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a popular food among most shanghai citizen , just like the baozi in northern city. Traditional Shengjians were usually made with pork paste. but nowadays, there are also many different kind of shengjians with chicken and shrimp paste.
• 外滩位于上海市中心黄浦区wk.baidu.com黄浦江畔,它是上海十里洋场的 风景,周围还有位于黄浦江对岸浦东的东方明珠、金茂大厦、 上海中心、上海环球金融中心等地标景观,是去上海观光游客 的必到之地。外滩自1943年起又名为中山东一路,全长约1.5公 里。它南起延安东路,北至苏州河上的外白渡桥,东临黄浦江, 西面是由哥特式、罗马式、巴洛克式、中西合壁式等52幢风格 迥异的古典复兴大楼所组成的旧上海时期的金融中心、外贸机 构的集中带,被誉为“万国建筑博览群”。上海外滩天幕的后 方已被新建的许多摩天大楼改变了不少。滨江作为一种城市资 源优势,因上海市中心的滨江可供开发土地资源稀缺和供需矛 盾加剧的双重趋势下而更显稀贵。南外滩的风华绝代、北外滩 的后起之秀、东外滩的处女地开发与外滩源将逐渐融为一体, 彰显“浦江第一湾”的磅礴气势,承载大上海浦西滨江复兴的 伟大历史使命。
Shanghai, located in the east of china , is Chinese economic and financial center.
delicious food Shengjian ,
Shanghai the Bund is one of the most famous landscapes in shanghai, which is the sign of the city. Shanghai the bund is located in the one side of the Huangpu river. It is a busy place that receive the tourists from all over the world. It is 4.5 kilometers long , including many attractive churches, skyscrapers and towers. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower( 东方明珠 ) is the best-known among all the buildings. It was designed by a shanghai modern architect ,JingChenghuan. It is 468 meters height ,which is the tallest building at that time.