



考研英语应用文模板参考 考研英语应用文模板 1. 介绍信 Dear ______, The bearer of this letter,Ms. / Mr.(姓名),is (relation,与自己的关系),/ I am writing to introduce Ms. / Mr.(姓名) who is going to (地点) / has been assigned to (新职位或任务) at (place 地点). Ms. / Mr. (姓名) is presently working for (company 单位)/ graduated from (school 毕业院校).She / He is (comment 评价). Since this will be her / his first time there,she / he will possibly (可能遇到的问题或需要的帮助可能遇到的问题或需要的帮助).Any assistance you may show her / him concerning (帮助、关照的方面帮助、关照的方面) will be esteemed as a great favor forme.Thank you Yours sincerely Li Ming 2. 投诉信 Dear ______, I am (自我介绍).I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about __________. The reason for my dissatisfaction is (总体介绍).In the first place, (抱怨的第一个方面抱怨的第一个方面).In addition, (抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances,I find it (感觉) to (抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). I appreciate it very much if you could (提出建议和请求),preferably (进一步的要求进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled。



考研英语小作文范文应用文10篇Writing 1(辞职+道歉信)Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Design Fashions. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason, and making an apology.Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address.参考范文:Dear Mr. Wang,I m writing this letter to inform you of my decision to resign from my current position. There are several reasons why I have to do this.First of all, I find that what I learned at university cannot meet the requirements of my job. Therefore, I plan to study further and decide to prepare for the entrance exams for graduate schools. In addition, I am more interested in communicating with people instead of the words. In the end, the work pressure is too much for me, which has affected my health.I m sorry for any inconvenience my resignation may cause.I hope you will approve of it and I m looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li MingWriting 2(恳求关心信)You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference books. Write a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for:1) detailed information about the books you want,2) methods of payment,3) time and way of delivery.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address.参考范文1:To whom it may concern,I m writing this letter to inquire about the English reference books I need for preparing for the entrance exams for graduate schools. Since I want to lay a solid foundation for English, I m especially interested in grammar and vocabulary books.As far as the means of payment are concerned, I wonder if I can mail you the money through the post office. This is the most convenient way for me.Could you tell me how many days it will take the books to reach me? What s more, if you can mail me the books, I ll be much grateful.Yours sincerelyLi Ming参考范文2:Dear Sir or Madam,As a student preparing for College English Test Band 6, I am writing to ask if you have How to Crack CET-6 compiled by Prof. Kang Jiangang.If you have the book for sale, I d like to mail order it. Please let me know if I can pay for it by money order or do you accept credit card?Writing 1(辞职+道歉信)Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Design Fashions. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason,and making an apology.Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address.参考范文:Dear Mr. Wang,I m writing this letter to inform you of my decision to resign from my current position. There are several reasons why I have to do this.First of all, I find that what I learned at university cannot meet the requirements of my job. Therefore, I plan to study further and decide to prepare for the entrance exams for graduate schools. In addition, I am more interested in communicating with people instead of the words. In the end, the work pressure is too much for me, which has affected my health.I m sorry for any inconvenience my resignation may cause.I hope you will approve of it and I m looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li MingWriting 2(恳求关心信)You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference books. Write a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for:I d appreciate it if you could send me the book at your earliest convenience by EMS, since you know I have to lay a good foundation for the preparation of the test.Yours sincerelyLi MingWriting 3(感谢+恳求关心信)You attended a short-term English course in Britain and stayed with a local family, the Smiths. When you came back you found that you had carelessly left you laptop computer in their home. Write a letter to your host and hostess expressing your gratitude for their hospitality and telling them your problem. Ask them to return the computer to you.参考范文:Dear Smiths,I have returned safely to my home in Beijing. Thank you for your hospitality during my stay in Britain .Do you remember the ThinkPad I was using every daywhen I was in Britain? I carelessly left it in my room when I left. It should be on the top layer of my bookshelf. I m sorry to bother you again, but I ll be very grateful if you could send it back to me at the address I gave you before I left.I m sorry for the inconvenience I bring you. Thanks again for everything you did for me when we were together. an introduction of yourself,2) why you want to study in that university, and3) your thanks.。



1. Thank-you Letters (既然是信,格式和普通信件是差不多的)①Thanks for One’s HospitalityDear Linda,My visit with you last weekend was a real pleasure. Thank you for your hospitality. I enjoyed every moment.Yours sincerely,Joan②Thanks for a GiftDear Lynn,I just love the vase you sent me! It is so delicate, yet so gorgeous. It is one of the nicest birthday presents I haveever received.I will place the vase on our dining table and put the most beautiful flowers in it. You really should come and see for yourself how lovely the vase looks in our dining room. With love and a special hug and kiss.Helen2. Letter of ApplicationDear Sir/Madam,I’m writing in response to your adve rtisement for a PA / Secretary to the Managing Director. I’m enclosing a co py of my CV, which gives details of my qualifications and experience. As you will see I have had 7 years’ experience of working in a business environment and have an RSA 2 in typing shorthand. Although I did not have to travel in my previous job, I would be very willing to do so.I will be available for interview at any time, and look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfullyWilliam Jeremy Smith同样也是信件格式同普通信件,主要要写出这些问题What are applied for?What are your qualifications for this job?3. Memo Writing(备忘录)Sample A memo on a welcome luncheonDate: September 28, 2005To: Dr. David ClintonFrom: Dr. Frank WhiteRe: Luncheon to Welcome Professor WangThis is a reminder of the invitation to a luncheon to welcome Prof.Wang Xin from Beijing University. During the luncheon, Professor Wang will make a presentation to the University library from the library in Beijing.A memo is a useful note to convey messages. The following should be stated in your memo:1. To whom it is addressed.2. From whom it comes.3. The subject of the memo.4. The date.5. Brief, simple and to the point instructions, inquiries, requests or information.4. Notices(通知与通告)Function: To inform the publicFeatures: Language—briefExpressions—directContent—easy to understandCategory:1. Introductive materials about certain activity by the host;2. Explanatory direction or request on certain matter by the department concerned.1. Introductive NoticeSample 放假通知NOTICEApril 30,1985Tomorrow being National Day, there will be no school. All the teachers, staff members and students are expected to take part in the celebrations to be held in our school. Classeswill be resumed as usual on October 2.Dean of Studies2. Explanatory NoticeSample 1 停水通知NOTICENotice is hereby given that the water supply is not available from 7:00 am to 10:00 am tomorrow, owing to the repairs of the water pipes.General Affairs ServiceSample 2 免职通知NOTICE OF DISMISSALIt is hereby proclaimed that the Board of Directors has decided to dismiss Mr. Carl Joyce from the post of chief of the President’s Office.The President’s Office5. PostersThe Style of Posters1. Subject Line2. Text3. Signature of SponsorPoster Requirements1. Subject line should be brief and clear, such as “Poster” or “Football Match”.2. Text should be vivid, concise and attractive.3. Signature of sponsor requires the name of sponsor and the date of poster.Sample 1:POSTERDo you want to know how to understand and appreciate films and TVs? Please come to attend the lecture on Aesthetics of Films and Televisions.Lecturer: Professor Shang, a famous aesthete in our provinceTime: Sept. 10, 2008Place: No. 101 lecture classroomThe Dept. of Chinese Language & LiteratureSept. 7, 2008Sample 2:English Speech ContestHosted by the Student Union of FLD (the Department Of Foreign Languages), the 2nd English Speech Contest will be held in the classroom No. 210 of Shao Yifu Building at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, May 4, 2008. All are cordially welcome!The Student UnionThe Dept. of FLDGuangxi UniversityMay 3 , 20086.SpeechBasic Structure of a SpeechIntroduction:Tell the audience what you are going to tell them.Body:Tell them what you mean to tell.Conclusion:Tell the audience what you have told them.Example 1The Gettysburg Address(Given November 19th 1863 by Abraham Lincoln)Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that this nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished workwhich they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this earth.7. Graduation Certificate (毕业证书)毕业证书学生赵虎君,性别男,上海市人,一九八五年五月二日生,二零零四年九月至二零零八年七月在本校计算机科学工程系计算机及应用专业肆年制本科就读,修业期满,成绩合格,准予毕业。



话题作文1:A+B+MENowadays, when it comes to the topic of (题目) is becoming more and more popular recently , the answers may vary from person to person. There are two sides of opinions about it.Some people hold the idea that_______(Some people say A is their favorite). They hold their view for the reason of(理由1),What is more, (理由2) Moreover, (理由3).While others argue that_______, they think that is a better choice in the following some reasons. Firstly, (理由1),Secondly, (理由2).Thirdly, (理由3).In my opinion, in the appraisal of this topic it is one-sided to affirm everything. We should appreciate the great contribution made by them, and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them.So I agree to take the 综合road,扬长避短,两方面都要兼顾. They both should be play extremely important role in our modern society. Only in this way we can 更好的解决和处理类似的问题,最终取得进步。



考研英语写作应用文范文范文一:申请信Dear Admissions Committee,I am writing to express my strong interest in the master's program in Computer Science at your esteemed institution. I have completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Engineering from XYZ University with a GPA of 3.8, and I believe that pursuing a master's degree will help me achieve my career goals.During my undergraduate studies, I was exposed to a wide range of topics in computer science, including algorithm design, data structures, and programming languages. However, I am particularly interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence, and I have worked on several projects in these fields. For instance, I developed a predictive model for stock prices using machine learning algorithms, which was well received by my professors and peers.I am impressed by the faculty and research facilities at your institution, especially the research being done in the area of artificial intelligence. I am excited about the opportunity to work with distinguished professors and researchers in this field and expand my knowledge and skills.I am confident that I can contribute to the academic and research community at your institution, and I look forward to the opportunity to pursue a master's degree in Computer Science. Thank you for considering my application.Sincerely,[Your Name]范文二:建议信Dear [Recipient],I am writing to express my concern about the traffic congestion on Main Street during rush hours. As a resident of the area, I have observed that the traffic has become increasingly congested over the past few years, leading to long commutes and increased air pollution.I believe that implementing a dedicated bus lane on Main Street would help alleviate some of the traffic congestion. This would encourage more people to use public transportation instead of driving their own vehicles, reducing the number of cars on the road and decreasing travel time for commuters.Furthermore, I suggest increasing the frequency of buses during peak hours to accommodate the increased demand. This would encourage even more people to use public transportation, leading to further reductions in traffic congestion and air pollution.I understand that implementing these changes would requireresources and planning, but I believe that the long-term benefits would outweigh the costs. I urge you to consider my suggestions and take action to address the traffic congestion on Main Street.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,[Your Name]范文三:求职信Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the position of Marketing Manager at XYZ Corporation. As a highly motivated individual with a passion for marketing, I believe that I can make a valuable contribution to your team.I have completed my MBA with a focus on marketing from ABC University, and I have gained valuable experience working in various marketing roles over the past five years. I have worked on several successful marketing campaigns, including a digital marketing campaign that led to a 25% increase in website traffic and a 10% increase in sales for my previous employer.I am impressed by the innovative marketing strategies employed by XYZ Corporation, and I believe that my skills and experience align well with the requirements of this position. I am confident that I can bring a fresh perspective and creative ideas to your marketingteam and help drive the growth of your business.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.Sincerely,[Your Name]范文四:辞职信Dear [Manager's Name],I am writing to inform you of my resignation from my position as [Position] at [Company]. My last day of work will be [Date].I have enjoyed my time at [Company] and appreciate the opportunities that I have been given during my tenure here. However, after careful consideration, I have decided to pursue other career opportunities that better align with my personal and professional goals.I would like to express my gratitude to you and the entire team for your support and guidance during my time at [Company]. I have learned a great deal from working with such talented individuals, and I am grateful for the experience.I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my remaining time at the company, and I am willing to assist in any way possible to ensure that my responsibilities are transferred seamlessly.Thank you again for the opportunities that you have providedme, and I wish you and the team continued success in the future.Sincerely,[Your Name]范文五:投诉信Dear Customer Service Manager,I am writing to express my frustration with the poor service that I received during my recent visit to your store. I visited the store on [Date] to purchase a new laptop, but I encountered several issues that left me feeling dissatisfied with the overall experience.Firstly, I had trouble finding a staff member to assist me with my purchase. Despite wandering around the store for several minutes, I was unable to locate a sales associate to help me. When I finally managed to find someone, they seemed disinterested in helping me and offered little guidance or advice.Furthermore, when I finally decided on a laptop and proceeded to make the payment, I was informed that the laptop was out of stock. This was。



考研英语作文万能模板(一次搞定)结尾段To conclude。

XXX be denied。

it is important to acknowledge the potential negative effects it can have on our XXX these effects。

we should take XXX our screen time。

using XXX。

and being mindful of our online r。

By doing so。

we can enjoy the XXX minimizing its drawbacks.现代社会中,随着先进技术的快速发展,越来越多的数字产品被广泛应用于日常生活。












It is XXX part for both personal and societal development。

and what’s more。

a lot of n is being drawn to the change of XXX。

whether this change deserves such n。



范文1:求职信Applying for the Position of Assistant for Marketing Project ManagerDirections:You are a senior of English for Business. A German company in China is recruiting an assistant to marketing project manager, which requires a good command of English and knowledge in German especially. Write a letter of about 100 words applying for the position, introducing yourself and asking for an interview. You needn’t write the address. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, using “Wang Lin” instead.Dear Sirs,I am graduating from the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade this summer. As a student of English for Business, I hope to work for a foreign company after graduation.In the past three academic years, I have proved myself to be a straight student, awarded a succession of scholarships. My English is particularly good and German happens to be my second foreign language, which will live up to the requirements set by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise like yours.I apply for the position of assistant to your marketing project manager. You will find me a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn. I believe I can be of value to your company.Enclosed please find my resume.I should be very happy if you would arrange an interview with me.Yours sincerely,Your advertisement in...caught my attention.贵方刊登在……上的广告吸引了我的注意。




相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是店铺帮大家整理的考研英语作文写作方法与模板,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友!考研英语作文写作方法1范文解析:Directions:You were unable to attend Mr. Smith’s examination on International Business English Writing because you got sick that morning. Write a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize.Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address.Dear Mr. Smith:I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination on International Business English Writing you gave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day.I suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital. Please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill.I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up examination. I will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused.Sincerely yours.Wang Hua◆常用句式:1、I am writing to apologize for ? /I am writing to say sorry for?我写这封信是因____向你致歉。



考研英语应用文写作范文大全(2010-2023)2023Writing 1: Write a notice within 100 words to recruit a student for Professor Smith's research project on campus sports activities. Specify the duties and requirements of the job.范文Dear All,We are looking for an enthusiastic student to join Professor Smith's research project on campus sports activities. The student will be responsible for assisting in research, conducting interviews, and writing reports. The ideal candidate should have excellent communication and data analysis skills, and have a keen interest in the sports industry.The position requires a commitment of 15-20 hours per week, and the student should be available to start immediately. To apply, please submit a resume and a statement of interest to Professor Smith by the end of this month.Li Ming2022Writing 1: Write an email within 100 words to invite a professor at British university, inviting him/her to organize a team for the international innovation contest to be held in your university.范文Dear Prof. Smith,We would like to extend a warm invitation to you for organizing a team for the International Innovation Contest to be held in our university. This contest will be held in line with the global standards of innovation and will give our students an opportunity to showcase their creativity to the world.The contest will be organized by a panel of experts from the industry and academia, and will be a great platform for our students to express their ideas and get valuable feedback from the jury. It will also be a great way to network with other participants from different countries and gain valuable knowledge.We hope that you will be able to join us for this event and share your expertise and experience with our students. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,Li Ming2021Writing 1: A foreign friend of yours has recently graduated from college and intends to find a job in China. Write him/her an email to make some suggestions within 100 words.范文Dear friend,Congratulations on your college graduation! I'm sure you're excited to start exploring the job market. China is a great place to look for a job. There are many opportunities in the tech industry, particularly in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. In addition, the education, finance, and service industries are growing rapidly and offer plenty of job opportunities.It's a good idea to start by browsing job boards such as LinkedIn and Glassdoor to get an idea of the kinds of positions available. You should also attend job fairs and career events in your area, as these can be great places to network and make contacts.Good luck with your job search!Best wishes,Li MingWriting 1: The Students Union of your university has assigned you to inform the international students about an upcoming singing contest. Write it within 100 words.范文The Students Union of your university is proud to announce an upcoming singing contest for international students. This contest provides a great opportunity for you to showcase your singing talent to the world. The competition will be held on the 15th of March, and prizes are available for the top three performers. All contestants must submit their entries by the 7th of March. We look forward to hearing your amazing performances.2019Writing 1: Suppose you are working for the “Aiding Rural Primary School” project of your university. Write an email to answer the inquiry from an international student volunteer, specifying the details of the project within 100 words.范文Dear International Student,Thank you for your interest in the "Aiding Rural Primary School" project. This project is a joint initiative of our university and the local government. The project's main objective is to provide better educational resources and facilities to rural primary school children. We train local teachers and provide school supplies, books, and computers to the schools. We also organize extracurricular activities for the children, such as sports and art classes.We would love to have you join us in this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.Thank you for your time and we look forward to your participation.Sincerely,Li MingWriting 1: Write an email to all international experts on campus inviting them to attend the graduation ceremony. In your email you should include time, place and other relevant information about the ceremony within 100 words.范文Dear International Experts,We would like to cordially invite you to our upcoming graduation ceremony in honour of our students. The event will take place on Friday, June 26th at 8:00 am in the University Hall. The ceremony will include speeches from both faculty members and students, and a presentation of awards.We would be delighted to have you in attendance and celebrate the success of our graduates.Please let us know if you are able to join us by responding to this email.We look forward to seeing you at the ceremony!Sincerely,University Administration2017Writing 1: You are to write an email within 100 words to James Cook, a newly-arrived Australian professor, recommending some tourist attractions in your city. Please give reasons for your recommendation.范文Dear Professor Cook,Welcome to our city! I'm sure you will love it here. As a local, I would like to share with you some of the best tourist attractions that our city has to offer. The city's waterfront is a great place to take in the stunning views of the skyline. You can also take a boat tour around the harbor andexplore the beautiful coastline. Additionally, the city's famous botanical gardens are a must-see. There, you can find a wide variety of plants and flowers, as well as the occasional wildlife.Finally, the city's cultural attractions are worth a visit. From museums and galleries to theaters and music venues, there's something for everyone to enjoy.I hope you have a great time exploring our city!Sincerely,Li Ming2016Writing 1: Suppose you are a librarian in your university. Write a notice of about 100 words providing the newly-enrolled international students with relevant information about the library.范文Dear International Students,Welcome to our University Library! We are delighted to have you here and want to make sure that you get the most out of your study experience. Our library is an essential part of your university life, and we want to make sure that you are aware of all the services and resources we have to offer.Our library is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we have a wide variety of books, journals, magazines, and other resources that you can access both in-person and online. We also offer a number of workshops and other events throughout the year.If you have any questions or need help finding a certain book or resource, feel free to ask a librarian. We are here to help you succeed in your studies.We look forward to seeing you in the library.Sincerely,Li Ming2015Writing 1: You are going to host a club reading session. Write an email about 100 words, recommending a book to the club members. You should state reasons for your recommendation.范文Dear Club Members,I'd like to recommend a book for our upcoming club reading session: "The Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger. It is a classic coming-of-age novel that follows the story of Holden Caulfield, a teenager struggling to find his place in the world.I think this book will be a great choice for our club reading session because it is a timeless story with universal themes that can be appreciated by readers of all ages. It is also a great work of literature that offers plenty of opportunities for discussion and debate.I hope you will join me in reading this classic novel.Sincerely,Li Ming2014Writing 1 : Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university suggesting how to improve students' physical condition. You should include the details you think necessary.范文Dear President,I am writing to suggest how to improve the physical condition of students at our university. As students, we spend most of our time in classes, studying and writing assignments, and so our physical activity level is often low. I suggest that the university offer more physical activities and sports programs for students. This could include offering classes in yoga and meditation, intramural sports leagues, and more frequent use of the school's gym facilities. Furthermore, the university could also offer incentives for physical activity, such as discounts on meals and access to special events.By increasing physical activities and sports programs, the university can help promote the physical health of its students, while also providing an engaging and enjoyable way to stay active.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,Li Ming2013Writing 1 : Write an e-mail of about 100 words to a foreign teacher in your college, inviting him/her to be a judge for the upcoming English speech contest.范文Dear Mary,I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to invite you to be a judge for the upcoming English speech contest organized by our college.As you know, the contest is a great opportunity for our students to demonstrate their language skills and to gain experience in public speaking. Your professional judgment and insights will be valuable in helping us to select the best speech among the participants.We are honored to have you as part of our team of judges and we look forward to learning from your expertise. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require further information.Thank you for your kind consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,Li Ming2012Writing 1: Some international students are coming to your university. Write them an email within 100 words in the name of the Students’ Union to 1) extend your welcome and 2) provide some suggestions for their campus life here范文Dear International Students,Welcome to our university! On behalf of the Student Union, we are pleased to have you here and hope that your stay here is enjoyable.As you settle in, here are some suggestions to help you make the most of your campus life. Firstly, take a tour of the university and familiarize yourself with the various facilities available. Secondly, join a student club or society to meet new people and experience new activities. Lastly, take advantage of the various student discounts and activities hosted by the university.We wish you all the best in your stay here and hope that you have a wonderful time.Sincerely,The Student Union2011Writing 1: Write a letter within 100 words to a friend of yours to 1) recommend one of your favorite movies and 2) give reasons for your recommendation.范文Dear Jim,I wanted to recommend one of my favorite movies to you - it’s called “Moving”. It’s an inspiring and uplifting story that explores the power of friendship, resilience, and self-discovery. The characters are complex and relatable, and their journeys will stay with you long after the movie ends. The soundtrack is also amazing, with a beautiful blend of upbeat and thoughtful music. I found the movie both entertaining and thought-provoking, and I think you’d really enjoy it.I hope you get a chance to watch this movie soon.Let me know what you think!Sincerely,Li Ming2010Writing 1: You are supposed to write within 100 words for the Postgraduates ’Association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization. The notice should include the basic qualifications for applicants and the other information which you think is relevant.范文The Postgraduates’ Association is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help with an international conference on globalization. Qualified applicants should have an interest in globalization, knowledge of current affairs, and strong communication skills. Applicants should also be able to commit to attending all conference sessions, and demonstrate flexibility and an ability to work well in teams.We are looking for motivated individuals to help with a variety of tasks, from registering attendees to providing support to speakers. Volunteering at this event will give you an opportunity to gain valuable experience and networking opportunities.If you are interested, please submit your resume and a brief statement of interest to the Postgraduates’ Associatio n by the end of May. We look forward to hearing from you!You are supposed to write for the Postgraduates’ Association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization. The notice should include the basic qualifications for applicants and the other information which you think is relevant. You should write about 100 words.The Postgraduates’ Association is looking for volunteers for an international conference on globalization. We are looking for motivated and enthusiastic individuals who want to make a difference.Applicants should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as well as good organizational and problem-solving abilities. Fluency in English is essential. A degree in a related field is preferred, but not necessary. The conference will take place in January, and volunteers will be required to attend for the duration of the event.Volunteers will be responsible for a variety of tasks, including assisting speakers and organizing sessions, as well as helping with registration and other administrative duties. We welcome applications from all backgrounds and will provide training and support. This is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience and network with professionals from around the world. If you would like to contribute to the success of this event, please submit your CV and a cover letter to the Postgraduates’ Association by December 15th. We look forward to hearing from you.。



考研英语作文范文10篇模板1. 电影类。

Nowadays, with the rapid development of the film industry, more and more people are attracted to the cinema. Some people believe that watching movies is a waste of time, while others argue that movies can broaden our horizons and enrich our lives. In my opinion, watching movies can be both entertaining and educational. On the one hand, movies provide us with a means of relaxation and escape from the pressures of daily life. On the other hand, movies can also be a powerful medium for conveying important messages and ideas. For example, many films address social issues such as poverty, discrimination, and environmental degradation. By watching such films, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and become more empathetic individuals. In conclusion, I believe that watching movies is a valuable and enjoyable pastime that can benefit us in many ways.2. 旅游类。





【第一篇:教育主题】The picture shows…… . symbolizes…… . As is quoted in the picture,…… .It apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China—in contrast with…… . One the one hand,the problem partially attributes to…… . Sometimes…… . On the other hand,…… . For example,…… ,while…… .In my opinion, the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect. proves to be most beneficial to students. Further, a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue【第二篇:文化交流主题】What is presented here is a very i nteresting scenario…… . From the subtitle we can infer that…… . Conspicuously,…… . We can deduce from the picture that…… . It partly owes to…… , and partly to…… . Except the case reflected in the picture, there are numerous evidence demonstrating…… . For example,…… . From a personal point of view, I am delighted to witness ……. To sum up,…… . As for China,…… . Therefore,……. I can firmly conclude that in the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy, as well as diversified cultures.【第三篇:家庭关系主题】There is a popular Chinese song, named "…… ", which encourages…… . However, the in the picture does but for a very different reason—…… . From the facial expression of we can read…… .Sadly as it is, this phenomenon does not occurrarely in today's society, for which are responsible. For one thing,…… . For another,…… . As a matter of fact, the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of…… .The above analysis is best exemplified by…… . In my opinion, the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success.【第四篇:社会热点主题】It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem; ……. In this drawing,Even ……..It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of ……. Though the drawing is a little exaggerating,it is not rare for us to find in ……. If we let this situation of continues,it not only harms ……,but also prevents …….Accordingly,we urgently call for ……. Though the governm ent has already taken pains to implement regulations,it still failz to ……. In my opinion,this problem should be urgently solved so as to protect benefits. I expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible.【第五篇:展望未来主题】With the rapid advances of _____________ in recent years, ___has____________(引出现象). However, _______ has________________, as____________(提出问题). As a result, _____has ____________________(指出影响).The effects ___________ has produced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones. First , __________________(影响一). More importantly, ________________(影响二). Hence, I believe that we will see a ____________(提出展望)/ Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a ______(或反面展望) There are numerous reasons why ____, and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here. The first is that the more(比较级)_____, the more (比较级). Inaddition, we all agree that________________________(第二个原因)。


















英语考研的小作文范文通用17篇英语考研的小作文范文第一篇January 15, 2023Our English Club has attracted more than 2023 students since it was established in 2023. Its aim is to provide a platform for all the students not only to enhance the English skill, but also to improve a range of ability.Now, it’s time to recruit new members, and we hope you can join us. The activities to be held next semester include staging musical dramas, holding group discussions, watching Oscar-winning movies, and so on. These after-class activities can ensure you ampleopportunities to strengthen your sense of responsibility and manage interpersonal relations, as well as raise your level of proficiencyin English. All of these will be sure to empower you to enjoy competitive edge over your peers.You can file a written application to our staff office or email us via abc@. The deadline for entries is January 22. Come on, join us now!英语考研的小作文范文第二篇This picture is really thought provoking. As is vividly shown in the above picture, a book is lying above the grass and beautifulflo wers. Beside it, there is a topic thatsays:“reading”. There is no denying that the picture implies that reading is of utmost importance to us.Considering every aspect of it, we may attribute its significance to three factors. First of all, reading can broaden our horizon, widen our knowledge and eich our experience. Besides, reading is to success what water is to a fish. It can put us in a favorableposition in the job market. Last but not least, if all of us are willing to read more and extensively, our society will be more progressive and prosperous.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that reading is indispensable in our daily life. Therefore, the mass media, such astelevision, Internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. Asfor ourselves, we should take practical actions to enhance our awareness of reading. Then, we have every reason to be convinced that we can have a bright future and a beautiful world.英语考研的小作文范文第三篇part adirections:restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. white pollution is still going on. write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper togive your opinions briefly andmake two or three suggestionsyou should write about 100 words. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the address.范文:dear editor:i am writing this letter to draw your attention to the deteriorating situation of “white pollution” in some regions despite the implementation of restrictions on the use of plastic bags.in order to put an effective stop to the wide spread of “white pollution”,i would like to make the following suggestions . firstly,the price of plastic bags should be further raised; secondly,special government departments should be established to supervise the making and using of plastic bags to ensure they are used when really needed.i hope my suggestions would be of help and thank you for your attention.英语考研的小作文范文第四篇得阅读者得考研。






正文部分:1. 写信的第一段要求明确表达自己的问题或请求,可以陈述背景信息,但需要简洁明了。


2. 写信的第二段(若内容较多可以分段)要对问题或请求进行进一步表达和解释。



3. 写信的第三段可以对收信人给予的建议或帮助表示感谢,并希望对方能够给予积极回应。


















考研英语写作应用文考研英语写作应用文范文考研英语写作应用文范文:备忘录 MemorandumDirections: You are the president of a company. Write a memo to Percy Shelley, the vice-president on the employee's training on computer:1) The need to train the employees,2) detailed information,3) ask him to write a plan.To: Percy Shelley, Vice PresidentFrom: Li Ming, PresidentDate: January 10th, 2006Subject: Computer Training of the StaffAs we discussed earlier this week, I agree with you that our firm is faced up with problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff. We need to make up a plan for training our employees in the new field.I would like you to design our own in-house computer-training program. We had better classify the employees and put them through the program in turn.Write up a brief proposal, describing what you think the program should cover. Assume the class runs four hours a week for ten weeks. Also, assume people have no prior computer knowledge or any formal course work in computer science.如我们以前的讨论,我同意你的看法:我们公司所面临的员工高文盲率的问题,计算机。



考研英语二应用文作文模板Title: Application Writing Template for the Postgraduate English Exam。

Introduction:The application writing is an important part of the postgraduate English exam, which tests the candidates' ability to express themselves clearly and concisely in a formal context. In this article, we will provide a template for writing an application in the postgraduate English exam, including the structure, language features, and sample phrases.Structure:1. Salutation: Dear Sir/Madam or To Whom It May Concern。

2. Introduction: Introduce yourself and the purpose of the application。

3. Body: Provide detailed information and supporting evidence。

4. Conclusion: Express gratitude and anticipation for a positive response。

5. Closing: Sincerely or Yours faithfully。

Language Features:1. Formal language: Use formal and polite language throughout the application。



考研英语应用文写作万能模板Dear [Recipient's Name],I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my sincere interest in [the opportunity/program/position] at [Institution/Company Name], as advertised on [source of the advertisement]. With a solid foundation in [relevant field of study] and a passion for [specific area of interest], I believe I am a suitable candidate for [the opportunity/program/position].During my undergraduate studies at [University Name], I have honed my skills in [specific skills or areas of study], which I believe will be instrumental in contributing to [the goals of the program/position]. My academic achievements, including a GPA of [GPA score], and my active participation in [relevant extracurricular activities or projects], have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of [relevant field].Moreover, my [internship/research/work] experience at [Company/Institution Name] has equipped me with practical insights and a hands-on approach to [specific tasks or areas of work]. I am particularly proud of my contribution to [a specific project or achievement], which not only showcased my [specific skill or quality] but also my ability to work effectively within a team.I am eager to bring my knowledge and enthusiasm to [Institution/Company Name] and am confident that my background aligns well with the requirements of [the opportunity/program/position]. I am looking forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills and experiences can contribute to your esteemed [institution/company/program].Thank you for considering my application. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at [contact information]. I am also happy to provide additional information or materials as needed.Warm regards,[Your Full Name][Your Contact Information]。

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下面我们就小作文书信类各段落的万能句子进行总结与分析:1:投诉信dear_______,the reasons for my dissatisfaction are _______(总体介绍). first ofall,_______(抱怨的原因). what is more, ___________(抱怨的第二个原因). under these circumstances, i find it _______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).i appreciate it very much if you could _______, preferably ______(进一步的要求),and i would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限). thanks for your consideration and i will be looking forward to your reply. yours sincerely,li ming2:询问信dear ______,i am ____________ (自我介绍). i am writing to see if it is possible for you toprovide me with information with regard to_______.(要询问的内容) first of all, what are ____________________?(第一个问题) secondly, whenwill___________________?(第二个问题) thirdly, __________?(第三个问题) i would also like to inquire ________(将最重要的问题单独成段). could you be sokind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects? thanks for your kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highlyappreciated. yours sincerely, li ming3:请求信dear___________,i am writing to formally request to___________(请求的内容) the reason for_____is that______(给出原因).i_____, so i_____(给出细节) i would also like to request______(提出进一步的要求). i am sorry for anyinconvenience i have caused.thank you for your attention to these requests. if you have any questions, donot hesitate to contact me at _______(电话号码).i look forward to a favorable reply. yours sincerely,li ming4:道歉信dear ___________,i am writing to express my apology for/ that_________________________(道歉的原因). the reasons why i make the apology are as follow: first of all, . what ismore, ……..once again, i am sorry for any inconvenience caused. hope you can accept myapologies and understand my situation.yours sincerely,li ming5:感谢信dear______,i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________ (感谢的原因). if it had not been for your assistance in ___________ (对方给你的具体帮助), ifear that i would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果). everyone agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节). again, i would liketo express my warm thanks to you! please accept my gratitude. yours sincerely,li ming6:建议信dear ___________,i am writing to express my suggestions with regard to _______, and i will tryto make some conductive suggestions here. in my personal level, you would be wise to take the following actions: first ofall,____(建议一). what is more, (建议二)i hope you will find these proposals useful, and i would be ready to discuss thismatter with you to further details. yours sincerely,li ming7:求职信dear ,i write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in______(报纸名称)of______(广告发布时间). not only do i have the qualifications for this job, but i also have the rightpersonality for a_____(工作名称). on one hand,______(第一个原因). on the other hand,_______(另一个原因).if you grant me a personal interview, i would be most grateful. if you need toknow more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at _______________(电话号码)thank you for considering my application, and i am looking forward to meetingyou. yours sincerely,li ming8:邀请信dear________,there will a ____(内容) at/in_____ (地点) on___ (时间). we would be honored tohave you there with us.the occasion will start at ___________(具体时间). this will be followed by a_______(进一步的安排). at around______(时间),_______________. yours sincerely,li ming上面的模板只是起到抛砖引玉的作用,希望学员们能灵活运用我们的作文万能模板,并经过自己的简单加工转化为自己的万能模板,最后凯程考研老师祝愿大家快乐学习,顺利通过考研这一关,进入人生下一个华丽篇章。

篇二:考研英语应用文写作a万能模板考研英语应用文写作万能模板考研大作文只用写一句话就可以得18分一、咨询信★★★★★dear sir or madam,as a ……, i am writing to ask if ……. ……. id appreciate it if you could ……/i will be looking forward to hearing from yousoon.(两句皆可)truly yours,xiao xiang二、投诉信★★★★★dear sir or madam,during …… has been in my possession, problems have emerged one after another .for one thing,……, for another,……. therefore,i wish you would look into occurrence immediately and send me areplacement as soon as possible. or i will demand a refund. yours, xiao xiang ,关于一句话万能模板的几个问题:1.万能,整片模板200多单词,只要写1句话填写3个关键词就可以适合任何一年考研话题作文。




三、邀请信★★★★★㈠发出的邀请信分为邀请名人和邀请参加聚会. ⑴邀请名人 dear ……,sincerely, xiao xiang⑵邀请参加聚会 dear ……,the dinner starts at …… so that we can have a nice and long evening. i wouldlove for you to attend, so pleasure let me know your decision . love, xiao xiang ㈡回复别人的邀请信一般情况下为拒绝别人的邀请信 dear ……,its an honor for me to be invited, but i deeply regret being unable to ……. …….i do hope i can have a chance to visit ……. regretfully,,关于一句话万能模板的几个问题:1.万能,整片模板200多单词,只要写1句话填写3个关键词就可以适合任何一年考研话题作文。
