
452019年18期总第458期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS浅析蓝鸽网络自主学习平台在大学英语教学中的应用——以广西民族大学为例文/余海伦【摘要】蓝鸽网络自主学习平台有着丰富的教学资源,涵盖了英语学习中的听、说、读、写、译等各方面的内容,不同难度的分布满足了不同层次学生水平的需求,同时它给教师提供了有效监管,丰富了大学英语的教学模式,改变传统的教师角色,有利于促进师生交流,提高学生学习积极性。
美国教育家杰罗姆·布鲁纳指出: “不仅要教育成绩优良的学生,而且也要帮助每个学生获得最好的智力发展。

被动 接 受 的 教 学 模 式 ” 【 1 1 , 使 学 生 由知 识 的 终 结 性 评 估 方 式 , 来 衡 量 学 生对 于 英 语 学 行 定 期 的 细 化 和 量 化 , 最 终 大 学 英 语 的考
灌输 对 象 和 被 动 接 受者 转 变 为 知识 加 工 的 主 体 和 意 义 的 主 动建 构 者 。
以方 便 学 生课 后 的 自主 学 习 和 教 师 的全 方
堂学 习相 关的 作 业 , 定 期 定 量 下发 , 可 按学
查 问卷 , 发 现 仅 有3 6 %的学 生 有 课 后 自主学 探 讨 的 方 式 是 借 助 于 “ 蓝 鸽 语 言 学 习 平 位 监控 。 其次 , 教师应借助蓝鸽平 台 , 将 课 高专 学 校 的学 生调 查 问卷 中发现 , 有5 3 %的 的 模 式 。
2 0 1 3 NO 3 4
Oh l na Ed u cat i o n I n n ova t i or 1 H er a l d
语 言 学研 究
借助 “ 蓝鸽 语 言 学 习平 台 ’ ’探 索 高职 高专 大 学 英语 自主 学 习模 式
徐婷 申平平 刘彩霞 ( 山东外 国语职业学 院 山东 日照 2 7 6 8 2 6 )
3 自主学 习模式 的探究 2 自主学 习的现状及 问题分析
2. 1 自主学 习 的现状
目前 , 对 于 高 职 高 专 大 学 英 语 的 自主 学 习 模 式 的探 究 多 是 将 课堂 教学 与 课 外 自
“ 自主 学 习 ” 教 学 的 口号 已经 提 出 几 十 主 学 习 对 立 为 两 个 部 分 , 或 将 自主 学 习模
摘 要: 针对 高职高专 学生英 语学 习过程 中所 出现 的诸 多问题 , 本文借助于“ 蓝鸽语 言 学习平 台” , 从 自主学 习的现 状和存在 的问题 等方 面, 来探 讨借 助于蓝鸽平 台, 适 应 于 高 职 高 专 学 生 大 学 英 语 自主 学 习 的模 式 。 关键 词 ; 高职高专学生 大学英语 蓝鸽平 台 自主 学习 中图分类 号 : H3 1 9 文献标 识 码 : A 文章 编号 : 1 6 7 3 — 9 7 9 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 2 ( a ) 一 0 0 8 2 - 0 1

钱 双 双
( 黑龙江 东北农业大学成栋学 院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 l 5 o 0 2 5 )
项 目成 果 : 本 文 系 东 北农 业 大 学成 栋 学 院校 级 科 研 项 目研 究成 果 英 美文 学 是英 语 专 业 学 生 的一 门重 要 的必 修 课 。 该课 程 开 设 的 目 的在 于培 养学生 阅读 、 欣 赏、 理解英美文学原著 的能力, 掌握文学批评 的基本 知 识和 方法, 并通 过对英美文学作 品的阅读 和分析,增强学生对西方文学及
文化的了解。但有一些教师仍然沿 用较 为传 统的教学模式 , 那种填 鸭式 的 言 堂 或把 文 学课 等 同于 精 读 课 或 泛 读 课 , 这 样 的 教 学 方 法 使 学 生 在 课 堂 上提 不 起 兴 趣 , 课后的阅读也不积极 , 所 以 文 学 课 的 实 际 教 学 效 果 与大 纲 的要求往往相去甚远。近两 年来 , 随着现代化教学设备 的普及 以及校 园网
的建立 , 以及多媒体课件 的应 用都多角度地增强了学生对文本 的理解和知 识点的把握, 更 多地吸 引了学 生的注意力, 激发 了其学 习兴趣 , 培 养了其学 习 的 自觉 性 。 本 文 主 要 探 讨 在 蓝 鸽 语 言 学 习 平 台 辅 助 下 的 英 美 文 学 中 的 教
学教学模式能够最大 限度地提供各种交互功能, 学习者 可以在思考 中与文 本 对 话 ,与持 相 同意 见 和 不 同意 见 的 老 师 和 同 学 对 话 , 在对 话 中 发 现 问题 , 在 交流 中解 决问题, 最终实现对作品的意义建构和丰富 自己的阅读经验 。 4 .英 语 专 业 教 师 和 管 理 员 在 每 学 期 开始 时 制 定 学 生 本 学 期 的 学 习课 程、 目标 、 方法和学 分要求 ; 建立 学生 自主学 习的电子管理档 案 ; 建立学 生 自主 学 习 的 网络 无 纸 测 评 体 系 。
整理新标准大学英语视听说Unit 2 Mixed feelings文本材料

《新标准大学英语视听说》本科课《新标准大学英语视听说》本科课程质量标准课程编号:__________________________课程名称:新标准大学英语视听说英文名称:NEW STANDARD COLLEGE ENGLISH总学时:_144_________________学分:_16学分________________________自主学习:_ 144总学时____________________适用对象:预防医学、临床医学、麻醉医学、医学影像学、医学检验、口腔医学、法医学、护理学、药学、药剂学、临床药学、卫生检疫学、社保、康复、法学、公管、医药营销、试光学。


蓝鸽网络自主学习平台(09级)计划一.网络自主学习管理小组:组长冯晓霞组员张林冬田英涛许梦卿刘微二.2010-2011年度第二学期网络自主学习平台计划内容一:听力教材部分自学平台1.教材:非试点班:《新思维》视听说第四册1-8单元further development (每单元:全文听写一篇+5个短对话+复合式听写)非实验班学生可继续做完四级交互英语,老师不作统一要求试点班:《新标准》listening in 部分,材料为长对话或篇章(待定:导入几个单元?联系出版社?)2.所占比例:10% (规定进度按时完成,计5% + 期末测试一次计5%)3.大致计划:第1周-第2周两套教材导入(冯+田+电教老师)第3周-第14周规定进度,完成练习第15周-16周(为避免漏题,计划出题2套,全部为客观题型,供学生网上完成。
2. 所占比例:10% (5% 按时完成10套+ 5% 期末测试1次,70%选自已做的10套题,30%为新出的,全部是客观题,平台直接阅卷)3.大致计划:第1周-第4周第一步:冯、许对蓝鸽题库四级题先做难度分析,选出10-12套题(其中5套真题),第二步:找老师每人试做一套,一周内给出具体反馈(题的难易度、答案信度、检测效度)第三步:确定最终选出的测试题以及部分真题,上传,制定完成进度。

以下答案已根据网上资料及个人理解做出矫正,正确率90%,欢迎同学们参考,限于本人水平有限,如有错误敬请谅解!:)【中国海洋大学蓝鸽答案大学英语3第五单元】1.I would never have ____ a court of law if I hadn't been so desperate.A) sought for B) accounted for C) turned up D) resorted to[1]. D2. In the senten ce “Hand-printed on the paper in tiny block letterswas this:…”, “block” means ________.A) capital B) vague C) building D) suspicious[2]. A3. He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he ____us that he would try as hard as possible.A) insured B) guaranteed C) assured D) assumed[3]. C4. You will not be very ____ about your food in times of great hunger.A) special B) particular C) peculiar D) specific[4]. B5. She was deeply _____by the conviction of her son for his rapingoffences.A) submitted B) committed C) distressed D) subjected[5]. C6. I carry a notebook so that I can ______ down any ideas I may have for the writing assignments.A) assume B) grant C) press D) jot[6]. D7. He is sentenced to death because he has _____ adultery and murder.He deserves it!A) recommended B) commanded C) committed D) commended[7]. C8. While admitting that forecast was ____ uncertain, the scientists warned against treating it as a cry of wolf.A) anyhow B) somewhere C) somewhat D) anyway[8]. B9. They ____ me by asking so many questions. As a result, I even didn'tknow what I had said to them.A) accused B) confused C) defused D) confuted[9]. B10. This type of building is ____to the south of the country.A) suspicious B) idiomatic C) idyllic D) peculiar[10]. B11. I’ve been _____my brains all day but I can’t remember her name.A) banging B) picking C) racking D) racing[11]. C12. Ann’s disappointed that she hasn’t ____ for the next round in thetennis competition.A) retreated B) qualified C) recited D) retracted[12]. B13. You should not dwell too much _____ your past failures.A) in B) at C) of D) on[13]. D14. It’s one thing to understand the principle; it’s ____ to put it into practice.A) other B) another C) second D) the other[14]. D15. The weather report says another hurricane is _______ to come in twodays.A) perhaps B) probable C) ready-made D) likely[15]. D16. I am feeling sick. I ____ so much chocolate.A) needn't have eaten B) shouldn't have eatenC) couldn't have eaten D) mustn't have eaten[16]. B17. He’s given several _____ to the boss that he’ll quit if he doesn’t get a promotion.A) raises B) hints C) implies D) inference[17]. B18. He is quite sure that it’s ______ impossible for him to fulfill thetask within two days.A) absolutely B) exclusively C) fully D) roughly[18]. A19. Advertisements may mislead some consumers _____ things that they don’t need.A) to buy B) of buying C) in buying D) into buying[19]. D20. When we have agreed broadly on what should be said, the secretarywill produce a preliminary ______ for the committee’s approval.A) project B) design C) draft D) drawing[20]. C21. Think ahead what you might say, so you don't get ___________.A) well-respected B) instructional C) tongue-tied D) editorial[21]. C22. In the realist viewpoint, the tendency toward self-help outweighsany ________ to selflessly improve the world.A) inclination B) suspicion C) calculation D) hesitation[22]. A23. The young man ____ himself in eating and drinking, and soon foundthat he was bankrupt.A) renewed B) addicted C) refreshed D) indulged[23]. D24. It turned out that he bought the book ________ at that bookstore on Elm Street.A) utility B) utilization C) freshman D) second-hand[24]. D25. Harold claimed that he was a serious and well-known artist, but infact he was a(n) _____ .A) alien B) client C) counterpart D) fraud[25]. D26.He gave me a great book--- A Guide to English Grammar and ______.A) Dwarf B) Usage C) Draft D) Raft[26]. B27. Neither of my children showed the slightest ____ to follow me into journalism.A) intuition B) inclination C) instinct D) interest[27]. B28. After China’s entry into WTO, many Chinese ____ English in their 40s or older.A) picked up B) picked out C) picked at D) picked on[28]. A29. We'll meet again in the morning and we can start from where we_____ .A) left on B) left off C) left for D) left up[29]. B30. The idea of working abroad really ____to me.A) attracts B) approves C) appeals D) appreciates[30]. C31. I could see at the meeting that the director was determined to ______ the truth.A) get off B) get on C) get out D) get at[31]. C32. American women were _____ the right to vote until 1920 after manyyears of hard struggle.A) ignored B) discriminated C) neglected D)denied[32]. D33. In the foggy season in Qingdao, if clothes are not cleaned and driedproperly, they may _____!A) stink B) terrible C) sting D) taste[33]. A34. Kopi Luwak, also called civet coffee in English, is considered _____coffee by many connoisseurs.A) beauty B) gourmet C) ready-made D) independent[34]. C35. Crime does not necessarily ______ poverty; criminals with wealth arenot uncommon.A) go along B) go about C) go at D) go with[35]. D36. 'Going to the party on Saturday?'' _____!'A)I bet B) You bet C) We bet D) I get[36]. B37. The exhibition ______ paintings by Picasso.A)focuses B) frowns C) characterizes D)features[37]. D38. A healthy life is frequently thought to be ________ the opencountryside and homegrown food.A) tongue-tied B) bound to C) involved in D) associatedwith[38]. D39. There must be a party ____ next door. It's too noisy for me to go over my lessons.A)going with B) getting at C) going into D) going on[39]. D40. He likes to be ______ 'Doctor Khee' although he is neither a medicaldoctor nor a doctor in other fields.A) regarded B) referred to as C) condensed as D) be considerate[40]. B41. _____ that this has been a difficult year for the company.A) It is no possibility B) It is small wonderC) There is no denying D) There is no chance[41]. C42. After making the joke, the teacher said to the students: “pleasedon’t take what I said ________.”A) to a ride B) seriously C) around D) to the extreme[42]. B43. Before the final exam, Frank _____over mathematics.A) traced down B) broke his back C) sit back D) tracked down[43]. B44. I looked at the map to _____ my memory of the route.A) release B) remain C) refresh D) flesh[44]. C45. Rising prison population and overcrowding _____ a real crisis.A) associate with B) add up to C) relate to D) assume with[45]. B46. A ______man believes he’s always right about everything.A)conceited B) conceived C) deceptive D)complicated[46]. A47.The doctors were ____ by his symptoms and had to call in a specialistin neurology.A) stamped B) stirred C) stumped D) dumped[47]. C48. The sun is a(n) ______ powerful source of energy.A) frequently B) unexpectedly C) constantly D) extraordinarily[48]. D49. Marilyn is very upset that her boyfriend forgot her birthday, butshe will ____ it soon.A) acquire B) get over C) peek at D) burst into[49]. B50. After the nasty fights over the custody of baby John, the couplerealized how much they loved their child and decided to start ______ again, not to divorce.A) go over B) get over C) roll over D) all over[50]. D。

海大2021大英2蓝鸽全部附答案+大英2课后翻译题答案UNIT 7B2U71. Finding a job in such a big company has always been _____ his wildest dreams. A)under B)over C)above D)beyond 【参考答案】:D2. It is not easy to learn English well, but if you _____, you willsucceed in the end. A)hang up B)hang about C)hang in there D)hangover 【参考答案】:C3. Last year the advertising rate ______ by 20 percent. A)raisedB)aroused C)arose D)rose 【参考答案】:D4. The manager lost his ______ just because his secretary was ten minutes late. A)mood B)temper C)mind D)passion 【参考答案】:B5. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you ______ thenew carpet. A)crash B)pollut e C)spot D)stain √ [5]. 【参考答案】:D6. Some old people don't like pop songs because they can't ____ so much noise. A)resist B)sustain C)tolerate D)undergo √ [6]. 【参考答案】:C7. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to,_____ the color of his skin. A) with the exception of B) in the lightof C) by virtue of D) regardless of√ [7]. 【参考答案】:D8. I hate people who __________ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before. A) reveal B) rewrite C) revise D) reverse√ [8]. 【参考答案】:A9. He’s watching TV? He’s ________ to be cleaning his room.A) known B) supposed C) regarded D) considered √ [9]. 【参考答案】:B10. The soldier was ___________ of running away when the enemy attacked.A) scolded B) charged C) accused D) punished × [10]. 【参考答案】:C11. John seems a nice person. ____________, I don’t trust him.A) Even though B) Even so C) Therefore D) Though √ [11]. 【参考答案】:B12. The last half of the nineteenth century _________ the steadyimprovement in the means of travel.A) has observed B) observed C) witnessed D) haswitnessed √ [12]. 【参考答案】:C13. Her time is fully ________ by writing.A) taken away B) taken up C) taken on D) taken over √ [13]. 【参考答案】:B14. Christmas is _________, so people are busy purchasing gifts for family and friends. A) around the corner B) at the corner C) inthe corner D) on the corner √ [14]. 【参考答案】:A15. All things _________, the planned trip will have to be called off.A) considered B) be considered C) considering D) having considered√ [15]. 【参考答案】:A16. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _______ it helps us to findand correct our mistakes.A) by that B) at that C) on that D) in that √[16]. 【参考答案】:D17. However, at times this balance in nature is ___________, resulting ina number of possibly unforeseen effects.A) troubled B) disturbed C) confused D) puzzled √[17]. 【参考答案】:B18. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no _________ tothe health service. A) assessment B) assignment C) exception D) access √ [18]. 【参考答案】:D19. Professor Taylor’s talk has indicated that scienc e has a very strong________ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.A) motivation B) perspective C) impression D) impact √ [19]. 【参考答案】:D20. Generous public funding of basic science would _________ considerablebenefits for the country’s health, wealth and security.A) lead to B) result from C) lie in D) settle down√ [20]. 【参考答案】:A21. In GNP and GDP, G stands for ______.A) gross B) grand C) great D) greedy √ [21].【参考答案】:A22. A nurse has many duties to ______ in caring for the sick.A) achieve B) complete C) fulfill D) finish √[22].【参考答案】:C23. It ______ that this method didn’t work v ery well.A) turned around B) turned out C) turned on D)turned up √ [23]. 【参考答案】:B24. Hardships sometimes may ______ the best in some people.A) turn out B) bring out C) go out D) run out√ [24]. 【参考答案】:B25. The students complained about the ______ rules and regulations at the school. A) tense B) tight C) rigid D) intensive √ [25]. 【参考答案】:C26. These young men are not only the pride of the school but also the_____of the state in the timecoming.A) pillar B) pole C) pile D) pet √ [26]. 【参考答案】:A27. For his health, he undoubtedly needed a _______ in his heart as soonas possible.A) surgeon B) surgery C) surface D) supplement √ [27]. 【参考答案】:B28. Peter, ever the_______, said things were bound to improve.A) introvert B) pessimist C) optimist D) extrovert × [28]. 【参考答案】:C29. He was late ______ the heavy snow.A) as a result of B) in the course of C) on the ground of D) with regard to √ [29]. 【参考答案】:A30. The little girl ______ her mother’s hand tightly while t hey crossed the street. A) got to B) held onto C) led to D) saw to√ [30].【参考答案】:B31. The fundamental ___ which govern all physical processes are alsorelated to many everydayoccurrences.A) rules B) regulations C) principles D) principals × [31]. 【参考答案】:C32. Economic ______ in the country must begin with the recovering of agricultural production. A) construct B) reconstruct C) construction D) reconstruction √ [32]. 【参考答案】:D33. She was shocked by the ______ words he used.A) solid B) gross C) complete D) profound √[33]. 【参考答案】:B34. Some people are quick-tempered ______.A) in natur e B) in heart C) by nature D) by heart √[34]. 【参考答案】:C感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
蓝鸽语言UNIT2 II答案

阅读理解Directions:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Read the passages carefully and decide on the best choice.[题数:10;分数:20分;参考时间:20分0秒]Passage 1A strong resume and cover letter combination is youronly chance to land an interview. The average hiringmanager will review over 1 000 resumes to fill a singleposition listed on popular job sites like Monster or inthe classified sections of major newspapers. Faced withthis daunting (使人畏缩的) task, the hiring managerlooks for reasons not to interview you and may even usea computerized resume tracking system to screen out 90%of the resumes. A Resume Edge resume can ... · Enhanceyour lifetime earning potential. We have helped clientsadd $40 000 to their annual income and over $1 millionto their lifetime earning potential. Undermarketingyourself can be the biggest mistake you evermake. · Dramatically increase your resume success rate and secure you more interviews than you ever thought possible. We will make your resume stand out from the six-inch stack of homemade resumes on a busy hiring manager's desk. · Shorten your time spent searching for a job. According to the US Dept. of Labor, the average job search time is longer than three months. The time saved searching for a job translates into tens of √ 1. Whatquestion is thefirst paragraphintended toanswer?____[A] How doesthe interviewerscreen out theresumes?[B] Why is aresume andcover letterimportant?[C] How many resumes will the hiring manager review in order to find one person appropriate forthousands of dollars in salary for many of our unemployed clients. · Eliminate the screen -out factors that relegate (丢弃) many resumes to the trash. Do you have a typo (印刷错误)? Do you use the word "I"? Do you sound like a boss's nightmare? You would be surprised how many screen-out factors the average resume contains. · Ensure you rank highly in a computerized resume tracking system like Resumix or Monster. Currently, half of all mid-sized and almost all largecompanies scan resumes into a computerized trackingsystem, which is searched for keywords by hiringmanagers. · Put you in control of your interview bysteering your interviewer away from potentialweaknesses. Interviewers love to focus on resumeliabilities (不利条件,缺点) like extended time off,frequent job changing, etc. We write your resume to minimize potential liabilities and showcase (陈列) your strengths.the position? [D] How do the bosses employ a worker? 【参考答案】:B 【干扰项】:C (有12.00%的学生选择了该选项)× 2. AResumeEdgeresume isprobably a____.[A] school[B] city [C] website [D] non-profit organization 【参考答案】:C 【干扰项】:A (有84.00%的学生选择了该选项)× 3. Which ofthe following is not thescreen-out factor?____ [A] Use the word "I".[B] Have a typing mistake.[C] Sound like a boss's nightmare.[D] Avoid mentioning shortcomings in the resume.【参考答案】:D 【干扰项】:A(有84.00%的学生选择了该选项)×4. How does a computerized tracking system work for the hiring manager?____ [A] Resumes are scannedinto the system and then thehiring manager will search for the key words.[B] A computerized tracking system can locate the best resume as soon as possible.[C] A computerized tracking system can remove unqualified resumes as soon as possible [D] A computerized tracking system can find out which resume is best written.【参考答案】:A 【干扰项】:B(有88.00%的学生选择了该选项)× 5. What isthe passagemainlyabout?____[A] Theimportance ofresumes andcover letters.[B] What AResumeEdgeresume can dofor you.[C] How to putyourself incontrol of theinterview.[D] How toavoid yourshortcomings.【参考答案】:B【干扰项】:A(有95.00%的学生选择了该选项)Passage 2Patricia Cook wanted a raise early in her career at a Massachusetts think tank. "My boss didn't want to give me a raise, but I pushed the issue," she recalled. Cook broke the cardinal rule(基本准则) of dealing with your boss: Don't starta fight you can't win. Does this mean you shouldavoid all conflicts with superiors? Absolutelynot. Your effectiveness in disagreeing with yourboss can be critical to your career. Who hasn'thad a battle with his boss at one time or another?Avoiding disagreements can be helpful in the shortterm, but not over the years. The employee losessleep and self-image, and the employer is deprivedof information that might help him do his own jobbetter. Here are the rules to remember when it'stime to lock horns with the boss. Watch yourtiming. Before a confrontation, check with theboss's secretary to determine his mood. If he atenails for breakfast, it's not a good idea to ask him for something. Don't go in angry. If you are mad, that will only make your boss mad. Calm down first. Clarify the issues. Terrible disputes can result when neither the employer nor his subordinate knows what is on the other's mind. Sometimes the fight will go away when the issues are made clear. Propose solutions. Your boss has enough on his mind without your adding more. If you can't propose an immediate solution, at least suggest how to approach the problem. Put yourself × 6. What is the best title for this passage?____[A] How to arguewith your boss[B] What to avoidwhen arguing withyour boss[C] How tocommunicate with yourboss[D] How to raiseyour salary【参考答案】:A【干扰项】:D (有84.00%的学生选择了该选项)√ 7. What is not the rule when you lock horns with your boss?____[A] Don't initiate an argument you can't win.[B] Put yourself in the boss's shoes. [C] Propose solutions.in the boss's shoes. To deal effectively with a boss, it's important to consider his goals and pressures. If you can put yourself in the position of being a partner to the boss, then he will be naturally more inclined to work with you to achieve your goals.[D] Clarify the issues. 【参考答案】:A 【干扰项】:C (有7.00%的学生选择了该选项)× 8. What does thewriter imply by saying: "Your effectiveness in disagreeing with your boss can be critical to your career."?____ [A] Your disagreement with your boss can ruin your career. [B] Your disagreement with your boss can be important to your career if you do it effectively. [C] Your working efficiency is very important to your career.[D] Whether you cansucceed or not depends on how you disagree with your boss.【参考答案】:B【干扰项】:D(有81.00%的学生选择了该选项)√ 9. What are the disadvantages of avoiding disagreements?____ [A] The employee loses sleep andself-image.[B] The employer is deprived of information that might help him do his own job better.[C] You don't have chance to show off. [D] Both A and B.【参考答案】:D【干扰项】:A(有2.00%的学生选择了该选项)√ 10. "Put yourselfin the boss's shoes."means ____.[A] consider theboss's goals andpressures[B] try to be theboss's friend[C] show pity toyour boss[D] give yourselfthe chance to getfamiliar with yourboss【参考答案】:A【干扰项】:D(有2.00%的学生选择了该选项)选词填空Directions:Fillin the blanks withthe words givenbelow. Change theform wherenecessary. [题数:10;分数:5分;参考时间:10分0秒]Passage 1annual version financial entry refugeepublication detailed full-time click spot1. I'm absolutely sure that this dress is a cheaper [11] 【√参考答案:version】 of the one we saw in that department store.2. The bookshelves were crowded with books and scientific [12] 【×参考答案:publications】.3. If you want to open a file, [13] 【√参考答案:click】 twice on the icon (图标) for it.4. To their disappointment, the thieves were [14] 【√参考答案:spotted】 by the police at the moment they were entering the bank.5. During World War Ⅱ, many [15] 【√参考答案:refugees】 fled to the United States.6. They've updated (更新) a lot of [16] 【√参考答案:entries】in the most recent edition of the dictionary.7. Despite [17] 【√参考答案:financial】 difficulties, they did not find the life in London unpleasant.8. After a lot of part-time jobs, John finally got a [18] 【√参考答案:full-time】 position.9. In your report, you should give a [19] 【×参考答案:detailed】description of the whole incident.10. Companies publish [20] 【√参考答案:annual】 reports to inform the public about the previous year's activities.Directions:Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions chosen from the passage. Change the form where necessary. [题数:6;分数:3分;参考时间:6分0秒]Passage 2At the age of 29, he [21] 【√参考答案:set up】 a commercial property business. While she was tidying up the living room, she [22] 【√参考答案:came across】 her old photograph album.My doctor [23] 【√参考答案:referred】 me [24] 【√参考答案:to】 a specialist in heart disease.He hired private investigators to [25] 【√参考答案:check out】his future business partner.She only [26] 【√参考答案:learnt of/learned of 】 her son's marriage long after the event.Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. [题数:10;分数:5分;参考时间:10分0秒]Passage 3discipline distinguished cover sour matureinvest balance concept stress discount1. He [27] 【√参考答案:stressed】 that their laboratory's safety standards were the best in the country.2. Dr. Wright was given the prize for his [28] 【√参考答案:distinguished】 achievements in the chemical field.3. Your bank manager will advise you how to [29] 【√参考答案:invest】 your money.4. He [30] 【√参考答案:matured】 a lot while he was at college.5. The selling price barely [31] 【√参考答案:covered】 the cost of the raw materials (原材料).6. Her whole attitude to life [32] 【√参考答案:soured】 as a result of the awful experience.7. The [33] 【×参考答案:concept】 that everyone should have an equal opportunity was deeply rooted in their minds.8. We have to [34] 【√参考答案:balance】 the benefits against the costs of medical insurance.9. The shop assistant said they could give me a big [35] 【√参考答案:discount】 if I bought three at once.10. The children are happy at the school, but they lack [36] 【√参考答案:discipline】.Directions:Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary. [题数:5;分数:2.5分;参考时间:5分0秒]Passage 4.At first Mr. Smith thought his investment in information technology was a waste of money, but finally it [37] 【√参考答案:paid off】. .Being out of work and having two young children, the couple found it impossible to [38] 【√参考答案:make ends meet】..She left me without any explanation. [39] 【√参考答案:To this day】 I still don't know why she did it..She bent down and [40] 【√参考答案:picked up】 a leaf from the ground, and then pressed it between the pages of the book..The party was a great success, [41] 【√参考答案:thanks to】 the fine weather and a lot of hard work.语法填空Directions:Complete the sentences with theappropriate verb form. Example: If theweather is warm, I will go swimming. If theweather were warm, I would go swimming. If theweather had been warm, I would have goneswimming. [题数:10;分数:5分;参考时间:5分0秒]1. (1) If I have time, I will write some letters. If I had time, I [42] 【√参考答案:would write】 some letters.If I had had time, I [43] 【×参考答案:would have written】 some letters.(2) If he makes an appointment, he can see the director.If he made an appointment, he [44] 【√参考答案:could see】 the director.If he had made an appointment, he [45] 【×参考答案:could have seen】 the director.(3) If I slip on the ice, I may break my leg.If I slipped on the ice, I [46] 【×参考答案:might break】 my leg.If I had slipped on the ice, I [47] 【×参考答案:might have broken】 my leg.(4) I will lock the door if you give me a key.I would lock the door if you [48] 【×参考答案:gave】 me a key.I would have locked the door if you [49] 【√参考答案:had given】me a key.(5) We can go on a picnic if the weather is nice.We could go on a picnic if the weather [50] 【√参考答案:were】nice.We could have gone on a picnic if the weather [51] 【×参考答案:had been】 nice.句型转换Directions:Read each pair of sentences. Then express a contrary situation using a) a sentence with an if clause and b) a sentence with had. Follow the examples. [题数:5;分数:5分;参考时间:0分50秒]Section1Example: I didn't know you were there. I didn't telephone.A If I had known you were there, I would have telephoned.B Had I known you were there, I would have telephoned.52. I didn't hear you. I didn't answer.【参考答案】:A If I had heard you, I would have answered.B Had I heard you, I would have answered.【学生得分】:0.9查看得分明细查看评语批注53. It was cold. I didn't open the window.【参考答案】:A If it hadn't been cold, I would have opened the window.B Had it not been cold, I would have opened the window.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注54. We weren't late. We didn't hurry.【参考答案】:A If we had been late, we would have hurried.B Had we been late, we would have hurried.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注55. You didn't use a typewriter. They couldn't read your letters.【参考答案】:A If you had used a typewriter, they could have read your letters.B Had you used a typewriter, they could have read your letters.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注56. The car stopped. It didn't hit me.【参考答案】:A If the car hadn't stopped, it would have hit me.b Had the car not stopped, it would have hit me.【学生得分】:0.9查看得分明细查看评语批注Directions:Rewrite the conditional clauses in the following sentences. Follow the examples. [题数:5;分数:5分;参考时间:0分50秒]Section2Examples: If she was in charge, she would do things differently.Were she in charge, she would do things differently.If you changed your mind, no one would blame you.Should you change your mind, no one would blame you.57. If she was interested, I would telephone her.【参考答案】:Were she interested, I would telephone her.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注58. If John was here, we would soon learn the truth.【参考答案】:Were John here, we would soon learn the truth.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注59. They would be here with us if they had the time.【参考答案】:They would be here with us should they have the time.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注60. If I saw you, I would invite you home.【参考答案】:Should I see you, I would invite you home.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注61. If she tried harder next time, she would pass the examination. 【参考答案】:Should she try harder next time, she would pass the examination.【学生得分】:0.9查看得分明细查看评语批注Directions:The following sentences tell something real. Change them to indicate something unreal. [题数:5;分数:5分;参考时间:0分50秒]Section3Examples: Some television programs feature criminals. They will result in increased violence in society.If television programs did not feature criminals, they would not result in increased violence in society.62. We allowed the oil company to build this paper mill. Therefore, we have water pollution now.【参考答案】:If we had not allowed the oil company to build this paper mill, we would not have water pollution now.【学生得分】:0.9查看得分明细查看评语批注63. We pay taxes. Our schools are not closed.【参考答案】:If we did not pay taxes, our schools would be closed.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注64. The government did not deal with the crisis properly. Inflation continued to stay at high levels.【参考答案】:If the government had dealt with the crisis properly, inflation would not have stayed at high levels.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注65. This university does not have enough student housing. It does not attract more international students.【参考答案】:If this university had enough student housing, it would attract more international students.【学生得分】:0.9查看得分明细查看评语批注66. We did not stop the construction of this dam. We destroyed miles of natural wilderness along the river.【参考答案】:If we had stopped the construction of this dam, we would not have destroyed miles of natural wilderness along the river.【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注词形变换Directions:Complete the sentenceswith the words in the brackets. Changethe form of the words if necessary.[题数:10;分数:9.5分;参考时间:5分0秒]1. Academic ability is not the sole [67] 【×参考答案:criterion】for admission to the college. (criteria)2. Such techniques are not [68] 【×参考答案:available】 to middle-class families with modest savings, or to small business owners holding long-term capital gains. (avail)3. A Certificate of Deposit remains one of the safest [69] 【×参考答案:investments】. (invest)4. I was too emotionally [70] 【×参考答案:immature】 to ask myself what my own expectations might be. (mature)5. He developed computer software to handle complicated [71] 【×参考答案:financial】 transactions. (finance)6. If they do, juries should be told of the circumstances in order to assess the [72] 【×参考答案:credibility】 of a witness. (incredible)7. [73] 【×参考答案:Residents】 of Glacier Bay are complaining about the pollution caused by cruise ships. (reside)8. [74] 【×参考答案:Undoubtedly】, public interest in folk music has declined. (doubt)9. In 1999 it was revealed that he was close to [75] 【×参考答案:bankruptcy】. (bankrupt)10. Your teacher can give you [76] 【√参考答案:guidance】 on choosinga career and writing a job application. (guide)单句翻译(汉译英)Directions:Translate the followingsentences into English.[题数:5;分数:10分;参考时间:10分0秒]77. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。

Test 4Part One Vocabulary1.A mass of love was between us, and neither Ulick nor I knew【参考答案】:AA. whatB. howC. whichD. when2. I am a seasoned and honorable English teacher with a ________ way to train both fellow teachers and office【参考答案】:AA. uniqueB. uniformC. universalD. usual3.The auto plant now has an annual ________ of 12,000 cars.【参考答案】:BA. capabilityB. capacityC.competence D. volume4.Scientific instruments have to be made with great ________.【参考答案】:CA. delicacyB. elaborationC. precisionD. accuracy5.The process of moving involves a real estate agent for【参考答案】:BA. advocatingB. advertisingC. promotingD. claiming6. On no account should we ________ our fine traditions and【参考答案】:CA. dissuadeB. dismissC. discardD. discharge7. Your ________ on the spot will be an inspiration to all. [7].【参考答案】:AA. presenceB. absenceC. attendanceD. incidence8. Finding himself under fire from all quarters, he had no________ but to abandon his scheme for the time being. [8].【参考答案】:BA. securityB. alternativeC.strategy D. shelter9. It is a pity that he doesn’t have enough money to ________【参考答案】:CA. foldB. presideC. sponsorD. auction10. A ________ approach to the problem is to minimize the number【参考答案】:AA. soundB. profoundC. drasticD. radical11. If we do not know the facts, we are in no ________ to handle【参考答案】:CA. abilityB. moodC. positionD. situation12. During the 1960s, scientists were optimistic that malariacould be ________ out, and in fact, great progress was made.【参考答案】:BA. putB. wipedC. pulledD. eliminated【参考答案】:BA. all in allB. above allC. all butD. after all14. Property on which money has been lent is ________ when the【参考答案】:DA. regainedB. recycledC. reclaimedD. redeemed15. For one reason or another their holiday in France didn't ________ up to expectations. [15].【参考答案】:BA. faceB. comeC. goD. holdPart Two Reading CompreshionDirections: In this section, you are going to read apassage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the corresponding letter to the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.The Peak Time For EverythingA)Could you pack more into each day if you did everything at the optimal time? A growing body of research suggests that paying attention to the body clock, and its effects on energy and alertness, can help pinpoint the different times of day when most of us perform our best at specific ta sks, from resolving conflicts to thinking creatively.1. Keep pace with natural rhythms.B) Most people organize their time around everything but the body's natural rhythms. Workday demands, commuting, social events and kids' schedules frequently dominate -- inevitably clashing with the body's circadian(生理节奏的) rhythms of waking and sleeping.C)Disruption of circadian rhythms has been linked to such problems as diabetes, depression, dementia(痴呆)and obesity, says Steve Kay, a professor of molecular and computational biology at the University of Southern California. When the body's master clock can synchronize functioning of all its metabolic(新陈代谢的), cardiovascular and behavioral rhythms in response to light and other natural stimuli, it 'gives us an edge in daily life,' Dr. Kay says.D)When it comes to doing cognitive work, for example, most adults perform best in the late morning, says Dr. Kay. As body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morning and continues to increase through midday, working memory, alertness and concentration gradually improve. Taking a warm morning shower can jump-start the process. E)The ability to focus and concentrate typically starts toslide soon thereafter. Most people are more easily distracted from noon to 4 p.m., according to recent research led by Robert Matchock, an associate professor of psychology at Pennsylvania State University. Alertness tends to slump after eating a meal, Dr. Matchock found. Sleepiness also tends to peak around 2 p.m., making that a good time for a nap, says Martin Moore-Ede, chairman and chief executive of Circadian,a Stoneham, Mass., training and consulting firm.2. Make good use of fatigue.F) Surprisingly, fatigue may boost creative powers. For most adults, problems that require open-ended thinking are often best tackled in the evening when they are tired, according to a 2011 study in the journal Thinking & Reasoning. When 428 students were asked to solve a series of two types of problems, requiring either analytical or novel thinking, their performance on the second type was best at non-peak times of day when they were tired, according to the study led by Mareike Wieth, an assistant professor of psychological sciences at Albion College in Michigan. (Their performance on analytical problems didn't change over the course of the day.) Fatigue, Dr. Wieth says, may allow the mind to wander more freely to explore alternative solutions.G) Of course, everyone's body clock isn't the same, making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans. A significant minority of people operate on either of two distinctive chronotypes, research shows: Morningpeople tend to wake up and go to sleep earlier and to be most productive early in the day. Evening people ten d to wake up later, start more slowly and peak in the evening.3. Attach great importance to communication online.H) Communicating with friends and colleagues online has its own optimal cycles, research shows. Sending emails early in the day helps beat the inbox rush; 6 a.m. messages are most likely to be read, says Dan Zarrella, social-media scientist for HubSpot, a Cambridge, Mass.I) Reading Twitter at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. can start your day ona cheery note. That's when users are most likely to tw eet upbeat, enthusiastic messages, and least likely to senddownbeat tweets steeped in fear, distress, anger or guilt, according to a study of 509 million tweets sent over two years by 2.4 million Twitter users, published last year in Science. One likely factor? 'Sleep is refreshing' and leaves people alert and enthusiastic, says Michael Walton Macy, a sociology professor at Cornell University and co-author of the study. The cheeriness peaks about 1-1/2 hours later on weekends -- perhaps because people are sleeping in, Dr. Macy says.J) Other social networking is better done later in the day. If you want your tweets to be re-tweeted, post them between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., when many people lack energy to share their own tweets and turn to relaying other s' instead, Mr. Zarrella says. And posts to Facebook at about 8 p.m. tend to get the most 'likes,' after people get home from work or finish dinner. At that time of day, they're likely to turn to Facebook feeling less stressed. 'You have less stuff to do a nd more time to give,' says Mr. Zarrella.K) Late-night drama can be found on Twitter, where emotions heat up just before bedtime, between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., says Scott Andrew Golder, a Ph.D. candidate at Cornell University and co-author of the Twitter study. At that time, people tended to send more emotion-laden tweets, both positive and negative. Tired out by the workday, but also freed from its stresses and demands, people become 'more alert and engaged, but also more agitated,' Dr. Macy says.4. Choose the right exercise time.L) When choosing a time of day to exercise, paying attention to your body clock can also improve results. Physical performance is usually best, and the risk of injury least, from about 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., says Michael Smol ensky, an adjunct professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Texas, Austin, and lead author with Lynne Lamberg of 'The Body Clock Guide to Better Health.'M) Muscle strength tends to peak between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. at levels as much as 6% ab ove the day's lows, improving your ability to grip a club or racquet. Another boost for physical strength comes from the lungs, which function17.6% more efficiently at 5 p.m. than at midday, according toa study of 4,756 patients led by Boris Medarov, an assistant professor of medicine at Albany Medical College in New York. N) Eye-hand coordination is best in late afternoon, making that a good time for racquetball or Frisbee. And joints and muscles are as much as 20% more flexible in the evenin g, lowering the risk of injury, Dr. Smolensky says. These body rhythms hold true regardless of how much you've slept or how recently you've eaten.1. Due to different body clocks, people may feel it difficult tolans. [16].【参考答案】:Gphysical rhythms. [17].【参考答案】:Bafternoon. [18].【参考答案】:Etiredness may help people think more freely. [19].【参考答案】:Fimprove their performance at work. [20].【参考答案】:D6. The benefit of sending e-mails early in the morning is thatpeople tend to read these messages. [21]. 【参考答案】:Hep and diet. [22].【参考答案】:Nstress will be more likely to get “likes”. [23].【参考答案】:Js later than that on weekdays. [24].【参考答案】:Isuffer least injury. [25].【参考答案】:L阅读理解Directions:Choose the best answer for each of the questions or unfinished statements after the reading passages. [题数:10;分数:30分;参考时间:20分0秒]Passage 1The fridge is considered anecessity. It has been so since the1960s when packaged food firstappeared with the label: "store inthe refrigerator".26. The statement "In myfridgeless Fifties childhood, I wasfed well and healthily." suggeststhat ____.In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily. The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surplus (剩余) bread and mild became all kinds of cakes. Nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on, food deliveries have ceased, fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country.The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. A vast way of well-tried techniques already existed - natural cooling, drying, smoking, sugaring, bottling ...What refrigeration did promote was marketing - marketing hardware and electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the globe in search of a good price. Consequently, most of the world's fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the wealthy countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. Every winter, millions of fridges hum away continuously, and at vast expense, busily maintaining anartificially-cooled space inside an artificially-heated house - while outside, nature provides the desired temperature free of charge. The fridge's effect upon the environment has been evident, while[A] the author was well-fedand healthy even without a fridge in his fifties[B] the author was notaccustomed to using fridges even in his fifties[C] there was no fridge in the author's home in the 1950s[D] the fridge was in its early stage of development in the 1950s 【参考答案】:C27. Why does the author say that nothing was wasted before the invention of fridges?____[A] People would not buy more food than was necessary.[B] Food was delivered to people two or three times a week.[C] Food was sold fresh and did not get rotten easily.[D] People had effective ways to preserve their food.【参考答案】:D28. Who benefited the least from fridges according to theauthor?____its contribution to human happiness has been insignificant. If you don't believe me, try it yourself, invest in a food cabinet and turn off your fridge next winter. You may miss the hamburgers, but at least you'll get rid of terrible hum.[A] Inventors.[B] Consumers.[C] Manufactures.[D] Traveling salesmen.【参考答案】:B29. Which of the following phrases in the fifth paragraph indicates the fridge's negative effect on the environment?____[A] "Hum away continuously".[B] "Climatically almost unnecessary".[C] "Artificially-cooled space".[D] "With mild temperatures". 【参考答案】:A30. What is the author's overall attitude toward fridges?____[A] Neutral.[B] Critical.[C] Objective.[D] Compromising.【参考答案】:BPassage 2Status is a marvelous human invention that enables us to get along with one another and to determine where we "fit" in society. As we go about our everyday lives, we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their status. For example, we must judge whether the person in the library is a reader or a librarian, whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman, whether the unfamiliar person on our property is a thief or a meter reader, and so on.The status we assume often varies with the people we encounter, and changes throughout life. Most of us can. at very high speed, assume the status with various requirements. Much of social interaction consists of identifying and selecting among appropriate status and allowing other people to assume their status in relation to us. This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. Although some of us find the task more difficult than others, most of us perform it rather effortlessly.Status has been compared to ready-made clothes. Within certain limits, the buyer can choose style 31. In the first paragraph, the writer tells us that status can help us ____.[A] determine whether a person is fit for a certain job[B] behave appropriately in relation to other people[C] protect ourselves in unfamiliar situation[D] make friends with other people【参考答案】:B32. According to the writer, people often assume different status ____.[A] in order to identify themselves with others[B] in order to better identify others[C] as their mental processes change[D] as the situation changesand fabric. But an American is not free to choose the costume (服装) of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince. We must choose from among the clothing presented by our society. Furthermore, our choice is limited to a size that will fit, as well as by our pocketbook (钱包). Having made a choice within these limits we can have certain alterations made. but apart from minor adjustments, we tend to be limited to what the stores have on their racks. Status too comes ready made. and the range of choice is limited. 【参考答案】:D33. The word "appraisal" most probably means "____".[A] involvement[B] appreciation[C] assessment[D] presentation【参考答案】:C34. In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the pronoun "it" refers to "____".[A] fitting our actions to those of other people appropriately[B] identification of other people's statuses[C] selecting one's own statuses[D] constant mental process 【参考答案】:A35. By saying that "an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince", the writer means ____.[A] different people havedifferent styles of clothes[B] ready-made clothes mayneed alterations[C] status come ready madejust like alterations[D] our choice of status islimited【参考答案】:D听短文Directions:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line through the center. [题数:7;分数:21分;参考时间:10分34秒]Section136.[A] For protection against other animals.[B] For protection against other dogs.[C] Just for fun.[D] For the purpose of guarding the house.【参考答案】:A37.[A] Because they did not eat other animals.[B] Because they were useful for protection.[C] Because they were good hunters.[D] Because they always obeyed their masters. 【参考答案】:D38.[A] For companionship.[B] For amusement.[C] For protection against robbery.[D] For hunting.【参考答案】:A39.[A] The city can be a lonely place.[B] Line in the West can be very dangerous.[C] People in the West are fond of animals.[D] The dog is a useful and friendly animal. 【参考答案】:DSection240.[A] They turn to newspapers or magazines.[B] They write to their family members.[C] They ask friends for help.[D] They find the answers in books.【参考答案】:A41.[A] Editors.[B] Specialists.[C] Readers.[D] Friends.【参考答案】:C42.[A] Special training.[B] Experience.[C] Business sense.[D] Carefulness.【参考答案】:B。

中国海洋大学一年级第二学期蓝鸽英语及答案UnitB2U11.The behavior of men as individuals is _________ from theirbehavior in a group.A) explicit B) separable C) distinct D) definite【参考答案】:C2. They are trying to ______ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.A) expose B) exhaust C) exhibit D) exploit【参考答案】:D3. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it_______ when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society.A) compacted B) restricted C) dispersed D) delayed【参考答案】:B4. ___________ our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit next year.A) On the basis of B) Owing to C) With regard to D) Concerning【参考答案】:A5. The university departments have been ________ $600 000 todevelop good practice in teaching and learning.A) promoted B) included C) secured D) awarded【参考答案】:D6. I know a(n) _______ young lady who would be an excellentcooperator for you.A) probable B) sustainable C) feasible D) eligible7. They _______ themselves with guns for safety and set off for theforest.A) installed B) equipped C) decorated D) sheltered【参考答案】:B8. There a canal was being built to ________ commerce betweenthese two cities.A) facilitate B) transmit C) accommodate D) achieve 【参考答案】:A9. We must urge that delegates be _________ from the variousfactories in a district.A) selected B) collected C) elected D) reflected【参考答案】:C10. The ______ strike gave an enormous impetus to the whole Americanlabor movement.A) historic B) historical C) mysterious D) legendary【参考答案】:A11. The _______ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap betweenresearch and teaching, particularly the gap between researchers and teachers.A) joint B) intensive C) overall D) decisive【参考答案】:C12. The police car raced through the streets ______ the criminal.A) in search to B) in pursuit of C) in view of D) in lightof13. The more a nation’s companies _______ factories abroad, thesmaller that country’s recorded exports will be.A) lie B) spot C) stand D) locate 【参考答案】:D14. They worked under_________ conditions and the closestsupervision.A) strict B) rigorous C) righteous D) severe【参考答案】:B15. If you don’t_________ the children properly, Mr. Chiver, they’lljust run riot.A) mobilize B) warrant C) manipulate D) supervise 【参考答案】:D16. There had been unrest in the country _______ until the UNpeacekeeping force came in and restored order.A) at liberty B) at large C) at a distance D) at will 【参考答案】:B17. Putting in a new window will _______ cutting away part of theroof.A) include B) involve C) contain D)comprise【参考答案】:B18. The development of industry must not be ______ at the expenseof environmental pollution.A) pursued B) resumed C) sought D)completed【参考答案】:A19. We _______ for a loan before we bought a house.A) implied B) applied C) replied D) supplied 【参考答案】:B20. The foreign minister ________ the country at the conference.A) exemplified B) presented C) demonstrated D)represented【参考答案】:D21. The project was a(n) ________ effort between the two schools.A) similar B) mutual C) joint D)adjoining【参考答案】:C22. At the International School they have pupils of 46 different________.A) nations B) states C) countries D)nationalities【参考答案】:D23. The new budget ________ providing extra support for theunemployed.A) strives for B) targets at C) aims at D)attempts on【参考答案】:C24. Prof. Smith delivered a ________ speech which won deafeningapplause from the audience at the lecture hall.A) passionate B) pathetic C) patient D) pessimistic【参考答案】:A25. She’s a lawyer who ________ in accident cases.A) specializes B) involves C) engages D)immerses【参考答案】:A26. We welcome any ________ criticism.A) considerate B) constructive C) considerable D)contributory【参考答案】:B27. Her friendliness soon overcame the _______ of her stepchildren.A) paradox B) prejudice C) dilemma D) conflict【参考答案】:B28. Eating too much fat can______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A) attribute to B) attend to C) contribute to D) devote to 【参考答案】:C29. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas have been ______ todayand are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.A) competed B) recognized C) challenged D)conflicted【参考答案】:C30. The manager ______ his staff not to miss the splendidopportunity.A) surged B) urged C) initiated D) spurred 【参考答案】:B31. The coming of the railways in the 1830s ________ our societyand economic life.A) transported B) transformed C) transferred D) transmitted【参考答案】:B32. He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he________ us that he would try his best.A) insured B) guaranteed C) assumed D) assured【参考答案】:D33. Extensive reporting on television has helped to _____ interest in awide variety of sports and activitiesA) gather B) generate C) assemble D) transfer【参考答案】:B34. The car salesman took the customer for a drive in the new modelin order to ___ its improved features.A) advocate B) demonstrate C) exhibit D) reveal【参考答案】:B35. Such noble deeds of the doctors and nurses can't be only____ with money.A) rewarded B) awarded C) praised D) valued【参考答案】:A36. If you build a house with good____, it will last long.A) foundation B) floor C) basis D) ground【参考答案】:A37. This kind of animals are on the verge of____, because so manyare being killed for their fur.A) pursuits B) institution C) extinction D) forefront【参考答案】:C38. This light shelf is strong enough to _______ all the books here.A) maintain B) retain C) sustain D) contain【参考答案】:C39. The director was _______ of the way we were doing thework.A) ethical B) critical C) eligible D) sustainable【参考答案】:B40. Many years ago, a lot of factories were _______ from big cities tomountain areas in case of wars.A) transferred B) transformed C) translated D) transported 【参考答案】:A41. The _______ of jet travel has made the world seem muchsmaller.A) remark B) relationship C) removal D) innovation【参考答案】:D42. It is difficult to _______ the importance of the decision.A) assess B) comment C) contemplate D) report【参考答案】:A43. Who _______ this country, the people or the president? This question is not easy to answer.A) demonstrates B) confirms C) displays D) governs【参考答案】:D44. In the long run, the new information technologies mayfundamentally _______our way of life.A) recruit B) locate C) exhaust D) alter【参考答案】:D45. With a strong sense of responsibility for the children, she took the______ in organizing the Children's Foundation.A) enterprise B) assessment C) innovation D) initiative 【参考答案】:D46. The fire caused great losses, but the factory tried to ______ theconsequences by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported.A) decrease B) subtract C) minimize D) degrade 【参考答案】:C47. A university is an educational ______ which awards degrees and carries out research.A) institution B) location C) spot D) system【参考答案】:A48. The government has rescued the firm from bankruptcy by giving ita ______.A) entry B) grant C) benefit D) well-being【参考答案】:B49. It is highly desirable that a new dean ______ for this departmentA) be appointed B) appoint C) will be appointed D) is appointed【参考答案】:A50. The fuel of the continental missile is supposed to be ____ by this device.A) ignited B) lighted C) fired D) inspired 【参考答案】:A。


英语专业学生网络自主学习的评估和监控方法作者:杨江,杨亚萍来源:《当代教育理论与实践》 2016年第2期杨江,杨亚萍(湖南科技大学外国语学院,湖南湘潭 411201)摘要:湖南科技大学外国语学院于2015年引进蓝鸽校园网语言学科平台,同时启动基于网络自主学习平台的外语专业教学改革。

1 自主学习内容及考核方 法如下
( 1 ) 实 验 班级 : 2 0 1 2 级 物 联 网班 。 ( 2 ) 自主学 习内 容 及 所 占 自主 学 习 成绩 ( 百分制) 比例 : ①计 算机英 语 : 3 0 %; ②P RE TCO和 C E T4 辅 导 资料 : 3 O %; ③兴趣 英语 : 2 0 %; ④ l语 训 练 ( E 跟读、 录音) : 2 0 %。 ( 3 ) 实验班期末总成绩= 期 末 考 试 成 绩 ×5 0 %+自主 学 习成 绩 x 5 0 %。 ( 4 ) 自主学 习 每 周2 学时 , 一学 期 总 学 时 数不少于3 6 学时 。 时 间过少的 缺 陷。 系 统 自动 录 音 、 记 录 分 数, 起到 了监 督 作 用 。 学 生 也 可以 根据 自 己 2 采 用 的 研 究 方 法 实 际情 况 选 取 有 针 对 性 的练 习 , 避 免 了课 实验研究法 和比较 研究 法。 通 过 选 取 堂 “ 一刀切” 模式。 实 验班 级 进 行 一 段 时 间 r j正学 习后 与 普 通 班级对 比, 列 出 比 较 项 目 并 采 集 数据 进 行 4 实验 结 果 与讨 论 分析 , 从 而 验证 实验 有效 性 程 度 。 经过 一学 年 自主学 习后 , 笔者从以 下
摘 要: 笔者 以山 东外 国语职 业学 院 为例 , 采 用实验研 究 法与比较研 究法基 于蓝鸽语 言 学习平 台在 实践 中探 索适合 高职学生 的英语 自
主学 习模式 。 关 键词 : 蓝 鸽 学 习平 台 自主 学 习 高 职 英 语
中图分 类号 : G 71 8
2 0 1 3 NO 2 6
O h i n a E d u o a t I o n I n n o v a t i o n H e r a l d

作者: 张歆
作者机构: 山东女子学院外国语学院,山东济南,250002
出版物刊名: 长春教育学院学报
年卷期: 2014年 第4期
主题词: 英语学习 女性英语交际能力 蓝鸽系统 技术创新

教 学改 革
论 自主 学 习平 台 在 大 学 英 语 教 学 中 的应用
— —
以西 安 理 工 大 学 为例
张 媛 陕西西安 70 5 ) 10 4
( 西安 理 工大 学
【 摘Biblioteka 要】 本文在阐述 自 学习平 台理论的基础上 , 主 以西安理工大学蓝鸽英语 网络 自 学习平 台为例, 主 论述 了 自 学习平 台在 大学英语 主
这 种理 念提倡 教育模 式 以学习者 为中 心 , 师的作 用则不 再是 信 息 教 和 知识 的传播 者 , 是学 习活动 的指导 者和 辅助者 。在此 理论 基础 而 上 , o c(9 1 H l 18)给出 了外语 自主 学 习 的概 念 : e 自主 学 习是 要 求学 习者在 学习过 程中 具备 “ 够 负 责 的一 种 能 力 , 就是 可 以 对 自 能 也 己的学 习任务 计划 , 安排 , 实行 自 我监 控与 评 估 的 能力 。我 国学 并 者 庞维 国(0 3 认 为 。 养 学 生 的 自主 学 习能 力 应 当从 宏 观 和微 20 ) 培 观两个方面入手。宏观方面要求确立一种有利于自主学习的教学 模 式 , 以往 的教学 顺序— — ‘ 将 先讲 后学 ’ 变成 ‘ 学后 讲 ’ 先 。这样 学生 的自学 能力才 能够 得 以锻 炼。 微观 方 面则 是 要从 学 生学 习 的 某些 方面来促 进学 生的 自主学 习。例 如增 强学 习动机 , 丰富 学 习策 略等 等。 ”尽管 许多 语 言 学 家对 自主 学 习 从 不 同 的角 度 给 出 了 定 义 , 是不 同的界 定方 式都说 明了 自主学 习是一 种将学 习者 的 主体 但 性置 于中心 地位 的学 习模式 。

关键词:蓝鸽学习平台自主学习高职英语中图分类号:G718 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2013)09(b)-0062-01在知识传播与更新速度日益加快的现代社会,高职学生应该培养自己的自主学习能力。
自主学习即Autonomous Learning。
1 自主学习内容及考核方法如下(1)实验班级:2012级物联网班。

大学英语三蓝鸽Unit4试题及答案Unit 41. We’re all in favor of spending whatever is necessary to_______ air pollution.A) struggle B) combat C) conflict D) dismiss【参考答案】:B2. After several nuclear disasters, a huge_______ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.A) controversy B) suspicion C) verdict D) contradiction【参考答案】:A3. About 200, 000 teachers reported stress due to _______ workload over the last two years, research revealed.A) exceptional B) extensive C) intensive D) excessive【参考答案】:D4. It was _______ to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.A) unreasonable B) absurd C) irrational D) abnormal【参考答案】:B5. The _______ against smoking on school grounds is strictly enforced.A) jurisdiction B) prescription C) prohibition D) restriction.【参考答案】:C6. The arguments are over now, and we hope no one will ________ them up again.A) boil B) disturb C) stir D) interfere【参考答案】:C7. Similarly, one of the best ways to lower the stress level in your life is to discipline yourself to do the little things that will help ______ stress ________.A) bring…to light B) keep…down C) bring…to bay D) keep…atbay 【参考答案】:D8. Only in the dream world are there moments of desolation or terror that are worse than anything we have known ________.A) under the sun B) in the sun C) under steam D) on the world 【参考答案】:A9. The effective implementation of environmental laws and ________ is the responsibility of the local government.A) regulations B) orders C) limitations D) guidances【参考答案】:A10. Developing countries should ________ labour-intensive technologies to exploit their comparative advantage of abundant labour.A) adapt B) adhere C) abide D) adopt【参考答案】:D11. Last week President Obama again called for ending a ________ against people in the military who are openly homosexual.A) segregation B) ban C) disapproval D) dictation【参考答案】:B12. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on ________.A) consciousness B) depression C) instinct D) response【参考答案】:C13. This movie is not ________ for children to see since it contains too much violence and too many love scenes.A) profound B) valid C) upright D) decent【参考答案】:D14. They were arranging the entertainment at the company’s annual dealer ________.A) congress B) convention C) constitution D) conviction【参考答案】:B15. Her problem is representative________ the teenagers.A) to B) of C) on D) in【参考答案】:B16. The old lady’s ________ to her pet cat is just like the one to her family members.A) treatment B) treatments C) treat D) treat【参考答案】:A17. The ________ reaction to the loss of the football game caused serious consequences.A) unreasonable B) reasonable C) rational D) irrational【参考答案】:D18. Millions of refugees have migrated to this country because they could not ________ the wars in their homeland.A) survive B) revive C) deprive D) arrive【参考答案】:A19. A business ________ is good at spotting business opportunities and then striking quickly.A) generation B) generalization C) genius D) genuine【参考答案】:C20. Many college students are found to ________ themselves too much in the virtual world of the computer games.A) addict B) plunge C) immerse D) impede【参考答案】:C21. They __________by building the garage before permission had been given.A) shot to fame B) went ahead C) kept count of D) jumped the gun【参考答案】:D22. They were attending a __________ on education work,discussing something about the children’s education.A) conference B) congress C) gathering D) party【参考答案】:A23. He has a __________ for greediness.A) fame B) instinct C) reputation D) institute【参考答案】:C24. She __________ the company in Africa.A) presents B) portrays C) represents D) stands.【参考答案】:C25. We have a __________ of proposals on education reform.A) thread B) rope C) little D) string【参考答案】:D26. It was very ________ of you to bring the umbrella.A) sensitive B) sensitivity C) sensible D) sensibility【参考答案】:C27. She is __________ always late for work.A) practical B) practicable C) practically D) practice【参考答案】:C28. He is a film__________. He has to see a film twice a week.A) nut B) producer C) editor D) singer29. The __________ of the stock market in 1992 signaled the beginning of the Depression.A) collaborate B) collapse C) collect D) collision【参考答案】:B30. The phrase “carnivorous animas” means __________ -eating animals.A) flush B) flock C) meat D) flesh【参考答案】:D31. Switzerland has benefited from its bank __________ laws.A) secrete B) secret C) secretary D) secrec【参考答案】:D32. I’m not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment,so I can’t make a(n) __________ promise to help you.A) exact B) defined C) definite D) sure【参考答案】:C33. This research has attracted wide __________ coverage and has featured on BBC tel evision’s T omorrow’s World.A) message B) information C) media D) data【参考答案】:C34. The king posed for a__________ painted by a famous artist.A) portray B) picture C) portrait D) portraitist【参考答案】:C35. The boys__________ each other in that they both have ginger hair and round faces.A) resemblance B) resemble C) compare D) equal【参考答案】:B36. Most of the babies who are brought to__________ are healthy.A) term B) date C) period D) time【参考答案】:A37. I have finished my work. Please __________ your story.A) go on B) go ahead C) go ahead with D) go ahead of【参考答案】:C38. After 3 sleepless nights, the police __________ down that murderer.A) caught B) carried C) chained D) tracked【参考答案】:D39. He just dug __________ nothing but vegetables.A) down B) up C) in D) for【参考答案】:B40. A group of scientists are working day and night, trying tofind the __________ responsible for the disease.A) genius B) generation C) gene D) genuine【参考答案】:C41. The main feature of the online chartroom is that you can communicate __________ with anyone.A) annoyingly B) anonymously C) automatically D) apparently【参考答案】:B42. The boy has a _________ hand and cannot play games.A. reformedB. conformedC. deformedD. transformed【参考答案】:C43. The workers went on strike for __________ working conditions and wages.A) delicate B) definite C) decent D) deficient【参考答案】:C44. Don’t believe what he says. His story shows little__________ to the facts.A) resemblance B) resembling C) resentment D) semblance【参考答案】:A45. With the loan from the bank, the company may be able to __________ the crisis.A) supervise B) support C) suggest D) survive【参考答案】:D46. He has been advised to __________ a healthy lifestyle.A) assist B) adopt C) adapt D) admit【参考答案】:B47. Fox hunters gathered in London to protest thegovernment’s attempt to __________ the sport.A) boost B) break C) ban D) boast【参考答案】:C48. Cuts in entitlements, not tax increases, would be the best__________ for the budget gap.A) replacement B) issue C) tendency D)remedy【参考答案】:D49. He lost his __________ in the subway, with a lot of cash, one credit card and most unfortunate of all, his ID card in it.A) wallet B) purse C) laptop D) helmet【参考答案】:A50. Keep your__________ up! You are not the only one who has not passed the exam.A) chest B) chain C) chin D) wrinkle【参考答案】:C。

蓝鸽英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a fruit?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. Orange2. What does the word "abandon" mean?A. To leaveB. To takeC. To keepD. To find3. Fill in the blank: "I will _______ the meeting at 3 PM."A. attendB. leaveC. missD. skip4. The past tense of "begin" is:A. beganB. begunC. beginningD. begunning5. What is the opposite of "agree"?A. DisagreeB. AgreeC. AgreedD. Disagreed6. The word "unique" is often used to describe something that is:A. CommonB. RareC. OrdinaryD. Frequent7. Choose the correct sentence:A. She is more clever than him.B. He is less clever than her.C. She is as clever as him.D. He is as clever as her.8. The phrase "break the news" usually means:A. To start a rumorB. To deliver important informationC. To stop the news from spreadingD. To ignore the news9. Which of the following is a verb?A. AdviceB. AdvicesC. AdvisingD. Advised10. The word "eleven" is an example of:A. Cardinal numberB. Ordinal numberC. Collective nounD. Plural noun答案:1. B2. A3. A4. A5. A6. B7. D8. B9. C10. B二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The _______ of the meeting is to discuss the new project.A. purposeB. planC. goalD. idea2. She _______ her keys in the office.A. forgotB. rememberedC. leftD. took3. The _______ of the house is very modern.A. designB. decorationC. furnitureD. structure4. He _______ to the concert last night.A. wentB. didn't goC. goesD. go5. The _______ of the company is to increase sales.A. aimB. targetC. goalD. purpose6. She is _______ to the news.A. surprisedB. boredC. interestedD. tired7. The _______ of the book is very high.A. qualityB. priceC. popularityD. size8. They _______ the project on time.A. completedB. delayedC. startedD. planned9. The _______ of the building is impressive.A. viewB. heightC. colorD. shape10. He _______ to the party last week.A. didn't inviteB. was not invitedC. invitedD. was invited答案:1. A2. C3. A4. B5. D6. A7. C8. A9. B10. B三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。

目录(一)语言学科平台发展的缘由 ........................................................................................................................... - 1 -(二)蓝鸽语言学科平台设计思路——“整体规划,分步实施” ...................................................................... - 2 -(三)蓝鸽校园网语言学科平台研发背景 ............................................................................................................ - 3 -(四)蓝鸽校园网语言学科平台五大优势 ............................................................................................................ - 4 -1.形成性综合评估系统 (4)2.适合大规模综合考试的考试系统 (5)3.专业化的课堂教学系统 (6)4.智能化题库系统 (7)5.配备了大量自主研发的教学资料 (8)(五)系统功能列表 .............................................................................................................................................. - 9 -(六)系统结构及技术指标..................................................................................................................................- 12 -1.系统拓扑图 (12)2.硬件及网络环境配置要求 (13)(一)语言学科平台发展的缘由随着高校外语教学改革的发展,充分利用现代教育技术开展外语网络化教学已成为各高校的共识,随之出现了各种各样的教学软件、考试软件、自学软件、教学管理软件、资源库软件等,这些软件在一定程度上减轻了教师的负担。
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听力9.[A] The state laws.[B] The church authorities.[C] The local communities.[D] The national government.10.[A] Forty percent.[B] Seventy percent.[C] Forty five percent.[D] Seventy five percent.11.[A] Because students vary in needs.[B] Because teaching methods vary greatly.[C] Because schools offer different subjects.[D] Because there are different aids at school.12.[A] He thinks that it is somewhat impolite.[B] He thinks that it is sometimes possible.[C] He thinks that it is something one ought todo.[D] He thinks that it is always too difficult for a job to do.13.[A] Whether he could find a better job in Spain.[B] Whether he could quit the job he did not like.[C] Whether he could become a doctor in England.[D] Whether there would be any opportunity to be rich.14.[A] Because the doctor was very rich.[B] Because the doctor knew him well.[C] Because the doctor was very happy with his job in Spain.[D] Because the doctor used the chance to thank him for his advice.15.[A] You can sleep m it.[B] It's safer than trains.[C] It's fast and comfortable.[D] You can see more of the country.16.[A] Americans like greyhounds.[B] The buses go to the country.[C] The buses are as fast as greyhounds~[D] There's a picture of a greyhound on the bus.17.[A] They don't like buses,[B] They are always in a hurry.[C] They think planes more safe.[D] They find trams too crowded.18.[A] Any road without traffic lights.[B] Any highway without crossroad.[C] It's a road where the drivers do not pay.[D] It's a highway not controlled by the government.答案:BDABD DCDBB阅读In 1997, devotees of home electronics eagerly awaited the DVD player, a new device that could play movies without videotape, and with greater clarity. It caught on even faster than CD music players and within four years. DVD movies surpassed VHS tapes in sales. The DVDs success is just one example of a historic shift from analog to digital technologies. They began with computing and are now spreading to industries from banking to publishing. Products and services are shedding the limits of their physical form to become encoded information that never degrades, Can be reproduced perfectly and distributed around the world in minutes, or less.Another example is photography: by the end of this year, the number of images captured digitally each day is expected to surpass the number of images captured on film. With digital cameras and other devices linked to personal computers, we can collect vast amounts of data, which fortunately takes up little or no closet space. Today's average personal computer has a hard drive that can store 300 times more information than adecade ago. Technologies, such as broadband e-commerce, are expected to be the primary means of delivering entertainment and media by the end of this decade. Even life itself is increasingly digitized. The human genome, the recipe for our genetic makeup, has been mapped and encoded and researchers are harnessing the power of computing to accelerate the development of new, lifesaving drugs.The implications of this broad, digital revolution are enormous, although they tend to be over-shadowed by the struggles of high-tech industries to recover from the go-go years of the 1990s. Those struggles are real, yet there are reasons for optimism about a return to robust economic growth and job creation in the next several years. The digital innovations (创新) of the past two decades continue to bear fruit, so stay tuned for good news --- digitally, of course.37. Digital technologies really began to take form when ____.[A] DVD technology was introduced[B] it was used with photography[C] used in computing[D] information was encoded38. The example of photography is used to show ____.[A] how digital technology has replaced traditional film[B] the enormous storage advantages of digital technology[C] how digital technology has improved the quality of production[D] how economical it is to use digital technology since it stores so much39. The author implies that excitement over the digital revolution may be hindered by____.[A] ignorance of the technology[B] robust economic growth[C] the economic realities of its practicality[D] economic problems of hi-tech companies40. By using the phrase "stay tuned for good news" (Line 5, Para. 3) the author wants us to ____.[A] try and be more optimistic[B] wait for the situation to change for the better[C] expect more positive innovations[D] hope that the good news won't change41. The passage is based on the author's ____.[A] experience of the changes[B] admiration of the changes[C] analysis of the changes[D] hope for changesPassage 2It is not surprising that a philosophy borrowed from business should see its principal focus within education as the furthering of the connection with business and industry. Moreover, when a philosophy is implemented at governmental level by people, the majority who learnt their under standing of life within this environment, it is not surprising that they should picture education as feeding this goal.In an age when the US is seen as being in desperate, almost cut throat competition with industrial neighbors, it becomes an article of faith that to maintain present standards of living, education must increasingly focus upon training the youth of the country to compete in such markets. This demand is, of course, nothing new. A number of factors come together to provide the motive force for making education the handmaiden (女仆人) of the job market. For those with economic blinkers, such concentration makes good sense, but for those who take a wider view of the purposes of education, this appears narrow and damaging, even, in the long term, to the economic good health of the country. It is possible to argue for the ultimate purposes of education from different standpoints.The one that appears to be the motive force in much educationaldecision-making at the present time values knowledge that is conducive to the 42. According to the passage, it is not surprising that ____.[A] business and education finds so much in common[B] politicians expect education to be like a business[C] the education world is managed by people from the business philosophy [D] those who come from the business world think education should serve industry needs43. The desire to make education subservient to the desires of industry is attractive because ____[A] the goals are easier to define and measure[B] for those who take a wider view of education[C] economic competition is so intense these days[D] youth are lacking the skills to compete in the modem economy44. Those who think education should serve the economy are of the opinion that ____.[A] all subjects should have some relationship to economics[B] knowledge is to be perceived as preserving a nations cultural history [C] knowledge is to be transmittedfurtherance of the national economicwell-being. It sees the child as a being to be trained to fit into this economic machine. Initiative and activity are encouraged only as far as these dovetail with ultimate occupational destinations. The teacher, therefore, is seen as a trainer, a constructor, a transmitter. However, there are many who value knowledge which is perceived as part of that country's cultural heritage while other child-centred advocates see the curriculum as based on each individual child's experiences and interests, each being active, involved, unique constructors of their own reality. Others see schools as being essentially concerned with pressing social issues which need to be resolved, and therefore the curriculum takes the form of being topic or problem-based. Such sketches do not begin to do justice to the complexity and richness of argument, which may be contained in differing educational ideologies. However, if they at the very east convey the profound conflicting views, these descriptions suggest that there is truth in each of them, but none must have the stage to itself. [D] students must learn how to be businessmen45. The disagreement child-centred advocates have with the economic aim of education stems from ____.[A] their training background[B] their beliefs about children and how knowledge derives[C] their distaste of the economic system[D] their view of their role as a trainer not a transmitter of knowledge46. According to the author, the various conflicting views of education ____. [A] add complexity and richness to the profession[B] demonstrate the fallacies of the economic approach[C] prevent progression towards the economic aim[D] ensure that one particular philosophy is not overly dominant2011年上半年河北学位英语第十二单元课后完型填空本完形填空为2011年上半年新添内容由纸蝴蝶提供。