支持杜比全景声扬声器技术白皮书-Dolby Atmos Enabled
JBL CINEMA SB190 用户手册说明书
JBL CINEMA SB190用户手册重要安全指引使用前先检查线路电压JBL CINEMA BAR 190(条形音箱和低音扬声器)的设计用电规格为 100-240 V、50/60 Hz 交流电。
目录重要安全指引 21 简介 42 产品清单 43 产品概述5 3.1 控件和指示灯 5 3.2 连接器 5 3.3 低音炮 5 3.4 遥控器 64 放置 7 4.1 桌面放置 7 4.2 挂壁安装 75 连接 8 5.1 连接电视和数字设备 8 5.2 蓝牙连接 106 播放 11 6.1 开机/自动待机/自动唤醒 11 6.2 播放电视源11 6.3 播放 HDMI IN 源 12 6.4 播放蓝牙源 127 声音设置12 7.1 DOLBY ATMOS®(虚拟) 127.2 预定义的 EQ 设置 13 7.3 人声模式 13 7.4 低音增强 148 恢复出厂设置 149 软件更新 1510 重新连接低音炮 1511 产品规格 1612 故障排除 1613 商标 171 简介感谢您购买 JBL CINEMA BAR 190(条形音箱和低音炮),它是一款旨在为您的家庭娱乐系统带来非凡聆听体验的产品。
Windows10上的DolbyAtmosforHeadphones2017 年 4 月 11 日,微软正式推送了 Windows 10 v.1703 创作者更新。
这次更新为 PC 用户带来了一项重磅功能:Dolby Atmos for Headphones(用于耳机的杜比全景声)。
这个功能可以从 Windows 应用商店下载,免费试用 30 天,永久购买需¥93.5。
什么是杜比全景声杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)是一种音响技术,它也可以指代一种音频格式。
传统的影院音响有固定的声道数量,如5.1 声道、7.1 声道或者IMAX 6 声道。
虽然 DTX:X 和激光 IMAX 也支持头顶扬声器,但是论普及度还是杜比全景声更出色。
影院中影院中的杜比全景声可以视为是“完全版”的全景声,即:最多支持 128 个元素(9.1 声道“sound bed” + 118 个动态元素)和 64 个扬声器,需要独立的全景声处理器来对声音进行实时渲染。
蓝光光盘中的全景声音轨被集成到了已有的杜比TrueHD 音轨中,采用TrueHD + metadata 的方式储存。
RAZER PHONE 2雷蛇手机 2高级用户指南Razer Phone 2 雷蛇手机 2 闪亮登场:我们的全新旗舰手机具备无线充电功能、防水功能、带Chroma™ 幻彩灯光效果的 Razer 雷蛇徽标,以及采用真空腔均热板散热系统的升级版处理器。
目录1.内含物品 (3)2.简要介绍 (4)3.技术规格 (5)4.了解手机功能 (7)5.设置 RAZER PHONE 2 雷蛇手机 2 (9)6.使用 RAZER PHONE 2 雷蛇手机 2 (12)7.配置手机 (18)8.个性化 RAZER 雷蛇徽标灯光效果 (50)9.安全与维护 (54)10.法律声明 (56)1.内含物品▪Razer Phone 2 雷蛇手机 2*▪锂离子电池(内置)▪快速充电器(不同地区可能会有所不同)▪USB-C 充电线缆▪USB-C 音频适配器▪SIM 卡弹出针▪重要产品信息指南*可能预安装了 SIM 卡,具体取决于你的运营商。
请马上在线注册,充分发挥设备的所有功能!你将获得 Razer 雷蛇的独家优惠,手机的 1 年有限保修*,以及其他福利。
如果遇到问题,请通过/cn向 Razer 雷蛇支持团队提出问题*消费者法。
除非法律允许,否则 Razer 雷蛇不会排除、限制或暂停你可以拥有的其他权利。
如想了解更多的保修条款和条件,请访问/warranty3.技术规格4.了解手机功能麦克风前置摄像头环境光传感器扬声器microSD/SIM 卡托盘音量控制键电源键/指纹传感器USB-C 端口闪光灯双后置摄像头镜头采用 Razer Chroma TM雷蛇幻彩技术的 Razer 雷蛇徽标USB-C 音频适配器USB-C 充电线缆SIM 卡弹出针快速充电器5.设置 RAZER PHONE 2 雷蛇手机 2安装 SIM 卡/MICROSD 卡1.插入 SIM 卡弹出针。
简单认识杜⽐全景声(DolbyAtmos)什么是杜⽐全景声Dolby Atmos并不是⼀种⾳轨格式,FLAC、AAC、AC3这种是⾳轨格式,但Dolby Atmos不是,准确来说,它是封装在TrueHD或者Dolby Digital+⾳轨⾥⾯的描述声⾳信息⽅位的元数据(metadata),通俗点就是它是⼀份描述⽂件,⽤来描述什么时候什么声⾳应该在哪个⽅位出现的。
杜⽐全景声的⽚源上⾯说了,Dolby Atmos主要有两种封装容器,分别是TrueHD和Dolby Digital+(DD+),他们都是⼀种⾳轨格式。
TrueHD TrueHD⾳轨多见于蓝光资源,是⼀种⽆损的封装格式。
Dolby Digital PlusDolby Digital+(DDP/DD5.1/AC3/EAC3) ⾳轨多见于Amazon、Netflix等在线流媒体⽹站,是⼀种有损压缩的封装格式。
作为⼀种有损的⾳频格式,DDP未必都会携带Dolby Atmos信息。
解码解码是指将Dolby Atmos的⾳频信息映射到⾳响直接发声的⽅式。
解码它本应该是属于最末端直接跟⾳响连接在⼀起的⼀环,⽐如说:电视机视频播放应⽤解码Dolby Atmos,然后模拟信号输出到电视机内置⾳箱或者外置⾳箱发出声⾳。
回⾳壁(Soundbar)内部的软件解码Dolby Atmos,然后模拟信号输出到回⾳壁上⾯的⾳箱阵列发出声⾳。
功放(Amplifier/AV Receiver)内部的软件解码Dolby Atmos,然后模拟信号、光纤信号输出到房间各个位置的独⽴⾳箱。
杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)是一种沉浸式音频技术,旨在通过创新的音频处理方法,提供更加逼真的声音体验。
1. 对象音频:杜比全景声将声音对象作为独立的元素进行处理,而不是将它们混入固定的声道中。
2. 高度声道:杜比全景声引入了高度声道的概念,即在传统立体声和环绕声的基础上增加了一个垂直方向上的声道。
3. 动态处理:杜比全景声采用动态处理技术,根据音频内容的变化自动调整输出音效。
4. 适应性解码:杜比全景声的音频文件采用特殊编码格式,可以在不同设备和播放条件下进行适应性解码。
但凡DVD碟的封套上⾯以及影⾳器材上⾯印有“Dolby Digital AC-3”、“DTS-ES”(DTS-ES Matrix)字样,那都代表具备5.1声道⾳效及处理能⼒。
DTS、杜比多声道环绕声技术的发展与应用李怀畅【摘要】随着多声道环绕声技术在电影院、家庭影院、高清电视、环绕声广播、汽车产品以及相关电子产品中得到应用和普及,为了使听众得到更好的环绕声体验,杜比实验室与DTS公司不断对环绕声技术进行研究与探索,针对这两家公司在目前市场上客户应用范围较广、用户使用较多的5.1,6.1,7.1及n.1声道环绕声技术的发展与应用进行了对比与分析.【期刊名称】《电声技术》【年(卷),期】2014(038)003【总页数】7页(P18-24)【关键词】杜比多声道环绕声技术;DTS;5.1声道环绕声;6.1声道环绕声;7.1声道环绕声【作者】李怀畅【作者单位】北京人民广播电台,北京 100022【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN643;TN912.271 引言首先先了解一下什么是环绕声以及多声道环绕声的发展历史。
在环绕声的发展与应用过程中,许多公司都对环绕声技术进行了研究与探索,在本文中主要讨论的是在实际应用中使用范围较广且研究较为广泛的杜比、DTS多声道环绕声技术,另外在杜比与DTS多声道环绕声技术中实际包括了从单声道到多声道的格式标准,为了使主题更为突出,本文主要讨论较为典型的5.1,6.1,7.1,8.1 等多声道环绕声技术。
2 5.1声道环绕声技术发展早期的环绕声技术主要应用于影院,1992年杜比在宽银幕电影动作冒险片《勤务兵返回》一片中首次对Dolby AC3技术进行了尝试,通过采用5.1声道环绕声系统的声音效果远远超过当时杜比立体声系统的声音效果,特别在《星球大战》影片热映后,杜比AC3系统迅速占领了影院市场。
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现代影院在制作、发行和放映回盟等方面受到诸多限制.因此难以创造出具有渗透力旦 逼真的声音效果。社比@全景声( Dolby® Atmos )作为下-代影院的声音平台,将有效 地解决这一问题,并带给观众前所未有的昕感体验。
杜比全景声〔Dolby Atmos〕将动态音频对象的灵活性和强大功能加入了传统的以声道为
(如图 1.1 )。影院声音的质量在 80 年代引入了杜比 SR 降噪系统以及 THX® 认证系统之 后有了进一步的提升。
崎ii!~ ~~-~;,量|-- --------- 三〉ι~
功率放大器 主要点
编辑和预混音............……....... ..….......….........………..............................................
13 13 3.己已拟音和效果音...............……......….......…….......….......…............................. 13
渲染中的优化.........………………………. ........…......…...............…................... 9
2013年已上映: +Mama, January 18, 2013, Universal Pictures +Race 2, January 25, 2013, India +ABCDAny Body Can Dance, February 8, 2013, India +Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons 西游降魔篇, February 10, 2013, Bingo Group/Huayi Brothers, China +A Good Day to Die Hard 虎胆龙威5, February 14, 2013, Twentieth Century Fox +Oz the Great and Powerful 魔境仙踪, March 8, 2013, Walt Disney Studios +The Croods 疯狂原始人, March 22, 2013, DreamWorks Animation/Twentieth Century Fox +Aatma, March 22, 2013, India +G.I. Joe: Retaliation 特种部队:全面反击, March 29, 2013, Paramount Pictures +Trance, April 5, 2013, Path/Fox Searchlight/Twentieth Century Fox +Nautanki Saala!, April 12, 2013 +Commando, April 12, 2013 +Oblivion 遗落战境, April 19, 2013, Universal +Iron Man 3 钢铁侠 3, May 3, 2013, Walt Disney Studios/Marvel +Star Trek into Darkness 星际迷航:暗黑无界, May 17, 2013, Paramount Pictures +Epic, May 24, 2013, Twentieth Century Fox +Kuiba 2 魁拔 2, May 31, 2013, Bona Film/ Vasson Animation 2012年已上映: +Brave 勇敢传说, June 22, 2012, Disney•Pixar +Taken 2 飓风营救 2, October 5, 2012, Twentieth Century Fox +Chasing Mavericks, October 26, 2012, Twentieth Century Fox +Ah Boys to Men, November 8, 2012, Singapore +Life of Pi 少年派的奇幻漂流, November 21, 2012, Twentieth Century Fox +Rise of the Guardians 守护者联盟, November 21, 2012, Paramount Pictures/DreamWorks Animation +Back to 1942 一九四二, November 29, 2012, Huayi Brothers/China Film, China +Sivaji 3D, December 12, 2012, India +The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, December 14, 2012, Warner Bros. +The Guillotines 血滴子, December 20, 2012, We Pictures, China +Chinese Zodiac (CZ12) 十二生肖, December 20, 2012, Jackie & JJ Productions/EMP/Huayi Brothers, China 10 +The Last Tycoon 大上海, December 22, 2012, Bona Film/Mega Vision Pictures, China
●一台兼容Dolby Atmos的AV放大器或前级处理器
现有的大部分家庭影院音箱系统都能用于组建Dolby Atmos系统
5.1.2 顶部扬声器设置的扬声器布置
杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos) 5.1.2 设置的侧视图
当前方和环绕声扬声器处于或略微高于您就座时的耳部 水平时,您将会获得最佳音效。壁挂式环绕声可以处于 更高位置,但扬声器(尤其是采用杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos) 的模块)不应高于墙壁高度的一半。
Atmos系统会自动 计算并利用喇叭呈 现出完整的全景声 音效,无论喇叭的 数量与位置是什么 状况,都会被灵活 的利用.
Atoms是一种算法,不是简单的几点一声道的音轨信息。功放会根据Atoms的逻辑进去进行运算,如果你的功 放是7.1.2的,那么他就把atoms的声音分到你7.1.2的音箱中,如果你的功放是24.1.10的,那么功放还是把这 个音轨分进去。
通过萦绕于影院以及使您沉浸在剧 情中的音效,杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos) 可将您带入电影的真实世 界。
通过可将娱乐体验栩栩如生地萦绕 在您身边的美妙音效,杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos®) 可通过耳机营造卓 越的视听体验。
声音是立体的,想完美还原自然的声音,依靠切分成五组或七组音效的喇叭,明显是不够的。为了让声音在水 平和垂直方向都能完美定位,那就要依靠不同的解决方案。杜比提出了最自然的声音(Dolby Atmos)由声床 (Bed Audio)、声音对象(audio object)与(Metadata)全景声源数据构成。
在7.1声道中,直升机的声音从右环绕到 右后环绕,再到左后环绕,最后到左环绕 (即声音依次从粉、绿、黄、蓝色扬声器 发出),实现了声音的移动效果,但是还 不够精确
什么是杜⽐游戏全景声?What is Dolby Atmos for Games?杜⽐游戏全景声调整以适应了最主要的影视全景声的体验感。
Dolby Atmos for games adapts the premier cinema sound experience. It creates powerful, moving audio, taking the spatial information from audio objects created for the game and renders them in three-dimensional space over headphones. Game play is far more engaging and realistic. Sounds can come from any direction, including overhead, to create a complete environment and put you deeper into the game. Sounds flow perfectly with the action, and discrete sounds are precisely placed within each scene. Aircraft buzz above you, footsteps creep up from behind, and you’ll be able to locate opponents by sound.Wwise如何⽀持杜⽐全景声?How does Wwise support Dolby Atmos?Wwise从2015版本开始⽀持杜⽐的⼀系列插件(需要Dolby LULA)。
B70 电视音箱说明书
B70电视音箱遥控器主箱挂梁挂墙螺钉 x5挂钩 x2注:本说明书上的图片均为示意图,且由于技术和系统升级,所标注的信息与参数可能与实物有偏差,请以实物为准。
897121110131514背面主箱●1. 显示窗2. 遥控接收窗3. 蓝牙输入7. eARC/ARC输出接口8. HDMI IN1输入接口9. HDMI IN2输入接口10. 电源输入接口11. 配对按键(低音箱与主箱配对)12. USB烧录口13. 光纤输入接口14. 同轴输入接口15. AUX输入接口短按x1长按蓝牙输入强制断开蓝牙,并清除配对信息 (蓝牙连接状态下)短按x1长按蓝牙输入断开蓝牙 (蓝牙连接状态下)1. 开机/关机2. 音效模式 MOVIE音效模式MUSIC音效模式 VOICE音效模式 GAME音效模式3. 静音/解除静音4. DIMMER调节显示窗亮度5. 蓝牙输入7. 音量调节9. 高音音量调节10. 低音音量调节11. HDMI 输出(ARC/eARC)12. HDMI 1/HDMI 2输入13. AUX 输入14. 光纤/同轴输入短按x1x3s长按静音/解除静音主箱配对键17. 状态指示灯 18. 电源开关 19. 电源线接口16. 配对按键(低音箱与主箱配对)主箱与低音箱出厂时已经配对,指示灯常亮红色即是已连接状态。
如需重连,请按如下步骤配对:无线低音箱通电后,打开电源开关,状态指示灯慢闪; 按无线低音箱上的“PAIR (配对)”键,状态指示灯快速闪烁;按主箱“PAIR (配对)”键,或长按遥控器“ ”键3秒,显示屏“PAIR (配对)”快速闪烁; 低音箱状态指示灯常亮,主箱显示屏“PAIR (配对)”常亮2秒,连接成功。
低音箱●(图 相同操作)11PAIR遥控器电池的更换1. 安装电池:按照图示按压,再向箭头方 向取下遥控器电池盒盖,将一节AAA 电池正确装入遥控器。
2. 遥控器的电池正常使用时间约6个月, 当遥控不灵敏或遥控距离缩短时请更换电池。
增加了观众对画面的参与感 提高冲击力与生动感受
能够实现出色的观影体验,但还未 达到杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos) 的水平
数字电影包 标准的5.1和7.1
+Oz the Great and Powerful 魔境仙踪, March 8, 2013, Walt Disney Studios
+The Croods 疯狂原始人, March 22, 2013, DreamWorks Animation/Twentieth Century Fox
+Aatma, March 22, 2013, India
+Chasing Mavericks, October 26, 2012, Twentieth Century Fox
+Ah Boys to Men, November 8, 2012, Singapore
+Life of Pi 少年派的奇幻漂流, November 21, 2012, Twentieth Century Fox +Rise of the Guardians 守护者联盟, November 21, 2012, Paramount Pictures/DreamWorks Animation
只是音箱数量的增 加这么简单吗?当然不 是。是声场的定位更加 精准
杜比全景声方案在声轨的设置上使用了一个创新的分层结构方式,底层主要用于静 态环境声响的设置,上层存储的是一些可以准确定位的动态音频内容,并能精确做到与 银幕图像相对应,这种双层结构声轨在给予电影工作者更大创作能力和自由的同时,能 确保在任何影院都有一致的听感体验。
全新的3D声音体验--Dolby Atmos 与 Auro-3D
全新的3D声音体验--Dolby Atmos 与 Auro-3D周天纵【摘要】声音重放的理念及技术不断进步,Dolby和Barco两家公司分别发布了Dolby Atmos和Auro-3D技术,围绕声音对象(Object)及音床(Bed)这两个概念展开论述。
%With advances in concepts and technologies about sound reproduction, two companies Dolby and Barco released Dolby Atmos technology and Auro-3D technology, and discussed around two concepts about sound object (Object) and sound bed (Bed).【期刊名称】《演艺科技》【年(卷),期】2015(000)002【总页数】5页(P19-22,65)【关键词】3D声音;环绕声;杜比全景声;Auro-3D;声音对象;音床【作者】周天纵【作者单位】中央人民广播电台技术制作中心,北京 100866【正文语种】中文近年来,声音重放的理念及技术不断进步,并受到电影制片方、影院和观众的广泛欢迎,正快步进入声音的3D时代,声音重放的理念及技术不断进步。
1992年,首部基于Dolby Surround 5.1(杜比5.1环绕声,见图1)制作的电影《蝙蝠侠归来》上映后,在不到3年的时间内就有超过400部电影使用了杜比数字环绕声技术制作,当年全球就有超过4 000家影剧院配备了杜比数字环绕音响设备。
2010年,随着《玩具总动员3》的上映,杜比实验室开始将Dolby Surround 7.1(杜比7.1环绕声,见图2)推向市场。
该项技术同样受到业界广泛欢迎,在随后不到2年的时间里,全球配备杜比7.1环绕声技术的影院就已经达到了3 600多家。
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Dolby Atmos® Enabled Speaker Technology August 2014How to Get Dolby Atmos sound with Dolby Atmos enabled speakersMany of the best Hollywood movies, including Academy Award® winners, are presented in Dolby Atmos® because this new sound technology allows filmmakers unprecedented realism and creative freedom. With Dolby Atmos, content creators can precisely place and move sounds almost anywhere, including overhead, to create a multidimensional listening experience.This revolutionary technology is now available for your home and will produce audio like nothing you’ve ever heard in a home theater. And you’ll get a great immersive experience no matter what kind of Dolby Atmos home theater setup you have, because the technology automatically adapts the sound to take full advantage of the number and placement of your speakers.The dimension of height—hearing sounds coming from above you—is key to the Dolby Atmos experience. Reproducing overhead sounds requires new thinking about home theater design. In this white paper, we’ll explain how you can use Dolby Atmos enabled speaker technology to build a system capable of reproducing overhead sound, even if you’re not able to put speakers on your ceiling.Do I have to replace all of my current speakers to build a Dolby Atmos system?No.Many people now have 5.1 or 7.1 systems with a subwoofer and either five or seven speakers positioned at about ear level. Many of these speakers will work without a problem in a Dolby Atmos system.However, overhead sound is a vital part of the Dolby Atmos experience. Many current home theaters aren’t capable of producing overhead sound, but there are a number of options for adding this capability to any room.How do I get sound coming from above?The obvious answer is to install speakers in the ceiling. Most conventional speakers mounted in or on your ceiling will work in a Dolby Atmos home theater.But installing ceiling speakers may not be possible or desirable for you. Installing speakers in or on your ceiling and running the necessary wiring can be expensive and time consuming. If you rent your home, the property owner may not allow it. And if your ceiling is made of a material such as concrete, plaster, or brick, installing speakers in the ceiling is impossible. Finally, you may not like the look of overhead speakers.How can I get overhead sound if I don’t mount speakers in my ceiling?Use Dolby Atmos enabled speakers. Employing a combination of unique physical speaker design and special signal processing, Dolby Atmos enabled speakers allow you to experience overhead sounds from speakers that are placed at the same level as traditional speakers. The new speakers fire upward and reflect sound off the ceiling, as Figure 1 shows, to create a faithful reproduction of audio coming from above.Figure 1: Dolby Atmos enabled speakers fire sound upward to reflect off the ceiling, creating exceptionally lifelike overhead sound.You can buy speakers that combine traditional speakers with the upward-firing Dolby Atmos enabled drivers in one cabinet. Or, if you don’t want to replace your current speakers, you can purchase add-on speaker modulesequipped with Dolby Atmos enabled technology that you can place on top of or near your existing speakers.Will I always get better Dolby Atmos sound with ceiling speakers?Dolby Atmos enabled speakers produce slightly diffuse overhead audio that is quite lifelike and, in some cases, preferable to the sound that comes from ceiling speakers.If your ceiling is low or you have to mount your loudspeakers on overhead trusses or brackets, the overhead speakers will be closer to the listening position. The audio may be distracting because you’ll hear exactly which speaker is producing the sound instead of feeling immersed in an atmosphere in which sounds occur naturally overhead.In this environment, Dolby Atmos enabled speakers may better reproduce the Dolby Atmos sound you would hear in a movie theatre, where the overhead speakers are high in the auditorium, creating a more diffuse experience. Audio experts who have heard Dolby Atmos enabled speakers agree that the sound these produce can be preferable to the sound that ceiling speakers produce.How does Dolby Atmos enabled speaker technology work?Dolby Atmos enabled speaker technology produces overhead sounds through a combination of psychoacoustic signal processing and proper direction and angling of the speaker drivers. Dolby provides requirements to manufacturers to ensure that their speakers will perform properly in a Dolby Atmos system for the home. But these requirements are flexible enough to allow manufacturers to maintain their sonic and industrial design.Dolby Atmos enabled speakers do not rely on virtualized processing. That means you don’t have to sit in one specific spot to get the full Dolby Atmos effect. The same signal and content from your receiver can go to either ceiling-mounted speakers or Dolby Atmos enabled speakers. In fact, Dolby Atmos enabled speakers can also be combined with ceiling-mounted speakers in a home theater environment. (Why would you combine ceilingand Dolby Atmos enabled speakers? Perhaps you have two speakers already installed in your ceiling, but you want to add two more speakers that can produce overhead sound. You can add two Dolby Atmos enabled speakers and get detailed overhead sound without going to the trouble of installing new speakers in your ceiling.) You’ll hear the same overhead sounds whether you’re using ceiling speak ers, Dolby Atmos enabled speakers, or a combination.Here are more details about the most important aspects of Dolby Atmos enabled technology.Psychoacoustic signal processingBecause they are based on an understanding of how the brain interprets sound, Dolby Atmos enabled speakers modify select audio frequencies to reinforce the sense of sound coming from above.Speaker directivity and anglingDolby Atmos enabled speakers are designed to fire their acoustic energy upward rather than directly at you. Dolby has calculated the best angle for the upward-firing speaker based on where most people place their floor-mounted tower and stand-mounted loudspeakers and based on standard ceiling heights. As a result, your brain experiences the sound coming from the reflection off the ceiling, rather than from the speaker itself. This works in combination with crossovers and bass management built into many Dolby Atmos enabled speakers and A/V receivers (AVRs) to deliver a compelling and accurate overhead experience.Will Dolby Atmos enabled speakers work in my room?Dolby Atmos enabled speakers can produce an incredibly immersive Dolby Atmos experience in many kinds of rooms. You’ll get the best sound if your ceiling is flat (not vaulted or angled) and made of an acoustically reflective material, such as drywall, plaster, concrete, or wood. Dolby designed the technology for rooms with ceiling heights of 8 to 9 feet (2.4 to 2.7 meters), but testing has shown that you can still hear incredible overhead sound in rooms with ceilings as high as 14 feet (4.3 meters), though the effect may become more diffuse in rooms with higher ceilings.Recessed lighting fixtures, chandeliers, crown molding, and heating or air conditioning vents in your ceiling do not noticeably interfere with the Dolby Atmos experience.What are the different types of Dolby Atmos enabled speakers?There are two types of Dolby Atmos enabled speakers: integrated speakers and add-on speaker modules.Integrated speakersIntegrated speakers include a Dolby Atmos enabled speaker and a traditional front-firing speaker in the same speaker cabinet, as shown in Figure 2. The Dolby Atmos enabled speaker is housed in a separate section of the speaker cabinet and has its own set of binding post inputs. Integrated speakers are great if you’re considering buying new main or surround speakers.Figure 2: Dolby Atmos enabled integrated speakers include both traditional front-firing speakers and upward-firing speakers. Both sets of speakers have their own binding posts to connect to your A/V receiver.Add-on modulesManufacturers are also producing Dolby Atmos enabled speakers in separate cabinets, as shown in Figure 3. These are ideal if you already have main speakers that you like. By adding separate Dolby Atmos enabled add-onmodules, you can get Dolby Atmos sound while keeping your existing equipment. You can put the add-on modules on top of your existing speakers or nearby on another surface.Figure 3: Dolby Atmos enabled add-on modules include only upward-firing speakers. You can place them on top of your traditional, front-firing speakers or on another surface near them.How many Dolby Atmos enabled speakers do I need, and how should I set them up?Dolby recommends that you use four Dolby Atmos enabled speakers when possible. Use of four speakers will make the placement of overhead sounds more accurate, and you’ll get more precise, realistic sounds as an object—such as a helicopter—passes overhead in a video. Two of the speakers (whether they are integrated speakers or add-on modules) should be in the front left and front right speaker locations of your system. The other two should be positioned in the surround sound speaker locations, ideally the rear surround speakers, if you have them.If you opt to use two Dol by Atmos enabled speakers, you’ll still get a very immersive experience, with sounds moving overhead. Place the Dolby Atmos enabled speakers at the front left and front right speaker locations.For the best sound, place your speakers at or slightly above the level of your ears when you’re seated. Don’t place the Dolby Atmos enabled speakers higher than half the height of your wall. Make sure the speakers are at least 3 feet (0.9 meter) away from you, ideally 5 feet (1.5 meters) or more. If you’re using add-on modules, place them either on top of your front andsurround (ideally, rear surround) speakers or within 3 feet (0.9 meter) of those speakers.How should I describe my setup?With the debut of Dolby Atmos, there is a new method of referring to surround sound speaker configurations (see the “Dolby Atmos for the Home Theater” white paper for more details). It is based on the standard nomenclature (stereo, 5.1, and 7.1 ) but adds a number at the end to specify the number of height speakers you use (for example, 7.1.4).Figures 4 through 6 show the most common speaker layouts in a Dolby Atmos system for home theater.Figure 4: A traditional 7.1 speaker layout with four Dolby Atmos enabled speakers (7.1.4).Figure 5: A traditional 5.1 speaker layout with four Dolby Atmos enabled speakers (5.1.4).Figure 6: A traditional 5.1 speaker layout with two Dolby Atmos enabled speakers (5.1.2).How do I connect my Dolby Atmos enabled speakers to my AVR?Most AVRs that support Dolby Atmos have speaker connections labeled HEIGHT, as in Figure 7. (Some AVRs do not use that label, but they allow you to assign terminals for the height channels.) Connect your Dolby Atmos enabled speakers to those outputs. If you’re using four Dolby Atmos enabled speakers (or think you might in the future), you need an AVR that can support four height speakers.Figure 7: Rear panel of a 7.2.2 AVR; height speaker connections are at right.ConclusionWith Dolby Atmos enabled technology, you can get the overhead sound that is a cornerstone of the Dolby Atmos experience conveniently and efficiently, with products that look great and won’t break the bank. Dolby Atmos enabled speakers should be popular with many home entertainmententhusiasts because they provide the flexibility needed to create a Dolby Atmos system in virtually any home and for many different budgets.Dolby, Dolby Atmos, and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Academy Awards is a trademark and service mark of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. © 2014 Dolby Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. S14/28204。