




在下列每小题中,选出一个正确答案,将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑)1.下列词语中,加点字注音有错误的一组是()A.攻讦.(jié) 娇妍.(yán) 烜.赫(xuǎn) 长歌当.哭(dàng)B.涂墁.(màn) 惊愕.( è ) 瘐.毙(yú) 文绉绉.(zhōu)C.芜.蔓(wú) 契.约(qì) 棘.手(jí) 一蹴.而就(cù)D.颓.废(tuí) 忖.度(cǔn) 恫吓.(hè) 相形见绌.(chù)2.下列句子中,书写有错误的一项是()A.蝉的幼虫通过路面上的圆孔从地下爬出,来到地面,退变成了完全的蝉。












计算机基础模拟试卷五及参考答案一、简答题(每题5分,共10分)1. 信息社会需要什么样的人才?2. 计算机中的信息为何采用二进制系统?二、填空题(每题1分,共20分)请将正确的答案填在横线上。

1. 电子数字计算机能够自动地按照人们的意图进行工作的最基本思想是程序存储,这个思想是冯。


2. 微型计算机的主要技术指标是、运算速度、内存容量、可靠性和可用性等五项指标。

3. 计算机先后经历了以电子管、晶体管、集成电路、大规模和超大规模集成电路为主要元器件的时代。

4. (159)10 = ( ) 2 = ( )8 = ( )16。

5. 微型计算机系统按传输信息的类型分为数据、控制和地址三种总线,其中总线决定了CPU的最大寻址能力。

6. 在微机中,字符的比较就是对它们的码值进行比较。

7. 在计算机系统中,1个西文字符由个字节组成。

8. 操作系统的工作界面有和两种。

9. 操作系统的功能主要有、内存分配与管理、外设的控制与管理、文件管理、作业管理与控制五项。

10. 在计算机中表示数时,小数点固定的数称为,小数点不固定的数称为。

11. 按内存中同时运行程序的数目,可以将批处理系统分为和两类。

12. 在Windows中,按键可以将整个屏幕内容复制到剪贴板,按键可以将当前应用程序窗口复制到剪贴板。

13. 剪贴板是内存中的一个缓冲区,通过剪切或复制的方法放到剪贴板上,然后再将剪贴板上的内容通过方法放到另一个应用程序文档中。

14. 在幻灯片上如果需要一个按钮,当放映幻灯片时单击此按钮能跳转到另外一张幻灯片,则必须为此按钮设置。

15. 在Intranet中通常采用技术以保护企业内部的信息安全。

16. 计算机病毒是指“编制或在计算机程序中插入的破坏计算机功能或毁坏数据、影响计算机使用、并能自我复制”的一组。

17. 如果采用拨号方式接入Internet,用户所需要的硬件设备有:一台计算机、一条电话线、一根RS232电缆和一台。



职业技能鉴定国家题库 钳工高级理论知识试卷 注 意 事 项 1、考试时间:60分钟。

2、本试卷依据2001年颁布的《钳工 国家职业标准》命制。







) 1. 装配图的读法,首先是看( ),并了解部件的名称。

A 、明细表 B 、零件图 C 、标题栏 D 、技术文件 2. 用不平行于任何基本投影面的剖切平面剖开机件的方法是( )视图。

A 、旋转剖 B 、阶梯剖 C 、斜剖 D 、单一剖切面 3. 投影法分为两类:即中心投影法和( )投影法。

A 、平行 B 、水平 C 、垂直 D 、倾斜 4. 在直齿圆柱齿轮的规定画法中,齿顶圆及齿顶线用( )划。

A 、细实线 B 、粗实线 C 、虚线 D 、点划线 5. 在龙门刨床上,刨刀的移动是( )。

A 、主运动 B 、进给运动 C 、辅助运动 D 、相对运动 6. 机床夹具的作用,能保证加工精度,它比划线找正加工精度( )。

A 、低 B 、高 C 、相同 D 、很低 7. 限制工件自由度少于六点的定位叫( )。

A 、完全定位 B 、不完全定位 C 、过定位 D 、欠定位 8. 夹紧力作用方向,应使夹紧( )尽可能小。

A 、移动 B 、转动 C 、变形 D 、力 9. 用于加工同心圆周上的平行孔系或分布在几个不同表面上的径向孔的是( )钻床夹具。

A 、固定式 B 、移动式 C 、翻转式 D 、回转式 10. 钻床夹具,装配时先要进行初装( )定位,待综合检验合格后方可作最后紧固定位。

A 、精 B 、粗 C 、不 D 、舍 11. 三相异步电动机在同一电源、电压,同一启动方式下,重载启动转距( )轻起动转距。



课程试卷库测试试题(编号:5)I、命题院(部):法学院II、课程名称:民事诉讼法学III、测试时间:200 --200 学年度第学期IV、测试对象:法学院法学专业V、问卷页数(A4): 5 页VI、答卷页数(A4): 4 页VII、考试方式:闭卷考试VIII、问卷内容:一、单项选择题(25×1分=25分)1、下列哪项法律关系是民事诉讼法律关系?( )A原告与其代理人之间的法律关系B证人与被告之间的法律关系C原告律师与被告律师之间的法律关系D法院与指定的鉴定人之间的法律关系2、外国法院对中国当事人的民事诉讼权利加以限制的,我国法院对该国当事人的民事诉讼权利实行( )。

A同等原则 B平等原则 C对等原则 D相对原则3、请求赔礼道歉之诉属于( )。

A给付之诉B确认之诉C变更之诉D不可执行之诉4、下列哪一项属于我国民事诉讼法的基本原则( )。

A公开审判B检察监督C两审终审D回避5、某基层法院审判员小李的下列做法中正确的是:( )A对王大妈与刘老汉离婚一案,没有公开宣告判决B宣告判决时,有时因为忙,没有告知当事人上诉权利、上诉的期限和上诉的法院C在开庭审理过程中,限制一方当事人的发言时间D告知离婚案件双方当事人在判决发生法律效力后才能另行结婚6、飞达公司的采购员张林在为该公司购买一批钢材时,与辛悦公司签订了一份买卖合同,后在合同履行过程中发生纠纷,辛悦公司向法院起诉,应以谁为被告?( ) A飞达公司B张林C飞达公司和张林D飞达公司或张林7、某化工厂排出的污水,污染了附近的农田,使几十户农民的庄稼颗粒无收,这几十户农民准备推选代理人起诉造纸厂,这会形成( )A普通的共同诉讼B必要的共同诉讼C人数确定的代表人诉讼D人数不确定的代表诉讼8、对于超过举证时限而提交的证据人民法院应如何处理?( )A应当组织质证B经对方当事人同意,可以组织质证C一律不组织质证D是否质证由人民法院决定9、按照民事诉讼证据与证明对象的关系来划分,可以将证据分为( )A本证与反证B直接证据与间接证据C人证与物证D原始证据与传来证据10、委托送达,被委托的是( )。



《商务礼仪》试卷试卷库第五卷班级学号姓名第一部分客观题题型(共60分)一、单项选择题(下面每题的四个被选答案中只有一个是正确的, 请答在答题卡上, 每题1分, 共10 分)1.人们在社会交往中表示敬意、问候、祝愿等惯用形式称为()A.礼貌B.礼节C.仪表D.仪式2.一般在参加晚6时以后举行的晚宴、音乐会、剧院演出等活动时穿的礼服是()。




因为他们认为()A.脱帽是对别人的严重侵犯和侮辱B.脱帽露顶是非常失礼和冒失的行为C.脱帽是愤怒和不满的表示D.脱帽有害自己的健康二、多项选择题(下面每题的四个被选答案中至少有两个是正确的,请答在答题卡上每题2 分共20 分)1.介绍的原则是()。




第5章电子商务安全管理一、判断题1. 黑客主要是利用操作系统和网络的漏洞,缺陷,从网络的外部非法侵入,进行不法行为。

()2. 在实际应用中,通常将两种加密方法(即:对称加密方法和非对称加密方法)结合在一起使用。

()3. 计算机的安全问题包括实体的安全性。

()4. 电子商务中广泛应用的现代加密技术有两种体制,标准加密体制和非标准加密体制。















A 信息不被他人所接收B 信息内容不被指定以外的人所知悉C 信息不被纂改D 信息在传递过程中不被中转2.下述哪个不是常用的国产防病毒软件?()A PC-clillinB KillC KV3000D 瑞星3.特洛伊木马类型病毒的主要危害是()。

A 损害引导扇区B 删除硬盘上的数据文件C 删除硬盘上的系统文件D 窃取系统的机密信息4.计算机的防范应树立()为主的思想防止病毒进入自己的计算机系统。





























二、选择题(每小题2分、共30分)将一个正确选项前的字母填在括号内1.正弦波振荡器中正反馈网络的作用是(A)A.保证产生自激振荡的相位条件B.提高放大器的放大倍数,使输出信号足够大C.产生单一频率的正弦波2.电容三点式LC正弦波振荡器与电感三点式LC正弦波振荡器比较,优点是(B)A.电路组成简单 B.输出波形好 C.容易调节振荡频率 D.频率稳定度高 3.高频功率放大器放大AM信号时,工作状态应选(A)A.欠压 B.临界 C.过压4.高频小信号调谐放大器主要工作在( A)A.甲类B.乙类 C.甲乙类 D.丙类5.如图所示为示波器测量正弦波波形参数的画面,若“VOLTS/DIV”的指示值是2V,则所测正弦波的峰值为(B)A.9.2V B.4.6V C.6.5V D.3.25V6.如图所示电路,以下说法正确的是(C)A.该电路由于放大器不能正常工作,不能产生正弦波振荡B.该电路由于无选频网络,不能产生正弦波振荡C.该电路由于不满足相位平衡条件,不能产生正弦波振荡D.该电路满足相位平衡条件,可能产生正弦波振荡7.关于通角θ的说法正确的是(B)A.θ是指一个信号周期内集电极电流导通角度B.θ是指一个信号周期内集电极电流导通角度的一半C.θ是指一个信号周期内集电极电流导通角度的两倍8.调制的描述(C)A.用载波信号去控制调制信号的某一个参数,使该参数按特定的规律发生变化。



试卷编号:g332 职业技能鉴定国家题库 邮政储汇业务员高级理论知识试卷 注 意 事 项 1、考试时间:120分钟。





) 1. 储蓄利率是资金的“价格”,它是指在一定时期内利息数同________________的比率。

2. “Would you hold the line, please?”译成中文是________________。

3. 财付通网站“________________”交易主要功能是针对卖方客户交易成功后可以取得现金。

4. 账户信息修改可修改的错误信息有客户姓名、存款期限、________________、支票类存款起息日等。

5. 农民工银行卡取款手续费采用账户扣收方式,标准为交易金额的0.8%,下限1元,上限________________元。

6. 客户申请改汇的汇票为汇往非联网网点的汇票时,须待非联网网点做相应的________________处理,汇款人改汇才成功。

7. 绿卡通卡内子账户可在________________任一联网网点通存通取(含清户和部分支取) 8. 客户于2007年12月21日存入7天通知存款150000元,于2008年1月3日通知,于2008年1月8日支取。


9. 因冲正交易操作错误而导致冲正交易有误且可能造成资金风险的,要对该账户办理考生答题 不 准超 过 此 线________________并于次日采取其他处理。

10. “Have you made an appointment?”中文含义是________________。

11. 活期存款账户最后一笔交易(不包括结息、代扣利息税、司法查询、司法冻结、司法扣划后扣收小额账户管理费)超过________________的,在规定时间可设为长期不动户。



《商务英语写作》考试试卷(5)《商务英语写作》考试试卷(5)Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:(每小题1分,共25%)1.We have established an irrevocable letter of credit______ your favor with the Bank of China,Guandong.2.We are glad to enter ______ business relations with your corporation.3.We are awaiting your revised draft keen interest.4.Our foreign trade policy is based ______equality and mutual benefit.5.We shall book a trial order with you,______ goods are competitive in price and of good quality.6.As we are heavily committed, we are sorry that we are not in a ______ to accept new orders.7.We prefer payment by D/P ______ draft at 60-day's sight.8.Your quotation happens to be exactly the same______ we have received from Australia.9.We hereby register a claim with you____ the basis of here, we can obtain a number of orders foryou.10.Since we are well connected ______the department stores here, we can obtain a number of ordersfor you.11._____ you know, this is a popular brand, which can see easily in our market.12.We hope that you will look______ the cause of the defective goods.13.There is no question______ getting the necessary import license from our authorities.14.Please take the necessary steps ______delay.15.Your immediate reply should reach us not later ____ the end of this month.16.If the first shipment is satisfactory, we can______ with you some repeat orders.17.We hope this unfortunate incident will not affect the friendly relations ______ us.18.Please cable us as soon as ______,giving us all necessary information.19.We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 15,______ reached us yesterday.20.In view of the long-stinging business relations ______ us, we wish to settles this disputeamicably.21.Risks other______ All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra premium should be borneby the buyer.22.Please do everything necessary ______ as to enable us to send you the relevant documents at anearly date.23.We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you ______ sound condition.24.As to chemical products we are well connected _____ the major producers in America.25.We are glad that in the past few years,______ joint efforts, have greatly promoted both businessand friendship.Ⅱ.Choose the best answer:(每小题1分,共20%)1.We look forward to a trial order.A.Receiving B. receive from you C.receipt D.receipt your2.We some brochures to illustrate the products we manufactured.A.enclose to you B.enclose you C.enclose D.Enclose you3.If you will send us a catalog by air, we shall very much.A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.Appreciate it4.We would like to take this to establish business relations with you.A.step B.opportunity C.advantage D.Opening5.The shipment time is June or July at our and the goods will be shipped in oneA.option,lot B.option,consignmentC.choice shipment D.decision,cargo6.The first shipment of pens has turned out to the of the of our customersA.satisfy B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.Satisfactory7.I want to acquaint myself the supply position of steel products.A.of B.with C.for D.About8.As it only a smal1 quantity,we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter.A.involves B.involved C.has involved D.may have involved9.In case the said goods are not available stock. Please keep us informed at all early date.A.i n B.by C.from D.Out of10.It is the usual practice here that shirts are packed cartonand l0 cartons strongseaworthy wooden case.A.in,in B .in,to C.to,in D.to,to11.You can find for black tea here.A.a ready market B.most popular C.great popularity D.Selling fast12.We are glad that We have an agreement on this matterA.come B.got C.reached D.Arrived13.We cannot see any possibility of business your price is too highA.since B.while C. thought D.that14.we have made that we would accept D/P terms for your future orders.A.clear B.it clear C.that clear D.it is clear15.we would make you the following offer,subject to your reply us not later thanNovember 25.A.reach B.reaching C.reaches D.Being reached16.Please to let us have your offer as soon as possible.A.do the best B.Do your best C. make the best D. Make your best17.we assure you of our ful1 in executing the contract.A.cooperation B.attention C.Intention D.Appreciation18.our S/C No.301,we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by Oct.10.A.With reference to B.Refer to C.Referring D.With refer to19.After inspection of the shipment,we found 5 casesA.missing B.1osing C.missed D.Lost20.your letter of March 5,we are pleased to inform you thatthe L/C has been received.A.Replying to B.Replying for C.Replied to D.Replied for Ⅲ.Translate the following sentences into Chinese:(每小题2分,共20%)1.we regret that your counter-offer is not acceptable to us as the price we quoted is quite realistic.2.samples and quotations at favorable prices will be immediately sent to you upon receipt of yourspecific enquiry.3.we desire some sample of your products in order to acquaint ourselves with the material andworkmanship before we place a large order with you.4.with regard to our order for 600 sets “Butterfly” Brand sewing Machines,We have alreadyreceived your Sales Contract No.5678.5.As the goods under Contract No. 1986 are now ready for shipment、please rush your L/C withthe least possible delay6.We might add here that,owing to heavy demand,our offer remains firm until December 20 andthat there is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.7.We are lodging a claim on the shipment ex S/S “East Wind” for short delivery.8.We wish to call your attention to the validity of the L/C since there is no possibility of L/Cextension.9.We confirm having cabled you an offer of 30 metric tons walnut meat at RMB 21,860 Yuan permetric ton CIF European Main Ports for November shipment.10.It will be appreciated if you will immediately let us have your firm offer for machine tools,preferably by cable.Ⅳ Translate the following sentences into English:(每题3分,共15%)1.按照你方要求,兹另邮寄中国棉布的样本二份.2.制造厂接订货太多,我们只能答应3月份装船.3.兹随函退回销售合同一份,该合同我们已经会签.4.你方必须降价2%,否则没有成交的可能.5.如果没有你的明确,指示,我们将按一般惯例投保水渍险和战争险.V. Write a business letter in English: (20%)来信收悉,在收到你公司信件之后,我们立即与制造厂取得联系,催促他们赶快交货.因为他们迟尺不复,装船期不能肯定,我们在上个月没有答复你方的信件,深为抱歉.经过再三努力,已商定装“东风”轮,预计本月二十四日左右开航.装货完毕,当即电告装运通知.。



长沙理工大学考试试卷………………………………………………………………………………………………………试卷编号05 拟题教研室(或教师)签名朱文喜教研室主任签名高幸………………………………………………………………………………………………………课程名称(含档次)工程经济与可行性分析课程代号专业工程管理层次(本、专)本科考试方式(开、闭卷)闭卷一、填空题(本题共10分,每空1分)1.在工程经济分析中,在某一时间上,将流出系统的实际支出费用称为______现金流出_______,而将流入系统的实际收入收益称为________现金流入_____,并把二者的差额称为_______净现金流量______。

三者统称为 _____现金流量________。

2. 决定资金等值的因素有:____时点_________ 、_____金额大小________ 、_____折现率(贴现率)_。

3. 偿债基金系数与_____年金终值系数________互为倒数。

4. 经济评价的基本方法,根据是否考虑资金运用的时间因素分为_静态评价___和__动态评价__。

二、选择题(在下列各题的备选答案中,只有一个选项是正确的,本题共10分,每题2分)1.对两个以上的工程项目进行经济效益比较时,当相比较的各技术方案的经济寿命周期有倍数关系时,各技术方案的共同计算期应为(A )。

A. 它们的最小公倍数B. 10年C. 20年D. 约定的计算期2. 把将来某一时点的金额折算成与现在时点相等值的金额,这一换算过程称为(D )。

A. 等值B.求终值C.现值D.折现3.假定某一工程3年完成,利率为10% ,工程开始时,一次投资100万元,则建成时的总投资额(复利)为(C )万元。

A.100B.130C.133.1D.1104.在利率为10%的情况下,与现在的100元等值的是(C )。

A. 两年后的100元B. 两年前的100元C. 两年后的121元D. 两年前的90元5.项目投产后,以每年取得的净收益将全部投资回收所需时间称为( A)。





A:500;500;30B:300;500;40C:300;500;50D:500;500;50【答案】:B3.只向不特定投资者公开发行受益凭证进行资金募集的基金是指() A:信托B:私募基金C:公募基金D:存单【答案】:C4.单只开放式公募理财产品和每个交易日开放的私募理财产品直接投资于流动性受限资产的市值在开放日不得超过该产品资产净值的()。











1.在企业欺诈理论中,烂苹果欺诈理论的讨论的重点问题是( )。


这是公司治理与内部控制相关关系的哪一个基础理论?( )A.委托代理理论B.不完全契约理论C.利益相关者理论D.受托责任理论3. COSO企业风险管理框架的最高层次的目标是( )。

A.战略目标B.经营目标C.财务报告目标D.合法性目标4.企业风险根据风险是否可以分散,将其划分为( )。

A.系统风险与非系统风险B.财务报表风险和信息披露风险C.外部风险和内部风险D.纯粹风险和机会风险5.内部控制应当涵盖企业内部涉及生产经营的各个环节和去计工作的各项经济业务及相关岗位,这遵循了内部控制的( )。

A.全面性原则B.重要性原则C.成本效益原则D.适应性原则6.内部环境是企业实施内部控制的基础,以下属于内部环境范围的是( )。


A.《企业内部控制基本规范》B.《公司法》C.《萨班斯一奥克斯利法案》D.《中华人民共和国证券法》8.上市公司董事会应当设立独立董事,独立董事应按照有关法律法规和公司章程的规定,认真履行职责,维护公司整体利益,尤其要关注( )。


这一风险侧重于( )。



古代汉语期末考试试卷(5) —— 学年第 一 学期一 填空题(10%) 1 《左传》是我国_第一部_叙事详细完整的历史著作, 它所记载的历史年代大致与_《春秋》_相当。






6 《孟子》通行的注本有_《十三经注疏》_本(东汉赵歧注,宋孙奭疏)、宋朱熹的_《四书集注》_和清焦循的_《孟子正义》_。

7六书中,真正与汉字形体结构有关的是象形、_指事_、_会意_、形声四种,_转注_和_假借_ 是用字法,这就是人们常说的“四体二用”。

二 语法分析题(14%) 1 词类活用(5%) 常见的词类活用,其类型有:A 名词用如动词B 形容词用如动词C 数词用如动词 學院-------------------------------------- 班級---------------------------------- 姓名------------------------------------- 學號-------------------------------------D 动词的使动用法E 名词的使动用法F 名词的意动用法G 形容词的使动用法H 形容词的意动用法I 对动用法J 为动用法K 名词作状语 L数词做状语请在下面句子中的活用现象下面划上横线,并将序号写在括号里。


(H )2)提弥明死之。

(J )3)不介马而驰之。

(A )4)不拊爱子其民。

(F )5)人不难以死免其君。

(H )6)遂置姜氏于城颍,而誓之曰:“不及黄泉,无相见也。



2019年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语模拟试卷iREAD中学英语测评(命题)研究中心I. Listening ComprehensionSection A Short ConversationsDirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Understandable. B. Pointless.2. A. Gather more information from others.C. Ask a professor to help them3. A. Find a different hotel.C. Pay for the conference in advance.4. A. Study her notes over the weekend.C. Take the quiz before the man does.5. A. The man looks very nice in a suit and tie.B. The man needn‟t have changed his clothes.C. She likes the sweater the man is wearing.D. She does not think jeans are appropriate.6. A. He cannot walk because his foot is broken. C. He feels relieved about his injury.7. A. He cannot afford to buy a computer.B. He was the last person to leave the computer lab.C. He is worried about turning in his paper late.D. He used a typewriter for his paper.8. A. Look for another job.C. Ask his boss for a raise in pay.9. A. His grade was not as good as the woman's. C. He had hoped to get a better grade.10. A. He does not want to continue on the project today.B. He will work on the project without the woman.C. He does not know when the project is due.D. He will need five more hours to finish the project.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. A lifeboat. B. A lucky personC. A sea storm.D. A shipwreck12. A. When the boat started to rock violently. B. When he saw someone in the waterC. When his wife screamed for life. C. When he found no life belt13. A. When it turned dark.B. When another ship found them.C. When they found the crew on a life boat.D. When a film was shot based on his experience.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Why American industries grew rapidly in the nineteenth century.B. How advances in transportation helped American cities develop.C. Transportation between the cities of the United States.D. Great American inventors of the nineteenth century.15. A. They could be controlled independently. B. They were resistant to fire.C. They could keep working for longer.D. They offered more room for passengers.16. A. It made the subways much quieter.B. It brought electric light to the tunnels.C. It enabled passengers to breathe cleaner air.D. It allowed subways to be repaired inexpensively.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. He found he had consumed too much fast food.B. People spent little time looking for organic food.C. A fast food restaurant opened near the Spanish Steps.D. The most well-known monuments in Rome were destroyed.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Pay as you sitWhat‟s the appeal of coffee shops? It‟s been said that JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books (21)________ (sit) in one in Edinburgh.Many people spend hours in these places nursing a coffee as they work away on their laptops.But if you‟re spending all day buying one expensive coffee after another and (22) ________ (not sell)your first novel yet, the costs can really add up. For those who work outside of a traditional office or just want to take time out, there‟s a new alternative in London: a pay-per-minute cafe.Y ou can stay for as long as you like in the Ziferblat coffee shop. Y ou'll be given a clock when you come in to keep time. When you leave, you return the item and pay the bill. The cost of hanging out, eating, working and meeting new people in the place is 3 pence per minute—or£1.80an hour. The shop‟s owner, Ivan Meetin, says: ……Everything is free, (23) ________the time you spendthere”. Customers help (24) ________to coffee and cookies. They can also bring their own food to eatwhen (25) ________ (connect) to the Internet through Wi-Fi.Meetin‟s customers clearly are not the types who rush t o work with a paper cup (26) ________ (drink) from at their desks. They are there for the atmosphere. Informality is at the heart of Meetin‟s concept. He‟s always loved the idea of building his own house. “With my mates,we were building treehouses (27) ________rules of society didn't exist, he says.Meetin believes his coffee shop is a bit like “social media”, but with a face. Like-mindedpeople go there to socialize. Some feel so much at home (28) ________they wash the dishes.I'd like to try it at least once. Who knows---I (29) ________even start writing my own novel. (30) ________coffee shops are good enough for JK Rowling to spend quality time in, why can't I? Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Snow school closures ‘no harm to learning’Closing schools on occasional days because of bad weather does not damage learning, research shows. The research wanted to find an answer to the winter argument about whether schools should _____31____ to stay open in heavy snow or shut their doors. Seven years of school test data showed no evidence that snow closures negatively affected results. The worst disruption was caused when schools tried to stay open but many staff and pupils were____32_____. The study, carriedout by Joshua Goodman, assistant professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School in Massachusetts in the US, was an attempt to ____33_____ the impact of school days lost to bad weather.Almost as soon as the first winter snowflake falls, there are debates about whether schools should be kept open. The study suggests there are _____34____ arguments for them being closed. Prof Goodman was asked by the Massachusetts education department to find out whether there really was any loss to learning from snow closures. Looking at test results in the US state between 2003-10, he found no evidence that pupil _____35____ had been affected when schools were occasionally shut. A former high school teacher himself, Prof Goodman says schools can easily adapt to short-term closures, ____36_____their plans for the rest of the term. Such a clean break seemed to cause less disruption than trying to stay open, when many pupils might not be able to get into school. This creates a knock-on effect of pupils trying to catch up, he says. And this does seem to have a negative impact on results. Prof Goodman says that arguments over a few days of snow closures can often become very “emotional”---and they_____37____ that many pupils miss a greater number of school days through other types of absenteeism, such as ____38_____. Suchabsenteeism by individuals does negatively affect their results, he says, morethan an occasional _____39____ closure by the whole school. This good news for pupils wanting an authorised day off was ____40_____ by Prof Goodman: “Closures have no impact. Absences do.”III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Obviously, I did not feel so ready for the early races in my career as the races we‟ve done recently. There is a lot to be said for just gaining experience—just getting out there and getting your feet wet teaches you the right skills and ____41_____ .It‟s often not the most____42_____ prepared or the fittest teams but the teams who race intelligently and adapt to unexpected situations that win. To achieve this you have to be_____43____and patient. The only way to develop those _____44____is to get out and race or do long training trips with your team-mates and friends.Adventure races are such a huge ____45_____that when you enter a race you always think, “Am 1 ready? Did I train enough? Did I forget something?” I remember one race in particular, my very first Eco-Challenge and only my second race ever. When I did it, I felt totally _____46____ and unprepared. Most of my fear was due to lack of_____47____ and knowledge. I really had no idea what I was getting in to because I had never done a 24-hour race before. Even so, we won it somehow, and were invited to compete in the Eco-Challenge in Australia.Then we went to Australia and entered the race. We didn‟t plan a _____48____ at all, but just ran as fast as possible from the start. Keeping my mouth shut and following my team-mates, I just tried to keep up with my team, who were more experienced than I was. Although we arrived at a few of the check points in first place and were among the top five, I knew we didn't ____49_____ there.______50___ , two of my team-mates decided not to continue the race after just a day and a half. One was feeling ill—he was just too tired to carry on, while another had severe problems with his feet but we had been going so fast that he felt ____51_____asking us to stop so he could take care of his blisters (水泡). The other two of us, feeling fresh still, had to ____52_____ with the rest of our team. Four days later, we watched in____53_____as the winners crossed the finishing line. I knew that our team had not been prepared or realistic about the pace we could keep, but not finishing that race was the most ___54______ lesson I could have learned.I _____55____ then to come back one day and finish the race, which was seven years—and thousands of race miles---ago.41. A. attitude B. decision C. timing D. behaviour42. A. partially B. mentally C. folly D. physically43. A. strong B. diligent C. intelligent D. flexible44. A. qualities B. ideas C. talents D. interests45. A. investment B. challenge C. step D. increase46. A. anxious B. afraid C. alone D. abnormal47. A. accessibility B. information C. experience D. equipment48. A. strategy B. goal C. campaign D.backup49. A. pause B. live C. belong D. appear50. A. To make the matters worse B. To cut a long story shortC. To sum upD. To start with51. A. obliged B. uncomfortable C. justified D. unfortunate52. A. move about B. keep up C. look on D. drop out53. A. annoyance B. excitement C. relief D. disappointment54. A. unexpected B. costly C. valuable D. specific55. A. promised B. requested C. offered D. agreedSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Who wants to be a millionaire? has been one of the most popular television quiz shows in Britain. In the show, the host asks a question and gives the contestant four possible answers. If the contestant gets the right answer, they win the money say £100—and then go on to the next question for, say, £250. The money increases for each question until, if the contestant has answered all the other questions correctly, the prize for the final question is one million pounds.In this extract from a show some years ago, the host of the show is television personality Chris Tarrant. Answering the questions is an ex-army officer, Charles Ingram.TARRANT: What kind of garment is an …Anthony Eden‟?An overcoat, hat,shoe,tie?INGRAM: I think it is a hat.A cough from the audience.INGRAM: Again Tm not sure. I think it is ...Coughing from the audience.INGRAM: I am sure it is a hat. Am I sure?Coughing from the audience.INGRAM: Yes, hat, ifs a hat.In that show, Charles finally won a million pounds. But something wasn‟t quite right. Charles Ingram didn't really seem very sure of himself; he obviously didn't know the answer at first. To many in the audience that night, it seemed as if he frequently repeated an answer as if waiting for a signal.He was.Charles Ingram's wife Diana was in the audience, and so too was a man with the extraordinary name of Tecwen Whittock. He had a bad cough. But a man sitting next to him in the audience noticed that there was something strange about the cough. It was too loud, and it wasn'tvery regular. It only happened occasionally, almost as if he was coughing on purpose.He was.The three of them, Charles Ingram, Diana Ingram and Tecwen Whittock, had planned the whole thing. Whittock coughed to tell Charles when he had the correct answer. They began to notice it in the television control room, but at first they didn't believe it. In the end, though, it was just too obvious, and when tapes from the programme were played to a court in London a year later, there was no doubt. Charles and Diana Ingram were guilty of cheating on a game show. They were given prison sentences of 18 months and fined £15,000 each. Tecwen Whittock was sentenced to 12 months in prison and fined £10,000.Did the Ingrams and Tecwen Whittock get an appropriate sentence? How …bad' is it to cheat a television quiz show in which winning money is a matter of chance anyway? It is crimes like this that challenge our concepts of what is right and what is wrong, and since administering justice in the courts means that we have to decide on how serious something is (is robbery more or less serious than driving too fast, for example), the case of the cheating Ingrams is an excellent one to consider.56. We can learn from the extract of the show that Charles was his answer.A. pleased withB. surprised atC. sure ofD. hesitant over57. The pronoun “He”(in paragraph 7) refers to__________.A. Charles IngramB. Tecwen WhittockC. the man sitting next to Charles IngramD. the man sitting next to Tecwen Whittock58. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The three people were given the same fine and sentence. 'B. Diana Ingrain let Tecwen know which choice was correct.C. Tecwen told Charles which answer was right by coughing.D. It was the Ingrams that made the first plan for the cheating.59. According to the writer, what is the point of the case?A. It can offer a perspective to judge the severity level of crimes.B. It has been the first cheating case that is related to reality shows.C. It achieved the purpose of having the court reconsider the sentencing.D. It may serve as a warning for those who also want to do the same thing.(B)Read the two people‟s quotes below and answer the questions that follow.Dr Michio KakuPhysicist and professor40,000 people will work in spaceDr Michio Kaku is a professor at the City College of New Y ork and a graduate of Harvard University. His book, The Physics of the Impossible, is about how science fiction technology may be possible in the future.…By 2030, space tourism will almost certainly be common and around 40,000 people will work in space. A company called the Space Island Group is planning to build an internationalspace station with hotels, research facilities, restaurants and sports arenas (for new zero-gravity sports). Other companies are working on similar projects. And what language will people speak in space? Well, it probably won‟t matter because there is likely to be a tiny computer that fits in your ear and translates what you hear into your own language/Ray KurzweilScientist, inventor, author and entrepreneur (企业家)Our brains will merge with machinesMany of Ray Kurzweil‟s predictions about the future have come true. For example, in the early 1990s he predicted the growth of the Internet. Now Kurzweil believes that robots and humans will one day merge."The future will be far more surprising than most people realise. By the end of the 2030s, robots will be more intelligent than humans. Before that time, humans and machines will start to merge. We have 100 trillion very slow connections in our brain. Tiny robots (nanobots) will be implanted in our brains to improve our memory and our thinking skills. These nanobots will allow our brains to talk directly to computers, and they will also allow our brains to communicate wirelessly with other brains. Billions of nanobots will also travel through our bodies. They will keep us healthy. As a result, we will be able to live forever.'60. According to Dr Michio Kaku, what will no longer be a barrier for people working in space?A. Time.B. Internet.C. Language.D. Gravity.61. According to Ray Kurzweil, what will nanobots do?A. They will help save some of our memories.B. They will help some parts in our brain work better.C. They will help us develop a logic way of thinking.D. They will help detect what disease we are down with.62. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. The future will surprise usB. The development of scienceC. Scientists worried about technologyD. Famous quotes about computers and the Internet(C)Digital assistants with anthropomorphic(拟人的)features, such as Siri, are increasinglycommon on phones and computers. Developing an emotional relationship with a piece of software can. However, cut both ways. As a study published in Psychological Science by Park Daeun, of Chungbuk National University in South Korea, and her colleagues, shows, one emotion sometimes involved in machine-human interaction is embarrassment.Dr Park and her team recruited 187 participants into their study. To start with each was presented with a series of statements on the changeability of intelligence. These included, “you have a certain amount of intelligence, and you can‟t really do much to change it”,and “you can always substantially change how intelligent you are‟, . Participants rated their responses to these statements on a six-point scale,on which one m eant “strongly disagree,‟ and six meant “stronglyagree'\ The reason for this initial test was that Dr Park knew from previous work that those who believe intelligence to be changeable are comfortable asking for assistance while those who believe it to be fixed often feel ashamed to do so.The initial test done, the researchers presented their volunteers with a second, which involved looking at 16 sets of three words and trying to think of a fourth word that linked them. Sometimes the first three words were accompanied by an unrequested hint. Sometimes they were not.Hints appeared as the written form of the word in question, accompanied by a computer-shaped icon (图标). For half of participants this icon had a humanlike face, and the hint was placed inside a speech bubble originating from that face. For the other half the icon lacked a face and there was no speech bubble. After the final set of words had been displayed, participants were asked to agree or disagree with follow-up statements about their experience, such as 4tit was embarrassing to receive help during the task”, and “others might think I am incompetent(无能的) because I received help during the task”. This time, they quantified their feelings on a seven-point scale, with higher scores representing greater feelings of unease.The researchers found that participants who believed intelligence to be unchangeable felt more embarrassed and more incompetent after the tests. Specifically, those who tended to believe that intelligence is unchangeable were more likely to feel ashamed and embarrassed if the computer icons they had seen giving the hints had had faces and speech bubbles. In contrast, people who strongly believed that intelligence could be changed over time felt the same level of discomfort whether or not the icons had been anthropomorphized.A second experiment, in which a different set of participants were allowed to ask for help rather than having it offered to them at random had similar results. Dr Park therefore concludes that some people do, indeed, seem to wish to avoid losing face by seeking help from an icon that has, well, a face.63. Dr Park and her team‟s initial test was intended to__________.A. find out the participants1 opinion of whether intelligence is fixedB. prove the findings of previous work that intelligence changes with ageC. choose from the participants those who are intelligent enough for the testD. highlight those who tend to feel ashamed to reveal how intelligent they are64. Which of the following is TRUE of Dr Park an d her team‟s second test?A. The participants were asked to sort out the different one among the given words.B. The participants were tested on how they felt about getting help in this way.C. The hints would appear as long as the participants hesitated for some time.D. The hints were given to help the participants how competent they were.65. The first experiment and the second experiment are different in .A. whether participants held the similar beliefs about intelligenceB. whether participants could decide if they need any helpC. whether the help was offered regularly or at randomD. whether the icons are computer-shaped or not66. What can be concluded from the passage?A. More should be done to make digital assistants more human-like.B. People‟s idea of intelligence needs to be updated at the moment.C. Embarrassment is among most common emotions people have.D. Digital assistants are sometimes too human to appeal to users.Section CDirections: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Quantitative EatingAre you keen on QE (quantitative eating)? Do you have a high marginal propensity(边际倾向)to consume chocolate? Then you might be angered by the diet book, The Econ omists‟ Diet:The Surprising Formula for Losing Weight and Keeping It Off^ from two self-described “formerly fat economists” on how to lose weight.__________A diet is described as a “self-imposed eating-austerity (艰苦朴素)p rogramme”. There is some discussion of people‟s general failure to give enough weight to the long-term consequences of their actions. And there is some neat use of the concept of diminishing returns (收益递减).Eat a wide variety of foods and you may always get pleasure from trying something different. But limit your diet and you will soon tire of eating more. 68 The authors think this is more important than exercise since the latter tends to make you hungry; it is easy to undo all the good work of a cycle ride with a snack.Eating less requires you to limit yourself to one square meal (defined as some meat and two side portions of vegetables) a day. The other meals should be very light; a non-creamy soup, a salad or a bowl of non-sugary cereal. If you do end up having a big meal or a treat, then the other meals should be skipped altogether.But the authors are not too prescriptive(规定的) The aim is to find a diet that works for eachindividual.___________. Only then can you see whether the diet is working.The book is full of perfectly sensible advice, such as avoiding unusual diets, the appeal of “low-fat” foods and the temptation to drink all your calories in the form of fancy drinks, alcohol and sugary coffees. 70 But, as experienced economists, the authors may have realised that, when it comes to diet plans, demand is almost infinite.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea ofthe passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.The dangers of safetyTravelling by road is widely accepted as being the most dangerous way to travel with far more deaths per kilometer than rail, sea or air. In fact, while road traffic injuries represent about 25% of worldwide injury-related deaths, deaths on the road in the UK have been decreasing for some time. We take a look at why the number is decreasing, but why it seems impossible to avoid deaths completely.Over the years, different methods of reducing the number of crashes have been tried. The Locomotive and Highways Act of 1865 introduced the idea of speed limits to the motoring world. Since then, more and more ways of controlling the behaviour of drivers have been introduced, such as one-way streets and traffic signals, as well as compulsory driver testing and licensing. These days, there are many more methods of enforcement, including speed cameras and fines for breaking motor laws.Another solution is to make cars themselves safer in case of an accident. This means the main focus has been on passive safety or crash survival rather than active safety or avoiding crashes. There are many innovations by motor manufacturers, which have made cars safer, such as seat belts, anti-lock brakes and airbags. These improvements have tended to make the driver feel more in control and isolated him/her from the fast-moving and dangerous environment outside the car. It seems strange that as improvements have been made the number of crashes continues to increase.Actually, it is wrong to talk about safe and dangerous cars in this way. The key to this problem is not actually the car, but the driver. In fact, making drivers feel safer is not the solution to the problem, but it is the cause of the problem. As drivers feel safer, it encourages them to drive aggressively and to ignore other road users and therefore increases the number of crashes.V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.请调整一下这张桌子,以适应这个孩子的身高。




在下列每小题中,选出一个正确答案,将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑)1.下列词语中,加点字注音有错误的一组是()A.攻讦.(jié) 娇妍.(yán) 烜.赫(xuǎn) 长歌当.哭(dàng)B.涂墁.(màn) 惊愕.( è) 瘐.毙(yú) 文绉绉.(zhōu)C.芜.蔓(wú) 契.约(qì) 棘.手(jí) 一蹴.而就(cù)D.颓.废(tuí) 忖.度(cǔn) 恫吓.(hè) 相形见绌.(chù)2.下列句子中,书写有错误的一项是()A.蝉的幼虫通过路面上的圆孔从地下爬出,来到地面,退变成了完全的蝉。




































3.选择题选项没对齐,或挤在一起。选项没有缩进,与题目对齐,使题号不突出醒目。 问题样本 3
33. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to ______ with the local police.
A. inquire B. consult C. register D. profession
6. 空格不当。 1)标点符号前加空格。 问题样本 6 30. What is the author's purpose in writing this article ? 改正 30. What is the author's purpose in writing this article? 2)标点符号后没空格。 问题样本 7 Eg 1. Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims,such as early musical training or potential development. Eg. 2 A.She is French. 改正 Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims, such as early musical training or potential development. A. She is French. 3)填空线前后空格不当,该空格不空,或多空格。 问题样本 8 33. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to______with the local police 33. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to ______with the local police 33. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to______ with the local police 改正 33. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to ______ with the local police.

高三上学期期末考试试卷含解析 试题 5

高三上学期期末考试试卷含解析 试题 5
















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)1. 在企业的经营活动中,下列选项中的( )不是职业道德功能的表现。

A、决策能力B、激励作用C、规范行为D、遵纪守法2. 为了促进企业的规范化发展,需要发挥企业文化的( )功能。

A、娱乐B、主导C、自律D、决策3. 企业生产经营活动中,要求员工遵纪守法是( )。

A、约束人的体现B、领导者人为的规定C、保证经济活动正常进行所决定的D、追求利益的体现4. 在日常接待工作中,对待不同服务对象,态度应真诚热情、( )。

A、尊卑有别B、一视同仁C、女士优先D、外宾优先5. 电阻器反映导体对电流起阻碍作用的大小,简称( )。

A、电动势B、电阻C、电阻率D、功率6. 当ωt=360°时,i1、i2、i3分别为( )。

A、负值、正值、0B、0、负值、正值C、负值、0、正值D、0、正值、负值7. 热脱扣器的整定电流应( )所控制负载的额定电流。

A、等于B、不小于C、小于D、大于8. 定子绕组串电阻的降压启动是指电动机启动时,把电阻串接在电动机定子绕组与电源之间,通过电阻的分压作用来( )定子绕组上的启动电压。

A、提高B、降低C、加强D、减少9. Y-△降压启动的指电动机启动时,把定子绕组联结成Y形,以( )启动电压,限制启动电流。

A、提高B、减少C、增加D、降低10. 按钮联锁正反转控制线路的优点是操作方便,缺点是容易产生电源两相短路事故。

在实际工作中,经常采用( )正反转控制线路。

A、按钮联锁B、接触器联锁C、倒顺开关D、按钮、接触器联锁11. 通常,( )的工频电流通过人体时,就会有不舒服的感觉。

A、0.1mAB、2mAC、1mAD、4mA12. 人体( )是最危险的触电形式。

A、单相触电B、跨步电压触电C、接触电压触电D、两相触电13. 电气设备的巡视一般均由( )进行。

A、2人B、1人C、3人D、4人14. 下列控制声音传播的措施中( )不属于消声措施。

A、使用吸声材料B、使用个人防护用品C、电气设备安装消声器D、采用声波反射措施15. 对于每个职工来说,质量管理的主要内容有岗位的质量要求、质量目标、质量保证措施和( )等。

A、质量责任B、质量水平C、质量记录D、信息反馈16.多极放大器的总电压放大倍数等于各级电压放大倍数之()A、和B、差C、积D、商17.自感电动势的方向应由()来确定A、欧姆定律B、椤次定律C、焦耳定律D、法拉第电磁定律18.在电磁铁线圈电流不变得情况下,衔铁被吸合过程中,铁芯的磁通将()A、变大B、变小C、不变D、无法判断19. 直流放大器中,产生零点漂移的主要原因是()的变化.A、频率B、集电极电流C、三极管β值D、温度20. 将可能引起正反馈的各元件或引线远离且互相垂直放置,以减少它们的耦合,破坏其( )平衡条件。

A、振幅B、起振C、相位D、条件21. ( )控制方式的优点是精度高、速度快,其缺点是调试和维修比较复杂。

A、半闭环B、闭环C、双闭环D、开环22. 三相半波可控整流电路其最大移相范围为150°,每个晶闸管最大导通角为( )。

A、60°B、90°C、150°D、120°23. 双窄脉冲的脉宽在( )左右,在触发某一晶闸管的同时,再给前一晶闸管补发一个脉冲,作用与宽脉冲一样。

A、120°B、18°C、60°D、90°24. 可逆电路从控制方式分可分为有( )可逆系统。

A、环流和无环流B、并联和有环流C、并联和无环流D、并联和无并联25. 串联谐振逆变器电路每个桥臂由( )。

A、一只晶闸管B、一只二极管串联C、一只晶闸管和一只二极管串联D、一只晶闸管和一只二极管并联26. 数字式触发电路中如UK =O时,脉冲频率f=13kHz,UK=10V时,f=( ) kHz。

A、1.3B、130C、13D、130027. 直流快速开关的动作时间仅2ms,全部分断电弧也不超过( )ms,适用于中、大容量整流电路的严重过载和直流侧短路保护。

A、25~30B、10~15C、20~25D、15~2028. 电子管作为放大器工作,若固定栅偏压高于截止栅压,而且在栅极输入整个变化过程中电子管都处于导电状态,这样的工作状态叫( )类工作状态。

A、甲乙B、乙C、甲D、丙29. 在或非门RS触发器中,当R=S=1时,触发器时,触发器状态()。


A、000B、010C、110D、10131. 小电容可用万用表量出( )则无法直接测出。

A、开路,但短路和容量变化B、开路和容量,但开路变化C、短路和开路,但容量变化D、短路,但开路和容量变化32. 绝缘栅双极晶体管的开关速度()电力场效应管A、稍高于B、低于C、等于D、远高于33. ( )不是调节异步电动机的转速的参数。

A、开环调速B、变极调速C、转差率调速D、变频调速34. 有一台三相鼠笼式异步电动机,额定功率PN=40千瓦,转速为1450转/分,最大转矩为579.59牛•米,则过载系数为()A、1.2B、1.8C、2.2D、2.835. 交磁电机扩大机可用来控制直流电动机的电枢电压,构成交磁电机扩大机—直流电动机系统,简称( )。

A、G—M系统B、AG—G—M系统C、AG—M系统D、CNC—M系统36. 电流正反馈是在( )时,起着补偿作用,其补偿程度与反馈取样电阻Rv的分压比有关。

A、程序运行时B、电机高速C、负载发生变化D、电机低速37. 反电枢可逆电路由于电枢回路( ),适用于要求频繁启动而过渡过程时间短的生产机械,如可逆轧钢机、龙门刨等。

A、电感小B、电容大C、电容小D、电感大38. 环流抑制回路中的电容Cl,对环流控制起( )作用。

A、抑制B、加快C、减慢D、平衡39. 微处理器一般由( )、程序存储器、内部数据存储器、接口和功能单元(如定时器、计数器)以及相应的逻辑电路所组成。

A、CNCB、PLCC、MPUD、CPU40. 当MPU需要显示时,将要显示的数据送( )后再经驱动器驱动数码管显示。


A、锁存器B、译码器C、触发器D、驱动器41. 理想的驱动电源应使通过步进电动机很大电感量的绕组电流尽量接近( )。

A、三角波B、矩形波C、正弦波D、梯形波42. 在对模拟量信号采样时,经过多次采样,得到一个( )转换的数据序列,经过某种处理后,得到逼近真值的数据。

A、D/AB、放大C、A/DD、滤波整形43. 晶闸管中频电源可能对电网50HZ工频电压波形产生影响,必须在电源进线中采取( )措施来减小影响。

A、耦合B、滤波C、整流D、隔离44. 将需要用人造逆弧方法进行老练的管子装在高频设备上,为限制逆弧产生的短路电流,应在电路里接入( )。

A、过流继电器B、过压继电器C、熔断器D、限流电阻45. 检查可编程序控制器电柜内的温度和湿度不能超出要求范围(( )和35%~85%RH不结露),否则需采取措施。

A、0~55℃B、0~50℃C、-5~50℃D、5~55℃46. 更换电池之前,从电池支架上取下旧电池,装上新电池,从取下旧电池到装上新电池的时间要尽量短,一般不允许超过( ) min。

A、10B、5C、3D、1547. 在电力电子装置中,电力晶体管一般工作在()状态A、放大B、截止C、饱和D、开关48. 外部环境检查时,当湿度过大时应考虑装( )。

A、风扇B、空调C、加热器D、除尘器49. 组合机床电磁阀和信号灯采用直流( )电源。

A、6VB、24VC、12VD、36V50. 对于可编程序控制器电源干扰的抑制,一般采用隔离变压器和( )来解决。

A、交流滤波器B、直流滤波器C、直流发电机D、交流整流器51. ( )回路的管线尽量避免与可编程序控制器输出、输入回路平行,且线路不在同一根管路内。

A、弱供电B、照明C、控制D、强供电52. 直流差动放大器可以()A、放大共模信号,抑制差模信号B、放大差模信号,抑制共模信号C、放大差模和共模信号D、抑制差模和共模信号53.反应式步进电机的步进角θ的大小与运行拍数m的关系是θ与()A、m成正比B、m成反比C、m2成正比D、m2成正比54.根据无刷电动机的特点,调整方法正确的是()A、变极B、变频C、弱磁D、用电子换向开关,改变电压的方法55.自感系数单位换算正确的是()A、1H=103mHB、1μH=10mHC、1H=10mHD、1μH=10MH56.互感系数是由()来确定A、电流B、线圈匝数,几何尺寸C、线圈的电压D、线圈的电阻57.石英晶体多谐振动器的振动频率()A、只决定于石英晶体本身的谐振频率B、决定于R的大小C、决定于C的大小D、决定于时间常数RC58.基本RS触发器组成的数码寄存器清零时,须在触发器()A、R端加一正脉冲B、R端加一负脉冲C、S端加一正脉冲D、S端加一负脉冲59.单向逆阻型晶闸管斩波器的调制方式是()A、定频调宽B、定宽调频C、可以人为选择D、调宽变频60.电力场效应管MOSFET是理想的()控制器件A、电压B、电源C、电阻D、功率61. 检查电源( )波动范围是否在数控系统允许的范围内。


A、效率B、电流C、电压D、频率62. 检查变压器上有无( ),检查电路板上有无50/60Hz频率转换开关供选择。

A、熔断器保护B、多个插头C、插头D、接地63. JWK系列经济型数控机床通电前检查不包括( )。

A、确认电源相序B、直流电源的检查C、输入电源电压和频率的确认D、检查各熔断器64. 电源相序可用相序表或( )来测量。

A、万用表B、图形仪C、示波器D、兆欧表65. JWK系列经济型数控机床通电试车不包含( )内容。

A、系统参数核对B、手动操作C、接通强电柜交流电源D、检查各熔断器数控66. 在主轴( )调速范围内选一适当转速,调整切削量使之达到最大功率,机床工作正常,无颤振现象。

A、恒转矩B、恒电流C、恒电流D、恒功率67. 各直线运动坐标轴机械原点的复归精度属于数控机床的( )精度检验。

A、切削B、几何C、定位D、联动68. 回转运动的定位精度和重复分度精度属于数控机床的( )精度检验。

A、切削B、几何C、联动D、定位69. 数控单元是由双8031( )组成的MCS-51系统。

A、PLCB、微型机C、单片机D、单板机70. JWK经济型数控机床通过编程指令可实现的功能有( )。

A、以上都是B、快速点定位C、程序延时D、返回参考点71. 辅助功能可发出或接受多种信号。
