
2012年秘书资格五级(实操考试)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 案例分析 2. 工作实务案例分析1.阅读下面录像题的情景叙述内容,找出情景叙述中秘书行为及工作环境中正确或错误的地方(应至少找出15处正误点)。

1. What time is the meeting?答案:The meeting is at 10 a.m.2. Where is the conference room?答案:The conference room is on the third floor.3. Who will give the presentation?答案:Mr. Smith will give the presentation.4. What is the main topic of the discussion?答案:The main topic of the discussion is the new marketing strategy.5. How many people will attend the meeting?答案:There will be about 20 people attending the meeting.第二部分:阅读理解阅读理解是秘书英语考试中的另一个重要部分。
1. What is the purpose of the email?答案:The purpose of the email is to confirm the appointment.2. Who is the email from?答案:The email is from Mr. Johnson.3. When is the deadline for submitting the report?答案:The deadline for submitting the report is next Friday.4. What is the main point of the article?答案:The main point of the article is to discuss the benefits of team building activities.5. What is the author's opinion about the new policy?答案:The author is in favor of the new policy.第三部分:写作写作是秘书英语考试中的另一个重要部分。

国家秘书资格考试(五级)之秘书历年真题集锦-秘书资格五级秘书试卷与试题一、单项选择1. 秘书人员要保持()的美德A. 谦虚谨慎B. 惟命是从C. 谨小慎微D. 居安思危答案:A2. 秘书是上给的有力助手,发挥“助手“作用是指秘书要()A. 跟从上级,当好参谋B. 鞍前马后,搞好服务C. 调查研究,科学决策D. 维护权威,树立形象答案:A3. 秘书人员加强职业道德给养,很重要的一条是不可()A. 有自己的想法和创新B. 更多地考虑自己的家庭利益C. 假借上级的名义以权谋私D. 只会实干,不会巧干答案:C4. 下列各级词语中,书写完全正确的一组是()A. 去逝锻炼辣手B. 去世锻炼棘手篮球C. 去世锻练辣手蓝球D. 去逝锻炼棘手蓝球答案:B5. “吾妻之美我若,私我也“运用了()A. 动词的使动用法B. 形容词的使动用法C. 形容词的意动用法D. 名词的意动用法答案:B6. 从定语和中心语的意义关系来看,有()两种A. 修饰性和制约性B. 美化性和限制性C. 制约性和美化性D. 修饰性和限制性7. 状语的正常位置是在中心语()A. 之内B. 之外C. 之前D. 之后答案:D8. 记录讲话时,把可有可无或重复的语句删去,尽可能做到既要注重精,还要注重详,需采用()记录法A. 纲要B. 精详C. 精要D. 补充答案:B9. “心服“(心服口服)是采用汉字速记中的()略写法A. 熟知B. 成语C. 词组D. 多音节词答案:B10. 汉字草书是有规律、()的“草率化“A. 无规则B. 有系统C. 无系统D. 无规则答案:B11. 根据合同法规定,下列关于违约责任的说法错误的是()A. 违约责任是一种民事责任B. 违约责任是一种财产责任C. 违约责任是一种人身责任D. 违约责任具有一定的惩罚性答案:C12. 公司法规定,股东以工业产权.非专利技术作价出资金额,不得超过公司注册资本的(),国务院另有规定的除外。

国家公共英语(五级)笔试历年真题试卷汇编2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Use of English 3. Reading Comprehension 4. WritingSection I Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you wiPart ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文:M: What first spark your interest in sailing?W: It wasn’t really a conscious decision. It all just kind of happened. I’m the youngest of the four in my family and I started sailing with my brothers and my parents. I began racing when I was ten or eleven with my brother. Then we moved up into bigger boats and started helming, which was very exciting.M: What do you love about it?W: Everything, really. I love being outdoors and I love the freedom of just being able to jump in a boat and sail. But there are so many different parts of sailing. You have to concentrate on the tides and currents and weather. Just by sailing under a cloud, you will get more wind. There is a lot to learn about aerial dynamics.M: Where is your favorite place to sail?W: The west coast of Scotland where I grew up. I guess home is always your love, but it’s definitely the most beautiful sailing I’ve ever done. It can also be the most dangerous because it’s so tidal and the weather hits the coast there pretty badly. Second is New Zealand, particularly the North Island. I’ve sailed and cruised around there. That’s beautiful.M: What was it like sailing on your own? Did you get lonely?W: Yes, I did sometimes. But it’s quite funny because you are so busy all the time that days just disappear. You try to feed in as much as you can in daylight, and at night, you have to make everything secure. But if you get really lonely, you can always pick up the phone and speak to someone.M: What was the worst moment on the Around Alone race?W: Having to climb the mast on the second leg. I broke the main hauling yard, which is the rope that hauls the main sail at the top of the mast. It’s snapped right at the top, so I had to go up and replace it. As you can imagine, at the top of the mast, the yacht’s motion is really exaggerated. It’s very dangerous and you don’t want to go up there too often.M: Was there a time during the race when you thought you might not get back?W: A couple of times I thought: Why am I doing this? But there was never a time when I thought that’s it—I’m fish food, having said that. There are so many moments when you get up a bit slack about fitting the safetyharness because it’s a real pain to keep moving alone. If you trip or follow over board, that’s it. You are going to watch the boat sail off into the distance on autopilot. You either stay on the boat or you die. M: Do you ever get enough sleep sailing alone?W: You go into a state of exhaustion, so you sleep in bursts never more than 20 to 30 minutes at a time. In really rough weather, you just try to lie down for 10 minutes. You rarely sleep but your body somehow gets some energy back, because your life revolves around sailing, keeping the boat fast, navigating, eating, sleeping and it’s a constant routine. You only spend a few minutes doing anything at a time. M: Would you do the Around Alone race again?W: No, I’ve done it once and I have proved to myself that I can. The problem is that it’s a big chunk of your life and there’re so many other things I want to do, although I’m very lucky to be only 29 and have done the equivalent of a few around the world.The following is an interview with Emma Richards, one of Britain’s most successful sailors and the youngest person to complete the Around Alone race in May 2003. As you listen, answer Questions 1 to 10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the interview only once. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1 to 10.1.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A2.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A3.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:B4.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:B5.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A6.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:B7.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A8.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A9.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:A10.A.TUREB.FALSE正确答案:BPart BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:As scientists predict the dawn of a new agricultural revolution, up to 50% of the industry’s professionals are approaching retirement age. Employers say they are already losing some of their most senior staff, and in some cases have been forced to bring in staff from overseas to address the skills shortage. Professor Jim Gordan, the secretary of the Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture, says, coupled with declining university enrollments, the loss of senior agriculture professionals means Australia is seeing a brain drain when it is needed most. He alsocomments that a generation is coming to the end of their working life and there is a bit of a gap there in terms of their successors. That gap is pretty wide in terms of the availability replacements. For example, a number of universities have been trying to employ lecturers in agricultural economy and it’s really, really hard to find people who are suitable. Earlier this month in a speech to international conference, the former Primary Industry’s Minister John Kerin highlighted an urgent need to address this very alarming situation. He points out that government agricultural agencies are being cut down. Agricultural research development is lessening. Agricultural education is slimming down quite rapidly at tertiary level and physical infrastructure is being underinvested. This is at a time when we are facing unprecedented agricultural production and environmental challenges. The state and federal agricultural agencies agree that a mass of losses of senior professionals is potential scenario for the industry. When contacted by the media, the federal department for agriculture, fisheries and forestry and several state agencies said they were aware of the projection and had funding grands and graduate programs and place to address the situation.11.What is happening in Australia’s agricultural industry?A.Many people are disqualified.B.Few senior positions are offered.C.Aging staff is posing a threat to its future.D.Senior staff leave for overseas employment.正确答案:C12.What is Professor Gordan’s concern?A.Lack of interest in agriculture.B.Shortage of agricultural talents.C.Existence of the generation gap.D.Reluctance to teach agricultural economy.正确答案:C13.What problem does Mr. Kerin point out?A.Environmental pollution caused by agriculture.B.Insufficient investment in higher education.C.Diminishing number of agricultural institutions.D.Imbalance between research and production.正确答案:C听力原文:W: What big mistakes do consultants make?M: They charge by the hour. As a solo consultant you should only “ bill on value” and you should only deal with an economic buyer—somebody who can write a check for you. Don’t deal with a middleman. I used to think that most consultants were undercapitalized and that wastheir big problem. What I know now is that the main problem is self-esteem. It doesn’t matter what their age, gender, or culture is. Most consultants do not see themselves as their clients’ peers, but as subordinates. They are submissive and they come to the job head in hand. If you want to make six figures, you can’t have that mentality.W: What is the challenge through the self-employed?M: Becoming self-employed as a consultant aggravates the problem most people have. When you work in a company, someone else can be the front man and you can hide and just poke your hand out when you have something you feel strong about it. When you rode on your own, the poor self-esteem issues rise to the surface and one third of people don’t have good support systems among their spouses and friends. Instead of encouraging them, these people are saying: Go back to work. You are never going to make it on your own.W: What do you mean by “bill on value”?M: Get an agreement with the buyer on objectives and metrics. If you are going to help save the company a million dollars or improve their market position by 2. 5 million dollars, you can get a 10% or better return, so you can make 100, 000 or 250, 000 dollars for those jobs. When you are talking to the right buyers, they don’t blink these figures. Don’t deal with a trainer or a HR person. Deal with the person who was authorized to spend that money.14.What is the problem with consultants?A.They do not have a middleman.B.They do not have sufficient capital.C.They are too humble to their clients.D.They focus on a six-figure salary.正确答案:C15.What does Weiss say about self-esteem?A.Self-esteem matters a lot when one works in a company.B.Self-esteem enables people to confront someone superior.C.Self-esteem is built up on a support system.D.Self-esteem plays a bigger role for the self-employed.正确答案:D16.What does “bill on value” mean?A.Helping a company improve its market share by 10 percent.B.Knowing what the company is planning to achieve.C.A consultant’s income depends on how much he helps a company make or save.D.A consultant should have a clear idea about who has the final say on expenses.正确答案:D听力原文:W: A safe hospital is one that is able to withstand the emergencies, withstand floods, earthquakes and strong wind and continue to provide appropriate life-saving functions to protect people, to save life and limbs, to reduce the suffering of people from disasters.M: Emergencies in 2008 affected 211 million people worldwide and killed almost a quarter of a million. Health facilities also suffered. In China, 11, 000 health facilities were damaged or destroyed in the 2008 earthquake. More than half of the 16, 000 hospitals in Latin America and Caribbean are in areas of high risk for disasters.W: To commemorate world health day this year, WHO is advocating a series of best practices that can be implemented in any resource setting to make hospitals safe during emergencies. Apart from choosing a safe location for building health facilities and providing solid construction, good planning and carrying out emergency exercises in advance can help maintain critical functions.M: In some countries up to 80% of the health budget is spent on building hospitals and other health facilities. Rebuilding a hospital that has been destroyed virtually doubles the initial cost. Get a costs little to make existing hospitals function again in extreme events.W: Experience in Latin America and Caribbean shows that to put a damaged but structurally sound facility will cost no more than 1% of the hospital’s budget but will protect up to 90% of that investment.M: Health facilities are vulnerable to other emergencies too. Armed conflicts often target health services and cut access to care as does poor preparation for disease outbreaks. Under investment, poor planning and construction and the absence of emergency planning as well as training prevent health facilities from doing their life-saving work.17.How many people lost their lives worldwide in emergencies in 2008?A.11, 000.B.16, 000.C.250, 000.D.11, 000, 000.正确答案:C18.Which is one of the best practices WHO is advocating?A.To train doctors and nurses.B.To recruit volunteers.C.To equip hospitals with advanced facilities.D.To do drills in preparation for emergencies.正确答案:D19.Which of the following is suggested by the two officials?A.To spend 80 percent of the total health budget on hospitals.B.To make use of the existing facilities in emergencies.C.To increase the original budget for hospital construction.D.To rebuild the hospitals that have been destroyed.正确答案:B20.What causes hospitals to lose their normal functions?A.Inadequate investment.B.Large-scale outbreaks of diseases.C.Lack of experienced surgeons.D.Outdated health facilities.正确答案:APart CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文:W: You have a set introduction for every show. Recite it for me and explain what it says about your regard for dirty jobs and manual labor.M: My name is Mike Rowe. And this is my job: I explore the country, looking for people who aren’t afraid to get dirty, hard-working men and women who do the kinds of jobs that make civilized life possible for the rest of us. Now get ready to get dirty. That’s the mission statement for the show. We are finding people who are doing work that most of us go out of our way to avoid. I spend a day with them as an apprentice, trying to keep up with them and have a few laughs. The success of the show, I believe, is a result to those underlining themes about work that we constantly come back to, not just because of the exploding toilets and misadventures in animal husbandry.W: There are a lot of things going on in your show. You introduce the audience to jobs that are unseen, even unknown, for the millions of Americans leading nice, clean, suburban lives. At the same time, you highlight the skill, the dignity, the humor of the people who do these jobs. Is it intentional that you have those dual themes?M: It was very deliberate. The show started as a small segment on a local show in San Francisco. I was able to experiment quite a bit with what audiences responded to before I ever took the program to a network. I learned from doing these smaller profiles that there was a real mix between the interest the audience would have in the job itself and in the people who are performing the work. There is no dignity in work alone. The dignity is in the people. You can’t do a show about work that highlights the good parts of it unless you also include a show about people that highlights the good parts of them.W: How many different dirty jobs have you done since the show has been on? And can you give me a list?M: I finished my 200th a couple of months ago. We are now in the fourth season of the show and when we began, the intention was to do 12 programs, 12 jobs. I ran out of ideas around 50, and ever since, we’ve turned the programming of the show over to the viewers. Most of the ideas come in from people who actually watch the show.W: I heard you say on the program once, “As my grandfather said, never trust a fellow with clean shoes. “ Did he really say that? What did he do?M: My grandfather is the reason Dirty Job is on the air. He had aseventh-grade education but was one of those fellows born hard-wired with an innate understanding of construction and technical trades. He built my first car. He built the house I was born in without a blueprint. By the time he was 50, he was a master plumber, master electrician, a bricklayer, a stone mason. At the base of his brain, he just knew how stuff worked mechanically and technically. I didn’t get that gene.W: You’ve been an actor, a singer, a TV performer , all pretty clean jobs. When you are the age of deciding what to be when you grew up, did you make a conscious choice to get a clean job?M: I made a deliberate choice when I was 18 years old. My grandfather lived right next door to us, and he was as present in my life as my dad. I couldn’t do all the things that my grandfather could do. I had an appreciation and respect for the kind of work he did, but I decided to go as far from it as I could and try and find something that came as easily to me as construction came to him.W: You also had said on the show that some of the happiest people you’ve ever met go home every day smelling bad because they work with stuff like sewage and garbage. Are you saying that workers you meet in dirty jobs are generally happier people than you meet in cleaner professions?M: It’s a generalization, but I’ll stand by it. Happiness is a tough, subjective thing to define. But I will say that after a couple hundred of these experiences, the thing I find is balance in the lives of people I’ve met. People with dirty jobs have a balance in their lives that I don’t see in my friends who are actuarial accountants and investment bankers. They start their day clean: they wind up coming home dirty, but somehow, they seem to be having a better time than the rest of us.You will hear an interview with Mike Rowe, host of the American TV show Dirty Jobs. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21 to 30 by writing no more than three words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the interview twice. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21 to 30.21.正确答案:dirty jobs22.正确答案:avoid23.正确答案:unseen, even unknown24.正确答案:San Francisco25.正确答案:job and people26.正确答案:5027.正确答案:From the viewers28.正确答案:construction29.正确答案:his grandfather30.正确答案:BalanceSection II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Pay and productivity, it is generally assumed, should be related. But the relationship seems to weaken【C1】______people get older. Mental ability declines【C2】______age. That is the same for the brainy and the dim—and not【C3】______for humans: it is measurable even【C4】______fruit flies.【C5】______ minds that keep lively will suffer less than the lazy. In general, the more education you have, the more productive your old【C6】______will be. Some【C7】______decline faster than others. According to most studies, people’s numerical and reasoning abilities are【C8】______their best in their 20s and early 30s.【C9】______ abilities —those that depend on knowledge—may improve with age. For most workers, decreased abilities will【C10】______to lower productivity: only a minority will find know-how and knowledge outweighs their failing powers. Even those employees who remain highly productive will be likely to shine only in a narrow【C11】______. Academics notice this. It is less clear that employers do. Studies of supervisors’ratings show no clear correlation【C12】______age and perceived productivity. When other employees’ views are【C13】______into account though, the picture changes: these ratings suggest that workers in their 30s are the【C14】______productive andhardworking, 【C15】______scores falling thereafter. That is【C16】______up by studies of work samples, which find lower productivity among the oldest employees.A study for America’s Department of Labor showed job performance peaking at 35, and【C17】______declining. It varied by industry: the fall was【C18】______in footwear, but faster in furniture. Intellectual occupations are harder to measure, but the picture is the same. Academics seem to publish【C19】______ as they age. Painters, musicians and writers show the same tendency. Their output peaks in their 30s and 40s. The only【C20】______is female writers, who are most productive in their 50 s.31.【C1】正确答案:as解析:此空上一句意为:“人们普遍认为工资和生产率应该是相关的。

A. Listening Test【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音五级02”中。
】I. Directions: Listen to this short dialogue and tell whetherthe following sentences are True or False. Write T for True and F for False in the brackets. (5 questions, 2 marks each question,10 marks altogether) 你将听到一个对话,根据其内容对下列句子做出正确或错误的判断,请在 [ ] 中填写T(对)或F(错),每题2分,共10分。
1.[ ] The woman doesn’t come to work at 9 o’clock.2.[ ] The woman files in the afternoon.3.[ ] The man wants to know whether the woman likes making coffee.4.[ ] The woman needs to receive incoming mail and this is her only job in themorning.5. [ ] The woman does a lot of things in the morning, including taking care of theincoming regular mails, sending faxes and making coffee if needed.II Directions: Listen to the dialogue and read the questions. Then choose a correct answer to each question. (5 questions, 2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether) 根据所听到的对话选择出正确答案,每题2分,共10分。

2013年秘书资格五级(实操考试)真题试卷(一)(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 案例分析 2. 工作实务案例分析1.请阅读下面录像题的情景叙述,找出情景叙述中秘书行为及工作环境中正确或错误的地方(应至少找出15处正误点)。
(√) (2)发现问题能够及时了解情况。
(√) (3)能够及时报告维修部门排除隐患。
(√) (4)及时填写《隐患记录及处理表》。
(√) (5)《隐患记录及处理表》格式正确,内容完整。

国家公共英语(五级)笔试模拟试卷108(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Use of English 3. Reading Comprehension 4. WritingSection I Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you wiPart ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文:P: Phew! I had to run all the way to make it.S: You are a little late. May I see your boarding pass?P: Let me see. Where did I put it? Oh, here it is. I hope I got the non-smoking section. I was in such a hurry.S: Yes, you did. It’s seat 32 C on the aisle.P: Miss, this is my first flight. I wonder if you could show me the ropes.S: Don’t be embarrassed! Everyone has to make their first flight sometime. I’d be glad to. That’s what we are here for.P: Thanks, I don’t even know how to find my seat.S: They are all numbered. Just go straight back and another stewardess will show you where to sit and how to fasten your safety belt.P: And then?S: And then listen to the intercom for further instructions.P: Thank you.S: You are welcome. I’ll come back later to see that you are OK.P: Thanks again. (Later)S: Hello there. How are you doing?P: Fine so far, but my ears feel a little funny.S: That’s the air pressure. You’ll get used to it in a little while.P: Can I unfasten my seat belt now?S: Yes. As soon as the light above your seat goes off, then you can get up and walk around.P: Will there be a movie?S: Yes, but not until after we have served dinner.P: Will that be soon?S: Yes, right away. You must be hungry.P: Not very, but I would like a drink, please.S: I’ll bring you one. Would you like a coke, 7up, beer, wine...?P: Just water, please.S: Would you like to read a magazine?P: Yes, I’d like to look at Newsweek please and could you tell me where to find the restroom?S: It’s right back to the rear of the plane.P: I’m grateful for your help.S: It’s my pleasure.1.The passenger got the non-smoking section.A.TrueB.False正确答案:正确2.The first stewardess showed him to fasten his safety belt.A.TrueB.False正确答案:错误3.His seat was not by the window.A.TrueB.False正确答案:正确4.Another stewardess will tell him further instructions after he is seated. A.TrueB.False正确答案:错误5.His ears feel strange because of the air pressure.A.TrueB.False正确答案:正确6.Passengers may not unfasten their seat belts at any time.A.TrueB.False正确答案:错误7.They can’t see a movie until after dinner.A.TrueB.False正确答案:正确8.The stewardess brought him wine to drink.A.TrueB.False正确答案:错误9.He would like to read the New York Times while waiting for dinner. A.TrueB.False正确答案:错误10.The toilet is at right back to the rear of the plane.A.TrueB.False正确答案:错误Part BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:How do you decide what you are going to buy in a supermarket? Do you look in the refrigerator and the kitchen cupboards and make a list? Do you think about what you want to cook and then buy the food you need7 Even if you do these things, the supermarket makes some of the decisions for you. Specialists in marketing have studied how to make people buy more food in a supermarket. They do all kinds of things that you do not even notice. For example, the simple, ordinary food that everybody must buy, like bread, milk, flour and vegetable oil, is spread all over the store. You have to walk by all the more interesting —and more expensive —things in order to find what you need. The more expensive food in packages with bright-colored pictures. This food is placed at eye level so you see it and want to buy it. The things that you have to buy anyway are usually located on a higher or lower shelf. However, candy and other things that children like are on lower shelves. One study showed that when a supermarket moved four products from floor to eye level, it sold 78 percent more. Another study showed that for every minute a person is in a supermarket after the first half hour, she or he spends $0.50. If someone stays forty minutes, the supermarket has an additional $5.00. So the store has a comfortable temperature in summer and winter, and it plays soft music. It is a pleasant place for people to stay —and to spend more money.11.Why is simple food spread all over the supermarket?A.To make people buy more food.B.To help you make decision.C.Because it is cheap.D.Because it is easy to find them.正确答案:A12.A good way to save money in a supermarket is to ______.A.buy more items at a timeB.buy just what you need and then leaveC.buy things packed in bright colorsD.ignore things on lower or higher shelves13.What idea does the talk want to convey?A.The supermarket makes some of the decisions for people.B.People make a list before they go to a supermarket.C.People like to go to a supermarket.D.Marketing specialists study methods of selling more products.正确答案:A听力原文:In the past, American families tended to be quite large. Parents raising five or more children were common. Over the years the size of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the cost of living. On the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them financially dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better dressed and have more money to spend on entertainment. The parents usually take the responsibility for all the expenses. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers work away from home. The break up of the family occurs when the parents divorce. A lot of children in the US live part of their young lives with only one parent. Broken families usually result in problems for children and parents alike. Children blame themselves when their parents separate. They grow up feeling unsettled as they are moved back and forth between parents. Usually one parent takes the responsibility for raising the children. These single parents must care for the children’s emotional and psychological needs while also supporting them financially. This is very demanding and leaves very little time for the parent’s own personal interests. Single parents often marry other single parents. In this type of family, unrelated children are forced to develop brother or sister relationship. This situations of many American families today are not good. However, recent signs indicate that things are getting better. The divorce rate is declining. The rate of childbirth is rising. Perhaps Americans have learned how important families are.14.Why do American families become smaller?A.Big families tend to cause the parents to get divorced.B.More children mean more cost of their education.C.They have to carry out family planning program.D.Children are likely to be spoiled in big families.正确答案:B15.What problems might children have when their parents break up?A.They are not much loved any more.B.They have nobody to depend on.C.They have no stable living environment.D.They blame themselves for the breakup.16.What does the speaker imply about the situation of American families at the end of the talk?A.There will be more single parent families.B.More families will break up.C.There will appear the increase of birthrate and decrease of divorce rate.D.There will be less divorce and higher birth rate.正确答案:C听力原文:The proverb “One man’s meat is another man’s poison” applies to table manners as well. To put it more simply, something which is rude in one country may well be quite polite in another. For example, in Britain you mustn’t lift your soup bowl to your mouth. In Japan, however, lifting your bowl to your mouth is an efficient way of drinking your soup. And in Japan you needn’t worry about making a noise when you drink it. Noisily drinking your soup, and any other food you happen to be eating, is quite acceptable and shows that you are enjoying it. That’s not true in Britain, however. In Britain, we try not to put our hands or elbows on the table at all during a meal. In Mexico, however, guests are supposed to keep their hands on the table throughout a meal. But it is in the Arab countries where we really must be aware of what we do with our hands. You see, in Arab countries you mustn’t, under any circumstances, eat with your left hand. This is considered very, very impolite. So what should you do if you visit another country? Well, you needn’t worry. The details of table manners may vary but usually the aim is to avoid eating in a way that is disgusting and to look after other people’s needs as well as your own. So be guided by your host and hostess and try and do as they do, not as you do at home.17.Which of the following is the acceptable table manner in Britain?A.You lift your soup bowl to your mouth.B.You make noise when drinking soup.C.You shouldn’t raise your elbows to your shoulders.D.You shouldn’t put your hands on the table.正确答案:D18.Which is considered as a good manner in Mexico?A.To put your hands on the table during the meal.B.To make noise in eating any kind of food.C.To eat your meal quickly and clearly.D.To put your elbows away from the table.正确答案:A19.In Arab countries, what is considered very impolite?A.Eating with left hand.B.Eating with a fork.C.Drinking soup noisily.D.Talking while eating.正确答案:A20.What’s the main idea of the passage?A.An introduction of British table manners.B.Table manners and enjoyment.C.Different countries have different table manners.D.The importance and details of table manners.正确答案:CPart CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文:The Mayas were a group of people who lived in Central America. They lived in an area of about 500, 000 square kilometers —about 900 kilometers from north to south and about 600 kilometers from east to west. They lived in the area which is today Guatemals, British Honduras, the western part of Honduras, E1 Salvador, and part of Mexico. There are still some Mayas living in that area today, but there used to be a lot more Mayas living there in the past. At one time the Mayan population was over 2 million. About 1,000 years ago there were three main parts of the Mayan civilization: the southern part, the central part, and the northern part. The parts were very different; each region had different characteristics. The southern part, what is today part of Guatemala and western E1 Salvador, had an excellent climate. It wasn’t too hot and there was a moderate amount of rain. The soil there was good, so plants grew easily. In addition to the good climate, the southern part had many natural resources, such as wood for fuel and stones for building. The combination of good climate and natural resources made the southern part very wealthy. The general wealth of the Mayan civilization was in the southern part. In the central area, what is today the southern half of the Yucatan peninsula, the climate was much worse than the climate in the south. It was extremely hot and there were heavy rains. The forests grew quickly. The people had to work hard to control the forests so that they could grow something to eat. It was difficult to live in the central area. The northern area, what is today the northern part of the Yucatan peninsula, was even more difficult to live in than the central area. The northern area had very little rainfall and very few plants or trees. It was difficult for anything to grow in this northern area because there is a layer of rock below the surface of the ground. The soilin the northern Yucatan is very rocky. Generally, the people in the north had a difficult life. Out of these parts, the southern part, the central part, and the northern part, most of the cultural achievements came from the central area. In addition, most of the Mayan population lived in the central area. During the Mayan Classical Period, from 300 to 900 AD, the central area was very important culturally. There were many large ceremonial centers in the central area. Tikal was the largest known center. Originally, people did not live in these centers. The centers were used only for religious ceremonies and as market places. The secenters were empty except on market days and religious festivals. At those times thousands of people came in from the countryside. Apparently, towards the end of the Classical Period, in about 700 AD, more and more people began to move into these centers. They used these market centers as a place to live. This increase in population caused problems for the farmers near the centers. The farmers near the market centers had only a small amount of good farming land. But they had to grow more and more food on their land in order to feed the people in the market centers. It became more and more difficult for them to raise enough food. Because of overcrowding, the centers became noisy and polluted. Water pollution was one of the greatest problems in the centers. Because the population grew so quickly, the centers didn’t have good enough systems for bringing in clean water and for getting rid of dirty water. So this movement to the market centers caused several serious problems for the Mayas in the central area. At the end of the ninth century, in the late 800s, the population in the market centers dropped sharply. Many people moved to the north —to places like Uxmal and Kabah. The market places, the great buildings, the great artistic achievements were left behind. Historian have studied these questions. Why did the population drop? Why did the Mayas leave the market area? Why did they move to the north where it was so dry and where the soil was so poor? One theory is that the centers collapsed because of environmental reasons. The overcrowding, the pollution may have caused such problems that people were no longer able to live in the centers. In any case, the great Mayan civilization began to decline around 900 AD. People are still studying the Mayan culture and trying to learn about why the civilization declined.21.What natural resources did the southern part have?正确答案:Wood and stones.22.In which part can we find the general wealth of the Mayan population?正确答案:The southern part.23.In terms of climate, what do you know about the southern area?正确答案:Hot and rainy.24.In which area did most of the Mayan population live?正确答案:Central area.25.When was the Mayan Classical Period?正确答案:(From)300 to 900.26.In what sense was the central area important during the Classical Period?正确答案:Culturally (speaking).27.What caused problems for the farmers near the market centers?正确答案:Increase in population.28.Where did some Mayans go after they left the central area?正确答案:To the north.29.What were the market centers used for?正确答案:For religious ceremonies.30.What caused the collapse of the market centers according to the talk?正确答案:Environmental reasons./Pollution and overcrowding.Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external result or【C1】______that can easily be identified【C2】______measured. The worker who gets a promotion, the student【C3】______grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language —all these are examples of people who have measurable【C4】______to show for their efforts.【C5】______contrast, the process of personal growth is【C6】______more difficult to determine, since【C7】______definition it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks【C8】______the way. The process is not the road itself, but【C9】______the attitudes and feelings people have, their caution or courage, as they encounter new experiences and unexpected obstacles. In this【C10】______, the journey never really ends; there are【C11】______new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges【C12】______accept. In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to【C13】______risks, to confront the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may “fail”at first.【C14】______we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential to our ability to grow. Do we perceive ourselves【C15】______quick and curious? If so, then we tend to take more chances and to be more open【C16】______unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we’re slow to adapt【C17】______change or that we’re not smart【C18】______to cope with a new challenge? Then we are【C19】______to take a more passive role or not try at【C20】______.31.【C1】正确答案:product32.【C2】正确答案:and33.【C3】正确答案:whose34.【C4】正确答案:results35.【C5】正确答案:By36.【C6】正确答案:much37.【C7】正确答案:by38.【C8】正确答案:along39.【C9】正确答案:rather40.【C10】正确答案:process 41.【C11】正确答案:always 42.【C12】正确答案:to 43.【C13】正确答案:take 44.【C14】正确答案:How 45.【C15】正确答案:as 46.【C16】正确答案:to 47.【C17】正确答案:to 48.【C18】正确答案:enough 49.【C19】正确答案:likely 50.【C20】正确答案:allSection III Reading Comprehension (50 minutes)Part ADirections: Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.“She was America’s princess as much as she was Britain’s princess,” wrote the foreign editor of the normally sharp Chicago Tribune a week after the death in Paris of Diana, Princess of Wales. He was not far off the mark. For Americans have indeed taken posthumous possession of Britain’s “People’s Princess”. What was happening? How was it that a nation whose school children are taught in history class to look down on the “tyranny”of the English monarchy, suddenly appeared so supportive of a member of the British royal family? Why was it that numerous American commentators sought to expand into touch the rumour that Diana had planned to move to the United States to live? Part of the answer lies in America’s status as the celebrity culture par excellence. It is from their celebrities that many Americans derive their sense of nationhood. Their presidents must be celebrities in order to be elected. Writer and commentator Norman Mailer made the point after the last presidential election that Bill Clinton won because he projected the image of a Hollywood star, while Bob Dole lost because he came across as a supporting actor. What seems to have happened is that the inhabitants of the nation that produced Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley have found it almost impossible to accept that Princess Diana, the world’s biggest, classiest contemporary celebrity by far, should have come from another country. Even that, many seemed to say to themselves, was merely an accident of birth; because in many ways she was so American. Her New Age preferences —the astrologers, the psychics, the aromatherapy —were closer to the style of former US First Lady Nancy Reagan than the House of Windsor. Her dieting and her visits to the gym were lifestyle options that were typically American. Her famous TV confession of adultery and her (purportedly unauthorized) tellall biography were also hallmarks of the American celebrity approach. Like another former First Lady, Jackie Kennedy, she auctioned her dresses —not in London or Paris, but New York. She visited America frequently and felt right at home there, revelling in the generous attentions of the rich and famous and delighting in the unreserved responsiveness of the public to her charms. For she seemed to have adapted brilliantly to another American invention: image manipulation, which all aspirants top olitical office in the US struggle to learn but which she appeared to have absorbed and refined naturally. She was, in short, a thoroughly modem woman and, like it or not, most of what is modern originates in the United States. But many Americans felt she also had more enduring qualities. Many viewed her as the incarnation of their country’s dominant myth. As an editorial in the Miami Herald put it: “She was an American dream, a superstar Cinderella with the polish of a natural-born socialite ... In a way she fulfilled the American dream: to emerge from insignificance and overcome hardship and make something of herself.”Elaine Showalter, a student of American popular culture who teaches English at Princet onUniversity, noted the difference between the dullness of Prince Charles and Diana’s “very American sensibility”. “We have a sense here in America that anything is possible, that you are not a predetermined person; that if you are a woman from whom nothing is expected but you want to make your life count, you can do it. She shared that spirit and that’s why she appealed so much to Americans.”51.The author suggests that whether one can win the presidential election depends on his ______.A.political ambitionB.fame and charmC.political achievementsD.family influence正确答案:B52.The author mentions Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley because they ______.A.had many preferences that were similar to Diana’sB.loved the United States, just as Diana didC.were American celebritiesD.were the most famous in their days and were Americans正确答案:D53.It can be inferred that ______.A.Diana had planned to move to the United StatesB.the author seems also to think that Diana belonged to the United StatesC.American children are taught to tolerate all kinds of social systemsD.Diana worked hard to learn image manipulation正确答案:B54.What is “count” (Para. 5, Sentence 6) most likely to mean?A.calculateB.last a long timeC.assume importanceD.be accepted正确答案:C55.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A.Chicago Tribune has a keen sense of hot news and is always skillful at singing the praises.B.The foreign editor of Chicago Tribune was exaggerating saying Diana was American’s princess.C.While running for presidency, Clinton prepared posters of himself as a movie star.D.Diana was dear to the hearts of Americans because she was a modern Cinderella.正确答案:DThe “standard of living” of any country means the average person’s share of the goods and services which the country produces. A country’s standard of living, therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. “Wealth” in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: “goods”such as food and clothing, and “services”such as transport and entertainment. A country’s capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country’s natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a favourable climate; other regions possess none of them. The USA is one of the wealthiest regions of the world because she has vast natural resources within her borders, her soil is fertile, and her climate is varied. The Sahara Desert, on the other hand, is one of the least wealthy. Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use. Sound and stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasion, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and to produce more wealth than another country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country’s people. Old countries that have, through many centuries, trained up numerous skilled craftsmen and technicians are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled. Wealth also produces wealth. As a country becomes wealthier, its people have a large margin for saving, and can put their savings into factories and machines which will help workers to produce more goods in their working day. A country’s standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. For example, Britain’s wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplus manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural product that would otherwise be lacking.A country’s wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.56.According to the author, a nation’s wealth depends upon ______.A.its standard of livingB.its moneyC.its ability to provide goods and servicesD.its ability to provide and transport and entertain正确答案:C57.The best title for the passage would be ______.A.the Wealth of a CountryB.the Standard of LivingC.the Natural Resources of a CountryD.none of the above正确答案:B58.The word “foremost” most probably means ______.A.firstlyB.largelyC.for the most partD.most importantly正确答案:D59.The main idea of the second paragraph is that ______.A.the USA is one of the richest countries in the worldB.the Sahara Desert is a very poor regionC.a country’s wealth depends on many factorsD.natural resources are an important factor in the wealth or poverty of a country 正确答案:D60.Which of the following about Britain’s wealth is TRUE according to the passage?A.Britain’s wealth is entirely produced and consumed within its borders.B.Britain is more dependent upon trade than any other country in the world.C.Britain manufactures more than it needs for home consumption.D.Britain’s wealth lies only in what it can manufacture.正确答案:CAlthough social changes in the United States were being wrought throughout most of the nineteenth century, public awareness of the changes increased to new levels in the 1890’s. The acute, growing public awareness of the social changes that had been taking place for some time was tied to tremendous growth in popular journalism in the late nineteenth century, including growth in quantity and circulation of both magazines and newspapers. These developments, in addition to thecontinued growth of cities, were significant factors in the transformation of society from one characterized by relatively isolated self-contained communities into an urban, industrial nation. The decade of the 1870’s, for example, was a period in which the sheer number of newspapers doubled, and by 1880 the New York Graphic had published the first photographic reproduction in a newspaper, portending a dramatic rise in newspaper readership. Between 1882 and 1886 alone, the price of daily newspapers dropped from four cents a copy, to one cent, made posssible in part by a great increase in demand. Furthermore, the introduction in 1890 of the first successful lino-type machine promised even further growth. In 1872 only two daily newspapers could claim a circulation of over 100,000, but by 1892 seven more newspapers exceeded that figure. A world beyond the immediate community was rapidly becoming visible. But it was not newspapers alone that were bringing the new awareness to people in the United States in the late nineteenth century. Magazines as they are known today began publication around 1882, and, in fact, the circulation of weekly magazines exceeded that of newspapers in the period which followed. By 1892, for example, file circulation of the Ladies’Home Journal had reached an astounding 700,000. An increase in book readership also played a significant part in this general trend. For example, Edward Bellamy’s utopian novel, Looking Backward, sold over a million copies in 1888, giving rise to the growth of organizations dedicated to the realization of Bellamy’s vision of the future. The printed word, unquestionably, was intruding on the insulation that had characterized United States society in an earlier period.61.According to the passage, the expansion of popular journalism was linked to ______.A.changes in the distribution systemB.a larger supply of paperC.an increase in people’s awareness of social changesD.greater numbers of journalists正确答案:C62.According to the passage, the New York Graphic’s inclusion of photographs contributed to ______.A.the closing of newspapers that did not use photographsB.newspapers’ becoming more expensiveC.an increase in the number of people reading newspapersD.a reduction in the cost of advertising正确答案:C63.Why was there a drop in the price of daily newspapers between 1882 and 1886?。

国家公共英语五级(听力理解)练习试卷8(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. Listening ComprehensionSection I Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you wiPart BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:Mother’s Day is one of the national holidays in the United States. It is observed on the second Sunday in May. It is a day set aside for the purpose of honoring mothers. On that day mothers are usually given flowers and cards to celebrate the occasion. Children usually write “To the best mother in the world”, “Thinking of you on Mother’s Day”, or “Thanks, Mom!” and so on on the cards. It is a common practice for sons and daughters to wear a pink carnation if their mothers are still living and white if they are dead. Where does the idea for the holiday come from? We should give credit to Miss Anna Jarvis, a native of West Virginia. Her mother died in Philadelphia on May 9, 1905. And on the first anniversary of her mother’s death she invited some friends to an informal memorial meeting. Again in 1907 a church service was held on her mother’s death anniversary. Because of her efforts, Philadelphia observed the first Mother’s Day on May 10, 1908. After that she began to write countless letters to very important persons and went to see many public men in order to plead for the observance of the day. Thanks to her painstaking efforts, the state of Pennsylvania made it a state holiday in May, 1913, and in the same year the United States Congress recommended that the second Sunday in May be made a national holiday honoring motherhood. The holiday was officially proclaimed by President Wilson, and the American people have observed Mother’s Day ever since.1.What day is Mother’s Day?A.The second Saturday in May.B.The second Sunday in May.C.The first Sunday in May.D.The first Saturday in May.正确答案:B解析:该题为细节题。

201-400-公共英语五级试卷与试题1. ensure/make sure ______答案:确保2. set ______答案:设置3. install/mount ______答案:安装4. loosen ______答案:松开5. start ______答案:开始、启动6. locate/position ______答案:定位7. supply/provide ______答案:供应8. the flight compartment ______ 答案:驾驶舱9. entry door ______答案:登机门10. galley service door ______答案:厨房勤务门11. emergency exit door ______答案:紧急出口门12. cargo door ______答案:货舱门13. miscellaneous ______答案:各种各样的14. access door ______答案:检修口15. flight control ______答案:飞行操纵16. crew ______答案:机组人员17. pressure bearing door ______答案:承压门18. latched ______答案:锁住19. silicon rubber seal ______答案:硅胶密封垫20. knot ______答案:节21. protective cover ______答案:防护罩22. safety strap ______答案:安全带23. doorway ______答案:门口24. escape slide ______答案:逃生滑梯25. girt bar ______答案:束缚杆26. armed ______答案:预位的27. door slide warning pennant______ 答案:门滑梯警示牌28. clean ______答案:无障碍的29. recess ______答案:凹槽30. engage ______答案:啮合31. drive mechanism ______答案:驱动装置32. cocked ______答案:准备的33. effort ______答案:气动34. motion ______答案:位移35. spring force ______答案:弹簧力36. balance ______答案:平衡37. secure stance ______答案:安全的站姿38. girt strap ______答案:束腹带39. procedure ______答案:操作程序40. stow ______答案:收藏41. pressurize ______答案:增压42. hinge lock mechanism ______ 答案:铰链锁定装置43. assist handle ______答案:辅助手柄44. entry door exterior ______答案:登机门外45. interior handle ______答案:内部手柄46. door grab handle ______答案:舱门拉动手柄47. door window shade ______答案:舱门风挡遮光板48. line replaceable units(LRUS) ______ 答案:航线可换件49. wiring ______答案:线路50. moisture condensation ______答案:水汽凝结物51. trigger ______答案:触发器52. latch pin ______答案:锁销53. detent ______答案:止动爪54. roller track ______答案:滚动滑轨55. spring catch ______答案:弹簧锁56. auto throttle ______答案:自动油门57. interrogator ______答案:问询机58. multiplexer ______答案:多路调制器59. altimeter ______答案:高度表60. vibration ______答案:振动61. decoder ______答案:解码器62. communication ______答案:通讯63. navigation ______答案:导航64. replaceable ______答案:可替代的65. marker beacon receiver ______答案:指点信标接收机66. multi mode receiver ______答案:多模接收机67. anti skid/auto brake controller ______ 答案:防滞、自动刹车控制器68. tran sceiver ______答案:无线电收发器69. detector ______答案:探测器70. controller ______答案:控制器71. inverter ______答案:反流器72. APU start converter ______答案:APU启动变流机73. connector ______答案:连接器74. conditioner ______答案:调节器75. be on steady ______答案:恒亮76. disappear ______答案:消失77. display blank ______答案:显示空白78. do not operate/do not work ______ 答案:不工作79. do not show ______答案:不出现80. main landing gear ______答案:主起落架81. nose landing gear ______答案:前起落架82. cruise mode ______答案:巡航模式83. solenoid lock ______答案:电磁锁84. drag brace ______答案:阻力撑杆85. torsion link ______答案:扭力臂86. trunnion ______答案:耳轴87. tow lug ______答案:牵引环88. tow bar ______答案:牵引杆89. steering collar ______答案:转向套管环90. turning moment ______答案:转矩91. tail skid ______答案:尾撬92. transfer valve ______答案:转换活门93. shimmy damper ______答案:减摆器94. down lock pin ______答案:下位锁销95. outboard main wheel ______答案:外侧主轮96. grab、drag、or lock ______答案:抱、拖/锁死97. landing gear tire ______答案:起落架轮胎98. retracted ______答案:收上99. nose landing gears shock strut ______答案:前起落架支柱100. lubricate nose landing gear ______答案:润滑前起落架101. low pressure compressor(LPC) ______ 答案:低压压气机102. high pressure compressor(HPC) ______ 答案:高压压气机103. low pressure turbine(LPT) ______答案:低压涡轮104. high pressure turbine(HPT)______ 答案:高压涡轮105. outlet guid vane(OGV) ______答案:出口导向叶片106. inlet gear box(IGB) ______答案:进口齿轮箱107. transfer gear box(TGB)______答案:传输齿轮箱108. radial drive shaft(RDS) ______答案:经向传动轴109. horizontal drive shaft(HDS) ______ 答案:水平传动轴110. fan ______答案:风扇111. commpressor ______答案:压气机112. combustor ______答案:燃烧室113. tie down point ______答案:系留点114. identical ______答案:相同的115. turbine ______答案:涡轮116. turbofan ______答案:涡扇117. cowling ______答案:整流罩118. booster ______答案:压气机119. shaft ______答案:轴120. accessory drive ______答案:附件传动121. borescope inspection ______ 答案:孔探检查122. ignite ______答案:点火123. approximately ______答案:大约的124. bearing ______答案:轴承125. hazard ______答案:危险126. in operation ______答案:运转中127. suction ______答案:吸力128. velocity ______答案:速度129. inlet cowl ______答案:进口整流罩130. pressure relief door ______ 答案:释压门131. fan blade ______答案:风扇叶片132. spinner ______答案:转子133. nacelle ______答案:发动机短舱134. engine shut down ______答案:发动机停车135. engine flame out ______答案:发动机熄火136. idle ______答案:慢车137. nose cowl ______答案:进气整流罩138. engine mount ______答案:发动机安装架139. propusion ______答案:推进140. tail cone ______答案:尾部整流器141. bleed section ______答案:输出部分142. self sustaining ______答案:自给的143. single phase ______答案:单相144. load compressor ______答案:负载压气机145. centrifugal compressor ______ 答案:离心式压气机146. titannium shroud ______答案:钛防护罩147. solenoid valve ______答案:电磁阀148. override handle ______答案:超控手柄149. combustion chamber ______ 答案:燃烧室150. start switch ______答案:启动开关151. starter ______答案:起动机152. starter relay ______答案:启动继电器153. ingnition exciter ______答案:点火励磁器154. control circuit ______答案:控制电路155. lubricating oil pressure ______ 答案:滑油压力156. air inlet for APU ______答案:APU进气口157. fuel valve for the APU ______ 答案:APU燃油活门158. APU feed ______答案:APU供油159. APU service light ______答案:APU勤务灯160. APU maint light ______答案:APU维护灯161. APU over speed light ______ 答案:APU超速灯162. APU bleed air valve ______答案:APU引气活门163. APU EGT indicator ______答案:APU EGT 指示器164. APU bite ionp message ______ 答案:APU自测不工作信息165. APU fire detector fault ______答案:APU火警探测器故障166. APU controller ______答案:APU控制器167. power contor unit ______答案:电源控制组件168. flight spoiler/speed brake ______ 答案:飞行扰流板169. section ______答案:截面170. shutoff valve ______答案:关断活门171. stabilizer ______答案:安定面172. cross sectional ______答案:横截面的173. airfoil section ______答案:翼剖面174. planform ______答案:平面图175. angle of incidence ______答案:入射角176. pivoted ______答案:转动的177. pylon ______答案:吊架178. winglet ______答案:翼梢小翼179. epoxy ______答案:环氧树脂180. epoxy honey comb ______ 答案:环氧蜂窝181. actuator ______答案:作动筒182. track ______答案:航迹183. Krueger flap ______答案:克鲁格襟翼184. roll control ______答案:侧滚控制185. air speed ______答案:空速186. stop pad ______答案:止动块187. wing to body fairing ______ 答案:翼身整流罩188. surface ______答案:舵面189. maneuvering control ______ 答案:操纵控制190. longitudinal ______答案:纵向的191. axes ______答案:坐标轴192. vertical axes ______答案:垂直轴193. lift ______答案:升力194. aerodynamic ______答案:空气动力的195. trailing edge flap ______答案:后缘襟翼196. leading edge device ______ 答案:前缘设备197. device ______答案:装置198. attach to ______答案:与相连199. stability ______答案:稳定性200. straight ______答案:直线。
秘书英语 Unit 5

Unit 5 How Does a Secretary Handle Phone Calls?本单元教学要求:1.掌握接打电话的技巧2.学写介绍信3.了解外交等相关知识Section 1 Making & Answering Phone Calls一、背景知识接打电话是秘书工作当中十分重要的一部分。
二、课前提问:1.If you were a secretary, what should you know before making a phone call?2.What do you know about telephone etiquette?3.Is telephone etiquette important for a secretary? Why or why not?4.What will you say first when you are making or answering a phone call?5.If you were a secretary, how will you arrange an appointment for your boss?三、语言学习1.May I help you?我能为您做点什么?相当于Can I help you? 此句在不同地点可以解释为不同的含义:1) 在商店:—May I help you? 你想买点什么?2) 在餐馆:—May I help you? 你想吃点什么吗?3) 在图书馆:—May I help you? 你要借什么书?2.would like表示“想要”和want的意思相近,但would like的语气要婉转,常表示客气的请示或建议。

国家公共英语(五级)笔试模拟试卷130(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Use of English 3. Reading Comprehension 4. WritingSection I Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you wiPart ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文:According to a recent survey, employees in many companies today work longer hours than employees did in 1979. They also take shorter vacations than employees in 1979 took. It seems that Americans are working harder today than ever before. Or are they? A management consultant, Bill Meyer, decided to find out. For three days, he observed an investment banker hard at work. Meyer wrote down everything the banker did during his long workday—the banker worked 80 hours a week. At the end of the three-day period, Meyer reviewed the banker’s activities with him. What did they find out? They discovered that the man spent 80 percent of his time doing busy work. For example, he attended unnecessary meetings , made redundant telephone calls, and spent time packing and unpacking his two big briefcases. Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends at work, the more she or he accomplishes. However, the connection between time and productivity is not always positive. In fact, many studies indicate that after a certain point, anyone’s productivity and creativity begin to decrease. Furthermore, it is not always easy for individuals to realize that their performance is falling off. Part of the problem is understandable. When employers evaluate employees, they often consider the amount of time on the job in addition to job performance. Employees know this. Consequently, they work longer hours and take less vacation time than they did nine years ago. Although many working people can do their job effectively during a regular 40-hour work week, they feel they have to spend more time on the job after normal working hours so that the people who can promote them see them.A group of headhunters (people who search out executive personnel for companies) were asked their opinion about a situation. They had a choice of two candidates for an executive position with an important company. The candidates and comparable qualifications for the job. For example, they were both reliable. One could do the job well in a 40-hour work week. The other would do the same job in an 80-hour weekjust as well. According to a headhunting expert, the 80-hour-a-week candidate would get the job. The time this candidate spends on the job may encourage other employees to spend more time at work, too. Employers believe that if the employees stay at work later, they may actually do more work. People do not work long hours only for more money. In such fields as advertising, show business, and journalism, the glamour and publicity are worth more than any monetary benefit. On the other hand, many employees are not willing to spend so much extra, unproductive time at the office. Once they finish their work satisfactorily, they want to relax and enjoy themselves. For these people, the solution is to find a company that encourages people to do both.1.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B2.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B3.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B4.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:A5.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B6.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:A7.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B8.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:A9.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:A10.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:BPart BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:W: Questions 15 to 17 are based on a talk on student housing. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 15 to 17. Welcome, everyone, to this workshop on student housing. I’ll go through the information about types of housing available for the fall and the procedure for application. Then, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. There are three main types of housing here for you to choose from: the student dorms, the married student apartments, and the international houses. Now, there is some space available in each type, but they are filling up fast. You should get your application in as soon as possible. Let me explain some of the main features of each type of housing. The student dorms are for any student. We have men’s dorms, women’s dorms, and coed dorms. There is one large bathroom and shower area for both sexes to use. Most of the rooms have two beds, two closets, and two desks. We also have a few triples, and a few single suites, but I think the suites are already taken. There are no cooking facilities in the dorms, but you can buy a meal ticket for the cafeteria. The married student apartments are for married students only. Each apartment has a kitchen, a living-dining area andeither one or two bedrooms. Children are allowed in the apartments. The international houses are a group of apartments for both foreign students and domestic students. They are organized into language and culture themes, and some of them have rules about speaking only a certain language during meal times. It’s been a good way for students to learn about other cultures and languages. I think that Spanish House is full, but there are rooms available in all the other houses. That’s the main information. I’ll pass out these applications now and answer your individual questions.11.Which are not a regular part of the student dorms?A.Desks.B.Suites.C.Kitchens.D.Closets.正确答案:C12.What do the married student apartments not allow?A.Children.B.Cooking.C.Spouses.D.Single students.正确答案:D13.Which of the following is most likely required in Spanish House during some periods?A.Spanish nationals.B.Spanish majors.C.Spanish speaking.D.Spanish cooking.正确答案:C听力原文:W: Questions 14 to 16 are based on an interview about planning to picnic. You novo have 15 seconds to read Questions 14 to 16.W: Did you know it was going to rain today?M:Absolutely not. This comes as a big shock to me, especially since the paper says mostly sunny.W:Well, I guess the paper must have meant mostly sunny somewhere else. But since we’ve come out this way, why don’t we just move the blanket under that tree?M:That’s a good idea. It looks like it’s still dry there. So as long as it doesn’t start to come down any harder.W:You didn’t happen to bring us a space blanket, did you? Because this one is all wet now.M: No. But I do have some folding stools in the car. Will they do?W:They’ll be just fine. I’m really hungry. So while you’re there, how about bringing the food?M: I thought you were bringing the food.W:This is unbelievable. Just I went so hungry, this would be really funny. Sowhat now?M: What’s the name of the restaurant which you like so much?14.What are the speakers trying to do?A.Visit the new restaurant.B.Watch a parade.C.Have a picnic.D.Go to the beach.正确答案:C15.How does the man feel about the rain?A.Excited.B.Confused.C.Afraid.D.Surprised.正确答案:D16.What will the speakers probably do next?A.Go home.B.Go to a restaurant.C.Unpack the car.D.Put a dry blanket under the tree.正确答案:B听力原文:Manufacturing includes all occupations that are involved in making products by hand or by machine. These products range from simple plastic or wooden objects, such as clothespins or toothpicks, to highly complicated electronic computers. Manufactured goods also vary in size, from microscopic electronic parts to giant aircraft carriers and supertankers. About two-thirds of the workers in manufacturing actually make products. These employees include craftworkers, skilled and semiskilled workers, and unskilled laborers. Craft-workers are highly skilled in such trades as tool designing, tool and die making, and tailor-ing. Many craftworkers supervise other employees. Skilled workers, who include engravers, machinists, printers, and welders, use special job skills to make items or to operate machinery. Semiskilled workers include machine operators and assistants to skilled workers. Many semiskilled occupations require workers to repeat the same task again and again. Unskilled laborers perform jobs that require no special skills, such as sorting, packing, or moving materials. Most employees in manufacturing work in factories or shops. Common working conditions include high levels of dust, heat, or noise. Some factory jobs require great strength or standing for long periods. Many scientists, engineers, and technicians also work in manufacturing. Scientists perform laboratory testes and other research to develop new products and improve old ones. Engineersdesign and test airplanes, automobiles, household appliances, machine parts, and countless other products. They also design production equipment and improved manufacturing techniques. Some technicians assist scientists and engineers. Others plan or supervise production activities, such as packing or storing products. The manufacturing cluster also includes management workers. They develop and enforce company policies, plan and direct production activities, purchase equipment and materials, or work in labor relations or public relations.17.What role do most people in the manufacturing trades play?A.Designers.B.Supervisors.C.Assistants.D.Employees.正确答案:D18.Which of the following best characterizes the job of a semiskilled worker?A.Repetitive.B.Consistent.C.Exceptional.D.Complicated.正确答案:A19.How are the working conditions for most manufacturing jobs?A.Disgraceful.B.Forceful.C.Harsh.D.Monotonous.正确答案:C20.Who are responsible for panning and directing the manufacturing process?A.Scientists and engineers.B.Management workers.C.Technicians.D.Public relation workers.正确答案:BPart CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文:This book is an attempt to introduce the reader to the United States. It intends to give a concise but fairly well rounded overview of present day American society; not only a picture of surface phenomena, but insights into American culture and insights about the American people. Various aspects of American life are presented through articles written mainly by Americans themselves, or by westerners familiar with the United States. Most were written by scholars or specialists on the topic of the field. A number of articles were written by sociologists. This gives a perspective that goes beyond the common articles written for the average tourist, for the person with passing curiosity, or for the ordinary man-in-the-street. A number of articles were also selected with the idea of presenting different, sometimes conflicting, points of view about the same topic. This, it is hoped, will help the reader to gain better understanding and to help him draw his own conclusions. It should be stressed that the viewpoints of the various authors are not necessarily those of the compilers of this book. We may agree with all of some articles, only partially with others and possibly disagree considerably with a few of the selections. To allow the reader to use his own judgement, we have generally kept the articles in their original form. If changes were made they were to make the language easier or to make the articles more manageable for the reader. Most of the articles in this book were selected on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Their suitability for giving accurate information about a topic or some aspect of the topic. These articles should help present a well-rounded picture of the whole. In this respect, we have sometimes given preference to an earlier article rather than a later one if the former gives a more insightful or more comprehensive treatment of the subject. 2. Their appeal to the ordinary reader. These articles should be authoritative and reliable, yet not too elementary. The contents should be of interest to most readers. 3. Their linguistic quality and degree of difficulty. The level for which these articles are intended is college students of English, other college students with a fairly good command of English, and the general reader interested in the U. S. and with fairly good comprehension of the language. 4. Their general relevance to Chinese readers or Chinese society. These articles should have some general significance to China, either present or future, and not be totally irrelevant. Obviously no one book can give a completely comprehensive picture of description of such a vast and complex nation. Many readers may disagree with our choice of topics; most likely a number will say we have left out important ones. Many may feel we did not use our best judgment in selecting the articles. We must admit that we did not always agree among ourselves. We were further restricted by the limited amount of materials to choose from. Needless to say, we welcome suggestions and criticisms from our readers. And in spite of all its shortcomings, if the book has helped the reader to gain some insight and understanding about the United States and its people and has stimulated the reader to go further, and to study more, then in a modest way this book will have accomplished much of what if was intended to do.21.正确答案:concise and well-rounded22.正确答案:scholars and specialists23.正确答案:different, even confliction24.正确答案:original25.正确答案:if more insightful (more comprehensive)26.正确答案:college students27.正确答案:fairly good28.正确答案:suggestions and criticisms29.正确答案:to go further(study more)30.正确答案:society and culture (people)Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.An economist is someone who knows a lot about how goods and wealth are produced and used. Food, for (31)______, is a kind of goods. Everyone eats food, but the average person does not think much (32) ______ all the things that must happenbefore (33) ______ appears on his plate. Another example is the paper this article is printed on. (34) started as wood on a tree very far from (35)______. Men and machines made the wood (36) ______paper, which had to be packaged and carried (37) ______ trucks and put into stores. At every step in the process people had to be paid for their work; money had to (38) ______used for buying and repairing the machines, and so on. Of course, everyone (39)______had to make (40) ______, too. Even a very simple thing (41) ______a piece of paper has a long story (42) ______ it. Economists try to understand how all the parts of the long story are related. (43) ______ economist learns how to guess (44) ______ will happen in the future, as (45) ______ as goods and prices are concerned. If fruit growers in Florida lose part of their crops (46) ______ of bad weather this month, what will happen to the (47)______ of oranges in New York two months from (48) ______? If banks charge higher interest (49) ______ loans to builders, how will that affect the cost of a new home? These are just a few of the questions economists learn how to (50) ______. Would you like to be an economist?31.正确答案:example32.正确答案:about33.正确答案:food34.正确答案:It35.正确答案:here36.正确答案:into37.正确答案:by38.正确答案:be39.正确答案:concerned 40.正确答案:profit 41.正确答案:like42.正确答案:behind 43.正确答案:An44.正确答案:what 45.正确答案:far46.正确答案:because 47.正确答案:price 48.正确答案:now49.正确答案:on50.正确答案:answerSection III Reading Comprehension (50 minutes)Part ADirections: Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Every year television stations receive hundreds of complaints about the loudness of advertisements. However, federal rules forbid the practice of making ads louder than the programming. In addition, television stations always operate at the highest sound level allowed for reasons of efficiency. According to one NBC executive, no difference exists in the peak sound level of ads and programming. Given this information, why do commercials sound so loud? The sensation of sound involves a variety of factors in addition to its peak level. Advertisers are skilful at creating the impression of loudness through their expert use of such factors. One major contributor to the perceived loudness is that much less variation in sound level occurs during a commercial. In regular programming the intensity of sound varies over a large range. However, sound levels in commercials tend to stay at or near peak levels. Other “tricks of the trade”are also used. Because low-frequency sounds can mask higher frequency sounds, advertisers filter out any noises that may drown out the primary message. In addition, the human voice has more auditory impact in the middle frequency ranges. Advertisers electronically vary voice sounds so that they stay within such a frequency band. Another approach is to write the script so that lots of consonants are used, because people are more ware of consonants than vowel sounds. Finally, advertisers try to begin commercials with sounds that are highly different from those of the programming within which the commercial is buried. Because people become adapted to the type of sounds coming from programming, a dramatic change in sound quality draws viewer attention. For example, notice how many commercials begin with a cheerful song of some type. The attention-getting property of commercials can be seen by observing one-to-two-year-old children who happen to be playing around a television set. They may totally ignore the programming. However, when a commercial comes on, their attention is immediately drawn to it because of its dramatic sound quality.51.According to the passage, the maximum intensity of sound coming fromcommercialsA.does not exceed that of programsB.is greater than that of programsC.varies over a large range than that of programsD.is less than that of programs正确答案:A52.Commercials create the sensation of loudness because______.A.TV stations always operate at the highest sound levelsB.their sound levels are kept around peak levelsC.their sound levels are kept in the middle frequency rangesD.unlike regular programs their intensity of sound varies over a wide range正确答案:B53.Many commercials begin with a cheerful song of some kind because______.A.pop songs attract viewer attentionB.it can increase their loudnessC.advertisers want to make them sound different from regular programsD.advertisers want to merge music with commercials正确答案:C54.One of the reasons why commercials are able to attract viewer attention is thatA.the human voices in commercials have more auditory impactB.people like cheerful songs that change dramatically in sound qualityC.high-frequency sounds are used to mask sounds that drown out the primary messageD.they possess sound qualities that make the viewer feel that something unusual is happening正确答案:D55.In the passage, the author is trying to tell us______.A.how TV ads vary vocal sounds to attract attentionB.how the loudness of TV ads is overcomeC.how advertisers control the sound properties of TV adsD.how the attention-getting properties of sounds are made use of in TV ads正确答案:DCar makers have long used sex to sell their products. Recently, however, both BMW and Renault have based their latest European marketing campaigns around the icon of modern biology.BMW’s campaign, which launches its new 3-series sports saloon in Britain and Ireland, shows the new creation and four of its earlier versions zigzagging around a landscape made up of giant DNA sequences, with a brief explanation that DNA is the molecule responsible for the inheritance of such features as strength, power and intelligence. The Renault offering, which promotes its existing Laguna model, employs evolutionary theory even more explicitly. The company’s television commercials intersperse clips of the car with scenes from a lecture by Steve Jones, a professor of genetics at University College London. BMW’s campaign is intended to convey the idea of development allied to heritage. The latest product, in other words, should be viewed as the new and improved scion of a long line of good cars. Renault’s message is more subtle. It is that evolution works by gradual improvements rather than sudden leaps (in this, Renault is aligning itself with biological orthodoxy). So, although the new car in the advertisement may look like the old one, the external form conceals a number of significant changes to the engine. While these alterations are almost invisible to the average driver, Renault hopes they will improve the car’s performance, and ultimately its survival in the marketplace. Whether they actually do so will depend, in part, on whether marketeers have read the public mood correctly. For, even if genetics really does offer a useful metaphor for automobiles, employing it in advertising is not without its dangers. That is because DNA’s public image is ambiguous. In one context, people may see it as the cornerstone of modern medical progress. In another, it will bring to mind such controversial issues as abortion, genetically modified foodstuffs, and the sinister subject of eugenics. Car makers are probably standing on safer ground than biologists. But even they can make mistakes. Though it would not be obvious to the casual observer, some of the DNA which features in BMW’s ads for its nice, new car once belonged to a woolly mammoth—a beast that has been extinct for 10, 000 years. Not, presumably, quite the message that the marketing department was trying to convey.56.The campaign staged by both BMW and Renault are to promoteA.cars produced with brand-new technologies.B.cars modeled on DNA technology.C.cars which are improvements on the old ones.D.cars which have been face-lifted but otherwise remain little changed.正确答案:C57.The difference between BMW’s campaign and Renault’s campaign is that A.BMW’s campaign employs the metaphor of DNA while Renault’s doesn’t.B.BMW’s campaign emphasizes technological revolution while Renault’s emphasizes technological evolution.C.BMW’s campaign conveys improvement more explicitly than Renault’s.D.BMW’s campaign is a lot more expensive than Renault’s.正确答案:C58.It can be inferred that biological orthodoxy favorsA.no change.B.gradual change.C.great change.D.destruction.正确答案:B59.According to the author, the success of the campaigns may depend onA.public perceptions of DNA.B.the explicitness with which DNA is incorporated into the campaigns.C.advances in genetic research.D.the affordability on the part of customers.正确答案:A60.BMW’s campaign has mistakenly conveyed the idea ofA.revolution.B.extinction.C.poverty.D.stagnation.正确答案:BHuman relations have commanded people’s attention from early times. The ways of people have been recorded in innumerable myths, folk, tales, novels, poems, plays, and popular or philosophical essays. Although the full significance of a human relationship may not be directly evident, the complexity of feelings and actions that can be understood at a glance is surprisingly great. For this reason psychology holds a unique position among the sciences. “Intuitive”knowledge may be remarkably penetrating and can significantly help us under-stand human behavior, whereas in the physical sciences such commonsense knowledge is relatively primitive. If we erased all knowledge of scientific physics from our modern world, not only would we not have cars and television sets, we might even find that the ordinary person was unable to cope with the fundamental mechanical problems of pulleys and levers. On the other hand, if we removed all knowledge of scientific psychology from our world, problems in interpersonal relations might easily be coped with and solved much as before. We would still “know”how to avoid doing something asked of us and how to get someone to agree with us; we would still “know” when someone was angry and whensomeone was pleased. One could even offer sensible explanations for the “whys” of much of the self’s behavior and feelings. In other words, the ordinary person has a great and profound understanding of the self and of other people which, though unformulated or only vaguely conceived enables one to interact with others in more or less adaptive ways. Khler, in referring to the lack of great discoveries in psychology as compared with physics, accounts for this by saying that “people were acquainted with practically all territories of mental life a long time before the founding of scientific psychology. “Paradoxically, with all this natural, intuitive, commonsense capacity to grasp human relations, the science of human relations has been one of the last to develop. Different explanations of this paradox have been suggested. One is that science would destroy the vain and pleasing illusions people have about themselves; but we might ask why people have always loved to read pessimistic, debunking writings, from Ecclesiastes to Freud. It has also been proposed that just because we know so much about people intuitively, there has been less incentive for studying them scientifically; why should one develop a theory, carry out systematic observations, or make predictions about the obvious? In any case, the field of human relations, with its vast literary documentation but meager, scientific treatment, is in great contrast to the field of physics in which there are relatively few nonscientific books.61.According to the passage, it has been suggested that the science of human relations was slow to develop because______.A.intuitive knowledge of human relations is derived from philosophyB.early scientists were more interested in the physical worldC.scientific studies of human relations appear to investigate the obviousD.the scientific method is difficult to apply to the study of human relations正确答案:C62.According to the passage, an understanding of the self can be______.A.highly biased due to unconscious factorsB.profound even when vaguely conceivedC.improved by specialized trainingD.irrelevant for understanding human relations正确答案:B63.It can be inferred that the author would most likely agree with which of the following statements regarding people who lived before the advent of scientific psychology?A.Their understanding of human relations was quite limited.B.They were uninterested in acquiring knowledge of the physical world.C.They misunderstood others more frequently than do people today.D.Their intuitions about human relations were reasonably sophisticated.正确答案:D64.The author implies that attempts to treat human relations scientifically have thus far been relatively______.A.unilluminatingB.paradoxicalC.pessimisticD.encouraging正确答案:A65.It can be inferred that the author assumes that commonsense knowledge of human relations is______.A.equally well developed among all adults within a given society.B.considerably more accurate in some societies than in others.C.biased insofar as it is based on myths and folktales.D.usually sufficiently accurate to facilitate interactions with others.正确答案:DPart BDirections: In the following article some paragraphs have been removed. For Questions 66-70, choose the most suitable paragraph from the list A-F to fit into each of the numbered gaps. There is one paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.When Donald Olayer enrolled in nursing school nine years ago, his father took it hard. “Here’s my father, a steelworker, hearing about other steelworkers’ sons who were becoming welders or getting football scholarships, “Mr. Olayer recalls. “The thought of his son becoming a nurse was too much. “66. That’s not an unusual turnabout nowadays. Just as women have gained a footing in nearly every occupation once reserved for men, men can be found today working routinely in a wide variety of jobs once held nearly exclusively by women. The men are working is receptionists and flight attendants, servants, and even “Kelly girls”. The Urban Institute, a research group in Washington, recently estimated that the number of male secretaries rose 24 % to 31 000 in 1978 from 25 000 in 1972. The number of male telephone operators over the same span rose 38 %, and the number of male nurses 94 %. Labor experts expect the trend to continue. For one thing, tightness in the job market seems to have given men an additional incentive to take jobs where they can find them. Although female-dominated office and service jobs for the most part rank lower in pay and status, “they’re still there, “says June O’Neill, director of program and policy research at the institute. Traditionally male blue-collar jobs, meanwhile, aren’ t increasing at all.67. Although views have softened, men who。
秘书资格五级考试复习指南 (单选多选 带答案)

秘书资格五级考试复习指南五级秘书资格考试办公室事务与管理选择题1. 在对方答录机上留言,一定要留下的是( )。
A.自己的姓名和接收者的姓名 B.本部门主管的姓名和接收者的姓名 C.自己的姓名和本部门主管的姓名 D.本部门主管的姓名和其他相关人员的姓名 答案:C 2.( )是办公用品中不宜大量购买的。
A.圆珠笔 B.磁盘 C.打印机墨盒 D.订书钉 答案:C 3.秘书常用的装订类办公用品有( )。
A.收件日期戳 B.打孔机 C.标签纸 D.磁盘盒 答案:B 4.如果上司外出多个地方,秘书应( )。
A.把所有邮件都邮寄给上司 B.把所有邮件保存,待上司回来看 C.登记所有邮件,并用电话一一告知上司 D.将紧急邮件立即寄给上司,非紧急邮件经编号后等待上司回来处理 答案:C 5.秘书在接听抱怨电话时,应( )。
A.告知对方自己很忙,暗示没有时间听他说话 B.开门见山地把问题直接引上正题 C.拒绝对方,告知对方自己无能为力 D.听对方把话说完,回话时语调安详、沉稳 答案:D 6.在通话过程中,如果出现线路中断的情况,( )。
A.拨打电话一方应及时重拨 B.接话方应主动拨打电话 C.拨打电话一方应静等 D.接通后接话方应表示歉意 答案:Asevralgoupnmb,thwi±=cyxfz.P-2~3dqFG7.秘书在接打电话时,如果需要对方回电,要注意( )。
A.告知对方回电话的时间 B.告知对方自己的电话号码 C.告知对方不要忘了回电话 D.反复拨打对方的电话 答案:B 8.公用资料应该保存在( )。
A.领导的柜子里 B.他人的抽屉里 C.公用的柜子里 D.自己的抽屉里 答案:C 9.秘书在接听电话时,应选择( )的程序。
A.问候→询问对方姓名→报出自己单位(部门)的名称 B.报出自己单位(部门)名称→问候→询问有关事宜 C.问候→报出自己单位(部门)的名称→询问对方姓名 D.问候→报出自己单位(部门)的名称→询问有关事宜 答案:C 10.秘书经常使用的收件日期戳属于( )。

1-200-公共英语五级试卷与试题1. aircraft mechanic ______答案:飞机机械工2. maintenance ______答案:维护、维修3. overhaul ______答案:大修4. airworthiness ______答案:适航5. the maintenance personnel licensing ______ 答案:维修人员执照6. hangar ______答案:机库7. rating ______答案:执照8. eligible ______答案:合格的9. mechanic ______答案:机械工10. sophisticated ______答案:复杂的11. supervise ______答案:监督12. certificate ______答案:证书13. airframe ______答案:机身14. power plant ______答案:动力装置15. repair station ______答案:维修站16. commercial operator ______ 答案:商业运行17. air carrier ______答案:航空承运人18. authority ______答案:批准、授权19. civilian ______答案:民用的20. military ______答案:军事的21. nationwide ______答案:全国的22. diploma ______答案:毕业证书23. document ______答案:文件24. certify ______答案:证明25. specialty ______答案:专业26. airworthiness inspector ______ 答案:适航检查员27. left hand ______答案:左侧28. right hand ______答案:右侧29. forward/FWD ______答案:前部30. afterward/AFT ______答案:后部31. upper ______答案:上面32. lower ______答案:下面33. upper left ______答案:左下34. lower right ______答案:右下35. left forward ______答案:左前36. right afterward ______答案:右后37. inboard ______答案:内侧38. outboard ______答案:外侧39. left inboard ______答案:左内侧40. assigned subject number(ASN) ______ 答案:指定工程项目号41. Air transport Association(ATA)______ 答案:航空运输协会42. Dispatch Deviation Guide(DDG)______ 答案:放行偏差指南43. Fault reporting manual(FRM) ______答案:故障报告手册44. Fault isolation manual(FIM) ______答案:故障隔离手册45. illustrated parts cutalog(IPC)______答案:零件图解目录46. minimum equipment list(MEL)______答案:最低设备清单47. maintenance planing document(MPD)______ 答案:维护计划48. practice and procedure ______答案:实操与程序49. systems description section(SDS) ______答案:系统描述部分50. structural repair manual(SRM)______答案:结构修理手册51. service(SRV)______答案:勤务52. system schematic manual(SSM)______答案:系统原理图手册53. wiring diagram manual(WDM)______答案:线路图手册54. troubleshoot ______答案:排故55. break down ______答案:故障56. scheduled checks ______答案:定检57. customize ______答案:定制58. configuration ______答案:构型59. reference ______答案:参考60. temporary revision list ______ 答案:临时修订清单61. transmittal letter ______答案:手册发送说明62. service bulletin ______答案:服务通告63. asterisk ______答案:星号64. notation ______答案:说明65. effectivity ______答案:有效性66. page code ______答案:页码67. fault isolation ______答案:故障隔离68. circuit diagram ______答案:电路图69. fuel ______答案:燃油70. oil ______答案:滑油71. Hydralic fluid ______答案:液压油72. tire pressure ______答案:轮胎压力73. tank ______答案:油箱74. reservoir ______答案:水箱75. standard specification ______答案:标准规范76. sterilize ______答案:消毒77. potable water ______答案:饮用水78. refer to/according to ______答案:根据79. due to/because of ______答案:因为80. replace ______答案:更换81. tighten ______答案:拧紧82. remove ______答案:拆下83. adjust/regulate ______答案:调整84. raise ______答案:提升85. dispatch approved/released ______ 答案:同意放行86. due to short time ______答案:因停场时间不足87. apply of reservation ______答案:申请保留88. defer defect ______答案:保留故障89. defer item ______答案:保留项目90. due time ______答案:保留期限91. close deferred item ______ 答案:关闭保留项目92. rescind deferred item ______ 答案:撤销保留项目93. test for installation ______答案:安装测试94. operational test ______答案:操作测试95. test for system ______答案:系统测试96. running up test ______答案:试车检查97. normal ______答案:正常98. abnormal ______答案:异常99. agree with ______答案:与一致100. leading edge ______答案:前缘101. trailing edge ______答案:后缘102. Auxiliary ______答案:辅助103. derivative ______答案:衍生的104. jet airline ______答案:喷气式飞机105. bypass ratio ______答案:涵道比106. aisle ______答案:通道107. derive ______答案:源于108. airborne ______答案:机载的109. stretch ______答案:伸长110. semi monocoque ______ 答案:半硬壳式111. fuselage ______答案:机身112. passenger cabin ______答案:客舱113. cargo compartment ______ 答案:货舱114. install ______答案:安装115. radar antenna ______答案:雷达天线116. fiberglass ______答案:玻璃纤维117. honeycomb ______答案:蜂窝状118. fairing ______答案:整流罩119. hinge ______答案:铰链120. bulk head ______答案:隔板121. airstair ______答案:登机梯122. escape hatch ______答案:逃生舱123. air conditioning bay ______答案:空调舱124. hydraulic bay ______答案:液压舱125. terminate ______答案:终止126. horizontal stabilizer trust ______ 答案:水平安定面桁架127. stringer ______答案:桁条128. surge effect ______答案:喘振129. flap ______答案:襟翼130. slat ______答案:缝翼131. spoiler ______答案:扰流板132. aileron ______答案:副翼133. vertical stabilizer ______答案:垂直安定面134. rudder ______答案:方向舵135. elevator ______答案:升降舵136. inboard ______答案:内侧137. extend ______答案:延伸138. retract ______答案:缩回139. reciprocating ______答案:往复式140. mount ______答案:安装、托架141. vertical fin ______答案:垂直尾翼142. under carriage ______答案:着陆装置143. maneuver ______答案:机动飞行144. shock absorbing strut ______ 答案:减震支柱145. cushion ______答案:缓冲146. tail ______答案:机尾147. longitudinal trim ______答案:纵向配平148. pitch control ______答案:俯仰控制149. belly ______答案:机腹150. skin ______答案:蒙皮151. rib ______答案:翼肋152. spar ______答案:翼梁153. wing ______答案:机翼154. wing tip ______答案:翼尖155. wheel well ______答案:轮舱156. equipment bay ______答案:设备舱157. sliding window ______答案:滑窗158. door mounted window ______答案:门窗159. stowage bin ______答案:行李架160. body reference plane(BRP) ______ 答案:机身基准面161. buttock line(BL) ______答案:纵剖线162. station(STA) ______答案:站位163. water line ______答案:水线164. medium ______答案:中间的165. capacity ______答案:容量166. payload ______答案:商载167. service ceiling ______答案:实用升限168. nautical mile ______答案:海里169. body ______答案:机身170. station line ______答案:站位线171. reference plane ______答案:基准面172. lateral ______答案:横向的173. parallel to ______答案:与平行174. perpendicular to ______答案:与垂直175. crown line ______答案:顶线176. horizontal stabilizer ______答案:水平安定面177. empennage ______答案:机尾178. AF check ______答案:航后检查179. TR check ______答案:过站检查180. out of limits ______答案:超标181. worn ______答案:磨损182. glare shield ______答案:遮光板183. captain ______答案:机长184. first officer(F/O) ______ 答案:副机长185. control stand ______答案:控制台186. yaw damper ______答案:偏航阻尼器187. thrust lever ______答案:推力杆188. trim wheel ______答案:配平手轮189. parking brake ______答案:停留刹车190. inertial ______答案:惯性191. mach ______答案:马赫192. stall ______答案:失速193. bleed air ______ 答案:引气194. auto flight ______ 答案:自动飞行195. antiskid ______ 答案:防滑196. pitot ______答案:空速管197. outlet ______答案:出口198. connect ______ 答案:连接199. decrease ______ 答案:减少200. increase ______ 答案:增加。

2019年秘书证五级试题及答案(卷五)1、企业《事故情况记录表》内容包含有( AB )。
A.事故地点B.事故过程C.最终结论D.结论日期2、秘书购货时收到供应商的发票后,应注意将发票上的信息与( BC )相对照。
A.入库单B.订货单C.交货单D.估价单3、库存卡片上记录有( ABC )等内容。
A.最大库存量B.最小库存量C.再订购量D.中等库存量4、公司决定购买某办公设备,秘书可以通过( ABD )方式处理。
A.电话订购B.网上购物C.上门租借D.信函订购5、购买大型办公设备的缺点是( AD )。
A.有附加维修费用B.设备不易操作C.费用计算为成本D.最初费用昂贵6、秘书在编制工作计划表时,应尽量明确( ABDC )。
A.完成的期限要求B.完成任务的负责部门或承担人以及负责人C.任务的具体目标D.任务所需的资源和相关信息7、上司有一个紧急电子邮件要求秘书处理,秘书应( C )。
A.处理完手头工作后立即发送B.在1小时内发送C.放下手头工作立即发送D.在当日内发送8、关于与外宾会面时的礼仪,描述错误的是( BC )。
A.见面礼仪应视对象和场合的不同而有所差异B.可交叉握手和倚靠在门槛上握手C.首次见面可使用昵称D.握手时可伴有鞠躬9、英国和德国客人在着装上比较正式,因此,秘书在商务接待中应( AB )。
A.注意自己的仪表B.着正装C.选择穿着晚礼服D.与客人保持距10、在一般场合,对外宾表示尊敬可采用的体态语有( AB )。
A.脱帽致意B.鞠躬致意C.拍拍肩膀D.主动拥抱11、与外宾不宜谈生意的时机与场合( ABCD )。
A.迪斯科舞厅B.会间休息时C.观看画展时D.听音乐会时12、一般情况下,我方在接受外宾礼品时应( BD )。
A.当场收起来B.当场打开请大家一起看C.当场回赠D.当场感谢并打开观看13、在涉外接待场合,应该注意的是( ABCD )。
A.对女士不问年龄B.对男士不问收入C.对客人不问婚否D.与来访者不谈政治和宗教14、对于礼宾次序的安排,应该在( A )中说明。

国家公共英语(五级)笔试模拟试卷42(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Use of English 3. Reading Comprehension 4. WritingSection I Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you wiPart ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文:Laura: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?Philip: No, it’s not ura: Oh, thank you.Philip: Oh, let me help you with this ura: Oh, thank you.Philip: Do you want to sit by the window?Laura: No, no, no. I like the aisle seat better.Philip: My name is Philip Bennett. Pleased to meet ura: I’m Laura Smith. How do you do?Philip: Do you live in New York?Laura: No, no. I’m from Florida.Philip: I am, too. But didn’t you just get on the train?Laura: No, no. I just changed my seat. A man next to me was smoking, and smoke really bothers me. Where are you from in Florida?Philip: Titusville. It’s near ura: It’s a small world. I’m from Titusville, too.Philip: Really? What part?Laura: My husband and I live near Spaceport.Philip: I know that area. My house is only a few miles from Spaceport. Do you still live there?Laura: Oh, yes. My husband’s there now. He couldn’t take time off to come to New York with me Do you still live there?Philip: No.I sold the house and the furniture, put a few personal things in an old trunk, and sent it to my children in New York. That’s my ura: Are you married?Philip: My wife died four years ago. She was a wonderful woman. A real ura: I’m sorry. Really, I’m sorry.Philip: Lots of wonderful memories. We were married almost fifty years. Well, forty-seven, to be ura: John and I will celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month.Philip: Oh, congratulations! That’s nice. What does John do?Laura: He’s an engineer and works for Orlando Aircraft Corporation. He started with them almost forty years ago. What do you do?Philip: I just retired. Had my own company. A construction company. Roads, bridges, big stuff. But I just sold it and ura: The conductor is coming to us. He must be here to check the tickets. I have a ticket, I know. Have I lost it in the smoking section?Philip: Don’t worry. I’m sure it’s in your purse, Mrs. ura: Oh. Here it is. Thank you.Philip: Do you have family in New York?Laura: No, no. But I do have very close friends in New York City. We like to go to the theater together. You said you have family in NewYork.Philip: Yes, indeed. A son and his wife and their three children—my ura: You must be excited.Philip: I can’t wait to see them!Laura: Are you going to live with them?Philip: ura: Permanently?Philip: Well, they want me to, but it’s too early to know for sure. I’m pretty independent. I tried to teach my kids the importance of independence, but I’m not sure I want to be alone. Some people don’t mind being alone. I ura: I understand. But tell me, why did you stop working?Philip: I regard work as a means to an end. I enjoy my profession up to a point, but it certainly doesn’t rule my ura: So you left the business world?Philip: I retired because I wanted to be with my family. I didn’t want to be alone any more. Basically, I’m a family man. Now I’m old, family life seems to be much more ura: Well, here we are. The train will be stopping in five minutes. It is so nice meeting you, Mr. Bennett.Philip: And nice meeting you, too, Mrs. Smith. Please look us up if you are free. We’re in the phone book. Dr. Michael Bennett, in ura: Your son?Philip: That’s right. And have a good time in New ura: And don’t be so independent. You’re very lucky to have a caring family.1.Laura wants to sit by the window.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:B解析:对话第四轮对话中女士明确拒绝了男士让她坐靠窗座位的提议,并说:I like the aisle seat better(我喜欢挨着过道坐),因此题句是错误的。

国家公共英语(五级)笔试模拟试卷195(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Use of English 3. Reading Comprehension 4. WritingSection I Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you wiPart ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文:Every year there are reports of people dying as the result of extremely hot weather. Many of the victims are old persons, whose hearts or breathing systems decline. But many die from lack of water. Water is necessary for life and good health. We often forget this fact when we think about the other building blocks of life such as vitamins, minerals and proteins. We can live for many days without eating, but two or three days without water usually leads to death. The human body may look solid, but most of it is water. New born babies are as much as 85% water. Women are about 65% water and men a-bout75%. Women usually have less water than men because women, in general, have more fat cells, and fat cells hold less water than other kinds of cells. Water does many different things to keep us healthy. It carries hormones , antibodies and foods through the body, and carries away waste materials. That is why different parts of the body contain different amounts of water. For example, blood is 83% water, muscles are 75% water, the brain is 74% , and bones are 25% . Water is also necessary for cooling the body under hot weather and when we are working hard or exercising, water carries body heat to the surface of the skin, where the heat is lost through perspiration. Researchers say cool liquids cool us faster than warm liquids, because cold liquids take up more heat inside the body and carry it away faster. They say, however, that cold sweet drinks do not work well because the sugar slows the liquid from getting into the blood-stream. Researchers also note that fat cells block body heat from escaping quickly. Fat cells under the skin act like warm clothing to keep body heat inside. This is why overweight people have a more easy time staying cool than thin people. The body loses water every day through perspiration and urine. If we lose too much, we will become sick. A 10% drop in body water can cause the blood system to fail. A 15% -20% drop usually leads to death. To replace what is lost, health experts say growing persons should drink about 2 liters of liquids each day, and more in hot weather. Theysay we can also get some of the water we need in the foods we eat. Most fruits and vegetables are more than 80% water. Meats are 50% -60% water. And even bread is about 33% water. Water may be one of the most simple of all chemical substances, but it is the most important substance that we put into our bodies.1.Water is a kind of chemical substance.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:A2.Water is as important as vitamins, minerals and proteins for life.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B3.Women have more fat cells so women have less water.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:A4.Bone contains no water.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B5.Warm water can’t cool us, But cold water can.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B6.Sugar in cold sweet drinks slows the liquid from getting into the blood-stream.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:A7.Fat cells block body heat from escaping quickly.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:A8.A 15% -20% drop in body water can cause the blood system to fail.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B9.Health experts say that all kinds of people should drink at least about 2 liters of liquids every day.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:B10.Meats also contain water.A.TRUEB.FALSE正确答案:APart BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:Throughout history, people have been the victims of pickpockets. Today , pickpocketing is one of the most rapidly increasing crimes. Pickpockets are increasing in number and developing better methods to apply their skill. Approximately, one million Americans lose money to pickpockets every year, and no one is really safe from a skilled pickpocket. His victims, or “marks” as they are called, can be rich or poor, young or old. During the 18th century, pickpockets were hanged in England. Large crowds of people would gather to watch the hanging which was supposed to be a warning to other pickpockets. However, in time the practice was discontinued. The reason was that while people were concentratively watching the hanging of a pickpocket other pickpockets skillfully stole the money of the spectators! Police offcials say that most efficient pickpockets come from South America. Many of these expert pickpockets are trained in special schools called “Jingle Bell School”. A pickpocket graduates from a J. B. S. when he is able to steal a wallet from a dressed dummy(mannequin)that has bells inside its pockets. Even the most well-dressed, respectable person may be a pickpocket. Some of the favorite places of pickpockets are banks, airports, racetracks, supermarkets, elevators, and train and bus stations. Usually a pickpocket will work with another pickpocket as his partner. Another kind of pickpocket works outside or inside bars and specializes in stealing from persons who have had too much alcohol to drink. The pickpocket that specializes in stealingfrom women is called a “purse snatcher”. To avoid being the victim of a pickpocket, it is important to be very cautious and alert when in the midst of large gatherings of people.11.Which of the following about pickpocketing is not true?A.It is a fast increasing crime.B.Its methods are improving.C.Nobody is safe from a veteran pickpocket.D.There are about 4 000 000 victims every year.正确答案:D12.What was probably the reason for discontinuing to hang a pickpocket in the 18th century?A.Hanging was a useless warning.B.It was too cruel and violent.C.Too many people watched the practice.D.Other pickpockets were only spectators.正确答案:A13.Where is the least likely place for pickpocketing?A.Banks and supermarkets.B.Train and bus stations.C.Post offices and hospitals.D.Elevators and airports.正确答案:C听力原文:W: Did you know it was going to rain today?M: Absolutely not. This comes as a big shock to me, especially since the paper says mostly sunny. W: Well, I guess the paper must have meant mostly sunny somewhere else. But since we’ve come out this way, why don’t we just move the blanket under that tree? M: That’s a good idea. It looks like it’s still dry there, as long as it doesn’t start to come down any harder. W: You didn’t happen to bring us a spare blanket, did you? Because this one is all wet now. M: No. But I do have some folding stools in the car. Will they do? W: They’ll be just fine. I’m really hungry. So while you’re there, how about bringing out the food? M: I thought you were bringing the food. W: This is unbelievable. If I weren’t so hungry, this would be really funny. So what now?M: What’s the name of the restaurant which you like so much?14.What are the speakers doing?A.Visiting the new restaurant.B.Watching a parade.C.Having a picnic.D.Going to the beach.正确答案:C15.How does the man feel about the rain?A.Excited.B.Confused.C.Afraid.D.Surprised.正确答案:D16.What will the speakers probably do next?A.Go home.B.Go to a restaurant.C.Unpack the car.D.Put a dry blanket under the tree.正确答案:B听力原文:The expression, “lame duck”, can be heard in almost any American town or city, especially where people discuss politics. Most often, they use it to describe a politician who has come to the end of his power. There are a number of ideas as to where “lame duck”came from, though the picture of a lame duck is clear enough: a duck that has had its wings cut, or its feet injured, and can no longer walk like a healthy one. The term seems to have come into the American language after the Civil War of 1861-1865. One explanation is that it came from the language of hunters who felt that it was foolish to waste powder or time on a dead duck. And a lame duck is close to being a dead duck. Another explanation, however, is that the expression came from England. There it was used to describe a man who lost all his money and could not pay his debts. He could do nothing but walk like a lame duck. And people showed little mercy for the poor fellow. But in the United States people took the phrase to describe congressman who failed to get re-elected but still had a little time left in office. Later, the expression was used in a broader sense, generally describing any man whose days of power were coming to an end. It has often been used to describe the position of an American president in the last two years or so of his second term. It is a difficult time for him, when Congress is ready to oppose him at every turn.17.Where can the expression “lame duck” be heard?A.Only among hunters.B.Among primary school pupils.C.Among beautiful ladies.D.Among people who are discussing politics.正确答案:D18.Which of the following can be called as a “lame duck” ?A.A disabled little child.B.A hard-working farmer.C.A politician who has to come to the end of his power.D.An absent-minded old professor.正确答案:C19.When did this expression come into the American Language?A.Some time after the Civil War.B.During the Second World War.C.When president George Bush was in office.D.During the period of Independence War.正确答案:A20.According to another explanation, where did this expression probably come from?A.Australia.B.Japan.C.Netherland.D.England.正确答案:DPart CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文:For those of you who are either already studying in the United States or planning to one day, it might be interesting to know something about the foreign student population in the United States. For the academic year 1995/96 there was a sum of approximately 344, 000 foreign students studying in the United States. This figure of 344, 000 may seem like a very large number until you compare it with the total population of 241, 000, 000. The foreign student population has been growing for a number of years and is still growing, but the rate of increase has dropped sharply during the 1990s. During the 1980s, the population grew quite rapidly. For example, between 1985 and 1990, the average yearly increase was 12. 5%. However, the picture in the 1990s is quite different. The rate of increase has declined quite noticeably. In fact, the rate of increase between 1994/95 and 1995/96 was only 0. 5% , or one-half of one percent. Although the overall rate of increase has dropped toonly 0. 5% , the number of students from some parts of the world is increasing while the number of students from other areas is decreasing. For example, during this same period, that is between the academic years 1994/ 95 and 1995/96, there was a decrease in the number of students from the Middle East, while the number of students from South and East Asia increased. These changes in the number of students coming from different parts of the world no doubt reflected changing economic and political situations. I’m sure you are aware of many of these changes, and perhaps we can discuss them at our next meeting. For today let’s confine our talk to first, a discussion of the origin of these students, or, in other words, where they came from; second, the kinds of studies they pursue; and, finally, the academic levels they are found in. If we have a little time left, we might quickly talk about in which geographic areas most of them go to school. Let’s discuss the origins of the foreign student population in the United States for the academic year 1995/96. Let’s discuss it in order from those areas sending the most students to those areas sending the fewest students. If we look at the figures provided by the annual census of foreign students in the United States for the year 1995/96, we see that most of the foreign students studying in the United States during this year were from South and East Asia. This is a rather large geographical area which includes such countries as China, Korea, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The total number of students from this area, South and East Asia was 156, 830. In other words, roughly 2 out of every 5 foreign students come from South and East Asia. Almost 24, 000 of this total were from China. Malaysia was close behind with just a little over 23, 000 students. The next largest number of students came from the Middle East. The number of students from the Middle East came to about one-third the number from South and East Asia. The fourth largest number came from South America. Next came Europe, Africa, North America, and Oceania. Let’s recapitulate what we’ve said. The largest number of students studying in the United States during the academic year 1995/96 were from South and East Asia, followed by the Middle East, South America, Europe, Africa, North America, and Oceania. What fields are these large numbers of foreign students studying in? It probably won’t surprise you that the largest number are in the field of engineering. In fact, 21. 7% of the total number are studying engineering. Business and management is close behind, however, with a total of 18. 9% . The third most popular field was mathematics and computer sciences with 10. 3% . As you can see, engineering with 21. 7% , business and management with 18. 9% , and mathematics and computer sciences with 10. 3% comprise about one half of the total number of foreign students. Let’s discuss which academic levels these students can be found in. Foreign students can be found studying at all levels of higher education. As you might expect, the greatest number of them are studying at the undergraduate level approximately 158, 000. The second largest group study at the graduate level and that number is just under 122 , 000. The rest study at junior colleges or in non-degree programs. It is at the graduate level that foreign students have the most impact. While foreign students comprise only 2. 7% of the total U. S. student population, they account for 8. 7% of all the graduate students studying at U. S. institutions. Let me give you those percentages a-gain so you can get a better view for the overall picture. Foreignstudents make up only 2. 7% of the total U. S. student population, but they make up 8. 7% of the total graduate student population. Well, I see that’s all the time we have today. We’ll have to leave discussions of the geographic areas these students study in until another time.21.What’s the average increase per year of foreign student population in the period between 1985 and 1990 in terms of percentage?正确答案:12.5%22.Which area of the world contributed to an increase between 94/95 and 95/96?正确答案:South(and)East Asia/S(+)E Asia/(NOT South-east Asia)23.When will the speaker talk about the economic and political changes?正确答案:(at)(the)Next meeting/(the)following meeting24.What will the speaker discuss first?正确答案:Origin(s)of student/where students are from/student(s)background(s) 25.According to the figure of the academic year 1995/96, where do the largest number of foreign students come from?正确答案:South and East Asia26.What’s the number of students from Malaysia?正确答案:over 23, 000/23, 00027.Which is the most popular major of study?正确答案:Engineering28.What’s the percentage of students in business and management?正确答案:18.9%/18. 9 percent29.In terms of academic levels, in which level do we find the smallest number?正确答案:Junior colleges/non-degree programs30.In brief, what did the speaker talk about?正确答案:Foreign student(s)populationSection II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Walking—like swimming, Bicycling and running—is an aerobic exercise, 【C1】______builds the capacity for energy output and physical endurance by increasing the supply of oxygen to skin and muscles. Such exercises may be a primary factor in the【C2】______of heart and circulatory disease. As probably the least strenuous, safest aerobic activity, walking is the【C3】______acceptable exercise for the largest number of people. Walking【C4】______comfortable speed improves the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory system【C5】______stimulating the lungs and heart, But at a more gradual rate【C6】______most other forms of exercise. In one test, a group of men 40 to 57 years of age, 【C7】______at a fast pace for 40 minutes four days a week, showed improvement【C8】______to men the same age on a 30 minute, three-day-a-week jogging program in the same period. Their resting heart rate and body fat decreased【C9】______. These changes suggest【C10】______of the important —even vital—benefits walking can【C11】______about. Walking【C12】______burns calories. It takes 3, 500 calories to gain or【C13】______one pound. Since a one-hour walk at a moderate pace will【C14】______up 300 to 360 calories. By walking one hour every other day, you can burn up a pound-and-a-half monthly, or 18 pounds【C15】______—providing there is no change in your intake of food. To 【C16】______weight faster, walk an hour every day and burn up 3 pounds a month, or 36 pounds a year. 【C17】______ your age, right now is the time to give your physical well-being as much thought as you【C18】______to pensions or insurance. Walking is a vital defense【C19】______the ravages of degenerative diseases and aging. It is nature’s【C20】______of giving you a tuneup.31.【C1】正确答案:which解析:此空前一句意为“行走就像游泳、骑自行车和跑步是一种有氧运动”,此空所在句意为“…通过增加给皮肤和肌肉的供氧而塑造更大的肺活量和耐力。

国家公共英语(五级)笔试模拟试卷79(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Use of English 3. Reading Comprehension 4. WritingSection I Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you wiPart ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文:When you close your eyes and try to think of the shape of your own body, what you imagine (or, rather, what you feel) is quite different from what you see when you open your eyes and look in the mirror. The image you feel is much vaguer than the one you see. And if you lie still, it is quite hard to imagine yourself as having any particular size of shape. When you move, when you feel the weight of your arms and legs and the natural resistance of the objects around you, the “felt image” of yourself starts to become clearer. It is almost as if it were created by your own actions and the sensations they cause. The image you make for yourself has rather strange proportions: certain parts feel much larger than they look. If you poke your tongue into a hole in one of your teeth, it feels enormous; you are often surprised by how small it looks when you inspect it in the mirror. But although the “felt image” may not have the exact shape you see in the mirror, it is much more important. It is the image through which you recognize your physical existence in the world. In spite of its strange proportions, it is all one piece, and since it has a consistent right and felt and top and bottom, it allows you to locate new sensations when they occur. It allows you to find nose in the dark, scratch itches and point to pain. If the felt image is damaged for any reason—if it is cut in half or lost, as it often is after certain strokes which wipe out recognition of one entire side—these tasks become almost impossible. What is more, it becomes hard to make sense of one’s own visual appearance. If one half of the felt image is wiped out or injured, the patient stops recognizing the affected of his body. It is hard for him to find the location of sensation on that side, and, although he fells doctor’s touch, he locates it as being on the undamaged side. He loses his ability to accept the affected side as part of his body even when he can see it. If you throw him a pair of gloves and ask him to put them on, he will only glove one hand and leave the other bear. And yet he had had to use the left hand in order to glove the right. The fact that he can see the unglovedhand doesn’t seem to help him, and there is no reason why it should. He can no longer reconcile what he sees with what he feels—the ungloved object lying on the left may look like a hand, but, since there is no felt image corresponding to it, why should he claim the object as his?1.Mirror images is often different from the “felt images”.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:A2.The “felt image” is much more important because it helps you to be more confident.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:B3.If you poke your tongue into a hole of your teeth, it feels very ring and slim.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:B4.The “felt image” lets you recognize your physical existence in the world.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:A5.You can find your nose in the darkness because of your “felt image”.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:A6.Strokes may sometimes destroy all of the mirror image.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:B7.If a man loses the ability to recognize his left side he will lose feeling on his both sides.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:B8.Stroke victims sometimes refuse to regard their injured sides as parts of their bodies because they are unwilling to admit their disabilities.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:B9.A stroke victim can put gloves on both his hands.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:B10.The talk is mainly about the importance of “felt images”.A.RightB.Wrong正确答案:APart BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:Yes, so we in the Police Force have to handle a lot of problems which could easily be avoided by taking a minimum of care and using a bit of common sense. The kind of things I’m talking about are muggings, assaults, robberies and in some cases, rape. Now I know you’re all young and you want to enjoy yourselves. That’s O.K. I don’t want to spoil your fun. So, I’ve tried to tell you how to avoid putting yourselves and your property at risk. For all the girls here, if you’re in the bar or disco then make very sure that your handbag or purse is where you can keep an eye on it. Not on the floor or on another chair. If you want to dance, ask a friend to take care of it or take it with you. Urn, for the gentlemen: don’t walk around with your wallet stuck in the back pocket of your trousers. It’s easy meat for a pocket-pick, believe me. If you’re driving, park in public car park or at least in a well-lit area if it’s at night. Thieves love to find a car in a quiet, dark road. As you are all foreigners here, don’t carry a lot of cash with you and the same goes for passports, identity cards and other important documents. For your own personal security, it’s always better to go home by bus or taxi if it’s late. If you have to walk home late at night, go with some friends. If you’re alone, stick to well-lit area. Should you see a group of people looking for trouble, cross over the road and, if you really think someone is going to bother you, bang on the door of the nearest house and ask forhelp. Oh, another word of warning: Don’t hitch lifts. It’s asking for trouble. If a car stops to ask for information, just keep well clear of the door so you can see what the people want. This isn’t a dangerous town if you’re sensible. To dose, I just want to say that in this country it is illegal to carry a knife, spray or anything that can be used as a weapon, even if it’s for self-defense.11.According to the police officer, how can people avoid the unpleasant accidents?A.By taking a little care and using a little common sense.B.By taking a lot of care and using all the common sense.C.By calling the police for help whatever happens.D.By having a companion wherever you go.正确答案:A12.Which of the following is advised NOT to do when you go home late at night?A.Drive home by yourself.B.Go back home with somebody else.C.Ask for a lift from a stranger.D.Take a taxi.正确答案:C13.According to the speaker, it is ______ to carry a knife, spray or anything that can be used as a weapon.A.illegal even for self-defenseB.not demandedC.not recommendedD.abnormal even for self-protection正确答案:A听力原文:Today it’s my turn to introduce the British scientist, Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin was born in Shropshire, England, on February 12, 1809. He was the fifth child of a wealthy and sophisticated English family. His maternal grandfather was a successful china and pottery entrepreneur; his paternal grandfather was a well-known 18th-century physician and expert. After graduating from the elite school at Shrewsbury in 1825, young Darwin went to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. In 1827 he dropped out of medical school and entered the University of Cambridge, in preparation for becoming a clergyman of the Church of England. There he met two great figures: Adam Sedgwick, a geologist, and John Stevens Henslow, a naturalist. Henslow not only helped build Darwin’s self-confidence but also taught his student to be a cautious and hardworking observer of natural phenomena and collector of specimens. After graduation from Cambridge in 1831, the22-year-old Darwin was taken aboard the English survey ship HMS Beagle, largely on Henslow’s recommendation, as an unpaid naturalist on a scientific expedition around the world. After returning to England in 1836, Darwin began recording his ideas about change ability of species in his notebooks on the Transmutation of Species. In 1859 he married his first cousin, Emma Wedgwood, and soon after, moved to a small estate, Down House, outside London. There he and his wife had ten children, three of whom died in infancy. Charles Darwin laid the foundation of modern evolutionary theory with his concept of the development of all forms of life through the slow working process of natural selection. His work was of major influence on the life and earth sciences and on modern thought in general. Well, that’s the brief introduction about Darwin’s life. Next we’ll discuss his “Theory of Natural Selection”.14.What kind of secondary school did Darwin study at?A.an extraordinary schoolB.a not well-conditioned schoolC.a very common schoolD.an eligible school正确答案:A15.Why did Darwin quit medical school and go to the University of Cambridge?A.Because he wanted to become a biologist.B.Because he wanted to study science.C.Because he wanted to be a naturalist.D.Because he wanted to be a clergyman.正确答案:D16.When was young Darwin taken aboard the survey ship HMS Beagle?A.In the year 1825.B.In the year 1827.C.In the year 1831.D.In the year 1836.正确答案:C听力原文:Before the mid-1860’s, the impact of the railroads in the United States was limited, in the sense that the tracks ended at this Missouri River, approximately the center of the country. At the point the trains turned their freight, mail, and passengers over to steamboats, wagons, and stagecoaches. This meant that wagon freighting, stage-coaching, and steam-boating did not come to an end when the first train appeared; rather they became supplements or feeders. Each new“end-of-track”became a center for animal drawn or waterborne transportation. The major effect of the railroad was to shorten the distance that had to be covered by the older, slower, and more costly means. Wagon freighters continued operating throughout the 1870’s and 1880’s and into the 1890’s. Although over constantly shrinking routes, and coaches and wagons continued to crisscross the West wherever the rails had not yet been laid. The beginning of a major change was foreshadowed in the late 1860’s, when the Union Pacific Railroad at last began to build westward from the Central Plains city of Omaha to meet the Central Pacific Railroad advancing eastward from California through the formidable barrier of the Sierra Nevada. Although President Abraham Lincoln signed the original Pacific Railroad Bill in 1862 and a revised, financially much more generous version in 1864, little construction was completed until 1865 on the Central Pacific and 1866 on the Union Pacific. The primary reason was skepticism that a Railroad built through so challenging and thinly settled a stretch of desert, mountain, and semiarid plain could pay a profit. In the words of an economist, this was a ease of premature enterprise”, where not only the cost of construction but also the very high risk deterred private investment. In discussing the Pacific Railroad Bill, the chair of the congressional committee bluntly stated that without government subsidy no one would undertake so unpromising a venture; yet it was a national necessity to link East and West together.17.The author refers to the impact of railroads before the late 1860’s as “limited” because ______.A.the track did not take the direct route from one city to the next.B.passengers and freight had to transfer to other modes of transportation to reach western destinationsC.passengers preferred stagecoachesD.railroad travel was quite expensive正确答案:B18.What can be inferred about coaches and wagon freighters as the railroad expanded?A.They developed competing routes.B.Their drivers refused to work for the railroads.C.They began to specialize in private investment.D.There were insufficient numbers of trained people to operate them.正确答案:D19.Why does the author mention the Sierra Nevada?A.To argue that a more direct route to the West could have been taken.B.To identify a historically significant mountain range in the West.C.To point out the location of a serious train accident.D.To give an” example of an obstacle faced by the central Pacific.正确答案:D20.The word “subside” is closest in meaning to ______.A.persuasionB.financingC.explanationD.penalty正确答案:BPart CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文:The United States, Britain, Austria, Canada and Australia are particularly rich in university accommodations, with summer rentals available in major cities and smaller towns. The English Tourism Council is planning to introduce a rating system this summer assessing the cleanliness, hospitality, facilities and food quality of the nation’s campus lodgings. Ratings will be posted at . Most United States universities give priority to summer students and conference participants. Still, rooms may become available at the last minute, so call a university’s accommodations office directly. Here is a selection of facilities around the world: Trinity College Dublin has run a summer hotel for almost 20 years, a fraction of the college’s 400-year history, but long enough to develop a devoted cadre of annual visitors. The campus’s cobbled walkways, historic buildings and illuminated manuscript of the Book of Kells are tourist attractions in themselves, and the college’s location is unbeatable. Grafton Street, Temple Bar and Dublin’s museums are steps away. From mid-June to late September, Trinity is almost like a hotel, with student bellhops, daily housekeeping and a concierge desk. The college rents out 800 rooms; prices (with Continental breakfast) range from 33 a person (at 1.17 euros to the dollar) for a shared room in a four-bedroom apartment to 49.50 for a single room with private bathroom and shower. A double room with bath is 43 a person. The London School of Economics and Political Science offers five properties in London, ranging from high-rise apartments near the Tower of London to the Bloomsbury row houses where Mick Jagger lived as a student. Residences have kitchen facilities and three of the five have triple rooms, making even a family holiday affordable. The 563-room Bankside House, opposite Tate Modern on the South Bank, is a minute’s walk from Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre; singles start at 39, 63 with private bath; a room that sleeps four is 128 a night. The High Holbom residence in Covent Garden is a short walk from the National Gallery, Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square. Singles are 51 and a twin room with private bath is 99. Rates include Continental or full breakfast, depending on location. Rooms are available from early July to late September, with some dormitories accepting visitorsduring Easter vacations. The School of Economics central accommodations office is at (44-207) 955-7575; Web site, /vacations. In Austria, Academia Hotels offers a central reservation service for summer campus housing in Vienna, Salzburg and Graz. At Hotel Atlas, a modern tower block near Vienna’s Parliament Buildings, a single room with toilet is 49.50, twins are 68 and a triple room is 85, with buffet breakfast. Near San Francisco, the University of California at Berkeley has summer visitor housing in Stern Hall from the beginning of June through mid-August. Some rooms have views of the Bay, and there are telephones in every room. Bathrooms are shared. Single rooms cost 53, doubles are 68, and every seventh night is free. Call Conference Services at (510) 642-4444 or reserve on the Internet at www. /conference/summervis. Summer is festival season in Montreal, and McGill University rents convenient single rooms with shared bathrooms from May 15 to Aug 15. Access to the university swimming pool, tennis courts and gym can be arranged for a small fee. Rooms in the dormitories alongside tranquil, forested Mount Royal Park are 25 (at 1.62 Canadian to the United States dollar), while rooms downtown are 28. An off-campus residence, Solin Hall, has two- and three-bedroom apartments suitable for families, but linens are not provided and availability varies. Rates are 22 a night per room and 80 a week per room. Apartments have kitchens but no cooking equipment; (514) 398-5200, or www.residences.mcgill.ca/summer.html. The Women’s College at the University of Sydney takes visitors of either sex December through February and during several shorter breaks in July and late September. A 15-minute bus Or train ride from downtown, the Women’s College is known for its gardens. Rooms start at 31 for a single with breakfast (at 1.97 Australian to the United States dollar); a twin with all meals is 60. The Women’s College, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; (612) 9517-5000, .au/accommodation.21.Who is planning to introduce a rating system this summer for university students?正确答案:(The) English Tourism Council22.Summer students and conference participants are given ______ in most United States universities.正确答案:priority23.The history of Trinity College Dublin can be traced back to ______ years ago.正确答案:40024.If you want a double room with bath in Trinity, you have to pay ______ a person.正确答案:4325.The London School of Economics and Political Science offers ______ properties in London.正确答案:526.You may find the information on the London School of Economics central accommodations on the ______ /vocations.正确答案:website27.A summer visitor can call Conference Services at (510) ______ to get residence information about the University of California.正确答案:6.42444e+00628.Summer is a ______ season in Montreal.正确答案:festival29.Solin Hall is a (an) ______ residence which has two and three bedroom apartments suitable for families.正确答案:off-campus30.______ at the University of Sydney is known for its gardens.正确答案:The Women’s CollegeSection II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.31.You may say that the business of marking books is going to slow down your reading. (31) probably will. That’s one of the (32) for doing it. Most of us have been taken in by the notion that speed of (33) is a measure of our intelligence. There is (34) such thing as the right (35) for intelligent reading. Some things should be (36) quickly and effortlessly, and some should be read (37) and even laboriously. The sign of intelligence (38) reading is the ability to read (39) thing differently according to their worth. In the (40) of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, (41) how many cart you get through how many you can (42) your own. A few friends are (43) than a thousand acquaintances. If this be your goal, (44) it should be, you will not be impatient if it takes more time and effort to read a greatbook than it (45) a newspaper. You may have another objection to (46) books. You can’t lend them to your friends (47) nobody else can read them (48) being distracted by your notes. What’s more, you won’t want to lend them because a (49) copy is a kind of intellectual diary, and (50) it is almost like giving your mind away. If your friend hopes to read your “Shakespeare”, or “The Federalist Papers”, tell him, gently but firmly, to buy a copy. You will lend him your car or your coat, but your books are as much a part of you as your head or your heart.正确答案:It32.正确答案:reasons33.正确答案:reading34.正确答案:no35.正确答案:speed36.正确答案:read37.正确答案:slowly38.正确答案:in39.正确答案:different40.正确答案:case41.正确答案:but42.正确答案:make43.正确答案:better44.正确答案:as45.正确答案:does46.正确答案:mark47.正确答案:because48.正确答案:without49.正确答案:marked50.正确答案:lendingSection III Reading Comprehension (50 minutes)Part ADirections: Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive “attachment” period from birth to three may sear a child’s personality and predispose to emotional problems in later life. Some people have drawn the conclusion from Bowlby’s work that children should not be subjected to day care before the age of three because of the parental separation it entails, and many people do believe this. But there are also arguments against such a strong conclusion. Firstly, anthropologists point out that the insulated love affair between children and parents found in modern societies does not usually exist in traditional societies. For example, in some tribal societies, such as the Ngoni, the father and mother of a child did not rear their infant alone-far from it. Secondly, common sense tells us that day care would not be so widespread today if parents, care-takers found children had problems with it. Statistical studies of this kind have not yet been carried out, and even if they were, the results would be certain to be complicated and controversial. Thirdly, in the last decade there have been a number of careful American studies of children in day care, and they have uniformly reported that day care had a neutral or slightly positive effect on children’s development. But tests that have had to be used to measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue. But Bowlby’s analysis raises the possibility that early day care has delayed effects. The possibility that such care might lead to, say, more mental illness or crime 15 or 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statistics. Whatever the long-term effects, parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with. Children under three are likely to protest at leaving their parents and show unhappiness. At the age of three or three and a half almost all children find the transition to nursery easy, and this is undoubtedly why more and more parents make use of child care at this time. The matter, then, is far from clear-out, though experience and available evidence indicate that early care is reasonable for infants.51.Which of the following statements would Bowlby support?A.Statistical studies should be carried out to assess the positive effect of day care for children at the age of three or older.B.Early day care can delay the occurrence of mental illness in children.C.The first three years of one’s life is extremely important to the later development of personality.D.Children under three get used to the life at nursery schools more readily than children over three.正确答案:C52.Which of the following is derivable from Bowlby’s work?A.Mothers should not send their children to day care centers until they are three years of older.B.Day care nurseries have positive effects on a child’s development.C.A child sent to a day care center before the age of three may have emotional problems in late life.D.Day care would not be so popular if it has noticeable negative effects on a child’s personality.正确答案:A53.It is suggested that modern societies differ from traditional societies in that ______.A.the parents-child relationship is more exclusive in modern societiesB.a child more often grows up with his/her brothers or sisters in traditional societiesC.mother brings up children with the help of her husband in traditional societies D.children in modern societies are more likely to develop mental illness in later years正确答案:A54.Which of the following statements is NOT an argument against Bowlby’s theory?A.Many studies show that day care has a positive effect on children’s developmentB.Day care is safe, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many nursery schools.C.Separation from parents for very young children is common in some traditional societies.D.Parents find the immediate effects of early day care difficult to deal with.正确答案:D55.Which of the following best expresses the writer’s attitude towards early day care?A.Children under three should stay with their parents.B.Early day care has positive effects on children’s development.C.The issue is controversial and its settlement calls for the use of statistics.D.The effects of early day care on children are exaggerated and parents should ignore the issue.正确答案:CAtmospheric pressure can support a column of water up to 10 meters high. But plants can move water much higher: the sequoia tree can pump water to its very top, more than 100 meters above the ground. Until the end of the nineteenth century, the movement of water in trees and other tall plants was a mystery. Some botanistshypothesized that the living cells of plants acted as pumps. But many experiments demonstrated that the stem of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to appreciable heights. Other explanations for the movement of water in plants have been based on root pressure, a push on the water from the roots at the bottom of the plant. But root pressure is not nearly great enough to push water to the tops of tall trees. Furthermore, the conifers, which are among the tallest trees, have unusually low root pressures. If water is not pumped to the top of a tall tree, and if it is not pushed to the top of a tall tree, then we may ask: How does it get there? According to the currently accepted cohesion-tension theory, water is pulled there. The pull on a rising column of water in a plant results form the evaporation of water at the top of the plant. As water is lost form the surface of the leaves, a negative pressure, or tension, is created. The evaporated water is replaced by water moving from inside the plant in unbroken columns that extend from the top of a plant to its roots. The same forces that create surface tension in any sample of water are responsible for the maintenance of these unbroken columns of water. When water is confined in tubes of very small bore, the forces of cohesion (the attraction between water molecules) are so great that the strength of a column of water compares with the strength of a steel wire of the same diameter. This cohesive strength permits columns of water to be pulled to great heights without being broken.56.How many theories does the author mention?A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four正确答案:C57.The passage answers which of the following questions?A.What is the effect of atmospheric pressure on foliage?B.When do dead cells harm plant growth?C.How does water get to the tops growth?D.Why is root pressure weak?正确答案:C58.How do botanists know that root pressure is not the only force that moves water in plants?A.Some very tall trees have weak root pressure.B.Root pressures decrease in winter.C.Plants can live after their roots die.D.Water in a plant’s roots is not connected to water in its stem.正确答案:A59.What causes the tension that draws water up a plant?A.HumidityB.Plant growthC.Root pressureD.Evaporation正确答案:D60.According to the passage, why does water travel through plants in unbroken columns?A.Root pressure moves the water very rapidly.B.The attraction between water molecules is strong.C.The living cell of plants push the water molecules togetherD.Atmospheric pressure supports the columns.正确答案:BIn the early days of the United States, postal charges were paid by the recipient and Charges varied with the distance carried. In 1825, the United States Congress permitted local postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery, but these carriers received no government salary and their entire compensation depended on what they were paid by the recipients of individual letters. In 1847 the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay. Besides, the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address. In Philadelphia, for example, with a population of 150,000, people still had to go to the post office go get their mail. The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying and express businesses developed. Although their activities were only semilegal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half-day speedier than the government mail. The government postal service lost volume to private competition and was not able to handle efficiently even the business it had. Finally, in 1863, Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary, and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery. But this delivery service was at first confined to cities, and free home delivery became a mark of urbanism. As late as 1887, a town had to have 10,000 people to be eligible for free home delivery. In 1890, of the 75 million people in the United States, fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors. The rest, nearly three-quarters of the population, still received no mail unless they went to their post office.61.What does the passage mainly discuss?A.The increased use of private mail services.。
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A. Listening Test【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音五级02”中。
】I. Directions: Listen to this short dialogue and tell whetherthe following sentences are True or False. Write T for True and F for False in the brackets. (5 questions, 2 marks each question,10 marks altogether) 你将听到一个对话,根据其内容对下列句子做出正确或错误的判断,请在 [ ] 中填写T(对)或F(错),每题2分,共10分。
1.[ ] The woman doesn’t come to work at 9 o’clock.2.[ ] The woman files in the afternoon.3.[ ] The man wants to know whether the woman likes making coffee.4.[ ] The woman needs to receive incoming mail and this is her only job in themorning.5. [ ] The woman does a lot of things in the morning, including taking care of theincoming regular mails, sending faxes and making coffee if needed.II Directions: Listen to the dialogue and read the questions. Then choose a correct answer to each question. (5 questions, 2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether) 根据所听到的对话选择出正确答案,每题2分,共10分。
1. Where does the conversation take place?(A)A restaurant (B)A dorm(C)A conference room (D)A shop2. How many batteries are on the new phone?(A)4 (B)Not mentioned(C)6 (D)73. The new module is versatile, because(A)it can be a calculator (B)it can send a fax(C)it can play computer games (D)all of the above4. What is the size of the new module?(A)Uncomfortably small (B)Conveniently small(C)Very large (D)Not mentioned5. Which statement is NOT true according to the recording? .(A)The new module has three different colours(B)The new module is eighty pounds fifty(C)It is like a jacket pocket(D)It is very smallB. Written TestI. Vocabulary and StructureSection A Directions: Multiple-choice with only one right answer.Please put the right answer in the blank space for each question. (1 mark each question, 10 questions, 10 marks altogether) 单项选择,每题1分,共10分。
1.There isn’t enough space, I want you to clean _____ all the old files.(A)on (B)up(C)for (D)out2. You can send small packets by airmail or by surface mail. European destinations have a _____ time of 3 days for airmail and 2 weeks for surface mail.(A)delivery (B)sending(C)dispatching (D)posting3. Complaints from the clients should be dealt with in a ______ manner in case they will go from bad to worse.(A)urgent (B)swift(C)busy (D)eager4. You will get a signature _____ delivery, and compensation of up to £28 for loss or damage.(A)for (B)on(C)before (D)after5. It is important to make as many enquiries as possible in the conversation and try to _____ the nationality and any accent of the informer.(A)detect (B)find(C)search (D)ask6. Since they are written on pieces of paper, memos can be _____, but this helps to statethe responsibilities for some actions.(A)stored (B)read(C)filed (D)circulated7. If the boss is traveling for business, the secretary should prepare a supply of office_____ so that the boss can write letters, reports, etc., during his travels.(A)appliances (B)instruments(C)stationery (D)stationary8. In order to save _______, inactive files are scanned and put on disc storage, or sent tothe warehouse.(A)space (B)place(C)room (D)pace9. I’m here to report a missing credit card. I lost it due to carelessness ________ my part.(A)in (B)on(C)at (D)for10. We do not normally allow discounts for orders under £5,000. ______, we prepared tolet you have 20% discount on all orders because you are a very regular customer.(A)However (B)In view of this(C)Consequently (D)FurthermoreSection B Directions: Read the following passage and fill in correct words in the blanks.(20 questions, 0.5 mark for each, 10 marks altogether) 阅读文章并选词填空。
My First JobI grew up in a poor family in Canada, I 1. that my parents were often unable to afford food or buy gas for the car. In winter, the 2. in our home was shut off even when it was 40 degrees below zero because we 3. pay the bill. In spite of all this, Dad 4. any help. He believed that we could 5.______all difficulties with the little we had. “There’s no way I’m going to 6.on welfare”, he would say.When I was eight years old I started singing country 7.____ at a small hotel in my hometown. I sang almost every night. But those early performances could hardly be relied upon 8.____ steady incomes.My first real job was working 9. a McDonald’s in my hometown 10.I was 14. My parents always stressed the importance of presenting yourself 11. a professional, respectful manner, and I think this advice helped me 12. the job. I started as a 13. , and then I worked in the drive-through window. I learned to be patient, time and 14. provide service with a smile. Later I was 15. in charge of training new employees. Whenever I go to a McDonald’s now, I always 16. close attention to the way the employees 17. are doing their jobs. I guess I still 18. the training in me.Working, going to school and 19. at night was hard, but I never considered quitting. Learning a good work ethic at an early age gives me a strong sense of self-confidence. That can 20. you a long way in life.1. A)remembered B)forget C)remember D)was reminded2. A)hot B)heating C)heat D)stove3. A)were unwilling to B)could not C)cannot D)were forced to4. A)decline B)thanked for C)received D)refused5. A)overcome B)refuse C)fight D)challenge6. A)think B)relied C)depend D)expect7. A)music B)songs C)opera D)performance8. A)to B)with C)---- D)for9. A)on B)with C)at D)in10. A)where B)that C)if D)when11. A)in B)with C)on D)of12. A)got B)get C)with D)gained13. A)cashier B)cash C)cooker D)washer14. A)usually B)usually to C)always to D)always15. A)sent B)asked C)put D)told16. A)paid B)gave C)send D)pay17. A)whom B)who C)which D)that18. A)had B)have C)need D)lack19. A)singing B)sing C)sang D)dancing20. A)lead B)walk C)take D)sendⅡReading ComprehensionSection A Directions: Fill in the correct sentences in the blanks to make a full text of Office Regulations meaningful. (5 questions, 2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether) 阅读文章,用下面方框中所给句子的相应字母填空,每题2 分,共10 分。