MF009001 GPRS原理ISSUE1.0目录课程说明 (1)课程介绍 (1)课程目标 (1)相关资料 (1)第1章 GPRS概述 (1)1.1 GPRS的产生 (1)1.2 GPRS的发展 (1)1.3 GPRS与HSCSD业务的比较 (2)1.4 CSD与GPRS的比较 (3)1.4.1 电路交换的通信方式 (3)1.4.2 分组交换的通信方式 (4)第2章 GPRS基本功能和业务 (6)2.1 GPRS业务种类 (6)第3章 GPRS基本体系结构和传输机制 (8)3.1 GPRS接入接口和参考点 (8)3.2 网络互通 (8)3.3 逻辑体系结构 (8)3.3.2 主要网络实体 (10)3.3.3 主要网络接口 (12)3.4 高层功能 (14)3.4.1 网络接入控制功能 (14)3.4.2 分组路由和转发功能 (15)3.4.3 移动性管理功能 (17)3.4.4 逻辑链路管理功能 (17)3.4.5 无线资源管理功能 (18)3.4.6 网络管理功能 (18)3.5 功能分配 (19)3.6 GPRS数据传输平面 (20)3.7 GPRS信令平面 (21)3.7.1 MS与SGSN间信令平面 (21)3.7.2 SGSN与HLR间信令平面 (22)3.7.3 SGSN与MSC/VLR间信令平面 (22)3.7.4 SGSN与EIR间信令平面 (23)3.7.5 SGSN与SMS-GMSC、SMS-IWMSC间信令平面 (23)3.7.6 GPRS支持节点间信令平面 (24)3.7.7 GGSN与HLR间信令平面 (24)第4章移动性管理 (25)4.1 MM状态 (25)4.1.1 IDLE状态 (25)4.1.2 STANDBY状态 (25)4.1.3 READY状态 (26)4.2 MM状态功能 (26)4.2.1 MM状态迁移 (26)4.2.2 就绪定时器功能 (27)4.2.3 周期性路由区更新定时器功能 (28)4.2.4 用户可及定时器功能 (28)4.3 SGSN与MSC/VLR的交互 (29)4.3.1 SGSN-MSC/VLR关联的管理 (29)4.3.2组合RA/LA更新 (29)4.3.3 CS寻呼协调及网络操作模式 (30)4.4 MM规程 (31)4.4.1 GPRS附着功能 (31)4.4.2 GPRS分离规程 (33)4.4.3 清除功能 (36)4.5 安全性功能 (36)4.5.1 用户鉴权 (36)4.5.2 用户身份机密性 (37)4.5.3 用户数据和GMM/SM信令机密性 (37)4.5.4 用户身份检查 (38)4.6 位置管理功能 (38)4.6.1 小区更新规程 (39)4.6.2 路由区更新规程 (39)4.6.3组合RA/LA更新规程 (42)4.6.4 周期性路由区更新和位置区更新 (43)4.7 用户数据管理功能 (44)4.7.1 插入用户数据规程 (44)4.7.2 删除用户数据规程 (44)4.8 MS类标处理功能 (45)第5章无线资源管理功能 (46)第6章分组路由与传输功能 (48)6.1 PDP状态和状态转换 (48)6.2 会话管理规程 (49)6.2.1 静态地址与动态地址 (49)6.2.2 PDP上下文的激活规程 (50)6.2.3 PDP上下文的修改 (52)6.2.4 PDP上下文的去激活 (53)6.3 业务流程举例 (54)6.3.1 MS发起分组数据业务 (54)6.3.2 网络发起分组数据业务 (55)第7章用户数据传输 (57)7.1 传输模式 (57)7.1.1 GTP传输模式 (57)7.1.2 LLC传输模式 (57)7.1.3 RLC传输模式 (57)7.2 LLC功能 (57)7.2.1寻址 (58)7.2.2服务 (58)7.2.3功能 (58)7.3 SNDCP功能 (58)7.4 PPP功能 (60)7.5 Gb接口 (60)7.5.1物理层 (60)7.5.2 FR子层 (60)7.5.3 NS子层 (61)7.5.4 BSSGP层 (61)7.6 Abis接口 (62)7.6.1结构A (63)7.6.2结构B (64)7.6.3结构C (64)第8章信息存储 (66)8.1 HLR (66)8.2 SGSN (67)8.3 GGSN (69)8.4 MS (69)8.5 MSC/VLR (70)第9章编号 (71)9.1 IMSI (71)9.2 P-TMSI (72)9.3 NSAPI/TLLI (72)9.3.1 NSAPI (72)9.3.2 临时逻辑链路标志(TLLI) (72)9.4 PDP地址和类型 (73)9.5 TID (73)9.6 路由区识别 (73)9.7 小区标识 (74)9.8 GSN地址 (74)9.9 接入点名字 (74)第10章运营方面的问题 (75)10.1 计费信息 (75)10.2 计费功能 (75)10.2.1 分组型业务计费方式和电路型业务计费方式的区别 (75)10.2.2 计费基本功能 (76)10.2.3 话单类型 (76)10.2.4 话单传送接口 (77)10.3 网络服务质量(QoS) (77)10.3.1 优先级别 (78)10.3.2 延时级别 (78)10.3.3 可靠性级别 (78)10.3.4 峰值吞吐量级别 (78)10.3.5 平均吞吐量级别 (79)10.4 消息过滤功能 (80)10.5 兼容性问题 (80)第11章与GSM其它业务的交互 (81)11.1 与点对点短消息业务关系 (81)11.2 与电路交换业务的关系 (81)11.3 与补充业务的关系 (82)第12章 IP相关的基础知识 (83)12.1 NAT (83)12.2 FIREWALL (83)12.3 GRE (83)12.4 DNS (84)12.5 RADIUS (84)MF009001 GPRS原理ISSUE1.0 课程说明课程说明课程介绍本课程为华为传送网网络级网管T2100的一个整体介绍,主要阐述了网络级网管T2100兴起和发展的客观需求,华为传送网管的一体化解决方案。
RoHS指令 (EU) 2015-863
DIRECTIVESCOMMISSION DELEGATED DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/863 of 31March 2015Amending Annex II to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council asregards the list of restricted substances(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,Having regard to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, (1) and in particular Article 6(3) thereof,Whereas:(1)Directive 2011/65/EU lays down rules on the restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electricand electronic equipment (EEE) with a view to contributing to the protection of human health and the environment, including the environmentally sound recovery and disposal of waste EEE.(2)Directive 2011/65/EU prohibits the use of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium,polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in electrical and electronic equipment placed on the Union market. Annex II to that Directive lists those restricted substances.(3)The risks to human health and the environment arising from the use of Hexabromocyclododecane(HBCDD), Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) and Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) should be considered a priority in the periodic review of the list of restricted substances in Annex II. With a view to further restrictions, the substances that were subject to previous assessments should be re-investigated.(4)In accordance with Article 6(1) of Directive 2011/65/EU, interested parties, including economicoperators, recyclers, treatment operators, environmental organisations and employee and consumer associations, have been consulted and a thorough assessment has been performed.(5)Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) andDiisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) are substances of very high concern (SVHC). DIBP is a substance that can be used as a substitute for DBP and was subject to previous assessments performed by the Commission.The available evidence indicates that those four substances, when used in EEE, can have a negative impact on recycling and on human health and the environment during EEE waste management operations.(6)Substitutes that have less negative impacts are available for DEHP, BBP, DBP and DIBP in most EEE.The use of those substances in EEE should therefore be restricted DEHP, BBP and DBP are already restricted through entry 51 of Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, (2) so that toys containing DEHP, BBP or DBP in a concentration greater than 0.1% by weight of the plasticized material, calculated for the three phthalates cumulatively, cannot be placed on the EU market. In order to avoid double regulation, the restriction through entry 51 of Annex XVIIto that Regulation shall therefore continue to be the only restriction applicable to DEHP, BBP and DBP in toys.(7)In order to facilitate transition and to mitigate possible socioeconomic impacts, an appropriatetransition period should be granted, which will allow economic operators to apply for exemptions from the substance restrictions in accordance with Article 5 of Directive 2011/65/EU. The longer innovation cycles for medical devices and monitoring and control instruments should be taken into account while determining the transitional period. The restriction of the use of DEHP, BBP, DBP and DIBP should therefore apply to medical devices, including in vitro medical devices, and monitoring and control instruments, including industrial monitoring and control instruments, from 22 July 2021.(8)Any adaptation of Annex III or IV to Directive 2011/65/EU to exempt applications in relation to DEHPor DBP should take place in a manner which, in order to avoid double regulation and unnecessary burden, ensures coherence with the administration of any authorization granted under Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 in relation to the incorporation of those substances in EEE. Operators considering whether to apply for exemptions under Directive 2011/65/EU should be aware that such exemptions may cover the entire life cycle of the EEE, including the manufacturing phase.(9)Directive 2011/65/EU should therefore be amended accordingly,HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article 1Annex II to Directive 2011/65/EU is replaced by the text in the Annex to this Directive.Article 21.Member States shall adopt and publish, by 31 December 2016 at the least, the laws, regulations andadministrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive. They shall forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions.They shall apply those provisions from 22 July 2019.When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.2.Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national lawwhich they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.Article 3This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article 4This Directive is addressed to the Member States.Done at Brussels, 31 March 2015.For the CommissionThe PresidentJean-Claude JUNCKERANNEX‘ANNEX IIRestricted substances referred to in Article 4(1) and maximum concentration values tolerated by weightin homogeneous materials.Lead (0.1%)Mercury (0.1%)Cadmium (0.01%)Hexavalent chromium (0.1%)Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) (0.1%)Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) (0.1%)Bis(2-2thylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) (0.1%)Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) (0.1%)Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) (0.1%)Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) (0.1%)The restriction of DEHP, BBP, DBP and DIBP shall apply to medical devices, including in vitro medical devices, and monitoring and control instruments, including industrial monitoring and control instruments, from 22 July 2021.The restriction of DEHP, BBP, DBP and DIBP shall not apply to cables or spare parts for the repair, the reuse, the updating of functionalities or upgrading of capacity of EEE placed on the market before 22 July 2019, and of medical devices, including in vitro medical devices, and monitoring and control instruments, including industrial monitoring and control instruments, placed on the market before 22 July 2021.The restriction of DEHP, BBP and DBP shall not apply to toys which are already subject to the restriction of DEHP, BBP and DBP through entry 51 of Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006.(1) OJ L174,1.7.2011,p.88.(2) Regulation(EC)No1907/2006of the European Parliament and of the Council of18December2006 concerning the Registration,Evaluation,Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals(REACH),establishing a European Chemicals Agency,amending Directive1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation(EEC)No 793/93and Commission Regulation(EC)No1488/94as well as Council Directive76/769/EEC and Commission Directives91/155/EEC,93/67/EEC,93/105/EC and2000/21/EC(OJ L396,30.12.2006,p.1).。
Intel® Stratix® 10器件设计指南订阅反馈S10-GUIDELINES | 2018.09.24官网最新文档:PDF | HTML内容内容Intel® Stratix® 10器件设计指南 (4)设计流程 (4)系统规范 (5)设计规范 (6)IP选择 (6)Platform Designer (7)器件选择 (7)器件类型 (7)PLL和时钟布线 (8)逻辑、存储器和乘法器密集度 (8)I/O管脚数、LVDS通道和封装形式 (9)速度等级 (9)纵向器件移植 (10)系统和电路板早期规划 (10)早期功耗评估 (11)散热管理和设计 (12)散热管理的温度传感 (12)电压传感器 (13)器件配置规划 (13)片上调试规划 (17)电路板设计的管脚连接考量 (19)器件上电 (19)电源管脚连接和供电电源 (20)配置管脚连接 (22)板级相关的 Intel Quartus Prime设置 (25)信号完整性考量 (26)板级仿真和高级I/O时序分析 (27)I/O与时钟规划 (28)FPGA管脚约束 (28)早期管脚规划与I/O约束分析 (29)I/O特性与管脚连接 (30)时钟和PLL选择 (33)PLL功能指导 (34)时钟控制功能 (35)I/O同步开关噪声 (35)设计输入 (36)设计建议 (36)使用IP核 (36)重配置 (37)建议的HDL编码风格 (37)设计实现、分析、优化和验证 (37)选择综合工具 (38)器件资源利用报告 (38)Intel Quartus Prime消息 (39)Intel® Stratix® 10器件设计指南反馈2时序约束和分析...................................................................................................39面积与时序优化...................................................................................................40保持性能并减少编译时间........................................................................................41使用Intel Hyperflex ™进行设计..............................................................................42仿真.................................................................................................................42功耗分析...........................................................................................................43功耗优化.. (43)Intel Stratix 10器件设计指导文档修订历史 (46)内容反馈Intel ® Stratix ® 10器件设计指南3Intel ® Stratix ® 10器件设计指南本文档为使用 Intel ® Stratix ® 10 FPGA 的设计提供了一系列设计指导,建议以及一些考虑因素。
国家发展和改革委员会行政处罚决定书〔2015〕1号中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会行政处罚决定书发改办价监处罚〔2015〕1号当事人:高通公司(Qualcomm Incorporated)地址:(略)根据《中华人民共和国反垄断法》等法律法规,本机关于2013年11月立案,依法对当事人滥用在CDMA、WCDMA和LTE无线通信标准必要专利(以下简称无线标准必要专利)许可市场及CDMA、WCDMA和LTE无线通信终端基带芯片(以下简称基带芯片)市场的支配地位,实施垄断行为进行了调查。
CDMA(包括CDMA IS-95和CDMA 2000)、GSM、WCDMA、TD-SCDMA和LTE均为当前主流的无线通信技术标准。
TL081, TL081A, TL081B, TL082, TL082A TL082B, TL084, TL084A, TL084B
SLOS081I – FEBRUARY 1977 – ontents
1 Features .................................................................. 1 2 Applications ........................................................... 1 3 Description ............................................................. 1 4 Revision History..................................................... 2 5 Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... 3 6 Specifications......................................................... 5
TL08xI ........................................................................ 6 6.6 Electrical Characteristics for TL08xM and TL084x ... 7 6.7 Operating Characteristics.......................................... 7 6.8 Dissipation Rating Table ........................................... 8 6.9 Typical Characteristics .............................................. 9 7 Parameter Measurement Information ................ 13 8 Detailed Description ............................................ 14 8.1 Overview ................................................................. 14
二阶高通滤波器的设计 (2)
模拟电路课程设计任务书20 10 -20 11 学年第 2 学期第 1 周- 2 周摘要二阶高通滤波器是容许高频信号通过、但减弱(或减少)频率低于截止频率信号通过的滤波器。
现在工厂对于谐波的治理,应用最多的仍然是高压无源滤波器,高压无源滤波器有多种接线方式,其中单调谐滤波器及二阶高通滤波器使用最为广泛,无源滤波器具有结构简单、设备投资较少、运行可靠性较高、运行费用较低等优点,关键字:高通滤波器;二阶;有源;目录前言 (4)第一章设计内容 (5)1.1设计任务和要求 (5)1.2设计目的 (5)第二章滤波器的基本理论 (6)2.1滤波器的有关参数 (6)2.2有源滤波和无源滤波 (7)2.3巴特沃斯响应 (8)第三章滤波系统中高通滤波器模块设计 (11)3.1压控电压源二阶高通滤波电路 (11)3.2无限增益多路反馈高通滤波电路 (12)第四章二阶高通滤波器电路仿真 (13)第五章系统调试 (16)第六章结论 (17)5.2对本设计优缺点的分析 (17)5.1结论结论与心得 (17)附录一LM324引脚图 (18)附录二元件清单 (19)附录三参考文献 (20)第一章设计内容1.1设计任务和要求1.分别用压控电压源和无限增益多路反馈二种方法设计电路;2.截止频率fc=100Hz3.增益AV=5;1.2设计目的1.了解滤波器的工作特点2.掌握电子系统的一般设计方法3.掌握常用元器件的识别和测试4.培养综合应用所学知识来指导实践的能力5.熟悉常用仪表,了解电路调试的基本方法6.进一步提高自己的动手实践能力7.掌握专业课程设计报告的格式及流程第二章滤波器的基本理论2.1滤波器的有关参数实际滤波器的基本参数:理想滤波器是不存在的,在实际滤波器的幅频特性图中,通带和阻带之间应没有严格的界限。
RTL8211DN Datasheet
COPYRIGHT ©2011 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the written permission of Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Transceiver
Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4
RTL8211DN Datasheet
Revision Release Date Summary
2010/04/28 First release.
DISCLAIMER Realtek provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind. Realtek may make improvements and/or changes in this document or in the product described in this document at any time. This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
Gowin先进先出队列(FIFO HS) 用户指南说明书
Gowin先进先出队列(FIFO HS)用户指南IPUG760-1.2,2021-07-01版权所有© 2021广东高云半导体科技股份有限公司、、Gowin、GowinSynthesis以及高云均为广东高云半导体科技股份有限公司注册商标, 本手册中提到的其他任何商标,其所有权利属其拥有者所有。
版本信息目录目录 (i)图目录 (iii)表目录 (v)1关于本手册 (1)1.1 手册内容 (1)1.2 相关文档 (1)1.3 术语、缩略语 (1)1.4 技术支持与反馈 (2)2FIFO概述 (3)2.1 FIFO简介 (3)2.2 FIFO HS/FIFO SC HS IP简介 (4)2.3 FIFO HS/FIFO SC HS IP功能及特征 (5)2.3.1 FIFO HS IP功能及特征 (5)2.3.2 FIFO SC HS IP功能及特征 (6)2.4 FIFO HS IP最大频率和资源利用率 (6)2.5 FIFO SC HS IP最大频率和资源利用率 (8)3端口描述 (10)3.1 FIFO HS IP端口 (10)3.2 FIFO SC HS IP端口 (11)4时序说明 (12)4.1 FIFO HS IP信号时序 (12)4.2 FIFO SC HS IP信号时序 (19)5FIFO HS/FIFO SC HS IP配置 (26)5.1 FIFO HS IP配置 (26)5.2 FIFO SC HS IP配置 (30)6参考设计 (34)图目录图2-1 FIFO HS IP结构示意图 (4)图2-2 FIFO SC HS IP结构示意图 (4)图4-1 FIFO HS配置 (12)图4-2 FIFO HS IP配置时序 (13)图4-3 FIFO HS配置 (13)图4-4 FIFO HS IP配置时序 (14)图4-5 FIFO HS配置 (14)图4-6 FIFO HS IP配置时序 (15)图4-7 FIFO HS配置 (15)图4-8 FIFO HS IP配置时序 (16)图4-9 FIFO HS配置 (17)图4-10 FIFO HS IP配置时序 (17)图4-11 FIFO HS配置 (18)图4-12 FIFO HS IP配置时序 (18)图4-13 FIFO SC HS配置 (19)图4-14 FIFO SC HS IP配置时序 (19)图4-15 FIFO SC HS配置 (20)图4-16 FIFO SC HS IP配置时序 (20)图4-17 FIFO SC HS配置 (21)图4-18 FIFO SC HS IP配置时序 (21)图4-19 FIFO SC HS配置 (22)图4-20 FIFO SC HS IP配置时序 (23)图4-21 FIFO SC HS配置 (23)图4-22 FIFO SC HS IP配置时序 (24)图4-23 FIFO SC HS配置 (24)图4-24 FIFO SC HS IP配置时序 (25)图5-1 FIFO HS IP配置界面 (26)图5-2 FIFO_SC HS IP 配置界面 (30)表目录表目录表1-1术语、缩略语 (1)表2-1 FIFO HS/ FIFO SC HS IP概览 (5)表2-2未配置可选特性的FIFO HS IP (7)表2-3已配置可选特性的FIFO HS IP (8)表2-4未配置可选特性的FIFO SC HS IP (9)表2-5已配置可选特性的FIFO SC HS IP (9)表3-1 FIFO HS IP的IO端口列表 (10)表3-2 FIFO SC HS IP的IO端口列表 (11)表5-1 FIFO HS IP配置界面参数 (27)表5-2 FIFO SC HS IP配置界面参数 (31)1关于本手册 1.1 手册内容1关于本手册1.1手册内容本手册主要描述FIFO HS的功能特性、端口、时序、相关配置及参考设计,旨在帮助用户快速了解Gowin FIFO HS IP的产品特点及使用方法。
2)RC 高通滤波器
A( f ) =
2π f τ ⎫ 1+ (2π f τ )2 ⎪⎪
ϕ( f ) = arctan 1 2π f τ
⎪ ⎪⎭
当 f = 1/(2πτ )时,A( f ) = 1 止频率 fc = 1/(2πτ ) 。
当 f >> 1/(2πτ ) 时, A( f ) ≈1, 即当相当大时,幅频特性接近 于1; ϕ( f ) ≈0,相移趋于 零,此时高通滤波器可视为不 失真传输系统
5.1 电桥 5.2 滤波器 5.3 调制与解调 5.4 A/D & D/A (A-analog & D-digital)转换
5.2 滤波器
5.2.1 滤波器的分类 5.2.2理想滤波器 5.2.3实际滤波器
1. 实际滤波器的基本参数; 2. RC协调式滤波器的基本特性
5.2.4 滤波器的应用
低通滤波器和高通滤波器是滤波器的两种 最基本的形式,其它的滤波器都可以分解为这 两种类型的滤波器。
理想滤波器是指能使通带内信号的幅值和相位 都不失真,阻带内的频率成分都衰减为零的滤波器。
H(ω )
H (ω ) = Ae− jωt0 (−ωc ≤ f ≤ ωc ) ωc
模拟滤波器在测试系统或专用仪器仪表中 是一种常用的变换装置:
如带通滤波器用作频谱分析仪中的选 频装置;
低通滤波器用作数字信号分析系统中 的抗频混滤波;
高通滤波器用于声发射检测仪中剔除 低频干扰噪声;
带阻滤波器用作电涡流测振仪中的陷 波器等
MEDDEV 2.12-1 REV2_12_1-rev_6-12-2009_en
EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDG ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRYDirectorate F-Consumer GoodUnit F3- Cosmetic and Medical DevicesMEDICAL DEVICES: Guidance documentMEDDEV 2.12-1 rev 6December 2009GUIDELINESON A MEDICAL DEVICES VIGILANCE SYSTEMThe present guidelines are part of a set of guidelines relating to questions of application of EC-Directives on MEDICAL DEVICEs. They are legally not binding. The guidelines have been carefully drafted through a process of intensive consultation of the various interested parties (competent authorities, Commission services, industries, other interested parties) during which intermediate drafts were circulated and comments were taken up in the document. Therefore, this document reflects positions taken by representatives of interested parties in the MEDICAL DEVICEs sector.Revision 6 of MEDDEV 2.12-1 incorporates technical modifications to Annex 3 (Report Form - Manufacturer's Incident Report). The April 2007 version of MEDDEV 2.12-1 remains otherwise unchanged. The revised Annex 3 will be applicable as of 20 March 2010.T ABLE OF C ONTENTST ABLE OF C ONTENTS (2)1FOREWORD (4)2INTRODUCTION (4)3SCOPE (5)3.1GENERAL PRINCIPLES (6)3.1.1FOR MANUFACTURERS (6)3.1.2FOR MANUFACTURERS OF IVDS (7)3.1.3FOR NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITIES (7)3.1.4FOR USERS (8)4DEFINITIONS (8)4.1ABNORMAL USE (8)4.2AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE (8)4.3CORRECTIVE ACTION (8)4.4DRUG / DEVICE COMBINATION PRODUCT (9)4.5EUDAMED (9)4.6FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION (FSCA) (9)4.7FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (FSN) (10)4.8HARM (10)4.9IMMEDIATELY (10)4.10INCIDENT (10)4.11INDIRECT HARM (10)4.12INTENDED PURPOSE (11)4.13MANUFACTURER (11)4.14MEDICAL DEVICE (11)4.15OPERATOR (11)4.16PERIODIC SUMMARY REPORTING (11)4.17SERIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH THREAT (12)4.18TREND REPORTING (12)4.19UNANTICIPATED (12)4.20USE ERROR (12)4.21USER (12)5MANUFACTURERS´ ROLE (12)5.1INCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM (13)5.1.1CRITERIA FOR INCIDENTs TO BE REPORTED BY MANUFACTURERS TOCOMPETENT AUTHORITIES (13)5.1.2 CONDITIONS FOR PERIODIC SUMMARY REPORTING UNDER THE MEDICALDEVICE VIGILANCE SYSTEM (15) DESCRIBED IN A FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (15) AND WELL-DOCUMENTED INCIDENTS (15)5.1.3CONDITIONS WHERE REPORTING UNDER THE MEDICAL DEVICE VIGILANCESYSTEM IS NOT USUALLY REQUIRED (16) OF A DEVICE FOUND BY THE USER PRIOR TO ITS USE (16) CAUSED BY PATIENT CONDITIONS (16) LIFE OR SHELF-LIFE OF THE MEDICAL DEVICE EXCEEDED (17) AGAINST A FAULT FUNCTIONED CORRECTLY (17) EXPECTED AND FORESEEABLE SIDE EFFECTS (18) NEGLIGIBLE LIKELIHOOD OF OCCURRENCE OF DEATH OR SERIOUSDETERIORATION IN STATE OF HEALTH (19)5.1.4TREND REPORTS (19)5.1.5REPORTING OF USE ERROR AND ABNORMAL USE (20) USE ERRORS (20) ERROR WHERE REPORTING UNDER THE MEDICAL DEVICE VIGILANCESYSTEM IS NOT USUALLY REQUIRED (20) FOR HANDLING ABNORMAL USE (20)5.1.6DETAILS TO BE INCLUDED IN MANUFACTURER REPORTS (21)5.1.7TIMESCALE FOR THE INITIAL REPORTING OF AN INCIDENT (21)5.1.8TO WHOM TO REPORT (21)5.2HANDLING OF USER REPORTS SUBMITTED TO THE MANUFACTURER BY ANATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (22)5.3INVESTIGATIONS (22)5.3.1 PRINCIPLES (22)5.3.2ACCESS TO THE DEVICE SUSPECTED TO BE INVOLVED IN THE INCIDENT (22)5.4 OUTCOME OF AN INVESTIGATION AND FOLLOW-UP (23)5.4.1 PRINCIPLES (23)5.4.2FOLLOW-UP REPORT (23)5.4.3FINAL REPORT (23)5.4.4 FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION (23) TO NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITIES (24) OF THE FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (25)6.RESPONSIBILITIES OF NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (26)6.1ACTIONS ON A REPORT FROM USERS OR OTHER SYSTEMS (26)6.2RISK EVALUATION AND SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS (27)6.2.1RISK EVALUATION BY THE NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (27)6.2.2MONITORING OF MANUFACTURERS SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS (27)6.2.3NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY ACTIONS (28)6.3CO-ORDINATION BETWEEN COMPETENT AUTHORITIES (28)6.3.1CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE A COORDINATING NATIONAL COMPETENTAUTHORITY IS NEEDED (28)6.3.2DETERMINATION OF THE COORDINATING NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY296.3.3THE TASKS OF THE CO-ORDINATING NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (29)6.3.4SAFEGUARD CLAUSE (30)6.3.5DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION BETWEEN National COMPETENTAUTHORITIES (30)6.3.6DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION OUTSIDE NATIONAL COMPETENTAUTHORITIES BY A NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY (31)6.4COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION (31)7THE ROLE OF THE NOTIFIED BODIES (32)8THE ROLE OF THE COMMISSION (32)9USERS ROLE WITHIN THE VIGILANCE SYSTEM (32)10.1ANNEX 1 EXAMPLES OF INCIDENTs WHICH THE MANUFACTURER SHOULDREPORT (34)10.2ANNEX 2 EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTIVES RELATING TO "MEDICAL DEVICESVIGILANCE" (36)10.3ANNEX 3 REPORT FORM FOR MANUFACTURER’S TO THE NATIONAL COMPETENTAUTHORITY (39)10.4ANNEX 4 EUROPEAN FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT FORM (44)10.5ANNEX 5 TEMPLATE FOR A FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (48)10.6ANNEX 6 SUGGESTED NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITY REPORT FORMAT (50)10.7ANNEX 7 TITLES OF GLOBAL HARMONISATION TASK FORCE STUDY GROUP 2DOCUMENTS USED IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS MEDDEV AND/OR CITED (53)10.8ANNEX 8 LIST OF THE USED ABBREVIATIONS (54)10.9ANNEX 9 GUIDANCE TO MANUFACTURERS WHEN INVOLVING USERS IN THEVIGILANCE SYSTEM (55)1 FOREWORDThese guidelines on the Medical Device Vigilance System are part of a set of Medical Device Guidelines that promote a common approach by MANUFACTURERs and Notified Bodies involved in the conformity assessment procedures according to the relevant annexes of the directives, and by the National Competent Authorities charged with safeguarding public health.They have been carefully drafted through a process of consultation with various interested parties during which intermediate drafts were circulated and comments were taken up in the documents. Therefore, it reflects positions taken in particular by representatives of National Competent Authorities and Commission Services, Notified Bodies, industry and other interested parties in the MEDICAL DEVICEs sector.The guidelines are regularly updated accordingly with regulatory developments. The latest version of the guidelines should always be used. This revision of these guidelines has: •carefully considered and transposed into the European context the Global Harmonisation Task Force (GHTF)1 international regulatory guidance documents on vigilance and post market surveillance;•addressed the introduction of European medical device database EUDAMED; •amended the document in light of experience with previous clauses.These guidelines are not legally binding. It is recognised that under given circumstances, for example, as a result of scientific developments, an alternative approach may be possible or appropriate to comply with the legal requirements.Nevertheless, due to the participation of the aforementioned interested parties and of experts from National Competent Authorities, it is anticipated that the guidelines will be followed within the Member States and, therefore, work towards uniform application of relevant directive provisions and common practices within Member States.However, only the text of the Directives is authentic in law. On certain issues not addressed in the Directives, national legislation may be different from these guidelines.2 INTRODUCTIONThese guidelines describe the European system for the notification and evaluation of INCIDENTs and FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTIONS (FSCA) involving MEDICAL DEVICEs, known as the Medical Device Vigilance System.The principal purpose of the Medical Device Vigilance System is to improve the protection of health and safety of patients, USERs and others by reducing the likelihood of reoccurrence of the INCIDENT elsewhere. This is to be achieved by the evaluation of reported INCIDENTs and, where appropriate, dissemination of information, which could be used to prevent such repetitions, or to alleviate the consequences of such INCIDENTs.These guidelines are intended to facilitate the uniform application and implementation of the Medical Device Vigilance System requirements contained within:1 A list of the used abbreviations is listed in annex 8•the Directive for Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMD), 90/385/EEC•the Directive for Medical Devices (MDD), 93/42/EEC•the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive (IVDD), 98/79/EC.FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION (FSCA), FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (FSN), USE ERROR and ABNORMAL USE are new concepts introduced in this revision of the guideline to enhance and clarify the European Medical Device Vigilance System while promoting harmonisation with GHTF provisions.The Medical Device Vigilance System is intended to facilitate a direct, early and harmonised implementation of FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION across the Member States where the device is in use, in contrast to action taken on a country by country basis.Corrective action includes, but may not be confined to: a device recall; the issue of a FIELD SAFETY NOTICE; additional surveillance/modification of devices in use; modification to future device design, components or manufacturing process; modification to labelling or instructions for use.3 SCOPEThese guidelines describe the requirements of the Medical Device Vigilance System as it applies to or involves:• MANUFACTURERs2•National Competent Authorities (NCA)•the European Commission•Notified Bodies•USERs and others concerned with the continuing safety of MEDICAL DEVICEsThese guidelines cover the actions to be taken once the MANUFACTURER or National Competent Authority receives information concerning an INCIDENT involving a MEDICAL DEVICE. Information on INCIDENTs which should be reported under the Medical Device Vigilance System may come to the attention of MANUFACTURERs via the systematic procedure to review experience gained from devices in the post-production phase, or by other means (see annexes II, IV, V, VI, VII of MDD and annexes III, IV, VI and VII of IVDD). The term "post-marketing surveillance" as referred to in Annexes 2, 4, 5 in AIMD has the same meaning as the aforementioned "systematic procedure".These guidelines cover Article 8 (AIMD), Article 10 (MDD) and Article 11 (IVDD) outlining the obligations of Member States upon the receipt of INCIDENT reports, from MANUFACTURERs or other sources, concerning any MEDICAL DEVICE. They also include guidance to National Competent Authorities about the issue and receipt of information from National Competent Authorities outside Europe who are involved in the GHTF National Competent Authority Report (NCAR) exchange programme.These guidelines are relevant to INCIDENTs occurring within the Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland with regard to:•a) devices which carry the CE-mark2 including their Authorised Representatives and persons responsible for placing on the market, see section 4 on definitions.•b) devices that do not carry the CE-mark but fall under the directives scope (e.g. custom made devices)•c) devices that do not carry the CE mark because they were placed on the market before the entry into force of the medical devices directives.•d) devices that do not carry the CE-mark but where such INCIDENTs lead to CORRECTIVE ACTION(s) relevant to the devices mentioned in a), b) and c).These guidelines cover FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION relevant to CE-marked devices which are offered for sale or are in use within the EEA and Switzerland.These guidelines make no recommendations on the structure of the systems by which MANUFACTURERs gather information concerning the use of devices in the post-production phase, of which the Medical Device Vigilance System is an integral part. Such recommendations are outside the scope of this document.3.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES3.1.1 FOR MANUFACTURERS•The MANUFACTURER or his AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE shall notify the relevant National Competent Authority about INCIDENTs and FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTIONs when the reporting criteria are met (see section 5.1 and 5.4). •The MANUFACTURER has the responsibility for investigating INCIDENTs and for taking any CORRECTIVE ACTION necessary (see section 5.2 and 5.3).•The MANUFACTURER should ensure that these guidelines are made known to their AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVEs within the EEA and Switzerland, persons responsible for placing devices on the market and any other agents authorised to act on their behalf for purposes related to medical devices vigilance, so that the MANUFACTURERs' responsibilities may be fulfilled.•The MANUFACTURER should ensure that their AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE within the EEA and Switzerland, persons responsible for placing devices on the market and any other agents authorised to act on their behalf for purposes relating to medical devices vigilance, are kept informed of INCIDENT reports as appropriate.•Where an INCIDENT occurs as a consequence of the combined use of two or more separate devices (and/or accessories) made by different MANUFACTURERs, each MANUFACTURER should submit a report to the relevant National Competent Authority (see section 5.1)•MANUFACTURERs must keep the Notified Body advised of issues occurring in the post production phase affecting the certification (see the relevant annexes of the relevant directives and section 7 of this document). This would include relevant changes derived from the vigilance system.The act of reporting an INCIDENT to a National Competent Authority is not to be construed as an admission of liability for the INCIDENT and its consequences. Written reports may carry a disclaimer to this effect.When placing on the market of a particular model of MEDICAL DEVICE ceases, the MANUFACTURER’s vigilance reporting obligations under the Medical Device Directives remain. However, a MANUFACTURERs legal trading arrangements change with mergers and acquisitions etc. Where the vigilance and other post market surveillance obligations are being transferred to another legal entity it is important that post market surveillance activitiescontinue and that Competent Authorities are appraised of the implications and provided with new contact details as soon as possible, so that any detrimental effects on the functioning of the vigilance system are minimised.For a complete description of the MANUFACTURER’s role in the Medical Device Vigilance System, see section 5 of these guidelines.3.1.2 FOR MANUFACTURERS OF IVDSVigilance reporting for IVDs may be more difficult since IVDs do not generally come into contact with patients. Therefore, it can be difficult to demonstrate direct HARM to patients, unless the device itself causes deterioration in state of health. HARM to patients is more likely to be indirect - a result of action taken or not taken on the basis of an incorrect result obtained with an IVD. Whether as a result of direct or INDIRECT HARM, INCIDENTs should be reported.It may be difficult to determine if a serious deterioration in the state of a patient’s health was or could be the consequence of an erroneous result obtained with an IVD, or if the HARM was the consequence of an error by the USER or third party. There should be a predisposition to report under such circumstances (see section 5.1).In the case of potential errors by USERs or third parties, labelling and instructions for use should be carefully reviewed for any possible inadequacy. This is particularly true for devices used for self-testing where a medical decision may be made by the patient. Inadequacies in the information supplied by the MANUFACTURER that led or could have led to HARM to USERs, patients or third parties should be reported.In particular, it can be extremely difficult to judge events in which no HARM was caused, but where HARM could result if the event was to occur again elsewhere.3.1.3 FOR NATIONAL COMPETENT AUTHORITIESFor the purposes of Medical Devices Vigilance System, Member States are represented by appointed National Competent Authorities, their vigilance contact points being listed on the European Commission web site:http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/medical_devices/contact_links_en.htm•The National Competent Authority monitors the investigation of the INCIDENT carried out by the MANUFACTURER.•The National Competent Authority should take any further action that may be necessary to supplement the actions of the MANUFACTURER.•Depending on the outcome to the investigation, any information necessary for the prevention of further INCIDENTs (or the limitation of their consequences) should be disseminated by the National Competent Authority.•Member States should ensure that organisations and individuals involved in purchasing MEDICAL DEVICEs and in the provision of health-care are aware that their co-operation is vital in providing the first link in the vigilance chain. In order to enhance the efficiency of the Medical Device Vigilance System, National Competent Authorities should encourage the reporting of INCIDENTs by the USER and other professionals involved in the distribution, the delivery or putting in to service of the device. This includes organisations and individuals responsible for providing calibration and maintenance for MEDICAL DEVICEs. Such reports may be made directly to the MANUFACTURER or to the National Competent Authority as well depending on national practice.Information held by National Competent Authorities in connection with the Medical Device Vigilance System is to be held in confidence, as defined by the relevant articles of the directives3. However, any INCIDENT report should be available on request, and in confidence, to the other European Competent Authorities and to other National Competent Authorities participating in the GHTF exchange programme.For a complete description of the National Competent Authority’s role in the Medical Device Vigilance System, see section 6 of this guideline.USERS3.1.4 FOR•USERs should report INCIDENTs with MEDICAL DEVICEs to the MANUFACTURER or to the National Competent Authority depending on national practice.•Once corrective (or other) action is identified, hospital administrators, medical practitioners and other health-care professionals, and USER representatives responsible for the maintenance and the safety of MEDICAL DEVICEs, can take the necessary steps.Such steps should, where practicable, be taken in co-operation with the MANUFACTURER.For a complete description of the USER’s role in the Medical Device Vigilance System, see section 9 of this guideline.4 DEFINITIONS4.1 ABNORMAL USEAct or omission of an act by the OPERATOR or USER of a MEDICAL DEVICE as a result of conduct which is beyond any means of risk control by the MANUFACTURER.Reference: EN IEC 60601-1-64.2 AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVEAny natural or legal person established in the Community who, explicitly designated by the MANUFACTURER, acts and may be addressed by authorities and bodies in the Community instead of the MANUFACTURER with regard to the latter’s obligations under the directive.4.3 CORRECTIVE ACTIONAction to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable situation. NOTE1: There can be more than one cause for non-conformity.NOTE 2: Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence whereas preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence.Reference: EN ISO 9000:2000, 3.6.53 AIMD 15, MDD 20 and IVDD 204.4 DRUG / DEVICE COMBINATION PRODUCTA MEDICAL DEVICE incorporating a medicinal product or substance where the action of the medicinal product or substance is ancillary to that of the device. In this case, the lead directive are the Medical Devices Directives (AIMD, MDD).4.5 EUDAMEDThe European database for MEDICAL DEVICEs EUDAMED is to centralise:•data relating to registration of MANUFACTURERS and MEDICAL DEVICES placed on the Community market,•data relating to certificates issued, modified, supplemented, suspended,,withdrawn or refused,•data obtained in accordance with the vigilance procedure.Reference: Article 14a of MDD and article 10 of IVDD.4.6 FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION (FSCA)A FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION is an action taken by a MANUFACTURER to reduce a risk of death or serious deterioration in the state of health associated with the use of a MEDICAL DEVICE that is already placed on the market. Such actions should be notified via a FIELD SAFETY NOTICE.NOTE 1:The FSCA may include- the return of a MEDICAL DEVICE to the supplier;- device modification;- device exchange;- device destruction;- retrofit by purchaser of MANUFACTURER's modification or design change;- advice given by MANUFACTURER regarding the use of the device (e.g. where the device is no longer on the market or has been withdrawn but could still possibly be in usee.g. implants or change in analytical sensitivity or specificity for diagnostic devices)A device modification can include:- permanent or temporary changes to the labelling or instructions for use;- software upgrades including those carried out by remote access;- modification to the clinical management of patients to address a risk of death or serious deterioration in state of health related specifically to the characteristics of the device. For example:- For implantable devices it is often clinically unjustifiable to explant the device.Corrective action taking the form of special patient follow-up, irrespective ofwhether any affected un-implanted devices remain available for return, constitutesFSCA.- For any diagnostic device (e.g. IVD, imaging equipment or devices) the recall of patients for retesting or the retest or review of previous results constitutes FSCA.- advice relating to a change in the way the device is used e.g. IVD MANUFACTURER advises revised quality control procedure -use of third party controls or more frequent calibration or modification of control values for IVDs.NOTE 2: This guideline uses the definition of FSCA as synonym for recall mentioned in article 10(1), paragraph 1b) of the MDD and Article 11 IVD Directive since there is no harmonised definition of recall.4.7 FIELD SAFETY NOTICE (FSN)A communication to customers and/or USERs sent out by a MANUFACTURER or its representative in relation to a Field Safety Corrective Action.4.8 HARMPhysical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment. Reference: ISO/IEC Guide 51:19994.9 IMMEDIATELYFor purposes of this guideline, IMMEDIATELY means without any delay that could not be justified.4.10 INCIDENT“Any malfunction or deterioration in the characteristics and/or performance of a device, as well as any inadequacy in the labeling or the instructions for use which, directly or indirectly, might lead to or might have led to the death of a patient, or USER or of other persons or to a serious deterioration in their state of health.”Reference: Article 10 of the MDDNote 1: There is a similar definition in Article 8 of the AIMD and Article 11 IVD Directive with minor wording differences.Note 2: A description of “serious deterioration in the state of health” is given in section 5.1.1.(C) of this document.4.11 INDIRECT HARMSome diagnostic devices and all IVDs do not act directly on the individual. HARM may occur as a consequence of the medical decision, action taken/not taken on the basis of information or result(s) provided by the device.Examples include• misdiagnosis,•delayed diagnosis,• delayed treatment,• inappropriate treatment,•transfusion of inappropriate materials.For self-testing devices, a medical decision may be made by the USER of the device who is also the patient.4.12 INTENDED PURPOSEThe use for which the device is intended according to the data supplied by the MANUFACTURER on the labelling, in the instructions and/or in promotional materials. Reference: Article 1.2 (h) of the IVDD and Article 1.2 (g) of the MDD4.13 MANUFACTURERThe natural or legal person with responsibility for the design, manufacture, packaging and labelling of a device before it is placed on the market under his own name, regardless of whether these operations are carried out by that person himself or on his behalf by a third party.Reference: Article 1.2 (f) of the IVDD and Article 1.2 (f) of the MDD4.14 MEDICAL DEVICEFor the purpose of the Medical Devices Directives 90/385/EEC, 93/42/EEC and 98/79/EEC, any instrument, apparatus, appliance, material or other Article, whether used alone or in combination, including the software necessary for its proper application intended by the MANUFACTURER to be used for human beings for the purpose of:- diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease,- diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury or handicap,- investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of aprocess,physiological-control of conception,and which does not achieve its principal intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its function by such means.4.15 OPERATORPerson handling equipment.4.16 PERIODIC SUMMARY REPORTINGPERIODIC SUMMARY REPORTING is an alternative reporting regime that is agreed between the MANUFACTURER and the National Competent Authority for reporting similarINCIDENTs with the same device or device type in a consolidated way where the root cause is known or an FSCA has been implemented.4.17 SERIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH THREATAny event type which results in imminent risk of death, serious deterioration in state of health, or serious illness that requires prompt remedial action.This would include:•events that are of significant and unexpected nature such that they become alarming as a potential public health hazard, e.g. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD). These concerns may be identified by either the National Competent Authority or the MANUFACTURER.•the possibility of multiple deaths occurring at short intervals.Reference: GHTF SG2 N33R114.18 TREND REPORTINGA reporting type used by the MANUFACTURER when a significant increase in events not normally considered to be INCIDENTs according to section 5.1.3. occurred and for which pre-defined trigger levels are used to determine the threshold for reporting.NOTE: GHTF SG2 document N36 'MANUFACTURER's TREND REPORTING of Adverse INCIDENTs' provides useful guidance (see annex 7).'4.19 UNANTICIPATEDA deterioration in state of health is considered UNANTICIPATED if the condition leading tothe event was not considered in a risk analysis.NOTE: Documented evidence in the design file is needed that such analysis was used to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, or that this risk is well known by the intended USER. 4.20 USE ERRORAct or omission of an act, that has a different result to that intended by the MANUFACTURER or expected by the OPERATOR of the MEDICAL DEVICE.4.21 USERThe health care institution, professional, carer or patient using or maintaining MEDICAL DEVICES.5 MANUFACTURERS´ ROLE5.1 INCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEMThe MANUFACTURER or their AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE must submit an initial INCIDENT report to the National Competent Authority for recording and evaluation. Each initial report must lead to a final report unless the initial and the final report are combined into one report. But not every INCIDENT report will lead to a corrective action.As a general principle, there should be a pre-disposition to report rather than not to report in case of doubt on the reportability of an INCIDENT.Reference to the following considerations may be made in the report, or should be kept on file by the MANUFACTURER in the case of a decision not to report.INCIDENTs which occurred outside the EEA and Switzerland and do not lead to a FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION relevant to these geographic areas do not need to be reported. Incidents which occurred outside the EEA and Switzerland and led to a FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION relevant to the above-mentioned geographical areas must be reported as a FIELD SAFETY CORRECTIVE ACTION.Where appropriate, MANUFACTURERs should notify their AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE, persons responsible for placing devices on the market and any other agents (e.g. distributors) authorised to act on their behalf of INCIDENTs and FSCA reported under the Medical Device Vigilance System.If the MANUFACTURER is located outside the EEA and Switzerland, a suitable contact point within should be provided. This may be the MANUFACTURER's AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE, persons responsible for placing devices on the market or any other agent authorised to act on their behalf for purposes relating to Medical Devices Vigilance.Any report should not be unduly delayed because of incomplete information.5.1.1 CRITERIA FOR INCIDENTs TO BE REPORTED BY MANUFACTURERS TOCOMPETENT AUTHORITIESAny event which meets all three basic reporting criteria A – C listed below is considered as an INCIDENT and must be reported to the relevant National Competent Authority. The criteria are that:A: An event has occurredThis also includes situations where testing performed on the device, examination of the information supplied with the device or any scientific information indicates some factor that could lead or has led to an event.Typical events include, but are not limited to:a) A malfunction or deterioration in the characteristics or performance.A malfunction or deterioration should be understood as a failure of a device to perform in accordance with its INTENDED PURPOSE when used in accordance with the MANUFACTURER’s instructions.。
高通CASE提交指南2015. Oct.1. 高通CASE提交注意事项1.1 Platform指明基带芯片型号,如8996,8994,8992, 8936, fusion3,8974等,即使认为是芯片平台无关的,也尽量指明目前发现问题的,或最容易重现的平台,手头有调试板的平台。
涉及到射频(RF)和电源管理(PMIC)芯片, 同时也指明这两款芯片型号以及射频平台配置,如RF configuration APAC, NA717, SV_VZ, CMCC SGLTE.1.2 关于硬件design review一般的case类型为wireless support大类,wireless support下面再分为硬件和软件类型。
design review类型为单独的大类,在提交硬件design review时(包括原理图/PCB/PDN) 请选择design review case类型。
提交design review的时候,对于原理图请提供pdf格式并且是可搜索的,同时填写文档80-V5756-3(文档内包括RF port mapping和框图)1.3 Problem Area Code●仔细的判断是软件问题还是硬件问题,以尽量符合实际情况,有助于加快问题解决。
●一定要仔细填写Problem Area Code,从初步的分析确定问题最有可能发生的部分,轻率填写不准确或者错误的Problem Code有可能会大大延迟CASE的处理进程,使简单的问题不能得到快速应答。
●尽量不要使用模糊的Problem Area Code,如Other, Crash,这种往往需要更长的时间分到正确的处理人关于Problem Area Code的详细解释,见第四、五章。
1.4 Build id/version一定要填写当前使用的版本号和配置ID,如M8916AAAAANLYD1030.2,M6290AKPRZL120020,其中AKPRZL是build id, 120020是版本号。
器件型号 ISO1050
SOP (8)
9.50mm × 6.57mm
SOIC (16)
10.30mm x 7.50mm
(1) 要了解所有可用封装,请见数据表末尾的可订购产品附录。
1பைடு நூலகம்
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.
English Data Sheet: SLLS983
1 特性.......................................................................... 1 2 应用.......................................................................... 1 3 说明.......................................................................... 1 4 修订历史记录 ........................................................... 2 5 Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... 5 6 Specifications......................................................... 6
软件缺陷分类标准 Version 1.1分类 :<标准 >使用部门 :<测试人员、项目组 >目录1. 简介 ........................................................................................................................................... ..................... 1 1.1目的 ........................................................................................................................................... ............. 1 1.2范围 ........................................................................................................................................... ............. 1 1.3文档结构 ........................................................................................................................................... ..... 1 1.4词汇表 ........................................................................................................................................... (1)2. 软件缺陷分类标准 (1)2.1缺陷属性 ........................................................................................................................................... ..... 1 2.2缺陷类型(TYPE (2)2.3缺陷严重程度(SEVERITY ................................................................................................................. 2 2.3.1软件测试错误严重程度 ................................................................................................................ 2 2.3.2同行评审错误严重程度 . (2)2.4缺陷优先级(PRIORITY ..................................................................................................................... 3 2.5缺陷状态(STATUS (3)2.6缺陷起源(ORIGIN (3)2.7缺陷来源(SOURCE (3)2.8缺陷根源(R OOT CAUSE (3)2.9缺陷分类适用范围 (4)3. 参考文献 ........................................................................................................................................... . (4)4. 附录 ........................................................................................................................................... (4)软件缺陷分类标准1. 简介1.1 目的本文档的目的是为同行评审、软件测试提供缺陷分类的标准。
第一部分 项目管理知识体系指南(PMBOK® 指南) 1. 引论............................................................................................................................................ 1
2. 项目运行环境......................................................................................................................... 37 2.1 概述................................................................................................................................. 37 2.2 事业环境因素................................................................................................................ 38 2.2.1 组织内部的事业环境因素............................................................................... 38 2.2.2 组织外部的事业环境因素............................................................................... 39
前 言
城市轨道交通基于通信的列车运行控制系统(CBTC)互联互通技术的系列规范,包括T/CAMETXXXX 《城市轨道交通基于通信的列车运行控制系统(CBTC)互联互通系统规范》、T/CAMETXXXX 《城市轨道 交通基于通信的列车运行控制系统(CBTC)互联互通接口规范》、T/CAMETXXXX《城市轨道交通基于通 信的列车运行控制系统(CBTC)互联互通测试规范》、T/CAMETXXXX 《城市轨道交通基于通信的列车运 行控制系统(CBTC)互联互通工程规范》四部分。 本规范为《城市轨道交通基于通信的列车运行控制系统(CBTC)互联互通测试规范》的第2部分, 测试规范由以下2部分组成: 第1部分:CBTC部分测试及验证技术规范 第2部分:点式部分测试及验证技术规范 本部分按照GB/T1.1-2009给出的规则起草。 请注意本部分的某些内容可能涉及专利,本部分的发布机构不承担识别这些专利的责任。 本部分由中国城市轨道交通协会技术装备专业委员会提出。 本部分由中国城市轨道交通协会归口。 本部分主编单位:中国铁道科学研究院通信信号研究所。 本部分参编单位:交控科技股份有限公司、北京全路通信信号研究设计院集团有限公司、 、浙江众 合科技股份有限公司 本部分主要起草人: 【编写组】黄康、郜洪民、尹逊政、李亮、朗红霞、刘键、侯磊、刘鲁鹏、耿 鹏、刘帅、朱炳强、黄友能、王伟、王奇、周炜、李晓刚、吴松【审查组】李中浩、朱翔、赵炜、郑生 全、张艳兵、张良、张琼燕、段晨宁、李德堂、文成祥、任敬、朱东飞、刘新平、王道敏
I-RFID 根据不同应用的实际需要,可以预先 在标签写入相应的应用程序中:
识别 认证 传感器数据采集和控制 实时定位 甚至 Zigbee 协议 设备控制等, ….
I- RFID 如何进入TW工作状态
“ 但到目前为止还没有一个国际标准能够满足 这些需要。”
---- from “IEEE 802.15.4f
Active RFID PAR Submittal from the RFID Study Group”
ISO-18000-4(2) ISO-18000-7(1) ISO-18000-7(2) –Dash7(2) 其它: 两个套无线通信系统
--标签苏醒(随机过程)—进入等待状态(非随机过程), 然后产生一个随机数在回
到随机过程 !
内部和外部的事件启动标签(传感器, 125khz 低频唤醒信号唤醒 内部时钟触发等,…...)
I-RFID 工作频道
回到PSL TW 状态
PSL 状态
只有RC 时钟在工作 周期性的苏醒和在监听频道上监听可能
的有效无线信号 (监听时间为100uS)
nCode GlyphWorks11软件规格书(详细)
nCode GlyphWorks 是用于工程测试数据处理和疲劳分析的一个功能强大的软件系统,特 别适用于疲劳和耐久性方面的分析和应用。GlyphWorks 提供了一个以进程为导向的图形化 工作环境,用户只需拖放相关的分析模块即可创建分析工作流程。这种简便的操作方式让用 户能洞悉数据处理过程中任一阶段的内容。
正弦随机。 2.1.7 能够定义振动试验中的随机功率谱密度、正弦扫频、正弦停滞以及正弦加随机信号。
多列数据也可以用于定义振动信号。 2.1.8 既可以输入时间序列数据,也可以输入多列触发数据格式。 2.1.9 多列数据输入。访问”n”דm”表格形式的多列数据。 2.1.10 通过定义的查询模板在 nCode Automation 系统中自动查找数据并和其它输入 glyphs
循环直方图 2.2.22. 使用速度通道,将信号从时间域转换为距离域或角度域 2.2.23. 在滑动的数据窗口计算需要的统计数据。为旋转机械提供周期计算。 2.2.24. 采样率调整功能。调整时间序列数据的采样频率。 2.2.25. 在多通道信号的最大、最小、绝对值最大值点找出同步值。 2.2.26. 统计分析功能。计算时域数据的统计值,包括最小值、最大值;平均值;范围值;
ISO 11992-4-2005
ICS 43.040.15 Ref. No. ISO 11992-4:2005/Cor.1:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reservedPublished in SwitzerlandINTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 11992-4:2005TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1Published 2006-05-15INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION • МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ПО СТАНДАРТИЗАЦИИ • ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATIONRoad vehicles — Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles —Part 4:DiagnosticsTECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1Véhicules routiers — Échange d'informations numériques sur les connexions électriques entre véhicules tracteurs et véhicules tractés —Partie 4: DiagnosticsRECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 1Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO 11992-4:2005 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles , Subcommittee SC 3, Electrical and electronic equipment.ISO 11992-4:2005/Cor.1:2006(E)Page 6, subclause 5.4.3Replace Figure 3 with the following:Figure 3 — Client service state diagram — Service request with physical server target address2 ©ISO 2006 – All rights reservedISO 11992-4:2005/Cor.1:2006(E)Page 24, subclause 6.4.6Replace Figure 5 with the following:Figure 5 — A_PDU timing diagram confirmed services — physical target address©ISO 2005 – All rights reserved3ISO 11992-4:2005/Cor.1:2006(E)Page 25, subclause 6.4.6Replace Figure 6 with the following:Figure 6 — A-PDU timing diagram confirmed services — functional target address4 ©ISO 2006 – All rights reservedReference numberISO 11992-4:2005(E)© ISO 2005INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO 11992-4First edition2005-07-15Road vehicles — Interchange of digitalinformation on electrical connectionsbetween towing and towed vehicles —Part 4:DiagnosticsVéhicules routiers — Échange d'informations numériques sur lesconnexions électriques entre véhicules tracteurs et véhicules tractés —Partie 4: DiagnosticsISO 11992-4:2005(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.© ISO 2005All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyright@Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2005 – All rights reservedISO 11992-4:2005(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)Introduction (v)1Scope (1)2Normative references (1)3Terms and definitions (1)4Syntax applied (2)5Diagnostic application specification (2)5.1General (2)5.2Basic diagnostics (2)5.3Enhanced diagnostics (3)5.4Client and server state diagrams (3)6Application layer specification (7)6.1General (7)6.2Application layer functions (7)6.3Application layer services (10)6.4Application layer protocol (22)7Presentation layer specification (27)8Session layer specification (27)9Transport layer specification (27)10Network layer specification (27)10.1General (27)10.2Network layer functions (27)10.3Network layer services (30)10.4Network layer protocol (34)11Data link layer specification (42)11.1General (42)11.2Data link layer service parameter (42)12Physical layer specification (43)Annex A (normative) Addresses (44)Annex B (normative) Basic diagnostic service parameters (46)Annex C (informative) Trailer message routing example (65)Annex D (normative) CAN identifier and frame format (67)Bibliography (68)© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved iiiISO 11992-4:2005(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 11992-4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3, Electrical and electronic equipment.ISO 11992 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles:⎯Part 1: Physical and data-link layers⎯Part 2: Application layer for brakes and running gear⎯Part 3: Application layer for equipment other than brakes and running gear⎯Part 4: Diagnosticsiv © ISO 2005 – All rights reservedISO 11992-4:2005(E)© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved vIntroductionISO 11992 has been established in order to define the data interchange between road vehicles and their towed vehicles using a Controller Area Network (CAN) serial data link as specified in ISO 11898[4].The description of this part of ISO 11992 is based on the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model in accordance with ISO/IEC 7498[2] (and ISO/IEC 10731[3]), which structures communication systems into seven layers.When mapped on this model, the communication system specified by ISO 11992 is broken down into: Layer 7Application layer for brakes and running gear.Application layer for equipment other than brakes and running gear.Application layer for diagnostics.Layer 3Network layer for diagnostics.Layer 2Data link layer for all communication types.Layer 1Physical layer for all communication types.Table 1 — Applicability and relationship between International Standards Normal communication Diagnostic communication Applicability Brakes and running gearEquipment other than brakes and running gear All applications Layer 7: Application layer ISO 11992-2ISO 11992-3 ISO 11992-4 ISO 14229-1 Layer 6: Presentation layer No functions specified for this layer.Layer 5: Session layer No functions specified for this layer.Layer 4: Transport layer No functions specified for this layer.Layer 3: Network layer No functions specified for this layer.ISO 11992-4 ISO 15765-2 Layer 2: Data link layer ISO 11992-1Layer 1:Physical layerISO 11992-1INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 11992-4:2005(E) Road vehicles — Interchange of digital information on electricalconnections between towing and towed vehicles —Part 4:Diagnostics1 ScopeThis part of ISO 11992 specifies the data communication for diagnostic purposes on a serial data link between a road vehicle and its towed vehicle(s).This part of ISO 11992 is applicable to road vehicles of a maximum authorized total mass greater than 3 500 kg.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 11898-1, Road vehicles — Controller area network (CAN) — Part 1: Data link layer and physical signallingISO 11992-1, Road vehicles — Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles — Part 1: Physical and data-link layersISO 11992-2, Road vehicles — Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles — Part 2: Application layer for brakes and running gearISO 11992-3, Road vehicles — Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles — Part 3: Application layer for equipment other than brakes and running gearISO 14229-1, Road vehicles — Unified diagnostic services (UDS) — Part 1: Specification and requirements ISO 15765-2, Road vehicles — Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) — Part 2: Network layer services3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 11992-1, ISO 14229-1 and ISO 15765-2 apply.© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved1ISO 11992-4:2005(E)4 Syntax appliedFor the description of services and service parameters of this part of ISO 11992, the following syntax is used: Name: Type Parameter name and type specificationName Mandatory parameter value<Name> Parameter name representing a set of mandatory parameter values [Name] Optional parameter value[<Name>] Parameter name representing a set of optional parameter values{Name 1;Name 2} List of mandatory parameter values{<Name 1>;<Name 2>} List of parameter names representing sets of mandatory parameter values [<Name 1>;<Name 2>] List of parameter names representing sets of optional parameter values{<Name 1>|<Name 2>} Parameter names selection list representing sets of mandatory parameter values[<Name 1>|<Name 2>] Parameter names selection list representing sets of optional parameter valuesName.req Service request primitiveName.ind Service indication primitiveName.rsp Service response primitiveName.rsp- Service negative response primitiveName.rsp+ Service positive response primitiveName.con Service confirmation primitiveName.con- Service negative confirmation primitiveName.con+ Service positive confirmation primitive5 Diagnostic application specification5.1 GeneralThe diagnostic applications are divided into basic diagnostic applications and enhanced diagnostic applications.Functions, services and protocols of the layers 1 to 4 shall be identical for basic diagnostics and enhanced diagnostics.5.2 Basic diagnosticsThe purpose of the basic diagnostics is to provide vehicle-independent identification and diagnostic information.All basic diagnostic functions and services shall be provided under all operation conditions in the default diagnostic session without the need for specific access rights.2 © ISO 2005 – All rights reservedISO 11992-4:2005(E)5.3 Enhanced diagnosticsThe support and the conditions under which enhanced diagnostic functions and services are provided are manufacturer-specific. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to secure a server against unauthorized access and to guarantee performance and safe operation in all operation modes allowing enhanced diagnostics.5.4 Client and server state diagrams5.4.1 GeneralThe client and server state diagrams describe the diagnostic service processing of the client and server application entity.5.4.2 Client service primitives handlingThe client service primitives handling shall be as specified in Figure 1 and Figure 2.Client states while processing a diagnostic service shall be as specified in Table 2, events resulting in a client state change shall be as specified in Table 3.Figure 1 — Client service state diagram — Service request with physical server target address© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved3ISO 11992-4:2005(E)4© ISO 2005 – All rights reservedFigure 2 — Client service state diagram — Service request with functional server target addressTable 2 — Client state description Client state Description ASAny client state in which a service request can take place. WS Client state while waiting for a confirmation from the server.NCS a) Following a service request with a physical server target address:client state after the reception of a negative confirmation from the server.b) Following a service request with a functional server target address:client state if no positive service confirmation has been received.PCS Client state after the reception of a positive confirmation from a server.ESClient state for error handling, e.g. in case of a time out condition.ISO 11992-4:2005(E)© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved 5Table 3 — Client event description Client eventDescription Tas1.1Transmit <a.>.req The client transmits an <a> service request with a physical server target address. Tas1.2 Transmit <a.>.req The client transmits an <a> service request with a functional server target address.Tws1.1 Receive <a>.con- Following a service request with a physical server target address:the client receives a negative <a> service confirmation with the response code 'Request correctly received - response pending'.The client shall then reset the time outs and enter the WS state again.Tws1.2 Receive <a>.con+ Following a service request with a functional server target address:the client receives a positive <a> service confirmation. The client shall then process the positive service confirmation and enter the WSstate again.Tws2.1 Receive <a>.con- Following a service request with a physical server target address:the <a> service request has been rejected, a corresponding negative <a> service confirmation with a response code has been received.The client shall then change to the NCS state.Tws2.2 ACT1 expiredFollowing a service request with a functional server target address:the time ACT1 for the reception of the first service confirmation has expired andno positive service confirmation has been received.The client shall then change to the NCS state. Tws3.1 Receive <a>.con+ Following a service request with a physical server target address:the <a> service has been executed, a positive <a> service confirmation, i.e. the result of the service, has been received.The client shall then change to the PCS state.Tws3.2 ACT3.2 expired Following a service request with a functional server target address the time ACT3.2for the reception of consecutive service confirmations has expired and at least one positive service confirmation has been received.The client shall then change to the PCS state.Tes1 Error.ind An error condition, e.g. a time out condition, is signalled to the client.The client shall then change to the ES state for error handling.NOTE Negative service responses with a response code 1016, 1116 or 1216 shall not be sent by a server in case of a service request with a functional server target address.<a> Any diagnostic service.5.4.3 Server service primitives handlingThe server diagnostic service primitives handling shall be as specified in Figure 3.Server states while processing a diagnostic service shall be as specified in Table 4, events resulting in a server state change shall be as specified in Table 5.Table 4 — Server state descriptionServer stateDescription ASAny server state in which the reception of a service indication can take place. PSServer state while processing a service. PCSServer state after the diagnostic service has been executed. ES Server state error handling, e.g. after reaching a time out condition.ISO 11992-4:2005(E)Figure 3 — Server state diagram6 © ISO 2005 – All rights reservedISO 11992-4:2005(E)© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved 7Table 5 — Server event description Event Description Tas1Receive <a.>.ind The server receives any <a> service.indication. Tws1 AST1max expiredTransmit <a>.res- The service execution time AST1max has expired. the server shall then send a negative service response with the response code 'Request correctly received - response pending' and change back to the PS state to proceed the service execution.Tws2 Received <b>.indRespond <b>.res± The server receives a <b> service indication, while service <a> is in progress.the server shall reject the service <b> if service <b> ≠ service <a> and send a negative response with response code "Busy - Repeat Request". If service <b> =service <a>, the server shall send a negative service response with response code"Request Correctly Received - Response Pending".The server shall then enter again the PS state to proceed the service execution.Tws3.1 Service execution not completed Respond <a>.res- Following a service request with a physical server target address:the server rejects the service request.The server shall then send a negative <a> service response with a correspondingresponse code and change to the AS state.Tws3.2 Service execution not completed No response Following a service request with a functional server target address:the server rejects the service request.The server shall then send no response code and change to the AS state.Tws4 Service execution completed Respond <a>.res+ The server sends a positive <a> service response.the service has been executed.The server shall then transmit a positive <a> service response, i.e. the serviceresults, and shall change again to the PCS state.Tes1 Error.indAn error condition is indicated to the server, e.g. a time out condition.The server changes to the ES state for error handling. NOTE Negative service responses with a response code 1016, 1116 or 1216 shall not be sent by a server in case of a service request with a functional server target address.<a> Any first diagnostic service.<b> Any second diagnostic service.6 Application layer specification6.1 GeneralThe application layer function, service and protocol specifications comply with ISO 14229-1. In case of differences, the specifications of this part of ISO 11992 shall have precedence.For the diagnostic communication between road vehicles and their towed vehicles, the restrictions described in this clause apply additionally.6.2 Application layer functions6.2.1 GeneralThe application layer provides functions for the execution of the vehicle diagnostics. These functions are used by client and server applications requesting the respective application layer services.6.2.2 Processing of diagnostic services requests and responsesDiagnostic service requests from the client application and diagnostic service responses from the server application shall be processed according to the service identifier. The diagnostic data shall be encoded as an application layer protocol data unit (A_PDU). The A_PDU shall be transmitted to the respective application layer peer entity by requesting services of the layers beneath the application layer.ISO 11992-4:2005(E)6.2.3 Processing of diagnostic service indications and confirmationsDiagnostic data shall be received as an A_PDU from the layers beneath the application layer. If the received A_PDU is addressed to one of the local server or client application, the received A_PDU shall be decoded and processed according to the diagnostic service identifier and delivered to the server or client application as a service indication or confirmation.6.2.4 Determination of network layer service parametersNetwork layer service parameters are determined by the application layer service type, i.e. ClientIdentifier, ServerIdentifier, ServiceIdentifier and ServiceParameter. In addition the specified parameters Priority and ReservedBit shall be used.NOTE As no specific functions have been specified for the presentation, session and transport layer, the PDUs of these layers are identical to the respective application layer PDUs.6.2.5 Application layer protocol timing supervisionThe peer application layer entities communicating shall supervise the specified timing and shall take the respective actions in case a specified time out expires.6.2.6 Server and client addressing6.2.6.1 Vehicle network architectureTowed vehicle server and client applications shall be addressed and identified by means of remote network addressing. The physical sub-networks between towing and towed vehicles are part of the local motor vehicle network and share the same address range. The address type of the target address (TA) and of the remote address (RA) in the case of encoding a remote target address shall be identified by the target address type (TA_Type).Figure 4 shows an example of the vehicle network architecture.Figure 4 — Vehicle network architecture example8 © ISO 2005 – All rights reservedISO 11992-4:2005(E) Towing to towed vehicle <Service>.Request and <Service>.IndicationFor a diagnostic service request transmitted from a towing vehicle to a towed vehicle, the address parameters of the service primitives have the following meaning:SA = <Towing vehicle client source address>TA = <Towed vehicle target address>RA = <Towed vehicle remote server target address>TA_type = {<Physical target addresses>|<Functional target addresses>}See Annex A.NOTE TA_type identifies the TA and the RA target address type. Towed to towing vehicle <Service>.Response and <Service>.ConfirmationFor a diagnostic service response transmitted from a towed vehicle to a towing vehicle, the address parameters of the service primitives have the following meaning:SA = <Towed vehicle source address>TA = <Towing vehicle client target address>RA = <Towed vehicle remote server source address>TA_type = <Physical target addresses>NOTE TA_type identifies only the TA target address type. Towed to towing vehicle <Service>.Request and <Service>.IndicationFor a diagnostic service request transmitted from a towed vehicle to a towing vehicle, the address parameters of the service primitives have the following meaning:SA = <Towed vehicle source address>TA = <Towing vehicle server target address>RA = <Towed vehicle remote client source address>TA_type = {<Physical target addresses>|<Functional target addresses>}NOTE TA_type identifies only the TA target address type.© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved9ISO 11992-4:2005(E) Towing to towed vehicle <Service>.Response and <Service>.ConfirmationFor a diagnostic service response transmitted from a towing vehicle to a towed vehicle, the address parameters of the service primitives have the following meaning:SA = <Towing vehicle server source address>TA = <Towed vehicle target address>RA = <Towed vehicle remote client target address>TA_type = <Physical target addresses>NOTE TA_type identifies the TA and RA target address type.6.3 Application layer services6.3.1 GeneralThis subclause specifies the application layer services for diagnostics.6.3.2 Application layer service parameters6.3.2.1 GeneralThis subclause specifies the general application layer service parameter and the respective parameter format. Service specific parameters are specified in Source address (SA)The parameter source address (SA) contains the client or server source address. It represents the physical location of a client or server on the local network.SA = {<Towing vehicle client source address>|<Towed vehicle source address>} Target address (TA)The parameter target address (TA) contains the client or server target address. It represents the physical location of a client or server or a functional group of servers on the local network. The target address type is determined by the parameter TA_type.TA = {<Towed vehicle target address>|<Towing vehicle client target address>|<Towing vehicle server target address>} Target address type (TA_type)The parameter target address type (TA_type) determines the address type of the target address TA and the remote address RA, in the case that the remote address corresponds to a target address.TA_type = {<Physical target addresses>|<Functional target addresses>}10 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved6.3.2.5 Remote address (RA)The remote address (RA) contains the remote addresses of servers or clients on a remote network. Depending on the respective application layer primitive, RA represents either a remote target address or a remote source address.RA = {<Towed vehicle remote server target address>|<Towed vehicle remote server source address>|<Towed vehicle remote client source address>|<Towed vehicle remote client target address>} ServiceParameterServiceParameter is a record which contains the respective service parameters of the service primitive. ServiceParameter = {<<Service name> request service parameter>|<<Service name> positive response service parameter>|<<Service name> negative response service parameter>}<Service name> request service parameters are those following the <service name> request service identifier. <Service name> positive response service parameters are those following the <service name> positive response service identifier.<Service name> negative response service parameters are those following the negative response service identifier.6.3.3 Application layer service data units (A_SDU)The application layer service data units (A_SDU) of the diagnostic service primitives have the following formats:<Service name>.Request = {<SA>;<TA>;<TA_Type>;<RA>;<<Service name> request service identifier>;<<Service name> request service parameter>}<Service name>.Indication = < <Service name>.Request><Service name>.Response = {<SA>;<TA>;<TA_Type>;<RA>;<<Service name> response service identifier>;<<Service name> response service parameter>}<Service name>.Confirmation = <<Service name>.Response>© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved 11。
高通case提交指南 Oct
高通CASE提交指南2015. Oct.1. 高通CASE提交注意事项1.1 Platform指明基带芯片型号,如8996,8994,8992, 8936, fusion3,8974等,即使认为是芯片平台无关的,也尽量指明目前发现问题的,或最容易重现的平台,手头有调试板的平台。
涉及到射频(RF)和电源管理(PMIC)芯片, 同时也指明这两款芯片型号以及射频平台配置,如RF configuration APAC, NA717, SV_VZ, CMCC SGLTE.1.2 关于硬件design review一般的case类型为wireless support大类,wireless support下面再分为硬件和软件类型。
design review类型为单独的大类,在提交硬件design review时(包括原理图/PCB/PDN) 请选择design review case类型。
提交design review的时候,对于原理图请提供pdf格式并且是可搜索的,同时填写文档80-V5756-3(文档内包括RF port mapping和框图)1.3 Problem Area Code●仔细的判断是软件问题还是硬件问题,以尽量符合实际情况,有助于加快问题解决。
●一定要仔细填写Problem Area Code,从初步的分析确定问题最有可能发生的部分,轻率填写不准确或者错误的Problem Code有可能会大大延迟CASE的处理进程,使简单的问题不能得到快速应答。
●尽量不要使用模糊的Problem Area Code,如Other, Crash,这种往往需要更长的时间分到正确的处理人关于Problem Area Code的详细解释,见第四、五章。
1.4 Build id/version一定要填写当前使用的版本号和配置ID,如M8916AAAAANLYD1030.2,M6290AKPRZL120020,其中AKPRZL是build id, 120020是版本号。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
高通CASE提交指南2015. Oct.1. 高通CASE提交注意事项1.1 Platform指明基带芯片型号,如8996,8994,8992, 8936, fusion3,8974等,即使认为是芯片平台无关的,也尽量指明目前发现问题的,或最容易重现的平台,手头有调试板的平台。
涉及到射频(RF)和电源管理(PMIC)芯片, 同时也指明这两款芯片型号以及射频平台配置,如RF configuration APAC, NA717, SV_VZ, CMCC SGLTE.1.2 关于硬件design review一般的case类型为wireless support大类,wireless support下面再分为硬件和软件类型。
design review类型为单独的大类,在提交硬件design review时(包括原理图/PCB/PDN) 请选择design review case类型。
提交design review的时候,对于原理图请提供pdf格式并且是可搜索的,同时填写文档80-V5756-3(文档内包括RF port mapping和框图)1.3 Problem Area Code●仔细的判断是软件问题还是硬件问题,以尽量符合实际情况,有助于加快问题解决。
●一定要仔细填写Problem Area Code,从初步的分析确定问题最有可能发生的部分,轻率填写不准确或者错误的Problem Code有可能会大大延迟CASE的处理进程,使简单的问题不能得到快速应答。
●尽量不要使用模糊的Problem Area Code,如Other, Crash,这种往往需要更长的时间分到正确的处理人关于Problem Area Code的详细解释,见第四、五章。
1.4 Build id/version一定要填写当前使用的版本号和配置ID,如M8916AAAAANLYD1030.2,M6290AKPRZL120020,其中AKPRZL是build id, 120020是版本号。
有时高通的一个发布版本中包含有几种配置,也要指明用的是哪一个编译命令,如M6290AKPRZL120020中包含Full-UI 和Thin-UI配置,如果使用ThinUI配置,就指明用的命令是KPRBL.cmd其它的版本相关信息:涉及PC主机的,指明主机OS版本号,Win2000,XP, SP1, SP2, WIN7涉及PC工具的,指明工具版本,如QPST版本号, QXDM版本号,QDART版本号等涉及主机USB驱动的,指明USB驱动版本号1.5 Meta Build目前高通所有智能机平台有多个软件包构成一台手机所需要的所有软件。
每个包都有各自的版本,所以有一个总的build id,和以些命名的包,如M8916AAAAANLYD1030.2,提Case时需要提供,如果其它软件包有单独更新,也需要指明。
1.6 Contact name/phone/email不要忘记留下CASE联系人(负责解决问题的人)的姓名,电话,email,特别是多个共用一个CASE帐号时。
1.7 Customer's Urgency紧急程度,根据项目的阶段和问题影响程序如实填写, 如果紧急问题太多,总体优先级将会下降1.8 Case Type类型有4种, General Query表视一般性的问答,不是具体调试中碰到的软硬件故障1.9 关于语言鼓励CASE提交者尽量使用英文,实在难以用英语描述清楚的,可以用英语作概括,在用中文详细描述。
直接用英文描述在CASE正文中,将便于高通全球工程师都能理解,便于CASE处理者跟踪CASE 时快速回忆起上下文,有利问题解决,并且CASE正文会出现在email通知中,有利于相关工程师快速掌握相关信息,对于一些已知问题可以快速回复。
1.10 关于CASE标题CASE的标题用英文把问题简要描述清楚,尽量包含特征关键字,一看便知是什么样的问题,有助于归类相似问题,加快解决。
1.11 提交CASE前的准备1.11.1 尽量区分出是高通原有代码问题还是新添功能引起的问题对高通原有的功能,准备一个编译版本包括高通原始版本加上适应厂商平台的最小改动的版本如flash驱动的改动,在这个版本上测试看能否重现。
1.11.2 询问其他同事或其他项目组对于不是刚发布的平台,公司的其它项目组已经做过该平台的项目,可能已经处理过类似问题。
1.11.3 如果有相关平台,是否有同样问题出现如果有其它高通类似平台项目,如同为CDMA单芯片在开发,了解一下是否有同样问题出现,有利于判断问题所在。
1.11.4 确定是否是主机软件相关如果涉及到PC机,确定是否和Windows相关,是否在最新的Windows软件上试过?如新的QPST,QXDM,QDART,USB驱动,QMICM客户端。
如果在Vista, Windows2000上发现,确认XP上有没有。
1.11.5 查看平台文档高通每个平台都有三个文档:1.Device spec(80-xxx-1)2.Software interface(80-xxx-2)er guide(80-xxx-3)4.Device Revision Guide(80-xxx-4)5.Design guideline(80-xxx-5).如果涉及硬件,先查看这个文档,搞清楚文档上是怎么说的,并在CASE上说明。
关于射频,我们有一些known issue and update文档,如80-N5420-56和80-N5420-56A,这些文档会经常更新,请下载最新文档。
有时候原理图的更改也会包括在这个文档里面(此时原理图可能还在更新的流程中)新的平台,如8960,8x26, 有三个软件相关文档,用户手册(User manual),定制手册(Porting manual),调试手册(debug manual)。
.1.11.6 查看Release notes先查看对应软件版本的Release Notes,看是否是相关说明,是否是Known issue,某功能有没有说明已经支持,如果有的话,在CASE描述中指出Release Notes相关内容,有助于提示CASE处理人,加快解决。
1.11.7 利用搜索引擎1对一些通用的概念,先通过google了解一下,看看是否有必要提给高通2.搜索高通CASE网站,看看Solution中是否已经有相关问题说明。
如在找到相关内容,可能无须再提CASE,有部分相似的,需要进一步确认的也可以在CASE中说明相关Solution ID,便于跟踪。
1.11.8 其它资源有关源码目录下的README文件有关源代码文件的注释协议相关PICS文件1.11.9 确定是否与仪器相关用另外一种仪器进行测试看是否与仪器相关1.11.10 提供硬件设计文件和qcn硬件测试中发现的问题,除提供测试步骤、测试仪器外,尽可能准备好可提供给高通的设计文件(原理图/PCB),射频相关问题提供qcn。
1.11.11 抓取相关log对于不同问题,抓取不同的log,并且设置不同的配置。
相关的log有:QXDM F3 log, 打印消息,空口协议流程,Data service TCP/IP流程。
注意,QXDM log中,默认IP报文只抓取前80字节。
某些情况下,这样的报文无法分析问题,请参考solution 5031,在适当的接口使能DPL,以获取合适的TCP/IP log。
QDART(QSPR) log:与射频校准相关的问题请提供QSPR相关log(html and tpl file) 对GCF测试相关问题请提供仪器侧和手机侧logPC侧Ethereal logAndroid ADB radio/main/event logWindows Phone WMRIL/MBB logPC侧Sniffer log(Ominipeek等工具)EFS F3 logEFS dumpUsb bus logWindows host driver logSIM card IT3 logMemory dump1.11.12 内存dumpMemory dump主要针对死机或重起问题,有三种方式,Jtag, usb, sdcardJtag dump抓取较麻烦,速度慢,但可以抓的比较完全,不受Cache影响Usb dump比较方便,但对于smartphone平台,可能会丢失AP侧Cache信息,对于hardward reset问题,也可能丢失Cache数据Sdcard dump 较新的平台,如7x27a, 8x55,8x60,8960支持sdcard抓DUMP,在sdcard中放入标志文件就可以。
1.11.13 对Log进行初步分析先对Log进行初步分析,指出发现的一些可疑问题,在CASE描述中指出。
还有kernel panic的相关信息,写在case上,将大大提高case响应速度。
1.12 如何描述CASE1.12.1 问题重现的步骤1.12.2 问题出现相关的环境,设置等:网络环境GSM/WCDMA/HSDPA 3.6M 7.2M中测仪还是基站,现网还是实验室基站,PC操作系统, Window2000, XP, or Vista, SP1/SP2, Linux/MAC射频芯片平台仪器的设置1.12.3 问题发生的概率及各种影响概率的条件对于概率发生的问题,这一点非常重要1.12.4 能否在高通MTP, CDP, QRD手机或能否在高通原始版本上重现如在1.7.1中所说,如果没有MTP, 就准备一个高通最小改动版本留用。
1.12.5 这一问题在前面版本上是否出现?如果不是开发所用的高通第一个版本,验证一下是不是以前版本就有而没有测试到,还是这一版本新出现的问题。
1.12.6 在最新版的PC软件上是否出现?如果涉及PC软件,如usb驱动,QPST,QXDM,QDART等看看是不是最新版本上也有。
1.12.7 在高通文档和Release Notes中相关的说明指出初步分析所看文档的一些值得关注的信息1.12.8 对Log初步分析结果, crash发生的行号和该行与上下相关代码如果发生crash,找到crash发生的地方,并指出相关代码,只有行号并不能确定地方,因为有可能代码已经改动,行号变化了,本且OEM拿到的代码和高通内部的代码行号也可能有偏移。