练习6级 六级阅读真题答案详细解析10篇
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2.考霸解析:正确答案为[D]。由文章第二段可看出,美国商会和其他商业团体常常对于美国关于平衡工作与家庭 不加之以社会责任的话,便是忽视良好教养所产生的社会效应这里的collective responsibility指的就是一种社会
责任,意指良好教养是一个需要全社会共同努力的事业,因为其带来的社会效应是巨大的。因此作者反对将养育孩 子仅仅作为个人选择来看待。作者需要的是collective responsibility,因此答案选D,因为教养孩子是一种社会事业。
seem to be seiz ing tech no logical leadersh ip." seem to表明这几个国家只是有种趋势,但还没有
4.考霸解析:正确答案为[A]。细节题。我们在第三段里可以找到答案。从"…are seriously underfunded…""Humanists
are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members…"这些信息中,可以很快知道是A选项。
是重点。只有C选项符合。且我们从最后这一句"But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that
have defi ned our culture and values."及作者的语气可以更加确定是C选项。
2.What is a main concern of the writers of Gen erati on O?
[A]How Obama is going to live up to young peopi e's exp ectati ons.
[B]Whether America is going to cha nge duri ng Obama's p reside ncy.
5.考霸解析:正确答案为[C]。根据题干关楗词the irony,debate定位到最后一段第一句:The irony is that for all the哦verexcited debate, the net effect of immigrati on is mi ni mal.具有讽刺意义的是,尽管争论非常激烈,外来移民的净影响
The core objective for uni versities which are research-led must be to maximise the imp act of their research efforts. These uni versities should be gen erati ng the widest range of social, econo mic and en vir onmen tal ben efits. In retur n for the scale of in vestme nt, they should share their exp ertise in order to build greater con fide nee in the sector.
4.考霸解析:正确答案为[C]。事实细节题。定位句表明,Schweitzer的研究团队利用新闻报道作为证据来证明他的 上,故答案为A。
A recurri ng criticism of the UK's uni versity sector is its p erceived weak ness in tran slati ng new kno wledge into new p roducts concentrated: less than25%of universities receive75%of the research funding. These same universities are also the institutions producing the greatest share of PhD graduates, scienee citations, policies generating Iong-term resource concentration has also created a research-led and commercially active. It seems clear that the concentration creates differe nces betwee n uni versities.
其实微乎其微。故C项正确。make a fuss的意思是”大惊小怪,小题大做”。
can do. Huma ni stic thinking helps us un dersta nd what we should do.
It is almost impo ssible to imagi ne our society without thi nking of the extraord inary achieveme nts of scie ntists and engin eers in build ing our comp licated world. But try to imagi ne our world as well without the remarkable works that have defi ned our culture and values. We have always n eeded, and we still n eed, both.
At the heart of the debate over illegal immigratio n lies one key questio n: are immigra nts good or bad for the economy? The America n p ublic overwhel min gly thi nks they're bad. Yet the consen sus among most econo mists is that immigrati on, both legal and illegal, p rovides a small net boost to the economy. Immigra nts p rovide chea p labor, lower the p rices of
[D] The goals most people set are un realistic.
2.What does Maurice Schweitzer want to show by cit ing the exa mple of Enron?
[A]Sett ing realistic goals can turn a faili ng bus in ess into success.
1.What can we lear n from the first p aragra ph?
It may cha nge the existi ng social structure.
It may pose a threat to their econo mic status.
1.In the early 20th cen tury America ns believed scie nee and tech no logy could
们可以推断出是选C选项。A和D选项比较容易排除。不选B选项,因为文章中"India, China, Japan, and other regions
It may lead to social in stability in the coun try.
It may p lace a great stra in on the state budget.
4.考霸解析:正确答案为[D]。在那些外来移民数量多、社会福利优厚的州,高技术、受到较好教育的雇员的反对最 为强烈。他们最大的担心是外来移民带来的财政负担。故D项正确。
2Байду номын сангаасXX
Only two coun tries in the adva need world p rovide no guara ntee for p aid leave from work to care for a n ewbor n child. Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious dist in cti on by establish ing p aid family leave start ing in 2011.1 was n't ben efits-as they clearly do-the ben efits of p rovid ing more social support for the family should be that much clearer.
1.What do we lear n about p aid family leave from the first p aragra ph?
[A]America is now the only deve loped country without the p olicy.
[B]It has now become a hot topic in the Un ited States.案,答案A中developed是wealthy的同义阐述。
[B]The young gen erati on supports traditi on ally liberal causes.
[C]Young voters p layed a decisive role in Obama's elect ion.
[D]Young people in America are now more diverse ideologically.
A new study from the Cen ter for In formatio n and Research on Civic Lear ning and En gageme nt (CIRCLE) at Tufts Un iversity shows that today's youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, and a 2008 study from the Center for America n Progress adds that in creas ing nu mbers of young voters and activists support traditi on ally liberal causes. But there's no easy way to see what those figures mean in real life. During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologically diverse coaliti on with his message of hope and cha nge; as the reality of life un der a
Part of the econo mic recovery of the UK will be drive n by the n ext gen erati on of research commercialisati on sp illi ng out of
的, 好地发挥作用",也就是技术转让和研究生教育这两个方面。故答案为
责任,意指良好教养是一个需要全社会共同努力的事业,因为其带来的社会效应是巨大的。因此作者反对将养育孩 子仅仅作为个人选择来看待。作者需要的是collective responsibility,因此答案选D,因为教养孩子是一种社会事业。
seem to be seiz ing tech no logical leadersh ip." seem to表明这几个国家只是有种趋势,但还没有
4.考霸解析:正确答案为[A]。细节题。我们在第三段里可以找到答案。从"…are seriously underfunded…""Humanists
are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members…"这些信息中,可以很快知道是A选项。
是重点。只有C选项符合。且我们从最后这一句"But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that
have defi ned our culture and values."及作者的语气可以更加确定是C选项。
2.What is a main concern of the writers of Gen erati on O?
[A]How Obama is going to live up to young peopi e's exp ectati ons.
[B]Whether America is going to cha nge duri ng Obama's p reside ncy.
5.考霸解析:正确答案为[C]。根据题干关楗词the irony,debate定位到最后一段第一句:The irony is that for all the哦verexcited debate, the net effect of immigrati on is mi ni mal.具有讽刺意义的是,尽管争论非常激烈,外来移民的净影响
The core objective for uni versities which are research-led must be to maximise the imp act of their research efforts. These uni versities should be gen erati ng the widest range of social, econo mic and en vir onmen tal ben efits. In retur n for the scale of in vestme nt, they should share their exp ertise in order to build greater con fide nee in the sector.
4.考霸解析:正确答案为[C]。事实细节题。定位句表明,Schweitzer的研究团队利用新闻报道作为证据来证明他的 上,故答案为A。
A recurri ng criticism of the UK's uni versity sector is its p erceived weak ness in tran slati ng new kno wledge into new p roducts concentrated: less than25%of universities receive75%of the research funding. These same universities are also the institutions producing the greatest share of PhD graduates, scienee citations, policies generating Iong-term resource concentration has also created a research-led and commercially active. It seems clear that the concentration creates differe nces betwee n uni versities.
其实微乎其微。故C项正确。make a fuss的意思是”大惊小怪,小题大做”。
can do. Huma ni stic thinking helps us un dersta nd what we should do.
It is almost impo ssible to imagi ne our society without thi nking of the extraord inary achieveme nts of scie ntists and engin eers in build ing our comp licated world. But try to imagi ne our world as well without the remarkable works that have defi ned our culture and values. We have always n eeded, and we still n eed, both.
At the heart of the debate over illegal immigratio n lies one key questio n: are immigra nts good or bad for the economy? The America n p ublic overwhel min gly thi nks they're bad. Yet the consen sus among most econo mists is that immigrati on, both legal and illegal, p rovides a small net boost to the economy. Immigra nts p rovide chea p labor, lower the p rices of
[D] The goals most people set are un realistic.
2.What does Maurice Schweitzer want to show by cit ing the exa mple of Enron?
[A]Sett ing realistic goals can turn a faili ng bus in ess into success.
1.What can we lear n from the first p aragra ph?
It may cha nge the existi ng social structure.
It may pose a threat to their econo mic status.
1.In the early 20th cen tury America ns believed scie nee and tech no logy could
们可以推断出是选C选项。A和D选项比较容易排除。不选B选项,因为文章中"India, China, Japan, and other regions
It may lead to social in stability in the coun try.
It may p lace a great stra in on the state budget.
4.考霸解析:正确答案为[D]。在那些外来移民数量多、社会福利优厚的州,高技术、受到较好教育的雇员的反对最 为强烈。他们最大的担心是外来移民带来的财政负担。故D项正确。
2Байду номын сангаасXX
Only two coun tries in the adva need world p rovide no guara ntee for p aid leave from work to care for a n ewbor n child. Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious dist in cti on by establish ing p aid family leave start ing in 2011.1 was n't ben efits-as they clearly do-the ben efits of p rovid ing more social support for the family should be that much clearer.
1.What do we lear n about p aid family leave from the first p aragra ph?
[A]America is now the only deve loped country without the p olicy.
[B]It has now become a hot topic in the Un ited States.案,答案A中developed是wealthy的同义阐述。
[B]The young gen erati on supports traditi on ally liberal causes.
[C]Young voters p layed a decisive role in Obama's elect ion.
[D]Young people in America are now more diverse ideologically.
A new study from the Cen ter for In formatio n and Research on Civic Lear ning and En gageme nt (CIRCLE) at Tufts Un iversity shows that today's youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, and a 2008 study from the Center for America n Progress adds that in creas ing nu mbers of young voters and activists support traditi on ally liberal causes. But there's no easy way to see what those figures mean in real life. During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologically diverse coaliti on with his message of hope and cha nge; as the reality of life un der a
Part of the econo mic recovery of the UK will be drive n by the n ext gen erati on of research commercialisati on sp illi ng out of
的, 好地发挥作用",也就是技术转让和研究生教育这两个方面。故答案为