New Inside outEscapePPT课件



frie n d :朋友(正式) p a l :好友,伙伴(随意) b u d d y :伙伴,朋友(随意) frie n d s h ip :友谊 W is h o u r frie n d s h ip la s t lo n g . A frie n d in n e e d is a frie n d in d e e d . 是真朋友。
It is h e re .

S te p 1 阅读短文
T he T w ins L ily a n d L u c y a re tw in s . T h e y 're fo u rte e n . T h e y 're a t N o . 12 M id d le S c h o o l . L ily is in C la s s T h re e a n d L u c y is in th e sa m e cla s s . T h e ir clo th e s a n d sh o e s a n d h a ts a re th e sa m e . T h e ir clo th e s a re ye llo w a n d th e ir sh o e s a re w h ite . B u t th e ir h a ts a re b la c k . T h e y h a v e w a tc h e s . It is se v e n tw e n ty . T h e y g o to sc h o o l . T h e y h a v e a frie n d . H is n a m e is B ill . T h e b o y is in C la s s T h re e , to o .



新探索研究生英语u3课件(一)教学内容•Unit 3: Global Operations–Section 1: Vocabulary–Section 2: Listening–Section 3: Reading–Section 4: Speaking教学准备•教科书《新探索研究生英语》Unit 3相关课文及听力材料•教具:投影仪、电脑或笔记本、活动板书工具•网络连接和电源供应教学目标•通过本节课的教学,学生应能够:–掌握与全球运作相关的词汇和表达方式–听懂和简要回答关于全球运作的问题–快速阅读并理解与全球运作相关的文章–能够就全球运作的话题展开讨论设计说明•注重任务型教学,培养学生应用英语进行交际和解决问题的能力•结合听力、阅读、口语训练,全面提高学生的综合语言能力•创造积极、互动的学习氛围,引导学生主动参与课堂教学过程1.开幕与导入–向学生介绍本节课的教学内容和目标–引导学生回顾上节课学习的内容,复习相关词汇和知识点2.词汇学习–利用投影仪或活动板书,呈现与全球运作相关的词汇–通过图片和示意词汇,引导学生理解词汇的意思和用法–进行词汇操练,包括语境填空、词汇联想等活动3.听力训练–播放与全球运作相关的短对话或录音–学生仔细聆听,并回答与录音相关的问题–分析听力材料中的重点词汇和表达方式,并进行讨论4.阅读理解–学生快速阅读与全球运作相关的文章,获取整体理解–学生按照问题要求,细读文章并回答问题–与学生一起分析文章结构、主题及关键信息5.口语训练–利用本节课学习到的词汇和表达方式,引导学生就全球运作的话题进行口语训练–组织学生参与角色扮演、小组讨论或演讲等口语活动–提供反馈和建议,帮助学生提高表达能力6.小结与作业布置–回顾本节课学习的重点内容和主要知识点–布置相关的作业,如词汇记忆、听力练习或阅读任务等课后反思本节课,通过任务型教学的方式,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习到了与全球运作相关的知识和技能。

New Inside Out3 Unit8Attraction

New Inside Out3 Unit8Attraction
2. 教学设计方案
教学目标: 知识目标: 完成此课以后,学生能够…… 1. 构建介绍人生面貌特征的知识模块; 2. 掌握描述人物外貌的具体词汇。
技能目标: 完成此课以后,学生能够…… 1. 掌握描述人物面貌特征的语言技能和交流能力,就话题展开充分有效的讨论; 2. 能够发现并描述相似面貌中的不同部分,提升词汇学习策略,运用活学策略, 在讨论、对话中运用刚学过的词汇起到加深记忆的作用。
学生在课前自主学习,形成对本 话题的初步认识,积累相关语言 素材,为课堂产出任务做必要的 语言储备。
课 (一) 1 头脑风暴 中 导入 (1 分钟)
(1 分钟)
学生举例世界上 图片和话题生动有趣,既导入本
最帅的男性和最 课话题,又在很短时间内激发学
(二) 1 听音频 词汇学习 匹配短语 (8 分钟) (2 分钟)
预期困难: 1. 语言表达方面:学生只使用基础词汇进行口语表达,和话题 相关的具体词汇储备量不大或者想不起来使用具体词汇。 2. 情感动力方面:学生缺乏自信,羞于表达,用具体词汇描述 的意识淡薄。 3. 学习策略方面:学生重视语言输入但很少输出,不能学以致 用、举一反三。
任务设计理念: 任务驱动教学法(Task-based Language Teaching) “学生中心”“在做中学”
本课的难点是学会使用具体词汇,学生在小组讨论和描述差别两次口语输出 中,循序渐进地掌握语言知识和交际技能。教师充分发挥为学生学习搭建“脚手架” 的作用,指导学生逐步完成任务,有效实现交际目标。



• (1) adj. 猛烈的、急剧的、凌冽的 • 刺骨的寒风 • a sharp wind • (2) adj.(刀口等) 尖锐的
• (3) adj. 呈锐角的、陡的
• 他向右急转 • He made a sharp turn to the right .
• (1)n. 打击
(1) v. 行礼、敬礼、问候或欢迎 salute the flag 向旗帜敬礼 (2) n. 敬礼 give a salute 敬礼
elderly adj. 上了年纪的
• 上了年纪的绅士 • an elderly gentleman • elder 年纪较长的、年长的 = older(美) • 哥哥/姐姐 • elder brother / sister • 年纪较长的儿子 • an elder son
• change into 换(衣服)
• 他把西装换成牛仔装。
• He changed his suit into jeans.
• change ……for ……
• 我想把这个裙子换成裤子
• I’d like to change this dress for trousers .
• ddrarga…gg…eindto him拖in进to the bushes.
• 他把桌子拖进角落里。 • He dragged the table into the corner. • 我们把地毯拖出房间。 • We dragged the carpet out of the room.
Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead man's clothes.

2019新概念第二册Lesson 81-Escape课件(共37张PPT)教育精品.ppt

2019新概念第二册Lesson 81-Escape课件(共37张PPT)教育精品.ppt

Sentence & Expressions
Lights were blazing and men were running here and there. they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. here and there 到处、四处 他到处乱转不知该如何是好。 He walked here and there not knowing what to do . here and now 立刻 我要求现在就付钱给我。 I must be paid here and now .
(1)v. 燃烧、冒火焰 火烧了一整天 。 The fire blazed all day . (2)v. 发怒、激怒 他怒火中烧。 He was blazing with anger . (3) n. 火焰、火苗 她被从大火中救出。 She was rescued from the blaze. blazing adj. 炎热的 a blazing sun 炙热的太阳
囚犯 = jailbird 战俘 POW = prisoner of war prison 监狱(jail) be in prison = be in jail 坐牢 ←→ break prison = break jail 越狱 他被释放(release)了。 He has been released from jail.
上了年纪的绅士 an elderly gentleman elder 年纪较长、年長长的 = older(美) 哥哥/姐姐 elder brother / sister 年纪较长的儿子 an elder son



Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell
• • • • • • cunning violent manipulative Psychopath Consistently underestimated
T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I.....loved you, Susan. Real Love .For the first time in my life....And then...and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door......I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person that one who did all the terrible things ,he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man. a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people ,you bring that dirty bastard right home.
• • • • • Main Cast Synopsis Classic White TATTO MV
NEW WORDS: serial drama, premiere, revolve around,sentence , , , to death,devises,elaborate,escape , , ,


I hold the opinion that___it_i_s_t_h_e______ g_o_v_e_r_n_m_e_n_t_’s_d_u_t_y__ to provide those families in need with financial help.
(3)与环境和谐共处,是每个人都应有 的责任。
(3)__a_d_v_e_r_ti_si_n_g_ n.广告;宣传;做广告
2. inform vt.通知;告知;告诉 (1),情报 (2)__i_n_f_or_m__e_d__adj.有知识的,精明的 (3)___in_f_o_r_m_e_r__n.告发者;检举人
句型:It is no use doing 做……是没有用的
提示:该句型与“It is of no use to do”意 思相同。
(1)后悔犯错已经没有用了,更重要的是,我 们要解决将会出现的问题。 __I_t_i_s_n_o__u_se__r_e_g_re_t_t_in_g__ having made a mistake. More importantly, we should try to settle the problem at hand.
句型:When it comes to (doing) sth.,...当谈及到……;当提到……
提示:该句可用于引出话题、举例等, 使前后过渡自然。
(1)当谈到如何处罚调皮学生时,校长总会 提出一些有效的措施。
___W__h__e_n_i_t_c_o_m__e_s__to__ how to punish the
more and more customers and contributes to the growth in sales. Moreover, keeping

大学英语全新版综合教程ppt课件 Book3 Unit1-8

大学英语全新版综合教程ppt课件 Book3 Unit1-8

7.spray v: to make a stream of small drops of liquid come out of a small tube or several small holes ★spray sb. with sth. spray sth. on/ over sth. eg:她把香水喷在身上. n: liquid which is forced out of a special container in a very small drops eg: hair spray( spray which you put on you hair to keep it tidy) insect spray(spray used for killing insects)
6. supplement: v: to add sth., especially to what you earn or eat , in order to increase it to an acceptable level ★supplement by/ with n: ①sth. that you add to sth. else to sth. improve it or make it complete ②an additional part at the end of a book, or a separate part of a newsthe supplement to (of×) the book
Text A
Questions 1)why do so many migrant workers move from the country to the city? 2)why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs, even in the countryside? 3)In your opinion, which is better, living in the country or city?

高中英语必修一《Unit 1 A new start Starting out Understanding ideas》课件

高中英语必修一《Unit 1 A new start Starting out Understanding ideas》课件

(7) How true these words were! (8) When my English teacher stepped into the classroom, I was surprised to see the same man I had met earlier.
" Good morning, everyone. (9) Before we start, please come to the front one by one and introduce yourself to the class. I' ll go first..."
○25 nudge n. (通常用肘)轻推 ○26 butterfly n. 蝴蝶
butterflies in one’ s stomach 情绪紧张,心里发慌
○27 breathe v. 呼吸
breathe deeply 深呼吸
○28 panic n. 惊恐,惊慌
in panic 惊慌地
○29 share vt.分享 ○30 nervous adj.紧张的
Unit 1 A new start Starting out & Understanding ideas
Part Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas
My First Day at Senior High
(1) After I had pictured it over and over again in my mind, the big day finally arrived: my first day at senior high! I woke up early and rushed out of the door in my eagerness (2) to get to know my new school.

New Inside Out

New Inside Out

Speaking: Tell your partner a memorable event that
have been important in your life. when, where, who, what, why…
Task 2—Appearance
Vocabulary (Page 6) Speaking: Describe the men in the pictures (Page 10)
Unit One Impressions
Focus & Objectives
Talking about events
• When… where… who… what… why… • Hair… face (facial
Talking about appearance
expressions)…Image Queen (Page 9)
Topic for this week (TA)
1. What do you know about Madonna?
2. Who is your idol?
His / Her appearance & achievements
You may add other questions and details to your dialogue.
Assignment for this week
Review what you’ve learned in class;
Do the exercises which are not covered in class;
Task 3—Personal style
Listening (Page 10) Speaking—Role play

inside out 从心理学的角度看头脑特工队ppt课件

inside out 从心理学的角度看头脑特工队ppt课件


记忆球进入记忆废墟就无法挽回 了吗?
• 目前还没有确切的研究可以证明,一个脑 功能完整且健康的人会永久性遗忘长时记 忆(特指长时记忆,因为如果连长时记忆 都没有进入的话,也就称不上遗忘了)。

• “个性”的定义有很多,电影里的应该 算是一种个人特质,包含记忆、能力、技 能、成功经验、性格的综合体。
• 比如友谊之岛,就包含她跟小伙伴一 起玩耍的画面(记忆)、交友时有意无意 用到的策略(能力和技能)、某次交到一 个很好的好朋友(成功经验)、通过友情 培养出的开朗的性格(性格)等等,所以 说不一定对应某个脑区。
• 实际上,对于记忆,人类一直时徘徊在可 控和不可控之间,很多记忆的保存和提取 是自动化的,这些和电影中展现的一样。
• 但还有一些情况中,人们是可以操纵记忆 的,比如通过不断重复和联想,是可以把 短时记忆转换为长时记忆的。另外,对于 记忆的提取,影片中好像都是个体被动的 提取(情绪小人播放幻灯片、声音等), 但是没有体现主动提取的过程。
• 它是从核心记忆中提取出的抽象概念, 比如两个人都有“友谊”这样一个个性岛, 都是从各自的核心记.忆提取出来的,但是


2008.11 世界手工艺大会莆田之旅(联络口译兼 会议口译)
2009.4 第四届中国国际木业投资洽谈会(开幕 式口译)
2012.11.11-15 第五届亚洲体操锦标赛(新闻 发布会口译 & 闭幕酒会口译)
Course Profile
1 Brief introduction
2 Teaching contents 3
Company Logo
2003.12 莆田市副市长袁锦贵会见金信(香港) 投资集团和宏贸海外投资有限公司(联络口译兼 会议口译)
2003.12 金信(香港)投资集团和宏贸海外投 资有限公司福州考察(联络口译兼会议口译)
2004.6 第六届中国(福州)海峡经贸交易会、 首届中国福建商品交易会莆田展位(现场口译)
To do more reading and speaking after class. Company Logo
Unit 1 Impressions
Company Logo
Cultural notes Millennium celebrationsT
The photo shows the millennium celebrations in Sydney, Australia with a spectacular firework display along the waterfront and on Sydney Harbour bridge. Beijing Olympics:
2005.12 湖北武汉武荆高速公路项目开工新闻 发布会(会议口译兼联络口译)
2006.12 英博雪津啤酒有限公司揭牌仪式(会议 口译兼联络口译)
2007.4 第三届中国国际木业投资洽谈会(联络 口译兼开幕式口译)

New Inside Out keys(unit 1,6,7,8,11)

New Inside Out   keys(unit 1,6,7,8,11)

New Inside Out keysUnit 1 ImpressionsP5 Listening & ReadingAlec: 1. used to think 2. live 3. happened 4. will ever happenBelinda: 1. annoys 2. believe 3. thinkChris: 1. were standing 2. ’d been waiting 3. exploded 4. ’ve never seen 5. feltP5 Grammar1. a) I’ve known b) I had c) I was talking d) I like e) I’ve been learningf) I’ve been g) I’d already met h) I used to haveP6 Vocabulary2. a) designer clothes b) bright eyes c) round face d) spiky hair e) firm handshakef) charming manner g) warm smile h) deep voice3. a) handshake b) face c) smile d) eyes e) hair f) voice g) clothes h) mannerP6 Listening1. a) London (Notting Hill) b) Working c) The conversation stops because the man sayssomething uncomplimentary about Mrs. Rivers—the woman’s mother.2. a)√√ b)×× c)√√ d)√× e)×√ f)×× g)×√ h)√√i)×× j)√√P8 Reading2. b)3. a) pop icon b) reinventing the brand c) early life d) motherhood e) controversyf) no plans to retire4. a) trademark (Her name, Madonna) b) on (An ever-evolving look, style and sound)c) raised (She was born in Michigan and raised in Detroit.)d) with (The popular group)e) date (An impressive catalogue of albums, world tours, videos, feature films, documentariesand books.)f) criticism (Because it’s thought she used her wealth and fame to speed up the process.)g) controversy (Because she has shocked people a lot.)h) gracefully (No.)P8 Vocabulary1. a) change b) prepare c) erect d) contemplate e) copy f) findP10 Listening1. a) possible answers:Charles: business-like, cool, fashionableRick: casual, quite smart, a bit boringAdam: trendy, fashionableMatt: casual, cool, trendy2. Charles-3 Rick-1 Adam-4 Matt-2The journalist’s attitude towards the four men is friendly, polite and respectful.3. Matt a) b) Adam c) d) Rick e) f) Charles g) h)P11 Grammar & Speaking1. a) Could you tell me what image you’re trying to achieve?b) Do you think that you are aware of fashion?c) Do you mind telling me what you wear to go out in the evening?d) I’d like to know what your clothes say about you.e) Would you say that you care about your image?f) I’d like to know whether your appearance affects your life.g) Do you know what the last thing you bought was?2. a) word order: changes from (auxiliary) verb +subject to (auxiliary) subject + verb (the same asaffirmative statements)b) do/does/did: not used in indirect questionsc) if/whether: used in indirect yes/no questionsd) Formality: indirect questions are more polite.3. a) Do you know where the cheapest clothes shop in town is?b) Do you think cheap clothes are good value for money?c) Where do you think the best place to buy jeans is?d) I’d like to know if/whether you’ve ever sewn a button on a shirt.e) Do you mind telling me how much money you would spend on a leather jacket?f) Could you tell me how many pairs of trainers you’ve got?g) Would you say (that) clothes and fashion matter to you?P11 Vocabulary2. a) off-the-cuff b) buckle down c) as bright as a button d) collarse) tighten his belt f) on her sleeveP 12 Useful Phrases1. a) At a concert (club) b) Rose and Ian are probably a couple. Mike is a friend of theirs.c) Mike’s ex-girlfriend.2. a) 2-Ian b) 3-Rose c) 6-Ian d) 5-Rose e) 1-Mike f) 4-Ian3. a) that woman b) in the c) spitting image d) look anything e) the samef) that smile g) a very h) no resemblance i) looking woman j) changed so4. a) the spitting image of him b) got the same eyesc) a very distinctive way of walking d) anything like her/my mothere) absolutely no resemblance to the rest of the familyf) was an amazing-looking woman when she was youngerUnit 6 EatP56 Reading & Speaking1. Two spoonfulsP57 Reading & Vocabulary1. a) World Restaurant International Sign Techniqueb) No. (It was made up by this writer.)2. 1. an espresso 2. dinner date3. bottle of wine4. bill; your bill3. a) hair b) ear c) toes d) eyes e) shoulders f) tongueP58 Listening & Vocabulary1. a) F (She eats out two or three times a week.)b) F (She takes three friends with her. Everyone orders something different and she tastes abouttwo bites of each dish.)c) F (She doesn’t write anything down. She takes mental notes.)d) F (She doesn’t wear any disguise.)e) Tf) F (The newspaper pays.)g) T (She really hates that. They should know by the look on the customer’s face.)h) F (She can’t stand them.)i) F (It was in a very rural place in Umbria, Italy.)3. a) food b) meal c) dish d) plate e) flavor f) menuP59 Grammar1. I’ve been working: present perfect continuous—cI started out: past simple—aI’ve worked: present perfect simple—b3. 1 a) learnt b) been learning 2 a) read b) been reading3 a) been eating b) eaten4 a) worked b) been working4. a) He’s been chopping onions.b) He’s been eating his dinner.c) She’s been cleaning /mopping the floor.d) He’s been putting up shelves/doing some DIY.5. a) hate describes a state: it isn’t an action. So the continuous form is wrong.b) stop describes a single action: You do it once. It isn’t normally possible to repeat it.c) decide describes a single action: You do it once. It isn’t normally possible to repeat it.d) cut describes a single action: You do it once. Repeating it would be considered ―self-harm‖.e) have describes a state: it isn’t an action. So the continuous form is wrong.f) understand describes a state: it isn’t an action. So the continuous form is wrong.a) I’ve always hated…b) I’ve stopped…c) I’ve decided …d) I’ve cut myself …e) I’ve had …f) I’ve never understood …P60 Reading & Vocabulary2. HealthAdvantages: Improve health. Reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, etc. Feel better Disadvantages: Friends treat me like an eccentric. No decent food available.Animal welfareAdvantages: Reduce cruelty to animals. Reduce spread of disease.EnvironmentAdvantages: Reduce greenhouse gases. Helps feed the poor and hungry.a) cram b) lapse c) shun d) skip e) slaughter f) crop g) finh) stroke i) fussy j) soggy k) do my bit l) retain the moral high-groundP61 Vocabulary & Writing1. 1 so (or consequently) 2 Consequently (or so) 3 However 4 even though (or although)5 Furthermore6 Although (or Even though)7 To sum up3. 1 However 2 The first reason why 3 As a result, 4 What is more 5 In other words6 Secondly7 In fact8 Finally9 Furthermore 10 Consequently 11 To sum upP62 Reading1. 1 c) 60% 2 c) £9 billion 3 c) 27 % 4 c) 5,500 5 c) 1.3 millionP63 Grammar1. a) bread b) year c) plate d) date e) daya) Salad, fruit and bread were most commonly wasted.b)£9 billion of avoidable food waste in England and Wales was disposed of each year.c) Most of the food could have been consumed if it had been stored or managed better, or hadnot been left uneaten on a plate.d) Nearly a quarter of the food was disposed of because the ―use by‖ or ―best before‖ date hadexpired.e) 5,500 whole chickens were thrown away each day.The passive is preferred because the article is about food waste. So you want ―food‖or ―food waste‖ (the object of the active verb) to be the topic of each sentence. The subject of the active verb (―people‖) is obvious in the context.P64 Useful Phrases1. a) the service—(un)helpful, rude, slowb) the lighting—bright, darkc) the wine—(not) chilled, corked, offd) the food—bland, off, over-cooked, over-donee) the other customers—noisy, (rude), slow2. a) very slow b) dark c) chilled d) overcooked e) off3. a) 5 b) 1 c) 4 d) 3 e) 6 f) 24. 1 recipe (=a situation which is likely to end badly)2 beetroot (=to blush/go red in the face with embarrassment)3 pie (=to be very pleasant)4 beans (=tell me all the gossip)5 peanuts (=low wages)6 cookie (=clever)Unit 7 EscapeP68 Reading & Vocabulary1. c) The author mentions:●Seeing people taking their shirt off in public●Getting sand in everything●Getting sunburned and windburned●Cold water●Traffic jams●Children misbehaving●No toilets on beach●Stray dogs●Losing things●Getting tar in hair2. a) 1 F (Frankly, I have never understood the British attachment to the seaside.)2 T3 F (I managed to get so sunburned that a dermatologist invited me to a convention inCleveland the following weekend as an exhibit.)b) 1 T2 F (I put my foot down and said, ―Never—absolutely not,‖ which is of course why we endedup, three hours later, at Kennebunk Beach in Maine.)3 Tc) 1 T2 F (I’ll call him Jimmy in case he should one day become a lawyer.)3 T3. a) paddle b) foot down c) scene d) dinghy e) nibble f) napP70 Vocabulary & Grammar1. correct order: 8, 1, 4, 6, 3, 2, 7, 10, 9, 5P71 Listening & Grammar1. a) Rachel b) Sarah and Paul c) Amy and Josh2. 1 a and b 2 b and c 3 a and b 4 a and c 5 b and c 6 a and bThe modal verbs actually used in the recordings:1 b)2 b)3 a)4 c)5 c)6 a)3. a) I had to/needed to b) I didn’t have to/didn’t need toc) I could/was allowed to d) I couldn’t/wasn’t allowed toe) I shouldn’t have done f) I should have done/ought to haveP72 Reading2. A 3 B 4 C 5 D 2 E 1P73 Vocabulary1. tasteful bookish humourless cheerful thoughtful stylish snobbish tasteless1 ful or ish2 less2. a) less b) ish c) ful4. 1 unwilling 2 irresistible 3 relentless 4 disobedient 5 devilish 6 undivided7 stressful 8 irresponsible 9 careful 10 hellish 11 tearful 12 helpfulP74 Listening & Speaking2. a) She was traveling around Australia.b) Her visa ran outc) Amsterdam3. a) ago b) star c) friend d) soulmate e) together f) enough g) else h) relieved4. 1 g) 2 e) 3 a) 4 b) 5 d) 6 c) 7 h) 8 f)5. 1 Actually 2 come to think of it 3 Anyway 4 Do you know what I mean5 Basically6 to be honest7 In fact8 in the endP75 Reading & Grammar1. 1 A 2 - 3 the 4 a 5 - 6 a 7 an 8 a 9 The 10 the 11 the 12 The13 a 14 The 15 - 16 The 17 the 18 a 19 a 20 a 21 - 22 a 23 –24 the 25 the 26 the 27 the 28 theThe moral of the story: Be satisfied with who you are and with what you have. More money/success won’t necessarily make your life better.P 76 Useful Phrases1. Three museums are mentioned: the Louvre, the Musée d’Orsay, and the Picasso Museum2. a) 6 b) 9 c) 10 d) 1 e) 3 f) 5 g) 8 h) 2 i) 7 j) 11 k) 43. a) if … were; views … spectacular b) you; don’t … withoutc) best… for; should d) make … you; won’t …disappointede) best … avoid f) a; well … thea) Cape Town b) Barcelona c) Bangkok d) Sydney e) New York f) Mexico CityUnit 8 AttractionP78 Listening & Vocabulary2. a) skin b) bone structure c) teeth d) eyes e) jaw f) eyes g) lipsh) smile i) nose j) cheekbones k) eyebrows l) in the cheeksP79 Reading1. a) false b) false c) true d) true e) false f) false2. a) beholder b) rank c) at first glance d) adage e) irresistible f) trustworthyg) subtle h) prominentP80 Grammar1. a) passive b) passive c) passive2. a) Chocolate is thought to be bad for your skin.b) It has been suggested that you should drink at least two litres of water a day.c) It used to be assumed that carrots were good for your eyesight.d) It is said that reading in a dim light can damage your eyes.e) Shaving body hair is widely believed to make it grow back thicker and faster.f) It is often said that we only use 10% of our brains.3. a) People think that chocolate is bad for your skin.b) Some doctors have suggested that you should drink at least two litres of water a day.c) People used to assume that carrots were good for your eyesight.d) They say that reading in a dim light can damage your eyes.e) Many people believe that shaving body hair will make it grow back thicker and faster.f) They often say that we only use 10% of our brains.P80 Listening1. a) Rita b) Michael c) Jean2. a) have b) believe c) point d) frankly e) trying f) askP83 Reading & Grammar1. eyes, nose, chin, lips, cheeks1. had2. Having3. have4. had5. had6. had7. having8. had 9. hadThe main change is that now she gets lots of attention.2. I did my hair = I did it myself.I had my hair done = somebody else did my hair.You use it when w e’re talking about services you ask (and usually pay) people to do for you.3. a) I get my car serviced every six months.b) I had my house redecorated four years ago.c) I get my hair cut once a month.d) I’ve had a burglar alarm installed.e) I had my blood pressure checked last month.f) I’ve never had my nails done.a)How often do you get your car serviced?b)When was the last time you had your house redecorated?c)How often do you get your hair cut?d)Have you ever had a burglar alarm installed?e)When was the last time you had your blood pressure checked?f)Have you ever had your nails done?P82 Reading & Speaking2. a) Most popular: Mark Least popular: Tonyb) Most popular: Sindy Least popular: Erica and Larac) Kevin and Tony d) Tony and SindyP82 Vocabulary1. a) negative b) positive (sometimes negative) c) positive d) positive e) negativef) positive (sometimes negative) g) positive h) positive i) negative j) positive k) positive (sometimes negative)2. a) sensitive; trustworthy b) sensible c) laid-back d) stand-offishe) straight; open-minded f) mature g) enigmatic h) down-to-earth i) self-centeredP84 Reading & Speaking2. a) possible answers:1. People who have similar outlooks are drawn to each other.2. You can’t change the way you are.3. Something that looks valuable may not be.4. Your actions will have consequences.5. You can’t get something if it’s not there to begin with.6. Take care that the things you want in life are really those that will benefit you rather thanharm you.c) 1, 3 and 6P84 Listening2. 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 cP85 Grammar1. a) were; would b) were; would; would c) were; would d) woulde) were; would f) were; wouldWords you can use instead of if: suppose; imagine; supposing; assumingP86 Useful Phrases1. Answers to Exercises 1 and 21. extremely busy (e)2. say something to make you feel worse (a)3. talk about it (d)4. around here (f)5. be involved in a lot of things (h)6. decided yet (g)7. see how I feel at the time (b) 8. someone to talk to (c)Unit 11 StudentP110 Vocabulary & Reading2. a) 8 b) 1 c) 4 d) 6 e) 3 f) 7 g) 2 h) 53. a) Ann b) Henry c) Adams―get a bank loan‖ is not used.4. Text A: She is bound to fail the exam.Text B: She is unlikely to go on to further education.Text C: Henry is not expected to gain a place at university.5. a) are expected to b) are likely to c) is highly likelyd) are likely to e) are bound toP111 Pronunciation1. 1 AIDS√ 2 BSc 3CV 4 DIY 5 FAQ 6 MBA 7 NATO√8 OPEC√9. PhD 10 PIN√11 UNICEF√12 V AT2. 1 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome2 Bachelor of Science3 Curriculum Vitae4 Do-it-yourself5 Frequently Asked Questions6 Master of Business Administration7 North Atlantic Treaty Organization8 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries9 Doctor of Philosophy10 Personal Identification Number11 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund12 Value Added TaxAbbreviations to do with education are: BSc MBA PhDP112 Listening & Vocabulary2. b)3. a) make b) taste c) behind d) system e) senses f) up4. a) get it out of your system b) a taste of freedom c) behind youd) make it e) up to youP112 Reading & Grammar1. 1 my A-levels start 2 I’m going to concentrate3 I’m going to be4 I’m going to find5 I’m moving6 you’ll be able7 we might have to 8 it’s going to be9 we’ll have had 10 I’ll be staying11 I’ll give 12 it’ll beP113 Grammar1. a) Example 1: …it’ll be worth a fortune in a few year s’ time!b) Example: …we might have to get part-time jobs …c) be going to; Example 1: I’m going to concentrate on my music career.d) Example: I’m moving to London …e) Present simplef) Example: I’ll be staying in posh hotels …g) Future perfect2. 1 The main clause2 Present simple and present perfect (present continuous also possible)3 When the subordinate clause comes before the main clause3. a) fail; will kill b) ’m going to grow; leavec) ’m never going to read; ’ve taken d) ’ll like; gete) isn’t coming out; ’s done f) finish; ’m going to set upP114 Reading & Vocabulary2. Because travelers tend to exaggerate and embellish their stories.3. a) buzz b) tales c) exaggerate and embellish d) dodging e) rite of passageP115 Vocabulary1. dirty/filthy full of/swarming with big ants/huge ants that looked like lobsterswhich had swollen up/which had swollen up like a balloontrying to kill them/going berserk trying to kill themI spotted one on the ceiling/I spotted an enormous ant on the ceilingI hit it/I bashed it I fainted/I blacked outhad hit my head/had dented my skullI was taken to hospital/I had to be rushed to hospitalI had five stitches/I had emergency surgery3. a) 3 b) 9 c) 4 d) 10 e) 1 f) 7 g) 2 h) 5 i) 8 j) 6P116 Useful Phrases1. correct order: e) f) c) b) g) d) a)2. He shouldn’t have waffled about his sporting achievements.He shouldn’t have suggested that he did n’t have any weaknesses.He should have been more enthusiastic (not implying he didn’t work well in the morning) andhe should have found out about the company to give the impression of being interested in the work.He should have prepared for the interview better.3. 1 b 2 e 3 c 4 f 5 d 6 a 7 gP117 Writing Extra1. Do a) be honestd) use a clear layoute) use bold and italic for headingsf) include datesg) check for spelling and typing errorsDon’t b) mention your bad points and failuresc) try to be amusingh) use family or friends as referees2. The CV looks overly familiar and the layout is poor.There are numbers of spelling errors.No dates are included.Sam has tried to be amusing with the use of emotions, the funny email address and the mention of blood donating as a ―personal interest‖. This wouldn’t go down well.He has included his own mother as a referee.The language is too informal.。



Academic exploration 2
Reading 2
Reading & understanding
Words in use
Language focus
Complete the sentences with the words below. Change the form if necessary.
Academic writing
Academic writing
Specialized vocabulary: science words
Language for writing
Vocabulary development
Like other studies, science also has its own language. Science words refer to the words and phrases used regularly in science. Examples include atom, cell, pressure, force, evaluation, etc.
Vocabulary development
Match the words (1-10) to the definitions (A-J).
1. atom (n.) 2. automation (n.) 3. cell (n.) 4. decay (n.) 5. discovery (n.) 6. evaluation (n.) 7. force (n.) 8. fossil fuel (n.) 9. pressure (n.) 10. source (n.)
Learning objectives

Unit 3 Words and expressions 课件- 人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册

Unit 3 Words and expressions 课件- 人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册

on the move
在行进中,在移动中;忙碌,活跃 翻译句子: 1.军队在行进中。
The army is one the move. 2.我老师总是很忙。
My teacher is always on the move. 3. 在我成长的过程中,我们经常搬家。(2021 全国听力乙卷)
As I was growing up, we were often on the move.
a person whose job is to collect and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio or television
reporter n.记者;通讯员 journal n. (某学科或专业的)报纸,刊物,杂志; 日志,日记
翻译:完成一段长跑是一项非常有益的体验。 Finishing a long run is a very rewarding experience.
cycle n.自行车;摩托车;循环 v. 骑自行车
ride a cycle
go for a cycle ride
a cycle track
Unit 3 Vocabulary
buffet v.连续猛击,打来打去 n.自助餐
to be ~ed by the wind 被风吹得左右摇摆 ~ lunch/supper 自助午餐/晚餐
风噼里啪啦地拍打着我的帐篷的布,我在这声响中醒来。 I wake up to the sound of the wind buffeting the cloth of my tent.
It’s incredible that…

New_Inside_Out unit 2 Adrenalin

New_Inside_Out unit 2 Adrenalin

Task 1—
reading (Page 12)
pay attention to the factsand focus on the Mike’s story
Words : skydiving , typical, advert ,end in,
go blank, the rush of adrenalin, parachute, hooked, collide ,survive ,motivation
There is more to life than work Words can’t describe the rush of adrenalin while I was riding on a rollercoaster.
The disaster strikes ( struck) me.
Task vocabulary
Speaking: make sentences with gradable adj.
The last time I went to Madrid(Beijing), It was absolutely boiling---- over 40 degrees.
Task 2—Pronuniciation
Task vocabulary
All kinds of sports: Judo, karate, scuba diving, windsurfing, Talking about sports Place, equipment
Task 4---useful phrases
Injuries or complaints: cramp, twisted ankle, Advice:
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