GRE issue提纲—教育类




2=================Issue 144=================
【题目】&uot;It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value.&uot;
1、艺术家们给了社会长久的价值。一方面艺术家带给人们美的享受;或给人精神的鼓励;如:达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎;肖邦的音乐;另一方面使人们了解社会更深层次的东西,这些都是永久的价值;如Mark Twain的小说
Hale Waihona Puke 2、批评家也有他们的作用。一方面:他们发掘好的艺术作品,帮助大众了解艺术作品,从更好的角度欣赏作品;如:唐基柯德起初被认为是滑稽小说;小说前面的序言或者绘画所配的文字;另一方面:Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,last value对每个人的含义不同,因此它取决于观看者而不是艺术家。如我们珍藏旧明信片,因为它在我们心中具有last value;
y when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.
【题纲】Position: There is no doubt that education should pay more attention on the needs and interests of students, but it is possible for education to satisfy every student.



智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料新GRE写作issue题库之教育篇【翻译+提纲】(一)-智课教育旗下智课教育下文中小编为同学们分享了新GRE写作issue题库之教育篇【翻译+提纲】,供同学们参考学习,之前小编也为大家分享了很多新GRE写作i ssue方面的内容,同学们可以总结在一起学习。

如下就是小编为同学们分享的学习篇的新GRE写作issue题库,同学们平日里可以多多阅读,加以积累,形成自己的写作思路,时间长了G RE写作水平一定会有所提高。

6 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. (老题库5)在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。

14 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。

96 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。

116 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。

反对1. On the one hand, a national curriculum contributes to preserving a unified national culture and national cohesion.2. Furthermore, a general curriculum decided by authority rather than by local schools avoids limiting students to a narrow scope of knowledge too early.3. On the other hand, in a multi-cultural society, different ethnic communities should be given the opportunity to preserve and promote their traditional cultures.4. It’s beneficial to grant local schools the freedom to offer students some elective courses, which can help the school to build its unique culture charisma.1. 为培养一个人生存所必备的能力,使学生获得起码的知识水平与思想,国家需要制定统一的必修课。

GRE issue题库大纲2 教育及大学

GRE issue题库大纲2 教育及大学

分类二大学和教育3 Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.教育机构有责任劝阻学生不要从事不太可能成功的科学研究。



2、我们必须承认这一观点有一定意义:a、通过劝阻学生,可以使学生避免在自己弱势的领域耗费精力;b、进一步说,由于教育机构要培养对于社会有用的人才,这样的劝阻有助于学生在擅长的领域发挥才智(talent)3、a、然而,这样的推论(inference)存在巨大的漏洞(flaws)b、首先,尽管教育学(pedagogy)、心理学(psychology)和其它学科在不断发展,教育机构对于学生能否成功的判断仍然无法保证准确(Thomas Alva Edison、Albert Einstein);c、进一步说,对学生的劝阻可能不仅不会使学生服从,反而产生抵触心理,在看上去(seemingly)会成功的领域表现消极;d、在基础教育阶段,学生有全面学习的权利(right),而在高等教育阶段,学生有自由选择专业的权利。



6 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。



高频段落(现场写不出来,需要提前准备的段落)1. 教育的本质The essential of education is improving individuals’ self-cultivation instead of creating parts of the society. The difference is like which between exercise at a gym and in a professional soccer team. The aim of former is improving our body to live a better life while the latter is using our body much better within the rules to win the game, to make ones living and serve the society. In a professional soccer training camp, a recruit may spend hours to practice sliding trickle not because it is good for health —it more likely has the opposite effect and rurally could be dangerous —but because sliding trickle is effective in defending especially in some one-to-one breaking through situation with in the rules on the courts. Thus this practice must be stopped if the rules were changed and the action were forbidden. On the other hand, we often see members at a gym practicing push-ups, five or fingers touching the floor and sitting on the ground with legs outstretched. The only vocation in which these particular actions could be use should be galley slaver, but I do not think they can access to such a job in the modern society however skillful they are. In general, course in a specific field aim to serve the society and help us to survive, while variety courses outside a field cultivate ourselves for a better life.2. 人的本质As a species on the Earth, just like ants or zebras, our nature order us to deliver our genes generation after generation as much as possible and thus we must be on a dominate position in struggle of life. In human society, being on an advantageous position rurally means having a green thumb, because it warrants not only our basic need such us food and clothes but also a better condition for our descendent. From this point of view, I agree…However, our human beings would never only be a living creature. We are distinctive from animals by given humanity which means an ethic of kindness, sympathy and benevolence extended universally and impartially to all human beings. And that is why we are willing to raise the step-children up in most situations instead of killing them as a male lion. In my opinion, the ... is just like …3. Political systemDemocracy where the historical trend has been, gives power to people as a whole. Most developed countries, including constitutional monarchy states, such as the USA and UK claim to operate as this political system. In this country, despite some problems such as power and wealth inequality, most of the citizens are well educated and given many rights and freedom politically and economically. Thus they can…At the same time, totalitarianism, a highly centralized political form which tend to regulate people’s daily life and seek to bend people to the will of the government, also extent in some other countries. Two typical examples of totalitarian governments are Nazi Germany and North Korea. The former is notorious for the intrude in the World War Two, while in the latter, ordinary citizens had no access to the computer or internet at all and government control the mass media, keep the people in poverty and even guard the citizens by powerful surveillance equipment. In totalitarianism countries…4. The function of ARTArt, the production of creative activities, conveys an idea, emotion or sense of feeling by shapingor selecting simple elements. Usually, art, as a vision or thinking of the world, is used to criticize the world it might be, to wake up sleepwalking people fight for their life, to heal a broken heart and energize a tired soul and it truly has an effect in any society life mentally and worldly. Socially, individuals can express their own need to call for help through arts just like the black singer J-Zay singing the wish of racial equality in his songs. Economically, pictures, music albums and sculptures exchange a lot of GTP and support thousands of family in any corner of the world. Either Justin Timberlake showing on the Grammy Awards or a nameless painter drawing pictures for the tourists on some street corner in Rio is benefit from art. Didactically, a lot of heroes and moral models are described and eulogized in pomes, hymns and movies. Through this forms of art, the moral principles inject into each new generation. Politically, arts could be a conservative force to elicit loyalty and thus to stabilize the society because particular arts in many ways symbolize a culture. Besides, we often heard songs comes from a temple or a church to express their loyalty and rumination, we often add the beauty to our surrounding by hang on a picture or playing a movement, and we often repose ourselves by listening a piece of symphony. Arts perform an indispensable role in all aspects of our life.5. Culture definition and functionCulture is a compound of rituals, religion, economical systems, language, a style of dress, a way of cooking and a political system. It is not an inborn thing but inherited by learning and sharing. Thus, each culture holds a group of people and their descendants together to help them adapt to the ever-changing world on several levels. On the material level, a culture provides a way for people to generate and change the goods for survive. On the social level, a culture organizes people through family, wok and political structure. The last level is metaphysical, it gives a group of people a unique way to ruminate themselves, cognize the world, think about the university and form our beliefs and ideas. These different aspects all above creative a interact mechanism between human and their environment.6. Critical thinkingCritical thinking is the ability to draw a reasonable conclusion after gathering and assessing relevant information independently. Although critical thinking can be used to exposing others’fallacies, it is different from being critical or argumentative of other people. Good critical thinking helps us acquire knowledge, improve our theories and enhance work processes. Thus it is definitely a foundation of science and a liberal democratic society.7. The function of the low。



学习类1(1). "We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning."通常,我们从与我们意见相同的人身上学到的要比从那些与我们意见相悖的人身上学的东西要多得多;(因为)意见不统一会带来压力并且阻碍学习。


2)相反,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上获取新视野,从而找到解决问题的方法eg 与此同时,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上发现自身的不足eg3)历史告诉我们,无论是对个人还是社会,主要是通过不同意见的争论来获取进步,向前发展的。


.2(4). "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."在任何一个研究领域当中,除非有该领域之外的人引进他们的知识和经验,否则该领域就很难获得巨大的发展。

Outsider: a person does not belong to a particular group闭门造车,旁观者清Topic:同意,知识领域的重大进展依赖于各学科的知识和经验,甚至能创造出一个新的学科。



将244 道题分为11 类,分别是传媒,国际,教育,科技,历史,社会,文化,行为,学习,艺术和政治,每个类别的题目数如下:传媒:6--------1国际:5--------1教育:35科技:21-------30历史:8---------30社会:47-------1文化:11--------30行为:62------31学习:21-------30艺术:10-------2+ (交流,例子)政治:18--------30对于一些比较笼统的分类,我们会在讨论写作提纲和例子时,给出更具体的细分,如竞争和合作,过去和现在,个人和整体,权威,学科关系等。


教育类1(5). "A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."一个国家应该要求所有的学生在进入大学之前都学习由国家统一制定的课程,而不是允许由国家不同地区的学校去决定课程的安排。

国家统一和地区单独安排课程Topic: except core course others be determined by different parts1)地方教育的好处:对地方政府,学校:更有动力;对学生,家长:选择面更广,培养个性对大学招生:喜欢多样性,不喜欢一个墨子,选专业不至于盲目+proverb P185/2)若没有地方教育,有不利方面:兴趣难以培养language survey,,贫富差异存在有代沟computer class3)过分强调地方也不好,国家的好处是:标准统一,容易确保质量,增加民族凝聚力4)则中方案时核心是国家,其余是地方,这样既保证了基本质量,又体现了多元------------------------------2(32). "A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disciplines, regardless of differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school. For example, entry-level teachers in mathematics and in the arts should receive the same pay, even if outside of school, math specialists earn a much higher salary on average than do specialists in the arts."不管在校园外不同领域之间薪水的差异有多大,学校对于所有学科老师的待遇应该是一视同仁的。

新GRE ISSUE重题翻译+提纲+例文

新GRE ISSUE重题翻译+提纲+例文

ISSUE新题库翻译&重题合并&范文GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay T opic - 003 / 035 / 037Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.教育机构有责任劝阻学生不要从事不太可能成功的科学研究。







General statement:教育机构对学生的未来负有责任,应该尽可能的去帮助学生取得成功。

Thesis statement:帮助学生取得成功是教育机构的责任。


Development: 教育机构对学生的未来富有责任。





Giving a few second on interesting matter is better the spending an hours for boring issue”. It’s human’s tendency to work attentively and alertly on the issue which is of his interest and keeping him self away from annoying topic, even if it has been suggested and advised by many people. Interest and likeness of person matters a lot in his life.Every one likes to work in the field of interest and if we talk about students then they prefer the subject and faculty of their interest. In case of some students, they get confused in deciding that what is of their interest and what they choose for they expertisment. Availability of many option leads to this short of situation.After completing the secondary school education, it become very tough for students to select their main subject as a career option. As in their previous study there may be more then one subjects in which they are interested. So in this stage many influences effects on their thinking. What their colleagues are selecting as their field of further study, advices from parents and other relatives etc. take them to divert from their field of interest and catch up in any regardless field.This is where the Educational institution can come in picture and helps out the future of the country. Teachers and professors in education institutes has better vision to understand the interest of the students and guide them in proper way. And it has been reviewed that students consider their teachers advices more compare to other.Every one knows that “youth is the power of country”. To guide them in proper way is essential requirement for each country. If one intelligent student enters in the filed in which he should not be then he can not bring out from that situation and put him in proper place. In that case he works, but not with heartand interest. And this mistake become mater of repentance for him for whole life. And no gain in the development of the country become possible from him.So it is crucial for Educational institutes to help out student to lead them in appropriate future. There must be separate department in each institute to handle this stuff of guiding the students with highly qualified teachers. They should arrange Vocational guidance session to let the student to understand the filed of their interest and get information about there likeness. They must set arrangement to keep the students from being away from influences and listening words off heart towards their likeness. It also requires to give training to the teachers for this purpose.Without Acquiring the youth of country in proper manner, progress of the country is not possible And Educational institutes are the main source to lead the student in the field of their interest and likeness. So they have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay T opic - 006 / 014 / 096 / 116A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。





新GRE考试ISSUE题库中英对照分类整理(教育类题目)题目编号:3/35/37/137题目内容:阻止学生不太可能成功的研究3 Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.教育机构有责任劝阻学生不要从事不太可能成功的科学研究。

35 Educational institutions should dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely tosucceed.教育机构有责任劝阻学生不要从事不太可能成功的科学研究。

37 Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents.社会应该甄别那些天资聪颖的孩子,并且年幼的时候就开始提供训练培养它们的才能。

137 Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.教育机构有责任劝阻学生不要从事不太可能成功的科学研究。

新GRE 作文提纲issue (10)

新GRE 作文提纲issue (10)
The first issue is about what should be considered to constitudes the quality of learning. In my view, this issue is directly related with the aim of the education. Accepted by most of the people, the fundamental puepose of the education should be to impart the students the skills to understanding the natural and the human worlds as well as the skills needed to fulfill their enterprises. This ambition of the education place the fundamental critireon for assessing the quality of learning, that is, we should assess the quality of learning by seeing whether the students are imparted these skills.
Based on the above reasoning, I assert that a grading policy which is more comprehensive and better serving the ambitons of different levels of education is less detrimental to the quality of learning by encouraging the students to compete for high grades.



二十六次Issue13/46/70/102/112 (Old4+94) 教育(3)46. Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.大学应该要求每个学生选修自己专业以外的各种学科。

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, des cribe specific circumstance s in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.1every subject does not exist independently对学好本学科有说明,因为知识在逻辑体系上是互通的,各个学科之间的相互交织。

研究经济学的适当学习数学知识有利于对经济学的更深理解,如philosophy is the foundation of all subject达芬奇Da Vinci即是科学家也是艺术家,他对人体解剖anatomy的深入了解,才使得他的油画十分优美,传神。

Since various disciplineswere interrelated, the study of courses outside the students’ own field may benefit the study oftheir own major.如:力学中的理论可用于美术;如:公共行政学生需要了解心理学、管理学、政治学的发展2 在全球化进程的今天,只学习某个专业内的知识已经不能满足需要了In today’s technologically advanced society it is impossible for those who focus their attention on the concerning fields to satisfy the needs for the future society.首先,广泛的学习各种知识能够拓宽视野。



Revised GRE-AW Issue 破题提纲T1. As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability ofhumans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.当人们越来越依赖技术去解决问题,人类独立思考能力却退化。

1) 承认人们越来越依赖技术become slaves of technology calculator2) 技术可以节省时间提高效率,留出时间做更重要的intellectual work information management system; business owners be clear about the inventory3) 技术支持下的复杂问题解决过程引发更深入的智力活动data analysisT2. To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study itsmajor cities.要想了解一个社会最重要的特征,人们必须研究这个社会主要的城市。

1) 在发达国家,地区发展相对均衡,研究大城市可以直观的了解整个社会的特征。



中国古代的西安是唐朝的首都反应了中国的文化2) However, due to the influence of globalization, major cities throughout the world look more or less the same.2) 发展中国家相对来说地区差异很大。




GRE Issue教研实践活动话题写作提纲
考生在参与GRE作文考试的时候,肯定要养成写提纲的习惯,提纲可以关心大家理清思路和脉络,下面针对教研实践活动话题的GRE Issue写作提纲思路与分析进行说明。

Issue 50
【题目】In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.









传统文化与现代化之间存在着复杂的互动关系。现代化进程必然 会对传统文化产生影响,但同时也需要保留和传承传统文化的精 髓。如何平衡传统文化与现代化的关系,既能促进社会发展,又 能保持文化传承,是当代社会面临的重要课题。
在探讨传统文化与现代化的关系时,需要关注文化的多样性与包 容性。现代化并非要完全摒弃传统,而是要在传承中创新,在借 鉴中发展。
环境保护与经济发展并非相互矛盾,两者 可以相互促进。
保护自然环境是可持续经济发展的基石, 我们要重视生态保护的长期效益。
发展绿色科技,可以有效减少环境污染, 促进经济绿色转型。
ISSUE高频话题:平等机会与 社会公正
平等机会和社会公正一直是人类社会关注的重要议题。GRE写作中经常出现探 讨这两者的关系。本节将探讨平等机会与社会公正的内涵,分析两者之间的 关系,并举例说明如何运用相关论证进行写作。
社会稳定是改革成功的基础,为改革创造 良好的外部环境。
在改革过程中,要注重改革的力度和节奏 ,确保社会稳定,避免剧烈动荡。
解释逻辑 3
选择相关例子 1

GRE Issue整理

GRE Issue整理

教育类13 Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.大学应该要求每个学生选修自己专业以外的各种学科。

University is an important place in a youth's life. To a significant extend this kind of education students receive in university determines what kind of person they will be. Taking the courses outside the student’s fields of study may expand him a wide spectrum of vision. Therefore I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the real “truly educated” should be base d on the learning a wide scope of knowledge. However, close scrutiny reveals that overstate either the importance of the professional knowledge or the information outside will lead into jeopardized situation.1. In the first place, requiring students to take courses only in their major field ofstudy can cause some serious problems. Actually, not every student knows with certainty which professional field they are truly interested in and can do well in at the beginning of their college life. If universities allowed their students to choose related courses freely, it would be a good opportunity for them to find their interests. Exploring subjects outside their own major may help students to find new academic fields in which their real interest and potentials lie. Fortunately, in recent years, many universities have begun to change their education policies, and set up series of minor courses for students to study. Now there are more and more students taking minor courses in what they are truly interested in and this gives them another opportunity to develop their interests where they can make full use of their spare time to expand their knowledge and enhance their capabilities.2. Since various disciplines are r elated, the study of courses outside a student’s own field may benefit the study of their majors. As we know, every subject does not exist independently. They relate to other subjects to one extend or another. For instance, philosophy is the foundation of all subjects, which provides a fundamental approach to thinking about every problem. Whatever your major is, you can benefit from learning it. Math is a useful tool for us in solving problems. If you major is economics or accounting, you will find that the knowledge of mathematics can help you a lot in your research or your work. Therefore we can see that students with varied knowledge would have a great advantage in competing with those who have only limited scope.3. If a person want to be a successful man in the society, the knowledge just from his or her major is not sufficient at all. He or she should learn lots of things because those things are really important for their future success.1) Science: logic, critical thinking, common sense2) Art: the cognition of natural3) Philosophy: critical thinking and better understanding of the world4) Psychology: help to grow mentally healthy5) Sociology: the essence of society and human being.4. Of course, despite all of these advantages of learning various disciplines, the most important disciplines for a student is still those lessons which is related to his or her major. Overemphasizing the various disciplines will adversely influence the student's learning of his or her major.Conclusion:Take a balance. A university should offer various disciplines to students while ensure that the students can learn their major well.社会类28 The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.一个国家的伟大体现在国民的安乐上,而不是体现在统治者、艺术家或科学家的成就上。

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第三类教育5. "A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."一个国家应该要求所有的学生在进入大学之前都学习由国家统一制定的课程,而不是允许由国家不同地区的学校去决定课程的安排。

反对1.On the one hand, a national curriculum contributes to preserving a unified national culture andnational cohesion.2.Furthermore, a general curriculum decided by authority rather than by local schools avoidslimiting students to a narrow scope of knowledge too early.3.On the other hand, in a multi-cultural society, different ethnic communities should be given theopportunity to preserve and promote their traditional cultures.4.It’s beneficial to grant local schools the freedom to offer students some elective courses, whichcan help the school to build its unique culture charisma.-----------------32. "A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disciplines, regardless of differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school. For example, entry-level teachers in mathematics and in the arts should receive the same pay, even if outside of school, math specialists earn a much higher salary on average than do specialists in the arts."不管在校园外不同领域之间薪水的差异有多大,学校对于所有学科老师的待遇应该是一视同仁的。


1.The salary rate a teacher receives should be related not to his/ her discipline but his/her effortand contribution to the educational course.2.Absolutely identical rate is unfair. Teachers of some disciplines have to assume more harshwork under worse circumstances.3.If the differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school or college aredismissed, schools and colleges may have to face the loss of its staff.孤立的校园---------------------34. "Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines--that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences--colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly work-oriented society."与其要求学生们选修各种各样的学科----从艺术和人文科学到物理和生物科学----大学还不如允许学生们仅仅去选择那些有助于他们今后工作的学科。


1.To begin with, schools should attach enough importance to courses that can help studentsprepare for jobs in their chosen fields.2.However, work-oriented courses is never incompatible with other courses such as arts,humanities and the like, which also play an important role in one career success.3.Inter-disciplinary study is crucial for the improvement of either discipline.4.Though courses of a wide range of disciplines should be made compulsory, sufficient freedomshould be granted to students.学科---------------------39. "The intellectual benefits of attending a university or college are vastly overrated: most people could learn more by studying and reading on their own for four years than by pursuing a university or college degree."大学学习的好处被过分的高估了:大多数人如果通过研究和阅读的方式自学四年的话,会比追求一个大学学位学到的更多。

Disagree1.Schools offer systematical curriculum, qualified staff, libraries, facilities and so on, which arenot available to individuals who study on their own.2.Studying with peers arouses competition and cooperation. Compulsory studies avoids laziness.3.Qualified degrees help get a job offer more easily.4.However, degree does not mean everything. It is just a symbol. Even if you have a collegedegree, you still have to work hard in order achieve career success.大学和自学--------------50. "In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."为了改善大学的教学质量,所有的教员都应该被要求花一定时间到学术领域以外去参加和他们所教科目相关的工作。

Position:Working experience in relevant professions enables college and university faculty to offer practical instruction to students.1.First, faculty who are actively engaged in their fields come to class with fresh insights andcontagious excitement about the issue at hand.2.Secondly, by keeping abreast with the changing demands of work as a professional, professorscan help students who are serious about pursuing a career in that field to make more informed career decisions.3.Thirdly, experience in the field can help a professor ferret out cutting-edge and controversialissues—which might be appropriate subjects for research and publication.4.However, the teachers in some disciplines such as mathematics, literature, history, philosophy,etc., may find it difficult to combine their teaching with relevant professional fields.----------------51. "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."教育只有被专门设计来满足每一个学生个人需求和兴趣的时候才是真正有效率的。
