saber经典语录英文版摘要:1.saber简介2.saber经典语录英文版3.saber经典语录英文版背后的故事4.结论正文:Saber,全名阿尔托莉雅·潘德拉贡,是日本知名游戏公司TYPE-MOON 所创作的《Fate》系列中的一个角色。
2.Saber经典语录英文版在《Fate》系列中,Saber有许多经典的台词,其中一些著名的英文版本包括:- "I am the bone of my sword."(我是剑之骨。
)- "So as I expected, you are a mage."(正如我所料,你是个魔术师。
)- "Allow me to introduce myself.I am Artoria Pendragon, King of theBritons.I command this war!"(让我介绍一下自己。
终极一班亚瑟王语录终极一班亚瑟王语录【热门版】1.Shakespeare:人们可支配自己的命运,若我们受制於人,那错不在命运,而在我们自己!2.可怜人必有可恨之处3.Shakespeare:To be or not to be. That is a question.4.虚有其表的女人,就像金环戴在猪鼻上!5.美色是最佳的镇暴武器!6.Shakespeare:目眩时更要旋转,自己痛不欲生的悲伤,以别人的悲伤,就能够治愈。
亚瑟王时期的英国很久很久以前英国由A long time ago, Britain was ruled乌瑟潘德拉贡国王统治着by King Uther Pendragon.乌瑟去世后没有留下继承人But when Uther died without an heir,致使整个王国在战争中分崩离析the land was torn apart by war.人们为了抢夺王位大打出手Many tried to claim the throne战火连天无休无止and fought bitterly and endlessly.民心涣散People's hearts grew hopeless and hollow.家国倾覆群龙无首The country became lost and leaderless.因此巫师梅林So the wizard Merlin打造了一柄石中剑conjured a magical sword in a stone called Excalibur 宣布只有乌瑟的真正继承人and declared that only Uther's true heir才可将其拔出could pull it free.很多人尝试过Many tried,然而只有一个人做到了but only one succeeded.一个叫做亚瑟的男孩A boy named Arthur,乌瑟王流落民间的儿子who had no idea he was Uther's long-lost son.亚瑟长大成了一位伟大的国王Arthur grew into a great king.化敌国为友邦He turned his enemies into allies设圆桌议政人人平等and ruled at a round table, so that all were equal.他和他的骑士们秉持着骑士精神He and his knights lived by a code of chivalry,内心纯洁又高尚their hearts pure and noble.而他们最大的敌人But their greatest foe就是亚瑟同父异母的姐姐莫甘娜was Arthur's own half-sister, Morgana.坚信自己才是合法的继位者Convinced she was the rightful heir,为了夺取石中剑无所不用其极and desperate to possess Excalibur,最终投身于黑魔法she turned to dark sorcery.亚瑟经过一番鏖战Arthur fought a fearsome battle against her,把她封印在了地底and bound her into the bowels of the earth.印成之际她立下复仇的毒誓But not before she swore dark vengeance.总有一天When you are long gone,你将身死魂消when hearts are hollow这片土地会再次群龙无首and the land is lost and leaderless again,那时我当归来I will return.吾剑亦将同归And so will the sword.亚历克斯你要迟到了Alex, you're gonna be late.好了知道了Okay, okay!马上来了I'm coming as fast as I can.你的作业摆得满餐桌都是Your homework's all over the kitchen table.你知道吗睡懒觉You know, every time you sleep in又不吃早餐就好像and skip breakfast, it's like...昏昏沉沉开始一整天的生活...starting the day on an empty battery.我知道了I know.也许你不应该Maybe if you hadn't left that把它放在这里那么长时间till last thing the night before...糟糕Damn.来Here.颜色不太一样但是It's not exactly the right color, but...你可以说它是太阳的耀斑Maybe you can say it's a solar flare.谢了妈妈Thanks, Mum.您现在收听的是BBC早间新闻You're listening to the BBC.现在时间早上7点30分7:30am, it's time for the news.BBC 7点30 早间新闻BBC NEWS at 7: 30.专家声称Experts are warning that自几个世纪以来这个世界正在变得the world is becoming more unstable更加不稳定than it has been for centuries.随着越来越多的国家前所未有的With dictators and strongmen落入独♥裁♥者和强权势力的掌控中gaining power in more countries than ever before,全球分化正在以惊人的速度激增global divisions are increasing at an alarming rate.来自贝德斯的信息亚历克斯他们一直跟着我你在哪亚历克斯你在哪亚历克斯救我不糟了Oh, no.借过Excuse me.抱歉Sorry.不好意思'Scuse me.贝德斯Bedders!有人看见贝德斯了吗Has anyone seen Bedders?贝德斯你在哪啊Bedders! Where are you?放开我别碰我Let go of me! Leave me alone!放我下来Put me down!不放不放就不放No, no, and no.你想在这所学校里生存You wanna survive in this school,你得付出点代价啊you gotta pay for the privilege.我喘不上气了You're cutting off my circulation.我要晕过去了I am going to pass out.给我小点声Keep your voice down不然打断你的腿or I'll punch my PIN number into your legs.我的脑袋都充血了My head's filling up with blood.感觉要炸了It's going to explode!我感觉不太好I feel weird.救命啊Help!-来人啊救命啊-嘿放开他- Somebody help me. - Hey! Let him go.看啊这不是小矮子乐高人吗Oh, look. It's the Lego Minifigure boy.我说了放开他I said, leave him alone.给个理由先Ooh. Why should we?因为你们以多欺少Because there's two of you,以大欺小还因为他是我的朋友he's half your size, and he's my friend.我跟你说过多少次了How many times do I have to tell you?别逞英雄不值当Don't be a hero. It's not worth it.在这里我就是王I'm the king around here.小心别在那个小水坑里淹死了Careful not to drown in that puddle.拜拜了小娘炮们See you later, girls.下去放开我你这个小虾米Off me! Get off me, shrimp!别打了别打了Break it up! Break it up!让开都让开Move aside, move aside!亚历山大艾略特Alexander Elliot!我再给你最后一次机会I'll give you one last chance,否则你就跟他俩一起留堂or I'll just have to give all three of you detention.谁先动的手Who started it?没人动手No one.你的表现将直接关系到你今后的生活Your behavior here directly affects the rest of your life.难道你不知道吗You know that, don't you?外面的世界很残酷It's a tough world out there而且会越来越残酷and it's getting tougher all the time.这个国家有很多孩子There's millions of kids in this country比你有更好的上升台阶with a better start in life than you.外面的世界不会改变And the world is not going to change.需要改变的是你It's you that has to change.亚历克斯你救了我Alex, you saved my life,以后我会死忠与你and now I owe you my undying loyalty.就像魔戒里的弗罗多和山姆维斯Like Frodo and Samwise汉和丘巴卡是《星球大战》里的好友弗罗多和山姆维斯是《魔戒》中的好兄弟星球大战里的丘巴卡和汉or Chewbacca and Han怪物史莱克和他的驴or Donkey and Shrek.我们一定要每天一起坐公交车We'll make sure we're on the same bus every morning.午饭后放学后我都会等你And I'll wait for you at lunch break and after school,如果他们胆敢再欺负我们so if they ever dare try anything--我们已经还不了手贝德斯We already do that, Bedders.兰斯和凯伊统治着学校Lance and Kaye rule the school.你却无能为力There's nothing you can do.我们都无能为力There's nothing either of us can do.现在已经不是中学那会了This isn't junior school anymore.我们什么都不是We're nothings now.我们是学校里最弱小最无助的人We're the most insignificant, powerless people in the school.等等Hey.嗨Hey!我学会了一个小把戏I learnt a new trick.伸出你的手Hold out your hand.用力握着它Now squeeze as hard as you can.阿布拉喀达布拉Abracadabra!阿♥拉♥卡赞Alakazam!张开手Open your hand.不对啊这不对啊Wait, that's not right.应该有两个硬币才对啊You're supposed to have both of them.这是一种镜像魔术It's a duplication illusion.成功了的话效果很炸裂的It's really good when it works.别想了贝德斯Don't worry about it, Bedders.我现在没有变魔术的心情I'm not in the mood for magic anymore.亚历克斯你没事吧Alex, are you okay?今天的事是真的吗It's not true, is it?你怎么会动手打人呢What would make you jump on someone and start punching them?亚历克斯Alex.他们在欺负贝德斯They were bullying Bedders.我想阻止他们I tried to stop them.没人说过这件事No one said anything about that.你为什么不说呢为什么不解释Why didn't you say something? Why didn't you tell someone?亚历克斯你都受伤了Alex, look at you.说出来只会让事情更糟Because it would just make everything worse.说出真♥相♥怎么会让事情变糟呢How could telling the truth make everything worse?你不会懂的You wouldn't understand.如果是爸爸就会懂Dad would understand.可他不在这里Well... he's not here.如果他在我也知道他会怎么说But if he was, I know exactly what he'd say.他会说讲出真♥相♥He'd say that telling the truth见义勇为永远不会搞砸任何事and doing the right thing never makes anything worse.这不是你一直以来都坚信的吗亚历克斯You always used to believe that, Alex.没错Yeah.但以后不会了Well, not anymore.我从雨滴中品尝到I can taste it... in the rain.从土壤里感受到Sense it in the soil.他们曾秉承的一切What they once had...已不复存在is long lost.不复存在Long lost.他们已四分五裂四分五裂They are divided. Divided.充满恐惧恐惧Fearful. Fearful.群龙无首无首Leaderless. Leaderless.无首首Leaderless. Leaderless...他们越弱As they grow weaker...弱弱Weaker... Weaker...我即越强...I grow stronger.强Stronger.黑暗就要降临Soon, darkness will dawn.我的时代将会到来My time will come.醒醒别睡了Come on, no doodling.这是留堂不是艺术课This is detention, not art class.集中精神Concentrate.你死你死定了!喂亚历克斯艾略特Oi! Alex Elliot!等等我们我们想跟你聊聊Wait for us. We wanna talk to you.你要去哪啊别跑啊Where are you going? Don't run away.怎么了你在怕什么What's the matter? What are you frightened of?快点抓住他Go, go! Run, get him!你跑的也太慢了吧That fast as you can go?我们就在你后面呦We're right behind you!你死定了小贱♥货♥You're dead now, you little snitch!亚历克斯艾略特Alex Elliot!过来吧你别跑Oi! Come here! Here, boy!兰斯我找到他了Hey, Lance! I've got him.哎你跑什么呢Oi. What you running for?咱俩的架还没打完呢You and me have got a fight to finish.我们还是赶紧走人吧We'd better leave.喂有人吗Hello? Is anybody here?贝德斯跟你♥爸♥说一声你要来我家写作业Bedders, tell your dad we've got homework together.从后花♥园♥进来找我Come across the garden walls.你一定要来看看我发现了什么You've gotta see what I found.剑已归来The sword has returned.归来来Has returned. Returned.有人拔出了那把剑The sword has been drawn.以树根为五感Let the roots be my senses.五感Senses.以土地为耳目Let the land be my eyes and ears.耳目Eyes and ears.找出拔剑的人Find the one who drew it.找出新王Find the new king.我必夺剑弑王The sword must be mine. The king must die.王新王找到他The king. The new king. Find the new king.找到新王Find the new king.也许只是个恶作剧Maybe it's a prank.像油管上的那种社会实践A YouTube thing. A social experiment.可能会有隐藏的摄像头Maybe there were hidden cameras.看Look.剑柄上面有字There's something written on the guard.用谷歌♥翻译一下Put it into Google Translate. "Gladius...Arturi...filius Tintageli."这是拉丁语It's Latin.意思是亚瑟之剑廷塔杰尔之子It means, "Sword of Arthur, son of Tinta-gel."廷达格尔是谁Who's Tinta-gel?你干什么呢What are you doing?我爸以前给过我一本书好几年前My dad gave me a book once, years ago...关于亚瑟王和圆桌骑士about the Knights of the Round Table.我以前都能倒背如流的I used to know it off by heart.不是廷达格尔是廷塔杰尔It's not "Tinta-gel," it's Tintagel.廷塔杰尔不是一个人是一个地方And Tintagel's not a person, it's a place...是康沃尔海岸边的一个岛an island off the coast of Cornwall.岛上有一座废弃的城♥堡♥ There's an old ruined castle there.有人说亚瑟王就是在那里出生的Some people say it's where King Arthur was born.我5岁的时候去过那里I went there once when I was five.我爸爸就住在那It's where my dad lived.我最后一次见到他的时候The last time I ever saw him.他给了我这本书That's where I was when he gave me this book.甚至签了名He even signed it.看这Look.献给亚历克斯终将称王之人爸爸留"To Alex, my once and future king. Dad."圆桌骑士亚历克斯万一它是在向你传递消息Alex, what if this is a message?如果你是唯一What if you're the only person可以拔出这把剑的人呢who could have pulled that sword out?如果What if it's...-继续说啊-你会笑我的- Go on. - But you'll laugh at me.不会的我保证I won't, I promise.如果这把剑就是石中剑呢What if it's the Sword in the Stone?看石中剑Behold, Excalibur.向你的国王下跪Kneel before your king.遵命陛下Yes, my lord.你是我最铁最老最好的朋友You're my closest and oldest and very best friend.授你为I knight thee...贝德希尔骑士Sir Beddersvere.亚历克斯是你的房♥间没关灯吗Alex, is your light still on?你最好是睡下了You better be in bed.赶紧走Quick, go.-亚历克斯-怎么了- Alex. - What?你不会真的以为You don't really think那把是真正的石中剑吧that's the real Sword in the Stone, do you?当然不是了Of course not.早上好Morning.我勒个大草的Bloody hell.请多包涵Oh. Forgive me.我完全忘记把衣服加入到I completely forgot to include clothing我的复生大计当中去了in my Vivifica Transubtantiatio.你这里会不会碰巧有甲虫血Do you by any chance have any beetle blood,磨碎的动物骨头或者海狸的尿液ground animal bone, or beaver urine?什么玩意What?好吧Very well.这样的话那我就要你的衬衫吧In that case, I require your smock.当然了长官们Surely, Officers,早上起来散步并没有违反法律吧it's not against the law to take a morning constitutional.我只不过是穿着宽松的衣服Or to wear loose-fitting garments让新鲜的空气that permit fresh air在菊花之间流动to circulate around one's crevices and furrows.现在你们的坐骑看起来很舒服Now, your carriage seems warm and dry.立刻带我向东出发火速前进Take me east at once, posthaste.刚刚发生了什么What just happened?大家注意Pay attention, everybody.我们今天班上来了一位新同学We have a new pupil joining the class today.向大家介绍一下自己吧Why don't you introduce yourself?大家好青年学者们我叫Greetings, young academicians. My name is...梅廷Mertin.对没错Yes, that's right.梅廷安布罗修斯卡勒多尼西斯Mertin Ambrosius Caledonensis.我是一个再普通不过的And I am a perfectly normal当代英国学生contemporary British schoolboy.安静下来Quiet down, please.不贝德斯绝对不行No, Bedders. Absolutely not.我们不能和他说话We cannot talk to that boy.但是他看起来很有个性But he looks cool.我打赌他至少沉迷于魔术At the very least I bet he's into magic,以及角色扮演类游戏还有权力的游戏and role-playing games, and Game of Thrones.听我说这是有史以来第一次Listen to me. For the first time ever,学校里有人比我们更容易受欺负there's someone in this school who's more bullyable than us.我们必须离他远点We have to stay away from him.越远越好As far away as possible.有些金属是很常见的Some metals are common,比如铜这些叫作基本金属like copper, and are called base metals.其他的金属非常稀有和珍贵比如金Others are rare and valuable, like gold,他们被称作贵重金属and are called precious metals.现在被称作炼金术士的人在很久以前Now, a long time ago, people called "alchemists"相信人们可以将基本金属转化成believed that you could change base metals贵重金属to precious metals.地壳的这些部分蕴含着These sections of the Earth's crust大量的历史信息contain a wealth of history.废墟尸体Ruins, dead bodies,逝去的文明的痕迹evidence of past civilizations.慢慢地将你们的卫星穿过这两个星球And slowly move your moons across, between the two.你们会开始看到当这两个星球的轨迹You will start to see how these two planets,交叉时是怎样引发when their orbits intersect,即将出现的日全食的will cause the upcoming total solar eclipse.即将出现的吗"Upcoming"?即将出现是什么意思What do you mean, "upcoming"?这次日全食的准确日期是什么When exactly is this total solar eclipse due?-四天左右的时间-只有四天了吗- Four days' time. - Four days?我的天这简直是飞来横祸God's socks. This is a catastrophe.是一场灾难我以为还有四年的A disaster. I thought it was four years.让开我需要冷静冷静好好思考Get out of my way! I need air, space to think!亚历山大艾略特Alexander Elliot!是你拔出那把剑的It was you who drew the sword.四天之后黑夜将会降临于白昼时分In four moons there will be darkness in daylight,二个国度将会被连接the dual realms will be bridged,莫甘娜就会重新现世and Morgana will return.哦不Oh, no.你要准备好坐骑全副武装You must saddle your steeds, gird up your armor,聚集盟军gather your allies!滚开Go away.我们不认识你也不想认识你We don't know you, and we don't want to know you.离我们远点Leave us alone!好人们Good people,这个国度正面对着极大的危险this realm faces mortal danger!你们当中的这个男孩拔出了石中剑And this boy among you drew Excalibur.谁愿意做他的臣下并效忠于他Who will kneel at his feet and swear allegiance?停下快停下Stop it! Stop that!但是洛卡斯亲眼看见了But Rokas saw it with his own eyes.丹尼尔说他们花了两个小时想抓住它Danielle said they tried to catch it for two hours,但它还是跑了but it escaped.他没有变成猫头鹰贝德斯He did not turn into an owl, Bedders.但是他说我们正处于极大的危险之中But he said we're in mortal danger.而且他知道你拔出了那把剑And he knew about the sword.他怎么可能会知道剑的事How could he know about the sword?我不知道巧合罢了I don't know. It's a coincidence.这不重要我已经下定决心了It doesn't matter, I've made up my mind.我要把剑放回去I'm putting it back.明天晚上放学之后Tomorrow night, after school.这把剑是偷来的它还是一个武器It's stolen property, and it's a weapon.而且这把剑让一切都变得诡异起来了And it's making everything go... weird.-但是如果-如果什么- But what if - But what if what?没什么Nothing.晚安贝德斯Good night, Bedders.妈妈Mum!妈妈Mum?妈Mum.石中剑必将属于我The sword must be mine.新王必将命丧黄泉The king must die.梅廷Mertin?你怎么在这What are you doing here?我是来救你的以免那个鬼东西杀了你Saving your life, boy. From that thing.你难道没有意识到Don't you realize,日落之后出现在这个人类国度里appearing in the mortal realm after sundown对我来说是致命的is lethal for me?明天到这来找我Find me here tomorrow.不许爽约Without fail.打开窗户快点Open the window. Hurry.他只是一个孩子女王殿下He was a child, my Lady.一个孩子一个小屁孩A child, a child.一个男孩A boy.不超过12岁No more than 12 winters.还有一个人There was another.不比新王大多少Hardly older than the chosen king.他用强大的魔法杀死了我们的哨兵He destroyed our sentinel with an elemental manipulation.梅林Merlin.也是一个小屁孩A child too.我已经等了如此之久Have I waited so long?如此之久So long.我已经变得这么老Have I grown so old...他却越长越年轻that he has grown so young?从沉睡中醒过来吧我的勇士们Awake, my warriors, cease your slumber.夜晚将属于我们Nightfall will be ours.醒过来吧我的勇士们Awake, my warriors, cease your slumber.黑夜将属于我们Nightfall will be ours.醒过来吧我的勇士Awake, my warriors, cease your slumber.黑夜将属于我们Nightfall will be ours.醒过来吧我的勇士Awake, my warriors, cease your slumber.黑夜将属于我们Nightfall will be ours.黑夜将属于我们Nightfall will be ours.起床吧亚历克斯是时候回到人间了Come on, Alex. It's time to join the land of the living.那不可能是石中剑吧That is not Excalibur.和我说实话你在哪搞到那个玩意的Tell me the truth. Where did you get that thing?我告诉过你了在一个建筑工地里I told you, on a building site.那我们就把它放回去立刻马上Then we're taking it back there. Right now.不你不能把它拿走No. You can't take it away.你也不能留着它And you can't keep it.亚历克斯它是一个很危险的武器而且它不属于你Alex, it's a dangerous weapon, and it doesn't belong to you.不它属于我Yes, it does.我从一块石头里把它拔♥出♥来♥了I pulled it out of a stone然后有什么东西跟着我想要把它夺走and something came and tried to take it back.一个从地底出来的又老又邪恶的东西Something old and evil that came out of the ground.一个校友救了我And a boy from school came and he saved me.然后它变成了一只猫头鹰And then he turned into an owl.我全程都是清醒的我发誓And I was wide awake the whole time, I promise.你是从阁楼里找到的书吗Did you get that out of the attic?亚历克斯我知道你现在很难受Alex, I know you're having a tough time.我也知道你想念你♥爸♥爸And I know you miss your dad.但是他给你那本书But he gave you that book是因为他想让你成长为一个善良的人because he wanted you to grow up to be a good person.而不是那种会参与争斗的人Not the kind of person who gets into fights,也不是会相信童话传说的人not the kind of person who believes in fairy tales,更不是那种拿着and not the kind of person who carries...巨型中世纪武器到处乱走的人giant, medieval weapons around.那他为什么要写下这个Then why did he write this?因为他爱你Because he loved you.那他又为什么离我而去Then why did he leave?或许关于他的事情我让你了解的还不够多Maybe I haven't told you as much as I should about him.他要与恶魔交战He had his battles. His demons.但这不妨碍他爱你But he loved you.这一切必须停下来了And this has to stop.现在我们要把那把剑带到警♥察♥局Now, we're taking that sword to the police station然后送你去上学and then I'm taking you to school.亚历克斯Alex!放下那把剑立刻Put that down. Now.不它是我的No. It's mine.-我需要它-话我不会再说第二遍了- I need it. - I'm not telling you again.我必须得走了我要带走这把剑I have to go, and I'm taking it with me.亚历山大艾略特你敢踏出这个家门半步试试Alexander Elliot, don't you dare leave this house.亚历克斯Alex.对不起妈妈Sorry, Mum.亚历克斯Alex!我感觉很难受亚历克斯I feel sick, Alex.我从来没有逃过学I've never been outside school on a weekday之前从来没有过in term time before.没有过不在成年人的监护下还穿高压背心Not without adult supervision and a hi-vis vest.只是我以前读到过国王之类的东西It's just, I'm used to reading about this kind of thing.当它真正发生的时候我觉得很不习惯I'm not used to it actually happening.放轻松贝德斯Just calm down, Bedders.我来谈话就好Let me do the talking.终于到了Finally.拿上这些跟着我Take these, follow me.过来我在上面租了个现代的房♥子Come! I've taken temporary lodging above.就像我昨晚解释的那样As I tried to explain last night,在天黑之后出现在人类国度里appearing in the mortal realm after dark会让我的生命力很快消耗殆尽drains my life force extremely fast,更别说和一个莫尔蒂斯迈尔斯搏斗了let alone contending with a Mortes Milles.恢复我生命力的方法十分罕见It takes a very particular potion to restore my strength.甲虫血磨碎的动物骨头和海狸的尿液Beetle blood, ground bone and beaver urine.我以为找到这些东西会是一个大问题I thought I'd have trouble finding the ingredients,但是这家炸鸡店全部都有but Lip Smackin' Chicken had it all.真的吗Really?樱桃汽水的红色素来源于甲虫血The red in this cherryade derives from beetle blood.冰淇淋里的香草来源于河海狸的尿The vanilla in this ice cream, from beaver urine.而这些鸡块大部分由软骨And these nuggets are largely gristle和磨碎的动物骨头组成and ground animal bone.全部合在一起Altogether... mm...真让人神清气爽utterly invigorating.你不叫梅廷对吧Your name isn't Mertin, is it?你是梅林It's Merlin.一个很巧妙的化名你觉得呢An ingenious alias, don't you think?灵机一动就想了出来Came up with it on the spur of the moment为了在暗中观察你in order to monitor you incognito.我以为梅林会是一个年长的老人I thought Merlin was supposed to be an old man.你看起来只有16岁You look about 16.那是因为我可以逆生长That's because I live backwards in time.我活得越久就变得越年轻The older I grow, the younger I become.说实在的孩子Honestly, boy,他们在所谓的学校里什么都没教你吗do they teach you nothing in that so-called school?从现在开始From now on,夜幕对你来说也会很危险亚历山大nighttime will be dangerous for you too, Alexander.在夜晚昼夜交替时半晕影会减弱At night the penumbra between light and dark weakens.莫尔蒂斯迈尔斯会再次苏醒The Mortes Milles will rise again.莫尔蒂斯迈尔斯是昨晚来找我的东西吗Mortes Milles? Is that what came to get me last night?过去战役中陨落的战士Fallen warriors from battles of old.他们的灵魂被恶魔所奴役Their souls enslaved by evil.目前他们只能在天黑之后进入这个国度For now, they can only enter this realm after dark.但是But...当他们出现的时候时间会停止when they rise, time freezes每一个凡人的灵魂都会消失and every mortal soul disappears,灵魂消失是为了延续拔出剑的人save for the one who drew the sword和被封爵的人的生命and those who have been knighted.他们的咒语只能在日出之时被打破Their spell is only broken at sunrise.或者当所有苏醒的战士Or when every risen warrior...都被杀掉时is destroyed.那就是我妈妈消失的原因That's why my mum disappeared.那就是你离开之后一切都恢复正常的原因That's why everything went back to normal after you left.在日全食来临之前只有三天时间了There are three moons until the solar eclipse在那时莫甘娜会把握住她的机会when Morgana will seize her opportunity进入活人的国度to enter the realm of the living然后夺走很久以前她所失去的and retake what she lost long ago.石中剑Excalibur.莫甘娜是谁Who's Morgana?她是亚瑟王的妹妹She was King Arthur's half-sister.她贪婪自以为是She is greed, entitlement,报复心重vengefulness.她已经醒来And she has awoken.但是为什么在这么久之后But why? After all this time.你看见窗外的世界了吗Have you seen the world outside your window?这片土地被割裂迷失又迷茫This land is divided. Lost and leaderless.人们的心变得空洞Men's hearts have grown hollow.这就是她的力量再次回来的原因That's why her strength returns.也是这把剑重浮于世的原因And that is why the sword has returned.应该由我来阻止她吗And I'm supposed to stop her?太搞笑了我才12岁That's ridiculous. I'm 12.我甚至还没到能送报纸的年龄I'm not even old enough to do a paper round.你会找到更合适的人选的You'll have to find someone else.太危险了我们都会命丧黄泉的It's too dangerous, we'll die.剑还给你So, there's your sword back.很高兴见到你祝你好运It's been great to meet you, and good luck with everything.你的征途已经被决定Your quest has been decided.没有退路There is no turning back.你必须找到地底世界的入口You must find the entrance to the Underworld.在月亮掩盖太阳之前Defeat Morgana in her own realm在莫甘娜的地盘打败她before the moon masks the sun,否则你你的子民or you, your people,还有你生活的土地and the land on which you live,都难逃一死are doomed.你已经被选择You have been chosen从被奴役的命运中拯救你的王国吧to save your kingdom from slavery!圣诞节真令人筋疲力尽Christmas Day, that was exhausting.如果每次解释问题的时候If I have to transform into my adult self我都要变成老版的我every time I need to drive a point home,那在今天之前我就会死掉I'll be dead before the day is done.难道就没有不装玻璃的窗户Are there no unglazed windows或者畅通无阻的烟囱幸存于这个被上帝眷顾的国度吗or unblocked chimneys left in this godforsaken country?梅廷不对梅林等等Mertin-- Merlin, wait.我们怎么找到地底世界的入口How do we find the entrance to the Underworld?-我们去哪找-你是国王啊孩子- Where do we go? - You're a king, boy.道路需要靠你自己选择The path you choose must be your own.天啊天啊我的老天啊Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.这是我经历过最坏的最好的This is the worst and best最糟糕最灿烂最吓人and most terrible and brilliant and frightening还棒呆了的事and excellent thing that's ever happened to me.我们得去一个没人能找到我们的地方We need to go somewhere no one can find us.一个能让我们思考的地方Somewhere we can think.过来贝德斯来这边Come on, Bedders. It's this way.看Look.是铭文The inscription.和书里的是同一种字体It's just like in the book.可从石中拔剑之人亦为终将称王之人内容也和书里一样It's all just like in the book.你说对了You were right.他知道He knew.这和我们曾经看过的故事完全一样It's exactly the same in every story we ever read.亚瑟王的故事天行者卢克的故事哈利波特的故事King Arthur, Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter.他们都不认识他们的父亲None of them know their fathers,然后一些神奇的事情就发生了and then something amazing happens.然后他们发现他们源于某个强大的And they find out they're descended from powerful,魔法世家magical families.这故事说的就是我贝德斯就是我That's me, Bedders. That's me!我妈妈说爸爸和恶魔交战My mum said he had his battles and his demons.现在我知道她指什么了And now I know what she meant.我爸爸是个英雄他是这一切的关键My dad's a hero. He's the key to all of this.我们一定要去康沃尔去廷塔杰尔We have to go to Cornwall. To Tintagel.我们必须找到他We have to find him.但是康沃尔离这里有几百英里But Cornwall's hundreds of miles away.而且你很多年都没见过他了。
Some other knights Girls‘Knight:Gawaine(高文).It’s said that “Prince charming(白马王子)” is first used to describe Gawaine. Mordred:Arthur’s half sister Morgan turned her appearance to the Queen Guinevere’s and tricked Arthur into bed. Mordred was their bastard(私生子)
The sword of the stone
•Arthur was the first born son of King Uther and heir to the
throne. However, these were very troubled times and Merlin, a wise magician, advised that the baby Arthur should be raised in a secret place and that none should know his true identity. •As Merlin feared, when King Uther died there was great conflict over who should be the next king. Merlin used his magic to set a sword in a stone. Written on the sword, in letters of gold, were these words: "Whoever pulleth out this sword of this stone is the rightwise born king of all England." Of course all the contenders for the throne took their turn at trying to draw the sword, but none could succeed. Arthur, quite by chance, withdrew the sword for another to use in a tournament. Following this he became King.
King Arthur英语1302 童可After I learned about the history of the United Kingdom, the most impressed part is the story of King Arthur. So now I want to introduce this hero to you.One of the question is that whether or not he is a historical figure. The debate has raged since the renaissance when Arthur’s historicity was vigorously defended. Partly because the Tudor monarchs traced their lineage to Arthur and used that connection as a justification for their reign. Modern scholarship has generally assumed that there was some actual person at the heart of the legends. If there is a historical basis to the character, it is clear that he would have gained fame as a warrior battling the Germanic invaders of the late fifth and early sixth centuries. Since there is no conclusive evidence for or against Arthur’s historicity. the debate will continue. But what can’t be denied is the influence of the figure of king Arthur on literature, art, music and society from the Middle Ages to the present. Though there have been numerous historical novels that try to put Arthur into a six-century setting, it is the legendary figure of the late middle ages who has most captured the imagination. Whether the king Arthur exists is still a problem. So I would like to talk about the historical Arthur and the legendary Arthur.First, the historical basis of King Arthur is a source of considerable debate among historians. If there is a historical basis to the character, it is clear that he would have gained fame as a warrior battling the Germanic invaders of the late fifth and early sixth centuries. King Arthur united the British and drove the Saxons back with his magical sword. In addition, he was presented as a military leader in early Latin history book. Some details ware also pointed out both the location of Camelot and Arthur's final resting place of Avalon which was said near to Hadrian's Wall①.Then, I will talk about the legendary king Arthur. King Arthur is a mythic figure at the heart of the Arthurian legend. According to legendary stories, Arthur was the bastard of the king of England. Arthur was brought up secretly by an ordinary man. When he grew up, he got the supernatural sword from the stone. Since then he was made sure the king of England. Then he defeated the barbarians in a dozen battles and conquered a wide empire. However, once he returned home from a war with the Romans, he found Guinevere, the queen, committed adultery with one of his best knights---Sir Lancelot. What’s more, during this time, his nephew murdered had raised the standard of rebellion.. This led Arthur to crossing the channel and making war on his former knight. While away from Britain, he left Mordred in charge.Mordred rebelled and Arthur returned to quell him. This led to Arthur's last battle on Salisbury Plain, where he slew Mordred, but was himself gravely wounded. Arthur was then carried off in a barge, saying he was heading for the vale of Avalon. Some said he never died, but would one day return. However, his grave was supposedly discovered at Glastonbury in the reign of Henry II (1154-89)②.Here are some stories about the king Arthur. The first story I want to talk about is the meeting of the round table. According to the story, when King Arthur married Queen Guinevere, her father gave him a round table as dowry that can accommodate 150 people which called “The Winchester Round Table”. Every year since then, Arthur’s most trusted knights will be gathered in the castle of Camelot. The round table symbolized love and equality. Therefore, any knights seated at the round table would not find a lower status than other, everyone who sat around it were equals. And they won’t feel aggrieved.Another story about King Arthur is the Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur’s twelve major knights called the Knights of the Round Table. They lived by a code of chivalry built on courage, honor, dignity, courtesy, nobleness and respect. In the fellowship of the round table, all of them were treated equally. Loyalty was owed to the God and king. They protected ladies and damsels, honored and fought for king, and undertook dangerous quests. Truth and love were seen as worth dying for. ③Since there is no conclusive evidence for or against Arthur's historicity, the debate will continue. But what cannot be denied is the influence of the figure of Arthur on literature, art, music, and society from the Middle Ages to the present.References:①Hunt, August. 2010. King Arthur: Shadows in the Mist. London: BM Avalonia Published.②1993, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Arthurian Legends - Claremont Books.③Wikipedia-King Arthur and the knights of the round table.。
中外传奇故事英语The legend of king Arthur--亚瑟王传奇King Arthur was born at the Castle of Tintagel, in England. His parents weren't married, so the baby boy went to live with Merlin, a wizard.亚瑟王出生在英国的廷塔哲城堡。
Merlin became Arthur's friend and teacher. He taught Arthur everything he needed to know to become King.梅林既是亚瑟的朋友又是他的老师。
One day, when Arthur was fifteen, he went out with Merlin. They were near a lake when they saw the white arm of a lady in the water. In her hand there was a magic sword Excalibur. The Lady of the Lake gave the sword to Arthur. Everyone knew then that he was their next King.亚瑟15岁的一天,他和梅林一起外出。
With the help of Excalibur, Arthur became a good soldier and a great King.在神剑的帮助下,亚瑟不仅成为了一位好的士兵还成为了一位伟大的国王。
英格兰黑暗时期你所谓的魔法师在哪呢Where in hell is your so-called magician?亚瑟王传奇中最伟大的圆桌骑士之一他会来的兰斯洛特He will be here, Lancelot.他发过誓的He swore it.他们在准备第二波进攻They're preparing for a second wave.冲啊Charge!这即是末日This... this is what the end looks like.亚瑟王传奇中伟大的魔法师指引亚瑟王统治了英格兰你所谓的魔法师梅林帮不到我们了Your so-called magician, Merlin, cannot help us.寡不敌众敌人多我们百倍We're outnumbered, 100 to 1.我们要怎么逃出去How are we gonna get out of this?他许诺带来武器力量强大He promised a weapon, one of great power.亚瑟你是我的王Arthur, you are my king.我愿为你付出生命I will lay down my life for you,但这个梅林不是什么魔法师but this Merlin is no wizard.他不过是个毫无用处的酒鬼He's a worthless drunkard!天哪我真是喝太多了God, I'm sozzled!最后一口One last nip.魔法确实存在Magic does exist.在很久以前发现的It was found, long ago,就在一艘坠毁的外星飞船中inside a crashed alien ship.有人吗Hello?有人吗Hello!是我It is I,灵魂魔术师黑魔法大师conjurer of spirits, master of the dark arts!里面有人吗Is anyone there?是我梅林It is I, Merlin.那个魔法师The wizard?记得吗Remember me?别我守住了你的秘密真的没有食言No! I kept your secret! I did! Just as I promised!我没有告诉任何人你的存在任何人I told no one of your existence. No one!但你得体谅一下我们不列颠But you have to understand, we Britons正在进行一场恶战are in a desperate fight.殊死一战不骗你End-of-times sort of thing. I mean it.现在正在下面进行It's happening down there now as we speak.战况惨烈It's awful!大人物之间正面交锋血流满地Big personalities just sort of clashing and bloody.我也不想这么说...但我需要你的帮助I hate to ask... but we need your help.根本就没有什么魔法和咒语There are no spells. There is no magic.我们应该撤退养精蓄锐来日再战We retreat. Live to fight another day.不No!没有付出...就没有胜利Without sacrifice... There can be no victory.你疯了This is madness!他会来的He will be here.好吧我就是他们说的那样All right, I am what they say!我是个骗子一生都在招摇撞骗I'm a liar, I'm a charlatan. I've deceived my whole life.但哪怕只是一秒钟But if I could, for one moment,只要能让这个世界变得更好change this world for the better,我都愿意付出一切一切I would give up everything. Everything!酒钱财女人...I'd give up drink, money, women...就酒和钱吧Drink and money.听着Look.没有你的帮助会有很多好人死去Good men will die without your help.女人小孩Women. Children.我知道你的世界毁灭了我很抱歉I know your world was destroyed. I'm sorry.但请不要让我们的世界也覆灭But please don't let ours die, too.我恳求你I beg of you.守护骑士们变形Guardian knights, transform.巨龙任你差遣Dragon is yours to command.太好了Yes.要的就是这个That would be just the thing.保护好权杖Protect this staff.有一天一个魔王会来找它One day a great evil will come for it.太好了Oh, yes!冲啊Charge!从古至今都有这样一句话It has been said through the ages,没有付出without sacrifice,就没有胜利there can be no victory.1600年后宇宙中有许多奥秘There are mysteries to the universe本无答案we were never meant to solve.这是我擎天柱I am optimus prime对我的创造者说and this message is to my creators:别来找地球的麻烦Leave planet earth alone.因为我'Cause I'm coming会找你们的for you.变形金刚5:最后的骑士时代动荡These are troubled times.擎天柱离开地球寻找他的创造者Optimus prime has left us to find his makers.有人说他将一去不回Some say he will never return.他的宿敌威震天无影无踪His sworn enemy, Megatron... vanished.群龙无首祸乱横行Without leaders, chaos reigns.两个物种陷入战乱Two species at war.一边血肉之躯一边钢筋铁骨One flesh, one metal.变形金刚应对部队全球总部变形金刚被地球定为非法Transformers are declared illegal on earth.世界各地新建了准军事部队The world has set up a new paramilitary force.变形金刚反应部队The TRF.除了古巴Except in Cuba,卡斯特罗让他们畅玩沙滩Castro lets them sun on his beaches.你好朋友来玩嘛Ihola, amigo! Come on! ?Vémonos!-不行他很忙-他永远很忙- No, he's busy. - He's always busy.一种源自古巴的鸡尾酒莫吉托酒是要加冰的A mojito needs ice.加冰Ice!我们不是牲畜We are not animals.但这些外星生物还在不断到来But these alien beings keep arriving.无穷无尽Endless waves of them.不计其数Too many to count.我们仰望天空心怀恐惧我们在思索We look to the skies with dread and we wonder.加州理工学院喷气推进实验室深空网络就是它了我喜欢这个This is the jam! I like this.选对了选对了Good choice. Good choice.从我桌上拿走Get it off my desk.不会吧No way!你从哪弄来的Where'd you get that?我们还剩多少时间How much of our time remains?宇宙中有上千亿兆颗星球...One hundred billion trillion planets in the cosmos...去给局长打电话快去No, get the director on the phone. Go, go, go!他们偏偏选择了地球...and they choose earth.为什么Why?芝加哥你们想去见识见识死掉的机器人吗Y'all want to see some dead robots?禁止入内否则将使用致命武器车辆和人员必须接受检查禁止入内否则将使用致命武器车辆和人员必须接受检查你疯了吗这可是外星人禁区You crazy? This is an alien no-go zone.政府不允许进来Government doesn't want us to go in here.我们不该进来的We're not supposed to be here.我们只是孩子不会怎么样的We're kids, man. We get away with anything.不会的Nah, man.我要去找个纪念品I'm getting me a souvenir.这才是真家伙This is the real deal.这儿有个死掉的There's a dead one over there.-好酷-一点都不酷- Cool! - Not cool.它们是被变形金刚反应部队击落的TRF shot 'em down.管它呢我爸说格杀勿论Whatever. My dad says shoot 'em all是非对错留给上帝判断and let god sort 'em out.吉娃娃Chihuahua.-这是什么-老天- Bro, what is that? - Dude.是个机器人It's a robot!哥们我觉得它已经死了Dude, I think it's dead.不没死Nah, bro.不绝对死了Yeah, it's totally dead.他是死得透透的了He's definitely, definitely dead.不可思议是吗I know, right?等等我觉得它好像在动Wait, guys. I think it's moving.警告非法侵入Warning! Unauthorized trespassing.我们是国土安全部This is the department of homeland security.你正在非法侵入外星生物污染区域You are trespassing in an alien contamination zone.慢慢走出来不要抵抗Please step forward calmly and surrender.小机灵快去Sqweeks! Do it!跟我来Follow me!快起来Come on, get up!洗洗我长官这个区域有活动Hey, sir. This area is active.两个哨兵倒下了We just had two sentinels go down.情况怎样What have you got?别回头Never look back!-它过来了-没事快进去- It's coming! - All right, go in there.该死的我差点心脏病发Damn. I almost had a heart attack!别紧张有人罩着我们Relax. We're covered.小机灵Sqweeks!这是什么What's that?怎么...What the...你的手臂怎么了What happened to your arm?被击中了Shot you?该死Damn it!他没法变形了He can't transform.我正在想办法修好他I'm trying to fix him.这也不是多大的事你别这么夸张小机灵But you're being a baby about it, sqweeks.没事的你做得很好It's all right. You did good.你心可真大...You have a big heart...我是说你的心脏功能强大That seems to be working.你一般怎么健身What's your workout routine?没事的没事的我都说了It's all right. It's all right. I told you.有人罩着这是天幕"Covered." It's cCanopy.独眼龙放大目标Cyclops, zoom in on target.无法确定身份看到五个小目标Unable PID. Visual on five little feathers.是小孩该死Kids. Shit.不能确定是霸天虎Cannot confirm Decepticon.没徽章有孩子处在危险中No badge. I got kids in danger.-天幕什么的可真疯狂-不关你事- Canopy thing's pretty crazy. - It's none of your business.别调情了Stop flirting.请求紧急空中支援危险距离内不要开火Request immediate air support. Danger close. Do not fire.-他是谁-我们走吧- Who is he? - Let's go.对你而言他是我男朋友Far as you're concerned, my boyfriend.你们在一起多久了How long's that been going on?你们这些小朋友该走了You kids gotta get out of here."小朋友" 你不也是"Kids"? You're here.我住这儿I live here.这是我家This is my home.那这是哪里卧室还是餐厅What's this? The living room or the dining room?总得有人照顾他们Someone's gotta take care of 'em.我怎么不觉得I don't think so.-他们很害怕他们迷失了-快点- They're scared. They're lost. - Hurry.检测到热信号目标有危险意图I've got a heat signature. Hostile intent is displayed.T组弹药安装完毕Tango is armed.30秒后到达预定位置是否可以发射On location 30 seconds. Am I cleared to fire?你们知道无家可归是什么感觉吗No place, no home, no family. Do you know how that feels?不知道因为你们这帮混蛋都有大房子住No, 'cause your asses got big old houses to go home to.我家只有公寓We got a condo.我爱死她了I love her.F16战机请求许可Viper flight. We need a clearance.没有徽章持有武器怀有敌意No badge, armed and hostile.有小孩处在危险中I got kids in danger.危险意图危险意图Hostile intent. Hostile intent.-目标持有武器-发射- Alien has a weapon. - Fire!击中目标B队去解救孩子He's down. Bravo team, extract those kids.我们出发We're moving out!-起来-我做不到- Get up. - I can't.不不不看着我No, no, no, look at me.振作点天幕你会没事的Wake up, canopy! You're gonna be okay.我要谢谢你I want to thank you.快醒醒天幕看着我我不会丢下你的Wake up, look at me. Wake up, canopy. I'm not leaving you.我剩下的只有你了You're all I have left!不不不No, no, no.我就剩这一招了Hey! It's all I got in my bag of tricks,你们最好快点上车so you might want to hop in.钥匙在哪Where are the keys?钥匙在哪Where are the keys?我直接热线打火启动算了I'm just gonna hotwire this bitch.我受够他们找我麻烦了I'm tired of people messing with me.都结束了It's over.不我能修好他No! I can fix him.修不好了他已经死了Nobody can fix him, he's dead.听我说他难道希望你和他一起死吗Hey, look at me. Would he want you to die, too?走吧现在就走Let's go, now.快快快Come on, come on!快点没时间了我们走Come on. Come on, no time, let's go.-什么你就是那个人-我不是- What? Hey, you're that guy. - No, I'm not that guy.那个在拯救变形金刚的人The one who saves transformers.我还以为你只是个传说I thought you were just a legend.某传说Some legend.-你来晚了-去- You were too late! - Go. Go.你知道举报你是有悬赏的吗Hey, you know there's a reward for turning you in.-真的吗-真的- Really? - Yeah.真棒你想脸上重重地挨一拳吗Cool. You want to get punched in the face, like, really hard?不想No.-很好快走-好- Good. Go. - Okay.你真是个白痴You're such an idiot.回见"传说"See ya around, "Legend".小机灵Sqweeks.镇定镇定好吗Easy. Easy, all right?我只是想帮你I'm just here to help you.别激动伙计Easy, buddy. Yeah.你伤的很重好吗You're hurt really bad. All right?小心昆...Protect from Quin...抱歉I'm sorry.拿走...Take the...护身符会保护你The talisman will protect you.你不欠我什么You don't owe me anything.我不能收下你留着吧I can't. You keep it.昆...昆...Quin... Quin...他没挺过来大黄蜂我一个人出来He didn't make it, bee. I'm coming out solo.这一天过得真是越来越糟心了This is turning into one shitty-ass day.独眼龙盯紧目标Cyclops, eyeball kingfish.从红外模式调到光电模式Flip IR to EO.匹配吻合是凯德·耶格He's a positive match, sir. It's Cade Yeager.都结束了你得为你自己着想It's over. Help yourself out here.其他的呢你藏起来的那些Where are the others? The ones you're hiding.我不出卖朋友I don't sell out friends."朋友""Friends."这是入侵This is an invasion.可能某天你一起床...已经是他们掌权了One day we wake up... They're in charge.他们现在掌权了吗You see anybody in charge?他们只是不断从天上掉下来而已They just keep falling out of the sky.变故即将发生这次不是枪炮就能解决的Something's coming, and you can't shoot your way out of it.那是什么What was that?那是个错误That was a mistake.小心小心小心Watch out, watch out, watch out!下次你再想开枪杀人Next time you shoot somebody,确保他们死了再靠近don't go near 'em till you're sure they're dead.放下武器相信我Put the weapon down, trust me!别激动大黄蜂别激动Easy, bee. Easy.我能把你折磨得生不如死I'll burn you so bad you'll wish you'd died as a child.杀了他Shoot him!那不等我倒地你就会死You're dead before I hit the ground.-我说放下武器-开枪开枪- I said stand down. - Shoot! Shoot!开枪啊Take the shot!开枪Shoot.别这样大黄蜂Don't do it, bee!不要开枪Hold your fire! Hold it!你把枪放下You! Drop it!我才不会放I'm not dropping shit.军方也不想这样的The military doesn't want it this way,大黄蜂你得相信我bee, you gotta believe that.全球局势已经变了现在他们说了算It's a new world order now and these guys are calling the shots.他们只是想要一个家你知道的All they want is a home, and you know it.你逼得越紧他们反抗得就越厉害You push them, and they push right back.探长驾到Hound's in town.非常乐意用枪战开启新的一天Love starting the day off with a gunfight.抱歉我迟到了这场海扁大战的邀请函Sorry I'm late. My invitation to this ass-kicking一定是丢在路上了must've got lost in the mail!我和我的人要走了Me and my crew are rolling out of here.-把你的飞机调走-我们走- Call off your birds. - Let's go.他们不会动我们的They're not gonna touch us.恒星一号中止任务非霸天虎活动All right, Star 1, abort. Negative decepticon activity.变形金刚反应部队原地不动放下武器TRF, stand fast. Drop your guns.你们确定不来一枪我可是个大目标You sure you don't want to shoot? I'm a big ol' target.胆小鬼Wusses.你到底站在哪边Whose side are you on?他们都不是好东西They're all bad.不也有好的No, they're not.鹰眼发射追踪器Eagle eye, tag him.我还没见过长这样的将军I've never seen one like it, general.这个更老比擎天柱还老This one's older, older than optimus prime.同一地点还发现了霸天虎成员"路障"Decepticon Barricade was spotted at that same location.中情局用无人机监视他有一段时间了CIA's had him under pred surveillance for a while now.惩罚"路障"的信条是啊和他打交道的人还挺有意思Yeah, he's been keeping some interesting company.权杖就藏在地球上The staff is hidden on earth.一件终极武器A weapon of ultimate power.我们一定会找到它We'll find this staff.这个声音That voice.我做噩梦都能听见I can hear it in my nightmares.-是威震天-还在等鉴定结果- Megatron. - Waiting for authentication.就是他It's him.威震天君上Lord Megatron.别拿那东西对着我Get that out of my face.报告Report.告诉我你已经找到护身符了Tell me you have found the talisman.我看见它了I saw it.一个骑士临死前把它交给了一个人类A dying knight gave it to a human.但那时变反队的火力太猛了But there was too much TRF firepower.你就这么错过了护身符You let the talisman get away!我们一定要拿到手We must have it!没有护身符就找不到权杖Without the talisman, we cannot find the staff!我知道谁能带我们找到它I know who can lead us to it.变形金刚反应部队The TRF.总统想要那个武器Commander in chief wants that weapon,也就是他所谓的"权杖" 不惜一切代价or "Staff" as he calls it, secured at all cost.你继续在变形金刚反应部队潜伏Maintain your covert embed with TRF.长官他们就是不明白Sir... they just don't get it.我们和大黄蜂和汽车人的过去Our history with bee and the autobots.还有我们对擎天柱回来的迫切希望Or what we would all give to have Prime back right now.擎天柱Optimus prime.回到赛博坦星球Re-entry Cybertron.赛博坦星球我的星球My world!我的星球怎么了What has happened to my world?你的星球即将覆灭Your world is dying.我一直在等你擎天柱I've been waiting for you, Optimus.来见过你的创造者Come meet your maker.你是我的创造者You are my creator?我是昆塔莎生命之神I am Quintessa, the prime of life.你对我的家园做了什么What have you done to my home?我要杀了你I will kill you!你胆敢攻击你的造物主You dare to strike your god?你们之间的战争摧毁了赛博坦Your war doomed Cybertron.是霸天虎挑起的战争Megatron started the war!是你毁了你的星球蠢货You destroyed your world, you fool.我完美的创造My perfect creation.你要修好它You're going to fix it,否则变形金刚将不复存在or the race of transformers dies forever.是我创造了你I made you.你就得任我差遣You are mine to command.你是怎么上来的How did you get in here?英国英格兰福尔根城堡主人那件My lord, that weird thing我们等了1600年的怪事we've been waiting for 1,600 years to happen...我觉得这次真的要发生了I think it's really happening this time!骑士到达The knight has arrived.已被赠予护身符The talisman has been bestowed.终于轮齿终于开始了At last, Cogman. It begins.我来Mine!太好了Yes!谢谢Okay. Thanks.温布利刚才没人防我Wembly! I was quite open.没人防你是有原因的There's a reason why you're always open.你一直单身也是有原因的There's a reason you're always single.-什么-什么- What? - What?白痴Idiot.天哪好吧On, god. Okay.迟到了迟到了迟到了So late, so late, so late.公元484年文明与野蛮484 C.E. A desperate last stand牛津大学之间的殊死一战between civilization and barbarism.两星相撞Two worlds colliding.独剩其一Only one survives.均为亚瑟王的圆桌骑士兰斯洛特帕西瓦尔Lancelot. Percival.亚瑟王King Arthur.都是可敬的人Honorable men.勇敢强健Brave, muscles sinewed,汗水在阳光下闪耀sweat glistening off their bodies.为数不多的愿为胜利付出一切的勇士A few brave men who were willing to sacrifice all for victory.听起来美好到不真实吧波比Sound too good to be true, Poppy?因为这就是扯淡Because it's horseshit.亚瑟Arthur.可能是以一位罗马将军和一位凯尔特国王为原型A likely composite of a Roman general and a Celtic king.而巨龙Our dragon.可能只是一把中世纪石弩Just a medieval catapult.还有梅林And then we have Merlin,缔造了国王的人our kingmaker.可能就从未存在过Probably never existed.问题是The question is,为什么为什么要讲述这些故事why? Why do we tell ourselves these stories?除了想说龙有多邪恶Other than the fact that dragons are wicked.是因为我们想去相信It's because we want to believe.相信我们真的可以成为自己的英雄Believe that we can be heroes in our own lives.当一切都已迷失When all seems lost,有一些勇敢的人a few brave souls, us,我们自己可以拯救一切can save everything we've ever known.还是只是因为龙呢Or is it just the dragons?好了Well,不会再有多久了老朋友it won't be much longer now, old friend.末日的迹象随处可见Signs of the end are all around us.你知道该怎么做对吧You know what to do, don't you?我们必须重建我的家园We must rebuild my home.有一个办法可以拯救你的星球There is a way to heal your world.我的创造之源权杖My power of creation, the staff,被我的十二位守护骑士偷走了was stolen from me by my 12 guardian knights.他们背叛了我并把它藏在了地球上They betrayed me and hid it on earth.交给了你所珍视的人类Gave it to your precious humans.只有权杖才能恢复塞伯坦星球上的生命The staff is the only way to bring life back to Cybertron.你去替我找到它You are going to find it for me.你想得到救赎吗擎天柱Do you seek redemption, Prime?想吗Do you?我的创造者My maker我想I do.南达科塔荒原没有恐惧没有仇恨没有愤怒No fear. No hate. No anger.没有恐惧没有仇恨没有愤怒No fear. No hate. No anger.走开你个蛆虫Get off, you maggot!我要灭了你你个长翅膀的鼠辈I will kill you, flying rat!他很小很累人He's very little. Very tiring.整天待在这里都快疯了Losing our heads sitting around here.真是受够了躲躲藏藏So tired of hiding.酋长好真不错...Hey, chief! Wow, nice...天啊God!你的马不错Nice horse you got there.你是越来越喜欢印第安风了You're really getting into this whole Indian thing, huh?别叫我酋长我的名字是谢尔曼Don't call me chief. My name is Sherman.你不是部落的酋长吗Aren't you the tribal chief?没错但从你的嘴里说出来...Yeah. But from you it sounds...怎么说呢有种族歧视的感觉I don't know, vaguely racist.-我的巡逻车被偷了-什么- My cruiser got stolen. - What?-第二次了-那真是太糟糕了- Again. - That's terrible!你知道吗You know what?事情越来越不可控了Shit's getting out of control.到处都在犯罪There's crime going on everywhere!我都有东西被偷了A bunch of my stuff got stolen.屁话少说凯德把我的车还给我Cut the shit, Cade... And get me my car back.这个是汽车人约会网站吗Is this an autobot hookup site?不是我只是去做做白日梦罢了Nah, I just go here to dream.这个机壳多漂亮呀Check out that classy chassis.你看她车厢里的那些垃圾Look at the junk in her trunk.好极了Booyah! Big time.我就不该把缇瓦纳路上的维修站都吃掉I should not have eaten all of that Tijuana street machinery.该死我把那个炸弹群给忘了Damn, forgot about that cluster bomb.哥们你什么毛病啊What's your problem, dude?小机灵Sqweeks!下次刹车麻烦踩轻点Next time, ease on the brakes!这就是我的风格我就喜欢华丽的登场That's the way I roll. I like to make a statement when I arrive.你把校园都弄脏了Well, you're getting dust all over the campus!这哪里是校园明明就是个垃圾场This ain't no campus. It's a junkyard!快过来Come on, hustle.吉米Jimmy!别把气都撒我身上Hey, don't take any aggression out on me.该死钢锁我们在这里可是客人Damn it, Grimlock! We're guests here!你有麻烦了You got in some shit?没错麻烦大了Yeah, neck deep!凯德你活该谁让你选那只黄虫子Cade, that's what you get for taking the yellow bugger.你需要的是像我这样的领队You need a leader out there... like me.闭嘴Shut up.在我对你造成不可磨灭的伤害前Before I do some damage you won't walk away from.你永远成不了擎天柱You will never be Optimus Prime.你废话太多了You talk too much.大哥活了百万年的传奇战士Come on, man. Million-year-old legendary warrior怎么搞得像垃圾场里的狗一样and you act like a bunch of junkyard dogs!我要生气了You're starting to piss me off!给我过来钢锁Come back here, Grimlock!转过来你嘴里吃的是什么Turn around. What do you got in your mouth?该死保护你真是浪费我时间I swear, I am wasting my time protecting you.把巡逻车吐出来Drop the cruiser right now!我知道你吃了谢尔曼的巡逻车I know you got Chief Sherman's cruiser.吐出来Drop it!你活该吐出来吐出来Serves you right. Spit it out! Spit it!不准吃车不准吃车Don't eat cars. Don't eat cars.回你的洞里去好好反省自己做地好事You get back in your hole and think about what you did.这里就像梅西感恩节大游行一样吉米It's like the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade out here, Jimmy J.你报纸上发个招聘广告就把我招过来了You hired me from a want AD in the Dakota penny ledger.你以为我自带超能力吗Think that comes with a superpower?那可是恐龙外星恐龙That is a dinosaur! An alien dinosaur!招聘广告里可没提这个That was not in the AD!它昨天还想把我吃了It tried to eat me yesterday.你想去联邦监狱吗You want to go to federal prison?不我哪个监狱都不想去No, no, I don't want to go to any prison.那就是你要去的地方懂吗Well, that's where you're gonna go, okay?因为你犯了协助和教唆罪'Cause you're aiding and abetting.我是逃犯I'm a fugitive, all right?我是老大你是我的小跟班I'm the big boss, you're my little crimey.你不在的时候When you leave,它们就无法无天了it becomes the wild kingdom out here.我不知道该怎么办I don't know what to do.我跟你说过这是个垃圾场I told you, this is a junkyard.他们混在垃圾里就这样They blend in with other junk. That's it.你雇我成为全球运营部的高级副总裁You hired me to be senior vice president of worldwide operations.我是这么说的吗Did I tell you that?没错你就是这么说的Yes, that's what you said.那是我胡扯的I made that shit up.别把我头衔去掉凯德Do not take this title away from me, Cade.这不是创业公司This is not a startup, okay?我做这个不是为了钱是为了更崇高的事I don't do this shit for money. It's for the higher cause.你做这个不是为了钱You don't do this shit for the money?你脑子进水了吗你吃什么What's wrong with you? How you gonna eat?他来干什么What's he doing here?交易员来了Daytrader's here.地球上最烦人最让人讨厌的变形金刚来了Here comes the most irritating, annoying transformer on earth.你收了他什么好处把他放进来What did he give you to get past the gate?什么都没收Nothing!凯德他收了这个Hey, Cade. He gave him this.我这辈子从来没见过这个I've never seen that before in my life.得了你就承认吧你想要外星炸药Come on, say it! You wanted the alien blaster.你说有大武器的才能成为大人物You said a big gun makes a big man.你知道人类是会生气的是吧Hey, you know human beings lose their temper, right?-你敢-你给我过来- Don't you dare! - Come here!-史上最差高级副总裁-住手住手- The worst senior vice president... - Stop it! Stop it!你真牛怎么最近在健身吗Yeah, you're real tough! What, you been working out? -要我炸掉他吗-没错赶紧炸- Should I frag him? - Yes, definitely frag him.我听到了探长I heard that, Hound.别这样Easy!天啊你怎么总是一上来就暴力Oh, god. You always resort to violence right off the bat.我喜欢暴力I love violence.交易员你在这里做什么Daytrader! The hell are you doing here?你找到我们的飞船了吗You find our spaceship yet?我在这里真是待够了I'm getting tired of hanging around here,等着挨子弹waiting to catch a bullet.一氧化碳还有喝汽油的问题Carbon monoxide, and perhaps a small gasoline drinking problem在你挨子弹前就会要了你的命小胖哥are gonna kill you long before a bullet, my corpulent comrade.-滚开离我远点-小心点兄弟住手- Back off! Get out of my face. - Watch it! Guys, stop!你想跟探长干一架吗You want to throw down with Hound?很厉害啊没礼貌Tough guy, huh? Rude.不然你来背这些东西得了How about you trying to carry all this stuff?原来你在那里That's where that's been.拜托Come on!看看我在水牛城找到了什么Look what I found in Buffalo.红蜘蛛的头同志们Starscream's head, ladies and gentlemen.还有给大黄蜂的新的发声器Look what I got. New voice box for bee.这次会管用吧Is it gonna work this time?我这里只有好东西凯德I only got the good stuff, Cade. Come on.听见了吗大黄蜂You hear that, bee?你马上就能说话了You're gonna talk, buddy!你不能碰这个Can't touch this!舞起来大黄蜂Get down, bee!太炒作不能碰这个Too hype, can't touch this!好了你还有什么All right, what else you got?你从哪弄来的垃圾Where'd you get that piece of junk?这个垃圾场里竟然有铁堡骑士的护身符A Knight of Lacon talisman in this dump?肯定是假的Nah, it's not real.是真的吗不肯定是假的Is it? No, definitely not.给我吧我帮你扔了Hey, give it to me, I'll take it off you.你以为我不知道这是什么有多贵重吗You think I don't know what the hell this is? How valuable?但我知道肯定不是一文不值But I know it's something,因为你口水都流出来了你个混蛋because it's got you licking your chops, you skank.字能诛心凯德Words hurt, Cade.总共有七个你自己数There are exactly seven... count them.七个末日征兆Seven signs of the apocalypse.而这里出现护身符是第一大征兆And that talisman showing up here is numero uno.如果这个东西是真的If that fancy pancake was real,那我就坐上飞船把这个星球给炸了I'd grab the spaceship and blow this dirtball planet.好了我得给自己上油去了All right, I'm gonna go slather myself in oil.漂移如果冒犯你了那就转过身去Turn your back, Drift, if it offends your sensibilities.那可是看了就无法忘记的东西Now that is something you can't unsee.我听不懂你在说什么I barely understand what's coming out of your mouth.先生Hey, mister!你想都别想This isn't happening.你不能待在这里孩子You cannot stay here, kid.我收留得够多了I got enough strays.我不是孩子我很有用的会修东西I'm not a kid! I'm useful. I fix shit.-真好-修得比别人都好- Yeah, good for you. - Better than anyone.而且我有名字And I have a name, you know.叫伊莎贝菈是莎不是沙It's Izabella. Izabella with a z.我才不管它是莎表情还是美元符号I don't care if it's a z, an emoji, or a dollar sign,这里没地方给你...all right? This is no place for...回家去吧求你了Just go home. Please.我没有家I don't got a home.而他们And they...他们刚杀了They just killed我唯一的家人the last thing that I called family.所以不So no,我哪都不去I'm not going anywhere.我想留在这里和他们战斗I want to stay and I want to fight them.你不能和他们战斗你赢不了他们You can't fight them, and you can't beat them.全世界的人都支持他们All right? They have the support of the entire world.而你你只是个孩子You, you're a kid.你怎么还跟着我Why are you still following me?小火龙T!第一次喷火兄弟First flames, dude!先生你的车着火了Hey! Mister! Your trailer's on fire.灭火器在角落里Hey, corner.我的天啊我真为你骄傲Oh, my god. Buddy! I'm proud of you.我懂但你得去外面喷火好吗I know, but you gotta do it outside now, okay?不然你会把整个地方烧掉的You could burn this whole place down.我知道但你现在越来越厉害了I know, but you're coming into your power now, all right?所以你得去喷火不So you gotta blow the flames... no.泰瑞帮我拿瓶啤酒好吗Terry, get me a beer, will ya?。
1.亚瑟王saber 简介
2.亚瑟王saber 的经典语录
3.亚瑟王saber 的经典语录对人们的影响和启示
亚瑟王saber 是fate 系列中的一个经典角色,她是一个拥有着传奇经历的英灵,也是一个拥有着坚定信仰和强大力量的骑士。
在fate 系列中,亚瑟王saber 的台词和经典语录深受粉丝们的喜爱和追捧,今天我们就来盘点一下亚瑟王saber 的经典语录。
”这句话是亚瑟王saber 在fate stay night 中说的一句经典台词,它表达了亚瑟王saber 的坚定信仰和强大自信。
”这句话是亚瑟王saber 在fate zero 中说的一句经典台词,它表达了亚瑟王saber 的愤怒和不屈。
“这里是高级芭乐中学,可惜,我最讨厌这种教育工作者低级芭乐中学在哪里?”这句话是亚瑟王saber 在fate kaleid liner 魔法少女☆伊莉雅中说的一句经典台词,它表达了亚瑟王saber 的幽默和风趣。
亚瑟王saber 的经典语录对人们的影响和启示是深远的,它们不仅让我们感受到了亚瑟王saber 的强大和自信,也让我们学到了许多宝贵的人生道理和处世智慧。
About King Arthur 关于亚瑟王
King Arthur
Is there a real man behind the myth?
Historical Arthur Literary Arthur
Dark Ages
Arthur as presented in the legends was NOT a real person. There was, however, a chieftain named Arthur. Historical Arthur lived in the Dark Ages, at the end of the 5th and beginning of the 6th centuries. Literary Arthur comes from medieval times, during the 12th century.
To never do outrage nor murder. 永不暴怒和谋杀。
Always to flee treason. 永不背叛。 To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy. 永不残忍,给予求降者以宽恕。 To always do ladies,gentlewomen and widows succor. 总是给予女士以援助。 To never force ladies,gentlewomen or widows. 永不胁迫女士。 Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels. 永不因争吵而卷入战斗。
英语读书笔记摘抄段落亚瑟王1、Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time,a particular location,Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain,Step by step ,the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever,No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing So,only silently ask myself in mind Next happiness,when will come?人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱,在一个特定的时间,特定的地点,做脑海中安排了千万遍的事,一步一骤,人生难免精致,却也死板,永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜。
于是,也只有在心里默默地问:下一班幸福,几点开?2、Dark light,just light each other.The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together,the such as one dust covers up.Afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in theendless dark night and Countless loneliness暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过彼此。
3、Always e iron scoop is too cold; Use porcelain scoop is too weak; A wood scoop,engraved veins safely,engraved sky’s wasteland and glebe’s old.Just as happiness born in the years,not insolent,the every act and move blooms quietly一直坚持着。
Uther, I don't think we can win this fight. 尤瑟这场仗我们没胜算I know Mordred. He would accept surrender. 我了解莫德雷德他会接受投降的Hold the crown. 拿着我的王冠And hold it steady. 拿好了Drink their blood! 血洗敌军War! 战斗Let us not forget that before Mordred, 大家别忘了莫德雷德崛起前the Mages lived among us in harmony. 巫师跟我们普通人和平共处Our relationship with them was always peaceful. 我们和巫师之间的关系一直都非常融洽That was before they tasted power 那时他们没尝到力量的滋味and produced those creatures of war. 也没造出那群战争怪物But it was only Mordred, not his people. 但错的只是莫德雷德跟巫师无关So why are we slaughtering them, V ortigern? 所以为什么要屠杀他们沃蒂根Was not the prince friendly with the Mages atone time?殿下您以前不是跟巫师关系很友好吗Did he not study with Mordred himself? 不是还跟莫德雷德学习过What are you implying? 你想说什么I was sent to study with him by my father, 是我父亲送我去跟他们学习的as a token of diplomacy. 作为双方友好的象征We would only seek to remind Y our Majesty 我们只想提醒尊敬的国王陛下that it was a Mage, Merlin, who gave you thegreat sword.正是一位巫师梅林把圣剑交给您的Light! 点火Where would we be without Merlin and the Mages who helped him? 没有梅林和那些巫师我们今天能坐在这儿吗Where are they now? Why do they not showthemselves?那他们在哪儿呢为什么现在还不现身Y ou know where they are, Lord Mercia. 你知道他们在哪儿麦西亚大人They are running for their lives! 他们正在忙着逃命呢Enough! 够了Loose! 放箭There will b no more killings. 现在开始我们停止杀戮There will be no more purges. Am I clear,brother?也不准再追杀巫师听明白了了吗弟弟Now leave me. 都下去吧Peace? 和平For a while. 暂时而已Have we arrived in time to save you from eachother?我们过来是不是打扰你们俩交流感情啊The only person I need saving from is you. 但是我只想跟你交流感情I came for the child, not you. 我是来看孩子的不是你Then you'll have to fight me for him. 除非你能抢得过我My brother's not himself today. 我弟弟今天不太舒服Look after him. I'll see you tomorrow. 好好照顾他我们明天见Are the men ready? 都准备好了吗Y es, they are. 准备好了Are you sure about this, My Lord? 你确定要这么做大人Listen to me, woman. I need you to do as I tellyou.听我说王后我现在要你按我说的做What's going on? 出什么事了I need to get you and the boy away from here. 我要你带着亚瑟离开这里And I'll join you as soon as I can. 随后我会尽快追上你们I'm scared, Uther. 尤瑟我好怕I have the sword. Hurry. 我有圣剑快点儿How do you know of this place, my love? 你怎么知道这个地方Y ou must tell me where we're going. 告诉我我们要去哪儿Why do you not answer me? 为什么不回答我Tell me what we're doing down here. 告诉我我们来这儿干什么My darling, tell me what it is. 亲爱的到底怎么回事Tell me what it is, and I'll make it stop. 告诉我怎么了我会帮你的It's okay. 没事的Untie the skiff. 快解开小艇King V ortigern! 沃蒂根国王Move! 滚开Come here! 站住Come on! Come on! 来啊打啊Run, son! 快跑儿子Step aside for the king. 国王陛下驾到Get them back to work. 让他们回去干活Sire. 遵命Sergeant! Get them under manners! 队长让你的人老实点儿Still so handsome, my king. 你还是这么英俊陛下Why has the water dropped? 水位为什么下降Why does the sword reveal itself now? 还有圣剑为什么现在就显形I'm not ready, the tower is not complete. 我现在还没准备好塔还没建成As your power increases, so, too, do the forces that will oppose you. 因为你的力量增强了反抗你的力量也随之增强Balance is a law that cannot be transgressed. 善恶保持平衡是不可违抗的The born king will come. 真正的国王终会来临It is inevitable.这件事不可避免We had a deal. 我们说好的When the blood of a loved one is spilt in thesewaters,我献祭挚爱之人让鲜血流入这水中my desire must be met. 而你们要满足我的愿望There is no ambiguity, My Lord. 我们的约定说得很清楚国王陛下We kept our side of the covenant. 我们也从未有一丝违背It was you who lost the boy, and the sword. 是你弄丢了那个男孩还有圣剑Have I not sacrificed enough? 难道我牺牲得还不够多吗And have you not felt your power increase? 难道你没感觉到力量的增长吗你每征服一个王国你的高塔就会再高一层With every kingdom conquered, with every leveladded to your tower.When it is capped with the silver from Gaul, 等你用高卢的银子建造塔顶时you will have what you wanted. 圣剑就会只听从你的召唤Find the boy. 找到男孩Kill him. 杀了他And the sword will answer only to you. 圣剑就会只听从你的召唤If you desire further help, 如果你想要更多帮助you know the price. 你是知道代价的Bumped into the Vikings this morning. 早上碰到了那群维京人They insisted I give you this 他们非要我给你这个with their deepest apologies. 并且致以最真诚的歉意Get yourself well. 早点好起来This wasn't your responsibility, Arthur. 这并不是你的责任亚瑟Don't be silly. 不要犯傻了你跟姑娘们照看我的时间比我照看你们的Y ou girls have looked after me for a lot longerthanI've looked after you. 长得多了I owe you everything. 我欠你太多了What's so funny? 你笑什么我只想知道你怎么让维京人出的钱I just wanna know how you get money out ofVikings.Y ou ask them for it. 直接问他们要Open the door! 给我开门Open in the name of the king! 开门奉国王之命Open it. 开门吧Y es, gentlemen? 有何贵干有个叛徒往这儿来了我们要挨家挨户搜A turner come down this way. We're searchingall houses.Whoa. Slow down, new boy, before you trip up. 慢一点儿新来的免得出什么漏子What did you say? 你说什么I'm gonna take your hands for that. 这双手不想要了是吧Sergeant! 队长What did I tell you about this establishment? 这地方我之前怎么跟你说的来着He touched me, sir. 他先碰我的大人Well, you should count yourself lucky. 那你应该觉得自己走运Most people have to pay for that. 别人想碰他还得花钱呢Now take your terriers and get out! 现在带着你的狗给我出去Jack's Eye. 杰克眼What did he want in here? 他来这里干什么Resistance are on the move again. 反抗分子最近又有动静了Hit a branding barge upriver. 攻击了上游的一艘驳船Anyone in the house you don't know? 有没有见过什么陌生人来这儿Well, I'm not sure, Jack. People come and go. 这我不确定杰克人来人往的But we don't fall that side. 但我们不会招惹他们Ah, well, that's as may be. 好吧也许吧Well, they fall where they fall. 谁知道是谁招惹谁This "born king" bollocks isn't good for anyone. 真正的国王这种鬼话对大家都没好处Mind if I take a look? 介意我看看吗He's bleeding. 他在流血Took an arrow on the way out. 逃跑的时候中箭了What would happen to a man who hits the king'sbarge upriver?敢攻击国王的船那个人被抓住后会怎样Well, you know what would happen. 你知道会怎么样And it doesn't happen quickly. 那可有的罪受了What would happen to the people harboring sucha man?那要是有人窝藏这个人会怎么样Well, they get treated the same as the man theyhide.那就得跟那个人受一样的罪Would they, now? 是这样吗Not sure you're too welcome here, mate. 那我们就不欢迎你来这儿了兄弟Y ou're in safe hands now, no need to worry. 他们会好好招呼你的你不用担心In the back room, now. 我们去屋里谈走吧What's this all about, Jack? What's it got to dowith us?这怎么回事杰克跟我们有什么关系Do you have any idea who that man is? 你知道那个人是谁吗For a man who's so popular, I'm surprised Idon't.听起来他很有名可惜我不知道Goosefat Bill. 老泥鳅比尔I know who he is. He got that moniker 我知道这人你们几次把他'cause he keeps slipping out from the bars you keep putting him behind. 扔进监狱他都逃了出来所以有了这个绰号He was found in this establishment, 今晚在你们这里找到他and that doesn't look good for you. 这对你们来说可不太好What's going on? 怎么回事What's going on where? 什么怎么回事Y ou've got some heat on you, Arthur. Y our name keeps coming up. 现在有人在注意你亚瑟经常提到你的名字In what circles? 哪些人提到的My mum's sewing circle. 我隔壁的大妈提到的I'm a Blackleg sergeant, stupid. What circles do 我可是黑甲兵队长蠢货你说我听谁提到you think? 的Now, tell me a story about a girl called Lucy, 跟我说一下那个叫露西的女人a Viking called Greybeard, 叫灰胡子的维京人and some rebel graffiti dirtying these walls. 还有在墙上涂写的那些反动字眼Are you writing a book? 你是要写书吗Tell me. Every detail.告诉我说清楚点儿We had a quiet word with a couple of V ikings. 我们跟几个维京人稍稍聊了几句Get back! Back! 退后I said from the beginning, the very beginning. 你从开头跟我说从开头说起I woke up. 我醒来Then? 然后Well, then I got dressed... 然后我穿上衣服走下楼看到姑娘们露西不见了I went downstairs, I saw the girls. Lucy wasmissing.Where's Lucy? 露西呢She's a good girl. 她是个好姑娘A nice girl. 人很好She works here. 在这儿工作Then? 然后呢然后我们几个打理了一会儿生意Then, me and the lads took care of a bit ofbusiness.Bit of housekeeping. 处理了一些事儿Everything as it should be? 一切都正常吧That's the spoil from the boats. 从船上弄来的战利品Then? 然后呢Then we heard... 然后我们听说George had trouble again last night. 乔治昨晚又有麻烦了All right, meet me out the front. 好吧我们出去见面Which George? King George? Angry George? 哪个乔治乔治国王愤怒的乔治屠龙者乔治说清楚哪个乔治George of the Dragon? Be clear, Arthur. WhichGeorge?Our George. 我们的乔治Chinese George, Kung-Fu George. 中国人乔治功夫乔治George? 乔治Arthur. 亚瑟We heard he'd had some trouble with the... 我们有点麻烦跟那帮Vikings. 维京人Well, none of them are house-trained. 好吧他们都不太好说话I thought you'd warned them. 我以为你警告过他们I did. They don't speak English good. 警告过他们的英语说得不好They speak it better than you. 我看至少比你说得好Hold up, hold up. Back up. 等等往前一点儿Are you sure you didn't see someone else before 你确定见到乔治之前你没有见过别人吗you saw George?Morning, Art. 亚瑟亚瑟We saw Mike. 还有迈克All right, Mike. 早啊迈克Mike the Spike? Kosher Mike? Which Mike? 尖钉迈克犹太人迈克哪个迈克Y ou're giving me a headache. 你简直说得我头晕Flat-Nose Mike. 扁鼻子迈克He was trafficking furs through our vicinity without paying a commission. 那家伙在我们的地盘儿贩卖皮毛还不给我们回扣That's quite a load, bit bigger than usual. 今儿个货不少啊比平常多得多Y eah, changed last minute. Just landed on me. 是啊突然都到了只好装上岸More is better than less. 多了总比少了好More is always better than less, Mike. 多了什么时候都比少了好迈克More's definitely better than less, Mike. Y ou'vehad a result.多了绝对比少了好迈克赚的钱多嘛I'm sorry, Art. It won't happen again. I promise. 对不起亚瑟以后不会了我保证Y ou're all right, Mike.没关系迈克Why have enemies when you can have friends? 能交朋友又何必树敌呢Where'd you put the money? 你把钱放哪儿了What money? 什么钱Money? 钱吗What money? 什么钱Did you hide it with the rest of your coffers? 你把钱和宝贝藏起来了Y ou're all over the place. 你到底想问什么Y ou can't keep your questions in a straight line. 一会儿问这个一会儿问那个I'm trying to tell a story here, and you keepinterrupting.我想原原本本跟你说但是你一直打岔Anyway, I don't have any coffers. 再说了我根本没什么金库Once you've taken your share 除了给你的那份儿and I've looked after the weak and needy, I'm leftbroke.我还得养着这帮老弱病残根本没钱留下Mike and the furs. 迈克和皮毛So we're back to that story, are we now, Jack? 总算能说正事儿了是吧杰克What are you doing, Mike? 你干什么迈克Sharing the wealth. 分享下收获Don't pass it to me, Mike. It doesn't work like that. Give it to Wet Stick. 钱别递给我迈克规矩不是这样的把它给湿棍子I'm Back Lack. What are you giving it to me for? 我是拜克莱克你给我干什么What was I thinking? 我晕头了Don't upset the boss, Mike. He doesn't handlethe money.别烦我们老大迈克他可是不收钱的Sorry, it's been a long day. 对不起今天忙晕头了It's first thing in the morning, Mike. 今天才刚开始迈克Did he pay? 他付钱了吗'Course he paid. He's a good boy, that Mike. 他当然付了那个迈克是个好人花点儿零钱学学街头规矩才对Buy some lessons in street etiquette with thechange.- Change? - There's no change, Mike. - 零钱- 我们不找零迈克See you later, Mike.再见了迈克Cheers, Mike! 再见迈克What is this about, Jack? 到底怎么回事杰克Rebel graffiti. A young boy. 反动涂画一个小男孩Y our boy. Blue Boy.你们这儿的名叫布鲁And he's a good boy. 他是个好孩子Oi! What are you lot doing? 你们干什么呢我说你们可千万别找错人杰克Don't start getting the wrong end of the stick,Jack.He's an upstanding citizen. 他是个模范市民你最好管管你家小东西莱克I think I found something that belongs to you,Lack.What you doing, boy? 你干什么了小子He's coming back. 他回来了Who's coming back? 你说谁回来了The born king. 真正的国王Y eah, and when he does, he'll spank your arse. 对等他来了你就屁股开花了给我把手洗干净趁你这双手还没丢Now, let's get your hands clean while you stillgot some.He'll cut 'em off and have you in chains. 他会砍掉你的手把你关起来If we can catch you, they can catch you. 如果我们能抓住你那他们也能If you can catch him, so can we. 如果你能抓住他那我们也能我们还是接着说乔治和那帮棘手的Should we go back to George, and the troublewith the...Vikings. 维京人So what happened? 发生了什么事Started throwing their weight about 那帮人开始耍威风- 然后露西就倒大霉了- 你再说一遍- and then Lucy got the worst of it. - Comeagain, George?They hurt Lucy. 他们伤了露西My Lucy? 我的露西That can't happen, Jack. 这可不行杰克That can never happen, Jack. 这样绝对不行杰克Y ou see, she's a friend of mine. 听着她是我的朋友So you're gonna have to sort her out. 所以你必须补偿她一下They'd been warned. They had to pay. 警告他们必须付钱How'd you get money from a V iking? 你怎么让维京人出钱的I feel a joke coming on here. 这问题不是个笑话吗Y ou ask him for it. 当然问他要Y ou're paying and then you're leaving. 你先付钱然后就能走了Nobody's talking to you, sweetheart. 没人跟你说话小宝贝儿Y ou sit there and be quiet. Y ou are better atthat...好好坐着别说话你最适合这样Or I'll have to put an arrow through yourlard-loving thigh.不然我就一箭射穿你那条猪大腿Y ou were unarmed. Y ou just walked in there andasked them for it?你没带武器直接走过去问他们要钱吗That's right, Jack, and they gave it to me. 没错杰克他们也给我了They were trying on furs. The same furs, as ithappens他们都披着皮毛就是扁鼻子迈克that Flat-Nose Mike tried to hide from us. 想瞒着我们贩卖的那些货More is always better than less, Mike. 多了什么时候都比少了好迈克Old Greybeard banged on for a bit. 灰胡子朝我们吼了几声I got 50 seasoned men of war. 我有五十个经验丰富的战士Y ou could shave a pig on the edge of our blades. 你想见识一下我们维京人的刀法吗If you were unarmed, where'd you find the blade to put to his throat? 你没带武器的话插他喉咙的那把刀哪儿来的Well, I borrowed it from his big, silly mate 好吧拜克莱克射穿了那个傻大个儿after Back Lack put an arrow through hislard-loving thigh.的猪大腿我就从他身上拿了把刀Get back! 退后That's your story, Jack. 就这么回事杰克I am leaving. 我这就走But I'm leaving with a year's wages. 但我要拿了一年的工钱Old Greybeard surrendered his dignity. 灰胡子放下了自己的尊严Lucy got a year's worth of wages. 露西拿到了一年的工钱And the rebel graffiti exists no more 而墙上的反动涂画也都没了because of the law-abiding, proactive Blue Boy and his fun-loving dad. 因为被遵纪守法的布鲁他风趣幽默的老爸擦掉了And then, they all lived happily ever after. 再然后他们过上了幸福的生活No, they didn't, Arthur. 不他们幸福不了Because for the first time, there's something youdon't know.因为这一次有件事你恐怕不知道Something nobody told you. 也没人说过这件事And that is? 什么事They're under the protection of the king. 那帮维京人受国王庇护And once you're under the protection of the king,I can't help you.你要是招惹了国王庇护的人我可帮不了你Nobody can. 谁都帮不了They're not gonna bother about me. 他们不会来抓我的Where do we stand, Mercia? 情况怎么样麦西亚We're down to the last men of the right age. 就剩最后一批年龄合适的人了And still no one has pulled the sword. 但是仍然没人能拔出圣剑Now put the bird back in the aviary, Catia. 现在就把鸟放回鸟笼里吧卡蒂亚There's a general restlessness among the people. 最近一段日子民众都不太安分More incidents. More graffiti. 事故更多了涂画也多了I beg your pardon, Y our Majesty. 请你原谅国王陛下If I'd known... 如果我知道Come here. 过来吧I want your opinion. 说说你的意见Maggie represents the people. 玛吉可以代表民众She's from one of the oldest families in England.她来自英格兰一个古老的家族She can tell us. 她能告诉我们答案Sire. 遵命Do the people love me? 民众敬爱我吗I love Y our Majesty 我敬爱陛下您如果我能代表民众那么您就知道答案了and if I represent the people, then you have youranswer.Bring us something to eat. 给我们弄点儿吃的吧Even I am left to wonder 连我都开始担心if we are pushing them too far. 我们是不是做得有些过头了Finish the tower. 把高塔建好Everything else will be academic. 其他一切都无关紧要Thank you, Maggie. 谢谢玛吉Wake up! 醒醒Y ou must control it. 你必须控制它Wake up! Listen! 醒醒听着Y ou need to get out of here, now! 你必须离开这里快点儿What are you doing, Lack? 你干什么呢莱克Jack's Eye was telling the truth. 杰克眼没有骗我们Those red beards are connected. 那帮维京人不简单So, what? So are we. 那又怎样我们也是No, you don't understand. 不你根本不明白The Blacklegs are coming. 黑甲兵要来了等他们来了肯定会拿你杀鸡儆猴And when they get here, they're gonna make anexample out of you.Y ou gotta go now. 你得赶快走而且还不能走前门跳窗户吧And you can't use the front door. Get out thewindow.They're here, move! 他们来了快走Open the door! 给我开门Oi, you two, in the back! 你们俩去后门那儿Kick the door down! 把门给我踢开Are you ready? 准备好了吗Y eah, of course. 准备好了Here we go. 我们走吧All right, fellas? 早啊各位Hello, boy. What are you doing out at this time? 早啊小子你一大早干什么呢I work on the boats, sir. Out on the first tide. 我是个船工大人要趁早潮出海The boats, eh? What's in the bag? 你是船工包里是什么And you're about the right age. 你年龄差不多合适Show us your brand. 看看你的烙印Have you not been tested? 你还没有测试过啊I'm always at sea, sir. Haven't had the chance. 我一直在海上没机会去测试Well, that's about to change now. 那你现在有机会了放心你会上船的只是不是你的船Y ou're going on a boat, all right. Just not the oneyou think.Come on, get off! 都弄好了出发Single file! 往前走Come on, get 'em off. 快点赶快走先来烙印然后领喝的完了回船上呆着Get your brand, get your drink, then back on thebarge!Move! 走啊Move it! Come on! Move! 快走别磨蹭走啊Keep coming! 继续往前走Move it! 快走啊What's all that about? 他们怎么回事我猜这就是欠钱的下场Guess that's what you get when you don't payup.Taking the kids now. 孩子被抓起来What's he got them all penned up out here for? 国王把他们关在这儿干什么等你见到国王直接问他好了Well, when you see the king, why don't you askhim?Hurry up! 快点儿Move along! 往前走What was that? 感觉如何God save the king. 天佑吾王Bollocks. Excuse me, mate. 搞什么借过伙计Oi. 喂Leave it. 别找事Excuse me. Behind you, pal. 不好意思借过伙计Here, mind your back. 借过一下让让Oi, pal, there's a line here. 伙计要排队的John. 约翰All right, pal. 随你便As you were, mate. 现在该我了All right, where do you want me? 好了要我干什么Trigger, I think we got one here. 特雷格又来了一个Bouncing on my knee. 过来给我唱歌Where do you think I want you? Hands on thehilt, stupid.你说要你干什么手放在剑柄上蠢货Oi, both hands. 两只手I said, both hands. 我说用两只手Right, ten digits 没错十根手指round the blunt bit. Give it a tug. 紧紧握住剑柄然后猛拉Left foot, right foot. 迈左脚迈右脚Collect your brand. 过来烙印Back on the barge. 然后滚回船上That's everything you know about him? 关于他你就知道这些His people were quick to disappear. 他的朋友都跑得很快We got what information we could. 能打听到的就只有这些Got a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. 真是哪里都有他的身影啊Blacklegs in his pockets, too. 跟黑甲兵也搭上了关系I'll deal with this. 这事儿我会处理My king. 陛下Carefully. 小心点儿So you're Uther's son. 你就是尤瑟的儿子Not only did you survive in the gutter, 你不仅在阴沟里活了下来you blossomed out of manure. 而且活得相当滋润啊Y ou've got the wrong man, sire. 陛下您肯定找错人了I was born in a brothel, on a bridge in Londinium. 我是出生在一个妓院里伦底纽姆的一座桥上The sword can only be drawn by UtherPendragon能拔出圣剑的只有尤瑟·潘德or his direct heir. 和他的直系后嗣Y ou felt it, didn't you? 你感觉到了不是吗The power. 那股力量That's what put you out. 所以你能拔出来Y ou just don't know how to control it. 你只是不知道怎么控制它I'm nothing but the bastard son of a prostitute. 我只是伦底纽姆一个妓女的私生子Y ou and I have a lot more in common than youthink.我们俩的共同点比你以为的要多得多It's not just the same blood we share, 我们不仅有同样的血统but also the same interests. 而且还有同样的利益We both developed a palate for power. 我们俩都是极度渴望力量的人I've never had any power. 我从来都没什么力量Or any desire to achieve it. 也从来没有渴望过力量Sire. 陛下I could simply drift away, 我可以永远消失掉never to be seen again. 再也不让您见到我As much as I'd like to believe you, 虽然我很想相信你your character makes that unlikely. 但是你的品行很难让人信服While you were asleep, 你昏睡的时候we've been busy. 我调查了你I know what kind of a man you are. 我知道你是什么样的人I know your story. 我也知道你的事And, I've seen your coffers. 而且我还见了你的金库Y our achievements. 你的野心成就Now stand, 现在就是as your prosecution. 我要杀你的理由What kind of a man would you have become 如果你继承了父亲的王位had you inherited your father's kingdom 还有这个王国的所有财富and all its advantages, 而不是在妓院里长大instead of being raised in a brothel? 你会变成什么样的人What gave you such drive? 为什么会生出野心So, what happens now? 那你想把我怎么样Y ou know what happens now. 你知道会怎么样Y ou're quickly becoming a legend. 你很快就会成为传奇Someone here to see you. 有人想要见你I think you need to see her. 你最好见见她Do you know who I am? 你知道我是谁吗I know who you are, Mage. 我知道你是谁女巫I've seen you in my dreams. 我在梦里见过你了Y ou've been sent by Merlin. 梅林派你来的Then you know why I am here. 那你应该知道我来干什么So, you will be his guide.所以你就是他的导师And you will help me. 而你要帮我Bring him here. 带他过来There's a crowd of thousands out there. 外面有成千上万的民众大部分是来看你而不是看我They've come to see you more than they've cometo see me.I will show them power. 我向他们展示力量I will show them strength, 向他们展示实力and dignity. 还有尊严Y ou will show them lies, weakness, 你将展示谎言软弱and shame. 还有耻辱Hail, King V ortigern! 沃蒂根国王外岁King V ortigern! 沃蒂根国王They may have come for you... 他们是来看你的but they will leave, 但走的时候and will leave with a lasting impression of me. 他们走的时候只会把我刻在脑海里They may even hate me. 甚至会恨我I'll let them hate, 想恨就恨吧just so long as they fear. 只要他们害怕我When people fear you... 被众人所畏惧I mean, really fear you... 发自心底的畏惧It is the most 这是世界上intoxicating sensation 最让人陶醉的感觉a man can possess. 无可比拟A force of something almost indescribable 就好像是有一种奇妙的力量moves through your blood 在你的血液中流淌and takes you over completely.完全主宰着你King V ortigern! 沃蒂根国王King V ortigern! King V ortigern!沃蒂根国王沃蒂根国王King V ortigern! King V ortigern!沃蒂根国王沃蒂根国王King V ortigern! King V ortigern! King V ortigern! 沃蒂根国王沃蒂根国王沃蒂根国王I understand that your actions were very noble, 我明白你捍卫这个妓女名誉的行为of defending this whore's honor. 真是非常高尚How unfortunate 但不幸的是it was at the expense of my V iking guests. 你为了这个得罪了我的维京客人King V ortigern! 沃蒂根国王King V ortigern! King V ortigern! 沃蒂根国王沃蒂根国王Behold, your born king. 看啊真正的国王Behold the man who pulled sword from stone. 看着这个拔出石中圣剑的人Y ou wanted a prophecy. 你们想要预言是吗This is your prophecy. 这就是预言里的王Now tell us, king, 告诉我们陛下what do you have to say? 您有什么想说的When your head rolls to me, 等你人头落地你这个早死的传奇只会让所有人the legend you've fast become will just asquickly...Here are your people. 这是你的臣民add to the reverence of my name. 更加崇敬畏惧我的名字And for this, 我为此I salute you. 向你致敬No! 不If you're the king... 如果是国王No! 不declare yourself. 大声说出来The rest of them will follow, 剩下的也逃不了unless you do what needs to be done. 除非你老老实实上断头台Do we understand each other? 明白我的意思了吗If you are lost for words, 如果不知道说什么then let the sword speak for you. 那就让圣剑替你说吧Take it! 拿起来And show the people the power of Excalibur.让人们看看王者之剑的威力I said, take it, king. 我让你拿起来陛下Raise that sword! 举起那把剑I thought not. 看来你不行This man, 这的人cannot be allowed to bring discord 不会给我们繁荣的国家to our flourishing nation. 带来任何纷争Y ou're not the king! 你不是国王Off with his head! 砍掉他的头Y ou're no king! 你不是国王Protect the king! 保护陛下Protect the king! 保护陛下Come. 过来Come on! 快走Move! Move! 走啊Get the sword! Get after him! 把剑拿回来赶快追上去The sword! 圣剑Move! 走Come on. Move! 快点儿走Come on! 快点儿Now! 跳Someone gonna tell me where we're going? 有人能告诉我我们要去哪儿No. 没So what is it you're looking at, then? 你看着我干什么Are you falling for me like I'm falling for you? 你看上我了吗其实我也看上你了We wanna be careful. 我们最好小心点儿That's a neat trick. 这把戏不错Y ou'll have to teach me how to do that. 你一定得教我这招Put him back on his horse. 把他放回到马背上Oh, hello. 你好It's quite dangerous being one of you lot, isn't it? 当个你们这样的巫师很危险是吧Y ou're good with animals, aren't you? 你会跟动物沟通吧They have a word for that, don't they? 你们还有专门的名字是吧"Mage". 女巫I thought your team was outlawed. 我以为巫师都是坏蛋Never met one of you in the flesh. 第一次见到活生生的巫师I thought you'd be taller.我以为你们很高And have a beard. 而且有胡子Y ou do know I can see through this? 你知道我蒙头也能看到吧Trees everywhere. 到处都是树Hang that up. 挂起来吧Don't want it getting creased. 千万别弄皱了So, you're the chap that turned in Goosefat Bill. 所以就是你害老泥鳅比尔被抓的Unlike you, he chose the wrong place to hide. 他不像你他选错了躲藏的地点。
干杯Cheers.亚瑟比特曼Bitterman?你干嘛刮胡子Why are you shaving?因为罗宾没胡子Because Robin doesn't have a beard.比特曼我们这么穿只是为了好玩Bitterman, we're only doing this for a bit of a laugh.又不是真的正义使者We're not genuine crime fighters, are we?就算我们是我也不会选你做我的副手And if we were, you would not be my first choice of sidekick. 看看你的鞋这是你的司机鞋吧Look at your shoes. They're your chauffeur shoes, aren't they? 你肚子还晾在外面呢I can see your tummy.巴♥赫♥先生你确定你想穿成这样Mr. Bach, are you sure you wanna go to参加你母亲的募捐晚宴吗your mother's fundraiser like this?我觉得黑礼服比较好I think it's black-tie.这也是黑的啊This is black.霍布森说别再捅篓子了Just that Hobson said not to get into any trouble.一个单纯的变装游戏What trouble could possibly能捅出什么篓子come from a harmless game of dress-up?车都买♥♥好了Already bought the car.他们是在追我们吗You think they're chasing us?别傻了这是蝙蝠车我们是朋友Don't be ridiculous, this is the Batmobile. We're their friends. 司机靠边停车Driver, pull the car over.How do you slow down?这东西的刹车在哪Where are the brakes on this thing?不就是这个嘛What do you suppose this does?巴♥赫♥先生问问警♥察♥你母亲的募捐晚宴在哪Mr. Bach, ask the police for directions to your mother's fundraisers.这问题现在貌似不重要了I think that problem has been recently superseded.告诉他们是在一家博物馆Tell them it's at a museum.我们刚刚撞坏了珍贵的地标We destroyed a beloved landmark.就在这附近It's around here somewhere.你暂时不要说话I need you to not to talk for a little while.晚上好警官请问有什么问题吗Good evening, officers. What seems to be the problem?亚瑟你又喝醉了You're drunk again, Arthur.错不是又醉上次见面后一直都醉No. I have remained drunk since our last encounter.走蝙蝠侠和罗宾出来吧快Let's go. Batman and Robin, out of the car. Come on.我能提个意见吗Could I just point out the elephant in the room?做它们的蛋蛋有必要吗Are these testicles strictly necessary?反正也用不着They're an accident waiting to happen.好了走吧快Okay, let's go. Come on.看我讨厌和它的蛋蛋离这么近See, I don't like being this close to these balls.我马上出来I'll be right with you.纽约安全了Gotham is safe.我的妈呀如果需要开张支票If I could just write you赔偿损坏的金牛a check for the damage to your golden cow,我现在就开不废话一句we can all be about our business. Say no more.-不行转过去来 -这是干嘛- Or not. Turn around. Come on. - What's it...?-要抓我们吗 -是的- Are we going to prison? - Yes.我们要进监狱了要进监狱了比特曼We're going to prison. We're going to prison, Bitterman.-是的 -我就知道会有这天就是今天- Yes. - I knew this day would come and it's today.一切都很顺利That's all very well and good.但我们现在担心的不是市场崩溃But it's not a market crash we're concerned about.您的顾虑合情合理校长Your concerns are legitimate, chancellor.我保证亚瑟这两年成熟稳定了不少I do assure you that Arthur's a bit more serious these days.-他最近对金融产生了兴趣 -太好了- He's begun to take an interest in finance. - Wonderful.-失陪一下 -好的- Could you excuse us? - Sure.巴♥赫♥家族继承人因超速行驶被捕抱歉薇薇恩鄙大学无法把募捐款放到I'm sorry, Vivienne. The university cannot wager its endowment... 未来如此不确定的机构...on a fund with such an uncertain future.他真是扶不上墙的泥He's like a ship without an anchor.是时候换个手扶试试了Maybe it's time we tied him to another ship.蒂托蒂托斗鸡场上见Tito! Tito, I'll see you at the cockfight.给我点惊喜Better be what I think it is.你保释了所有人吗Wow, you paid for everyone's release?感觉有点不公平我们能走但他们得留下It seemed unfair that we'd leave and that they'd remain.你怎么解释萧条时期你的大肆花费How do you explain this frivolous spending during a recession? 问得好Fair point.萧条时期...Uh, recession...发钱咯Free money!这是你的This is yours.好的萧条期完了现在是大繁荣Okay, recession's over! We're in a boom!感觉真好真是灵活啊That was brave. What incredible flexibility.-你好霍布森 -早上好亚瑟还有他朋友- Hello, Hobson. - Morning, Arthur. And friend.蒂芙妮Tiffany.很高兴你把她的名字说的这么干脆Oh, points for knowing her name and saying it with confidence. 我和我台灯做了精神交流I made a mental association with my lamp.蒂芙妮这是我保姆霍布森Tiffany, this is my nanny, Hobson世界上最好的朋友my best friend in the whole world.-保姆 -他还算不上是成年人- Your nanny? - He's merely shaped like an adult.昨晚喝了那么多香槟So how are you feeling on the other side of...现在感觉怎么样...that vast moat of champagne called "Last night"?棒极了Splendid.你母亲来电了她想今早见你Your mother called. She wants to see you this morning.薇薇恩你觉得她找我♥干♥什么Vivienne? Why do you think Vivienne wants to see me today?不对劲啊It doesn't make sense.在你毁了世界闻名的地标物After destroying a world-famous landmark...然后取了七万八千美元分发一空后...and giving away $78,000 from an ATM,我还真不知道I can't imagine.她会一直在这吗Is she gonna stay here?我不推荐...I wouldn't recommend他去适应这样胸型宝贝letting him get used to your breasts, dear.他吸乳成瘾He's got an addictive personality, you know.六岁了还含我乳♥头♥睡觉He was at mine till he was 6.霍布森Hobson.我涂辣椒酱在乳♥头♥上才让他戒掉I had to dab Tabasco on the nipples to see him off. 这位女士从来没喂过我奶That lady has never once breast-fed me.虽然他强烈要求Despite his best efforts.嘿这是我钱包Hey, that's my purse.我不知道为什么在里面Look, I don't know how that got in there.我真不知道亚瑟I don't know, Arthur.这可能会列入It's probably just one of世界未解谜题之一those mysteries that will never be discovered.肯尼迪遇刺我的手表被偷JFK, who nicked my watch.-那是我的 -棒真不错- Oh, that's actually mine. - Bravo, well done.你包里竟有你的东西Something of yours in your handbag.停你不能看我的照片No, you don't have to go through the pictures, actually. -亚瑟 -别担心这些- Arthur. - Oh, don't worry about all that.这太不礼貌了是侵犯隐私That's very rude. Invasion of privacy.你要走了吗我百分百支持Oh, you're leaving? I support your decision 100 percent. 你需要先喊辆出租车Will you be requiring a taxi还是在路上随便叫or just getting into a random passing car?你们是怪人而且种族歧视You guys are weird and racist.再见蒂芙妮Bye-bye, Tiffany.我会打给你如果你没偷我电♥话♥的话I'll call you, if you've not stolen my phone.你可以拿走门口的Help yourself to that priceless sculpture天价雕像on your way out the door.放下Put it down.对你其余的新朋友说再见亚瑟Say goodbye to your other new friends now, Arthur.他们得回到真实世界了They have to go back to the real world.我讨厌真实世界霍布森Oh, I hate the real world, Hobson.如果不介意我今天在床上工作I'll work from bed today if you don't mind.霍布森Hobson.吃早餐现在Breakfast, now.给Here.霍布森Hobson!霍布森Hobson?霍布森霍布森霍布森Hobson! Hobson! Hobson!-霍布森霍布森 -干嘛- Hobson! Hobson! - What?六十一大道的公园旁有一对女同性恋Lesbian Simon and Garfunkel, 61st and Park.快看看Look.真准又浪费了你一项才能Hmm. Well spotted. Another of your wasted talents.洗洗鸡鸡洗干净点Wash your winkie. Thoroughly.谁知道那女的Heaven knows what exotic wildlife大腿间藏了些什么奇怪生物that girl was harboring between her thighs.霍布森你没看到亚洲版的你Whoa, Hobson. You're missing Asian You.你走太快把我逼太紧了Ah! You're going too quickly. You're pushing it too hard. 我不喜欢这里霍布森I don't like it here, Hobson.你当然不喜欢这是上班的地方Of course you don't. People work here.但这里有电梯我让你按按扭But there's an elevator. You get to press the buttons.唯一的欣慰Silver lining.巴♥赫♥先生Mr. Bach?你母亲可以见你了Your mother will see you now.别担心亚瑟不会很久Don't worry, Arthur, it won't take long.等会我们看动画片Then we'll watch cartoons.你好亚瑟Hello, Arthur.你好苏姗Oh, hello, Susan.在这条长长的亮敞的走廊上走了这么久I didn't see you there coming down this long,才看到你brightly-lit, unobstructed corridor径直向我走来walking straight towards me.我欠你个电♥话♥ 是吗I owe you a call, don't I?从一月From January.我们约会了三个月你凭空消失了We dated three months. You just disappeared.霍迪尼也这样很有意思When Houdini did it, it was fun.霍迪尼是个巫师他经常凭空消失Houdini was a conjurer. He used to disappear.我听得懂I understood the reference.我觉得人们关注得不够I just thought it deserved more.你知道吗You know,你是第一个和我睡了之后you're the only man I ever slept with甩了我的男人who broke up with me.-真的吗 -真的- Really? - Really.我是个浪漫主义者Well, call me a romantic但我觉得约会该有些疯狂的举动but I believe that dating should involve crazy things... 比如聊天...like talking.真不知该拿你怎么办亚瑟What are we gonna do with you, Arthur?把我放到野外Release me into the wild.带着狗搜寻我Hunt me down with dogs.和你妈见面祝你好运Good luck with your mother.进来亚瑟Come in, Arthur.好吧未来来了Oh, hello. The future's now.你好薇薇恩Hello, Vivienne.从我住在你肚子里时我就认识你了I remember you from when I used to live in your womb.亚瑟Arthur.亚瑟今天咱们先友好的聊聊Well, today, Arthur, we're gonna have a friendly chat.然后有严肃的事和你说Then a serious talk.最后我得给你下个最后通谍And finally, I'm going to offer you an ultimatum.怎么样How does all that sound?喝了酒会更好Like it would be improved by vodka.我听说你一直在玩乐So I hear you've been having fun.恰恰相反我一直很忙Quite the contrary, actually. I've been rather busy.最近有穿着马靴射击I've got a riding boot shoot and,还有被比特曼吓到uh, I had a bit of a scare with Bitterman.他发现自己身上有肿块Thought he'd found a lump.结果是屁♥股♥口袋里的手♥机♥ Turned out it was just his phone in his back pocket.虚惊一场But worrying time nonetheless.还不错嘛你反常的温和Well, that went very well. Surprisingly warm.最顺畅的一次聊天Our best chat yet.我意识到我们的关系一直不算太好I'm aware that our relationship has never been ideal.不要这样别自责No, please. Don't reproach yourself.是的当母亲不是你的强项Yes, motherhood wasn't your forte,但你却给了我but you did provide me可爱的穿衣猴作为补偿with that lovable cloth monkey as a surrogate.有时候我很庆幸他不在了You know, sometimes I'm glad he's gone.我猜你是指我父亲而不是笑呵呵先生I'm gonna assume you mean Father and not Mr. Tickles.所以他用不着看这些So that he never had to see this.不能怪我她俩告诉我她们已经满十八了In fairness, those two told me they were over 18.而且不是男人发现是之后吓死我了And that they weren't men. It's terrible the way you find out. 这个可爱的混♥蛋♥是谁Who is this lovable rogue虽然美中不足之处但眼神这么灿烂who's rough around the edges, but with stars in his eyes?看这动作就得原谅What forgivable antics.谁看到这个令人愉悦的人Who could be anything other than charmed能不被迷住呢by this delightful individual?-恭喜 -你怎么能把你过人的聪慧- Congratulations. - How can you squander挥霍在做这种蠢事上头your considerable intelligence on idiocy like this?太简单了我不把它当作蠢事It's quite easy. I don't consider it to be idiocy,而是博学的礼物愉悦的和死亡对抗rather a savantish gift for defying death with fun.这就是你的理由吗That's your justification?所以你开蝙蝠车乱撞That's why you crashed a Batmobile?是的完了吗Yes, it is. Are we done?坐下Sit down.像我们这样的大公♥司♥When the sole heir of a corporation唯一的继承人被捕股东们会惊慌as big as ours gets arrested, it frightens investors. 这些荒唐的事必须到此为止The nonsense has to stop.一位迷人的As the charming,游遍整个国家的咖啡肤色的绅士coffee-colored gentleman who runs this country said 不能再做这么幼稚的事了the time has come to set aside childish things.我还不是咖啡肤色I don't think you can say "Coffee-colored."所以我想到个解决的方法So I've arrived at a solution.-苏姗·约翰逊 -真搞笑- Susan Johnson. - Interesting.穿着得体却有边缘型人格障碍Dresses well. Borderline personality disorder.她怎么算是解决办法How is that a solution?你得娶她亚瑟You're going to marry her, Arthur.-为什么 -苏姗是位非常优秀的女性- Why? - Susan is a very impressive woman.的确很可爱她能控制那野兽Lovely, yes. She's certainly in control of that beast. 她很有能力而且在有摄像机时Capable woman, and quite willing苏姗·约翰逊:志愿者非常乐意帮助穷♥人♥to help poor people if there's a camera nearby.其实如果你要苏姗的录像的话Actually, if you want videos of Susan,来我的公♥寓♥you should come to my apartment.我那一盘绝对让你刮目相看I've got one that'll knock your socks off.巴♥赫♥全球公♥司♥Bach Worldwide has been run几代以来都是由巴♥赫♥家族的人掌管by a Bach for generations.如果苏姗成为巴♥赫♥家族一员With Susan as one of us,股东们会很欣慰的得知investors will be comforted to know这一传统没有止于这一代the line of succession doesn't end in a bottle.你什么时候变得这么自私自利When did you become so cynical?婚姻不是维护公♥司♥形象的工具Marriage isn't a tool to protect a corporate image.而是为了约束意外怀孕It's to validate unwanted pregnancy.如果你是这么想的亚瑟你别逼我If that's how you feel, Arthur, you give me no choice.从这一刻起我决定切断As of this moment, you are cut off.切断是什么意思和你切断还是What do you mean "cut off"? Cut off from you and the...? 你该不会是说切断You don't mean cut off from the?经济来源亚瑟The money, Arthur.不可能我不会让你操纵我的薇薇恩No. I'm not gonna allow you to manipulate me, Vivienne. 我找到了爱的人我才会结婚I shall get married when I fall in love.我佩服你的骨气你刚失去了九亿五千万I respect your integrity. You've just lost $950 million.其实苏姗是个很特别的女孩不是吗Actually, Susan is a very special girl, isn't she?她的嘴巴柔软美丽的嘴巴With that mouth, that velvety, beautiful mouth,就像小丑的嘴巴like a clown's mouth.但不是滑稽的那种而是像性感的小丑But not in a bad way. Like a sexy clown.她会当好你妻子的And she'll make a wonderful wife.当然谁不会娶性感的小丑Yeah. I mean, who wouldn't wanna marry a sexy clown?恭喜你薇薇恩你赢了Congratulations, Vivienne. You win.我瞧不起你亚瑟I don't respect you, Arthur,但我真为你自挽颜面的本领鼓掌but I do applaud your talent for self-preservation.祝贺了你可以一辈子Congratulations. You're gonna be a wealthy man当有钱人了for the rest of your life.这正是我想要的That's all I've ever wanted to be.这戒指是你♥爸♥给你♥妈♥的♥ The ring your father gave your mother, I believe.感觉就像给老鼠准备的溜冰场It's like an ice rink for a mouse.我不喜欢苏姗I don't like Susan.我也不是很喜欢你Well, I don't like you very much但也和你快乐的困在一起三十年and we've been happily stuck together for 30 years.我知道这不完美但苏姗很聪明有能力I know it's not perfect, but Susan is smart and capable,你需要这样的女人照顾你and you need a woman like that to look after you.我觉得我已经有了I think I already have one of those.对了你想要吗In fact, do you want it?霍布森你能戴着它当我的保姆吗Hobson, will you carry on being my nanny?我妈就想用这控制我This is just my mother trying to control me.霍布森你有支票吗Hey, Hobson, do you have the checkbook?我想挥霍掉一些财产I wanna squander some wealth.沙皇收藏物品之一造型优美Ten thousand dollars for this beautiful item起价一万from the Czar's collection.没有更高的吗Are we all done at 10,000?一万美元一次一万美元两次Ten thousand dollars going once, ten thousand going twice. 我出两万美元Twenty thousand dollars of money!竞价两万美元Twenty thousand dollars is the bid.谢谢你先生有三万的吗有人出三万吗Thank you, sir. Do I hear 30? Do I hear 30,000?三万美元Thirty thousand dollars, please.三万美元了Thirty thousand.三万五Thirty-five thousand.好大的胆子你真想挑战吗How dare you. It's a challenge you want, is it?我就想挑战而且是我先出的价Yeah, I want a challenge, plus I bid first.这没用最高价者才为赢That is irrelevant. The highest number has supremacy.你从没参加过拍卖♥♥吧You've clearly never been to an auction.我要以牙还牙That's tit for tat.这正是中东的情形That's exactly how the situation in the Middle East began. 你让我别无选择You leave me no choice.十万美元加一块One hundred thousand dollars and one penny,因为你是个十足的败家子先生because you, sir, are a vile spendthrift.你今天只说了这么一句明智的话Well, that's the first sensible thing you've said all day.成交巴♥赫♥先生以十万零一美元拍得Sold to one of the Mr. Bachs for $100,000 and one penny. -谢谢你先生 -恭喜你- Thank you, sirs. - Congratulations.别啦霍布森Hey, come on, Hobson.你知道我一直梦寐得到You know I've always coveted沙皇尼古拉斯二世的餐具the cutlery of Czar Nicholas II.我也是Me too.最后一件竞拍物品Our last item up for bid today:亚伯拉罕·林肯第二次The suit in which Abraham Lincoln就职演说时穿的西装delivered his second inaugural address.从五万开始竞拍吧有人出五万吗Let's start the bidding at 50,000. Do I hear 50,000?我来I'll take it.还有挂衣服的整个柜子And the teleportation device in which it stands.如果你觉得这代表If you think this represents a反抗你妈经济独♥裁♥的胜利victory over your mother's financial tyranny,-那就太幼稚了 -谢谢你买♥♥汤匙亚瑟- you're deluded. - Thanks for the spoon, Arthur.任何时候有叉子卖♥♥了通知我Anytime. Buy me a fork one day.比特曼和车呢Where's Bitterman with the car?他说在一个大的灰色东西旁边He said he was gonna be by the big gray thing.哪儿Where?他说一个上面有东西的巨大灰色雕像He said the big gray sculpture thing with things on it.就像个谜他说得很模糊It was like a riddle. He can be very vague.真是瞎子为醉汉带路It's the blind leading the drunk.霍布森你来找比特曼我逛逛Hobson, you find Bitterman while I wander off.这是干嘛的What is this for?大家都去哪Where's everyone going?这实际上不是叫中♥央♥车站This is actually not Grand Central Station,而是中♥央♥总站it's Grand Central Terminal.-不好意思 -没有是我挡道了- Sorry. - No, no, I was static in a thoroughfare.我迷路了你知道在哪里能喝一杯吗Uh, I'm lost. Do you know where I can get a drink, please? 我只有这些了This is really all I have.祝你好运Good luck.-大家快点 -硬币啊- Come on. - Coins.我还小的时候常玩I played with these when I was a boy.我们继续时间在流逝Let's keep going. Time's a wasting.说到时间...Speaking of time...我身后的钟就是...the clock behind me is世界上最贵的钟之一one of the most expensive clocks in the world.每天有成千的人从这里经过...Thousands of people pass through here every day...却从没人抬头看过...and no one ever bothers to look up.这太神奇了It's magical.在曼哈顿只有这里能看到星星It's the only place in Manhattan where you can see the stars. 但它并不是一直那样...哦又是你啊But it wasn't always that way... Oh, you again.仔细看那个角落你会看到一块黑砖...If you look in the corner you can see one dirty brick...在1998年修复前...and the whole ceiling used to be like that整块天花板都是黑砖做的until it was renovated in 1998.哇这太有才了如果你喜欢天花板的话Wow, this is brilliant. If you like ceilings,我床顶上的天花板就很漂亮I've got a beautiful one above my bed.听上去有点无理但我不是那意思That sounded cheeky. I didn't mean that.它能发光It lights up.谢谢Thanks for that.如果把你们的注意力集中到If you direct your attention对面的角落你们会看到一个...to the opposite corner, you'll see a...警♥察♥...police officer.小姐我警告过你Miss, I warned you about this.你没有导游证You don't have a tour license现在你还阻碍大家通行and now you're impeding foot traffic.快点起来起来都起来Come on, up, up, everybody up.警♥察♥先生Officer,哪条法律禁止这些容光焕发的陌生人which law prevents this radiant stranger...在世俗中寻找奇迹...from finding the magical in the mundane?大纽约交通运输管理局1085.1号♥ 第五章MTA Code 1085.1, section 5.能再详细点吗Could you be more specific?嘿等下Hey. Hey!要抓人了我们在抓人Oh, there's a chase. We're in a chase.先生接住我的林肯之棍Sir, grab my Lincoln stick.快追Chase!我的思维在狂奔我的心脏在狂跳My mind is racing. My heart is pounding.我第一次参与追捕爱死它了This is my first chase, and I love it.借过我是自♥由♥之魂Let me through, I'm a free spirit!四十二号♥路西边West on 42nd.我为此而生This is what I live for!我们发现一个逃跑者We've got a runner.我们在抓人这可是货真价实的追捕A chase is happening! This is a genuine chase! 喔我...我...Oh! I'm... I...不不不No, no, no.我去拿我的导游证I was gonna go get my license.你还想从我眼皮下溜走内奥米You ran from me, Naomi.现在我得把你抓进去了Now I gotta take you in.此外你非法带团Besides, you've had three warnings我已经警告你三次了for operating an illegal tour.这次不是非法带团...Except this isn't an illegal tour...他们不是游客是我们的家人...because these people aren't tourists, they're our family.没错他们是我的家人Yes. They are, they're my family.那是我的家人我们在家庭聚会That's my family. We're having a family reunion.家庭聚会那边那个招手的是斯图亚特叔叔Reunion. Uh, that, for example, is Uncle Stuart waving there. 对头嗨斯图亚特叔叔Yes. Oh, hey, Uncle Stuart.戴太阳帽的是加勒比来的黛安·基顿阿姨Under that sun hat, that's Caribbean Diane Keaton.-完全正确 -还有...- Yes, exactly. - And also we have...韩国来的约翰·列侬叔叔Uncle Korean John Lennon.还有这位我猜这位是林肯先生吧And this is, uh, Abe Lincoln, I presume.-不是 -不是- Oh, no. - No.他是我的公认的古怪的...He is my admittedly eccentric...未婚夫我是她未婚夫Fiancé. I'm her fiancé.他是我的未婚夫He is my fiancé.亲爱的你不会想让他们Darling, you don't want these people to think...把你想成那种随意的英国色狼吧...that you're some kind of random British pervert.不我是非常特别的英国色狼No, I'm a very specific British pervert,这也是我们第一次约会后which is why you fell in love with me...你便爱上我的原因了...from our first date.那次约会是在哪具体点Which was where, exactly?中♥央♥车站Grand Central.你们第一次约会在中♥央♥车站You had your first date at Grand Central Station.那可不是一次简单的约会It wasn't a shabby affair.我把整个地方都包下一个人都不剩I'd hired out the entire place. It was deserted.杂技演员在那给我们上演最棒的表演Acrobats were in the place, put on quite a show for us. -他们很棒吧内奥米 -不是这样的- Didn't they, Naomi? - No, no.地上洒满了上无数花瓣The floor was strewn with a million petals.空气中弥漫着花香Their scent hung in the air像天使呼出的甜蜜气息like the sweet breath of angels.我们彻底迷失了自我对吧And we forgot ourselves entirely. Didn't we?我们裸奔过那个广场And ran nude through that concourse.不是我们...我们穿着衣服还吃了东西No, no, we just... We had clothes on and we ate.你们吃啥了What'd you eat?是什么来着Oh, what was that?-派... -派... 派... 派...- Pe... - Pe... Pe... Pe...派司糖Pez.林肯先生你有身份证明吗Have any identification, Mr. Lincoln?实际上我有Actually, I do.你看Um, here you go.我想你会发现这能变戏法I think you'll find that should do the trick.我这还有很多这玩意There's plenty more where that came from,如果你懂我的意思的话if you catch my drift, hmm?您自个留着吧亚瑟非常感谢您的表演Ah. You keep it, Arthur, and thank you for the show. -内奥米去搞个导游证来 -我会的- Naomi, get a license. - Okay.祝你好运Good luck.那是什么玩意你是谁啊What was that? Who are you?我只是穿破裤子戴疯帽子的陌生人I'm just a ragged-trousered stranger with a crazy hat. 天啊Oh, my God.亚瑟你毫无意义的艳遇到此为止Arthur, your safari into the pointless ends now.到车里去Get in the car.不要没事的霍布森不能指挥我该干啥No. It's okay. Uh, Hobson can't tell me what to do.不我行的我为他妈工作Yes, I can. I work for his mother.到车里去比特曼开门Get in the car. Bitterman, open the door.-比特曼关门 -到车里去- Bitterman, close that door. - Get in the car.-不是你比特曼 -没错就你比特曼- Not you, Bitterman. - Yes, you, Bitterman.等下你们到底是谁啊I'm sorry. Who are you people?我是他的奶妈I'm his nanny.我不是奶爸我是比特曼I'm not, I'm Bitterman.我得回到Well, I have to get back to我迷茫的家人那去our confused family over there,祝你们今天愉快so have a nice day.哦等下...抱歉Oh, hang... Uh, excuse me.内奥米·奎因我还想见你Naomi Quinn, I'd like to see you again.我不和有奶妈的男孩约会I don't date boys who have nannies.选择正确Very wise choice.你并不是第一个You're not the first woman在街上谋生计who walks the streets for a living...然后被他看上的女人...that he's taken a liking to.她总是和你在一起吗Is she always with you?好吧 917-176-2030Okay. 917-176-2030.-额...你记住那号♥码了吗 -没有- Uh... Did you remember that? - No.亚瑟到车里去Arthur, get in the car.我到车里去是因为我想进去I'm gonna get in the car now, but because I want to,不是因为你叫我进去not because you have told me to.是有区别的Distinction.比特曼Bitterman.太神奇了我们从警♥察♥眼皮底下溜走It was magical. We ran from the police,还跟他们说了谎then we lied to them.你有过那样的日子吗伊万德Have you ever had days like that, Evander?我想我有I believe I have.我和她是天造地设的敌人Me and this girl are two perfectly matched opponents, 就像你和迈克·泰森一样like you and Mike Tyson.-你喜欢上她了 -没错- She could be the one. - Yes.哦对不起打着你了Oh. I'm so sorry. That went right through your guard.-你没事吧 -我没事- Are you okay? - I'll make it.我喜欢内奥米的什么呢What I like about her, Naomi...喜欢她看世界的那种独特方式...is she's got a very unique way of seeing the world.苍蝇也很独特So do flies.你是在重复This is a repeat of when you were certain养长颈鹿当宠物来寻快乐的日子you needed a pet giraffe to be happy.一周后你对它就没兴趣了Well, you were bored after a week.那是因为它吃了它的单片眼镜Because he ate his monocle.野兽从不关心时尚伊万德The brute had no regard for fashion, Evander.不只因你们来自不同世界No, because you were from two different worlds,你和那女孩也一样just the same as this girl.听着你能否让我全心打拳击Listen, could you just let me focus on my jab顺便帮我提提神好吧and refresh me, please?-啊那里面可是伏尔加啊 -清醒了吧- Aah! That's vodka in there. - Refreshed?还没我想有些伏尔加已经到我血液里了No, but I think some of it probably went in my bloodstream 这也不算坏消息吧so it's not all bad news.-把衣服穿上 -为什么- Get dressed. - Why?因为三点你得去伯特·约翰逊那Because at 3:00 you're going to ask Burt Johnson...求他把女儿嫁给你...for his daughter's hand in marriage.我才不干呢I will do no such thing.我就在这和伊万德打拳击I'm going to remain here and box with Evander. 接下去我要按计划And then I shall have my music lesson和坎耶·维斯特去上音乐课with Kanye West as planned.给我出去马上Out, now.把我打出去吧Make me.我就和她玩玩好了I'll just have a bit of fun with her.我想用古老的疲劳战术即可Use the old rope-a-dope, I should think.像你教我的那样坚持加行动Stick and move, like you taught me.亚瑟结婚之后...Arthur, after you're married...你得停止...you're going to have to沉迷于邂逅的女子stop this obsession with random women.她可不是什么邂逅的女子她懂我She is not a random woman, she understands me. 她听我的笑话会笑她和你一样She laughs at my jokes. She's like you,区别是我还可能把她搞上♥床♥ but with a more appropriate potential for sex.哇真疼Ow! That really hurt.伊万德你说我是无懈可击的Evander, you assured me I was indestructible.三点去见伯特·约翰逊Burt Johnson, 3:00.伊万德如果他一分钟还没出来Evander, if he's not out of this ring in one minute, 我就把你另一只耳朵咬掉I'll bite your other ear off.伯特·约翰逊大厦我来这干嘛比特曼What am I doing here, Bitterman?。
Crown of King Arthur
After twelve campaigns, King Arthur finally drove back the Saxon invaders 、 united the France and smashed the Roman. The archbishop crowned him at Roman church.
Athur , he pulled out the sword, became the new King of England
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King Arthur
Excalibur 圣剑
-- 精品--
Because of violation of the spirit of knight, the sword of the stone was fractured, in the duel between King Arthur and King Pellinore.
-- 精品--
▪ Arthur as presented in the legends was NOT a real person.
▪ There was, however, a chieftain named Arthur.
▪ Historical Arthur lived in the Dark Ages, at the end of the 5th and beginning of the 6th centuries.
About King Arthur 关于亚瑟王
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King Arthur
Is there a real man behind the myth?
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Merlin and The Lady of the Lake
The lady of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake is the name of several related characters who play parts in the Arthurian legend. These characters' roles include giving King Arthur his sword Excalibur, enchanting Merlin, and raising Lancelot after the death of his father. Different writers and copyists give her name variously as Nimue, Viviane, Elaine, Niniane, Nivian, Nyneve, Evienne and other variations.
King Arthu
In the Welsh legend , King Arthur's sword is called the sword of Kings ------Excalibur
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Arthur's Tomb----The Last Meeting of Lancelot and Guinevere
They were originally the German people. In the mid fifth century, a large number of Germans invaded the British Isles, including Saxons, Jutes ( Angles ), after a long-term of residence, they gradually became the ancestors of English.
亚瑟王常说的话亚瑟王常说的话亚瑟王:1.虚有其表的女人就象金环戴在猪鼻上哎可怜2.亚瑟王:这的确不是常人做得到的还有请叫我亚瑟王3.亚瑟王:女人啊女人男人的舞台你们永远是站在光圈和掌声之外的4.亚瑟王:我昏倒的时候姿势有没有很难看POSE摆的还好吧5.亚瑟王:女人啊女人,容貌OR知识择其一吧,两者俱得,两者俱失都是悲剧收场6.亚瑟王 : 人心才是埋伏在黑夜中最可怕的对手7.亚瑟王 : 目眩时更要旋转,自己痛不欲生的悲伤,以别人的悲伤,就能够治愈!8.亚瑟王: 真-相啊真-相,越是接近事实的真-相就越是难以取信于人!9.亚瑟王: 什么是朋友?朋友永远是在你犯下不可原谅错误的时候,仍旧站在你那边的笨蛋!0.亚瑟王 : 有怀疑就有真理,因为真理是怀疑的影子。
NO.2 莎士比亚1.Shakespeare说:to be or not to be ,that's a question.2.Shakespeare说:成功的骗子,不必再以说谎为生,因为被骗的人已经成为他的拥护者。
3.Shakespeare说:美满的爱情,使斗士紧绷的心情松弛下来4.Shakespeare说:不要和意志坚定的人争辩,因为他们可以改变事实.5.Shakespeare说:上帝是公平掌握命运的'人永远站在天平的两端被命运掌握的人仅仅只明白上帝赐给他命运!6.Shakespeare说:人们可支配自己的命运,若我们受制於人,那错不在命运,而在我们自己NO.3 所罗门王1.所罗门王说:一句责备话入聪明人心,强如责打愚昧人一百下,败坏之先,人心骄傲,尊荣之前,必有谦卑。
NO.4 亚里士多德1.亚里士多德说:心智的暴-力,可以不流血即取人命的确是这样................2.亚里士多德说:心智的暴-力,可以不流血即取人命。
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Benedicta tu in mulieribus. Benedictus fructus ventris tui, lesus.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus...
看电影学英语 King Arthur 《亚瑟王》
-Lancelot: By 300 AD, the Roman Empire extended from Arabia to Britain.
empire: 帝国 extend: 扩展,扩张
important: 重要的 powerful: 强大的 Sarmatian: (古时东欧地区维斯杜拉河和伏尔加河之间的)萨美西亚的,萨美西亚人 field: 战场
And when the smoke cleared on the fourth day,
-Young Arthur: Mother, I finished.
-Arthur’s Mother: That's beautiful.
-Young Arthur: Mother... Pelagius. For you.
But they wanted more. More land. More peoples loyal and subservient to Rome.
loyal: 忠诚的 subservient: 恭顺的
But no people so important as the powerful Sarmatians to the east. Thousands died on that field.
divide: 隔开,分隔 century: 一世纪 empire: 帝国 native: 当地的,本地的 fighter:战士
So, as our forefathers had done, we made our way and reported to our Roman commander in Britain,
-Gawain: Save your prayers, boy. Your god doesn't live here.
prayer: 祈祷,祷文
-Arthur: Why did Merlin send you south of the wall?
behold: 看 knight: 武士,骑士
If you so choose, they may some day be yours to lead, as your father before you.
choose: 决定,选择
-Young Arthur: I'm to be their commander?
commander: 指挥官
-Pelagius: Yes. But with this title comes a sacred responsibility to protect, to defend,
for the land was divided by a 73-mile wall built three centuries before us to protect the empire from the native fighters of the north.
title: 称号,头衔 sacred: 神圣的,受崇敬的 responsibility: 责任 protect: 保护 defend: 保卫
to value their lives above your own and, should they perish in battle,
forefather: 祖先 make one’s way: 前进 commander: 指挥官
ancestrally named for the first Artorius, or Arthur.
ancestrally: 祖传地
In exchange, these warriors were incorporated into the Roman military.
exchange: 交换,互换 warrior: 武士,勇士 incorporate into: 使成为…的一部分 military: 军队
-Gawain: Ah, as promised, the bishop's carriage.
promise: 许诺,约定 bishop: 主教 carriage: 四轮马车
-Pelagius: Well done, Artorius. You keep it. Deliver it to me when you come to Rome.
deliver: 交付,递送
Come. Behold, Arthur. Young knights.
include: 包括 post: 哨位
-Lancelot’s Father: Lancelot! Rus!
-Lancelot: Our post was Britain, or at least the southern half,
at least: 至少 southern: 南部的
serve: (为…)服务,任(职) empire: 帝国 knight: 武士,骑士
I was such a son.
-Lancelot’s Father: There is a legend that fallen knights return as great horses.
-Young Lancelot: Don't be afraid. I will return. How long shall we be gone?
afraid: 担忧
-Soldier A: 15 years, not including the months it'll take to get to your post.
-Young Arthur: And what of their free will?
free will: 自由意志
-Pelagius: It has always fallen to a few to sacrifice for the good of many.
value: 尊重,重视 perish: 丧生,死亡 battle: 战斗
to live your life gloriously in honour of their memory.
gloriously: 光荣地 in honour of: 为纪念 memory: 纪念
The Romans, impressed by their bravery and horsemanship, spared their lives.
impress: 给…以深刻印象 bravery: 勇敢,勇气 horsemanship: 骑术,骑马 spare:免除,饶恕
-Galahad: Our freedom, Bors.
freedom: 自由
-Bors: Mm. I can almost taste it.
taste: 尝,品尝
-Gawain: And your passage to Rome, Arthur.
passage: 通道
-Tristan: Woads!
-Arthur: Rus!
-Bors: Rus! Rus.
-Horton: Gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus et Dominus tecum.