



4,输入序列号:667-98989898 或者666-69696969, 400-45454545 066-66666666密钥:657E1 或者 710E1。





10,看下图,把申请号后面的字符串复制到注册机上面的框中,再单击中间的按钮Generat e,再把注册机下框中生成的激活码复制到下图中的框中,不用手动输入,粘贴到第1个小框后会自动补完。



3ds max2015安装图解及破解步骤

3ds max2015安装图解及破解步骤

3ds max2015安装图解及破解步骤工具/原料∙win7以上系统∙3ds max2015源程序∙x-force2015破解工具方法/步骤1. 1近日Autodesk 公司宣布一个重量级的消息,就是向全球学生教师和教育机构提供全功能「教育版」免费正版软件下载!其中包括旗下的 3DMax、Maya、AutoCAD 等知名的重量级产品以及 123D、Sketchbook、Alias、Inventor、Navisworks、Revit、InfraWorks360、Fusion360 在内的所有软件……这对于Autodesk、教育行业和师生来说都是一件大好事。

2. 2首先你下载的是Autodesk_3ds_Max_2015_EFGJKS_Win_64bit_dlm.sfx.exe文件,这是一个压缩文件,先解压最后得到安装程序,运行Setup.exe文件,出现下图,选择语言中文,然后点击安装3. 3许可协议界面选择国家或地区为china,下面选择“我接受”,下一步4. 4在出现的产品信息界面输入产品序列号和密钥066-66666666,128G1,下一步。

5. 5选择产品的安装位置,本人喜欢把软件安装在c盘,这里默认。


然后点击“安装”6. 6耐心等待软件的安装过程,没事的童鞋可以欣赏一下过渡图片,3ds max2015的渲染图比之前的版本都真实多了,看来Autodesk公司在新版本上面是花足了功夫,这对于三维设计者来说无疑是天大的好事7.7 经过漫长的安装过程,终于安装完成,汗!8.8之后就是破解,打开桌面上3ds max2015快捷图标,弹出界面,点“我同意”。




10.10开始破解3ds max2015,运行x-force2015注册机,win64位的右键使用管理员权限运行xf-adsk2015_x64.exe。



Autodesk maya广泛的应用于动画制作及平面设计(二维设计)等领域,受到设计师、影视制片人、游戏开发者、视觉艺术设计专家、网站开发人员们的极力推崇,它强大的功能让它在影视广告等领域名声显赫。

部分用户对Maya 2013的安装方法一筹莫展,因此西西特为大家制作了Maya 2013的详细图文安装教程,希望能帮到有需要的朋友。

安装序列号:666-69696969或667-98989898、066-66666666;产品密钥:657E1安装步骤:1、下载Maya 2013安装版文件,点击解压到指定位置。



7、点击完成后桌面上会有个图标,点击“Autodesk Maya 2013 32-bit”打开程序。




下图中,使用Ctrl+V 粘贴申请号;粘贴完成以后,先选择“Patch”选项,然后再选择“Generate”生成激活码10、激活Maya 2013,粘贴激活码的时候,只需要选中第一个输入框,然后粘贴即可。


激活Maya 2013完成。

Maya2015 新功能_autodesk官方学习手册

Maya2015 新功能_autodesk官方学习手册

What's New in Autodesk MayaWelcome to What ’s New in Autodesk ® Maya ® 2015.This release delivers powerful new toolsets across the board for artists tasked with creating complex, high-quality assets.The Bifröst Simulation Platform (page 15) brings new capabilities for simulating and rendering photorealistic liquids. Additionally, the XGen Arbitrary Primitive Generator (page 16) lets you use instanced geometry to create and groom hair and fur, as well as create foliage and vegetation for environments.Geodesic Voxel Binding (page 9) for skinning offers an innovative method for binding complex geometry to joint skeletons with ease. Support for Pixar's OpenSubdiv (page 14)libraries, enhanced Modeling tools, and new UV options (page 11) accelerate performance to keep you productive.New support in Viewport 2.0 (page 18) for major effects, rendering and texturing workflows means you can work in a real-time environment with significant performance gains. Also,use the new ShaderFX editor (page 19) to create and preview advanced HLSL, GLSL and CgFX shaders in Viewport 2.0.For detailed information about new features this release, see:■What's New in General (page 2)■What's New in Animation (page 6)■What's New in Character Animation (page 8)■What's New in Modeling (page 10)■Whats New in Simulation and Effects (page 15)■What's New in Rendering and Render Setup (page 18)■What's New in API (page 25)■What's New in Help (page 25)11Maya 2015新功能 新特性介绍全世界最棒的中文CG论坛:www.cgmantou.comWhat's New in GeneralManipulator plane handlesThe Move Tool and Scale Tool manipulators now have plane handles thatlet you transform objects along multiple axes.Multi-Touch supportYou can now navigate in Maya using gestural input on supported multi-touchdevices. Maya supports the Wacom Intuos 5, Cintiq 24HD Touch, and CintiqCompanion, as well as the Apple Magic Trackpad, Magic Mouse, andmulti-touch trackpad in newer model MacBooks.With the new Multi-Touch Gestures preference enabled in the Interfacepreferences, Maya recognizes gestures like 2-finger pinch and swipe, lettingyou zoom and pan in the scene.Walk ToolThe Walk Tool lets you explore your scene from a first-person perspective.You can create sets and big environments, and then activate the Walk Toolto move through your scene using game-like navigation controls.In walk mode (hotkey: Alt + X), you can move through your scene by holdinga mouse button and clicking any of the arrow keys or movement hotkeys(SWADQE).2 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaImproved connection filters in the HypergraphBuilding on the basic connection filters that were introduced in Maya 2014, new Hypergraph improvements, including a marking menu, constraint labels, and additional filters, give you greater control over the way connections are displayed in the Hypergraph.Node Editor improvementsYou can now customize the list of attributes displayed for each node by creating a custom attribute list.Right-click the node and select Edit Custom Attribute List. You can then use view mode 4 to display your node in this custom attribute view.In addition, you can now zoom around the mouse cursor by using the mouse wheel or by using Alt + right-click.What's New in General | 3When graphing an object that is part of an asset, you can choose to graph theasset; or, to graph the node itself.Maya Feedback ForumsVisit the Maya feedback forums to suggest and vote for ideas to improve yourexperience with Maya. We're listening and we want your input!We added numerous fixes this release based on your votes in the SmallAnnoying Things and Ideas for Maya forums, including:■Texture deformer■Full screen mode for OS X■Improved Eyedropper tool in the Color Chooser■Improved shaderball swatches for mental ray materials■Resizeable Ramp editor■Custom rotate axisViewport 2.0 is the default viewport rendererViewport 2.0 is now the default renderer for your workspace.See What's New in Rendering and Render Setup (page 18) for more information.Alembic and GPU caching additionsNew Alembic and GPU cache export options include:■File Format options for saving files to the new Ogawa or HDFS legacy Alembic formats.Saving cache file to the Ogawa format provides performance and storagesize improvements.■Multiple Cache Time Ranges for Alembic export, which lets you save multiple time ranges and sampling rates in the same cache file.You can use Cache Time Ranges to create a cache file that saves slowmotion sequences at a lower sampling rate, while maintaining highsampling rates for full-action sequences.■Write Color Sets for Alembic exports, which lets you save motion vector data for motion blur effects at render time.■Write Face Sets for Alembic exports, which lets you save per-face shading assignments to cache files.■Saving individual objects in a scene to separate GPU cache files.4 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk Maya■Exporting geometry to GPU cache files with the current Smooth Mesh Preview setting applied.■Pipeline Cache > Alembic Cache > Export■Pipeline Cache > GPU Cache > ExportFull screen mode for Mac OS XFull screen mode is now supported if you are running Maya on Mac OS X version 10.7 or later. When full screen mode is enabled, the title bar, menu bar, and dock are hidden. Select the full screen mode icon or Maya > Enter Full Screen to maximize Maya's workspace.Ctrl + click to keep menus visibleThere are several menus that list multiple items that you can enable and disable, for example the Show menu in each panel. You can now Ctrl + click (Windows and Linux) or Command + click (Mac OS X) to keep the menu open as you toggle multiple items in the list. To close the menu, click outside the menu.Attribute Editor updates■You can now press enter on the numeric keyboard to complete an edit and highlight the new attribute value, making it easier to enter new values.■New hotkeys give you an alternative to scrollbar navigation in the Attribute Editor. Quickly pan through long lists of attributes at a normal speed (Alt + middle-mouse) or an accelerated speed (Ctrl + Alt +middle-mouse).Outliner updates■Streamline your view of objects in the Outliner using new items in the Display menu. Select Display > Hide In Outliner > Hide to hide a node from the Outliner list, then select the object in the scene and use Display > Hide In Outliner > Unhide to bring it back.■New hotkeys give you an alternative to scrollbar navigation in the Outliner. Quickly pan through long lists of objects at a normal speed (Alt + middle-mouse) or an accelerated speed (Ctrl + Alt + middle-mouse) .What's New in General | 5Load or Auto load all plug insThe Apply To All options added to the Plug-in Manager make it easy toload all plug-ins for the current session (turn on Loaded), or set all plug-insto load automatically the next time you start Maya (turn on Auto load).Custom axis for the Rotate ToolA new Custom axis orientation mode has been added to the Rotate Tool,letting you align the manipulator to a custom axis.Autodesk® MatchMover™ and Composite software available from AutodeskExchangeYou can now download MatchMover and Composite from Autodesk Exchange. What's New in AnimationGrease Pencil updatesIntroduced in Maya 2014, the Grease Pencil Tool is now even smoother touse. Simply start drawing to add a Grease Pencil frame at the current time,without needing to click the Add Frame button. If your last action was to adda frame, press the hotkey G to create a new Grease Pencil frame. You can alsonow export and import you Grease Pencil Frames to and from other software.6 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaCustom colors in the Time SliderThe default colors of the Time Slider have been updated to improve the contrast of the current time Indicator.In addition, new color settings let you change the default color and opacity of more elements in the Time Slider. Look for the following new options in the Animation section of the Window > Settings/Preferences > Color Settings window:■Time Slider Current Frame■Time Slider Current Frame Opacity■Time Slider Foreground■Time Slider BackgroundSee Customize colors in the Time Slider.Bake animation layersMinor updates in the Bake Simulation options make it easier to control the layers of your baked animation. The new Baked layers drop-down list replaces the Delete Baked Channels option, and lets you select from new options to keep attributes, remove attributes, or clear animation from your animation layers.Dynamic attribute performanceNew optimizations improve the scalability of dynamic attributes. Operations including adding or deleting attributes are now faster, even when a large number of dynamic attributes already exist on a node.Show buffer curvesSelecting the new option checkbox will turn on the auto-selection of curves. The default (checkbox selected) behaviour is consistent with previous versions of Maya.What's New in Animation | 7What's New in Character AnimationDeformer updatesTexture deformerTexture deformers let you deform objects with a texture pattern. They areuseful to quickly get the procedural noise of a shape or to preview adisplacement map.You can now wrap a texture deformer to your mesh. Different directionmethods give you precise control over the deformation. Sample the textureusing the current UV value or by converting each vertex to a sample point.Shrinkwrap deformerProject a wrapper object onto the surface of a target object using the newshrinkwrap deformer (Create Deformers > ShrinkWrap >). Different projection methods give you control over the way each point ofthe wrapper is projected onto the target. You can completely engulf the target,giving the wrapper the same overall shape, or you can simply apply the wrapperonto the target like a decal. Use the shrinkwrap deformer to attach accessoriesto character meshes, retopologize a mesh, or capture detail from ahigh-resolution mesh.Cyclical Constraints in HumanIKWhen connecting a prop to an HIK rig, you now have the ability to connectthe prop to one effector using a constraint then have the constraint object asa source for a second constraint.■Support for Cyclical Constraints in HumanIKEdge and face selection supportYou can now add deformers to a selection of edges or faces. Maya automaticallyconverts edges and faces to vertices when you create a deformer that supportspolygonal objects. For example, select an edge loop, then select CreateDeformers > Cluster to add a cluster to the selected edges.8 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaSkinning updatesGeodesic Voxel bindingGeodesic Voxel binding is a new smooth skinning method for binding geometry to joint skeletons that produces quick, high-quality results. The Geodesic Voxel bind method, unlike other volumetric skinning methods, handles complex geometry that is not watertight and can containnon-manifold or overlapping components, which is often the case withreal-world production meshes.The Geodesic Voxel bind method computes bind weights, by voxelizing the character skeleton and mesh, which are then applied to existing closed-form skinning methods to deform the character’s geometry. The resulting weights are compatible with existing skinning methods in Maya and suitable for use in game engines.■Bind smooth skin with Geodesic Voxel■Geodesic Voxel binding■Smooth Bind OptionsSkinning Update: New Smooth Bind OptionsThe Smooth skinning Weight Change Percentage setting has been renamed Required Weight Difference and two new options (Smoothing Iterations and Obey Max Influences, and ) have been added to the Smooth Skin Weight settings to give you greater control over your skin binding. See Skin Smooth Skin Weights Options.Skinning Update: Reorganized Skin MenuThe Skin menu has been reorganized so that the Weight, Binding, and Normalizing skinning options are easily available.NOTE Rigid binding has been removed from the Maya Skin menu to consolidate commonly-used functionality. If you still need rigid binding, all scripting commands have been left unchanged and you can emulate Rigid binding using Smooth binding with 1 influence.What's New in Character Animation | 9What's New in ModelingQuad Draw Tool updatesIntroduced as part of the Modeling Toolkit in Maya 2014, the Quad Drawtool now offers a more streamlined workflow for retopologizing meshes. Thefollowing updates enhance Maya's existing retopology toolset.■Customizable hotkeys: New options in the Modeling Toolkitpreferences let you change the default hotkey mappings to fit yourworkflow.■Relax brush: Smooth out your new topology and improve edge flow.■Extend tool: Extend new polygons from edges, borders, edge loops, and vertices.■Auto-weld components: Automatically weld components that are moved close together.■Set a reference mesh: Snap the Quad Draw tool to a surface using Make Live. Make Live replaces the Modeling Toolkit's OtherSurface transform constraint.■Fill holes: Shift-drag over triangular shaped holes in your new topology to fill them.■Construction history: When construction history is turned on, history nodes are now created as you work.■GPU cache support: Make Live now supports GPU cache nodes, letting you retopologize dense assets that contain large data sets.10 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaUV Texture Editor updatesNew options and tools give you greater control when you make selections in the UV Texture Editor.■Create UV shells: The new Create UV Shell command lets you createa UV shell from a selection of components.■Display connected edges on UV shells: The new Toggle Shell Borders command highlights sets of connected edges in different colors, making it easy to identify edges that are shared.■Tweak UV Tool: Reposition components without switching to the Move Tool.■Easy component selection: The UV Texture Editor no longer isolates the current selection. After making a selection, unselected components remain visible.■Select UV shells: Double-click a face or select the new Shell option from the UV Texture Editor marking menu to select a UV shell.■Transform components using the Tool Box: You can now use the Move, Scale, or Rotate tools to transform components.■Hard edge display mode: When hard edges are displayed (Display > Polygons > Hard Edges), all components are displayed in the UVTexture Editor, and you can select any component type.■Nudge shells and components: Quickly nudge your selection using the new nudge controls in the UV Texture Editor toolbar.■Normalize UVs: The new Center on closest tile option lets you scale UV shells within the closest UV tile.What's New in Modeling | 11Multi-Cut Tool enhancementsMore easily cut and slice polygons using the enhanced Multi-Cut tool.Extensive updates eliminate redundancies and provide you with a single robusttool that lets you cut, split, and connect polygons. The Multi-Cut Toolmerges the functionality of the now retired Split Polygon Tool andInteractive Split Tool, and fully integrates the Cut Faces Tool options.You can now extract or delete faces along a cut, insert edge loops and cutswith edge flow and subdivisions, and edit in Smooth Mesh Preview mode.Better BooleansBoolean operations on polygons now use a new algorithm. While booleanworkflows have not changed, operations are now faster, more stable, androbust. New boolean options let you select an Intersection Classificationmethod for operations on open meshes, giving you more control over yourresults.Unfold workflow improvementsNew icons in the UV Texture Editor toolbar temporarily apply a shader toyour UV mesh, helping you identify distortion in your UV layout. The checkerpattern shader makes it easy to see if your UVs are spread evenly along thesurface, and the distortion shader lets you spot squashed and stretched UVs.12 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaContinue to eliminate distortion with the new Unfold3D algorithm. Unfold3D is a faster, more reliable alternative to the legacy unfold algorithm. In one unfold operation the new algorithm eliminates degeneracy and distortion, even at complex corners. Additionally, new optimization options (Edit UVs > Optimize) provide a more efficient way to relax and untangle your unfolded UVs.Work with multi-tiled UV textures in the UV Texture EditorYou can now work with multi-tiled UV textures that have been created in other applications, including Mudbox, ZBrush, and Mari, in the UV Texture Editor.When you load multi-tiled UV textures, the UV Texture Editor automatically detects the number of tiles and uses the original grid tile layout. Each tile is labeled with the name of the corresponding texture file.Modeling Toolkit integrationThe Modeling Toolkit is now easier to use with updates that further integrate it into Maya. The Mesh Editing Tools are now available in Maya's main menus and marking menus, making it easier to incorporate them into everyday polygon modeling tasks. Streamlined selection and symmetry workflows let you enjoy the same functionality and settings in Maya and the Modeling Toolkit, including:■Lazy selection: Highlight and select vertices when your cursor isn't directly above them.■Topological symmetry: Maya uses the mesh topology to map components on one side of the mesh to the other, letting you use the new Topology symmetry mode with deformed meshes or meshes withoverlapping vertices.■Symmetry: Maya's Reflection setting has been renamed Symmetry and is now selection-based, letting you perform selection-based polygonal modeling operations with symmetry.■Soft selection: The falloff color is now only drawn on edges, making it easier to view your mesh when Soft Select is turned on.What's New in Modeling | 13■Resize a marquee selection: Quickly add and remove components from an existing marquee selection by holding Tab to temporarily activate Dragselect.■Dead space selection: When your cursor is outside of your object, you can now select and tweak edges and vertices.■Edge ring selection: You can now use the Select tool to select edge rings.■Delete components: You can now delete components that are not selected. Move the cursor over your mesh and press Delete or Backspaceto delete the closest component.OpenSubdiv supportNew support for Pixar's OpenSubdiv libraries lets you work with a high-fidelityrepresentation of your model. OpenSubdiv is now the default subdivisionmethod when you preview a smoothed mesh, smooth a mesh ( Mesh >Smooth), or create a subdiv proxy.OpenSubdiv is an improved alternative to the legacy Maya Catmull-Clarksubdivision method and takes advantage of parallel GPU and CPU structures,improving viewport performance for meshes with high subdivision levels.Additionally, you can turn on Show Displacements in the newOpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark Controls to visualize displacement mapsinteractively without the need to render.Bevel improvementsPerforming a bevel operation on a mesh now produces predictable results.■Beveled edges are straight and equal in length, creating better bevels on concave and convex corners.■UV texture borders are now maintained during bevel operations.■The new Fraction attribute on the polyBevel node produces bevel results that are not affected by working unit changes.Mesh menu reorganizationQuickly find commands and tools in Maya's reorganized mesh menus. Menuitems are now categorized and listed alphabetically, making them morediscoverable. Commands are located in the existing Mesh and Edit Meshmenus, and tools are located in the new Mesh Tools menu.Delete your preferences for the Mesh Tools menu to appear.14 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaConvert to perimeterNew options in the Select > Convert Selection menu let you convert acomponent selection to a border of edges, UVs, or vertices around theselection's perimeter.What's New in Simulation and EffectsBifröstBifröst is a procedural engine that can generate liquid simulations, such aswater and other effects. Use accelerators and colliders to direct the flow andcreate splashes and droplets.Preview the simulation quickly at low resolution using a scratch cache, andthen make a user cache at higher resolution.Generate a polygon mesh for rendering in mental ray, or render the isosurfacedirectly. Alternatively, transfer the velocity and vorticity channels to colorsets and export the mesh as an Alembic file.What's New in Simulation and Effects | 15XGenXGen lets you generate curves, spheres and custom geometry on the surfaceof Maya polygon meshes. Use XGen geometry instancing to create and groomhair and fur on characters. Quickly populate large landscapes andenvironments, such as grassy savannas, diverse forests, rocky terrains, anddebris trails, using XGen archive geometry.XGen also includes an interactive grooming brush-set that lets you create andgroom all types of hair and fur as well as shape foliage and vegetation.■Use Ptex maps to control the placement of instanced geometry.■Use its library of expressions to generate and randomly scale, position, and color default primitives and custom Alembic-based archive geometry.■Export geometry from a Maya scene, then instance it as an XGen archive object.16 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaBulletBuilt from the Bullet physics library, the Bullet plug-in lets you use the Bullet physics engine to create large-scale, highly-realistic dynamic and kinematic simulations. Bullet simulations can include interacting soft and rigid body objects. You can create rigid sets from large groups of objects and then constrain them with the Glue settings. as well as constrained collision objects, fully integrated into Maya's workflow.nHair Bend ModelA new Bend Model attribute lets you choose between a bend solving method for long curly hair and one for generic hair styles. Use Twist Tracking to maintain twist in long curly hair and for when the base twist of hairs is already groomed at the start frame. A new Bend Anisotropy attribute for this bend method lets you control the relative bend resistance in different directions around the hair. Use Simple for the default nHair bending behavior used in previous versions of Maya.What's New in Simulation and Effects | 17What's New in Rendering and Render SetupNew Viewport 2.0 featuresIn Maya 2015, Viewport 2.0 supports dynamics and effects, including: Particlesand nParticles, paint effects, Toon, nCloth, nHair and fluids. Tumblingperformance for Particles, nParticles and paint effects is also significantly fasterin Viewport 2.0 than in the Legacy Default Viewport. In addition,shading nodes such as Projection and Use Background are supported andrun in real-time, allowing for faster feedback.Performance is also significantly improved for scenes with huge amounts ofgeometry or cached animation that does not fit in GPU memory.18 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaNew ShaderFX editorShaderFX is a real-time shader editor that allows you to easily create advanced viewport shaders by connecting different shading nodes. As you create your shader network, you can visualize the resulting materials real time in Viewport 2.0.With this feature, artists and programmers can design shaders that match those of their game engine. Using your game assets and textures inside Maya is now made easier.What's New in Rendering and Render Setup | 19Viewport 2.0 is the default viewport rendererViewport 2.0 is now the default renderer for your workspace.Render ViewThe Exposure and Gamma controls in the Render View allow you toadjust the brightness and midtone contrast of displayed images. The Exposureand Contrast controls in the ViewColorManager are no longer available.In addition, the 8-bit integer option for the Render view image formathas been removed. The Render View now always uses 32-bit floating-point(HDR) mode.20 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaSimplified workflow for rendering Ptex in mental rayA new simplified workflow is now available for rendering Ptex in mental ray. You can connect a Ptex texture to a File node and render it using mental ray for Maya. In addition, you can adjust the render quality using filter controls. Progressive rendering with mental ray for MayaWhen rendering with mental ray for Maya, you can now enable progressive rendering for IPR. Progressive rendering begins with a lower sampling rate and then progressively refines the number of samples towards the final result.What's New in Rendering and Render Setup | 21Improved shaderball swatches for mental ray materialsYou can now visualize reflection and refraction in the shaderball swatches formental ray materials. Enable raytracing mode for swatches in the Preferenceswindow, and the background of the swatch is set to a checkerboard so thatyou can easily set different values for refraction and reflection, as well aspredict the final rendered result. The swatches are rendered in a backgroundthread and do not block UI performance.Loading multi-tiled UV textures through a single texture nodeThe UV tiling feature allows you to use a single File texture node to load,preview and render textures that are composed of multiple images thatcorrespond to grid tiles in your UV layout.With this feature, Maya now opens and displays ultra-high resolution texturesproduced by 3D painting applications such as Mudbox, and provides a moreeffective alternative to using UVsets.Improved mental ray image based lightingThe Emit Light feature of the mental ray IBL node has been improved toprovide much faster rendering performance as well as better results with asimpler interface. When working with image based lighting in mental ray,you can adjust the image quality using a single Quality control slider andobtain higher quality render results.22 | Chapter 1 What's New in Autodesk MayaAmbient occlusion pass on the GPUYou can now render the ambient occlusion pass using your GPU when rendering using mental ray for Maya to experience faster rendering performance.To enable this option, select the Use GPU option in the AO pass Attribute Editor. This functionality is designed for NVidia GPUs that support CUDA. If you enable this option, but your GPU is not capable of rendering the ambient occlusion pass, then this pass is computed instead using the CPU.mental ray mila_material now availableThe mental ray mila_material is now available. This material allows you to easily create physically accurate layered shaders.mental ray hair shader now availableThe mental ray mib_illum_hair_x shader is now available as an alternative to the default XGen shader.OpenEXR 2.0 supportMaya can read OpenEXR files that are created by the OpenEXR 2.0 library and that exercise the version 1.7 feature set.In addition, mental ray for Maya supports multi-part and multi-layer output for OpenEXR 2.0. mental ray has the ability to write multiple layers into separate OpenEXR parts. The names of the OpenEXR parts match the names of the mental ray frame buffers.Multi-part EXR files can improve file read performance in applications that support the reading of OpenEXR 2.0 multi-part files. However, if the application reading the file does not support this standard, then the file will not be backwards compatible.This feature is not compatible with OpenEXR 1.7. Therefore, for backwards compatibility, mental ray for Maya sets a registry value in the maya.rayrc file to disable multi-part output by default. To enable multi-part output, remove this registry value.FBX now supports DirectX11 shader parametersThe Maya FBX plug-in now supports DirectX11 AutodeskUberShader shader parameters.What's New in Rendering and Render Setup | 23。



Maya2015超级入门教程•本套课程为Maya 2015 超级入门教程,共103讲,英文原版教程,内容清晰,是初学入门的经典教程,要求有英语基础,今天为大家献上这本有助快速掌握Maya 2015入门教程,希望大家能从本套课程获得帮助。



不要犹豫啦,赶紧加入秒秒学的Maya学习大军吧!••001.简介和项目综述•002.视图导航•003.Maya的工作界面•004.创建Maya项目•005.Maya的场景文件•006.视窗的着色和选择模式•007.Maya中变换物体•008.使用组件模式•009.使用属性编辑器•010.群组及附属关系•011.使用Maya的快捷键•012.编写Maya的MEL脚本•013.创建自定义工具栏•014.建模概要•015.添加参考图片•016.创建物体的大概形状•017.用多边形概述物体•018.完成主体拓扑结构•019.整理一下主体•020.推进器建模•021.添加边缘段数以便圆滑•022.用曲线功能添加一些管线•023.添加管线的罗纹•024.肩甲建模•025.手臂上部建模•026.手臂下部建模•027.添加手臂枪•028.添加手臂爪•029.身体前部建模•030.身体下部建模•031.腿上部建模•032.腿下部建模•033.添加一个护甲•034.整理模型结构•035.材质和贴图概述•036.使用简单材质•037.使用渐变控制材质通道•038.给物体添加多重材质•039.使用程序纹理•040.UV基础•001.简介和项目综述•002.视图导航•003.Maya的工作界面•004.创建Maya项目•005.Maya的场景文件•006.视窗的着色和选择模式•007.Maya中变换物体•008.使用组件模式•009.使用属性编辑器•010.群组及附属关系•011.使用Maya的快捷键•012.编写Maya的MEL脚本•013.创建自定义工具栏•014.建模概要•015.添加参考图片•016.创建物体的大概形状•017.用多边形概述物体•018.完成主体拓扑结构•019.整理一下主体•020.推进器建模•041.使用Substance添加金属细节•042.使用渐变Shader•043.添加纹理贴图•044.添加凹凸贴图•045.绑定概要•046.清理场景•047.为机器人重心创建一个控制体•048.完成机器人重心控制•049.使用Driven keys绑定•050.创建第一个骨骼•051.初步完成关节的设置•052.镜像关节•053.关联腿部骨骼到机器人的腿•054.绑定到物体•055.创建骨骼关节到机器人手臂•056.控制机器人手臂•057.添加反向动力学(IK)到四肢•058.四肢控制•059.使用连接编辑器关联属性•060.控制脚趾•061.处理一下脚部控制•062.武器绑定来了•063.完成基本设置•064.枪的控制•065.添加一个全局控制•066.让场景角色更加可控•067.动画综述•068.Maya里如何创建和编辑关键帧•069.图形编辑器中管理关键帧•070.使用自动关键帧并创建简单表达式•071.使用表达式•072.路径动画•073.动画准备工作•074.机器人平台动画•075.机器人上升中的物理反馈动画•076.完成机器人上升动画•077.开始机器手开合动画•078.完成机器手开合动画•079.添加一个相机•080.完成镜头并用Playblasts生成实时预览•081.动力学综述•082.Maya里动力学的关键概念•083.使用nParticles产生粒子•084.编辑nParticle模拟粒子并设置碰撞•085.完成nParticle设置•086.nParticles材质•087.nParticle动画属性调整•088.增加粒子数量增强模拟效果•089.新nParticle物体动画•090.通过nucleus解算器增强风吹粒子效果•091.完成nParticle模拟及使用nCache工具•092.渲染综述•093.理解各种灯光类型•094.控制灯光颜色和亮度•095.调节灯光衰减和高光•096.更改Maya物体的渲染状态•097.使用图片生成真实的光照•098.为场景添加二次光照•099.使用mental ray烘焙贴图•100.微调材质•101.微调粒子效果•102.添加最终的渲染质量调整•103.为最终输出准备渲染设置•104.Maya渲染输出,搞定!。



Maya2013~2015安装教程诸多安装失败问题解决之道!过程:除了装VC++ 2012 和 .net Framework 4.0 补关键:按字与图示maya安成,要启服务win【运行】输:services.msc 后找服务器64位系则选FLEXnet Licensing Service 64,32位系统就选FLEXnet Licensing Service 32 击属性设置“自动” 启动服务器FLEXnet Licensing Service 后才是注册激活maya上一张maya2015中文版安装成功后,初始启动画面,有视频教程ASR目录需要win7系统管理员解锁后,以管理员身份在ASR目录属性中设置可擦可写而非只读!因为maya安装过程就可以写入ASR尾缀格式的文件如果受到写入限制则安装会失败,解锁后才可以正常安装,否则安装失败报错提示,大部分人安装maya新版本出现的安装失败,归根是本身win系统初始化安全设置限制了安装,而不是maya软件问题。


补充说明:Windows的ASR有什么用的?答:ASR 是Windows XP Professional 与Windows Server 2003 的一种恢复功能,它提供一个用来在灾难性系统或硬件故障的情况下保存与恢复Windows XP 或Windows Server 2003 操作状态的框架。

Tivoli Storage Manager 创建ASR 恢复所需的文件并将它们存储在Tivoli Storage Manager 服务器上。

要备份ASR 文件,您必须具有管理权限。

要使用Tivoli Storage Manager GUI 生成与备份ASR 文件,请执行以下操作:从GUI 主窗口单击备份。


通过单击加号+ 展开目录树。





2、出现许可协议,点击I Accept,然后下一步,进入产品信息界面,选择I have my product information,输入序列号(serial mumber):666-86868686 产品密钥(product Key):657D1 ,点击下一步(NEXT)。









二、激活过程:1、再次运行桌面上的“Autodesk Maya 2012”,出现以下的界面,点击Activate激活按钮,进入激活过程。

Autodesk Maya 2014简体中文版完整安装方法

Autodesk Maya 2014简体中文版完整安装方法

Autodesk Maya 2014简体中文版完整安装方法一、所需工具1.Autodesk Maya 2014简体中文版安装文件;2.Autodesk Maya 2014简体中文版激活工具(32位:xf-adsk32.exe;64位:xf-adsk64.exe)二、完整安装过程1.一般我们在网上下载的AutodeskMaya 2014安装文件一般都为压缩包,所以我们需要先使用解压缩文件将其解压。


2.双击文件夹中的“Setup.exe”文件(或右键单击它,在弹出的菜单中选择“以管理员身份运行”),待安装程序初始化完成后,屏幕显示如下图:3.单击“安装”按钮,屏幕显示如图下图:4.这一步是一个“Autodesk许可及服务协议”不用去管它,直接勾选“我接受”,单击“下一步”按钮,屏幕显示如下图:5.这一步是用来设置软件的许可类型和产品信息,我们一般选择许可类型为“单机使用工作站上的许可”,产品信息中选择“我有我的产品信息”并输入序列号“666-69696969”和产品密钥“657F1”(Maya软件安装序列号一般均为“666-69696969”产品密钥从2012-2014版本分别为“657D1”、“657E1”、“657F1”)填写完成后,单击“下一步”按钮,屏幕显示如下图:6.这一步是需要我们设置软件的安装路径,一般我们可以选择安装在默认路径“C:\Program Files\Autodesk\”,也可以单击“安装路径”输入框右侧的“浏览”按钮修改安装路径,设置完成后,单击“安装”按钮,开始安装屏幕显示如下图:7.安装过程完成后,单击“完成”按钮,完成安装过程。




各种插件软件安装方法各种插件软件安装方法Thinkinetic Pulldownit Pro v2.1 For Maya (PDI破碎)1.解压压缩包,双击打开Pulldownit_Pro_v2.1_For_Maya_2010-2013_Win64bit.rar里面提供了Maya2010-2013,四种安装版本,在这我选择了2012版本安装。



3.双击打开Pdi_Pro_2.1_Maya2012x64文件夹,找到pdiMaya 文本,双击打开,修改路径+ Thinkinetic 2.0 C:\Users\hxsd\Documents\maya\2012-x64\Pdi_Pro_2.1_Maya2012x64并保存关闭。


5.重新打开Maya加载插件blastcode1.7_for_maya2009_2011_64bit (只能在11以前版本使用的NURBS破碎)1.找到插件所在文件夹,双击BlastCodeInstall_Trial17x642.一路欢脱的点击next,agree等,就能完成安装3.重新打开Maya2009,就能在菜单栏里找到“Blast Code”菜单.4.enjoy it!3delight-10.0.4-setup-x641.双击3delight-10.0.4-setup-x64,选择English语言,并点击OK,进行下一步。

2.点击next,并选择I accept the agreement。









安装完成后,点按开始按钮,执行License UVlayout命令,打开headus 3D tools。

再点按Go to Licenes Manager按钮,如图所示。


点按headus 3D tools面板中的Edit按钮,会出现一个Keys.txt文本文件,将刚才生成的key 数字,复制到文本文件中,保存文本文件后退出。


完成解密后,点按headus 3D tools面板中的中的Test即可打开UVLayout软件了,如图所示。

安装Maya接口文件,将scripts文件夹中的uvlayout_open.mel文件复制到Maya中的scripts 文件夹中(本例中是C:\Users\***\Documents\maya\2013-x64\scripts)文件夹。



启动maya,此时Maya界面上会出现四个图标,点按Info按钮可以打开UVlayout的调出命令界面,但是点按Run UVlayout按钮并不能调出UVlayout软件,如图所示。


需要将我们安装UVlayout的路径复制到这条语句中,如图所示,注意需要修改“\”十分注意:上面的图片中,有两句还是错误的,该教程的原作者最后肯定没有在Maya中试运行一下!要把那两条绿色的以斜杠打头儿的语句也同时改过来:// return "C:/Progarm Files (x86)/headus UVLayout v2 Hobbyist";// return "C:/Progarm Files (x86)/headus UVLayout v2 Professional";此时就可从Maya中调出UVlayout了。



国外经典Maya2015入门教程三维软件国外经典Maya 2015入门教程国外经典Maya 2015入门教程课程分类:三维软件主讲:更新时间:2014-11-14 23:03播放量:90分享到:•播放列表第1讲. 001 Introduction and project overview第2讲. 002 Navigating the viewport第3讲. 003 Working with the Maya interface第4讲. 004 Creating Maya projects第5讲. 005 Working with scene files in Maya第6讲. 006 Viewport shading and selection modes第7讲. 007 Transforming objects in Maya第8讲. 008 Using component mode第9讲. 009 Using the Attribute Editor第10讲. 010 Grouping and parenting第11讲. 011 Using the Maya hotbox第12讲. 012 Writing a MEL script第13讲. 013 Creating custom shelves第14讲. 014 Modeling overview第15讲. 015 Adding image planes第16讲. 016 Creating a blank for the body第17讲. 017 Using Quad Draw to create the body第18讲. 018 Finishing the main body topology第19讲. 019 Cleaning up the main body第20讲. 020 Modeling the thrusters第21讲. 021 Adding edges for smoothing第22讲. 022 Adding tubes using curves第23讲. 023 Adding ribs to the tubes第24讲. 024 Modeling the shoulder guards第25讲. 025 Building the upper arm第26讲. 026 Beginning the lower arm第27讲. 027 Adding the extending gun第28讲. 028 Adding the claws第29讲. 029 Modeling the front detail on the body第30讲. 030 Modeling the underside of the body第31讲. 031 Building the upper leg第32讲. 032 Modeling the lower leg第33讲. 033 Adding the shield第34讲. 034 Hierarchy and model prep第35讲. 035 Materials and texturing overview第36讲. 036 Applying simple materials第37讲. 037 Using ramps to drive material channels第38讲. 038 Adding multiple materials to objects第39讲. 039 Working with procedural textures第40讲. 040 UV Basics第41讲. 041 Using Substance to add metal detail第42讲. 042 Using the Ramp Shader第43讲. 043 Adding file textures第44讲. 044 Adding a bump map第45讲. 045 Rigging overview第46讲. 046 Cleaning up our scene第47讲. 047 Building a control object for the mech'scenter-of-mass第48讲. 048 Finishing the mech's center-of-gravity control第49讲. 049 Rigging with Driven Keys第50讲. 050 Building your first joint chain第51讲. 051 Completing the setup of our initial joint chain第52讲. 052 Mirroring joints in Maya第53讲. 053 Connecting our leg joints to follow the mech's root第54讲. 054 Binding geometry第55讲. 055 Creating joint chains for the mech's arms第56讲. 056 Controlling the mech's arms第57讲. 057 Adding Inverse Kinematics to the limbs第58讲. 058 Limb controls第59讲. 059 Connecting attributes with the Connection Editor第60讲. 060 Controlling the mech's toes第61讲. 061 Wrapping up our foot controls第62讲. 062 Rigging the mech's weapon第63讲. 063 Finishing the initial setup process of the mech's weapons第64讲. 064 Controlling the guns第65讲. 065 Adding a global control第66讲. 066 Making our scene animator-friendly第67讲. 067 Animation overview第68讲. 068 How to create and edit keyframes in Maya第69讲. 069 Managing keyframes in the Graph Editor and cycling animation infinitely第70讲. 070 Working with Auto Key and creating simpleexpressions in the Graph Editor第71讲. 071 Working with expressions第72讲. 072 Path animation第73讲. 073 Starting on the mech's sequence第74讲. 074 Animating the mech's platform第75讲. 075 Blocking in the mech's performance第76讲. 076 Finalizing our blocking pass第77讲. 077 Working on the mech's polishing pass第78讲. 078 Finishing the mech's polishing pass第79讲. 079 Adding a shot camera第80讲. 080 Finalizing the shot and previewing animations in real-time with Playblasts第81讲. 081 Dynamics overview第82讲. 082 Key concepts of dynamics in Maya第83讲. 083 Emitting nParticles from a mesh第84讲. 第84集国外经典Maya 2015入门教程介绍Autodesk Maya是世界顶级的三维动画、影视特效制作软件,广泛应用在影视广告,角色动画,电影特技等领域。


MAYA的安装方法பைடு நூலகம்
教学目标:安装MAYA 的方法 教学重点:熟记MAYA的安装步骤
MAYA的安装方法: 1.在c盘创建一个文件夹命名为:FLEXLM
的 文件夹复制到 这两个 资料夹下
3.安装 MAYA (可安装在任意路径) 选择MAYA文件中的 文件夹中的 Maya安装程序进行安装,出现下面的安装 选项
4.安装完成后,点选开始-->所有程式->Autodesk-->common utilities-->FlexLM license utilities;转到“system settings”选 项卡,拷贝“Ethernet address”项后面的 字串;
5.使用记事本开启 FLEXLM 资料夹下的 aw.dat,将“your_host”替换为刚才拷贝的 “Ethernet address”后的字串,保存并关 闭;

件上 ,会出现电脑闪动一下,证明maya安 装成功。
教学方法:1.运用多媒体演示 2.学生自己动手安装
评价总结:本章主要学习maya软件的安装, 并要求学生能过熟悉maya的安装步骤 课后反思:maya的安装步骤 作业:学生自己动手安装maya软件



Maya 菜单中英文对照
IK solvers逆向运动连接器
Rigid Bodies刚体
Disable Node废弃动画节点
Make Live激活构造物
Center Pivot置中枢轴点
Auto Create Rigid Body自动创建刚体
Add Goal增加目标
New Scene建立新场景
Open Scene打开场景
Save Scene存盘场景
Save Scene As改名存盘
Export All导出所有
Export Selection导出选定物体
Image Planes图像板
Shading Groups and Materials阴影组和材质
Rigid Bodies刚体物体
Rigid Constraints刚体约束
Select All选择所有
Select All by Type根据类型选择所有
Set Editor系统设置编辑器
Attribute Spread Sheet属性编辑器
Tool Settings工具设置
Filter Action Editor滤镜动作编辑器
Channel Control通道控制信息
Connection Editor连接编辑器
Performance Settings性能设置

Adobe 2015最新版本安装图文

Adobe 2015最新版本安装图文

Adobe CC Family (CC 2015) 大师版:大师版一键安装,无需任何操作本版语言:简体中文、繁體中文、日本語、English更新Adobe After Effects CC 2015 (更新Adobe Audition CC 2015 (更新Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 (更新Adobe Flash Professional CC 2015 (更新Adobe InCopy CC 2015 (更新Adobe InDesign CC 2015 (更新Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015 (更新Adobe Muse CC 2015 (2015.0.0.597)更新Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (更新Adobe Prelude CC 2015 (更新Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 (更新Adobe SpeedGrade CC 2015 (更新Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 (,已修正3D凸出和斜角选项乱码问题。

更新Adobe Edge Animate CC 2015 (,新版为64位,已更新汉化简繁语言包。

更新Adobe Bridge CC (更新Camera Raw (9.1.60)更新Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.1 (CC 2015)更新Adobe Edge Reflow CC (0.51.17188)更新Adobe Acrobat DC (2015) 特别版,采用DLL破解的同时无试用提示。



2.在 C盘下创建一个名为FLEXLM 的资料夹,再复制安装包里的aw.dat 和awkeygen.exe文件到刚才的FLEXLM文件夹下
3. 点选开始-->所有程序-->Autodesk-->common utilities(第二项)-->FlexLM license utilities;-----点一下这个 FlexLM license utilities会自动弹出一个英文界面,
4. 单击这个英文界面的“system settings”选项卡,复制“Ethernet address”项后面的一组数字12个
5. 使用记事本打开 FLEXLM 资料夹下的 aw.dat,把HOSTID=后面的数据替换为刚才拷贝的数字串,保存并关闭;



MAYA软件安装方法Maya 是一款非常流行的三维动画与视觉效果软件,广泛应用于影视、游戏、建筑等领域。

本文将介绍如何安装 Maya 软件。

步骤一:下载 Maya 软件首先,您需要从官方网站上下载 Maya 软件的安装包。

请确保您下载的是最新版本的 Maya 软件,并且与您的操作系统兼容。





典型安装会安装 Maya 软件的常用组件,而自定义安装则允许您选择要安装的组件。

•安装路径:选择您希望安装 Maya 软件的目标路径。


•附加工具:根据您的需求选择是否安装附加工具,如 Maya API 开发工具包等。

步骤四:接受许可协议在继续安装之前,您需要阅读并接受 Maya 软件的许可协议。


步骤五:安装进程安装程序将开始复制文件并设置 Maya 软件。




步骤七:激活 Maya 软件安装完成后,您需要激活 Maya 软件才能正常使用。

打开 Maya 软件,并按照首次使用时的提示进行激活。



注意事项•在下载和安装 Maya 软件之前,确保您的计算机符合软件的最低系统要求。



  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

1、下载 maya 2015 安装包和注册机
2、解压 maya 2015 安装文件 Autodesk_Maya_2015_dlm.sfx.exe,释放后文件夹大小近 4.4G。


3、运行 Setup.exe 程序,开始安装 maya 2015 正式版。

5、输入序列号: 066-66666666,产品密钥: 657G1,点“ 下一步”。

7、等待 maya 2015 自动安装,该过程较耗时,请耐心等待。


8、打开桌面上 maya 2015 快捷图标,弹出界面,点“我同意”。



10、破解 Autodesk maya 2015。

运行在2015通用注册机, win64 位的面粉以管理员权限运行 xf-adsk2015_x64.exe。

先点击“Patch”,提示“ Succes sfully patched”后,把上一步的 maya申请号复制到注册机的第一栏,然后点击“Generate”,生产激活码。

11、把注册机第二栏生成的激活码,复制到 maya 2015 激活框里,

12、激活成功!点击“完成”,即可正常使用 maya 2015。
