台达智能照明系统技术方案中达电通股份有限公司目录1.概述 (3)**工程概况 (3)**用户需求分析 (3)**设计依据 (3)**设计原则 (3)**智能照明系统设备清单 (4)**XXX设计说明 (4)**XXX智能照明控制系统架构的优势与特点 (5)2.台达智能照明系统介绍6**智能照明系统的优势 (6)**实现照明控制智能化,提高大楼照明管理水平,减少能耗 (7)**良好的节能效果 (7)**有效延长光源的寿命 (7)**实现多种照明效果 (8)**可以与智能建筑其他系统联动 (8)**台达智能照明控制管理系统的具体内容 (8)3.台达智能照明系统主要产品介绍10**DIL-GW100导轨式网关主机 (10)**导轨式8路16A继电器执行开关 (11)**导轨式4路16A继电器执行开关 (12)**导轨式带电源总线耦合器 (14)**导轨式系统电源模块 (15)**6进6出IO模块 (16)**智能6键面板 (17)** 3.5寸有线真彩触摸屏 (18)**.................................................................................................................................................. 吸顶式人感模块191.概述1.1工程概况本项目为XXX,。
台达 vfd-v变频器说明书
第五章功能•參數說明00系統參數機種識別出廠設定值工廠設定設定範圍依機種顯示額定電流顯示出廠設定值工廠設定設定範圍依機種顯示230V系列功率[馬力] 0.75[1]1.5[2]2.2[3]3.7[5]5.5[7.5]7.5[10]11[15]15[20]18.5[25]22[30]30[40]37[50]45[60]55[75]75[100]機種代碼 4 6 8 10 12141618202224 26 28 3032定轉矩額定電流5 7.5 11 17 253349657590120 146 182 220300變轉矩額定電流6.3 9.4 13.8 21.331.341.361.381.393.8113150 183 228 275375最高載波頻率15kHz 10kHz6kHz460V系列功率[馬力] 0.75[1]1.5[2]2.2[3]3.7[5]5.5[7.5]7.5[10]11[15]15[20]18.5[25]22[30]30[40]37[50]45[60]55[75]75[100]機種代碼 5 7 09 11 13151719212325 27 29 3133定轉矩額定電流3 4.2 6 8.5 13182432384560 73 91 110150變轉矩額定電流3.8 5.3 7.5 10.616.322.5304047.556.375 91.3 113.8138188最高載波頻率 15kHz 10kHz6kHz00-00參數決定驅動器容量,在出廠時已設定於本參數內。
參數重置設定出廠設定值0設定內容10 參數重置(基底頻率為60Hz)9參數重置(基底頻率為50Hz)位元設定Bit 0 1 參數不可讀20 1 Bit11頻率、轉矩命令不可改(僅限於PU05) 21 2 Bit21數位操作器(PU05)不能運作(Run)22 4位元設定的輸入方法:本系列有些功能的參數設定是採用位元設定法來設定參數,此法的優點是設定一個數值可重覆組合多項功能,但設定時需先將二進位的編碼自行轉換成十進位數值後再輸入此參數。
NTSEMS能源管理系统软件 V13 需求规格说明书(通知平台)V102
TIANSUNTS-EMS能源管理系统软件V1.3需求规格说明书(通知平台)南京天溯自动化控制系统有限公司(版权所有,翻版必究)评审记录对《NTS-EMS能源管理系统软件F13需求规格说明书(告警、报表、报告推送服务)V1.00》的评审意见:‹⅛≠⅜¾s⅜s¾w KSJia-⅛⅞½≡sriΦ;杨《2;BΘ^HH:¾^*⅜∙⅛∙;巨法注:城曜;BΦ¾:亘拧央;林=S^SF4回U Ie回I-55出1、为何单出发:个几个模块的颊格说明,而不是整个版本的7恚荚说明清是。
吉普只做基于告警项的推送评亩人:李智星评亩日期:2015-11-23★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★******************************************************************文件名:NTS-EMS能源管理系统软件V13需求规格说明书(告警、报表、报告推送服务)V1.00.doc评审意见:同意评亩人:巨泽建评审日期:2015-11-19******************************************************************文件名:NTS-EMS能源管理系统软件V13需求规格说明书(告警、报表、报告推送服务)V1.00.dθC评审意见:同意评审人:榻毅评审日期:2015/11/19******************************************************************答复:NTS-EMS能源管理系统软件V13需求规格说明书(告誓报表、报告推送服身)V100的评宙建议发件人:桢合强降藏些件/:陈旭-系统软件抄送:目ER85⅛:2015-11-1410:554回复I«回复全部I,转发OkRe:答复:NTS-EMS能源管理系统软件V13需求规格说明书(告警、报表、报告推送服弟)V1.00的评本建议苗升伍发送至倪会强;陈旭•礴软件;苗开伍;林冬冬;夏存兴;陆电详情,转发4回复I8回复全部I无息见.文件S:NTS-EMS能源管理系统软件V13需求规格说明书(通知平台)V102.doc评亩意见:同意评亩人:宋⅛⅛评亩日期:2015-11-23∣★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★mm问题修改验证结果:验证人签字:时间:年—月—日变更日志1前言 (1)1-1编写目的 (1)1.2 背景 (1)1.3 参考资料 (1)2任务概述 (2)2.1报告、报表推送服务 (3)2.2告警推送服务 (3)1前言1.1 编写目的本文档是对EMSVI.3通知平台需求进行详细分析和讨论后得出的。
绿色驱动 运转不息能源基础设施暨工业解决方案高压变频器• 零组件• 电源及系统• 风扇与散热管理• 汽车电子• 工业自动化• 楼宇自动化• 资通讯基础设施• 能源基础设施暨工业解决方案• 视讯解决方案台达电子创立於 1971 年, 为全球提供电源管理与散热解决方案。
面对日益严重的气候变迁, 台达长期关注环境议题,秉持「环保节能 爱地球」的经营使命,持续开发创新节能产品及解决方案丶不断戮力提升产品的能源转换效率,以减轻全球暖化对人类生存的冲击。
关於台达事业范畴电源及零组件自动化基础设施2015承诺RE100Carbon NeutralityRace to Zero2018台达加入RE100倡议组织专注於7项联合国永续发展目标• 企业自主减碳 (SBT)• 揭露气候变迁资讯 (TCFD)• 参与气候政策承诺2030年台达主要营运据点:• 普设充电桩• 公司车转型电动车• 提供员工客户使用电动运具之诱因• 承诺台达全球所有据点2030年前使用100%再生电力• 承诺2030年达到碳中和台达承诺 "We Mean Business"承诺EV1002021承诺2030年全球厂办100%使用再生电力及达到碳中和• 签署Business Amibitionfor 1.5℃目 录生产基地与制程介绍台达高压变频器应用价值台达高压变频器特色 产品系列介绍如何安装与接线6-78-910-1112-15 16-17产品选型表与外观成功案例-发电与供热 成功案例-钢铁与冶金成功案例-水泥成功案例-市政工程填写产品选型表18-1920-2122-2324-2526-2728台达高压变频器高效丶可靠,为企业大幅减少工厂丶马达用电支出,降低排碳量,并提高生产效率丶延长设备寿命。
能源管理系统的主要作用有:1. 监控能源消耗:能源管理系统可以采集不同的能源数据,如电、水、气等,实现对能源消耗的实时监控和记录,帮助用户了解能源使用情况。
2. 分析能源消耗模式:通过对能源数据的处理和分析,能源管理系统可以帮助用户发现能源消耗的规律性和异常情况,为制定节能方案提供科学依据。
3. 制定节能计划:根据能源消耗的数据和分析结果,能源管理系统可以制定合理的节能计划,包括设置能源消费目标、制定能源管理策略等。
4. 优化能源使用:能源管理系统可以提供实时的能源消耗数据,使用户能够及时发现和处理能源浪费和能源异常情况,进而优化能源的使用效率。
二、能源管理系统的功能能源管理系统通常具有以下功能模块:1. 数据采集:能源管理系统可以连接各种能源计量设备,实时采集能源消耗数据,如电量、水量、气量等。
2. 数据分析:能源管理系统可以对采集到的能源数据进行处理和分析,如计算能源消耗趋势、能源消耗占比等。
3. 报表生成:能源管理系统可以根据用户的需求,自动生成各种能源消耗报表,如能源消耗分析报告、能源消耗对比报表。
4. 能源计划:能源管理系统可以制定能源消耗目标,根据能源数据和分析结果,制定能源管理策略和节能计划。
5. 警报和报警:能源管理系统可以设置能源消耗的警戒线,当能源消耗超过设定值时,系统会自动发出警报,提醒用户进行处理。
6. 远程监控:能源管理系统可以通过互联网实现对远程设备的监控,用户可以随时随地查看能源消耗情况。
目录第1章用户首页 (4)1.关于用户首页 (4)2.功能介绍 (4)第2章报表打印 (8)1.关于报表打印 (8)2.生成报表 (8)3.查看已存报表 (10)第3章能耗报告 (11)1.关于能耗报告 (11)2.生成报告 (11)3.查看报告 (12)第4章全局报警 (15)1.关于全局报警 (15)2.查看报警 (15)3.处理报警 (17)4.报警推送设置 (17)第5章建筑对比 (20)1.关于建筑对比 (20)2.能耗数据分析 (20)3.能耗数据对比 (22)第6章能耗模型树 (24)1.关于能耗模型树 (24)2.能耗模型树列表 (24)3.能耗模型树内容 (25)第7章能耗分析 (27)1.关于能耗分析 (27)2.数据分析 (27)3.数据对比 (28)第8章数据查询 (30)1.关于数据查询 (30)2.数据查询 (30)3.数据对比 (32)第9章节能量核算 (34)1.关于节能量核算 (34)2.节能分析 (34)3.查看报告 (37)第10章配电监控 (38)1.关于配电监控 (38)2.配电室列表 (38)3.支路拓扑图 (38)4.数据分析 (40)5.报警信息推送 (40)第11章租户管理.......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.关于租户管理 ........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.租户管理 ................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
能源管理操作手册树根互联科技有限公司产品运维中心2022-09目录1.1总量分析 (5)1.2连续两个月日用量趋势图 (6)1.3负荷分析 (6)1.4用量分析 (8)1.5设备运行实时监视 (9)1.6设备运行状态分布图 (9)1.7设备日均负载分析 (10)2能源监视 (10)3计量网络展示 (11)4综合报表 (12)4.1计量平衡报表 (12)4.2核算单元报表 (13)4.3电费用能报告 (14)4.4班组班次报表 (14)4.5运行工况报表 (15)4.6用量报警查询 (15)4.7设备状态告警 (16)4.8工况报警查询 (17)5能源分析 (19)5.1设备能效分析 (19)5.2运行工况分析 (20)6.1企业日历维护 (22)6.2核算单元维护 (23)6.3分析指标定义 (26)6.4分析指标配置 (27)6.5产品类型维护 (28)6.6产品模型配置 (30)6.7班组方案维护 (31)6.8班次方案维护 (31)6.9排班计划维护 (31)6.10实时画面绘制 (32)6.11用量报警配置 (33)日期版本创建人说明2021-8-6V3.0王文珠能源看板、核算单元报表、计量平衡报表、运行工况报表、设备能效分析、运行工况分析、企业日历、核算单元维护、分析指标定义、分析指标配置。
AEC配置管理工作细则-软件 (3)
文件名称:AEC配置管理工作细则-软件版本信息:0.4发行日期:机密等级:生效日期:文件编号:AEC配置管理工作细则-软件拟制: 魏永生 日期 2010/05/31审核: 日期批准: 日期台达能源技术(上海)有限公司修订记录修订版本信息作者日期描述0.1 魏永生 2010/4/21创建文档0.2 魏永生 2010/5/25根据讨论意见将本文档分文软件\硬件两个,对其中有意见或建议的地方进行完善和改进参与人员:夏建涛\毕强\刘文俊\曹晋\魏永生0.3 魏永生 2010/5/26根据软件组讨论决议,对一部分内容进行变更和完善0.4 魏永生 2010/5/31修改发布基线部分,去除基线建立点与产品阶段的关系,改为按照正式版本为基线点目录1.简介.........................................................................................- 4 -1.1目的................................................................................................- 4 -1.2范围................................................................................................- 4 -1.3术语及缩略词..................................................................................- 4 -2.权责.........................................................................................- 5 -2.1配置管理机构..................................................................................- 5 -2.2配置管理员:..................................................................................- 5 -2.3项目成员.........................................................................................- 6 -3.配置管理活动...........................................................................- 6 -3.1配置管理工具..................................................................................- 6 -3.2配置项.............................................................................................- 6 -3.3标识方法.........................................................................................- 8 -3.4配置库.............................................................................................- 9 -3.4.1配置库结构.........................................................................................................- 9 -3.4.2 配置库..............................................................................................................- 12 -3.4.3目录结构...........................................................................................................- 13 -3.4.4 用户及权限......................................................................................................- 14 -3.5 项目基线......................................................................................- 14 -3.5.1基线...................................................................................................................- 14 -3.5.2 基线的建立......................................................................................................- 15 -3.6 变更控制......................................................................................- 15 -3.6.1变更范围...........................................................................................................- 15 -3.6.2变更权责...........................................................................................................- 16 -3.6.3变更流程执行标准...........................................................................................- 16 -3.6.4 变更的发布......................................................................................................- 18 -3.7 发布流程......................................................................................- 18 -3.7.1 发布内容界定..................................................................................................- 18 -3.7.2 发布流程..........................................................................................................- 18 -3.8配置状态报告................................................................................- 19 -3.8.1 统计报告..........................................................................................................- 19 -3.8.2 配置状态报告..................................................................................................- 20 -1.简介为了使AEC部门的工作内容、成果得以有效的管控和继承,讨论决定通过执行版本控制、变更控制等流程,以及使用配置管理工具,来保证所有配置项的完整性和可跟踪性。
PowerSoftDS 230511 1 能源管理软件说明说明书
Network Software for Energy Management Type PowerSoftThe animated interactive synoptics allow to:•disp ay the p ant configuration with p animetric and functional diagrams;•disp ay the rea time va ues acquired from the instruments;•monitor the digital inputs status acquired by the system;•monitor any setpoint and communication al arm of the instruments;•page to other synoptics using link buttons.•Management of up to 800 power analysers and ener-gy meters•Data acquisition by means of COM ports and/or Ethernet (max. 8)•3-level password protection •Interactive synoptics•Alarm setpoints and digital outputs management •Alarms, events and communication errors log •Exportable graphical and analytical trends •Multi-tariff energy metering •Automatic report generation•Waveforms and harmonics analysis •Energy, gas and water costs estimation •Consumptions statistical analysis•Estimation of the ideal installed power •Automatic e-mailing and billing •Web-server capability•Shareware version for 30-day full option trial •Service capabilityEnergy Managementules, it allows to correctly and efficiently manage an electrical distribution system, main l y considering the cost reduction point of view.This aim is achieved monitoring the con-sumptions, checking the demanded power peaks and adopting accurate ana l ysis and data processing tools.Product descriptionPowerSoft is an analysis plat-form suitable for Win98, 98SE,XP , Vista and Win 7 which has been specifically developed to interface, by means of the Modbus protoco l (RTU and TCP/IP), the Car l o Gavazzi products for Energy Management.Consisting of a main core and of a series of optiona mod-Setpoint management module Statistical analysis moduleMulti-tariff management module Costs estimation module Automatic e-mailing module Web-server moduleWaves and harmonic module Report module Service module Shareware versionGeneral SpecificationsInteractive synopticPWS-alarm PWS-analysis PWS-tariff PWS-bill PWS-mail PWS-webPWS-harmonics PWS-report PWS-service PWS-sharewarePowerSoftGeneral Specifications, cont.Real time displayMulti-instrument displayConsisting of 4 pages incl uding al the real time information of the selected instrument.•Indicators: it displ ays, through anal ogue indica-tors, the power and current values and the ener-gy meters showing any alarm condition.•Variables: it displays all the measurements of the se ected instrument, with the indication of any a arm and of the minimum, average and maxi-mum values took by the variables.•Inputs/outputs: it disp ays the digita input and output status.•Fresnel : it displ ays the Fresnel diagram of the line monitored by the instrument.It displ ays the real time measurements of al the instruments connected to PowerSoft, grouped in three parts:•voltages and currents;•powers and power factors;•temperatures, total harmonic distortions, import-ed and exported energies, gas and water con-sumptions.TrendsThe access to the measurements historical archive is allowed in:•graphical format, exportable in “.wmf” format;•anal ytical format, exportabl e in “.csv” and “.xl s”format.The different tariffs, if set in the rel evant modul e,can be connected with the stored and displ ayed val ues. Up to 4 variabl es (from the same of from different instruments) can be contemporary dis-played. With simple and intuitive procedures is also possible to zoom the graph, analyse it in detail with acursor and modify the displayed time period.PowerSoftGeneral Specifications, cont.Alarms and eventsTwo manners are provided to displ ay al arms and events.•Active alarms window: it advises the user if a set-point has been exceeded or if a communication error is present; it a l l ows to acknow l edge the selected alarms by the qualified users.•A l arms and events l og window: it a l l ows to access the archive of the events (l ogin, l ogout,startup, al arm acknowl edgment, etc.) and of the a l arms (setpoint a l arm, communication errors,missing data storing, etc.) and to carry out filter-based searches.ReportIt allows to automatically fill any Excel file with any data extracted by its database.•A ist of temp ate x s fi e can be saved in the proper directory and then displ ayed in the rel e-vant list of PowerSoft;•A number of tags are avail abl e to assign to the xls file cells values to be automatically extracted from the database;•Selecting the template and the starting-end dates it is possibl e to get the rel evant report in a fewseconds.Waves and harmonicsIt allows to carry out a waveform and harmonics by displaying:•10-cycle waveform of 3-phase currents and volt-ages•10-cycle average spectrum bar diagram;•10-cycle dispersion spectrum bar diagram.Each set of 10 cycles harmonic data is stored in a dedicated folder. The trigger for the harmonic cap-ture can be: •manual, single.•Manual , continuous (10 cycl es period stored per second).•Automatic, triggered by an alarm detected by the instrument.PowerSoftAnalysis supportIt allows to carry out statistical analysis on the power trends and energy consumption by extrapolating:•simpl e mean, median and standard deviation of the energy consumption, removing from the com-putation, if needed, the week-ends, holidays and days with anomal ous consumption due to exter-nal reasons;•week-based consumption trends;•consumption trend of each day of the week;•estimation of the idea insta ed power for each tariff, calculated with a selectable confidence lev-el.Tariff configurationThe different tariffs during the day and the distribu-tion of the typical-days among the year can be set according to the supplier tariff regulations in a very easy and extremely flexible way. It can manage:•up to 12 tariffs;•up to 24 tariff change per day;•up to 365 different typical-days per year.General Specifications, cont.Setpoint configurationIt al l ows to set up and down setpoints on al l the variab e measured by a the instruments of the network, exceeding which an a arm is activated.The alarm can be:•software, and it is displ ayed in the Active al arms windows and stored in the Alarms and events log;•hardware, which is stored as above and switches the digital output of the instrument that are point-ing out the anomaly.PowerSoftGeneral Specifications, cont.Costs estimationAutomatic E-mailingAccording to the uti l ity contract parameters, it allows to:•estimate the costs, relevant to a selected month,due to the energy, water and gas consumption;•build a summarizing table with the consumptions data of programmable groups of instruments.•perform the cost allocation among the monitored lines;•display the daily trend of the consumption;•identify the reason of any penalty.It manages the automatic e-mailing, able to notify the electrical system status to one or more e-mail addresses. The e-mai ing can be carried out on regu l ar basis and/or as a consequence of a defined alarm or event.It is al so possibl e to send via e-mail a weekl y or monthl y report of the consumptions measured by an instrument or one or more groups of instru-ments or any report defined with the relevant mod-ule.Web serverIt allows to remotely access PowerSoft, using a standard browser. It allows to display:•the synoptics;•the single-instrument real time data;•the multi-instrument real time data;•the active alarms;•the logged data in graphical format;•the logged data in analytical format.。
二、产品规格台达变频器VFD-F系列有多种型号可供选择,其主要参数如下表所示:---型号 ---额定输入电压 ---额定输出电压 ---额定输出功率 ---额定输出电流 ---最大合用机电 -----------------------VFD007F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---0.75kW ---2.5A ---0.75HP -------VFD015F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---1.5kW ---4A ---2HP -------VFD022F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---2.2kW ---5.8A ---3HP -------VFD037F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---3.7kW ---9.5A ---5HP -------VFD055F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---5.5kW ---13A ---7.5HP -------VFD075F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---7.5kW ---17A ---10HP -------VFD110F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---11kW ---25A ---15HP -------VFD150F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---15kW ---32A ---20HP -------VFD185F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---18.5kW ---39A ---25HP -------VFD220F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---22kW ---47A ---30HP -------VFD300F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---30kW ---62A ---40HP -------VFD370F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---37kW ---76A ---50HP -------VFD450F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---45kW ---91A ---60HP -------VFD550F43A ---3相380~480V 50/60Hz ---3相0~480V ---55kW ---112A ---75HP -------VFD750F43A ---3相380~480V三、产品安装选择合适的安装位置,确保变频器周围有足够的空间和通风条件,避免直接的阳光、高温、湿度、灰尘、腐蚀性气体等影响变频器的正常工作。
智能能源管理系统操作手册第一章概述 (4)1.1 系统简介 (4)1.2 功能特点 (4)1.2.1 实时数据监控 (4)1.2.2 数据分析与报表 (4)1.2.3 能源需求预测 (4)1.2.4 能源优化调度 (4)1.2.5 异常情况预警 (4)1.2.6 系统集成与扩展 (4)1.2.7 用户权限管理 (4)第二章系统安装与配置 (5)2.1 系统安装 (5)2.1.1 安装准备 (5)2.1.2 安装步骤 (5)2.1.3 安装注意事项 (5)2.2 参数配置 (5)2.2.1 系统参数配置 (5)2.2.2 设备参数配置 (5)2.2.3 用户权限配置 (6)2.3 系统升级 (6)2.3.1 升级准备 (6)2.3.2 升级步骤 (6)2.3.3 升级注意事项 (6)第三章用户管理与权限设置 (6)3.1 用户注册与登录 (6)3.1.1 用户注册 (6)3.1.2 用户登录 (7)3.2 用户权限设置 (7)3.2.1 权限管理概述 (7)3.2.2 角色管理 (7)3.2.3 用户角色分配 (7)3.3 用户信息管理 (7)3.3.1 用户信息查询 (7)3.3.2 用户信息修改 (7)3.3.3 用户信息删除 (8)第四章设备管理 (8)4.1 设备注册 (8)4.1.1 注册流程 (8)4.1.2 注册注意事项 (8)4.2 设备监控 (8)4.2.1 监控界面 (8)4.3 设备维护 (9)4.3.1 维护计划 (9)4.3.2 维护操作 (9)4.3.3 维护注意事项 (9)第五章能源数据采集与监控 (9)5.1 数据采集 (9)5.1.1 采集方式 (9)5.1.2 采集内容 (9)5.1.3 采集频率 (10)5.2 数据监控 (10)5.2.1 监控界面 (10)5.2.2 异常报警 (10)5.2.3 报警处理 (10)5.3 数据分析 (10)5.3.1 数据处理 (10)5.3.2 数据展示 (10)5.3.3 数据挖掘 (10)5.3.4 数据报告 (11)第六章能源消耗统计与报告 (11)6.1 能源消耗统计 (11)6.1.1 统计范围 (11)6.1.2 数据来源 (11)6.1.3 统计方法 (11)6.1.4 统计结果展示 (11)6.2 报告 (11)6.2.1 报告类型 (11)6.2.2 报告格式 (12)6.2.3 报告流程 (12)6.3 报告导出 (12)6.3.1 导出格式 (12)6.3.2 导出步骤 (12)6.3.3 导出注意事项 (12)第七章节能减排管理 (12)7.1 节能措施 (12)7.1.1 概述 (12)7.1.2 节能措施分类 (12)7.1.3 节能措施操作方法 (13)7.2 减排计划 (13)7.2.1 概述 (13)7.2.2 减排计划内容 (13)7.2.3 减排计划操作方法 (13)7.3 节能减排评估 (13)7.3.1 概述 (13)7.3.3 节能减排评估操作方法 (14)第八章系统维护与故障处理 (14)8.1 系统维护 (14)8.1.1 维护目的 (14)8.1.2 维护内容 (14)8.1.3 维护周期 (14)8.1.4 维护操作 (14)8.2 故障处理 (14)8.2.1 故障分类 (14)8.2.2 故障处理流程 (15)8.2.3 故障处理方法 (15)8.3 系统日志 (15)8.3.1 日志分类 (15)8.3.2 日志作用 (15)8.3.3 日志管理 (15)第九章安全与隐私 (15)9.1 数据安全 (15)9.1.1 数据加密 (15)9.1.2 数据存储安全 (16)9.1.3 数据访问控制 (16)9.2 用户隐私保护 (16)9.2.1 隐私政策 (16)9.2.2 用户信息保护 (16)9.2.3 用户权限管理 (16)9.3 系统安全策略 (16)9.3.1 身份认证 (16)9.3.2 访问控制 (16)9.3.3 安全审计 (16)9.3.4 系统更新与维护 (17)9.3.5 应急响应 (17)第十章常见问题与解答 (17)10.1 系统操作问题 (17)10.1.1 如何登录智能能源管理系统? (17)10.1.2 如何查看能源消耗数据? (17)10.1.3 如何设置能源监测点? (17)10.1.4 如何查看设备运行状态? (17)10.2 技术支持与更新 (17)10.2.1 如何获取技术支持? (17)10.2.2 系统如何进行更新? (17)10.2.3 更新后如何保证数据不丢失? (18)10.3 用户反馈与建议 (18)10.3.1 如何提交用户反馈? (18)10.3.2 用户反馈处理流程是怎样的? (18)第一章概述1.1 系统简介智能能源管理系统是基于现代信息技术、通信技术、自动控制技术及大数据分析技术,针对能源管理需求而设计的一套集成化、智能化的能源监控与管理系统。
SMARTCONTROL 系统化能源管理系统说明书
€1110011110000110101010100 010001110100101000111001111000011010 SMARTCONTROLEnergy ManagementSystematic Energy Management for Lasting BenefitsElectrical power, gas, water and heat are central cost factors in the production process and in building management – and energy prices are rapidly rising from year to year. For this reason, more and more companies are deciding to take advantage of comprehensive energy management for improved efficiency and reduced consumption of valuable resources. The most important basis for optimizing consump-tion is always a detailed ascertainment of current consumption, as well as accurately pinpointing when and where how much energy is used in which processes. After all, costs can only be influenced if we know exactly when and how they’re incurred.The Intelligent Way to Optimized ConsumptionThe new, multi-talented SMARTCONTROL expands the Energy Control System, which enjoys widespread use in industrial environments.It unites energy and consumption data logging for a wide variety of media with peak load optimization, control functions and error message management. And thus it’s not only possible to monitor consumption,it can be influenced as well. Valuable resources can be used more effi-ciently, energy costs can be lastingly reduced and opportunities provided by modern energy management can be fully exploited:⏹Transparency: visualization of consumption and load structures –detection of weak points⏹Responsibility: source-related cost allocation ofconsumption or costs⏹Benchmarking: acquire figures and compare objects⏹Cost minimization: identify and realize potential savings⏹Budget security: precise planning and monitoring of energy costs⏹Tariff optimization: selection of the least expensive tariff forenergy import according to the utility, as well as consumption and contract conditions⏹Eco-friendliness: reduced consumption sinks CO2 emissionsFeatures⏹Custom tailored scope of functions thanks to modular concept⏹Manufacturer independent connection of data sources via analog, digital and temperature inputs, as well as universal M-Bus, LON and Modbus interfaces ⏹Use of LON interfaces without binding or special knowledge⏹Synchronized meter reading using the FREEZE command with M-Bus and LON ⏹Flexible control of processes via analog and switching outputs⏹Connection to existing infrastructures via Ethernet TCP/IP or optionalsocket modules for analog telephone lines, ISDN, GSM/GPRS or Bluetooth⏹Inexpensive creation of networks with standard components⏹Easy data exchange via Windows DLL or OPC server⏹Exact time with deviation of less than 1 minute per month,automatic synchronization via time server⏹Internal 2 MB flash memory can be expanded with CompactFlash⏹Transfer of data and settings to CompactFlash⏹SMARTCONTROL manager for simple configuration included⏹Up to date:real-time overview of consumption and billing data ⏹Flexibility: billing based upon individually adjustable parameters ⏹Service requirements: rising energy consumption indicatesa need for maintenance or repairSaving Pot ential 5% - 20%According to leading institutes and energy consultants, potential savings of 20% can be achieved through energy management. Based on their own experience, our custom-ers report savings of 5% to 20%, depending upon thedegree of optimization and the implemented measures. The amount of money available for investment can be quickly determined by observing one’s energy costs and stipulatingan acceptable amortization time.Acquiring and Optimizing Energy ConsumptionProduction facilities, business parks, administration buildings, branch offices – electrical power, gas, water, heat and other media are required everywhere – are you aware of your consumption habits and how efficiently you’re using natural resources?SMARTCONTROL – Acquiring and SavingConsumption ValuesAs a rule, consumption values are acquired by separate energy and consumption measuring instruments such as electric, gas, water and heat meters, and are made available by the meters at various interfaces.The simplest interface which can be used for a variety of mediais the pulse output. Each pulse corresponds to a defined unit of consumption, and the sum of all pulses indicates overall consumption. However, in the long run it’s more advantageous to use meters with M-Bus or LON interfaces. With just minimal wiring effort, these meters always transmit meter readings and make manual meter reading corrections unnecessary after the occurrence of system faults. Occasionally, data may also be available via Modbus or in the form of standard signals, i.e. 0/4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V.SMARTCONTROL easily deals with all of these interfaces, ascertains consumption values from the connected meters and stores them autonomously at the selected interval. Synchronization to the power utility’s measuring interval is possible. Sequential read-out of meter readings may result in time offsets in the case of slow transmission speeds and large numbers of bus users. Bus compatible electric meters from Gossen Metrawatt are capableof compensating time offset by means of SMARTCONTROL’s “FREEZE” command.The integrated data memory module can be expanded with a CompactFlash card in order to accommodate large volumes of data or long read-out intervals.SMARTCONTROLProduction FacilitySwitchWater MeterGas MeterElectric MeterWWWEthernet – TCP/IPSMARTCONTROLRouterSMARTCONTROLSMARTCONTROLOffice BuildingSwitchEMC Software – Evaluating Consumption andDiscovering Potential SavingsIn combination with Energy Management Control software (EMC), SMARTCONTROL is the ideal tool for energy managers and controllers. Consumption data from dispersed locations are gathered together in a license-free database via a great variety of communications channels. Visualized load profiles assure transparency for load peaks, excessively high or unnecessary consumption, irregularities, leaks and defects. This frequently makes it possible to realize considerable potential savings with minimal investment costs.Allocation and billing of consumption costs can also be implemented with EMC. Both measures result in efficient use of valuable resources. Internal and external performance comparisons of companies, build-ings and divisions are supported with calculable characteristic values.EMC-SoftwareI S D NG S M/G P R S Central Data Acquisition – Local ControlThanks to its modular design, SMARTCONTROL can be ideally adapted to the respective application as a highly versatile communicator. All SMARTCONTROL locations can be merged with EMC software. When acquiring values from building and branch offices, only a few measuring points exist at dispersed locations, which are read out via analog telephone lines, ISDN or GSM/GPRS. Appropriate modules can be plugged into SMARTCONTROL.There are many measuring points at each location in industrial parks and business parks, which are read out locally using the existing company network – Ethernet TCP/IP. SMARTCONTROL is furnished with the right interface as standard equipment. Central acquisition of values from dispersed locations can be implemented by means of a secure Internet connection.Local processes are controlled by SMARTCONTROL programs, regardless of computer and network availability.Error Message and Alarm ManagementAcquired measured quantities can be continuously compared with limit values, and limit value violations can be used to trigger notifica-tion via switching output, e-mail or SMS. Depending upon program-ming, leaks and error states can thus be detected, or alarm systems can be implemented.Peak Load OptimizationThe integrated peak load optimization function is a simplified process for reducing peak load, with the goal of diminishing power costs for imported electrical power and gas. Before using this function, it’s ad-visable to determine whether or not available functionality is adequate for the desired optimization task.Mains MonitoringMeasured quantities from three-phase systems can be acquired with multifunctional power indicators or energy meters, read out via a bus system and monitored locally.Timer ProgramsActuation of switching outputs by means of universal timer programs can be used in order to shift consumption from peak to off-peak tariff periods, with the goal of reducing energy costs. A further example is lighting control in order to simulate the presence of personnel in the building.Control and RegulationDiverse control functions can be implemented by linking various com-mands to inputs and outputs. Regulation is also supported by means of a special command.Monitoring, Optimization and ProtectionIn addition to pure data acquisition, universal SMARTCONTROL programmability opens up additional applications as well. Numerous predefined commands can be combined in the SMARTCONTROL manager to this end, and are saved to SMARTCONTROL as a program.Calculation FunctionsThe computer makes it possible to convert and link different variables, and provides a result which can in turn be used as an input value for subsequent commands. Special commands are additionally available for calculating mean values and integrals, as well as heating and cooling quantities.Direct Input or Bus SystemSMARTCONTROL acquires nearly all meter readings, states, operating hours, temperatures and measuring signals directly via analog, digital and PT1000 inputs. Measuring range and input functions can be selected for each channel with jumpers, and can be scaled with the help of the software. The status display for digital inputs and switching outputs on the PCB is especially helpful for functions testing. If the measuring points are widely dispersed, if measured values will be transmitted directly, or if more measured quantities than just consump-tion are to be evaluated, bus compatible con- sumption meters or measuring instruments are used. All bus systems which are relevant for this application are supported by SMARTCONTROL, i.e. Modbus, M-Bus and LON.Communications Measuring Instruments, Process Quantities, StatesControlling and Regulating Consumers and Processes235421235421235421235421235421235421SMARTCONTROL ECSVisualizing and Billing ConsumptionEthernet Analog ISDNGSM/GPRS Bluetooth8 + 24 digital inputs 8 analog inputs 8 temperature inputs M-Bus via level converterLON Modbus2 + 4 switching outputs 2 analog outputsEMC-Softwaree-mail SMSEMC SoftwareData Transfer and ConfigurationEven for those who do not want to use Gossen Metrawatt’s complete solution, SMARTCONTROL’s highly diverse functions can nevertheless be used to supplement in-house control technology. Configuration is supported by the SMARTCONTROL manager in this case as well.Developed in Dialog ue ,Effective in Actual Practice Consulting The most important prerequisite for successful energy management is a detailed analysis which makes load characteristics apparent and ascertains all operating requirements. An experienced and competent partner is required to this end: The specialists at Gossen Metrawatt have many years of experience in energy management,and can provide you with comprehensive consultation.Analysis In consideration of all of your individual conditions,we prepare an optimization concept together with you,determine the effectiveness of individual measures and evaluate their efficiency.Implementation If you’re convinced by our optimization model, you receive the concept and a turnkey system from a single source.Upon request, Gossen Metrawatt can operate the optimization system for you as well, and make anynecessary adjustments.You concentrate on your core business activities – we reduce your energy costs!EMC-SoftwareEMC-SoftwareEMC-SoftwareEMC-SoftwareP r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . 1/6.09 3-337-231-03GMC-I Messtechnik GmbHSüdwestpark 15 ▪ 90449 Nürnberg ▪ GermanyPhone: +49 911 8602-111 ▪ Fax: +49 911 8602-777 ▪************************100011101001010001110011110000110101010100 0100011101001010001。
MES30 能源管理模块 用户手册
MES3.0 能源管理模块用户手册[能源管理]李坤该用户手册的主要受众对象为MES实施过程中的关键用户,接受培训者需要拥有较强的业务知识和简单的计算机操作知识。
目录1 概述 (4)模块介绍 (4)在系统中的位置 (4)主要实现功能 (4)业务流程图 (5)能源管理互供仲裁流程 (6)能源管理平衡业务流程 (9)岗位功能对照表 (12)关键术语 (13)权限 (14)能源管理模块工厂平衡业务流程 (14)2 模块业务操作 (15)仪表的录入校正 (16)测点量合计 (18)确认节点量 (19)能源管网互供仲裁 (21)管网平衡 (23)能源结算 (27)能源单耗指标 (29)封帐/输出报表 (30)能源-测点组态 (32)1概述1.1模块介绍1.1.1在系统中的位置图1-1 MES系统总体业务功能架构通过数据集成平台提供的实时数据访问接口,采集能源管理计量仪表实时数据,未实施数采的由使用单位人工录入,车间校正岗位补充和修正原始数据。
(1)目前有 129个电能测量回路,其中包含4台主变压器总表,故需要129个带有数据采集功能的电能表。
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传感器/表计/运行 原始数据
oc luxkWmhinkW%A oFppm
实 时 报 警 通 知,异 常 管 理 全 录 入
第一 时 间 排 除 故 障,降 低 异 常 损 失 • 常显警示窗口常显于页面下方,直接点击
即可轻松到达异常事件发生页面处理 • 实时告警,如:SMS短信、电子邮件、APP
台达能源在线内建常用的能源绩效指标,针对建筑能耗指标EUI(Energy Usage Intensity)以及 评价数据中心能源效率指标PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness),使用者可更精准地了解建筑实 际能耗表现。 • 可视化的EUI分布气泡图: 直观判别建筑能源绩效的指标高低 • 天气标准化EUI: 减少可能对建筑物能耗造成影响的天气因素,有助于申请能源之星的评鉴 • PUE可扩展性分析(PUE Scalability Analysis): 有助于评估IT数据机房基础设施之能耗设计是否
优先级 1
优先级 2
需量 需量限制线
运 用 智 能 运 算,取 得节 能 及 舒 适 的 最 佳 平 衡
• 自适应最佳目标温度调整
• 风机控制 - 实时调整风机运行速 度以达到最佳节能
• 室外进气控制 - 调整风门开度, 优化空气质量
• EUI趋势分析ຫໍສະໝຸດ • 周期性PUE追踪• EUI天气标准化
• PUE可扩展性分析
• 时程控制
• 定制化规则控制
• 远程/规则/智能 设备控制:空调箱/ 风机/冷却水泵/ 循环水泵/水塔 风机/灯光
• 设备管理:维护 通知和统计报告
节能计划纪录与节能 前后成效比较查询: • 节能成效比较 • 建筑物节能计划
不受 时 间 地 点 限 制,永 远 在 第 一 刻 呈 现 最 完 整、最 有价 值 的 能 耗 信 息
能 源 数 据 自 动 转 换,管 理 随 心 所 欲
• 化繁为简,高附加价值的能源管理系统 支 持 各 类 表 计、传 感 器 及设 备 运 行 数 据,将复 杂 的 原 始 数 据自动 转 换 为可 读、可 利 用、有价 值 的能耗信息
• 依据能源类型/能源流向/地域/组织,进行能源可视化、诊断及分析 • 依组织需求,灵活管理应用
经 由 虚 拟I /O及 群 组 功 能,将 能 源 数 据 依 照 企 业 组 织 需 求做 管 理
总公司 组织 A 组织 B
虚拟 I/O
部门 1 部门 2
• 致力提供创新、洁净与节能的解决方案,创造更美好的明天
• 超过4,900项注册专利 • 开发出全球首款符合「80 PLUS」钛金级服务器电源,平均效率高于96% • 电源模块能源效率高达97.2% • 台达全球绿建筑厂房及捐建绿建筑,共取得5张LEED认证、9张EEWH
台湾绿建筑认证 • 台达12栋经认证的绿建筑在2014年共节省1,300万度电
• 提升管理效率,客观查看能源数据 摆脱过去使用人力制作历史能源报告,利用国际能源标准指标协助企业做能源管理决策
Excel制作EnPI报表不易管理 庞大历史能耗资料难以查询 EnPI公式设定复杂繁琐
台达 能源在线
能耗管理分析帮手-EUI / PUE
电子邮件 SMS短信
不 受 时 间 地 点 限 制,实 时 的 远 程 能 源 监 测,节 省人 力 资 源
• 适用于iOS及Android • 灵活访问监测信息
诊 断 分 析 关 键 或 异 常 能 耗 使 用,协 助 企 业 制 定 最 佳 节 能 计 划
汇集数据 汇集、整理经由设备和各式表计所提供的原始数据
油油 水
EnPI能源指标 报表下载
将复杂的数据转换成用户可读、 可利用、有价值的信息
节能分析 设备控制
时程控制 需量控制
通过数据分析与报告,协助用户 采取后续节能计划及行动
环境因素 室内活动
模糊演算 Fuzzy Inference
• 延长设备生命周期,减少设备更换成本 • 通过完整的设备运行统计报表、维护提醒及管理,实现优化的设备操作及维护运作
设备维护提醒 12
哈尔滨 长春
石家庄 太原
北京 天津
大连 青岛
作为一个设施管理者 如 何 在 不增 加 现 有 工作 负 担 下,做 好 能 源 管 理? 如 何 更 有 效 的 做 到 能 源 管 理? 有什 么 绩 效 指 标 可作 为 衡 量?
大 数 据 来 临! 信息为最有价值的企业资产
全 球 化 能 源 管 理 系 统-可 视 化 、价 值 化 、全 球 化
能源管理系统服务器 (EMS Server)
Delta Centre
电/水/油/瓦斯 各式表计
温度/湿度/红外线/二氧化碳 传感器
可程序逻辑控制器 变频器
冷却水出/回水温度 冷冻水出/回水温度
DJSI)「世界 指 数 」,2012 年更 获 全 球 IC T 电子 设 备行业领 导 企 业 第一 名之 殊荣 • 自2010年以 来,台 达已 获 颁47项国际闻名的设 计 奖项,包含iF,Reddot, CES innovation 和Computex Best Choice及台湾精品奖等 • 从传统零组件厂商转型为系统集成供货商,致力提高效能科技应用 • 业务范畴涵跨电源及零组件、能源管理及智能绿生活
物 联 网 系 统 架 构-数 据 化 、行 动 化 、智 能 化
台达能源在线(Delta Energy Online)具备灵活的系统架构,可灵活分散安装的数据收集服务Delta Centre、网 页 服 务 器 和 数 据 库,满 足 使 用 者 对 于 不 同 场 域 的 架 设 需 求,并 兼 容 于第 三 方 设 备 和 系 统 。采 用 We b 界 面, 随 手上 网 即 可 访 问 到 集中 式 能 源 管 理,不 受 时 间 地 点 所 限 。
设定 • 实时数据监视查询
历史数据分析报表 查询与导出: • 依传感器查询 • 依群组查询 • 依能源回路查询 • 依能耗指标查询
• 负载端(Site)与源头 • 负载端(Site)与源头
端(Source) EUI值
端(Source) PUE值
• 跨建筑物EUI排名 • 全球机房PUE排名
高级权限 全球管理者可存取各个地区 所收集到的所有能源使用信息。
EnPI 能源指标, 日、月、年、最近6个月…
基本权限 建筑设施管理者只能存取 该建物的能源使用信息。
台达能源在线 功能一览表
EUI分布气泡图 直观的建筑总能耗3D分析
PUE可扩展性分析 验证IT数据机房设计优良与否
追 求 节 能 及 友 善 环 境 的 平 衡,轻 松 实 现 双 赢 的 能 源 策 略
动 态 需 量 预 测 管 理,避 免 能 耗 超 量 成 本
• 需量趋势分析预测需量的动态改变,减少超约所带来的损失 • 设定设备关闭之优先级,自动关闭超额能耗的设备
除了支 持 各式传感器及电表 外,更 提 供内建智能 算法的中央管 理平台。搭配专家系统的高级功能,藉由操 作设 定 点自动调整、模 糊算法、动态需量 预测管 理等方 式,大幅提升主要能 耗设 备的营运 效率,节能成 效 可 达 30%,实 现 舒 适 与 节 能 双 赢 的 能 源 策 略。
楼宇自动化解决方案 领导厂商
超过150个销售网点、生产基地及研发中心,随时为全球客户提供零时 差的实时服务 完整且具核心竞争力的智能节能解决方案 跨领域的集成产品及服务,提供企业全方位解决方案