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II. Matching.
There are eight linguists on the left column and on the right column there are eight theories. Match each linguist with his theory appropriately.
2. The smallest meaningful unit of language is allomorph.
解析:Morpheme, the small unit of meaning in a language. The words “so” “the” “boy” consist of one morpheme .
1. M. A. Halliday 2. Krashen 3. Sapir-Whorf 4. John Austin 5. Ogden and Richards 6. Saussure 7. N. Chomsky 8. G. H. Grice
A. Langue & Parol B. Speech Act Theory C. Linguistic determination D. Cooperative Principle E. The Semantic triangle F. Competence & Performance G. i+1 principle H. Ideational function of language
考点:二语习得 解析: 语言习得&语言学习的区别(acquisition& learning)
概率原则:各正确选项出现的概率大致相当。 通常同一答案不能连续出现三次。 转换原则:正确答案的表述通常是考生所听到 或看到内容的同义转换。尽量避免照抄课本上 的内容(核心含义词除外)。
3 A compound is the combination of only two words.
解析:Compounding occurs when two or more words are joined to
make one longer word.
Three types Closed form: makeup Hyphenated form: daughter-in-law Open form: post office full moon
4.Speech act theory was originated with the British philosopher John Searle.
解析:John Austin (26 March 1911 – 8 February 1960) was a British
philosopher of language and leading proponent of ordinary language philosophy, perhaps best known for developing the theory of speech acts.
1-H 2-G 3-C 4-B 5-E 6-A 7-F 8-D
优点:易于考察学生是否能将语言学家与其主要 理论观点对应起来 缺点:部分语言学家的观点无法用一两个简单术 语来代表
III. True or False
1 Linguistics is the scientific study of language specifically language form, language meaning, and language in context.
考点:语言 解析:人类语言的区别性特征
( )2. Which of the following is the correct description of [V]? A. Voiceless labiodental fricative B. Voiced labiodental fricative C. Voiceless labiodental stop D. Voiced labiodental stop
解析:Bilingualism Diglossia: refers to a situation in which two dialects or languages are used by a single language community. It is used in certain situations such as literature, formal education, or other specific settings, but not used for ordinary conversation.
• Lateralization • 考点:神经语言学
• Short Answer
• 1.One of the design features of human language is creativity. Can you explain it briefly?
8.London school is also known as systemic linguistics and functional linguistics.
解析:The London School, as we know, is a main branch of modern linguistics, also known as systemic linguistics and functional linguistics, for the leading representatives.
• Euphemism • 考点:语言与社会 • 解析:Taboo is a term that is avoided for religious, political, or social reasons and is usually replaced by a euphemism. Euphemism refers to the use of a word which is thought to be less offensive than other word.
6.A pidgin is not a native language of a particular region.
解析:It is a grammatically simplified means of communication that develops between two or more groups that do not have a language in common. It is most commonly employed in situations such as trade.
解析:音位学中对辅音[V]的发音特点的描述 [V]:浊音、唇齿音、擦音
( )3. The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form is called__. A. Polysemy B. Hyponymy C. Antonymy D. Homonymy
考点: 语义学 解析: 语义学中词汇间的主要意义关系: Synonymy (同义现象) Polysemy (多义现象) Homonymy(同音异义) Hyponymy(下义关系) Antonymy (反义现象)
( )4. is defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings. A. Competence B. Performance C. Learning D. Acquisition
5. According to the strong version of the Sapir-
whorf hypothesis, speakers’ perceptions determine language and patterns their way of life. 答案:F 考点:语言与文化
解析:The true statement is “According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, language determines speakers’ perceptions and patterns their way of life”. 人们习惯使用的语言结构会影响其思维方式行为方式。
1. M. A. Halliday 2. Krashen 3. Sapir-Whorf 4. John Austin 5. Ogden and Richards 6. Saussure 7. N. Chomsky 8. G.H. Grice A. Langue & Parol B. Speech Act Theory C. Linguistic determination D. Cooperative Principle E. The Semantic triangle F. Competence & Performance G. i+1 principle H. Ideational function of language
• Affective meaning • 考点:Leech 提出的意义的类型 • 解析:Affective meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker.
• Coordination sentence • 考点:语法结构及其组成成分 • 解析:Coordination is a common syntactic pattern in English and other languages formed by grouping together two or more categories of the same type with the help of a conjunction such as and, as, but.
I. Multiple Choice
( )1. Which of the following is not a design feature of human language? A. Meaningfulness B. Displacement C. Duality D. Arbitrariness
7 Diglossia refers to a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers. 答案:F
• 优点:能够准确考察学生对于知识点细节 掌握。
• 缺点:出题的范围太窄且重复考察同一知 识点,不能全面考察学生对知识点掌握的 情况。
• Phonology • 考点:语言学的分支 • 解析:Phonology studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables.