电子罗盘HMR3000 中文手册




PORTABLE DATA RECORDERH M G 3 0 0 0Stock no.: 669712Edition: 01/2006Portable DataRecorder.Starting the HMG 3000 UpOperating Elements操作原理1On/Off button 电源开关2Brightness/contrast setting of the display显示屏明暗,对比设置3 Esc key取消,返回键For canceling an entry or going Back step by step 取消进入或一步步后退4Shift key 转换键Switches the numpad to a textpad when pressed; the textpad is active only as long as the Shift key is pressed.按转换键,数字板转换成文字板只有按转换键,文字板就能激活5Text/numeric keypad 文本或数字键盘Numbers and letters can be entered via the combination keypad in afashion similar to that of mobile phones.通过联合键盘输入数字与文本,与流行的手机键盘相似Numerals: 0 to 9; “.” (decimal separator) and“-“ (minus)数字:0-9;“.”(十进制分开)“-“ (负数)Text entry : a, b, c, ... x, y, z and A, B, C, ... X, Y, Z ins = insert; del = delete;文本输入:a, b, c, ... x, y, z 和A, B, C, ... X, Y, Z ins=插入del =删除Entry of spaces: shift + ins (simultaneously)空格输入:转换键+插入键(同时)Deletion of characters: shift + del (simultaneously)字符删除:转换键+删除键(同时)6Graphic display 显示图表Display of the menu and operating functions,measured values and measurement curves菜单显示与操作功能,测量值与测量曲线7.5-way navigation key 5通导航键For navigating step by step in the display, Ok key for inputting, concluding,accepting or storing an entry为了在显示中一步步导航,OK键用于输入,终止,接受和保存输入Tip:To accept characters: release the Shift key or press the right arrow of the 5-way navigation key提示:接受字符:释放转换键或按住5通导航键的右箭头Connectors 连接器4 sensor input jacks for up to 8 sensors with an analog signal(channel A – D and E – H*), e.g. for sensors for measuring pressure,temperature or flow rate.The four input jacks can be doubled by plugging in Y-adapters.四个传感器输入接头,加带Y接头可扩展多达八个传感器输入通道A-D和E-H)例如:测量压力的传感器,温度或流速四个输入接头通过插入Y型适配器可增加一倍1 or2 input jacks for-2 digital signals, e.g. for frequency or speed measurements (channel)-1 voltage input ( - 10 V to + 10 V, channel H*)1或2输入接头:-2数字信号,如频率或速度测量(通道I,J)-1电压输入(-10伏特到+10伏特,通道H)Female connector for power supply 电源供应接头1 USB connector 1USB接口1 serial port 1串口H*): C hannel H can be used for sensors with an analog signal as well as for voltage measurements of -10 V to +10 V.通道H能被用作于带有模拟信号的传感器还有-10伏特到+10伏特的电压测量当第一次开启设备,屏幕会出现欢迎字样。


定向和导航 姿态参考 卫星天线位置 平台水平度 GPS 集成系统 激光侧距机
特征 方向 精度
分辨率 迟滞
分辨率 磁滞 重复性
水平 0-30 度(只有 HMR3300) ± 30~60 度(只有 HMR3300)
HMR3200 HMR3300 HMR3200 HMR3300
高斯 微高斯 VDC mA mA 波特
mm 克
˚C ˚C
模块尺寸约为 37mmX25mm, 8 个针。手持模块时将有管脚内的一边对准自己并把管脚一面朝下。最左边为 PIN1。
Honeywell/Commercial Switch&Sensor 霍尼韦尔商业开关与传感器
数字罗盘 HMR3200/HMR3300
磁场计输出命令 *M<cr><lf>选择磁场计输出模式
SPI 运行模式如下: SCK 空置低
数据输出紧跟于 SCK 下降沿后
数据采样在 SCK 上升沿前
(MODE 协议 HMR3200/HMR3300 模块控制 SCK 和 SDO 脚,主控制器控制 SDI 和 CS 脚,主控制将此 HMR 模块 CS 脚延迟 20ms 开始 SPI 通讯。HMR 模块作为响应会发送 ASCII 的“S”,主控制器同时会发送一个有效命令字符。HMR 模块将估算从主控制器 收到的命令字符;如果命令字符是被认可的并且有效,HMR 模块将传出响应的数据。在发送被请求的数据后,HMR 模块将 结束 SPI 通讯周期。如果命令是不被认可或者无效的,HMR 模块将回应一个 ASCII 的“e”,然后结束 SPI 通讯周期。



参数 航向
分辨率 磁滞性
HMR3200 HMR3300
HMR3200 HMR3300
NAV Technology
霍尼韦尔HMR3200/3300型数字罗盘是一种电子式 罗盘装置,主要用于航海和导航系统。霍尼韦尔磁阻传感 器为小型的固态电子罗盘装置提供了足够的可靠性和精 确性,这类罗盘装置很容易在系统中集成,只需要使用 ASCII格式的UART或者SPI协议就可以方便地实现。
精度 零位精度*
0°至±30° ±30°至±60°
水平 -20°至+70°热磁滞性能
分辨率 电场
电流 数字接口

品牌:Honeywell 产品名:HMR3000 型号:HHMR3000 品牌型号说明书

品牌:Honeywell 产品名:HMR3000 型号:HHMR3000 品牌型号说明书

Digital Compass Solution HMR3000The Honeywell HMR3000 is a digital compass module that provides heading, pitch, and roll outputs for navigation. Three Honeywell’s magneto -resistive sensors are oriented in orthogonal directions to measure the vector components of earth’s magnetic field. A fluid tilt sensor is employed to determine a gravitational reference. These solid-state sensors create a strapdown compass that is both rugged and reliable. The data output is serial full-duplex RS-232 or half-duplex RS-485 with 1200 to 19,200 data rates.Applications include: Compassing & Navigation, Dead Reckoning Backup to GPS Systems, Marine Navigation, Antenna Positioning, and Land SurveyingA RS-232 development kit version is available that includes a windows compatible demo program (does not work with RS-485 devices), interface cable, AC adapter and carrying case.Honeywell continues to maintain product excellence and performance by introducing innovative solid-state magnetic sensor solutions. These are highly reliable, top performance products that are delivered when promised. Honeywell’s magnetic sensor solutions provide real solutions you can count on.FEATURES & BENEFITS BLOCK DIAGRAMHigh Accuracy, <0.5° with 0.1° ResolutionWide Tilt Range of ±40° Up to 20 Updates per Second NMEA Standard Sentence Outputs Hard Iron Calibration RoutineRS-232 or RS-485 Serial Data Interfaces PCB or Aluminum Enclosure Options6-15 volt DC Unregulated Power SupplyInterfaceHMR3000SPECIFICATIONSPower SupplyTemperature(2) Tested at 25°C except stated otherwise.(3) Characterized(4) Parts stationary for 24 hours before testing(5) The HMR3000 Demo Kit is not available with the RS-485 interface because the software does not support half-duplex protocol2 HMR3000 3PIN CONFIGURATION(1) Power input shall only be applied to either Pin 8 (+5VDC) or Pin 9 (Unregulated +6 to+15VDC).(2) Exceeding the voltage specifications for Pin 8 may damage the HMR3000.RS-232 UNBALANCED I/O INTERCONNECTSRS-485 BALANCED I/O INTERCONNECTSHMR3000HOST PCHOST PCHMR3000HMR3000DATA COMMUNICATIONSThe HMR3000 serial communications are governed by a simple asynchronous, ASCII protocol modeled after the NMEA0183 standard. Either an RS-232 or an RS-485 electrical interface can be ordered. ASCII characters are transmitted and received using 1 start bit, 8 data bits (LSB first), no parity (MSB always 0), and 1 stop bit; 10 bits total per character. Thebaud rate defaults to 19,200 and can be reconfigured to 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bits per second. TheHMR3000 supports both standard NMEA 0183 and proprietary messages. Unsolicited NMEA messages are sent by theHMR3000 in Continuous Mode at the rates programmed in the EEPROM. HMR3000 also responds to all input messagesfrom the host. An HMR3000 response to a command input may be delayed due to transmission of an unsolicited output.The host computer must wait for HMR3000 to respond to the last command input before sending another command message. All communication from and to HMR3000 contain a two-character Checksum Field at the end of the data fields,and are denoted in the sentences by ‘hh’. The checksum assures the accuracy of the message transmitted. This checksumis also calculated per NMEA 0183 Standard.The RS-232 signals are single-ended undirectional levels that are sent received simultaneously (full duplex). One signal isfrom the host personal computer (PC) transmit (TD) to the HMR3000 receive (RD) data line, and the other is from theHMR3000 TD to the PC RD data line. When a logic one is sent, either the TD or RD line will drive to about +6 Volts referenced to ground. For a logic zero, the TD or RD line will drive to about –6 Volts below ground. Since the signals are transmitted and dependent on an absolute voltage level, this limits the distance of transmission due to line noise and signalto about 60 feet.When using RS-485(1), the signals are balanced differential transmissions sharing the same lines (half-duplex). This meansthat logic one the transmitting end will drive the B line at least 1.5 Volts higher than the A line. For a logic zero, the transmitting end will drive the B line at least 1.5 Volts lower than the A line. Since the signals are transmitted as difference voltage level, these signals can withstand high noise environments or over very long distances where line loss may be a problem; up to 4000 feet. Note that long RS-485 lines should be terminated at both ends with 120-ohm resistors.Specific measurement descriptions and interface commands are not included in this datasheet but are included in the companion HMR3000 User’s Guide document.(1) Demonstration software for the HMR3000 does not support the RS-485(half-duplex) protocol. The software is onlyavailable with the RS-232 interface.CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe HMR3000 Digital Compass Module contains all the basic sensors and electronics to provide digital indication of headingand tilt. The HMR3000 has all three axis of magnetic sensors on the far end of the printed circuit board, away from the connector interface. The HMR3000 uses the circuit board mounting holes or the enclosure surfaces as the reference mechanical directions. The complete HMR3000 PCB assembly consists of a mother board and the 9-pin D-connector.The HMR3000 circuit starts with the Honeywell HMC1001 1-Axis Magnetic Sensor and the HMC1002 2-Axis Magnetic Sensor elements to provide the X, Y, and Z axis magnetic sensing of the earth’s field. These sensor output voltages arethen amplfied and converted to a digital representation. A microcontroller integrated circuit receives the digitized magneticfield values (readings) by periodically querying the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) and performs the necessary offsetvalue corrections provided by the EEPROM via the calibration routine. This microcontroller also performs the external serialdata interface and other housekeeping functions. The onboard EEPROM integrated circuit also is employed to retain necessary setup variables for best performance.A liquid filled two-axis (pitch, roll) tilt sensor is also used to create tilt compensated heading data. This tilt sensor performsan electronic gimballing function and is normally mounted flat (PCB horizontal) for maximum tilt range.4 HMR3000APPLICATIONS PRECAUTIONSSeveral precautions should be observed when using magnetic compasses in general:∙The presence of ferrous materials, such as nickel, iron, steel, and cobalt near the magnetometer will create disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field that will distort the X, Y, and Z field measurements.∙Perming effects on the HMR3000 circuit board need to be taken into account. If the HMR3000 is exposed to fields greater than 10 gauss, then it is recommended that the enclosure/circuit boards be degaussed for highestsensitivity and resolution. A possible result of perming is a high zero-field output indication that exceedsspecification limits. Degaussing wands are readily available from local electronics tool suppliers and areinexpensive. Severe field offset values could result if not degaussed.NON-FERROUS MATERIALSMaterials that do not affect surrounding magnetic fields are: copper, brass, gold, aluminum, some stainless steels, silver,tin, silicon, and most non-metals.HANDLING PRECAUTIONSThe HMR3000 Digital Compass Module measures fields within 1 gauss in magnitude. Computer floppy disks (diskettes)store data with field strengths of approximately 10 gauss. This means that the HMR3000 is many times more sensitive than common floppy disks. Please treat the compass with at least the same caution as your diskettes by avoiding motors, CRTvideo monitors, and magnets. Even though the loss of performance is recoverable, these magnetic sources will interferewith measurements.The fluidic tilt sensor works best when kept near level, and in calm to moderate vibration conditions. If turned upside downor violently jarred, not all the fluid will immediately return to the bottom of the tilt sensor’s glass ampoule. Accurate til t andtilt compensated headings may be unavailable for a minute or two to allow for the fluid to transit to the bottom of the ampoule.PCB DIMENSIONS AND PINOUT 5HMR30006 CASE DIMENSIONSDEMONSTRATION PCB MODULE KITThe HMR3000 Demonstration Kit includes additional hardware and Windows software to form a development kit for the digital compass module. This kit includes the HMR3000 PCB and enclosure, serial port cable with attached AC adapter power supply, and demo software plus documentation on a compact disk (CD). The figure below shows the schematic of the serial port cable with integral AC adapter. There will be three rotary switches on the AC adapter. These should be pointed towards the positive (+) polarity, +9 volts, and 120 or 240 VAC; depending your domestic supply of power.22D9-FD9-F359359HMR3000 7ORDERING INFORMATIONFIND OUT MOREFor more information on Honeywell’s Magnetic Sensors visit us online at .The application circuits herein constitute typical usage and interface of Honeywell product. Honeywell does not warranty or assume liability of customer-designed circuits derived from this description or depiction.Honeywell reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability, function or design. Honeywell does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.U.S. Patents 4,441,072, 4,533,872, 4,569,742, 4,681,812, 4,847,584 and 6,529,114 apply to the technology describedPDS-42005September 2015©2015 Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell12001 Highway 55 Plymouth, MN 55441。

Honeywell HMR3400 数字罗盘 说明书

Honeywell HMR3400 数字罗盘 说明书







特点优点►紧凑解决方案,封装在一个0.6×1.5英寸的印刷电路板(PCB)上►高精度罗盘►倾斜补偿►低成本►可以采用带式和盘式包装► -40°至+85°C运行温度范围► 8Hz持续数据刷新速率►硬铁补偿功能► 0.5°重复性精度►尺寸窄小、体积小,适用于紧密安装条件和最小布局的限制►±1°水平航向精度►使用一个MEMS加速度计,可以达到±60°的俯仰和侧滚角►大批量、商业OEM(原始设备制造商)设计►大批量OEM装配►适用于消费者和工业环境►快速航向计算,应用于指南►用户驱动的零漏磁场的校准。

►保持一致性的磁阻传感器Honeywell 技术规格参数条件标准值最大值单位最小值航向角精度水平0° 至 ±30°±30°至 ±60°度 RMS分辨率0.1 度滞后0.20.4度重复性0.20.4度俯仰和侧滚范围俯仰和侧滚范围±60 度精度 0°至 ± 30°± 30°至 ± 60度零精度* 水平-20°至 +70°C 热滞后-40° 至 +85°C 热滞后度分辨率0.1 度滞后0.2度重复性0.2 度磁场范围最大磁通量密度±2 高斯分辨率0.10.5毫高斯电气输入电压外部调整直流电压电流在5.0伏直流电压条件下1524毫安毫安数字接口UART ASCII(1启动, 8 数据, 1 停止, 0奇偶)用户可选择波特率2400 -19200波特数据刷新率持续/选通/平均8 赫兹连接器印制板插座(4-接点) 或 PTH 4 引脚物理尺寸电路板集成0.6 x 1.5 英寸重量 HMR3300 3.75 克环境温度工作贮存-20-55--+70+125*为了达到最佳性能,必需在使用HMR3400前进行零位调整,并经历运行温度限定范围之外的温度暴露。

SIR-3000用户手册-d 20060315

SIR-3000用户手册-d 20060315

TerraSIRch SIR-3000用户手册美国地球物理测量系统公司TerraSIRch SIR-3000用户手册 (1)第一部分介绍 (1)1.1仪器配置Unpacking Your System (1)1.2概述General Description (1)硬件连接Hardware Connections (1)第二部分 启动和设置TerraSIRch (6)2.1 硬件设置Hardware Setup (6)2.2 系统启动与显示 Boot-Up and Display Screen (8)数据显示窗口 Data Display Windows (9)2.3 系统模式和菜单:概述 System Modes and Menus (10)系统菜单SYSTEM (10)采集菜单COLLECT (12)雷达Radar (12)扫描SCAN (13)增益GAIN (15)信号位置POSITION (16)滤波器FILTERS (17)回放菜单PLAYBACK Menu (18)扫描SCAN (18)处理PROCESS (19)输出菜单OUTPUT Menu (19)显示DISPLAY (19)数据传输Transfer (20)2.4: 命令栏Command Bar (20)参数设置模式In Setup Mode (20)运行模式(In RUN Mode) (22)第三部分 TerraSIRch设置采集参数 (24)3.1: 二维采集参数设置 (24)第一步:系统启动 (24)第二步: 检查参数 (24)打开参数设置文件 Load SETUP (24)测量轮标定 Survey Wheel Calibration (25)测量轮的缺省设置: (26)检查时间窗口 Check RANGE (27)检查扫描数/单位距离 Check SCN/UNIT (27)检查增益 Check GAIN (28)第三步:资料采集 (28)3.2 三维采集参数设置Setup for Single Line 3-D Collection in TerraSIRch (29)第一步:选择天线,设置参数 (29)第二步:布置测量网格 (29)第三步:测网位置信息 (29)第四步:采集数据 (29)3.3 连续测量Setting Up for Time-Based Data Collection (30)第一步:系统启动。























HMR3500数字磁罗盘套件 用户手册说明书

HMR3500数字磁罗盘套件 用户手册说明书

HMR3500数字磁罗盘套件用户手册目录1. 前言 (3)1.1 版本 (4)2. 操作原理 (4)2.1 电子硬件 (5)2.2 信号处理 (5)3. 安装 (6)3.1 罗盘安装 (6)3.2 电源 (7)3.3 线路连接 (8)4. 测试考虑因素 (9)4.1 主机 (9)4.2 磁补偿 (9)4.3 发光二极管显示器 (10)4.4 串行数据接口 (10)5. 测试软件 (11)5.1 测试软件安装 (11)5.2 演示概要 (11)5.3 启动 (12)5.4 请求和指令 (13)5.3.1 文件菜单 (13)5.4.1 视图菜单 (14)5.4.3 罗盘菜单 (16)5.4.4 罗盘自差补偿 (19)5.5.5 帮助 (21)5.5 数据记录 (21)5.5.1 文件描述 (21)6. 软件消息接口 (23)6.1 信息包(包)格式 (23)6.2 数字数据格式 (24)6.3 协议 (24)6.4 消息描述 (25)6.4.1 软件复位 (27)6.4.2 打开电源 (27)6.4.3 设置波特率值 (28)6.4.4 自检测 (29)6.4.5 状态 (30)6.4.6 刻度初始化 (30)6.4.7 设置电源上升的默认值 (31)6.4.8 磁偏差初始化 (33)6.4.9 地磁场模型-WMM (34)6.4.10 版本 (35)6.4.11 罗盘定向 (36)6.4.12 罗盘磁力补偿 (37)6.4.13 DORIENT消息传输率 (39)7. 术语和缩写词 (40)8. 参考文献 (41)插图目录图1:HMR3500数字磁罗盘电子元件 (3)图2:HMR3500数字磁罗盘模块示意图 (4)图3:工程评估套件硬件 (6)图4:安装尺寸 (7)图5:CompassHost程序主窗口显示器 (12)图6:状态浏览窗口 (15)图7:导航控制窗口 (15)图8:对话框初始化 (16)图9:磁偏差对话框 (18)图10:罗盘磁补偿过程 (20)表格目录表1:接口引出针脚的定义 (8)表2:数字数据格式 (24)表3:消息列表 (26)1.前言非常感谢阁下从Honeywell购买HMR3500数字磁罗盘工程评估成套件。

IR3000 技术手册(中文版)

IR3000 技术手册(中文版)

IR3000 技术手册目录1.安装结构图与指南----------------------------3 5.3传感器-----------------------------261.1安装气动取样器--------------------4 5.4灯----------------------------------261.2法兰的安装结构-----------------------5 6诊断程序---------------------------------272 NIRG的通讯-----------------------------------6 6.1安装---------------------------------272.1设置电脑的以太网通讯--------------6 6.2调节主反光镜---------------------272.2 RS232通讯-----------------------------6 7修理故障----------------------------------282.3 以太网线的接线----------------------7 7.1LED和测试节点-------------------282.4 线缆装配RS232/485-----------------9 7.2以太网连接问题-------------------30 3仪器的软件设置-------------------------------93.1操作界面-------------------------------103.2设置-------------------------------------103.3设置测量-------------------------------113.3.1 测量方法--------------------123.3.2积分开始位置---------------133.3.3 积分宽度--------------------133.3.4中级过滤---------------------133.3.5平均样品---------------------133.3.6自动增益控制--------------133.3.7自动零位控制--------------133.4设置产品代码------------------------133.4.1常规参数--------------------133.4.2产品特定参数--------------143.4.3过滤--------------------------153.5设置Fieldbus-------------------------163.6设置串口和模拟输出---------------173.7以太网配置---------------------------183.8标定程序------------------------------193.8.1过程--------------------------203.8.2标定数据表-----------------203.8.3标定偏移方法--------------214操作界面/远端数字显示-------------------214.1重装操作系统------------------------214.2 LCD重新校准-----------------------224.3 配置-----------------------------------224.4 电子-----------------------------------224.5 更新软件-----------------------------234.6从因特网上更新软件---------------234.7远程显示值定标---------------------245 更换机械部件--------------------------------245.1主板/处理器/滤光转轮--------------255.1.1更换主板组件---------------255.2电源板----------------------------------26IR-3000 随机打包有2个可拆装的括号形的安装托架,它们可以被安装在不同位置以实现多样的安装方式。

Honeywell HMR3200 HMR3300型数字罗盘用户手册说明书

Honeywell HMR3200 HMR3300型数字罗盘用户手册说明书

HMR3200/HMR3300型数字罗盘用户手册目录概述 (3)规格性能参数 (3)插脚配置 (4)电路说明 (4)结构参数 (5)应用说明 (6)UART通讯协议 (6)运行命令 (6)设置命令 (7)磁场滤波器 (8)响应命令 (8)数字表示 (9)SPI时间设定 (9)电路板模块演示套件 (10)通讯开发套件 (10)开发套件安装 (10)HMR3200型演示程序的操作 (11)HMR3300型演示程序的操作 (11)简介霍尼韦尔HMR3200/HMR3300型数字罗盘是一种电子式罗盘装置,主要用于航海和导航系统,霍尼韦尔磁阻传感器为这些小型的固态电子罗盘装置提供了足够的可靠性和精确性,这类罗盘装置很容易在系统中集成,只需要使用ASCII格式的UART或者SPI 协议就可以方便地实现。



技术规格参数适用条件最小值标准值最大值单位航向精度水平0°至±30°(仅HMR3300)±30°至±60°(仅HMR3300) 度(°)分辨率 0.1 度(°)磁滞性HMR3200HMR3300度(°)重复性HMR3200HMR3300度(°)纵倾与侧倾(仅HMR3300)范围纵倾与侧倾范围 ±60° 度(°)精度0至±30°±30°至±60°度(°)零位精度水平-20°至+70°热磁滞性能-40°至+85°热磁滞性能 0.41.0度(°)分辨率 0.1 度磁滞性 0.2 度重复性 0.2 度磁场范围最大磁通量 ±2 高斯分辨率 0.1 毫高斯电场输入电压未调制 6 15 直流电压电流HMR3200HMR3300 18222024mAmA参数适用条件最小值标准值最大值单位数字接口UART协议 ASCII(1启动、8数字、1停止、无奇偶校验)用户可以选择波特率2400 19200波特SPI CKE=0, CKP=0虚拟主通道更新速率连续/选通/平均HMR3200 HMR3300 158Hz连接器在线8插脚模块(间距0.1”)物理量外形尺寸电路板组件 25.4×36.8×11mm重量HMR3200HMR3300 7.257.5g环境温度工作温度(HMR3200)工作温度(HMR3300)储存温度-40-20-55---+85+70+125°C插脚配置插脚编号插脚名称描述1 SCKSPI 模式串行时钟输出2 RX/SDIUART 接收数据/SPI 数据输入3 TX/SDOUART 发送数据/SPI 数据输出4 CSSPI模式(输入)时选用跟踪侧模块5 CAL开关触发(输入)跟踪侧校正6 +5VDC*备选的+5VDC 电源(输入)7 接地电源和信号接地8 +V*未稳压的电源输入(+6 到+15VDC)*注:电路板可以用插脚6(+5VDC)或插脚8(+V)接口供电,手持模块时将插脚侧靠近自己,并将插脚朝下,则最左边为插脚1。


[ &]
式中, 系统状态转移矩阵: 1 * #& 5 1 + & 4 ’ 1
[ ]
,& 是协方差为 - 的系统噪声矩阵, ! & 是系 统噪声矩阵 的驱动矩阵, 本系统 中为 .。系统 的 量测方程为: / & 4 0& )& 5 1& (8) 式中 0& 为系统量测矩阵, 本系统中为 . 。 1& 是协 方差为 $ 的量测噪声矩阵。则通过下面的公式, 就可以估计出机器人的航向值: 2 & 5 1 + & 4 # & 5 1+ & ) 2 & +& ) 3 & 5 1 + & 4 # & 5 1+ & 3 & + & #
的 数 据 处 理 方 法
邓鲁华- 宗光华- 王- 巍
( 北京航空航天大学 机械工程及自动化学院,北京 - !"""%$)
摘- 要: 介绍了 *+,$""" 型数字罗盘的主要性能, 根据罗盘在移动机器人导航 中的应用, 对航向 和俯 仰、 横滚输出数据设计了不同的卡尔 曼滤波 器, 有效地消 除了罗 盘输出 数据的 波动, 使机器 人姿 态测量精度稳定在 !. 左 右, 证 明了 *+,$""" 型数 字罗 盘在 机器人 导航 领域应 用的 良好效 果。 关 键词: *+,$""" 数字罗盘; 机 器人; 导航;卡尔曼滤波 中图 分类号: /’)!0 ) ; 12’)’ 文献标识码: 3

HONEYWELL 如何从 HMR3000数字罗盘得到稳定输出 说明

HONEYWELL 如何从 HMR3000数字罗盘得到稳定输出 说明

IIR 滤波器的应用IIR 滤波器的滤波作用,由一个可调时间参数TC1 决定的. 此滤波器对5个磁场数据都起作用. 上图指出了IIR 滤波器对于航向输出的影响.非线性航向滤波器的应用此过滤器仅用于航向输出,由两个用户可选的参数L 和S 控制.它的调节,可以导致大范围的滤波,也可以是细微的滤波,或罗盘航向大的变动时不滤波.参数L 的值,为滤波器选择了 '噪音阈值',当它较小时,会限制罗盘航向的小变化时的滤波作用.增大L 值,会对罗盘航向的大变化起滤波作用,就象噪声一样.若L 值给定时,S 值会决定对有噪声的航向数据的平波处理.S 值越小,波形越平稳,反之亦然.在实际应用中,人们会要求L 值越小越好,S 值越大越好.然而,滤波器的效果是L 和S 值的组合.滤波器的实际的使用是 :非线性航向滤波的计算(以下的计算,以13.75Hz 频率重复) :设:CH=当前航向,SH=平波后的值,L(整数,且>0,0=失效),S(小数值,>0且<1,0=失效,最大值=0.999985)则:D=CH-SH(差值),G=S+S*(D/L)**2(D/L 大时,G 会闭合,S<=G<=1),SH=SH+D*G(当G=1时,SH=CH)在动态环境下,常常需要使用罗盘,因而不可避免对滤波器有要求.既然在不同的应用中,存在不同的环境,因而往往需要一个可调的滤波器,而不是固定的,通用的滤波器.因此,我们已提供了用户可设置的滤波器.本文,就是针对Honeywell 公司的数字罗盘计HMR3000,介绍了如何使用它自带的滤波器,来得到它的稳定的航向输出.罗盘的输出不能稳定,原因有很多,但是当用于驱动一个显示,或用于回馈控制回路,如自动舵等,这个输出就不是很理想.因此,能够将输出过滤一下,可以使此产品的功能得到成功的优化.航向的不稳定,归咎于罗盘的附件区域的磁场波动,和罗盘的安装平台倾斜角度的波动.磁场的波动归咎于罗盘附件的直流或交流电的电气情况,或任何磁性材料的周期的或随机的运动,如机床,执行器等安装平台的任何摇动,加速度,减速,或随机的震动,都会导致倾斜传感器中的液体处于动态,导致倾斜输出的噪音和航向输出的不稳定.要克服此问题,HMR3000装备了两种滤波器,用户都可以调节.首先,它有一个IIR 类型的滤波器,为5个原始的磁场数据输出同时服务.其次,有一个非线性滤波器,仅为航向数据服务.在HMR3000工作于 “连续”模式时,每隔72.7ms 或在13.75Hz 频率下,可得到一套原始的磁场数据,即这些数字滤波器的输入值.HMR3000的输出频率可以不是13.75Hz,但滤波的效果,与罗盘的输出信息和输出频率无关,因为滤波的发生频率为13.75Hz.任何滤波都会导致,罗盘输出的航向值与实际航向之间有时间上的滞后.因此,对平波器的使用和滞后时间两种之间的平衡,是非常重要的.下左图显示了一个非线性滤波器的应用,不同的L值的影响,航向数据在325度和322度之间振荡,下右图显示了对于L和S都是定值时,滤波器对于航向的一些较大变化的过滤效果.这种过滤器, 不象IIR 过滤器,不会在航向大幅变化时,导致时间滞后.使用仿真方法通过自带的Excel表格仿真方法,可以使您获得最适当的过滤参数.1.在应用环境中,安装HMR3000.2.设置参数为: TC1=0, TC2=0, L=03.将HMR3000设置成以每分钟825个句子的更新速率输出CCD数据.4.正常输出时,将数据导入Excel表格.5.通过不同的过滤参数测试,得到最适当的设置.。


PC演示软件界面的方法 PC Demo Interface Software Method
三维标定 3D Calibration:
当硬铁磁场较大时,建议使用这一方法。PC演示界面将在标定过程中收集磁场矢量信息并进行分析,以找出 硬铁偏置量。
在PC演示软件下,进入Diagnostics ,然后进入 Perform 3D Calibration 菜单.
RS-232 to RS-485 B&B Electronics #485TBLED
SD Control Echo off
2 RD 3 TD 7 GD
Shield 1 TD(A) 2 TD(B) 3 RD(A) 4 RD(B) 5 GND 6 +12V 7
(B) 2 (A) 3
GND 5 Pwr 9
DB9 socket connector
GND +12V
RS485 和计算机的连接
HMR3000罗盘模块的RS485接口为半双工,即发射和接收电路使用同一对传输线。HMR3000必须禁止它的 发射器允许接收来自主机的字符。如果罗盘工作在" Run"的模式下,例如产生重复 的输出,那么" Run / Stop "的插脚(第6号插脚)在主机试图发送命令前应强制其为低电平(见“ 硬件 中断”一节的叙述)。
激活 Display \ View 界面,Display \ Monitor NMEA Sentences 界面来看输出。
Diagnostics \ View Log 是另一种检查罗盘数据的选择。注意要使" Log all messages “ 选择被 激活(在Diagnostics \ Options 菜单中的logging一页).

honeywell 磁阻传感器三轴数字罗盘hmr3000 说明书

honeywell 磁阻传感器三轴数字罗盘hmr3000 说明书

电子罗盘模块按照NMEA格式,通过RS232/485串口提供航向输出(横滚、俯仰、偏航)采用Honeywell公司的固态磁阻传感器,具有快速的响应时间至20Hz,航向精度为0.5˚ ,分辨率为0.1˚。



功耗小于25mA,可长时间电池供电0.5˚ 航向精度,分辨率0.1˚ ,可适用于严格定向的应用场合。

倾斜角度为±40˚ ,适合于广泛的要求精确的应用通过对因环境中存在铁磁性金属而对地磁场造成的扭曲的补偿,提高精度。

下表显示,9针插头引脚排列,电源可以为调制的5V ,或不调制6—15V ,只有#9针或#8针中的一个,可由给定连接方法连接。

见以下:接口信号描述通信HMR3000 用简单的ASCII 字符与外部主控制器,通过 RS-232 或 RS-485 通讯。

ASCll 码的发送和接收,使用1个起始位,8个数据位(先是LSB,MSB 总为0) ,无奇偶位,和一个停止位,波特率可设置为1200,2400,4800,9600,19200或38400,HMR3000 对所有收到的带校验码的有效输入作反应。

罗盘输出HMR3000输出三种NMEA 标准格式(HDG,HDT 和XDR),三种专用格式(HPR,RCD 和CCD),及一个 ASCll 码航向输出,用于数据显示。

HDG,HDT 和HPR 是最通用格式。

$HCHDG 航向、偏差角、磁偏角$HCHDG, 85.5, 0.0, E, 0.0, E*77$HCHDT,航向、对(True)$HCHDT,271.1,T*2C$PTNTHPR,航向、俯仰和横滚$PTNTHPR,Heading,Heading Status,Pitch,Pitch Status,Roll,Roll Status*hh<cr><lf>$PTNTHPR,85.9,N,-0.9,N,0.8,N*2C名称TxD/B RxD/A GND 6-15V 5VOper/Calib(2)Run/Stop(2)Ready/Sleep(2)Cont/Reset(2)入/出Out In In In In In In In In引脚235981647描述RS-232 发送/ RS-485RS-232 接收 / RS-485电源/信号地未调理的电源电压输入调理的电源电压输入Operate/Calibrate (3) input (open=Operate)Run/Stop (3) input (open=Run)Ready/Sleep (3) input(open=Ready)Continue/Reset (3) input (open=Continue)(典型值)---6-155 ± 5%0-50-50-50-5(最小值)(1)-18-1800-20-20-20-20单位Vdc VdcVdc Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc(最大值)(1)1818307.520202014(1) 绝对最大值(2) 沉电流:200µA (典型值), 400mA(最大值)(3) 开路输入 =高电平HMR3000 连线图——计算机RS232 到 HMR3000订货指南HMR3000-Demo-232*.....RS232HMR3000-D00-232..........RS232.........NoneHMR3000-D21-232..........RS232.........Extended BaseHMR3000-D00-485..........RS485.........NoneHMR3000-D21-485..........RS485.........Extended Base*Development Kit includes one module in alu minum enclosure, cablingwith power supply, demonstration software for PC running Windows™and User’s Manual.数值<0.5˚<1.5˚± 0.3˚0.1˚degrees/mils ±40˚±0.4˚±0.6˚±0.2˚0.1˚degree/mils ±1.0 Gauss (最大值)1 mGauss 5.0 Vdc 调理电压6~15Vdc 未调理电压35 mA@6 Vdc13 mA 2.0 mA RS-232RS-4851200 to 38400 bps NMEA 0183连续滤波0.75 oz (22g)3.25 oz (92g)1.2 x 2.95 x 0.7601.5 x 4.2 x 0.88-20 to 70˚C -35 to 100˚C 30 英寸高落下20~2000Hz Random 2 hrs/axisIPC6012IPC610航向角俯仰和横滚磁场电气接口物理环境制造指标1. 航向精度是假设地球磁体只有硬铁干扰,已通过标定进行补偿2. 标定值3. 由设计参数保证4. 典型5. 迟到或超过*器件方向角不超过75˚在工作或贮存时——可引起短暂的精度损失。


HMR3000 有四个工作模式:连续工作模式、选通 工作模式、睡眠工作模式和校准模式。HMR3000 可在 连续模式和选通模式下工作。连续模式下,以可组态 的速率输出罗盘主动提供的 NMEA 标准信息。选通模 式下则根据用户控制电路的申请输出。 2.2 控制特性
使用前面叙述的串口协议,外部的主机可以用下 面的指令直接操作 HMR3000。现把一些较重要输入指 令列在表 1 中。
char stop[]={'#','F','A','0','.','3','=','0','*','2','7','\15','\12','\0'};
char acq[]={'#','B','A','4','H','?','*','4','0','\15','\12','\0'};
LE=strlen(stop); outport(0x3fb,0x80);
outport(0x3f9,0); outport(0x3f8,0x06); /*8位数据位,1位停
outport(0x3f9,0); for(i=0;i<LE;i++)



绪 言承蒙惠顾,购得AR-3000H打印机。





在软件方面,AR-3000H秉承了得实系列打印机的高性能、高兼容性,可兼容所有STAR、EPSON和OKI 打印机,方便的自动撕纸功能、参数设置功能是得实打印机的特色。







目录第1章安装打印机...................................1-11.1开箱和检查......................................1-11.2放置打印机......................................1-21.3打印机部件......................................1-31.4安装和拆卸色带盒................................1-51.5打印机和主机连接................................1-81.6连接电源.......................................1-101.7安装打印驱动程序...............................1-11第2章纸的安装和使用...............................2-12.1选纸............................................2-12.2调校打印头间隙..................................2-22.3安装导纸板......................................2-42.4 使用链式纸......................................2-52.5使用单页纸......................................2-9第3章控制面板.....................................3-13.1按钮及其指示灯..................................3-13.2开机功能........................................3-43.3组合功能........................................3-73.4纸灰度检测模式.................................3-10第4章参数设置.....................................4-14.1如何进行参数设置................................4-24.2系统设置........................................4-34.3纸张设置........................................4-74.4接口设置.......................................4-11 4.5ESC/P和LQ仿真参数设置..........................4-124.6OKI仿真参数设置项..............................4-154.7双向测试及纵向校正.............................4-164.8打印针自动调整设置.............................4-204.9打印针补偿设置.................................4-214.10恢复出厂设置...................................4-23第5章用户调整设置.................................5-15.1 链式装纸页首调整................................5-15.2 摩擦装纸页首调整................................5-25.3 撕纸位置调整....................................5-3第6章故障和保养...................................6-16.1 故障处理........................................6-16.2 保养与维护......................................6-7第7章规格.........................................7-17.1 打印机规格......................................7-1 7.2 接口接头引脚....................................7-4 7.3 字符集..........................................7-5 7.4 ESC/P和LQ仿真控制码表(按功能分类)............7-11 7.5 ESC/P和LQ仿真控制码摘要表......................7-17附录1:电子信息产品污染控制的说明.....................8-1安全规范使 用 注 意 事 项为了避免受到电击和伤害及防止损坏打印机,在接上电源之前,务请注意以下重要事项:●仔细阅读操作手册等说明文件。



HMO3000 SeriesMixed Signal Oscilloscopes 300/400/500 MHz BandwidthT e s t & M e a s u r e m e n tP r o d u c t B r o c h u r e | 01.10Intelligent user interfaceTo optimize the screend isplay the instrument shows and hides menusPrecise signal analysis4 Gsamples/s sampling rate 8 Msamples memorySetupIntuitive, multi-lingual user menuFFTSuperb FFT functionalityHelpContext-sensitive helpQuick viewAt the push of a button the 16 most important values of the measured signal are permanently updated and displayedFanMaximum noise reduction by temperature-controlled fanZoomMemory zoom up to 250,000 : 1Analog channelsVertical sensitivity of up to 1 mV/div.Bus signal sourceTo create SPI, I 2C, UART and counter signalsAlways with MSO functionalityAnalyze analog channels plus up to an additional 16 digital channelsMathWide range of programmable math functionsSerial Bus AnalysisHardware-based triggering and decoding (optional)2 HMO3000 SERIES2014Product of the YearHMO3000Winner in category Test & MeasurementAt a glanceThe 2- and 4-channel instruments provide bandwidths of 300, 400 and 500 MHz, a sampling rate of 4 GSa/s and a memory depth of 8 MPts. The instrumentsare rounded off with a standard inclusion of the MSO functionality and several options for serial bus analysis to meet all requirements of modern development designs.HAMEG Instruments is offering the new HMO3000 series exclusively as amixed-signal oscilloscope. It is also unnecessary to initially activate the mixed-signal functions via software options, as is the case with other suppliers. The low capacitance logic probes HO3508 (also available as double pack HO3516) are optional. They allow the analysis of up to 16 logic channels with a sampling rate of 1 GSa/s. HAMEG logic probes are not linked to a specific instrument serial number. This allows their use with all digital HAMEG oscilloscope of the HMO series.For communications between embedded systems and the environment the HMO3000 includes hardware-based signal triggering and decoding for all common protocols (I2C, SPI, UART, CAN and LIN). This option can be activated with an upgrade voucher at any time.The integrated three-digit digital voltmeter enables service technicians to simultaneously perform voltage measurements on all analog channels with four values totalling. The segmented memory option HOO14 enables you to divide the available memory of your HMO3000 into up to 1000 segments. This procedure allows sampling rates of 200,000 Wfm/s, which makes it possible to capture rare anomalies occurring during many short events in quick succession. For the analysis of the recorded signals, all measurement functions of the HMO are available, including the Pass/Fail function.Thanks to the FFT analysis function with 64 K test points the HMO3000 series keeps pace with significantly larger oscilloscopes also in the frequency domain. The time domain signal, measurement window, FFT analysis result are displayed together on a single screen, which makes it easier to evaluate the input waveform.The HMO3000 series offers time domain, logic, protocol and frequency analysis in a single instrument and is a member of the Rohde & Schwarz family of scope-of-the-art oscilloscopes.Systems that are constantly becoming faster and more complex lead to everhigher demands on the required measurement technology. The new HAMEGoscilloscope series HMO3000 offers the solution for current requirements inregards to bandwidth, sampling rate and memory depth. Its bandwidth of upto 500MHz allows HAMEG Instruments to set a new milestone in the develop-ment of high-performance mixed-signal oscilloscopes at an attractive price.More information | 3500 MHz400 MHz 300 MHz 4 channel HMO3054HMO3044HMO30342 channelHMO3052HMO3042HMO30324 HMO3000 SERIESKey factsSuperior hardware-based acquisition for precise measurement results ❙4 Gsample/s sampling rate, 8 Msample memory depth ❙High vertical sensitivity down to 1 mV/div❙Low-noise measurement due to state-of-the-art A/D converter ❙High acquisition rate to identify signal faults❙Segmented memory and manually adjustable memory depthVersatile measurement functions and fast results ❙Wide selection of automatic measurement functions ❙QuickView: key results at the push of a button❙Mask test: a new mask can be easily created with just a few keystrokes ❙FFT: the easy way to analyze the signal spectrum Logic analysis with the MSO option ❙Mixed signal function as standard ❙Precise triggering on signal events❙Straightforward display of digital signals❙Low test point loading due to active probe solutionSerial bus analysis: hardware-based triggering and decoding ❙Versatile trigger options for isolating specific data packets ❙Color-coded display of decoded bus signals❙Direct export of analyzed data to USB memory drive ❙Simultaneous decoding of two buses in realtimeVoltmeter measurements using an oscilloscope ❙Three-digit display for precise voltage measurements❙Simultaneous measurement on all analog channels of up to four voltage values totalling Future-ready investment and scalability ❙Free firmware updates❙Bandwidth upgrades as required❙Serial bus analysis and segmented memory via optional software licensesMore information | 5300 MHz, 400 MHz, 500 MHzShould your requirements change, then so does the HMO3000, as the 300 MHz models can be extended to 400 MHz and 500 MHz bandwidth via software upgrades whenever required. This is done with option upgrade vouchers available at your dealer.❙For 300 MHz to 400 MHz: HV342 (2 channel) and HV344 (4 channel) ❙For 300 MHz to 500 MHz: HV352 (2 channel) and HV354 (4 channel) ❙For 400 MHz to 500 MHz: HV452 (2 channel) and HV454 (4 channel)Vouchers for bandwidth upgrades or serial bus analysis options are available at your dealer.The individual voucher number and the serial number of the instrument to be upgraded is entered at . The customer immediately receives the respective licence key which can be loaded via USB memory drive into the instrument.Always a MSOno software option being necessary to unlock it.6 HMO3000 SERIESMore information | 7 ❙Logic probe HO3508 fits to all HMO series oscilloscopesHAMEG is offering the new HMO3000 series exclusively as a mixed-signal oscilloscope. The great advantages of these instruments are best illustrated by taking a look at how ADCs (Analog Digital Converter) or DACs (Digital Analog Converter) are integrated.These transformer modules include an analog signal on the one side and a digital signal on the other side. As shown in the image below the latency time of a DAC can be determined with one simple cursor measurement. Therefore a MSO allows developers to devote their full attention to the circuit without having to waste energy on the measurement setup.The active logic probe HO3508 (also available as double pack HO3516) is available separately and is not linked to a specific serial number of an instrument. It can be used with any HMO oscilloscope.14 bit DAC signal change8 HMO3000 SERIESSerial Bus AnalysisI 2C, SPI, CAN or LIN – in terms of interaction with the outside world for embedded systems, it is safe to say that these are the most commonly used communication protocols. The new HMO3000 series by HAMEG Instruments offers you hardware-accelerated signal triggering and decoding for all of these protocols. You can upgrade your instrument via software licence keys with those functions required to develop your application:❙HOO10/HV110: Analysis of I 2C, SPI and UART/RS-232 signals on analog and logic channels ❙HOO11/HV111: Analysis of I 2C, SPI and UART/RS-232 signals on all analog channels ❙HOO12/HV112: Analysis of CAN and LIN signals on analog and logic channelsSerial bus trigger types:❙I 2C: Start, Stop, ACK, nACK, Address/Data❙SPI: Start, End, Serial Pattern (32Bit) ❙UART/RS-232: Startbit, Frame Start, Symbol, Pattern❙LIN: Frame Start, Wake Up, Identifier, Data, Error❙CAN: Frame Start, Frame End, Identifier, Data, ErrorSPI bus signal, MISO / MOSI decodedHEX decoded CAN bus signalI 2C bus signal in zoom viewMore information | 9Segmented MemoryThe segmented memory option HOO14 enables you to divide the available acquisition memory of your HMO3000 into up to 1000 segments.This procedure allows sampling rates of 200,000 Wfm/s, which makes it possible to capture rare anomalies occurring during many short events in quick succession. For the analysis of the recorded signals, all measurement functions of the HMO are available, including the Pass/Fail function.You can upgrade to option HOO14 at any time with voucher HV114. The individual voucher number and the serial number of the instrument is entered at .10 HMO3000 SERIESDigital Voltmeter (DVM)The three-digit digital voltmeter is also a standard feature which makes the work of service technicians in particular easier. Voltage measurements can be performed simultaneously for all analog channels. Integrated into a single compact device it allows you to keep your workplace tidy.❙Perform measurements simultaneously on all analog channels, with up to four freely definable parameters totalling❙These options are available: DC, DC rms , AC rms , Crest Factor, V pp , V p+, V p- ❙You decide about the position of the values on the screenDVM on two analog channels with four measurement parametersRamp waveform measured by DVMHZ15 probe (sold separately)Frequency AnalysisDue to the outstanding FFT functionality of the HMO seriesoscilloscopes signals can also be analysed inthe frequency domain with up to 65,536 points. Additional practicaltools such as cursor measurement as well as peak-detect functions arealso available. They allow engineers to complete their analysissignificantly faster, also in the frequency domain.Easy analysis in frequency domainIn the time domain quite often the distortion of input s ignals cannot bedetected with the naked eye. For instance, an acquired sine wave signala ppears to be undistorted. Only the frequency spectrum - available withjust one push of a button - clearly displays additional harmonics thatoccur as harmonic oscillations for multiples of the basic frequency.Since FFT is also active for previously stored signals, it is possible tosubsequently analyze any sections of those signals captured in singleshot mode or stop mode with an adjustable window width.More information | 1112HMO3000 SERIESMore information | 1314 HMO3000 SERIESAccessories included:HO730 Ethernet/USB dual-interface card, Line cord, printed operating m anual, 2/4 probes (amount=number of channels), 10:1 with attenuation ID (HZ350 400/300 MHz, HZ355 500MHz), software-CDRecommended AccessoriesHO720USB-device/RS-232 d ual-interface cardHZ99Carrying case forprotection and transportHZO50AC/DC current probe 30 A, DC to 100 kHzHZ355DUUpgrade from2 x HZ350 to 2 x HZ355HZO51AC/DC current probe 100/1000 A, DC to 20 kHzHO740IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface card, galvanically isolatedHZ4619” rackmount kit, 4 RUHZO20High voltage probe 1000:1 (400 MHz, 1000 V rms )HZO301 GHz active probe (0.9 pF , 1 MΩ)HZ115Differential Probe 100:1/1000:1HZO41Active differential probe 800 MHz (10:1, 1 pF , 200 kΩ)HZO40Active differential probe 200 MHz (10:1, 3.5 pF , 1 MΩ)HO35088 channel logic probe (350 MHz, 4 pF)HAMEG Instruments GmbHIndustriestr. 6 | 63533 Mainhausen | Germany | Phone +49 (0) 6182 8000R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KGHAMEG Instruments® is a registered trademark of HAMEG Instruments GmbHTrade names are trademarks of the ownersPD 3607.0146.32 | Version 01.10 | 09/ 2014 | © HAMEG Instruments GmbHData without tolerance limits is not binding | Subject to change3607014632P D 3 6 0 7 . 0 1 4 6 . 3 2 V 0 1 . 1 0 P D P 1 e n。



Power Xpert Meter 3000 SeriesGeneral descriptionThe Power Xpert® Meter 3000 Series powerquality and energy meters monitor the mostcritical aspects of an electrical distribution system.This premier metering instrument uses the latestin advanced technology to make it simple to use,powerful, scalable, and highly flexible.ApplicationsIdentify power quality problems to help:• Protect motors from damage• Preserve the integrity of processes and batches• Prevent blown capacitor bank fuses• Protect transformers and conductorsfrom overheatingMonitor circuit loading to help:• Avoid overloads and nuisance overload trips• Maximize equipment utilization• Manage emergency overloadsManage energy utilization to help:• Reduce peak demand charges and powerfactor penalties• Identify excessive energy consumptionFeatures• 100 ms refresh, true rms measurement• ANSI C12.20 (0.2 Class) and IEC 62053-22(0.2S Class)• 1.5 GB onboard memory• Power quality analysis - Sag/Swell recording• Over/under limit alarm• Supports Modbus® RTU, DNP 3.0 via RS-485• Modbus TCP and BACnet/IP• Digital Input status monitoring via webpage andremote communication• Waveform capture (128 points per cycle), wave-form captures in COMTRADE file format.• Measure individual harmonics from 2nd to 63rd• 50/60 Hz rated frequency metering• Modular design• Integrated data logging plus three custom datalogs• TOU (time of use), 4 tariffs, 12 seasons, 14schedules2Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 SeriesEATON Metering• Voltage V1, V2, V3, VLNavg, V12, V23, V31, VLLavg • Current I1, I2, I3, In, Iavg • Power P1, P2, P3, Psum• Reactive power Q1, Q2, Q3, Qsum • Apparent power S1, S2, S3, Ssum • Frequency F• Power factor PF1, PF2, PF3, PF•Energy EP_imp, EP_exp, EP_total, EP_net, EPa_imp, EPa_exp, EPb_imp_EPb_exp, EPc_imp, EPc_exp•Reactive energy EQ_imp, EQ_exp, EQ_total, EQ_net, EQa_imp, EQa_exp, EQb_imp, EQb_exp, EQc_imp, EQc_exp • Apparent energy ES, ESa, ESb, ESc• Demand Dmd_P , Dmd_Q, Dmd_S, Dmd_I1, Dmd_I2, Dmd_I3• Load type, inductive or capacitive •Four quadrant powerMonitoring• Power quality• Voltage harmonics 2nd to 63rd and THD • Current harmonics 2nd to 63rd and THD • Voltage crest factor• Telephone interference factor (TIF)• Current K factor• Voltage unbalance factor U_unbl • Current unbalance factor I_unbl •Max./min. statistics with time stampsAlarmsLimits can be set for up to 16 parameters and can be set with a specified pickup delay time interval. If any input of the indicated parameters is over or under its setting limit and persists over the specified time interval, the event will be recorded with time stamps and trigger the alarm DO output. The 16 parameters can be selected from any of the 80 parameters available.I/O option moduleA maximum of two modules can be used for one meter.Time of useUsers can assign up to four different tariffs (sharp, peak, valley, and normal) to different time periods within a day according to the Utility TOU rate structure. The meter will calculate and accumulate energy for the programmed rate periods based on the TOU settings.Power quality event loggingWhen a power quality event happens, such as voltage sag and swell, PXM 3000 will record the timestamp and the triggering condition of the event. It can save up to 50,000 power quality events.Automatic frequency adaptationRated frequency is adjusted automatically to local frequency such as 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The same meter can be applied in countries with different electrical frequencies.Display• Clear and large character LCD screen display with white backlight • Wide environmental temperature endurance•Display load percentage, four quadrant power, and load type,inductive or capacitive•Small size 96 × 96 DIN or 4-inch ANSI round panel cutoutsPower Xpert Meter 3000 embedded web serverThe Power Xpert Meter 3000 embedded Web server offers Eaton® customers accessibility to the critical information required to manage their electrical distribution system. The web server includes real-time information in both numeric and graphical visual formats to help monitor parameters such as current loading, voltage and power levels, power factor, THD, and more. The web server also provides energy and demand readings with graphic usage plots to helpanalyze energy usage patterns. Energy readings include kWh, kvarh, delivered and received and kVAh. Webserver also provides ability to view Sag/Swell waveforms.Waveform recordingThe Power Xpert Meter 3000 can record waveforms for 20 cycles up to 128 samples per cycle.Waveform capturePXM 3000 can record 100 groups of voltage and current waveforms. It logs at 64 points per cycle. (200 groups of voltage and current waveforms in case of 64 points per cycle and 100 groups of voltage and current waveform in case of 128 points per cycle). It provides the waveform record of 10 cycles before and after the triggering point.It also supports a settable triggering condition.Waveform captures are automatically stored on the FTP server in the IEEE standard COMTRADE file format. This allows users to view and analyze the waveforms in any standard free-of-charge orcommercial COMTRADE file viewer.3Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 Series EATON Historical trend loggingThe Power Xpert Meter 3000 records historical data for graphical viewing from the embedded Web server. Graphical views ofhistorical data support pan and zoom. Over 100 standard metering parameters are logged as part of the standard meter functionality including min/max and average for each parameter. The averages are calculated over the interval period. In addition to the standard logs, the PXM3000 also includes three custom data logs that can be configured and viewed via the web interface.Load profile dataThe Power Xpert Meter 3000 records average real, reactive and apparent power. These readings are stored on a fixed five minute interval. Up to four status inputs can be configured as energy accumulators for counting KYZ pulse inputs.Demand comparisonsDemand usage patterns can be analyzed with the month-to-month, week-to-week, day-to-day comparison chart built into the meter. Raw data can be exported as a .csv file with the “download” option to other applications for further analysis and graphing.Alarm triggersThe Power Xpert Meter 3000 has configurable alarm triggers.The meter limits can be set for any measured parameter, for up to 16 limits. If any of the 16 limits are exceeded, an alarm condition will be present and can cause the backlight to flash on the meter faceplate if desired. The meter out of limits can also be used to energize a relay output, when meter is equipped with optional I/O module.Event loggingThe Power Xpert Meter 3000 embedded web server allows the user to view a list of triggered events. In addition, a separate system log records system operations such as resets. Monitoring and time stamping of digital inputs enables the user to compare the sequence of digital input transitions.EmailThe Power Xpert Meter 3000 contains the ability to send emails based on an event and / or alarm that has been triggered or cleared.Displayed information•Monitored information is available locally through the display, the web browser or system power management software.• True rms values through 63rd harmonic.•ANSI C12.20 Class 0.2% revenue metering specification.Power Xpert Meter 3000 web browser viewsPower Xpert Meter 3000’s embedded web server Overviewscreen allows a quick view of critical electrical parameters. These parameters are placed on a chart that allows customers to easily identify real time, as well as the mean with +/- 3 standard deviation values. They also can see the events log and demand.The web server offers a waveform view to visualize disturbances such as voltage sags that can cause costly business interruptions.The harmonic spectral plot displays harmonics up to the 63rd order. Individual harmonics andTHD are displayed for diagnostic purposes.4Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 SeriesEATON Graphical trending of dataThe Power Xpert Meter 3000 embedded web server supportsgraphical trend charts of key circuit measurements such as current, voltage, power and energy. The trend chart supports a zoom feature that allows the user to view data over a short period of 16 hours or a longer period of 48 months. The trend chart has a horizontal slider bar control to manage scrolling forward and backward through the data. Trend charts of basic readings include minimum, maximum, and average readings. Trend charts of energy data also display demand values.Energy Managers can view load profile data compared against the peak demand.Data loggingThe PXM 3000 meters contain 1.5GB of memory for data logging and historical trending. Since each meter contains a real-time clock, all events and logged data will be time stamped.The PXM 3000 meters have three sets of historical data logs. Each log can be independent l y programmed with individual settings,meaning that each can be used to monitor different parameters. The user can program up to 117 parameters per log.Web server device configurationSpecial software is not required to configure a Power Xpert Meter 3000. The embedded web server includes a comprehensive device configuration engine.CommunicationsThe communications card provides one ethernet connection via a 10/100Base-T port (copper only) that can be used for the following applications:•Monitoring, managing, and configuring the meter remotely using a standard web browser interface.• Alarm notifications via email, SMTP .•Providing Modbus TCP/IP , and BACnet/IP communications to BMS systems.• Providing SNMP communications to NMS systems.• Synchronizing with an NTP server.•Updating firmware on the meter.The card also contains a micro USB port for programming and monitoring. The USB port allows access to the meter’s web interface.Figure 1. PXM 3000 rear view.1 Power supply inputs2 RS-4853 Current inputs 4Micro USB5 Ethernet345Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 Series EATON ParametersCategoryItemParametersPXM 3000MeteringReal-time meteringPhase voltage V1, V2, V3, VLnavg n Line voltage V12, V23, V31, Vllavg n Current I1, I2, I3, In, Iavg n Power P1, P2, P3, Psum n Reactive power Q1, Q2, Q3, Qsum n Apparent power S1, S2, S3, Ssum n Power factor PF1, PF2, PF3, PF n FrequencyFn Energy and demandEnergy Ep_imp, Ep_exp, Ep_total, Ep_net, Epa_imp, Epa_exp, Epb_imp, Epb_exp, Epc_imp, Epc_expn Reactive energy Eq_imp, Eq_exp, Eq_total, Eq_net, Eqa_imp, Eqa_exp, Eqb_imp, Eqb_exp, Eqc_imp, Eqc_exp n Apparent energy Es, Esa, Esb, Escn DemandDmd_P, Dmd_Q, Dmd_S, Dmd_I1, Dmd_I2, Dmd_I3n TOU Time of use Energy/max. demand TOU, 4 tariffs, 12 seasons, 14 schedules n Daylight saving timeTwo adjustable formats Month/day/hour/minuteMonth/week/first few weeks/hour/minuten MonitoringWaveform capture Voltage and current waveform*Trigger, manual, DI change, sag/dips, swell, overcurrent n Power qualityVoltage unbalance factor U_unbl n Current unbalance factor I_unbln Voltage THD THD_V1,THD_V2,THD_V3, THD_Vavg n Current THD THD_I1, THD_I2, THD_I, THD_Iavg n Individual harmonics Harmonics 2nd to 63rd (50 Hz or 60 Hz)n Voltage crest factor Crest factorn TIFTelephone interference factor n Current K factorK factorn StatisticsMAX with time stamp MIN with time stamp Each phase of V & l; Total of P, Q, S, PF & F; demand of I1, I2, I3, P, Q&S; each phase THD of V & I; unbalance factor of V & In OthersAlarmOver/under limit alarmV, I, P, Q, S, PF, V_THD and I_THD each phase and total or average; unbalance factor of V and I; load type; analog input of each channel; demand of I1, I2, I3, P, Q&S; reverse phase sequence; DI1~DI28nPower quality event logging Sag/dips, swell Voltagen Data loggingData logging 1Data logging 2Data logging 3F, V1/2/3/avg, V12/23/13/avg, I1/2/3/n/avg, P1/2/3/sum, Q1/2/3/sum, S1/2/3/sum, PF1/2/3, PF, U_unbl, I_unbl, Load Type, Ep_imp, Ep_exp, Ep_total, Ep_net, Eq_imp, Eq_exp, Eq_total, Eq_net, Es, Epa_imp, Epa_exp, Epb_imp,Epb_exp, Epc_imp, Epc_exp, Eqa_imp, Eqa_exp, Eqb_imp, Eqb_exp, Eqc_imp, Eqc_exp, Esa, Esb, Esc, THD_V1/2/3/avg, THD_I1/2/3/avg, harmonics 2nd to 63rd, crest factor, THFF, K factor, sequence and phase angles, DI counter, AI, AO, Dmd P/Q/S, Dmd I1/2/3nOnboard memory size Memory Bytes1.5 GBCommunication RS-485 port, half duplex, optical isolated, RJ-45 Ethernet, Micro USB Modbus ®-RTU protocol/DNP3.0, Modbus TCP, BACNet IP nTimeReal-time clockYear, month, date, hour, minute, secondn6Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 SeriesEATON AccessoriesDigital/analog I/OIntegrate data to/from other devices with field expandableplug-in I/O modules. A maximum of two I/O cards may be added to the PXM3000 meter.PXM1K-1XX• 6x digital inputs• 24 Vdc power for digital inputs •2x relay outputsPXM1K-2XX• 4x digital inputs • 2x digital outputs •2x analog outputsPXM1K-3XX• 4x digital inputs • 2x relay outputs •2x analog inputsPanel mount remote displayPXM 3000 panel mount remote display (PXM3K-DISP) for DIN rail mount transducer version (eg. PXM3000TA15). The remote displayincludes 6ft cable for the connection.7Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 Series EATON Meter input wiringFigure 2. Three-phase, four-wire (3LN, 3CT).Figure 3. Three-phase, three-wire (3LL, 3CT).Figure 4. Three-phase, four-wire with PT (3LN, 3CT).Figure 5. Three-phase, three-wire with PT and 2CT (2LL, 3CT).Figure 6. Single-phase, three-wire (1LL, 2CT).Figure 7. Single-phase, two-wire (1LN, 1CT).* 1A fuse typical8Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 SeriesEATON I/O cards wiringDI1DI2DI3DI4DI5DI6DIC RO1RO2ROC V+ V- Digital InputDigital OutputVdc++––QF1QF2QF3QF4QF5QF6Figure 8. PXM1K-X1XFigure 9. PXM1K-X2X/X3XDimensions in inches (mm)Figure 10. PXM 3000Figure 11. DIN mount meterFigure 12. External display moduleFigure 13. I/O moduleDigital Input+QF1QF2QF3QF4QF5–20–160 Vac/dcDI1DI2DI3DI4DIC9Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 Series EATON Ordering informationTo order a Power Xpert Meter 3000, the catalog number should be determined using T able 1. The table illustrates how to includethe desired factory options as part of a catalog number. I/O option modules are separate and field installable. Each type of I/O module also has two addresses, logic address 1 and logic address 2. Up to 2 I/O modules per meter can be installed. Power Xpert Meter modules include panel mounting brackets.Example: PXM3000MA15 (PXM 3000 meter/display, 5 A, 100–277 Vac or 100–250 Vdc)T able 1. Power Xpert Meter 3000 catalog numbering system.PXM 3000 M A 1 5Meter series3000 = Rich web interface, data logging. waveform capture, TOU, PQ logging, eth-ernet and Modbus RTU.Meter typeM = Meter (with integral display)T = Transducer only (no display)Power supply1 = 100–277 Vac or 100–250 Vdc 4 = 20–60 VdcCurrent input5 = 5A/1A secondaryT able 2. Power Xpert Meter 1000/3000 I/O module.DescriptionCatalog numberPXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 2 RO, 6DI with DI power supply 24 VdcPXM1K-110PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 2 RO, 6DI with DI power supply 24 VdcPXM1K-120PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (4–20 mA)PXM1K-210PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (0–20 mA)PXM1K-211PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (1–5 V)PXM1K-212PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (0–5 V)PXM1K-213PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (4–20 mA)PXM1K-220PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (0–20 mA)PXM1K-221PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (1–5 V)PXM1K-222 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 DO, 2 AO (0–5 V)PXM1K-223 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (4–20 mA)PXM1K-310 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (0–20 mA)PXM1K-311 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (1–5 V)PXM1K-312 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 1; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (0–5 V)PXM1K-313 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (4–20 mA)PXM1K-320 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (0–20 mA)PXM1K-321 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (1–5 V)PXM1K-322 PXM 1000 I/O module logic address 2; 4 DI, 2 RO, 2 AI (0–5 V)PXM1K-323T able 3. Power Xpert Meter 3000 accessories.DescriptionCatalog numberPXM 3000 panel mount remote display for DIN rail mount transducer version; include one 6 ft cable PXM3K-DISP-3Din rail mounting adapter PXM1K-DINADPT Terminal plug kit PXM1K-TPKDisplay cable (6ft)PXM1K-DISPCBL-6Display cable (15ft)PXM1K-DISPCBL-1510Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 SeriesEATON Technical informationRoHSAC/DC control powerOperating range: 100–277 Vac, 50/60 Hz; 100–250 Vdc Burden: 5 WFrequency: 50/60 HzWithstand: 3250 Vac, 50/60 Hz for 1 minute Installation category III (distribution)Low voltage DC control power (optional)Operating range: 20–60 Vdc Burden: 5W11Technical Data TD0262032ENEffective January 2022Power Xpert Meter 3000 Series EATON Notes:Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2022 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. TD0262032EN / TBG001478 January 2022Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Power Xpert Meter 3000 SeriesTechnical Data TD0262032EN Effective January 2022。

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在PC演示界面下激活 " Tune Parameters " 的菜单,(从parameter 菜单或使用Tune 按钮).
罗盘处于RUN模式下(连续输出), 没有信号传出(所有输出句子的输出速率在出厂时设置为0).
设定HPR句子的输出速率为825(Tune Page \ Serial Output),现在罗盘可以按每分钟825条句子 的速率输出航向、俯仰和横滚数据。
在Hard Iron一页,激活"Read Data",可看见"Total Valid Readings"(收集的数据点的个数) 在上升。
如果没有,可退出 Calibration一页,转到 Diagnotics \ Options \ Calibration,选择 "Real Time Data from Unit "
连同罗盘模块提供给客户一套PC演示接口软件,客户可以通过RS232口对HMR3000进行组态。这个软件适 用于与IBM PC兼容的计算机,带有MS Windows 3.11, Windows 95或Windows 97。允许HMR3000和PC机之间通讯,对HMR3000组态,接收罗盘的输出,记录和获得罗盘的信息。这个P C演示接口软件还可以演示输入/输出的选项,是学习了解HMR3000的重要的工具.
下面是一些可以在安装时和经常地访问的基本参数。控制磁场计操作、航向输出和报警阈值等的高级参数将 在”组态参数”(Configuration Parameters section)一节中叙述。
2.7 使用PC演示界面
激活 Tune Parameters 的按钮进行组态. (下表为安装时和经常访问的参数)
插入的标定方法 ( Built-in Calibration Method , 这种方法用于当硬铁磁场较小时)
这一方法使用迭代的过程来计算硬铁偏置.通常情况下275次迭代可以得出满意的结果.标定的过程一直继续直 到达到这一迭代次数.将HMR3000置于标定模式下 (发给命令:#F33.4=0*51<CR><lf> ) 缓慢地转动平台两周,在平台允许范围内尽可能多地变化俯仰和横滚角度.通常这一过程需进行2分钟. 通过命令 #I26C?*31<CR><lf> 来检查迭代次数.HMR3000将回答 #nnnn*hh<CR><lf> 信息,其中nnnn为迭代次数. 如果该值小于275,继续进行标定过程直到该值达到275为止。 在这一过程的最后发出指令 ( #F2FE.2=1*67<CR><lf> ) 将结果存于EEPROM中. 将罗盘返回操作模式. (发给指令: #F33.4=1*50<CR><lf>)
0<S<1 L = 整数 >1 L = 0 表示不执行
L < 256
偏向角 Deviation
General page
± 0 - 180 ° ± 0 - 3200 mils
2.8 通讯 - RS485选项
带有RS485接口的HMR3000的操作和组态通过主机的直接命令输入来完成.图2为HMR3000和计算机的连接 图。
HMR3000的输出可以被改变为包括所有六个NMEA句子或六个句子中的任意部分,每个句子可有自己的速率 。用户可以使用"Capture Mode "来捕获一段信息到某一文件中,( Diagnostics \ Options菜单) 用户还可以通过PC演示界面软件修改HMR3000的测量参数。
2.6 HMR3000的组态
HMR3000 数字罗盘模块
2003 年 9 月 ( 注: 本册中文资料仅供参考,如有错误请以英文原版资料为准 ) 1. 概述
Honeywell的HMR3000数字罗盘模块使用磁阻传感器和两轴倾斜传感器来提供航向信息。带有电子常平架的 罗盘即000内部全部使用表面贴装元件,不含有任何的移动元 件,所以非常可靠和坚固。这个低功耗、小体积的装置带有非铁磁性金属外壳,便于安装固定在任何一个平 台上。 HMR3000便于使用,极其多样化。允许用户对罗盘的输出进行组态,包括六种NMEA标准信息的组合,改变 磁场计的测量参数以适应不同应用的需要等。 完善的罗盘自动标定程序将修正平台的磁影响。磁场计的宽动态范围 ( ±1G 或 100µT)允许 HMR3000工作在当地较大的磁场下。
2.3 电连接 HMR3000到计算机RS232口的连接图
2.4 通讯 - RS232选项
HMR3000与外部的主机通过RS232或RS485的标准,使用简单的ASCII指令字符串进行通讯。主机可通过这 些指令直接操作HMR3000。选择RS232通讯方式,有一个对用户友好的图形接口软件,可用于对罗盘进行直 接操作。
例子: HPR输出带有磁场报警或警告条件
$PTNTHPR,218.7,N.P.1.5,N,0.8,N ** hh <cr><lf> $PTNTHPR,218.7,O.1.5,N,0.8,N ** hh <cr><lf> $PTNTHPR,P.1.5,N,0.8,N ** hh <cr><lf>
N表明正常状态 O表明磁场值高位警告(High warning) P表明磁场值高位报警(High alarm)
2.9 安装
位置:使HMR3000尽可能远离任何可能产生磁场的地点和铁磁性的金属物体.HMR3000内部的磁传感器具有 较大的磁场范围( ± 1G 或 ± 100 µT ),而地球最大的磁场为0.65G( 65uT),所以在大 多数平台上传感器不会饱和,罗盘内部的标定和补偿程序可以有效地补偿附加在地磁场上的静态磁场,但不能 对交流或直流电流产生的变化的磁场进行补偿。
激活 Display \ View 界面,Display \ Monitor NMEA Sentences 界面来看输出。
Diagnostics \ View Log 是另一种检查罗盘数据的选择。注意要使" Log all messages “ 选择被 激活(在Diagnostics \ Options 菜单中的logging一页).
RS-232 to RS-485 B&B Electronics #485TBLED
SD Control Echo off
2 RD 3 TD 7 GD
Shield 1 TD(A) 2 TD(B) 3 RD(A) 4 RD(B) 5 GND 6 +12V 7
(B) 2 (A) 3
2.5 得到HMR3000的输出的数据
在PC演示软件的窗口下双击图标,选择相应的COM口和19200波特率. (工厂设定为19200).
名称 TxD/A RxD/B GND 6 - 15V
In / Out Out In In In In
针号 2 3 5 9 8
说明 RS232发送 / RS485发送-接收信号 RS232接收 / RS485发送-接收返回 电源和信号的公共地 未稳压的电源输入 经过稳压的电源输入
HMR3000在平常操作时的管脚定义 注意:在8脚上加的电压不要超过+5.5V,以免对元件造成损坏。
GND 5 Pwr 9
DB9 socket connector
GND +12V
RS485 和计算机的连接
HMR3000罗盘模块的RS485接口为半双工,即发射和接收电路使用同一对传输线。HMR3000必须禁止它的 发射器允许接收来自主机的字符。如果罗盘工作在" Run"的模式下,例如产生重复 的输出,那么" Run / Stop "的插脚(第6号插脚)在主机试图发送命令前应强制其为低电平(见“ 硬件 中断”一节的叙述)。
2.2 安装
对于其它的HMR3000选型,用户自己应按照下表制作带有标准9针母接头电缆。电源只接到第9针或第8针上 。对于多数应用,连接好表 1中所列出的几个管脚就可以了,而第1、4、6和7针 在HMR3000的工作中执行特定的功能,平时应保持其开路(维持逻辑高电平)
Output Message CCD的NMEA句子输出速率(单位是每
0 - 1200 / min
and Rate
0 - 255
Data Filters
1 = 72 ms
Heading Output 非线性滤波器的平滑系数
2.10 标定
所有的磁罗盘必须标定,来补偿地磁场外的其它磁场,以获得精确的航向。地磁场外的磁场是由主平台产生 的,因此与罗盘的安装位置有关。通过执行一个简单的程序,HMR3000可以补偿 诸如硬铁磁场的静态环境磁场,经标定程序发现的磁场分量对于罗盘的特定的位置和方向是有效的。如果罗 盘改变了安装位置或平台的磁特性发生了变化,罗盘需重新标定,否则会产生航向误差。