25 出货通知单Shipment notification
(中英)出货通知单Shipment Notification

供应商 Supplier: 联系方式 Contact information:
产品名称 Description 出货日期 Delivery Date 入仓地址 Return ADD
□德华沪 □德华粤 □上海仓 □北京仓 □广州仓 □成都仓 □HQ □其他 □德华沪 □德华粤 □上海仓 □北京仓 □广州仓 □成都仓 □HQ □其他 □德华沪 □德华粤 □上海仓 □北京仓 □广州仓 □成都仓 □HQ □其他 □德华沪 □德华粤 □上海仓 □北京仓 □广州仓 □成都仓 □HQ □其他 □德华沪 □德华粤 □上海仓 □北京仓 □广州仓 □成都仓 □HQ □其他 □德华沪 □德华粤 □上海仓 □北京仓 □广州仓 □成都仓 □HQ □其他 □德华沪 □德华粤 □上海仓 □北京仓 □广州仓 □成都仓 □HQ □其他 □德华沪 □德华粤 □上海仓 □北京仓 □广州仓 □成都仓 □HQ □其他 □德华沪 □德华粤 □上海仓 □北京仓 □广州仓 □成都仓 □HQ □其他
订单号 PO N.O:
数量 Qty 包装方式 Packaging
物流方式 Logistics
运单号 Waybill No.
合计 备注:

部门负责人:邹渔 生产厂长: 计划部经理: 发货员:特别注明海淇展示文化有限公司

客户全款出货通知范文英文回答:Customer Full Payment Shipment Notification.Dear [Customer's Name],。
We are pleased to inform you that we have received your full payment for the goods you ordered from our company. We would like to express our gratitude for your prompt payment and trust in our products.As per your request, we are now preparing to ship the goods to your designated location. Our team is working diligently to ensure that the products are carefully packed and ready for transportation. We understand the importance of delivering the goods in a timely manner and will make every effort to meet your expectations.The shipment will be made through our trusted logisticspartner, [Logistics Company Name]. They have a proven track record of delivering goods safely and efficiently. We will provide you with the tracking details as soon as the shipment is dispatched, so you can monitor the progress of your order.We would like to remind you that it is essential to have someone available at the delivery location to receive the goods. Please ensure that the necessary arrangements are made to avoid any delays or complications.Once again, we sincerely appreciate your business and trust in our company. We are confident that the products you have purchased will meet your expectations. If you have any further questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.Thank you for choosing our company. We look forward to serving you again in the future.Best regards,。

Chapter 1 Accounts Opening 账号注册Learning AimsLeading-in SituationTask One: Opening an account on AmazonTask Two: Understanding Seller’s central on AmazonFiled TrainingLanguage BuildingAdditional ReadingText AText BText CV ocabularyChapter 2 Products Uploading 产品上传Learning AimsLeading-in SituationTask One: Getting the Right FeaturesTask Two: Making a TitleTask Three: Uploading Your Product via WebsiteTask Four: Uploading Your Product via TemplateTask Five: Reading the Products Uploading RulesFiled TrainingLanguage BuildingAdditional ReadingText AText BText CV ocabularyChapter 3 Copy Writing文案撰写Learning AimsLeading-in situationTask One: Writing Bullet Points on AmazonTask Two: Writing Product Description on AmazonTask Three: Writing selling Points on aliExpressFiled TrainingLanguage BuildingAdditional ReadingText AText BText CV ocabulary Chapter 4 Commonplace Service公共信息Learning AimsLeading-in SituationTask One: Revising Service TermsTask Two: Writing a Company ProfileTask Three: Writing a Brand storyFiled TrainingLanguage BuildingAdditional ReadingText AText BText CV ocabularyChapter 5 Pre-sale Service售前客服Learning AimsLeading-in SituationTask One: Reply to Enquiry for Product SizeTask Two: Reply to Enquiry for Unspecified ProductsTask Three: Reply to Counter Offer (insisting on the original price)Task Four: Reply to Counter Offer (making a concession) Task Five: Urging The Placement of An OrderTask Six: Urging PaymentTask Seven: Short Supply of GoodsTask Eight: Confirmation of OrderTask Nine: Enquiry for Product Information via SkypeTask Ten: Conversation on Short Supply of Goods via Skype Filed TrainingPart I Written CommunicationPart II Oral CommunicationLanguage BuildingAdditional ReadingEmail AEmail BEmail CEmail DEmail EEmail FEmail GEmail HEmail IV ocabularyUseful sentencesChapter 6 Delivery Service发货客服Learning AimsLeading-in SituationTask One: Off-line ShippingTask Two: Adding Tracking Details OnlineTask Thee: Writing A Shipping Notification(出货通知单)Task Four: Tracking Logistics Information OnlineTask Five: Writing A Notification about Arrival of The GoodsFiled TrainingLanguage BuildingAdditional ReadingText AText BText CV ocabularyChapter 7 After-sale Service售后客服Learning AimsLeading-in SituationTask One: Reading DSR(Daily Service Report每日业务报告)on AmazonTask Two: Handling Customer Complains about Non-arrival Task Three: Handling Customer Complains about Poor QualityTask Four: Writing Emails on Inviting Positive Feedback Task Five: Handling Positive FeedbackTask Six: Writing Emails on Explaining Delayed Shipment Filed TrainingPart I Written CommunicationPart II Oral CommunicationLanguage BuildingAdditional ReadingEmail AEmail BEmail CEmail DEmail EEmail FV ocabularyUseful Sentences.Chapter 8 Customer Marketing客戸菅銷Learning AimsLeading-in SituationTask One: Writing Emails on Holiday PromotionTask Two: Writing Emails on New Products PromotionTask Three: Writing Emails on Customers’ RewardingTask Four: Making Advertisements on SNSFiled TrainingLanguage BuildingAdditional ReadingText AText BText CV ocabulary。
出 货 通 知 单


在此,我们特此提醒您,根据双方签订的购销合同,您所订购的货物已准备就绪,现将有关出货事项通知如下:一、货物信息1. 货物名称:请参照合同编号XXXXXX中所列明的产品名称及规格。
2. 货物数量:请参照合同中所约定的数量。
3. 货物质量:我们承诺,所有货物均符合国家相关质量标准及合同约定,请您放心。
二、出货安排1. 出货日期:根据合同约定,我们将于XXXX年XX月XX日(星期X)开始安排发货。
2. 交货方式:货物将通过我司指定的物流公司进行运输,确保货物安全、及时送达。
3. 货物跟踪:为便于您了解货物的实时动态,我们将提供物流单号,请关注物流公司的官方信息或与我司客服联系。
三、注意事项1. 收货确认:请您在收到货物后,及时进行验收,如有问题,请于收货后三个工作日内与我司联系,以便我们尽快为您处理。
2. 退换货政策:根据国家相关法律法规及我司规定,货物一经售出,非质量问题概不退换。
3. 付款事项:根据合同约定,请您在收到货物后按照约定付款方式及时支付款项。
四、售后服务1. 为了保障您的权益,我们提供完善的售后服务,如有任何问题,请随时与我司客服联系。
2. 我司客服热线:XXXXXXXXXXX,服务时间为工作日(9:0018:00)。

发货通知函 英语Dear [Recipient's Name],I hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to inform you that the shipment of the goods you ordered is scheduled to be dispatched from our warehouse on [Date of Shipment]. As a valued customer, we wanted to ensure that you are kept uptodate with the progress of your order. Below, please find the relevant details regarding the shipment:Order Number: [Order Number]Date of Shipment: [Date]Estimated Delivery Date: [Estimated Delivery Date]Shipping Method: [Shipping Method, e.g., via air freight, sea freight, etc.]We understand that timely delivery is crucial for your business operations. Therefore, we have taken every possible measure to ensure that your goods are transported efficiently and delivered within the estimated timeframe. Our dedicated logistics team is closely monitoring the shipment process to minimize any potential delays.In order to facilitate a smooth delivery process, we kindly request you to provide us with the following information, if not already done so:1. Delivery Address: Please verify the delivery address provided in yourorder to ensure accuracy. Any changes to the address should be communicated to us at least [number of days] prior to the shipment date.2. Contact Information: We kindly ask you to provide a designated contact person, along with their contact details, including a phone number and email address. This will enable us to communicate any updates or unforeseen circumstances promptly.3. Customs Clearance: If applicable, please ensure that all necessary documents for customs clearance are prepared in advance. We will provide you with the required commercial invoice and packing list to facilitate this process.We would like to highlight the following items included in your shipment:[Itemized List of Goods, including quantities, descriptions, and product codes]Please note that all goods are carefully packed and secured according to industry standards to ensure their safe transportation. In addition, we have taken appropriate measures to protect your products against any potential damage or loss during transit.We understand that circumstances beyond our control may occur, which could affect the shipment timeline. In such events, we promise to keep you informed immediately and work together to find the mostsuitable solutions.Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your shipment, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team at [Customer Service Contact Information]. Our team is committed to providing you with the highest level of support and assistance.We appreciate your business and value the trust you have placed in us. We are confident that the upcoming shipment will meet your expectations in terms of quality, reliability, and timely delivery.Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to continuing our successful partnership and ensuring your complete satisfaction.Warm regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Company Name][Your Contact Information][Optional: Company Address][Optional: Company Logo]。