolic efficiency. And he says smokers would have to gain “well more than 50 pounds” to counterbalance the health risks of continued smoking.1.What mig ht “common knowledge” say about smokers and nonsmokers?A)Smokers eat more and exercise more than nonsmokers.B)Smokers eat less and exercise less than nonsmokers.C)Smokers eat less and exercise more than nonsmokers.D)Smokers eat more and exercise less than nonsmokers.答案:C2.When might nicotine influence smokers’ weight significantly?A)When Nicotine’s metabolic effects and metabolicrates increase at the same rate. √B)While smokers are exercising.C)While smokers are at rest.D)When Nicotine’s metabolic effects increaseproportionally with the amount of light activities.答案:A3.The word “subjects” in the fourth paragraph means .A)people under medical treatmentB)researchersC)people undergoing an experiment √D)addicted smokers答案:C4.What have the researchers found out in their study?A)People in the armchair expended more energy thanpeople doing desk work.B)People in the control group breathed out more air.C)People without nicotine nose spray are becoming muchless efficient in using energy.D)People in the nicotine group consumed more energy.√答案:D5.Why do the study results seem discouraging to some smokers according to the passage?A)Because they want to gain weight to tackle the healthrisks of continued smoking.B)Because they want to quit smoking and still keep fit.C)Because they want to walking an extra mile a day tolose some weight.D)Because they want to keep fit without having to quitsmoking.答案:BA certain amount of controversy has been caused by the publication of a new report by a team of educationalists headed by Pro. B. J. Smith. The report claims to have statistical evidence that children who attend a number of different schools through their parents having to move around the country are more than normally vulnerable to a vicious cycle of low academic achievement.There are also indications,says Professor Smith,of an unusually high rate of psychological dismay among such children.The professor,who has long suspected that the effect on children whose parents travel to different parts of the country in search of work has not been sufficiently researched, stresses that this is not merely an expression of prejudice. “We are not dealing here with opinions,”he says,“It’s true,my personal feeling is that for children’s well-being,they should stay in one school.However,our findings are based on research and not on any personal attitudes that I or my colleagues may have on the subject.”Capt. Thomas Muller, an Army lecturer for the past 20 years and himself a father of two,said,“I’ve never heard such rubbish.As far as I’m concerned,absolutely no harm is done to the education of children who change schools regularly— as long as they keep to the same system as in our Army school. In my experience—and I’ve known quite a few of them— Army children are as well-adjusted as any others, if not more so. What the Professor doesn’t appear to appreciate is the fact that in such situations children will adapt m uch better than adults.”When this was put to Professor Smith,he said that at no time had his team suggested that all such children were backward or dismayed in some way, but simply that in their experience there was a clear tendency.“Our findings in dicate that while the extremely bright child can cope with regular emotional turbulence without harming his or her general academic progress,the majority of children suffer from constantly having to enter a new learning environment.”6.What does Profes sor Smith’s report suggest?A)Children shouldn’t change schools too often. √B)Children who have to move around the country arebetter at academic achievement.C)Children attending many schools have caused a certainamount of controversy.D)Children who attend different schools are morevulnerable to vicious diseases.答案:A7.What does Professor Smith think of the findings of the research?A)They are proved by the research. √B)They are just based on his personal feeling.C)They may merely be an expression of prejudice.D)They are based on personal attitudes.答案:A8.What does Capt. Thomas Muller think of children who change schools regularly?A)They can actually deal with the new environmentbetter than adults. √B)They do no harm to the education.C)They find it difficult to keep to the same system.D)They are generally ill-adjusted.答案:A9.How does Professor Smith defend himself again Capt. Thomas Muller?A)He suggests that children having regular emotionalturbulence do not harm their academic progress.B)He argues that only a few children will suffer fromchanging schools regularly.C)He stresses that the majority of children tend tosuffer from constantly adapting to a new learningenvironment. √D)He believes that extremely bright child likes toenter a new learning environment.答案:C10.What does the passage mainly talk about?A)How army children get used to a new learningenvironment.B)Whether children would be affected by changingscho ols regularly. √C)The procedure Professor Smith followed to conduct astudy.D)The opinions people have about children who oftenchange schools.答案:BRecently there has been a tendency to sympathize with thieves whose operations have been carried out on a grand scale, and no attempt whatever has been made to hold them responsible.Some of the most thievish(像窃贼的)transactions have flourished and are still flourishing. Their success and their wealth are the only things recognized.They are honored as financiers and men of affairs,looked up to and respected.In reality they are nothing more and nothing less than a lot of merciless and heartless thieves. Fraud is fraud and cheating is cheating despite the artistic manner in which it is committed or the size of the scale upon which it is operated.It is time these men were classed properly and placed where they rightly belong, for they are no better than the miserable sneak-thief who steals a penny from a blind man’s dog.For the past two or three years working people who have made sacrifices to save a few pennies have been cheated most unmercifully. Their hard-earned savings have been stolen from them by every possible scheme from the obvious looting (打劫) of a bank to the higher and more artistic method of legalized high risk,complex financial products. Men high up in the financial world have lent their names to some of the most shady and notorious schemes that ever dishonored a community or a people. Because of this the most diligent and economical (节俭的) American people have been induced to place their hard-earned and carefully guarded savings in what they were led to believe was a safe investment, only to find out when too late that they had fallen into the hands of a gang of extremely respectable cheats.They cannot recover what they have lost.The thief is too powerful to be affected by the law while the victim is too weak to put its machinery in motion. It may be that the law is defective, or it may be that those having its machinery in charge are influenced by the wealth of the transgressors (违犯者). Whatever or whichever it is that is responsible ought to be investigated and the evil remedied.11.What does the tendency mentioned in the first paragraph reflect?A)People encourage some of the most thievishtransactions to flourish.B)People only respect success and wealth without anymoral judgment. √C)People prefer to carry out operations on a grandscale.D)People have made attempt to hold thieves responsible.答案:B12.How did working people lose their hard-earned savings?A)They lent their money to men high up in the financialworld.B)They were cheated by the bank. √C)They were unlucky in investment.D)They were robbed by the thieves nearby.答案:B13.When the writer says “a gang of extremely respectable cheats” in Paragraph Four, it is implied that .A)they are well-educated but ill-behaved √B)they are respectable in artistic cheatingC)they are cheats with respectable goalsD)they are not well-educated but respected答案:A14.What could be a possible reason for the thieves to escape from law according to the passage?A)They are powerful enough to ignore the law.B)There are defects in the law. √C)They are wealthy enough to compensate the victims.D)The victim is too weak to investigate them.答案:B15.It can be inferred from the passage that .A)there are too many thieves and robbersB)industrious and honest people should be highly paidC)moral standards are always upheldD)any thief should be punished √答案:DPeople often ask which is the most difficult language to learn, and it is not easy to answer because there are many factors to take into consideration. Firstly, in a first language the differences are unimportant as people learn their mother tongue naturally, so the question of how hard a language is to learn is only relevant when learning a second language.A native speaker of Spanish,for example,will find Portuguese much easier to learn than a native speaker of Chinese,for example,because Portuguese is very similar to Spanish,while Chinese is very different,so first language can affect learning a second language.The greater the differences between the second language and our first, the harder it will be for most people to learn. Many people answer that Chinese is the hardest language to learn,possibly influenced by the thought of learning the Chinese writing system,and the pronunciation of Chinese does appear to be very difficult for many foreign learners.However,for Japanese speakers, who already use Chinese characters in their own language, learning writing will be less difficult than for speakers of languages using the Roman alphabet.Some people seem to learn languages readily, while others find it very difficult. Teachers and the circumstances in which the language is learned also play an important role,as well as each learner's motivation for learning.If people learn a language because they need to use it professionally, they often learn it faster than people studying a language that has no direct use in their day to day life.Apparently, British diplomats and other embassy staff have found that the second hardest language is Japanese, which will probably come as no surprise to many, but the language that they have found to be the most problematic is Hungarian.This does not mean that Hungarian is the hardest language to learn for everyone, but it causes British diplomatic personnel,who are generally used to learning languages,the most difficulties.Different cultures and individuals from those cultures will find different languages more difficult. In the case of Hungarian for British learners, it is not a question of the writing system,which uses a similar alphabet,but the grammatical complexity, though native speakers of related languages may find it easier, while struggling with languages that the British find relatively easy.16.Why is it hard to say which language is the most difficult to learn?A)Because it is only relevant when learning a secondlanguage.B)Because differences between languages areunimportant.C)Because people learn their mother tongue naturally.D)Because many factors have to be considered. √答案:D17.Who will find Portuguese much easier to learn?A) A native speaker of JapaneseB) A native speaker of HungarianC) A native speaker of Spanish √D) A native speaker of Chinese答案:C18.What is the most problematic language to British diplomats and other embassy staff?C)HungarianA)Japanese B)Spanish D)Chinese√答案:C19.Why do many people think Chinese is the hardest language to learn?A)Because the pronunciation of Chinese is difficult.√B)Because the grammar of Chinese is complex.C)Because Chinese is not directly used in their life.D)Because Chinese uses the Roman alphabet.答案:A20.What factors cannot affect learning a second language according to the passage?A)each learner's motivation for learningB)neighboring countries √C)teachers and the circumstancesD)first language答案:BIn1976,Winkler wrote a My Turn about the overwhelming reaction to the character he played on the popular television sitcom (情景喜剧), “Happy Days”. The show was at its peak,and Fonzie was its superstar.In fact,Americans related so strongly to the character that Winkler became apparently permanently part of the country’s broad, extended family. Three decades later, fans still greet the actor with Fonzie’s signature thumbs-up sign and a long, drawn out “Aaay!”“All these years later, the warmth I am treated with is unbelievable, and it’s all over the world,”Winkler says.He no longer receives the50,000fan letters a year that he got during “Happy Days”’s original run, but they still come by the hundreds. And on the street, folks tend to have a common reaction. “They thank me for making them laugh for so long. They say, ‘I grew up with you,’ or ‘my children grew up with you,’ or, ‘we sat and watched it together’,” he says.Winkler says his Fonzie days came back to him vividly as he read over his old My Turn.Cast on his28th birthday,the Yale-trained performer had been a struggling actor, dreaming of fame. The dream turned real very quickly. “We were hardly onthe air when this thing started to snowball,going from zero to60in about three seconds,” Winkler recalls.Today,Winkler gives speeches to college students about living their dreams, focusing on how to become a successful actor. “If you are determined, have a sense of humor and never take your eye off what it is you want, you can actually have it,”he says.Winkler is also at work on his first children’s book, co-authoring with Lin Oliver. He was recently named executive producer of“Hollywood Squares”and producesthe show “Intuition” on the Game Show Network. His next movie, “Holes”, based ona children’s book,is scheduled for release this winter.In October2000,Winkler made his Broadway debut costarring with John Ritter in the show“The Dinner Party.”But th rough it all, Winkler remains Fonzie. “I think he is the architect of my home, of my professional life,and of my good fortune in the world,”Winkler says.“He literally is the foundation for everything that was to come.”21.Which of the following is NO T mentioned as fans’reaction to Fonzie?A)Fans write lots of letters to Winkler for many years.B)Fans thank Winkler when they meet him on the street.C)Fans greet Winkler by imitating Fonzie’s signature.D)Fans sit and watch the sitcom together with Winkler.√答案:D22.Which of the following influences him most according to the author?A)The television sitcom “Happy Days”. √B)The show “The Dinner Party”.C)The movie “Holes”.D)The show “Intuition”.答案:A23.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A)Winkler spent long time struggling to make his dreamcome true.B)successful actor must have a sense of humor.C)Fans like Winkler as a superstar only for a few years.D)Fonzie usually utters a long,dra wn out“Aaay!”in“Happy Days”. √答案:D24.What does the word “snowball” in Paragraph three most probably mean?.A)throw atC)grow rapidly √答案:C B) a ball made of snow D)melt easily25.Which of the following is the author primarily concerned with in this passage?A)Winkler’s article My TurnB)Fans’ reaction to Fonzie played by WinklerC)Winkler’s life as an actorD)Winkler and his sitcom “Happy Days” √答案:D第二次We all laugh.We all hurt.We all make mistakes.We all dream,th at’s life.It’s a journey. Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life a journey of joy! Staying positive through the cold season could be your best defense against getting ill, new study findings suggest.In an experiment that exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a generally sunny disposition (性格) were less likely to fall ill. The findings,published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine,build on evidence that a“positive emotional style”c an help ward off the common cold and other illnesses.Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness boosting immune function and subjective as in happy people being less troubled by a scratchy throat or runny nose.“People with a positive emotional style may have different immune response to the virus,”explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. “And when they do get a cold, they may interpret their illness as being less severe.”Cohen and his colleagues had found in a previous study that happier people seemed less likely to catch a cold, but some questions remained as to whether the emotional trait itself had the effect.For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults with complete standard measures of personality traits,self-perceived health and emotional“style”.Thosewho tended to be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style,while those who were often unhappy,tense and hostile had a negative style. The researchers gave them nose drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days, the volunteers reported on any aches, pains, or sneezing (打喷嚏) they had, while the researchers collected objective data. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes (鼻部的不适), happy people were less likely to develop a cold.1.The new study findings in the experiment suggest that _________.A)Having a good disposition is more likely to get ill.B)Being optimistic is more probable to keep healthy.√C)Having a negative emotion is harmful to thecharacter.D)Staying positive is more likely to catch cold.答案:B2.The phrase “ward off” in Paragraph 2 most probably means“_________”.A)shrug C)keep D)setB)give inoff away √aside答案:C3.It can be inferred from Dr. Sheldon Cohen’s interpretation that ______________.A)people with a positive emotion are more likely tointerpret their illness objectively.B)people with a negative emotion are more likely toboost immune function to the virus.C)people with a negative emotion are more likely tointerpret their illness subjectively.D)people with a positive emotion are more likely toregard their illness a s less serious. √答案:D4.It can be learnt from the passage that the benefits of having a positive emotional style are _____________.A)to be further studiedB)still dubiousC)self-evidentD)proven by scientific research √答案:D5.Which of the following would be the best TITLE for the passage?A) A Happy Journey Full of JoyB)Scientific Evidence of Staying HealthyC)The Secrets of Staying PositiveD)The Health Benefits of Staying Positive √答案:DHow is it that despite our amazing powers of production there are still hundreds ofmillions of people all over the earth in continuous want and poverty,anddangerously near the brink of starvation? What are the causes of poverty? Everyoneis forced to realize and recognize its existence and no one has yet found a cure for it.Every thinking man has realized that poverty and starvation are not inevitable in thescheme of things. On the contrary, the fruitful earth yields enough for every one ofthe human beings inhabiting its surface without the twisted distribution of nature’s generosity(慷慨).This twisting is caused by our crude and ill developed ideas ofdistribution and the improper ordering of human services.In the first place,theseservices can be hindered at their source, and among the factors that operate in thisdirection may be war,crime,lack of healthy supervision,insufficient attention torising generations, monopolies (垄断) and various private ownerships that limit theusefulness of property, and neglected and wasteful destruction of property.In the second place,the great cause of poverty is unproductive consumption.Services become unproductive when they are devoted to supplying luxuries or anexcessive quantity of necessaries, which may be summed up in a single word: waste.These are the primary causes of poverty;they are responsible for the presence ofstarvation.Is there a remedy?The elimination of waste through perfect production and distribution is a problem that is slowly but surely being solved by the great combinations of capital that have destroyed competition.These monopolies,selfish in the extreme and with no thought beyond profit at any price, are rendering us useful service by teaching us the importance of cooperation and cooperative methods.When these great industrial combinations, these wonderfully smooth running great business machines become the property of all the people and cease to be operated for private gain, a great step will have been taken in the direction of the solution of the starvation problem. When everyone will produce according to his ability and consume according to his needs, then, and not until then will poverty and starvation depart entirely and forever from the minds of men.6.According to the passage, starvation _____.A)is due to excessive consumption by human beingsB)is inevitable in whatever conditionC)is owing to the improper distribution of nature’sgenerosity √D)is the result of insufficient production答案:C7.Which of the following can hinder human services at their source?A)Crime and lack of wealthy supervision.B)Private ownerships and unproductive consumption.C)War and destruction of property. √D)Luxuries and an excessive quantity of necessaries.答案:C8.Why does unproductive consumption is considered as the great cause of poverty in Paragraph Three?A)Because people stop producing but only consume.B)Because people who don’t produce are responsible forthe presence of starvation.C)Because people devote too much to luxuries and don’tproduce anything.D)Because people are supplied with excessive quantityof necessaries and waste a lot. √答案:D9.How to eliminate waste through production and distribution according to the passage?A)By seeking profit at any price and being selfish.B)By cooperating and making the industrialcombinations public property. √C)By creating more monopolies to make more profits.D)By privatizing business machines and teaching theimportance of cooperation.答案:B10.When can the starvation problem be solved according to the passage?A)When the great industrial combinations cease to beoperated for private gain.B)When private monopolies become public property andthe element of profit is eliminated.C)When production is organized based on personalcapabilities and distribution on individual needs. √D)When efficiency of production has been greatlyenhanced.答案:CMY NEIGHBOR HAS A GUN. In fact, not having the good fortune to live in the last house on a dead-end street, I am surrounded by neighbors with guns. My situation is hardly novel,since most American households own at least one weapon.We now have enough privately owned guns to arm nearly every man, woman and child in the country.And some of those children are not just imaginary gun users,as recent statistics indicate.My neighbors’guns make me nervous;I’m afraid that they might go off at the wrong time,pointed in the wrong direction.I’ve asked why such dangerous items are allowed to clutter up the house. I’ve gotten several answers, from constitutional rights to the innocent sport of blasting birds out of the skies.I’d like to focus on just one of these reasons.My neighbor tells me that curling up at night with his gun nearby makes him feel safer.Safer from what? A madman out to better the going entry in the“Guinness Book of World Records” for bloody brutal ity? My neighbor faces far less danger from the mentally ill killer, who fortunately is extremely rare, than he does from my other neighbor who also has a gun.Contrary to the public myth,mental patients have crime rates far below those of my neighbor or me; for all categories of crime and for homicide in particular.One of the few safe places left to live in this gun-packing country is on the grounds of your local mental hospital, where the residents are far less aggressive than my neighbor and guns are checked in at the gate.Safer from some intruder (侵入者) in the night seeking to deprive his wife of her virtue or him of his new color television? According to best available estimates, my neighbor’s odds of doing himself in accidentally with his own g un are about five times higher than his odds of being done in by some intruder. As a gun owner, my neighbor would be better advised to invest his money in locks and a loud dog. Actually, the intruder in the night accounts for fewer than three percent of our gun deaths. The bulk comes from perfectly law-abiding (守法的) but gun-toting (持枪的) people like my neighbors, who kill each other, themselves, or me.11.Which of the following can be inferred from the first paragraph?A)Some American children have used gun to kill people.√B)Every person in this country knows how to use guns.C)Each American household owns at least one weapon.D)The author lives in the last house on a dead-endstreet.答案:A12.Which of the following may be NOT the reason w hy neighbors’guns make the author nervous?A)Their arms might kill me by accident.B)Dislike the sport of blasting birds out of the skies.。

三、题型与分值分布(一)选择题(30分,每题3分)1. 世界上面积最大的岛屿是()。
A. 台湾岛B. 格陵兰岛C. 海南岛D. 马达加斯加岛答案:B。
2. 下列哪个函数是奇函数()。
A. y = x²B. y = sinxC. y = e^xD. y = x答案:B。
解析:对于函数y = f(x),如果f(-x)= - f(x),那么这个函数就是奇函数。
对于y = sinx,sin(-x)= - sinx,所以它是奇函数;y = x²是偶函数,y = e^x既不是奇函数也不是偶函数,y = x 是偶函数。
3. 李白的静夜思的创作地点最有可能是()。
A. 四川B. 湖北C. 安徽D. 陕西答案:C。
4. 以下哪种植物属于裸子植物()。
A. 杨树B. 柳树C. 银杏D. 月季答案:C。
5. 在计算机中,1KB等于()。
A. 1000BB. 1024BC. 8bitD. 100B答案:B。
解析:在计算机存储容量的单位换算中,1KB = 1024B,1B = 8bit。
6. 以下哪个国家不是联合国安理会常任理事国()。
A. 英国B. 德国C. 法国D. 中国答案:B。
7. 化学元素周期表中,原子序数为1的元素是()。
A. 氢B. 氦C. 锂D. 铍答案:A。

五、写作(共2题,满分30分)1. 短文写作(满分15分)题目:将你目前所在的大学校园简要介绍给一位外国朋友。
2. 作文写作(满分15分)题目:科技对人类生活的影响要求:1)用于论述科技对人类生活的各个方面的影响;2)词数150词左右。

2019-2020学年安徽大学附属学校高三英语期末考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AEach year, theLas Vegasconsumer electronics show, or CES, presents the latest developments in many areas of technology. The newest products are designed to make our lives easier, fun and more productive.A car with legsOne of this year’s presentations was by South Korean carmaker Hyun-dai. The company introduced a small model of a “ walking car,” which is called Elevate. It has four movable legs that can raise the main part of the vehicle high off the ground. The electric-powered vehicle is designed to be used in search-and-rescue operations during emergencies or natural disasters.Changeable people moverGermany's Mercedes presented an experimental self-driving vehicle that it claims can revolutionize transportation for people and goods. The company says the vehicle, called Vision Urbanetic, will be able lo easily change bodies depending on its desired use. Mercedes says as a ride-sharing vehicle , the futuristic-looking car can seat 12 people.Fully electric HarleyAmerican manufacturer Harley-Davidson showed off its first fully electric motorcycle, called LiveWire. The company says the bike will be able to go 177 kilometers between charges. It can reach 96 kilometers per hour in under3.5 seconds. Although Harley is known for building powerful bikes with huge, loud motors, the LiveWire will be unusually quiet.Personal robotsOne of the new robots, called Temi, is really just a computer tablet on wheels. It is designed to be a personal electronic assistant. It moves around the home and performs commands when spoken to. It can link users to friends through voice or video, connect to video or place orders for food or goods.1. Which do you probably use to search for the injured in an earthquake?A. Elevate.B. Vision Urbanetic.C. LiveWire.D. Temi.2. What is the first fully electric motorcycle produced by Harley-Davidson?A. ElevateB. Hyun-daiC. LiveWire .D. Temi .3. Why are the four products designed?A. To ease traffic jam.B. To help us socialize.C. To improve our life.D. To protect the environment.BThe headmaster of a primary school showed on television to support her idea that parents should “dress appropriately in daywear” when they drop off and pick up their kids from school.Kate Chisholm, head teacher atSkerneParkAcademyin Darlington, theU.K., sent a letter home asking parents to set a better example for their children.“I have noticed there has been an increasing tendency for parents to drop off and pick up their kids from school while still wearing their pajamas (睡衣),” Chisholm wrote.“Could I please ask that when you are sending your children, you take the time to dress appropriately in daywear that is suitable for the weather conditions?”Kate Chisholm wants parents at her school to dress nicer. She appeared on British television station ITV to further explain her decision, saying she had started noticing the pajama trend had been picked up by “30 or 40” parents at school.Despite her determination to make school a nicer place to be, Chisholm admits that she can't demand that parents dress up-such as Karen Routh, 49, who wore pajamas to drop off her 8-ycar-old daughter Holly, because she was running late and didn't feel well.“I imagine there might be some people who keep up wearing pajamas for the next six months to prove a point,” Chisholm said. “I can't force people to get dressed but I will keep sending letters home in the hope that they decide to put on a pair of jeans.”Wearing pajamas in public has also become a hot issue for some schools and States in theU.S.In 2015, aFloridaschool board member insisted on a dress rule for parents who showed up in the school in sleepwear.4. The headmaster asks parents to pay attention to ______.A. the way they dressB. the relations with teachersC. the way they treat their kidsD. the clothes they buy for their kids5. How does Chisholm try to change this situation?A. Asking kids to set examples.B. Keeping them out of school.C. Sending letters to persuade them.D. Forcing them to change by laws.6. Why did Kate Chisholm appear on ITV?A. She wanted to force Karen to dress properly.B. Parents spent less time on their clothes.C. She wanted to explain her decision about the parents' dress.D. She wanted to tell us more and more parents wear pajamas to school.7. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______.A. strict laws should be passed to stop pajamasB. aFloridaschool will force parents to wear jeansC. people wearing pajamas in public will be punishedD. more and more people are concerned about dressing properly in publicCAustralia’s Great Barrier Reef has lost 50% of its corals (珊瑚) within 30 years, with climate change a key driver of reef disturbance, a new study has found.Researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, inQueensland, northeasternAustralia, studied coral communities and theirsize along the length of theGreat Barrier Reefbetween 1995 and 2017, finding all coral populations disappear gradually, they said.Reefs are important to the health of ocean ecosystems — without them, ecosystems break down and ocean life dies.Coral population decreases happened in both shallow and deep water coral species, experts found, but branching and table-shaped corals — which provide habitats for fish — were worst affected by mass bleaching (漂白) events in 2016.Warm ocean temperatures are the main reason of coral bleaching. Bleaching doesn’t kill coral immediately, but if temperatures remain high, eventually the coral will die, destroying a natural habitat for many species of ocean life.“We used to think the Great Barrier Reef is protected by its huge size — but in fact our results show that even the world’s largest and ly well-protected reef system is increasingly destroyed and in decline,” Terry Hughes, an outstanding professor at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, said.“There is no time to lose — we must sharply decrease greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible,” thereporter warned in the paper, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society journal.8. What has mainly influenced the coral populations of theGreat Barrier Reef?A. Destroyed habitats.B. Climate change.C. Lack of seafood.D. Bleaching events.9. What can we learn from the passage?A. Many species has been dying out slowly.B. The size of reefs contributes to their protection.C. Ocean ecosystems don’t develop without reefs.D. Bleaching continually disturbs table-shaped corals.10. What attitude does the reporter hold to the present situation of theGreat Barrier Reef?A. Worried.B. Angry.C. Hopeful.D. Surprised.11. What is probably the best title for the passage?A. Climate change damages theGreat Barrier ReefB. The Species of ocean Life Are In DangerC. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Get WorseD. Sea Ecosystems Are In DeclineDNaomi Cooke was walking with a friend and their dogs through her local park in Burnside, on Tuesday when she heard someone shout to watch out. Cooke turned and hardly had time to react before a flying disc hit her in the face with a "big bang”, leaving her right cheek swollen almost to the size of a golfball.Two men playing disc golf at the course in Jellie Park were about 20 metres fromthe pairwhen one of them threw the disc hard, aiming for a nearby goal.After being hit Cooke immediately went to the emergency department, where two CT scans on her face and cheek found she had escaped any broken bones. "I'm lucky it didn't hit my eye because I think I would have lost it." Cooke said.Cooke often walks her dog at the park and said it was always busy with people playing disc golf, but it was not until after Tuesday that she became concerned about public safety there.There were no signs about the disc golf course in the park, she said, and the area is shared with children and people walking their dogs.“If it had hit one of the kids in the head, it could have killed them.” Cooke did not think she was the onlyperson who had been hit before, and said there would be others who share her concerns.Cooke planned to go to the council, saying it needed to realise how dangerous it was for the space to be shared by everyone and to provide disc golfers with a space where they can play safely. "There should be rules about how it's done, making it safe for everyone.”12. What happened to Cooke on Tuesday?A. She was struck by a golf ball.B. She was hit by a flying disc.C. She was beaten by two men.D. She was frightened by a mad dog.13. What do the underlined words "the pair" in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Cooke and her friend.B. Cooke and her dog.C. The two disc golfers.D. The two CT scans.14. How did Cooke feel about people playing disc golf in the park?A. Acceptable.B. Shocked.C. Angry.D. Worried.15. Why did Cooke plan to go to the council?A. To get the two men in trouble.B. To call for a ban on disc golf.C. To ask for personal protection.D. To call for safer places for disc golf.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

│││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││装 订 线 内 不 准 作 答 广东xxxxxxxxxx 学院综合平台 广东xxxx 成人高等教育——2024学年第一学期《大学英语3》期末考试(1)(A )卷 考试学期: 题库名称:大学英语3 适用年级: 考试时间:分钟 考试方式:闭卷 共计45道题,45小题,0大题(主观题),满分100分 ----------------------------------------------------------- 诚信考试承诺书 本人郑重承诺: 我已阅读且透彻理解了“学校学生考场规则”和“学校学生违反校纪校规处理规定”,承诺在考试中自觉遵守,如有违反,按有关条款接受处理。
承诺人签名:_______________ 日 期:_______________ 考生姓名:_______________ 学号:_______________ 专业班名:_______________ 40分) 1.2.It was a moment of overwhelming excitement when Steve was given the first prize; Tiffany couldn ’t ____B _____ hugging and kissing him.(2分) A.restrict from B.refrain from C.abstain from D.restrain from 2.9.A large proportion of important _____C ____are brought about by people who step outside of conventional categories or traditional assumptions.(2分) A.innovators B.innovative│││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││装 订 线 内 不 准 作 答 C.innovations D.renovation 3.Formal consent for this new type of treatment was obtained from each patient and the study ____B _____our institution's guidelines concerning medical ethics (伦理).(2分) A. contended for B. conformed to C. coincided with D. conferred with 4.All the tulips in Zoe ’s garden are white. All the roses in Zoe ’s garden are yellow. Therefore, all the flowers in Zoe ’s garden are either white or yellow.(2分) A.True B.False C.Uncertain 5.3.Cell phone conversations, which are fairly _________on commuter trains, can be annoying to fellow commuters.(2分) A.interesting B.ordinary monplace D.average 6.7.You may be out of work but that is no reason to ________ by not washing ,brushing your hair and wearing clean clothes.(2分) A.let yourself go B.force yourself to do C.deviate yourself from D.throw yourself at 7.8.Formal consent for this new type of treatment was obtained from each patient and the study _________ our institution's guidelines concerning medical ethics (伦理).(2分) A.contended for B.conformed to C.coincided with D.conferred with 8.It was felt that he lacked the _____ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.(2分) A.petition B.engagement mitment D.qualification 9.In the 1970s, a number of countries passed laws to protect women ’s rights, announcing that they would_________ women through education and work.(2分) A.screw B.levy C.save D.emancipate 10.This restaurant is very popular because it has some separate, smaller rooms ________ families with small children.(2分) A.reserving for B.reserved for C.reserve for D.reserves for 11.People ________ canned food and old clothes most frequently, but rarely do they think about bringing in underwear - it's one of the most obvious but overlooked needs of the homeless.(2分) A.donator B.donate C.donation D.donating 12.It was ________ that the professor's lecture failed to impress the students as some of them had left before it was over.(2分) A.apparat B.apparent C.appalling D.appealing 13.Because the transcript is still under seal, the law ________ them _______ reading│││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││装 订 线 内 不 准 作 答 and discussing the evidence in detail.(2分) A.changes .....from B.precludes .....from C.turns ...... into D.nominates ...... as 14.Once a contract is signed, revisions of any part of the product design will_______ an added fee for the client.(2分) A.incur B.occur C.deduce D.induce 15.I think the ________ to give children too many toys and clothes is quite common in American families.(2分) A.tendency B.currency C.fluency D.efficiency 16.1.The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and ________ the pilot.(2分) A.capturing B.captured C.was captured D.to be captured 17.5.During one particularly ________ moment in my career, a senior colleague of mine said to me. “If you follow your dreams, the money will come. Follow the money, and you ’ll lose your dreams ”.(2分) A.blank B.branch C.bright D.bleak 18.4. Girls like to ________ themselves in modern dresses. (2分) A.make B.put on C.dress D.wear 19.Since the beginning of this century, China has built many modern conference centers with underground parking, air -conditioning and _________translation systems.(2分) A. instantaneous B. extemporaneous C. simultaneous D. miscellaneous 20.If the United States had built more homes for poor people in 1995, the housing problems now in some parts of the country _____ so serious.(2分) A.wouldn't be B.wouldn't have been C.will not be D.would have not been 30分) 21.以下句子有误的是(ABC )。

Test PaperPart I Listening Comprehension(25%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear 5 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Theconversation and the question will be read only ONCE. Listen carefullyand choose the best answer to the question you hear. Mark your choiceon Answer Sheet I. (5%)1. A) His budget will be made soon.B) His loan isn’t due yet.C) He can’t lend the woman any money.D) He will repay the woman soon.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear one long conversation. At the end of the conversation, three questions will be asked about what was said. Theconversation will be read only ONCE. Listen carefully and choose thebest answer to the question you hear. Mark your choice on Answer SheetI. (3%)6. A) He has come for a contract of the power station.B) He has been invited to visit Chinese farms.C) He has come to seek cooperation with China.D) He is here to survey an area for a wind farm.Section CDirections: In this section you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, some questions will be asked about what was said. Each passage will beread twice. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questionyou hear. Mark your choice on Answer Sheet I. (7%)Passage 1Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) The US President. B) Some Congressmen.C) Several explorers. D) The animal lovers.Passage 2Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. A) An unidentified flying object.B) The impact of a falling star.C) The serious consequences of erosion.D) The largest shock waves in Alaska.Section DDirections:In this section you will hear a passage 3 times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When thepassage is read for the second time, you should fill in the blanksnumbered from D1 to D7 with the exact words you have just heard. Forblanks numbered from D8 to D10you should fill in the missinginformation. You can either use the exact words you have just heard orwrite down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passageis read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Writethe missing words and information on Answer Sheet II. (10%) Old inventions are not necessarily eliminated by new inventions. The (D1) _______________ inventions may be replaced, but they seldom become (D2) _________________ out of date because new roles are often created for them. One of the best examples of this is the (D3) _________________ of long-distance communication.Part II V ocabulary (10%)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer thatbest completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet I.16. One goal of the program is to encourage more students from low-incomebackgrounds to _________ careers in education.A) forge B) generate C) invest D) pursuePart III Reading Course (10%)Directions:Choose the answer that best completes the sentence or answers the question according to the texts you have read in Reading Course 4. Thenmark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I.36. Since the sixties, many American men have become more gentle and moreconsiderate. This is valuable. However, these so-called soft men have problems in life. (Lesson 2. The American Men)Which of the following is NOT one of the troubles they are faced with?A)They have little vitality.B)They are not inspiring.C)They do not feel happy.D)They are too aggressive.Part IV Reading Comprehension (15%)Directions:There are three reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there arefour choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the bestchoice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I.Passage 1Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:46. What do we know about “ideal bodies”?A) They are perfect male and female models created by modern media.B) They are not real men and women but something in the pictures.C) They are believed to represent wealth, power and happiness.D) They are one of the sources of jealousy for many ordinary people.Part V Writing (10%)Directions: In this part you are to writ e a composition on the topic “Time Management at College” You should write about 150 words. Write yourcomposition on Answer Sheet II.1. 在大学里,合理安排时间很重要。
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1. 写作(Writing),15分,时间30分钟,命题方式倾向于图表图画式。
2.快速阅读(Fast Reading),10分,2篇文章,各5道题,时间15分钟。
3. 听力理解(Listening Comprehension),30分,30题,其中15分来自于《新世纪大学英语视听说教程》本学期所学单元,含Optional Listening部分。
4. 仔细阅读(Careful Reading),20分,共2篇文章,每篇5题。
5. 词汇与结构(Vocabulary and Structure), 20分,20题,全部来自于本学期所学课文Text A、B以及课后练习。
I would become Chief Brain in English II and __________ with a surge of erudition. I had it all planned.
[A] sweep my princess off her feet
[B] go steady with my princess
[C] have a crush on my princess
[D] flirt with my princess
6. 完型填空(Cloze),5分,10题,题目来自本学
期所学课文Text A的课后练习。
1. 写作(Writing),15分,时间30分钟,命题方式倾向于图表图画式。
2.快速阅读(Fast Reading),10分,10题,时间15分钟。
3. 听力理解(Listening Comprehension),30分,30题,其中15分来自于《新世纪大学英语视听说教程》本学期所学单元,含Optional Listening部分。
4. 仔细阅读(Careful Reading),20分,共2篇文章,每篇5题,题目来自课外。
5. 词汇与结构(Vocabulary and Structure), 20分,20题,全部来自于本学期所学课文Text A、B以及课后练习。
In the past few years, they have found evidence to help explain why some people _________, while others-similarly talented, perhaps—are left behind. (Text A, Unit 1, Book IV)
[A] take charge [B] rise above
[C] come up with [D] keep in mind
6. 完型填空(Cloze),5分,10题,题目来自本学期所学课文
Text A的课后练习。