新款奔驰GLK300换大屏 加装专用导航
简介 ....................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 车载台对讲机说明 .......................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1.1 概述................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1.2 尺寸................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1.3 对讲机背后的接线 ............................................................................................................. 1-2
老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏加装导航 加装倒车轨迹
(6)DVD影音(单碟/六碟):DVD播放,简单方便快捷;高品质DVD影音播放,单碟DVD支持U扩展播放MP3/MP4;老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像老款奔驰GLK300原车小屏换大屏(5.8寸换7寸),老款奔驰GLK加装导航,奔驰GLK加装倒车影像Y amaxunwudan 7-01。
2008款奔驰GLK350 4MATIC(进口)AUX接口使用方法
2008款奔驰GLK350 4MATIC(进口)AUX接口使用方法2008款进口奔驰GLK350 4MATIC没有可以直接使用的AUX接口,只有AMI接口(详见图1),该接口位于副驾驶前手套箱左侧,可以通过AMI接口转换器转换成需要的其它接口。
(3)用小一字刀从切口位置撬开 拉柄盖
(4)拉柄上有两颗 T20 的螺丝
(5)拆下左右拉柄上的 4 颗螺丝
7、在第(19)项 REARVIEW CAMERA 中选择 SRVC 也就是 视频连接管理器
8、选择 SRVC 视频连接管理器之后,返回 到工程模式设置画面;该画面为工程模式 设置画面
9、图中为(ENGINEERING MODE) 的第二页选择第 9 项 系统复位(SYSTEM RESET)
10、在系统复位(system reset)中选择 复位(RESET)
1)、高清像素高清画质 CCD,有效画素达 32 万 2)、画角(水平 170°,垂直 105°) 3)、分辨率高,画质清晰,带防水功能 4)、自带夜视功能,确保在光线暗淡的情况下使用尾灯就能泊车
梅赛德斯-奔驰 GLK-CLASS(W204)倒车影 像安装说明
GLK 完美升级 GLK300/350 专用摄像头
第一部分:产品 1、摄像头的功能说明 2、摄像头以及附件
第二部分:安装流程(原车拆卸) 5、拆卸后尾箱盖饰板以及摄像头预留位置 6、安装摄像头以及连接继电器 7、视频接口连接 8、设置倒车视频通道
StabiliTrak动态车身稳定系统 两段式前排安全气囊 胸部保护侧气囊 前后排安全气帘 4轮独立防抱死制动系统(ABS)、TCS防滑平衡控制系统、e-LSD电子后差速器 中控台儿童锁止装置
A UX插座,USB,iPod接口无
作为传统豪华品牌——奔驰,在其主力SUV车型GLK上,连“倒车影像功 能”等基本安全配置都“全系皆无”、“能省就省”。
4MATIC最早是奔驰为G系开发的四驱系统,在业界非常有名,它的核心是“4ETS”技术, 利用电脑控制ABS对打滑车轮制动的办法来限制车轮空转,从而把动力传递给未打滑车 轮,提升车辆通过性。因此非常利于低速越野,但在高速时,频繁的制动在损失动力之 余,长时间使用还容易磨擦过热而产生安全隐患。 相对4MATIC系统的恒时四驱模式,SRX采用的e-AWD智能全驱系统具有五种模式,轻 松应对各种路况的同时,更高效,更环保。
4528mm/1840mm/1691mm 2755mm 3.0L/V形6缸/多点电喷/自然吸气/ 7速手自一体变速箱 170kw(231hp)/6000rpm 300Nm/2500-5000rpm 前置四驱 7.6s 210km/h 1830kg 6.7s 230km/h 1830kg
3.5L/V形6缸/多点 电喷/自然吸气/ 200kw(272hp) /6000rpm 350Nm/24005000rpm
GLK300 价格 基本参数 驱动形式 最高时速(km/h) 油耗(L/100km) 四轮驱动 210 10.5(综合工况) 动感型 44.80万元 时尚型 49.50万元 豪华型 61.80万元 3.0豪华版 49.80万
HP Go Dashcam 使用手册说明书
5.1 相机预览, 录像及拍照.................................................................. 21
5.2 档案播放, 删除及下载.................................................................. 22
1. 驾驶或车辆行进当中切勿设定行车记录仪。请先停靠在安全地点再调整 或安装。
2. 行车记录仪请安装在后视镜位置以取得最开阔的视野。行车记录仪切勿 安装在阻碍驾驶视线的地方。
3. 确定镜头在挡风玻璃雨刷的擦拭范围内,以确保下雨时视野清楚。 4. 勿用手指触碰镜头。手指上的油脂会留在镜头上导致影像或快照不清楚。
自动开/关………… ............................................................................. 10
手动开/关 ......................................................................................... 10
1.1 特色 ................................................................................................... 4
1.2 包装内容 ........................................................................................... 4
Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC One Mercedes Drive Montvale, NJ 076451-800-FOR-MERCEDES © 2012 Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC A Daimler Company All illustrations and specifications contained in this brochure are based on the latest product information available at the timeof publication. Actual product offerings may vary from those shown or may be subject to availability delays or discontinuance.Mercedes-Benz reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in colors, materials, equipment, specificationsand models. Any variations in colors shown are due to reproduction variations of the printing process. Illustrations may includetest situations. Some vehicles may be shown with non-U.S. equipment. Vehicles are shown with optional equipment.Unsecured cargo can become hazardous in a collision. Always secure cargo using the floor-mounted tie-down hooks. Cargo netsand organizers are not intended to prevent objects of excessive weight and bulk from sliding or rolling in the event of a collisionor sudden stop. Always drive with caution when driving with cargo.Certain accessories may require professional installation and/or additional components to complete the installation in your vehicle.Please consult your authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer for specific information about automotive accessories. Speak with arepresentative at your local authorized Mercedes-Benz dealership for current pricing on Genuine Mercedes-Benz Accessories.Visit /genuineaccessories for more information.Printed in the Federal Republic of GermanyACC-12-X2041-12000 (06/12)Genuine Mercedes-Benz Accessoriesfor the GLK-Class.04AppeArAnce Light-Alloy Wheels Exterior Interior12electronicsiPad ® Docking Station Rear-Seat Entertainment SD Memory CardNavigation Map Update In-Vehicle Hotspot Becker ® MAP PILOT 18Utility & cAre Carrier Systems Cargo Management Car Utility Car CareChild Safety Seats 28 Quality & safety 30indexContentA strong characterYour GLK leaves a lasting impression. Our wide selection of newly-designed light-alloy wheels and expressive styling accessories allow you to put your own individual stamp on the GLK.01 20" 12-spoke 2-tone WheelFinish: himalaya grey | polishedWheel Size: 8 J x 20 ET 42Tire Size: 235/45 R20A204 401 0404 7X21Option for rear axle*:Wheel Size: 9 J x 20 ET 54Tire Size: 255/40 R20A204 401 0504 7X21Accessory wheels are only for specified tire sizes andmay require the use of wheel bolts other than thoseoriginally supplied with your vehicle. Failure to use properequipment could result in an accident or vehicle damage.See your authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer for details andinstallation.Not compatible with snow chains. Serious wheel and tiredamage may occur if the vehicle is operated on rough ordamaged road surfaces or upon encountering road debrisor obstacles.AppearanceLight-Alloy Wheels* S taggered wheel sizes are not compatiblewith 4MATIC all-wheel drive vehicles.4MATIC vehicles must use front axlesize on both front and rear axle.01 20"Quality0507Light-Alloy Wheels01 20" 5-Double spoke 2-tone WheelFinish: black | polishedWheel Size: 8.5 J x 20 ET 45 Tire Size: 235/45 R20A204 401 6202 7X23Option for rear axle*:Wheel Size: 9.5 J x 20 ET 57 Tire Size: 255/40 R20A204 401 6302 7X2302 19"03 19"01 20"091003040501020808 trunk HandleMade of stainless steel in polished or satinfinish, this handle attaches to the licenseplate and trunk lid to help prevent finger-prints and reduce the possibility ofscratching the finish on your GLK. Alsoavailable with elegantly laser-etchedM ercedes-Benz name.09–11 license plate Frames Choose from several quality stainless steel designs in an assortment of durable finishes to enhance the ap p ear a nce of your license plates without blocking registration tags. Design styles include: M ercedes-Benz frame, Slim l ine frame, AMG Logo frame, and Star Marque solid plate. Please see Index for finish options for each design.09 Marque Plate with Star logo 10 Nameplate Frames M ercedes-Benz(Polished, Black Powder Coat ) and AMG (Carbon Fiber )11 Slimline Frame (Black Pearl )Exterior01–05 Wheel Hub insertsAdd an attractive finishing touch to your wheels with these inserts. Various styles available:01 Sterling silver with chrome Three-Pointed Star 02 Titanium silver with chrome Three-Pointed Star 03 Classic Star & Laurel design in blue 04 Classic Star & Laurel design in black 05 Black with chrome Three-Pointed StarHimalaya grey | not shown06 Wheel locksWheel locks can provide a subtle yet effective security touch to your GLK, helping to protect your light-alloy wheels and tires from theft. One set secures four wheels. Includes coded key.07 tire Valve stem capsA perfect finishing touch, these chrome plated valve stem caps dress up any wheel. Each a set of four. Available in black, silver or AMG designs.030201110504050406AppearanceExterior Interior01 roof spoilerElegantly elongates the roof line of your GLK.02 chrome roof trimAdd an additional touch of chrome with our Chrome Roof Trim. Comes in a set of four. Two versions available to fit vehicles with or without panoramic sunroof.03 chrome strip for rear tailgate04 side running BoardsAdd a touch of form and function to your GLK-Class with our stainless steel running boards. Step surface has a brushed metal appearance dotted with rubber grips which helps prevent slipping.05 c hrome Door Handle insertsHelp protect your finish from scratches and add a touch of style with a set of four chrome door handle inserts.06 illuminated Door sillsLight-up your GLK-Class in eye-catching style each time you open the front door with these luminous blue-colored “Mercedes-Benz” stainless steel door sills. Available for front door sills only.130201ElectronicsiPad ® Docking StationEntertainment valueWhether you’re driving along the highway or head i ng off road, you can rely on the extensive range of genuine electronic accessories such as iPad ® integration, Rear Seat Entertainment System, Navigation, and internet connectivity to keep you and your passengers in the best of moods.01 ipad ® Docking stationMobile entertainment with your GLK-Class and your iPad ®: Watch movies, play music, view pictures, play games, surf the internet, all from the convenience of your iPad ® without having to hold it in your hands. The Mercedes-Benz iPad ® Docking Station securely holds your iPad ® in place behind the passengers’ headrests. Enjoy a high-speed connection in conjunction with the Mercedes-Benz In-Vehicle Hotspot. Not only will your iPad ® be held securely in place, thedocking station also provides charging capability to ensure you stay connected on the road. For optimum viewing, the iPad ® Docking Station can be rotated up to 90 degrees and be tilted. Available for iPad ®, iPad 2® and iPad 3®.Docking station sold individually for one iPad ®. Not in conjunction with Rear-Seat Entertainment System (Code 864). iPad ® is a registered product of Apple Inc. All devices sold separately. iPad ® Docking Station also charges iPad ® devices which support USB charging only (Not available with clip-on version).02 ipad ® Docking station (clip-on)The mount for your iPad ®, iPad 2® or iPad 3® is simple to attach to the head restraint posts and can be removed at any time. The mount tilts and can be rotated around 90°. Openings at the side ensure that all of your iPad ®’s con n ection points are still accessible.IPAD ® DOCKING STATION15010302ElectronicsRear-Seat EntertainmentSD Memory Card Navigation Map Update01 rear-seat entertainment systemThis high-performance entertainment system allows the rear passengers to watch DVDs, look at their favorite pictures and even play video games. Two superb 7" LCD color screens are mounted to the back of the seat just behind the headrest to eliminate driver distraction, function indepen-dently with integrated DVD players and are able to play two different movies or music choices simultaneously, allowing each rear passenger to select their own individual entertainment.Wireless noise-reduction headphones allow for tangle-free operation, easy storage and less noise distraction for the driver. A wide range of popular media formats are supported for image, music and video files. The USB and SD card interfaces allow further storage media to be connected with the Rear-Seat Entertainment System.A range of multimedia connections, two sets of infrared headphones and a remote control included – the Rear-Seat Entertainment System offers everything you need for in-car entertainment.REAR-SEAT ENTERTAINMENTBeing a passenger has never been so entertaining.03 navigation Map UpdateThe M ercedes-Benz COMAND Navigation System is a fully integrated system that combines Global Positioning System (GPS ) technology with electronic mapping software to help you plan trips, navigate detours and avoid getting lost. GPS satellites continuously track your vehicle’s location and the system relies on mapping information in order to give you the most accurate and efficient routes. Notice however, how quickly the surroundings change: roads are added or diverted, restaurants open and close, hotels and hospitals are built, ATM s move. In fact, as much as 20 percent of the navigation data the system relies on changes every year. That is why M ercedes-Benz offers reliable, and updated navigation data to help get you where you need to go effortlessly. The Navigation Map Updates are available for purchase from your authorized M ercedes-Benz dealer. The system can route you through more than 6.2 million miles of navi g able roads in the United States and Canada. Just enter the address on the intelligent destination input screen, and the system takes over, guiding you audibly and with a clear and detailed 7" LCD map display. Do you need an idea of where to go? The Navigation System also offers 2.3 million Points of Interest in 70 categories including ATM s, restaurants, hotels, airports, museums and more.MERCEDES-BENZ NAVIGATION MAP UPDATEMore than a Map ™02 sD Memory cardThe COMAND system in your GLK -Class features a slot for SD Memory Cards. Use the SD Memory Card as a convenient way to play music, view pictures and more. Can also be used in other compatible devices such as digital cameras.Card capacity: 2 GB | Read speed: 12.5 MB/s | Write speed: 5.5 MB/sNavigation system data includes the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Virgin Islands. Directional assistance provided only when GPS coverage is available. Maps do not cover all areas nor all routes within an area. While the navigation system provides directional assistance, the driver must remain focused on safe driving behavior, including paying attention to traffic and street signs. The driver should utilize the system’s audio cues while driving and should only consult the map or verbal displays once the vehicle has been stopped in a safe place. See your authorized M ercedes-Benz dealer for availability and details.17020201The hotspot allows you to connect up to four wireless end devices such as a laptop, tablet PC, or mobile device at the same time for a fast and secure internet connection.MERCEDES-BENZ IN-VEHICLE HOTSPOTTake the Internet Anywhere on the Road01 Mercedes-Benz in-Vehicle HotspotChecking your email and browsing the web is not a prob-lem when you're in the office or from the convenience of your home. However, this is a different story when you're traveling on the road. With the Mercedes-Benz In-Vehicle Hotspot you can add internet connectivity to your vehicle. The In-Vehicle Hotspot allows you to connect up to four wireless end devices such as a laptop, tablet PC, or mobile device at the same time for a fast and secure internet connection. The router is securely installed and easily accessible. An encrypted password ensures limited access to your wireless connection.Requires an initial activation fee and monthly service subscription.ElectronicsIn-Vehicle HotspotBecker ® MAP PILOT1901020504cBAUtility & CareCarrier Systems01 roof rack Basic carrierOur basic carrier is an essential component for attaching a wide assortment of items to the top of your GLK-Class. After easy installation, you can securely attach bicycles, ski and snowboard racks, or a cargo container. (Racks and containers sold separately.)02 roof cargo containersCreate additional space for sports equipment and luggage with one of our aerodynamic, high quality roof containers designed to nicely complement your GLK-Class. Constructed of lightweight, yet exceptionally durable, impact tested thermoplastic material. Features pressurized struts for easy lid operation and a security lock. Large model holds 16 cubic feet. Available in black metallic [A] matte silver [C]. Small model holds 11.5 cubic feet. Available in titanium metallic [B] and matte silver [C]. All models have a maximum load capacity of 110 lbs. Requires Roof Rack Basic Carrier (sold separately).03 luggage set for roof cargo containerThis set of four sporty and functional bags is designed to fit inside our Small Roof Cargo Containers. The Luggage Set for the Large Roof Cargo Container additionally includes two bags for two pairs of skis each. Made from durable, weather resistant materials. Shoulder straps included. (Luggage Set and Roof Cargo Containers sold separately.)04 ski rack insert for roof cargo containers05 roof rack Basic carrier storage BagProtect your Roof Rack Basic Carrier in this nylon bag when not attached to your GLK-Class.convenient loading and unloading.A sense of spaceThe interior of your GLK is impressively spacious. With carrier systems and load compartment accessories from Mercedes-Benz, your GLK offers you even more functionality and flexibility – whether you’re going about your daily activities or heading off on vacation.21010204030201 ski & snowboard rack, standardThis rack is made to tote up to four pairs of skis or two snowboards atop your GLK-Class. Requires Roof Rack Basic Carrier (sold separately).02 ski & snowboard rack, DeluxeThis rack holds up to six pairs of skis or four snowboards and features a pull-out function that makes it easier for loading and unloading without the need to reach across the roof of the car. Requires Roof Rack Basic Carrier (sold separately).03 Bicycle rack | For roof rack Basic carrierThis rack securely holds your bicycles and attaches to the Roof Rack Basic Carrier (sold separately). Up to 3 racks can be mounted simultaneously.04 spiral lock setAvailable to help secure your bicycle (sold separately).Utility & CareCarrier Systems230201080506030407Utility & CareCargo Management25010708060301 Mud FlapsDesigned to match the contours of your GLK-Class, these durable formed black plastic mud flaps will help protect your vehicle from road debris, rock and salty road spray. Available in pairs for the front and the rear.Car Utility Car Care02 All-season Floor MatsRugged and durable, these Honeycomb-Style Mats are custom-designed to provide protection for your vehicle's interior. Built from hardwearing TPE, their robust construction provides the ideal combination of style and functionality. Available in black and beige (not shown).03 coat HangerRobust coat hangers made from chromed metal. Easy to attach to front headrests. The ideal way to transport clothing without creasing them. (For safety, remove when passenger in rear seat.)04 Battery trickle chargerFor those extended periods when your GLK will not be used, this charging device will help ensure that your battery is fully energized when you need it.05 car coverThis UV-resistant 3-layer cover helps protect the finish of your GLK-Class from the elements. Made from breathable Noah ® fabric, it combines an excellent fit with durable construction. (Lock and cable available separately.)06 UVs -100™ sunshadeHelps keep the inside of your GLK-Class cool, while protecting the interior all year long from harmful UV rays. Practical and durable. Made of reflective fabric laminated to a foam core. 07 car care Kit, interiorKeep the interior of your M ercedes-Benz looking its best with the superior, specially formulated products in our ex c lusive Interior Car Care Kit. Includes Cabin Care Spray, Glass Cleaner, Auto Glass Sponge and a Car Care Cloth, all neatly packed into a Mercedes-Benz Leisure Bag.08 car care Kit, exteriorClean and protect your M ercedes-Benz with the superior, specially formulated products in our exclusive Exterior Car Care Kit. Includes Car Shampoo, Light-Alloy Wheel Cleaner with brush, Car Sponge and a Car Care Cloth, all neatly packed into aM ercedes-Benz Leisure Bag.approx. to 15 monthsapprox.1 to 4 yearsapprox.3.5 to 12 years 20 to 40 lbs.up to 29 lbs.33 to 79 lbs.BabySmart/OCS Safety Information: Most Mercedes-Benz vehicles from MY 1998 through 2003, select models from 2004 through 2006, and current G-Class vehicles are equipped with BabySmart™. Mercedes-Benz vehicles equipped with BabySmart™ have a device that recognizes the presence of BabySmart™-equipped child seat when properly installed in the front passenger seat and deactivates the passenger front air bag (check your vehicle’s Operator’s Manual or labels located on the sides of your dashboard to verify).All current Mercedes-Benz models are equipped with the Occupant Classification System (OCS) (with exception of the G-Class) which is designed to turn off the front passenger’s front airbag when the system senses the weight of a typical child 12 months old or less plus the weight of a standard child restraint. See vehicle’s opera-tors manual for important additional information on this system and further information regarding the transportation of children heavier than a typical 12 month old.All Mercedes-Benz child safety seats meet or exceed U.S. Department of Transportation standards. They are also suitable for use in older vehicles that do not have integrated LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) attachment points. Visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s website at http:// for additional information about child safety seat laws and proper use.03 KidFix child seat (33 to 79 lbs.)Booster seat for optimum side-impact protection, with height-adjustable backrest. The “KidFix” seat is secured using the 3-pointseat belt and ISOFIX attachment points. Available with automaticchild seat recognition as an option. For children between the agesof around 3.5 and 12.* P lease consult your owner’s manual or dealer for proper installation of your child seat.Child Safety Seats27 0129i ii iiiiVQuality & SafetyIV. Advice & FittingNo one is as familiar with the ins and outs of your vehicle as our dealers. And the same goes for Genuine Mercedes-Benz Accessories:C ontact your authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer for expert advice.T rust Mercedes-Benz specialists when it comes to fitting Genuine Mercedes-Benz Accessories.Mercedes through and throughWhen you drive a Mercedes-Benz, you do so for the best of reasons. Why should your choice of accessories be governed by different standards? Pioneering when it comes to design and technology, Genuine Mercedes-Benz Accessories deliver on the promises of a major brand.I. Design & DevelopmentGenuine Mercedes-Benz Accessories make your dream car a reality – while ensuring that it remains a Mercedes-Benz through and through:I ndividualization options are developed in accordance with the Mercedes-Benz car design philosophy. T he use of CAD data from Mercedes-Benz Vehicle Development ensures precision-fit accessories.31Genuine Mercedes-Benz Accessories for the GLK-Class.Light-alloy wheels are supplied without tires,wheel bolts or hub caps.Index。
SIEMENS sitrans LC 300 说明书
LC 300
安全指导 为了确保自己和他人的安全以及保护产品和连接装置,警告注意必须要遵守。伴 随着这些警告注意的警示等级的阐述也必须遵守。
资质人员 这个装置/系统可能只能进行与手册有关的安装和操作。有资格的人员被授权按 照已有的安全实践和标准来安装和操作这个设备。
装 置 .............................................................................................................. ..................... 12
多 种 单 位 ....................................................................................................................................... ...12 Wall Restriction ......................................................................................................................................12 过 程 警 示 ............................................................................................................................ ............13
位置 0 ..................................................................................................................................... ....................16 位置 1 ................................................................................................................................. .........................16 位置 2 ....................................................................................................................................... ...................16 位置 3 ............................................................................................................................................. .............17 位置 4 ............................................................................................................................................... ...........18 位置 5 ............................................................................................................................................... ...........19 重置 .......................................................................................................................... .............. ...................19 维护 ....................................................................................................................... ...................................20 仪表维护和免责声明 .................................................................................................... ........................20
奔驰GLK X204
GLK300 一万
汽油滤清器3140 内置汽油滤清器空调滤清器439
自动变速箱油(蓝色) 2035 (722.9) 7速
自动变速箱油(红色) 2150 (722.9) 7速
清洗节气门87 到厂免费清洗清洗进气道308 3M高效进气系
清洗喷油嘴368 3M高效喷油嘴
清洗燃烧室554 署牌水性除碳
清洗三元催化器317 3M高效三元催
Insane Audio JL3001 安装说明书
I.IntroductionII.Safety precautionsIII.Opening the DashIV.ConnectionsV.Finishing upVI.Tips & tricksAppendix A: Installing camerasCongratulations! If you are reading this, then you are most likely about to install Insane Audio’s super awesome JL3001 in your Jeep Wrangler JL or Gladiator pickup. This document is intended to give you a few helpful hints and tips.This should go without saying, but PLEASE USE YOUR NEW INSANE AUDIO HEAD UNIT RESPONSIBLY. Never attempt to operate the unit or view videos while driving. When in doubt, pull over first then do what you need to do. While driving, always keep both hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road!Should you run into problems or need any additional assistance, feel free to drop us an e-mail at ***********************or visit us at/support and we will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible.Once you get your JL3001installed, a helpful document is our Quick Start Guide which you can be found at /supportYou’ll also want to check out our online user forum athttps:///forum It’s a great place to share ideas and join the Insane Audio community! Of course, you can always find additional information and documentation at our homepage at Enjoy your new Insane Audio JL3001and we’ll see ‘ya on the trail!A quick note from the Insane Audio engineering staff…Please note that this is a brand new product. So much so, that we haven’t yet had a chance to complete a detailed installation manual. This document has the basics for now, but will continue to be updated over the next few days so please bear with us. If you have any specific questions or need technical support, hit us up anytime! Insane Audio’s JL3001 is the culmination of years of research and development and we are quite proud of the results. We’re sure you will absolutely love Insane Audio’s all new JL3001 in your vehicle!Again, our support staff can always be reached via/support•Disconnect the negative battery terminal before beginning this installation!•If you are not comfortable installing this product yourself, we highly recommend consulting a professional installer. •Don’t run with scissors.The JL Dash is held together withpressure clips. Use a dash trimtool to pry the center dashpanel. The plastic is easy toscratch, so be careful!Remove the two (2) Phillipsscrews on the bottom of theOEM radio bracket.Remove the two (2)Phillips screws onthe top of the OEMRadio BezelRemove the two (2)Phillips screws on thebottom of the OEM Radiobezel.You’ll want to save some of the dash pressure clips from your old OEM dash panels and use them for your sexy new Insane Audio JL3001GPS and WiFi antennasOEM Backup Camera•Connect the "Rockcam GND" wire (from the RCA pigtail) to the "GND" wire (from the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006)•Connect the "Rockcam Power" wire (from the RCA pigtail) to the "ACC" wire (from the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006)•Plug in both cables "JEEP AHD CAMERA CABLE" and "Factory Camera Input" to the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006•Connect "REVERSE CVBS OUTPUT" (from the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006) to the "Backup Cam"from the JL CanBus wiring harness (make sure to connect the Backup Cam wire from the black connector that plugs into the back of our head unit).•Connect "Factory Camera Input" (from the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006) to the OEM RED port.•Connect Parking Radar Sensor speaker to "speaker" wire from CanBus wiring harness.OEM AUX ConnectionOEM USB ConnectionExternal Mic ConnectionYour JL3001comes with a built-inBluetooth microphone, but wealso include a complementary highquality external mic that may workbetter in some applications.This external mic will work at justabout any location, but we dohave some recommendations as toplacement. Try to keep this micaway from any windows, air vents,or speakers to avoid backgroundsounds or feedback. Most folks dowell placing this directly on thesteering column as far away fromParking Radar•Your new JL3001is packed with features… so much so that the best way to fully get familiar with it is to just go ahead and start using it! •Be sure to check out our online user forum. It’s a great place to share technical information and creative uses of your Insane Audio product. It’s entirely free and here as a resource for our customers!/forum•There are quite a few safety features that come pre-enabled on the JL3001 such as the ability to watch video while driving. This can all be turned off through the settings. We don’t recommend this,though. PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE AND ALWAYS KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD AND BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL!•Launch the Torque app for live engine data. There are tutorials on how to use Toque on our forum as well as our YouTube channel. •Insane NavEngine can be accessed by pressing the navigation icon on the home screen. This will get you where you’re going both on and off the road.•Insane Audio’s JL3001 comes with a microSD card slot. Load up a data card with movies or music and access the content via theVIDEO or MUSIC icons. Remember to format large capacity cards as NTFS first (NOT exFAT).•Don’t forget to remove the screen protector. That is only there for shipping and isn’t needed once you’ve installed your new InsaneAudio product.•Feel free to get creative! Customize your new Insane Audio product, install apps, and make it yours!Thank you!You can always find out more information or view user manuals online at https:///support.In addition, feel free to “like” us here:https:///insanejeepaudioWe hope you enjoy your new Insane Audio product and we’ll see you on the trail!Insane Audio’s JL3001 is designed to support a backup camera as well as a front facing camera. You can use any camera that provides an RCA video signal. You also have the necessary adapters to re-use an OEM backup camera (where equipped).Insane Audio has a few camera offerings that we highly recommend, as they have been designed and tested to work specifically with our head units. Like all Insane Audio products, our cameras are built tough and ready for the trail. You can see our cameras and other accessories at In addition, your Insane Audio head unit will also support things like wirelessly viewing and controlling a GoPro by downloading the appropriate app.This appendix will cover the physical installation of backup and front facing cameras.The A/V pigtail offers two wires labeled “RockCam Power” and “RockCam GND” that automatically provide +12V whenever you reverse the vehicle or open the RockCam app.We recommend you use these wires to power your front camera, your backup camera or both if you’ve got ‘em!Before making any connections, unplug the A/V pigtail from the head unit and make sure that everything is powered off.A. Installing camerasBACKUP CAMERA INSTALLATION (NON-OEM)For vehicles that don’t already have an OEM backup camera, you will need to run the RockCam wires from the front of your Jeep all the way to your backup camera. Insane Audio’s IACAM1 and IACAM2 include a DC power cable that you will wire directly to the red and black RockCam terminals. You will have to strip some insulation from the RockCam wires.Protect the head unit by ensuring that the electrical connection is safely insulated.Note that if you are not using cameras, then you should keep the RockCam power terminals unexposed and out of the way.The backup camera feed will connect to the “CAM IN” video input female RCA terminal. Insane Audio’s cameras include an RCA extension cable that you can run from the head unit to the rear of the vehicle.FRONT CAMERA INSTALLATIONInstallation of a front facing camera with Insane Audio’s JL3001 is fairly simple. Connect the camera’s power lines to the red and black RockCam terminals. Remember that these power terminals can support a front camera, a backup camera, or both cameras simultaneously.Finally feed the IACAM2 video signal into the “RockCam Video In” RCA port.At this point, you may plug the A/V pigtail back into the head unit and power everything back on.Check the installation by opening the RockCam app.If you see a “No signal” warning, ensure that the front video feed is connected to “RockCam Video In” RCA port and the power wires are properly connected.Note that with the RockCam app, you can even view any installed backup camera, too. Tap on the upper left camera icon to switch between front and rear views whenever you’re parked or moving forward.。
YAESU FT-8900R中文使用说明书
随附配件 .........................................................3 选购件 .............................................................3 安装......................................................................4 初步检查 .........................................................4 安装技巧 .........................................................4 安全信息 .........................................................5 天线有关事项 .................................................6 车载安装 .........................................................8
奔驰全系底盘号大全奔驰底盘号大全(由新到旧)A:176、169、168B:246、245、242C:205、204、203、202、201、190CL:216、215、140CLA:117CLC:203CLK:207(E-COUPE)、209、208CLS:219、218E:213、212、211、210、207、124、123、114/115、110 G(吉普):463、461、460GL(越野):X166、X164GLA:156GLC:253GLE:292GLK:X204M/GLE:166GLS:166MAYBACH(迈巴赫):240ML:164、163R:251S:222、221、220、217、140、126、116、111/112、108/109SL:231、230、129、107SLC:197、172SLK:172、171、170SLR:199SMART(小精灵):451、450SPRINTER:903V:639、638奔驰车型简介:A级 -使用特殊夹层式底盘设计的迷你车系,有三门与五门两种车体。
A级对应底盘:169、168B级 -小型的轿式底盘休旅车系。
C级对应底盘:204、203、202、201CL级 - 以S-Klass为基础衍生出的大型双门四座豪华轿跑车。
CL级对应底盘:216、215、140CLC-Klasse -运动双门跑车CLC级对应底盘:203CLK级- 车身尺码介于C-Klasse与E-Klasse之间的双门四座豪华轿跑车,有硬顶与敞篷两种不同的车体。
CLK级对应底盘:207(E-COUPE)、209、208CLS级- 2004年新登场的运动房车系列,有著双门跑车般的造型但却有四个车门。
CLS级对应底盘:219E级 -中型豪华房车系列,有四门房车与五门旅行车两种车体版本。
11老款奔驰GLK350 GLK300原车屏升级加装手写导航 安装
将空调出风口和装饰框还原 插上空调出风口的插头 还原空调出风口
安装好改装音响后测试音响所 有功能以及原车功能
按照下图拆掉空调出风口 空调出风口 注意扣位
按图中所示方法拆下原车音响 拆下2颗螺钉
拆下2颗螺钉 取出原车音响 拔掉所有插头
1、所需工具:“十字”螺丝刀、 塑料胶刀、电工绝缘胶布、捆扎线、 保护垫布; 2、两端对接的线组、多余裸露的 金属端子需用绝缘胶布包扎好; 3、安装过程中需用防护布及鞋套, 以保证原车的清洁及外观,安装完 成后需做好清理工作。
老旧的发动机只在中国的奔驰车型上出现,国外均没有此款发动机的使用。虽然国产版GLK300的 功率比进口版略微调高,但和SRX所使用的3.0L SIDI相比,各项数据仍然大幅落后。并且GLK300 在自重比SRX轻近300公斤的情况下,油耗方面毫无优势可言。
客户潜在抗拒 (防御)
突出安吉星服务 强调SRX在欧洲和北美 获得最高安全标注评级
和奔驰大多数车型一样,GLK国产版也装备有COMMAND APS系统,这套系统利
COMMAND APS系统的操作方式主要是依靠按钮与按键,而SRX不仅拥有旋钮和 按键操作,还拥有触摸操作和语音控制,其多元化和便利性不言而喻。
4月23日,梅赛德斯-奔驰于北京车展宣布其又一款国产车型, 基于C-Class车型平台的紧凑型SUV——GLK国产版正式上市。此 次GLK国产版共推出三款车型——GLK300 4MATIC动感型、GLK 300 4MATIC时尚型和GLK 300 4MATIC豪华型,售价区间从40.8 万元至55.7万元人民币,相较进口版有所降低。
全方面解读奔驰GLK 300底盘
全方面解读奔驰GLK 300底盘
GLK 300是奔驰家族中的SUV成员,实际上它来自新一代C级轿车平台,它具备独立悬挂和“4Matic”全时四驱系统,属于奔驰旗下紧凑级豪华SUV的开山之作。
注:本次拍摄的车型为2013款奔驰GLK 300 4MATIC 时尚型,官方指导价为48.50万元。
奔驰GLK 300的前悬挂采用的是常见的麦弗逊式前悬挂,后悬挂采用了多连杆式后悬挂。
奔驰GLK 300底盘布置比较规整,采用一些防护板覆盖。
contents02293838033032071835340820313936203140216143224262625512253339646416271627356666676768钥匙................................................点火开关.........................................汽油发动机清洁剂..........................驾驶初期注意事项..........................车窗玻璃的升降..............................启动发动机.....................................电子驻车制动.................................儿童门锁.........................................仪表.................................................制动保持系统*................................电动滑动门......................................信息显示屏*....................................转向信号.........................................制动辅助系统.................................综合信息显示屏*.............................紧急停止信号.................................胎压监测系统.................................时钟调整.........................................气温控制系统..................................驻车传感器系统*............................调节座椅.........................................影音系统*........................................主动转向照明灯*............................备胎................................................调节方向盘.....................................免提电话*........................................调节头枕.........................................导航系统.........................................ECON 按钮....................................遥控器电池电量微弱应对.........................更换纽扣电池...........................................发动机紧急停止........................................方向盘解锁...............................................保养与维修...............................................巡航控制*.......................................发动机节能自动启停......................ABS 防抱死制动系统................................后视动态提醒.................................轮胎气压..................................................轮胎使用注意事项....................................驾驶员辅助系统各功能作动条件总结......恶劣天气驾驶...........................................车外灯透镜起雾........................................正确使用脚垫...........................................驾驶员辅助系统简介*...............................正确使用安全带卡扣................................主动巡航控制系统(ACC)*.......................燃油加注...................................................盲区监测系统(BSI)*...................................燃油加注口门打开....................................正确使用机油...........................................节油驾驶...................................................发动机机油添加剂....................................碰撞缓解制动系统(CMBS)*......................车辆涉水注意事项....................................车道偏移抑制系统(RDM)*.......................雨刮器的使用...........................................车辆防火...................................................车道保持辅助系统(LKAS)*.......................车载电源插座切勿插入点烟器.................5745574659535960596054585265584965VSA 车辆稳定性辅助系统........................自动泊车辅助系统*........................全景影像.. (6144)430417车门锁止/解锁..............................调节后视镜......................................驾驶系统用车小常识驾驶员辅助系统*01020403控制装置*并非适用于所有车型钥匙钥匙种类打开/关闭一键升降功能的车窗打开/关闭不带一键升降功能*的车窗持续按或拉开关即可打开或关闭车窗玻璃。