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陈家祠的前身是广东民间工艺博物馆, 该馆馆藏的历代各类民间工艺美术品 和文物标本1万多件(套),分陶瓷、 织绣、雕刻、杂项四大类。
▪ The construction of the Chen Clan Academy to decorate delicately, beautiful and imposing is famous in the world. Wood, stone, brick, clay sculpture, pottery, iron casting and various decoration, which are all over the inside and outside the roof eaves, ancestral hall, courtyard, Wu gallery.The main characters: pavilions, terraces and open halls, birds and flowers, landscape, with strong Lingnan characteristics.
▪ 陈家祠的建筑以装饰精巧、堂皇富丽而著称于世。木雕、石雕、砖雕、 泥塑、陶塑、铁铸工艺等各种各样的装饰,遍布在祠堂内外的顶檐、 厅堂、院落、廊庑之间,主要是人物、花鸟、亭台楼阁、山水美景等, 均具有浓郁的岭南特色。
▪ opening hours: 8:30 to 17:30
▪ Admission: 10 yuan, 65 years of age or older holding the elderly discount card free of charge, students free of charge, retiree certificate half fare.
▪ Chen Clan Academy is a China‘s Qing Dynasty hall building, formerly known as Chan’s college, is located in Guangdong Province, Guangzhou City, Zhongshan road seven,with an area of 8000 ㎡.
▪ 门票:10元,65岁以上持老人优惠证免票,学生免票, 退休人员凭证半源自文库。
——应英2班 张杏英39号
▪ 陈家祠简介 陈家祠是中国清代宗祠建筑,原称陈氏书院,位于广东省广州 市中山七路,建筑面积达8000平方米。陈家祠规模宏大,装饰华丽,是广 东地区保存较完整的富有代表性的清末民间建筑。1988年中华人民共和国 国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。
Chen Clan Academy is the predecessor of the Guangdong Folk Art Museum, the museum collection of the various types of folk arts and crafts and artifacts which were more than 10 thousand pieces (sets).Its major craft are four categories including ceramic, embroidery, carving and miscellaneous.
▪ Chen Clan Academy is large and ornate. In 1988, the People's Republic of China promulgated the State Council as a national key cultural relics protection units.