


2. in the leader situation a) draw up an agenda and discuss it with the group b) give the members time to get to know each other
Warm-up a)–how intelligent you are
are less likely to be
difficult situations;
troubled by problems. have a harder time
surviving in life.
IQ is determined by birth.
EQ has a lot to do with education.
Success comes with a
high EQ
By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to:
• get the information about IQ and EQ; • understand the words in context; • tell the research result of IQ and EQ and how
Guessing new words
4. People are often mistaken in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as well. This association can exist, but it is just as possible for someone with a low IQ to have a high EQ.


6、does not mean teaching people to kow what they do not know ; it means teachng them to behave as they do not behave. 教育不在于使人知其所未知,而在于按其所未行而行。2021年11月2021/11/272021/11/272021/11/2711/27/2021
5.____________they never see their results,they feel that their IQ is what determines how well they are going to do in life.
即使永远没有看到自己的测验结果,他们仍然感到自己的智商决定了他们将 来在生活中的发展状况。
在职场上,你的智商决定了你能否被录用,而情商则决定了你能否得到提拔。 4.On the other hand,____________ people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations... 另一方面,毫无疑问的是,低情商的人经常在与别人相处和处理困难形势时 有问题……
萨洛维教授以自己的学术研究作为依据,认为预测一个人未来的成功,其性 格(可用 EQ 来测量),实际上比其智力(可用 IQ 测量)的作用更为重要。
3.At work,__________ IQ ________ gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.
1.What does EQ consist of? ________________________________________________________________ 2.How do we do to improve our EQ? ________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1.Managing emotions,motivating emotions,handing relationships, empathy and self­awareness. 2.Control our anger,learn to deal with people,always be optimistic and positive, cherish our chance to live in the world.



学案练习 VII 听课文录音
Sentence analysis
2. After confirming that I was, Jenny
said that she had noticed I’d left my
book in the library and as my name was
Homework P61—Ex.1
several times for my rude behaviour. • I felt so _g_u_i_lt_y___.
How can we describe the feeling of being upset / angry?
• full of anxiety • get annoyed • the last straw • glare at • think angrily • steam coming out of one’s ears • whisper angrily • be upset
Tell the story using the following phrases
keep disturbing turn around pick up left…behind bring around couldn’t help laughing
get annoyed glare at whisper angrily get my phone number fill with get along well
并列 状从
in it, she’d asked the librarian to get my
phone number from their files.


3.2. We don’t see you enough. You 4. sh_o_u_ld__c_o_m__e_a_n_d__s_ee___ us more often 5. (come)
3. When we got to the restaurant, there were no free tables. We hadn’t reserved one.
have calledhim.
How to use should to express regrets
• (present) should + do • (past) should + have done • Ex 5 P41
• Ex7 P41
1. I wish I had learned to play the guitar.
• It rains a lot.
• I wish it didn’t rain so often. • I can’tfly to the school.
• I wish I could fly to the school.
How to use wish to express
• …was absent yesterday. I was so busy that I didn’t call him to ask what was wrong with him.
• Ex7 P41
5. We wish weweren’t so popular. 6. I wish I could become a spy. 7. I wish I had a similar one. 8. I wish I hadn’t bought it.

北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14《Lesson 1 Your Choice》课件 Language Ponits 2

北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14《Lesson 1 Your Choice》课件 Language Ponits 2

考点6 rather than而不是 listen rather than speak — learn as much
教材 as possible about your job and the company 与其多说不如聆听——尽可能多地了解你的工
原句 作和公司的情况
He rather than you is wrong. 是他而不是你错了。 You rather than Tom are to blame. 应受到责备的是你而不是汤姆。 I'd like to go to school on foot rather than by bike. 我愿意步行去上学,而不是骑自行车去。
[关键一点] rather than连接句子的主语部分时,谓语动词的数与 rather than前面的名词或代词在人称与数上保持一致。 [归纳拓展]
prefer to do ...rather than do ... =would do ...rather than do ... =would rather do ...than do ...
[辨析比较]income, pay, salary, wage
income 指经常得到的“收入”,可以是工作的薪水 指定时领取的“报酬,工资”,有时特指军队服役人员
pay 的军饷 通常指按月发、付给脑力劳动者或经过培训、学习有
salary 关专门知识或技能的人的“薪水”
指付给体力劳动者的工资,通常以劳动时间、熟练程 wage 度、定额多少来计算,一般按天或周支付,常用复数
quarrel with sb. about/over sth. 与某人争吵某事
She quarrelled with her sister over their father's will. 她和妹妹因为父亲的遗嘱起了争执。 We're not going to quarrel about a few dollars. 我们不想为了几美元而吵架。 I had a quarrel with my boss the other day. 那天我和老板吵了起来。



4.From the story,what do you think of Jenny? A.She is an inconsiderate and sensitive girl. B.She is a girl who likes music very much. C.She is a girl who thinks much of herself. D.She is a helpful and warm­hearted girl.
【答案】 1.anxiety 2.disturbing 3.singing 4.did 5.in 6.that 7.called 8.met 9.apologised 10.a
anxiety n.忧虑,担心
(教材 P14)The day that I met my best friend for the first time,I was full of anxiety.
我第一次遇见我最好的朋友的那天心里充满了忧虑。 ①His anxiety to succeed led him to work hard. 他渴望成功之心促使他努力工作。
be anxious about be anxious for be anxious to do sth.
担心 渴望(盼望) 渴望(盼望)做某事
②(朗文辞典)He was a bit anxious ________ the safety of the machinery. 他有些担心机器的安全。 ③He was anxious __________ school and make his own way in the world. 他渴望早点从学校毕业在社会上谋生。 【答案】 ②about ③to finish


(2) To press a handle so as to allow something to move.拉开 她放开了车子的手刹. She released the handbrake of the car. (3)公开发表,发布新闻 新的贸易数字刚刚公布.
7. end up v. to be in the end(in the
sunglasses, uniform
Special moustache, beard, features straight nose, deep-set eyes
She has shoulderlength dark
The fortune-teller predicted that I would marry a doctor. 很难预见 这件事什么时候发生.
It’s hard to predict when it will happen.
Prediction n. 她的预言证明是正确的. Her prediction turned out to be correct. 他预言政府在大选中会被击败. He made a prediction that the government
(2) To allow to continue, accept without complaining(一般用于否定和疑问句)忍受,容忍 如果我们是你,我就不能容忍那种待遇.
I wouldn’t stand for that sort of treatment if I were you. (3) Support 主张,支持 在我们投他的票之前,我们想知道他主张什么.

北师大英语必修5Unit 13Lesson 1(共18张PPT)

北师大英语必修5Unit 13Lesson 1(共18张PPT)
Afterwards, the normal students were more willing to help people with disabilities…
post reading Application learn and use (groupwork)
Choose one situation and share what
有的成群结队去爬山,站在山顶面对冰 天雪地,大声歌唱美好的生活;有的在 山林沿 着长长 的雪道 滑雪,仿 佛在寻 找幸福 之
What helps a person achieve success? success
Success comes with a high EQ
Predict: What will the passage talk about?
(2)Give an example and provide a study by Pro.Mayer
For example, some of the smartest students sometimes end up failing exams.
Pro.Mayer recently announced the results of a study of changes to people’s EQs.
来的希望和祝福. 在这辞旧迎新的日子里,世界各国的人 们都以 其别出 心裁、 各具特 色的方 式迎接 新 年的到来。阿根廷人认为水是最圣洁 的。每 年元旦, 各家老 少成群 结队到 江河洗 “ 新年浴”,以洗去身上的一切污秽。德 国人在 元旦期 间,家家 户户都 要摆上 一棵枞 树 和横树,树叶间系满绢花,表示繁花似 锦,春满 人间。 瑞士人 有元旦 健身的 习惯,他 们


Period Two ——
栏目 索引
课堂讲义 当堂达标
核心突破 检测巩固
Ⅰ.单词自测 1. conductor conduct v. n. 2. athletic adj. athlete n. 3. independentபைடு நூலகம்adj. independence n. n. 售票员;指挥 指挥,引导; 行为,举止 喜爱运动的 运动员 独立的 独立
句式背诵 1.Which student believes that people who work with computers are not athletic but they have to be creative? 哪个学生认为做计算机工作的人不善于运动,但必须很有创造力? 2.I really dislike it when he eats garlic for lunch. 我真的不喜欢他中午吃大蒜。
satisfied adj. satisfying adj.
8. requirement n. require vt. 9. aboard prep. abroad assist v. 11. poet n. poem n. 12. translator n. translate v. translation n. adv. 10. assistant n.
(1)People have a strong desire for approaching the nature to relax

高中英语北师大版必修5课件 Unit 13-Section Ⅴ

高中英语北师大版必修5课件 Unit 13-Section Ⅴ
【答案】 ①Judging from ③In my judgement
⑤as far as I can judge ⑥as far as I'm concerned ⑦as far as I know ⑧from my point of view ⑨in my opinion
, she looks a bit kind of shy.
那个穿黑夹克坐在后面,手臂交叉着的女士,看起来好像有点害羞。 2. national types are not taken too seriously,it's fun trying to
guess a person's nationality from their personality. 只要不把民族类型看得太重,试着从一个人的个性猜测他的国籍还是很有 趣的。
devote专心致志于,献身于 (教材P17)She devotes a lot of her time to caring the neighbours. 她把大量的时间用于照顾邻居。
devote oneself to... be devoted to... devotion n.
返回首页下一页来自influence sb.to do sth. have influence on... under the influence of...
评判 判断 部分时间地 蜂蜜
返回首页 下一页
4. 5. 6. n. 7. 8. 9.

北师大版2017高中英语(必修五)unit 5 (PPT课件)

北师大版2017高中英语(必修五)unit 5 (PPT课件)
Unit 5Fir Nhomakorabeat aid

Fire safety in the home—a quick guide 一旦家里失火,后果不堪设想。平时在家里 如何防火呢?来看看本文是如何支招的吧!

Follow these simple,inexpensive tips to prevent fires in your home.You can also get free advice from your local Fire and Rescue Service,so if a fire does break out,you and others can get out quickly and safely.

Use candles carefully ☆ candles,decorative lights and decorations are a growing cause of fires ☆ make sure candles are secured in a stable holder and kept away from curtains,fabrics and paper ☆ always put candles out when you are leaving the room or going to bed

Don’t overload sockets (插座) ☆ try to keep to one plug per socket—too many electrical appliances plugged into one socket can overload it,which can lead to overheating ☆ electrical appliances,plugs,and cables that are old or poorly wired can also be a real danger Cigarettes—put them out,right out ☆ more people die in fires caused by smoking than in fires caused by anything else ☆ always stub (弄灭) cigarettes out properly and get rid of them carefully



君燕告诉我:“是妈妈教会我要有好奇心。她热爱宇宙中 的任何事物, 教我对人类和自然中从植物到昆虫的任何事物感 兴趣。”君燕回忆说:“我们会在旧鸟巢里寻找鸟的羽毛,甚 至把石头翻起来观察那里的小动物。 我喜欢那样做。 ”她还说: “妈妈是一个坚强的人。虽然有许多困难要克服,但她从不让 困难打败自己。她拼命工作供我上学,直到我从上海的复旦大 学毕业。她对待生活的态度一直影响着我的思想和行动。”
her if there was any special moment
பைடு நூலகம் [原文呈现]
She worked extremely hard to support me through school and during my time at Fudan University in Shanghai. Her attitude towards⑰ life will never stop influencing my thoughts and actions.”
[原文呈现] [读文清障] After graduating from university, ⑱grasp [ɡrɑːsp] vt.理解,
Wang Junyan became a reporter for
真正的主 a local newspaper. She said she ⑲it 是形式主语,
what was ture made her the success she is today⑨.
[原文呈现] “It was my mother who
10 . She taught me to be curious○
[读文清障] 10 It was ...who ...为强调 ○



火焰,火舌 燃烧的,激昂的 缺乏,不足 吐口水,吐痰
6. access n. accessible adj. 7. worthwhile adj. 8. fellow n.
(使用或见到的)机会,权利 易接近的,能进入的 值得努力的 同伴,家伙 跟踪,跟随 总共,总计 引发;使爆炸 可v.
Ⅱ.短语自测 1. add up to 2. set off 3. have access to 4. as well as
句式背诵 1.I suppose I was a bit lazy and now I wish I’d done more work ,
especially in maths.
D.Because he enjoys the feeling when he knows he has done something worthwhile. 答案 D
2.According to the text,which statement is TRUE? A.Graham and Mr.Jenkins often meet each other after Graham’s graduation. B.Graham was interested in science before Mr.Jenkins taught him. C.In Mr.Jenkins’ opinion,Graham is clever. D.Teaching is easier than before. 答案 C
Period Three ——
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Unit 13 People Lesson 2 Personalities and Jobs Lesson 4 First Impressions Culture Corner Unit Diary Lesson 1 Your Choice Lesson 3 Nine to Five Communication Workshop Bulletin Board Unit 15 Learning Lesson 2 Different Schools Lesson 4 Understanding Culture Corner Unit Diary Literature Spot 5 Language power Grammar Summary
北师大版高三英语必修5电子课本 课件【全册】
北师大版高三英语必修5电子课本 课件【全册】
Communication Workshop
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Байду номын сангаас Culture Corner
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Lesson 3 Making Guesses about People
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Lesson 4 First Impressions
Unit 13 People
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Lesson 1 EQ:IQ
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Lesson 2 Personalities and Jobs