西门子SENTRON PAC3100多功能测量仪产品样本
西门子PAC3200 PAC4200

PAC4200 的附加功能
• 提供 200 多个测量参数,包括用于评估配电网质量和工厂状态的 重要特征参数
PAC PROFIBUS DP 24 - 技术数据 24 - 尺寸图 24 - 详细信息
PAC RS485 25 - 技术数据 25 - 尺寸图 25 - 详细信息
购买相关产品联系重庆艾利顿自动化 余经理 联系电话:18280227007
SENTRON 多功能测量仪表
功能概览 基本测量参数 电压 电流 中线电流 视在功率 有功功率 总无功功率 基波无功功率 功率因数 基波功率因数 频率 最小值/最大值/日期和时间 移动平均值 扩展测量参数 相移角 相位角 总谐波失真(THD)电压 总谐波失真(THD)电流 电压谐波 电流谐波 失真电流强度 最大值/日期和时间 不对称电压/电流 电能测量/计数器 视在电能 有功电能
PAC3200 可测量电压、电流、频率、有功/无功功率和电能值等 50 多个参数(包括最小值、最大值和平均值),是常规模拟指示 仪表的理想替代品。
PAC4200 可提供更加精确和全面的测量数据,可测量 200 多个 电气测量参数。除了 PAC3200 的所能测量的各种参数以外,还可 测量中线电流、基波功率因数、高达 31 次的电压和电流奇次电 网谐波、可选平均时间间隔内的移动平均值、系统相位角和各种 其它测量数据。
气、水、蒸汽、压缩空气等 • 可达到 12 个限值的限值监视 • 限值和数字量输入可进行图形化逻辑编程
CA 310多功能传输器数据表说明书

Features• 1 location for SPI-2 or MVA interchangeable board• 3 reverse relays 3 A/230 Vac• 24 Vdc/Vac or 115/230 Vac power supply• Outputs diagnosticPossible optional measurementsThe following probes and boards are available as option for C310 transmitters. ForWarning: risk of electric shock3 x 0/4-20 mA or 3 x 0-5/10 V (4 wires)Common mode voltage <30 VAC DOUBLE ISOLATION or REINFORCED ISOLATIONAll dimensions are in millimeters.Relays and alarmsCA310 transmitter has 3 independent and configurablealarms: these are visual and audible alarms and it ispossible to couple them with 3 relays.Available settings:• Selection of the parameter (pressure, air velocity,temperature,...)• Time-delays durations from 0 to 600 s• Alarm action: rising edge, falling edge, monitoring orstate of the transmitter• Operating mode of the relays: negative or positivesafety• Activation of the audible alarm (buzzer), that can beacknowledge by the front keypadEthernet board (optional)Class 310 transmitters can be linked in one network operating on a RS485 home bus.The RS 485 digital communication is a 2-wire network, on which the transmitters are connected in parallel. They are connected to a PLC/BMS via the RTU Modbus communication system. Since the C310 can be configured with the keypad, the MODBUS enables remote configuration, to measure 1 or 2 parameters or to see the status of the alarms...RS 485 Modbus Protocol (optional)An Ethernet board can put put on a CA310 transmitter allowing for each transmitter to have a specific configurable IP address. So the user can remotely interrogate the transmitter, retrieve data, modify the configuration, ...It is also possible to integrate CA310 transmitters into a computer network via the RJ45 connection located at the bottom of the transmitter.ConnectionsP h a s e (N e u t r e (T e r r e f o n c t i o nP h a s e (N e u t r e (T e r r e f o n c t i o n n12345116Relay 1C O M : c o m m o n N C : n o r m a l l y cl o s e dN O : n o r m a l ly op e ne 79(OUT2)(a)Relay 2For 24 Vdc/Vac power supply models: (c)s e (L ) +a l (N ) -O p e r a t i o u n d i ngFor 115 Vac to 230 Vac power supply models:P h a s e (L ) ~N e u t r a l (N ) ~O p e r a t i o n a l g ro u n d i n gModbus(d)1 2 31012138(b)G N D – G r o u n 0/4-20 m A – C u r r e n 0-5/10 V – V o l t a gC O M : c o m m o n N C : n o r m a l l y c l o s e dN O : n o r m a l l y o p e n eorPe N L240 VacAlimentation 24 VacN D /4-20 m A 0-5/10 V-+Af cheur régulateur ou automate type passif N D 4-20 m A 5/10 V-+Af cheur régulateur ou automate type passifG N D 0/4-20 m A 0-5/10 VN D /4-20 m A -5/10 V• 0/4-20 mA current output connection:• 0-5/10 V voltage outputconnection:1. LCC-S software connection2. Autozero3. Solenoid valve4. RS 485 connection (d) (optional)5. SPI-2 board (optional)6. Ethernet connection (optional)7. Analogue output (a)8. Relays (b)9. Power supply terminal block (c)10. Type of power supply of the transmitter 11. Probe connection12. Pressure connections (optional)13.Cable glandsConfigurationMountingInstall the mounting bracket in horizontal position along a plane wall (see below dimensions / drilling drawing). Put the display inside the mounting bracket, with the 2 screws. Remove the screw covers located on the right and left side of housing, in order to have access to the 4 shutting screws. Make the electrical connection with the connection glands, with soft cable Ø7 mm maximum. Close the housing before powering on.MaintenanceAvoid aggressive solvents. When cleaning rooms or ducts with products containing formol, protect the the transmitter.CalibrationOutputs diagnostics: with this function, you can check with a multimeter (or on a regulator/display, or on a PLC/BMS) if the transmitteroutputs work properly. The transmitter generates a voltage of 0 V , 5 V and 10 V or a current of 0 mA, 4 mA, 12 mA and 20 mACertificate: transmitters are supplied with an individual adjusting certificate and can be supplied with a calibration certificate as an option.Precautions for usePlease always use the device in accordance with its intended use and within parameters described in the technical features in order not to compromise the protection ensured by the device.Only the accessories supplied with the device must be used.Class 310 transmitters allows you to set all the parameters managed by the transmitter: units, measuring ranges, alarms, outputs, channels... via the different methods shown below:• Via keypad, only on models with display. A code-locking system for keypad guarantees the security of the installation. See configuration manual.• Via software (optional): simple and user-friendly. See LCC-S user manual.• Via Modbus (optional): configuration of all parameters from your PC, via the supervision or data acquisition software.•Via Ethernet (optional): configuration of all parameters from your PC, via the supervision or data acquisition software.F T a n g – C A 310 – 17/12/21 – N o n -c o n t r a c t u a l d o c u m e n t – W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f o u r p r o d u c t s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e .。

Cv = 1.3
• 可提供高精度的外部
• 平衡主阀设计增加了阀座寿命
26-1200 系列: 高流量
• 与上述 26-1100 类似
6,000 PSIG (414 Bar) 100-6,000 PSIG
Cv = 3.3 Cv =6.0 Cv = 12.0
0-1200, 0-1800
铝 316 不锈钢
BB-5 系列: 袖珍型,两级减压
• 重量轻,设计紧凑
6,000 PSIG (414 Bar)
• 级间安全泄放接口
• 活塞感应,使用寿命长
• 无排放功能
0-80, 0-140,
Cv = 0.Байду номын сангаас6
0-220, 0-700,
0-1200 PSIG
• 设计紧凑
(414 Bar)
Cv = 0.24
• 挡块限制最大出口压力
• 入口及出口压力表接口为标配
• 标配无排放功能
黄铜 300 不锈钢 316 不锈钢
26-1000 多用途
26-1000 系列: 多用途
• 出口压力范围可
6,000 , 10,000 PSIG
(414, 690 Bar)
• 多种接口选择
• 可选入口压力达
20,000 PSIG (1379 Bar)
• 大手柄设计,扭矩低
• 标配带自排放功能
5-500, 5-800, 10-1500, 15-2500, 25-4000, 50-6000, 200-10,000 PSIG
Cv = 0.02 Cv = 0.06 Cv = 0.12 Cv = 0.3

(1) SUB D 通信接口 (2) 安装螺钉 (3) 通风口 (4) LED
IA&DT Service & Support
Page 5-38
图 1.PAC PROFIBUS DP 扩展模块正面和侧面结构示意图
(1) SUB D 通信接口 (2) 安装螺钉 (3) 安装导向针 (4) 与本体连接针
图 4.网络示意图
使用DP协议的PROFIBUS总线系统,DP代表分布式外围设备。PROFIBUS 的主要任务是实 现中央DP主站与外围设备之间的快速循环数据交换。 PROFIBUS DPV1
PROFIBUS DPV1是DP协议的扩展。通过此协议可以实现参数、诊断、控制和测试数据的非 循环数据交换。 DP主站
Key Words
PROFIBUS DP communication, configuration,basic type, cyclic data transfer, acyclic data transfer
PAC3200 PROFIBUS 通信使用入门.............................................................................................. 1
随着 PROFIBUS 现场总线技术的发展和应用的日益广泛,西门子低压产品领域出现越来越 多的支持 PROFIBUS 通信的低压智能设备,这些设备在 PROFIBUS 网络中担任从站的角色,将 现场的大量信息反馈给主站以及上位机系统,使管理人员和操作人员实时掌握现场设备动 态。PAC3200 多功能仪表就是一款这样的设备,用户可以通过编程将现场相关测量数据(例 如,电流,电压,功率,耗能等)反馈给主站系统。
西门子 sicam p33 p34 三相导轨式多功能电力仪表使用说明书

SICAM P33SICAM P34三相导轨式多功能电力仪表使用说明书V1.1西门子电力自动化有限公司概述1技术指标2功能介绍3操作与显示4安装与接线 5 通信 6 使用与维护7 产品型号和订货号8 售后服务91概述1.1 产品简介SICAM P33 P34 三相导轨式多功能电能仪表是一款集测量记录、电能计量、遥信、LCD显示和通信功能于一体的电力仪表。
本三相电子式多功能电能表符合以下标准:GB/T17215.301-2007 多功能电能表特殊要求GB/T17215.322-2008 静止式有功电能表(0.2S级和0.5S级)GB/T17215.323-2008 静止式无功电能表(2级和3级)DL/T614-2007 多功能电能表DL/T645-2007 多功能电能表通信规约Modbus-RTU1.2 产品特点本仪表采用了高精度采样计量单元和高速MCU数据处理单元,可实现高精度宽范围准确计量和快速数据分析;采用段码式多行宽视角液晶显示屏,显示内容很丰富;液晶配备白色背光,可满足黑暗环境下查阅数据的要求;支持RS485通信端口和工业标准通信规约,组网便捷灵活,满足用户监控系统的需求。
2 技术指标项目技术指标产品标准GBT18216.12-2010 IEC61557-12:2007接线形式三相四线测量电压电压U n:AC380V测量范围:40V~420V线电压精度:RMS 0.2 %分辨率:0.01V电流测量范围:0.01~80A精工电流范围:0.1~80A精度:RMS 0.2 %分辨率:0.001A功率(有功、无功、视在)精度:0.5%分辨率:0.001kW/kVar/kV A电网频率测量范围:45 Hz~65 Hz 精度:0.2%分辨率:0.01 Hz谐波次数:2~50次(根据订货号选取)精度:5%计量有功电能准确度等级:0.5S分辨率:0.01 kWh, 5000imp/kWh 无功电能准确度等级:2级分辨率:0.01 kvarh, 5000imp/kvarh数字信号电能脉冲输出有功及无功电能脉冲输出(根据订货号选取)光耦隔离,4000V RMS开关量输入2路干接点输入(根据订货号选取)光耦隔离,4000V RMSRS-485通信口接口类型:两线半双工通信速率:600bps~38400bps规约:Modbus-RTU 和DL/T-645通信工作温度-25℃~+55℃环境极限工作温度-35℃~+70℃相对湿度≤95%(无凝露)其它尺寸外形尺寸(mm,长宽高):126×90×74 重量约530g3 功能介绍3.1参数测量功能本仪表具有丰富的测量功能,可测量的电网参数和指标如下: (1)各相电压值及平均电压值。
SENTRON 7KM PAC3200 电能计量仪产品说明书

Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
National language / on the display screen / is supported Horizontal image resolution Vertical screen resolution
General technical data Cutout width Cutout height Size of Power Monitoring Device / company-specific Operating mode for measured value detection ● automatic line frequency detection ● set at 50 Hz ● set to 60 Hz Pulse duration ● initial value ● Full-scale value
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Voltage curve Measurable line frequency / initial value Measurable line frequency / Full-scale value Measuring procedure / for voltage measurement MTBF Equipment marking / acc. to DIN 40719 extended according to IEC 204-2 / acc. to IEC 750
45 Hz 65 Hz DC CATIII
多功能测量仪表 SENTRON PAC3100

注: 详细说明信息 可在以下章节找到适用的电流互感器 • 在产品目录的第16章“SENTRON分断和保护装置 — 塑壳断路器”中 • 在“自动化与驱动集团电子商城”的“低压控制与配电” -> “低压配电”
-> “电能计量用分断和保护装置” -> “塑壳断路器” -> “3VL塑壳断路 器~1600 A” -> “附件及备件”中 关于能源管理系统软件组件的详细信息,可参阅第 18 章或访问下列网址:
外壳 SENTRON PAC3100 采用塑料外壳,可用于面板安装。分别通过 右侧和左侧外壳上的支架进行固定。
操作与显示元件 下图所示为 SENTRON PAC3100 的正面视图,分为操作与监控功能 区,附带相关说明。
标题栏以纯文本形式指示当前所显示的是哪些测量 值。屏幕右侧的显示菜单编号有助于翻阅菜单。
每包装 单位的重 量大约 kg
1ST 133
SENTRON 多功能测量仪表
多功能测量仪表 PAC3100 概述
RS485 Modbus RTU
PAC3100 标配的 RS485 Modbus RTU 具有下列性能特点: • 可通过设备正面设置参数 • 支持 Modbus RTU 和 SEAbus 协议 • 支持 4.8 / 9.6 / 19.2 以及 38.4 kBd 传输速率 • 通过 3 针螺钉端子接线 • 不需要外接辅助电源 • 通过 PAC31000 表上方的 LED 显示状态
SENTRON PAC3100 具有 UL 和 CSA 认证证书,也适用于美国和 加拿大。
SENTRON PAC3100 的优点概括如下: • 具有 UL 和 CSA 认证证书,可适用于美国和加拿大 • 三相测量设备,用于测量电力变量,可用于面板安装 • 可测量 30 多个测量变量,例如相电压、线电压、电流、功率、

1. 1 面板Control Knob Remote JackSoftkeysSoftkeys(本手册称软键)提供进入设备操作和设置菜单。
Control Knob(本手册称旋转按钮)用于调节数值,选择菜单选项。
Remote Jack(本手册称远程控制)连接选配的手动远程控制器。
参见附D1. 2 背板sensor1&2 连接晶振探头(见下一章)output1&2 将SQC300的输出连接到蒸发源控制输入(见下一章)I/O(1-8) 连接8个继电器和8个数字输入到外部设备以便程序控制。
Sensor3&4 、Output 3&4、I/O 9-16 当选择扩展卡时,可提高输入、输出、数字I/O的数量。
n 接地power Input&Fuse 接主电源。
100-120V / 200-240V,25W,50/60Hz自动可选。
西门子 Sinteso 智能感知型 火灾探测系统 产品目录

Sinteso™ 产品目录1. 火灾报警控制器 (1)FS1120 CI1142/S/H47 智能感知型系统控制器 (1)FS1120 CC114x-CT/S/H67 智能感知型系统控制器 (2)FS1120 CI1142/S/Rack 智能感知型系统控制器(上柜式) (3)FS1120 CC114x-/S/Rack 智能感知型系统控制器(上柜式) (4)S11/EU消防辅助设备扩充机柜(上柜式) (5)2. Sinteso智能感知型探测设备 (6)FDO221-CN 光电感烟探测器 (6)FDT241-CN 感温探测器 (7)FDOOT241-CN 烟温复合型探测器 (8)FDB221 探测器底座 (9)FDB222 探测器底座(薄型) (9)FDSB291-CN 蜂鸣器底座 (10)FDM229-CN 手动报警按钮(碎玻式) (11)FDM228-CN 手动报警按钮(可复位式) (12)FDHM228-CN 消火栓报警按钮(可复位式) (13)FDCI225-CN 输入模块(4路) (13)FDCO224-CN 输出模块(4路) (14)FDCIO223-CN 输入输出模块(2路) (15)FDCL221-CN 线路隔离模块 (16)3. 通用产品 (17)OP520光电感烟探测器 (17)HI520电子感温探测器 (17)SO520非编址探测器底座 (17)DO1101A-Ex 集合型光电感烟探测器(防爆型) (18)DT1101A-Ex 集合型电子感温探测器(防爆型) (18)DB1101A 集合型探测器底座 (18)FDL241-9-CN 线型光束感烟探测器 (19)FDLB291 线型光束感烟探测器底座 (19)DLR1191 三棱反射镜 (20)DLR1192 反射板 (20)DLR1193 反射板 (20)DLH1191A 三棱反射镜加热元件 (20)FDF241-9 红外火焰探测器 (21)FDFB291底座 (22)DF119X防雨罩 (22)MV1 红外火焰探测器安装支架 (22)MWV1 红外火焰探测器球窝铰链 (22)SB3 防爆隔离栅 (23)EOL22(EX)非编址回路终端电阻(防爆型) (23)4. 控制器功能扩展部件 (25)E3M140 FDnet回路卡 (25)E3M080 非编址回路卡 (25)E3L020 输入输出联动卡(16路) (25)E3I040 层显转换卡(LON总线) (26)E3I020 RS232通讯卡 (26)K3I050显示驱动卡 (26)E3G070 通用控制卡 (27)E3G080灭火控制卡 (27)E3H020 网络通讯卡 (28)E3X102 主CPU卡 (28)E3X103 主CPU卡 (28)B3Q565 操作显示终端 (29)TPS11R 打印机(用于上柜式控制器) (29)TPS11W 打印机(用于壁挂式控制器) (29)FC9342 联动控制盘 (30)5. 辅助设备 (31)HY2114 警铃 (31)HSG1010 声光报警器 (31)BN3002C 吸顶式音箱 (32)ZA2725A 壁挂式音箱 (32)HGM2100-24 应急广播控制器 (33)HGM2425 广播功率放大器(250W) (34)HD210 火警电话分机 (35)HD220 手提火警电话 (36)HD230 电话插孔 (36)HDM2100-24 多线式火警通讯盘24路 (37)HY5711B 总线式火警通讯盘 (38)HY5714B总线式火警电话插孔 (39)HY5716B总线式火警电话分机 (39)BCH1936 立柜(带玻璃门) (40)BCH1950 双琴台 (40)BCB8005壁挂电源8A (41)BCB8002上柜电源20A (41)BCB8003上柜电源30A (42)ZA1952/15浮冲备用电池 (42)ZA1952/24浮冲备用电池 (42)ZA1952/38浮冲备用电池 (42)NP24-12 24AH/12V 电池 (42)NP38-12 38AH/12V 电池 (42)附件1 Sinteso智能感知型火灾自动报警及联动控制系统设计参考 (43)附件2 火灾报警系统的安装指南 (52)型号功能描述/技术参数部件号设备外观1. 火灾报警控制器FS1120CI1142/S/H47100720588FS1120 CC114x-CT/S/H67100720589FS1120CI1142/S/Rack100720590FS1120 CC114x-/S/Rack100720591S11/EUBCH1950或BCH1936 100673990型号功能描述/技术参数 部件号 设备外观FDO221-CN-10... +60 -30... +75 2. Sinteso 智能感知型探测设备100718388型号功能描述/技术参数部件号设备外观FDT241-CN100718389200+50-25...-25...+70-30...+75FDOOT241-CN100718390280+70-25...-30...+751...20FDB221 FDB222FDB221 探测器底座(瑞士生产)●可编址探测器底座,明装或暗装形式均适用。

陈先生 • 具有可指示出负载运行时间的计数器 • 具有 UL 和 CSA 认证,适用于美国和加拿大
它们不但能精确、可这靠是地记录P电D气Fd馈o线或A各dd个负W载a的te功r率m值a,r而k 试• 所用供产版品,会附注带有册S后ENT不RON会Po有we此rcon行fig 的组态软件,可进行
除此之外还可通过组态软件 SENTRON Powerconfig 对表进行远 • 日常计量表可显示自截止日期起 1 年的所有评估值
• 这种带 S0 接口的计量表,还可测量其他各种介质的参量,如电、
除多功能数字量输入和输出之外,SENTRON PAC 还提供一系 列 通 讯 选 件可供 选 择。即 可使 用 集 成 的 以 太 网 接口,也可 选 用 Profibus DP 或 Modbus RTU 的扩展模块,集成到上层能源管理
• 具有 10 个功率计,用于测量有功、无功和视在功率
• 四象限测量
• 可用于单项测量,也可在 3 线制和 4 线制系统中进行多相测量
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• 适用于 TN、TT 和 IT 网络
• 具有极高测量准确度,符合 IEC 62053-22 的等级:
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Product BrochureDigital MultimetersContentsPXI Digital Multimeters Digital Multimeter Devices Key FeaturesSoftwareSupporting Documentation Configure a Custom NI System What is PXI?PXI Instrumentation Hardware ServicesPXI Digital MultimetersPXI-4065, PXIe-4080, PXIe-4081, and PXIe-4082Software: Includes interactive soft front panel inInstrumentStudio ᵀᴹ software, API support for LabVIEW and text-based languages, shipping examples, and detailed help filesVoltage measurements up to 1,000 VDC (700 VAC)Current measurements up to 3 AResistance measurements up to 5 G ΩUp to ±500 VDC/VRMS common-mode isolation Up to 1.8 MS/s isolated, 1,000 V waveform acquisitionBuilt for Automated Test and MeasurementPXI Digital Multimeters (DMMs) range from low-cost 6½-digit devices to high-performance 7½-digit models. Some models includespecialized features such as extended measurement ranges, an isolated digitizer mode with sample rates up to 1.8 MS/s, extended calibration cycles, and basic inductance and capacitance measurements. Combined in a single instrument, these features provide a solution to the measurement challenges inherent in traditional precision instruments: limited measurement throughput and flexibility. These DMMs deliver a smarter way to tackle difficult applications in industries ranging from consumer electronics to aerospace and defense.NI’s DMM portfolio is highlighted by the PXIe-4081, the high-performance 7½-digit DMM. It provides 26 bits of resolution and high-stability,metrology-class voltage measurements that range from 10 nV to 1,000 V, current measurements that range from 1 pA to 3 A, and resistance measurements that range from 10 µΩ to 5 G Ω.FIGURE 1PXI-4065, PXIe-4081, and PXIe-4082 Digital MultimetersTable 1. NI offers PXI DMMs ranging from low-cost 6½-digit options to the high-performance 7½-digit DMM.PXI-4065PXIe-4080PXIe-4081PXIe-4082DescriptionBasic6½-Digit DMMHigh-Performance 6½-DigitDMMHigh-Performance 7½-Digit DMMHigh-Performance 6½-Digit DMMMaximum Voltage (V)3003001,000300 Maximum Current (A)3131 Maximum Sample Rate 3 kS/s 1.8 MS/s 1.8 MS/s 1.8 MS/s Basic Accuracy (10 VDC, 2-Year)90 ppm¹25 ppm12 ppm25 ppm Maximum Calibration Cycle1-year2-year2-year2-year DC and AC Voltage●●●●DC and AC Current●●●●2-Wire and 4-Wire Resistance●●●●Frequency/Period-●●●Basic Inductance/Capacitance---●¹One-year calibration specifications are shown for the PXI-4065 because it does not include a two-year calibration option.Detailed View Of PXIe-4081 7½ Digit DMMTiming and synchronization Industry-standard connectivityData streaming through PCIExpressPXI ejector handle FIGURE 2The PXIe-4081 has the functionality of a box DMM with all the feature benefits of PXI.Digital Multimeter DevicesUSB-4065, PCI-4065, and PCIe-4065Software: Includes interactive soft front panel inInstrumentStudio ᵀᴹ, API support for LabVIEW and text-based languages, shipping examples, and detailed help files Voltage measurements up to 300 V Current measurements up to 3 A2-wire and 4-wire resistance measurements up to 100 M ΩUp to ±300 VDC/VRMS common-mode isolation Up to 1.8 MS/s isolated, 300 V waveform acquisitionBuilt for Automated Test and MeasurementNI’s PC-based DMMs perform AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, and 2- or 4-wire resistance measurements, as well as diode tests. Some models include specialized features such as extended calibration cycles and an isolated, high-voltage digitizer mode with sample rates up to 1.8 MS/s. Combined in a single instrument, these features provide a solution to the measurement challenges inherent in traditional precision instruments: limited measurement throughput and flexibility. These DMMs deliver a smarter way to tackle difficult applications in industries ranging from consumer electronics to aerospace and defense.FIGURE 3USB-4065 and PCIe-4065 Digital Multimeter DevicesTable 2. NI offers DMMs ranging from low-cost USB-powered devices to high-performance PCI-based devices.USB-4065PCI-4065PCIe-4065Description Basic 6½-Digit DMMMaximum Voltage (V)300Maximum Current (A)3Maximum Sample Rate (kS/s)3Voltage Accuracy (10 VDC, 2-Year)90 + 12 ppm Maximum Calibration Cycle 1-yearDC and AC Voltage ●DC and AC Current●2-Wire and 4-Wire Resistance ●Frequency/Period-Detailed View of USB-4065 6½-Digit DMMCompact size (7.0 in x 4.1 in x 1.3 in)Industry-standard connectivityLightweight (10 oz)Bus-powered for portabilityFIGURE 4The USB-4065 DMM has the functionality of a traditional box DMM in a lightweight form factor with USB connectivity.Key FeaturesHigh-Precision MeasurementsThe analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is the backbone of high-performance PXIe-408x DMMs. A unique combination of off-the-shelf high-speed ADC technology and a custom-designed sigma-delta converter provides the noise, linearity, and speed performance required to achieve high-speed and high-precision measurements.The PXIe-4081 uses stable onboard voltage references to provide steady performance across temperature and time. No other DMM in this price range offers this reference source and its accompanying stability, which is why the PXIe-4081 includes a two-year guaranteed accuracy of 12 ppm to further reduce the cost of test by minimizing downtime for instrument calibration. This beats the one-year accuracyspecifications of most traditional benchtop DMMs, providing you with more accurate measurements with lower cost of ownership and less downtime. The PXIe-4081 also uses advanced DMM measurement techniques such as offset compensated ohms, high-order DC noiserejection, and self-calibration to ensure accurate measurements.FIGURE 5Over a 12-hour noise and drift test of 0 VDC with each DMM set to 100 mV input range with 10 power line cycle (PLC) aperture time, the PXIe-4081 (blue) outperforms both the leading 6½-digit (light grey) and 7½-digit (dark grey) benchtop DMMs.FIGURE 6The unique combination of off-the-shelf high-speed ADC technology and a custom-designed sigma-delta converter optimizes linearity and noise for up to 7½-digitprecision and stability while offering digitizer sample rates up to 1.8 MS/s.Flexible Measurement Rate with an Isolated DigitizerTraditional DMMs are designed to provide high resolution and precision, with little regard to acquisition speed. The unique architecture of the PXIe-408x DMMs offers a continuously variable reading rate that ranges from 7 S/s to 10 kS/s, so you can choose the sample rate and resolution you need for your application.FIGURE 7PXIe-408x DMMs can acquire 36X faster than traditional benchtop DMMs, which gives you increased insight into your device under test.Traditional DMMs are designed to provide high resolution and precision, with little regard to acquisition speed. The unique architecture of the PXIe-408x DMMs offers a continuously variable reading rate that ranges from 7 S/s to 10 kS/s, so you can choose the sample rate andresolution you need for your application.FIGURE 8Depiction of the Scanning Process from the NI-SWITCH API to the DMMSynchronization and IntegrationNI PXI DMMs use the inherent timing and synchronization capabilities of the PXI platform to communicate with switches and otherinstruments within the PXI chassis. You can use switches with a DMM to expand the instrument’s measurement capability to hundreds or thousands of test points. NI DMMs “handshake” with NI switches by sending and receiving hardware-timed triggers over the PXI backplane and scanning through a list of switch connections stored in memory on board the switch module. This method of scanning removes the software overhead associated with traditional scan lists and can create a deterministic scan list for faster test execution with more repeatable timing.FIGURE 9Calibration TimelineSynchronization and IntegrationNI DMMs offer self-calibration, which is traditionally found in only the highest resolution DMMs. Self-calibration corrects for all DC gain and offset drifts within the DMM using a precision, high-stability internal voltage reference that has an outstanding temperature coefficient and time drift that account for all resistance and current source drifts. Using the self-calibration feature makes NI DMMs highly accurate and stable at any operating temperature—well outside the traditional 18 °C to 28 °C range.This operation takes less than a minute to complete and requires no external calibrator, which minimizes the maintenance burden of deployed systems. PXIe-408x DMMs have a two-year external calibration cycle thanks to the self-calibration precision circuitry thatminimizes the maintenance burden of deployed systems. Visit to learn more about NI’s calibration services.FIGURE 10LabVIEW VI Built with the NI-DMM APISoftwareSynchronization and IntegrationIn addition to the soft front panel in InstrumentStudio, the NI-DMM driver includes a best-in-class API that works with a variety ofdevelopment options such as LabVIEW, C, C#, and others. To ensure long-term interoperability of DMMs, the NI-DMM driver API is the same API used for all past and current NI DMMs. The driver also provides access to help files, documentation, and dozens of ready-to-run shipping examples you can use as a starting point for your application.NI Software-The Right Tool for the JobNI has a variety of software for engineers working on research, validation, and production test applications. Learn about our software that helps engineers perform quick ad-hoc tests, build an automated test system, automate data analysis and reporting, develop test sequences, and more.LabVIEW DIAdem TestStandAcquire data from NI and third-partyhardware and communicate usingindustry protocolsUse configurable, interactive displayelementsTake advantage of available analysisfunctionsGraphical programming environment thatengineers use to develop automatedresearch, validation, and production testsystems.Display data in multiple 2D-axissystemsPerform calculations with a simplepoint-and-click interfaceAutomate your measurement dataanalysis workflow, from import toanalysisData analytics software for measurementdata search, inspection, analysis, andautomated reporting.Call and execute tests in LabVIEW,Python, C/C++, or .NETConduct complex tasks, such asparallel testingCreate customer operator interfacesand robust tools for deployment anddebuggingTest executive software that acceleratessystem development for engineers invalidation and production.G Web FlexLogger™InstrumentStudio™Data transfer APIs for connecting tosystems written in LabVIEW, Python,or C#Pre-built objects for data display anduser inputIncluded hosting on SystemLink™CloudDevelopment software that helpsengineers create web-based userinterfaces wihtout the need for traditionalweb development skills.Interactive visualization tools formonitoring tests with drag-and-dropcharts, graphs, and controlsAbility to set alarms that monitorsingle channels or groups forunexpected behaviorNo-code data acquisition softwareengineers use to build validation andverification test applications.Customizable layouts for monitoringmultiple instruments at onceInteractively debug in tandem withcodeTDMS file export containinginstrument settings, measurements,and raw dataApplication software that simplifies setupand configuration of NI PXI hardwareTable 3. NI Digital Multimeter DocumentationDocument Type ModelGetting Started Guide NI Digital MultimetersSpecifications PXI-4065, PXIe-4080, PXIe-4081, PXIe-4082 USB-4065, PCI-4065, PCIe-4065Supporting DocumentationConfigure a Custom NI SystemNI’s online system advisors help you create a custom system based on your specific requirements. Use the advisor to choose compatible hardware, software, accessories, and services and then save your selections as configurations for easy quoting and purchasing later. Visit /advisor to learn more.What Is PXI?A Platform Approach to Test and MeasurementPowered by software, PXI is a rugged PC-based platform for measurement and automation systems. PXI combines PCI electrical-bus features with the modular, Eurocard packaging of CompactPCI and then adds specialized synchronization buses and key software features. PXI is both a high-performance and low-cost deployment platform for applications such as manufacturing test, military and aerospace, machine monitoring, automotive, and industrial test. Developed in 1997 and launched in 1998, PXI is an open industry standard governed by the PXI Systems Alliance (PXISA), a group of more than 70 companies chartered to promote the PXI standard, ensure interoperability, and maintain the PXI specification.SoftwareComputer Timing and Synchronization PXI ChassisPCI Express Gen 3 throughput up to 24 GB/s sub-nanosecond latency, P2P streaming, integrated triggeringInstrumentationPXI ModulesDC to mmWave, oscilloscope, programmable power supply, switch/MUX, DMM, VSA, VSG, VST, AWG, SMU, DAQTest Management and Code DevelopmentCode sequencing, database reporting, usermanagement, operator interface, parallelexecution, signal processing. LabVIEW,C/C++, .NET, PythonPXI Embedded ControllerWindows and Real-Time OS options, IntelXeon processing, peripheral ports, displayoutput, integrated hard driveIntegrated with the Latest Commercial TechnologyBy leveraging the latest commercial technology for our products, we can continually deliver high performance and high-quality products to our users at a competitive price. The latest PCI Express Gen 3 switches deliver higher data throughput, the latest Intel multicore processors facilitate faster and more efficient parallel (multisite) testing, the latest FPGAs from Xilinx help to push signal processing algorithms to the edge to accelerate measurements, and the latest data converters from TI and ADI continually increase the measurement range and performance of our instrumentation.PXI InstrumentationNI offers more than 600 different PXI modules ranging from DC to mmWave. Because PXI is an open industry standard, nearly 1,500 products are available from more than 70 different instrument vendors. With standard processing and control functions designated to a controller, PXI instruments need to contain only the actual instrumentation circuitry, which provides effective performance in a small footprint. Combined with a chassis and controller, PXI systems feature high-throughput data movement using PCI Express bus interfaces and sub-nanosecond synchronization with integrated timing and triggering.OscilloscopesSample at speeds up to 12.5 GS/s with 5 GHz ofanalog bandwidth, featuring numerous triggeringmodes and deep onboard memoryDigital InstrumentsPerform characterization and production test ofsemiconductor devices with timing sets and perchannel pin parametric measurement unit(PPMU)Frequency CountersPerform counter timer tasks such as eventcounting and encoder position, period, pulse,and frequency measurementsPower Supplies & LoadsSupply programmable DC power, with somemodules including isolated channels, outputdisconnect functionality, and remote senseSwitches (Matrix & MUX)Feature a variety of relay types and row/columnconfigurations to simplify wiring in automatedtest systemsGPIB, Serial, & EthernetIntegrate non-PXI instruments into a PXI systemthrough various instrument control interfacesDigital MultimetersPerform voltage (up to 1000 V), current (up to3A), resistance, inductance, capacitance, andfrequency/period measurements, as well asdiode testsWaveform GeneratorsGenerate standard functions including sine,square, triangle, and ramp as well as user-defined, arbitrary waveformsSource Measure UnitsCombine high-precision source and measurecapability with high channel density,deterministic hardware sequencing, andSourceAdapt transient optimizationFlexRIO Custom Instruments & ProcessingProvide high-performance I/O and powerfulFPGAs for applications that require more thanstandard instruments can offerVector Signal TransceiversCombine a vector signal generator and vectorsignal analyzer with FPGA-based, real-timesignal processing and controlData Acquisition ModulesProvide a mix of analog I/O, digital I/O,counter/timer, and trigger functionality formeasuring electrical or physical phenomenaHardwareStandard Premium DescriptionDuration at Point of Sale1 year;included 3 years;optional3 years;optionalNI enhances warranty coverage with additional service benefits provided with a hardware service program.Maximum Duration with Renewal< 3 years with service program< 3 years < 3 yearsNI maintains the high performance and availability of your hardware for up to three years with a hardware service program.Extended Repair Coverage•••NI restores your device’s functionality and includes firmware updates and factory calibration; < 10 working days ⁴ + standard shipping.System Configuration,Assembly, and Test¹••NI technicians assemble, install software in, and test your system per your custom configuration prior to shipment.Advanced Replacement ²•NI stocks replacement hardware that can be shipped immediately if a repair is needed.System Return Material Authorization (RMA)¹•NI accepts the delivery of fully assembled systems when performing repair services.Technical Support •••NI provides access to support resources for your hardware.Calibration Plan (Optional)Standard Expedited³NI performs the requested level of calibration at thespecified calibration interval for the duration of the service program.1 This option is only available for PXI, CompactRIO, and CompactDAQ systems.2 This option is not available for all products in all countries. Contact your local NI sales engineer to confirm availability.3 Expedited calibration is only available for the Traceable calibration level.4 This applies to non-RF products only. Standard extended repair coverage for RF products is <15 working days + standard shipping.NI Hardware ServicesAll NI hardware includes a one-year warranty for basic repair coverage and calibration in adherence to NI specifications prior to shipment. PXI systems also include basic assembly and a functional test.NI offers additional entitlements to improve uptime and lower maintenance costs with service programs for hardware. Learn more at /services/hardware .PremiumPlus Service ProgramNI can customize the offerings listed above or offer additional entitlements such as on-site calibration, custom sparing, and lifecycle services through a PremiumPlus Service Program . Contact your NI sales representative to learn more.Technical SupportNI hardware service programs and warranty include access to technical support provided by NI support agents during local business hours.Service requests can be managed online. Additionally, take advantage of NI’s award-winning online resources and communities .©2023 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved. National Instruments, NI, and are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective。

3100-15T1999Products Unlimited 3100, Definite Purpose Contactors, Pole Configuration 1, 120VACCoil Voltage Rating, 25A Contact Current Rating, Panel08/26/2020 11:09PM | Page 1 For support call+1 800 522 6752Relays, Contactors & Switches>Contactors>Definite Purpose Contactors>DP CONTACTORS, 1 POLEContact Arrangement: 1 Form X, SPST-NO-DM with ShuntMounting Type:PanelContact Current Rating:25 ACoil Voltage Rating:120 VACPole Configuration:1All DP CONTACTORS, 1 POLE (12)FeaturesProduct Type FeaturesMolded NoProduct Category Electromechanical RelaysProduct Type ContactorArc Cover WithoutProduct Classification Relays - ContactorsModel96Contactor Type Definite PurposeTerminal Configuration10-32 Screw, Quick ConnectElectrical CharacteristicsActuating System ACCoil Voltage (Max)120 VACCoil Voltage Rating120 VACCoil Resistance444 ΩContact Switching Voltage (Max)600 VACContact FeaturesContact Base Material Silver Cadmium OxidePole Configuration1Contact Current Rating25 A3100-15T1999 ACTIVEProducts UnlimitedTE Internal #:8-1611007-5Products Unlimited 3100, Definite Purpose Contactors, PoleConfiguration 1, 120VAC Coil Voltage Rating, 25A Contact CurrentRating, PanelView on >Products Unlimited 3100|Pole Configuration1Contact Current Rating25 AContact Arrangement 1 Form X, SPST-NO-DM with ShuntTermination FeaturesCoil Termination Quick ConnectMechanical AttachmentMounting Plate WithMounting Type PanelDimensionsWire Size 1.31 – 8.37 mm²Industry StandardsUL Flammability Rating UL 94V-0Agency Approval CSA Certified, SEMKO Certified, ULRecognizedPackaging FeaturesPackaging Method Loose PieceOtherComment Stranding must be split for 8 AWG wire.Torque25 in-lbsProduct ComplianceFor compliance documentation, visit the product page on >EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Compliant with ExemptionsEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC Not CompliantChina RoHS 2 Directive MIIT Order No 32, 2016Restricted Materials Above ThresholdEU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006Current ECHA Candidate List: JUN 2020(209)Candidate List Declared Against: JAN 2019(197)Does not contain REACH SVHCHalogen Content Not Yet Reviewed for halogen contentSolder Process Capability Not applicable for solder process capabilityProduct Compliance DisclaimerThis information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledgebased on the information they provided. This information is subject to change. The part numbers that TE has identified asEU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent08/26/2020 11:09PM | Page 2 For support call+1 800 522 675208/26/2020 11:09PM | Page 3For support call+1 800 522 6752EU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIBP, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2). Finished electrical and electronic equipment products will be CE marked as required by Directive 2011/65/EU. Components may not be CE marked.Additionally, the part numbers that TE has identified as EU ELV compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, and mercury, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV). Regarding the REACH Regulations, TE’s information on SVHC in articles for this part number is still based on the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) ‘Guidance on requirements for substances in articles’(Version: 2, April 2011), applying the 0.1% weight on weight concentration threshold at the finished product level. TE is aware of the European Court of Justice ruling of September 10th, 2015 also known as O5A (Once An Article Always An Article) stating that, in case of ‘complex object’, the threshold for a SVHC must be applied to both the product as a whole and simultaneously to each of the articles forming part of its composition. TE has evaluated this ruling based on the new ECHA “Guidance on requirements for substances in articles” (June 2017, version 4.0) and will be updating its statements accordingly.TE Model / Part #5-1437595-9TRD11H10WL=ROCKER GOLD ON OFFTE Model / Part #2-1393117-4KUP-11A25-120=KUTE Model / Part #62718-1FASTON .250 FLAG REC 22-18 AWG BRTE Model / Part #6-1393118-0KUP-5A15-24=KUDefinite Purpose Contactors(80)TE Model / Part #175022-1PL EX MKII 250 REC 18-14AWG PTBRTE Model / Part #CAT-P592-SP118PIDG SPADE TONGUE TERMINALSTE Model / Part #CAT-P592-R472A PIDG RING TONGUE TERMINALSCompatible PartsAlso in the Series Products Unlimited 3100Customers Also BoughtDocumentsCAD Files3D PDF3D3D PDF3DCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_8-1611007-5_D.2d_dxf.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_8-1611007-5_D.3d_igs.zipEnglishCustomer View ModelENG_CVM_CVM_8-1611007-5_D.3d_stp.zipEnglishBy downloading the CAD file I accept and agree to the of use.Terms and ConditionsDatasheets & Catalog PagesModel 96 - 3100 Definite Purpose Contactor 1- or 2-pole, 20-40 FLA AC CoilEnglishIndustrial Relays Quick Reference GuideEnglish08/26/2020 11:09PM | Page 4 For support call+1 800 522 6752。

总 无功 电能 ,正 向 / 负 向, 或者 0 varh … 1 00 Gvarh 电感 / 电容
总 视在 电能
0 VAh … 10 0 GVAh
每 相 THD 电压
0 … 10 0 %
每 相 THD 电流 电 压不 平衡 度
0 … 10 0 % 0 … 10 0 %
电 流不 平衡 度
0 … 10 0 %
SENTRON 多功能余测经理量联仪系表电话:18280227007
多功能测量设备 PAC3200
选 型与 订货 数据
7KM2112- 0BA00-3AA0
面板嵌入式安装 96 x 96 mm 接线柱可连接的电流和电压 UC: 95…240 V AC / 140…340 V DC Ue: 3 AC 690/4 00 V Ie: /1 A or /5 A
5 - 概述
5 - 适用范围
5 - 选型与订货数据 PAC RS485
- 概述
- 适用范围
- 选型与订货数据
多功能测量设备 PAC3200 7 - 构造 8 - 功能 9 - 集成化 9 - 配置 10 - 技术参数 13 - 尺寸图 14 - 电路图
扩展模块 PAC PROFIBUS DP 17 - 技术参数 17 - 尺寸图 17 - 详细说明信息 PAC RS485 18 - 技术参数 18 - 尺寸图 18 - 详细说明信息
适 用范 围
通 讯 模 块 SENTRON PAC PROFI BUS DP 可 插接 在 多 功 能测 量 设 备 PAC3200 的背 面上 。设 备此 时将 自动 识 别该 模块 ,并 且在 参数 设 置 菜单 中显 示出 和该 模块 相关 的参 数选 项。
西门子 SENTRON PAC3200 电表 设备手册

引言1安全使用须知2说明3运行计划4安装5连接6启动7操作员控制8参数设置9维护和服务10技术数据11尺寸图12附录A ESD 准则B缩略语表CSENTRON电表SENTRON PAC3200 设备手册安全技术提示为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。
商标所有带有标记符号 ® 的都是西门子股份有限公司的注册商标。

如需购买此产品欢迎联系重庆艾利顿自动化 联系人:余经理 联系电话:18280227007
低 压 配 电 产 品
3WL06 3WL08 3WL10 3WL12 3WL16 3WL08 3WL10 3WL12 3WL16 3WL20 3WL25 3WL32 3WL40a 3WL40 3WL50 3WL63
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
额定脉冲冲击电压Uimp主导电通路 kV
短路分断能力Icu 500V
B :55,N :66
ETU45B / LCD LSI+ 显示
LSI+ 图型显示
ETU76B / G
LSIG+ 图型显示
说明 :ETU45B/76B 均可扩展测量功能 ETU76B 短延时可至 4S
11 3VL塑壳断路器
13 3VT1 ~ 5塑壳断路器
15 3VT8塑壳断路器
西门子PASCAL CV 3110型压力变送器产品说明书

P RESSURE T RANSMITTER PASCAL CV T YPE S ERIES FOR FOOD /PHARMACEUTICALS /CV 3110BIOTECHNOLOGYSignal output::● 4..20 mA, can be retrofitted with optional HART ®protocol ●PROFIBUS PA ■Function modules●Multifunctional display with 5-segment digital display and bar graph●HART ®protocol●Switching module with 2 floating channels, maximum 1.5 Aswitching current, electrically isolated at all sides, without additional auxiliary power ■Function module replacement on site without recalibration "plug and measure"■Watchdog for electronics modules and measuring cell■Hygienic design according to EHEDG, FDA und GMP recommendations ■Material and surface quality according to the hygienic requirements ■Limits of measuring range 0...80 mbar to 0...40 bar ■Accuracy: < 0.25% (linearity, hysteresis and repeatability)■Turndown 5:1■Explosion protection: II 1/2G EEx ia IIC T6■Medium temperature up to 160 °C■Piezoresistive measuring cell, directly aerated, fully weldedThe pressure transmitter PASCAL CV is suited for measuring the relative and absolute pressures of gases, vapors and liquids. The type series CV3110 has been developed to meet the stringent demands of food processing, pharmaceutical technology, and biotechnology. Special attention has been given to good surface quality. Thus, for instance, roughness values to Ra 0.4 µm can be guaranteed for wetted parts (for welds: Ra < 0.8µm) or the system can be electropolished as well.The modular design of the pressure transmitter allows users to choose the best possible device for his specific operating requirements.PASCAL CV is equipped with a variety of process connections and uses smart module technology for display, switching and communication purposes.These functional modules can be exchanged or extended with ease without having to remove the transmitter from the process.Other designs available●PASCAL CV 3100 for general application●PASCAL CV 3120 for chemical/petrochemical industryProcess connection: all standard screw-in, flange and inline connectionsBasic modulePROFIBUSFunction modulesDisplay moduleHART ®-moduleSwitchingmodule4...20 mAData Sheet: D4-017/2P. 1Rev. 0D3Housing hygienic housing design with screw cap and windowMaterialhousing:stainless steel mat.no. 1.4301window:Macrolon gasket:NBR O-ringConstructiontwo-chamber system, minimum housing volume, excellent moisture and condensate protection Pressure compensation PTFE filter system Degree of protection EN 60529, IP 66Climatic category DIN EN 60721 3-4, 4K4HElectrical connection· screwed terminals 1 mm², cable entry fitting through screwing· circular plug connector M 12Weightstandard device without diaphragm seal and function modules approx. 0.65 kgHousing designConstruction welded designDiaphragm modifications see page 5 or order code Materialstainless steel mat.-no. 1.4404 or 1.4435see order codeSensor piezoresistive measuring element System fillfoodstuff oil FD1 (USDA-H1)according to FDAAmbient temperature -20 to 85°C Process temperature depending on design Allowed storage temperature -40...85 °CNote safety values as per examination certificate!Standard design 12....40 VDC Ex-proof design12....30 VDCInterference emission EN 50081 section 1Noise immunityEN 50082 section 2EU examination certificateII 1/2G EEx ia IIC T6Data Sheet: D4-017/2Housing design Measuring system Signal4...20 mA, two-wire,optional with HART protocol (not yet available)Current range 3.8 - 20.8 mA Current limitation approx. 22 mA Alarm state < 3.6 mA, optional > 21 mA Delay time approx. 160 ms measuring cycle 6 measurements / second Measuring range setting turndown 5:1Damping t 0.0 - 120.0 secondsLoadR <(Ohm)Limit point setting DIN 16086Reference conditions DIN EN 60770-1Calibration position vertical mounting position Linearity errors< 0.15% of span TD 5:1 no changeHysteresis < 0.05% of nominal range Repeatability < 0.05% of nominal range Influence of mounting position < 3.5 mbar Long-term drift < 0.1%/year of nominal range DIN EN 60770-1Temperature effecta)Lower range value / upper range value in range 0...60°C ± 0.15%/10 K of nominal range in range < 0°C, > 60°C ± 0.2%/10 K of nominal range b) process connection (diaphragm seal) depending on design flat diaphragm zero point error DN 25/1"4,8 mbar/10 K DN 32/1 1/2"2,3 mbar/10 K DN 401,6 mbar/10 K DN 50/2"0,6 mbar/10 K inline diaphragm zero point error DN 25/1"9,5 mbar/10 K DN 32/1 1/2"4,1 mbar/10 K DN 403,9 mbar/10 K DN 50/2"3,9 mbar/10 KThe specified zero error for the process connection is a guide value for a standard design. We can provide a detailed system calculation upon request. Systems with reduced diaphragm seal errors are also available.Temperature ranges OutputAccuracyApproval/testsP 0 t 2xt 3xt 4xt 5xte.g. damping t = 10 s = 50 s ~100 %windowsO-ring-seal electronicsfully encapsulated replaceablegasketsensor chamber fully encapsulated (reduced volume)plug connection cable entry fitting U - 12 V 22.5 mA^Process connection separate terminal compartment (reduced volume)terminalspressure sensor with direct connection to atmosphericpressure compensationatmospheric pressurecompensationP. 2100 %63 %Supply limits of measuring range meas. span nominal range: e.g. 1 barData Sheet: D4-017/2Display module (multifunctional display) optional·Module housing made of ABS, encapsulated electronics unit·Many operating mode menus ·5-segment pressure read-out with unit ·Read-out display-pressure (standard)-percent -current-sensor temperature·Bar graph 36 segments = 0...100%·Measuring circuit test (current sensing function)3.55...22.0 mA·Alarm indicator on display·Switching function indicator (with switching module)Switching module, optional·No additional auxiliary power required ·Module housing made of ABS, encapsulated electronics unit · 2 limit values, voltage free, short-circuit-proof ·Switching capacity 50 V DC / 500 mA (Ri < 1.5 Ω)or 30 V DC / 1.5 A (Ri < 0.3 Ω)·Overload indicator: LED red, overload or short-circuit ·Fusible cut-out at overload /short-circuit with automatic reset ·Switch points: 0.0 - 100.0% adjustable Standard: 50.0%·Switching function: maker or breaker, adjustable Standard: breaker ·Device off circuit: contact open ·Hysteresis: 0.0% to 100.0%, adjustable standard: 0.1%falling or rising, adjustable,standard: falling ·Switching rate: 6 Hz·Electrically isolated to all sidesInsulation voltage: 500 V, 2.5 kV/2 sec.·Electrical connection: terminal blocks 1 mm²pluggable with automatic module detection - plug and measure -P. 3Profibus module description and HART ® connection upon request ^pluggable with automatic module detection - plug and measure -Basic module: 4...20 mAData Sheet: D4-017/2Switching modulex = configurable w = factory settingP. 4Data Sheet: D4-017/2Mounting positionHousingProcess connectionsP. 5(short term up to 140°C, 1h)Modifications reservedData Sheet: D4-017/2P. 6- please give additional specifications for models not listed -LABOM Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH Postfach 12 62 D-27795 Hude Tel. (04408)804-0 Fax: (00408)804-404。

• SENTRON PAC3200 具有 多种 测量 与监 测功 能,可以 间接 提高 故 障安 全性 ,因 为可 以提 前识 别故 障。
• 可通 过 PROFI BUS 接口 ,十 分便 利地 整合 在自 动化 系统 或者 电 能管 理系 统之 中。
S ENRON PAC3200 可提 供多 种通 讯选 项, 是 电力 管理 系统 以及 工 厂 和楼 宇自 动化 必不 可少 的数 据源 。
所 有 行业 均 需要 配电 设 备来 供 应电 力。 因此 在 任何 需要 计 量电 能 消 耗与 电力 参数 之处 ,均 可使 用 S ENTRON PAC3200,不受 行业 限 制。
SENTRON 多功能余测经理量联仪系表电话:18280227007
多功能测量仪表 PAC3200
多 功能 测量 仪表 可用 来监 测电 气系 统, 并可 进行 精确 电能 计量 。 S ENT RON PAC3200 是一 种用 于面 板安 装的 仪表 ,可 用来 计量 、显 示 配 电 系统 的 50 个 测 量 变量 ,例 如 电 压、 电流 、功 率 、有 功 功 率 、频 率 以及 最大 值 、最 小值 和 平均 值。 其 结 构紧 凑, 成 为所 有 常 规模 拟指 示仪 表的 理想 替代 产品 。 中 文 大屏 幕图 形 液晶 显 示使 用户 可 远距 离读 表 。其 背光 可 逐步 调 节 ,即 使 在较 差的 光 线下 也 可达 到 理想 的读 表 效果 。四 个 功能 键 结 合多 语言 的文 本显 示, 实现 了直 观快 速的 操作 。 除 了一 个数 字量 输入 和一 个数 字量 输出 ,S ENTRON PAC3200 还 提 供 一系 列通 讯选 项。 既 可 以 使 用 内 置 的 以 太 网 接 口 , 也 可 使 用 Profibus DP 或Modbus RTU 扩 展 模 块 , 集 成 于 上 级 电 力 管 理 系 统 之中。 SENTRON PAC3200 具 有UL和CSA 认证证书,也适用于美国和加拿 大。

保险丝gL/gG: 10A
mm² mm² mm²
1…6 1…6 4
mm² mm² mm²
0.75 … 2.5 0.75 … 4 0.75 … 4
2x(0.75 ... 1.5 mm2),1x 2.5 mm2
3LD2003-0TK53 Page 1/4
接线夹 接线夹 否 0
subject to modifications © Copyright Siemens AG 2014
脉冲电压强度 / 测定值 常开触点数目 / 用于辅助触点 转换器数目 / 对于辅助触点 工作电流 / 在AC-21时 / 测定值 工作电压
综合技术细节: 产品品牌名称 产品名称 操作元件的结构形式 设备的构造类型 防护等级 IP 极数 紧固类型
• 正面装配 • 导轨安装 • 并排装配 隔离电压 / 测定值 持续电流 / 测定值 产品装备 / 锁紧装置 电气连接设计 • 辅助触点的 • 用于主电路 开关操纵机构的结构形式 / 电机驱动的结构形式 常闭触点数目 / 用于辅助触点
• 单芯线或多芯线 • 多股线的 • 细芯线的 / 带有电缆末端加工 / 最大的 • 用于辅助触点 • 细芯线的

多功能测量设备 PAC3200
选 型与 订货 数据
7KM2112- 0BA00-3AA0
面板嵌入式安装 96 x 96 mm 接线柱可连接的电流和电压 UC: 95…240 V AC / 140…340 V DC Ue: 3 AC 690/4 00 V Ie: /1 A or /5 A
如联需系购人买:此余产经品理欢迎联联系S系电E重话N庆:TR艾1O8利2N8顿0多2自2功7动00能化7 测量仪表
多功能测量设备 PAC3200
测 量功 能 S ENTRON PAC3200 可以测量下列测量变量:
测 量变 量
显 示范 围
0 A … ..… 1 20 kA
相 电压 L-N
0 V …. .… 70 0 kV
最 小值
平 均值
1) 1) 1)
最 大值
2)ຫໍສະໝຸດ 2)
3 )
3 )
3 )
2 ) 仅 可通 过通 讯功 能调 用。 可传 输电 量平 均值 (电 量计 数值 ),包 括可 调 测 量周 期的 最小 值和 最 大值 。 测量 周期 可调 范围 :1 … 60 分钟 ,默 认 设 置为 15 分 钟。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
购买相关产品联系重庆艾利顿自动化 余经理 联系电话:18280227007
SENTRON 多功能测量仪表
多功能测量仪表 PAC3100
测量功能 SENTRON PAC3100 可以测量下列测量变量:
测量变量 电流 中性线电流 相电压 L-N 线电压 L-L 频率 每相有功功率,输入 / 输出 每相无功功率,正向 / 反向 每相视在功率 总有功功率,输入 / 输出 总无功功率,正向 / 反向 总视在功率 每相功率因数 总功率因数 总有功电能,正向 / 反向 / 净值 总无功电能,正向 / 反向 / 净值
电能计量透明化 可测量有功电能、无功电能的正向、反向以及净值,可对系统 中的电能消耗进行连续监控。
SENTRON PAC3100 因此十分适合于作为上级电力管理系统的 数据源。如果将其集成于此类系统之中,用户就可以记录其系 统的负荷变化曲线。
大屏幕中文显示 能清晰查看读数。采用大尺寸 LCD 图形显示屏,即使距离较 远,背景照明灯可以根据实际光线条件进行调整,因此即使光 线较差,也能看清读数。
无处不适用 可以使用 SENTRON PAC3100 在两线、三线和四线电网中进行测 量。既可以测量三相,也可以测量单相和两相。
其测量范围较广,可直接接入 480V(UL-L)以下的低压电网之 中;更高电压可通过连接电压互感器测量。
可以使用 x /5A 电流互感器来检测电流。可以在设备上对变换比和 电流方向进行编程设置,以适应当地的情况。
外壳 SENTRON PAC3100 采用塑料外壳,可用于面板安装。分别通过 右侧和左侧外壳上的支架进行固定。
操作与显示元件 下图所示为 SENTRON PAC3100 的正面视图,分为操作与监控功能 区,附带相关说明。
标题栏以纯文本形式指示当前所显示的是哪些测量 值。屏幕右侧的显示菜单编号有助于翻阅菜单。
购买相关产品联系重庆艾利顿自动化 余经理 联系电话:18280227007
SENTRON 多功能测量仪表
产品样本 • 12.2009
Answers for infrastructure.
购买相关产品联系重庆艾利顿自动化 余经理 联系电话:18280227007
最小值 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √
1) 仅可通过通讯功能调用。可传输电量平均值(电量计数值),包括可调测量周期的最 小值和最大值。测量周期可调范围:1 ... 60分钟,默认设置为 15 分钟。
最大值 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - √ √ √
√1) √1)
中文大屏幕图形液晶显示使用户可远距离读表。其背光可逐步调 节,即使在较差的光线下也可达到理想的读表效果。四个功能键 结合多语言的文本显示,实现了直观快速的操作。
除了 2 个数字量输入(有源)和 2 个数字量输出接口,ENTRON PAC3100 还集成 RS485 Modbus RTU 通讯接口,可集成于上级电 力管理系统之中。
显示屏中间 部分所显示 的是测量值 以及相 / 线标 识和测量变 量的单位。
将滚动条与 标题栏中的 菜单编号相 结合,就可 知道当前正 处在哪一个 显示菜单或 参数菜单之 中,因此可 以快速翻阅 菜单。
4 个设备操作功能键与显示屏中的键名相对应。
① 设备中用于悬挂装配支架的开口 ② 带止动钩的装配支架
每包装 单位的重 量大约 kg
1ST 133
购买相关产品联系重庆艾利顿自动化 余经理 联系电话:18280227007
SENTRON 多功能测量仪表
多功能测量仪表 PAC3100
RS485 Modbus RTU
SENTRON 多功能测量仪表
多功能测量设备 SENTRON
多功能测量设备 PAC3100
选型与测量设备 PAC3100
购买相关产品联系重庆艾利顿自动化 余经理 联系电话:18280227007
• SENTRON PAC3100 已通过了各种认证,世界各地均可使用。 • 安装深度仅为 51mm,可节约安装空间。 • 大尺寸图形显示屏具有背景灯照明,即使光线较差也能看清,因
此而增大了设备的应用领域。 • 中文显示,操作方式直观,既可以快速完成调试,也便于在运行
购买相关产品联系重庆艾利顿自动化 余经理 联系电话:18280227007
SENTRON 多功能测量仪表
多功能测量仪表 PAC3100
精确记录测量值 SENTRON PAC3100 具有较高的精度,可以满足日益增长的精 密电能计量要求。以满足标准 IEC61557-12 所规定的 1S 级精 度要求。
SENTRON PAC 3100 的正面
进行装配时,通过控制柜门中的方形开口,从正面推入 SENTRON PAC3100,然后使用随货提的支架将其固定。
设备的正面在安装状态下能满足 IP65 防护等级的 II 类保护等级。 6
通过 4 个功能键进行操作,这些功能键上方有 4 个与之对应的文本 框。按键具有多重配置,其功能取决于当前所显示的菜单。通过显 示屏中对应的文字指示各个按键在相应菜单中究竟具有哪些功能。
多语言操作 直观的操作向导功能别具一格。将四个功能键与多语言纯文本 显示屏结合使用,用户可以迅速学会操作,可选择中文作为界 面语言。此外还有快捷方式可供熟练用户使用,可以更为迅速 地选择所需的显示菜单。
多功能数字输入端与输出端 SENTRON PAC3100 标配有 2 个有源的数字量输入端和 2 个数字量 输出端,可以将其对应于以下不同的相关功能。
三相多功能测量设备可用于计量、显示电气系统的所有相关电 网参数,并且可对其进行持续监控。
应用领域 无论是工业建筑或者基础设施,但凡必须进行配电之处, SENTRON PAC3100 均可将重要的信息发送给企业管理系统或者 电能控制系统。
SENRON PAC3100 可提供多种通讯选项,是电力管理系统以及 工厂和楼宇自动化必不可少的数据源。
注: 详细说明信息 可在以下章节找到适用的电流互感器 • 在产品目录的第16章“SENTRON分断和保护装置 — 塑壳断路器”中 • 在“自动化与驱动集团电子商城”的“低压控制与配电” -> “低压配电”
-> “电能计量用分断和保护装置” -> “塑壳断路器” -> “3VL塑壳断路 器~1600 A” -> “附件及备件”中 关于能源管理系统软件组件的详细信息,可参阅第 18 章或访问下列网址:
面板嵌入式安装 96 x 96 mm
AC/DC 宽电压电源 UAUX:
AC100...240V ±10%,50/60 Hz
DC110...250V ±10%
U e: 最大 3AC 480/277V,50/60 Hz I e: /5 A
装配与调试时间极短 SENTRON PAC3100 采用先进的装配技术,可利用组合式卡座 方便、快捷地进行装配。
防止擅自访问 SENTRON PAC3100 具有密码保护功能,可防止非法访问电能与参 数数据。
• 这种卡接机构使得装配工可以将设备快速固定于控制面板之 中,不必使用任何工具。
SENTRON PAC3100 具有 UL 和 CSA 认证证书,也适用于美国和 加拿大。
SENTRON PAC3100 的优点概括如下: • 具有 UL 和 CSA 认证证书,可适用于美国和加拿大 • 三相测量设备,用于测量电力变量,可用于面板安装 • 可测量 30 多个测量变量,例如相电压、线电压、电流、功率、
PAC3100 标配的 RS485 Modbus RTU 具有下列性能特点: • 可通过设备正面设置参数 • 支持 Modbus RTU 和 SEAbus 协议 • 支持 4.8 / 9.6 / 19.2 以及 38.4 kBd 传输速率 • 通过 3 针螺钉端子接线 • 不需要外接辅助电源 • 通过 PAC31000 表上方的 LED 显示状态
行业 所有行业均需要配电设备来供应电力。因此在任何需要计量电能消 耗与电力参数之处,均可使用 SENTRON PAC3100,不受行业限制。
购买相关产品联系重庆艾利顿自动化 余经理 联系电话:18280227007
SENTRON 多功能测量仪表
多功能测量仪表 PAC3100
DT 订货号
110...250 V ±10% • 结构紧凑,用空间小(96 mm x 96 mm,安装深度为 51 mm) • 大尺寸 LCD 图形显示屏,中文显示,具有直观的操作向导功
能,可通过 4 个功能键进行操作 • 菜单导航、文本显示以及文件资料有九种语言(德语、英语、