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1. bus ____________

2. class __________

3. box ___________

4. watch __________

5. peach _________

6. month_________

7. story ___________ 8. family ________ 9. baby __________

10. country ________ 11. lady _________ 12. city __________

13. leaf ___________ 14. shelf _________ 15. knife _________

16. wife ___________ 17. wolf _________ 18. half __________

19. thief ___________ 20. life __________ 21. self___________

22. belief __________ 23. chief _________ 24. roof __________

25. tomato _________ 26. piano _________ 27. photo _________

28. child ________ 29. mouse ________ 30. Chinese ________


1. 一张纸____________________

2. five Canadians ____________________

3. 两杯茶____________________

4. a pair of shoes _____________________

5. 五本数学书________________

6. several pupils _____________________

7. 四箱苹果__________________ 8. a basketball game __________________

9. 两条新闻__________________ 10. today’s newspaper ________________


1. —What do you have for breakfast?

—I often have ________ (noodle) or bread.

2. —What are these?

—They are ________ (strawberry).

3. —Would you like some ________ (sandwich)?

—Thank you, but I’m full.

4. Give me some ________ (lemonade), please.

5. —Are those your father’s ________ (shoe)?

—Yes, they are.

6. —Whose old jeans are these?

—They are ________ ( Michael).

7. —Is the beautiful ________ (purple) skirt Monica’s?

—No, it is Linda’s.

8. There are two ________ (knife) on the table.

9. There are many ________ (Germany) in our college.

10. How many ________ (fish) are there in the pool?

11. Several ________ (sheep) are eating ________ (grass) at the foot of the hill.

12. There are some ________ (tomato) in this ________ (photo).

13. The policeman saved three ________ (child) lives in the accident.

14. Look! The kites in the sky are in different ________ (size). Some are big and some are small.

15. I’m hungry. Can you give me some ________ (slice of turkey), please?


1. Mr White often gives us ________ (some good information / some good informations) by email.

2. My mother bought some new books for me. They are ________ (childrens’/ children’s) books.

3. I have worn out my shoes, so I want to buy a new ________ (pair / ones).

4. Fiona’s handwriting is better than any other ________ (students’/ student’s) in his class.

5. The hospital is a bit far from here. It’s about ________ (forty minutes’/ forty minutes) walk.

6. How many ________ (Chinese / American) are there in your class?

7. I found my black dog in ________ (Jim’s and Mike’s / Jim and Mike’s) room.

8. His sister’s English is better than ________ (anyone else’s / anyone else).

9. There are many ________ (woman’s teachers / women teachers) in our school.

10. Three months ________ (is / are) a long time for me to wait for the final result.


1. September 10th is Teacher’s Day.

2. He’s read a news saying there will be a storm in the afternoon.

3. The tiger’s teeth are bigger than the monkey.

4. The man in the blue car is Kate’s and Mary’s father.

5. The scholars met once a year to exchange experiences.

6. Foreign ships are not allowed to fish in our water.

7. I went to the doctor for an advice about my health.

8. The letter contained an important information.

9. In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings, for it is a fun looking after children.

10. There are a lot of sheep down there, but hardly any peoples.
