
The Terracotta Army or Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses is a collection of 8,099 life-size terra cotta figures of warriors and horses located in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, The figures were discovered in 1974 near Xi'an, Shaanxi province,
Hale Waihona Puke Vault 3 is a modest building more resembling a gallery. It has 69 pottery warriors with defensive weapons and a wooden chariot pulled by four magnificent horses. Many archaeologists believe that since the underground army represents the emperor's garrison under his direct command, no marshal was necessary. Altogether ten thousand pieces of actual weaponry have been unearthed from the three vaults, including arrow-heads, swords, spears and halberds. Two long-handled swords dug out recently are still sharp and gleaming despite their burial for more than two thousand years. Chemical analysis revealed the sword to have been cast of an alloy of copper, tin and various other elements, including nickel, magnesium, and cobalt. The arrow-heads which contain 7.71 percent lead are considered by archaeologists to be the world's most poisonous.

Seven meters high, two meters in length. Ma smallish, shorter legs. Binaural bristling, before his eyes, as the long mouth slightly open, four legs upright.
二、 塑造艺术史上的奇葩
Realism and vivid, grand
Body Posture Ninety-six height of one meter. Towering upright.
Expression 凝神沉思,表露出 一种坚毅威武的神 情。
Head slightly raised, eyes straight ahead. 意气昂扬而又带 有几分稚气。
9月16日下午,一位叫马林的德国青年,由于对秦始皇兵马俑 痴迷成狂,自制秦俑服装,装扮成秦俑并跳入1号坑修复区。所幸 秦俑馆公安干警及时发现,文物没有被损坏。
Qin Terracotta Warriors found wonders of the 外 world is the pride of the nation. My ancestors also the 国 Chinese people, but also have my copy. - Singapore's former Prime Minister 政 Lee Kuan Yew
要 眼 中 的 兵 马 俑
After visiting former U.S. President Richard Nixon wrote: "I cherish very excited Moving the mood to visit China in the past, but also a chance to see China is now, and realize that the future of China's potential power. China is a mysterious place, to a hundred times not to her Comprehensive understanding. "

• According to historical records, the country boasted a population of 20 million, among which 7 million were able-bodied laborers. To construct the mausoleum, more than 700,00 of these laborers were conscripted.
Emperor Yingzheng
• To achieve this, Emperor Qin Shihuang shook up the civil system in three areas: first, he was responsible for the promotion of officials at all levels; second, he adopted the prefecture and county system and third , he standardized the legal system, measures.
• Like other emperors in Chinese history, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty built his own grand and luxurious mausoleum. He ordered its construction to begin when he came to power at the age of 13. This imperial mausoleum was originally 120 meters tall and 2,000 meters in circumference. Now it is still 76 meters tall and 400 meters in circumference.
Emperor Yingzheng
• To achieve this, Emperor Qin Shihuang shook up the civil system in three areas: first, he was responsible for the promotion of officials at all levels; second, he adopted the prefecture and county system and third , he standardized the legal system, measures.
• Like other emperors in Chinese history, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty built his own grand and luxurious mausoleum. He ordered its construction to begin when he came to power at the age of 13. This imperial mausoleum was originally 120 meters tall and 2,000 meters in circumference. Now it is still 76 meters tall and 400 meters in circumference.
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang ppt课件

The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
• 1.Emperor Yingzheng
• 2.Mausoleum
• 3. Pits of Terracotta Warriors and Horses
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
Emperor Yingzheng
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
Emperor Yingzheng
• The First Emperor of Qin lived from 259 to 210 B.C. and was surnamed Ying and had Zheng as his given name.
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
Emperor Yingzheng
• He also commissioned a large number of laborers to pave high-grade carriageways to facilitate trade and cultural exchange.
Emperor Yingzheng
• From then on Yingzheng named himself the First Emperor in the hope that his descendants would pass down his regime from generation to generation.
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
• 1.Emperor Yingzheng
• 2.Mausoleum
• 3. Pits of Terracotta Warriors and Horses
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
Emperor Yingzheng
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
Emperor Yingzheng
• The First Emperor of Qin lived from 259 to 210 B.C. and was surnamed Ying and had Zheng as his given name.
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang
Emperor Yingzheng
• He also commissioned a large number of laborers to pave high-grade carriageways to facilitate trade and cultural exchange.
Emperor Yingzheng
• From then on Yingzheng named himself the First Emperor in the hope that his descendants would pass down his regime from generation to generation.

halberd 戟 Weapon warriors
dagger-axe 戈
Sword 剑
crossbow 弩
spear 矛
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
1、The general warriors将军俑 2、Car warriors and driver车士和驭手 3、Shoot warriors (standing)立射俑 4、Shoot warriors ( kneeling)跪射俑 5、 Warrior figure武士俑 6、Cavalry warriors 骑兵俑 7、The horse warriors马俑 8、Weapon warriors兵器
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
Manufacture technology
Make broad outline
dagger-axe 戈
Sword 剑
crossbow 弩
spear 矛
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
1、The general warriors将军俑 2、Car warriors and driver车士和驭手 3、Shoot warriors (standing)立射俑 4、Shoot warriors ( kneeling)跪射俑 5、 Warrior figure武士俑 6、Cavalry warriors 骑兵俑 7、The horse warriors马俑 8、Weapon warriors兵器
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
Manufacture technology
Make broad outline

the development of tourism
culture: (1) offering abundant resources to get further understanding of the ancient military (2) representing the technological level (3) representing the outstanding artistic achievements
High-ranking Officer
Terracotta Acrobatics Figure Bronze Swan Goose
Terracotta Figurine Animals Keeper
Bronze Crane
Ⅱ、Unique Terra Cotta Soldiers
8,000 terra cotta soldiers, all of the soldiers are different from each other .
Ⅲ、Making the Terra Cotta Armies All pottery armies and horses were made by using local clay, then baked in the kiln.
Ⅳ、Information about Pit 3
Pit 3 was discovered in June 1976, located north of Pit 1 at the western end. It is 82 feet to the south of Pit 1 and 394 feet to the east of Pit 2. It is of U-Shape about 5597 square feet, measuring 92 feet long from east to west, 79 feet wide from north to south and about 16 feet deep.
the development of tourism
culture: (1) offering abundant resources to get further understanding of the ancient military (2) representing the technological level (3) representing the outstanding artistic achievements
High-ranking Officer
Terracotta Acrobatics Figure Bronze Swan Goose
Terracotta Figurine Animals Keeper
Bronze Crane
Ⅱ、Unique Terra Cotta Soldiers
8,000 terra cotta soldiers, all of the soldiers are different from each other .
Ⅲ、Making the Terra Cotta Armies All pottery armies and horses were made by using local clay, then baked in the kiln.
Ⅳ、Information about Pit 3
Pit 3 was discovered in June 1976, located north of Pit 1 at the western end. It is 82 feet to the south of Pit 1 and 394 feet to the east of Pit 2. It is of U-Shape about 5597 square feet, measuring 92 feet long from east to west, 79 feet wide from north to south and about 16 feet deep.

curled crown, foot wear square mouth become warped persistently pointed, wearing a double long xiuruji, outside 怶 color fish scales, or the robes not head, hold the long fine beard, keep your chin up. Some appear terrible magnanimous, male wind threatening, arose out of stereotypes; Some appear full military strategy, gas demeanor, and performance of Mr Wind.
Hale Waihona Puke 铠甲武士俑,披甲站立,或免冠,或头 戴软帽,腿扎行滕,脑后绾六股宽辩行 扁髻,个个神情严肃恭谨。 Armor
warriors, head to stand, or fax, or head wear soft cap, leg firm enough to do, Wan six stocks after brain wide flat line divides bun, all looking serious marches
武士佣高1.8米左右,体格健壮,体态匀称,身上穿着 战袍,套着铠甲,脚上蹬着前端向上翘起的战靴,头发大 多挽成了偏向右侧的发髻。它们有的握着铜戈,有的擎着 利剑,有的拿着盾牌。个个目光炯炯,双唇紧闭,神态严 峻,好像一场大战就在眼前。
Warrior also features: terrible dignified
Hale Waihona Puke 铠甲武士俑,披甲站立,或免冠,或头 戴软帽,腿扎行滕,脑后绾六股宽辩行 扁髻,个个神情严肃恭谨。 Armor
warriors, head to stand, or fax, or head wear soft cap, leg firm enough to do, Wan six stocks after brain wide flat line divides bun, all looking serious marches
武士佣高1.8米左右,体格健壮,体态匀称,身上穿着 战袍,套着铠甲,脚上蹬着前端向上翘起的战靴,头发大 多挽成了偏向右侧的发髻。它们有的握着铜戈,有的擎着 利剑,有的拿着盾牌。个个目光炯炯,双唇紧闭,神态严 峻,好像一场大战就在眼前。
Warrior also features: terrible dignified
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang教学教材

• The First Emperor of Qin lived from 259 to 210 B.C. and was surnamed Ying and had Zheng as his given name.
• He ascended throne when he was 13 years old and took the helm of the state at age of 22.
• By 221 B. C., he defeated six countries in less than ten years, ending more than 500-year-long chaotic Warring States Period.
Emperor Yingzheng
• From then on Yingzheng named himself the First Emperor in the hope that his descendants would pass down his regime from generation to generation.
• When he established the first feudal empire in China’s history he laid a solid basis for the rapid development of its economy, politics, ideology and culture.
• The memorial park on the ground can be deemed as a miniature capital, since the First Emperor accurately copied the layout of Xianyang, the capital citythis, Emperor Qin Shihuang shook up the civil system in three areas: first, he was responsible for the promotion of officials at all levels; second, he adopted the prefecture and county system and third , he standardized the legal system, measures.
• He ascended throne when he was 13 years old and took the helm of the state at age of 22.
• By 221 B. C., he defeated six countries in less than ten years, ending more than 500-year-long chaotic Warring States Period.
Emperor Yingzheng
• From then on Yingzheng named himself the First Emperor in the hope that his descendants would pass down his regime from generation to generation.
• When he established the first feudal empire in China’s history he laid a solid basis for the rapid development of its economy, politics, ideology and culture.
• The memorial park on the ground can be deemed as a miniature capital, since the First Emperor accurately copied the layout of Xianyang, the capital citythis, Emperor Qin Shihuang shook up the civil system in three areas: first, he was responsible for the promotion of officials at all levels; second, he adopted the prefecture and county system and third , he standardized the legal system, measures.

兵马俑不仅规模宏大,而 且类型众多,个性鲜明。
1、为什么要修兵马俑? 2、秦始皇兵马俑是怎样被发现的?
读一读,划出描写兵马俑外貌、神态、 动作的词。 议一议,你喜欢哪一类兵马俑,为什 么? 演一演,根据书上的描写摆一个造型, 其他同学猜猜演的是什么俑。
埃及金字塔 巴比伦的“空中花园” 以弗所(小亚细亚)的阿泰密斯神殿 奥林匹亚的宙斯神像 哈利卡纳苏(小亚细亚)的摩索拉斯陵墓 地中海罗得岛上的太阳神巨像 亚历山大城的灯塔 中国兵马俑
哈利卡纳苏(小亚细亚)的摩索拉斯 陵墓
千乘 战车千乘
所向披靡 翘尾巴 冷峻
gǒng wǔ
xuē gē qíng guì
拱 伍吏靴戈擎跪拟
拱桥 队伍 官吏 靴子 干戈 擎着 跪下 比拟 拱形 入伍 军吏 皮靴 操戈 擎天 下跪 模拟
兵马俑规模宏大。已发掘的三个俑坑, 总面积达19120平方米,足有50多个篮球场那 么大,坑内有兵马俑近7000个。在三个俑坑 中,一号坑最大,东西长230米,南北宽62米, 总面积有14260平方米。坑里的兵马俑也最多, 共有6000个左右。一号坑上面,现在已盖起 了一座巨大的拱形大厅,人们无不为兵马俑 的恢弘气势和高超的制作工艺所折服。站在 高处鸟瞰,坑里的兵俑、马俑相间,一行行, 一列列,十分整齐,排成了一个巨大的长方 形军阵,看上去真像一支南征北战、所向披 靡的大军。

Shoot warriors ( kneeling)
Unearthed in the east of pit NO.2,held the crossbow as their weapon。Wear the armor,left leg squat and curve,right knee touchdown。
4、Shoot warriors ( kneeling)跪射俑
5、 Warrior figure武士俑 6、Cavalry warriors 骑兵俑
7、The horse warriors马俑
8、Weapon warriors兵器
The general warriors
only a few, less than 10 pieces, trimmed with eight flower colors at back 、 chest and shoulders, decorated colorful, elegant, gorgeous, foil the level, particularly status and the prestige in the military
Located in army center
The warriors of ordinary soldiers, as the subject of army, excavated a lot, divided into two categories, namely shirt warriors and armor warriors. They as the main combat forces among army distributed throughout.
秦始皇兵马俑英语介绍The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang

• The First Emperor of Qin lived from 259 to 210 B.C. and was surnamed Ying and had Zheng as his given name.
• He ascended throne when he was 13 years old and took the helm of the state at age of 22.
• The memorial park on the ground can be deemed as a miniature capital, since the First Emperor accurately copied the layout of Xianyang, the capital city.
• By 221 B. C., he defeated six countries in less than ten years, ending more than 500-year-long chaotic Warring States Period.
Emperor Yingzheng
• From then on Yingzheng named himself the First Emperor in the hope that his descendants would pass down his regime from generation to generation.
• When he established the first feudal empire in China’s history he laid a solid basis for the rapid development of its economy, politics, ideology and culture.
• He ascended throne when he was 13 years old and took the helm of the state at age of 22.
• The memorial park on the ground can be deemed as a miniature capital, since the First Emperor accurately copied the layout of Xianyang, the capital city.
• By 221 B. C., he defeated six countries in less than ten years, ending more than 500-year-long chaotic Warring States Period.
Emperor Yingzheng
• From then on Yingzheng named himself the First Emperor in the hope that his descendants would pass down his regime from generation to generation.
• When he established the first feudal empire in China’s history he laid a solid basis for the rapid development of its economy, politics, ideology and culture.

Restoration of the terracotta figures
Foundation Principal of Asturias
Social Science Award 2010
Outside view of the Exhibition Hall for Pit No.
Soldiers driving chariots ha ve been unearthed in the th ree excavations. They wea r jackets with armors outsid e. Their arm shell is long to the wrist, with protective g ears for the hands, shanks and neck. .
Full view of the Exhibition Hall for Pit No.2
• Array 1
• Array 4
• ay 3
• Array 2
Standing Figures Shooting
The Standard Position
• 射之道,左足纵,右足横,左手若扶枝,右手若 抱儿,此正持弩之道也。 -----《吴越春秋》
North Winging Room
South Winging Room
These chariots are powerful in ancient wars, chariot driv ers take a particul arly important posi tion and even are directly connected with the outcome of the battle.

The Terracotta Warriors were once painted. Today only a handful of statues contain small amounts of paint. Also notice the detail put into the soles of the warrior's shoes.
Pit 3
520 square meters Commander’s office Prayer Hall
68 warriors and 4 clay horses
Bronze Chariots and Horses
1182 pieces High Chariot 1.55m 1061kg
Chariot No.1
Pit 1 the largest excavation pit of the Terracotta Army.
62 meters
5 meters
14,260 squarmeters
10 walls
11 corridors
Briefing of pit 2
Pit two has cavalry and infantry units as well as war chariots and is thought to represent a military guard. It was one of the most spectacular Army team in three pit ,It measures 96 meters long from east to west ,84 meters wide from north to south,convering an area of 8,064 square meters.UP to now ,about 1,300 pottery warriors and horses,80 wooden chariots have been unearthed