Study on the Influence of Structural Parameters of Multi-channel Cylinder Dryer on Heat Tr



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A Study on the Influence of Lexical Approach on the Chunk Learning Strategies of College Students

A Study on the Influence of Lexical Approach on the Chunk Learning Strategies of College Students

A Study on the Influence of Lexical Approach on the ChunkLearning Strategies of College StudentsAbstract: This paper is a case study on the application of lexical-chunk theory proposed by Lewis in college English teaching, aiming at investigatingthe Influence of Lexical Approach on the chunk learning strategies of college students. Research results indicate that Lexical Approach has a positiveeffect on learners’ chunk learning strategies and helps them improve learning strategies and form good habits of chunk learning.Key Words: vocabulary acquisition lexical chunks chunk learning strategies Lexical ApproachI, IntroductionIn recent years second language vocabulary acquisition, which isan important component for foreign language learning, has become anincreasingly interesting topic of discussion for researchers, teachers andothers involved in second language learning.Lexical Approach is mainly dedicated to students’learning andmastering of lexis, or words and word combinations. It is based onthe idea that the essential part of language acquisition is the ability tocomprehend and produce lexical chunks as an unanalyzed whole. Thesechunks serve as the basis on which students perceive language materials,which used to be traditionally analyzed with grammar (Lewis, 1993:95).It is blessed with many advantages for language teaching. For example,it enables learners to use the ready-made expressions, which couldhardly be possible to be creatively produced, because these chunks aremostly subject to linguistic analysis and could be further segmentedaccording to regular linguistic rules; the use of the Lexical Approachin language teaching seems to avoid the pitfalls warned by Widdowson “too heavy reliance on either structural model of competence, orcommunicative m odel of appropriate use”(Widdowson,1989:247);the common route for acquiring a language is usually regarded as frommemorized routine to creative use of language (Ellis, 1999).II, Research MethodologyIn this paper the research questions is what chunk learning strat-egies do college students have and how does the Lexical Approachchange their learning strategies?A case study is conducted, lasting for a whole semester. Thesubjects involve 78 freshmen of non-English major in ZhonghuanInformation College, Tianjin Universityof Technology who wereadmitted into this college in the fall of 2009. The instrument is onequestionnaire to investigate the change of college students’chunklearning strategies. The questionnaire consists of 20 items including twoparts, the basic information of the subjects and main body which uses a5-piont Likert Scale. Students are required to respond to each statementbefore and after the teaching process of Lexical Approach by ticking offthe number that corresponds to their own conditions.The questionnaire items are mostly the statements of chunklearning strategies, involving five categories. Meta-cognitive strategyinvolves a conscious overview of the learning process and makingdecisions about planning, monitoring, or evaluating the bes t ways tostudy. Cognitive strategies“operate directly on incoming information,manipulating it in ways that enhance learning (O’ Malley andChamot, 1990:44).” Approaches which relate new material to existingknowledge fall into memory strategies. Social strategies are interactionwith other people to improve language learning. Affective strategiesrefer to such strategies as talking about feelings, rewarding oneself forgood performance and using deep breathing or positive self-talk.III, Results and DiscussionsThis section reports on students’responses to the questionnaireboth before and after the Lexical Approach study. Table 1 is the Generalanalysis of learners’use of chunk learning strategiesTable 1 Chunk Learning StrategiesBefore the Lexical Approach, the mean of memory strategy is thehighest with meta-cognitive strategy as second and social strategy ranksthe lowest. It implies that the students use more memory strategy forrelating new material to existing knowledge and meta-cognitive strategyfor organizing and evaluating chunk learning than social strategy forlearning with others.Gradually in the process of Lexical Approach, certain changeshave taken place in each category. To be specific, the mean of memorystrategy increases by 10.7%, higher than all the others, and the meanof social strategy increases by 4.6%, the lowest among the five. Bycomparison it is clear that Lexical Approach has effective influence oneach category but to different degrees after the study.As for the percent of users, the increase of meta-cognitive strategyis the highest among the all with 15.4%, and mpIn this research, the changes in students’chunk learningstrategies are obtained. Before the Lexical Approach, students use morememory strategy for relating new material to existing knowledge andmeta-cognitive strategy for organizing and evaluating chunk learningthan social strategy for learning with others. Gradually in the process ofLexical Approach, certain changes have taken place in each category.The use of memory strategy increases themost, and social strategy theleast among the five. It is concluded that Lexical Approach has effectiveinfluence on each category but to different degrees. The results alsoindicate that Lexical Approach encourages more students to use chunklearning strategies more often. More learners have formed good habitsand have more confidence in chunk learning.Good learning strategies contribute to the acquisition of chunkknowledge, which teachers should keep in mind. Teachers should makeevery effort to guide students to form good habit of chunk learningboth in class and after class. Gradually students are expected to havechunk learning strategies in themselves and benefit from it in a life-longprocess.References[1]Ellis R. the Study of Second Language Acquisition [M]. Shanghai: ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press, 1999.[2]Lewis Michael. The Lexical Approach: The state of ELT and a way forward.Hove Englan& Language Teaching Publications, 1993.[3]Oxford R. Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know.Newburry House, 1990.[4]0’ Malley, J.M. and Chamot, A.U. Learning Strategies in Second LanguageAcquisition. Cambridge University Press, 1990.[5]Widdowson, H. G. Knowledge of language and ability for use [J]. Applied Lin-guistics 10: 1989. 128-137[6]文秋芳,英语学习策略论,上海外语教育出版社,1996[7]夏纪梅,冯.现代外语教学理念与行动,高等教育出版社,2006.[8]严维华.基本词汇习得的作用[J].解放军外国语学院学报,2003(6).。



第51卷 第1期 表面技术2022年1月 SURFACE TECHNOLOGY ·257·收稿日期:2020-12-26;修订日期:2021-09-29 Received :2020-12-26;Revised :2021-09-29基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51974143,51904134);云南省科技重大专项(2019ZE007);云南省重点研发计划(202103AA080004,202102AB080016)Fund :National Natural Science Foundation of China (51974143, 51904134), Science and Technology Major Project of Yunnan Province (2019ZE007), Key Research and Development Program of Yunnan Province (202103AA080004, 202102AB080016) 作者简介:洪世豪(1995—),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为硅太阳能电池、单晶硅片表面制绒。

Biography :HONG Shi-hao (1995—), Male, Master, Research focus: silicon solar cell, single crystal silicon wafer surface fusing. 通讯作者:李绍元(1987—),男,博士,教授,主要研究方向为硅冶金与硅材料、太阳能电池材料、资源综合回收利用。

Corresponding author :LI Shao-yuan (1987—), Male, Doctor, Professor, Research focus: silicon metallurgy and silicon materials, solar cell materials, comprehensive resource recovery and utilization.引文格式:洪世豪, 郑达敏, 马亮, 等. 双氧水在铜纳米粒子催化刻蚀n 型单晶硅中的影响研究[J]. 表面技术, 2022, 51(1): 257-264.HONG Shi-hao, ZHENG Da-min, MA Liang, et al. Study on the Influence of Hydrogen Peroxide on Nano-Cu Catalyzed Etching of n-Type Single Crystal Silicon[J]. Surface Technology, 2022, 51(1): 257-264.双氧水在铜纳米粒子催化刻蚀 n 型单晶硅中的影响研究洪世豪1,郑达敏2,马亮1,李绍元1,陈秀华3,马文会1(1.昆明理工大学 冶金与能源工程学院,昆明 650093;2.湖南红太阳光电科技有限公司,长沙 410205;3.云南大学 材料与能源学院,昆明 650091) 摘 要:目的 在反应速率温和的前提下,在n 型单晶硅片表面制备低反射率的纳米倒金字塔绒面,研究H 2O 2浓度对铜纳米颗粒的沉积及刻蚀行为的影响。



International Journal of Fluid Dynamics 流体动力学, 2023, 11(1), 13-25 Published Online March 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/ijfd https:///10.12677/ijfd.2023.111002离心喷嘴设计和结构参数对喷嘴性能的 影响研究周薛豹,赵 军*,孙 娜上海理工大学能源与动力工程学院,上海收稿日期:2022年12月26日;录用日期:2022年12月30日;发布日期:2023年3月9日摘要为明确喷嘴的设计方法和喷嘴结构对喷嘴性能的影响规律,本文对喷嘴的设计方法进行了梳理验证并研究了旋流半径比、旋流室倾角和喷孔长径比对喷嘴性能的影响规律:旋流半径比增大会使雾化角减小、流量增大;旋流室倾角增大会使雾化角增大、流量减小;喷孔长径比增大会使雾化角减小,对流量影响不大;喷孔长径比对雾化角影响最大,旋流室倾角对流量影响最大。

关键词离心喷嘴,喷嘴设计,数值模拟Study on the Influence of Centrifugal Nozzle Design and Structural Parameters on Nozzle PerformanceXuebao Zhou, Jun Zhao *, Na SunSchool of Energy and Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, ShanghaiReceived: Dec. 26th, 2022; accepted: Dec. 30th, 2022; published: Mar. 9th, 2023AbstractIn order to clarify the design method of nozzle and the influence of nozzle junction structure on*通讯作者。

The Significance of Digital Gene Expression Profiles

The Significance of Digital Gene Expression Profiles

The Significance of Digital GeneExpression ProfilesSte´phane Audic and Jean-Michel Claverie1Laboratory of Structural and Genetic Information,Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique–E.P.91,Marseille13402,FranceGenes differentially expressed in different tissues,during development,or during specific pathologies are of foremost interest to both basic and pharmaceutical research.‘‘Transcript profiles’’or‘‘digital Northerns’’are generated routinely by partially sequencing thousands of randomly selected clones from relevant cDNA libraries.Differentially expressed genes can then be detected from variations in the counts of their cognate sequence tags.Here we present the first systematic study on the influence of random fluctuations and sampling size on the reliability of this kind of data.We establish a rigorous significance test and demonstrate its use on publicly available transcript profiles.The theory links the threshold of selection of putatively regulated genes (e.g.,the number of pharmaceutical leads)to the fraction of false positive clones one is willing to risk.Our results delineate more precisely and extend the limits within which digital Northern data can be used.Very large-scale,single-pass partial sequencing of cDNA clones from a large number of libraries has led to the identification of∼50,000human genes(Ad-ams et al.1995;Aaronson et al.1996;Hillier et al. 1996).However,a precise function or a complete transcript sequence are known for<5000of these (Adams et al.1995;Boguski and Schuler1995).In the absence of functional clues for most of the newly identified genes,evidence of differential ex-pression is the most important criteria to prioritize the exploitation of anonymous sequence data in both basic and pharmaceutical(Nowak1995;Ad-ams1996;Bains1996;Editorial1996)research.For example,the study of expression profiles in various tumors is central to the new Cancer Genome Anatomy project(Kuska1996;O’Brien1997).In contrast to functional assays,the quantitative analysis of gene expression level lends itself to large-scale implementation.Two main approaches have been proposed(1)‘‘analog’’methods based on hy-bridization to arrayed cDNA libraries(Lennon and Lehrach1991;Gress et al.1992;Nguyen et al.1995; Schena et al.1995;Zhao et al.1995)or oligonucleo-tide‘‘chips’’(Fodor et al.1991;Southern et al.1992; Guo et al.1994;Matson et al.1995);and(2)‘‘digi-tal’’methods,based on the generation of sequence tags.This paper focuses on the latter.The sequence tag-based method(Okubo et al.1992;Matsubara and Okubo1994)consists of generating a large number(thousands)of expressed sequence tags (ESTs)(Adams et al.1991;Wilcox et al.1991;Adams et al.1992;Khan et al.1992)from3Ј-directed re-gional non-normalized cDNA libraries.Recently, Velculescu et al.(1995)have introduced the serial analysis of gene expression(SAGE).Although tags are100–300nucleotides in length in the original EST approach,the SAGE method only requires nine nucleotides,therefore allowing a larger throughput. In both protocols,the number of tags is reported to be proportional to the abundance of cognate tran-scripts in the tissue or cell type used to make the cDNA library.The variation in the relative fre-quency of those tags,stored in computer databases, is then used to point out the differential expression of the corresponding genes:This is the concept of a ‘‘digital Northern’’comparison.In the absence of a sound theoretical framework,the validity of the method has only been verified for a handful of genes in the context of two cellular differentiation systems(Lee et al.1995;Okubo et al.1995)induc-ible in vitro.Yet,with a total number of human genes of∼80,000or more,it is not intuitive that sequencing a mere few thousand tags(a typical ex-periment)from highly redundant non-normalized cDNA libraries can produce a useful picture,or real-istic‘‘transcript profile,’’of a given tissue,develop-ment stage,or cell type.What variations in tag numbers allow for a reliable inference about differ-ential expression?How many tags should be gener-ated?Here we present the statistical framework re-quired to answer those questions and analyze tran-script profiles in a quantitative manner.1Corresponding author.E-MAIL;FAX33491164549.RESEARCH 986RESULTSIn Methods we establish the probability distribution governing the occurrence of the same rare event in duplicate experiments.This probability distribution is a general result applicable to a wide variety of experimental situations,although this paper fo-cuses on its use to analyze digital gene expression patterns.The main and only mathematical assump-tion behind the derivation is that the observed events are rare and part of a large population of possible outcomes(the distribution of which is not specified).In the context of a digital Northern,one event is the observation of a given cDNA sequence tag,and the experiment consists of the random picking and partial sequencing of a number N of cDNA clones.Given the usual complexity(i.e.,the number of different genes expressed)of cDNA li-braries,observing a given cDNA qualifies as a rare event,as the abundance of most individual mes-sages is of the order of a few percents or less. Random Fluctuation vs.Significant Change in Tag Number:When to Infer Differential ExpressionLet us randomly pick N=1000clones from a cDNA library and generate the corresponding sequence tags;a given message(e.g.,interleukin-2)will be picked x(e.g.,two)times,with x in a typical(0–10) range.If we now redo this experiment,that is,again pick1000clones and generate the tags,the same message will now be picked y(e.g.,3)times.If the experiments have been duplicated correctly and the clones selected at random,we expect x and y to be close,albeit often different because of random fluc-tuations.In the Methods section,we show that the expected probability of observing y occurrences of a clone already observed x times is given by the simple formula:p(y|x)=͑x+y͒!x!y!2͑x+y+1͒(1)Equation1can be used to compute a confi-dence interval[y min,y max]⑀within which we expect to find y with a given probability,noted1–2⑀,where 2⑀is the significance level.For⑀small(e.g.,2.5%or less),y values falling outside the[y min,y max]⑀inter-val correspond to p(y|x)<<1,therefore pointing out very unlikely random fluctuations between the two experiments.The confidence intervals for the usual1%and5%significance levels are given in Table1.The same confidence intervals listed in Table1 can in fact be used to analyze the results of sampling N clones from two different libraries.Provided all experimental factors are well replicated,significant discrepancies between x(from one library)and y (from the other)will now characterize differentially expressed genes,for example,the relative abun-dance of which is unlikely to be the same in the two libraries.Simply reading Table1,we see that varia-tions in counts such as7→0,or2→12are signifi-cant(P<0.01)evidence of regulated gene expres-sion,whereas variations such as3→0or8→16are not(P>0.05).However,we do not advocate the use of rigid significance thresholds to analyze digital transcript profiles,as discussed below.Influence of the Sampling SizeSurprisingly at first,p(y|x)in Equation1does not involve the sampling size N,that is,the total num-ber of picked clones.The fluctuation probabilities, and confidence intervals,depend only on the values of the observed counts.To understand why,we must remember that Equation1governs the results of strictly duplicated experiments.Given N clones are sampled,the most likely tags to be picked up are, intuitively,those corresponding to cDNA,the abun-dance of which is of the order of1/N,or larger(ac-cording to Equation3,the probability of finding a given cDNA with1/N abundance while picking up N clones is0.63,see also Equation13).Choosing a sampling size therefore corresponds to targeting a given subset of genes,the level of expression of which allows their tags to occur at reasonable fre-quencies.As expected,more reliable inferences can be made on clones corresponding to larger absolute frequencies(i.e.,the ones more often picked up). For example(see Table1),a variation in counts from 1–3(threefold increase)is not indicative of a signifi-cant(P<0.05)increase,whereas a variation from 4–12is significant at P<0.05,and a variation from 7–21is significant at P<0.01.For a gene expressed at a given rate,increasing the sampling size N leads to higher tag counts,and allows more stringent sta-tistical inference to be made,for the same propor-tional variation.Most often in practice one wishes to compare digital Northerns or gene profiles that have been computed from the random picking of different numbers of clones,N1and N2.The mathematical problem is now to establish the probability for a given cDNA(e.g.,interleukin-2)to be picked up x times when the sampling size was N1and y times when the sampling size was N2.Equation1then becomes(see Methods):STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF TRANSCRIPT PROFILESGENOME RESEARCHp͑y|x͒=ͩN2N1ͪy͑x+y͒!x!y!ͩ1+N2N1ͪ͑x+y+1͒(2)Whereas Equation1applied to the analysis of fluctuation in counts in strictly identical experi-ments,Equation2now applies to the analysis of counts in experiments only differing by the total number of clones randomly picked up.In practice, Equation2will be used to analyze experiments per-formed on two different libraries,using different sampling sizes.As for Equation1,small p(y|x)are expected to characterize the genes exhibiting regu-lated expression,the relative abundance of which is unlikely to be the same in the two libraries.Table1.Confidence Intervals in Function of the Value of xThe value of x(first column),one of the occurrence numbers.The intervals are given for the95%(2␧=0.05) and99%(2␧=0.01)confidence levels.Up to x=20,the exact boundaries,immediately outside the confi-dence interval(first significantly different values)are indicated.A star is used when none are possible.For larger values,the boundaries are given as percentages to be subtracted or added to x.Ricker’s confidence interval characterizes the value of␭,not y(see Methods).The use of a flat p(␭)prior distribution results in the most stringent test,as expected.Although the number(N)of clones sampled does not appear in the expres-sion of p(y|x)(Equation1),its influence shows in the fact that the confidence interval becomes proportionally smaller as x(and y)increases(e.g.,1¨7has the same statistical significance as40¨60).For the same expression level,larger N will result in larger absolute values for x and y,making the detection of significant differential expression more sensitive.Comparison with Fisher’s(2×2)Exact TestThe(2ן2)contingency tables arising from treat-ment versus control experiments are traditionally analyzed with Fisher’s exact test(Siegel1956; Agresti1996).Differential EST count data can be presented in a tabulated form so as to suggest the use of this test,as follows:Brain cDNA library Liver cDNA libraryNumber of actin ESTs211 Number of other ESTs9981189Total clones sampled10001200 The statistical significance according to Fisher’s exact test for such a result is4.6%(two-tail P-value,i.e.,the probability for such a table to occur in the hypothesis that actin EST frequencies are in-dependent of the cDNA libraries).In comparison, the P-value computed from the cumulative form (Equation9,see Methods)of Equation2(i.e.,for the relative frequency of actin ESTs to be the same in both libraries,given that at least11cognate ESTs are observed in the liver library after two were observed in the brain library)is1.6%.Fisher’s(2ן2)exact test is always more conservative than our test(e.g., Fisher’s P-value of1.6%requires a2→13EST count transition in the above setting).Besides being too conservative,there is a more fundamental difficulty in using this test to analyze EST count data.The sampling scheme assumed by Fisher’s exact test in principle requires the total number of data values in the contingency table to be fixed,as well as both the row marginal total and the column marginal totals. In our prospective experimental situation,only the column marginals(i.e.,the numbers of clones sampled from each library)are fixed.The extension of Fisher’s exact test to cases where only one set of marginal totals is fixed(Tocher1950)is still contro-versial.In the context of the above EST counting results,there is an additional problem with the lack of homogeneity in the definition of the‘‘other EST’’category.This category represents different subsets of transcripts for different libraries.The use of Fisher’s(2ן2)exact test is more natural for a different type of EST data analysis:the study of library-dependent alternative transcripts of the same gene(i.e.,splice or polyadenylation vari-ants)(D.Gautheret,O.Poirot,F.Lopez,S.Audic, and J.-M.Claverie,in prep.).Here,the results for an hypothetical gene G1may look as follows:G1-relatedtranscripts inbrain libraryG1-relatedtranscripts inliver library Long-form mRNA210Short-form mRNA83Total G1-relatedclones1013where the alternative categories are unambiguously defined and refer to the same objects.For example, the above results constitute good evidence that G1is expressed in different forms in those tissues(Fisher’s exact test two-tail P-value=1.2%).False Leads in the Selection of Candidate GenesA crucial measure of the power of statistical signifi-cance tests is their rate of false alarm,that is,how often random fluctuations are expected to be mis-taken for significant differences in the results.When analyzing the transcript profiles from two different libraries,a false alarm would cause a gene to be deemed differentially transcribed,whereas in fact it is not.The rate of false alarm is therefore a direct estimate of the fraction of false leads,when search-ing for differentially expressed genes on the basis of differences in tag counts.The rates of false alarm associated with the P<0.01and P<0.05confi-dence intervals listed in Table1have been com-puted by Monte-Carlo simulation on the basis of two experimental sequence tag distributions(Table 2;Fig.1).The rate of false alarms associated with the use of Equation1(in fact,its cumulative form Equa-tion9,see Methods)is very small for genes repre-sented by small tag counts and slowly increases for higher tag counts,without ever exceeding the se-lected significance level.Such good behavior vali-dates the use of the confidence intervals(Table1) computed from Equation1and Equation9to assess the statistical significance of variations in digital Northern data.The curves labeled‘‘window’’char-acterize the very similar behavior of a slightly less conservative derivation of the same test(see Meth-ods,Equation15).For comparison,Figure1also presents the behavior of another test,based on an inappropriate application of Ricker’s confidence in-tervals(Ricker1937)(see Methods).DISCUSSIONAn appropriate statistical test is now at our disposal to begin analyzing digital gene expression profiles STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF TRANSCRIPT PROFILESGENOME RESEARCHin a more quantitative way.For example,the test can be used to determine how many genes appear regulated at various confidence levels using the data from a typical experiment(e.g.,sampling a thou-sand clones).We analyzed the data gathered by Okubo et al.(1995)on the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL60induced by dimethylsulfox-ide(DMSO)or tetradecanoylphorbolacetate(TPA). Table3shows the21EST classes the occurrences of which exhibit significant variations at the1%level. Most of the corresponding genes make biological sense in term of differentiation along the granulo-cyte or monocyte pathways.This example serves to discuss a subtle point in the interpretation of the P values computed from Equation1,2,and9.Rigorously,these equations apply to the case where a given gene(e.g.,lipocor-tin)would have been selected for scrutiny before looking at the differences in cognate tag counts be-tween libraries.When comparing two libraries with-out specifying in advance the transcripts we want to follow,and then focusing a posteriori on any of those exhibiting significant variations,the average number of expected false positive N f a l s e is N false=PN species,where N species is the number of dif-ferent transcript species encountered and p is a given significance level.For instance,in the experi-ment analyzed in Table3,N species is of the order of 600(Okubo et al.1995).It is therefore possible that up to four(600ן7ן10מ3)out of the21transcript species listed in Table3are not truly differentially expressed.Therefore,when two libraries are compared without prior gene selection,the use of a predeter-mined significance threshold is not advisable.The P values computed from Equation1,2,and9should simply be used to rank all observed variations by order of decreasing statistical significance(analo-gous to how‘‘similarity hits’’are listed after data-base searches).The end-users can then make their own choice about the number of candidate target genes to be retained from the top of the list,bearing in mind the corresponding number of expected false positives.Although the present interpretation of a digital Northern focuses on the genes exhibiting the most spectacular differential expressions,there is already ample evidence that small changes can cause drasticTable2.Publicly Available Distributions of Sequence Tags(Left)Data from Velculescu et al.(1995):Frequency of occurrence of each of the428transcriptspecies represented in840SAGE tags randomly generated from a3Ј-directed cDNA library fromhuman pancreas.(Right)Data from Okubo et al.(1992):Frequency of occurrence of each of641transcript species represented in982randomly sequenced clones from a3Ј-directed cDNAlibrary from human liver cell line HepG2.AUDIC AND CLAVERIE990effects.Disease states caused by haploinsufficiency and trisomy suggest that2→1or2→3propor-tional changes in expression level may be of biologi-cal significance.Table1shows that there is no theo-retical limit to the detection of such small variations from the comparison of digital expression patterns. Simply,the sampling size has to be increased enough for the required numbers of cDNA tags to reach a significance threshold(for instance 40→60,for a confidence level of95%).Analog hybridization-based methods(Fodor et al.1991;Lennon and Lehrach1991;Gress et al. 1992;Southern et al.1992;Guo et al.1994;Matson et al.1995;Nguyen et al.1995;Schena et al.1995; Zhao et al.1995)are traditionally opposed to digital tag-counting methods(Okubo et al.1992;Matsub-ara and Okubo1994;Lee et al.1995;Okubo et al.1995;Vel-culescu et al.1995)for theanalysis of differential geneexpression.Both types ofmethods are sensitive to thequality of the original messen-ger RNA preparation and/orcDNA libraries.Analog meth-ods promise higher through-put,lower cost,and have thecapacity of studying transcriptson a much wider scale of abun-dance.They are therefore ex-pected to supersede digitalmethods.On the down side,however,hybridization signalsare not easily reproducible,andcan be affected by many un-known properties such as thecDNA library complexity,aswell as clone and sequence spe-cific features(e.g.,insert size,nucleotide composition,pres-ence of repeats,secondarystructure,triple helix interac-tion,etc.).Therefore,the hy-bridization-based methods re-quire an estimation of the dis-persion of the signal associatedwith each clone(i.e.,enoughrepetitions of each experi-ment),and multiple standard-ization and calibration proce-dures to allow the meaningfulcomparison of hybridizationpatterns obtained from varioussources(tissues,cell types,etc.) or from different membranes or chips.This is far from routine and has yet to be worked out.In con-trast,and thanks to the unique properties of the Poisson distribution,digital methods have the ca-pacity of providing a quantitative assessment of dif-ferential expression without the repetition or the standardization of individual tag-counting experi-ments.The statistical analysis presented here pro-vides an objective method to analyze digital tran-script profile data,and adapts it to fit(1)the num-ber of leads one wants to be followed;(2)the fraction of false clues to be tolerated;and(3)the level of modulation in gene expression considered of biological interest.A program is available on our web site(http:// compute the confidenceFigure1Rate of false alarm computed according to the confidence intervalslisted in Table1.(Top)Monte-Carlo simulation of the random sampling of840tags distributed according to the data from Velculescu et al.(1995;see Table2).(Bottom)Monte-Carlo simulation of the random sampling of982ESTs distrib-uted according to the data from Okubo et al.(1992;see Table2).The fre-quency of false alarm was computed for two significance levels(2⑀=5%,leftand2⑀=1%,right)and plotted in function of the tag class size(from1–64forVelculescu et al.,from1–22for Okubo et al.).In all cases,the rate of false alarmincreases up to a plateau for larger class sizes.The test(cumulative form ofEquation1)derived from the flat p(␭)prior shows perfect behavior with amaximal rate of false alarm always less than the significance levels(brokenlines).The test(cumulative form of Equation15)derived from the window p(␭)prior exhibits a slightly higher rate of false alarms.Both versions of the testexhibit conservative behaviors for class size<5,with a false alarm rate even lessthan expected.In contrast,Ricker’s confidence intervals(Equation12)aregrossly inadequate and lead to false alarm rates up to four times the significancelevel.Graphs are computed from the analysis of1000repetitions of each ex-periment.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF TRANSCRIPT PROFILESGENOME RESEARCHintervals corresponding to arbitrary significance lev-els and sampling size N1and N2.METHODSLet us denote p(x)the probability to observe x sequence tags of the same gene(i.e.,from the3Јend of the same transcript) when N cDNA clones are picked randomly.For each transcript representing a small(i.e.,less than5%)fraction of the library and Nജ1000,p(x)will closely follow the Poisson distribu-tion:p͑x͒=e−␭␭xx!(3)where␭is the actual(albeit unknown)number of transcript of this type per N clones in the library.If we duplicate this ex-periment(i.e.,once again randomly pick N clones of the same library and generate sequence tags),we will now observe y occurrences of the same transcript.What is the probability of the various y values?An approximate solution consists in us-ing x as the maximum likelihood estimate for␭and compute the probability for y occurrences given a Poisson distribution of mean␭=x:p͑y|x͒=e−x x yy!(4)Equation4is not symmetrical in x and y.This is an ob-vious flaw as the probability should not depend on which of the x or y values were observed first.p(y|x)=p(x|y)should hold provided that an equal number N of clones is sampled in both experiments.Equation4is not the correct formula,be-cause we have not yet taken into account the fluctuation of x around the unknown mean␭.To account for the fact that the actual value of␭is unknown,we have to integrate Equation4 over all possible␭values:p͑y|x͒=͐0ϱd␭p͑d=␭|x͒p͑y|d=␭͒(5) p(d=␭|x)in Equation5is the probability that the actualTable3.List of ESTs Exhibiting Significant(P<0.01)Differences inAbundance in the HL60Cell Line Induced by DMSO or TPAEST ID HL60HL60+TPA HL60+DMSO Significance418221013ן10מ7211241024ן10מ71982328ן10מ735616203ן10מ638012106ן10מ513541206ן10מ528514811ן10מ4201501102ן10מ424401143ן10מ429313613ן10מ429211015ן10מ465014525ן10מ433515339ן10מ444410412ן10מ316740814ן10מ31550834ן10מ38616107ן10מ33056207ן10מ318060607ן10מ318080607ן10מ317660607ן10מ3Only the probability(computed according to Equations7and8)corresponding to the most significanttransition(numbers in bold)is listed(Okubo et al.1995).The total EST numbers sampled from the HL60,HL60+TPA and HL60+DMSO cDNA libraries are845,845,and1058,respectively.ESTs418,211,356,285,293,292,650,335,444,861,305corresponding to ribosomal proteins,and EST380,a tag to an unkown gene,exhibit a marked reduction of expression level in the DMSO-and/or TPA-induced differentiated states.Inconstrast,ESTs135(ferritin),2015(LD78/macrophage inflammatory protein),1674(methionine adenosyl-transferase),155(thymosin␤-4),1806(lipocortin),1808(thymosin␤-10),and1766(a metallothionein)appear more abundant in the TPA-induced state,also highly enriched in EST19(the ubiquitous elongationfactor1-␣).␤-Actin(EST244),is the only markedly increased tag in the DMSO-induced state.EST numbers,abundance data,and protein assignments are from the‘‘body map’’public expression data repository at and K.Matsubara).AUDIC AND CLAVERIE992abundance of a given transcript is␭given that x occurrences of a cognate tag have been observed in one experiment.The second term in the integral is the probability of drawing y occurrences given a Poisson distribution of mean␭:p͑y|d=␭͒=e−␭␭yy!(6)Using Bayes’theorem p(d=␭|x)can be written asp͑d=␭|x͒=p͑x|d=␭͒p͑d=␭͒͐0ϱd␭Јp͑x|d=␭Ј͒p͑d=␭Ј͒(7)To evaluate Equation7,we need to define the prior dis-tribution p(d=␭).The least constrained hypothesis(i.e.,with the least information content),is to attribute an equal a priori probability to all␭values in the[0,ϱ]range.Incorporating such a flat prior in Equation5leads top͑y|x͒=1x!y!͐0ϱd␭e−2␭␭͑x+y͒(8)From the definition of the⌫function for integer arguments we observe that͐0ϱd␭e−2␭␭͑x+y͒=͑x+y͒!2͑x+y+1͒and finally obtain the expression given in Results:p͑y|x͒=͑x+y͒!x!y!2͑x+y+1͒(1)This equation can be used in a wide variety of experi-mental situations.Equation1defines the probability of ob-serving x and y occurrences of the same rare event in dupli-cated experiments,regardless of the detailed probability dis-tribution of those events among the set of possible outcomes. In particular,in the context of transcription profiles,p(y|x) can be evaluated regardless of the distribution of each tran-script(provided it is rare)within a cDNA library.To compute the confidence intervals listed in Table1,we made use of the cumulative distributions:C͑yഛy min|x͒=͚y=0yഛy min p͑y|x͒(9a)D͑yജy max|x͒=͚y=y maxϱp͑y|x͒(9b) These equations allow the computation of an interval [y m i n,y m a x]⑀s u c h a s C(yഛy m i n|x)ഛ⑀a n d D(yജy max|x)ഛ⑀.Given that an event is observed x times in one experiment,the number y of occurrences of this event in a duplicate experiment is expected to fall within the interval [y min,y max]⑀with a probability of1–2⑀.Equation9,a and b, can therefore serve as a significance test when comparing,for instance,the results of sampling N clones from two different libraries.For2⑀small(e.g.,5%or less),y values falling outside the[y min,y max]⑀interval correspond to p(y|x)<<1,and point out significant differences between the two experiments. They should include differentially expressed genes,for ex-ample,for which␭is different in the two libraries.Generalization to Different Sampling SizesWhen different numbers of clones N1and N2are sequenced from the same library,Equation5becomesp͑y|x͒=͐0ϱd␭2͐0ϱd␭1p͑d1=␭1|x͒p͑y|d2=␭2͒␦ͩ␭2מN2N1␭1ͪ(10) where the two abundance values␭1and␭2are forced in the same ratio as N1and ing the same bayesian argument as before(Equation7)leads top͑y|x͒=1x!y!ͩN2N1ͪy͐0ϱd␭1e−␭1ͩ1+N2N1ͪ␭1͑x+y͒(11)the last integral is simply͑x+y͒!ͩ1+N2N1ͪ͑x+y+1͒leading to the formula presented in the Results section:p͑y|x͒=ͩN2N1ͪy͑x+y͒!x!y!ͩ1+N2N1ͪ͑x+y+1͒(2)Ricker’s Confidence IntervalThe confidence interval computed from Equation1(and its cumulative form,Equation9,a and b)is different from one introduced previously by Ricker(1937)although,at first,the two may appear to be related.Given x occurrences of a sequence tag,Ricker’s formula defines a confidence interval[␭min,␭max]x for␭(again the actual number of transcripts of this type per N clones in the library)such asp͑kഛx͒=͚k=0x e−␭max␭max kk!ഛ␣2(12a) andp͑kജx͒=͚k=xϱe−␭min␭min kk!ഛ␣2(12b) where␣is typically5%or1%.Ricker’s confidence intervals for various values of x are given in Table1.Those intervals are close to those computed from Equation1,but delineate the range of likely␭values,not y(the number of occurrences of the same event in a duplicated experiment).It is possible for x and y to fall outside each other’s Ricker’s confidence interval [␭min,␭max],while still being nonsignificant fluctuations around the same␭value.The confidence intervals computed from Equation12,a and b,are therefore too narrow to prop-erly define significant discrepancies between x and y.The false alarm rate associated with the use of Ricker’s confidence in-tervals is too high(Fig.1).However,an interesting use of Equation12,a and b,is the estimation of the range of possible frequencies[␭min,␭max]x=0for cDNAs not yet encountered after picking N clones.For example,the95%confidence interval is given by:0<N␭<3.7(13) That is,the abundance of a cDNA not picked up among STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF TRANSCRIPT PROFILESGENOME RESEARCH。

the greeks assumed that the structure of language

the greeks assumed that the structure of language

The Greeks Assumed That the Structure of LanguageIntroductionLanguage is a fundamental aspect of human communication and plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts and ideas. The Greeks, renowned for their contributions to philosophy and literature, also pondered over the nature and structure of language. This article aims to delve intothe Greek assumptions regarding the structure of language, exploringtheir theories and implications.Origins of Greek Linguistic ThoughtThe Greek fascination with language can be traced back to prominent philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. Plato believed that language was not a mere tool for communication but a reflection of the ultimate reality. According to him, words and their meanings were not arbitrarybut had a deeper connection to the essence of objects or concepts. Aristotle, on the other hand, studied language from a more empirical perspective, focusing on its function and structure.Greek Assumptions about Language StructureThe Greeks made several assumptions about the structure of language,which had a profound impact on subsequent linguistic thought. These assumptions include:1. Words Reflect RealityThe Greeks assumed that words had an inherent connection to the objectsor concepts they represented. They believed that through language, individuals could access and understand the true nature of reality. This assumption laid the foundation for the philosophical concept of “logos,” which refers to the relationship between words and reality.2. Language Is Composed of Basic ElementsThe Greeks recognized that language could be broken down into smaller units with distinctive meanings. They postulated that these basic elements, known as morphemes, combined to form words. This assumption paved the way for the development of morphological analysis in linguistics, which studies the internal structure of words.3. Syntax and Grammar Govern LanguageAncient Greek philosophers acknowledged the importance of syntax and grammar in organizing and conveying meaning. They recognized that language followed specific rules and structures that determined the relationships between words in a sentence. This assumption laid the groundwork for syntactical analysis, which explores the arrangement of words and phrases in a sentence.4. Language Is InnateThe Greeks assumed that the ability to acquire and understand language was innate to humans. They believed that language proficiency stemmed from natural predispositions rather than external influences. This assumption aligns with modern theories of language acquisition, such as Noam Chomsk y’s concept of a Universal Grammar.Implications of Greek Linguistic ThoughtThe Greek assumptions about language structure had far-reaching implications for various disciplines, including linguistics, philosophy, and literature. Some of these implications are:1. Language as a Mirror of RealityThe concept of language reflecting reality influenced subsequent philosophical and metaphysical thought. It prompted thinkers to explore the relationship between language, perception, and knowledge. This exploration ultimately shaped diverse philosophical schools, such as phenomenology and hermeneutics.2. Development of Linguistic AnalysisThe Greek assumptions regarding the composition of language elements and the importance of syntax and grammar laid the groundwork for linguistic analysis. These assumptions influenced the development of structural linguistics, generative grammar, and other linguistic theories that investigate the form and function of language.3. Influence on Literary StylesGreek linguistic thought permeated literary works, influencing writing styles and literary devices. Writers began incorporating rhetorical techniques, such as metaphors and analogies, to convey deeper meanings and evoke emotional responses. These techniques shaped the foundations of poetry, prose, and dramatic literature.4. Evolution of Language EducationThe Greek assumptions about language being innate and governed by rules contributed to the development of language education methodologies. They inspired instructional approaches that emphasize the systematic teaching of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. These approaches continue to influence language teaching methodologies worldwide.ConclusionThe Greeks’ assumptions about the structure of language have left an indelible mark on human understanding and exploration of linguistic phenomena. Their belief that language reflects reality, the recognition of basic language elements, the importance of syntax and grammar, and the innate nature of language have shaped various disciplines. From philosophy to linguistics, and literature to education, the Greek assumptions continue to shape our understanding and appreciation of language.。



林业工程学报,2023,8(4):66-71JournalofForestryEngineeringDOI:10.13360/j.issn.2096-1359.202211002收稿日期:2022-11-03㊀㊀㊀㊀修回日期:2023-02-05基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2021YFD2200602);江西省林业局科技创新专项(202135)㊂作者简介:胡尧琼,女,研究方向为木质复合材料㊂通信作者:梅长彤,男,教授㊂E⁃刨花形态和跌落高度对刨花定向效果的影响胡尧琼,李万兆,张晔,梅长彤∗(南京林业大学材料科学与工程学院,南京210037)摘㊀要:定向刨花板(OSB)是一种应用广泛的木质结构材,其基本组成单元是窄长薄片刨花,刨花定向铺装角度是影响OSB力学性能的重要因素㊂以刨花长度㊁宽度和跌落高度为影响因子,统计分析以上因子对刨花定向角度的影响,拟合出优化试验参数对应刨花定向效果的正态分布曲线㊂刨花跌落高度对定向角度影响显著,其次为刨花长度和宽度㊂分析刨花长宽比与定向角度绝对值的关系,重点关注定向角度绝对值小于10ʎ,15ʎ和30ʎ的刨花占比㊂当刨花长宽比小于8时,长宽比与刨花定向效果呈线性正相关,长宽比接近8时,刨花定向效果最佳㊂刨花长度ˑ刨花宽度ˑ跌落高度的优化参数分别为150mmˑ20mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ15mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ10mmˑ80mm和120mmˑ20mmˑ80mm,结合正态分布拟合曲线得出90%概率条件下,4组试验所得刨花定向角度的置信区间均小于30ʎ,而150mmˑ20mmˑ80mm试验参数条件下刨花定向效果最佳㊂本研究系统分析了使用定向导板控制窄长薄片刨花的定向效果,优化了刨花形态和跌落高度的参数,刨花定向角度的量化分析预测可以为OSB力学性能的预测提供基础科学依据㊂关键词:定向刨花板;刨花形态;跌落高度;定向角度;统计分析中图分类号:S784㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文章编号:2096-1359(2023)04-0066-06EffectofstrandshapeanddropheightonstrandsorientationHUYaoqiong,LIWanzhao,ZHANGYe,MEIChangtong∗(CollegeofMaterialsScienceandEngineering,NanjingForestryUniversity,Nanjing210037,China)Abstract:Basiccompositioncomponentoforientedstrandboard(OSB)islongandthinslicestrand.OSBisarenew⁃able,reusable,andrecyclableresourceandanalternativetostructuralplywoodforawiderangeoflightweighttimberframeconstructionwithhighvariabilityinflexuralproperties.ThedirectionalpavingangleofstrandisoneofthemostimportantfactorsaffectingthemechanicalpropertiesofOSB.Consideringthelengthandwidthofthestrandandthedropheightaftercrossingthedirectionalguideplateastheinterferingfactors,theinfluenceoftheabovefactorsontheorientationangleofthestrandwasanalyzedstatistically,andthecurvenormaldistributionoftheorientationeffectoftheoptimizedtestparameterswasfitted.Duringtheexperiments,thestrandsfellfreelyontotheguideplate,andthenscatteredonthebaseplateafterbeingorientedbytheguideplate.Theheightofstranddrophadasignificanteffectontheorientationangle,followedbythelengthandwidthofthestrand.Whentheaspectratioofstrandwassmallerthaneight,thelength⁃widthratiowaslinearlyandpositivelycorrelatedwiththeorientationeffectofthestrand,andwhenthelength⁃widthratiowasclosetoeight,theorientationeffectofstrandwasthebest.Theoptimizedparametersofthestrandlengthˑstrandwidthˑdropheightwere150mmˑ20mmˑ80mm,150mmˑ15mmˑ80mmand150mmˑ10mmˑ80mm,respectively.Whenthelength⁃widthratiowasgreaterthaneight,thereductionofthestrandwidthwouldleadtotheincreaseoftheaspectratio,whilethechangeofthewidthhadslightinfluenceontheorientationeffect.Combinedwiththefittingcurveofnormaldistribution,theconfidenceintervalsofthestrandorientationanglesobtainedbythethreegroupsoftestswereallsmallthan30ʎundertheconditionof95%probability.Itwasfurtherex⁃plainedthatthechangeofparticlewidthhadnoobviousinfluenceontheorientationeffectcomparedwiththechangeofparticlelength.Inthisstudy,theinfluenceofstrandshapeanddropheightonorientationeffectwasanalyzedbythestatisticalanalysis.Theconfidenceintervalofparticleorientationangleundertheconditionofthetargetprobabilitycouldbeobtainedbycombiningthefittingcurveofnormaldistribution.Thisstudysystematicallyanalyzedtheeffectofusingdirectionalguideplatetocontrolthestrandorientationofthenarrowandlongthinslices,optimizedthepa⁃rametersofthestrandmorphologyanddropheight.Thequantitativeanalysisandpredictionofstrandorientationangle㊀第4期胡尧琼,等:刨花形态和跌落高度对刨花定向效果的影响couldprovideabasisforthescientificpredictionofmechanicalpropertiesofOSB.Keywords:orientedstrandboard;strandshape;dropheight;orientationangle;statisticalanalysis㊀㊀木材是一种绿色天然可再生材料,长期以来被广泛应用于家具㊁建筑㊁能源等领域㊂近年来,木材供需矛盾逐渐突出,优质木材严重短缺,而次生木质部的高效利用是缓解优质木材短缺的重要手段[1-3]㊂定向刨花板(orientedstrandboard,OSB)是由规定形状和一定厚度的木质大片刨花施胶后经定向铺装㊁热压制成的多层结构板材,具有优异的力学性能和尺寸稳定性[4-5]㊂生产OSB可实现木材利用率达到85%以上,同时其力学性能能够媲美胶合板[6-8]㊂影响OSB力学性能的主要因素有刨花铺装角度㊁刨花形态㊁板材剖面密度㊁板坯结构㊁胶黏剂和热压工艺参数等[9-13]㊂表层刨花规则排列能提高OSB的弹性模量(MOE)和静曲强度(MOR),且基于表层刨花铺装角度可以有效预测OSB的MOE和MOR[14]㊂Nishimura等[15]研究了表层刨花铺装角度和刨花形态对OSB力学性能的影响,结果表明,刨花铺装角度对OSB的MOR影响比刨花形态更明显㊂刨花的铺装角度主要受刨花形态和刨花铺装高度影响[16]㊂刨花形态的重要评价指标是刨花的长宽比,刨花长宽比对OSB的内结合强度有一定的影响[17]㊂刨花长宽比与OSB的MOE和MOR呈正相关,但刨花长宽比增加会降低OSB的内结合强度[18]㊂刨花铺装角度对OSB的力学性能影响显著,通过研究刨花长宽比和跌落高度与刨花铺装角度的关系,可以为优化OSB的组坯工艺和产品结构提供理论指导㊂笔者针对15种刨花形态和2种跌落高度与刨花铺装角度的关系展开系统研究,统计分析了刨花形态和铺装高度对刨花定向角度的影响,梳理了刨花长宽比和定向铺装效果的关系,提出了刨花精准铺装的优化工艺参数㊂1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀试验材料与设备杨树(Populustremula)木材旋切单板购自安徽省,密度0.35g/cm3,名义厚度1.0mm,含水率9.15%㊂选用没有节子㊁裂隙等明显缺陷的单板手工制备定向刨花,将单板裁成5种长度(150,120,100,80,50mm),3种宽度(2,15,10mm)的长方形刨花,其中刨花长度和宽度分别对应木材的径向和弦向㊂将每种长度和宽度进行组合,共制备15种不同尺寸的刨花,每种刨花各400片㊂刨花铺装高度对应刨花的跌落高度(刨花离开定向装置后自由落体至板坯的距离),本试验采用了2个刨花跌落高度,分别为80,230mm㊂刨花跌落高度可以通过增加底座控制:无底座时,导板和垫板间的距离为80mm;加底座时,导板和垫板间的距离为230mm㊂首先使刨花自1500mm高度自由落体至定向导板,刨花通过定向导板后落至垫板,定向导板和垫板间的距离控制为80和230mm(图1),定向导板齿间距是30mm㊂针对部分无法一次穿过定向导板的刨花,轻轻晃动定向导板使所有刨花跌落至垫板㊂该定向方法与生产线所用定向铺装头工作原理相似[19]㊂每种刨花尺寸进行2个跌落高度试验,共计30组试验,每组400片刨花分2次开展试验,每次200片刨花㊂每次试验时当所有刨花跌落至垫板后手动记录刨花的铺装角度,刨花向逆时针和顺时针方向偏移分别记为负角度和正角度,其中基准方向是定向导板的长度方向(图1)㊂图1㊀长片刨花定向铺装工序示意图Fig.1㊀Schematicdiagramofdirectionalprocessofstrands1.2㊀数据分析采用方差(F检验)进行刨花长度㊁刨花宽度和跌落高度对刨花定向效果影响的组间显著性分析㊂将刨花长度与宽度整理成长宽比,分析刨花长宽比与定向角度的相关性㊂为分析每组试验的刨花定向效果,按式(1)计算400片刨花绝对角度的平均值㊂当刨花的定向角度绝对值大于30ʎ时,定向效果不理想,且会导致OSB产品的MOR和MOE显著下降[18],因此本研究重点分析定向角度绝对值小于30ʎ的数据,并整理出平均定向角度小于10ʎ,15ʎ和30ʎ的刨花数量占比(式(2))㊂针对平均角度小于30ʎ的各组数据,计算每组定向角度数据的偏度值㊁峰度值和ZS㊁ZK(式(4) (8)),进行76林业工程学报第8卷正态分布分析,计算每组定向角度数据的平均值(式(3))和标准差㊂X=x1+x2+ +xn-1+|xn|n(1)P=mnˑ100%(2)μ=x1+x2+ +xn-1+xnn(3)S=1nðni=1(xi- x)31nðni=1(xi- x)2éëêêùûúú32(4)K=1nðni=1(xi- x)41nðni=1(xi- x)2éëêêùûúú2-3(5)Se=σn(6)ZS=SSe(7)ZK=SSK(8)式中: X为刨花定向角度绝对平均值;xi为每一片刨花的定向角度;P为处于一个角度区间内的刨花数量占比;μ为一组刨花定向角度的平均值;n为一组刨花的总数量;m为一组刨花中处于一个角度区间内的刨花数量;S为偏度值;K为峰度值;Se为标准误差;ZS为峰度的Z评分;ZK为偏度的Z评分㊂图2㊀不同定向角度下刨花长宽比对刨花定向角度的影响Fig.2㊀Theeffectoflength⁃widthratioonorientationangleofstrandunderdifferentorientationangles2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀刨花形态与跌落高度对刨花定向效果的影响本研究聚焦于刨花长度㊁刨花宽度和跌落高度(对应铺装高度)对刨花定向效果的影响,采用组间方差(F检验)分析以上因素对刨花定向角度影响的显著性㊂该方法也会被用于医学研究领域中,探究不同药液的作用强度是否在统计学上有显著的差异[20-21]㊂通过对30组试验数据的对比分析发现,刨花长度㊁刨花宽度和跌落高度均对刨花定向方向有显著性影响(P<0.001)(表1)㊂F检验值越大代表组间差异越显著㊂跌落高度对应的F值最大,说明这一因素对刨花的定向效果影响最大㊂当跌落高度是230mm时,刨花定向角度的绝对平均值是24.47ʎ;当跌落高度是80mm时,刨花定向角度的绝对平均值是10.36ʎ㊂跌落高度低意味着刨花自由落体段的距离短,刨花角度随机偏移的概率降低,这有助于改善刨花的定向效果㊂相较于刨花长度,刨花宽度对刨花的定向效果影响更小㊂研究表明,在OSB组坯结构不变的情况下,刨花定向效果与其MOR和MOE呈线性正相关[15]㊂OSB的MOR和MOE主要决定于刨花长度,而刨花宽度对其影响较小[18]㊂刨花长度对刨花定向角度的影响是刨花长度影响OSB的MOR和MOE的重要原因㊂表1㊀刨花定向效果方差分析Table1㊀Analysisofvarianceofstranddefinitivedirectionresult指标平方和自由度F显著性刨花长度92019.77454.11∗∗刨花宽度2547.3727.19∗∗跌落高度35929.20199.74∗∗㊀注: ∗∗ 表示差异极其显著(P<0.001)㊂㊀㊀为研究刨花尺寸对定向效果的影响,将刨花尺寸进一步整理为长宽比,并分析刨花长宽比与定向角度绝对值的关系,重点关注定向角度绝对值小于10ʎ,15ʎ和30ʎ的刨花数量占比(式(2))㊂刨花长宽比对刨花定向角度的影响见图2,其中,刨花占比是指刨花定向角度绝对值小于10ʎ,15ʎ和30ʎ的刨花数量占总刨花数量的比例㊂刨花长宽比与定86㊀第4期胡尧琼,等:刨花形态和跌落高度对刨花定向效果的影响向角度呈一定的线性正相关㊂当刨花长宽比小于8时,刨花长宽比对刨花定向效果的影响明显,并且刨花长宽比与定向角度的决定系数显著提高㊂当刨花长宽比为8时,44.0%的刨花绝对定向角度小于10ʎ,63.0%的刨花定向角度绝对值小于15ʎ,83.5%的刨花定向角度绝对值小于30ʎ㊂当刨花长宽比大于8时,长宽比的变大不再明显改善刨花的定向效果㊂这与彭明凯等[18]得到的刨花长宽比优化结果基本一致㊂刨花的长度增加,刨花长宽比变大,导板对刨花方向的约束能力越好㊂当刨花长宽比大于8时,长宽比的增加主要源于刨花宽度的减小,而非刨花长度的继续增加,因此,刨花的定向效果变化不大㊂这与表1中的结果一致,刨花长度对刨花定向效果的影响明显大于刨花宽度㊂2.2㊀刨花定向角度的正态分布分析刨花定向角度大于30ʎ时,OSB的MOR和MOE会明显下降[18]㊂本研究设计的30组试验参数中有10组刨花的定向角度绝对平均值小于30ʎ,10组数据的具体参数和定向效果如表2所示㊂为分析10组数据的分布状态,采用式(4) (8)计算了ZS和ZK值㊂研究发现,当样本容量在20 1000时,可采用ZS和ZK联合检验判断一组数据是否符合正态分布[22]㊂ZS和ZK的绝对值都小于1.96时,可认为这一组数据完全符合正态分布;当ZS和ZK的绝对值大于1.96时,需结合频数分布直方图判定数据是否符合近似正态分布㊂标准差σ可以判断一组数据的离散程度,当σ2越大时其离散程度越大,刨花定向效果越差㊂刨花定向角度平均值μ接近0,同时刨花绝对定向角度平均值 X越小,则说明刨花定向效果越好㊂由表2分析可知,使用150mmˑ20mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ15mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ10mmˑ80mm㊁120mmˑ20mmˑ80mm这4组试验参数铺装所得刨花定向角度平均值㊁刨花绝对定向角度平均值和标准差均较小,说明刨花定向效果较好㊂以上4组试验参数的特点是刨花长度大且刨花跌落高度低,这与表1得到的跌落高度和刨花长度对刨花定向角度影响显著的结果吻合㊂结合ZS㊁ZK值和频数分布直方图可知,这4组数据完全符合或接近正态分布㊂表2㊀刨花定向角度的绝对平均值与正态分析Table2㊀Absolutemeanvalueandnormalanalysisofstrandorientationangle编号刨花长ˑ宽ˑ跌落高度/mm XZSZKμσ21150ˑ20ˑ8010.360.328.410.65107.332150ˑ15ˑ8013.13-0.604.330.21172.403150ˑ10ˑ8014.86-0.082.570.39220.674150ˑ20ˑ23024.47-0.040.24-1.78598.785120ˑ20ˑ8017.290.011.08-0.38298.946120ˑ15ˑ8020.340.001.151.05413.727120ˑ10ˑ8020.40-0.030.760.04415.968100ˑ20ˑ8021.040.010.02-0.08580.099100ˑ15ˑ8024.090.020.19-0.26691.1610100ˑ10ˑ8027.400.000.070.06750.76㊀㊀4组试验参数所得刨花定向角度的正态分布拟合曲线见图3㊂其中,占比是指刨花落在不同角度区间内的概率㊂当试验参数为150mmˑ20mmˑ80mm时,ZK值最大,拟合曲线最陡峭,刨花定向效果最佳,具体表现为大多数刨花定向角度接近μ值㊂当刨花长度为150mm时,减小刨花宽度,ZK值减小,正态分布拟合曲线趋于平缓,μ值附近刨花占比下降㊂这说明刨花定向角度分布域变宽,定向效果下降㊂当刨花长度为120mm时,ZK值进一步减小,刨花定向效果继续下降㊂结合拟合后的正态分布曲线,可以梳理出一定概率条件下刨花定向角度的置信区间㊂在90%和95%概率条件下,4组试验参数所得刨花定向角度的置信区间见表3㊂在90%概率条件下,4组试验参数所得刨花定向角度的置信区间均为-30ʎ 30ʎ㊂在95%概率条件下,150mmˑ20mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ15mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ10mmˑ80mm试验条件下,刨花定向角度的置信区间仍为-30ʎ 30ʎ,因此采用这3种试验参数可以确保刨花的绝对定向角度小于30ʎ㊂基于本研究结果得出150mmˑ20mmˑ80mm试验参数条件下,刨花定向效果最佳㊂结合正态分布曲线可实现刨花定向角度的量化分析和预测,这为进一步构建OSB力学性能的预测模型提供基础数据依据㊂96林业工程学报第8卷图3㊀4组试验条件下刨花定向角度的正态分布Fig.3㊀Normaldistributionofstrandorientationangleunderfourgroupsoftestconditions表3㊀在P=0.90和P=0.95时刨花定向角度的置信区间Table3㊀ConfidenceintervalsofstrandorientationangleatP=0.90andP=0.95刨花长ˑ宽ˑ跌落高度/mm置信区间(P=0.90)置信区间(P=0.95)150ˑ20ˑ80-18.37ʎ 19.67ʎ-22.08ʎ 23.38ʎ150ˑ15ˑ80-21.79ʎ 21.03ʎ-25.97ʎ 25.21ʎ150ˑ10ˑ80-21.19ʎ 23.28ʎ-25.53ʎ 27.62ʎ120ˑ20ˑ80-26.92ʎ 27.33ʎ-32.21ʎ 32.62ʎ3㊀结㊀论1)通过对比研究刨花长度㊁宽度㊁跌落高度(对应铺装高度)和刨花定向角度,发现对刨花定向角度影响因素的显著性顺序为跌落高度㊁刨花长度和刨花宽度㊂2)刨花长宽比与定向效果基本呈正相关,当刨花长宽比接近8时,刨花定向效果最佳㊂3)刨花长度ˑ刨花宽度ˑ跌落高度的4组优化参数分别为150mmˑ20mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ15mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ10mmˑ80mm㊁120mmˑ20mmˑ80mm㊂结合正态分布拟合曲线可以得出:在90%概率条件下,4组试验参数所得刨花绝对定向角度均小于30ʎ;在95%概率条件下,150mmˑ20mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ15mmˑ80mm㊁150mmˑ10mmˑ80mm这3组试验参数所得刨花绝对定向角度小于30ʎ㊂参考文献(References):[1]梅长彤,雍宬.我国定向刨花板工业发展历史㊁现状和机遇[J].中国人造板,2016,23(3):6-9.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-5064.2016.03.002.MEICT,YONGC.History,currentsituationandopportunitiesoforientedstrandboardindustrydevelopmentinChina[J].ChinaWood⁃BasedPanels,2016,23(3):6-9.[2]肖再然,申伟,刘振东.中国定向刨花板市场[J].国际木业,2020,50(3):41-43.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4911.2020.03.010.XIAOZR,SHENW,LIUZD.Chinaorientedparticleboardmarket[J].InternationalWoodIndustry,2020,50(3):41-43.[3]夏芹,周润之,洪锐彬,等.国内外刨花板原材料的研究进展[J].广州化工,2022,50(2):21-23.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9677.2022.02.011.XIAQ,ZHOURZ,HONGRB,etal.Reviewonresearchde⁃velopmentsofparticleboardrawmaterials[J].GuangzhouChemicalIndustry,2022,50(2):21-23.[4]卢项乾.定向刨花板生产设备和工艺控制探析[J].现代制造技术与装备,2020,56(7):163.DOI:10.16107/j.cnki.mmte.2020.0687.LUXQ.Discussiononproductionequipmentandprocesscontroloforientedparticleboard[J].ModernManufacturingTechnologyandEquipment,2020,56(7):163.[5]LIWZ,CHENCY,SHIJT,etal.Understandingthemechani⁃calperformanceofOSBincompressiontests[J].ConstructionandBuildingMaterials,2020,260:119837.DOI:10.1016/j.con⁃buildmat.2020.119837.[6]彭钊云.定向刨花板家具部件结合性能的研究[D].长沙:中07㊀第4期胡尧琼,等:刨花形态和跌落高度对刨花定向效果的影响南林业科技大学,2016.DOI:10.7666/d.Y3134607.PENGZY.Studyontheconnectionstrengthoforientedstrandboard⁃furniturepartjoining[D].Changsha:CentralSouthUni⁃versityofForestry&Technology,2016.[7]胡育辉.定向结构刨花板与其他人造板的比较[J].木材工业,2000,14(5):27-28.DOI:10.19455/j.mcgy.2000.05.009.HUYH.Comparisonoforientedstrandboardwithotherwoodbasedpanels[J].ChinaWoodIndustry,2000,14(5):27-28.[8]曾繁华.LPF树脂在桉木定向刨花板的应用研究[D].南宁:广西大学,2016.DOI:10.7666/d.Y3087925.ZENGFH.StudyontheapplicationofLPFresinintheprepara⁃tionofecucalyptusOSB[D].Nanning:GuangxiUniversity,2016.[9]梅长彤,周定国,戴春平.平面密度分布对刨花板内结合强度的影响[J].林业科学,2004,40(3):123-127.DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1001-7488.2004.03.021.MEICT,ZHOUDG,DAICP.Effectsofhorizontaldensitydis⁃tributiononinternalbondstrengthofparticleboard[J].ScientiaSilvaeSinicae,2004,40(3):123-127.[10]MEICT,DAICP,ZHOUDG.Effectsofhorizontaldensityvar⁃iationonpropertiedofwoodstrandcomposites[J].JournalofNanjingForestryUniversity,2002,26(6):1-4.[11]LIRJ,GUTIERREZJ,CHUNGYL,etal.Alignin⁃epoxyresinderivedfrombiomassasanalternativetoformaldehyde⁃basedwoodadhesives[J].GreenChemistry,2018,20(7):1459-1466.DOI:10.1039/C7GC03026F.[12]李万兆,李东虎,陈超意,等.定向刨花板和细表面定向刨花板抗弯性能及应变分布比较[J].林业工程学报,2022,7(6):61-66.DOI:10.13360/j.issn.2096-1359.202202022.LIWZ,LIDH,CHENCY,etal.Comparisonofbendingstrengthandstraindistributioninorientedstrandboardandfinesurfaceorientedstrandboard[J].JournalofForestryEngineering,2022,7(6):61-66.[13]BARBIRATOGHA,JUNIORWEL,MARTINSRH,etal.SandwichOSBtrapezoidalcorepanelwithBalsawoodwaste[J].WasteandBiomassValorization,2022,13(4):2183-2194.DOI:10.1007/s12649-021-01660-2.[14]CHENSG,FANGLM,LIUXH,etal.Effectofmatstructureonmodulusofelasticityoforientedstrandboard[J].WoodScienceandTechnology,2008,42(3):197-210.DOI:10.1007/s00226-007-0167-0.[15]NISHIMURAT,ANSELLMP,ANDON.Therelationshipbe⁃tweenthearrangementofwoodstrandsatthesurfaceofOSBandthemodulusofrupturedeterminedbyimageanalysis[J].WoodScienceandTechnology,2001,35(6):555-562.DOI:10.1007/s002260100118.[16]SUZUKIS,TAKEDAK.ProductionandpropertiesofJapaneseo⁃rientedstrandboardI:effectofstrandlengthandorientationonstrengthpropertiesofsugiorientedstrandboard[J].JournalofWoodScience,2000,46(4):289-295.DOI:10.1007/BF00766219.[17]ARABIM,FAEZIPOURM,LAYEGHIM,etal.Interactionanalysisbetweenslendernessratioandresincontentonmechanicalpropertiesofparticleboard[J].JournalofForestryRe⁃search,2011,22(3):461-464.DOI:10.1007/s11676-011-0188-2.[18]彭明凯,梅长彤.刨花形态及定向角度对刨片层积材性能的影响[J].南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2009,33(4):129-131.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.2009.04.028.PENGMK,MEICT.Effectsofstrandgeometryandorientationonthepropertiesoflaminatedstrandlumber[J].JournalofNan⁃jingForestryUniversity(NaturalSciencesEdition),2009,33(4):129-131.[19]郑凤山,国智武,葛立军,等.定向刨花板刨花铺装系统探讨[J].中国人造板,2018,25(12):14-17.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-5064.2018.12.003.ZHENGFS,GUOZW,GELJ,etal.Discussonformingsta⁃tionsystemandequipmentforOSB[J].ChinaWood⁃BasedPan⁃els,2018,25(12):14-17.[20]SCHOBERP,VETTERTR.Analysisofvarianceinmedicalre⁃search[J].Anesthesia&Analgesia,2020,131(2):508-509.DOI:10.1213/ane.0000000000004839.[21]胡纯严,胡良平.如何正确运用方差分析 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树冠降温效应的风洞试验及关联模型徐伟;付海明【摘要】The influence of structural characteristics of single plant canopy were analyzed in different wind speed and ambient temperature by wind tunnel experiment.According to the characteristics of canopy structure,the related structural parameters of the leaf area index and the filling ratio were proposed.Through regression analysis of the influence of canopy structure parameters on the thermal environment,the equations of the relation between the coefficient of canopy temperature drop and wind speed and leaf area index were put forward.To verify the adaptability of the correlation,a variety of tree species were tested.The results show that the canopy has significant cooling effect on the surrounding thermal environment,and the canopy temperature drop coefficient shows a certain regularity with the structural parameters,wind speed and ambient temperature.The cooling effect is different for the different size of the canopy leaves.The proposed canopy temperature drop correlation has certain applicability,but it is necessary to make some corrections to predict the cooling effect of different canopies.%通过风洞试验,分析了不同风速和环境温度下单一品种树冠结构特性对环境温度的影响.针对树冠结构特性提出相关结构参数(叶面积指数、填充率),讨论了其对周围热环境的影响规律,提出了树冠温度下降系数与风速、叶面积指数的关联表达式,并采用多种树冠的测试数据对该关联式的适应性进行对比验证.结果表明:树冠对周围空气热环境有显著的降温效果,树冠温度下降系数与其结构参数、风速和环境温度呈一定规律;叶片尺寸不同的树冠,其降温效果也不同;提出的树冠温降关联式具有一定的适用性,但预测不同树冠的降温效仍需进行必要的修正.【期刊名称】《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(043)006【总页数】6页(P908-913)【关键词】风洞试验;树冠;环境温度;热环境【作者】徐伟;付海明【作者单位】东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海201620;东华大学国家环境保护纺织工业污染防治工程技术中心,上海201620;东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海201620;东华大学国家环境保护纺织工业污染防治工程技术中心,上海201620【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU831.3提高城市绿化率已经成为缓解城市热岛效应、节约能源和提高人体热舒适条件的重要策略[1].植被冠层小气候环境是冷却和调节空气环境的主要因素,日间树冠周围温度相比其他地方普遍低2 ℃,在有些时间甚至可以达到6 ℃[2].研究发现,绿化形式和面积是影响环境温度的主要因素,不同类型植被之间存在差异,并且树的阴影可以有效降低空气温度.然而,在没有阴影的绿化地区或低矮植被地区,空气环境温度也会发生改变,这表明可能是植被蒸发冷却发挥了作用[3-4].文献[5]对炎热的干旱地区的6种景观策略进行了研究,使用树冠和草坪的不同组合与一个架空的遮阳网进行对比,结果发现,采用绿化措施的空气温度要明显低于遮阳网的情况,且遮荫树和草坪组合的情况产生的温度下降高达2.5 ℃.文献[6]研究表明,绿化可以大大改善城市小气候,减轻热岛效应,降低夏季空气温度,随着绿化面积和绿化率的增加,植被使周围环境温度的下降高达4 ℃.这种效果不仅作用于绿化地区本身,更可以影响背风面几千米的地区.因此,增加城市环境中的植被是减轻热岛效应的一种有效方式,并有利于城市中心大气环境温度的降低.文献[7]用现场监测数据和气象模拟的方法对热岛现象的成因和影响进行了讨论,结果表明,地表反照率和植被覆盖率可以有效改变近地表气候.绿化面积的增加可使空气温度降低约2 ℃,在某些情况下,局部空气温度下降可以达到4 ℃.植被影响环境温度,不仅因为其可以阻挡日光直射和产生阴影,且植被叶片的蒸腾作用也是决定因素[8].文献[9]研究了植被和城市农业的蒸腾量对缓解城市温度的影响,结果表明,城市环境中的树冠可以导致周围环境温度降低0.5~4.0 ℃.文献[10]利用地面激光扫描(TLS)的三维树木冠层和遮阴数据分析植被的冷却效果,发现树的冷却效果随树冠大小和密度、叶的光学性能的不同而变化,树冠体积和叶面积指数导致的降温峰值可达到3 ℃,对4种林地(香樟、水杉、广玉兰、阔混交林)进行对比分析可知,水杉林地降温效果最大,其余由大到小依次是香樟、广玉兰、阔混交林林地.此研究结果可用于指导及帮助城市绿地规划选择最好的树种.综上所述,植被绿化具有降低环境温度、增加环境湿度的作用,是缓解城市热岛效应的有效手段,然而关于树冠结构特性对环境温度影响的定量研究较少,不利于通过城市绿化及规划设计的方法缓解城市热岛效应.因此,本文通过风洞试验对绿色植被的叶面积指数、环境的流动风速及温度与树冠的降温效应进行测试,旨在于探讨单一品种树冠的降温效应与其主要影响因素的关联关系,为城市的绿化及规划设计提供理论依据,以便提高城市绿化率及缓解城市热岛效应.1 风洞试验1.1 植被对环境温度的影响植被对环境温度的影响主要包含3个方面:(1)遮阳降低太阳辐射得热;(2)植物的蒸腾作用将太阳辐射转化为潜热来调节日光导致的热增益;(3)叶片表面与空气的对流换热[6].本文主要研究树冠对来流空气的温度影响,因此遮阳效果对试验影响较小,主要考虑后两方面的影响.本文将树木当做多孔介质进行处理,并作如下简化:将冠层部分(树叶+树枝)考虑为整体,即将树枝近似为树叶;忽略树干的影响.本文的试验样本选取新鲜的树枝叶,将其扎成与现实树木冠层相似的形状,且与现实树冠具备相同的热物性,保持置于风洞中的样本与位于行道的树木的物理现象相似.由于上海地区夏季平均风速为3.1 m/s,试验设备的风速范围设定为1~3 m/s.采用风洞试验装置与实际物理现象、几何尺寸及雷诺准则相似.1.2 风洞试验参数风洞试验装置如图1所示.A、 B、 C为测试点,A-B为对比段,其间均匀分布着3个风速测孔(如图1中圆圈所示),B-C为试验段,其长度为0.7 m, D-E为填充区域,其长度为0.5 m,矩形风管横截面尺寸为0.255 m×0.265 m.1—变频器; 2—风机; 3—加热器; 4—整流栅; 5—干湿球温度计; 6—栅栏;7—表盘; 8—调压旋钮图1 风洞试验装置Fig.1 Experimental apparatus of wind tunnel通过改变置于填充区域内的试验树枝的数量以及叶片数,获得不同的叶面积指数和填充率.试验时,通过加热器和调压旋钮输入定常热量获得3种不同的空气温度(25、30和35 ℃),调节无级变频装置(0~50 Hz内无级调节)向测试段输送速度为1~3 m/s的连续风.通过热线风速仪在风速测孔处测量风速,利用A、 B、 C 3个测点的干湿球温度计测量温度,并通过表盘连接计算机记录A、 B、 C测点的空气干球温度.2 试验方案设计2.1 试验内容本试验所采用的树叶均为上海地区校园常见常青树种,在3种环境温度(25、 30和35 ℃)条件下,分别测试了5种不同风速(1~3 m/s)下5种叶面积指数树冠的降温效果.试验树叶选择叶片大小适当的大叶香樟树叶,并采用其他树种叶片(小叶香樟、白杨树、灌木)进行了重复试验,以验证不同树种之间是否具有相同的规律.根据叶片尺寸的不同,引入等效直径de,即与叶片具有相同面积的圆的直径.将de≤5 cm的树叶视为小叶片,如小叶香樟;5 cm<de≤ 10 cm的树叶视为中等叶片,如大叶香樟和灌木;de>10 cm的树叶视为大叶片,如白杨树.2.2 数据处理依据上述方法采用变频风机改变风速,采用干湿球温度计测量气流经过树枝前后的温度降,获得树枝前后温差与叶面积指数、填充率及风速变化关系曲线.本文定义温度降Δt=tB-tC,为树冠前段空气温度(tB)和树冠后段空气温度(tC)之间的气温差,计算所有的实测温度降并取其平均值.其中A-B段为无填充对比段,通过对比可明显观察到树冠对空气温度的影响程度以及试验误差.3 结果与讨论本文旨在探究温度下降系数(Ct)与环境温度(t)、树冠结构参数(叶面积指数(LLAI)和填充率(Vp))、风速(v)之间的关系.目前,国内外关于树冠结构参数对空气温度影响的定量研究成果比较少,本文依据风洞试验结果对其进行简单的量化分析,采用文献[11]提出的树冠温度下降模型,如式(1)所示.Δt=Ct·t(1)本文在式(1)的基础上考虑树冠本身蒸腾作用对周围环境温度的影响,而蒸腾作用与环境温度相关[6],故假设温度下降系数是关于环境温度、树冠结构参数及风速的函数,改变树冠结构参数及风速进行试验,研究温度下降系数与树冠结构参数及风速的关联.3.1 叶面积指数和填充率之间的关系通常可采用叶面积指数和填充率来描述单一品种树冠的结构参数.叶面积指数又叫叶面积系数,是指单位土地面积上植物叶片总面积占土地面积的倍数,其是反映植物群体生长状况的一个重要指标.本文采用树叶图像扫描技术,测试树叶的总表面积,采用总表面积与其沿气流流动方向的投影面积之比,可获得单一品种树冠的叶面积指数.如果将树冠视为多孔介质,那么可采用填充率来描述树冠结构.填充率为树叶的实际体积与其所占有的表观总体积之比.试验采用浸水法进行填充率测试,即将树叶及树枝浸入固定容积的容器内,计算其排除的体积与容器体积之比,即可获得某品种树冠的填充率.4种不同品种的树冠填充率与其叶面积指数关系测试结果如图2所示.图2 4种不同品种的树冠填充率与叶面积指数的关系Fig.2 Relationship between filling rate and leaf area index of four kinds of tree species由图2可知,填充率与叶面积指数成线性正比关系,其线性相关系数与树冠种类相关,二者为非独立自变量,故可采用填充率或叶面积指数来描述树冠结构.本文采用叶面积指数研究其与树冠温度下降系数的相关关系.3.2 树冠下降温度与其影响因素分析由相关研究文献及试验结果可知,树冠温度下降的主要影响因素为叶面积指数、风速及环境温度.本文采用大叶香樟树叶在3种不同环境温度下进行风洞试验,得到树冠温度下降量与风速及叶面积指数的关系图如图3所示.(a) 25 ℃(b) 30 ℃(c) 35 ℃图3 不同环境温度下树冠温度下降量与风速及叶面积指数的关系Fig.3 The relationship between canopy temperature drop and wind speed and leaf area index under different ambient temperatures由图3可知:当环境温度较低为25 ℃时,温降较小且误差较大,无法观察到明显的变化规律,但还是可以看出温降随叶面积指数的增加而增大;当环境温度上升至30 ℃时,已经可以观察到明显的变化规律,温降随叶面积指数的增加而增大,随风速增大而减小,误差也相对减小;当环境温度为35 ℃,这种变化趋势已经非常明显了,试验误差随环境温度增加而减小,在这时已在可以接受的范围内.纵观图3可以看出,温度下降系数与环境温度和叶面积指数成正比,与风速成反比.下面将讨论Ct与这3个参数的具体关系.由于环境温度为25 ℃时的温降较小且误差较大,这里主要以环境温度为30和35 ℃作为主要讨论依据.由图3可以发现,温度下降系数与环境温度、叶面积指数和风速相关,即Ct=f(it, LLAI, iv),其中,it为环境温度除以基准温度(取35 ℃),iv为试验风速除以基准风速(取1 m/s),实现温度和速度的无量纲化.风洞试验所得温度变化(经过无量纲处理)与风速之间的关系如图4所示.试验所得温度变化(经过无量纲处理)与叶面积指数之间的关系如图5所示.(a) 30 ℃(b) 35 ℃图4 不同叶面积指数下树冠温度下降与风速的拟合关系Fig.4 Fitting relationship between canopy temperature drop and wind speed under different leaf area indexes(a) 30 ℃(b) 35 ℃图5 不同风速下树冠温度下降与叶面积指数的拟合关系Fig.5 Fitting relationship between canopy temperature drop and leaf area index under different wind speed根据风洞试验所得树冠温度下降系数与叶面积指数和风速之间关系,本文提出如下表达式:式中:a、 b、 c、 d、 e均为拟合系数.在以下分析中利用此表达式进行拟合.根据风洞试验所得温度变化与叶面积指数和风速之间的关系,将所有的试验结果拟合得出:Ct =(-3.35×10-2+5.22×10-3×LLAI+R2=0.795(2)所以Δt=(-3.35×10-2+5.22×10-3×LLAI+(3)为了验证式(3)是否适用于其他树种,本文选取其他3种树种进行了重复试验,包括叶片尺寸较小的小叶香樟、叶片尺寸偏大的白杨树以及叶片尺寸与本试验叶片大小相当的灌木树叶.当环境温度为35 ℃、风速为2.5 m/s时,不同树冠的温度下降系数与叶面积指数的关系如图6所示.当环境温度为35 ℃、叶面积指数为8.2时,不同树冠温度下降系数与风速的关系如图7所示.图6 不同树冠的温度下降系数与叶面积指数的关系(风速为2.5 m/s时)Fig.6 The relationship between canopy temperature drop coefficient and leaf area index of different tree species(when wind speed is 2.5 m/s)图7 不同树冠的温度下降系数与风速的关系(叶面积指数为8.2时)Fig.7 The relationship between canopy temperature drop coefficient and wind speed of different tree species(when leaf area index is 8.2)由图6可知,不同树种之间的温度下降系数并不相同,本文提出的树冠温降关联式预测值与不同树冠的试验测试值存在一定偏差.其中:叶片尺寸与本试验相当的灌木树叶的Ct偏差较小,约为15%;叶片尺寸较小的小叶香樟相差最大,特别是叶面积指数极小的情况;叶片尺寸较大的白杨树的Ct与本试验结果偏差较大,约为60%,而且Ct预测与试验偏差随叶面积指数的上升而增大.由图7可以发现,在叶面积指数较小为8.2时,灌木树叶的Ct与本试验拟合结果偏差最小,约为5%,小叶香樟和白杨树叶的Ct均与本试验拟合结果有较大偏差,约为50%,且这两种叶片的偏差程度是相当的.因此,本文试验结果可以适用于叶面积指数适当的相似尺寸树叶,其他小叶片或者大叶片的树种可能需要进行相关修正.产生偏差的原因除了叶片尺寸之外,还包括人为误差、试验风管的局限性、每次试验需采集新鲜叶片.由图7可知,不同树冠的温度下降系数与风速的关系变化趋势是基本一致的.本文提出的树冠温度下降系数关联表达式在相近树种间具有一定的适用性,对其进行必要的修正可预测不同树冠的降温效应.因国内外直接研究树冠结构参数对周围环境温度(主要是来流空气)影响的文献较少,因此无法做直接对比.本文在风洞中进行试验,叶片所类比的树冠和风洞组成了一个微环境,在叶面积指数为11.81的情况下最大温降为1.15 ℃.4 结语本文采用风洞试验的方法,在3种环境温度、5种风速条件下,研究了5种叶面积指数的大叶香樟树冠对周围环境温度的影响规律.依据试验结果,拟合得出树冠温度下降系数与叶面积指数和风速之间的关联表达式.同时,对其他树种进行重复试验,并将试验结果与本文拟合结果进行对比,发现只有叶片尺寸与大叶香樟相似的灌木树叶的树冠温度下降系数拟合结果与试验结果具有高度的相似性,叶片尺寸较小和较大的树种均存在较大偏差.因此,本文拟合的树冠温度下降系数关联表达式可适用于叶片尺寸与大叶香樟相似的树种,如用于其他叶片尺寸的树种,拟合表达式需加入其他参数或进行修正,此内容有待进一步研究.本文试验结果存在一定的不确定性,多次重复试验后发现每次测试结果存在一定偏差,可能是测量仪器本身的精度局限性对结果造成的偏差.另外,本文试验仅在实验室进行,未在其他地区进行验证,具有一定的地域局限;采取风洞试验的形式,树叶的堆积形态与实际树冠存在一定差异;风洞试验风管的局限性可能导致叶面积指数较大时与实际环境下的树冠结构参数存在较大差异.上述这些因素对本文树冠温降关联式的预测结果有一定影响,有待进一步完善.参考文献[1] KURN D M, BRETZ S E, HUANG B, et al. 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Advertisement and its Translation14.从关联理论角度论暗含连词在英汉翻译中的处理Chinese-English Translation of Implicit Conjunctions from the Perspective of Relevance Theory15.论英汉翻译中的望文生义Misinterpreting Words Literally in English and Chinese Translation16.论翻译中信息走失与文化补偿的原则及策略On principles and Strategies of Translation Loss and Cultural Compensation17.论英汉翻译中信息转换的补偿措施The Compensation of Information Conversion in English and Chinese Translation 18.论圣经中习语的不同翻译方法Different Translation Methods for Idioms in the Bible19.外贸英语句子的特点对翻译的影响Influence of Features of Trade English Sentence on Translation20.英汉姓名的文化内涵及其翻译方法Thesis on the Cultural Connotation of English and Chinese Names and ItsTranslation Methods21.浅谈英语谚语翻译Thesis on the Translation of English Proverb22.浅析文化语境对翻译的影响Study on Influence of Cultural Context on Translation23.从庞德英译汉诗《长干行》看其意象派风格Ezra Pound's Imagist Style in Translating a Chinese Poem As Seen from The River-Merchant's Wife:A Letter24.中国高校名称的翻译The Translation of the Names of Universities in 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Chinese36.论韦利的论语英译On Waley’s Translation of the Analects37.中英文化差异对翻译的影响Effects of Cultural Differences on Translation38.影视字幕翻译刍议On Translation of Subtitles of English-Language Films39.On Formal Correspondence of C/E Translation in Terms of Hypotaxis &.Parataxis从形合和意合看汉英翻译中的形式对应40.How to Decode and Translate the Ambiguous Structures歧义结构的解码与翻译41.Pragmatics and Advertisement Translation, with Special Emphasis on E/CCultural Differences英汉文化差异与广告的语用翻译42.Context and Business Discourse in English and Chinese43.On the Peculiar ways of Expression in Dicken’s Novels试论狄更斯小说独特的艺术手法44.Female Images in the Sun Also Rises 论《太阳又升起了》小说中女性形象45.Standarization of English: The Necessity and Feasility in an Age of Globaliztion全球化时代英语标准化的必要性和可能性46.On English Translation of Public Signs in Chinese 再谈汉英公示语翻译----以2010年亚运会主办城市广州为例47.Brief Appreciation on “Venice Merchant”48.The Mannered Language of English49.On the Properties of Idiomatic Expressions in English50.The Differences and Samilarities Between Structural Ambiguity in English andChinese51.Time Conception in Different Cultures52.On American Religion53.On Title Translation of English Film and Disc54.The Characteristics and the Rhetorical Roles of English ReduplicativesNeiterativesparisons of Multiplicity in Chinese and English and Its Translation56.A Study of Hmorous Utterances Form the Perspective57.The Current State and Prospects for English Teaching58.The usage of “And”59.A Survey on Culture and Social Life in USA60.Inheretance and Development of National Language and Culture61.Implicitness and Explicitness in Translation62.谈英语谚语的翻译63.谈英语幽默的翻译64.地方名胜古迹汉译英65.翻译中常见错误分析66.中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响67.会话含义的推导与翻译68.词汇的文化内涵与翻译69.语境在翻译中的作用70.商标词翻译71.广告语言的翻译72.论英汉互译中的语义等值问题73.英汉文化差异对翻译的影响74.英汉谚语的理解和翻译75.浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译76.中西文化差异与翻译障碍77.英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译78.英语意义否定表现法及其汉译79.浅谈新闻标题的翻译80.从历届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛看翻译人员所应具备的素质81.论品牌名称翻译的原则和方法82.影视作品字幕翻译的技巧83.归化与异化——《飘》不同译本的比较研究84.旅游景点翻译存在的问题与处理方法85.英语新闻的特点与翻译技巧86.中国特色时事词汇及其英译87.中国饮食文化翻译存在的问题与策略88.英汉委婉语的比较研究与翻译策略89.英汉产品说明书的特点与翻译技巧90.浅谈如何融翻译教学于英语教学91.《傲慢与偏见》不同译本比较研究初探92.文学作品中文化负载词的翻译技巧93.口译技巧、言外知识与语言基本技能三位一体的口译学习法94.论笔记中符号与缩略词对连续传译质量的作用95.论交替传译中笔记对“达”的影响96.论笔译教学与口译教学的结合97.网络英语的特点和翻译方法98.城市标识用语英译错误及翻译策略99.论商务文本的特点和翻译策略100.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice101.On Translation Methods of Numeral in Chinese and English102.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms and their Tranlations103.Cultural Equivalence in Translation104.On the Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure in E/C Translationparative Study of Two Basic Translation Methods—Literal Translation and Free Translation106.Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation107.On Translating the Passive V oice in English for Science and Technology 108. A Comparative Study of Two English Version of The XXX109.Review on the Translation of Movie Titles110.Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set-phrase111.Application of Contrastive Analysis in Long Sentences。



General Biographical InformationDAWN E. LEHMANAssistant Professor of Civil EngineeringUniversity of Washington214B More Hall, Box 352700Seattle, Washington 98195-2700(206) 616-3530delehman@Academic BackgroundPh.D. University of California, Berkeley Dec. 1998M.S. Eng. University of California, Berkeley Dec. 1992B.S.C.E. Tufts University June 1989Professional HistoryAssistant Professor, part-time (50%), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, September 2002 - present.Acting Assistant Professor, part-time (50%), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, September 1998 – September 2002.Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 1992-1998.Lecturer, Alameda Community College, Alameda, CA, Spring 1995.Graduate Student Instructor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 1992-1994.Structural Engineer, United Engineers and Constructors, Boston MA, 1989-1990.Refereed Journal PublicationsBerry M.*, Lehman D., and Lowes L., Lumped Plasticity Models for Seismic Performance Simulation of Bridge Columns, ACI Structural Journal, submitted for review, April 2006Kingsley, A. *, Williams, T. *, Lehman, D. and Roeder, C. Experimental Investigation ofColumn Base Connections for High-Strength Vanadium Steel Concrete Filled TubeConstruction, International Journal of Steel Structures, V. 5, No. 4., November 2005, pp.377-387Anderson, M.*, Lehman, D., and Stanton, J. Seismic Shear Simulation of Older ReinforcedConcrete Beam-Column Joints, Engineering Structures, submitted for review, April 2006Moehle, J. and Lehman, D. Seismic Response of Columns, ACI Special Publication, toappear.Roeder, C., Lehman, D. and Yoo. J.* Improved Design of Steel Frame Connections,International Journal of Steel Structures, v.5, n.2 (2005-06), July 2005Lehman, D., Roeder, C., and Larson, R.* Design of Cotton Duck Bridge Bearing Pads, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 10 Issue 5Walker, S.*, Yeargin, C.*, Lehman, D.E., and Stanton, J. Seismic Performance of Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints, Structural Journal, American Concrete Institute, accepted for publication.Lehman, D.E., Moehle, J.P., Calderone, A.C., Henry, H. and Mahin, S.A. Experimental Evaluation of Seismic Design Provisions for Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, June 2004.Raynor, D.R.*, Lehman, D.E., and Stanton, J.F., Bond-Slip Response of Reinforcing Bars Grouted in Ducts, Structural Journal, American Concrete Institute, Sept.-Oct. 2002, Vol 99, No. 5Kimura, Y., Tagawa, H.*, Lehman, D. and MacRae, G., Report of Damage to Building Structures Caused by the Nisqually Earthquake in 2001, AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, Architectural Institute of Japan, No. 14, pg. 373-376, December 2001Lehman, D.E., Elkin, S.J., Nacamuli, A.M., and Moehle, J.P. (2001) Repair of Earthquake-Damaged Bridge Columns, ACI Structural Journal, March-April 2001.Elkin, S.J., Nacamuli, A.M., Lehman, D.E., and J.P. Moehle (1999) Seismic Performance of Damaged Bridge Columns, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology September 1999, Vol. 1, Number 1.Note: * Former or Current Graduate Student at the University of WashingtonRefereed Journal Publications in PreparationAlire, D.*, Lehman, D., and Stanton, J. Seismic Evaluation of Older Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints, ACI Structural JournalLehman, D., Roeder, C., Johnston, S.* and Herman D.* Improved Seismic Performance of Special Concentrically Braced Frames, ASCE Journal of Structural EngineeringFully-Refereed Conference Proceedings and DiscussionsHerman, D., Johnston, S., Lehman, D. and Roeder, C. Improved Seismic Design ofSpecially Concentrically Braced Frames, Eighth National Conference on EarthquakeEngineering, San Francisco, CA, April 2006, Paper No. 1356Roeder, C., Lehman, D. and Christopolus, A. Seismic Performance of SpecialConcentrically Braced Frames with Buckling Restrained Braces, Eighth NationalConference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, CA, April 2006, Paper No. 1503Kingsley, A., Williams, T., Lehman, D. and Roeder, C. Experimental Investigation ofColumn-to-Foundation Connections for Concrete-Filled High-Strength Steel Tubes, Eighth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, CA, April 2006, Paper No.1511Brown, P., Kuchma, D., Lehman, D., Lowes, L. Oyen, P. Sterns, A. and Zhang, J.Investigation of the Seismic Behavior and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls Eighth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, CA, April 2006,Paper No. 0352Lehman D., Stanton J., Anderson M., Alire D., and Walker S. Seismic Performance of Older Beam-Column Joints, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6, 2004, Paper No. 1464Lehman D., Roeder, C., Yoo, J.H., and Johnson, S. Seismic Response of Braced FrameConnections, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C.,Canada, August 1-6, 2004, Paper No. 1459Walker, S.G., Yeargin, C.M., Lehman D.E., and Stanton, J.F. "Performance-based Seismic Evaluation of Existing Joints" Proceedings of the Seventh U. S. National Conference onEarthquake Engineering, Paper # 673, May 2002Lehman, D.E., Elkin, S.J., Nacamuli, A.M. and Moehle, J.P. “Repair of Moderately andSeverely Damaged Bridge Columns”, Proceedings of the Sixth U. S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper # 86, May 1998.Lehman, D.E., Calderone, A.J. and Moehle, J.P. “Behavior and Design of Slender Columns Subjected to Lateral Loading”, Proceedings of the Sixth U. S. National Conference onEarthquake Engineering, Paper # 87, May 1998.Moehle, J.P., Rodriquez, A. and Lehman, D.E., (1996) “Discussion of Simulated Seismic Load Tests on Reinforced Concrete Columns by Watson and Park,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, February 1996, Vol. 122, No. 2.Abstract and Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings and Other Non-Journal Articles Roeder, C.W., and Lehman, D.E., "Seismic Design of Braced Frame Gusset PlateConnections," Fifth International Conference on Earthquake Resistant EngineeringStructures, Skiathos, Greece, May 28-June 1, 2005.Roeder, C.W. Lehman, D.E. and Yoo, J.H. “Performance-Based Design of Gusset-PlateBraced Frame Connections”, Connections in Steel Structures V - Innovative SteelConnections, Radisson SAS Hotel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3-4, 2004Roeder, C.W. Lehman, D.E. and Yoo, J.H. “Performance-Based Design of Braced FrameConnections”, Seventh Pacific Structural Steel Conference, Long Beach, CA, March 2004, sponsored by AISC, Chicago, IL.Anderson, M., Lehman, D., and Stanton, J. “A Constitutive Model for Beam-Column Joint Shear Response in Older Construction”, Structures Congress, May 2003Larson, R., Lehman, D., and Roeder, C. “Response of Cotton Duck Elastomeric BearingPads to Static and Dynamic Loading", 5th NSF Workshop on Bridge Research in Progress, Minneapolis, MN, October 2001Walker, S., Yeargin, C., Lehman, D., and Stanton, J. "Influence of Joint Shear StressDemand and Displacement History on the Seismic Performance of Beam-Column Joints”, US-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Seismic Design of Reinforced ConcreteBuildings, Seattle WA August 2001Lehman, D.E., Mosier, W.G., and Stanton, J.F. “Seismic Assessment of ReinforcedConcrete Beam-Column Joints”, US-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based SeismicDesign of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, September 2000Lehman, D.E. and Moehle, J.P. “Performance-Based Seismic Design of ReinforcedConcrete Bridge Columns”, Twelfth World Earthquake Engineering Conference, NewZealand, January 2000.Lehman, D.E. and Moehle, J.P., “Influence of Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio on Column Response”, Eleventh European Earthquake Engineering Conference, Paris, France,September 1998.Lehman, D.E. and Moehle, J.P., “Influence of Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio on Column Response”, Second National Seismic Conference on Bridges and Highways, Sacramento,CA, 1997Lehman, D.E., Moehle, J.P. and Mahin, S.A., “Design of An Experimental Study on theInfluence of Aspect Ratio and Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio on Column Response”,Fourth Caltrans Seismic Research Workshop, Sacramento, CA, July 1996.Lehman, D.E., Lynn, A.C., Aschheim, M.A. and Moehle, J.P., “Evaluation Methods ForReinforced Concrete Columns and Connections”, Eleventh World Conference onEarthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico, June 1996.Moehle, J.P. and Lehman, D.E., “Evaluation and Upgrading of Existing ReinforcedConcrete Buildings”, Advances in Earthquake Engineering Practice, Berkeley, CA, May1994.BooksNoneEditing and Other Scholarly PapersNoneSponsored Research2006 Improved Seismic Performance of Braced Frame Systems (with Charles Roeder), American Institute of Steel Construction, $30,000/1 year2006 International Hybrid Simulation of Tomorrow’s Braced Frame Systems (with Charles Roeder), National Science Foundation, $1,599,200/4 years2006 Rapid Construction of Bridge Piers with Improved Seismic Performance (with Charles Roeder), California Department of Transportation, $382,786/2.5 years2006 Vanadium Alloy Steel Tubes for Army Engineering Applications (with Charles Roeder, Greg Miller, and Peter MacKenzie, University of Washington), VanadiumTechnology Program, Army Corps of Engineers, $100,000/1 year2006 Damage Models for Hybrid Column Connections (with John Stanton), funded by NSF through PEER center, $85,000/1 year2005 Vanadium Alloy Steel Tubes for Army Engineering Applications (with Charles Roeder, Greg Miller, and Peter MacKenzie, University of Washington), VanadiumTechnology Program, Army Corps of Engineers, $553,000/1 year2005 Damage Models for Bar Buckling in Beams and Columns (with John Stanton), funded by NSF through PEER center, $85,000/1 year2004 NEESR-SG: Behavior, Simulation, and Performance of Structural Wall Systems (with Laura Lowes, University of Washington, Dan Kuchma, University of Illinois,Jain Zang, UCLA), collaborative research with University of Illinois, submitted tothe National Science Foundation, $1.3 million/4 years2004 Damage Models for Bar Buckling in Beams and Columns (with John Stanton, University of Washington), funded by NSF through PEER center, $90,000/1 year2003 Performance-Based Seismic Design of Concentrically Braced Frames (with Charles Roeder, University of Washington) National Science Foundation. $290,000/3 years2003 Vanadium Alloy Steel Tubes for Pile and Concrete Filled Tubular Columns in Civil Engineering Structures (with Charles Roeder, University of Washington), VanadiumTechnology Program, Army Corps of Engineers, $75,022/0.5 years2003 Validation of Simulation and Performance Models for Beam-Column Joints (with John Stanton, University of Washington), funded by NSF through PEER center,$75,000/1 year2002 Design Recommendations for Cotton Duck Bearing Pads (with Charles Roeder, University of Washington) submitted to Washington State Department ofTransportation. $45,000/1 year2001 Development of Performance Tools for Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints (with John Stanton and Laura Lowes) funded by NSF through the PEER center$80,000/1 year2001 Assessment and Retrofit of Outrigger Bents (with John Stanton and Steve Kramer, University of Washington) funded by the Washington Department of Transportation.$140,000/2 years2000 Cotton-Duck Pad Bridge Bearings (with Charles Roeder, University of Washington) funded by the Arkansas Office of Science and Technology, $93,000/1.5 years 2000 Decision-making about Seismic Performance (with Jacqueline Meszaros, University of Washington, Bothell) funded by NSF through the PEER center $75,000/1.5 years2000Non-Ductile RC Building Frames funded by NSF through the PEER center.$20,000/1 year1999Seismic Performance of Existing and Repaired Beam-Column Joints (with John Stanton, University of Washington), funded by NSF through PEER center. $250,000/2.5 years1999Performance of Grouted Reinforcing Bars for Use in a Hybrid Frame System (with John Stanton, University of Washington), funded by Pankow. $50,000/ 1 year.1998Anchorage of Headed Reinforcement Subjected to Cyclic Loading, U.C. Berkeley, (with Laura Lowes, Stanford University, and administered by Jack Moehle),University of California, Berkeley, funded by Mobil Corporation and ACIReinforced Concrete Research Council. $40,000/ 2 years.1997 Repair of Severely Damaged Bridge Columns, U.C. Berkeley, (administered by Jack Moehle), funded by California Department of Transportation. $55,000/1.5 years.Technical ReportsInouye, B., Lehman, D. and Stanton, J. (2004) “Seismic Evaluation of the SR-99 SpokaneStreet Overcrossing”, Final Report to Washington State Department of Transportation,Olympia, WA.Lehman, D.E, Roeder, C.W., Larsen, R.A., and Curtin, K., (2003) "Cotton Duck BearingPads: Engineering Evaluation and Design Recommendations," Final Report to WashingtonState Department of Transportation, Olympia, WA.Roeder, C.W., Lehman, D.E., and Larsen, R., (2002) "Strength, Stiffness and Durability of Cotton Duck Bearing Pads for Bridge Applications," Final Report to Arkansas State University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, U. of Washington, Seattle, WA, August 2002.Lehman, D.E. et al. Performance Characterization of Non-Ductile Building FrameComponents, PEER Report Series, in pressCalderone, AJ, Lehman, DE, Moehle, JP Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Having Varying Aspect Ratios and Varying Lengths of Confinement, PEER 2000/08, Jan2001, 136 pp.Performance-Based Seismic Design of Well-Confined Concrete Columns, PEER Research Report 1998/01, December 2000.Performance-Based Seismic Design of Well-Confined Concrete Columns, Ph.D.Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, CA, October 1998.Moehle, J.P., Nicoletti, J.P. and Lehman, D. E., Review of Seismic Research Results onExisting Buildings, Product 3.1 of the Proposition 122 Seismic Retrofit PracticesImprovement Program, SSC Report No. 94-03, Fall 1994.Architectural Institute of Japan, Preliminary Reconnaissance Report of the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake, English Edition, April 1995.Moehle, J. P. Editor, Preliminary Report on the Seismological and Engineering Aspects of the January 17, 1994 Northridge Earthquake, EERC, UBC/EERC-94/01, January 1994. Other Research-Related ActivitiesSeismic Performance Evaluation of Historic StructuresPerformance-Based Seismic Design of Concrete Bridges (with Jack Moehle, University of California, Berkeley) (1996-1998)Invited Lectures and Seminars“Seismic Response of Beam-Column Connections”, Seminar on Seismic Performance ofExisting Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Eighth National Conference on EarthquakeEngineering, San Francisco, CA, April 2006“CFVST in Military Structural Applications”, Vanadium In-Process Review, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2006“Seismic Response of Beam-Column Connections”, PEER Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 2006“Concrete-Filled Tube Elements for Army Structural Applications”, Vanadium In-Process Review, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2005“High-Strength Vanadium-Alloy Columns and Their Connections”, ACI Committee 335,Composite Construction, April 2005“Engineering Evaluation and Design of Cotton Duck Bearing Pads”, WashingtonDepartment of Transportation, Lacey, WA, June 2003“Performance of Non-ductile Building Components”, PEER-NSF Site Review, Berkeley,CA, May 2003“Research Needs in Performance-Based Seismic Evaluation of Non-Ductile R/C Buildings”PEER Annual Meeting, Palm Springs CA, February 2003"Experimental Evaluation of Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints”, US-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Seattle WA, August 2001"Performance-Based Seismic Assessment of Non-Ductile Building Components", Structural Engineers Association of Washington, Lateral Forces Committee, Seattle, WA, July 2001"Response of Non-Ductile Building Components" NSF Site Review, PEER center, May 2001"Building Component Characterization" PEER Annual Meeting, Berkeley, CA, January 2000“Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Connections”, US-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, September 2000“Capacity Assessment”, PEER-NSF Site Review, PEER Research Center, Richmond CA, May 2000“Performance-Based Seismic Engineering of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, Workshop for Engineering Educators, NSF, Washington DC, September 1999Presentations Given at Conferences“Seismic Performance of Special Concentrically Braced Frames with Buckling Restrained Braces”, Eighth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, CA, April 2006“Seismic Performance of Bridge Columns”, American Concrete Institute, Charleston North Carolina, March 2005“Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Bridges”, ACI Spring Convention, March 2004“AASHTO Design Criteria for Cotton Duck Bearing Pads”, TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2004“Engineering Evaluation of Cotton Duck Bearing Pads”, AASHTO Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2003“Simulation of Beam-Column Joint Performance”, ASCE Structures Congress, Seattle, WA, May 2003“Performance-Based Design of Bridge Columns: Field and Laboratory Observations”, American Concrete Institute, Vancouver British Columbia, March 2003"Seismic Performance of Beam-Column Joints", American Concrete Institute, Toronto, Canada, October 2000“Seismic Performance of Non-Participating Elements”, American Concrete Institute, SanDiego CA, March 2000.“Performance-Based Seismic Design of Bridge Columns”, American Concrete Institute, San Diego CA, March 2000.“Performance-Based Seismic Design of Bridges”, World Conference on EarthquakeEngineering, Auckland, New Zealand, January 2000“Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridges”, American Concrete Institute, Baltimore MD, November 1999“Seismic Design and Repair of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns”, Industrial LiaisonProgram, U. C. Berkeley, Berkeley CA, March 1998.“Influence of Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio on Column Response”, National SeismicConference on Bridges and Highways, Sacramento, CA, July 1997.“Strength and Stiffness Degradation in Bridge Columns,” ACI Spring Convention, SeattleWA, May 1997.“Design of An Experimental Study on the Influence of Aspect Ratio and LongitudinalReinforcement Ratio on Column Response,” Fourth Caltrans Seismic Research Workshop, Sacramento, CA, July 1996.Presentations Given at Universities“Seismic Performance of Connections in CBFs”, Georgia Institute of Technology,Structural Engineering Seminar, Atlanta, GA, January 2006“Performance Evaluation of Modern Bridge Columns”, University of Washington FacultySeminar Series, Seattle WA, November 1998.“Performance-Based Design of Bridge Columns”, UCD Seminar Series, Davis CA, March1998.“Performance Evaluation of Modern Bridge Columns”, University of Kansas SeminarSeries, Lawrence KS, February 1998.“Performance Evaluation of Modern Bridge Columns”, University of Massachusetts Seminar Series , Amherst MA, February 1998.“Performance Evaluation of Modern Bridge Columns”, UCSD Seminar Series , November 1997.“Performance Evaluation of Modern Bridge Columns”, UCLA Seminar Series , May 1997. Professional licensesNoneProfessional Society MembershipAmerican Society of Civil Engineers American Concrete Institute Earthquake Engineering Research InstituteProfessional Society and Other Service2002-present Member of American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 352, Joint and Connections for Monolithic Construction 2000-2003 Member of Steering Committee for 2003 Structures Congress 2000-present Chair of ACI Subcommittee 341-C, Retrofit of Concrete Bridges 1999-present Member of American Concrete Institute Committee 341, Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Bridges 1999-present Member of American Concrete Institute Committee 374, Performance-Based Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings. Reviews MadeJournal or Other NumberEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 3 American Concrete Institute, Structural Journal Royalty Research Fund 3 1 Earthquake Spectra EERI 5 Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE 4 Text: Concrete Structures, Nilson 1 Other (special publications) 1 Awards and Honors Nominated for Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Washington, 2006Nominated for Outstanding Educator Award in the College of Engineering, 2004Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, University of California, Berkeley, CA 1993. TeachingCourse Quarter No. of StudentsCourse Title Instructor's Avg of Items 1-4 CEE 452 F05 65 Design of R/C Structures 3.7 CEE 452 F03 47 Design of R/C Structures 4.4 CEE 502 W03 12 Structural Dynamics 3.9 CEE 452 F02 40 Design of R/C Structures 4.0 CEE 511 F01 18 Reinforced Concrete Structures 3.3 CEE 502 CEE 452 W01 F00 12 45 Structural Dynamics Design of R/C Structures 4.1 3.7 CIVE 442 W00 7 Structural Design Project 3.8 CESM 502 W00 22 Structural Dynamics 3.3 CIVE 452 S99 11 Design of R/C Structures 4.8 CESM 502 W99 21 Structural Dynamics 3.9Short Courses, Workshops, and Other Educational/Outreach ProgramsPanelist for Career Symposium for Doctoral Students and Post-Docs, Balancing Career and Family, UW Graduate School, November 2005Panelist for National UW ADVANCE Summer Leadership Workshop for Department Chairs on Career Choices, Strategies for Facilitating Transitions in Faculty Careers: "Family-Friendly" Policies, July 2005Panelist for Seminar on Careers, Academia, and Children, Center for WorkforceDevelopment, January 2004PEER Field Laboratory Workshop, Fall 2002Problem -Based Learning, Center for Engineering Learning & Teaching, November 2000 Use of Technology in the Classroom, Provost's Faculty Workshop on Teaching and Learning, August 2000 DOT Assessment of Structural Needs, July 2000 PEER Loading Protocol Workshop, March 2000 Chaired (or Co-Chaired) Doctoral Degrees Jung Han You (Expected 2006) Chaired (or Co-Chaired) Master Degrees Ryan Thordy (Expected 2006)Travis Williams (Expected 2006)Paul Oyen (Expected 2006)Aaron Sterns 2006David Herman (Expected 2006)Dylan Freytag (Expected 2006)Adam Cristopolus 2005Angela Kingsley 2005Steven Smith August 2004Shawn Johnson 2005Meredith Anderson 2003Daniel Alire 2002Russell Larson 2002Steve Walker 2001Dan Raynor 2000Greg Moiser 2000Other Student Supervision (service on graduate degree committees) Ph.D. CommitteesM.S. CommitteesMicheal BerryChaitanya PaspuletiMyles ParrishHakon BardsonStephen DayAmit MookerjeJuan Carlos RamirezRebecca HixUndergraduate Research Supervision (CEE 499)George GimasTim GrantRussell LarsonChris NickersonDanya MohrViolaine ThomassinDepartmental Service2001 Open House Coordinator2000 Environmental Engineering Chemistry Search Committee College Service1998-1999 Student Affairs CommitteeUniversity ServiceNoneStudent ServiceStudent Mentoring ProgramGraduate1999-2000 FacultyandCommunity ServiceNoneNational ServiceMay 2005 NSF Review for NEES, Civil and Mechanical SystemsJune 2004 NSF Review Panel, Civil and Mechanical SystemsJanuary 2000 NSF Review Panel, U.S.-Japan Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Program All Other ServiceNoneConsulting ExperienceAnalysis of reinforced concrete hotel damaged in an earthquake Spring 1997 with J. P. MoehleAnalysis of retrofitted bridge, for CH2M Hill Fall 1993 Design of upgrading strategy for non-ductile masonry structure Fall 1993。



---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------《故事形态学》读书笔记《故事形态学》读书笔记 The magic tale formula of the wolf -- story morphology reading notes Text / Zhang three or four I. brief introduction The famous Russian folk art expert Vladimir Propp’s story? Ya? morphology (1928) is a milestone in the field of the type of narrative works. His ideas and theories had a direct and far-reaching influence on the later structuralist scholars, such as Grey Maas, Todorov, Bremond and others. The original intention of the story morphology is to investigate the form and determine the regularity of its structure in the field of folk tales. According to the story of Afanasyev by the 100 Russian magical story form of comparative analysis, found from the structure factors of the magic of the story, namely the 31 function, and the relationship between the function of the combination of law, they and their relationship with the overall. Jia put translation of Chinese publishing house in 2006 version of the story is the magic morphological income story derived magical story structure research and historical research in the spring of 1965 to commemorate the speech three articles. The evolution of magical stories prompts Propp’s next research work: from the1 / 10structural study of magical stories to historical studies. The result is a book on the historical roots of magic tales. The study on the structure of history and magic of the story is responded to Strauss’s criticism of Levi?. This article can be read directly on the strong dissatisfaction of being misunderstood. Two, P ropp’s magical story formula In the preface, Propp pointed out that the morphology is on the form of the doctrine, in Botany, morphology refers to all about plant parts, concerning the relationship between these components and the theory of the relationship between them and the overall. He believes that the term story morphology can be created by drawing on the research methods of botany. Plant morphology will classify thousands of plants in the world, and story morphology will do the same: classify colorful stories and present them with wonderful consistency. In the first chapter problem in history, Propp said: the correct classification is one of the first scientific description. The correctness of the next study depends on the correctness of the classification. However, the existing classification of stories often undermines the simplest rules of classification. For example, the story is divided into magical content stories, daily life stories, animal stories. But there are fantastic stories and---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ animal stories. Another example wendte division, the story is divided into seven categories: myth fable, pure magic story, life stories and fables, pure animal fables, origin stories, funny stories and fables, moral fable. In addition, there are ways to plot according to the plot. For example, Volkov put fantasy story into 15 episodes. Propp analyzed the 15 plots, saying that it could not be regarded as a scientific classification in the exact sense. The story classification is not satisfactory because of the problems of previous research methods. The research methods are stated in the second chapter loplop materials and methods. First, Suppose there is a special sub class story, that is, the magic story. The research object is locked in a magical story on propp. What exactly is a magic tale? It is defined at the end of this book. Secondly, Propp narrows down the research scope to the stories of Afanasyev in the 100 Russian fairy tales. The exact way to describe the story, Propp says, is to see the constant and variable factors. In these 100 magical stories, the names of the characters and their objects are changed, and their actions and functions are unchanged. The story often assigns the same action to different characters, which makes it possible for us3 / 10to study the story according to the function of the characters. Here’s the question, what is the function?. Propp defined said function refers to the role behavior definition from its course of action for sense. He gives four observations: first, the function of the characters serves as a stabilizing factor for the story; they do not depend on who will do it and how it will be done. They form the basic elements of the story. Two, the magical stories are known to be limited in terms of function. Three, the order of function items is always the same. Four all magical stories are made up of the same type. In the third chapter, according to the description of the story itself proppo magical order lists the 31 functions of the role of the 31 functions is so important, we often see in various citations, so it is necessary to refer to below: 1. a family member leaves home (out) 2. a prohibition (Prohibition) against the protagonist 3. break the ban 4. enemies tried to spy on the news 5. enemies informed of their victims 6. enemies try to deceive their victims to control his or his property 7. the victim was duped and unwittingly helped the enemy 8. enemies bring harm or damage to a member of the family One of the 8a. family members is missing something. He wants something (missing) 9. a disaster or defect is told to request or issue---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------an order to the hero, send him or allow him to proceed (mediation)10. the seeker agrees or decides to revolt (the original revolt)11. the protagonist leaves home (departure) 12. the hero has been tested, subjected to interrogation, attacked, and so on, to pave the way for him to gain magic or help (the first function of the giver) 13. the protagonist responds to the actions of the giver in the future (the protagonist’s response) 14. treasures fall into the master’s possession (the provision and acquisition of treasure) 15. the transfer of a hero, where he is sent or directed to the place of his search (moving between the two countries, leading the way) 16., the hero and head confrontation (confrontation) 17. mark the hero (print) The 18. enemy is defeated (defeated) 19. the initial disaster or deletion is eliminated (a disaster or deletion is eliminated) 20. return of the hero (return) 21. the hero is hunted (pursued) Twenty-two The hero was rescued from the chase 23. the protagonist returns home at an otherwise unknown position or arrives in another country (unaware of arrival) 24. fake hero put demands (demands) 25. to master gongchu problem (problem) 26. the puzzle is answered 27. the hero is recognized (recognized) 28. expose or expose a false hero or foe 29.,5 / 10the hero changed his face 30. the enemy is punished (punished) 31., the hero married and crowned king (wedding) In the fifth chapter, Propp analyzes several other parts of the story, namely, auxiliary elements (connecting elements) used in the relations between functional items and auxiliary elements accompanied by three elements. The linking component makes the story move from one function to the next. It is a set of information transfer systems. Three repetition is a repetitive or progressive component of a story. Reason is the cause of such or such behavior. For the protagonist, the cause of his behavior is often threatened or missing. In the sixth chapter, according to the role will be divided into functional prop head action ring, ring, help the donor action action ring, Princess (to find characters) and father’s action ring, the dispatch of the action hero action ring, ring, fake hero action circle. In the ninth chapter, to the amazing stories Propp made a definition: from the perspective of morphology, any one in tort or deletion, after the middle of some function after at the end of the wedding or other end function items, can be called a magical story. Another important concept in this chapter is the turn, and Propp does not give it a definite definition, but it can be summed up in the text: a round is two pairs of function---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ items. Typical rounds, such as: 21. the hero is hunted (pursued) 22. the hero was rescued from the chase (rescued) As well as: 25. to master gongchu problem (problem) 26. the puzzle is answered Propp gave them a Russian alphabet, each listing the 31 items of the magic story. In the ninth chapter, he arranged the letters into a horizontal axis in accordance with the narrative of the story. Defined in terms of Saussure’s structuralist linguistics, this horizontal axis can be viewed as a combination of successful energy terms. Each letter on the cross axis can be replaced by a finite number, and the functional item used for replacement can form an aggregation relationship. In this way, the 100 Russian magic stories in the Afanasyev tales are abstracted into a magic story formula. Three, the misunderstanding of Propp The research object of Propp lock in the Afanasyev tales in 100 Russian magical story, but people seem to ignore this point naturally or half unconsciously, Levi? Strauss said that Propp’s conclusion is not suitable for literary creation. Propp very bluntly said: Professor Strauss Levi quoted me as saying?, My conclusion is not applicable or hunaud Wallis Goethe’s story and generally doe s not apply to the writer’s art story, he cited these words7 / 10against me, I think that in this case the conclusion is wrong. But there is nothing wrong with these conclusions; they simply do not have the kind of overarching significance that my respected critics want to give them. (the story morphology P182) are the 31 function students mechanically, for the analysis of Hollywood movies, it is very far fetched. Some readers even think that reading this book can be used directly formula to guide creation, it is more funny. Study on the Propp important than his conclusions, but his method. It’s a widely used method of analyzing thousands of stories, and perhaps hundreds of formulas. We can feel that most Hollywood movies come from the same pattern, in this way, to find the Hollywood formula hidden behind these movie stories. So, does this mean that the story will lose its meaning? In this regard, Propp in the magic tale of historical roots, said: the story is not rich in the structure, but in a variety of ways to achieve the same structural factors. (the historical roots of the magic tales.) P49 Four, starting from Two problems of loplop: First, he does not specify what criteria are used to distinguish one function from another. For example, Levi? Strauss believed that the paired function is a function that they be made one. In this way, the Puzzle and solution should be regarded as a function---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ item, not two. Propp explained that the feature pairs is performed by different people, it should be regarded as the two function rather than a. But I think that Levi? Strauss’s question is justified. Not only to distinguish function Propp action as the standard, and take the actor as the standard, it is inevitable to bring difficulties in later studies. The standard problem of functional differentiation is actually the question of what is the smallest unit of meaning. In order to solve this problem, the later narratology did not take much effort. For example, Thompson’s motif, Levi? Strauss’s structure, Carl Jung’s protot ype. However, what is the smallest unit of meaning in a story that has not been solved today?. Second, his conclusion is not general enough. Although Propp used some Russian letters, the story is abstracted a magic formula story, like mathematics and science, but his research content and form are mixed together, the Russian letters and formula is actually like decoration, but to show the author to science near the desire. In the book, the historical roots of the magic tales, the alphabet system was completely abandoned. The result of the mix of content and form is far from generality. Based on the study on the character of9 / 10Grey Maas Propp, according to the abstract action element model, namely six functions, divided into three components complement each other: subject / object, Messenger / trustee, Assistant / rival. We have seen the action mode in Greimas Propp’s seven action clues in the circle. And let me conclude this article with the evaluation of Propp’s narrative in the Baidu encyclopedia: Although the study is Propp narrative -- a special form of fairy tales, but he used a method of analysis of story units and the relationship between the analysis of the other narrative style has an important reference value. Its major breakthrough was in the fact that he established the most important basic factor in the story - function, which provided the possibility to study the narrative according to the function of the characters and their connections. As a result, a new path has been explored for narrative structure and factor analysis. At the same time, he simplified the movements in the story into a sequence of combinations, beyond the surface of the empirical description, so that narrative research more scientific. Its contribution is enormous, although he out is the first step, but the first step is the creation of the world.。



GMAT考试阅读试题(九)(5)Passage 59Schools expect textbooks to be a valuable source of information for students. My research suggests,however,that textbooks that address the place of Native Americans within he history of the United States distort history to suit(5)a particular cultural value system. In some textbooks,for example,settlers are pictured as more humane, complex,skillful,and wise than Native American. In essence,textbooks stereotype and deprecate the numerous Native American cultures while reinforcing the attitude that the(10)European conquest of the New World denotes the superiority of European cultures. Although textbooks evaluete Native American architecture,political systems,and homemaking.I contend that they do it from an ethnocentric,(15)European perspective without recognizing that other perspectives are possible.One argument against my contention asserts that,by nature,textbooks are culturally biased and that I am simply underestimating children‘s ability to see through these(20)biases.Some researchers even claim that by the time students are in high school,they know they cannot take textbooks literally. Yet substantial evidence exists to the contrary. Two researchers,for example,have conducted studies that suggest that children’s attitudes about particular(25) culture are strongly influenced by the textbooks used in schools. Given this,an ongoing,careful review of how school textbooks depict Native American is certainly warranted.1. Which of the following would most logically be the topic of the paragraph immediately following the passage?(A) Specific ways to evaluate the biases of United States history textbooks(B) The centrality of the teacher‘s role in United States history courses(C) Nontraditional methods of teaching United States history(D)The contributions of European immigrants to the development of the United States(E) Ways in which parents influence children‘s political attitudes2. The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) describe in detail one research study regarding the impact of history textbooks on children‘s attitudes and beliefs about certain cultures(B) describe revisions that should be made to UnitedStates history textbooks(C) discuss the difficulty of presenting an accuratehistory of the United States(D) argue that textbooks used in schools stereotypeNative Americans and influence children‘s attitudes(E) summarize ways in which some textbooks givedistorted pictures of the political systems developedby various Native American groups3. The author mentions two researchers‘ studies (lines22-25)most likely in order to(A) suggest that children‘s political attitudes are formed primarily through textbooks(B) counter the claim that children are able to see through stereotypes in textbooks(C) suggest that younger children tend to interpret the messages in textbooks more literally than do older children(D) demonstrate that textbooks carry political messages meant to influence their readers(E) prove that textbooks are not biased in terms of their political presentations4. The author‘s attitude toward the content of the history textbooks discussed in the passage is best described as one of (A) indifference(B) hesitance(C) neutrality(D) amusement(E) disapproval5. It can be inferred from the passage that the researchersmentioned in line 19 would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements?(A) Students form attitudes about cultures other than their own primarily inside the school environment.(B) For the most part,seniors in high school know that textbooks can be biased.(C) Textbooks play a crucial role in shaping the attitudesand beliefs of students.(D) Elementary school students are as likely to recognize biases in textbooks as are high school students.(E) Students are less likely to give credence to history textbooks than to mathematics textbooks.6. The author implies tha5t which of the following will occur if textbooks are not carefully reviewed?(A) Children will remain ignorant of the European settlers ‘ conquest of the New World.(B) Children will lose their ability to recognize biasesin textbooks.(C)Children will form negative stereotypes of NativeAmericans.(D) Children will develop an understanding of ethnocentrism.(E) Children will stop taking textbooks seriously.Passage 60。



奥氏体不锈钢钢管氩弧焊质量影响因素分析张啸风①(上海宝冶集团有限公司工业工程公司 上海201999)摘 要 研究一种密闭式自动氩弧焊焊头的焊接工艺参数对焊缝成形质量的影响,满足在半导体及面板制造行业中,采用自动钨极氩弧管焊系统焊接高纯度介质输送的洁净不锈钢薄壁管道;选用直径12 2的X2CrNiMo17 12 2不锈钢管,设定相应的焊接工艺参数,完成焊接管道工作;采用力学试验、无损检测、宏观金相试验检验焊缝的力学性能与组织特征,焊缝无外观与内在的缺陷;焊缝抗拉强度及各项性能均满足规范要求;自动钨极氩弧焊方法和参数能满足X2CrNiMo17 12 2管及类似不锈钢薄壁管道焊接要求。

关键词 X2CrNiMo17 12 2;自动钨极氩弧焊;密闭式焊头;无填充焊丝中图法分类号 TG444 TG457 文献标识码 ADoi:10 3969/j issn 1001-1269 2024 01 013TheAnalysisofInfluencingFactorsofArgonArcWeldingQualityofAusteniticStainlessSteelPipeZhangXiaofeng(ShanghaiBaoyeGroupCo.,Ltd.,Shanghai201999)ABSTRACT ObjectiveStudytheinfluenceofweldingprocessparametersonthequalityofweldformationforasealedautomaticargonarcweldinghead,inordertomeettherequirementsofusinganautomatictungstenelectrodeargonarcweldingsystemtoweldcleanstainlesssteelthin walledpipelinesconveyinghigh puritymediainthesemiconductorandpanelmanufacturingindustry.MethodSelectX2CrNiMo17 12 2stainlesssteelpipeofdiameter12×2,Setcorrespondingweldingprocessparameterstocompletetheweldingofpipelines.ResultMechanicaltesting,non destructivetesting,andmacroscopicmetallographictestingareusedtoinspectthemechanicalpropertiesandstructuralcharacteristicsoftheweldseam,andtheweldseamisfreefromexternalandinternaldefects;Thetensilestrengthandvariouspropertiesoftheweldmeetthespecificationrequirements.ConclusionTheautomatictungstenargonarcweldingmethodandparameterscanmeettheweldingrequirementsofX2CrNiMo17 12 2pipesandsimilarstainlesssteelthin walledpipes.KEYWORDS X2CrNiMo17 12 2;Automaticargontungstenarcwelding;Closedweldinghead;Nofillerwire1 前言不锈钢薄壁EP管道、BA管道广泛应用于生物制药、洁净实验室、半导体及面板等领域。



影响学生学习因素的分析高中英语作文Title: Analysis of Factors Affecting Students' LearningIntroduction:Learning is a complex process influenced by various factors.In this essay, we will analyze some of the key factors that affect students' learning.These factors include personal interest, motivation, family background, educational resources, and peer influence.Body:1.Personal Interest:One of the most significant factors affecting students' learning is their personal interest in a particular subject.When students are interested in a subject, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and willing to invest time and effort in learning.On the other hand, lack of interest can lead to disengagement, low motivation, and poor academic performance.2.Motivation:Motivation plays a crucial role in students' learning.External factors such as rewards and recognition can incentives students to work harder and achieve better results.Internal factors, such as the desire to achieve personal goals or a sense of accomplishment, also drive students to excel academically.3.Family Background:Family background has a significant impact on students' learning.Family income, education level, and social status can all influence the resources and opportunities available to a student.For example, students from affluent families may have access to better educational resources, such as private tutoring and extracurricular activities, which can enhance their learning experience.cational Resources:The availability and quality of educational resources also play a crucial role in students' learning.Access to well-equipped libraries, modern technology, and qualified teachers can significantly enhance the learning experience.In contrast, lack of resources can limit students' opportunities for learning and growth.5.Peer Influence:Peer influence is another important factor that affects students' learning.Students often look up to their peers for guidance and inspiration.Positive peer influence can encourage students to work harder, study smarter, and adopt healthy study habits.However, negative peer influence can lead to distractions, low self-esteem, and poor academic performance.Conclusion:In conclusion, several factors influence students' learning.Personal interest, motivation, family background, educational resources, and peerinfluence are all important considerations in the learning cators and parents should be aware of these factors and strive to create an environment that fosters learning and growth.By addressing these factors, we can help students achieve their full potential and become successful learners.。



肿瘤科护士灵性照顾观念和灵性照顾能力的影响研究:基于工作投入的中介作用张智慧,王迎春S t u d y o n t h e i n f l u e n c eo f t h e c o n c e p t o f s p i r i t u a l c a r ea n d t h ea b i l i t y o f s p i r i t u a l c a r eo fn u r s e s i n o n c o l o g y d e p a r t m e n t:b a s e d o n t h em e d i a t i n g r o l e o f j o b i n v o l v e m e n tZ H A N GZ h i h u i,W A N GY i n g c h u n(C o l l e g e o fN u r s i n g,J i n z h o u M e d i c a lU n i v e r s i t y,L i a o n i n g121000C h i n a) A b s t r a c t O b j e c t i v e:T o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e s p i r i t u a l c a r e a b i l i t y o f n u r s e s i n o n c o l o g y d e p a r t m e n t a n d t h e c o n c e p t o f s p i r i t u a l c a r e,w o r ke n g a g e m e n t a n dt h e i n t e r m e d i a r y r o l eo fw o r ke n g a g e m e n tb e t w e e nt h e m.M e t h o d s:At o t a l o f498o n c o l o g y n u r s e s f r o m6g e n e r a l h o s p i t a l s i nL i a o n i n g P r o v i n c e f r o mD e c e m b e r2021t oM a r c h2022w e r e s e l e c t e d a n d i n v e s t i g a t e d u s i n g G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o nQ u e s t i o n n a i r e,t h eC h i n e s eV e r s i o no f t h eS p i r i t u a lC a r eC o m p e t e n c eS c a l e(C-S C C S),S p i r i t u a lC a r eP e r s p e c t i v eS c a l e (S C P S)a n d t h eU t r e c h tW o r kE n g a g e m e n t S c a l e(UW E S-9).R e s u l t s:T h e t o t a l s c o r e o f n u r s e s's p i r i t u a l c a r e a b i l i t y w a s(72.23ʃ15.06), t h e t o t a l s c o r e o f s p i r i t u a l c a r ec o n c e p tw a s(33.48ʃ7.93),a n dt h e t o t a l s c o r eo fw o r ke n g a g e m e n tw a s(33.62ʃ10.79);P e a r s o n c o r r e l a t i o na n a l y s i s s h o w e dt h a tn u r s e s's p i r i t u a l c a r ea b i l i t y w a s p o s i t i v e l y c o r r e l a t e d w i t ht h e i rs p i r i t u a l c a r ec o n c e p ta n d w o r k e n g a g e m e n t(r v a l u ew a s0.479,0.378,P<0.01);T h es t r u c t u r a l e q u a t i o n m o d e l s h o w e dt h a tw o r ki n v o l v e m e n t p l a y e da p a r t i a l m e d i a t i n g r o l eb e t w e e n s p i r i t u a l c a r e a b i l i t y a n ds p i r i t u a l c a r e c o n c e p t,a n dt h em e d i a t i n g e f f e c tw a s13.7%(P<0.01).C o n c l u s i o n: N u r s i n g m a n a g e r s s h o u l d p a y a t t e n t i o n t o t h e i n p u t o f t h e c o n c e p t o f s p i r i t u a l c a r e b y t h e n u r s e s i n t h e o n c o l o g y d e p a r t m e n t,s o a s t o i m p r o v e t h e s p i r i t u a l c a r e a b i l i t y o f t h en u r s e s i nt h eo n c o l o g y d e p a r t m e n t,a n dr e a s o n a b l y u s e t h en u r s i n g r e s o u r c e s t oa c h i e v e t h e b e s t e f f e c t a c c o r d i n g t o t h en u r s e s'w o r k i n p u t s t a t u s.K e y w o r d s t u m o r;n u r s e s;s p i r i t u a l c a r e a b i l i t y;s p i r i t u a l c a r e c o n c e p t;j o be n g a g e m e n t;m e d i a t e e f f e c t摘要目的:调查肿瘤科护士的灵性照顾能力与灵性照顾观念㊁工作投入的相关性以及工作投入在两者之间的中介作用㊂方法:选取2021年12月 2022年3月辽宁省6所综合类医院肿瘤科护士498人作为研究对象㊂采用一般资料调查表㊁中文版灵性照顾能力量表(C-S C C S)和灵性照顾观念量表(S C P S)㊁工作投入量表(UW E S-9)对其进行问卷调查㊂结果:肿瘤科护士灵性照顾能力总分为(72.23ʃ15.06)分,灵性照顾观念总分为(33.48ʃ7.93)分,工作投入总分为(33.62ʃ10.79)分;P e a r s o n相关分析显示,护士的灵性照顾能力与灵性照顾观念和工作投入均呈正相关(r值分别为0.479,0.378,P<0.01);结构方程模型显示工作投入在灵性照顾能力和灵性照顾观念间起到部分中介作用,中介效应为13.7%(P<0.01)㊂结论:护理管理者应重视肿瘤科护士对于灵性照顾观念方面的输入,以此提高肿瘤科护士的灵性照顾能力,并根据护士的工作投入状态,合理将护理资源的利用率达到最佳效果㊂关键词肿瘤;护士;灵性照顾能力;灵性照顾观念;工作投入;中介效应d o i:10.12104/j.i s s n.1674-4748.2023.03.002灵性 属于抽象概念,代表一种主观感受,也是人性的本质呈现㊂灵性给予个体通过希望㊁信念㊁放松和平静的心态来应对困境,对接受疾病事实㊁提高生活质量等方面起到积极作用[1-2]㊂大多肿瘤病人不仅要面对疾病带来的折磨,而且要承受社会和心理因素的影响[3-4],从而导致其身体-心理-社会-心灵整体化的灵性问题㊂在临床治疗中护士被病人认为是解决灵性痛苦作者简介张智慧,硕士研究生在读,单位:121000,锦州医科大学护理学院;王迎春(通讯作者)单位:121012,锦州医科大学附属第一医院㊂引用信息张智慧,王迎春.肿瘤科护士灵性照顾观念和灵性照顾能力的影响研究:基于工作投入的中介作用[J].全科护理,2023,21(3):296-300.的最佳来源,能够满足自身的灵性需求[5-7],使灵性护理在临床中更好地发挥重要作用㊂临终关怀和姑息护理协会(H P N A)针对灵性护理回应,其内容包含护士对灵性护理能力的自我认知与衡量[8]㊂目前国内针对灵性护理的研究仍处于萌芽期,多集中探讨灵性照顾能力的影响因素分析㊂有学者研究发现护士的灵性照顾观念对灵性照顾能力存在正向影响,然而关于其影响路径与相关模型的构建研究甚少㊂因此,本研究旨在调查肿瘤科护士的灵性照顾能力现状,探索灵性照顾观念㊁工作投入与灵性照顾能力之间的相关性,构建结构方程模型探讨工作投入在二者之间的中介作用,以期为提升肿瘤科护士灵性护理能力水平的干预策略提供参考依据㊂㊃692㊃C H I N E S EG E N E R A LP R A C T I C E N U R S I N G J a n u a r y2023V o l.21N o.3Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.1对象与方法1.1研究对象采用便利抽样法,于2021年12月 2022年3月选择辽宁省6所综合类医院肿瘤科护士作为研究对象㊂纳入标准:①取得护士执业资格证;②一线岗位护理工作者;③自愿参与本研究㊂排除标准:①护理实习生;②外出进修护士;③调查期间未在工作岗位者㊂根据肯德尔粗略估算法,取变量数的5~10倍,本研究共22个变量,计算出最小样本量为132人,扩大20%失访率,按照结构方程模型样本量需大于200人原则,最终纳入样本量为498人㊂1.2方法1.2.1一般资料调查表自行设计一般资料调查表,包括性别㊁年龄㊁学历㊁宗教信仰㊁职称㊁人事关系㊁婚姻状况㊁月收入㊁工作年限㊁是否为带教老师及是否参加过灵性照护的课程㊁讲座㊁会议㊂1.2.2中文版灵性照顾能力量表(t h eC h i n e s eV e r s i o n o f t h eS p i r i t u a lC a r eC o m p e t e n c eS c a l e,C-S C C S)该量表由韦迪等[9]汉化,用于衡量临床护士的灵性照顾能力水平㊂该量表包含评估和实施能力(4个条目)㊁专业发展和质量改进能力(5个条目)㊁支持能力(5个条目)㊁转介能力(2个条目)㊁对病人灵性态度(4个条目)及交流能力(2个条目)6个维度,共22个条目㊂每个条目采用L i k e r t5级(1~5分)评分法,总分22~110分,得分越高表明护士灵性照顾能力越强㊂本研究中量表的C r o n b a c h'sα系数为0.921㊂1.2.3 中文版灵性照顾观念量表(S p i r i t u a lC a r e P e r s p e c t i v eS c a l e,S C P S)该量表由刘丹娜等[10]汉化,用于测量护士对临床工作中提供灵性照顾的态度和观点㊂该量表包含认知观念(7个条目)㊁执行观念(3个条目)2个维度,共10个条目㊂每个条目采用L i k e r t5级(1~5分)评分法,总分10~50分,得分越高表示护士对提供灵性照顾态度越积极㊂本研究中量表的C r o n b a c h'sα系数为0.910㊂1.2.4工作投入量表(t h eU t r e c h tW o r kE n g a g e m e n t S c a l e,UW E S-9)该量表由S c h a u f e l i等[11]编制,国内学者已证实该量表的中文版信效度良好[12]㊂该量表包括活力(3个条目)㊁奉献(3个条目)和专注(3个条目)3个维度,共9个条目㊂每个条目采用L i k e r t7级计分法,从 从来没有 到 总是 分别赋值0~6分,总分0~54分,得分越高表示护士工作投入水平越高㊂国内已被广泛应用于护士群体,大量文献印证具有良好信效度㊂本研究中量表的C r o n b a c h'sα系数为0.902㊂1.3调查方法研究者与医院护理部取得联系,征求相关领导同意㊂在调查前针对调查问卷内容说明研究目的㊁意义㊁注意事项等㊂在肿瘤科护士知情同意的前提下研究者及助手通过线上和线下结合的方式以匿名原则完成本次调查研究㊂问卷的质量控制:①所有题目均要填写;②剔除填写时间<1m i n的无效问卷;③剔除前后问题回答冲突的问卷㊂问卷填写完毕后及时回收㊂本次调查共发放问卷513份,回收有效问卷498份,有效回收率为97.1%㊂1.4统计学方法采用S P S S21.0软件进行数据分析,定性资料采用频数㊁构成比(%)表示,符合正态分布的定量资料用均数ʃ标准差(xʃs)表示,两组或多组间比较分别采用独立样本t检验㊁单因素方差分析;采用P e a r s o n相关分析探索灵性照顾能力与灵性照顾观念㊁工作投入之间的相关性,利用AMO S21软件进行中介效应分析㊂以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果2.1一般人口学资料本研究中纳入肿瘤科护士498人,性别:女473人,男25人;年龄:18~25岁100人, 26~35岁175人,36~45岁155人,>45岁68人;学历:专科及以下140人,本科299人,硕士及以上59人;宗教信仰:有43人,无455人;职称:护士140人,护师175人,主管护师125人,副主任护师50人,主任护师8人;婚姻状态:未婚180人,已婚294人,离异20人,丧偶4人;工作年限:<6年120人,6~11年240人,12~16年80人,>16年58人;人事关系:正式编制165人,非正式编制333人;月收入:1000~3000元65人,3001~5000元210人,>5000元223人;是否为带教老师:是165人,不是333人;是否参加过关于灵性照顾的相关课程㊁会议㊁讲座等:参加115人,未参加383人㊂2.2灵性照顾能力㊁灵性照护观念㊁工作投入得分情况灵性照顾能力总分为(72.23ʃ15.06)分,6个维度中条目均分由高到低依次为评估和实施能力㊁专业发展和质量改进能力㊁交流能力㊁对病人灵性态度㊁支持能力㊁转介能力;灵性照顾观念总分为(33.48ʃ7.93)分,2个维度中条目均分由高到低依次为执行观念㊁认知观念;工作投入总分为(33.62ʃ10.79)分,3个维度中条目均分由高到低依次为奉献㊁专注㊁活力㊂详见表1㊂㊃792㊃全科护理2023年1月第21卷第3期Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.表1灵性照顾能力㊁灵性照护观念及工作投入得分情况(n=498)单位:分项目条目数得分条目均分条目均分排序评估和实施能力413.89ʃ3.253.47ʃ0.811专业发展和质量改进能力517.18ʃ5.213.44ʃ1.042交流能力26.54ʃ2.173.27ʃ1.093对病人灵性态度412.87ʃ3.923.22ʃ0.984支持能力515.91ʃ4.263.18ʃ0.855转介能力25.84ʃ1.702.92ʃ0.856灵性照顾能力总分2272.23ʃ15.063.28ʃ0.68执行观念310.39ʃ2.583.46ʃ0.861认知观念723.09ʃ6.323.30ʃ0.902灵性照顾观念总分1033.48ʃ7.933.35ʃ0.79奉献311.85ʃ4.413.95ʃ1.471专注310.90ʃ4.323.63ʃ1.442活力310.87ʃ4.303.62ʃ1.433工作投入总分933.62ʃ10.793.74ʃ1.202.3灵性照顾能力㊁灵性照顾观念㊁工作投入得分相关性分析 P e a r s o n相关分析显示,护士灵性照顾能力总分与灵性照顾观念总分㊁工作投入总分均呈正相关(r值分别为0.479,0.378,均P<0.01),灵性照顾观念总分与工作投入总分呈正相关(r=0.384,P<0.01)㊂2.4工作投入在灵性照顾能力㊁灵性照护观念之间的中介作用 ①以灵性照顾观念为自变量,工作投入为中介变量,灵性照顾能力为因变量建立结构方程模型㊂采用最大似然法评价模型和数据的拟合状况,该模型各项拟合指数:卡方自由度比(χ2/d f)为1.997,<3;拟合优度指数(G F I)为0.970,>0.9;修正拟合优度指数(A G F I)为0.952,>0.9;常规拟合指数(N F I)为0.951,>0.9;增值拟合指数(I F I)0.975,>0.9,模型适配能力较好㊂近似误差均方根(R M S E A)为0.045,< 0.08,模型拟合程度较好㊂详见图1㊂②采用B o o t s t r a p 检验模型中介效应,结果显示工作投入在灵性照顾观念与灵性照顾能力的间接效应的95%C I [0.012,0.163]不包含0,表明中介效应达显著水平,效应值为0.092(0.519ˑ0.177),占总效应的13.7% (0.519ˑ0.177/0.669),详见表2㊁表3㊂图1灵性照顾观念㊁工作投入与灵性照顾能力的结构方程模型㊃892㊃C H I N E S EG E N E R A LP R A C T I C E N U R S I N G J a n u a r y2023V o l.21N o.3Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.表2各变量之间的路径系数路径标准化路径系数标准误临界比值P 工作投入ѳ灵性照顾观念0.5190.1277.282<0.001灵性照顾能力ѳ灵性照顾观念0.5770.0776.883<0.001灵性照顾能力ѳ工作投入0.1770.0342.6580.008表3工作投入在灵性照顾观念与灵性照顾能力之间的中介效应检验项目效应值95%C I下限上限P 间接效应灵性照顾观念-工作投入-灵性照顾能力0.0920.0120.1630.021直接效应灵性照顾观念-灵性照顾能力0.5770.4300.731<0.001总效应灵性照顾观念-灵性照顾能力0.6690.5580.769<0.0013讨论3.1肿瘤科护士灵性照顾能力㊁灵性照顾观念及工作投入现状肿瘤科护士灵性照顾能力总分为(72.23ʃ15.06)分,处于中等水平㊂这与相关文献对肿瘤科护士的调查结果相似[13-15],提示有待提升㊂临床护士的灵性照顾能力直接决定着病人的灵性照顾质量㊂相比国外,国内对灵性护理的培养重视度仍旧不足㊂究其原因,国内灵性护理发展起步较晚㊂针对护士的灵性护理教育尚处于探索阶段,还未构建出独立的灵性课程结构,致使护士投身到临床岗位后造成肿瘤科护士灵性照顾能力发挥不足㊂建议领导者全面开展灵性照护的培训,探索多样化灵性照护形式,让护士更加灵活地去满足病人灵性诉求,帮助他们寻找生命的意义㊂肿瘤科护士灵性照顾观念总分为(33.48ʃ7.93)分,处于中等水平㊂M t h e m b u等[16]表明,护士所具备灵性的观念可直接影响对病人提供灵性照护的判断及处理方式㊂本次研究显示,仅有23.1%的肿瘤科护士参加过灵性护理的相关指导㊂造成肿瘤科护士对于灵性护理的整体认知和接纳程度不同㊂另一方面,因地域㊁种族㊁历史㊁文化等因素影响,导致我国护理人员对于灵性观念的内容模糊以及对自身的角色不确定㊂肿瘤科护士工作投入总分为(33.62ʃ10.79)分,处于中等水平,与徐凤霞等[17]研究结果基本一致㊂本次研究对象均来自三级甲等医院,护士职业素养强,能较好地保持工作投入水平㊂3个维度当中活力维度得分偏低㊂分析原因:一方面,肿瘤科日常工作强度繁重,特别是对待危重症病人需仔细专注;另一方面,随着医疗卫生的进步,病人对护理质量有较高层次的需求,因此导致护士长期处于高应激环境下工作,使其活力有所损耗㊂提示,临床护理管理者适当采取措施调动护士的工作积极性,提高工作投入水平㊂3.2灵性照顾能力㊁灵性照顾观念及工作投入相关性分析本研究结果显示,灵性照顾观念和工作投入与灵性照顾能力总分呈正相关(均P<0.01),且灵性照顾观念对灵性照顾能力存在直接效应㊂灵性照顾观念是积极的心理体验,拥有主动性认知与执行观念的肿瘤科护士有更强烈的灵性照顾能力动机㊂C h e n等[18]表明护理工作者在拥有理论意识的前提下才能够充分为病人提供灵性照料,并在护理过程中不断发现自身存在的不足㊂本研究结果还证实,工作投入也可直接正向预测护士灵性照顾能力㊂赵静[19]研究发现工作投入与工作能力之间持有正向联系,肿瘤科护士的工作核心恰恰是灵性照护㊂同时,工作投入是个体与工作相关的㊁积极的情感态度,是一种正性体验,而灵性照顾能力正是心理活动驱使的行为,常受肿瘤科护士情感状态的影响㊂工作投入水平较高的肿瘤科护士积极情感体验更丰富,便于做出行为驱动并愿意付出时间和精力帮助有灵性照顾诉求的肿瘤病人㊂3.3肿瘤科护士的工作投入在灵性照顾观念与灵性照顾能力间起到部分中介作用路径分析结果显示,灵性照顾观念除了对灵性照顾能力存在直接效应外,还可通过工作投入对其产生中介作用,中介效应值0.092,中介效应占比13.7%㊂说明医院管理者不仅可以通过培养肿瘤科护士的灵性照顾观念来提高其灵性照顾能力,还可通过提高肿瘤科护士的工作投入水平,来增强其灵性照顾能力㊂高投入的肿瘤科护士可始终保持精力充沛的工作状态,在护理过程中呈现出专注感和奉献感,有利于采取高效方式对病人进行灵性照料并与病人建立和谐关系,自身也认为能够胜任工作当中的各种要求㊂鉴于此,护理管理者应实施激励模式激发肿瘤科护士专注㊁活力㊁奉献等潜在优良特质[20]㊂同时,应结合护士自身工作特点和科室教学环境,定期开㊃992㊃全科护理2023年1月第21卷第3期Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.展灵性护理的专业讲座,引导肿瘤科护士在护理过程中有意识地提供灵性照护,使肿瘤科护士充分意识到灵性照护的益处和重要性,主动去提升自身工作投入状态,创造一个充满友爱㊁聆听㊁友善的护理环境[21],以促进科室灵性护理的改进,提高肿瘤科护士的灵性照顾能力㊂3.4局限性本次研究仅调查鞍山市和锦州两所城市6所综合类医院的肿瘤科护士,样本量来源较为单一,仍存在不足㊂今后可通过对不同区域不同医院等级的肿瘤科护士进行分层调查,以进一步验证工作投入与灵性照顾观念㊁灵性照顾能力之间的关系㊂同时,本研究只对工作投入一个中介变量进行探讨分析,肿瘤科护士灵性照顾观念对灵性照顾能力的影响可能还存在其他中介变量影响的可能性㊂建议今后纳入其他变量综合考虑㊂4小结综上所述,肿瘤科护士灵性照顾观念㊁工作投入㊁护士灵性照顾能力处于中等水平,有较大提升空间㊂建议加强医院对灵性照护的理念宣传,完善和健全灵性照护的护理体系,定期通过课程教学,评估好肿瘤病人产生的灵性问题,觉察病人的灵性要求,为其提供个性化的灵性护理措施,满足其灵性护理需求㊂同时多方位㊁多角度㊁多层次地提高护士灵性照护认知和工作投入水平,最大限度将护理质量提高到最佳㊂参考文献:[1]D A L C A L IB K,M E L I K OĜL U S E.T h er e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e nn u r s i n g s t u d e n t s'p e r c e p t i o n s o f s p i r i t u a l i t y a n d s p i r i t u a l c a r e a n dt h e i r p e r s o n a l v a l u e s[J].J o u r n a l o fR e l i g i o na n dH e a l t h,2022,61(3):1907-1921.[2]A Z A R S A T,D A V O O D I A,K HO R AM I MA R K A N I A,e ta l.S p i r i t u a lw e l l b e i n g,a t t i t u d e t o w a r ds p i r i t u a l c a r ea n d i t s r e l a t i o n s h i pw i t hs p i r i t u a lc a r ec o m p e t e n c ea m o n g c r i t i c a lc a r en u r s e s[J].J o u r n a l o fC a r i n g S c i e n c e s,2015,4(4):309-320.[3] F R E I R E M E M,S AWA D A N O,D E F R A NÇAIS X,e ta l.H e a l t h-r e l a t e d q u a l i t y o f l i f e a m o n gp a t i e n t sw i t ha d v a n c e d c a n c e r:a ni n t e g r a t i v e r e v i e w[J].R e v i s t aD aE s c o l aD eE n f e r m a g e m D aU SP,2014,48(2):357-367.[4]A B O U C HA A R E,H A L L I T S,HA J J A,e ta l.E v a l u a t i n g t h ei m p a c t o f s p i r i t u a l i t y o n t h e q u a l i t y o f l i f e,a n x i e t y,a n d d e p r e s s i o na m o n gp a t i e n t s w i t hc a n c e r:a n ob s e r v a t i o n a lt r a n s v e r s a ls t u d y[J].S u p p o r t i v eC a r e i nC a n c e r,2018,26(8):2581-2590.[5]张燊,陈灵,邓凤,等.晚期宫颈癌病人灵性需求的真实体验[J].全科护理,2018,16(29):3654-3656.[6]董毅,李群,朱丽华,等.十堰地区癌症患者灵性需求现状及影响因素的研究[J].湖北医药学院学报,2021,40(4):422-426. 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第3期2021年3月机械设计与制造Machinery Design & Manufacture189门槛梁抗弯性能影响因素研究覃炳恒,邱贵年,刘昌业,吕俊成(上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司,广西柳州540057)摘要:以某微型车门槛梁为研究对象,分析在侧面碰撞过程中的变形模式,确定薄弱截面。

为便于对抗弯性能影响因素 研究,将其等效简化为单帽梁。

设计三点弯曲准静态试验,采用单一变量的方法,分析单帽梁的厚度、截面长宽比和材料 对抗弯性能的影响规律。

结果表明:薄壁梁内板厚度对抵抗弯曲所起的作用较小,薄壁梁的抗弯性能主要由外板厚度来 体现,厚度越大,薄壁梁的抗弯性能越好。


对后期门 槛梁结构设计提供参考。

关键词:侧面碰撞;门槛梁;单帽梁;抗弯性能;准静态三点弯曲试验中图分类号:T H16;U467.1 文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-3997(2021 )3-0189-05Research on Influence Factors on Bending Performance of Threshold BeamQIN Bing-heng, QIU Gui—nian, LIU Chang—ye, LV Jun—cheng(A C I-G M-W uling Automobile Co.,Ltd.,Guangxi Liuzhou540057, C h in a)A b stract:77ie threshold beam o f a mini vehicle were selected as the research objects ^the weak section o f B-pillar is selected by analyzing its deformation mode during the side collision y which is simplified equivalently as single-hat thin-w alled beam for the convenience o f study o f influence factors on bending performance o f threshold beam. The three point bending test model is established study the influence o f thickness t cross-sectional aspect ratio and material on bending behavior o f single­hat beam by using a single variable method. The result are as follow: the thickness o f inner plate o f thin-^walled beam has little effect on resisting bending, the bending resistance of thin^walled beams is mainly reflected by the thickness o f outer panels. The greater the thickness isf the better the bending resistance o f the thin^walled beam is. The smaller the section aspect ratio is and the higher the yield strength o f the material is,the better the bending performance o f the thin-walled beam is. Provide reference for the structure design o f the threshold beam.K ey W ord s:Side Im pact;T hreshold B eam;Single H a t-B eam;B ending P erform ance;Q uasi-Static T h ree-P oin t B ending Testl引言如今的社会正在高速发展,汽车的出现使得人们的生活越 来越方便,它也逐渐成为人们出行的主要交通工具。


刘 乐(1996—) ,男,硕士,研究方向为无线充电电磁兼容、电力系统过电压等;
胡元潮(1988—) ,男,博士,副教授,研究方向为电力系统过电压、电工新材料及其应用技术等;
黄 涛(1986—) ,男,博士,研究方向为电力系统电磁兼容技术;
杨明浩(1996—) ,男,硕士研究生,研究方向为电力系统防雷与过电压防护。
Keywords:wireless charging; magnetic coupling resonance; external radiation; electromagnetic compatibility; ferrite; structural optimization
DOI:10. 15938 / j. emc. 2023. 08. 014
文章编号:1007- 449X(2023)08- 0130- 12
Research on the influence of aluminum plate-ferrite shielding

The Impact of Cultural Stereotypes on Identity

The Impact of Cultural Stereotypes on Identity

The Impact of Cultural Stereotypes on Identity Cultural stereotypes have a significant impact on an individual's identity. These stereotypes are societal beliefs that are often based on limited information and generalizations about a particular group of people. They can be harmful and can negatively affect an individual's self-esteem, self-worth, and self-image. In this essay, I will discuss the impact of cultural stereotypes on identity from multiple perspectives.From a psychological perspective, cultural stereotypes can have a detrimental effect on an individual's mental health. Studies have shown that individuals who are exposed to negative stereotypes about their culture or ethnicity experience higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. These negative stereotypes can lead to a sense of alienation and isolation, which can further exacerbate mental health issues. Moreover, cultural stereotypes can lead to internalized racism, where individuals begin to believe and internalize the negative stereotypes about their culture or ethnicity, leading to a negative self-image.From a sociological perspective, cultural stereotypes can lead to discrimination and prejudice. Individuals who are stereotyped based on their culture or ethnicity are often discriminated against in various aspects of their life, including education, employment, and housing. This discrimination can lead to a lack of opportunities and a sense of marginalization, which can further reinforce negative stereotypes about a particular culture or ethnicity.From a cultural perspective, stereotypes can lead to a loss of cultural identity. Cultural stereotypes often perpetuate a narrow and limited view of a particular culture or ethnicity, which can lead to a loss of cultural identity. This loss of identity can be particularly damaging for individuals who are part of a marginalized group, as it can lead to a sense of disconnection from their cultural heritage and a loss of cultural pride.From an educational perspective, cultural stereotypes can negatively impact academic achievement. Stereotypes about a particular culture or ethnicity can lead to lower expectations and biases from teachers and peers, which can lead to lower academic achievement. Moreover, cultural stereotypes can lead to a lack of representation andinclusion in educational materials, which can further perpetuate negative stereotypes and lead to a lack of cultural understanding and appreciation.From a personal perspective, cultural stereotypes can lead to a sense of shame and embarrassment. Individuals who are stereotyped based on their culture or ethnicity may feel ashamed of their identity and may try to hide or downplay their cultural heritage. This can lead to a loss of self-confidence and a lack of pride in one's cultural identity.In conclusion, cultural stereotypes have a significant impact on an individual's identity from multiple perspectives. They can lead to negative mental health outcomes, discrimination and prejudice, a loss of cultural identity, lower academic achievement, and a sense of shame and embarrassment. It is important to challenge and dismantle cultural stereotypes to create a more inclusive and equitable society where individuals can feel proud of their cultural heritage and identity.。



大学教育的影响英语作文The Impact of University EducationUniversity education is a pivotal stage in the journey of personal growth and intellectual development. It marks a transition from the sheltered environment of secondary education to the vast and diverse world of higher learning, shaping individuals into critical thinkers, innovators, and leaders.Firstly, university education significantly broadens one's horizons. The curriculum offers a diverse range of subjects, allowing students to explore areas of interest beyond their core major. This breadth of knowledge not only enhances understanding of various fields but also cultivates an appreciation for different perspectives and cultures. Additionally, the opportunity to engage with diverse peers from various backgrounds enriches the learning experience, fostering a more inclusive and global mindset.Moreover, university education fosters critical thinking skills. Through rigorous academic training and discussions, students learn to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information, developing the ability to form independent opinions and make informed decisions. This critical thinking ability is crucial in today's rapidly changing world, where the ability to adapt and innovate is paramount.Furthermore, university education prepares individuals for professional success. It provides the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for various professions. Through internships, projects, and collaborations with industry partners, students gain valuable real-world experience, which further enhances their employability. Additionally, the networks formed during university years often lead to career opportunities and collaborations that can shape one's professional trajectory.Lastly, university education has a profound impact on personal growth. It is a time of self-discovery, where individuals explore their passions, strengths, and weaknesses. The challenges and opportunities presented in this environment help to shape one's character, resilience, and leadership qualities. The support and guidance provided by mentors, peers, and the university community contribute significantly to this personal growth.In conclusion, university education is much more than just acquiring knowledge. It is an immersive experience that transforms individuals into well-rounded, informed, and capable citizens of the world. Its impact is multifaceted, shaping one's intellectual, professional, and personal life in indelible ways.。



How to carry on culture teaching in the English class IntroductionBecause of the influence of the structural linguistics teacher mainly adopt Audio-Visual Method and Grammar-Translation Method, which over-emphasize the language phenomenon but neglect the culture knowledge. The lately-revised “English Syllabus” states that Language is closely related to culture, so student’s sensitivity to tolerance of the cultural differences, as well as their ability to deal with these cultural differences should be developed in the English teaching. Culture teaching can satisfy students’ curiosity about the totally different environment of the other country. What English learners want to learn about is not just the sign of the language, but the people and the nation in wh ich the language is used. Increasing learners’ sensibility to cultural factor, educators can make use of their curiosity and motive to achieve the goal of language teaching.Thus, how to increase students’ cultural awareness becomes more and more important in English teaching, and it is quite important for teachers to carry on culture teaching appropriately in addition to the teaching of language knowledge. As an English of five years, the author decides to find some useful ways in carrying on culture teaching in English teaching.MethodologyIn our office,seven English teachers who are interested in the topic of How to carry on culture teaching in the English class are involved in this one-hour ideation. The technique of brainwriting is used. The author writes down the first idea, then thesheet is passed to the immediate neighbor who uses this idea to trigger an entirely new idea. Sheets are passed and passed again until each “idea sheet” arrives back at its original. The following steps are adoptedStep 1: Pass out 8.5 x 11 inch paper and markers to all participants.Step 2: Instruct each participant to write legibly.Step 3: Have each participant write down one idea for the assigned topic how to carry on culture teaching in English class..Step 4: Pass this idea sheet (have everyone pass in the same direction) to the immediate neighbor and have them—either evolve the idea written on the paper —or create an entirely new one. Record this idea on the paper and then pass it to the immediate neighbor once again.Step 5: Continue passing until each idea sheet has eight ideas on it.Step 6: Pass the sheets back to the original owner. (My handwriting will be at the top) and circle one or more “Best Ideas.”Step 7: Have each participant read the best idea(s) from his paper to the group as a whole.ResultsFirst, teacher can apply explanation through the teaching of vocabulary and context, which contain cultural factors. For example, “it was packed like sardines” Chinese learners might not imagine such an expression. The key word “sardine” should be given more explanation. Sardine is a kind of finger-sized fish, which is often tightly preserved in neat rows in cans. As to text, such as historical text, teachershould add certain cultural background, such as time, place, and political situation.Second, Cultural differences exist everywhere. Identifying the differences is a manner to understand the culture. When teaching the name for instance, teacher can compare the western addressing with the Chinese addressing. Students can immediately get a deep impression of the differences between the two customs. By comparing the differences between the western and Chinese culture, such as the different response to compliment, students can strengthen their impression of the target culture. However, one thing should keep in mind, comparing cannot be used too often, especially in the case of younger leaner, because they may even understand their own culture.Third, Displaying of pictures can demonstrate a cultural phenomenon. For some unfamiliar objects, for instance, sledge, pelota, Christmas and so on, students can directly perceive the new things at once. No only picture, film, book can also be the best materials for students to get audiovisual sense of a new concept.Fourth,Collection of the culture is also important. One has to know the historical background, religion and some big events in the society of the target language. Once you know the culture, understanding by heart is the most important thing. As long as you understand, everything will turn to be easier.Fifth, according to the text, teacher can assign student to make role-playing. Role-playing combines trains of students’ language competence and communicative competence. In such a text, “my first job”, we can adjust it into a play. Students play all the roles appear in the text and imitate the plot. By simulating greeting,interviewing and other converse, students can feel the true cultural atmosphere and feel the language by themselves.Sixth, teacher should use authentic materials as the teaching materials. It is practical to make good use film scripts, plays, newspaper articles and internet to film scripts, plays, newspaper articles and internet to provide relevant cultural information so as to broaden the students’ cultural knowledge. It is useful to compare and contrast parallel social situations in China and the English-speaking countries, talk about the differences and similarities of meaning and appropriateness in these scenarios. In addition, it is possible to develop their ability to identify areas of possible misunderstanding so as to avoid such miscommunication.Seventh, both students and teachers should know some knowledge of pragmatics.Pragmatics is the study of meaning in context. It deals with particular utterances in particular situation and is especially concerned with the various ways in which the many social contexts of language performance can influence interpretation. English teachers should provide students with explicit teaching on pragmatic knowledge, exposing learners to the pragmatic aspects of language.Of all these seven methods, the second, fifth, and sixth are considered the most useful ways of carrying on culture in English class. Hence, we should put more emphasis on the importance of the learning of cultural background knowledge in the teaching of foreign languages. Language teaching should be carried on with the introduction of cultures, and teachers should teach the students both language and culture so as to improve the students’ target language and thus get the best results inteaching.DiscussionIn summary, the close relations of culture and language determine the inseparability of culture teaching and English language teaching. A high level foreign language teaching should be composed of developing students’ skill of listening, speaking, reading and translating on one side; and cultivating their communicative ability in intercultural communication through combining linguistic knowledge and cultural knowledge on the other. Many successful experiences prove that combining language learning and culture learning is a shortcut to master a foreign language. As to teachers, who play an important role in foreign language teaching, should enhance their cultural awareness in the first place. Except for preparing sufficient teaching aids, teacher should be aware of the latest information of the western world.。

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