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1 whe n the public dema nds “ law and order ” , and whe n n ewspaper editorials talk ab

“ rising tide of crime ” , they have in mind mostly street crime committed be the poor. E the massive report of the preside nt ' s (onryitheojiiailiesge of crime in a free society, devoted only two pages to the en tire subject of whitecollar offen ders and bus in ess



The deep concern with street crime is un dersta ndable. Un like a swi ndler, who merely takes the victim ' s money, an armed mugger threatens physical injury and even death. Yet the fac remains that a great deal of crime in American societ—perhaps most crime, and certainly the most costly crime-is committed by respectable middle-class and upper-class citize ns.


The term “ wKtelar crime ” was^edt by Edwin Sutherland in an address to the

America n sociological associatio n in 1939. -collar crimehite ” he declared, “ ma defined approximately as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high status in

the course of his occupati on utheriahd Socume nted the existe nee of this form of crime with a study of the careers of 70 large, reputable corporati ons, which together had

committed 980 violati ons of the crim in al law, or average of 14 conv icti ons apiece.

1939年,“白领犯罪”一词在美国社会学协会被埃德温•萨瑟兰首次使用,他宣称:“白领犯罪可能被近似定义为:具有很好名声和很高社会地位的人在他的职业生涯里所犯的罪行”。萨瑟兰犯罪档案显示存在这样一种犯罪事实:通过研究70 个大公司,这些声誉很好的公司一共有980次违法犯罪,或者平均每个公司有14人被定罪的记录。

Behind the offense of false advertising, unfair labor practices, restraint of trade, price-fixing agreements, stock manipulation copyright infringement, and outright swindles, were perfectly respectable middle-class executives. sociologists now use the term collar “ whit crime ” to refer not only to crimes committed in the course of business activities for corporate benefit but also to crimes , such as embezzlement, typically committed by persons of high status for personal benefit.



2 As Sutherland pointed out, the full extent of white-collar crime is difficult to assess.

Many corporate malpractices go undetected, and many wealthy people are able to commit crimes like expense-account fraud for years without being found out.


More important, white-collar crimes are usually regarded as somehow less serious than the crimes of the lower class, and attract less attention from police and prosecutors. Even the victims may be unwilli ng to prosecute because of the offender

s “ standing in community ” and trying to settle the matter out of court.
