TAKSTAR CM-60专业电容麦克风说明书
专业电容麦克风TAKSTAR CM-60专业电容麦克风,采用纯金镀膜音头,具有灵敏度高、频率响应宽、失真小、噪音低等特点,音质清晰自然。
CM -60广泛应用于演播室、录音棚、广播电台、舞台演出及乐器拾音等专业场合。
频率响应曲线图技术参数单体:纯金镀膜电容式传声器指向性:单指向频率响应:30Hz ~18KHz灵敏度:-38dB±3dB (0dB =1V /Pa at 1KHz )等效噪声级:≤20dB A最大声压级:130dB (T.H.D ≤1% at 1KHz )输出阻抗:100Ω±30% (at 1KHz )低频衰减:100Hz 12dB /倍频使用电压:48V 幻像电源连接线的安装与拆卸1.把卡侬(XLR )插头插入麦克风,旋转插头使上面的扣键与 麦克风上的槽口对准,然后将插头推入麦克风,直至扣键定 位。
2.麦克风与连接线分开时,可握住插头,同时按压扣键,然后 将插头从麦克风拉出。
LOW CUT使用说明连接幻像电源开关的使用低频衰减:当开关处于“ ”位置时,为无衰减状态,当开关处“ ”位置时,可均衡近距离拾音时的低频提升效应和降低噪声、舞台地板振动声等。
※在使用低频衰减开关进行调节时,请关掉扩音器、嗽叭或将 音量调小,以避免开关产生的冲击声影响喇叭。
1. 使用时,应先将扩音器或调音台音量控制调小,然后将幻 像电源与麦克风连接好,再打开幻像电源的电源开关,并 将音量从小到大慢慢调节至合适,以免喇叭受到冲击。
2. 用手罩住麦克风头部,或使麦克风接近扬声器,可能产生 啸叫声,遇此情形时,首先降低音量,拉开同麦克风的距 离,尽量使麦克风不同扬声器相对。
3. 麦克风灵敏度高,必须注意不要从高处落下或给予强烈 冲击。
4. 麦克风不使用时应存放在干燥清洁的地方,避免在温度、湿度过高的场所保管或使用,以免影响灵敏度和音色。
※ 本产品相关规格及参数如有变更,恕不另行通知。
ATW-R2100a 接 收 器 具 有 真 正 的 分 集 式 接 收 功 能 , 两 枚 天 线 分 别 连 接 两 组 完 全独立而频率相同的的射频接收,自动逻辑电路不断地进行比较和选择最佳 的接收信号,提供最好的声音质量,以降低干扰和断频的机会。接收器并提 供 开 关 式 输 出 衰 减 , 可 把 输 出 电 平 作12dB的 降 低 , 以 合 适 多 种 不 同 音 频 系 统的使用 需要。软触式控制提供方便的多种功能操作,而背光的 LCD液 晶 显 示器提供了持续监测的系统运作信息,包括发射机的电池状态指示。接收 器是19”标准1U高的半机架式设计,并附有机架安装配件。另外,配选加入 AT8630 连接板套件,可把两台接收器并装于一个机架上。
请注意在多系统应用时,对于每一个所需要的信号,必须有一个发射机— 接收机组合(每部接收机应与一部发射机配合工作),并设定到一个单独的 频 率 上 工 作 。 由 于 一 些 无 线 频 率 接 近 或 位 于 UHF电 视 频 段 内 , 在 特 定 的 地 区 只 有 特 定 的 频 率 可 用 , 并 且 , 只 有 某 些 频 率 可 以 与 其 它 UHF仪 器 靠 在 一 起 工 作。
鵝頸 / 懸掛話筒52鵝頸 / 懸掛話筒鵝頸 / 懸掛話筒54平面話音話筒55平面話音話筒56超指向話筒57專業錄音話筒58手持話音話筒60頭戴/領帶話筒61特別功能話筒62無線系統6359紅外線/K T V 話筒A T -C L M 700T /A A T -C L M 700T /B A T -C L M 700T X A T -C L M 770T /A A T -C L M 770T /B A T I R -T 22A A T I R -T 22B A T I R -T 33A A T I R -T 33B A T I R -T 25形式動圈式收音頭動圈式收音頭動圈式收音頭動圈式收音頭動圈式收音頭動圈式收音頭 動圈式收音頭動圈式收音頭動圈式收音頭動圈式收音頭指向特性單一指向性單一指向性單一指向性單一指向性單一指向性單一指向性單一指向性單一指向性單一指向性單一指向性頻率響應100~15000H z 100~15000H z 100~15000H z 100~15000H z 100~15000H z 100~15000H z 100~15000H z 100~15000H z 100~15000H z 150~10000H z 紅外線頻率2.06M H z 2.56M H z 2.06M H z / 2.56M H z 3.2M H z 3.7M H z 2.06M H z 2.56M H z 3.2M H z 3.7M H z 2.06M H z / 2.56M H z 紅外線波長870±30n m 870±30n m 870±30n m 870±30n m 870±30n m 870±30n m 870±30n m 870±30n m 870±30n m 845n m 變調方式F M 週波數變調F M 週波數變調F M 週波數變調F M 週波數變調F M 週波數變調F M 週波數變調F M 週波數變調F M 週波數變調F M 週波數變調F M 週波數變調電池內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2內置充電池 / 2A 乾電池 x 2連續使用時間使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時使用內置充電池:L o :7小時,H i :4小時使用2A 乾電池:L o :6小時,H i :3小時尺寸54 x 256m m (直徑 x 長度)54 x 256m m (直徑 x 長度)54 x 256m m (直徑 x 長度)54 x 256m m (直徑 x 長度)54 x 256m m (直徑 x 長度)54 x 256m m (直徑 x 長度)54 x 256m m (直徑 x 長度)54 x 256m m (直徑 x 長度)54 x 256m m (直徑 x 長度)60 x 120 x 22.5m m (寬 x 長 x 厚)重量308g 308g 308g 308g 308g 300g 300g 300g 300g 130g 付屬品內置充電池置充電池內置充池內置充電池內置充電池置充電池,充電器 內置充電池內電池內置充電內置充電池內置充電池內紅外線/K T V 系統接收器A T -C R 700A T -C R 770A T I R -R 22A T I R -R 33紅外線頻率A :2.06M H z / B :2.56M H z A :3.2M H z / B :3.7M H z 2M H z 3M H z 電源D C 12V ,500m A (使用A C 適配器)D C 12V ,500m A (使用A C 適配器)A C 100,V 50/60,H z 8W A C 100,V 50/60,H z 8W 尺寸38 x 130 x 131m m (高 x 長 x 闊)38 x 130 x 131m m (高 x 長 x 闊)44 x 210 x 225m m (高 x 長 x 闊)44 x 210 x 225m m (高 x 長 x 闊)重量1700g 344g 344g 1700g會議混音系統67。
注意!该小型调校旋钮非常小巧,请使用附带的专用小型螺丝刀调校。 请不要 强行把旋钮旋动超过180º,这将会做成损坏。
2000 系列 安装及操作 接收机控制和功能
前面板 (图2)
1 供电开关:按下开关接通电路,LCD 背光亮起并显示操作通道号码,再 按下可把电源关闭。
2 LCD萤幕:液晶体显示萤幕,显示操作通道号码及使用状态(图6)。
为了确保质量并遵守联邦法规,接收机与发射机内电路已做精确调 教。请不要试图打开接收机或发射机。这样有可能会导致售后保修失 效,甚至设备工作不正常。非鐵三角授权人员对产品进行改装,会导 致授权操作无效。
对 于 体 内 植 有 电 子 心 脏 起搏器或 AICD装置的人应注意以下事项:
任何射频信号都有可能会干扰这类植入仪器的正常功能。所有无线话 筒 都 配有低功 率发射 机(小于 0.05瓦输 出),一 般不会 引发严重 问 题 , 尤其是与这类植入仪器之间的距离超过几英寸时。当然,无线话筒腰 包发射机一般都会紧贴着身体,我们建议把它系在皮带上,这要比把 它放在衬衫口袋里更不容易贴近这类植入仪器。一旦射频发射机关闭 后即不会对这类医疗仪器产生任何影响。如果在使用中或与其他射频 设备一同使用时出现问题,请联系你的医生或医疗设备供应商。
Sennheiser MEG 14-40-L-II 耳部麦克风说明书
FEATURES• Intuitive handling• Clearly visible LED ring and microphone button • Proven Sennheiser KE 10 microphone capsuleThe MEG 14-40-L-II features a made in Germany quality gooseneck microphone on an attractive price. A lightring indicates the spokesperson that is allowed to take the floor. It features a Sennheiser KE 10 microphone capsule with cardioid directivity for universal miking. The flexib-le element of the streamlined 40 c m gooseneck ensures precise alignment of the microphone. An XLR 5M connec-tor delivers power for the green LED ring and connects the microphone signal.SPECIFICATIONSPick-up patterncardioidFrequency response 50 Hz - 20 k HzAcoustic principle gooseneck microphone (con-denser)Output impedance @ 1 k Hz < 100 ΩSensitivity15 m V/PaMax. sound pressure level130 d B @ 1 kHz < 3 %Equivalent noise level37 dB (CCIR)26 dB (A)Power supply microphone 12 V - 48 Vphantom power (P 12 - P 48)Current consumption 3 mAPower supply signal light ring 12 - 30 V DC 1 - 18 mAgreenConnector XLR-5M TemperatureF Operation:Storage:0 °C to 40 °C(32 °F to 104 °F)-25 °C to +70 °C(-13 °F to 158 °F)ARCHITECT‘S SPECIFICATIONThe microphone shall be a pre-polarized condenser desi-gned for permanent installation or portable applications. It shall have a microphone capsule with a cardioid polar pattern with uniform 120° angle of acceptance (-3 d B). The microphone shall include a lighted ring below the capsule for indicating the activity of the microphone.It shall have a frequency response of 50 H z to 20,000 H z and be capable of handling sound input levels up to 130 d B SPL. Nominal equivalent noise level shall be 26 d BA (37 d B weighted as per CCIR 468-3). Output shall be low impe-dance balanced (< 100 Ω). Operating temperature shall be 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F). The microphone shall opera-te from an external 12 V to 48 V D C phantom power source; current consumption shall be 3 m A. The lighted LED ring shall operate from an external 12 – 30 V D C power source; current consumption shall be 3 m A. The microphone shall offer radio frequency interference (RFI) shielding against intermodulation from wireless equipment or devices.The microphone shall be a gooseneck design ensuring precise alignment of the microphone. It shall incorporate a self-contained power module with an XLR 5M connector at the base, which includes connection for the lighted ring power. The microphone shall be a small-diameter goosen-eck design with a diameter of 8 m m (0.31") and an overall length of 457.2 m m (18"). Head diameter shall be 22.8 m m (0.9"). The microphone weight shall be 147 g (4.72 o z). Finish shall be matte black.The microphone shall be Sennheiser MEG 14-40-L-II.POLAR PATTERN0°330°300°270°240°210°180°150°120°90°60°30°DIMENSIONS⌀ 0.9"[22,8 m m ]PIN ASSIGNMENT1 Microphone Ground2 Microphone +3 Microphone –4 LED Ground5 LED: 12 – 30 V32145FREQUENCY RESPONSEHz501002005001k2k5k10k20kd B V-20-30-40-50-60PRODUCT VARIANTS Product FeaturesMEG 14-40 B Art. no. 504791• Gooseneck with integrated Senn-heiser KE 10 microphone capsule• RF shielding against intermodu-lation from wireless equipment/devices• Streamlined design for seamlessintegration• Premium quality made in GermanyThe MEG 14-40 features a made in Germany qualitygooseneck microphone on an attractive price. It featuresan integrated Sennheiser KE 10 microphone capsule withcardioid directivity for universal miking and a streamlined40 c m gooseneck with a XLR 3M connector. The flexibleelement ensures precise alignment of the microphone.MEG 14-40-L B Art. no. 504792• Gooseneck with integrated Senn-heiser KE 10 microphone capsule• RF shielding against intermodu-lation from wireless equipment/devices• Streamlined design for seamlessintegration• LED ring for speech indication• AC/DC lightring powering• Premium quality made in GermanyThe MEG 14-40-L features a made in Germany qualitygooseneck microphone on an attractive price. A lightringindicates the spokesperson that is allowed to take thefloor. It features a Sennheiser KE 10 microphone capsulewith cardioid directivity for universal miking. The flexibleelement of the streamlined 40 c m gooseneck ensuresprecise alignment of the microphone. A XLR 5M connec-tor delivers power for the red LED ring and connects themicrophone signal.MEG 14-40-L-II B Art. no. 506398• Intuitive handling• Clearly visible LED ring and micro-phone button• Proven Sennheiser KE 10 micro-phone capsuleThe MEG 14-40-L-II features a made in Germany qualitygooseneck microphone on an attractive price. A lightringindicates the spokesperson that is allowed to take thefloor. It features a Sennheiser KE 10 microphone capsulewith cardioid directivity for universal miking. The flexibleelement of the streamlined 40 c m gooseneck ensuresprecise alignment of the microphone. An XLR 5M connec-tor delivers power for the green LED ring and connectsthe microphone signal.COMPATIBILE PRODUCTSProduct compatible withMEG 14-40 B MAT 133, MAT 133 S-B, SL Tablestand 133-S DW MEG 14-40-L B MAT 153, MAT 153-S und MAS 1MEG 14-40-L-II B SL Tablestand 153-S DW, MAT 153-S B。
铁三角AT2050 电容话筒测试报告详解【图文】-音平商城
铁三角AT2050 电容话筒测试报告“这支多用途的AT 2050话筒可以给您带来始终如一的优秀性能,它提供了可调节的心形、全指向和八字形指向这三种指向类型。
这支话筒还提供了80 Hz的高通滤波器以及10 dB的垫整衰减功能,它对于工作室和现场录音中的人声、钢琴、弦乐、鼓组吊顶、电吉他音箱拾音等等都是非常理想的。
”以下是官方网站对这支话筒的特性描述和一些技术指标:铁三角AT 2050 多指向性选择式电容话筒∙三种可切换的话筒指向性:全指向、心形指向、8字形指向。
∙内置80 Hz高通滤波器以及10 dB垫整衰减开关。
AT 2050 技术指标∙元件:外极化(直流偏压)电容∙频率响应:20 - 20,000 Hz∙高通滤波器:80 Hz,12 dB / octave∙开路灵敏度:42 dB(7.9 mV)以1V于1 Pa∙阻抗:120欧姆∙最大输入声压级:149 dB,1 kHz于1% T.H.D.;159 dB, 以10 dB 衰减∙动态范围:132 dB,1 kHz于最高声压∙信噪比:77 dB,1 kHz于1 Pa∙幻像电源需求:直流11-52V,耗电4.7 mA典型∙重量:412克(14.5盎司)∙尺寸:170mm(6.69英寸)长,52mm(2.05英寸)最大本体直径∙标配附件:AT 8458专业话筒减震架,用于⅝”-27螺纹接头的话筒架;⅝”-27至⅜”-16螺纹的转接头,以及柔软的便携式话筒保护皮套。
这是铁三角官方产品目录上给出的AT 2050在不同指向特性下的频率响应曲线图:Midifan也曾经在2012年7月4日发布过这款话筒的新闻,里边包含一些官方的录音案例试听。
Sennheiser G3 专业无线麦克风收音器说明书
FEATURESSturdy metal housing42 MHz bandwidth: 1680 tunable UHFfrequencies for interference-free reception Enhanced frequency bank system with upto 12 compatible frequenciesHigh-quality true diversity receptionPilot tone squelch for eliminating RF inter-ference when transmitter is turned off Automatic frequency scan featuresearches for available frequencies Enhanced AF frequency rangeWireless synchronization of transmittersvia infrared interfaceUser-friendly menu operation with morecontrol optionsIlluminated graphic displayAuto-Lock function avoids accidentalchanging of settingsHDX compander for crystal-clear soundReceiver features transmitter batteryindicatation in 4 stepsIntegrated Equalizer, Soundcheck modeand guitar tunerWide range of accessories adapts thesystem to any requirementOptimized PLL synthesizer and micro-processor technology In every respect, this professional receiver from the new Sennheiser G3 line provides the most features and performance the evolution series has to offer.It begins with an especially high number of presets possible per frequency bank (32), making setup of many wireless systems a breeze. The built-in Ethernet port allows computer control and monitoring with a PC running Sennheiser’s Wireless System Manager software. The large graphic display provides a great deal of additional information at a glance. One-touch sync function automatically links up a G3 transmitterwith this receiver.Lastly, the switchingpower supply is idealfor touring acts andrental companies whoneed a wireless thatcan be powered fromworldwide sources.TECHNICAL DATAModulation ...............................................................wideband FMFrequency ranges.................................................... 516 – 558, 566 – 608, 626 – 668,734 –776, 780 – 822, 823 – 865 MHz Receiving frequencies ............................................ 1,680 frequencies, tuneable in stepsof 25 kHz20 frequency banks, each withup to 32 factory-preset channels,intermodulation-free6 frequency banks with up to 32user programmable channels Switching bandwidth .............................................42 MHzNominal/peak deviation .......................................± 24 kHz/± 48 kHzReceiver principle ....................................................true diversitySensitivity (with HDX, peak deviation) .............< 2 μV for 52 dBA rms S/N Adjacent channel rejection ...................................typ. ≥ 75 dBIntermodulation attenuation ...............................typ. ≥ 70 dBBlocking .....................................................................≥ 75 dBSquelch ...................................................................... O ff, 5 to 25 dBμV,adjustable in steps of 2 dBPilot tone squelch ...................................................can be switched offAntenna inputs........................................................2 BNC sockets, 50 Ohm Compander system .................................................Sennheiser HDXEQ presetsPreset 1: “Flat”Preset 2: “Low Cut” ................................................−3 dB at 180 HzPreset 3: “Low Cut/High boost” .......................... −3 dB at 180 Hz+6 dB at 10 kHzContinued on page 2EM 500 G3 Rack-mount receiverTECHNICAL DATAPreset 4: “High Boost” ...........................................+6 dB at 10 kHz S/N ratio (1 mV, peak deviation) ........................≥ 115 dBA THD .............................................................................≤ 0.9 %AF output voltage (at peak deviation,1 kHz AF) .................................................................. ¼” (6.3 mm) jack socket(unbalanced): +12 dBuXLR socket (balanced): +18 dBuAdjustment range of audio output level ........... 48 dB, adjustable in steps of 3 dB+6 dB gain reserveTemperature range .................................................−10 °C to + 55 °C Power supply............................................................12 V Power consumption:...............................................350 mADimensions ...............................................................approx. 202 mm x 212 mm x 43 mm Weight .......................................................................approx. 980 gARCHITECT ’S SPECIFICATIONSThe rack-mount receiver with true diversity technology shall be for use with a companion transmitter as part of a wireless RF trans-mission system.The receiver shall operate within six UHF frequency ranges, each with a 42 MHz switching bandwidth: 516 – 558 MHz, 566 – 608 MHz, 626 – 668 MHz, 734 –776 MHz, 780 – 822 MHz, 823 – 865 MHz; receiving frequencies shall be 1,680 per range and shall be tunable in 25 kHz steps. The receiver shall feature 20 fixed frequency banks with up to 32 compatible frequency presets and 6 user banks with up to 32 user programmable frequencies.The receiver shall feature a balanced XLR-3M audio output with a maximum output of +18 dBu along with an unbalanced 1⁄4“ (6.3 mm) audio output with a maximum output of +12 dBu. A headphone output with headphone volume control shall be provi-ded and shall utilize a 1⁄4“ (6.3 mm) stereo jack socket. The receiver shall have an Ethernet port (RJ45) for remote network-based monitoring and control using the Sennheiser Wireless System Manager software. Two 50 O BNC-type input sockets shall be provided for connecting the antennas.The receiver shall be menu-driven with a backlit LC display showing the current frequency, frequency bank and channel number, metering of RF level, metering of AF level, lock status, pilot tone evaluation, equalizer setting, output gain, muting function, trans-mitter type and battery status of the associated transmitter. An auto-lock feature shall be provided to prevent settings from being accidentally altered. The receiver shall feature an integrated guitar tuner and shall provide a sound check mode.The parameters of associated transmitters shall be configurable in the receiver menu and synchronized with the transmitters via an integrated infrared interface.Nominal/peak deviation shall be ±24 kHz/±48 kHz. Squelch threshold shall be defeatable (off) or adjustable adjustable from 5–25 dBμV in 2 dB steps.Continued on page 4DELIVERy INCLUDES1 EM 500 G3 rack-mount receiver 1 N T 2-3 mains unit with one country adapter2 Rod antennas 1 GA3 rack adapter 1 Instruction manual1 Frequency information sheet 4 Device feetARCHITECT’SSPECIFICATIONSThe receiver shall incorporate the Sennheiser HDX compander system and a defeatable pilot tone squelch. Sensitivity shall be< 2 μV for 52 dBArms S/N with HDX engaged at peak deviation. Adjacent channel rejection shall be ≥ 75 dB (typical). Intermodu-lation attenuation shall be ≥ 70 dB (typical); blocking shall be ≥ 75 dB. Four selectable equalizer presets shall be provided: “Flat”, “Low Cut” (−3 dB at 180 Hz), “Low Cut/High Boost” (−3 dB at 180 Hz/+6 dB at 10 kHz) and “High Boost” (/+6 dB at 10 kHz). Signal-to-noise ratio at 1 mV and peak deviation shall be ≥ 115 dB. Total harmonic distortion (THD) shall be ≤ 0.9 %.The audio output level shall be adjustable within a 48 dB range in steps of 3 dB.The receiver shall operate on 12 V power supplied from the NT 2-3 mains unit. Power consumption shall be 350 mA. The receiver shall have a rugged metal housing; dimensions shall be approximately 202 x 212 x 43 mm (7.95“ x 8.35“ x 1.69“). Weight shall be approximately 980 grams (2.16 lbs). Operating temperature shall range from −10 °C to +55 °C (+14 °F to +131°F). The receiver shall be the Sennheiser EM 500 G3.PRODUCT vARIANTSEM 500 G3-A-EU – 516...558 MHz /Power supply unit EU Cat. No. 503138 EM 500 G3-A-US – 516...558 MHz /Power supply unit US Cat. No. 503658 EM 500 G3-G-EU – 566...608 MHz /Power supply unit EU Cat. No. 503659 EM 500 G3-G-US – 566...608 MHz /Power supply unit US Cat. No. 503660 EM 500 G3-B-EU – 626...668 MHz /Power supply unit EU Cat. No. 503661 EM 500 G3-B-US – 626...668 MHz /Power supply unit US Cat. No. 503662 EM 500 G3-C-EU – 734...776 MHz /Power supply unit EU Cat. No. 503663 EM 500 G3-C-US – 734...776 MHz /Power supply unit US Cat. No. 503664 EM 500 G3-D-EU – 780...822 MHz /Power supply unit EU Cat. No. 503665 EM 500 G3-D-EU-X – 780...822 MHz /Power supply unit EU / Germany Cat. No. 503666 EM 500 G3-D-UK – 780...822 MHz /Power supply unit UK Cat. No. 503667 EM 500 G3-E-EU – 823...865 MHz /Power supply unit EU Cat. No. 503668 EM 500 G3-E-EU-X – 823...865 MHz /Power supply unit EU / Germany Cat. No. 503669 EM 500 G3-E-UK – 823...865 MHz /Power supply unit UK Cat. No. 503670RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIESAM 2 – Antenna Mount Cat. No. 9912 CC 3 – Case Cat. No. 503168 L 2015 – Charging Adapter Cat. No. 9828 BA 2015 – Akku Cat. No. 9950 AC 1 – Active antenna combiner Cat. No. 503166 ASA 1 – Antenna spiltter Cat. No. 503165 NT-1 – plug-in mains unit for ASA 1 & L 2015 Cat. No. 4786 CL 2 – Linecable Cat. No. 4840A 1031-U – Antenna Cat. No. 4645 AB 3-A – Antenna booster module with +10 dBgain and 42 MHz bandwidth. (516-558 MHz)Cat. No. 502567 AB 3-B – Antenna booster module with +10 dBgain and 42 MHz bandwidth. (626-668 MHz) Cat. No. 502568 AB 3-G – Antenna booster module with +10 dBgain and 42 MHz bandwidth. (566-608 MHz)Cat. No. 502572 NT 2-3-US – Power supply for G3 EM rackmount receivers and transmitters - Cat. No. 503870GA 3 19“ Rack Adapter Cat. No. 503167 NT 1-1 EU – Mains unit for powering theASA 1 antenna splitter or the L 2015 charger,EU version Cat. No. 503158 NT 1-1 US – Mains unit for powering theASA 1 antenna splitter or the L 2015 charger,120 V version Cat. No. 503873 NT 1-1 UK – Mains unit for powering theASA 1 antenna splitter or the L 2015 charger,UK version Cat. No. 503874 NT 2-3 EU – Mains unit for powering theEM 100 G3 stationary receiver, EU version Cat. No. 503157 NT 2-3 US – Mains unit for powering theEM 100 G3 stationary receiver, 120 V version Cat. No. 503870 NT 2-3 UK – Mains unit for powering theEM 100 G3 stationary receiver, UK version Cat. No. 503871Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG Am Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany 0 3 / 1 3 S e n n h e i s e r i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f S e n n h e i s e r e l e c t r o n i c G m b H & C o . K G . w w w . s e n n h e i s e r . c o m . C o p y r i g h t ©0 3 / 2 0 1 3 . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .Contact your local Service Partner:。
1) Read these instructions. 2) Keep these instructions. 3) Heed all warnings.
4) Follow all instructions.
5) Do not use this apparatus near water.
6) Clean only with dry cloth.
7) Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
lete outlet.
10) Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
铁三角 SGC-600 枪型麦克风 使用说明书
SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE12SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE13SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE14SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE15SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE17SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE18SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE19SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE20SpecificationFunction instructionOperation instructionSGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE11PrefaceDear Customer,Thank you for purchasing Takstar SGC-600 Shotgun Microphone. Please read the user manual carefully before operation and keep it for reference in future.If you have any question or suggestion, please contact our local dealer.Features1. Tailored for photography/interview, suitable for DSLR/DV/cell phone.2. Pipe cartridge promotes picking up range and accuracy but reduces ambient noise picking up.3. Microphone gain fader to adjust according to the requirement of picking up range.4. Low cut function for background noise below 200Hz to make recording clearer.5. Standard cold shoe design for convenient installation on camera.6. Anti-vibration structure effectively reduce the mechanical noise and vibration noise.7. One 1.5V AA battery lasts for more than 100h operation.8. Low power voltage indication.ApplicationProduct content3. Connect the microphone Φ3.5mm connector with the mic connector ofcamera or DSLR. If you need to monitor the recording effect, connect the headset with the headset connector of camera or DSLR (Buy the headset additionally).5. When connecting with camera or DSLR for recording, it is recommended to set the mic volume fader to 0dB. When connecting with cell phone for recording, it is recommended to set the mic volume fader to +10dB.1. Open the battery compartment. Put the battery in and keep the polarity+/- right, and then close the compartment.2. When assembling it with camera or DSLR, insert the cold shoe into the slot of the camera. Turn the knob clockwise to fix the microphone. Whenassembling it with photography stand, connect the 1/4 socket on the microphone with photography stand. Turn it clockwise to fix the microphone.SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE21CautionsTo avoid electric shock, over temperature, catching fire, explosion,mechanical risk and hurt or property loss caused by improper use, please read the following items carefully before operation:1. Make sure the power of connected equipment matches with that of this product. Adjust the volume to proper level during operation. Do not operate at high volume level to avoid hearing loss.2. If abnormal phenomenon (smoke, abnormal smell) happens, please turn off the power switch and disconnect the power plug with power socket, and send the product to local dealer for maintenance.3. Using battery of broken insulation material is forbidden to avoid shortcircuit. Do not charge the non-rechargeable battery.4. Put the waste battery into classification dustbin rather than used as toy by children or discarded directly to avoid potential danger or affecting the environment.5. The product and accessories should be put in dry and ventilated place rather than humid or dusty environment. Prevent the product from liquid, rain, water, over-colliding, throwing, vibrating, vent hole covered to avoid function destroyed.6. When the product needs to be installed on wall or ceiling, please fix it tightly to avoid dropping risk.7. Please abide by safety rules during operation. Do not use the product in the place prohibited by regulation or law to avoid accident. 8. Do not disassemble or repair the product by yourself to avoid hurt. If you have question or need service, please contact the local dealer. 广东省惠州市博罗县龙溪街道富康一路2号Microphone ...................................................................................................1 pcC2-1 Splitter Cable .......................................................................................1 Pc Windscreen....................................................................................................1 Pc Battery...........................................................................................................1 PcUser Manual...................................................................................................1 PcNews interview, video recording, program hosting, special inter, Thematic interviewCartridge: Φ10mm condenser cartridge Polar Pattern: super-cardioid Frequency Response: 50Hz-16kHzSensitivity: -25dB±3dB(0dB=1V/Pa at 1kHz)Gain Adjustment: +10dB/0dB/-10dB Low Cut: 200Hz 12dB/Oct Output Impedance: 2.2KΩ±30%Power Supply: 1.5V AA battery Product dim:L157mm X H48mm Collecting tube Φ11mm X L120mmNet Weight : 75g ( Appr. )Note: The above data are obtained by Takstar Laboratory and have the right of final interpretation has the right of final interpretation.0º30º60º90º120º150º180º210º240º270º300º330º-40-30-20①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩SGC-600 SHOTGUN MICROPHONE16① Power switch: set switch to ON to turn on and OFF to turn off.② Power LED: If there is sufficient power when turning on it, the power LEDkeeps lighting up green. The LED keeps lighting up red means insufficient power. Please replace the battery in time.③ Volume fader: 3 step gain adjustment: +10dB boosts sensitivity for widerange picking up. 0dB is picking up original sound at normal range. -10dB reduces sensitivity for near range picking up. User can select according to application environment.④ Low cut switch: set it to “ ” position to turn on low cut function to attenuate LF noise below 200Hz. Set it to “ ” position to turn off lowcut function to return to original picking up status.⑤ Battery compartment: it is used for loading AA battery.⑥ Cable: Φ3.5mm stereo connector to connect with camera or DSLR, etc. ⑦ Cold shoe: used to fix microphone onto camera or DSLR. ⑧ Knob: used to lock microphone onto camera or DSLR.⑨ 1/4 socket: used to assemble microphone onto photography stand.⑩ Windscreen: used to prevent from pop noise and promote sound quality.4. If you need to connect cell phone for recording. Connect C2-1 cable withΦ3.5mm connector of the cell phone, and connect 3.5mm microphoneconnector with the connector which is marked “ ”on C2-1 cable. If you need to monitor the recording effect, connect the headset with the connector which is marked “ ”on C2-1 cable.Photography StandMicrophoneHeadsetCameraC2-1 Splitter CableCell Phone501002005001k2k5k10k20k[Hz]-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10[dB/1 V/Pa]C2-1 Splitter CableC2-1 Splitter CableConnection diaphragm of cell phone photographyConnection diaphragm of camera photographyHandheld photographyStand photography。
铁三角 ATW-3000 系列 UHF 频段分集式无线系统 说明书
ATW-3000 系列UHF 频段分集式无线系统指导手册ATW-3110a ATW-3141a ATW-3171a UniPak™ 盒式发射机无线系统手持动圈话筒无线系统手持电容话筒无线系统安装及操作UHF 频段分集式无线系统安装及操作欢迎您选择一套由 Audio-Technica (日本鐵三角)生产的无线通讯设备,并欢迎您加入了我们数以万计的用户队伍。
Audio-Technica 无线话筒经是多年来成功经验设计及生产。
安装:1. 为使设备运行达到最佳状态及减少反射,接收机距离地面的高度要高于1米,距离墙壁或金属表面至少1米。
2. 保持天线远离噪声源,例如:数字设备、电视机、汽车和霓虹灯,同时也要远离大面积金属物体。
3. 接收机放置的地方至发射机常用的地点之间,应尽可能减少障碍物。
4. 当两个发射机同时使用的时候,发射机与接收机的间距要至少2米。
连接:1. 接收机背板上设有两类音频输出端子,分别为平衡方式(32mV)及非平衡方式(50mV)。
物理接口:FC/SC/ST 可选;
视频接口标准:HDMI/DVI-D 或者 VGA 华瑞
设备 音视频光端机
模式; 视频分辨率: HDTV:
中国深圳 ¥45,800.00 2 对 ¥91,600.00
TOA 中国上海 ¥16,720.00 1
操作功率:180W(连续程序);额定输入:8 TOA 中国上海 ¥3,675.00 4
屏幕尺寸 60 英寸;屏幕分辨率 含
创维 中国深圳 ¥5,999.00 2
台 ¥25,800.00 台 ¥16,720.00 只 ¥14,700.00 台 ¥11,998.00
农公座, 开关带 LED 指示灯
建 音响 器
视 系统
频 3会
显示 高清电视机
总线:单声道 2.立体声 1;6 路单声道输 TOA 中国上海 ¥25,800.00 1
入,2 路单声道输出
增幅方式:D 级增幅方式; 额定输出:4 通道:550W×4(4Ω),
华通 中国株洲 ¥3,390.00
块 ¥3,390.00
800*600~1920*1080@60HZ,自适应输 科技
铁三角 AT871R 会议话筒
200 Hz 1 kHz 5 kHz 8 kHz
声压曲线1刻度5 dB
AT8201 话筒线路匹配变压器 (低阻抗至 50,000欧姆)。 AT8202 可选式话筒衰减器。 AT8506 四通通48V幻象供电器 (交流供 电)。 AT8801/EU 单通道48V幻象供电器 (交 流供电)。
-33 dB (19.9 mV) re 1V at 1 Pa
200 ohms
130 dB SPL, 1 kHz at 1% T.H.D.
103 dB, 1 kHz at Max SPL
67 dB, 1 kHz at 1Pa
9-52V DC, 2 mA typical
415 g 120.0 mm - maximum width, 145.0 mm - maximum length, 17 mm - height TB3M-type
AT8506 four-channel 48V phantom power supply (AC powered).
AT8801/EU single-channel 48V phantom power supply (AC powered).
200 Hz 1 kHz 5 kHz 8 kHz
Machida • Tokyo • Japan
FORM No. ATGC-L0011-05-E
- 设计在平面放置应用,提供高 质量收音、会议、专业录音、 及其他高要求的收音应用。
TAKSTAR TA-60动圈式麦克风说明书
单体:动圈式指向性:超心型频率响应:60Hz-18KHz灵敏度:-51dB±3dB (0dB=1V/Pa at 1KHz )输出阻抗:350Ω±30%(at 1KHz )350g○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 净重:产品特性尊敬的用户:感谢您选购TAKSTAR TA-60动圈式麦克风,为了您能够更好的了解使用本产品,建议您在使用前仔细阅读本说明书。
若存在有疑问或者您有宝贵的建议, 可通过拨打得胜官方服务热线400 6828 333 或使用微信扫描二维码关注得胜官方公众号与我们联系。
专业动圈麦克风○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 锌合金本体及铜焊网头,全金属设计,时尚耐用超心型指向拾音,防喷麦设计,低啸叫,高增益特设音头防震架,有效防止手持噪音,保障拾音效果频响宽,高还原,不失真,适应不同场合使用磁簧开关设计,避免开关冲击声,保护后级设备技术参数频率响应曲线图Hypercardioid0°330°300°240°210°30°60°90°120°150°180°270°邮编:516121广东省电声工程技术研究开发中心广东省得胜电子有限公司制造地址:广东省惠州市博罗县龙溪镇富康一路2号全国服务热线:400 6828 333传真:0752-******* 邮箱:xs @takstar .com扫一扫,了解更多产品扬声器声源安装使用※本产品相关规格如有变更恕不另行通知。
1. 麦克风与线材连接时,将线材卡侬对准麦克风尾部三针插入,直到 卡侬上的扣键“哒”的一声定位;2. 麦克风与线材分离时,握住卡侬并按压卡侬扣键,将线材拔出;3. 将麦克风线材另一端与调音台、功放、声卡等设备连接;4. 使用时应先将设备音量调小,再将音量从小到大慢慢调节至合适, 以免声压过大对扬声器产生冲击;5. 手不要握在麦克风网头上,尽可能的拉开麦克风与扬声器的距离, 避免麦克风和扬声器相对,以免影响麦克风音质及有效控制回馈啸 叫。
Alfatron ALF-CMB201 手机耳机麦克风用户手册说明书
Alfatron ALF-CMB201 Speaker MicrophoneUser ManualALFATRON ELECTRONICS GmbHPackaging contentsPlease check the packaging contents carefully after receiving products.Function DisplayOn/offVolume downAnswer/End buttonStatus lightVolume upMute buttonMode switch/Bluetooth pairUserManualHow to use On/OffNotes: Status Light DescriptionThe blue light indicates bluetooth mode.The purple light indicates AUX mode.The green light indicates USB mode.Long press “ ” for 2 seconds to turn on or offHow to connectConnect the computer to ALF-CMB201 with a USB cableUSB AUX ResetPress the “ ” for 3 seconds,the status light is blue when pairing.Turn on bluetooth on the mobile phone or PC and select ALF-CMB201 from the devices list to connect.Connect ALF-CMB201 via BluetoothWhen multiple sound sources are connected, you can select therequired source by pressing the“ ”button.Connect ALF-CMB201 with an AUX audio cableA LF-C MB 201ALF-CMB201 Speaker MicrophoneLimited warranty in respect of Alfatron Products Only1.1 This limited warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship in this product.1.2 Should warranty service be required, proof of purchase must be presented to the Company. The serial number on the product must be clearly visible and not have been tampered with in any way whatsoever.1.3 This limited warranty does not cover any damage, deterioration or malfunction resulting from any alteration, modification, improper or unreasonable use or maintenance, misuse, abuse, accident, neglect, exposure to excess moisture, fire, improper packing and shipping (such claims must be presented to the carrier), lightning, power surges, or other acts of nature. This limited warranty does not cover any damage, deterioration or malfunction resulting from the installation or removal of this product from any installation, any unauthorized tampering with this product, any repairs attempted by anyone unauthorized by the Company to make such repairs, or any other cause which does not relate directly to a defect in materials and/or workmanship of this product. This limited warranty does not cover equipment enclosures, cables or accessories used in conjunction with this product.This limited warranty does not cover the cost of normal maintenance. Failure of the product due to insufficient or improper maintenance is not covered.1.4 The Company does not warrant that the product covered hereby, including, without limitation, the technology and/or integrated circuit(s) included in the product, will not become obsolete or that such items are or will remain compatible with any other product or technology with which the product may be used.1.5 Only the original purchaser of this product is covered under this limited warranty. This limited warranty is not transferable to subsequent purchasers or owners of this product.1.6 Unless otherwise specified, the goods are warranted in accordance with the manufacturer’s product specific warranties against any defect attributable to faulty workmanship or materials, fair wear and tear being excluded.1.7 This limited warranty only covers the cost of faulty goods and does not include the cost of labor and travel to return the goods to the Company’s premises.1.8 In the event of any improper maintenance, repair or service being carried out by any third persons during the warranty period without the Company’s written authorization, the limited warranty shall be void.1.9 A 7 (seven) year limited warranty is given on the aforesaid product where used correctly according to the Company’s instructions, and only with the use of the Company’s components.1.10 The Company will, at its sole option, provide one of the following three remedies to whatever extent it shall deem necessary to satisfy a proper claim under this limited warranty: 1.10.1 Elect to repair or facilitate the repair of any defective parts within a reasonable period of time, free of any charge for the necessary parts and labor to complete the repair and restore this product to its proper operating condition.; or1.10.2 Replace this product with a direct replacement or with a similar product deemed by the Company to perform substantially the same function as the original product; or1.10.3 Issue a refund of the original purchase price less depreciation to be determined based on the age of the product at the time remedy is sought under this limited warranty. 1.11 The Company is not obligated to provide the Customer with a substitute unit during the limited warranty period or at any time thereafter.1.12 If this product is returned to the Company this product must be insured during shipment, with the insurance and shipping charges prepaid by the Customer. If this product is returned uninsured, the Customer assumes all risks of loss or damage during shipment. The Company will not be responsible for any costs related to the removal or reinstallation of this product from or into any installation. The Company will not be responsible for any costs related to any setting up this product, any adjustment of user controls or any programming required for a specific installation of this product.1.13 Please be aware that the Company’s products and components have not been tested with competitor’s products and therefore the Company cannot warrant products and/or components used in conjunction with competitor’s products.1.14 The appropriateness of the goods for the purpose intended is only warranted to the extent that the goods are used in accordance with the Company’s installation, classification and usage instructions.1.15 Any claim by the Customer which is based on any defect in the quality or condition of the goods or their failure to correspond with specification shall be notified in writing to the Company within 7 days of delivery or (where the defect or failure was not apparent on reasonable inspection by the Customer) within a reasonable time after discovery of the defect or failure, but, in any event, within 6 months of delivery.1.16 If delivery is not refused, and the Customer does not notify the Company accordingly, the Customer may not reject the goods and the Company shall have no liability and the Customer shall pay the price as if the goods had been delivered in accordance with the Agreement.1.17 THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE ACTUAL PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT.。
包装清单全向麦克风X1数据线X1使用说明书X1Product introduction(1)Do not try to disassemble or replace any parts in the product except for the operation methods marked in the manual.(2)Do not put the product into any liquid,this product is not waterproof.(3)If any liquid accidentally enters the product,please disconnect and remove the product immediately.(4)To avoid electric shock,please make sure that your hands are not wet when installing or uninstalling the product.(5)Do not place this product near a heat source or directly expose it to a fire source.(6)Do not place this product in an environment with strong electromagnetic force,otherwise it will cause product failure.product descriptionThank you very much for using the omnidirectional microphone product of our company!Before using this product,please read the product instruction manual carefully.This manual introduces the function,installation and operation of omnidirectional microphone products.This product omnidirectional microphone is a network conference call device with Bluetooth wireless or USB wired connection.Bluetooth cascading between omnidirectional microphone devices can expand the application range of sound pickup and playback.It has the latest generation of voice echo cancellation and environmental noise reduction.Processing algorithm,the sound quality of the call is clear and natural,the body is light,easy to carry,easy to install and operate,especially suitable for application scenarios such as network conference calls between mobile phones, tablets,and computer terminals.The pictures in the product manual are schematic illustrations, please refer to the actual product for details.Packing listOmnidirectional microphone X1Data cable X1Instruction manual X1产品介绍②麦克风②扬声器③蓝牙指示灯③蓝牙键⑤开关机键⑤组队级联键⑤音量“一”键⑧麦克风静音键⑧音量“+”键⑩级联指示灯⑩环形指示灯⑩充电指示灯⑩USB-C接口设备指示灯说明(1)开机:环形指示灯绿灯逐渐亮起,语音提示“开机,等待蓝牙连接”。
Kitchener 8 号钢铁电麦克风机器人说明书
#8 STAINLESS STEEL ELECTRIC MEAT GRINDEROWNER’S MANUALThank you very much for choosing a Kitchener™ product! For future reference, please complete the owner’s record below:Model: _______________ Purchase Date: _______________Save the receipt, warranty and these instructions. It is important that you read the entire manual to become familiar with this product before you begin using it.This machine is designed for certain applications only. The distributor strongly recommends this machine is not modified and/or used for any application other than that for which it was designed. If you have any questions relative to a particular application, DO NOT use the machine until you have first contacted the distributor to determine if it can or should be performed on the product.For technical questions and replacement parts, please call 1-800-222-5381.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSHP 0.35 HPVolts 120VWatts 250WNeck #8Overall Dimensions (L x W x H) 19.3in. x 8.3in. x 13.6in. (490 x 212 x 345 mm) Capacity Per Hour 264 lbs. (Pork) / 198 lbs. (Beef)Motor Speed - No Load 240 RPMHopper Size Elliptic 11.8in. x 7.9in. x 4.3in. (300 x 200 x 109 mm) Inlet Diameter 2in. (51mm)Outlet Diameter 2.4in. (62mm)Plate Diameter 2.4in. (62mm)Size of Plate Holes 3/16in. (4.5mm), 3/8in. (10mm)Stuffing Tubes Included 3/8in. (10mm), 3/4in. (20mm), 1-1/4in. (30mm) Discharge Pan Dimensions (L x W x H) 9.4in. x 8.7in. x 1.6in. (240 x 220 x 42 mm)GENERAL SAFETY RULESWARNING:Read and understand all instructions.Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.WARNING:The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions or situations that could occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by the operator.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWARNING:YOUR SAFETY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE WHEN USING ANY ELECTICAL PRODUCT. BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS MUST ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED! •ALWAYS disconnect unit from power source before servicing unit.•NEVER use this appliance outdoors or in a wet or damp environment. Never allow power cord to be exposed to water or any other liquid. Electrical shock may cause serious injury or even death.•ALWAYS check grinder for any damaged parts prior to using, including power cord.•NEVER modify power cord or plug in any way. ALWAYS use the proper outlet with a 3 prong grounded line.•ALWAYS make sure the power switch is in the off position before plugging in or removing the unit’s power cord. NEVER use the cord to remove the plug from the outlet.•NEVER use the appliance in an area where the cord is exposed to possible entanglement.ALWAYS protect the cord from being snagged as this could cause the appliance to be turned over.•NEVER attempt to operate this appliance while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medications. •NEVER leave your appliance unattended. ALWAYS turn off the power switch and disconnect the unit from the power source before leaving the work area.•ALWAYS keep children and inexperienced users a safe distance away from this appliance.Children and inexperienced users should never be allowed to operate this unit.•Trim all excess tendons, cartilage, cords, blood clots and remove meat from bones.•NEVER leave this appliance unattended while it is in operation or while connected to a power source, which would allow anyone unqualified to turn on this unit.•ALWAYS make certain the appliance is seated firmly on a level, stable surface.•NEVER operate this appliance without animal meat in the unit. Severe damage can occur if unit is run for any length of time without product in the unit.•ALWAYS tie back loose hair and clothing before attempting to operate this appliance and roll back any long sleeves you may be wearing.•ALWAYS remove any rings, watches, bracelets or other jewelry before attempting to operate this appliance. Not doing so could cause serious injury and damage the unit.•ALWAYS wear eye protection (safety goggles) when operating this appliance.•WARNING: NEVER use fingers to push meat into hopper intake. Doing so could result in loss of appendages and serious injury. Always use food plunger.WARNING:NEVER use hands or fingers to pull or scrape meat away from the grinding plate outlet. Doing so could result in loss of appendages and serious injury.•NEVER extend your reach or reach over any object to feed the grinder. Keep a stable balance and firm footing at all times.•NEVER insert any foreign object into this appliance. Always use the accessories that were provided with your unit.•ALWAYS turn off and disconnect the appliance if it becomes jammed. Wait until the unit has come toa complete stop before attempting to remove any jammed matter.•NEVER force this appliance to operate beyond its designed rate. Trying to push the unit will only result in problems. Practice safety and allow the unit to work properly.•NEVER attempt to grind bones, cartilage or tendons. Make sure all metal matter (bullets, shot, etc.) have been removed from all meat.•ALWAYS allow all moving parts to come to a complete stop before using the reverse mode.Reverse mode is designed to run for only a few seconds. Prolonged usage will result in damage to the unit’s motor. Hitting the reverse mode while the unit is still running will also damage the motor. •NEVER attempt to remove or attach the hopper tray, grinder head, locking cap or other accessories while the appliance is in operation or plugged into the power outlet.ASSEMBLY AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSBefore Use:✓Disassemble the grinder head and wash each part thoroughly in warm soapy water, removing all food-grade packing grease and oil from the surfaces. Dry all parts before re-assembly.✓Keep packing material for future storage of grinder and grinder parts.Assembly Instructions:✓Insert grinder head into gear housing; be sure that the hopper tray throat is facing upward. Holding grinder head with one hand, place locking knob into the hole on the side of Motor housing and tighten it clockwise (See Fig 1).✓Insert auger into the grinder head. You may need to turn the auger to align it with the drive shaft of the motor (See Fig 2).✓Place cutting knife blade onto Feed Screw shaft of the auger with the Flat edge of blade facing the front (See Fig 3).✓If blade is not seated properly, meat will not be ground.✓Place desired grinding plate next to Cutting Blade. The notch in the plate should align with the protrusion on the grinder head (See Fig 4).✓Firmly screw ring cap onto grinder head. Do not over tighten (See Fig 5).✓Insert the Hopper meat tray onto the throat of the head (See Fig 6).Grinding Instructions:✓For best results, trim all excess tendons, cartilage, cords and blood clots and remove meat from bones.✓Optimal results occur when meat is chilled to 32-34°F before grinding.✓Cut meat into pieces that will easily fit in throat of grinder head. (Approximately 1in. squares.)✓Place cubed meat into tray. Be sure not to over fill the tray. Make sure the throat opening of the tray remains clear and open.✓Place a dish, bowl or tray under grinder head to catch ground meat.✓Switch grinder to on position. Carefully begin to feed meat down the throat. Use plunger to push meat. DO NOT use fingers or utensils other than the plunger provided; bodily injury may occur and you could damage your grinder.If Jamming Occurs or Performance Slows:WARNING:Shut grinder off immediately and remove power cord from outlet.✓Carefully remove Grinder head ring cap, grinder plate and cutting blade.✓Carefully clean grinder plate holes thoroughly and remove any tendons from around cutting blade. ✓Replace cutting blade, grinder plate and screw ring cap back onto grinder head.✓Continue grinding✓Repeat steps as necessary to enhance grinder performance.Grinders Reverse Function:✓Switch off the machine.✓Switch CIRCUIT BREAKER to reset.✓Press OFF/REVERSE to clear any materials that are jamming the machine.✓Reverse operation will continue for as long as OFF/REVERSE is pressed.*Extended use of Reverse is not recommended and will cause damage to motor.✓If performance remains slow or there is still a jam go to steps under “If jamming occurs or Performance slows” above and repeat as needed.Sausage Stuffing Directions:✓Properly prepare casings as directed on casing packaging. Place artificial or natural intestines onto sausage funnel.✓Load hopper with prepared meat and feed meat into grinder head opening before operating unit.Do not operate grinder without meat in grinder head. Damage to auger and/or motor can occur.✓Plug in and turn switch to on position when ready to start.✓Hold the casing on the sausage tube in one hand and slowly let the meat output pull the casing from the tube. Fill casing as desired by holding casing back on tube.✓Twist or tie the sausage into links as desired. Tie end of casing into a knot.✓It is recommended that 2 people perform sausage stuffing.✓Add small amounts of water to your ground meat when stuffing sausage to improve output of meat through sausage stuffing tube.After use:✓Unplug and disassemble all parts and wash thoroughly in soapy water.✓NOTE: Do not place parts in a dishwasher; wash all parts by hand✓You must remove all foreign material from all appliance parts. (Grinding stale bread may help remove food residue.)✓Dry all surfaces.✓Do not use bleach or chlorine-based chemicals to clean. Discoloration of plastic parts can occur.✓Wipe down all non stainless steel parts with a food grade spray. Alternatively, wipe down with a salad oil to keep from rusting.✓Do not immerse motor housing in water. Damage to motor can occur. Wipe with damp cloth to clean.TROUBLE HOOTINGPROBLEMS SOLUTIONSGrinder has no power Check power to outlet. Make sure unit is securely plugged into outletGrinder has no power, but outlet does First, check and reset circuit breaker. Problem may be with switch or power cord. Contact customer service.Grinder hums or runs in only one direction Grinder has switch or internal problem. Try resetting circuit breaker. Contact customer service.Grinder hums or labors to operate Possible cold gear grease problem. Move grinder to warmer area. If this does not work contact customer service.Grinder runs slowly and erratically Possible cold gear grease problem. Move grinder to warmer area. If this does not work contact customer service.Meat is backing up at the back of the grinder Auger is not able to handle large portions of meat. Cut meat into smaller pieces so auger can work properly.Meat is only turning around the auger andcompressing against the head Meat is too warm. Cool meat to a temperature around 40°.Meat does not flow through grinder Make sure grinder head is properly assembled. Check sharpness of knife blade.Meat is backing up at head and will not flow Meat may be snagging on the auger or other parts. Lubricate internal parts with food-grade silicone spray.PARTS DIAGRAMPARTS LISTPart No. Description Qty. Part No. Description Qty.1 Motor Assembly 1 each 21 Gasket 1 each2 Motor Cover 1 each 22 Hex Screw 4 each3 Meat tray 1 each 23 Hex Nut4 each4 Meat Stomper 1 each 24 Flat washer 4 each5 Grinder Head 1 each 25 Elastic washer 4 each6 End Nut 1 each 26 Cable Box 1 each7 Stuffing tubes 3 each 27 Support Base 1 each8(a) Plate - coarse 1 each 28 S/S Cross Screw 4 each 8(b) Plate - fine 1 each 29 Foot 4 each9 Blade 1 each 30 Cable clip 1 each10 Stud 1 each 31 Cable 1 each11 Auger 1 each 32 Waterproof switch 1 each12 Auger Bushing 1 each 33 Hex Screw 4 each 13,14,15,16,17,19 Gear Assembly 1 each 34 Star Handle 1 each18 Front panel of gear box 1 each 35 Receiving meat tray 1 each20 Back Panel of Gear Box 1 eachFor technical questions and replacement parts, please call 1-800-222-5381.WARRANTYOne-Year Limited WarrantyDistributed byNorthern Tool + Equipment Co., Inc.Burnsville, MN 55306-6936Made in China.。
日本铁三角(audio-technica Corp.)有幸成为赞助商中的一名,为本届奥运会提供了一些器材上的支持,其中包括有超过1200只不同型号的话筒。
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112 mm 142 mm 40 mm 1.2 kg
3. To remove the microphone: Pullout the microphone while pressing the release tab of the XLRF connector of the microphone stand.
话筒座配置 外形尺寸 重量
XLRF 卡农母座, XLRM 卡农公座
宽 - 112 mm 深 - 142 mm 高 - 40 mm
1.2 kg
XLRF 卡农母座, XLRM 卡农公座, 开关带LED指示灯
112 mm 142 mm 40 mm 1.2 kg
AT8668S 电气指标
幻象供电 输出阻抗 插入损耗* 静音衰减*
*150 欧姆输入阻抗
直流 24-48V,耗电 3 mA 典型
360 欧姆
1 dB
55 dB 于 1000 Hz 35 dB 于 100 Hz 30 dB 于 50 Hz
Machida • Tokyo • Japan
FORM No. ATGC-L0015-05-C
MOUNTING / CONNECTIONS: 1. To connect the microphone: Align the microphone with the XLRF receptacle, and plug it in.
There are two models for application - AT8668 / AT 8668S. Combining technical and artistic features in the design, the microphone stands find their various applications in the field of broadcast and communications.
360 ohms
1 dB
*150 ohm source, 100k ohm load
AT8668 / AT8668S
DESCRIPTION These Audio-Technica anti-shock microphone stand effectively isolate mounted microphones from impact vibration and mechanical noise normally transmitted from the surface. They are intended for use with microphones stood on lecterns, pulpits, conference tables and similar surfaces. Ideal for use with gooseneck microphones and other quick-mount type microphone using industrial standard XLRM 3-pin type connectors.
55 dB at 1000 Hz 35 dB at 100 Hz 30 dB at 50 Hz
Machida • Tokyo • Japan
FORM No. ATGC-L0015-05-E
AT8668 / AT8668S
此鐵三角桌面防震话筒座,设有防震 绝缘胶,能有效减低安装面上的撞击 震动及机械噪声。此话筒座配合鹅颈 式的会议话筒后,非常适合使用在演 讲、教学、会议、报导的场合使用。 另外,亦可配套于其他3针卡农公头的话 筒装置使用。ຫໍສະໝຸດ AT8668AT8668S
两个可供选择的型号 - AT8668及AT8668S,均结合了 技术和艺术性的设计意念和特点,使该话筒更适合在各 种各样的广播及会议场合中使用。 这两个型号均涂上低反光及磨砂黑色涂层,并配以3针 卡农母头插座,作为话筒插入端;另背面为3针卡农公头插 座,作为话筒信号输出端,两端插座均为电镀镍接点。另 外 , AT 8 6 6 8 S 设 有 静 音 开 关 及 开 通 指 示 灯 , 讲 话 者 可 自 由 控制话筒收音工作,而该静音控制和指示灯需使用幻象供 电工作。 配置和连接 1.连接话筒:把话筒的底部卡农插头,调节至话筒座插 座适当对应位置并插入。
The two models come with a low reflectance, matte-black finish. The AT8668 features a 3-pin XLRF type receptacle on the input port and 3-pin XLRM type receptance on the output port. Both receptacles are Nickel-plated finish. The AT8668S also features a phantom-powered mute switch with a lighted “on” indicator that meets stringent audio transmission requirements and adapts to various types of microphone.
XLRF-type, XLRM-type
2. Typical installation:
112 mm 142 mm 40 mm
1.2 kg
XLRF-type, XLRM-type, Switch with LED
AT8668S MUTE SWITCH The AT8668S features a press-on/press-off switch that controls the microphone, muting it by 55 dB at 1,000 Hz. The circuitry also operates a light in the switch, powered by the 24-48V phantom source, to indicate when the mic is “on”. Regardless of the switch position, the actual mic operating voltage will be approximately 10-12V less than the phantom source voltage.
2.连接放大器:把话筒座卡农输出插座连线到其他器 材,如话筒放大器、调音台等。
3.拆除话筒:按下话筒座卡农插座的释放片,同时把话 筒拔出。
AT8668S 静音开关
AT8668S设 有 反 复 按 下 开 关 , 可 控 制 话 筒 收 音 情 况 , 于 1000Hz 时作 55dB衰减。并设有 24-48V幻象供电工作的 LED显示灯,显 示话筒开启工作。不管话筒连接位置,话筒实际的工作电压将 会 减 低 10-12V。