剑桥(join in)版五年级下册英语知识梳理 (1)

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剑桥(join in)版五年级下册英语知识梳理

Unit 1 A phone call

1. 电话用语: Is that Mike? 那边是迈克吗?

Yes, it's Mike. 是的,我是迈克。

Who's speaking ? 谁打来的?

It's your granny speaking. (This is your granny speaking.)


2. write emails 写邮件listen to music 听音乐watch TV programmes 看电视节目play games 玩游戏make phone calls 打电话visit websites 浏览网页

see films 看电影send(get)messages 发送(接收)信息take photos 照相do shopping 购物take notes 做笔记watch the weather report 看天气预报

3. What can you do with a mobile phone ? 你能用手机干什么?

I can send and get messages. 我能发送和接收信息。

4. My cousin works hard at English. 我堂姐学习英语很认真。

Unit 2 Life in the Arctic

1.jump in the water 跳进水里swim across the lake 游过湖

walk through the snow 走过雪地run up the hill 跑上小山

come to the top 来到山顶look around 环顾四周

2.There are no playgrounds.

There aren't any playgrounds. 这儿没有操场。

3.We are going to the playground.

We'll go to the playground. 我们准备去操场。

4.Can we go fishing again tomorrow? 我们明天能再去钓鱼吗?

Let's go fishing again tomorrow. 我们明天再去钓鱼吧。

5.What will you do tomorrow? 你明天准备干什么?

I'll go swimming. 我准备去游泳。

6.What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天准备干什么?

I am going to the zoo with my parents. 我准备和我的父母一起去动物园。

Unit 3 Television

1.cartoon 动画片sports programme 运动类节目science fiction film 科幻片detective film 侦探片nature programme 自然类节目romantic film 爱情片

2.When does the cartoon begin?动画片什么时候开始?

The cartoon begins at four. 动画片四点开始。

3. begin 开始end 结束10 minutes later 十分钟之后

4. I like cartoons very much. I think they are interesting.


I don't like romantic films. I think they are stupid.


5. He likes science fiction films. 他喜欢科幻片。

He doesn't like cartoons. He thinks they are boring.


6.I often watch TV on Sunday. 我经常在星期天看电视。

My father usually watches football. 我爸爸通常看足球。

Unit 4 In town

1.museum 博物馆park 公园church 教堂train station 火车站

tourist office 旅游咨询处police station 警察局hospital 医院

bus stop 公交车站post office 邮局

2.left 左边right 右边straight ahead 笔直opposite 在…对面

beside 在…旁边next to 旁边on … side of the street 在…的马路这一边3.Where is the church? 教堂在哪里?

Go straight ahead. / Turn left. / Turn right. 直行。/左转。/右转。

It's behind the park. 他在公园的后面。

4.Mr Blue lives on Mr Black's side of the street.


Unit 5 On the beach

1. fly a kite 放风筝ride horses 骑马listen to music 听音乐collect shells 收集贝壳swim in the sea 在海里游泳fish 钓鱼ride a jet-ski 开喷汽式快艇

2. Three pupils are swimming in the sea. 3个学生正在海里游泳。

3. sunny 阳光充足的cloudy 多云的windy 风大的raining 下雨的

4. What's the weather like ?/How's the weather? 天气怎样?

It's fine./sunny./cloudy. 天气不错。/是晴天。/是多云。
