



一个什么动物在很久以前身躯很大的原因:那时候氧气含量很多,plant很多,warm climate listening:1.氧气含量其实比现在还少2.plant是很多,但是营养很少3.warm climate is actually a disadvantage, because they needed to cool off
是关于Chesapeake Bay的生态系统的保护。

第一,设定catch crab limits; 第二,引进 Asian Oysters clear the bay;第三,成立集训营,教育周边农民use less fertilizer.听力部分,教授反驳三条:第一,虽然catch striped bass 行得通,但是设定 catch crab limits行不通,渔民需要 crabs for the living, 后果严重,渔民不接受;第二;Asian oyster会带来diseases; 第三,教育不是一个 local question, 因为它涉及的河流,居民太多,所以行不通。













2010年1月15日北美托福机经阅读1 冰川形成,第一段讲了从snow到达结冰点后成crystal,再到grain 什么的(有题),最终成了冰川,后介绍冰川分成两种,一种快速移动的,跟温度有关(有题),一种极地的,比较慢,词汇考了interlock,static等)1.glacier 第一段有说形成,只记得空气少的时候会denser;surplus snow的作用,补充融化掉的(有题);冰川会移动并塑造地形沉积泥沙(句子简化)。


感觉这篇没有传说的第一篇那么难,时间也比较充裕吧vocabulary: interlocked第二篇mass extinction 给了定义后提到两次大灭绝,灭绝的因素有板块运动,栖息地破坏,气候变化,后面就是恐龙灭绝的行星撞击理论了,地层有铱元素为证据,地球本身很少,陨石带来很多,有人推出灭绝26million 年一次,正好说明行星按轨迹运行,不幸撞上了,还有其他证据在最后一段(有题)有一道是讲mass extinction的,说有科学家发现从中生代开始每26million years好像就有一次mass extinction,而且是species灭种的个数在不断增加的(这里有道paraphrase的题哟,偶是选的A啦~)然后又有科学家说什么mass extinction的原因是多种多样的,反正又做了很多实验来找那些原因的什么的~先说地球有过的两次大灭绝,这里有个插入题。



这篇不难的3. Mass Extinction (有词汇题 bulk 选择mass)第三篇主要是講這種海龜很特別,他應該不算是海龜而是爬蟲類,因為他可以忍耐低溫而且有其他特色跟別種動物不同,他很會保持他的溫度,比較重要的ㄧ段是講他雖很會保持溫度,可是頭跟腳不行,所以他有一個counter ciculate 的血液系統可以保持注他的溫度不流失出去,中間有講到用人類的甚麼機器作類比,說他們的circulate的function很像3 一种恒温的龟,比较像鲸鱼(有题),跟别的动物保温机制不一样,一般动物靠代谢供能,它靠一层脂肪的皮(有题),黑的好像,体积大也是一个因素(有题)。









































2010 TOEFL综合写作机经

2010 TOEFL综合写作机经

TOEFL综合写作机经|托福综合写作材料|TOEFL写作机经写作:1 。

Mayan 文化collapse 的原因:1.dry period 2.cities were abandoned 3. drought反驳,1. dry period ubiquity 。

2. 事实不是cities were abandoned ,而是take away the people who can read and write 3 。

他们有很好的irrigation system water system ,所以干旱不是问题。

( 假如我没理解错得话。


比delta 的简单。

) 1908 年的Tunguska explosion, 在文章中提到这个爆炸不是由于小行星撞击地球产生的一是因为在这个爆炸的周围没有找到普通爆炸所产生的small particles,二是因为在其爆炸的地点没有crater,三提出了一个另外的解释,认为是一种气体-methane 所引起的爆炸而听力中一一反驳,第一点是说在其爆炸周围的调查是在1908 年后的19 年所进行的,因此small particles 很可能早已经被雨呀之类的冲走了。

TOEFL综合写作机经|托福综合写作材料|TOEFL写作机经2 因为爆炸是在离地球8 公里的大气中发生的,因此没有crater 很正常。

3 因为根据爆炸周围的fallen trees 之类的,判断爆炸的force 不应该是由methane 这样的气体爆炸所引起的。

小作文文章说猩猩chimp 具有和人类一样的语言学习能力,从三个方面说明:1 、chimp 可以掌握一定量的词汇2 、chimp 可以掌握基本的语法3 、chimp 可以通过语言和研究者交流在Lecture 中对这三方面分别进行反驳1 、the professor deem that, the chimp learning vocabulary was very passive, and need researcher teach each sign one by over and over again. As well as, chimp does not from language to learn vocabulary. So, chimp learning vocabulary is too simple and not close to human.2 、chimp have not instinct for learning language. Chimp can only just simple words together, but they can not flexibly use grammar. In contrast, human can using and learning grammar in communication.3 、chimp’s communication was passive. When researcher Chimp only just using simple responding when researcher and chimp with conversation.所以,Chimp 学习语言的能力被质疑,更不能说和人类具有coequal 的语言学习能力。



2011年新托福独立写作(北美机经)2011年1月8日In the past people ate food that was better for their health than people today.First, the deteriorating environment has polluted our food to some extent.Water pollution---industrial discharges--lake/river--fish--toxic---detrimental to health Second, the rapid advancement of modern technology has led to the consequence that our food is not as natural as before.Pesticide/additives/GM food(genetically modified)/fast food2011年1月15日Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students. What is your view? First, professors devoting more time on education can boost the reputation of the school.Attract more outstanding studentsTake myself as example.Second, the primary responsibility of a professor is to teach.Third, education can affect a broader range of people.2011年1月22日In order to celebrate important events such as graduation or a special birthday, some of them prefer to a large party, while some others prefer a small party with only a few close friends and family members. What is your choice?First, it is easier to plan and organize a small-scaled party.Second, people feel more relaxing and comfortable in a small party.2011年1月30日Since the society is developing fast, do you agree that people now are less happy or less satisfied with their lives than people in the past?First, people are under heavy pressure.Some business men are feel depressed, because they need move one place to another immediately, which makes them exhausted.Second, people have to endure the deteriorating environment.2011年2月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the busy and crowded world, we should not expect people to be polite to others.2011年2月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who move out of their native village or town are happier and more successful than those who stay in native village or town for all their life.2011年2月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people have no influence the decisions that determine the future of the society as a whole.2011年3月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should buy things made by their own country, even if things of other countries may cost less.2011年3月13日Should children only play and study without doing any housework.2011年3月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People today would be happier if they had fewer possessions.2011年3月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should try several different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.2011年4月9日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important for government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities such as swimming pool and playgrounds.2011年4月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.2011年5月14日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the past, it was easier for people to identify what types of career or job would lead to a secure, successful future.2011年5月28日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The way of a person’s dress is an indication of his or her personality or character. 2011年5月29日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It was easier to succeed in the past than it is today.2011年6月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Although many people in many countries care about environmental problems such as pollution and global warming, the environment will not be better in the future.2011年6月19日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?All high school students should have basic economics class.2011年6月25日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.2011年7月9日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.2011年7月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?When teachers assign projects on which students must work together, students will learn much more effectively than ask them to do alone.2011年8月13日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The personal and work-related challenges we face now are different from those our parents and grandparents faced when they were young.2011年8月21日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?For successful development of a country, a government should focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities.2011年8月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only.2011年8月28日It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life, agree or disagree?2011年9月18日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The rapid growth of cities has a mostly positive impact on the development of the society.2011年9月24日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Children education is a more difficult task than before due to the cell phone, internet connection and social interaction.2011年9月25日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is much easier for parents to raise children nowadays than it was 50 years ago.2011年10月16日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.2011年10月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Printed books have greater effects on society than television has.2011年10月22日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Famous entertainers and athletes deserve more privacy than they have now.2011年10月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most business people are motivated only by the desire of money.2011年10月30日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important characteristic of a good political or business leader is an ability to accept the responsibility of the mistakes.2011年11月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.2011年11月13日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?One can learn a lot about a person from the types of friends the person has.2011年11月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skill.2011年11月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to work at home by using one’s own computer and telephone than to do the same work in the company’s office.2011年12月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase the teachers' salaries.2011年12月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.2011年12月18日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important for the government to spend money on building new houses than preserving the historic or traditional buildings and homes.。



托福考试写作机经2010年1月-10月2010年1月16日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It's better for children to choose jobs that are similar to their parents' jobs.(Work)2010年1月17日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It's better to complete a project and then start another one than to do several things at the same time.(Work & Success) 2010年1月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Most of the environmental issues are too complicated today. Individuals cannot do anything about them.(Environment) 2010年1月30日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Physical exercises are much more important to the elderly people than to the young people.(Young vs. Old)2010年2月7日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:In order to achieve success, we must be more like others than be different from others.(Success)2010年2月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Children should only play sports for fun, not in competitions or contests.(Education+Leisure)2010年3月6日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:We can solve the present and the future problems by understanding the past.(Success)2010年3月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first.(Friends)2010年4月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:If we can't say anything nice about someone, then we should not say anything about this person.2010年4月24日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Scientists should be responsible for the negative impact of their discoveries.(Science & Technology)2010年5月8日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The best way for parents to teach children responsibility is to have them care for animals.(Education & Animals)2010年5月14日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Improving education is the most important thing in the development of a country.(Education)2010年5月22日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The government should spend money helping more people access the Internet instead of improving public transportation.(Government)2010年6月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should take a secure job immediately when finding oneinstead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying.(Work) 2010年6月13日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It's better to spend money on pleasant things such as vacations than to save money for the future.(Money)2010年6月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Most businesspeople are motivated by the desire for money.(Money,Warren Buffett最近刚说美国经济存在double-dip recession 二次探底的风险,新托福就连考两道跟Money有关的题:p) 2010年7月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The professional athletes don't deserve the high salaries they get. (连续第三道Money题)2010年7月24日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Students who keep their rooms neat and organized are more successful than those who do not.(Education & Success)2010年8月14日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs when they study in university.(Education)2010年8月21日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Telephone has had greater effects on people's lives than TV.(Technology)2010年8月28日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Movies and TV programs made in your own country aremore interesting than movies and programs made in other countries.(Media)2010年9月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Parents today are more involved in their children's education than parents were in the past.(Education)2010年9月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:People should pay to use public transportation.(Transportation)2010年9月18日Do you agree with the following statement?An effective leader tries to make others feel they are part of the decision-making process.(Success)2010年9月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Technology makes people's lives simpler rather than more complicated. (Technology)2010年10月9日Which is more important,success in life or the ability to remain happy and optimistic when one is in faced with difficulty?(Success)2010年10月17日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It's better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.(Media & Leisure)In order to achieve success, we must be more like others than be different from others.1. 定义成功, 什么人算是成功人士,做了什么事情,让你觉得他或者她成功?完成一个常人难以达到的目标. 80天环游世界.事业成功的人. 比尔.对社会有益, 对后人有启示,海伦卡勒.2. 追求成功,要求我们和他人相同,还是不同.不同意.3. 为了追求成功, 我们应该和其他人不一样的理由.?因为成功是常人难以达到的,所以只有具有常人不具备的勇气和毅力才能取得成功.和别人不同会对自己的要求不一样.4.巴菲特开头:3-41. 定义成功... 比尔盖茨2. 表达观点3. 吸引读者No one can deny Bill Gates is successful, the CEO of the world famous software company. He has everything in the definition of success: wealth, fame, and reputation. Again, no one can deny the road of his success is different.Success is rare. Have you ever wondered why is that? The answer is simple: Many of us are too much alike.1. Bill 辍学的事情,怎么体现他和别人不一样。



2010年北美托福口语精准版机经B版毛亮B版收录2010年32套北美机经中的14套更新时间2011-09-08①.2010.10.9NA=2009.6.27 NA =2009.6.27CN②.2010.2.13NA③.2010.10.22NA④.2010.9.24NA⑤.2010.6.19NA⑥.2010.8.21NA⑦.2010.9.25NA⑧.2010.8.13NA⑨.2010.1.30NA⑩.2010.1.16NA⑪.2010.3.12NA⑫.2010.3.6NA⑬.2010.3.20NA⑭.2010.5.8NA=2010.5.8CN2010.10.9NA=2009.6.27 NA =2009.6.27CN1. Describe a big change that happened in your country recently. It might be social economical or political changes. Explain how this change has influenced the way people live in your country. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.2. Some students would like to live with local families in home stay when they are studying abroad. Others prefer to stay alone or stay with their friends. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.3. 【学校通知】学校决定下学期把自动售货机vending machine从corridor搬走。



2010年上半年托福机经(大陆和北美)2010年1月16日托福机经口语部分1:describe a book you have not read but are interested in2: do you prefer to take your cellphone always with you or not3:一个sb建议取消学生开学和advisor的见面,理由1:advisor能提供的信息网上都有2:如果取消了,advisor的schedul就不会那么满了,所以可以讨论其他事猛男登场:不同意1:advisor 可以提供更多信息 2,只要预约地够早,就不存在问题4:就是这篇死机,太阳。


解决方法1在周三晚上演奏,但观众可能不多:2和另一个乐队一起演奏,但时间紧张6:讲了包装盒的两种改进方法:一种是弄得更方便,一种是弄得更美观版本二:1、最想看的但还没看过的书``本来想说OG``但发现太大逆不道了``于是说国富论2、偷听到了~就是人们应该把手机随身带着`还是放别的地方而不整天待身上~3、2个人讨论~报纸上说~要取消一个座谈会~大概就是advisor和学生交流~关于选什么课的~原因是很难定时间来满足双方~然后男的说~这做法不好因为网上信息不全~人们很难交流哪个课很好该选哪个~还有就是~上网报名人太多了~到了那天~大家都上去~校园网受不了~ 最后问男生看法4、男生有个乐队准备开歌唱女生就觉得这个主意很好但男的说有2个方案要不就是自己开但只有周三有场子怕人少~要不就是和另一个乐队一起在周末搞~你一半我一半这样~~~ 然后题目问你是赞成哪一种方案~~5、说到了销售~开头就是我们卖的不仅仅是产品`````讲2种做法~能attract消费者~比如包装用玻璃~看得清楚~或者加些小玩意~这个拿cookies举例```` 问的是教授介绍了哪2种方法6、是词汇很难的植物题先给文章说一种植物在雨林怎么生存然后是lecture 说的另一植物有同样的特点比如~get suport from the trees~这样可以长高~(所以肯定是藤蔓类的)阳光就可以照到~还有一个就是他们的shape~可以储存rain water~这样有需要的时候就能够用```最后问通过对第二种的描述~说说第一种在雨林生存有哪些特点2010年1月16日阅读部分托福机经[北美]第一篇关于工业,第一段讲十八世纪以前能量效率极低,直到使用了charcoal才使蒸汽机的使用成为可能(有一题问作者在这里提到的问题是什么,我选的能量不够,好像是,记不清)。



08.1.27北美08.9.5北美09.11.17北美08.2.2大陆08.3.15大陆08.4.27大陆08.5.17大陆09.5.31大陆大陆08.3.3008.9.6大陆08.9.28大陆08.12.13大陆09.2,22大陆2008 年4 月27 日第一篇生命起源也是生物学的文章。






反对者又说必须要与大气接触才会有化学反应从而出现微生物,于是巴斯德设计了一种曲颈瓶,(这里有提到这个人的前老板,说给了一个crucial idea,问指什么,我选的是这个曲颈瓶,但是不确定是不是正确)瓶内的液体可以接触外界空气,但是空气中微生物无法进入瓶中。


(这里也有题,说第二次试验巴斯德用的是什么,我选择untreated air,仅供参考)尔后,文章又说,虽然巴斯德是正确的,但是地球起初并没有任何生命,所以肯定至少有一次,(这里也有题目,问什么忘记了,我选的是他的理论在逻辑上有问题,因为没有第一次产生空气中哪里漂浮微生物嘛)生命是自然发生的。



最后一段讲米勒的这个实验要是没有发现xxx (具体不记得了),也就不会那么著名了,后面有题目考的1. 问问什么第一个科学家要进行那个初次试验。



2010年1月16日托福机经听力部分第一篇,一个女学生想开办自己的家教生意,就去找学生中心的一个男的(主旨题),然后那男的说了几种广告的方法,一种是stick note(其实我压根就没听到这个东东,不过要考,大家注意听)还有一种是发pencil(有题问pencil的缺点,双选),另一种是bussiness card(貌似是),然后讲了一坨话介绍,然后女孩提到她的朋友自己设计了那个card,然后男的告诉她比较贵(有重听题,我选的担心很贵)总之把记得的全部写下来(答案都是我选的,大家作个参考),有一篇航空学,讲的彗星的轨道(主旨),特别是哈雷彗星,。


2彗星可能会被行星的重力捕捉 3哈雷经常溜达到太阳系外面,所以我们不能经常看到另一篇对话,女学生去找教授,开始说了志愿者大会的事(有题,我没听清,5555),去找教授干什么不知道,因为好像提到了要补全笔记,然后开始讲jelly fish,女学生在沙滩看到它们发光(有题),然后教授介绍了发光的功能,沙滩上发光是为了隐藏自己(有题),然后女学生问能不能把这个作为论文题材,然后教授说了一坨思路。





1.High-school students taking basic economic courses can have a better understanding and adaption to the society.
不同意解法ree or disagree with the following statement:
The government should support scientific research that does not have any practical use.
2.There are some projects seemingly practical useless, in fact, theseprojectsare of great fundamental importance for the next step of further scientific study.
1.Supporting scientific research that does not have any practical use for our government is a waste of time and money.



2010年1月15日北美托福机经听力第一篇1 女学生考试分数不爽,去找教授,教授说她准备一个什么比赛花了太多时间(获奖了),女的说,没有,我狂发很,只是记不住细节,男的问你在哪复习的,厨房!狂批,为什么不去图书馆?关了,女的突击了六个小时,再批!应该学习一个小时在休息,平时用功,不要抱佛脚3.soccer队的女生考试不佳,找教授来谈。

有说到她不在library因为close的早(问在图书馆做什么project,又没听到,教授还用一个研究结果指出她学习时间没有break,效率不高4. 女學生男教授,女學生踢足球可是教授怕她沒時間念書因為雖然他報告寫的好不過考試考不好,討論原因,因為那個阿呆在廚房熬夜念書第二篇1. reporter.g去newspaper office. 问女的advisor,自己交了一篇文章,来问结果。


有考点(男的找newspaper office的目的,选apply reporter )advisor说我们正缺人呢,但是我们这个工作不付钱的哦。


(有考点,男的竞选reporter的目的)Advior居然记得这个gg,直夸gg很棒,肯定能被选上作为reporter. 但是问道结果,还要找专门负责此事的max (这里有考点,选max负责evaluate那个).然后说到两个话题。





另外一个话题就是physicals department’s plan,考试大论坛女的让gg去interview both professors and students (有考点)1. 學生跟officer,學生想當記者因為要好看的resume,之前就有寄信過來,但學校還未決定因為負責人max不在,學生本想寫tuition issue但有人寫了,所以要等max回來討論是不是要寫心理系招不到學生的問題第三篇3 地理的三个epoch,第一个时比较cold,变warm后进入第二个,动植物都不一样,后来有了人类,开始影响环境,就是第三个epoch,但是二三界限不明确,有人说农业一开始就算有影响,教授鄙视了一小下(有题),说以后会有定论的5.geology似乎是講人類對環境的影響比我們想像的早,工業革命…農業發展…第四篇4 biology 教授先复习,后来说还不能上下一章(有题),讲了一个颠覆性的发现,海里有个什么V开头的,猜想是水流啥的,比较热,在海底貌似,旁边压力大,没有光,以前都以为没有生物生存,后来发现300多种,举例给了个花哨的图,一种worm,里面有bacteria(有题)第五篇3 心理学讲测试分散注意力的几个实验,先是一个问卷(有题问其缺陷,好像是太主观),后来是另一个人发明的两个可视的测试,后一个是让人区分不停动的物体,观察大脑某部位的兴奋,结果发现,随着难度加大,注意力不是越来越集中,最后反而下降。

2010 托福 独立写作 机经

2010 托福 独立写作 机经

Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there’s no practical use?2010年2月7日In order to be success it is better to be like others than to be different from everybody else.2010年2月27日北美high school students should take a course on basic economics.大陆children 应从体育中仅仅for fun,不应加入contest 或competition。

sports competition对于孩子有好处还是坏处。

2010年3月6日大陆agree or disagree: to solve the problem of present and future, it is necessary to understand the past. 北美有些人觉得要一直追求梦想;有的人觉得有些时候需要放弃梦想...人们应该坚持自己有挑战性的梦想还是注重实现现实的梦想。


北美独立作文:If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies&问agree or disagree?"题目我不能一字不差的记住,但是就是问:孩子要想在学校里表现好,家长是不是应该限制他们看电视的时间。

2010年3月13日大陆Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Printed books effects on society than television has.2010年3月20日北美大作文:有些人觉得他们可以靠自己或者家人的帮助,解决important problems.因此,人们不需要政府的帮助。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In order to become financially responsible adults, children should manage their own money at the young age.2010.1.22北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:People who go outside are more successful and happier than people who stay in villages.2010.1.30北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The government should support scientific research that does not have any practical use.2010.2.13北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team.2010.2.27北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:All high-school students should take basic economic courses.2010.3.6北美Which is better, challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future?2010.3.12北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time their children spend on watching TV.2010.3.20北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's no need for the government to help them.2010.3.27北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first.2010.4.10北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their own work.2010.4.24北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The way a person is dressed in is a good indication of his/her character or personality.2010.5.8北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The best way for parents to teach their children about responsibility is to have them care for animals.(Education & Animals) 2010.5.14北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:We need to have different sources of news and information to know which one is the real one or who is telling the truth.2010.5.22北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Woring at home using computers or telephones is better than working in the office.2010.6.12北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should take a secure job immediately when finding one instead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying.If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, will you use e-mail/text messaging OR usetelephone/voice-messaging.2010.6.26北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It is more likely for people with more skills to succeed.2010.7.10北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Many countries are paying attention to environmental problems. But the attention is not making the environmental situations better.2010.7.24北美The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not any different from the challenges their parents and grandparents faced when they were young.2010.8.13北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.2010.8.28北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder.2010.9.11北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Parents today are more involved in their children's education than parents were in the past.2010.10.9北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas can take better care of their families.2010.10.22北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The advice from the grandparents is of no use to their grandchildren because the world has changed a lot over the past 50 years.2010.11.6北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It is easier for parents to raise their children than 50 years ago.2010.11.13北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:To improve the quality of education,universities should spend more money on professors' salaries.2010.12.11北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It is more enjoyable to have a job and work long hours for three days in a week than to work shorter hours for five days in a week.2010.12.18北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Two people can still become friends if one of them has more money than the other one does.。

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