[填空题]国内外普遍使用的罐藏容器为()、()、()。 [单选]对多发性骨髓瘤诊断具有决定性意义的检查是()A.骨髓穿刺涂片形态学检查B.外周血涂片检查C.血沉测定D.血清钙、磷和碱性磷酸酶测定E.血清免疫电泳 [问答题,简答题]简述汽油机和柴油机的着火和燃烧方式。 [单选]论文得不到公认,就是不科学的:()A、对B、不全对C、错 [判断题]一般在车辆事故中,导致驾驶人和乘员受伤的主要是一次碰撞。()A.正确B.错误 [填空题]双组分涂料混合后固化作用开始,必须在()内用完,超出()的产品不能继续使用。 [单选]强调发展中国家经济中特有的市场不完全性、刚性、短缺、过剩、低供给弹性等固有经济特点,这正是发展中国家经济现实与西方传统经济理论的()A.内在联系的表现B.基本相同之处C.重要区别D.毫不相干的论述 [单选]港口与航道程施工总承包特级资质企业近3年年平均工程结算收入应为()以上。A.8亿元B.10亿元C.15亿元D.20亿元 [填空题]通风机和鼓风机是化工厂常用的气体输送机机械,大体可分为()和()两类。 [单选]诺成合同和实践合同是以()条件划分的。A.按照合同表现形式划分B.按照合同的成立是否以标的物的交付为必要条件划分C.按照当事人是否相互负有义务划分D.按照相互之间的从属关系划分 [单选]施工项目管理规划应包括对目标的分解与研究及对()的调查与分析。A.合同B.法律C.环境D.成本 [单选]导致胎膜早破的因素中,不包括()A.绒毛膜羊膜炎B.双胎C.胎位异常D.巨大儿E.胎儿生长受限 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]康复定义叙述不正确的是()A.重新获得生活能力B.台湾省定义为复健C.中国内地定义为康复D.香港地区定义为复康E.恢复原来的权利、资格、地位、尊严 [名词解释]大同之世 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《灵枢·天年》认为人体胚胎产生以母为()A.基B.本C.楯D.根E.标 [单选]信息产业分为()部门。A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]胰岛素与受体结合后细胞内的特征性变化是()。A.热休克蛋白自激素结合区水解B.IP3、DAG浓度增高C.cAMP减少D.cAMP增加E.受体β亚单位上酪氨酸磷酸化 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪种情况尿中胆素原族排泄量会减少()。A.肝功能轻度损伤B.肠道阻塞C.溶血D.碱中毒E.胆道阻塞 [问答题,简答题]分子筛吸附器的性能指标? [单选]定额计算法的公式中R代表()。ABCD [问答题,简答题]列举页面之间传递值的几种方式。 [单选,共用题干题]患者女,25岁,因“闭经、溢乳3个月”来诊。入院后2次查血PRL升高,分别为210μg/L和240μg/L;血清钙分别为3.4mmol/L和3.2mmol/L,血磷正常值低限;PTH水平升高,分别为180ng/L和200ng/L;尿常规BLD(+++)。垂体MRI:微腺瘤。无须进一步做的检查是()。A.空腹 [单选,A1型题]28岁初产妇,妊娠39周胎儿经阴道娩出后,立即出现多量阴道流血,色鲜红,持续不断。最可能的病因诊断应为()A.子宫收缩乏力B.软产道裂伤C.凝血功能障碍D.植入胎盘部分剥离E.以上都不是 [单选]教育培训培养人才具有()的特点,要求课程开发具有超前性A、前瞻性B、多元性C、实践性D、周期性 [单选]甲公司得知乙公司在与丙公司进行一个项目的商谈,甲公司向乙公司发函,表示愿以更高的价格购买。乙公司遂中断了与丙公司的谈判。但甲公司反悔,拒绝与乙公司进行谈判。后查明,甲公司根本不需要该项目,其目的只是排挤丙公司,则甲公司应承担()。A.侵权责任B.缔约过失责任 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]LD酶有几种结构不同的同工酶().A.2B.3C.4D.5E.6 [单选]下列对于性病性淋巴肉芽肿的诊断有意义,但除了()A.有不洁性交史或配偶感染史B.衣原体培养阳性C.男性龟头、包皮处可见小丘疹、疱疹,无自觉症状D.低丙种球蛋白血症 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]女孩从月经初潮至生殖器官逐渐发育成熟的时期称为()A.月经期B.青春期C.性成熟期D.发育期E.排卵期 [单选]按拣货单位分区的目的是将(),使拣取与搬运作业单元化,并简化拣取作业。A.储存单位与拣货单位分类统一B.拣货单位分类C.储存单位分类D.物品分类统一 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]男性,54岁,近年来腰臀部疼放射到左足跟处,MRI示有L5,S1椎间盘突出,查体可能发现的体征是()。A.左提睾反射消失B.左膝反射减弱或消失C.左跟腱反射减弱或消失D.左跖反射消失E.左肛门反射消失 [单选]下面哪一项是学龄期儿童的主要特点()A.好奇多问,模仿性强B.理解、分析、综合能力逐步完善C.易发生营养不良D.患感染性疾病E.易发生营养不良和消化紊乱 [判断题]为了保证錾子具有良好的硬度,应对錾子进行热处理,即淬火。()A.正确B.错误 [问答题,简答题]励磁变接线组别? [单选]某建设工程施工合同无效、被撤销后,应当返还财产的方式是()。A.原价返还B.溢价返还C.赔偿返还D.折价返还 [单选]患者,男性,20岁,患狭窄性腱鞘炎,下面哪项体征不会出现()A.弹响指B.弹响拇C.扳机指D.鼓槌指E.握拳尺偏试验阳性 [单选,B1型题]糖尿病母亲婴儿多见()A.剖宫产儿B.早产儿C.过期产儿D.巨大儿E.小于胎龄儿 [单选]动脉瘤最有效的治疗方法是()A.控制高脂饮食B.体育锻炼C.手术切除D.降低血压E.降血脂药物 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者男性,66岁。慢支30年,近3年来下肢水肿,平时活动气短,3天前受凉后加重,神志恍惚、嗜睡。血气分析:pH7.15,PaCO280mmHg,PaO245mmHg。进一步的检查结果显示:AG18mmol/L,HCO3-20mmol/L,提示患者().A.合并呼吸性酸中毒B.合并代谢性酸中毒C.合并 [问答题]可以办理公务卡附属卡吗? [单选]游乐园的()应该执行国家有关标准和规范。A、计划、设计、施工B、引进、安装C、制造、安装D、规划、设计、施工
2011届高考英语第一轮单元考点复习j教学案:Unit 13 Thewater planeSBIIB Unit 13 The ater plane河口素材新挖掘考点1 benefit vi使……受益;得益n 利益Here, anials an en all the benefits f the eans ithut having t fae an f the dangersan benefits ill fl fr this disver这项发现将带许多好处。
benefit n 利益;好处benefit vt 有益于benefit fr从中……受益benefiial ad有益的(1)This pret is f great ________(好处)t everne(2)I have dne it fr his _________(利益)(3)e _____________(得益于)dail exerises(4)The plants _______________________(从雨中受益)()这种药对你有好处。
(写作小练笔:主谓宾;ediine)______________________________benefitbenefit frbenefited fr the rainThe ediine ill benefit u考点2 range vi(在一定范围内)变动;变化Life in the eans ranges fr the tiniest plantn all the a up t giants lie shars and halesThe teperature f this it ranges fr 0℃t 30 ℃这个城市的气温在0℃到30℃之间。
range n 射程;变动范围范围在……之间range fr…trange vt 排列;整理(1)Several ars are available ithin this prie ________(范围)(2)There is a ide ________(变动范围)f teperature in thenrth f hina(3)u have t range the gds neatl in the shp ind(替换)_______(4)_____________(价格范围)fr dllars t 10 dllars()hat is the range f ur gun?(英译汉)________________________rangearrangePries ranged你的枪的射程有多远?考点3 derease vi 变小;减少hen ater freezes, its densit dereasesur iprts dereased last ear我们去年的进口物品减少了。
2011届高考英语第一轮总复习教案14高考英语一轮重点复习dule 6 Unit1 ≈ Unit2一重点单词1 ai(1)v 瞄准;对准ai the gun at the bear把枪瞄准熊Dn’t ai the needle at his ees 不要用针对着他的眼睛。
ai at向……努力;力争;企图ai high志向高远be aied at目标是, 目的是;(批评,评论等)针对某人(2)n 瞄准;目的;目标Tae areful ai befre firing(3)ailess ad 无目的的, 无目标的ailess life考点例题:His speeh _________________________ (ai) the b h had nt pla fair2 fus(1)n 焦点;焦距;使人感到兴趣所在The fus f aera des nt r prperlHer fashinable dress beae the fus f attentin at the part(2)fus (sth ) n sth 把……集中于…… fus the x-ra n the patient’s hestI an’t fus n anthing tda after the tiring ride in the untr考点例题:The beas f light ved arss the stage and then _______________________(fus) the atrs3 transfr v 完全改变某物或某人的外观或特性Suess and ealth transfred his haraterne’s persnalit an nt be pletel transfredhat as it that transfred this beautiful land int desert?His plans ere transfred vernight int realit拓展:transfrable ad 可改变的transfratin n 改变;转变The transfratin f the stated – ned enterprises国有企业的转变transfrer 变压器考点例题:In this fair tale, the agiian __________ the priness _______ a frgA harged intB hanged fr transfred fr D transfred int二重点短语1 sre f几十;许多英语中的所有数量单位在表示概数时,同时加“s”和“f”, 如dzens f, sres f, hundreds f, illins f et当这些单位词前面有数词修饰表示确定的数目时,不加“s” “f”,如:t dzen eggs, three hundred pupils, five illin peple et 但three sre f plieen 例外考点例题:1) Ever ear ____________ freign visitrs e t hinaA tens f thusands fB ten thusands fver ten thusands D thusands upn thusands2)I’ve tld hi f that ___________A a hundred tieB hundred ties hundred f ties D hundreds f ties3)____________ peple have visited the __________ stne bridgeA T illins f;00-ft-lngB Several illins f;00-feet-lngT illin f;00-feet-lng D illins f;00-ft-lng2 tae it eas放松, 别紧张Tae it eas! u n’t get int truble ith us arund相关短语:tae ne’s tie别急;慢慢Tae ur tie u have half an hur t gtae sth apart拆开Taing the radi is an eas b but it ill be hard t put it tgethertae in收留;欺骗;吸收;摄取;包括nsuers an be taen in easil b the exaggerating advertiseenttae ff脱掉;起飞The fight ill tae ff sn, let’s be n bardtae sb ff sth 使某人离开…… 调离The plaer as taen ff the tea due t his breaing tea rules t ftentae n呈现;带着Her ees t n a hurt expressintae sb n雇佣;允许搭乘ur pan is expending and it is urgent fr us t tae n se ne ffie rerstae ver控制;接管The ar has taen ver the hle ittae up占据;从事;接下去The pian taes t uh rAfter the graduatin, I t up a b as a urnalist考点例题:1)翻译:我接着昨天的故事讲。
高考英语一轮复习 SBⅠUnits 13-14精品学案 大纲人教版 学案
SBⅠUnits 13-14重点句型1.Choosing what to eat is no longer as easy as it once was.(SBⅠ U13)选择吃什么东西不再像以前那么容易了。
what to do是“疑问词+不定式”的结构,在句中作宾语,另外这一结构也可作主语、表语、定语等。
例如:What to do next hasn’t been decided yet.(主语)下一步该做什么还没有决定。
The question is how to finish the work in time.(表语)问题是如何按时完成这项工作。
The key with which to open the door has been lost.开这扇门的钥匙不见了。
(定语)①All the students except John ______________________________(知道怎么回答这个问题), because he fell asleep in class.②They exchange their views ________________________________(关于选谁的问题).③I've worked with children before, so I know what ______ in my new job.A. expectedB. to expectC. to be expectingD. expects【答案】①knew how to answer the question②on the question of whom to elect ③B to expect 充当宾语。
2. Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life. (SBⅠ U13)只有这样我们才能作好充分准备,以应对生活中的挑战与机遇。
英语:2011届一轮复习学案:unit13《healthy eating》(大纲版高一下).doc
英语:2011届一轮复习学案:Unit13《Healthy eating》(大纲版高一下)Ⅰ.单词拼写1.The work progressed at a slow ______(速度).2.Have you ______(吸收) everything that is important in the book?3.It was a funny sight that the children lay flat on their ______(肚子).4.In order to keep the ______(平衡) of nature, we must protect some animals in danger.5.The story is ______(基于) on a true story.6.The brain performs a very important ______(作用); it controls the nervous system of the body. 7.The doctor asked the patient to lie down and began to ______(检查) him carefully.8.The diet of many westerners ______(含有) a lot of cakes, soft drinks and sweets.9.Even after hours of work, his ______(精力) never seems to give out.10.I was very fat two years ago and all my friends advised me to lose some ______(体重).[答案]1.pace 2.digested 3.stomachs 4.balance5.based 6.function7.examine8.contains9.energy10.weightⅠ.完成句子(湖北专用)1.I can’t ____________(辨别这两个英语单词).(tell)2.My parents recommend ____________(坐出租车) when it rains.(take)3.The fair weather ____________(助成了那次航行成功).(contribute)4.__________(老师不在时), our monitor is in charge.(absence)5.She can still ____________(想起儿时的情景).(call)6.You had better ____________(存些钱) for special use.(put)7.I wanted ____________(这些衣服尽快补).(mend)8.As is known to us, China is a country ____________(属于发展中国家).(belong)9.I’d like to have dinner with you ____________(当你方便时).(convenient)10.____________(新的铁路在建设中) between the two countries.(construction)[答案]1.tell the two English words apart2.taking a taxi3.contributed to the success of the voyage4.In the absence of our teacher5.call up scenes of childhood6.put aside some money7.these clothes(to be) mended as soon as possible8.belonging to the developing countries9.when it is convenient to you10.The new railway is under constructionⅡ.单项填空1.I think you should do morning exercise every day if you want to ______.A. be good healthB. stay healthC. remain healthD. keep fit2.—Tell the men that they can rest for an hour.—Does that ______ me, too?A. do withB. go forC. come withD. fit for3.He tried to learn English well, ______ did his classmates.A. asB. whichC. thatD. and4.I ______ the habit of listening to music while reading a book.A. createdB. developedC. equippedD. invented5.Although we live too far away to see each other, we send e-mail ______ to stay in touch.A. here and thereB. at one timeC. now and thenD. ahead of time6.Fast foods are high in fat and sugar so you will easily ______ weight.A. put upB. put onC. put offD. put down7.In the market, vegetables are sold by ______ kilogram. I mean by ______ weight.A. the; /B. /; /C. the; theD. /; the8.Only in this way can you ______ the others, or you’ll fall behind.A. catch upB. keep upC. catch up withD. keep up with9.I failed in the final examination last term and only then ______ the importance of studies.A. I realizedB. I had realizedC. had I realizedD. did I realize10.—This doesn’t ______ me. Do you have a larger one?—Sorry, but the color is different. Does it ______ you?A. fit; suitB. suit; fitC. fit; fitD. suit; suit11.We always keep ______ spare paper, in case it run out.A. too muchB. a number ofC. plenty ofD. a good many12.Man of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, ______ they knew it to be valuable.A. as ifB. now thatC. even thoughD. so that13.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of ______.A. powerB. strengthC. energyD. courage14.You will have nothing to ______ if you refuse to listen to our advice.A. garnB. earnC. catchD. seize15.(2010·安徽第一次联考)Not until quite recently ______ that language is closely related to culture.A. he realizedB. did he realizeC. had he realizedD. he did realize[答案]1.D。
2011高考英语一轮复习Unit 14
2011高考英语一轮复习Unit 142011高考英语一轮教学案大纲版Unit 14理解:要点诠释单词1purpse讲:n 目的(可数名词);用途;效果(不可数名词)例:I didn’t eet hi fr the ere purpse f taling我并不是仅为了谈话才见他。
He ent t tn n purpse t sell ne f his paintings他为了卖自己的一幅画而特意进城。
His explanatin as nt t the purpse他的解释不得要领。
链接•提示(1)fr pratial purpses实际上(2)n purpse故意;有意地(其反义词组为b hane或b aident“偶然”)(3)anser/serve ne’s purpse符合需要(4)arr ut a purpse实现目标练:I’srr t have hurt u,but I didn’t d it ________An purpse Bin nn asin Dn the purpse提示:n purpse意为“故意地”;in n意为“共同,相似”;n asin意为“偶尔地”。
从句意看应用n purpse。
例:hildren shuld sh respet fr their teahers孩子应该尊敬老师。
ther sends her respets t u我母亲向你问好。
If u dn’t respet urself,h an u expet thers t respet u?如果你不尊重自己,怎么期望别人尊重你?链接•提示respet构成的短语(1)pa respet t 考虑;尊重(2)ith respet t关于(3)ithut respet t 不管;不考虑(4)in respet f涉及;关于;在……方面()as respets就……而言;关于练:rZhang,_______ fr his braver,gains everne’s ______Ahnur;respet Bhnur;respetedhnred;respeted Dhnred;respet提示:be hnred fr 因……而受表彰,此处考查过去分词短语作定语。
高一英语上册Units 13- 14单元专题复习教案
高一英语上册 Units 13-14 单元专题复习教案一、教学目标本教案旨在帮助学生系统地复习高一英语上册 Units 13-14 的相关知识点,提升学生的听、说、读、写和翻译能力,并通过课堂练习和口头交流来巩固所学内容。
二、教学内容1.课文复习:回顾 Units 13-14 的课文,包括重点句子和单词的翻译;2.语法复习:复习本单元的语法知识,包括比较级和最高级的用法;3.听力练习:通过听录音,进行听力训练,加强学生的听力理解能力;4.口语练习:组织学生进行口语练习,鼓励用英语进行问答和对话;5.阅读理解:进行阅读理解练习,提升学生的阅读理解和答题技巧。
三、教学活动1.活动一:课文复习–让学生自主阅读 Units 13-14 的课文,并标注重点句子和生词;–学生之间相互讨论并互相翻译重点句子和生词;–教师对重点句子和生词进行讲解和解释。
五、教学反思通过本单元的专题复习教案,学生能够系统地复习 Units 13-14 的知识点,并通过各种练习来巩固所学内容。
C. is suitable for
D. is fit for
解析:因空格处不能形成句子结构,所以A、C、D 不对,另外A项的意义也不恰当。
2.tasty adj. 好吃的;可口的 [思维拓展] taste v. “尝起来”常用作连系动词,接形容词作表 语
taste+adj.(sweet, bitter, sour, salty)
③be suitable for一般外表看起来合适,如款式、颜
I don’t think him ______ the work. You’d better ask somebody else to do it. A. fits B. fit for
表保持状态系动词:keep, stay, remain, prove [注]①系动词无被动语态
We don’t care if a hunting dog smells ______, but we really don’t want him to smell ______. A. well; well B. bad; bad
5.function n. 功能;作用 v. 起作用;运转 [思维拓展] ①the function of the heart心脏的功能 It’s the function of sb. to do sth.做某事是某人/部门
②function as sth.起到某物的作用
The sofa can also ______ as a bed. A. use B. make
the balance of...剩余的„„
2011高考英语一轮复习Unit 13-Unit 14
2011高考英语一轮复习Unit 13-Unit 14 2011高考英语一轮教学案大纲版Unit 13-Unit 14提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点Unit 13单词fat stah fever ripe ught exaine plent diet fit gain energ sft bar fuel heial balane tast bil ixture sleep brain stea短语ught t plent f eep up ith ae a right hie shrt f n and then rll up句型1nl引导的倒装句型2instead (f)构成的句型Unit 14单词thee parade fighting nflit arguent ar prbabl hnur anestr priniple natin purpse reativit faith erial light siilar generatin salute iss hee nd elebratin respet gift le fl invitatin短语dress up in ne’s pinin give thans t pla a tri n sb tae in utint piees lead alife句型eah tie引导状语从句Unit 13理解:要点诠释单词1fit讲:n适合;合身(的衣服)v(使)适合;符合;适应;配合ad合适的;健康的;适合……的例:These shes are a perfet fit这双鞋子很合脚。
This aet fits e ell这夹克很合我的身。
h,the e desn’t fit the l!哎呀,这把钥匙不是这把锁的。
e eet next eeD u n a fit plae?我们下星期要开会,你知道有什么合适的场所吗?hat ind f b is he fit fr?他适合什么样的工作?I have n dress fit t ear in publi我没有适合公共场合穿的衣服。
Units 13~14The water planetFreedom fightersⅠ.单项填空1.Nuclear science should be developed to ________the people rather than harm them.A.benefit B.contribute C.protect D.affect解析:benefit sb.“对某人有益”。
答案:A2.For more than 20 years, we’ve been supporting educational programs that ________ from kindergartens to colleges.A.spread B.move C.shift D.range解析:range from...to...“范围从……到……”。
答案:D[3.When I opened the door, I found my father sitting in his chair, completely ________ a magazine.A.absorbing in B.absorbed in C.absorbing to D.absorbed to解析:此处absorbed in作伴随状语,意为“专心于”。
答案:B4.The teacher asked a difficult question, but Ted, finally, managed to ________ a good answer.A.put up with B.keep up with C.come up with D.go through with解析:come up with“提出,提供”“想出”。
答案:C5.We regret to inform you that there are no tickets ________ for Friday’s performance.A.available B.spare C.convenient D.affordable解析:“星期五演出的票没有了”,available“可提供的,可得到的”,常作后置定语。
高一英语上册Units 13- 14单元专题复习教案
高一英语上册Units 13- 14单元专题复习教案高一英语上册Units 13- 14单元专题复习教案Units 13-udy aim: Grallowing words anducture and remember how to uudy guide: Read the new words and fillblanks in about 20 minu☆重点难点☆adj. 健康的,合适的v. 适合bbdoProper exvery dauIb? The weago ouThis padoesn’这双鞋我穿不合脚。
区别:fit与su多指衣服尺寸、大小合适,suit指(发式,衣服款式等)相配;适合(职业;年龄等)练习:This coat doesn’t___________me----it’s so big. 这件上衣不适合我穿----太大了。
The new dress ____________ her very well. 那套新服装和她很相配。
Althoug_____ me welllour doesn’t _____me. So I don’t want to buA. fits;B. fits; su; suit D;2. Onlway will we be readallenges aul只有用这种方法我们才能准备迎接生活中的机遇和挑战。
“Only + 状语 +倒装句。
[注意] Only teachers can uuter. 不是倒装句,在此句中only修饰的是名词。
ly _______________ can you improve your study. 只有通过努力学习才会提高你的成绩..ly when you are 18 _____________ the right to vote. 只有你到了18岁才有选举权。
高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit13教学案 人教大纲版 学案
Unit 13-Unit 14提纲挈领Unit 13理解:要点诠释单词1.remark讲:n.&vt.& vi.话,评论短语:make remarks about sth.评论某事pass remarks about/at sb.议论某人remark upon/on sth.评论某事例:His remarks added up to an agreement of my plan. 他的意见归结起来就是赞成我的计划。
She remarked that it was getting warmer and warmer. 她说天气越来越暖和了。
Her strange behaviour was passed remarks about.她奇怪的行为遭到了议论。
I want to remark upon your statement.我想就你的陈述发表一下意见。
Don’t make rude remarks about their appearances.不要口没拦遮,批评他们的外表。
练:His_______for success encouraged himself to devote his life to the research work.A.decisionB.requestC.desireD.remark提示:本题考查名词的辨析。
答案:C2.astonish讲:v. 使惊奇astonished adj.惊奇地astonished常见结构有:(1)系动词+astonished+to do;(2)系动词+astonished+at/by sth./sb.;(3)系动词+astonished+that...。
例:The news astonished everyone.这个消息使大家十分惊讶。
She astonished us by saying she was leaving.她说她要离开,令我们大为惊讶。
英语:2011届一轮复习学案:Unit14《Festivals》(大纲版高一下)单词拼写1.Tears rolled down the woman’s ______(面颊) when she heard the sad news.2.The lion is often used as a ______(象征) of courage.3.These folk stories have been passed from the old people to young ______(一代) for over two thousand years.4.He is holding a ______(点燃的) candle to light the whole room.5.A thousand thanks for your ______(邀请) to pay you a visit in spring.6.Mr. Zhang is ______(尊敬) for his experienced teaching in the school.7.She felt greatly ______(荣幸) to be invited to give a lecture at the meeting.8.Could you please tell me the ______(主题) of the 2008 Olympic Games?9.On October 1st all the teachers and students in our school held a grand party to ______(庆祝) National Day.10.My brother and I have ______(类似的) taste in sport.[答案]1.cheeks 2.symbol 3.generations 4.lighted5.invitation 6.respected7.honoured8.theme9.celebrate10.similarⅠ.完成句子(湖北专用)1.He said nothing, ____________(表明他不同意你说的).(indicate)2.My friends has told me that ____________(那个经理很难相处).(deal)3.It is said that ____________(这药能治好你的咳嗽).(cure)4.His school education ____________(已对他的性格有好的影响).(influence)5.____________(随着春天来临), the weather became warmer.(with; approach)6.____________(从……来看,从……来判断) the look of the sky, it’s very likely to rain.(judge)7.I haven’t the slightest idea ____________(他正在说什么).(talk)8.____________(他是否出过国) doesn’t make much difference.(he; abroad)9.The fact ____________(他失败了多次) makes him very upset.(he; fail)10.With the rapid development of science and technology, I can’t imagine ____________(我的家乡会是什么样子) in ten years.(what)[答案]1.indicating that he disagreed with what you had said2.the manager is difficult(hard) to deal with3.this medicine can cure you of your cough4.has had a good influence on his character5.With the approach of spring/With spring approaching6.Judging from(by)7.(of)what he’s talking about8.Whether he has been abroad or not9.that he has failed(for) several times10.what my hometown will be(look) likeⅡ.单项填空1.The government has held a ceremony ______ those killed in battle.A. in honour ofB. instead ofC. in favour ofD. by means of2.—Was your sister glad when she saw you?—Of course she was. Her face ______ when she saw me coming.A. set upB. lit upC. fired upD. cleared up3.Noise is unpleasant, ______ when you are trying to sleep.A. extremelyB. naturallyC. fortunatelyD. especially4.They ______ a candle and the ______ candle ______ the room.A. light; lighting; litB. lit; lighted; litC. lit; lighting; litD. lighted; lit; lit5.The speaker said that he was feeling highly ______ one of the guests invited to the press conference.A. honoured withB. honoured asC. honoured forD. honoured by6.—Hello, could I speak to ______ Mr. Smith?—Sorry, wr ong number. There isn’t Mr. Smith here.A. /B. aC. theD. one7.When they heard the good news, all of the people in the city held a great party to ______ their victory.A. celebrateB. memorizeC. congratulateD. receive8.In this seaside resort, you can ______ all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.A. enjoyB. applyC. receiveD. achieve9.They were completely ______ by the story he made up, because the students are too young and have no social experience.A. taken upB. taken inC. taken offD. taken out10.______ in her best clothes, the girl tried to make herself ______ at the party.A. Dressed; noticedB. Dressing; to be noticedC. Get dressed; noticedD. Dressing; noticing11.Next time you ______ there, please take your wife along with you.A. goB. wentC. are goingD. will go12.It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ______ journey.A. three hourB. a three hourC. a three-hourD. three hours13.After the earthquake, the injured were cared ______ in the local hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighbouring cities.A. ofB. forC. afterD. with14.Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, ______ the way they actually are.A. asB. orC. butD. and15.(2010·安徽师大附中摸底)—You’re not worried about your English, are you?—No, certainly not. Not Chinese, not math and ______ English.A. as far asB. at the leastC. best of allD. least of all[答案]1.A。
高一英语学案Units13-14(B1)(人教版高一英语教案教学设计)【知识网络】一、重点词汇与短语1.way: 在表示“方式,方法”的意思时,要注意其搭配:way of doing somethingway (for somebody) to do somethingin this way=by this meansby the way:顺便说说;顺便提起way of life:生活方式to my way of thinking:依我看来Some women like the older ways of doing things.有些女性喜欢处理事务的老办法。
Can you suggest a good way for us to ask people to send us the money, and let us buy the gift when we get to the mainland?您能不能给我们建议一个好办法,让我们请大家送钱给我们,然后让我们在回到大陆时再购买礼物?Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.压力是日常生活中不可分割的一部分,无法逃避。
In this way, Americans 'send their climates' to people in other states.这样美国人把'本地的气候'传送给其它州的人。
In this way, he has begun his own private 'telephone' service.就这样,他开始了自己的私人'电话'业务。
Each successful manager has a way of his own in bringing his views to bear.每一个成功的经理都有他自己独特的方式使别人接受他的意见。
高三英语高考第一轮复习——Book I Unit 13-14人教版知识精讲
高三英语高考第一轮复习——Book I Unit 13-14人教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:一轮复习Book I Unit 13-14(一)重点单词(二)重点短语(三)重点句型(四)重点语法二. 知识精讲:(一)重点单词1. examine/check/testexamine1) 检查身体是否有问题e.g. The goods were examined for damage on arrival.The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong.Tom will have his blood examined.2) 考试,测试e.g. The students will be examined at the end of term.check核对,检验(看是否安全、正确、满意或处于良好的状态)美国(寄存、托运)1) At the airport the officials checked my luggage carefully.2) He hurried to the station and checked in.3) Have you checked your baggage?4) Whenever you are to walk on the ice, check that it is solid and safe enough.test1) 测试(看功能是否完好)Test nuclear weapons under the sea.2) 检查衡量(某人或某物的品质、质量)I’d like to have my hearing tested.Their friendship has stood the test of time.2. junk用作不可数名词,常用于口语中,表示“无用的或者无价值的东西”,“廉价出售的废旧杂物”。
2011高考英语一轮复习教学案大纲版:BookII Unit13
Unit 13-Unit 14提纲挈领Unit 13理解:要点诠释单词1.benefit讲:n. 优势;益处;成效vt. 对(某人)有用;使受益(宾语为受益者)vi.(from/by sth.)得益于;受益于(主语为受益者)例:I’ve had the benefit of a good education.=A good education has benefited me.=I have benefited from a good education.我得益于良好的教育。
链接·提示(1)for the benefit of为了……的利益;为帮助某人I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those who were absent last week.我帮上星期缺课的人打印了些上课的笔记。
(2)of benefit to对……有益处(该短语既可以作表语,也可以作定语)The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.新章程将使所有有关人员受益。
(3)benefit from/by从……受益练:(1)A large sum of money has been raised for the_________________ of the poorlyeducated children in the mountainous districts.A.profitB.favorC.advantageD.benefit提示:profit利润;favor恩惠;帮助;advantage优点;优势;benefit益处;好处。
依据词义和搭配for the benefit of,选D项。
答案:D(2)Doing morning exercises________________ our health and we________________ it.A.benefits to;benefitB.benefits;benefit fromC.benefits from;benefitD.benefits;are benefited from答案:B2.absorb讲:vt.(\drink in,take in)吸收(水、热、光等);使并入;同化;理解;掌握;吸引注意力;使全神贯注例:We must absorb whatever experience is useful to us.我们必须吸收对我们有用的一切经验。
高考第一轮复习英语:高一Unit 13-Unit 14高中第一册(下)知识梳理Ⅰ.网络构建词汇单词 fat stomach fever ripe ought examine plenty diet fit gain energysoft bar fuel chemical balance tasty boil mixture sleepy brain steam *theme *parade fighting *conflict argument major probably honour *ancestor *principle nation purpose *creativity *faith *commercial joy light similar generation *salute kiss cheek nod celebration respect gift cycle fool invitation词组ought to plenty of keep up with make a right choice short of now and then roll up dress up in one’s opinion give thanks to play a trick on sb. take in cut...into pieces lead a ...life 语法情态动词Ⅱ.重点精讲●重点单词1.fit例句集锦n.These shoes are a perfect fit.这双鞋子很合脚。
The coat is a bad fit.那件外套不合身。
What a fit!多么合身的衣服啊!v.(1)This jacket fits me well.这件夹克很合我的身。
Why,the key doesn’t fit the lock!哎呀,这把钥匙不是这把锁的!What do you want to drink?Will beer fit the bill?你想喝什么?啤酒可以吗?(2)These shoes fit perfectly.这双鞋子完全合脚。
3). That's no concern of mine.那不关我的事。
as / so far as … be concerned关于;至于;就……而言
take part in表示参与、参加讨论、游行、比赛、战斗、斗争、运动、庆祝等
1). Can I ___________ the game?
2). Did you ____________ the fighting?
still “不动的”,指人时侧重一动不动,;指物时指完全没有声音,突出静止不动。
答案:1). overlooked2). ignored3). neglect
2. cheat / fool
fool “愚弄”,指利用人缺乏常识,心理脆弱来欺骗人。
1). You may get _________ in that shop.
答案: 1). still2). silent3). quiet4). calm
4. join / join in / take part in / attend
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Units 13~14Healthy eatingFestivalsⅠ.单项填空1.John was ________ to spend his summer holidays in that mountain village.A.suggested B.advised C.demanded D.hoped解析:此题考查advise sb.to do sth.句式的被动语态。
答案:B2.Juliet is one of the women who always ________ the latest fashions.A.make up for B.get along with C.keep up with D.put up with解析:make up for “补偿”;get along with “和……相处;进展”;keep up with“跟上;紧跟”;put up with“忍耐,忍受”。
”答案:C3.Even after hours of work his ________ never seems to give out.A.energy B.force C.power D.fuel解析:energy “精力;能源”;force “暴力;军力”;power “动力;权力;能力”;fuel “燃料;油料”。
”答案:A4.A hurricane hit the city last night and a large ________ of damage was done in a very short [来源:学,科,网]time.A.number B.deal C.amount D.sum解析:a large number of修饰可数名词;a great/good deal of或a large amount of修饰不可数名词;a large sum of通常指大量的钱。
答案:C5.I am ________ money this week;can you lend me some?A.lack of B.lacking for C.short of D.short for解析:“缺乏,缺少”常用be lacking in或be short of表达。
答案:C6.Eating too much fat and sugar makes you ________ weight very easily.A.put B.gain C.increase D.pick解析:gain weight或put on weight意为“增加体重”。
答案:B7.Often he ________ sit for hours doing nothing at all when he was in low spirits.A.should B.would C.could D.might解析:would有时相当于used to,表示过去的习惯动作。
答案:B8.This is the to tal cost of the holiday, ________ everything.A.taking in B.bringing in C.getting in D.calling in解析:take in “包括”;bring in “引进;赚钱”;get in “进入”;call in “把……叫来;召集;邀请”。
答案:A9.The rising crime rate has become ________ major concern of ________ society.A.the;the B.a;/ C./;the D.a;a解析:concern作“关心的事或人”解时,是可数名词;society作“社会”解时,前面不加冠词。
答案:B10.The taxi driver often________ passengers to take their belongings when they leave the car.A.watches B.catches C.remembers D.reminds解析:remind sb.to do sth.“提醒某人做某事”。
答案:DⅡ.完形填空One family agreed with the idea that money really can buy happiness—send the kids to summer camp!So they sent their son Joey away for the reason.He was __1__ as happy about the arrangement as his __2__,for after about three weeks,they finally received a __3__.Both parents huddled together to read it.After a moment,Joey’s mother __4__ and said to her husband,“Well,it certainly is Joey.”The card reads:“Dear Mom and Dad,they are __5__ everyone write home.Love,Joey.”At times,families may need some __6__.They also need togetherness—lots of it.And those of us who live in families __7__ that our family is far from __8__,even on the best of days.But perfection is not __9__ for a strong family life.What is required,according to family expert Nick Sinnett,are three basics.“When you have astrong __10__ life,” he said,“you receive the __11__ that you are loved,that you are __12__,and that you are important.The __13__ intake of love and affection and respect...gives you inner resources to deal with life more __14__.”Love,affection and __15__—a dynamic trio(三重奏) in any strong family.Where there is love there is a place of __16__ and security.Where there is affection there is a place of __17__.And where there is respect there is a place where the mind and spirit can __18__.Not all of us live in family groups.But we probably came from families and there just may be a family in our future.Dr.Joyce Brothers has __19__ her life to marriage and family issues.She says,“When you look at your life,the greatest happiness is family happiness.” That can be __20__ in any family where you are loved,you are cared for and where you are made to feel important.Make this three parts of your family life and you will truly find happiness.1.A.clearly B.obviously C.generally D.finally答案:B2.A.parents B.classmates C.students D.teachers答案:A3.A.note B.letter C.postcard D.message答案:C4.A.looked up B.looked away C.looked down D.looked through[答案:A5.A.advising B.suggesting C.letting D.making答案:D6.A.space B.room C.area D.time答案:A7.A.understand B.realize C.master D.enjoy答案:B8.A.correct B.right C.perfect D.actual答案:C9.A.ordered B.wanted C.demanded D.required答案:D10.A.school B.family C.camp D.everyday答案:B11.A.message B.idea C.thought D.ambition答案:A12.A.worried about B.looked after C.cared for D.taken care答案:C13.A.active B.negative C.positive D.passive[答案:C14.A.successfully B.gently C.easily D.hardly答案:A15.A.care B.res pect C.friendship D.spirit答案:B[来源:Z#xx#]16.A.danger B.closeness C.stability D.safety答案:D17.A.coldness B.hotness C.warmth D.happiness答案:C18.A.wave B.develop C.stay D.show答案:B19.A.attended B.come C.devoted D.grown答案:C20.A.wrong B.true C.real D.proper答案:BⅢ.阅读理解You may open your electronic mail and find information about how to buy medicine,cheap airline tickets,books and,of course,computers and computer products.There may a lso be offers for investment deals,bank loans and special holidays.However,to many computer users,this use of electronic spam to sell products has become a major problem as it makes computer communication more difficult.Many companies who want to send a great deal of advertisin g might use the services of a “spammer”.A spammer is a person or company that uses computers to send out milli ons of copies of the same sales information.Spammers find e-mail addresses from websites,news group s and “chat rooms” where people send messages to each other.Most spam is sent by companies who are trying to get you to buy their products.Some of these are honest companies that offer good products or services at a fair price.These companies can offer their products at a cheaper price than you might find in a store.However,much of the spam on the Internet is sent by criminals who are trying to sell products that do not exist or offer services they will not provide.They are only interested in stealing your money.When you answer their spam you find y ou are expected to send them money and receive a gift.One country in Africa has become famous for the number of criminals who try every known trick to separate people from their money.1.What does the underlined word “spam” in Para.2 probably refer to?A.Unwanted electronic information that reaches computer users.B.Computer virus that causes computer communication difficulties.C.Advertisements sent out by companies who want to sell their products.D.Companies that send out millions of copies of the same sales information.解析:词义猜测题。