
合肥荣事达三洋电器股份有限公司洗衣机维修手册2003年11月17日洗衣机的故障诊断异常情况发生时,修理之前需要了解以下日常检查注意事项情况:全自动洗衣机症状日常检查注意事项不运转●保险丝是否损坏、保险丝盒是否接触不良?●电源线插头是否插好?●水龙头是否打开?不排水●排水软管是否放下?●排水软管是否堵塞?(如插到地漏底部堵塞?)●排水软管是否接好?不进水● 水龙头是否打开?● 水管是否冻结?● 进水管口/进水阀过滤网是否堵塞?不脱水● 洗涤衣物是否偏置?● 排水软管是否放下?● 洗涤上盖是否没有合上?维修更换部件原则:更换部件必须先从价值低的部件更换,以免进一步扩大维修损失。
全自动洗衣机故障诊断XQB45-428,XQB46-366,XQB45-438,XQB46-376,XQB45-448,XQB46-128,XQB48-628,XQB46-148,XQB48-648,XQB50-149,XQB50-356,XQB46-138,XQB48-668,XQB46-328,XQB50-68,XQB50-98,XQB50-218,XQB50-78,XQB50-168,XQB50-158,XQB50-238,XQB50-258,XQB52-338,XQB52-348,XQB55-118,XQB55-118A,XQB55-268S,XQB60-228S,XQB60-88,XQB60-88A,XQB65-888,XQB70-388,XQB80-8S,XQB80-8SA※1、XQB45-448,46-138,48-668XQB52-338,52-348,55-118XQB80-8S,80-8SA2、XQB50-78、XQB50-168、XQB60-88 3、XQB45-428,46-366,45-438XQB80-8S,XQB80-8SA※1、XQB45-448,46-138,48-668XQB52-338,52-348,55-118XQB80-8S,80-8SA2、XQB45-428,46-366,45-438XQB80-8S,XQB80-8SA※1、XQB45-448,46-138,48-668XQB52-338,52-348,55-118XQB80-8S,80-8SA2、XQB45-428,46-366,45-438XQB80-8S,XQB80-8SA1、进水异常:水位指示发光管表示:⑴XQB60-88、XQB60-88A、XQB65-888、XQB80-8S(全自动侧):高、低、极少点亮⑵XQB45-448、XQB46-138、XQB48-668、XQB50-68、XQB50-78、XQB50-98、XQB50-218 、XQB50-158、XQB50-168、XQB50-238、XQB50-258、XQB55-118、XQB55-118A:高、低、少量点亮程序指示发光管表示:⑴XQB46-148、XQB48-648、XQB50-149、XQB50-356:快洗、浸泡、轻洗、毛毯点亮⑵XQB46-128、XQB48-628:快洗、轻洗、毛毯点亮⑶XQB45-428、XQB46-366、XQB45-438、XQB46-376:浸泡、轻洗、毛毯、快洗点亮分洗侧发光管表示:⑴XQB80-8S(分洗侧):12、6、3+补给水或精漂、标准、节约+补给水点亮⑵XQB80-8SA(分洗侧):12、6、3点亮数码管表示:⑴XQB46-328、XQB52-338、XQB52-348、XQB55-268S、XQB60-228S、XQB70-388、XQB80-8SA(全自动侧):E1显示2、排水异常:水位指示发光管表示:⑴XQB60-88、XQB60-88A、XQB65-888、XQB80-8S(全自动侧):高、中、极少点亮⑵XQB45-448、XQB46-138、XQB48-668、XQB50-68、XQB50-78、XQB50-98、XQB50-218 、XQB50-158、XQB50-168、XQB50-238、XQB50-258、XQB55-118、XQB55-118A:高、中、少量点亮⑶XQB45-428、XQB46-366、XQB45-438、XQB46-376:标准、轻洗、毛毯、快洗点亮程序指示发光管表示:⑴XQB46-148、XQB48-648、XQB50-149、XQB50-356:快洗、标准、轻洗、毛毯点亮⑵XQB46-128、XQB48-628:标准、轻洗、毛毯点亮分洗侧发光管表示:⑴XQB80-8S(分洗侧):12、6、3+排水或精漂、标准、节约+排水点亮⑵XQB80-8SA(分洗侧):精漂、标准、节约点亮数码管表示:⑴XQB46-328、XQB52-338、XQB52-348、XQB55-268S、XQB60-228S、XQB70-388、XQB80-8SA(全自动侧):E2显示3、脱水异常:水位指示发光管表示:⑴XQB60-88、XQB60-88A、XQB65-888、XQB80-8S(全自动侧):高、中、低点亮⑵XQB45-448、XQB46-138、XQB48-668、XQB50-68、XQB50-78、XQB50-98、XQB50-218 、XQB50-158、XQB50-168、XQB50-238、XQB50-258、XQB55-118、XQB55-118A:高、中、低点亮⑶XQB45-428、XQB46-366、XQB45-438、XQB46-376:标准、浸泡、毛毯、快洗点亮程序指示发光管表示:⑴XQB46-148、XQB48-648、XQB50-149、XQB50-356:快洗、标准、浸泡、毛毯点亮⑵XQB46-128、XQB48-628:标准、快洗、毛毯点亮数码管表示:⑴XQB46-328、XQB52-338、XQB52-348、XQB55-268S、XQB60-228S:U3显示——衣物偏置、机器不平?⑵XQB46-328、XQB52-338、XQB52-348、XQB55-268S、XQB60-228S、XQB70-388:U4显示——洗涤上盖打开?⑶XQB80-8SA(全自动侧):E3显示——衣物偏置、机器不平?⑷XQB80-8SA(全自动侧):E4显示——洗涤上盖打开?4、水位传感器异常:水位指示发光管表示:⑴XQB60-88、XQB60-88A、XQB65-888:中、低、极少点亮⑵XQB45-448、XQB46-138、XQB48-668、XQB50-68、XQB50-78、XQB50-98、XQB50-218 、XQB50-158、XQB50-168、XQB50-168、XQB50-238、XQB50-258、XQB55-118、XQB55-118A、XQB80-8S(全自动侧):中、低、少量点亮数码管表示:⑴XQB46-328、XQB52-338、XQB52-348、XQB55-268S、XQB60-228S、XQB70-388、XQB80-8SA(全自动侧):EA显示5、其它异常:程序指示发光管表示:⑴XQB46-148、XQB48-648、XQB50-149、XQB50-356:快洗、标准、浸泡、轻洗点亮——电脑板电源损坏?⑵XQB45-428、XQB46-366、XQB45-438、XQB46-376:标准、浸泡、轻洗、快洗点亮——洗涤中断?⑶XQB46-128、XQB48-628:标准、快洗、轻洗点亮——洗涤上盖打开?数码管表示:⑴XQB46-328、XQB52-338、XQB52-348、XQB55-268S、XQB60-228S、XQB70-388:EC显示——负载检测异常?数码管表示:⑴XQB46-328、XQB52-338、XQB52-348、XQB55-268S、XQB60-228S、XQB70-388:U5显示——儿童锁设置?1、后板的拆装方法:a.取下进水阀盖/烘干口塑贴/烘干口盖b.松开后板紧固螺钉,拆下后板。

IntroductionASASC5-Phase Microstep RK 2-Phase Full/Half UMK 5-PhaseMicrostep CRK 2-Phase Microstep RBK 2-Phase Microstep CMK 2-Phase PK/PV 2-Phase PK EMP400SG8030J AccessoriesInstallationAC InputDC InputAC InputDC Input Without Encoder With EncoderControllersConnection and Operation■Names and Functions of Driver Parts●(Top)□2 Function Switches □1 Signal Monitor Displays◇Alarm◇(Front)□3 Motor Run Current Switch □4 Step Angle Setting Switch □1 Signal Monitor Displays □5 Input/Output Signals Motor TerminalsPower Input TerminalsProtective Earth TerminalsThe step angle set with the step angle setting switch will become effective when the "Step●Angle Select" (CS) signal input is OFF.Do not change the "Step Angle Select" (CS) signal input or step angle setting switch while ●the motor is operating. It may cause the motor to misstep and stop. Change the step angle setting switch, when the "Step Angle Select" (CS) signal input is OFF and the "Excitation Timing" (TIM) signal output is ON.The cable for connecting the terminal box type motor and driver, and the D-Sub (15-pin) connector for connecting to the driver's CN1 connector are not included. They must be supplied separately. ✽Description of input/output signals ➜ Page C-177Connection Diagrams●5 VDC Connection or Line Driver Input◇DriverController24 VDC Connection◇DriverInput Signal Connection◇Pulse (PLS) Signal, Rotation Direction (DIR) Signal●You can select either 5 VDC or 24 VDC as the signal voltage. Line driver input is also available. The pin No. to connect differs according to the signal voltage.All Windings Off Signal, Step Angle Select Signal●You can select either 5 VDC or 24 VDC as the signal voltage. The pin No. to connect is the same for 5 VDC and 24 VDC.Output Signal Connection◇Keep the output signal voltage and current below 30 VDC and 10 mA respectively.Power Supply◇Use a power supply that can supply sufficient input current. When power supply capacity is insufficient, a decrease in motor output can cause the following malfunctions: Motor does not operate properly at high-speed. ●Slow motor startup and stopping.●Notes on Wiring◇Use twisted-pair wires of AWG26 and keep wiring as short as possible [within 2 m (6.6 ft.)]. ●Note that as the length of the pulse signal line increases, the maximum transmission ●frequency decreases. Technical reference ➜ Page F-54Use wires of AWG18 or thicker for motor lines (when extended), power supply lines and ●protective earth line.To ground the driver, lead the ground conductor from the protective earth terminal (M4) and ●connect the ground conductor to provide a common ground point.Signal lines should be kept at least 2 cm (0.79 in.) away from power lines (power supply lines ●and motor lines). Do not bind the signal lines and power lines together.If noise generated by the motor cable or power cable becomes a problem due to the wiring ●and layout, shield the cables or use ferrite cores.Incorrect connection of DC power input will lead to driver damage. Make sure that the polarity ●is correct before turning power on.The cable for connecting the terminal box type motor and driver, and the D-Sub (15-pin) ●connector for connecting to the driver's CN1 connector are not included. They must be supplied separately.●Driver Motor Terminals and Motor Leads/Motor Terminal BlocksTerminal Box Type Motor Connections ◇RBK264T , RBK266T ,RBK268T∼16)[Diameter: (ϕ0.28∼ϕ0.51 in.)]✽ (M4)InternalTerminal ✽ (M4)(AWG18 or thicker)(AWG18 or thicker)Connect motor lead wires to the terminals 2 to 5.12345Terminal BlockConnect either the internal protective earth terminal or external protective earth terminal to the ground.✽RBK296T , RBK299T , RBK2913T✽ (M4)∼16)InternalTerminal ✽ (M4)[Diameter: ϕ7(ϕ0.28∼ϕ0.51 in.)](AWG18 or thicker)54123678Connect either the internal protective earth terminal or external protective earth terminal to the ground.✽Terminals 1, 4, 5, and 8 are used. Terminals 2, 3, 6, and 7 are not used. Do not connect anything to them.IntroductionASASC5-Phase Microstep RK 2-Phase Full/Half UMK 5-Phase Microstep CRK2-Phase Microstep RBK 2-Phase Microstep CMK 2-Phase PK/PV 2-Phase PK EMP400SG8030J Accessories InstallationAC InputDC InputAC InputDC InputWithout Encoder With EncoderControllersPulse (PLS), Rotation Direction (DIR) Input SignalYou can select either 5 VDC or 24 VDC as the signal voltage for"Pulse" input and "Rotation Direction" input. Line driver input is also available.Input Circuit and Sample Connection ◇5 VDC Connection●24 VDC Connection●Line Driver Input●Pulse Waveform Characteristics ◇5 VDC or 24 VDC Connection●ONON Pulse Input SignalRotation Direction Input Signal 1 Pulse duty: 50% and belowLine Driver Input●ONON Pulse Input SignalRotation Direction Input Signal 1 Pulse duty: 50% and below1 ✽ The shaded area indicates when the photocoupler diode is ON. The motor moves when thephotocoupler state changes from ON to OFF.2 ✽ The minimum interval time when changing rotation direction is 10 μs. This value variesgreatly depending on the motor type, pulse frequency and load inertia.Pulse Signal Characteristics◇Keep the pulse signal at the "photocoupler OFF" state when no ●pulses are being input.Leave the pulse signal at rest ("photocoupler OFF") when ●changing rotation directions.All Windings Off (AWO), Step Angle Select (CS) Input Signal Input Circuit and Sample Connection◇All Windings Off (AWO) Input Signal◇Inputting this signal puts the motor in a non-excitation (free) state. ●This signal is used when turning the motor by external force or ●manual home position is desired. The photocoupler must be "OFF" when operating the motor.ON OFFAll Windings Off Input Signal Motor CurrentMotor Holding TorqueThe shaded area indicates that the motor provides holding torque in proportion to standstill current set by motor stop current switch.Switching the "All Windings Off" signal from "photocoupler ON" to ●"photocoupler OFF" does not alter the excitation sequence. When the motor shaft is manually adjusted with the "All Windings Off" signal input, the shaft will shift up to ±3.6° from the position set after the "All Windings Off" signal is released.Step Angle Select (CS) Input Signal◇When this signal input is "ON," the motor will operate at the basic ●step angle regardless of the settings of the step angle settingswitches. When the signal input is "OFF ," the motor will operate at the step angle set with the step angle setting switch.To change the step angle, do so when the "Excitation Timing" ●signal output is "ON" and the motor is at standstill.Current Cutback (CD), Alarm (ALM), Excitation Timing (TIM) Output SignalOutput Circuit and Sample Connection◇Current Cutback (CD) Output Signal◇When the automatic current cutback function is activated, the ●"Current Cutback" output turns on.Alarm (ALM) Output Signal◇When the motor is running, if the driver overheat, overvoltage, or ●overcurrent protective function is detected, the "Alarm" output turns off, and the ALARM LED of the driver flashes. The current to the motor is also cut off to stop the motor.You can count the number of times the ALARM LED flashes to ●confirm which protective function is activated.This signal normally stays on, but turns off when a protective ●function is activated.Excitation Timing (TIM) Output Signal◇The "Excitation Timing" signal is output to indicate when the motor ●excitation is in the initial stage (step "0" at power up).The "Excitation Timing" signal is output simultaneously with a ●pulse input each time the excitation sequence returns to step "0." The excitation sequence will complete one cycle for every 7.2˚ rotation of the motor output shaft.Microsteps/step 1: S ignal is output once every 4 pulses.Microsteps/step 4: S ignal is output once every 16 pulses.Timing chart at 1.8/step (Microsteps/step 1)When connected as shown in the sample connection, the signal will be ✽"photocoupler ON " at step "0."Pulse Input Rotation Direction Input Excitation Timing Output ✽12345678910(Step)01230123012321011121314Notes:When power is turned ON, the excitation sequence is reset to step "0" and the "Excitation ●Timing" signal is output.When operating the motor using the ●"Excitation Timing " signal output, make sure the motor output shaft stops at an integral multiple of 7.2˚.Timing Chart●Rotation Direction Input Signal Pulse Input Signal All Windings Off Input Signal Step Angle Select Input Signal Current Cutback Output Signal MotorPower Input The section indicates that the photocoupler diode is emitting light.1 ✽ The minimum switching time to change direction 10 μs isshown as the response time of the circuit. The motor may need more time than that.2 ✽ Depends on load inertia, load torque, and starting frequency.3 ✽ Never input a pulse signal immediately after switching the"All Windings Off " signal to the "photocoupler OFF" state. The motor may not start.4 ✽ To cycle the power, turn off the power and then wait for atleast five seconds after the POWER LED has turned off.。

FixedSeries LEPY/LEPSSpecific Product Precautions 1Be sure to read before handling. Refer to back cover for Safety Instructions and the Operation Manual for Electric Actuator Precautions. Please download it via our website, 20C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m7.When it is necessary to operate the product by the manual override screw, check the position of the manual override and leave necessary space for access.Do not apply excessive torque to the manual override screw. This may lead to damage and malfunction.8.When an external guide is used, connect it in such a way that no impact or load is applied to it.This may cause a malfunction due to an increase in sliding resistance, or use a freely moving connector (such as a floating joint).1.When the pushing operation is used, be sure to set to [Pushing operation].Also, do not hit the workpiece in positioning operation or in the range of positioning operation.I t may damage and malfunction. If the operation is interrupted or stopped during the cycle: W hen the pushing operation command is output immediately after restarting the operation, the direction of movement depends on the position of restart.e the product within the specified pushing speed range for the pushing operation.It may lead to damage and malfunction.3.For the pushing operation, ensure that the force is applied in the direction of the rod axis.4.The moving force should be the initial value.If the moving force is set below the initial value, it may cause an alarm.5.The actual speed of this actuator is affected by the load.Check the model selection section of the catalog.6.Do not scratch or dent the sliding parts of the rod, by striking or attaching objects.The rod is manufactured to precise tolerances, even a slight deformation may cause malfunction.7.Avoid using the electric actuator in such a way that rotational torque would be applied to the rod.It may cause deformation of the non-rotating sliding part, leading to clearance in the internal guide or an increase in the sliding resistance.Refer to the table below for the approximate values of the allowable range of rotational torque.HandlingCautionMountingWarningSide mounting (Body mounting through-hole)Side mounting (Body tapped)Bottom mounting (Body tapped)Rod side mounting (Rod type only)6.Tighten the mounting screws within the specified torque range.Tightening with higher torque than the specified range may cause malfunction while the tightening with lower torque can cause the displacement of gripping position or dropping a workpiece.Series LEPY/LEPSSpecific Product Precautions 2Be sure to read before handling. Refer to back cover for Safety Instructions and the Operation Manual for Electric Actuator Precautions. Please download it via our website, 21C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mHandlingCaution13.In pushing operation, set the product to a position of atleast 0.5 mm away from a workpiece. (T his position is referred to as a pushing start position.)The following alarms may be generated and operation may become unstable.a. “Posn failed” alarm is generated.The product cannot reach a pushing start position due to variation in the width of workpieces.b. “Pushing ALM” alarm is generated.The product is pushed back from a pushing start position after starting to push.c. “Deviation over flow” alarm is generated.Displacement exceeding the specified value is generated at the pushing start position.14.For the pushing operation, use the product within theduty ratio range below.The duty ratio is a ratio at the time that can keep being pushed.15.When mounting the product, keep a 40 mm or longerdiameter for bends in the cable.MaintenanceWarning1.Ensure that the power supply is stopped and the workpiece is removed before starting maintenance work or replacement of the product.8.Do not operate by fixing the rod and moving the actuatorbody.Excessive load will be applied to the rod, leading to damage to the actuator and reduced the life of the product.9.Return to origin1)Do not apply a load, impact or resistance in addition to the transferred load during return to origin.Additional force will cause the displacement of the origin position since it is based on detected motor torque.2)W hen the return to origin is set with <Basic parameter> [Origin offset], it is necessary to change the current position of the product. Recheck the value of step data.3)It is recommended to set the directions of return to origin and pushing in the same direction in order to enhance the measurement accuracy during pushing operation.10.There is no backlash effect in pushing operation.The return to origin is done by the pushing operation.The position can be displaced by the effect of the backlash during the positioning operation.Take the backlash into consideration when setting the position.11.Do not hit the stroke end except during return to origin.This may damage the inner parts.12.INP output signal1) Positioning operationW hen the product comes within the set range by step data [In position], the INP output signal will turn on.Initial value: Set to [0.50] or higher.2)Pushing operationW hen the effective pushing force exceeds the step data [Trigger LV], the INP output signal will turn on.W hen [Pushing force] setting and [Trigger LV] are set less than [Pushing force], use the product within the specified range of[Pushing force] and [Trigger LV].a)To ensure that the actuator pushes the workpiece with the set [Pushing force], it is recommended that the [Trigger LV]be set to the same value as the [Pushing force].b)If the [Trigger LV] is set lower than the [operation pushing force (current pushing force) for the pushing operation], the pushing force will exceed the trigger LV from the pushing start position and the INP output signal will turn on before pushing the workpiece. Increase the pushing force, or change the work load so that the current pushing force becomes smaller than the trigger LV.Series LEPY/LEPSSpecific Product Precautions 3Be sure to read before handling. Refer to back cover for Safety Instructions and the Operation Manual for Electric Actuator Precautions. Please download it via our website, 22C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。
Q 系列二相 三相步进电机驱动器使用手册(二相 三相)说明书

Q 系列二相/三相步进电机驱动器,为全新一代全数字步进驱动器,它采用了当前较新的数字技术,使用伺服控制理论及最优控制电流台阶,所以步进电机能达到:更优异的性能、更优异的平稳性、低速静音效果、极低的发热量,下图是Q 系列驱动器和细分驱动Q 系列驱动器使用手册(二相/三相)算法,它没有传统驱动器的【拍数】和【细分】概念,无论设定步数是多少,电机电流都是精细的正弦电流,而不会有细分概念下的器在相同条件下实测的电机电流波形,本图为示波器实拍图,未做任何加工处理。
Q 系列驱动器控制的电机电流波形(800步) 细分型驱动器控制的电机电流波形(800步)精细的正弦电流控制以达到优异的性能 优异的平稳性、低速静音效果、极低的发热量 多达255档的步数选择,可方便适应不同传动轴比 输入信号幅值为3-24V 自适应设计,不必外接限流电阻 单、双脉冲二种信号方式 关机时自动断点记忆 电机转向可以设定 方便灵活的设定和读出方式 16 档输出电流选择 自动运行功能 11 档锁定电流百分比选择(0-100%) 完善的自检测能力 16 档锁定时间选择(0.1-2秒) 完善的保护机制 使能端(EN 端)可以设定为脱机模式或锁定模式 特别适用于机器人和3D 打印机等高档应用场合【Q 系列驱动器一览表(二相)】(注:所有型号的驱动器都具有255档步数可供选择,范围:200-51000步)(接上表)【Q系列驱动器一览表(三相)】(注:所有型号的驱动器都具有255档步数可供选择,范围:200-51000步) 完全相同,但体积减小便于安装、信号连接方便、有更好的性价比。

步进电机驱动器使用手册目录1安全事项 (2)2产品外形 (4)2.1产品外形 (4)3接口定义 (5)3.1电机、电源接口C N1 (5)3.1.1两相步进电机接线 (5)3.1.2五相步进电机接线 (6)3.2控制接口C N2 (7)3.2.1脉冲(P u l)信号/上限位信号 (9)3.2.2方向(D i r)信号/下限位信号 (9)3.2.3回零(Z e r o)信号/原点信号 (9)3.2.4脱机/使能(F r e e/E n a b l e)信号 (9)3.2.5到位(I N P)信号 (10)3.2.6就绪(R D Y)信号 (11)3.2.7接口电压 (11)3.3编码器接口C N3 (13)3.4U S B接口C N4 (14)3.5M o d b u s接口C N5 (15)4L E D指示 (16)4.1状态指示L E D (16)4.2通讯指示L E D (18)5性能参数 (18)5.1机械参数 (18)5.2安装尺寸 (19)6应用指南 (20)6.1安装准备 (20)6.2机械安装 (20)6.3电气安装 (21)6.4日常维护 (21)6.5注意事项 (21)6.5常见问题 (22)为保障使用者人身安全,保护设备正常使用,请务必阅读并遵守本章的安全事项。

行业专用系统 数字卷绕排线专用控制系统
机械传动单元 行星齿轮减速器、直线运动单元
可编程控制器、运动控制板卡、SC-D228 专用控制器、TRIO 运动控制器
制 造 商:北京和利时电机技术有限公司(原四通电机)
地 址:北京市海淀区学清路 9 号汇智大厦 A 座 10 层
电流 0.5A
弦波电流的峰值,使用串电流表的方式不能得到正确的读数。) ON
注:用户对输出电流的更改必须给驱动器重新上电才可生效。 ON
采用了柔性细分算法,使驱动器无论设置何种细分电机都可保持最佳的运行性能,极大的改善了低细分 下的平稳性和噪音。即使用户由于控制系统输出脉冲频率的限制不能采用较高的细分选择,也可以获得 低速平稳性和高速性的兼得,从而降低对控制系统的要求,有利于降低系统的整体成本提高性能。低震 动、低噪音和低功耗。
电机时应该采用自测模式进行电机参数的自适应匹配,之后就可以将开关设定为 OFF 锁定当前参数。 当工作状态发生变化后可以重新自测寻优。自测设定只在每次驱动器上电时进行处理,因此 SW8 状态 的变化只能在驱动器重新上电后生效。

·可设定为两相和五相电机步 /转,替代两相和五相电机。
·定位精度更高 ,在 10000 步 /转时每步都能精确运动和定位 ,而且输出扭
矩不下降。 ·电机和驱动器间仅用
3 根线 ,同交流异步电机一样 ,减少连线出错的可
·驱动器与上位机间连线简单 ,都是三根线 ,可高电平或低电平有效。
方毫米的铜线与机器接地 ,地线必须在驱动器 PE 端子上拧紧 ,另一端固定在
,要大面积接触 ,确保良好
的导电性。所有接地线均采用星形接法 (经过一个公共接地点接地 )。 安装环境 驱动器要安装在开关柜中 (壁挂式 )。其周围要有 20mm 的空间 ,不能放在
不能结露 , 不能有水珠 禁止有可燃气体和大量导电灰尘
1.2.2 WD3-007 的主要特点
·交流伺服工作原理 ,交流伺服运行特性 ,三相正弦电流驱动输出。
·只要环境温度不超过 55℃,驱动器就能够正常工作。
·电路板采取三防处理 ,有过热、过压、欠压、过流及电机相间短路保
·驱动器的输入电源是 220VAC, 变化范围是 :-30%~+20% 。
1.4.3 连线及参数设 置 …………………………………………………………………
1.4.4 控制信号接 口 ……………………………………………………………………
1.4.5 功能选 择 …………………………………………………………………………
1.4.6 功率接 口 …………………………………………………………………………
注意 :最好采用推拉式控制信号 ,这样噪声更小。

42步进电机的参数1.引言1.1 概述在现代工业和自动化领域中,步进电机是一种常见且重要的驱动器。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:文章的结构分为三个主要部分:引言、正文和结论。

1 步进电机和驱动器型号定义------------------------------ 22 步进电机和驱动器适配表------------------------------ 23 3.1 42系列电机------------------------------ 33.2 57系列电机------------------------------ 43.3 86系列电机------------------------------ 5~63.4 110系列电机------------------------------ 74 4.1 VC-M804H驱动器------------------------------ 8~94.2 VC-M806/VC-803驱动器------------------------------ 10~124.3 VC-M1212驱动器------------------------------ 13~165 5.1 电机的串连接线和并联接线------------------------------ 175.2 调整电机的初始化运行方向------------------------------ 175.3 降低电机的温升------------------------------ 175.4 提高电机的转速------------------------------ 175.5 提高电机的精度------------------------------ 1712步进电机和驱动器型号定义步进电机型号定义出线的电机可以接成串联方式以适应低速平稳的要求,接成并联方式以适应高速大力矩的要求,而6出线的电机可以适应恒压型驱动器。
驱动器型号定义备注:由于电网电压波动的原因,请把最高电源电压限制在70VDC ,以保证一定的安全余量步进电机和驱动器匹配表32相混合式步进电机42系列电机绝缘电阻: 500VDC 100M Ω Min 轴向间隙: 0.1~0.3mm 径向跳动: 0.02mm Max 温 升: 65K Max绝缘强度: 550V 50Hz 1Minute 环境温度: -20︒C ~+55︒C 绝缘等级: B型号步距角(︒) 保持转矩 (Nm)静态相电流(A)相电阻 (Ω)相电感 (mH)转动惯量 (g.cm.s 2)重量(Kg)42BH2A33-0541.8 0.22 0.5 3.0 3.6 35 0.22 42BH2A38-126 0.4 1.2 3.0 3.2 54 0.28 42BH2A47-174 0.52 1.7 1.682.5 68 0.35L:42BH2A33-054=33mmL:42BH2A338-126=38mmL:42BH2A47-174=47mm红A +兰A -黑B+绿B-电机白-公共端黄-公共端红A +兰A -黑B+绿B-电机Vinca motor42相混合式步进电机57系列电机绝缘电阻: 500VDC 100M Ω Min 轴向间隙: 0.1~0.3mm 径向跳动: 0.02mm Max 温 升: 65K Max绝缘强度: 550V 50Hz 1Minute 环境温度: -20︒C ~+55︒C 绝缘等级: B型号 步距角(︒) 保持转矩 (Nm)静态相电流(A) 相电阻 (Ω) 相电感 (mH) 转动惯量 (g.cm.s 2) 重量(Kg) 57BH2A41-148 1.80.5 1.41.4 1.4 135 0.4 57BH2A56-288 12.8 0.75 1.2 300 0.7 57BH2A76-288 1.47 2.8 1 2.1 480 1.0 57BH2A76-304231.35.04801.0单位:mmL: 57BH2A41-148=41 L: 57BH2A56-288=56 L: 57BH2A76-288=76 L: 57BH2A76-304=76红A +黄A -蓝C +黑C -橙B+白B -棕D+绿D -电机红A +绿A -黄B+蓝B-电机Vinca motor2相混合式步进电机86系列电机绝缘电阻: 500VDC 100MΩMin轴向间隙: 0.1~0.3mm径向跳动: 0.02mm Max温升: 65K Max绝缘强度: 550V 50Hz 1Minute环境温度: -20︒C~+55︒C绝缘等级:B型号步距角(︒)保持转矩(Nm)静态相电流(A)相电阻(Ω)相电感(mH)转动惯量(g.cm.s2)重量(Kg)86BH2A65-4081.8 3.5 4 0.7 3.9 1000 1.786BH2A80-404540.8 6.61400 2.3 86BH2A118-3089.73 1.211.52700 3.8 86BH2A156-65813 6.50.56 6.44000 5.4安装尺寸图型号L:长度型号L:长度86BH2A65-408 65mm 86BH2A118-308 118mm86BH2A80-404 80mm 86BH2A156-658 156mmVinca motor56红A +黄A -蓝C +黑C -橙B+白B -棕D+绿D -红A +绿A -黄B+蓝B-72相混合式步进电机110系列电机绝缘电阻: 500VDC 100M Ω Min 轴向间隙: 0.1~0.3mm 径向跳动: 0.02mm Max 温 升: 65K Max绝缘强度: 550V 50Hz 1Minute 环境温度: -20︒C ~+55︒C 绝缘等级: B型号步距角(︒) 保持转矩 (Nm)静态相电流(A) 相电阻 (Ω) 相电感 (mH) 转动惯量 (g.cm.s 2) 重量(Kg) 110BH2A100-504 1.812.7 5.0 0.95 15 5500 5.0 110BH2A150-654 21 6.5 1.15 18.9 11000 8.4 110BH2A165-604 26 6.0 0.65 14 13000 9.5 110BH2A200-654306.51.722.51620011.7型号长度:L 红A +绿A -黄B+蓝B-电机110BH2A100-504 100mm 110BH2A150-654 150mm 110BH2A165-604 165mm 110BH2A200-654200mmVinca motorVC-M804H 为等角度恒力矩整半步型驱动器,采用最新专利技术,输出相电流达4A ,输入电源电压24~80VDC ,可驱动42/57/86等规格的二相混合式步进电动机,具有异乎寻常的高速性能,空载转速可以达到3000转/分,是升级传统步进电机的首选产品。
ESS42-R 系列 总线型集成式电机 用户手册说明书

深圳市研控自动化科技有限公司目录前言 (1)1概述 (2)1.1产品介绍 (2)1.2特性 (2)1.3应用领域 (2)1.4产品命名规则 (2)2性能指标 (3)2.1电气特性 (3)2.2使用环境 (3)3安装 (4)3.1安装尺寸 (4)3.2安装方法 (4)4端口与接线 (5)4.1接线示意图 (5)4.2端口定义 (6)4.2.1状态指示灯 (6)4.2.2输入/输出端口 (6)4.2.3拨码开关 (6)4.2.4电源端口 (6)4.3输入/输出端口操作 (7)4.4拨码开关设定 (8)4.4.1终端电阻设定 (8)4.4.2地址设定 (8)5 电机规格及接线 (10)5.1技术规格 (10)6 MODBUS通讯协议 (11)6.1 MODBUS寄存器地址定义 (11)6.2 MODBUS常用功能码 (18)6.2.1读保持寄存器命令03 (18)6.2.2写单个寄存器命令06 (19)6.2.3写多个寄存器命令16 (19)6.2.4通讯错误码 (19)6.2.5应用示例 (21)7运动控制功能介绍 (23)7.1位置模式 (23)7.2速度模式 (24)7.3多段位置模式 (24)7.3.1 位置段参数介绍 (24)7.3.2 多段位控制方式 (25)7.4多段速度模式 (26)7.4.1 速度段参数介绍 (26)7.4.2 多段速度控制方式 (26)7.5回原点功能 (27)7.6 运动控制命令 (29)7.6.1 启动命令(0x0027) (29)7.6.2 停止命令(0x0028) (29)7.6.3 回原点命令(0x0030) (30)8报警排除 (31)9版本修订历史 (32)10保修及售后服务 (33)10.1保修 (33)10.2售后服务 (33)前言感谢您使用本公司总线型集成式电机。

John William Bews A Memoir. By George W. Ge,le. Pp. 140. (Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press, 1954.) n.p.
PROF. J. W. BEWS, who died in 1938 at the early age of fifty-three, was for many years a leading figure in botanical circles in South Africa and was one of the foremost plant ecologists of his day. A well-written account, delayed by the War and other causes, of his life and work has now appeared. The author, who is dean of the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Natal, was one of Bews's early postgra.duat e students in botany at Pietermaritzburg. It was General Smuts, with whom Bews was on friendly terms, and with whom he shared a cormnon interest in the grasses and grasslands of southern Africa, who first suggested that there should be some permanent record of Bews's life and work.

绝缘电阻——500VDC 100MΩ Min
轴向间隙—— 1mm Max
径向跳动—— 0.02mm Max
温升—— 65K Max
绝缘强度—— 500V AC 1Minute
绝缘等级—— B级
SH-20402N SH-20403 SH-20803N-D SH-20803N SH-20806CN
42BYG250A-xxxxxx-0151 步 距 角:0.9° 驱动方式:双极恒流 接线方式:标准方式 42BYG250B-xxxxxx-0151 步 距 角:0.9° 驱动方式:双极恒流 接线方式:标准方式
42BYG250C-xxxxxx-0151 步 距 角:0.9° 驱动方式:双极恒流 接线方式:标准方式

Electronics R elated Products GuideAs the need for automation and labor saving increases, the number of small motors, which are key to theirimplementation, is also expected to increase. For the cases that requires high reliability, such as for robots, we can make proposals that are optimized for the operating environment.Electronics SectorDC Motor & Induction MotorMotors consume 50% of the world’s electricity and increased miniaturization, rotation speed, and e ciency are progressing in response to demand for further increases in functionality. With these changes, the adhesives used require heat resistance and high strength.Electronics SectorBrushless-DC MotorSmart phones that are now essential goods for daily living are composed of alot of electronic components and modules and lots of glue.Attachment of a cover panel to a display panel with a UV-curable sheet-likeadhesive enables a screen to be easily watched, and use of a low-temperaturecurable/UV-curable sealant for a case can produce “waterproof and drip-proof”devices.In addition, ThreeBond's sealants and adhesives contribute to making smart phonesand their electronic components and modules thinner and more sophisticated. Electronics SectorSmartphoneby little due to downsizing.ThreeBond's sealants and adhesives can meet all needs.adhesives that cure fast at low temperature are needed to shorten theA lot of adhesives are used for the mechanical components of cameras including a single lens re ex camera. As the design of a camera has been smaller and thinner, UV-LED light source-curable adhesives are needed in order to bond a di erent type of material to another, to reduce the amount of heat applied to materials, and to reduce power consumption in camera manufacturing processes.ThreeBond develops and manufactures adhesives that are the most appropriate to a customer's manufacturing processes and provide such products on a global basis.Electronics SectorDigital CameraDigital CameraPentaprismGlass and resin lensStrobeAF sensorApplication Pentaprism xing Product ThreeBond 3030 SeriesCure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High adhesion to resin materials (PC, PPS, etc.)2. Flexible3. Adhesion to di erent materials Application Bonding of lenses Product ThreeBond 3017 Series ThreeBond 3020BCure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High strength of adhesion to materials di cult to bond (ole n-based)2. Good surface curability3. Less distortion (TB 3017 Series)Application AF sensor xing Product ThreeBond 1535 Series ThreeBond 3017 SeriesCure conditionMoisture curing / UV curingCharacteristics1. Good impact resistance2. Adhesion to di erent materials3. Shadow-zone curing possible (TB 1535 Series)Application Strobe periphery xing Product ThreeBond 1535 Series ThreeBond 3164DCure conditionMoisture curing / UV curingCharacteristics1. Good impact resistance2. Adhesion to di erent materials3. Shadow-zone curing possible Image sensorApplication Image sensor xing Product ThreeBond 3036 Series ThreeBond 3114 SeriesCure condition UV curing Characteristics1. Low cure shrinkage2. Low linear expansion coe cient3. High adhesive strength Case / Lens mountApplication Waterproof / Dustproof Product ThreeBond 3081 Series ThreeBond 3166Cure condition* CIPG (Cured In Place Gasket)UV curing (CIPG)Characteristics1. Low compression permanent distortion2. Flexibility3. Reworkable Application Heat dissipation Product ThreeBond 1225 Series ThreeBond 2955 SeriesCure conditionMoisture curingCharacteristics1. High thermal conductivity (1.59 to 4.8W/m•K)2. Low outgassing (TB 2955 Series)3. Low molecular weight cyclic siloxane reduced product Image stabilizer unitApplication Vibration absorption Product ThreeBond 3168ECure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High and low temperature resistance2. Soft gel3. Vibration absorbability * ThreeBond is abbreviated to TB.In recent years, increasing awareness of global security has been accompanied by spreading adoption of surveillance cameras as a deterrent to crime and terrorism.For many years, our UV-curable resin has contributed to security cameras, mainly to the adhesive application for optical parts.Increasing numbers of pixels in recent years have brought an increasing need for “thermal conductivity” as protection against overheating, and for “Sealants” as waterproo ng and protection from insects.Electronics SectorSurveillance Cameraconferences as telework becomes more prevalent, so production levels areincreasing signi cantly. Furthermore, as earphones become more expensive,consumers expect them to last longer, so adhesives must improve productivitythrough “fast curing” and high reliability with a focus on “impact resistance”.Wireless Earphone As automation advances as a substitute for the ve senses of humanbeings, adoption of these devices is expected to further increase. AtThreeBond, we propose the optimal products for sensors and MEMSdevices that require high reliability.Sensor / MEMS DeviceStations for 5G communication are starting to be set up everywhere, evenoutdoors, so adhesives must be incredibly reliable to ensure operationcontinues despite weather conditions. Our lineup includes case sealants,thermally conductive materials used to protect electronic substrates fromheat and more.Electronics Sector5G Base Station The spread of 5G communications has greatly increased the amountof data ying around the world. As for optical transceivers needed forhigh-speed communications, we have a wide range of products,mainly UV resins and heat-conducting materials for parts requiringprecision xation.Electronics SectorOptical TransceiverViscosity comparison[Cyanoacrylate Adhesives]Viscosity comparison[UV Curing Resins]Viscosity comparison[Epoxy resin] Electronics SectorProduct map by viscosity / hardnessWatch our video to see viscosity imagesElectronics SectorAdhesive selection table by materialApplication Equipmentas the equipment to apply and pressure feed them to maximize their performance.As a manufacturer with full knowledge of sealants and adhesives, ThreeBond enables to reduce cost and improve developing such equipment.To provide further added value for customers, ThreeBond has been making e orts to develop and sell the equipment that incorporates new application and pressure feeding technologies.Tank for 250g/1kg bottle or can (TG1-T)Dispense valve (HPNV-50)Pressure feed controller (coater S4)Small capacity precision type ofManual application cartridge pump (ACB-20)Pump for pails (PBIII)+Constant-velocity discharge head ( xed-quantity booster)Air gun for sealant- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - The RTM and RTM-H Series enable products that meet customer requirements to be designed and manufactured.- A lineup of devices that can handle small-amount and large-amount sealants and adhesives is available.- They are suitable for the bead application of solvent-volatilization-type and moisture-curable-type liquid gaskets.- Dispensers that can apply a xed quantity of a sealant and an adhesive without waste are available.- A unit that can reduce the amount of a remaining liquid agent in a pail is available as an option. (Some conditions must be met.)* ACB...Automatic Cartridge Booster * PCB...Power Cartridge Booster * RTM...Rotary Transfer Motor* RTA-H...Rotary Transfer Air-motor by HandApplicationTB1100, TB1300 seriesSingle-component xed-quantity booster ( xed-quantity booster) Application Equipment Sector- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - Applicators suitable to a wide range of adhesives, such as solvent-volatilization type, moisture-curable type, and aqueous pressure-sensitive type, can be selected.- Application of an instantaneous adhesive that is di cult to handle is automated, which enables a work environmentand application quality to be improved.* LVCT-AC...Low Viscosity Cartridge Tank - Automatic Connection * HPNV-50...Pressure Needle Valve - Type 50* DPB-40...Diaphragm Power Booster* TDV...Triple Diaphragm ValveApplicationTB1500 seriesCartridge-type tank (TC2)Dispensing valve (HPNV-50)Controller for pressure (coater S4)Desktop robot (RT7 Series) Application Equipment Sector- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - Applicators are available for each of the single-component type and the two-component type.- The two-component type can be set, according to a mixing ratio.* CIPG...Cured in Place GasketSingle-acting pump for pails (PBIII-45)This is a high-pressure feeding pump for automatic application. When it isApplication Equipment Sector- UV-curing type, anaerobic-curing type, and moisture-curing type Applicators for each of the above types are available.- Auxiliary equipment needed for the process from application to curing is available.- Equipment suitable for CIPG application (design of a special-purpose machine)Cartridge-type tank (TC2)Dispensing valve (HPNV-50)Controller for pressure (coater S4)Desktop robot (RT7 Series)Application Equipment SectorAK2022035 22 • 11 • SK。
M422 型两相混合式步进电机驱动器使用说明书

主要特点●平均电流控制,两相正弦电流驱动输出●直流10~40V供电●光电隔离信号输入/输出● 8档细分和自动半流功能● 8档输出相电流设置●具备脱机功能●启动转速高●高速力矩大二、控制信号接口图1是驱动器的接线原理图1、控制信号定义PUL:步进脉冲信号输入端DIR:步进方向信号输入端+5V:信号输入共阳端ENBL:脱机使能信号输入端脱机使能信号有效时复位驱动器故障,禁止任何有效的脉冲,驱动器的输出功率元件被关闭,电机无保持扭矩。
现在以集电极开路和PNP输出为例,接口电路示意图如下:图1. 输入接口电路(共阳极接法)图2. 输入接口电路(共阴极接法)控制器PNP输出三、功能选择(用驱动器面板上的DIP开关实现)1、设置电机每转步数驱动器可将电机每转的步数分别设置为200、400、800、1600、3200、6400步。

三洋多媒体投影仪 说明书PLV-Z3000本说明书是利用投影仪的指南需要了解安装,利用和操作投影仪的具体信息,请查阅在CD-ROM中的用户手册。 利用投影仪以前,请阅读CD-ROM顶用户手册里的平安指南。第二页安装和操作投影仪以前,请通读用户手册,不适当的操作会致使投影仪寿命减少、故障、火灾及其他事故。为了减少触电风险,不要移动盖板和背板,里面除可替换的灯泡之外,没有效户能够自己检修的部件。检修效劳应提交有资质的效劳人员。平安警示:警告:本设备必需接地为减少火灾和触电风险,不要将本设备暴露于雨水和雾气中。--投影仪从透镜中发出强光,尽可能幸免直接注视透镜,不然会致使眼部损害,专门要注意不要让小孩直接注视光束。--在适合的位置安装投影仪,不然会致使火灾。--为了空气流通和冷却,在投影仪顶部,周围和背部留下充沛的空间是极端重要的。此处显示的尺寸是需要的最小空间。若是投影仪置于被格开的一个独立空间内,那个最小距离是必需的。
步进驱动 M420B说明书

OFF接线描述Leabharlann 信号功能PWR

二、型号含义110 BYG 5 5 0 1 WB特殊型或派生号,以字母表示,无此项时为基本型(Z为增强型,WB为五边型,D为双轴伸,其它为派生型)规格号:1号转子齿数:50齿相数:5相混合式步进电机(FHB为方形混合式步进电机)机座号:外径φ110mm三、产品系列及性能参数1.方形电机系列2.圆形电机系列注:1、打 * 者为正在开发的新产品,可供期货;型号后有“Z”者为增强型。