
TITANICCharactors: Song Lin, Song Y ongjia, Jiao juanjuan, Li LingjunJiao: Let’s make a agreement .The guy who wins, he will get the ticket to America. All agree?Together: OK. Y eah. Sure.(some time later…..)Jack: Oh, I win. I got the ticket to America. Dear America, I’m coming!(On the ship. Rose and her mother are talking about something.) Lee: Dear daughter, you know our family is not stable as it used to be. Our future depend on you.Rose: I know , mom. I know what I should do. Get married, OK?Lee: Look! Y our fiancé.Jiao: Good afternoon, ladies. Oh Rose, you look so beautiful. I think it will be a meaning trip for us. As soon as we get back to America, we will get married!! Haha!!Song: OK. OK. I know.(One night, Rose is watching the beautiful scenery on the board. Then Jack comes there.)Rose: I have never seen this beautiful night before.Jack: (say to himself) This is my first time to America. I can achieve myAmerican dream. Oh, good evening, beautiful young lady.Rose: Good evening. I’m Rose.Jack: I’m Jack. Y ou look a little sad.Rose: To be honest. I will marry to a man, but I don’t love him. I want to find a man I truly love.Jack: I feel so sorry. I can understand you, but you still have to live. Rose: Y eah. I know. Thanks for your suggestion. Maybe it’s too late, I would go back. Hope to see you again Jack.Jack: See you, Rose.(Next day, they meet again.)Jack: Did you have a good sleep last night?Rose: It’s too bad. Oh. When I thought I would marry to a man that I don’t love, I even want to jump into the sea.Jack: No,Rose. Y ou jump, I jump.Rose: What do you mean?Jack: Rose. Since last time I saw you, I couldn’t forget you. I think I fall in love with you.(Jack singing “My heart will go on”, Rose followed.)Jack: Give me your hand. Close your eyes. Come on, stand up and keep your eyes closed, you trust me?Rose: I trust you.Jack: OK. Open your eyes.Rose: Oh Jack. I’m flying.(singing together “ Near far …..”)(Unfortunately, the ship crushed into the iceberg. On the board.) Rose: I can’t go without you.Jack: No. Y ou have to go.Rose: No. jack.Jack: Y es, get on the boat.Rose: No. I’ll not forgive you if you leave me.(At this moment, the ship was sinking into the sea. Jack and Rose both jumped into the freezing water.)Rose: I love you Jack.Jack: Don’t say goodbye, not yet. Do you understand?Rose: I’m so cold.Jack: Listen to me, Rose. Y ou must get out of here.Oh Rose, I love you. Promise me. Y ou will survive. Y ou won’t give up. Promise me.Rose: I promise you.(After two hours,Rose was saved by a rescue team.However,Jack was drifting to an island.Then a sweet girl named Susan found him.) Susan:Oh my god.That’s a man.He is still alive.Wake up,wake up……(After Jack was saved,he stayed at Susan’s home.Suasan looked after Jack very well.Gradually,she found herself fell in love with him.One day…..)Jack:I feel better these days,maybe I should go.Thanks for your kindness. Susan:It doesn’t matter.I feel very happy with you this period.Y ou can stay longer.Jack:Oh no.I must go.I have to find my lover.Susan:Y ou mean?Jack:Y eah,you are right.I know you are a pretty girl,but in my heart,she is the best.Y ou will find a better man.Susan:No,Jack.Don’t leave me,I love you.Jack:Sorry.I must go…….(Jack decided to go to America to find Rose.At this moment,A concert of Micheal Jackson will be held.Rose stands by the window and she is thinking about something.)Rose:Oh,Jack.I miss you so much.Tonight I will go to the Micheal’s concert.I know he is your favorite singer when you alive.(song “you are not alone”)(In the crowd,Jack and Rose met again……)The End。

英语搞笑改编短剧剧本-孙悟空三打白骨精第一篇:英语搞笑改编短剧剧本-孙悟空三打白骨精Beat it!人物:T:唐僧M:孙悟空P:猪八戒S:沙僧X:白骨精原型B1:白骨精变成的村姑B2:白骨精变成的漂亮的女人B3: 白骨精变成男人T: Emitofo, Wow…,boys,this place looks beautiful.where we are now?......Does any one of you know what this place is? 众徒弟们摇头,除了八戒在看书。
T: bajie, give me the map(不回头,懒洋洋的问)T:bajie? Give the map to me!(严肃的问)八戒依旧看书,不理睬。
M: Idiot, What are you looking at?孙悟空用棍子打了一下八戒,八戒才注意,赶忙藏书。
M: Look,monster…..(把书抢走交给师傅)T:(很吃惊)(转身训斥八戒)Bajie!How Many times I have told you, don’t bring these pictures of beautiful girls!P: Oh, master!Forgive me。
I will never do this again(伸手拿回)T:(缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west.P: Master, we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow so.我这肚子饿了。
M: Fat Pig!P: Monkey, if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will……….M: You will what(凶相)? P: I will help you catch fleas 跳蚤。

引子幕场景:咖啡馆旁白:There are some stories circulating here about a group of best friends, and now a romantic comedy about them is unfolding.(开幕)In a Cafe Latte(有两名服务生,一男一女,一位正在调试咖啡机,一位正在擦拭前台)旁白:the first coming is Hope, who is a kind, warm, model boyfriend-level gentleman, being very helpful to his friends, especially about the love. But now, he seems to have some trouble about it as well~~(同步)Hope先登场,衣着比较gentle,脸上浮现着淡淡的微笑,自信而开朗,环顾一圈,发现自己是第一个到的,便找到一个座位先行坐下,服务生前来询问,他很自然地跟他寒暄交流,面带微笑。
Star:beautiful day, isn't it?Hope:Yes, it is. Good weather always brings a good mood。
Star:would you like some drinks?Hope: latte is OK, thank you. Oh, six cups, please.Star撤回准备。
旁白:The next two people to come in are D and F. D is a very disciplined and organized person, so she's a little bit of a neat freak. However, her heart longed for some kind of wild Bohemian to make life more interesting. //Well, as you can see, F is a Heartthrob level beauty, and now she is calling her boy friend.(同步)此时,D跟F携伴而来,D穿着正式,行为举止十分干脆利落(很有精神),F穿着fashion举止优雅在跟他的男朋友打电话,D和F看到A后打了一声招呼,便入座了,D 环顾桌布看到了桌面上有一小撮污渍,面色一变,喊来P将其擦干,后跟A聊天,F随后也挂断电话加入聊天。

)祝英台:How about this? 梁山伯:I’ m sorry, yingtai , my English is so 破!I feel so sad,我配不上你!英台!你…..再去找个优秀的MAN吧~Bye!祝英台:Oh~no!山伯~ Chapter 2 MS.Zhu need to go to England to 深造旁白:祝英台与梁山伯就这样BROKEN UP了,又一次印证了成熙英语的魔咒。
唉~每次只要是一对情侣中只有一个人来这儿学习就总是会各自飞啊~伤感,但是MS.ZHU 作为一位现代有钱又有智商还会英语的女性,是很坚强滴。
罗密欧:oh I’m really sorry, are you ok?祝英台:I’m fine,but I’m not very good at this 罗密欧:neither am I,say ,are you from China? 祝英台:yes,I’m from China,from near Shanghai.罗密欧:And when did you move here ? 祝英台:I came here after I graduated from college,that was in 1991.罗密欧:oh ,and where did you learn to the rollerblade? 祝英台:Here in the park,well it’s my first time.and can you give me some lessons? 罗密欧:no problem,just follow me!By the way, my name is 罗密欧祝英台:I’m 祝英台….旁白:祝英台领着罗密欧玩的灰常开心,在与罗密欧的交流过程中祝英台把在成熙学到的英语全用上了。
Much ado about nothing 改编剧本

Much Ado About NothingAct 1(In the classroom ,it is noisy, the monitor enter the classroom and two boys behind him )Michael: Quiet, guys! good news! This semester we’ll have 2 new students! Hansome guys! Let’s welcome them!(to Klaus and Damon)Now, introduce yourselves ,gentlement!Klaus : hi everyone! I’m Klaus from Australia .I’m gald to be a member of you guys. hope we can get well with each other. By the way, I like sports, maybe we can play sports together in spare time. Damon: hi,guys !I’m Damon f rom Australia,too. Reading different kinds of books is my favourite hobby ! Hope I can share the hobby with all of you ! Thank you !Michael: OK,Thank you very much !Now you two can take your seatLorna:(to Lucy) they’re so hot, don’t you think.Lucy: yeah, totally hot.(Stafen heard it and feel unhappy .Damon and Klaus go back to their own seats ,on the way ,Damon notice Lucy ,Lucy is looking at him with smile . However , Lorna stretch out her legs out her seat as usual , unlucky her leg makes Klaus fall down .Klaus look atLonra angrily. )Lorna: oh, I’m so…Klaus (annoyed):please behave like a girl.Lonra (ashamed and infuriated) :So what ?I don’t mean to make you fall down !Klaus (angrily):Fine!Michael : All guys , attention please !To celebrate our new semester and welcome Damon and Klaus, We’ll have a party this Saturday evening! Just come and enjoy it!All the classmates :oh! That’s great ! cool !ACT 2(At the welcome party. both of Lucy and Lorna wear long dress. they are enjoying the champagne and chatting .at this time Lucy noticing Damon is going to her smilely.)Damon: hey beauties, you look so pretty. Although, If you give me your name you’ll be more charming.Lorna: I’m Lorna, nice to meet you too. And you’re quiet charming,too.Lucy (shy): Lucy, en….welcome to our class.(Lorna feel something between Damon and Lucy, so she leave them alone.)Lorna: I’m gonna to greet some friends .see you later.”Lucy and Damon: okay.(now only leave lucy and demon)Damon: actually,You just…look…so…Lucy(upset):so weired?Damon: no, of course not, I mean so amazing.Lucy (face become flush):thank you, you’re not bad, too. Damon: such a beautiful girl, could you please have a dance with me?Lucy (happily):my honor.”(When they are dancing ,demon embrace Lucy.Stafen seeing this became angry ,and run out of the party to home. After Lorna leaves away them she is go to the left to find friend and she seeing Klaus is coming to her direction)Klaus : hey, beauty.(At this time they are brush against each other, Klaus step on lorna’s dress. Lorna fall back into Klaus’s arms and drop the wine into his suit)Lorna shout : what hell are you doing?Klaus (pointing to her clothes) :what hell are you doing ? You dirty my suit.Lorna: you must mean to it. you must be revenge me. So stingy gentlman(ironic)Klaus: i saved you, you should blame me .so rude woman.Lorna(more angry):say sorry to me, maybe I will forgive you.”Klaus said: you should first.Lorna: damn it.(then turn around want to go, however ,her shoes take off ,she only embarrassed barefoot walk out.)(After Lorna gone)he(to himself): how I know so stranger woman ?who dare marry her.”Act 3On the way home home ,after the party ,Stafen walked with several books in hand angrily.Stafen : Go to hell! What a terrible day! Hansome? Gentlement? Charming? Uh-ha? Ridiculous!!! I AM the most hansome men in the party, OK! Why did no one notice that!!!(Stafen throwed his books away on the road heavily , but hit the book and fell over on the ground heavily , he picked himself up and cursed. )Stafen : why did Lucy always focus on him! I’m wealth, handsome, charming, gentle, and most suitable for Lucy! Damon?! Go to hell ! I I must get them apart ! I must destory it ! I can’t stand it anymore! I must find some ways out!(In the meanwhile , Lonra get back home and complained to herVivien Bennet )Lonra: What an awful man ! I couldn’t image what he has done to me !Vivien Bennet : Oh ,darling ! my poor little girl ! why you are so dirty ? What happened ?Lonra: It’s an awful day ! I can’t stand it ! Klaus , a new student with nice look , showed his rude behavoirs to me ! Just now in the party , he greeted me with smile but skepped on my dress and made the wine in my hand spilled out . The wine ruined my beautiful dress and his shirt . But he shouted to me without apologize .How disappointed he is !Vivien Bennet : My poor girl ! put off your dirty dress and take a shower ! Wipe off all the unhappiness and forgive the awful man ! look, our little princess is coming!Lucy:I’m coming back home, daladala, I found you’re so lovely today.Vivien Bennet: it seems you enjoy the party very well, unlike your poor sister.Lucy: yep, I have spend a special day.Vivien Bennet: then how about your poor Micheal and Stafen? Have you ever think about them?Lucy: mom! It’s not fun!Act 4(To earn Lucy’s good opinion and improve the relationship between Stafen and Lucy, Stafen hold a party without inviting Damon) Stafen: hi this is Stafen ,it is Lucy?Lucy : yeah, Lucy speakingStafen: I’m going to hold a party in the beach , this Sunday ,all the classemates will come , is it convenient for you to join us? Sunday afternoon ,5 PMLucy: en…ok.. I’ll come there , so see you!After this call , Lucy call Damon.Lucy : we’re going to have a party this Sunday afternoon 5 PM ,will you come and join us ?Damon: of course, I’m gald to be there.Lucy : all right, see you.At the party, everyone has arrived.Stafen: hey, you come? You look pretty. Here you are.(give her the wine)Lucy: thank you, you look pretty too.Stafen: yep, can I invite you to have a dance with me?(Damon come, and Lucy saw it. )Lucy: oh, come here!Stafen: why he is here?! (in low vioce)Damon: hi, Stafen, Lucy, good party, Stafen.Lucy: please allow me to be so unpretending , may you invite me to have a dance with you?Damon: my pleasure.Stafen : (to Micheal depressed and angry) why lucy always likes to stay with Damon! I love her, I hate that ! I intended to hold the party in order to improve our relationship. That really makes me mad! (annoyed with scratch his hair)Michael: hey hey brother ,it doesn’t matter ! you don’t have to care too much. It makes no sense! Just let it go! Let’s have some fun, just enjoying this party! Forget it!In the meanwhile , on the other side ,Lonra see Klaus .But Klaus notice a girl behind Lonra is greeting to him so he say hello to that girl and come forward to talk to her .However ,Lonra thinks Klaus is coming towards her ,so she say hello to Klaus.when Klaus go nearby ,Lonra finds that Klaus isn’t saying hello to her ,so she become very angry .Lorna shouted: hey bad guy !how can you treat me like that !what a bitch guy!Klaus become very angry, nothing to say ,so he go away, leaving Lonra standing there .ACT 5Damon’s appearing at the party infuriate Stafen. So he decided to make some troubles to make Lucy and Damen break up.So he call Lucy and Damen respectively,at different time but same place.Stafen:(to Lucy)Hi,Lucy, this is Stafen,I want to talk with you about some very important things. Do you have time ?Lucy: Sounds serious! Is that bad things?Stafen:Oh, no! It isn’t serious.I just want to talk with you about my personal...please come ?Lucy: OK. all right! en…When and where we are going to meet? Stafen: How about this afternoon at the five o’clock after school in the center park? It won’t cost you too much time!Lucy: OK,I will go there on time! See you.Damon: OK, see you later.After telephone with Lucy. Stafen think about something for a while and he call Damon.Stafen: Hi, Damen.I want to talk with you, something about Lucy, do you have time at 5:30 this afternoon ? I want to meet you at the center park.Damen: About Lucy? OK, all right! I’ll meet you there!Stafen:OK. see you! Please do note be late!This afternoon, at 5 o’clock,Lucy and Stafen meet at the centerpark.Stafen: Lucy, I have something really want to tell you! We have known each other for 7 years , we grow up together, I know you always regard me as your friend, and I know you have feel something for me. I love you. And can you be my girlfriend? I’ll take care of you.Lucy: Sorry, I can’t accept you! I think I might already found my lover. I’m sorry to say that,I don’t mean to hurt you.(At the same time, Stafen glance that Damon is walking slowly towards them and without noticing them. Stafen decided to play some tricks.)Stafen: oh, you broken my heart. N ow that you don’t love me, I don’t want you to do anything unwilling .But ,can you hug me ?just for our friendship.(with begging…)Lucy: I’m so sorry. I hope we can be good friends.Then give Stafen a hug.At the same time,Damen go near and he notice that Lucy and Stafen are hugging together.Damen became very angry,and go away sadly .Act 6In classroom, during the classes.Micheal: Damon, here’s your letter, what happened? why are youlook so upset?Damon: oh, thanks, nothing, from my father.(Damon’s grandfather was seriously illed)Damon: oh, god, I must go home now , my grandfather was illed. Lucy: hey! Where are you going?(Damon rush to the classroom and did n’t answer Lucy, Lucy feel embarssed and a little angry. Before leaving, Damon try to have a talk with Lucy and find she is with Stafen happily.)Stafen: How is it going? Why do you looked so upset? Something wrong?Lucy: nothing, just….Stafen: Damon? Am I right?Lucy: yeah, I can’t contract with him for several days.Stafen: come on! Lucy, he is not whole world, there is lots of fun in our world, for example, your favorite book!Lucy: oh! I love it, how did you get it ! oh! You’re so lovely! Stafen!Act 7Damon felt very sad, he thought maybe Lucy can live better without him, and she has fall in love with Stafen. He decided to leave and left a letter to Lucy.Lucy cried: oh, no!Lorna: my dear, what’s happened?(Read the letter)Lucy: how could he do that? He just leave me alone.Lorna: it’s unreasonable! It’s not like him.Lucy:why he leave so soon? I thought we loved each other, I can’t understand.Lorna: maybe he has some reasons. I believe that he loves you. (Lorna call everyone come to their home to talk about it.) Micheal: it’s weired. He only told me his grandfathers was i lled and I thought he will come back in several days. Why did he broken up with you?Stafen: or maybe this is a excuse, he just tired of it.Lorna and Klaus: shout up, it’s not his style!Lucy: no, no, maybe Stafen is right, he didn’t call me for several days.Lorna(to Klaus): aren’t you the best friend of Damon? Do not tell me have no idea about it.Klaus: there’s no problem within our friendship, Ok?! But actually, I really have no idea about it.Lorna: hehe…I thought how intimate you are. I guess I’m wr ong. Klaus: it’s not the point, OK?! Could you please focus on the more important thing?Micheal: Enough! Can’t you see how said Lucy is? Does it make any sense for you guys to quarrel for meaningless thing.Vivien Bennet: now that Damon have left without any reason, it’s obvious that he don’t want you know, and it’s no use for you guys to quarrel or guess what happened. Maybe he has his own reasons, he’ll come back if he know what pretty girl he had missed.(to Lucy) my sweetheart, don’t be said, my heart i s broken seeing you cry. Lucy cried and fell on Vivien Bennet’s arms.Lucy:mom, I’m can’t …can’t accept it…although I know I can get through itVivien Bennet: yeah, that’s my baby, and don’t forget ,you still have Stafen and Micheal, Hahaha……Act 8After several months, Stafen never feel better than before. He can see Lucy every day.Lucy : How did you feel now? (Pass the apple to Stafen )Stafen : Better, actually now.Lucy :OK, I have something to do right now, maybe I’ll see you tomorrow and I have to. By the way, my mon invite you to have dinner with us today, if you have time.Stafen : Oh… Really!Lucy :Yeah, sure.Stafen :( excited ) I’ll be there on time!“All worthwhile” he thought. After Lucy leave her home. He isthinking about making a proposal t o Lucy. “If I ask her home with every body present. She might married. At this time, Klaus and Lorna meet each other accidently in front of Stafen’s house. Both of them are concerned about what’s going on between Lucy and Stafen.Klaus and Lorna :Oh, my god!Bad day!What are you doing skulking around here? (angrily) It’s my question!You answer me first!You!Klaus :OK, I just pass by and wanna to see Stafen.Lorna : Soga!(angrily)Klaus : So, it’s time for you tell me why did you here?Lorna : En hen,secret!None of your business.The door is unlock, when work into the house, they find there is nothing wrong with Stafen’s hand.Stafen(kiss his hand) (talk to his hand): I never find you’re so useful!(happily). I must dress up myself and give a good impression to Ms.Bennet, then she must give Lucy to me!How smart I am!No one will know a lie can bring a men’s successful marriage!Shock face on Lorna and Klaus!At evening, every one was there,except Klaus and Lorna. After a happy dinner, people have a happy talk.Stafen : Thanks to Lucy,my hand can be recover so quickly without Lucy. I can’t image what terrible life I’ll get through. You’re my star. I cannot image my life without you.Lucy : No, it’s my pleasure to do this, and this is what I should do as your friend.Stafen :Don’t say that!You had me at Hello,you complete me, you make my life colorful, the first sight I saw you I know you are the Ms. Right, the first sight I saw you I know I must fall in love with you. And, now, at this time, with every one here, I want to say…Lucy :I’m so sor…Stafen :No,don’t, love means never having to say you’re sorry. It’s all my fault, I should tell you I love you earlier, then we might not be so pain in love. I know you love me too, yes, you do. And then, why not married with me, it’s good idea, don’t you think, Mrs.Bennet, allow me to make a proposal without saying, I also hope you can agree this.Vivien Bennet : Yeah, of course, say “yes” Lucy “yes”Lucy : Y…Vivien Bennet: What a nice gay!Do you see, they must be very happy.Micheal: Yeah…maybe…Stafen jump and happily talk about their wedding, never be soStafen:Then, after we graduation, after I months, we can hold a wedding ,maybe in beach. Yeah!Beach wedding, I like that!Beautiful sunshine, warm wind, comfortable water. Oh. fantastic!wonderful!Act 91 months later, at the wedding, it seems everyone is happy, especially Stafen, Lonra and Klaus was not there.Vivien Bennet:Micheal, see, it’s so suitable they’re.Micheal: yeah, god’ll bless them forever!Lorna(suddenly shout): It’s a lie! All is a lie! Stop! stop!Vivien Bennet: oh, dear, it’s not fun to be so rudness in wedding! Even kidding!Micheal: why did you say that!? We should bless them with heart. (Klaus take away Stafen from wedding rudely.)Klaus:it’s a lie. It’ll explain latter. The whole marriage.Stafen:(to K)Damn it! Do not destroy my wedding! (to L) no, don’t believe him! I love you!Lucy(crazy): can any body tell me what happened?! Shit! It’s my wedding!Vivien Bennet and Klaus: what hell are you guys doing? (Damon appeared, Klaus bring him to Lucy, shock face appearedLucy:god, why’re you here? It’s my wedding!Damon:yeah, it’s also my wedding, would you married me? My lovely girl!Lucy: no, you le ft me without any explanation, I won’t let you broken my heart again!Vivien Bennet: oh, my little poor heart!Damon: dear, I’m wrong. It’s all my fault, leaving you is the most stupid things I had done.Lorna: yeah, it’s a lie by Stafen, he never get injured, it’s all because he want to gain your love, and make you broken up, he cause all the misunderstanding!Lucy: really?Klaus: yep!Vivien Bennet: oh, my poor little heart!Lucy: my dear, Damon, you have no idea how much I missed you since you left me. I felt me. I felt confused, sad even hopless. I thought you’ll never come back for me. So I agree to married with Stafen, but my heart told me every minute that I love you. I love you so much almost lose myself.Damen: Lucy, my love. The same with me. I eve n don’t know how I get through these. It’s so hard for us to come back to each otherafter so many difficulty. I love you at the first sight, and my love never changed. Would you please marry me.Lucy: of course! With pleasure! Very glad!(cried happily)Then Lucy and Damon happily married.Stafen(angrily):No! She is my wife!(No one respond him)Klaus and Lorna: Look at them, they are perfect!(They look at each other weired)Lorna:You’re not so rude than I thought.Klaus: yep ,you are not so ugly than I thought.Lorna and Klaus: Can you say something good on me?!(laugh) Klaus:Yeah, you know, maybe you’re not beautiful than your sister ,you are not elegance, you are also bad temper…Lorna(angrily):Shit!Klaus: Let’s me finish it,although you’re so…so many s hortage, but I still think ,you are a nice girl ,maybe ,I fall in love with you. Lorna: I love you, too.(shy)。
beauty and the beast 美女与野兽英文改编剧本

Drama of beauty and the beast Actors:Narrator&Witch(W):zeng mianmianMerchant(M):Jiang Yanyanhis three daughters(D1、D2、Belle) :D1 Li Xiaoxia D2 Limeifen Taylor:HuangyangxingfengBeast(B):HuangyijuanNarrator:Once upon a time, there was a wealthy merchant lived in a mansion with his three daughters. The eldest named LadyGaga, the middle named Avril, the youngest called Taylor ,all of whom were very beautiful, especially Taylor, she was lovely and pure. Now there comes the story-beauty and the beast.M:(sad and worry about his daughters)Oh,my my dear,come here, uh...I have something serious to tell you.(D1,D2 sit in chairs, only care about their looking)T:(worried, comforted M)What happened? Dad?M: Honey, here is the thing, I..I played the stock market, but……unfortunately, I lost a lot money, and I go broke……(D1、2jump from chairs nervously when they hear their father broke) D1:(frightened )Oh, Dad, tell me, you are just kidding!D2:(dizzy) Ohhhhhh, I almost faint....T: Dad ,I am really sorry about that ,but do not be too sad ,everything will be alright.M:(hugged his three daughters) Listen, I plan to go to China to go on my business. What do you want we to take when I come back?(D1.2 become happy again)D1(can not wait):Dad! Dad! I want a silk clothes!D2:(pushed D2 away)I want beautiful china!(T stand by the side of her father quietly)M(turn to B): How about you, Taylor?T:....I want a rose that none grow in our country.M: Oh, my dear, I will try my best to make your wishes come true. (Merchant return his own country after many years)M:(tired)oh...I failed again .I won nothing from China.I am so hungry and thirsty...(lost)Oh dear ,where am I?I lost in this thick forest!(surprised)there is a castle!(open door)Oh,I can eat something good finally!M:(eat food ,satisfied)It seems I have never been so fulfilled!(his caught sight of a rose)This rose is so wonderful, shinning like Belle’s face.(M pick up the rose, and the beast appeared)B: Who is so impolite?(M is scared ,cannot say a word)B:It must be you who have eaten my food ,and taken my most valued thing in my castle.M:I....am so..so sorry, but I was too hungry, and the rose is for my youngest daughter.....B:(fierce)Anyway there is no free lunch. Now you have to stay in my prison forever!M:(beg )please....please!B:Or you should send your youngest daughter to live with me.I will give you one week to make your choice!(M feels painful)Narrator:The merchant returned home,and told Belle about what happened in the castle. And Belle was so kind ,she did not want to his father to trap in the prison. So she went to the castle to meet the beast.T:(surprised)What a beautiful castle!B:I am so glad your arriving, my beautiful lady! Are you afraid of me?Uh...for I am so ugly(inferiority)T: But I think...The real beautiful is from heart(B look at Belle movefully, and hold her hands)B: You are a kind girl ,unlike other people who always hate me .My beautiful girl ,Let me show you around .Narrator: The beast treated Taylor as a guest. He gave her iphone ,ipad,ipod for her to kill time. And not speak of expensive clothes, delicious food. As time went by, Taylor wanted to go home to see her father. Although Beast did not want to leave her, but finally he comprised, and gave her an iphone to contact with him ,and a broom used by Harry Potter for her to ride.T: Dad, I’m back.M: Oh, my baby I have not seen you for so long .How was your life in the castle?L: Avirl, look, she is back. It is unbelievable!A: To my surprise ,the beast have not eaten her!T: Dad, I want to show you some pictures.(T gives her iphone)A: oh! My! God! She has the latest iphone!L: And her LV bag! Why can she lead such a good life!A:Right!we are more beautiful and clever than her!T: Dad ,sisters, I have to go back to the castle after one week.L: We have to prevent her from returning to the wonderful place.(A whisper to L)L: Taylor, we all miss you so much. You must stay at home longer! T: But I have to return after a week....A: Don’t say that any more unless you do not love us.T: Well.....A.L:(happy)It is a deal!(applaud)Narrator: After one month later…. one day when Belle had a video call with the Beast,and she found he was lying half-dead of heartbreak near the rose.And she immediately rode the broom to return to Beast.(T rode the broom .Beast lay in the ground painfully,T hug him) T: Oh....what happened? I...I just left for a week!You look so pale (Wich appeared )W:hahaha.....T:(frightened)Who are you?W:Who am I?!I am the most powerful witch in the world.Look at this ugly poor guy,he is dying.T:No.....why....W:I bewitched him.The rose stand for his life.Now the rose is withering away.B:(struggled)How....how wicked you are.T...Taylor just.... run away.I can handle this.....W:hahaha.....handle this?You are wasting your breathe!T:(scream)No!I can not leave you.I want to save you.I have never desired anyone before in my life. Until now I.....know that...I love you!(B turn into Prince,W disppeared with scream)T:You......are you the beast?J:My dear, Let me put it this way ,I am in fact Justin Bieber .The witch changed me into a ugly beast until someone is willing to love me.That is you,you love me .and the spell has been lifted.T:I am so happy that you still alive.(J sing the song-baby,and J D1, D2 ,M all dance,finally J proposed) J:My most beautiful lover. Will you marry me?T:Yes,I love you!Narrator:Bieber and Taylor lived happily ever after.End。

)本部分所需人物角色都有:The Chief, The Attending, Intern A, Intern B, Intern C, Intern D, 最后旁白大体场景介绍:实习第一天,主任及主治医生的训话。
( All interns stand before the chief and attending. Then two doctors start to say something )The Chief: Each of you comes here hopefully. Wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in medical school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The time you spend here as a surgical intern will be the best and worst of your life. All of you will be pushed to the breaking point. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you.The Attending : I'm your attending. Your first shift starts now and lasts forty-eight hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain, you run labs, write orders, work every second night till you drop and don't complain! Here are the things each of you need:trauma protocol, phone lists, beep-pagers. Now having the trauma patients answered, having the weekend labs delivered, and having someone down in the emergency room, doing the sutures.各实习医生迅速去干各自的活。

皇帝的新装改编剧本英文版It was last revised on January 2, 2021旁白:Long long ago, there lived a king. He was very fond of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to get only dream was to change new coat for every hour of the of the king spread to distant kingdom s and finally cam e to two very s hady characters. 第一场骗子甲:Could we Could we fool the king who loves new clothes(they asked themselves.)骗子乙:Let's try,旁白:They traveled to the kingdom and applied to meet the king.骗子甲:Dear have something very special to show the king.大臣:ER~'s what everyone says.骗子甲:Ah, but this is have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret way.大臣进屋告诉皇帝(耳语)。
皇帝:Something magical (在镜子前试衣服)Oh, I love new things, Show the two weavers in.大臣出屋:Come in.皇帝:So,why you say your cloth are magical?骗子甲:oh my is gold,and rainbow coloured.骗子乙:It feels like silk, but as warm as wool.骗子甲: And it is as light as air, a most wonderful fabric.皇帝:(托下巴打量)There is a grand parade in the city in two weeks, I need a new outfit for it. Can one be ready in time?骗子甲:Oh there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make.皇帝:No matter, (挥挥手)Money is no a need the magical coat. I will give you a place to make it.(大臣把两骗子领到织布机旁,骗子作出衣的样子)第二场:旁白:A week passed.皇帝:Minister, go to the weavers’ house and see how the cloth is processing. The parade is approaching.大臣: king.(大臣去敲门,在外面等了一下)骗子甲:Come in. (非常兴奋)大臣:The king has sent me to check the cloth.(很奇怪的盯着织布机)骗子乙:Is it not beautifulSee the colorful and soft coat!骗子甲:Oh,my wise minister .Now you can see why it is magical. Only the truly clever man can see the cloth. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man like you will see our wonderful cloth.大臣:Um,(不知道该说什么)oh,my god !Am I foolish I would not let others know it! (自言自语) 骗子甲:Are you satisfied大臣:Of course,(不想让别人看出来) It’s quite magical and marvellous. (笑两声)Marvellous." 骗子甲:Oh, you are so wise.旁白:The king was very impatient and couldn't wait for the minister to decided to find the minister.(皇帝走进织布室)皇帝:(推开门)骗子甲:Is it not beautiful Of course, only the wise can see the beauty of the cloth. Look at the colours, feel the weight.(对皇帝讲)大臣:My king, A wise man like you can surely see the colours of this magical cloth.皇帝:oh,my god !Am I foolish I would not let others know it! (自言自语) Of course I can, It's coat. When can my outfit be made"骗子乙:We would be delighted to make your outfit for you. We will make the suit as quickly as possible.皇帝:Very well.第三场:皇帝:Am I handsome(比试着衣服,高兴地对大臣和官员门讲) Just look at the beautiful laces and wonderful marvellous.官员:Undoubtedly, sir,There is no outfit on earth to equal this one.旁白:The king was dressed in his new suit and ready for the parade. News of his amazing outfit had reached the town and all people wanted to see him.大臣:The parade now begins!观众:It’s said that only the truly clever man can see the cloth. Most people would see an empty loom.观众:Oh, really What a suit!小孩:What suit The king has no clothes on at all!观众:It's true! No clothes! The king is naked!皇帝:Am I oh ,no! I don’t believe it,I don’t believe.(不知所措,害羞的跑下场了)。

以下是修改后的内容:1. 替换名词:- `prince` 替换为 `prince charming`- `mermaid` 替换为 `little mermaid`- `kingdom` 替换为___- `sea ___ 替换为 `evil sea witch`- `ocean` 替换为 `deep ocean`2. 添加名词描述:- 在第一幕中,为 `prince charming` 添加了 `___ 描述,使其更加生动。
- 在第二幕中,为 `little mermaid` 添加了 `innocent` 描述,突出其纯真的性格。
- 在第三幕中,为 ___ 添加了 `magical` 描述,强调其神奇的特性。
- 在第四幕中,为 ___ 添加了 `powerful` 描述,强调其强大的能力。
- 在第五幕中,为 `deep ocean` 添加了 `us` 描述,使其更具神秘感。
根据《小美人鱼》短剧剧本中英文,修改名词部分:1. 替换名词:- `prince` 替换为 `prince charming`- `mermaid` 替换为 `little mermaid`- `kingdom` 替换为___- `sea ___ 替换为 `evil sea witch`- `ocean` 替换为 `deep ocean`2. 添加名词描述:- 在第一幕中,为 `prince charming` 添加了 `___ 描述。
- 在第二幕中,为 `little mermaid` 添加了 `innocent` 描述。
- 在第三幕中,为 ___ 添加了 `magical` 描述。
- 在第四幕中,为 ___ 添加了 `powerful` 描述。

灰姑娘Cinderella(Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her. Her elder sister teased her, asking her to do all the housework. )(旁白:从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了。
)Stepsister: 【十分娇气地】Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress.姐姐:妈妈,看,多漂亮的衣服。
Cinderella :【紧张地】Oh, no, that’s my dress. It’s a new dress my father bought for me.灰姑娘:噢!不,那是我的裙子。
Stepsister: Who are you? Mum, who is she?姐姐:你是谁?妈妈,她是谁啊?Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesn’t matter. Look! Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us.她是你的小妹妹。
Cinderella: Why? I’m not your servant.灰姑娘:为什么?我不是你的仆人。
Stepmother: 【命令式】And do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away.后妈:还有把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。

皇帝:Am I? oh ,no!I don’t believe it,I don’t believe.(不知所措,害羞的跑下场了)
官员:Undoubtedly, sir,There is no outfit on earth to equal this one.
旁白:Thekingwas dressed in his new suit and ready for the parade. News of hisamazing outfit had reached the town and all peoplewanted to see him.
骗子甲:Dearminister.We have something very special to show theking.
大 臣:ER~No.That's what everyone says.
骗子甲:Ah, but this is magical.We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secretway.
大臣:Um,(不知道该说什么)oh,my god !Am I foolish? I would not let others know it! (自言自语)
骗子甲:Are you satisfied?
大臣:Of course,(不想让别人看出来) It’squite magical andmarvellous.(笑两声)Marvellous."

Ella, Ella, CinderellaNarrator: She is Ella.She lives with her stepmother and two stepsisters. She works and works all day.Sister 1: (yelling) Ella, make me breakfast!Sister 2: (yelling) Ella, make me a cake!stepmother : (yelling) Ella, clean the house!Sister 1: What are you doing, Ella?Cinderella: I am cleaning the fireplace.sister 1: (laughing and pointing at Ella) Ha-ha.Look at her.She is very dirty from the cinders.sister 2: I know .(laughing) Ha-ha. Let’s call her Cinderella. Sister 1: OK.Narrator: A royal messenger comes to Cinderella’s house. Messenger: Good afternoon, Ladies!I have a letter from the Prince.The Prince invites all the maids to the royal party.Sister 1: Wow! Great! I want to go.Sister 2: Can we go, Mother?stepmother : Of course, you can.Cinderella: Can I go, too?stepmother : No! You can’t go! You are too ugly a nd dirty. Sister 1: Cinderella, we need new dresses.Sister 2: Make them for us. now!灰姑娘埃拉讲述人:她叫埃拉。
小学英文小剧本 孟母三迁 (改编)

Three- times resettlement by Meng's Mother 孟母三迁孟母:孟柯:第一幕:A: B: C: D:第二幕:A: B: C: D:第三幕:A: B: C: D:A: B: C: D: T:孟母:Hello,boys and girls . I’m a mother-----Mengzi’s mother. I like my son.But he is very naughty. I want to teach my son how to be a helpful man.孟柯:I’m Meng Zi. I like my mum,too. I am going to my school! 蹦蹦跳跳,歌曲起来:小呀嘛小儿郎呀,背着了书包上学堂,不怕太阳晒也不怕那风雨狂.....一迁第一幕Ken:Look,what are they doing now?一群孩子围在一个桌子打牌A: 老K B: 2王C: 小王D: 我的是大王!哈哈,I’m a winner! Haha Children A: Hey! Are you new here? I've never seen you here before.Ken: Yeah. Mm...My mom and I have just moved here yesterday. My name is Ken. Children B: I am ______.Welcome you!A: You can call me Danny.B:We are playing an interesting game, do you want to join us?Ken: What kind of game?Children:Play cards!Please join us!Come here,come here!Ken:OK! 起牌后说:三带一,B:5炸!C: 我8炸!D: 我王炸~!Haha,give me your money!Ken: Oh,It’s time to go home!Mom: Ken, why your classes over so late?Ken: Oh, We leave school very early . I went to play games. It's really fun.Mom: Oh? Is it? What did you play?Ken: Mom, I am so hungry, let me have something to eat, then, I will tell you. Mom: Ok, Ok, Ok, meal first~母端饭上。

小红帽:Hello everyone,my name is XXX but people prefer to call me little red . I like this red hat which was given by my grandma who always give what I want.妈妈:I’m little red’s mother.Ah...my honey,here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine,I know you miss your grandma , so I will give you a task that send it to your grandma.Grandma is sick and weak.She should take some to get more healthy. At present,the day is not so hot that you can visit your grandma. Be careful, don’t run ,don’t leave the main road,or you will tumble and grandma have nothing to eat. Besides,remember when you arrive in her house,say“good morning”and don’t spy the house .小红帽:OK. Momi , you can believe me. I will do a good job.妈妈:maybe i should try to have faith in you. Let me remind you again ,be careful, don’t run ,don’t leave the main road,or you will tumble and grandma have nothing to eat.小红帽:Goodbye! Momi~~妈妈:Be careful ~~小红帽:la la la la la la~~大灰狼:Good morning , nice meat, oh,no,little red!小红帽:Good morning ,Mr. Wolf大灰狼: what a wonderful day! Where will you go?小红帽:Oh..my grandma is sick, I want to visit her.大灰狼: So..what have you taken for your grandma? Meat ?小红帽:Cake and wine.We made some cakes yesterday. My pitiful grandma need to eat some so that she could recover.大灰狼: Haha! You are a really nice girl!where is your grandma’s house?小红帽:There is a way to the forest. Her house is standing under three trees , surrounding hedge. If you get there ,you will know. Now, I will go ,see you!大灰狼: I should make a plan . Little red is sweeter than the old woman. Waite for me ,little red! Look! So beautiful ! The flowers, the bird ...maybe you can pick some flowers for your grandma.小红帽:Maybe I should take some for my grandma.咚咚咚——外婆:who?大灰狼: I’m little red! I take some cake and wine,please open the door.外婆:Just pull the door ! I have no force to get up. Oh! Who are you ? How could you get here? Help! Help!小红帽:Good morning, grandma! Why your ears look so large?大灰狼: to listen carefully.小红帽:eyes?大灰狼: to watch clearly.but mouse?大灰狼: to eat you! Ha ha ha ha ha~~猎人:Something seems strange.what happened to the old lady? Oh, bad wolf ,I find you. I will never allow you do harm to people. Let me cut open your stomach.大灰狼: Ah--小红帽:Oh, thank you , I survive!外婆:young man , what’s you name? You are a great man I have seen.猎人:John. Lady,please allow me express my honor to save you . You are so beautiful, may I ask you name?外婆:Of course,my name is XXX. Nice to meet you,John. I’m glad to make friends with you. Would youlike a cup of tea,maybe you can take some cake and wine also.猎人:Oh, how kind of you. I really don’t want to leave there.外婆:Year, you can stay there....with me.小红帽:Grandma, will he become my grandpa?妈妈:Mom, how could you do that?。

A Midsummer Night's Dream——《仲夏夜之梦》Author: William ShakespeareAdaptors:Qu Fangyan Chen WeiguangCharacters:Lysander……Wang chengcheng Demetrious……Chen WeiguangHermia…… Qu Fangyan Helena…………Huang YameiEgeus…………Zhang Wei Oberon………… Lin HongPuck………Hua Meiping Introducer……Gan Yunhui ACT 1 (In the city)第一幕 (城中)[道具:两把椅子,一个镜子,一个梳子](音乐起……)旁白:There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their daughters to marry whomever they pleased. For if a daughter refused to marry the man her father had chosen to be her husband, the father has rights toput her to death.在雅典有一条法律赋予市民权力,可以强迫他们的女儿嫁给他们所喜欢的人,因此如果女儿拒绝父亲为她选的丈夫,依据这条法律,父亲可以自行判她死刑。
(Hermia正在梳头,突然她的父亲Egeus走了过来)Egeus: Hermia, you have to marry Demetrious, the best guy in the city.伊吉斯:荷米亚,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。
Hermia: But I don’t love him. I’ve fallen in love with Lysande r.赫米娅:但是我不爱他。
英文戏剧剧本Brother Bear(原创改编)

41 English Performance ContestBrother BearCAST[配音]老大:Jerry[Allen]老二:Andrei[本音]老三:Comic[本音]巫婆Witch GaGa(WG):麦姐[本音] 追随者若干酋长:飞哥[本音]母熊:辛梓[Monica] 小熊1(B1):Albee[Jeff] 小熊2(B2):Cybele[Molly]兔子1:Ivy[Liliz] 兔子2:Karen[Candy]Narrator(Na):YahooScene One {第一幕成人礼,图腾}人物:Witch GaGa, families, 酋长,众人Na:Long long ago, deep in the forest, lived a ancient tribe. One day, members of the tribe gathered together for the adult ceremony of the youngest prince.[众人祈祷状,围在篝火旁边突然一人冲入尖叫:OMG!OMG!She’s coming!The Super Witch GaGa is coming!!!! [【Pokerface】WG披风+假发+兔头,踩节奏入,追随者步调一致,最后场中间惊艳立定...人群一阵骚动,尖叫声此起彼伏,有人直直倒下,被拖下去WG:Ha ha~Easy,people(示意人群安静)The great spirit of your goddess---GaGa,let me take your hands and lead you!Say it with me:Oh,my Witch GaGa!众人(陶醉折服状):Oh,my Witch GaGa!酋长(无比谄媚地):Oh, my Witch GaGa~It’s our great honor to invite you to my son’s adult ceremony.Please allow me to introduce my sons and daughters to you. Boys!
荆珂刺秦王The Emperor and the AssassinCast太子丹:吴丽莹荆轲:刘滢西门吹雪;秦王:王希茜妖艳女子:闫达(反串)阿三:李国栋大臣甲:骆嘉莉大臣乙:徐慧如旁白:Script旁白:It was war periods, the war among different countries seemed endless. All the kings and ministers tried to find some supermen to work for them——to be the killing tools for their political purposes. As time goes by, it has become a fashion to feed some killers at home…… This is a crazy world. In this crazy world, there are a bunch of crazy people, trying to show the crazy history in a crazy way.Scene 1:Conspiracy (密谋)太子丹(上,叹气):Ying Zheng, that bastard, treats me even worse than before. Resorting to lots of people in his hand, he never cares about me ---the most sensible prince under the sun (纠结状). Recently, he has robbed much more cities from my hands. How can I survive if such things ever happen again(急)。

改变我的剧本英文作文Creating a script in English can be quite an exciting endeavor. Here are some tips to help you enhance your script:1. Character Development:Ensure that each character has a distinctpersonality and voice. This will make your dialogue more engaging and realistic.Consider giving your characters goals, motivations, and conflicts to drive the story forward.Show the evolution of your characters throughout the script. Let them learn, grow, and change as the story progresses.2. Plot Structure:Pay attention to the three-act structure: setup, confrontation, and resolution. This will give your script a clear beginning, middle, and end.Include compelling conflicts and obstacles for your characters to overcome. This will keep the audience engaged and invested in the story.Make sure each scene serves a purpose and advances the plot in some way. Cut any scenes that do not contribute to the overall story.3. Dialogue:Write natural-sounding dialogue that reflects how real people speak. Avoid overly formal or stilted language.Use subtext to add depth to your dialogue. What characters say should not always be what they mean.Show, don't tell. Instead of having characters explicitly state their feelings or intentions, use actionsand gestures to convey subtext.4. Setting and Description:Set the scene effectively by providing vivid descriptions of locations and environments. This will help immerse the audience in the world of your script.Use sensory details to bring your settings to life. Describe what characters see, hear, smell, taste, and touch to create a fully realized world.Balance description with action. Too muchdescription can slow down the pacing of your script, so focus on the most essential details.5. Theme and Tone:Identify the central themes of your script and weave them throughout the story. Themes add depth and meaning to your work.Establish a consistent tone that aligns with the genre and mood of your script. Whether it's light-hearted and comedic or dark and dramatic, maintain tone consistency to keep the audience engaged.6. Revision and Feedback:Don't be afraid to revise your script multiple times. The first draft is rarely perfect, so be prepared to make changes and improvements along the way.Seek feedback from trusted peers or mentors. Fresh perspectives can help you identify blind spots and areasfor improvement in your script.By following these tips and guidelines, you can createa compelling and polished script that captivates audiences and brings your story to life on the page. Good luck with your writing!。

Fairy TaleCharacters: Prince, Princess, Maid, Narrator, Fairy GodmotherNarrator: Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince lived in a grand castle. He had a maid who was bad-hearted. In fact, she was a witch. She liked the Prince and wanted to own him. Near the Prince ’s castle, there was a beautiful princess. She liked hunting very much. One day, she went into an intense forest with her servants for hunting. When she walked closely to a big tree, she saw the prince. When they made eyes contact, the princess blushed and the prince still looked at her. He loved her at first sight.Prince: Hi, beautiful girl. May I help youPrincess: No, sir. I just want to hunt some prey for fun. Do you want to join us Prince: Yes, I ’d love to. It’s my pleasure.Narrator: Both the prince and princess had a good time, except the maid. When she saw everything, she was jealous. Thus, she wanted to devised a conspiracy. She used her dark magic to make the prince a rabbit. And she locked him in the castle. One day, the rabbit ran away and went into the forest when the maidwas out. Fortunately, theprincess happenedtohuntthere. Whenshesaw therabbit, she wanted to shoot him. When her arrow was targeting at him, the Godmother appearedinfront of her.Godmother: Oh, my girl, you cannot kill him because he is your prince charming. Don’t do that.Princess: Oh, Godmother, ha ha, you must make a mistake. How can a rabbit be my prince charmingGodmother: Youhave my word, it ’s true. His maid used dark magic to make him become a rabbit. The only way to save your prince is to beat him three times softly and read his name loudly.Princess: Oh, I get it. Youare sonice, dear godmother.Narrator: Then the princess beat her prince three times and read his name with deep feelings. Several minutes later, the rabbit became a handsome prince. The princess cried with joy. Both of them smiled to each other. They decided to come back the castle. They wanted to expelled the maid with the Godmother.Godmother:Ha ha, bad girl, it ’s time for us to fight against you. To be or not to be, it’s not a matter of word. We will beat you by means of strong magic.Maid: Are you kidding Just you three Two young without magic and an ugly old woman Believe it or not, my dark magic is powerful. Ha ha ha ha......Prince & Princess: We represent justice, you evil. Evil cannot beat justice.Godwill helpus todefeat you. Youare doomtodie. Take your life!Narrator: They fought with each other for three days. At last, the maid was beaten and escaped from the castle. Though she was a loser, she refused to admit her failure.Maid: Shit! God hates you! I will be back someday! Just wait and see!Narrator: The prince and princess married and lived happily forever. Nobody knew where the maid went. It was said that she was drowned in sea.。
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刘娟利:mother---(M)张媛:daughter---(D)王禹:husband---(H)王雨琼:wife(W)郭运芳:ticket booking clerk-----(C)1. C:(边唱歌边看手机天气预报)Yes, tomorrow will be a fine day. And I've got 2 freetickets of the expo(小声说because I work there. No! They are the rewards of the volunteer job).Mum and Dad can go for a visit. They must be very excited about this.This is the first gift after I graduated. Another a busy day, another happy day! (音乐响起,开始工作)2. 母女二人走向售票口买票D::wow, wonderful! many beautiful flowers there ! mum, quickly ,seems late….(向售票员)excuse me,C:Yes, good morning!M:Morning! Two tickets , please (掏钱,递进去)C:Let me see.(after check)You are so lucky!two left for today!D:Great!!M:Honey, today is your birthday, it’s also our lucky day. Let’s check all the things we have . (把找回的零钱装回口袋,整理自己和孩子的背包,准备进园)3. 夫妻二人在售票员check的时候就上场,妻子表现的很疲惫,然后看到一把椅子,等母女二人高兴完了以后对话H:be careful honey!W:Oh,darling,I need some rest, (坐好以后),I’m ok ,leave me here,and you buy the ticket,ok?H: ok , I will be back soon4. 丈夫去售票窗口,这时,妈妈注意到了孕妇,放慢脚步C: Good morning!H:I need two adult tickets, please!C: Sorry. All the tickets today are sold out. How about the tickets tomorrow?H: no,today,Our plane will back tomorrow (We’ll fly back tomorrow)C: I’m sorry, there's nothing I can do.H:(声音很夸张)What? Nothing you can do? I came all the way here, ther e’s nothing you can do?妻子闻声走过来W:What’s up honey?H: damn it,no tickets(跺脚,很懊恼的样子)C: I’m terribly sorry! 稍微鞠躬表示歉意5. 夫妻二人慢慢走回椅子,夫妻子坐下边走边说W:What a shame!(摸着肚子),well ,baby, seems we have to go home, and next time for china? would be after you born,hehe.H: I'm sorry,honey,It's my fault ,I should (have)finish my work earlier.(丈夫给妻子拿出来了水和少许吃的,关心备至)C: (心理活动)Should I do something? No. They are for my parents. Silence! Keep silence!6. 女儿收拾好了包,(检查了照相机,装了水,扇子,一些吃的,还有纸巾。
)发现妈妈在发愣,催促D:Hi,Mum. Hurry up,The expo will close at 10 .(扯妈妈的胳膊)M:Wait ,honey,Look there,(指了指夫妻两个)D:Oh ,Bad luck,They ve traveled so far,. But。
(晃了晃手上的票,笑道),We are the lucky ones. Ok Mum, Let’s go.M:But dear,when mom was pregnant,I always got others’ help. Honey,,That lady…she must feel very disappointed.I think the visit must be very important and meaningful for her and the baby. You will also be a mother in the future.D:(不解得看着妈妈)Mom? You…M:Yes,Can we give the last two tickets to them?D: No, Mum. I don’t agree! Today is my birthday!(做委屈要哭的样子)M:Honey, Honey ,listen to me .We can visit next time.7. 夫妻二人休息好了,站起来准备下场,妈妈打住话头上前一步拦住M:Hi …(H & W): yes?M: I know what happened to you. Here are two tickets we just bought. We are local people and we can come another day. So you can have them.C: (想拿票但又舍不得)(看见母女相助,长出一口气)心理活动:That's perfect. Good for me.(H & W): really?Oh, thank god!M:Sure! Welcome to Xi’an,and please enjoy your trip.H:really? great,you're a good person,god will bless you(做拥抱中国妈妈状,激动万分)8. 后面,女儿拉扯妈妈的衣袖,妻子看到了,也拽了拽丈夫的胳膊D:Mum, We don’t have many chances. Tomorrow I will return to school , and I have to stay there until July. Today is my birthday!It s my birthday .you promised .(开始很委屈的小声哭)那边,妻子和丈夫的争论W:well darling.(然后指了指女儿),look, her daughter seems not so pleased. And did you hear that, it’s her birthday today! It is so selfish to take other’s birthday gift to content ourseves! Isn’t?H:But this is their voluntary,Chinese people so enthusiastic why should we refuse it,It's a good chance for us, dear! Give them more money,that's will be ok?然后二人不语,用动作表示矛盾冲突C: 看到双方推让心想:None of my business!那边,妈妈抱了抱女儿的肩膀,等这边对话完毕M:honey ,Listen?Honey, this Expo is in Xi’an, This is our city and we are the hosts. Don’t you think we should help our guests? Dear, Helping them is the bestl birthday gift for you. Don’t you think so?D:But..mumM:Ok, It 's up to you to decide .D:(自言自语)Yes? NO?(站定,迟疑两秒钟,揉揉眼睛),Ok mum, you are right.(然后把票有看了看)转身走到那夫妻二人旁边9. D:well,you need the tickets more.(还是有点不舍,但是却坚定得把票递给了他们)H:oh,you're lovely,(转身对妻子说)Look,I said chinese people must be warm-hearted!and I am correct!!然后接过票来亲了一口W:(很感动,拉着女儿的手)Really? Are you sure enough? But ,today is special for you! Oh my girl!! How can we…M:Yes, it’s my daughter’s decision.此时,四人动作定格,售票员从窗口后面走了出来从口袋摸出了两张票自言自语:They come from abroad. It’s her birthday today. Mum and Dad are retired, they can come another day. What am I thinking about?然后上前:Excuse me…四人动作恢复正常:yes?H:Are there some formal steps for transferring the ticket?C:(笑), It’s OK, fine,I mean, I have 2 tickets, and I saw everything. I'm so moved andI feel ashamed actually. I should have taken out them earlier. Here you are, go ahead!come on in.M:But is it ok for you to give us your tickets??C:They were for my parents, but I think you need them more than we do.D:For your parents? Oh! No,no no no…C:They are retired,they come any time. And they are also very warm-hearted. They will understand this. I’ll rearrange this for them.所有人:真的吗?太好了!谢谢你!太谢谢你了!(这里最好乱着说)H:西安有哪些好吃的呢?夫妻二人很开心,嘴里不停的说,感谢上帝!!然后售票员请他们进园。