Tom Jones汤姆琼斯
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• Blifil: He is full of craft and
cunning hypocrite. In front of the family, he always appears to be very humble, refined and courteous. On the face of it, all his actions are not the best motivation, but in fact it is entirely due to egoistic. •
Allworthy disowns(与…脱离关 系) Blirfil and make Tom his heir.
Tom marries Sophia and moves to the Western house
Center Plot
• 汤姆· 琼斯是私生子,出世不久即被抛弃。后为绅 士 Allworthy所收养。 Allworthy 让汤姆· 琼斯与庄 园主女儿 Sophia产生了爱情, 而Master Blifil对 此非常嫉妒,极力在舅父Allworthy 面前中伤汤 姆· 琼斯。于是汤姆· 琼斯被逐,四处流浪。到了伦 敦,他因打伤了一个流氓而下了监狱。 Sophia 的父亲强迫Sophia(苏菲亚)嫁给Blifil(布力非), Sophia违抗父命,也逃到伦敦,找到汤姆· 琼斯。 最后,汤姆· 琼斯的身份得到揭示,原来是 Allworthy的亲妹妹的私生子,和 Blifil是异父同母 的兄弟。全书以Blifil 迫害汤姆· 琼斯的阴谋败露, 汤姆· 琼斯与Sophia 结婚而结束。
Analysis of Character Tom :His good nature, to be kind and
generous, loyal and honest, forthright and sincere emotion, chivalrous, full of vigor and vitality, and at the same time, he is also a self willedbe by nature unconventional and straight forward. 他本性善良,对人忠实诚恳,宽宏大量, 豪爽侠义,情感真挚,充满着活力和生机, 同时,他又是轻佻任性落拓不羁的
He was known as theቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ"father of the English novel".
Joseph Andrew(1742)
Jonathan Wild the Great(1743) Tom Jones(1749) Amelia(1751)
This is a long story of 18 books in three sections of six chapters each. The first six are set in the Allworthy estate(财产,身份)
亨利· 菲尔丁(1707年4月22
日-1754年10月8日 )
The most outstanding eighteenth Century British novelist, dramatist.
One of the most representative of the eighteenth Century British Enlightenment, He is the first writer to complete novel theory in the works of British
• Sophia: The heroine Sophie is a
pure, beautiful, kind girl, who is the lovely . She is virtuous ,obedient, but when her freedom and happiness is threatened, in her heart immediately bursts out the revolt despotic and violence great courage. • 女主人公苏菲娅是一个纯洁、美丽、善良的少女 苏菲娅温柔、娴淑、孝顺,可是当她的自由和幸 福受到威胁时,在她的心灵深处立刻会迸发出反 抗专横和暴力的绝大勇气。
Unfortunately, Sophia learns that Tom and Mrs.Waters have been sleeping together. She is disappointed.
Mrs.Waters reveals the real identity of Tom as the son of Bridget . Bridget paid Jenny for her to play the scapegoat(替罪羊) . Bridget also wrote a letter before her death telling the truth to her brother, but Blifil stole and destroyed it.
The second six relate events on the road to London The last six ,the climax, is set in London
Foundling (弃婴)
Tom rescues a Mrs.Waters from a rape . They go to a inn for a rest
布力菲是个善于看风使舵、诡计多端的伪君子。 在长辈面前,他总是表现得百般恭顺,彬彬有礼。 表面看来,他的一切举动都是出乎最好的动机, 而实际上却完全是由于自私自利的妒忌。
• 《汤姆· 琼斯》篇幅宏大,但全书结构十分缜密, 情节非常紧凑。这是这部长篇小说的重大艺术特 色之一。《汤姆· 琼斯》全书共十八卷,每卷前面 都有一篇序文。按照故事发生的背景,全书可以 分为三大部分:第一部分,自第一卷至第六卷, 以偏僻的外省为背景,以索美塞得州奥尔华绥和 魏思特恩这两个乡绅的家庭生活为中心,描写英 国乡村的生活;第二部分,自第七卷至第十二卷, 是写由乡村到伦敦路上的情景,主要是写琼斯和 苏菲娅由乡间到伦敦途中的困苦颠沛和种种冒险, 小说中的重要人物在这里先后出场;第三部分, 自第十三卷至第十八卷,场面移到伦敦,以都市 生活为背景,反映伦敦的城市环境,使小说的主 人公与社会地位、观点、习惯各各不同的人物接 触