
骨度折量定位法 指寸定位法 同身寸 中指同身寸 拇指同身寸 横指同身寸
经穴 经外[奇]穴 阿是穴 特定穴 背俞穴 募穴 原穴 络穴 五输穴
井[穴] 荥[穴]
proportional bone
手阳明大肠经穴。屈肘,在前 臂背面桡侧,当阳溪与曲池连 线上,腕横纹上5寸。手阳明大 肠经的郄穴。 手阳明大肠经穴。在前臂背面 桡侧,当阳溪与曲池连线上,肘 横纹下4寸。 手阳明大肠经穴。在前臂背面 桡侧,当阳溪与曲池连线上,肘 横纹下3寸。 手阳明大肠经穴。在前臂背面 桡侧,当阳溪与曲池连线上, 肘横纹下2寸。 手阳明大肠经穴。在肘横纹外 侧端,屈肘,当尺泽与肱骨外 上髁连线中点。手阳明大肠经 的合穴。 手阳明大肠经穴。在臂外侧, 屈肘,曲池上方1寸,当肱骨边 缘处。 手阳明大肠经穴。在臂外侧, 当曲池与肩髃连线上,曲池上 3寸处。 手阳明大肠经穴。在臂外侧, 三角肌止点处,当曲池与肩髃 连线上,曲池上7寸。 手阳明大肠经穴。在肩部,三 角肌上,臂外展,或向前平伸 时,当肩峰前下方凹陷处。 手阳明大肠经穴。在肩上部, 当锁骨肩峰端与肩胛冈之间凹 陷处。 手阳明大肠经穴。在颈外侧 部,胸锁乳突肌后缘,当结喉 旁,扶突穴与缺盆连线中点。 手阳明大肠经穴。在颈外侧 部,结喉旁,当胸锁乳突肌的 前、后缘之间。 手阳明大肠经穴。在上唇部, 鼻孔外缘直下,平水沟穴。 手阳明大肠经穴。在鼻翼外缘 中点旁,当鼻唇沟中。 足阳明胃经穴。在面部,瞳孔 直下,当眼球与眶下缘之间。 足阳明胃经穴。在面部,瞳孔 直下,当眶下孔凹陷处。
腧穴学 刺法灸法学 针灸治疗学 实验针灸学 经络现象 循经感传 经络诊断 经脉循行 腧穴 腧穴特异性 腧穴定位法 体表解剖标志定位法


中医的专业术语英文翻译大家在写中医论文时候常常遇到一些不容易翻译的词汇,yjbys 网整理了中医的专业术语英文翻译,方便大家写作。
中国医药学:traditional Chinese medicine中医基础理论:basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine临床经验:clinical experience辨证论治:treatment based on syndrome differentiation本草:materia medica //medicinal herbs中药Chinese herbs四气五味:four properties and five tastes针灸acupuncture and moxibustion各家学说theories of different schools汗法: diaphoresis /diaphoretic therapy下法:purgative therapy吐法:emetic therapy补土派:school of invigorating the earth病因学说:theory of etiology养生:health-cultivation医疗实践medical practice治疗原则:therapeutic principles寒凉药物:herbs of cold and cool nature滋阴降火:nourishing yin to lower fire瘀血致病:disease caused by blood stasis先天之精:congenital essence气的运动变化:movement and changes of qi。

Unit 11 中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM2中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3临床经验clinical experience4辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation5杂病miscellaneous diseases6中药学Chinese pharmacy7四气五味four properties and five tastes8针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox9古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy10汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis11下法purgation12吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy13补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth14病因学etiology15方剂prescription; formula16医疗实践medical practice17治疗原则therapeutic principles18寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature19滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire20瘀血治病diseases caused by blood stagnationUnit21五脏five zang-organs; five zang-viscera2六腑six fu-organs3经络系统system of meridians and collaterals4整体观念holism5有机整体organic wholenss6社会属性social attribute7开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into8生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store9诊断学diagnostics10邪正关系relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi11治疗学therapeutics12风寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold13同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease14异病同治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases15水液代谢平衡balance of water metabolism16清心火clearing away heart fire17疾病本质nature of disease18以左治右treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side19从阴引阳drawing yang from yin20.病在上者下取之treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part Unit 31哲学概念philosophical concept2.相互转化mutual transformation3.阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang4.阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang5.寒极生热extreme cold turning into heat6.病理变化pathological changes7.绝对偏盛absolute predominance8.病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis9.补其不足supplementing what it lacks of10.祛风散寒eliminating wind and dispersing cold11.相互消长mutually inhibiting and promoting;wax and wane between yin and yang12.相互制约mutually inhibiting and restraining叮叮小文库16.有机整体organic whole17.阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin18.阴阳两虚deficiency of both yin and yang19.虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome20.潜阳熄风suppressing yang and eliminating windUnit41 the theory of five elements 五行学说2 free development 条达舒畅3 to be generated and to generate生我,我生4 restraint in generation 生中有制5 over restriction and counter-restriction相乘相侮6 Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.土虚木乘7 promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation 生克制化8 disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ 母病及子9 insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney 肝肾精血不足10 blood deficiency in the heart and liver 心肝血虚11 exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛12 insufficiency of liver yin 肝阴不足13 declination of kidney yang肾阳式微14 weakness of the spleen and stomach 脾胃虚弱15 soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach 平肝和胃16 between water and fire水火不济Unit51 藏象学说doctrine of visceral manifestations2 五脏六腑five zang-organs and six fu-organs3 奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs4 水谷精微nutrients of water and food5 传化水谷transmitting and transforming water and food6 贮藏精气storing essence7 表里关系internal and external relationship8 治疗效应therapeutic effects9 临床实践clinical practice10 藏而不泻storage without discharge11泻而不藏discharge without storage12形体诸窍physical build and various orifices13开窍(of five zang-organs) open into14精神情志spirit and emotions15心藏神the heart storing spirit16肺藏魄the lung storing corporeal soul17肝藏魂the liver storing ethereal soul18脾藏意the spleen storing consciousness19肾藏志the kidney storing will20其华在面the luster manifesting upon the faceUnit61 心主血脉the heart governing blood and vessels2 心气充沛sufficiency of heart qi3 面色红润rosy complexion4 血液充盈sufficiency of blood5 脉道不利unsmooth vessels6 面色无华lusterless complexion7 脉象细弱thin and weak pulse8 心藏神the heart storing spirit9 汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin叮叮小文库10 升降出入ascending, descending, going out and going in11宣发肃降dispersion, purification and descent12通调水道regulating water passage13脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation14水谷精微nutrients of water and food15水液停滞stoppage of water and fluid16后天之本acquired base of life17调畅气机regulating qi activity18肝气逆上upward adverse flow of liver qi19先天之精innate essence20肾主纳气the kidney receiving qiUnit71 奇恒之府extraordinary fu-organs2 孤俯isolated fu-organ3 腐熟水谷digest water and food4 魄门anus5 肝之余其surplus part of liver qi6 上焦upper energizer7 泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid8 食物残渣residue of foods9 大肠主津The large intestine governs thin body fluid10精汁(胆汁)bile11小肠主液The small intestine governs thick body fluid12初步消化primary digestion13精气essential qi14七冲门the seven important portals15胆主决断The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment16排泄糟粕discharge waste17月经来潮occurrence of menstruation18吸门inhaling portal19形态中空morphological hollowness20传化水谷transporting and transforming water and foodUnit81 先天禀赋innateness2 精微物质nutrients; refined substance3 血液循行blood circulation4 水液代谢water metabolism5 气的运动形式way of qi movement6 气的升降出入ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements of qi7 气机调畅normal function of qi activity8生命的原动力primary motive force of life9 温养腑脏warming and nourishing the viscera10 腑脏经络之气qi of the viscera and meridians11气机qi activity12气化qi transformation13先天之气innate qi14后天之气acquired qi15正气healthy qi16邪气pathogenic factors17元气primordial qi18宗气thoracic qi19营气nutritive qi20卫气defensive qi叮叮小文库21腠理striae and intersticesUnit91气生血qi promoting the production of blood2气行血qi promoting the flow of blood3气摄血qi commanding blood4血载气blood carrying qi5血生气blood generating qi6气生津液qi promoting the production of body fluid7气行津液qi promoting the flow of body fluid8气摄津液qi commanding body fluid9津液载气body fluid carrying qi10津液生气body fluid generating qi11津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin12气随液脱exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid13气随血脱exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage14气随津泄loss of qi due to profuse sweating15气行则血行,气滞则血瘀。

常用医疗、医药名称(MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY)Billy(刘志新) Medical Student 2011医药 Yi yao (Medical Terminology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称过敏Guo min Allergy 血压Xue ya Blood Pressure 检查Jian cha Examination 麻醉Ma zui Anesthesia健康诊断Jian kangZhen duan General Check Up,PhysicalExamination麻醉全身Ma zuiquan shengGeneral Anesthesia入院Ru yuan Admission tohospital 静脉麻醉Jing maiMa zuiIntraveounsAnesthesia退院Tui yuan Discharge fromhospital 脊椎麻醉Ji zhuiMa zuiSpinal Anesthesia症状Zheng zhuang Symptom 局部麻醉Jv buMa zuiLocal Anesthesia 营养Ying yang Nutrition 手术Shou shu Operation 病历Bing li Clinical History 切除Qie chu Resection 诊断Zhen duan Diagnosis 副作用Fuzuoyong Side effect 治疗Zhi liao Treatment 洗净Xi jing Irrigation 预防Yu fang Prevention 注射Zhu she Injection 呼吸Hu xi Respiration X线X xian X –ray 便通Bian tong Bowel Movement 红外线Hong wai xian Ultra red ray 便Bian Stool 急性的Ji xing de Acute 血液Xue ye Blood 体格Ti ge Build 脉搏Mai bo Pulse rate 亲戚Qin qi Relative 尿Niao Urine 遗传Yi chuan Heredity脉搏数Mai bo shu Pulse, Pulsation 慢性的Man xing de Chronic 免疫Mian yi Blood type 血清Xue qing Serum流行性的Liu xing xing de Epidemic 潜伏期间Qian fu qi jian Incubation period 滤过性病毒Lv guo xing dbingduVirus 消毒Xiao du Sterilization抗生素kang sheng su Antibiotic 脑波Nao bo E.E.G 洗肠Xi chang Enema 结核反应Jie he fan ying Tuberculin Reaction 华氏Hua shi Farenheit 摄氏She shi Celsius, Centigrade药品 yao pin (Medicine)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称冰袋Bin dai Ice Bag 舌下锭She xia ding Sublingual tablet药Yao Medicine (drug) 胶囊Jiao nang Capsules 绷带Ben dai Bandage 软膏Ruan gao Ointment 胶带Jiao dai Adhesive tape 眼药Yanyao Eye medicine 剪刀Jian dao Scissors 止咳药Zhe keyao Cough medicine 体温计Ti wen ji Therometer 阿司匹林 A si pi lin Aspirin 坐药Zuoyao Suppository 止痛药Zhi tongyao Pain killer 药丸Yaowan Tablet. Pill 药方Yaofang Prescription症状及名称zheng zhuang ji ming chen (Symptoms)一般症状 yi ban zheng zhuang (General)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称发烧Fa shao Fever 剧痛Jv tong Severe pain 高烧Gao shao High fever 打喷嚏Da pen ti Sneeze 发冷Fa len Chills 打嗝Da ge Hiccup 发汗Fa han Sweats 痒Yang Itch 盗汗Dao han Night sweats 腰痛Yaotong Lower back pain 倦怠Juan dai Tiredness 头痛Tou tong Headache 失眠Shi nian Insomnia 痛Tong Pain (ache)急性疼痛Ji xingTen tong Acute pain 一跳一跳的痛Yi tiaoyi tiaoDe tongThrobbing pain肩头发硬Jian touFa ying Stiffness in shoulder 针扎似的痛Zhen zha siDe tongPrickling pain钝痛Dun tong Dull pain 裂痛Lie tong Tearing pain压痛Ya tong Pressing pain 持续痛Chi xu tong Continous pain 刺痛Ci tong Sharp pain 不舒服Bu shu fu Umcomfortable 戳痛Chuo tong Piercing pain 继续痛Ji xu tong Pain comes inintervals烧痛Shao tong Burning Pain 绞痛Jiao tong Colic放射痛Fang she tong Radiation pain 血尿Xue niao Bloody urine溃烂痛Kui lan tong Sore pain 脓尿Nong niao Pyuria痉挛痛Jin luan tong Crampy pain 粘液便Nian ye bian Mucous stool 蛋白质Dan bai zhi Albumunria 粘土样便Nian tu yangbianClay colored stool 轻疼Qing ten Slight pain 验血Yan xue Blood analysis 红血球Hong xue qiu Red blood cells 呼吸数Hu xi shu Respiration rate 白血球Bai xue qiu White blood cells 呼气Hu qi Expriation慢脉Man mai Bradycardia 吸气Xi qi Inspiration呼吸困难Hu xi kun nan Difficulty breathing 不规则脉Bu gui ze mai Irregular pulse脉搏数Mai bo shu Pulse rate 尿混浊Niao hun zhuo Cloudy urine 快脉Kuai mai Tachycardia 瘦Shou Thin, skinny 肥fei Fat 糖尿Tang niao Glycosuria呼吸系统 hu xi xi tong (respiratory system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称气管Qi guan Bronchus 哮喘Xiao chuan Asthma 肺Fei Lung 痰Tan Sputum 咳嗽Ke sou Cough 吐血Tu xue Blood spitting 干咳Gan ke Dry cough 咳血Ke xue Hemoptysis 有痰咳You tan ke Moist cough 背痛Bei tong Back pain 气喘性咳Qi chuan xing ke Wheezing stridor 支气管炎Zhi qi guan yan Bronchitis 支气管气喘Zhi qi guan yan Bronchal asthma 肺结核Fei jie he Pulmonarytuberculosis 胸痛Xiong tong Chest pain 粗嘎Cu ge Huskiness 气喘Qi chuan Wheezing 感冒Gan mao Common cold 沙哑Sha ya Hoarseness 肺炎Fei yan Pneumonia 胸膜炎Xiong mo yan Pleurisy 肺结核Fei jie he PulmonaryTuberculosis 肺气肿Fei qi zhong Pulmonary 肺癌Fei ai Lung cancer循环系统xun huan xi tong (circulatory system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称心脏Xin zang Heart 心房Xin fang Atrium 血管Xue guan Blood vessels 心室Xin shi Ventricle 淋巴腺Lin ba xian Lymph 贫血Pin xue Anemia 动脉Dong mai Artery 静脉Jing mai Vein 心悸Xin ji Palpitation 水肿Shui zhong Edema贫血的Pin xue de Anemic 心脏发作Xinzang fa zuo Heart attack 不能呼吸Bu neng hu xi Shortness of breath 颜面苍白Yanmianchangbai Pallor of face 青紫Qing zi Cyanosis 低血压Di xue ya Hypotension 高血压Gao xue ya Hypertension 动脉瘤Dong mai liu Aneurysm 动脉硬化症Dong mai ying huazhengArteriosclerosis 狭心症Xiao xin zheng Angina心脏喘息Xin zang chuan xi Cardiac asthma 心肌梗塞Xin ji geng se Myocardialinfarction血栓症Xue shuan zhen Thrombosis 先天性心脏疾病Xian tian xing xinzang bing Congenital heartdisease心脏衰弱Xin zang shuan rui Heart failure 心内膜炎Xin nei mo yan Endocarditis 心脏神经症Xin zang shen jing Cardiac neurosis 心肌炎Xin ji yan Myocarditiszheng消化系统 Xiao hua xi tong (Digestive system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称腹Fu Abdomen 恶心 E Xin Nausea 食道Shi dao Esophagus 吐Tu Vomit 胃Wei Stomach 压迫感Ya po gan Sense of pressure 十二指肠Shi er zhi chang Duodenum 吞咽困难Tu yan kun nan Difficulty swallowing 大肠Da chang Large intestine 全腹痛Quan fu tong General abdominalpain 小肠Xiao chang Small intestine 吞咽困难Tun yan kun nan Difficulty swallowing 直肠Zhi chang Rectum 吐血Tu xue Hematemesis 肛门Gang men Anus 便秘Bian mi Constipation肝脏Gan zang Liver 腹泻Fu Xie Diarrhea胰脏Yi zang Pancreas 肠鸣Chang ming Rumbling sound 胆囊Dan nang Gall bladder 放屁Fang pi Pass gas 盲肠Mang chang Appendix 软鞭Ruan bian Loose stool 食欲Shi yu Appetite 血便Xue bian Bloody stool 口渴Kou ke Thirst 食欲不振Shi yu bu zheng Anorexia腹部膨胀Fu bu peng zhang Abdominalenlargement 食道癌Shi dao ai Cancer of theesophagus胃炎Wei yan Gastritis 胃癌Wei ai Gastric carcinoma 胃溃疡Wei kui yang gastric ulcer 胃酸过多症Wei suan guo duozhengHyperacidity十二指肠溃疡Shi er zhi chang kuiyang Duodenal ulcer 肛门周围脓疡Gang men zhou weinong yangPerirectal abscess肠捻转Chang nian zhuan volvulus 肠黏膜炎Chang nian mo yan Intestinal catarrh 盲肠炎Mang chang yan appendicitis 肠结核Chang jie he Intestinaltuberculosis大肠炎Da chang yan colitis 肠套肠Chang tao chang Intussusception 痔漏Zhi lou Anal fistula 痔疮Zhi chuang Hemorrhoids (piles) 肝硬化Gan ying hua Cirrhosis 胆结石症Dan jie shi zheng Gall stones小肠癌Xiao chang ai Cancer of theintestine直肠癌Zhi chang ai Rectal cancer腹膜炎Fu mo yan Peritonitis 肝癌Gam ai Liver cancer黄疸Huang dan Jaundice 肝炎Gan yan Hepatitis胰脏炎Yi zang yan Pancreatitis 胆炎Dan yan Cholecystitis 神经系统Shén jīng xì tŏng (Nervous system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称脑Năo Brain 惊厥Jīng juéConvulsion 大脑Dà năo Cerebrum 麻木Má mù Numbness 小脑Xiăo năo Cerebellum 震颤Zhèn chàn Tremor 脊髓Jĭ suĭSpinal cord 晕厥Yūn juéSyncope 神经Shén jīng Nerver 错乱Cuò luàn Confused 头昏Tόu hūn Dizziness 思睡Sī shuìDrowsy轻度头痛Qīng dùtόu tòng Light headedness 意识丧失Yì shí sàng shīUnconciousness 意识朦胧Yì shí méng lόng Dazed confusion 兴奋状况Xīn fèng zhuàng tài Excited condition 幻觉Huàn jué Illusion 昏迷Hūn míComa 瘫痪Tān huàn Paralysis 无力Wú lìHyposthenia语言障碍Yŭ yán zhàng ài Disturbance ofspeech 视力受损Shì lì shòu sŭn Disturbance ofvision紧张Jĭn zhāng Nervous 失眠Shī mián Insomnia 神经炎Shén jīng yán Neuritis 神经痛Shén jīng tòng Neuralgia面神经麻痹Miàn shén jīng mábìFacial palsy 肋间神经痛Lèi jiān shén jīngtòngIntercostalspain坐骨神经痛Zuò gŭ shén jīngtòngSciatica 歇斯底里症Xiē sī dĭ lĭ zhèng Hysteria 脑膜炎Năo mό yán Meningitis 脑缺血Năo quē xiĕCerebral ischemia 脑出血Năo chū xuĕApoplexy 脑血栓Năo xuè shuān Cerebral thrombosis 癫痫Diān xián Epilepsy 脑炎Năo yán Encephalitis精神错乱Jīng shén cuò luàn Delirium 出血ChūxiĕBleeding 脑瘤Nă.o liúBrain tumor 卒中Zú zhōng Stroke帕金森症Pà jīn sēn zhèng Parkinson’s disease泌尿科Mì niào kē (Urinary system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称肾上腺Shèn shàng xiàn Adrenal gland 前列腺Qián liè xiàn Prostate膀胱Páng guāng Bladder 多尿Duō niào polyuria尿道Niào dào Urethra 少尿Shăo niào oliguria睾丸Găo wán Testicles 尿急Niào jíUrinary urgency 阳痿Yáng wĕi Impotence 糖尿Táng niào Glycosuria尿痛Niào tòng Pain on urination 无尿Wú niào Dysuria肾盂Shèn yú Pelvis of the kidney 肾炎Shèn yán nephritis肾瘤Shèn liú Tumor of thekidney尿毒症Niào dú zhèng Uremia 导尿Dăo niào Catheritize 前列腺增生Qián liè xiàn zēng Hypertrophy of theshēng prostate肾萎缩Shèn wĕi suōNephrosis 肾结石Shèn jié shíRenal stones膀胱炎Páng guāng yán Cystitis 肾盂炎Shèn yú yán pyelonephritis尿道炎Niào dào yán Urethritis 早泄Zăo xièPrematureejaculation 结石Jié shíCalculus (stones) 淋病Lín bìng Gonorrhea包皮Bāo píPhimosis 肾结核Shèn jié hé Tuberculosis of thekidney肾脏Shèn zàng Kidney 阴茎Yīn jīng penis外科wái kē (Surgery)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称出血ChūxiĕBleeding 镇痛剂Zhèn tòng jìPainkiller内出血Nèi chū xiĕInternal bleeding 瘀伤Yū shāng bruise 淤斑Yū bān Petechiae 斜颈Xié jĭng Wryneck, torticollis 炎症Yán zhèng Inflammation O型腿O xíng tŭi Bowlegged 糜烂Mí làn Erosion X型腿X xíng tŭi Knock kneed 手术Shŏu shùOperation 扁平足Biăn píng zúflatfoot 切除Qiē chúResection 外伤Wài shāng Injury 移植Yí zhíTransplation 割伤Gē shāng Cut 畸形Jī xíng Malformation 刺伤Cì shāng Puncture 疤痕Bā héng Scar 骨折Gŭ zéFracture 粘着Nián zhuó Adhesion 扭转Niŭ zhuăn Torsion 麻醉Má zuìAnesthesia 脱臼Tuō jiùDislocation 撞伤Zhuàng shāng contusion 关节炎Guān jié yán Arthritis 抓伤Zhuā shāng scratches 关节积液Guan jie ji ye Joint hydropsy 脓Nóng pus 五十肩Wŭ shí jiān Frozen shoulder 疔疮Dīng chuāng furuncle 指扭伤Zhĭ niŭ shāng Sprained finger 颈扭伤Jĭng niŭ shāng Whiplash injury 淋巴腺炎Lín bā xiàn yán Lymphaenitis 肿脓nóng zhŏng abscess 溃疡Kùi yáng Ulcer 冻伤Dòng shāng Frost bite 坏疽Huài jūGangrene 疝Shàn hernia 颅内出血Lú nèi chū xiĕIntracranialhemorrhage骨膜炎Gŭ mó yán periostitis 脑挫伤Năo cuò shāng Cerebral contusion 骨髓炎Gŭ suĭ yán osteomyelitis 乳腺炎Rŭ xiàn yán Mastitis乳腺病Rŭ xiàn bìng mastopathy 腱鞘炎Jiàn qiào yán Mastopathy皮肤科pí fú kē (Dermatology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称皮炎Pí yán Dermatitis 药疹Yào zhĕn Drug eruption接触性皮炎Jiē chù xìng pí yán Contact dermatitis 脂溢性湿疹Zhĭ yì xìng pí zhĕn Seborrheic eczema 湿疹Shī zhĕn Eczema 皮疹Pí zhĕn Rash小儿湿疹Xiăo ér shī zhĕn Infantile eczema 干燥皮肤Gān zào pí fūDry skin 疣Yóu Wart 风疹Fēng zhĕn Urticaria胎记、痣Tāi jì/zhìBirthmark 狼疮Láng chuāng Lupus 黑痣Hēi zhìMole 晒伤Shài shāng Suburn 狐臭Hú chòu Hircismus 鸡眼Jī yăn Corn 脱毛症Tuō máo zhèng Baldness 雀斑Què bān Freckle 癣Xiăn ringworm 皮肤癌Pí fū ái Skin cancer 香港脚Zú xiăn Athelete’s foot红疹Hóng zhĕn Red rash 牛皮癣Niú pí xiăn Tinea 挫伤Cuò shāng Bruise脱毛Tuō máo Falling out of hair 玫瑰疹Méi guī zhĕn Roseloa肿瘤Zhŏng Liú中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称良性肿瘤Liáng xìng zhŏngliú Benign tumour 恶性肿瘤è xìng zhŏng liúMalignanttumours转移Zhuăn yímetastasis 肉瘤Ròu liú sarcoma 癌ái cancer耳鼻喉科ĕr bí hóu kē中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称鼻腔Bí qiāng Nasal cavity 半规管Bàn guī guăn Semicircularcanals扁桃体Biăn táo tĭtonsil 鼓膜Gŭ móEar drum咽扁桃体Yān biăn táo tĭPharyngeal tonsil 流鼻血Liú bí xiĕEpistaxis流鼻涕Liú bí tìRunning nose 舌Shé tongue 鼻涕Bí tìNasal discharge 声带Shēng dài Vocal cord 鼻塞Bí sāi Stuffy nose 外耳Wài ĕr External ear 喉咙痛Hóu lóng tòng Sore throat 内耳Nèi ĕr internal ear 喉咙痒Hóu lóng yăng Itchy throat 中耳Zhōng ĕr Middle ear 声音沙哑Shēng yīn shāyăHoarse voice 耳分泌物ĕr fēn mì wùEar discharge 失声Shī shēng Loss of voice 耳痛ĕr tòng Earache 嗅觉不灵Xiù jué bù líng Cant distinguishsmells 耳鸣ĕr míng Ringing of the ear 听力困难Tīng lì kùn nán Difficulty hearing眼科Yăn kē (Ophthalmology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称眼球Yăn qiúEye ball 视力障碍Shì lì zhàng ài Poor disturbance 角膜Jiăo mócorneal 视力不良Shì lì bù liáng Poor vision 瞳孔Tóng kŏng Pupil 复视Fù shìDiplopia 虹膜Hóng mó iris 眼分泌物Yăn fēn mì wùEye discharge 晶体Jīng tĭlens 流泪Liú lèi Tearing视网膜Shì wăng móretina 针眼Zhēn yăn Style 视力Shì lìVisual acuity 倒睫Dào jié Trichiasis泪管炎Lèi guăn yán Lacrimal duct 畏光Wèi guāng photophobia 砂眼Shā yăn trachoma 视网膜炎Shì wăng móyánRetinitis青光眼Qīng guāng yăn Glaucoma 角膜炎Jiăo mó yán Keratitis白内障Bái nèi zhàng Cataract 视神经炎Shì shéng jīngyánOptic neuritis色盲Sè máng Color blindness 鼻泪管狭窄Bí lèi guăn xiázhăi Obstruction of thenose结膜炎Jié mó yán Conjunctivitis 斜视Xié shìCross eyed视力模糊Shì lì mó hú Blurred vision 视网膜剥离Shì wăng mó bōlíRetina detachment眼内异物Yăn nèi yì wùForeign body ineyes牙科Yá kē (Dental)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称牙石Yá shíCalculus 牙冠Yá guàn Crown牙齿正畸Yá chĭ zhèng jīOrthodontics 金牙冠Jīn yá guàn Gold crown 假牙Jiă yáDenture 磁牙冠Cí yá guàn Ceramic crown 环镶Huān xiāng Veneer crown 填补Tián bŭFilling根管治疗Gēn guăn zhìliáo Root canaltreatment切牙Qiē yáIncisor齿龈Chĭ yín gum 犬齿Quăn chĭcanine妇产科 Fu chan ke (Obgyn)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称子宫Zi gong Uterus 月经过期Yue jing guo qi Menstrual cycle 子宫口Zi gong kou Cervix 月经痛Yue jing tong Dysmenoorhea 阴道Yin dao Vagina 无月经Wu yue jing Amenorrhea 月经Yue jing menstruation 更年期症状Ge nian qi zhengzhuangMenopause下腹部痛Xia fu bu tong Low abdominalpain怀孕Huai yun Pregnancy阴道分泌物Ying dao feng mi wuVaginal discharge预产期 Yu chan qi Date of delivery害喜 Hai xi Morning sickness 阵痛 Zheng tong Labor pain胎儿心音 Tai er xin yin Fetal heart sounds 早期破水 Zao qi po shui Premature rupture 流产 Liu chan Miscarriage 腿抽筋 Tui chou jing Leg cramp 坠胎 Duo tai Abortion 排卵 Pai luan Ovulation 破水 Poshui Membrane rupture受精 Shou jing Conception 胎儿 Tai er fetus 着床 Zhao chuang Implantation 胎动Tai dongFetal movement胞状奇胎Bao zhuang qitaiHydatid mole静脉瘤 Jing mai liu Varicose veins 子宫外孕 Zi gong wai yun Ectopic pregnancy 怀孕线纹Huai yun xianwenStriations of pregnancy 卵管怀孕Luan guan huai yunTubal pregnancy蛋白尿症 Dan bai niao zhengalbuminuria产道 Chan dao Birth canal尿道发炎 Niao dao fa yan Urinary trust 直肠检查 Zhi chang jianchaRectal exam子痫 Zi yong Eclampsia 阴道检查 Ying dao jianchaVaginal exam羊水过多 Yang shui guoduoPolyhydramnion 分娩 Fen mian Delivery生产第一期 Sheng chan di yi qiFirst stage of labor 生产第二期 Sheng chan di er qi Second stage oflabor 子宫收缩Zi gong shousuoContraction生产第三期Sheng chan disan qi Third stage oflabor 会阴切开 Hui yin qie kai Episiotomy 早产 Zao chan Premature birth会阴缝合Huiyin feng hePerineorrhaphystitch死产Si chanStill birth产后 Chan hou After birth 双胞 Shuang bao Twins 脐带 Qi dai Umbilical cord 多胎 Duo bao Multiple birth 胎盘Tai panPlacenta一卵双胞胎Yi luan shuangbao taiIdentical twins恶露E luLochia二卵性双胞胎Er luan xing shuang bao taiFraternal twins胎盘分离Tai pan fen liSeparation of theplacenta前置胎盘 Qian zhi tai pan Placenta praevia 前置胎盘 Qian zhi tai pan Forecpts delivery 狭骨盘Xia gu panNarrow pelvic盘卷脐带Pan juan qi daiCoiling of the umbilical cord胎盘附着Tai pan fu zhe Adherence of the狭骨盆Xia gu penNarrow pelvicplacenta卵管破裂Luan guan po lie Tubal rupture 胎盘附着Tai pan fu zhe Adherence of theplacenta会阴裂伤Hui yin lie shang Laceration of theperineum卵管破裂Luan guan po lie Tubal rupture子宫破裂Zi gong po lie Tubal rupture 会阴裂伤Hui yin lie shang Laceration of theperineum产褥热Chan ru re Puerperal fever 子宫破裂Zi gong po lie Tubal rupture 剖腹生产pao fu shengchanc-section 产褥热Chan ru re Puerperal fever 钳子分娩Qian zi fen mian Forceps delivery 剖腹生产Pofu sheng chan c-section初乳Churu Colostrums 钳子分娩Qian zi fei mian Forcepts delivery 新生儿Xin sheng er Newborn baby 喂养母乳Wei yang mu ru Breast feeding怀孕中毒症Hui run zhongdu zheng人工喂养Ren gong weiyangBottle feeding 精神科 jing shen ke (Psychiatry)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称精神病Jing shen bing Mental disorder 忧郁症You yu zheng depression遗传性精神病Yi chuan xingjing shen bing Hereditarypsychosis精神分裂症Jing sheng fenlie zhengschizophrenia健忘症Jian wang zheng Amnesia 神经官能症Shen jing guanneng zhengneurosis躁狂zao kuang mania 神经衰弱Shen jing shuairuoneurasthenia小儿科 xiao er ke (Pedatrics)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称早产儿Zao chan er Premature baby 麻疹Ma zhen Measles新生儿黑粪Xin sheng er hei fen Meconium of thenewborn腮腺炎Sai xian yan Mumps 脱脐Tuo qi Umbilical hernia 德国麻疹De guo ma zhen German measles 新生儿黄疸Xin sheng er huangdanjaundice B型肝炎 B xing gan yan Influenza B 肠炎Chang yan Stomach virus 脑炎Nao yan hemophilus腹股沟疝脱Fu gu gou shan tuo Inguinal hernia 脊髓型小儿麻痹Ji sui xing xiao erma bi Spinal infantile paralysis传染病 chuan ran bing (Epidemics)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称Influenza 麻疹Ma zhen Measles流行性感冒Liu xing xing ganmao腮腺炎Sai xian yan mumps 德国麻疹De guo mazhen German measles 黄热Huang re Yellow fever 天花Tian hua Smallpox 狂犬病Kuang quan bing Rabies 水痘Shui dou Chicken pox 鼠疫Shu yi Plaque 伤寒Shan han Typhoid fever 破伤风Poshang fen Tetanus 霍乱Huo luo Asiatic cholera 猩红热Xing hong re Scarlet fever 百日咳Bai ri ke Whooping cough 赤痢Chi li dysentery 白喉Bai hou Diphtueria寄生虫 ji sheng chong (Parasite)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称钩虫病Gou chong bing Hookworm disease 滴虫病Di chong bing Tape worminfestation 蛲虫病Rao chong bing Pineworm 蛔虫病Hui chong bing Ascariasis其他 qi ta (Other)中文名称汉语拼音英名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称贫血Pin xue Anemia 脚气病Jiao qi bing Beri-Beri白血病Bai xue bing Leukemia 坏血病Huai xue bing Scurvy紫斑症Zi ban zheng Purpura 糖尿病Tang niao bing Diabete Mellitus血友病Xue you bing Hemophilia 痛风Tong fen GoutGoiter 风湿病Fen shi bing Rheumatic fever甲状腺肿大Jia zhuang xianzhong daAcromegaly 风湿Fen shi Rheumatism末端肥大症Mo duan fei dazheng巨大症Jv da zheng Gigantism 中毒Zhong du Posioning克与氏病Ke yu shi bing Cushing’s disease酒精中毒Jiu jing zhong du AlcoholismMongolism 一氧化碳Yi yang hua tan Carbon Monoxide蒙古肿症Meng gu zhongzhengAddison’s disease特异体质Te yi ti zhi Idisyncrasy阿狄森氏病 A di seng shibing晕船病Yun chuan bing Motion sickeness 中暑Zhong shu Heatstroke高山症Gao shan zheng Mountain sickness 血清症Xue qing zheng Serum disease花粉症Hua fen zheng Hay fever。

中医药名词英⽂翻译01(学科相关词汇)01.001中医(1)traditional Chinesemedicine;(2)traditionalChinese physician (1)起源与形成于中国的具有整体观念、辨证论治等特点的医学;(2)本学科专业职业队伍。
01.002中药Chinese materia medica在中医理论指导下应⽤的药物。
01.003中医学traditional Chinesemedicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究⼈类⽣命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。
01.004中药学Chinese materia medica中药学科的统称。
01.005中医药traditional Chinesemedicine and pharmacy中医与中药的合称。
01.006中医药学traditional Chinesemedicine and pharmacy 中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药两者共同发展,密不可分。
01.007中西医结合integration oftraditional and westernmedicine 以现代医学等现代科学知识及⼿段来继承和发展中医药,中西医学相互补充,取长补短,诊治疾病的医学形式。
01.008中医基础理论basic theory oftraditional Chinesemedicine 研究和阐明中医学的基本概念、基本理论、基本规律、基本原则的学科。
01.009中医诊断学diagnostics oftraditional Chinesemedicine 根据中医学的理论体系,研究诊察病情、判断病种、辨别证候的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能的学科。
01.010⽅剂学prescriptions of Chinesemateria medica研究治法与⽅剂配伍规律及其临床运⽤的学科。

医学英语翻译常用专业词汇如下:M (①meter ②molar) ①米②容积克分子的(溶液)MA (milliampere) 毫安(培)maceration 浸渍,浸软maceration tank 浸渍槽macerator 浸渍器Mach 马赫(音速单位)machcardiogram (abbr. MCG) 心机械图(即对心电、心音、颈动脉波,心尖搏动图进行同步记录,可对各图型和时相及其相互关系进行研究)machine(abbr. mach.) 机,机器,装置machine parts 机器零件machinery 机器,机械装置macro- 巨,大,长,宏观macroanalysis 常量分析macrochemistry 常量化学macroroentgenogram X 射线放大照片macroroentgenography X 射线放大工业照像术made-up 人工的,制成的,预制的madisterion 拔毛镊madisterium 拔毛镊madistor 晶体磁控管magamp 磁性放大器magazine ①杂志,期刊②箱,盒,办片匣,暗盒③软片盒magic 魔术,不可思议的magic eye ①电眼②光调谐指示管magic lantern 幻灯magmeter 直读式频率计magnalium 镁铝合金magnesia anastomosis tube 镁氧吻合管magnesium (abbr. Mg) 镁magnet 吸铁器,磁铁magnet for eye 眼用吸铁器magnetic 磁(性)的magnetic amplifier 磁性放大器,磁增强器magnetic attraction 磁吸引magnetic belt 磁性治病带magnetic core memory 磁心存储器magnetic deflector 磁偏转器magnetic drum computer 磁鼓计算机magnetic drum memory 磁鼓存储器magnetic electricity 磁电magnetic extractor 磁力取物器(内窥镜)magnetic field therapy apparatus 磁疗机magnetic flowmeter 磁通流量计magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic head 磁头magnetic ink 磁性墨水magnetic material 磁性材料magnetic powder plugger 磁粉充填器magnetic resonance 磁共振magnetic resonance spectroscopy 磁共振波谱学magnetics 磁力学,磁性元件magnetic separator 磁力分离器magnetic shield 磁屏蔽magnetic sound amplifying stethoscope 磁声放大听诊器magnetic spectrograph 磁谱仪magnetic stirrer 磁搅拌器magnetic stirring apparatus 磁力搅拌器magnetic tape 磁带magnetic tape controller 磁带机magnetic tape data recorder 磁带数据记录器magnetic tape eraser 磁带抹音器magnetic tape recorder 磁带录音机magnetic tape video recorder 磁带录像机magnetic water therapy apparatus 磁处理水治疗器magnetism 磁力,磁性magnetism apparatus 磁疗机magnetization 磁化,起磁magnetizator 磁化器(治疗结石)magnetizer 磁化器(治疗结石)magnetocardiogram (abbr. MCG) 心磁波描记图,磁性心动描记图magnetocardiograph 磁体心脏记录器,心磁波描记器magnetodiode 磁敏二极管magneto-electricity 磁电magnetoencephalogram (abbr. MEG) 磁性脑造影片magnetoencephalograph 脑磁波描记器magnetograph 磁强记录仪,磁针记录仪magneto-induction 磁感应magnetometer 磁场计,磁强计magnetomyography 肌磁波描记术magneton 磁子magnetophone 磁带录音机magnetoscope 验磁器magnetosphere 磁圈magnetotherapy 磁力疗法magnet probe 磁铁探针(眼用)magnetron 磁控电子管magnification ①放大②放大率,放大倍数magnifier ①放大镜②放大器magnify 放大,扩大,增加magnifying glass 放大镜magnifying lens 放大镜magnifying loupe 放大镜magnifying mirror 放大镜magnifying mouth mirror 口腔放大镜magnifying power 放大率magnifying spectacles 放大眼镜mail 邮寄,邮件mail order 邮购main ①干线,管路②主要的,干线的mainframe 主机架,底盘mainframe memory 主体存储器main lead 电源线main lens 主透镜mains 干线,电源mains cable 电源线mainspring 发条mains supply 电源mains transformer 电源变压器main switch 总开关,主闸maintain 维修,保养maintainer ①保持器②维修人员maintenance 维修,保养maintenance unit 内窥镜维修器main unit 主机main uses 主要用途maisonneuve 尿道刀major forceps 大钳major graduation 主纹刻度maker ①制造者,制造厂②接合器make-up 构造,组成,装配,接通,闭合making prints 晒印mal- 不好,不良,恶劣maladjustment 失调male ①阳性②插入式配件,凸模male catheter 男用导尿管male die 阳模male metal catheter 男用金属导尿管male plug 插头,插销male urine bag 男用尿袋malformation 畸形,变形malfunction 失灵,故障,机能障碍malignancy 恶性malignometer 恶性病测验器malleable retractor 可伸展牵开器malleolar measure 量踝器mallet 锤,槌mallet plugger 锤充填器maloperation 不正确操作mamma 乳房mammo- 乳房mammogram 乳房X 射线照片mammographic device 乳线摄影装置mammographic X-ray unit 乳房X 射线摄影机mammography 乳房X 射线造影术management 管理,经营,管理部门manager (abbr. Mgr.) 经理,管理员man-amplifier 人肌增强器mandibular denture 下托牙mandibulometer 下颌骨测量计mandrel 轴柄,芯子mandril 轴柄,芯子mandrin ①导尿管导子②管心针,细探针maneuver 手法,操作法manganese (abbr. Mn) 锰manhole 检查孔,检查窗口manicure scissors 修指甲剪manifest 证明,显示manifold adapter 多支管接头manikin 人体模型manipulation 操作法,控制manipulator 操纵器,调制器,控制器mankind 人类man-made 人造的,人工的man-made fiber 人造纤维man-made noise 工业干扰manner 方式,样式,种类manograph 流体压力记录器manometer (流体)压力计,测压计manometer tube 压力管manometry 测压法,液体压力测法manoptoscope 检视计,主视检查器manoscope 气体密度测定仪manoscopy 气体密度测定法manostat 稳压器mantle 罩,机套mantle heater 有罩加热器manual ①手册,说明书②人工的,手控的manual control 手控manual controller 手动控制器manual dermatome 手动植皮机manual diluting pipet 手控稀释移液管manual piston burette 手控活塞滴定管manual reagent dispenser 手控试剂分注器manual resuscitator 人工复苏器manual sample changer 手控标本换样器manudynamometer 器械冲力计manufactory 工厂,制造厂manufacturer (abbr. MFR; mfr) 制造者,制造工厂manufacturer's agency 厂家代理manufacturer's certificate 制造商说明书manumotor 手推车manuscript 手稿,手秒本map 地图,挂图msppinh ①映象②绘图marble 大理石,云石margarid 珠状的margarimeter 乳脂汁margarine 人造奶油,珠脂margin 边缘,限界,差距maritime 海的,海运的Maritime-Custom 海关mark 标志,符号,刻度marked 显著的,有标记的marker ①标记,指标②标识器,指示器marker stylus 标记笔直(ECG)market 市场,行情,销售marking adapter 标记接合器(γ照像机附件)markite 导电性塑料marrow 髓(尤指骨髓)marrowbrain 脑脊髓marrow spoon 骨髓匙maser 微波激射器mask ①面具,口罩②盘,时标mask for inhalation 吸入口罩mass ①物质,质量②大量,团,块massage ①按摩法②推拿massage couch 按摩床massager 按摩器massage table 按摩床mass analyzer 质谱分析器mass chest survey apparatus 集体胸透机mass dete ctor 质量检测器masseur 按摩器massfilter 滤质器massing machine 制丸块机,强力搅拌机mass miniature roentgenography 集体缩影X 射线照像术massodent 龈按摩器massor 按摩器mass radiography 集体X 射线照像术mass roentgenography 集体X 射线照像术mass screening system 集体检诊系统mass separator 质量分离器mass spectra 质谱mass spectrogram 质谱图mass spectrograph 质谱仪mass spectrography 质谱分析法mass spectrometer 质谱仪,质谱分光计mass spectrometry 质谱分析法,质谱学mass spectroscope 质谱分光镜,质谱仪mass spectrum 质谱mass stomach survey table 胃集检X 光机mass survey X-ray apparatus 集检X 光机mass-synchrometer 同步质谱仪,高频质谱仪mast 杆,柱,桅mastax 破碎器master ①主人,雇主②主要的,基本的,③校对规master meter 标准仪表,基准电表master oscillator 主振荡器master sample 标准样品master slave system 主从方式master switch 主开关,总开关mastic 膏,胶,树脂mastogram 乳房X 射线照片mastography 乳房X 射线照像术mastoid ①乳突②乳突状的mastoid bone gouging forceps 乳突咬骨钳mastoid chisel 乳突凿mastoid clamp 乳突夹mastoid curet 乳突刮匙mastoid fixed dilator 乳突固定扩张器mastoid flat chisel 乳突平凿mastoid knife 耳乳突刀mastoid raspatory 乳突骨刮mastoid retractor 乳突牵开器mastoid rongeur 乳突咬骨钳mastoid suction tube 乳突吸液管mat ①垫物,席子②底板,罩面match ①比赛,匹配②火柴matched attenuator 匹配衰减器matched control 对比,对照matched load 匹配负载matching 匹配,配合matching cathode follower 匹配阴极跟踪器matching container 配比容器matchless 无比的,无敌的material (abbr. mtl.) 原料,物质,材料,资料mathematical 数学上的,极正确的mathmodelling 数学模拟mathematics 数学matrass 卵形瓶,硬质细玻璃管matrix 浮雕片,成型片matrix bands 成型片matrix pliers 型片镊matrix printer 版型印刷机matter 物质,内容matting 垫子,席子mattress 褥子,床垫mattress pad 褥垫max. cap. (maximum capacity) 最大容量maxilla resection chesil 上颌骨切除凿maxillary denture 上托牙maxillary punch cutting forceps 上颌窦咬骨钳maxillary puncture needle 上颌窦穿刺针maxillary sinus canula 上颌窦套管maxillary sinus drill 上颌窦钻maxillary sinus hemostat 上颌窦止血钳maxillary sinus puncture needle 上颌窦穿刺针maxillary sinus rasp 上颌窦锉maximum (abbr. Max.; max.) 最大值,最大的,最高的maximum temperature 最高温度maximum thermometer 最高温度计Maxwellmeter 磁通计May 五月maybe 大概,或许MBC (maximum breathing capacity) 最大换气量MCG (①machcardiogram ②magnetocardiogram) ①心机械图②心磁波描记图MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) 红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度MCV (①mean corpuscular volume ②motor nerve conduction velocity) ①红细胞平均容积②运动神经传导速度Md (mendelevium) 钔ME (①medical electronics ②medical engineering ③medical equipment) ①医用电子学②医学工程学③医学设备mean ①平均值②平均的mean corpuscular volume (abbr. MCV) 红细胞平均容量mean deviation 均差mean error 平均误差means 方法,工具,装置mean temperature 平均温度mean value 平均值measure ①计量,测量②量器measure gauge 量尺,量规measurement ①测量②尺码measuring amplifier 测量放大器measuring apparatus 测定器measuring device 测量装置,测量器measuring equipment 测定器measuring forceps 测度钳measuring glass 量杯measuring microscope 量度显微镜measuring pipet 计量吸管measuring plate 测量板measuring range 测量范围,量程measuring resistance 标准电阻测量用电阻measuring system 测定系统measuring tape 卷尺,皮尺measuring vessel 量器meatal 道的meatome 尿道口刀meatometer 尿道口计meatoscope 尿道窥镜meatotome 尿道口刀meatotome for the gland 尿道口腺体刀meatus clamp forceps 耳道夹钳meatus knife 耳道刀mechanical 机械的,手工操纵的,技工的mechanical analytic balance 机械分析天平mechanical cardiovascular simulator 机械心血管模拟器mechanical hammer 技工榔头,技工锤mechanical hearing aid 机械助听器mechanical heart-lung system 人工心肺机mechanical scaling 器械刮牙术mechanical sectors canner 超声扇形扫描仪mechanical sieve shaker 机动筛粉器mechanical stage 移动镜台,机械台mechanical sterilization 器械灭菌法mechanical stimulus 机械刺激物mechanical vibrator 机械振动器mechanical wave 机械波mechanism 机理,原理,机构mechanist 机械师,技工mechanization 机械化mechanocardiogram (abbr. MCG) 心机械图mechanocardiography 心机械图描记法mechanogram 机械记录图mecometer 婴儿身长测量计medial 中间的,平均的median line 正中线,中线mediaometer 眼介质屈光计mediastina 纵隔mediastinogram 纵隔X 射线(照)片mediastinography 纵隔X 射线照像术mediastinoscope 纵隔(腔)镜mediastinoscopy 纵隔镜检查mediasticlm drounage tube 纵隔引充管mediator 间介器,传递器,介体medical 医学的,医药的medical apparatus and instruments 医疗器械medical betatron 医用电子感应加速器medical box 医药箱medical certification 诊断书medical cold light source shadowless lamp 医用冷光源无影灯medical college 医学院medical cup 医用杯medical data processing computer 医用数据处理机medical data processor 医用数据处理机medical department 医务科medical diagnostic X-ray unit 医用诊断X 光机medical diathermy 医用透热法medical director 医用导子medical electrode 医用电极medical electronic apparatus 医用电子仪器medical electronic linear accelerator 医用电子直线加速器medical equipment 医用设备medical flannelette 医用绒布medical gas analyser 医用气体分析仪medical instrumentation 医疗器械medical laser 医用激光器medical laser system 医用激光系统medical lasertherapy equipment 医用激光治疗设备medical linear accelerator 医用线性加速器medical mass spectrometer 医用质谱仪medical multi-channel recorder 医用多导记录器medical physics 医用物理学medical radio-telemeter 医用无线电遥测仪medical rubber air cushion 医用橡皮气垫medical rubber apron 医用橡胶围裙medical rubber cloth 医用橡胶布medical rubber finger cover 医用橡胶指套medical rubber glove 医用橡胶手套medical spray gun 医用喷雾器medical statistics 医用统计学medical suture clamp 医用缝合夹medical suture needle 医用缝合针medical transducer 医用换能器medical ultrasonic holography system 医用超声全息摄影装置medical vaporizer 医用雾化器medicament bottle 药瓶medicament tray 药盘medicated sound 涂药探子medicated vaginal suppository 阴道栓药medicator 涂药器medicine 医学,医药medicine cabinet 药柜medicine cup 药杯medicine cupboard 药柜medicine dropper 药用滴管medicine packaging machine 药物分装机medicine spoon 药匙medicomechanical apparatus 医疗体操器械medicophysics 医用物理学medicospot 医用聚光笔medicothorax 药蒸气人工气胸medium ①培养基②介质③中间medium pressure liguid chromatograph 中压液相色谱仪medium wave band 中波波段meerschaum probe 海泡石探子(检铅弹)meeting ①会议②连接点,接合MEF (maximal expiratory flow) 最大呼气流量MEG (magnetoencephalograph) 脑磁波描记器mega-;megalo- 大,巨大megacycle (abbr. Mc.) 兆周,百万周megahertz (abbr. MHz) 兆赫(兹)megaloscope 放大镜,扩大镜megaphone 扩音器,嗽叭筒megascope ①显微幻灯,扩大照像机,②粗视显微镜megohm (abbr. MΩ) 北欧megohm bridge 兆欧母电桥melt indexer 熔融指数测定仪melting point (abbr. m. p.) 熔点melting point detector 熔点测定仪melting point tube 熔点(测定)管melt viscometer 熔解粘度计member ①成员②构件,元件membrane ①膜,膜片②光圈membrane filter 膜滤器membrane lcrng 膜肺membrane manometer 薄膜测压计membrane osmometry 膜渗透压测量法membrane oxygenator 膜式氧合器membrane potential 膜电位membrane pump 膜式泵membrane puncture needl 刺膜针membrane puncturing forceps 膜穿刺钳memometer 记忆测验器memorandum 备记录,便函memorizer 存储器memory ①存储器,记忆装置②记忆memory access 存取器memory disc 存储盘memory element 存储单元memory monitor 记忆监护仪,存储监测仪memory oscilloscope 存储示波器,记忆示波镜memory register 存储寄存器memory-scope 存储示波器memory synchroscope 存储式同步示波器,长余辉同步示波器memory vectorcardiograph 记忆心电向量图机,储存心电向量图机memoscope 存储示波镜,存储管式示波器mend 修理,修补mendable 可修好的meninges knife 脑膜刀meninges scissors 脑膜剪meningo- 脑膜,脊膜meningocortical 脑膜皮层的meninx dissector 脑膜剥离器meniscectomy knife 半月板切除刀meniscectomy retractor 半月板拉钩meniscus lens 凹凸透镜,弯月形透镜menstruum 溶剂,溶媒mental 记忆的,精神的,智力的mentality 智力mentimeter 智刀测验器mention 谈论,叙述mercurial desk model sphygmomanometer 合式汞柱血压计mercurial floor stand model sphygmomanometer 立式汞柱血压计mercurial sphygmomanometer 水银血压计mercurial thermometer 水银温度计mercury 汞,水银,水争柱mercury absolute pressure 水银柱压力mercury arc lamp 水银灯mercury battery 汞电池mercury column 水银柱,汞柱mercury electrode 水银电池,汞电极mercury gauge 水银压力计mercury-in-glass thermometer 玻璃水银温度计,汞柱玻璃温度计mercury kettle 汞壶mercury lamp 水银灯mercury manometer 水银压力计mercury pressure gauge 汞压力计mercury quartz lamp 水银石英灯mercury sphygmomanometer 水银式血压计,汞血压计mercury standard 水银标准mercury thermoregulator 水银温度调节器mercury vacuum pump 水银真空泵mercury vapour lamp 汞汽灯,水银蒸气灯merger ①合并②联合企业,托拉斯mesh ①网状物,丝状物②网眼,孔mesoscope 中视镜mesotron 介子(中电子)message ①信息②通信meta- 中间,中位,转,偏,亚,超metabiosis 共生,共栖metabograph 新陈代谢记录器metabolic bed 代谢测定床metabolimeter 基础代谢率计metabolimetry 基础代谢测量法metabolism 新陈代谢metabolism tester 新陈代谢测定仪metabology 新陈代谢学metabolor 基础代谢率计,新陈代谢计metacarpal saw 掌骨锯metal 金属metal canula 金属套管metal catheter 金属导尿管metal film resistance thermometer 金属薄膜电阻温度计metal filter 金属滤光镜metal gauze splint 金属网沙夹metallic thermometer 金属温度计metallic tractor 金属牵引器metalloid 非金属,类金属metallurgical microscope 金相显微镜metal rack 金属架metal tape 金属磨条metanometer 甲烷指示计metascope 红外线显示器metastatic thermometer 易位温度计(能指示极小温度改变的温度计)meteorogram 气象(记录)图meteorograph 气象计,气象记录器meter (abbr. M.; m.) ①米,公尺②计,表,量器,计数器-meter ①…计,…表,…仪②量器meter dial 仪表刻度盘meter glass 量杯meter pump 计数泵,测量泵meter reading 计数读数methode 方法,方式,程序methylene blue stain 亚甲蓝染剂metra-;metro- 子宫metranoikter 子宫颈扩张器metraster 曝光表metratome 子宫切开刀metre (abbr. M.; m.) 米,公尺metredynamometer 子宫收缩力计metreurynter 子宫颈扩张袋metric system 米制metroclyst 子宫灌洗器metroclyster 子宫灌洗metrodynamometer 子宫收缩力计metrography 子宫X 线造影术metronome 节拍器,节拍声metronome interrupter 节拍器metronoscope 眼肌失调矫正器metropexy 子宫固定术metrosalpingography 子宫输卵管X 射线造影术metroscope 子宫镜metroscopy 子宫镜检查metrotome 子宫刀metrotomy 子宫切开术metrotubography 子宫输卵管X 射线造影术metro-urethrotome 计径尿道刀-metry 测定,测量Mfg.; mfg. (manufacturing) 制造(的),生产(的)Mfr. (manufacturer) 制造者,制造厂,厂商Mg(magnesium) 镁mg. (milligram) 毫克MHb (myohaemoglobin) 肌红蛋白MI (medical instrumentation) 医疗器械Mic (microscope) 显微镜mica 云母mica spectacles 云母眼镜micracoustic 弱音助听器micro ①微型的,显微的②微米③百万分之一,10-6 micro (micrograph) 显微照片micro- 小,细,微microaerotonometer 微量血气计microammeter 微安(培)计microampere 微安(培)microanalysis 微量分析microanalytical balance 微量分析天平microangiogram 微血管造影片microangiograph 微血管造影术microangioscopy 微血管显微镜检查microarteriography 微动脉造影术microaudiphone 弱音助听器microautoradiography 显微放射自显影术microbalance 微量天平microbe 微生物micro binocular loupe 微型双目式放大镜microbiology 微生物学microbiophotometer 微生物浊度计microbioscope 活组织显微镜,微生物用显微镜microblade 显微手术刀片microblood shaker 微量血液振荡器micro bone drill 微型骨钻microbrenner 小电烙器,电烙针microburet 微量滴定管micro burner 微焰灯microcalorimeter 微热量计microcapillary 微型烙器micro cautery 微细管micro cell counter 微量血球计数器micro centrifuge 微型离心机microchemical analysis apparatus 微量化学分析仪micro chemical balance 微量化学天平micro-chromatograph 微量色谱仪micro-chromatography 微量色谱法microcinematography 显微电影摄影术microcircuit 微型电路microcirculation 微循环microcirculation microscope 微循环显微镜micro clip 微型夹microclyster 微量灌肠法microcolorimeter 微量比色计microcolorimetry 测微比色法micro computer 微型计算机,微处理机micro computer controil densitometer 微型计算机控制比重计microconcentrator 微量浓缩器microcoronary bulldog clamp 小冠状手枪夹microcryostat 微型冰冻箱microcystometer 袖珍膀胱内压测量器microdensitometer 微量光密度计microdetmatome 微型植皮刀microdetermination 微量测定法microdilatometer 微膨胀计microdismembrator 微型细胞研磨器micro dissecting instrument 显微解剖器械microdissection 显微解剖micro dissector 显微解剖刀micro distillation apparatus 微量液体蒸溜装置microdosage 微小剂量micro electrode 微电极microelectrode amplifier 微型电极放大器mecroelectrophoresis 微量电泳microelectrophoresis apparatus 微量电泳仪microelectrophoretic cell 微电泳池microelement ①微量元素②微型元件microfilm 显微胶片,缩微胶片装置microfilm equipment 显微胶片装置microfilter 微孔过滤器microfluorometer 测微荧光计microforceps 微型外科镊microfuse 细保险丝microgalvanometer 微量电流计microgamma (abbr. μr) 微微克,沙克microgas analyser 微量气体分析仪microgasometer 微量血液气体分析仪microgonioscope 前房角镜microgram (abbr. ug; mcg) ①微克,10-6 克②显微图micrograph ①显微照片②微动描记器micro handdrill 微型骨钻micro-hematocrit centrifuge 微量血细胞比容离心机microhemopipet 血液微量管micro-holography 显微全息照像术micro-homogenizer 微量匀浆器micro-injection 微量注射micro-injector 微量注射器microkinematography 显微电影摄影术microkymotherapy 微波透热法microlamp 显微镜用灯泡microliter (abbr. μl) 微升microliter inyeetor 微量注射器micrology 显微科学micromagnetometer 测微磁强计micromanipulation 显微操作法micromanipulator 显微操作器micromanometer ①测微气压计②微量(液体)测压计micro melting point determinator 微量溶点测定仪micrometer ①测微计,测微尺②微米micrometer disc 测微计盘micrometer eyepiece 测微目镜micrometer microscope 测微显微镜micrometer stage 测微计镜台micromethod 微量测定法micrometry 测微法micromicro 微微,10-2micromicrogram 微微克micromill 小型粉碎机microminiature 超小型,微型microminiature circuit 超小型电路microdule 微型组件micromotor 微型马达micromotor handpiece 微型马达机头micromotoscope 微动摄影装置,显微电影照像机micron 公丝,微米,10-6 米microneedle 显微操作针microneedle holder 微型持针器micronizer 超微粉粉碎机,微粉磨机micro nut driver 微型螺母推进器microorganism 微生物microoscillograph 测微示波器microosmometer 微量渗透压计microphenomenon 微观现象microphone 话筒,扩音机microphone amplifier 传声放大器microphonograph 微音扩扬器(聋者学话用)microphonoscope 微音听诊器,扩音听筒microphoresis 微量电泳microphoto 显微照片microphotodensitometes 微光密度测定仪microphotograph 小型照片microphotographic camera 显微照像机microphotography 显微照像术microphotometer 测微光度计microphthalmoscope 小型眼底镜,小型检眼镜micropipet 微量吸管micropipette 微量吸移管,微量滴管micropipettor 微量注射器microplethysmography 微差体积描记法micropolarimeter 测微偏振计micropolariscope 测微偏振镜,偏振光显微镜microporous plastic sheet 微孔塑料薄膜micropositioning device 微型定位装置microprism 微棱镜microprobe 显微探针(显微手术用)microprocessor 微信息处理机,微计算器microprocessor-based programmable ECG simulator 微处理机控制的可编程心电模拟装置microprocessor ionmeter 微机处理PH 离子测定仪microprocessor hignperformance oxygen-metel 微机处理高效血氧计microprocessor PH meter 微机处理附计microprogram 微程序控制microprojection 显微投影microprojection equipment 显微投影装置microprojection reading balance 投影读数微量天平microprojector 显微投影仪micropuncture 显微穿刺术microradioautography 显微放射自显影术microradiogram 显微放射照片microradiography 显微放射照像术microradiometer 微辐射计microray 微波microreader 缩微阅读器microrefractometer 显微折射计microrespirometer 微量呼吸器microroentgen (abbr. ur) 微伦琴,微量X 射线单位microrutherford 微卢(瑟辐)(放射性单位)microsaccharimeter 微糖量计microsagittalsaw 显微尖状锯micro scissors 微型手术剪microscope 显微镜microscope adapter 显微镜转接器microscope base 显微镜座microscope camera 显微照像机microscope carrier 显微镜载物台microscope forceps 显微镜镊microscope desk 显微镜台microscope fluorometer 显微镜荧光计microscope illuminator 显微照明器microscope lamp 显微镜灯microscope micrometer 显微镜测微计microscope objective 显微镜物镜microscope photometer 显微镜光度计microscope projector 显微镜投影仪microscope slide 显微镜载玻片,显微镜载物架microscope slide drier 显微镜载玻片干燥箱microscope slide holder 显微镜载玻片插板microscope stage 显微镜载物台microscope tube 显微镜筒microscope turn table 显微镜旋转台microscopic bistoury 显微镜用细长刀microscopic electrophoresis 显微电泳microscopic knife 显微刀microscopic needle 显微针microscopic section 显微切片microscopy 显微镜学,显微镜检查microscopy filter 显微镜滤色片microscrew driver 微型螺钉推进器microsecond 微秒microsection 显微切片microslide 显微镜载物片,显微镜载玻片microsound scope 微型示波器microspectrofluorometer ①显微荧光分光计②显微分光X 射线量计microspectrofluorometry 显微荧光分光光度测定法microspectrography 显微光谱描记法microspectrometer 显微分光计microspectrophotometer 显微分光光度计microspectroscope 显微分光镜microsplit prism 显微分光棱镜microstat 显微镜载物台microstethophone 扩音听诊器microstethoscope 电音听诊器,扬声听诊器micro-stirrer 微量搅拌器microstructure 显微结构micro-suction tube 显微吸管microsurgery 显微外科学,显微手术microsurgery instruments 显微外科器械microsurgical forceps 显微外科钳microsurgical mrstruments 显微手术仪器microsurgical instruments set 显微手术器械包microsurgical rongeur 显微外科咬骨钳microsurgical scissors 显微外科剪microsurgical suction handle and tips 显微外科吸柄和吸头microsutures 显微缝线microswitch 微动开关,微型开关microsyn 精密自动同步机microsyringe 微量注射器,微量进样器microtechnique 显微技术micro-television 微型电视microtiter centrifuge 微量滴定离心机nicrotitration photometer 微量滴定光度计microtitration plate 微量滴定板microtome 切片机microtome blade 切片机刀片microtome knife 切片刀microtome knife back 切片刀夹具microtome knife holder 切片机刀架microtomy 组织切片术microtonometer 微测压计microtron 电子回旋加速器microtubular membrane 微管膜micro-unit 微量单位microvessel approximator 微血管合拢器microvessel clamp 微型血管夹microviscosimeter 微量粘度计microvoltometer 微伏计,微电位计microvolumetry 微容量计数法microwave 微波microwave accelerator 微波加速器microwave amplifier 微波放大器microwave diathermy 微波透热法microwave diatherny unit 微波透热治疗机microwave filter 微波滤波器microwave oven 微波炉microwave radiometer 微波辐射计microwave separator 微波分离器microwave signal generator 微波信号发生器microwave synthesizer 微波综合器microwave system analyzer 微波系统分析器microwave therapy apparatus 微波理疗机microweigh 微量称量MICS (medical instrument calibration system) 医疗仪器校准系统mictiograph 尿流图仪miction 排尿midband 中频,中频带middle 中间的,中等的middle ear analyzer 中耳测听仪micdle ear function tester 中耳功能测定仪middle ear microoperating instruments 中耳显微手术器械middle ear polypus forceps 中耳息肉钳mid forceps 中位钳mid frequency 中频midget 微型的,袖珍的midwifery forceps 产钳midwifery hook 助产拉钩mignon lamp 米农微型灯(用于膀胱镜检查)migration 位移,移动mike 话筒,微音器,麦克风mile 英里military 军事的,军用的milk 乳,牛奶milk bottle 奶瓶milk bottle brush 奶瓶刷milkpump 吸乳器milk scale burette 乳白刻度滴管milk tester 验乳器milk tube 吸奶管mill 碾磨机,粉碎机milli- 千分之一,毫(10-3)milliammeter 毫安(培)计milliampere (abbr. mA; ma) 毫安(培)millibar (abbr. mB) 毫巴(压强单位)millibar-barometer 毫巴气压表milliequivalent (abbr. mEq) 毫(克)当量milligamma (abbr. mr) 毫微克millgram (abbr. mg) 毫克,千分之一克millilitre (abbr. ml) 毫升millimetre (abbr. mm) 毫米,千分之一米millimetre partial pressure (abbr. mmpp) 毫米分压汞柱,毫米压力汞柱millimol (abbr. mM) 毫克分子,毫模milliphot 毫辐透(照度单位)millirad (abbr. mrad) 毫拉德(辐射剂量单位)milliroentgen (abbr. mr; mR) 毫伦琴millisecond (abbr. msec) 毫秒millivolt (abbr. mv) 毫伏(特)millvoltmeter 毫伏表mimetic 模仿的,模拟的mimetic crystal 拟晶mimic ①模仿的②仿制晶mimic bus 模拟线路mincer 绞碎器mineral 矿物的,无机的mineral acid 矿物酸,无机酸mineralogical microscope 矿物显微镜mingographs 喷墨水记录器,尿喷式记录器mini ①缩影,缩图②缩型,模型③小型计算机mini- 小型,微,缩。

常用医疗、医药名称(MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY)Billy(刘志新) Medical Student 2011医药 Yi yao (Medical Terminology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称过敏Guo min Allergy 血压Xue ya Blood Pressure 检查Jian cha Examination 麻醉Ma zui Anesthesia健康诊断Jian kangZhen duan General Check Up,PhysicalExamination麻醉全身Ma zuiquan shengGeneral Anesthesia入院Ru yuan Admission tohospital 静脉麻醉Jing maiMa zuiIntraveounsAnesthesia退院Tui yuan Discharge fromhospital 脊椎麻醉Ji zhuiMa zuiSpinal Anesthesia症状Zheng zhuang Symptom 局部麻醉Jv buMa zuiLocal Anesthesia 营养Ying yang Nutrition 手术Shou shu Operation 病历Bing li Clinical History 切除Qie chu Resection 诊断Zhen duan Diagnosis 副作用Fuzuoyong Side effect 治疗Zhi liao Treatment 洗净Xi jing Irrigation 预防Yu fang Prevention 注射Zhu she Injection 呼吸Hu xi Respiration X线X xian X –ray 便通Bian tong Bowel Movement 红外线Hong wai xian Ultra red ray 便Bian Stool急性的Ji xing de Acute 血液Xue ye Blood 体格Ti ge Build 脉搏Mai bo Pulse rate 亲戚Qin qi Relative 尿Niao Urine 遗传Yi chuan Heredi t y脉搏数Mai bo shu Pulse, Pulsation 慢性的Man xing de Chronic 免疫Mian yi Blood type 血清Xue qing Serum流行性的Liu xing xing de Epidemic 潜伏期间Qian fu qi jian Incubation period 滤过性病毒Lv guo xing dbingduVirus 消毒Xiao du Sterilization抗生素kang sheng su Antibiotic 脑波Nao bo E.E.G 洗肠Xi chang Enema 结核反应Jie he fan ying Tuberculin Reaction 华氏Hua shi Farenheit 摄氏She shi Celsius, Centigrade药品 yao pin (Medicine)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称冰袋Bin dai Ice Bag 舌下锭She xia ding Sublingual tablet药Yao Medicine (drug) 胶囊Jiao nang Capsules绷带Ben dai Bandage 软膏Ruan gao Ointment胶带Jiao dai Adhesive tape 眼药Yanyao Eye medicine 剪刀Jian dao Scissors 止咳药Zhe keyao Cough medicine 体温计Ti wen ji Therometer 阿司匹林 A si pi lin Aspirin坐药Zuoyao Suppository 止痛药Zhi tongyao Pain killer药丸Yaowan Tablet. Pill 药方Yaofang Prescription症状及名称zheng zhuang ji ming chen (Symptoms)一般症状 yi ban zheng zhuang (General)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称发烧Fa shao Fever 剧痛Jv tong Severe pain 高烧Gao shao High fever 打喷嚏Da pen ti Sneeze发冷Fa len Chills 打嗝Da ge Hiccup发汗Fa han Sweats 痒Yang Itch盗汗Dao han Night sweats 腰痛Yaotong Lower back pain 倦怠Juan dai Tiredness 头痛Tou tong Headache失眠Shi nian Insomnia 痛Tong Pain (ache)急性疼痛Ji xingTen tong Acute pain 一跳一跳的痛Yi tiaoyi tiaoDe tongThrobbing pain肩头发硬Jian touFa ying Stiffness in shoulder 针扎似的痛Zhen zha siDe tongPrickling pain钝痛Dun tong Dull pain 裂痛Lie tong Tearing pain 压痛Ya tong Pressing pain 持续痛Chi xu tong Continous pain 刺痛Ci tong Sharp pain 不舒服Bu shu fu Umcomfortable 戳痛Chuo tong Piercing pain 继续痛Ji xu tong Pain comes inintervals烧痛Shao tong Burning Pain 绞痛Jiao tong Colic放射痛Fang she tong Radiation pain血尿Xue niao Bloody urine 溃烂痛Kui lan tong Sore pain 脓尿Nong niao Pyuria痉挛痛Jin luan tong Crampy pain 粘液便Nian ye bian Mucous stool 蛋白质Dan bai zhi Albumunria 粘土样便Nian tu yangbianClay colored stool 轻疼Qing ten Slight pain 验血Yan xue Blood analysis 红血球Hong xue qiu Red blood cells 呼吸数Hu xi shu Respiration rate 白血球Bai xue qiu Whi t e blood cells 呼气Hu qi Expriation慢脉Man mai Bradycardia 吸气Xi qi Inspiration 呼吸困难Hu xi kun nan Difficulty breathing 不规则脉Bu gui ze mai Irregular pulse脉搏数Mai bo shu Pulse rate 尿混浊Niao hun zhuo Cloudy urine 快脉Kuai mai Tachycardia 瘦Shou Thin, skinny 肥fei Fat 糖尿Tang niao Glycosuria呼吸系统 hu xi xi tong (respiratory system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称气管Qi guan Bronchus 哮喘Xiao chuan Asthma 肺Fei Lung 痰Tan Sputum 咳嗽Ke sou Cough 吐血Tu xue Blood spitting 干咳Gan ke Dry cough 咳血Ke xue Hemoptysis 有痰咳You tan ke Moist cough 背痛Bei tong Back pain 气喘性咳Qi chuan xing ke Wheezing stridor 支气管炎Zhi qi guan yan Bronchitis 支气管气喘Zhi qi guan yan Bronchal asthma 肺结核Fei jie he Pulmonarytuberculosis 胸痛Xiong tong Chest pain 粗嘎Cu ge Huskiness 气喘Qi chuan Wheezing 感冒Gan mao Common cold 沙哑Sha ya Hoarseness 肺炎Fei yan Pneumonia 胸膜炎Xiong mo yan Pleurisy 肺结核Fei jie he PulmonaryTuberculosis 肺气肿Fei qi zhong Pulmonary 肺癌Fei ai Lung cancer循环系统xun huan xi tong (circulatory system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称心脏Xin zang Heart 心房Xin fang Atrium 血管Xue guan Blood vessels 心室Xin shi Ventricle 淋巴腺Lin ba xian Lymph 贫血Pin xue Anemia 动脉Dong mai Artery 静脉Jing mai Vein 心悸Xin ji Palpitation 水肿Shui zhong Edema贫血的Pin xue de Anemic 心脏发作Xinzang fa zuo Heart attack 不能呼吸Bu neng hu xi Shortness of breath 颜面苍白Yanmianchangbai Pallor of face 青紫Qing zi Cyanosis 低血压Di xue ya Hypotension 高血压Gao xue ya Hypertension 动脉瘤Dong mai liu Aneurysm 动脉硬化症Dong mai ying huazhengArteriosclerosis 狭心症Xiao xin zheng Angina心脏喘息Xin zang chuan xi Cardiac asthma 心肌梗塞Xin ji geng se Myocardialinfarction血栓症Xue shuan zhen Thrombosis 先天性心脏疾病Xian tian xing xinzang bing Congenital heartdisease心脏衰弱Xin zang shuan rui Heart failure 心内膜炎Xin nei mo yan Endocarditis 心脏神经症Xin zang shen jing Cardiac neurosis 心肌炎Xin ji yan Myocarditiszheng消化系统 Xiao hua xi tong (Digestive system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称腹Fu Abdomen 恶心 E Xin Nausea食道Shi dao Esophagus 吐Tu Vomit 胃Wei Stomach 压迫感Ya po gan Sense of pressure 十二指肠Shi er zhi chang Duodenum 吞咽困难Tu yan kun nan Difficulty swallowing 大肠Da chang Large intestine 全腹痛Quan fu tong General abdominalpain小肠Xiao chang Small intestine 吞咽困难Tun yan kun nan Difficulty swallowing 直肠Zhi chang Rectum 吐血Tu xue Hematemesis肛门Gang men Anus 便秘Bian mi Constipation肝脏Gan zang Liver 腹泻Fu Xie Diarrhea胰脏Yi zang Pancreas 肠鸣Chang ming Rumbling sound 胆囊Dan nang Gall bladder 放屁Fang pi Pass gas盲肠Mang chang Appendix 软鞭Ruan bian Loose stool食欲Shi yu Appetite 血便Xue bian Bloody stool口渴Kou ke Thirst 食欲不振Shi yu bu zheng Anorexia腹部膨胀Fu bu peng zhang Abdominalenlargement 食道癌Shi dao ai Cancer of theesophagus胃炎Wei yan Gastritis 胃癌Wei ai Gastric carcinoma 胃溃疡Wei kui yang gastric ulcer 胃酸过多症Wei suan guo duozhengHyperacidity十二指肠溃疡Shi er zhi chang kuiyang Duodenal ulcer 肛门周围脓疡Gang men zhou weinong yangPerirectal abscess肠捻转Chang nian zhuan volvulus 肠黏膜炎Chang nian mo yan Intestinal catarrh 盲肠炎Mang chang yan appendicitis 肠结核Chang jie he Intestinaltuberculosis大肠炎Da chang yan colitis 肠套肠Chang tao chang Intussusception 痔漏Zhi lou Anal fistula 痔疮Zhi chuang Hemorrhoids (piles) 肝硬化Gan ying hua Cirrhosis 胆结石症Dan jie shi zheng Gall stones小肠癌Xiao chang ai Cancer of theintestine直肠癌Zhi chang ai Rectal cancer腹膜炎Fu mo yan Peritonitis 肝癌Gam ai Liver cancer黄疸Huang dan Jaundice 肝炎Gan yan Hepatitis胰脏炎Yi zang yan Pancreatitis 胆炎Dan yan Cholecystitis 神经系统Shén jīng xì tŏng (Nervous system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称脑Năo Brain 惊厥Jīng juéConvulsion大脑Dà năo Cerebrum 麻木Má mù Numbness小脑Xiăo năo Cerebellum 震颤Zhèn chàn Tremor脊髓Jĭ suĭSpinal cord 晕厥Yūn juéSyncope神经Shén jīng Nerver 错乱Cuò luàn Confused头昏Tόu hūn Dizziness 思睡Sī shuìDrowsy轻度头痛Qīng dùtόu tòng Light headedness 意识丧失Yì shí sàng shīUnconciousness 意识朦胧Yì shí méng lόng Dazed confusion 兴奋状况Xīn fèng zhuàng tài Excited condition 幻觉Huàn jué Illusion 昏迷Hūn míComa瘫痪Tān huàn Paralysis 无力Wú lìHyposthenia语言障碍Yŭ yán zhàng ài Disturbance ofspeech 视力受损Shì lì shòu sŭn Disturbance ofvision紧张Jĭn zhāng Nervous 失眠Shī mián Insomnia 神经炎Shén jīng yán Neuritis 神经痛Shén jīng tòng Neuralgia面神经麻痹Miàn shén jīng mábìFacial palsy 肋间神经痛Lèi jiān shén jīngtòngIntercostalspain坐骨神经痛Zuò gŭ shén jīngtòngSciatica 歇斯底里症Xiē sī dĭ lĭ zhèng Hysteria 脑膜炎Năo mό yán Meningitis 脑缺血Năo quē xiĕCerebral ischemia 脑出血Năo chū xuĕApoplexy 脑血栓Năo xuè shuān Cerebral thrombosis 癫痫Diān xián Epilepsy 脑炎Năo yán Encephalitis精神错乱Jīng shén cuò luàn Delirium 出血ChūxiĕBleeding 脑瘤Nă.o liúBrain tumor 卒中Zú zhōng Stroke 帕金森症Pà jīn sēn zhèng Parkinson’s disease泌尿科Mì niào kē (Urinary system)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称肾上腺Shèn shàng xiàn Adrenal gland 前列腺Qián liè xiàn Prostate膀胱Páng guāng Bladder 多尿Duō niào polyuria尿道Niào dào Urethra 少尿Shăo niào oliguria睾丸Găo wán Testicles 尿急Niào jíUrinary urgency 阳痿Yáng wĕi Impotence 糖尿Táng niào Glycosuria尿痛Niào tòng Pain on urination 无尿Wú niào Dysuria肾盂Shèn yú Pelvis of the kidney 肾炎Shèn yán nephritis肾瘤Shèn liú Tumor of thekidney尿毒症Niào dú zhèng Uremia 导尿Dăo niào Catheritize 前列腺增生Qián liè xiàn zēng Hypertrophy of theshēng prostate肾萎缩Shèn wĕi suōNephrosis 肾结石Shèn jié shíRenal stones膀胱炎Páng guāng yán Cystitis 肾盂炎Shèn yú yán pyelonephritis尿道炎Niào dào yán Urethritis 早泄Zăo xièPrematureejaculation 结石Jié shíCalculus (stones) 淋病Lín bìng Gonorrhea包皮Bāo píPhimosis 肾结核Shèn jié hé Tuberculosis of thekidney肾脏Shèn zàng Kidney 阴茎Yīn jīng penis外科wái kē (Surgery)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称出血ChūxiĕBleeding 镇痛剂Zhèn tòng jìPainkiller内出血Nèi chū xiĕInternal bleeding 瘀伤Yū shāng bruise淤斑Yū bān Petechiae 斜颈Xié jĭng Wryneck, torticollis 炎症Yán zhèng Inflammation O型腿O xíng tŭi Bowlegged糜烂Mí làn Erosion X型腿X xíng tŭi Knock kneed手术Shŏu shùOperation 扁平足Biăn píng zúflatfoot切除Qiē chúResection 外伤Wài shāng Injury移植Yí zhíTransplation 割伤Gē shāng Cut畸形Jī xíng Malformation 刺伤Cì shāng Puncture疤痕Bā héng Scar 骨折Gŭ zéFracture粘着Nián zhuó Adhesion 扭转Niŭ zhuăn Torsion麻醉Má zuìAnesthesia 脱臼Tuō jiùDislocation撞伤Zhuàng shāng contusion 关节炎Guān jié yán Arthritis抓伤Zhuā shāng scratches 关节积液Guan jie ji ye Joint hydropsy 脓Nóng pus 五十肩Wŭ shí jiān Frozen shoulder 疔疮Dīng chuāng furuncle 指扭伤Zhĭ niŭ shāng Sprained finger 颈扭伤Jĭng niŭ shāng Whiplash injury 淋巴腺炎Lín bā xiàn yán Lymphaeni t is肿脓nóng zhŏng abscess 溃疡Kùi yáng Ulcer冻伤Dòng shāng Frost bite 坏疽Huài jūGangrene 疝Shàn hernia 颅内出血Lú nèi chū xiĕIntracranialhemorrhage骨膜炎Gŭ mó yán periostitis 脑挫伤Năo cuò shāng Cerebral contusion 骨髓炎Gŭ suĭ yán osteomyelitis 乳腺炎Rŭ xiàn yán Mastitis乳腺病Rŭ xiàn bìng mastopathy 腱鞘炎Jiàn qiào yán Mastopathy皮肤科pí fú kē (Dermatology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称皮炎Pí yán Dermatitis 药疹Yào zhĕn Drug eruption接触性皮炎Jiē chù xìng pí yán Contact dermati t is 脂溢性湿疹Zhĭ yì xìng pí zhĕn Seborrheic eczema 湿疹Shī zhĕn Eczema 皮疹Pí zhĕn Rash小儿湿疹Xiăo ér shī zhĕn Infantile eczema 干燥皮肤Gān zào pí fūDry skin 疣Yóu Wart 风疹Fēng zhĕn Urticaria胎记、痣Tāi jì/zhìBirthmark 狼疮Láng chuāng Lupus 黑痣Hēi zhìMole 晒伤Shài shāng Suburn 狐臭Hú chòu Hircismus 鸡眼Jī yăn Corn 脱毛症Tuō máo zhèng Baldness 雀斑Què bān Freckle 癣Xiăn ringworm 皮肤癌Pí fū ái Skin cancer 香港脚Zú xiăn Athelete’s foot红疹Hóng zhĕn Red rash 牛皮癣Niú pí xiăn Tinea 挫伤Cuò shāng Bruise脱毛Tuō máo Falling out of hair 玫瑰疹Méi guī zhĕn Roseloa肿瘤Zhŏng Liú中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称良性肿瘤Liáng xìng zhŏngliúBenign tumour 恶性肿瘤è xìng zhŏng liúMalignanttumours转移Zhuăn yímetastasis 肉瘤Ròu liúsarcoma 癌ái cancer耳鼻喉科ĕr bí hóu kē中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称鼻腔Bí qiāng Nasal cavity 半规管Bàn guī guăn Semicircularcanals扁桃体Biăn táo tĭtonsil 鼓膜Gŭ móEar drum咽扁桃体Yān biăn táo tĭPharyngeal tonsil 流鼻血Liú bí xiĕEpistaxis流鼻涕Liú bí tìRunning nose 舌Shé tongue 鼻涕Bí tìNasal discharge 声带Shēng dài Vocal cord 鼻塞Bí sāi Stuffy nose 外耳Wài ĕr External ear 喉咙痛Hóu lóng tòng Sore throat 内耳Nèi ĕr internal ear 喉咙痒Hóu lóng yăng Itchy throat 中耳Zhōng ĕr Middle ear 声音沙哑Shēng yīn shāyăHoarse voice耳分泌物ĕr fēn mì wùEar discharge 失声Shī shēng Loss of voice 耳痛ĕr tòng Earache 嗅觉不灵Xiù jué bù líng Cant distinguishsmells耳鸣ĕr míng Ringing of the ear 听力困难Tīng lì kùn nán Difficulty hearing眼科Yăn kē (Ophthalmology)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称眼球Yăn qiúEye ball 视力障碍Shì lì zhàng ài Poor disturbance 角膜Jiăo mócorneal 视力不良Shì lì bù liáng Poor vision 瞳孔Tóng kŏng Pupil 复视Fù shìDiplopia虹膜Hóng mó iris 眼分泌物Yăn fēn mì wùEye discharge 晶体Jīng tĭlens 流泪Liú lèi Tearing视网膜Shì wăng móretina 针眼Zhēn yăn Style视力Shì lìVisual acuity 倒睫Dào jié Trichiasis泪管炎Lèi guăn yán Lacrimal duct 畏光Wèi guāng photophobia 砂眼Shā yăn trachoma 视网膜炎Shì wăng móyánRetinitis青光眼Qīng guāng yăn Glaucoma 角膜炎Jiăo mó yán Keratitis白内障Bái nèi zhàng Cataract 视神经炎Shì shéng jīngyánOptic neuritis色盲Sè máng Color blindness 鼻泪管狭窄Bí lèi guăn xiázhăi Obstruction of thenose结膜炎Jié mó yán Conjunctivitis 斜视Xié shìCross eyed视力模糊Shì lì mó hú Blurred vision 视网膜剥离Shì wăng mó bōlíRetina detachment眼内异物Yăn nèi yì wùForeign body ineyes牙科Yá kē (Dental)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称牙石Yá shíCalculus 牙冠Yá guàn Crown牙齿正畸Yá chĭ zhèng jīOrthodontics 金牙冠Jīn yá guàn Gold crown 假牙Jiă yáDenture 磁牙冠Cí yá guàn Ceramic crown 环镶Huān xiāng Veneer crown 填补Tián bŭFilling根管治疗Gēn guăn zhìliáo Root canaltreatment切牙Qiē yáIncisor齿龈Chĭ yín gum 犬齿Quăn chĭcanine妇产科 Fu chan ke (Obgyn)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称子宫Zi gong Uterus 月经过期Yue jing guo qi Menstrual cycle 子宫口Zi gong kou Cervix 月经痛Yue jing tong Dysmenoorhea 阴道Yin dao Vagina 无月经Wu yue jing Amenorrhea 月经Yue jing menstruation 更年期症状Ge nian qi zhengzhuangMenopause 下腹部痛Xia fu bu tong Low abdominalpain怀孕Huai yun Pregnancy阴道分泌物Ying dao feng mi wuVaginal discharge预产期Yu chan qi Date of delivery害喜 Hai xi Morning sickness阵痛 Zheng tong Labor pain胎儿心音 Tai er xin yin Fetal heart sounds 早期破水 Zao qi po shui Premature rupture 流产 Liu chan Miscarriage 腿抽筋 Tui chou jing Leg cramp 坠胎 Duo tai Abortion 排卵 Pai luan Ovulation 破水 Poshui Membrane rupture受精 Shou jing Conception 胎儿 Tai er fetus 着床 Zhao chuang Implantation 胎动Tai dongFetal movement胞状奇胎Bao zhuang qitaiHydatid mole静脉瘤 Jing mai liu Varicose veins 子宫外孕 Zi gong wai yun Ectopic pregnancy 怀孕线纹Huai yun xianwenStriations of pregnancy 卵管怀孕Luan guan huai yunTubal pregnancy蛋白尿症Dan bai niao zhengalbuminuria产道Chan dao Birth canal尿道发炎Niao dao fa yan Urinary trust直肠检查Zhi chang jianchaRectal exam子痫Zi yong Eclampsia阴道检查Ying dao jianchaVaginal exam羊水过多Yang shui guoduoPolyhydramnion分娩Fen mian Delivery生产第一期 Sheng chan di yi qiFirst stage of labor 生产第二期 Sheng chan di er qi Second stage oflabor 子宫收缩Zi gong shousuoContraction生产第三期Sheng chan disan qi Third stage oflabor 会阴切开 Hui yin qie kai Episiotomy 早产 Zao chan Premature birth会阴缝合Huiyin feng hePerineorrhaphystitch死产Si chanStill birth产后 Chan hou After birth 双胞 Shuang bao Twins 脐带 Qi dai Umbilical cord 多胎 Duo bao Multiple birth 胎盘Tai panPlacenta一卵双胞胎Yi luan shuangbao taiIdentical twins恶露E luLochia二卵性双胞胎Er luan xing shuang bao taiFraternal twins胎盘分离Tai pan fen liSeparation of theplacenta前置胎盘 Qian zhi tai pan Placenta praevia 前置胎盘 Qian zhi tai pan Forecpts delivery 狭骨盘Xia gu panNarrow pelvic盘卷脐带Pan juan qi daiCoiling of the umbilical cord胎盘附着Tai pan fu zhe Adherence of the狭骨盆Xia gu penNarrow pelvicplacenta卵管破裂Luan guan po lie Tubal rupture 胎盘附着Tai pan fu zhe Adherence of theplacenta会阴裂伤Hui yin lie shang Laceration of theperineum卵管破裂Luan guan po lie Tubal rupture子宫破裂Zi gong po lie Tubal rupture 会阴裂伤Hui yin lie shang Laceration of theperineum产褥热Chan ru re Puerperal fever 子宫破裂Zi gong po lie Tubal rupture 剖腹生产pao fu shengchanc-section 产褥热Chan ru re Puerperal fever 钳子分娩Qian zi fen mian Forceps delivery 剖腹生产Pofu sheng chan c-section初乳Churu Colostrums 钳子分娩Qian zi fei mian Forcepts delivery 新生儿Xin sheng er Newborn baby 喂养母乳Wei yang mu ru Breast feeding怀孕中毒症Hui run zhongdu zheng人工喂养Ren gong weiyangBottle feeding 精神科 jing shen ke (Psychiatry)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称精神病Jing shen bing Mental disorder 忧郁症You yu zheng depression遗传性精神病Yi chuan xingjing shen bing Heredi t arypsychosis精神分裂症Jing sheng fenlie zhengschizophrenia健忘症Jian wang zheng Amnesia 神经官能症Shen jing guanneng zhengneurosis躁狂zao kuang mania 神经衰弱Shen jing shuairuoneurasthenia小儿科 xiao er ke (Pedatrics)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称早产儿Zao chan er Premature baby 麻疹Ma zhen Measles新生儿黑粪Xin sheng er hei fen Meconium of thenewborn腮腺炎Sai xian yan Mumps 脱脐Tuo qi Umbilical hernia 德国麻疹De guo ma zhen German measles 新生儿黄疸Xin sheng er huangdanjaundice B型肝炎 B xing gan yan Influenza B 肠炎Chang yan Stomach virus 脑炎Nao yan hemophilus腹股沟疝脱Fu gu gou shan tuo Inguinal hernia 脊髓型小儿麻痹Ji sui xing xiao erma bi Spinal infantile paralysis传染病 chuan ran bing (Epidemics)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称流行性感冒Liu xing xing ganInfluenza 麻疹Ma zhen Measlesmao腮腺炎Sai xian yan mumps 德国麻疹De guo mazhen German measles 黄热Huang re Yellow fever 天花Tian hua Smallpox 狂犬病Kuang quan bing Rabies 水痘Shui dou Chicken pox 鼠疫Shu yi Plaque 伤寒Shan han Typhoid fever 破伤风Poshang fen Tetanus 霍乱Huo luo Asiatic cholera 猩红热Xing hong re Scarlet fever 百日咳Bai ri ke Whooping cough 赤痢Chi li dysentery 白喉Bai hou Diphtueria寄生虫 ji sheng chong (Parasite)中文名称汉语拼音英文名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称钩虫病Gou chong bing Hookworm disease 滴虫病Di chong bing Tape worminfestation 蛲虫病Rao chong bing Pineworm 蛔虫病Hui chong bing Ascariasis其他 qi ta (Other)中文名称汉语拼音英名称中文名称汉语拼音英文名称贫血Pin xue Anemia 脚气病Jiao qi bing Beri-Beri白血病Bai xue bing Leukemia 坏血病Huai xue bing Scurvy紫斑症Zi ban zheng Purpura 糖尿病Tang niao bing Diabete Mellitus血友病Xue you bing Hemophilia 痛风Tong fen Gout甲状腺肿大Jia zhuang xianGoiter 风湿病Fen shi bing Rheumatic feverzhong da末端肥大症Mo duan fei daAcromegaly 风湿Fen shi Rheumatismzheng巨大症Jv da zheng Gigantism 中毒Zhong du Posioning克与氏病Ke yu shi bing Cushing’s disease酒精中毒Jiu jing zhong du Alcoholism蒙古肿症Meng gu zhongMongolism 一氧化碳Yi yang hua tan Carbon Monoxidezheng阿狄森氏病 A di seng shiAddison’s disease特异体质Te yi ti zhi Idisyncrasybing晕船病Yun chuan bing Motion sickeness 中暑Zhong shu Heatstroke高山症Gao shan zheng Mountain sickness 血清症Xue qing zheng Serum disease花粉症Hua fen zheng Hay fever2013 C类安全员复习判断单选多选案例——案例题1. C类对负责人处罚1、企业是安全生产管理的主体。

06.002药材crude medicine ; crude drug初步加工处理的中药原料药。
06.003道地药材genuine regional drug特定产地的特定品种,且质量、疗效优良的药材。
06.004鲜药fresh medicine; fresh crudedrug 鲜、活应用的药物。
06.005天然药物natural medicine; naturalcrude drug 没有经过加工的有药用价值的天然动、植、矿物药。
06.006采制collection and preparation包括采集、收获、加工、干燥等制备商品中药材的传统技术。
06.007采收期collection period采集药用动、植物的适宜时期。
06.008产地加工processing in production place在产地将鲜药初步加工,使之成为药材的过程。
06.009萌发期germination period植物发芽的阶段。
06.010枯萎期withering period植物失去水分或失去生机的阶段。
06.013晒干drying in sunshine将药材曝晒使干燥。
06.014阴干drying in shade将药材在通风不见阳光的地方自然干燥。
06.015烘干drying by baking将药材加温干燥,包括焙干、烤干等。
06.016虫蛀rotten due to insect bites仓虫蛀蚀药材使其受损或变质的现象。
06.017霉变mildew and rot中药生霉、腐败、腐烂等现象的统称。
06.018泛油extensive diffusion of oil药材及饮片所含油质溢出表面呈油浸润状态,使质变软、色泽变深黯,味变哈喇的现象。

Useful Phrases1 肺炎、肺结核pneumonia and tuberculosis2 细菌释放毒素germs giving off a toxin3 皮肤和粘膜skin and mucous membranes4 炎症inflammation5 红、肿、热、痛redness, swelling, heat and pain6 抗感染fight against infection7 吞噬、消化微生物engulf and digest microbes8 淋巴管lymph vessels9 抗体、抗原antibody and antigen10 抗毒素antitoxin11 人工免疫artificial immunityUseful phrases1 有机化学、无机化学organic and inorganic chemistry2 物理化学physical chemistry3 生物化学bio chemistry4 化学符号和结构式chemical symbols and formulas5 离子、电子、原子、分子iron, electron, atom and molecule6 分子量molecular weights7 元素周期表periodic table8 运用符号和概念的方法methods of manipulating symbols and concepts9 化学反应chemical reaction10 有机化合物organic compound11 二氧化碳carbon dioxide12 含有碳元素的物质substances containing carbon13 合成物synthetic materials14 大量的原料abundant raw materials15 品质更加、用途更广、优势独特superior quality, greater versatility, andunique advantagesLesson 8 Development of New Drugs (I)1生产特效药to produce the novel therapeutic agents2由天然植物资源提取to extract from natural plants and animal sources3化学合成药 a drug synthesized chemically4人工生产药物agents produced artificially5药物的特异作用及毒性specificity of action and toxicity6 基因工程的发展development of genetic engineering7 单克隆抗体monoclonal antibody 8 beta受体阻断剂beta receptor blocker9实验药理学experimental pharmacology10几种模型包括:细胞培养或细菌培养,部分提取酶或亚细胞间质,分离的组织,灌注的器官完整的动物several models include: cell culture or bacteria, partially purified enzymes or subcellular particles, isolated tissues , perfused organs, intact animals11慢性毒性实验chronic toxicity testing 12代谢方法patterns of metabolism13疗程during of treatment14 实验组、对照组、安慰剂组、空白组、the experimental group ,control group, placebo group and untreated group15 临床指症clinical indication 16 生化药理学biochemical pharmacology17 FDA Food and Drug AdministrationLesson 8 Development of New Drugs (II)1 临床评价clinical evaluation / assessment2 毒理研究toxicological studies3 化学纯度和药理稳定性chemical purity and pharmaceutical stability4 罕见的疾病、威胁生命、不治之症rare diseases, life-threatening and untreatable diseases5 无严重症状与毒性without serious symptoms or toxicity6 药物剂量的研究dose-ranging studies7 施药(给药)drug administration / administration of drugs8 临床试验许可证CTC clinical trial certificate9 单盲或双盲试验single blind or double blind experiment10 副作用adverse effect, side-effect, unhealthy effect11 促销marketing and promotion12 医药代表representative of the pharmaceutical manufacturer. ..。

This Chinese/English bilingual page lists out the common medical and health related terms and hopefully it helps you find the better understanding & have better communication with doctors.急诊室Emergency Room医院Hospital内科病房Medical Ward外科病房Surgical Ward儿科病房Pediatric Ward接生房Labor and Delivery手术室Operation Room (OR)心脏重症室Coronary Care Unit (CCU)重症室Intensive Care Unit (ICU)内科重症室Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)初生婴儿重症室Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)儿科重症室Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)外科重症室Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)末期护理Hospice 末期病患者照料居家健康服务Home Health Service 药疗、物理治疗等化验所Laboratory 进行化验研究门诊手术中心Outpatient Surgical Center 一般非严重性手术药房Pharmacy 药物、医疗用品Health Care Provider 医疗服务Physician 医生Acupuncture 针灸Allergy and Immunology 过敏性专科Anesthesiology 麻醉科Cardiology 心脏科Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 心胸外科Chiropractic 脊椎神经科Colorectal Surgery 结肠直肠外科Dentistry 牙科Dermatology 皮肤科Endocrinology 内分泌科Family Practice 家庭科Gastroenterology 肠胃科General Practice 普通全科General Surgery 普通外科Geriatrics 老人病专科Hematology 血液科Hepatology 肝病专科Infectious Disease 传染病科Internal Medicine 内科Nephrology 肾脏科Neurology 神经科Neurosurgery 神经外科Obstetrics-Gynecology 妇产科Oncology 癌症专科Ophthalmology 眼科Optometry 验光科Orthopedic Surgery 骨外科Osteopathy 整骨疗科Otolaryngology (ENT) 耳鼻喉科Pathology 病理科Pediatrics 小儿科Plastic surgery 整形外科Podiatry 足科Psychiatry 精神治疗科Physiatry 物理康复科Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 物理疗法及恢复正常生活护理Pulmonary Medicine 肺科Radiation Oncology 癌症放射疗科Radiology X光科Urology 泌尿科Vascular Surgery 血管外科Other Health Care Professionals 其它医疗专业人员Audiologist 听觉学专家Dental Assistant 牙医助理Dietitian 饮食指导员Genetic Counselor 遗传病辅导员Health Technician 健康技员Laboratory Technician 化验技员Medical Assistant 医务助理Medical Technologist 医学技师Nurse 护士Home Visiting Nurse 家访护士Nurse Midwife 接生护士Nutritionist 营养专家Pharmacist 药剂师Pharmacologist 药理学专家Physical Therapist 物理治疗员Physician's Assistant 医生助手Psychologist 心理学专家Psychologic Counselor 心理辅导员Respiratory Therapist 呼吸治疗员X-Ray Technician X光科技员有关看病的英文表达方法有关看病的英文表达方法。

药学名词(中-英)6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Janbon综合症 Janbon's syndromePPB浓度 parts per billion concentrationpphm浓度 parts per hundred million concentrationPPH浓度 parts per hundred concentrationppm浓度 parts per million concentration安全范围 safety range安全试验法 innocuity test method安全系统 safety coefficient安慰剂 placebo螯合剂 chelating agent靶细胞 target cell白蛋白微球制剂 albumin microballoons百分浓度 percentage concentration半合成抗生素 semisynthetic antibiotics半抗原 haptene半数致死剂量 half lethal dose ; median lethal dose; LD50 半衰期 half-life period; half life time包衣片 coated tablet薄膜衣 film-coating饱和溶液 saturated solution贝克勒尔 Becquerel被动免疫 passive immunity被动转运 passive transport崩解度 disintegration崩解剂 disintegrants必需氨基酸 essential aminoacid必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid变态反应 allergy; allergic reaction表面活性 surface activity表面张力 surface tension丙种射线 gamma rays补体 complement补体系统 complement system不良反应 adverse reaction不完全抗原 incomplete antigen搽剂 liniments长期毒性实验 long term toxicity test长效制剂 prolonged action preparation肠肝循环 enterohepatic circulation肠溶控释片 enteric controlled release tablets肠溶衣 enteric coating处方 prescription;recipe穿透促进剂 penetration enhancers磁性控释制剂 magnetic controlled release dosage form 磁性药物制剂 magnetic medicinal preparations大分子 macromolecule单克隆抗体 monoclonal antibody胆碱酯酶 cholinesterase当量 equivalent weight当量定律 equivalent law当量浓度 normality当量溶液 normal solution等张溶液 isotonic solution低聚糖 oligosaccharides低密度脂蛋白 low density lipoprotein滴定 titration滴定曲线 titration curve滴丸剂 pill递质 transmitter电解 electrolyzation电解质 electrolyte酊剂 tincture定向药物制剂 directed pharmaceutical preparations毒理学 toxicology毒性反应 toxic response; toxic reaction短期致癌实验 short term carcinogenic test对因治疗 etiological treatment对映体 antipode对症治疗 symptomatic treatment多功能酶 multifunctional enzyme多剂量给药 multiple dose administration多糖 polyose多肽 polypeptide儿茶酚胺 catecholamine二重感染 superinfection发酵 fermentation法定处方 official formula芳族化合物 aromatic compound放射毒理学 radiotoxicology放射药剂学 radiopharmaceutics非必需氨基酸 non-essential amino acid非去极化型肌松药 nondepolarizer分子病 molecular disease分子溶液 molecular solution分子生物学 molecular biology分子药理学 molecular pharmacology辅基 prosthetic group辅料 excipients辅酶 coenzyme副作用 side effect附加剂 additive干燥剂 desiccant;drying agent肝首过效应 first pass effect of hepar感受器 receptor高敏性 hyperreactivity个体差异性 individual differences; individual variation 给药方案或给药速度 dosage regimen or dose rate给药间隔 dosing interval工业药剂学 industrial pharmacy共价键 covalent bond光量子 light quantum广谱抗生素 broad-spectrum antibiotic过滤 filtration过敏毒素 anaphylatoxin过敏性药物反应 anaphylactic drug reaction过氧化物 superoxide含量均匀度 content uniformity核糖核酸 ribonucleic acid; RNA核苷酸 nucleotide合并用药 drug combination合成药物 synthetic drugs合剂 mixture痕量元素 trace element化学分析 chemical analysis化学物理学 chemical physics化学消毒法 chemical disinfection化学药物治疗 chemotherapy环境药理学 environmental pharmacology基本药物 essential drugs基因 gene激活剂 activator激活作用 activation激素 hormone激素原 prohormone急性毒性实验 acute toxicity test己糖醇细胞毒剂 cytotoxic hexitols剂量 dosage; dose剂量或浓度的依存性 dose or concentration dependency 剂型 dosage form间接致癌 indirect carcinogenesis间歇灭菌法 discontinuous sterilization碱中毒 alkalosis;alkali-poisoning胶体溶液型药剂 medical colloidal solution嚼用片 chewable tablets酵解 glycolysis拮抗作用 antagonism解毒作用 detoxication介质 mediator; transmitter; medium精神依赖性 psychic dependence剧药 powerful drug绝对致死剂量 absolute lethal dose; LD100抗毒素 antitoxin抗菌谱 antibacterial spectrum抗体 antibody抗血清 antiserum抗药性 resistance to drugs抗原 antigen克当量 gram-equivalent weight克当量数 gram-equivalent number克分子 gram-molecule; gram-mol克分子分数 molar fraction克分子量 gram molecular weight克分子浓度 molar comcentratin; molal comcentration克原子 gram-atom控释制剂 controlled release preparation口腔内给药 oral administration快速耐受 tachyphylaxis扩散 diffusion扩散系数 coefficient of diffusion累积尿排泄曲线 cumulative urinary excretion curves累加效应 additive effect类毒素 anatoxin;toxoid类固醇停药综合征 steroid withdrawal syndrome冷藏 cold-storage冷冻 freezing;refrigeration量子药理学 quantum pharmacology临床药理学 clinical pharmacology临床药学 chlinical pharmacy卤化物 halogenide埋植剂 implants慢通道 slow pathway慢性毒性实验 chronic toxicity test; long term toxicity test酶 enzyme酶原 proenzyme免疫抑制剂 immunosuppressant;immuno inhibitor免疫原性 immunogenicity免疫增强剂 immunoenhancement敏感性 sensitivity摩尔 mole摩尔分数浓度 mol fraction concentration摩尔分子体积 molar volume;mole volume摩尔浓度 molarity默克索引 the Merck index耐受性 tolerance耐药性 drug tolerance内毒素 endotoxin内毒素鲎试剂测定法 Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay for endotoxin 内消旋体 mesomer浓度 concentration皮肤、粘膜表面给药 skin and mucocutaneous administration片剂硬度 tablet hardness气凝胶 aerogel气溶胶 aerosol气体分析 gas analysis气雾剂 aerosol前体药物 prodrug鞘内注射 intrathecal injection全酶与辅基 holonzyme and prosthetic group人工合成抗原 artificial antigen人工免疫 artificial immunization人种药理学 ethnopharmacology日内瓦命名法 Geneva nomenclature溶剂 solvent; dissolvent溶解 dissolution; dissolving溶菌酶 lysozyme溶血 hemolysis溶质 solute三羧酸循环 tricarboxylic acid cycle杀菌活性 bactericidal activity杀菌作用 bactericidal effect身体依赖性 physical dependence神经毒素 neurotoxin肾上腺素能神经 adrenergic nerve肾上腺素能受体 adrenergic receptor渗透压 osmotic pressure生长曲线 growth curve生物胺 biogenic amine生物半衰期 biological half life生物化学 biochemistry生物碱 alkaloid生物利用度 bioavailability生物统计学 biometrics;biometry生物药剂学 biopharmacy生物制品 biological product生药 crude drugs时辰药理学 chronopharmacology时间感受性 chronosusceptability时间治疗 chronotherapy时效关系 time-effect relationship时值 chronaxia;chronaxy时滞 lag time世界卫生组织 World Health Organization; WHO 噬菌体 bacteriophage收敛药 astringent手性药物 chiral drug首过效应 first-pass effect受体 receptor受体激动剂 receptor stimulant受体拮抗剂 receptor antagonist双盲法 double-blind technique水解(作用) hydrolysis糖异生作用 gluconeogenesis体表面积 body surface area体积比浓度 volume by volume concentration体液 body fluid体液免疫 humoral immunity天然抗体 natural antibody天然抗原 natural antigen天然免疫 natural immunity天然药物 crude drugs; natural drugs调剂学 dispensing pharmacy同位素 isotope突变 mutation吞噬作用 phagocytosis外毒素 exotoxin外消旋体 raceme完全抗原 complete antigen王水 aqua regia; nitrohydrochloric acid微粒体酶 microsomal enzyme微量元素 trace element稳态血药浓度 steady state plasma concentration 物理药剂学 physical pharmaceutics吸入法 inhalation吸收速率常数 absorption rate constant细胞免疫 cellular immunity腺苷磷酸 adenosine phosphate限制性剧药 restrictive holagogue相对给药间隔 relative dosage interval相加作用 additive effect; addition向靶给药 targetable drug delivery消除速率常数 elimination rate constant效价 potency效价单位 potency unit效价强度 potency效应 effect效应器 effector效应物 effector协定处方 cipher prescription协同作用 synergism兴奋性 excitability序贯设计 sequential design悬浮液 suspension选择性 selectivity血管内给药 intravascular administration血管外给药 extravascular administration血浆 plasma血浆代用液 plasma substitute血浆蛋白结合率 plasma protein binding ratio血脑屏障 blood-cerebral barrier血清 serum血容量扩充剂 blood volume expander血药浓度 blood concentration血液凝固 blood coagulation血液制品 blood products亚急性中毒 subacute intoxication;subacute poisoning亚硝酸盐中毒 nitrite poisoning眼用膜剂 ocular inserts药—时半对数曲线 semi-logarithmic curve of drug-time药—时曲线 drug-time curve药峰浓度 peak concentration of drug药峰时间 peak time of drug药剂等效性 pharmaceutical equivalence药剂学 pharmaceutics药理学 pharmacology药敏试验 drug sensitive test药品负责期 allotted date of drug quality ensuring by manufacturer 药品管理法 drug administration law药品批号 drug batch number药品使用期 limit date of using a drug after its production药品有效期 expiry date; date of expiration药品质量标准 drug standard药物代谢 drug metabolism药物代谢酶 drug metablic enzyme药物的体内过程 intracorporal process of drugs 药物动力学模型 pharmacokinetics model药物反应 drug reaction药物分布 drug distribution药物分析 pharmaceutical analysis药物化学 pharmaceutical chemistry药物排泄 drug excretion药物吸收 drug absorption药物相互作用 drug interaction药物消除 drug elimination药物蓄积 drug accumulation药物学 pharmacology; materia medica药物遗传学 pharmacogenetics药效动力学 pharmacodynamics药源性疾病 drug-induced diseases乙酰胆碱乙酰胆碱 acetylcholine乙酰胆碱酯酶 acetylcholinesterase抑菌活性 bacteriostatic activity抑菌作用 bactriostasis异构酶 isomerase营养素 nutrient硬膏剂 plaster有效半衰期 effective halt有效率 effective rate有效浓度 effective concentration右旋糖 dextrose右旋体 dextrorotatory form阈剂量 threshold dose载体 carrier皂甙 saponins脂质体 liposome直肠给药 rectal administration直线相关 linear correlation纸型片剂 oral medicaed soluble paper致癌实验 carcinogenic test致癌物 carcinogen致畸试验 teratogenic test致畸物 teratogen致敏试验 sensitization test致敏作用 sensitization致死量 fatal dose; lethal dose制剂 preparation制剂学 technology of pharmaceutics制药化学 pharmaceutical chemistry治疗等效(值) therapeutic equivalence治疗量 therapeutic dose治疗药物临测 therapeutic drug monitoring; TDM治疗指数 therapeutic index TI治疗作用 therapeutic action中毒 intoxication; poisoning中华人民共和国卫生部药品标准 Drug Standard of Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China中间体 intermediate助滤剂 filter aid助溶剂 complex solubilizer助悬剂 suspending agent自身免疫 autoimmunity组胺 histamine最大耐受剂量 maximal tolerable dose; LDO最大无作用剂量 maxial noneffective dose; EDO最小显著差数 least significant difference最小有效量 minimal effective dose最小致死剂量 minimal lethal dose;MLD左旋糖 levulose左旋体 levorotatory form佐剂 adjuvant。

常用医疗医药英文翻译Medical and Pharmaceutical Translations - Doctor: 医生- Hospital: 医院- Nurse: 护士- Patient: 病人- Surgery: 手术- Diagnosis: 诊断- Treatment: 治疗- Prescription: 处方- Symptom: 症状- Disease: 疾病- Vaccine: 疫苗- Allergy: 过敏- Pain: 疼痛- Blood pressure: 血压- X-ray: X射线- Laboratory: 实验室- Rehabilitation: 康复- Anesthesia: 麻醉- Emergency: 急诊- Pediatrics: 儿科- Drug: 药物- Prescription medication: 处方药- Over-the-counter medication: 非处方药- Generic medication: 普通药品- Brand-name medication: 品牌药品- Side effects: 副作用- Dosage: 剂量- Pharmacokinetics: 药物动力学- Pharmacology: 药理学- Active ingredient: 活性成分- Drug interaction: 药物相互作用- Contraindications: 禁忌症- Pharmaceutical industry: 制药业- Clinical trials: 临床试验- Drug development: 药物研发- Drug administration: 药物管理- Drug safety: 药品安全- Drug resistance: 耐药性- Drug overdose: 药物过量3. Translating Medical Documents:Medical documents often require precise and accurate translations due to the importance of the information they contain. These documents include medical reports, patient information leaflets, clinical trial protocols, pharmaceutical labels, and package inserts. Here are some tips for translating medical documents:- Familiarize yourself with medical terminology in both the source and target languages.- Understand the context and purpose of the document to ensure accurate translation.- Pay attention to the formatting and layout of the document to maintain consistency.- Use specialized dictionaries and online resources for medical translations.- Collaborate with subject matter experts to clarify any unclear terms or concepts.4. Hiring Professional Translators:。

功能主治的英文1. 引言本文档旨在提供一些常见中医药术语及其功能主治的英文翻译,以便更好地理解中医药学领域的知识。
2. 英文翻译以下是一些常见中医药术语及其功能主治的英文翻译:•风热感冒 (Common Cold with Wind-Heat): Clearing heat and relieving exterior syndrome, dispelling wind.•头痛 (Headache): Alleviating pain, soothing liver, resolving dampness, promoting blood circulation.•肝火旺盛 (Hyperactivity of Liver Fire): Clearing liver fire, calming liver, regulating qi, nourishing yin.•消化不良 (Indigestion): Promoting digestion, regulating stomach, relieving stomach discomfort, resolving food stagnation.•失眠 (Insomnia): Calming heart, nourishing blood, tranquilizing mind.•湿疹 (Eczema): Clearing dampness, resolving toxins, cooling blood, relieving itching.•平喘 (Asthma): Dispersing lung qi, relieving cough, eliminating phlegm, resolving dampness.•脾胃虚弱 (Weakness of Spleen and Stomach): Strengthening spleen, improving digestion, tonifying qi, nourishing blood.•血瘀 (Blood Stasis): Promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, alleviating pain.•气虚 (Qi Deficiency): Tonifying qi, invigorating spleen and lung, strengthening body resistance.•血虚 (Blood Deficiency): Nourishing blood, invigorating spleen and stomach, promoting blood circulation.3. 结论通过掌握这些中医药术语及其英文翻译,我们可以更好地理解中医药学的相关知识,并且能够进行跨文化医学学术交流。

医药专业英文翻译医药专业:MedicineKlonopin 英汉医学词典]Klonopin氯硝西泮制剂<抗惊厥药>[英汉药名关联词典]Klonopin〖英文通用名〗Clonazepam〖中文通用名〗氯硝西泮〖所属类别〗中枢神经系统药物/抗精神失常药/抗焦虑药EGD [英汉医学词典]egd[=esophagogastroduodenoscopy]食道、胃、十二指肠镜检查[=evolved gas detection]离析气体检测,放出气体检测EKG 英汉医学词典]ekg[=electrokardiogram,electrocardiogram]心电图[=electrokardiograph,electrocardiograph]心电描记器Motrin [英汉医学词典]Motrin["mOtrin]布洛芬(异丁苯丙酸)制剂[英汉药名关联词典]Motrin["mOtrin]〖中文商品名〗美林〖英文商品名〗Motrin〖中文通用名〗布洛芬〖英文通用名〗Ibuprofen〖所属类别〗中枢神经系统药物/解热镇痛抗炎及抗痛风药/抗炎镇痛药Flexeril [英汉医学词典]Flexeril盐酸环苯扎林,盐酸胺苯环庚烯制剂的商品名[英汉药名关联词典]Flexeril〖英文通用名〗Cyclobenzaprine〖中文通用名〗环苯扎林〖所属类别〗中枢神经系统药物/抗精神失常药/抗躁狂抑郁症药/抗抑郁症药thyromegaly [英汉医学词典]thyromegaly[瓯airEumegEli]甲状腺巨大,甲状腺肿Premarin 英汉药名关联词典]Premarin ["premErin]〖中文商品名〗倍美力〖英文商品名〗Premarin〖中文通用名〗混合雌激素片〖英文通用名〗Conjugated Estrogens Tablet 〖所属类别〗激素及影响内分泌药/雌激素及孕激素[英汉医学词典]premarin["premErin]结合型雌激素,马雌激素Mevacor [英汉医学词典]Mevacor是一种降血脂药(含lovastatin)[英汉药名关联词典]Mevacor〖药品商品名〗美降脂〖英文通用名〗Lovastatin〖中文通用名〗洛伐他汀dyslipidemia [英汉医学词典]dyslipidemia血脂障碍Prinivil [英汉医学词典]Prinivil赖诺普利片剂<抗高血压药>[英汉药名关联词典]Prinivil〖英文通用名〗Lisinopril〖中文通用名〗赖诺普利〖所属类别〗循环系统药物/降血压药Fosamax [英汉医学词典]Fosamax福善美(含alendronate sodium)<骨吸收抑制药> [英汉药名关联词典]Fosamax〖中文商品名〗福善美〖英文商品名〗Fosamax〖中文通用名〗阿仑膦酸钠片〖英文通用名〗Alendronate Sodium Tablets Maxzide 英汉医学词典]Maxzide是一种利尿药(含hydrochlorothiazide,triamterene) Levothyroid[英汉医学词典]levothyroxine左旋甲状腺素[英汉药名关联词典]Levothyroxine〖药品通用名〗左甲状腺素〖所属类别〗激素及有关药物/甲状腺激素类药物及抗甲状腺药物/甲状腺激素类药物。

05.001治则principle of treatment对临床的具体立法、处方、用药等具有普遍的指导意义,在治疗疾病时必须遵循的基本原则。
05.002治病求本treatment aiming at itsroot causes针对产生疾病的根本原因进行治疗的原则。
05.003急则治标symptomatic treatment inacute condition 与缓则治本相对而言,在大出血、暴泻、剧痛等标症甚急的情况下,及时救治标病,如止血、止泻、止痛等,然后治其本病的治疗原则。
05.004缓则治本radical treatment inchronic case 与急则治标相对而言,在病势缓和、病情缓慢的情况下,针对本病的病机治疗或采取调理、补益为主的治疗原则。
05.005标本兼治treating bothmanifestation and rootcause of disease 针对病证出现的标本并重的情况,采用治标与治本相结合的治疗原则。
05.006治未病preventive treatment ofdisease 采取一定的措施防止疾病产生和发展的治疗原则,包括未病先防和既病防变两个方面。
05.007同病异治treating same diseasewith different methods 表现相同的疾病,可因人、因时、因地的不同,或由于病情的发展、病机的变化、正邪的消长等差异,采取不同治法的治疗原则。
05.008异病同治treating differentdiseases with samemethod 表现不同的疾病,由于发病机理相同,采取相同治法的治疗原则。
05.009因时制宜treatment in accordancewith seasonal conditions 考虑到时令气候寒热燥湿的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。
05.010因地制宜treatment in accordancewith local conditions 考虑到地域环境的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。
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医药专业术语肠隐窝crypt肝细胞生长因子hepatocyte growth factor旁分泌paracrine小肠上皮细胞intestinal epithelial cell有丝分裂原mitogen蛋白激酶protein kinase炎症期inflammatory stage细胞外基质extracellular matrix粥样动脉硬化斑块carotid atherosclerosis plaque 内膜损伤ballon injury普通光镜ordinary light microscope泡沫细胞foam cells内弹力膜internal elastic lamina ( IEL )透射电镜transmission election microscopy(TEM) 冠心病coronary heart disease星形细胞瘤:astrocytoma核抗原nuclear antigen增生细胞proliferating cell端粒酶telomerase癌基因oncogene永生化immortalization病理分级pathological classification细胞凋亡apoptosis宫颈癌变cervical carcinogenesis宫颈浸润癌invasive carcinoma of cervix uteri 转归prognosis宫颈cervix宫颈的cervical心梗myocardial infarction (MI)心绞痛angina梗死部位area of infarction病变支数number of stenosed coronary vessel 下壁inferior wall前壁anterior wall单支single-vessle双支double-vessle狭窄程度stenosis罪犯血管culprit vessel再通reperfusion未通nonreperfusion左室扩大left ventricular volume dilation室壁运动regional wall motion心功能cardiac function不全cardiac insufficiency收缩contraction舒张功能diastolic function环孢素Ciclosporin构效关系stuctrure-activitity relationship(SAR) 多药耐药multidrug resistance环抱菌素cyclosporine同系物homologues肌苷inosine急性缺血acute ischemia折返激动reentry震颤tremor槐果碱sophocarpine单向阻滞unidirectional block猝死sudden death交感-儿茶酚胺sympathy-catecholamine system 有效不应期effective refractory peri动作电位action potential心室易颤性ventricular vulnerability室颤阈ventricular fibrillation threshholds (VFT) 心肌细胞myocardial cell兴奋性exitability犬canine氟比洛芬flurbiprofen艾司es艾司氟比洛芬esflurbiprofen凝胶gel二甲苯xylene耳肿胀ear dwelling双氯芬酸乳胶diclofenac emulsion肉芽肿granuloma棉球肉芽肿granuloma induced by implantation of cotton pellets 热板试验hot plate test扭体实验abdominal constriction test镇痛antinociceptive effects中枢神经系统central nervous system痛阈pain threshold化学性疼痛因子chemical pain factors中枢性疼痛central pain细胞膜骨架结构skeleton structure of cell membrane黏着斑蛋白focal adhesion protein桩蛋白paxillin黏着斑激酶adhension kinase血管活性物质vasoactive substances酪氨酸磷酸化tyrosine phosphorylation 金雀异黄素genistein脑出血cerebral hemorrhage神经行为学neurobehavioral身体对称性symmetry步态gait前肢对称性forelimb强直limb stiffness屈曲flexion四肢无力myasthenia of limbs补行lame依达拉奉Edaravone缺血面积ischemic areas假手术sham operation游离血红蛋白dissociated hemoglobin 抗氧化剂antioxidant脑出血性疾病hemorrhagic disease神经功能缺损neurologic impairment UPPP Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty等离子刀radiofrequency全身麻醉general anesthesia舌根厚tongue base hypertrophy扁桃体肥大hypertrophy of tonsil软腭厚thick soft palate麻醉师anesthetist生命体征vital signs术野清晰clear field of view局部水肿local edema继发性出血secondary bleeding细胞毒性cytotoxicity扁桃体窝tonsillar fossa反跳rebound拉米芙定Lamivudine丙氨酸转氨酶alanine aminotransferase 电离辐射ionizing radiation鱼藤酮rotenone流式细胞仪flow cytometer淋巴瘤细胞Lymphoma cell胞膜窖caveolae胆固醇cholesterol鞘磷脂sphingomyelin鞘糖脂glycosphingolipid胞膜内陷结构invaginate窖蛋白caveolin细胞内吞endocytosis血管生成angiogenesis病原体pathogen肌肉退行性病变myodegenerative lesion阿尔茨海默症Alzheimer's disease糖尿病diabetes肿瘤发生carcinogenesis肿瘤转移tumor metastasis染色体chromosome结肠癌colon cancer乳腺癌breast cancer神经胶质瘤glioma纤维母细胞瘤fibroblastic tumor基因缺失gene deletion高糖基化hyperglycosylation金属蛋白酶metalloproteinase核小体nucleosome组蛋白histone雌激素通路estrogen pathway细胞骨架cytoskeleton高转移乳腺癌highly metastatic breast cancer卵巢癌ovarian cancer宫颈癌cervix cancer食管鳞癌esophageal squamous cell cancer 肝癌hepatoma胰腺癌pancreatic cancer胸腺癌thymoma前列腺癌prostate cancer骨肉癌Osteosarcoma预后prognosis胃肠癌gastrointestinal cancer食管癌esophageal carcinoma人乳头瘤病毒human papillomavirus骨髓源性bone marrow-derived树突状细胞dendritic cell嵌合型chimeric类风湿性关节炎:rheumatoid arthritis TNF阻滞剂:TNF blockers银屑病:psoriasis强直性脊椎炎:ankylosing spondylitis青少年关节炎:adolescent arthritis葡萄膜炎:uveitis血管炎:vasculitis白介素:interleukin艾司佐匹:eszopiclone慢性失眠:chronic insomnia反跳性失眠:rebound insomnia适应症:indications酶解:enzymolysis大豆油脂:soybean oil磷脂:phospholipid微滤膜:Micro-filtration membrane通量:throughput槲寄生:viscum coloratum免疫组化方法:immunohistochemical method 活检:biospy病理实验室:pathological lab进展期患者:progressive stage比格犬:beagle dog盐酸格拉司琼:granisetron hydrochloride鼻喷剂:nasal spray顺铂呕吐:cisplatin-induced vomiting给药试验:administration trial给药不配合:administration incooperation?舔唇行为:lip-licking鼻腔:nasal cavity喷嚏:sneeze甩头:head twitches仰头:erect head鼻腔粘液:nasal cavital mucus吉非替尼:gefitinib难治疗的:refractory座疮样皮疹:acne-like rash腹泻:diarrhea恶心呕吐:nausea and vomiting消化道反应:gastrointestinal reactions 对症治疗:symptomatic treatment间质性肺炎:interstitial pneumonia肺纤维化:pulmonary fibrosis齐多夫定:zidovudine内标:internal standard司他夫定:stavudine质谱图:mass spectrogram色谱图:chromatogram参比制剂:reference preparation固相萃取法:solid phase extraction液-液萃取法:liquid-liquid extraction乙醚:ethyl ether二氯甲烷:dichloromethane等效性:therapeutic equivalence临床药动学:clinical pharmacokinetics阿司匹林:aspirin缺血性血管事件:ischemic vascular events 远期预后:long-term prognosis体表面积:body surface area金黄地鼠:golden hamster白鼬:ferret豚鼠:guinea pig犬:canine灵长类:primate猴:monkey狨:marmoset鼠猴:squirrel monkey狒狒:baboon内生蛋白:endogenous protein凝血因子:coagulation factor肌湿重:muscle wet weight有髓神经纤维:myelinated nerve fibers 髓鞘:myelin sheath轴突:axon酯酶:esterase辅助用药:adjuvant米达唑仑:midazolam酯键:ester bonds恢复延迟:delayed recovery新西兰兔:ew Zealand rabbits结石:calculi黄酮:flavone端解酶:exopeptidase肾小管:kidney tubule胆汁淤积:cholestasis胆gallbladder胆固醇结石:cholesterol stone荷叶提取物:lotus extraction低分化胃腺癌:gastric adenocarcinoma原髓细胞白血病:promyelocytic leukemia 强心:cardiotonic抗血小板聚集:platelet aggregation取代级:substitution取代模式:substitution patterns容量效应:domino effect扩容效果:volume expansion effect出血并发症:subsequent hemorrhage(SH)血液流变学:hemorheology微循环:microcirculation出血性休克:hemorrhagic shock缺血再灌注损伤:ischemia-reperfusion injury 脓毒血症:sepsis视黄酸:retinoic acid叠加效应:additive effect协同效应:synergetic effect还原实验:reduction assay天冬氨酸:aspartic acid半胱氨酸:cysteine增生:hyperplasia磷酸二酯酶:phosphodiesterase腹主动脉:abdominal aorta丙泊酚:propofol假手术:sham operation动脉收缩:vasoconstrict电生理特性:electrophysiological properties自主神经反射异常:autonomic dysreflexia,AD 加深麻醉:enhance anesthesia细胞毒性的:cytotoxic停药:withdrawal药物渴求:drug craving药理学:pharmacology起效:onset腹主动脉:abdominal aorta。