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题1,translate the passage below into Chinese.(湖北大学2004研,考试科目:翻译与写作)Even if the word “pop”disappears from the English vocabulary, the influence of pop will remain. Pop has become part of Britain and American history.

There has always been a close culture link, or tie, between British and English-speaking America, not only in literature but also in the popular arts, especially music. Before the Second World War the Americans exported jazz and the blues. During the 1950s they exported rock n‘roll, and star singers like Elvis Presley were idolized by young Britons and Americans alike.

The people responsible for the pop revolution were 4 Liverpool boys who joined together in a group called themselves the Beatles. They played in small clubs in the back streets of the city. Unlike the famous solo stars who had their songs written for them, the Beatles wrote their own words and music. They had a close personal relationship with their audience, and they expected them to join in and dance to the “beat”of the music. Audience participation is an essential characteristic of pop culture.



不列颠和以英语为母语的美国之间一直有着密切的文化联系,或者说文化纽带,这种联系不仅仅存在于文学领域,还存在与其他流行艺术领域,特别是流行音乐。二战以前,美国是“爵士乐”和“布鲁斯”的输出国,20世纪50年代,它们又开始输出“摇滚乐”,以及被很多英美人奉为偶像的Elvis Presley这样的巨星歌手。



1,Even if the word “pop”disappears from the English vocabulary, the influence of pop will remain. Pop has become part of Britain and American history.

分析:原文中even if引导的状语从句在翻译时放在最前面,这样在翻译主句时就可以简洁地接下去,为了使译文更加紧凑,原句中的Pop has become part of Britain and American history 课不用单独译作一个句子,可以作为状语紧接前面的the influence of pop will remain。

2,There has always been a close culture link, or tie, between British and English-speaking America, not only in literature but also in the popular arts, especially music.

分析:首先为了符合汉语习惯,在翻译not only in literature but also in the popular arts时句首加上“这种联系”能使句子更加流畅,逻辑通顺,关于“link, or tie”这两个词的翻译,要在理解全文的基础上将其翻译为“联系,纽带”,以便更好地传达原文意思。

3,Before the Second World War the Americans exported jazz and the blues. During the 1950s they exported rock n‘roll, and star singers like Elvis Presley were idolized by young Britons and Americans alike.

分析:本句的关键是对词的理解和解释。“jazz and the blues”要译成“爵士乐,布鲁斯”,“rock n‘roll”这个词其实是在学习英美国家文化时就了解了,译成“摇滚乐”,其他如“export”不能直译为“出口”,在这里译为“输出”好些。

4,The people responsible for the pop revolution were 4 Liverpool boys who joined together in a group called themselves the Beatles.

分析:这个句子较为复杂,核心句子为The people were four Liverpool boys。responsible for the pop revolution作为插入定语修饰the people,who joined together in a group called themselves the Beatles也是定语,是由who引导的定语从句对four Liverpool boys进行修饰,在翻译时注意将其拆分为两个句子——他们组成团,并自称为“Beatles”。

5,They had a close personal relationship with their audience, and they expected them to join in and dance to the “beat” of the music. Audience participation is an essential characteristic of pop culture.

分析:They had a close personal relationship with their audience和they expected them to join in and dance to the “beat” of the music之间有内在的因果关系,翻译时虽不需要明确加上因果词,但译者心里还是要清楚的。Audience participation是名词作定语,译为“观众的参与”,an essential characteristic of pop culture译为“本质特征”。

题2,translate the passage below into Chinese.(湖北大学2005研,考试科目:翻译与写作)In the last century, Emperor Franz Josef I set aside a large area of wooded countryside, the Vienna Woods, with the order that it should serve as a reservoir of fresh air. Many parts of this area not be used for commercial or residential building. The Vienna Woods consists of mixed forests and hilly meadows, extending to the foothills of the eastern Alps. At some points, it starts within 10 km of the city center. Yet it extends for between 25and 40 kilometers beyond the city limits.

It is an unspoiled area of forests and fields, villages and small towns, rivers and streams, spas (温泉), castles, medieval ruins and ancient monasteries(寺庙). The miles of uninhabited valleys and ridges are wonderful for walkers in summer and for ski tours in the winter; there are small inns, huts for climbers and walkers and modest, comfortable hotels in the villages.

To properly appreciate the Vienna Woods, one must visit the towns and villages hidden away in the forest. There, princes went hunting, composers wrote masterpieces and captains of industry could at last take a nap away from the heat and bustle(喧闹)of the city.

One of the well-known beauty spots is the famous spa of Baden. Since ancient times, Baden's hot springs have attracted the ailing and the fashionable from all over the world. Austrian Emperor Franz II used to spend the summers here; every year before his death, the royal court moved from Vienna for the season. In Baden Mozart composed his "Ave Verum"(圣礼赞); Beethoven spent 15 summers here and wrote the Ninth Symphony and Solemnis(庄严弥撒). It is said that he got his inspiration for his Ninth Symphony while walking along a trail in the woods, which has since been known as "the Beethoven Trail".



