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Contract PART 2




The following special terms and conditions are hereby incorporated into the Contract and shall be applied to the Articles as indicated.


Add the following sub-Article to Contract PART 1 Article 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTRACTOR: 在本“合同”第一部分通用条款第3条“承包商责任”中加入下述内容:

3.3 .1 Performance Security Amount. The Contractor shall provide a Performance

Bond, from an Owner approved financial institution, prior to the start of any Work.

Such Bond shall be effective during the entire period of Contractor’s performance of the Work up until Final Acceptance. Such Bond shall be issued in the form shown in Contract PART 6 and for an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the estimated Contract Price. The Performance Bond shall be drawn upon for any instance of non performance of any of Contractor’s obligations under the Contract.






Add the following sub-Articles to PART 1 Article 21. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES


21.1 Liquidated Damages for Late Completion延期完工违约赔偿金

Without prejudice of any other Contract provisions whatsoever and/or Owner rights, should Contractor fail to complete the Work by the significant milestone dates shown below in accordance with the Contract, and/or satisfy all of the conditions necessary for the issuance of the Final Acceptance Certificate by the Completion Date as stated in the Contract, Owner shall have the right to apply the following Liquidated Damages provisions.


In such case and without any prior formal notice or demand from Owner and without any proof of loss, Contractor shall pay or issue credit to Owner the indicated liquidated damages for each day of delay past the indicated LD Start Date unless a Change Order has been agreed by both parties modifying any such date. Such payment shall be construed as Liquidated Damages, and not as a penalty, and shall be limited for the sum total of all delay liquidated damages to ten per cent (10 %) of the total Final Contract Price in the aggregate.

在此情况下,无需“业主”事先出具任何正式通知或提出要求,也无需提交相关损失的证据,在“违约赔偿金开始日期”之后,“工作”每延迟一日,“承包商”均应根据上表规定的“每日违约赔偿金”对“业主”进行赔偿,除非“合同双方”一致同意签发修改上述“违约赔偿金”开始日期的“变更单”。该等支付的款项被视为“违约赔偿金”,而非罚款,因延迟导致的违约赔偿金总额累计不超过最终“合同价格”的10 %。

Should the Final Contract Price not be agreed at the time of the application of the Liquidated Damages, the above stated percentages shall apply provisionally to the highest amount put forward as the final value of the Contract Price by Contractor.


21.2 Liquidated Damages for Failure to meet the Contract Performance

Requirements during the Contract Performance Tests 未达到性能考核指标的违约赔偿金

A Unit Performance Test Run shall be conducted as stipulated in the Contract

to confirm that each unit being tested has achieved its design requirements of capacity, operating conditions, environmental protection, product quality, equipment performance, automatic control settings, and utilities consumption ratings. Contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to assist Owner in demonstrating each unit can achieve the required operating results. In the event that any unit fails, after the prescribed Owner directed attempts, to pass the prescribed Performance Tests, then Contractor shall pay Owner the Liquidated Damages as indicated below according to the degree of unit performance that is demonstrated during the Performance Tests. No testing or
