
这种器件通常由多个半导体材料层叠而成,其中包含N 型和P型硅等材料。

一.TO 晶体管外形封装TO〔Transistor Out-line〕的中文意思是“晶体管外形〞。
二. DIP 双列直插式封装DIP(DualIn-line Package)是指采用双列直插形式封装的集成电路芯片,绝大多数中小规模集成电路(IC)均采用这种封装形式,其引脚数一般不超过100个。
DIP封装具有以下特点:1.适合在PCB (印刷电路板)上穿孔焊接,操作方便。
XB5352G 贴片SOT23-5 单节锂电池充电保护芯片 电源管理IC

XB5352G ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One Cell Lithium-ion/Polymer Battery Protection ICGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XB5352G product is a high integration solution for lithium-ion/polymer battery protection.XB5352G contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits and delay circuits.XB5352G is put into an ultra-smallSOT23-5 package and only oneexternal component makes it an ideal solution in limited space of battery pack. XB5352G has all the protection functions required in the battery application including overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent and load short circuiting protection etc. The accurate overcharging detection voltage ensures safe and full utilization charging. The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage.The device is not only targeted for digital cellular phones, but also for any otherLi-Ion and Li-Poly battery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life. FEATURES·Protection of Charger Reverse Connection·Protection of Battery Cell Reverse Connection·Integrate Advanced Power MOSFET with Equivalent of 45mΩ R SS(ON)·Ultra-small SOT23-5 Package ·Only One External Capacitor Required·Over-temperature Protection ·Overcharge Current Protection ·Two-step Overcurrent Detection: -Overdischarge Current-Load Short Circuiting·Charger Detection Function·0V Battery Charging Function- Delay Times are generated inside ·High-accuracy Voltage Detection ·Low Current Consumption- Operation Mode: 2.8μA typ.- Power-down Mode: 1.5μA typ. ·RoHS Compliant and Lead (Pb) FreeAPPLICATIONSOne-Cell Lithium-ion Battery PackLithium-Polymer Battery PackFigure 1. Typical Application CircuitORDERING INFORMATIONNote: “YW” is manufacture date code, “Y” means the year, “W” means the weekPIN CONFIGURATIONFigure 2. PIN ConfigurationPIN DESCRIPTIONABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Note: Do not exceed these limits to prevent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for long periods may affect device reliability.)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTypicals and limits appearing in normal type apply for T A= 25o C, unless otherwise specifiedFigure 3. Functional Block Diagram FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe XB5352G monitors the voltage and current of a battery and protects it from being damaged due to overcharge voltage, overdischarge voltage, overdischarge current, and short circuit conditions by disconnecting the battery from the load or charger. These functions are required in order to operate the battery cell within specified limits.The device requires only one external capacitor. The MOSFET is integrated andits R SS(ON) is as low as45mΩtypical. Normal operating modeIf no exception condition is detected, charging and discharging can be carried out freely. This condition is called the normal operating mode.Overcharge ConditionWhen the battery voltage becomes higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) during charging under normal conditionand the state continues for the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) or longer, theXB5352G turns the charging control FEToff to stop charging. This condition is called the overcharge condition. The overcharge condition is released in the following two cases:1, When the battery voltage drops below the overcharge release voltage (V CL), the XB5352G turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal condition.2, When a load is connected and discharging starts, the XB5352G turns the charging control FET on and returns to the normal condition. The release mechanism is as follows: the discharging current flows through an internal parasitic diode of the charging FET immediately after a load is connected and discharging starts, and the VM pin voltage increases about 0.7 V (forward voltage of the diode) from the GND pin voltage momentarily. TheXB5352G detects this voltage and releases the overcharge condition. Consequently, in the case that the battery voltage is equal to or lower than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU), the XB5352G returns to the normal condition immediately, but in the case the battery voltage is higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU),the chip does not return to the normal condition until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) even if the load is connected. In addition, if the VM pin voltage is equal to or lower than the overcurrent 1 detection voltage when a load is connected and discharging starts, the chip does not return to the normal condition.Remark If the battery is charged to a voltage higher than the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) and the battery voltage does not drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU) even when a heavy load, which causes an overcurrent, is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 do not work until the battery voltage drops below the overcharge detection voltage (V CU). Since an actual battery has, however, an internal impedance of several dozens of mΩ, and the battery voltage drops immediately after a heavy load which causes an overcurrent is connected, the overcurrent 1 and overcurrent 2 work. Detection of load short-circuiting works regardless of the battery voltage.Overdischarge ConditionWhen the battery voltage drops below the overdischarge detection voltage (V DL) during discharging under normal condition and it continues for the overdischarge detection delay time (t DL) or longer, theXB5352G turns the discharging control FET off and stops discharging. This condition is called overdischarge condition. After the discharging control FET is turned off, the VM pin is pulled up by the R VMD resistorbetween VM and VDD in XB5352G. Meanwhile when VM is bigger than 1.5V (typ.) (the load short-circuiting detection voltage), the current of the chip is reduced to the power-down current (I PDN). This condition is called power-down condition. The VM and VDD pins are shorted by theR VMD resistor in the IC under the overdischarge and power-down conditions. The power-down condition is released when a charger is connected and the potential difference between VM and VDD becomes 1.3 V (typ.) or higher (load short-circuiting detection voltage). At this time, the FET is still off. When the battery voltage becomes the overdischarge detection voltage (V DL) or higher (see note), the XB5352G turns the FET on and changes to the normal condition from the overdischarge condition.Remark If the VM pin voltage is no less than the charger detection voltage (V CHA), when the battery under overdischarge condition is connected to a charger, the overdischarge condition is released (the discharging control FET is turned on) as usual, provided that the battery voltage reaches the overdischarge release voltage (V DU) or higher. Overcurrent ConditionWhen the discharging current becomes equal to or higher than a specified value (the VM pin voltage is equal to or higher than the overcurrent detection voltage)during discharging under normal condition and the state continues for the overcurrent detection delay time or longer, theXB5352G turns off the discharging control FET to stop discharging. This condition is called overcurrent condition. (The overcurrentincludes overcurrent, or load short-circuiting.)The VM and GND pins are shorted internally by the R VMS resistor under the overcurrent condition. When a load is connected, the VM pin voltage equals the VDD voltage due to the load.The overcurrent condition returns to the normal condition when the load is released and the impedance between the B+ and B- pins becomes higher than the automatic recoverable impedance. When the load is removed, the VM pin goes back to the GND potential since the VM pin is shorted the GND pin with the R VMS resistor. Detecting that the VM pin potential is lower than the overcurrent detection voltage(V IOV), the IC returns to the normal condition.Abnormal Charge Current DetectionIf the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA) during charging under the normal condition and it continues for the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) or longer, the XB5352G turns the charging control FET off and stops charging. This action is called abnormal charge current detection. Abnormal charge current detection works when the discharging control FET is on and the VM pin voltage drops below the charger detection voltage (V CHA). When an abnormal charge current flows into a battery in the overdischarge condition, the XB5352G consequently turns the charging control FET off and stops charging after the battery voltage becomes the overdischarge detection voltage and the overcharge detection delay time (t CU) elapses.Abnormal charge current detection is released when the voltage difference between VM pin and GND pin becomes lower than the charger detection voltage (V CHA) by separating the charger. Since the 0 V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function, abnormal charge current may not be detected by the product with the 0 V battery charging function while the battery voltage is low.Load Short-circuiting conditionIf voltage of VM pin is equal or below short circuiting protection voltage (V SHORT), the XB5352G will stop discharging and battery is disconnected from load. The maximum delay time to switch current off is t SHORT. This status is released when voltage of VM pin is higher than short protection voltage (V SHORT), such as when disconnecting the load.Delay CircuitsThe detection delay time for overdischarge current 2 and load short-circuiting starts when overdischarge current 1 is detected. As soon as overdischarge current 2 or load short-circuiting is detected over detection delay time for overdischarge current 2 or load short- circuiting, the XB5352G stops discharging. When battery voltage falls below overdischarge detection voltage due to overdischarge current, the XB5352G stop discharging by overdischarge current detection. In this case the recovery of battery voltage is so slow that if battery voltage after overdischarge voltage detection delay time is still lower than overdischarge detection voltage, the XB5352G shifts to power-down.Figure 4. Overcurrent delay time0V Battery Charging Function (1) (2) (3) This function enables the charging of a connected battery whose voltage is 0 V by self-discharge. When a charger having 0 V battery start charging charger voltage(V0CHA) or higher is connected between B+ and B- pins, the charging control FET gate is fixed to VDD potential. When the voltage between the gate and the source of the charging control FET becomes equal to or higher than the turn-on voltage by the charger voltage, the charging control FET is turned on to start charging. At this time, the discharging control FET is off and the charging current flows through the internal parasitic diode in the discharging control FET. If the battery voltage becomes equal to or higher than the overdischarge release voltage (V DU), the normal condition returns. Note(1) Some battery providers do not recommend charging of completely discharged batteries. Please refer to battery providers before the selection of 0 V battery charging function.(2) The 0V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function. Consequently, a product with the 0 V battery charging function charges a battery and abnormal charge current cannot be detected during the battery voltage is low (at most 1.8 V or lower).(3) When a battery is connected to the IC for the first time, the IC may not enter the normal condition in which discharging is possible. In this case, set the VM pin voltage equal to the GND voltage (short the VM and GND pins or connect a charger) to enter the normal condition.TIMING CHART1.Overcharge and overdischarge detectionV V CU -V V DL +V V DL ONONCHARGEV DDV ov1V SS V VMFigure5-1 Overcharge and Overdischarge Voltage Detection2.Overdischarge current detectionV CU V CU -V HC V DL +V DH V DLONDISCHARGEOFFV DDV V ov2V ov1V SS(1)(4)(1)(1)(1)(4)(4)Figure5-2 Overdischarge Current DetectionRemark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent condition3.Charger DetectionVV CU-VV DL+VV DLONV DDVMV SSVFigure5-3 Charger Detection4.Abnormal Charger DetectionVV CU-VV DL+VV DLONONCHARGEV DDVMV SSVFigure5-4 Abnormal Charger DetectionRemark: (1) Normal condition (2) Overcharge voltage condition (3) Overdischarge voltage condition (4)Overcurrent conditionTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Test based on XB5352G version, V BAT = 3.6V, T A= 25 C unless otherwise specified)Internal FET On-Resistance vs. Junction TemperatureTYPICAL APPLICATIONAs shown in Figure 6, the bold line is the high density current path which must be kept as short as possible. For thermal management, ensure that these trace widths are adequate. C1 is a decoupling capacitor which should be placed as close as possible to XB5352G.Fig 6 XB5352G in a Typical Battery Protection CircuitPrecautions• Pay attention to the operating conditions for input/output voltage and load current so that the power loss in XB5352G does not exceed the power dissipation of the package.• Do not apply an el ectrostatic discharge to this XB5352G that exceeds the performance ratings of the built-in electrostatic protection circuit.XB5352G______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________ _________ ____________ - 11 -PACKAGE OUTLINESOT23-5 PACKAGE OUTLINE AND DIMENSIONS。

A.General Description 简要概述半导体放电管器件专门用来防止敏感的电信设备、POS 终端、基站设备、网络视频等设备出现由闪电、电源接触和电源感应引起的过压故障危险。
广泛应用在:网络通迅及消费类电子产品、高速数据传输设备(T1/E1、XDSL、ISDN、HDSL、CATV、SLIC 等)。
产品特点产品特点:: 精确导通电压、快速响应 超强的浪涌处理能力 双向对称,可靠性高 安装简便,器件体积小分SMA、SMB 贴片型/DO-15、TO-92直插型 符合ROHS 要求满足通信产品标准要求SMA/DO-214ACB.Dimension产品尺寸D.Surge Ratings 浪涌额定值E.Product Terminology 产品术语Electrical Parameters电气参数V DM :Repetitive peak Off-state Voltage 最高峰值电压,器件可保持关断状态,也即:不正作峰值电压VBo:Switching Voltage半导体雪崩或开关切换动作电压Ipp :Surge Ratings最大额定峰值脉冲电流I DM :Off-state current在V DM 下最大泄漏电流值I H Min :Minimum Holding current 导通状态最小电流C :O ff-state Capacitance 不工作状态下器件电容值di/dt :Rate of Rise of Current 电流上升率dv/dt :Rate of Rise of Voltage电压上升率F.Thermal Considerations温度特性考虑封装形式Symbol符号Parameter参数Value值SMA/Do-214ACT J Operating Junction Temperature Range工作温度范围-40~+150℃T S Storage Temperature Range贮存温度范围-55~+150℃RØJA Thermal Resistance:Junction to Ambient90℃/WG.Part Name Information 产品命名信息H.Packing information 包装信息505000PCS/Reel 00PCS/Reel1010000PCS 000PCS /BOX50,000PCS /CartonNOTE:ALL DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.注意注意::所有的规格、参数更新将不例行通知。
半导体元器件 hs编码

8541.10 半导体集成电路(包括微处理器和控制器)
8541.20 其他具有至少一个电子功能的半导体器件
8541.30 敏感半导体器件,包括光电转换器、光敏电阻和光敏晶体管等
8541.40 晶体管,包括硅晶体管、绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT)和场效应晶体管(FET)等
8541.50 二极管,包括整流二极管、肖特基二极管和发光二极管(LED)等
8541.60 光电管和光电倍增管
8541.70 磁电子器件和磁传感器
8541.90 其他半导体器件,如电容器、电阻器和电感器等

2、半导体放电管型号大全(1)名称:P0080SA-P5000SA(DO-214AA)封装:DO-214AA产品系列:P0080SA-P5000SA规格:P0080SA、P0300SA、P0640SA、P0720SA、P0900SA、P1100SA、P1300SA、P1500SA、P1800SA、P2000 SA、P2300SA、P2600SA、P3100SA、P3500SA、P4000SA、P4500SA、P5000SA(2)名称:P0080SB-P5000SB(DO-214AA)封装:DO-214AA产品系列:P0080SB-P5000SB规格:P0080SB、P0300SB、P0640SB、P0720SB、P0900SB、P1100SB、P1300SB、P1500SB、P1800SB、P2000SB、P2300SB、P2600SB、P3100SB、P3500SB、P4000SB、P4500SB、P5000SB(3)名称:P0080SC-P5000SC(DO-214AA)封装:DO-214AA产品系列:P0080SC-P5000SC规格:P0080SC、P0300SC、P0640SC、P0720SC、P0900SC、P1100SC、P1300SC、P1500SC、P1800SC、P2000SC、P2300SC、P2600SC、P3100SC、P3500SC、P4000SC、P4500SC、P5000SC(4)名称:P0080TA-P5000TA(DO-214AC)封装:DO-214AC产品系列:P0080TA-P5000TA规格:P0080TA、P0300TA、P0640TA、P0720TA、P0900TA、P1100TA、P1300TA、P1500TA、P1800TA、P2000TA、P2300TA、P2600TA、P3100TA、P3500TA、P4000TA、P4500TA、P5000TA(5)名称:P0080EA-P5000EA(TO-92)封装:TO-92产品系列:P0080EA-P5000EA规格:P0080EA、P0300EA、P0640EA、P0720EA、P0900EA、P1100EA、P1300EA、P1500EA、P1800EA、P2000EA、P2300EA、P2600EA、P3100EA、P3500EA、P4000EA、P4500EA、P5000EA(6)名称:P0080EB-P5000EB(TO-92)封装:TO-92产品系列:P0080EB-P5000EB规格:P0080EB、P0300EB、P0640EB、P0720EB、P0900EB、P1100EB、P1300EB、P1500EB、P1800EB、P2000EB、P2300EB、P2600EB、P3100EB、P3500EB、P4000EB、P4500EB、P5000EB、(7)名称:P0080EC-P5000EC(TO-92)封装:TO-92产品系列:P0080EC-P5000EC规格:P0080EC、P0300EC、P0640EC、P0720EC、P0900EC、P1100EC、P1300EC、P1500EC、P1800EC、P2000 EC、P2300EC、P2600EC、P3100EC、P3500EC、P4000EC、P4500EC、P5000EC(8)名称:P0080LA-P5000LA(DO-41)封装:DO-41产品系列:P0080EC-P5000EC规格:P0080LA、P0300LA、P0640LA、P0720LA、P0900LA、P1100LA、P1300LA、P1500LA、P1800LA、、P200 0LA、P2300LA、P2600LA、P3100LA、P3500LA、P4000LA、P4500LA、P5000LA(9)名称:P0080LB-P5000LB(DO-15)封装:DO-15产品系列:P0080LB-P5000LB规格:P0080LB、P0300LB、P0640LB、P0720LB、P0900LB、P1100LB、P1300LB、P1500LB、P1800LB、P2000 LB、P2300LB、P2600LB、P3100LB、P3500LB、P4000LB、P4500LB、P5000LB(10)名称:P0080LC-P5000LC(DO-27)封装:DO-27产品系列:P0080LC-P5000LC规格:P0080LC、P0300LC、P0640LC、P0720LC、P0900LC、P1100LC、P1300LC、P1500LC、P1800LC、P2000 LC、P2300LC、P2600LC、P3100LC、P3500LC、P4000LC、P4500LC、P5000LC(11)名称:TISP61089封装:SOP-8产品系列:TISP61089规格:TISP61089、TISP61089A、TISP61089B3、小结有关硕凯半导体放电管的各种型号主要是以上这些系列,附上硕凯半导体放电管的命名规则,方便大家了解:谢谢您的查阅!。
维沙特半导体 SOT-23 型号的单线电静电保护设备说明书

12X (.100 ) [2.54]
14X ( .039) [1]
CDIP - 5.08 mm max height
(.300 ) TYP [7.62]
NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Body dimensions do not include mold flash or protrusion not to exceed 0,15. D. Falls within JEDEC MO-150
TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale (/legal/termsofsale.html) or other applicable terms available either on or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products.
(R.002 ) TYP [0.05]

如FCC Part68A类型的IPP应大于100A;Bellcore 1089的IPP应大于25A。

下面为您介绍IKSEMI IL54123DT IL54123N M54123接地故障断路器接地漏电流检测器IL54123描述IL54123N / D设计用于漏电断路器,可直接在交流线路断路器上运行。
IL54123特征•低功耗(PD = 5mW)100V / 200V•100V / 200V通用内置稳压器•高增益差分放大器•高输入灵敏度(VT = 6.1mV典型值)•最小外部零件•大浪涌保证金•宽工作温度范围(T = -30至80°C)•高抗噪性•符合U.L. 943标准IL54123N DIP8IL54123DT SOP8IL7101完全替代GL7101IL7101完全替代KA2803IL7101描述IL7101设计用于漏电断路器,可直接在交流线路断路器上运行。
IL7101特征•低功耗(PD = 5mW)100V / 200V•100V / 200V通用内置稳压器•高增益差分放大器•高输入灵敏度•最小外部零件•大浪涌保证金•宽工作温度范围(T = -30至85°C)•高抗噪性•符合U.L. 943标准型号:IL7101SN DIP8IL7101AN DIP8IL7101SDT SOP8IL7101ADT SOP8深圳市奥伟斯科技有限公司是一家专注触摸芯片,单片机,电源管理芯片,语音芯片,场效应管,显示驱动芯片,网络接收芯片,运算放大器,红外线接收头及其它半导体产品的研发,代理销售推广的高新技术企业.奥伟斯科技自成立以来一直致力于新半导体产品在国内的推广与销售,年销售额超过壹亿人民币是一家具有综合竞争优势的专业电子元器件代理商.本公司代理推广的一系列优秀触摸芯片及语音芯片,现以大批量应用到智能电子锁、饮水机、电饭煲、LED台灯等控制器为顾客提供最佳解决方案,受到广大客户的一致赞誉。

gdt半导体放电管GDT半导体放电管(Gas Discharge Tube)是一种常见的气体放电保护元件,也称为气体放电管或气体放电保护器。
一般来说,GDT放电管的放电电压范围在几百伏特到几千伏特之间,不同型号的GDT 放电管具有不同的放电电压。

TSS 半导体放电管产品选型指南T hyristor S urge S uppressors Selection Guide版权及最终解释权归君耀电子(BrightKing)所有V2,2018目录1TSS工作原理 (3)2TSS特点 (3)3TSS典型应用电路 (4)4TSS参数说明 (4)4.1.V DRM,I DRM (4)4.2.I H (5)4.3.V T,I T (6)4.4.V S,I S (6)4.5.V PP,I PP (6)5TSS选型注意事项 (7)5.1.反向截止电压(V DRM) (7)5.2.TSS的续流问题 (7)5.3.封装形式 (7)6TSS命名规则 (7)7君耀电子(BrightKing)TSS产品线 (8)1 TSS 工作原理TSS (Thyristor Surge Suppressors ),浪涌抑制晶闸管,也称半导体放电管,是采用半导体工艺制成的PNPN 结四层结构器件,其伏安特性(如图1)类似于晶闸管,具有典型的开关特性。
TSS 一般并联在电路中应用,正常工作状态下TSS 处于截止状态,当电路中由于感应雷、操作过电压等出现异常过电压时,TSS 快速导通泄放由异常过电压导致的异常过电流,保护后端设备免遭异常过电压的损坏,异常过电压消失后,TSS 又恢复至截止状态。
图2是TSS 第一象限放大图,TSS 的开关特性包含四个区域:断态区、击穿区、负电阻区和通态区。
断态电流是结反向电流和所有表面漏电流的综合,在该区可施加反向截止电压(V DRM )测量TSS 的漏电流(I DRM )。
最终当TSS 正反馈出现足以激活开通时,该区域终止。
屹晶微电子 EG2125 芯片数据手册说明书

版本变更记录版本号日期描述V1.0 2020年11月11日EG2125用户手册初稿目录1. 特性 (1)2. 描述 (1)3. 应用领域 (1)4. 引脚 (2)4.1 引脚定义 (2)4.2 引脚描述 (3)5. 结构框图 (4)6. 典型应用电路 (5)7. 电气特性 (5)7.1 极限参数 (5)7.2 典型参数 (6)7.3 开关时间特性及死区时间波形图 (7)8. 应用设计 (7)8.1 Vcc端电源电压 (7)8.2 输入逻辑信号要求和输出驱动器特性 (8)8.3 自举电路 (9)9. 封装尺寸 (10)9.1 SSOP24封装尺寸 (10)EG2125芯片数据手册V1.01. 特性⏹高端悬浮自举电源设计,耐压可达600V⏹内部带两路比较器⏹适应5V、3.3V输入电压⏹最高频率支持500KHZ⏹VCC和VB端欠压关断输出⏹输出电流能力I O+/- 0.8A/1.3A⏹SD低电平关闭HO和LO输出⏹过流保护功能,高电平关闭HO、LO输出⏹外围器件少⏹封装形式:SSOP24⏹无铅无卤符合ROHS标准2. 描述EG2125是一款高性价比带两个路比较器功能的全桥驱动专用芯片,内部集成了逻辑信号输入处理电路、SD控制电路、欠压关断电路、闭锁电路、电平位移电路、脉冲滤波电路及输出驱动电路。
该芯片具有闭锁功能防止输出功率管同时导通,输入通道HIN和LIN内建了250K下拉电阻,在输入悬空时使上、下功率MOS管处于关闭状态,输出电流能力I O+/- 0.8/1.3A,采用SSOP24封装。
3. 应用领域⏹逆变电源⏹电动车控制器⏹变频水泵控制器⏹开关电源⏹无刷电机驱动器⏹高压Class-D类功放4. 引脚4.1 引脚定义图4-1. EG2125管脚定义4.2 引脚描述5. 结构框图GND VCCVS1SD1HIN2GNDVCCVS2LIN2SD2CINP2LO1HO1VB1VB2HO2LO2图5-1. EG2125内部电路图6. 典型应用电路图6-1. EG2125典型应用电路图7. 电气特性7.1 极限参数无另外说明,在T A=25℃条件下注:超出所列的极限参数可能导致芯片内部永久性损坏,在极限的条件长时间运行会影响芯片的可靠性。

对称的伏安特性曲线如图一:图一半导体放电管的电路符号如图2:半导体吸收雷电浪涌示意如图3:图 2图 6对于低于200伏左右(振铃电路可能产生一百五六十伏的电压,在此正常工作电压下放电管应不动作)的电压,固体放电管不动作(对应参数:不动作电压),相当于断路(对应参数:绝缘电阻)外界引入的过电压经一级保护后,到达B点时最高只有两三百伏(对应固体放电管的最高限制电压),此电压经过二级保护区后到达D点后只有五六十伏,不会对用户接口卡造成损坏。
图7为二极管DO-15轴式封装的固体放电管示意图图8为外形图图8 图7二半导体放电管芯片的结构及原理半导体放电管的芯片结构如图8、平面图形如图9图8 图9 (表面金属EB短路)从结构可以分解如图10从上图可以看出,五层双端结构的半导体放电管芯片可以看作是两个无门极的晶闸管的组合,而每个晶闸管又可以看作是两个互相作用的三级管的组合。

High Power Semiconductors Product Catalogue 2013Power and productivityfor a better world™Product Catalogue 2013 EditionContentsPage IGBT and Diode Dies 2 – 3 HiPak Modules 4 – 6 StakPak Modules7 Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristors8 – 9 Gate Turn-off Thyristors10 – 11 Fast Recovery Diodes12 – 13 Standard Recovery Diodes14 Avalanche Diodes15 Drawings for Fast & Standard Recovery Diodes and Avalanche Diodes16 Welding Diodes17 Phase Control Thyristors18 – 20 Bi-Directionally Controlled Thyristors21Fast Switching Thyristors22 Reverse Conducting Thyristors23 Silicon Surge Voltage Suppressors24 BiMOS Part Numbering Structure25 Bipolar Part Numbering Structure26 – 27 ABB – Polovodice Products Cross Reference List28 – 29 Symbols30 – 31 Worldwide Distributors32 – 33High Power Semiconductors Catalogue| Contents 01Part number Thickness μmTypeSize A x B mm V RRM (V)Diodes 1.2 kV5SLY 76E12005SLY 86E12005SLY 76F12005SLY 86F12005SLY 76G12005SLY 86G12005SLY 76J12005SLY 86J12001.7 kV5SLY 86E17005SLY 86F17005SLY 86G17005SLY 86J17005SLY 12J17005SLY 86M17005SLY 12M17002.5 kV5SLX 12L25153.3 kV5SLX 12M33015SLZ 12M33054.5 kV5SLY 12M45005SLY 12N45006.5 kV5SLX 12M6521SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT SPT SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT +6.3 x 6.37.4 x 7.48.4 x 8.410.0 x 10.06.3 x 6.37.7 x 7.78.6 x 8.610.2 x 10.213.6 x 13.612.4 x 12.413.6 x 13.613.6 x 13.613.6 x 13.614.3 x 14.313.6 x 13.6350350350350390390390390390310385385570570670I F (A)V F (V)typ. 125°C Max. Dies per Wafer (W)or Tray (T)361 (W)257 (W)198 (W)137 (W)326 (W)237 (W)188 (W)131 (W)36 (T)69 (W)25 (T)36 (T)25 (T)25 (T)25 (T)25 (T)25 (T)12001200120012001700170017001700170025003300330045004500650050751001505075100150300100100125100110501.851.851.851.852. IGBT and Diode Dies | High Power Semiconductors Catalogue-SPT, covering the SPT and SPT + technology,is a trademark of ABB IGBT and Diode BiMOS platform-State-of the-art planar IGBT and matching fast diode dies-High dynamic ruggedness, low switching losses, low on-state voltage-Positive temperature coefficient for easy paralleling-Passivation: Silicon Nitride plus PolyimideIGBT and Diode DiesPart number Thickness μmTypeSize A x B mm V CES (V)IGBTs 1.2 kV5SMX 76E12805SMX 86E12805SMX 76H12805SMX 86H12805SMX 76K12805SMX 86K12805SMX 76L12805SMX 86L12805SMY 76H12805SMY 86H12805SMY 76J12805SMY 86J12805SMY 76K12805SMY 86K12805SMY 76M12805SMY 86M12801.7 kV5SMY 86G17215SMY 86J17215SMY 12J17215SMY 86K17215SMY 12K17215SMY 86M17215SMY 12M17212.5 kV5SMX 12L25163.3 kV5SMX 12M33005SMY 12M33104.5 kV5SMY 12M45005SMY 12N45016.5 kV5SMX 12M65015SMY 12M6501SPT SPT SPT SPT SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT+SPT +SPT +SPT SPT SPT +SPT +SPT +SPT SPT +6.5 x 6.69.1 x 9.011.0 x 11.012.6 x 12.69.1 x 9.110.2 x 10.211.2 x 11.913.5 x 13.58.6 x 8.610.1 x 10.111.4 x 11.413.6 x 13.612.4 x 12.413.6 x 13.613.6 x 13.613.6 x 13.614.3 x 14.313.6 x 13.613.6 x 13.6140140140140140140140140209209209209310385380530530670670I C (A)I CM (A)Max. Dies per Wafer (W)or Tray (T)332 (W)166 (W)112 (W)82 (W)166 (W)130 (W)98 (W)71 (W)186 (W)132 (W)36 (T)102 (W)36 (T)69 (W)25 (T)36 (T)25 (T)25 (T)25 (T)25 (T)25 (T)25 (T)120012001200120012001200120012001700170017001700250033003300450045006500650025507510057751001505075100150505062.550552531501001502001141502003001001502003001001001251001105063V CEsat (V)typ. 125°C 2.352. Power Semiconductors Catalogue | IGBT and Diode Dies 03Please refer to page 25 for part numbering structure.1.7 kV5SND 0800M1701005SNE 0800M1701005SNA 1600N1701005SNA 1800E1701005SNA 2400E1701003.3 kV5SNE 0800E3301005SNA 0800N3301005SLD 1200J3301005SNA 1200E3301005SNA 1200G3301001.7 kV5SLA 2000J1703005SNA 2000J1703005SNA 2400E1703055SNA 3600E1703005SLA 3600E1703002.5 kV5SNA 1500E2503003.3 kV5SNG 0250P3303055SLD 1000N3303005SNA 1000N3303005SNA 1500E330305170017001700170017003300330033003300330017001700170017001700250033003300330033002 x 8008001600180024008008001200120012002000200024003600360015002 x 2502 x 100010001500(3) – Dual IGBT / M (2) – Chopper / M (1) – Single IGBT / N (1) – Single IGBT / E (1) – Single IGBT / E(2) – Chopper / E (1) – Single IGBT / N (4) – Dual Diode / J (1) – Single IGBT / E (1) – Single IGBT / G(6) – Single Diode / J (1) – Single IGBT / J (1) – Single IGBT / E (1) – Single IGBT / E (6) – Single Diode / E(1) – Single IGBT / E(5) – Half Bridge / P (4) – Dual Diode / N (1) – Single IGBT / N (1) – Single IGBT / E2. number Configuration /Outline Voltage V CES (V )Current I C (A )V CEsat (V )typ. 125°C V F (V )typ. 125°CHiPak1HiPak1HiPak1HiPak2HiPak2HiPak2HiPak1HiPak1 HV HiPak2HiPak2 HVHiPak1 HV HiPak1 HV HiPak2HiPak2HiPak2HiPak2HiPak0 HV HiPak1HiPak1HiPak2HousingTvj(operational) up to 125°C Tvj(operational) up to 150°CPlease refer to page 25 for part numbering structure.04 HiPak Modules | High Power Semiconductors CatalogueHiPak:-High power, industry standard package -Designed for high reliability-Low inductance, high current terminals-Aluminium Silicon Carbide base plate for high thermal cycling capabilities-Aluminium Nitride substrates for low thermal resistance-Designed for very high SOA (Safe Operating Area)-Smooth switching characteristics for good EMC -SPT and SPT + chip technology-Insulation capabilities above 6 or 10 kV depending on housing type4.5 kV5SNG 0150P4503005SLD 0650J4503005SNA 0650J4503005SNA 0800J4503005SLD 1200J4503505SNA 1200G4503005SNA 1200G4503506.5 kV5SNA 0400J6501005SNA 0500J6503005SLD 0600J6501005SNA 0600G6501005SNA 0750G6503004500450045004500450045004500650065006500650065002 x 1502 x 6506508002 x 1200120012004005002 x 600600750(5) – Half Bridge / P (4) – Dual Diode / J (1) – Single IGBT / J (1) – Single IGBT / J (4) – Dual Diode / J (1) – Single IGBT / G (1) – Single IGBT / G(1) – Single IGBT / J (1) – Single IGBT / J (4) – Dual Diode / J (1) – Single IGBT / G (1) – Single IGBT / G3.5-3.73.55-3.553.555.43.9- number Configuration /Outline Voltage V CES (V )Current I C (A )V CEsat (V )typ. 125°C V F (V )typ. 125°CHiPak0 HV HiPak1 HV HiPak1 HV HiPak1 HV HiPak1 HV HiPak2 HV HiPak2 HVHiPak1 HV HiPak1 HV HiPak1 HV HiPak2 HV HiPak2 HVHousingTvj(operational) up to 125°C Configurations(1)(2)(4)(3)(5)(6)High Power Semiconductors Catalogue | HiPak Modules 05Please refer to page 25 for part numbering structure.HiPak:-High power, industry standard package -Designed for high reliability-Aluminium Silicon Carbide base plate for high thermal cycling capabilities-Aluminium Nitride substrates for low thermal resistance-Designed for very high SOA (Safe Operating Area)-Smooth switching characteristics for good EMC -SPT and SPT + chip technology-Insulation capability up to and above 10 kVDimensions in mm06 HiPak Modules |High Power Semiconductors Catalogue5SNR 10H25015SNR 13H25015SNR 20H25015SNA 1300K4503005SNA 2000K4503005SNA 2000K4513002500250025004500450045001000130020001300200020002. number Voltage V CES (V )Current I C (A )V CEsat (V )typ. 125°C V F (V )typ. 125°C H H H K K KHousingsConfigurationHKOutline DrawingsStakPak ModulesHigh Power Semiconductors Catalogue | StakPak Modules 07-Press-pack IGBT -High SOA-Stable shorted state in case of failure-High tolerance for uneven mounting pressure -Designed for series connection -Explosion resistant package237.326235.111.8531.51.728.75Collector (6x)GateEmitterAux.EmitterLabelunclamped clamped236.332582624.6150.3R 81.58.312GateEmitter261.51.74000A T VJM V Part number V DRM V5SHY 35L45205SHY 35L45215SHY 35L45225SHY 40L45115SHY 55L45005SHY 50L55005SHY 42L6500Fig. 1Fig. 1Fig. 1Fig. 1Fig. 1Fig. 1Fig. 1V DC VV RRM VI TGQM AI TAVMT C =85°C AI TSM3msT VJMkA10ms T VJM kA V T V T0 T VJM V r T m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN V GIN V OutlineI TGQM T VJM V Part number V DRM V5SHX 08F4510GCTDiode part5SHX 14H4510GCTDiode part5SHX 26L4520GCTDiode part5SHX 06F6010GCTDiode part5SHX 10H6010GCTDiode part5SHX 19L6020GCTDiode partFig. 2Fig. 3Fig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 3Fig. 1V DC V I TGQM A I TAVM / I FAVM T C =85°CA I TSM / I FSM 10ms T VJM kA V T / V F V T0 / V F0 T VJM V r T / r F m ΩI rr A T VJM °C R thJC K/kW F m kN V GIN VOutlinedi/dtmax.A/μsAsymmetric IGCTs 45004500450045004500550065002800280028002800280033004000171717171717174000400040003600500036003800170017002100143018601290129050505639504040323235283326262.702.702.003.502.354.104.101.401.401.151.701.301.661.880.330.330.210.450.260.620.561251251251251251251258. for snubberless turn-off -contact factory for series connection- monolithic integrated freewheeling diode optimized for snubberless turn-off -contact factory for symmetrical devicesReverse conducting IGCTs Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristors08 IGCTs | High Power Semiconductors Catalogue-Patented free-floating silicon technology -Optical trigger input and status feedback -Patented low-inductance housing technology -Fast response and precise timing -AC square wave or DC supply input -Cosmic radiation resistance ratingPlease refer to page 26 for part numbering structure.Dimensions in mmFast Recovery Diode RecommendationFor all asymmetric and reverse conducting IGCTs, ABB offers matching freewheeling, neutral point (NPC) and clamp diodes. The actual choice of the diode depends on the specific application. Please see application note 5SYA 2064-01.High Power Semiconductors Catalogue| IGCTs 09** = VDRM /100VFine Pattern Type 5SGF 30J4502 5SGF 40L4502I TGQMTVJMVPart number VDRMV Asymmetric5SGA 15F2502 5SGA 20H2501 5SGA 25H2501 5SGA 30J25015SGA 06D4502 5SGA 20H4502 5SGA 30J4502 5SGA 40L4501FHHJDHJLJL VDCVVRRMVITGQMat CSAITAVMTC=85°CAITSM8.3msTVJMkA10msTVJMkAVTVT0TVJMVrTmΩTVJM°CRthJCK/kWRthCHK/kWFmkNHousing μF250025002500250045004500450045004500450014001400140014002800220028002800300028001717171717171717171715002000250030006002000300040003000400057083083013002107109301000960118010.617. number VDRM, VRRMV Symmetric5SGS 08D2500 5SGS 12F2500 5SGS 16H2500 5SGS 08D4500 5SGS 12F4500 5SGS 16H4500D1F1H1D1F1H1 ITGQMat CSAITAVMTC=70°CAITSM8.3msTVJMkA10msTVJMkAVTVT0TVJMVrTmΩTVJM°CRthJCK/kWRthCHK/kWFmkNHousing μF25002500250045004500450080012001600800120016003956307602854426004.8010.6815.004.278.1012.804.510. with Buffer LayerGate Turn-off Thyristors 10 Gate Turn-off Thyristors |High Power Semiconductors Catalogue -Excellent trade-off between on-state and switching losses-Cosmic radiation resistance ratingPlease refer to page 26 for part numbering structure.Fast Recovery Diode RecommendationFor all GTO types, ABB offers matching freewheeling and snubber diodes.The actual choice of the diode depends on the specific application. Please see application note 5SYA 2064-01.J LD F Dimensions in mmF1H1High Power Semiconductors Catalogue | Gate Turn-off Thyristors 11Ø67 max.Ø47Ø3.5Ø3.5Ø47Ø74.5 max.2226250Soldered connectorsCoaxial cable 3/3.5mm 2 ETFEAC - blackG - white Ø5.520°Ø4.3Ø90 max.Coaxial cable 3/3.5mm 2 ETFEAC - blackG - white20°Ø5.5Ø4.3Ø3.522Soldered connectors26Ø3.5Ø63Ø100 max.Ø63250D1Ø53 max.Ø3.5Ø34Soldered connectors225Ø4.3AC - blackG - whiteØ3.6Coaxial cable 2/1mm 2 ETFE2226Ø3.5Ø58.5 max.Ø34V Part number V RRM V5SDF 13H45015SDF 10H6004H HV DC V I FAVM T C =85°CA I FSM1ms T VJM kA 10ms T VJM kA V F0 T VJM r F m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing450060002800380012001100604425.018.01.301.500.480.601251251212334040Q rr μC 30006000I rrA 8001000di/dt=300 A/μsT VJMPlease refer to page 27 for part numbering structure.GTO Freewheeling Diodes V Part number ** = V RRM / 100VV RRM V5SDF 06D25045SDF 06T25045SDF 12F25055SDF 12T25055SDF 04D45045SDF 04T45045SDF 08F45055SDF 08T4505D T1F T2D T1F T2I FAVMT C =85°C A I FSM8.3ms T VJMkA 10msT VJM kA V F0 T VJM r F m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing250025002500250045004500450045006156151256125636136176776710.710.720.320.36.46.416. rr μC 400400700700400400700700I rrA 200200230230200200230230di/dt=80 A/μsT VJM12 Fast Recovery Diodes | High Power Semiconductors CatalogueFast Recovery Diodes-Optimized for fast and soft turn-off -Small reverse recovery charge -High di/dt capability at turn-off-Range optimally suited for GTO and IGCT applications-Cosmic radiation resistance ratingABB Semiconductors has a long history of producing high power fast recovery diodes for applications such as Voltage Source Converters (VSC), Current Source Converters (CSC) and DC Snubbers. The diodes are typically used in combination with IGCTs and GTOs as free-wheeling diodes, snubber diodes and clamp diodes. Fast Recovery Diode recommendations for various applications can be found in the ABB application note 5SYA 2064-01.V Part number V RRM V5SDF 03D45025SDF 05F45025SDF 10H45035SDF 11H45055SDF 20L45205SDF 28L45205SDF 02D60045SDF 04F60045SDF 08H6005D F H H1L2L2D F HV DC V I FAVM T C =70°CA I FSM1ms T VJM kA 10ms T VJM kA V F0 T VJM r F m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing4500450045004500450045005500550055002800280028002800280028003300330033002754351100157620102750175380585103247587070822405.μs 300430600100012001000220340440I rrA 3556101520125024002800300600900di/dt max.IGCT Diodes V Part number V RRM V5SDF 05D25015SDF 03D45015SDF 07H45015SDF 02D6002D D H DV DC V I FAVM T C =85°CA I FSM1ms T VJM kA 10ms T VJM kA V F0 T VJM r F m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing2500450045006000110024002400300049032090025027124011. rr μC 900100017002000I rrA 250200260260di/dt=100 A/μsT VJMSnubber Diodes High Power Semiconductors Catalogue | Fast Recovery Diodes 13V Part number ** = V RRM / 100VV RSM V5SDD 10T18005SDD 38F20005SDD 51L28005SDD 60N28005SDD 60Q28005SDD 70H20005SDD 65H24005SDD 11D28005SDD 11T28005SDD 24F28005SDD 48H32005SDD 54N40005SDD 39K40005SDD 40H40005SDD 08D50005SDD 08T50005SDD 20F50005SDD 33L55005SDD 38H50005SDD 36K50005SDD 50N55005SDD 06D60005SDD 09D60005SDD 10F60005SDD 14F60005SDD 17F60005SDD 31H60005SDD 31K6000T1F L1N Q H H D T1F H N K H D T1F L1H K N D D F F F H KI FAVM T C =85°CA I FSM8.3ms T VJMkA 10ms T VJM kA V T0 T VJM R T m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing18002000280028002800200024003000280030003200400040004000500050005000550050005000550060006000600060006000600060001013373053806830738570306520128512852600471052003941384710281028197834803814363845706628451363136317043246309714.436. RRM V 180020002000200020002000240028002800280032003600400040005000500050005000500050005000600060006000600060006000600014 Standard Recovery Diodes | High Power Semiconductors CatalogueStandard Recovery Diodes-Optimised for line frequency -Low on-state losses-High current handling capabilitiesPlease refer to page 27 for part numbering structure.V Part number ** = V RRM / 100VV RRM V5SDA 11D17025SDA 27F20025SDA 10D23035SDA 24F23035SDA 09D26045SDA 08D32055SDA 21F32045SDA 07D38065SDA 16F38065SDA 06D50075SDA 14F5007D F D F D D F D F D FI FAVM T C =85°CA I FSM 8.3ms T VJM kA 10ms T VJM kA V F0T VJM r F m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing170020002300230026003200320038003800500050001310270011402350102091021107901620690141016.033.114.431.012.39.827. RSM 20μs T VJMkW 50100507550507550505050Please refer to page 27 for part numbering structure.High Power Semiconductors Catalogue | Avalanche Diodes 15Avalanche Diodes-Self protected against transient over-voltages -Guaranteed maximum avalanche power dissipationDimensions in mm16 Drawings for Fast & Standard Recovery Diodes and Avalanche Diodes |High Power Semiconductors CataloguePlease refer to page 27 for part numbering structure.Part number V RRM V5SDD 71X02005SDD 71B02005SDD 71X04005SDD 71B04005SDD 0120C02005SDD 0120C04005SDD 92Z04005SDD 0105Z04005SDD 0135Z0400* at 8000 A, T VJM X B X B C C Z1Z2Z3V Fmin VI FAVMT C =85°C A I FSM8.3msT VJMkA 10ms T VJM kA T VJM V F0V T VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing200200400400200400400400400--0.97--0.83*---71107110711071101100011350925010502135006060606092926475915555555585856070850.740.740.740.740.750.740.780.8120.75817017017017017017018018018010. F m Ω0.0260.0260.0260.0260.0200.0180.0310.0260.021T VJM V Fmax V1.*0.88*1.03*1.01*0.92*T j =25°C,I F =5000 AStandard Part numberV RRMV5SDF 63B04005SDF 63X04005SDF 90Z04005SDF 0102C04005SDF 0103Z04005SDF 0131Z0400* at 8000 A B X Z1C Z2Z3V Fmax V I FAVM T C =85°C A I FSM8.3ms T VJM kA 10ms T VJM kA T VJM V F0V T VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing4004004004004004001.*1.20*1.14*4747517558754444487054700.960.960.980.981.000.9819019019019019019010. F m Ω0.0360.0360.0320.0220.0270.022T VJM 626662669041101591026613058T VJM I F =5000A High Frequency Q rr μC 180180200300230300T VJM Dimensions in mmBC Z1Z2Z3XHigh Power Semiconductors Catalogue | Welding Diodes 17Welding Diodes-Designed for medium and high frequency welding equipment and optimized for high current rectifiers-Proven high reliability in welding applications with very low on-state voltage and very low thermal resistanceV Part number ** = V RRM / 100VV DRM, V RRMV5STP 06T16005STP 10D16015STP 10T16005STP 20F16015STP 20T16005STP 34H16015STP 34T16005STP 07D18005STP 09D18015STP 18F18015STP 18T18005STP 30H18015STP 30T18005STP 50Q18005STP 09D22015STP 17F22015STP 17T22005STP 29H22015STP 29T22005STP 06D28005STP 08D28015STP 08T28005STP 15T28005STP 16F28015STP 27H28015STP 27T28005STP 33L2800T4D T1F T2H T3D D F T2H T3Q D F T2H T3D D T1T2F H T3LI TAVM T C =70°C A I TSM8.3ms T VJM kA 10ms T VJM kA V T0 T VJM r T m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing16001600160016001600160016001800180018001800180018001800220022002200220022002800280028002800280028002800280064196996919011956337033707309321825187031083108610086317021743285528556207927921589155426702670374010.616. VJM Please refer to page 26 for part numbering structure.Phase Control Power Thyristors-Designed for high power industrial and power transmission applications-Optimized for low on-state voltage drop-Matched Q rr and V T values available for series and/or parallel connections18 Phase Control Thyristors | High Power Semiconductors CatalogueV Part number ** = V RRM / 100VV DRM, V RRMV5STP 45N28005STP 45Q28005STP 04D42005STP 12F42005STP 21H42005STP 28L42005STP 38N42005STP 38Q42005STP 04D52005STP 17H52005STP 25L52005STP 25M52005STP 34N52005STP 34Q52005STP 52U52005STP 03D65005STP 03X65005STP 08F65005STP 08G65005STP 12K65005STP 18M65005STP 26N65005STP 42U65005STP 20N85005STP 20Q8500N Q D F H L N Q D H L M N Q U D X F G K M N U N QI TAVM T C =70°C A I TSM8.3ms T VJM kA 10ms T VJM kA V T0 T VJM r T m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing2800280042004200420042004200420052005200520052005200520052006500650065006500650065006500650080008000508054904701150219231703960427544019752760254036003875512038035083072013701800281042502000215079. VJMDimensions in mm. Please refer to page 26 for part numbering structure.High Power Semiconductors Catalogue | Phase Control Thyristors 19Dimensions in mm20 Phase Control Thyristors |High Power Semiconductors CatalogueV Part number V RM V5STB 24N28005STB 24Q28005STB 18N42005STB 17N52005STB 25U52005STB 13N65005STB 18U6500N Q N N U N UI TAVM T C =70°C A I TSM8.3ms T VJM kA 10ms T VJM kA V T0 T VJM r T m ΩT VJM °C R thJC K/kW R thCH K/kW F m kN Housing28002800420052005200650065005400584042604000440031203510243026301920180019801405158046. VJM I RMS *T C =70°C A * AC full-wavereplaces two replaces two replaces two replaces two replaces two replaces two replaces two5STB 24Q28005STB 24N28005STB 18N42005STB 17N52005STB 13N65005STB 25U52005STB 18U65005STP 24H28005STP 24H28005STP 18H42005STP 17H52005STP 12K65005STP 25L52005STP 18M6500Table of replacement of PCTs by BCTs N Q UDimensions in mmBi-Directionally Controlled ThyristorsPlease refer to page 26 for part numbering structure.-Two anti-parallel thyristors on one Si-wafer -Patented free-floating silicon technology-Designed for high power industrial and energy management applications-Matched Q rr values available for series connectionHigh Power Semiconductors Catalogue | BCTs 21。

TSS半导体放电管的原理及应用1. 引言TSS(Thyratron silicon switch)半导体放电管是一种采用半导体材料制造的放电开关元件,具有高速开关速度和高可靠性的特点。
2. TSS半导体放电管的原理TSS半导体放电管的工作原理与普通的电子管放电原理有所不同。
3. TSS半导体放电管的应用TSS半导体放电管具有高速开关速度、高可靠性和小尺寸等优点,因此在许多领域得到了广泛的应用。
以下是几个常见的应用场景:3.1 激光设备TSS半导体放电管可用于激光设备中的高压驱动电路,它可以实现高速开关,提供稳定的电流输出,适用于激光器的脉冲调制。
3.2 脉冲电源TSS半导体放电管在脉冲电源中起到关键作用。
3.3 医疗设备TSS半导体放电管可以应用于医疗设备中的高压驱动电路,如医用激光器和高频电刀。
3.4 工业设备TSS半导体放电管可以用于工业设备中的电源开关和控制电路,如电焊机、高频设备等。
3.5 军事应用TSS半导体放电管在军事科技领域具有广泛的应用。

半导体名词解释1.何谓PIE? PIE的主要工作是什幺?答:ProcessIntegrationEngineer(工艺整合工程师),主要工作是整合各部门的资源,对工艺持续进行改善,确保产品的良率(yield)稳定良好。
2. 200mm,300mm Wafer代表何意义?答:8吋硅片(wafer)直径为200mm ,直径为300mm硅片即12吋.3.目前中芯国际现有的三个工厂采用多少mm的硅片(wafer)工艺?未来北京的Fab4(四厂)采用多少mm的wafer工艺?答:当前1~3厂为200mm(8英寸)的wafer,工艺水平已达0."13um工艺。
4.我们为何需要300mm?答:wafersize变大,单一wafer上的芯片数(chip)变多,单位成本降低200→300面积增加2."25倍,芯片数目约增加2."5倍5.所谓的0."13 um的工艺能力(technology)代表的是什幺意义?答:是指工厂的工艺能力可以达到0."13um的栅极线宽。
从0."35um ->0."25um ->0."18um ->0."15um ->0.13um代表着每一个阶段工艺能力的提升。
7.一般的硅片(wafer)基材(substrate)可区分为N,P两种类型(type),何谓N,P-type wafer?答:N-typewafer是指掺杂negative元素(5价电荷元素,例如:P、As)的硅片, P-type的wafer是指掺杂positive元素(3价电荷元素,例如:B、In)的硅片。