



英语科技类作文范文English: Technology plays a crucial role in our society, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate. With the advancement of technology, we have seen significant improvements in various aspects of our lives, such as healthcare, transportation, and education. From innovative medical devices to self-driving cars and online learning platforms, technology has undoubtedly made our lives more convenient and efficient. Furthermore, advancements in technology have also facilitated global communication and collaboration, allowing people from different corners of the world to connect and share ideas. In addition, the development of renewable energy technologies has also brought us closer to combating climate change and creating a more sustainable future. Overall, technology has greatly impacted our society, bringing about positive changes and improving the quality of life for many.中文翻译: 科技在我们的社会中扮演着至关重要的角色,彻底改变了我们生活、工作和交流的方式。



Structure arrangement and writing Structure

Title Authors and Address Abstract Key words Where do I start?

Introduction Materials and methods Results Discussion & Conclusion
NDD----New drug discovery 新药发现 NDC----New drug candidate 候选药物 LC---Leading compound 先导化合物 HTS---High-throughput screening 高通量筛选 NCE---new chemical entities 新颖化学实体 Me-too 模仿类药物 IND---Investigational new drug 申请作为临床研究新药 NDA---New drug application 申请作为注册新药 CRF----Case report form 病例报告表 ICF----Informed consent form 知情同意书 IB-----Investigator’s Brochure 研究者手册 CRO---Contract research organization 合同研究组织 QC-----Quality control QA----- Quality assurance TCM----Traditional Chinese Medicine OTC----Over The Counter 非处方药

刊物的宗旨和范围; 各栏目论文的长度、章节的顺序安排, 等;

采取何种体例格式? 如: 页边距、纸张大小、参 考文献的体例、图表的准备、等; 履行何种形式的同行评议?



中英文科技论文写作教程标题一、英文文章标题(Title)的结构:1.完整句子作为题目,这是一种常见的结构,尤其在报刊中常用:Fuzhou Strives for Better Exports(由于是题目,在句尾不能用句号)2.名词+动词不定式结构:这种结构表示将来,因在题目中一般不用will或shallThe Chinese Communist Party to Hold Its 18th Congress3.名词或名词短语+过去分词。

这种结构常用于报道已做过的事情.Capital International Airport Enlarged.北京国际机场扩建4.现代分词短语结构。

Visiting a Friend on a Snowy Night5.介绍短语结构In Memory of ….6.名词或名词短语+介词短语结构Home for the Sailors7.以动词原形开始的短语结构,这种结构常用于带有号召性的题目中。

Server the People8.名词或名词短语结构,例如A small Green City二、注意题目字母的大小写问题1. 题目中除介词、冠词、和连接词的字母全部小写外,其它的词的第一个字母要大写(介词和冠词在题目开头时第一个字母也要大写)My Family and Myself2.题目中全部字母大写,这种形式大多用于书籍封面上的题目,例如:上海简介A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO SHANGHAI3.题目第一个词的第一个字母大写外,其它字母一律小写,但遇到专门名词时,该词的第一个字母仍须大写,现在报纸上的题目大都采用这种形式,主要是便于排版。

中国体操选手夺得七枚金牌Chinese gymnasts sweep away seven gold medals三.在英语文章题目中,冠词常可省略,例如美国总统在西方U.S. President in West四、英文文题的一般性原则*文题应准确而清晰反映文章的内容和重点。



Research Reports for Business and Technical WritingWayneLosanoA surprising amount of one's time as a student and professional is spent reporting the results of one's research projects for presentation to teachers, managers, and clients. Indeed, without basic research skills and the ability to present research results clearly and completely, an individual will encounter many obstacles inschool and onthejob.The need for some research-writingability isfelt nearly equally by college students in all fields, engineering and science as well as business and the humanities.Graduate study oftenmakes great demands onthe student's research-writingskills,and most professions continue the demand;education, advertising and marketing, economics and accounting, science and engineering, psychology, anthropology, the arts, and agriculture may all require regular reporting of research data.ELEMENTS OF THE RESEARCH PAPERThe standard researchreport,regardless of the field or the intended reader,contains four major sections. These sections may be broken down into a variety of subsections, and they may be arranged in a variety of ways, but they regularly make up the core of the report.Problem Section. The first required section of a research report is the statement of the problem with which the research project is concerned.This sectionrequires a precise statement of the underlyingquestionwhichtheresearcher has set out to answer. In this same section there should be anexplanation of the significance - social, economic, medical, psychological, educational,etc.-of the question;inother words,why the investigationwas worth conducting. Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question "What is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager?" we must explain that the question is thought to have significant relevance tothe healthof this segment of the'populationandmight leadtosomesort of regulations on such foods.A frequent subsection of this problem section is a review of past research on the topic being investigated. This would consist of summaries of the contributions of previous researchers tothe questionunder considerationwithsome assessmentof the value of these contributions. This subsection has rhetorical usefulness inthat it enhances the credibility of the researcher by indicating that the data presented is based ona thoroughknowledge of what has beendone inthe fieldand, possibly, grows out of some investigative tradition.Procedures Section. The second major sectionof the researchreport details,with as much data as possible, exactly how the study was carried out. This section includes descriptionof any necessary equipment,how the subjects were selectedifsubjects were used, what statistical technique was used to evaluate the significance of the findings, how many observations were made and when, etc. An investigationof the relative effectiveness of various swim-strokes would have todetail the number of swimmers tested, the nature of the tests conducted, theexperience of the swimmers, the weather conditions at the time of the tests, andany other factors that contributed to the overall experiment. The goal of the procedures section is to allow the reader to duplicate the experiment if such were desired to confirm, or refute, your findings.Results Section. The third, and perhaps most important, section of the research report is the presentation of the results obtained from the investigation. The basic rule inthis sectionis to give all data relevant to the researchquestioninitially asked. Although, of course, one's natural tendency might be to suppressany findings which do not in some way support one's hypothesis, such dishonesty is antithetical to good research reporting in any field. If the experiments undertaken fail to prove anything, if the data was inadequate or contrary to expectations, the report should be honestly writtenand as complete as possible,just as it would be if the hypothesis were totally proven by the research.Discussion Section . The final required section of a research report is a discussion of the results obtained and a statement of any conclusions which may be drawnfromthose results. Of primary interestinbusiness andtechnical researchreports is the validity of the results as the bases for company decisions: Will ourplanned construction project meet federal environmental guidelines and beapproved for building? Will this new program attract skilled personnel to our werethey validly obtained, arethey completeor limited, arethey applicableover awiderangeof circumstances? Thediscussion section should also point out what discussion section of theresearch report must evaluatetheresearch results fully:Thus, the company? Will this new oil recovery technique be financially feasible?questions remain unansweredandperhaps suggest directions for further research.STYLE OF RESEARCH REPORTSResearch reports are considered formal professional communication. As such, thereis li t leemphasis ona lively style,although,of course,thereis noobjectiontowriting that is pleasing and interesting. The primary goals of professional communication are accuracy, clarity, and completeness. The rough draft of any researchreport shouldbe editedtoensure that all data is correctly presented,thatall equipmentis listed,thatall results areproperly detailed.As anaidtothereader,headings indicating at least the major sections of the report should be used, and all data should be presented under the proper headings. In addition to their function of suggesting to the reader the contents of each section, headings enhance the formal appearance and professional quality of the report, increase to some degree the writer's credibility by reflecting a logical and methodical approach to the reporting process, and eliminate the need for wordy transitional devices between sections.Researchdata should be presented ina way that places proper emphasis onmajor aspects of the project.For different readers different aspects will take on different degrees of importance, and some consideration should be given to structuringresearchreports differently for different audiences.Management,forexample,will be most concerned withthe results of a researchproject,and thusthe results section should be emphasized, probably by presenting it immediately after the problemsection and before the procedures section.Other researcherswould be most interested in the procedures section, and this should be highlighted in writing up research projects for publication in professional journals or for presentation at professional conferences. For non-technical readers and federal agencies, the implications of the results might be the most important consideration, and emphasis should be placed on the discussion of the report for this readership.For additional clarity and emphasis, major results should be presented in a visual format - tables, charts, graphs, diagrams - as well as in a verbal one.Beyond checking the report for clarity and accuracy in the presentation of technical data,the author of a researchreport shouldreview for basic grammaticaland mechanical accuracy. Short sentences are preferable to long in the presentation of complex information. Listings should be used to break up long passages of prose and to emphasize information.The research writer should try to use the simplest possible language without sacrificing the professional quality of the report. Although specialized terms can be used, pretentious jargon should be avoided.A finishedre115searchreportshouldbe a readable anduseful documentprepared with the reader in mind.CONCLUSIONAlthough we struggle with research reports in high school, dread them in college, and are often burdened by them in our professional lives, learning to live comfortably withthemis a relatively easy task.A positive attitude(i.e.,one thatsees the oral or written presentation of research results as of equal importance to the data-gatheringprocess);anorderly approachwhichincludes prewriting(i.e.,before any actual researchis done,the researcher shouldtry togetdownonpaperas much about the subject under investigation as possible) and a formal research reportstructure as the framework for the investigation;anda reasonable approachto the actual writingprocess includingeditingfor accuracy and clarity,will helpone to produce effective research reports efficiently.。



评论研究问题: (1)看提出的问题是否有研究价值,研究内容有无指导意义,研究 结果能否应用到实践中。 (2)论文立意是否有创新,是否有重复别人的工作,即使是同一个 主题也要不断增加新内容、新方法。 (3)看研究问题的发生率是否高,问题是否带有普遍性。 (4)论文标题是否具体、鲜明、确切和具有吸引力。
3、科学性和准确性 、
所谓科学性,就是要正确地说明研究对象所具有的特殊矛盾, 并且要尊重事实,尊重科学。具体说来,包括论点正确,论据 必要而充分,论证严密,推理符合逻辑,数据可靠,处理合理, 计算精确,实验重复,结论客观,等等。 所谓准确性,是指对客观事物即研究对象的运动规律和性质表 述的接近程度,包括概念、定义、判断、分析和结论要准确, 对自己研究成果的估计要确切、恰当,对他人研究成果(尤其是 在做比较时)的评价要实事求是,切忌片面性和说过头话。
学术文章的标题主要有三种结构: 名词性词组(包括动名词),介词词组,名词词组+介词词组。 也用一个疑问句作标题(多用在人文社会科学领域)。 一般不用陈述句或动词词组作标题。
1、名词性词组 、
名词性词组由名词及其修饰语构成。 名词的修饰语可以是形容词、介词短语,有时也可以是另一个 名词。 名词修饰名词时,往往可以缩短标题的长度。 以下各标题分别由两个名词词组构成。例如: Latent demand and the browsing shopper (名词词组+名词词组) Cost and productivity (名词+名词)
1、创新性或独创性 、
某一篇论文,其创新程度可能大些,也可能很小,但总要有一 些独到之处。“首次提出”,“首次发现”,当然是具有重大 价值的研究成果,这毕竟为数不很多; 在某一个问题上有新意,对某一点有发展,应属于创新的范围。 在实际研究中,有很多课题是在引进、消化、移植国内外已有 的先进科学技术,以及应用已有的理论来解决本地区、本行业、 本系统的实际问题,只要对丰富理论、促进生产发展、推动技 术进步有效果,有作用,报道这类成果的论文也应视为有一定 程度的创新。



英文科技论文写作技巧大全英文科技论文的基本格式•Title•Author(s)•Affiliation(s) and address(es) •Abstract•Keywords•Introduction •Experimental •Results and discussion •Conclusion (Summary;Concluding remarks) •Appendix (Abbreviation)•Acknowledgement •References2.基本要求(1)Title长短适中,概括性强,重点突出,一目了然。


(3)Affiliation(s) and address(es)准确清楚,使读者能按所列信息顺利地与作者联系。









(7)Results and discussion是论文的核心部分,要求:–数据及图表的内容及含义交代清楚,有条理;–对数据及现象的归纳、演绎、解释、立论要有逻辑性、自洽性。


(8)Conclusion (Summary, Concluding remarks)简明扼要地归纳出本论文的新发现、新观点、新理论等。





英语科技类作文范文English:In the realm of technology, innovations have vastly improved our daily lives, changing the way we communicate, work, and interact with the world. The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and automation have led to more efficient and convenient ways of completing tasks. For instance, the rise of smart devices like smartphones and virtual assistants has made information accessible at our fingertips, enabling us to stay connected and informed. Moreover, technological breakthroughs in healthcare have revolutionized the medical field, from precision medicine to robotic surgeries, enhancing patient care and outcomes. In addition, the integration of technology in education has transformed traditional teaching methods, providing interactive learning experiences and personalized instruction for students. As we continue to push the boundaries of technology, the future holds endless possibilities for further innovation and progress.Translated content:在科技领域,创新大大改善了我们的日常生活,改变了我们与世界沟通、工作和互动的方式。



科技英语论文的写作要点总体原则(3C):Correct (正确),Clear (清楚);Concise (简洁)。

1 论文题名1.1 基本要求(1) 准确(Accuracy)。




为确保题名的含义准确,应尽量避免使用非定量的、含义不明的词,如"rapid","new"等;并力求用词具有专指性,如"a vanadium-iron alloy"明显优于"a magnetic alloy"。

(2) 简洁(Brevity)。


题名最好不超过10 ~ 12个单词,或100个英文字符(含空格和标点),如若能用一行文字表达,就尽量不要用2 行(超过2行有可能会削弱读者的印象)。

在内容层次很多的情况下,如果难以简短化,最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法,如:Importance of replication in microarray gene expression studies: statistical methods and evidence from repetitive CDNA hybridizations (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2000, 97(18): 9834 ~ 9839). 其中的副题名起补充、阐明作用,可起到很好的效果。

(3) 清楚(Clarity)。

题名要清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色, 明确表明研究工作的独到之处,力求简洁有效、重点突出。


如The effectiveness of vaccination against in healthy, working adults (N Engl J Med,1995, 333: 889-893)中,如果作者用关键词vaccination作为题名的开头,读者可能会误认为这是一篇方法性文章:How to vaccinate this population? 相反,用effectiveness作为题名中第一个主题词,就直接指明了研究问题:Is vaccination in this population effective? 题名中应慎重使用缩略语。



更新或改进;基础研究着重理论上的新见解,计算方法的另 辟新径
• 学术性
• 透过对所研究的客体外象的观测,分析探讨其内在本质,将感性认 识进行理论上的深化; • 切忌将一连串现象无分析归纳的无序堆砌,而将论文写成实验报告 或工作总结。
• 真实性
• 错误、虚假、失实将导致论文科学性和学术性的丧失,甚至可能涉 嫌有剽窃行为; • 不凭主观臆断和好恶随意舍取数据和素材,引证他人成果必须给出 出处,但只提取与文章密切相关的重要信息用以引证,
• 要按所投杂志规定的格式准确书写。
• 卷号、期数、页数、年份等一定要核对 无误。
• 不宜使用长句子及不常见的词汇。 • 主从复合句必须有从句也有主句。 • 正确使用名词的单复数
• 不及物动词不可用被动语态。如不可用:was appeared, was occurred等。 • 不宜使用省略式词汇。如:does’nt, should’nt 等。 • 在两个或数个并列成分的最后两个中间加and 连接。
Results and discussion
• 实验结果是整篇论文的基础,因此必须用明白、 流畅的语言陈述你所得到的结果。 • 要求
– 数据及图表的内容及含义交代清楚,有条理;
– 对数据及现象的归纳、演绎、解释、立论要有逻辑 性、自洽性。
– 语句要准确、流畅、多样化,不宜重复使用相同的 句型和词汇。
• 姓氏和名字要弄清楚,以免发生以名代姓。
– Ji-HongZhu或JihongZhu
• 单位和地址信息准确清楚,使读者能按所列信息 顺利地与作者联系。


一般来说,一篇较短的论文,摘要不超过 全文的3%可能是比较恰当的。
1.4 写摘要的注意事项
1、规范 2、精练 3、具体 4、完整 5、全面
摘要虽然通常摆在正文前面, 但往往是在最后写作。
写摘要应使用正规英语、标准 术语,避免使用缩写字。
最好用第三人称,避免把各种时 态混在一起使用,也避免把陈述式和命令 式混合使用。
文章摘要要精练,不宜列举例证, 不宜与其他研究工作对比。用词必须确切,文 句简明扼要:且忌言之无物,衍文赘语连篇。 要去掉无关紧要的段落、句子、词组及单词, 力求做到字斟句酌,言简意赅,惜墨如金,文 章精练,以节省书写、打印、阅读的精力和时 间。
各国最有影响的材料、物理和电子科学等杂志对文摘 写作有写共同要求。归纳起来有三条:
(1)要说明实验或论证中新观察的事实、结论。如有可能, 还要说明新的理论、处理、仪器、技术等的要点。
(2)要说明新材料名称,新数据,包括物理常数等。如不 能说明,也要提到这些。提到新的项目和新的观察是很重要 的,哪怕它们对本论文的主旨来说仅仅是附带而已。
早年习惯用的开场白为: This is a report on… In this paper the author presents… The purpose of this article is to … 这类套话,应简写成: The paper/author suggests /presents …
有些作者不主张多用,认为多用存在下列问题: • 占去句首醒目的强调位置,平添一个that主语从句,
使重要概念和事实不能及早人目,先睹为快。 • 主句用平淡无力的存在动词be,而有表现力的行为动



英语科技论文写作作文1. Technology is changing the way we live, work, and communicate. From smartphones to social media, we are constantly connected to the digital world.2. The development of artificial intelligence is revolutionizing industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. Machines are now able to perform tasks that were once only possible for humans.3. The Internet of Things has transformed our homesinto smart homes, where we can control our appliances and security systems with just a few taps on our smartphones.4. Virtual reality and augmented reality are opening up new possibilities in entertainment, education, and training. We can now immerse ourselves in virtual worlds and interact with digital objects in real time.5. Cybersecurity is a growing concern as more of ourpersonal information is stored online. It is essential to protect our data from hackers and cyber attacks.6. The rise of e-commerce has changed the way we shop, with more people choosing to buy products online rather than in physical stores. This has led to the decline of traditional brick-and-mortar retailers.7. Biotechnology is advancing rapidly, with breakthroughs in gene editing and personalized medicine. Scientists are now able to modify DNA to treat genetic diseases and create targeted therapies for patients.8. Quantum computing is on the horizon, promising to solve complex problems at speeds that are unimaginable with traditional computers. This technology has the potential to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, drug discovery, and climate modeling.。



有关科技的英语作文以下是一篇有关科技的英语作文:Technology: Shaping Our FutureIn today's rapidly evolving world, technology plays a vital role in shaping our lives and driving progress. It has transformed various aspects of society, offering numerous benefits and opportunities.One of the significant impacts of technology is in the field of communication. We now have instant access to information through the internet and mobile devices, enabling us to connect with people globally at a click of a button.Moreover, technology has revolutionized education. E-learning platforms provide accessible and flexible learning opportunities, breaking down geographical barriers and enabling widespread knowledge sharing.In the healthcare sector, advancements in technology have led to improved diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. From telemedicine to precision medicine, technology is saving lives and enhancing the quality of care.Technology also drives economic growth and innovation. It enables businesses to increase productivity, improve efficiency, and reach new markets, creating employment opportunities and driving progress.However, along with the benefits, there are also challenges associated with technology. Issues such as data privacy, cyber security, and the digital divide need to be addressed.To ensure the positive impact of technology, it is essential to have a balancedapproach. This includes raising awareness about the ethical and social implications, investing in research and development, and fostering collaboration between different stakeholders.In conclusion, technology is an ever-present force that continues to shape our world. By leveraging its potential and addressing its challenges, we can create a more connected, informed, and progressive future.。



English technology thesis writingName:Studies: Steel metallurgyGlass:题目:The experiment study of use Iron Tailings and Magnesite Tailings Prepare Cordierite-based Glass CeramicsAbstract:This is work make some exploration about how to use iron tailings and magnesite tailings making glass-ceramics feasibility and preparation methods. Thus, turning waste into wealth and raising added-value of iron ore tailings and magnesite talings . In this work, the main raw material are iron ore tailings and magnesite tailings of Anshan area . And, adding nucleation agent and some other oxide follow the certain proportion , then production MgO - Al2O3- SiO2as the mainly crystalling phase of microcrystalline glass. In the experimental, we use DSC to measured nuclear and crystallizing temperature of glass-ceramics and using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and so on to test the glass-ceramics phase, crystallized behavior, and the effect of nucleation agent. Through the experiment, we obtained the best proportion of raw materials and tailings dosage as high as 80% , we also determine the most appropriate treatment of the corresponding system. Keywords:Iron tailings;magnesite tailings ;glass-ceramics;crystallization科技论文的组成及其各项的作用1、Title题名又叫题目、文题、标题,是科技论文的中心和总纲。



初中英语科技类作文范文English:With the rapid development of technology, science has brought about numerous advancements that have greatly impacted our daily lives. From the invention of smartphones that allow us to communicate with others instantly to the use of artificial intelligence for problem-solving, technology has revolutionized the way we live. In the field of medicine, technology has enabled doctors to perform complex surgeries with precision and accuracy, ultimately saving countless lives. Additionally, the development of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power has allowed us to move towards a more sustainable future, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and combating climate change. Overall, technology has not only improved efficiency and convenience but also provided solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing our world today.Chinese:随着技术的飞速发展,科学带来了许多革新,这些革新对我们的日常生活产生了巨大影响。



英语科技论文写作目录第一章概论 (2)1.1 英语科技论文的主要结构组成 (2)1.2 英语科技论文的分类及特点 (3)1.3 英语科技论文的文体特点 (4)第二章英语科技论文语言表达的规范与技巧 (8)2.1 如何使表达准确 (8)2.2 如何使语义连贯 (9)2.3 英语科技论文常用句型结构 (12)第三章英语科技论文的结构组成 (14)3.1 标题 (16)3.2 作者和联系方式 (17)3.3 摘要 (17)3.4 关键词 (18)3.5 引言 (18)3.6 论文主体 (21)3.7 结论 (26)3.8 附录 (28)3.9 致谢 (28)3.10 参考文献 (29)第四章摘要的撰写 (30)4.1 摘要的种类和特点 (30)4.2 摘要的内容和结构 (31)第五章最新科技信息的获取 (37)第六章科技论文的发表 (39)6.1 投稿过程的工作 (39)6.2 评审过程的工作 (41)6.3 出版过程的工作 (41)第一章概论科技论文是科学研究成果的一种展示,是作者以论文的形式向外界公布自己的科学研究成果。



1.1 英语科技论文的主要结构组成英语科技论文的整体组织结构和语言风格规范尤为重要,和建造楼房一样,写一篇论文也需要一份蓝图。

英文科技论文蓝图最常见的是所谓IMRAD结构,即:◇Introduction◇Methods◇Results and DiscussionsIMRAD结构的论文简单、清晰、明了并且逻辑性强,因而这一结构被近代学者广泛采用。


英语科技论文写作Unit 8 Result, Discussion and Conclusion

英语科技论文写作Unit 8   Result, Discussion and Conclusion

• This table summarized the data collected during the experiment of…
• Most recent experiments to the same effect have led the authors to believe that…
• Section of Discussion: general functions and main elements of discussion, writing requirements for discussion
• Section of Conclusion: general functions and main elements of conclusion, requirements for writing a conclusion, samples for conclusion and useful expressions in writing a conclusion
Section of Discussion
• General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion
– To expound the interrelations among the observed facts
– To show the relationship between the facts, their underlying causes, their effects, and their theoretical implications
• The true meaning of the data in a paper
may be completely obscured by the


evaluate the findings of the study.

There are three major steps in this section. Firstly establish research territory, then establish a niche, and finally occupy the niche.
引言_背景资料 例:Entropy effects during sorption of mixture of alkanes in MFI zeolite
The separation of mixtures of alkanes is an important activity in the petroleum and petrochemical industries. For example, the
be dictated both by the alkanes chain length and degree of branching.
说明论文特定主题与较为广泛的研究领域之间的关系,同时 提供足够的背景资料。 句子内容的范围逐步缩小。
引言_背景资料 时态:

一般现在时 叙述某些相关现象或某个领域的普遍事实,不受时间影响。 见上例。
本研究工作在相关领域中的地位 Generally speaking, the introduction has two functions. One is to






最简单有效的方法即采用IMRaD形式(Introduction,Materials and Methods,Results,and Discussion),这是英文科技论文最通用的一种结构方式。

IMRaD结构的逻辑体现在它能依次回答以下问题:Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题?Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题?Results(结果):发现了什么?Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么?按照这个结构整体规划论文,有一个方法值得借鉴,即剑桥大学爱席比教授提出的“概念图”。










由于文化的差异和英语语言本身的特 点,英语科技论文写作虽然在目的性上与 用其它语言形式的科技论文写作是相同的, 但是还有其自己的语言特征、文体要求和 格式变化。
因学科不同、研究项目、过程和结果不同,科技论文 可以有多种写作方法和体例结构。从20世纪20年代开始, 科技工作者从大量的论文中,总结出了其表达方式的共同 规律,逐步形成了一种较为严密而又符合逻辑的惯用格式; 从此,虽然各种论文所涉及的内容各不相同,论证的方法 各有差异,实验的方法与手段相差很大,但是论文由哪些 部分组成已有规范可循;其常见的构成格式有:标题、署 名、作者单位(通常在第一页底端的黑线下还要简要介绍 作者的姓名、年龄、职称、学位等内容)、摘要、关键词、 引言、正文,结论、致谢、脚注、参考文献和附录等。
标题_注意事项(4) 标题 注意事项
2 .一般采用名词短语作标题 不使用一个句子或不定式短语,一 一般采用名词短语作标题。不使用一个句子或不定式短语 一般采用名词短语作标题 不使用一个句子或不定式短语, 般也不使用介词短语,不出现从句。 般也不使用介词短语,不出现从句。 An exploration and study of the production methods of industrial cupric sulfate (繁琐) Introduce the exploration and study of the production methods of industrial cupric sulfate (祈使句) Methods of producing of industrial cupric sulfate
Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun, P. R. China, 110000
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英语科技论文写作目录第一章概论 (2)1.1 英语科技论文的主要结构组成 (2)1.2 英语科技论文的分类及特点 (3)1.3 英语科技论文的文体特点 (4)第二章英语科技论文语言表达的规范与技巧 (8)2.1 如何使表达准确 (8)2.2 如何使语义连贯 (9)2.3 英语科技论文常用句型结构 (12)第三章英语科技论文的结构组成 (14)3.1 标题 (16)3.2 作者和联系方式 (17)3.3 摘要 (17)3.4 关键词 (18)3.5 引言 (18)3.6 论文主体 (21)3.7 结论 (26)3.8 附录 (28)3.9 致谢 (28)3.10 参考文献 (29)第四章摘要的撰写 (30)4.1 摘要的种类和特点 (30)4.2 摘要的内容和结构 (31)第五章最新科技信息的获取 (37)第六章科技论文的发表 (39)6.1 投稿过程的工作 (39)6.2 评审过程的工作 (40)6.3 出版过程的工作 (41)第一章概论科技论文是科学研究成果的一种展示,是作者以论文的形式向外界公布自己的科学研究成果。



1.1 英语科技论文的主要结构组成英语科技论文的整体组织结构和语言风格规范尤为重要,和建造楼房一样,写一篇论文也需要一份蓝图。

英文科技论文蓝图最常见的是所谓IMRAD结构,即:◇Introduction◇Methods◇Results and DiscussionsIMRAD结构的论文简单、清晰、明了并且逻辑性强,因而这一结构被近代学者广泛采用。





它有三个重要原则:◇ABC原则:Accuracy(准确)、 Brevity(简洁)、 Clarity(清晰)◇The Three C’s 原则:Correct(正确)、 Concise(简洁)、 Clear(清楚)文学和艺术都有很大的娱乐性,目的是为了愉悦(entertain)读者。






对于我们来说,第一步需要写出语法上正确的句子(Correct Sentences),不少人写出的英语句子,使用中国式英语表达方式,词法或语法不通,称为Chinglish(Chinese English)。

投到国外杂志的科技论文常常被退回来修改,国外评阅人的意见是“What you described in the paper is OK. But your English is poor. Please improve it.(or Please rewrite your paper entirely.)其关键在于很多人对英语科技论文的特点和常用句型不了解。

第二步是要努力写出地道的句子(Standard Sentences)。




一般来说,一篇完整规范的学术论文由以下各部分构成:⑴Title(标题)⑵Author Affiliation(作者和联系方式)⑶Abstract(摘要)⑷Key words(关键词)⑸Table of contents(目录)⑹Nomenclature(术语表)⑺Introduction(引言)⑻Method(方法)⑼Result(结果)⑽Discussion(讨论)⑾Conclusion(结论)⑿Acknowledgement(致谢)⒀Reference(参考文献)⒁Appendix(附录)其中黑体的几项是必不可少的,其它几项根据具体需要而定。

1.2 英语科技论文的分类及特点1.2.1 论文的分类英语科技论文的分类可按写作目的进行分类,也可按论文内容进行分类。
















1.2.2 论文的特点科技论文特别是期刊论文,要有鲜明的论点、充分的论据、严密的论证、确切的论断,因此作者撰写的科技论文一般应具有科学性、创新性、逻辑性、规范性、简洁性。







1.3 英语科技论文的文体特点1.3.1 文体总貌科技论文内容一般比较专业,语言文字正规、严谨,论文的结构已成格式化。



(1)文体正式(formal)科技论文用词准确,语气正式,语言规范,避免口语化的用词,不用或少用I、we、our lab和you等第一、二人称的代词,行文严谨简练,不掺杂个人的主观意识。


使用术语可使论文的意义准确,行文简洁,例如:It is possible to prove that as the number of tosses of a coin is increased indefinitely, or “to infinity”, so the binomial distribution becomes identical with the normal distribution. The normal or Gaussian distribution is very important because it arises very often in practice and also because it is very important in theory. Many distributions like binomial tend to become more and more like the normal as the numbers of events or the size of the sample increases.Another well known statistical distribution is the Poisson distribution. If we are dealing with the frequency of occurrence of events which occur at random in time and space, we should expect the Poisson distribution to play some part in the calculation.1.3.2 词汇特点科技论文要求论文的用词有别于其他类型的文体,其词汇有以下特征。



