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考查名词辨析。句意:由于大雪,研究人员未能如期到达目的地。A. stage阶段;B. agreement协议;C. kingdom王国;D. destination目的地,根据题意,故选D。
15.That party has been in ________ for many years and it has showed its ________ in dealing with many important problems.
12.Seeing the happy ________ of children playing in the park, I’m overjoyed and sure of the future of our country.
A.adventure B.achievement
C.trend D.challenge
考查名词词义辨析。A. adventure冒险;B. achievement成就;C. trend趋势;D. challenge挑战。句意:扎克伯格会说中文是多么令人吃惊啊!毕竟,对任何西方人来说,学习一门完全不同的语言是一个巨大的挑战。根据句意可知此处表示“挑战”,故D项正确。
4.Violent programs on television may have a badon children.
A.injury B.pressure
16.The building under _____for stay-at-home children will be completed in March
考查名词辨析及固定搭配。contribution贡献,捐赠,捐助;construction建造,建筑物; coincidence巧合;一致;composition作文,作曲。句意:正在被建的留守儿童楼将于3月竣工。本句说的是建筑物,因此要用建造中。under construction意为“(正在)修建中”,因此选B。
C.impression D.influence
考查名词。A. injury伤害;B. pressure压力;C. impression印象;D. influence影响。句意:电视上的暴力节目可能对孩子有不良影响。固定词组:have an effect/ influenceon“对------有影响”。故选D。
3.With the help of the English teacher, he has madein his English writing.
A.a great progressB.much progress
C.little progressD.many progresses
17.—Can you tell us your ________ for happiness and a long life?
—Living every day to the full, definitely.
5.It has been proved that there is a(n) ______ between smoking and certain diseases.
A.connection B.description.
C.expression D.concentration
10.Please read the ______ on the bottle and take the right amount of medicine.
考查名词辨析。句意:请阅读瓶子上的说明,并服用适量的药物。A. explanations解释;B. instructions说明;C. descriptions描述;D. introductions介绍。由“take the right amount of medicine.”可知,应该按照瓶子上的说明服用适量的药物。所以instructions“说明”符合句意。故B选项正确。
A.many good advicesB.a number of advice
C.much adviceD.some advices
考查不可数名词的用法。句意:关于如何提高我们的英语口语,史密斯先生给了我们很多建议。advice为不可数名词,需要使用much或者a lot of来修饰;A项中many修饰可数名词;B项a number of修饰可数名词复数;D项advices错误,故选C。
9.As he was not allowed toher to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her.
考查名词辨析。句意:由于不允许他陪她去商店,他给她列了一张购物单。A. appointment约定;B. ambulance救护车;C. accompany陪伴;伴随;D. adjustment调整;调节。根据句意故选C。
1.I can’t say which one is best—— it’s________personal taste.
A.a lack ofB.a means ofC.a manner ofD.a matter of
考查名词短语辨析。句意:我无法说哪一个最好---这是个人品味问题。A.Fra Baidu biblioteka lack of缺乏;B. a means of方式,方法;C. a manner of方式;D. a matter of…的问题。根据句意可得知D选项符合题意。故选D。
考查名词辨析。句意:作为一个在天津生活了大约10年的美国人,克里斯说,能够见证中国的巨大进步是一种荣幸。A. privilege荣幸;B. preference偏爱;C. priority优先;D. principle原则。privilege“荣幸”符合句意。故A选项正确。
14.Because of the heavy snow, the researchers failed to reach their ________ on time as expected.
A.stage B.agreement
C.kingdom D.destination
13.-- Do you agree friends you spend time with will change your life in one way or another?
-- Couldn't agree more. Hopefully our students can show great ________ in their choices of friends.
C.devotion D.donation
考查名词辨析。A. contribution贡献;B. commitment承诺;C. devotion奉献;D. donation捐赠。句意:唐纳德·特朗普向全国承诺,他上任后将为降低税收和改善医疗服务而奋斗。故B选项正确。
8.On how to improve our spoken English, Mr. Smith has given us ______.
考查名词词义辨析。句意:看到孩子们在公园里玩耍的快乐场面,我欣喜若狂,对我们国家的未来充满信心。A. sight视力;眼界;见解;B. view视野;意见;风景;C. scene场面;情景;D. sign标志;符号。根据语境,此处表达“看到孩子们在公园嬉戏的快乐情景(scene)”之意,scene常指包含人的活动的场景,其他三项均不符合语境,故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:——能告诉我你幸福长寿的秘诀吗?——一定每天都过得充实。A. recipe秘诀;食谱;B. record记录;C. range范围;D. reflection反射;沉思。根据句意故选A。
7.Donald Trump made a _____ to the nation that he would struggle for lower taxes and improve health care after taking office.
A.contribution B.commitment
2.As an American living in-Tianjin for about 10 years, Chris says that it has been a ________ be a witness to China’s great progress.
A.privilege B.preference C.priority D.principle
11.To be honest, she had a great ______ for the small town where she grew up.
考查名词词义辨析。句意:说实话,她对她长大的那个小镇有很深的感情。A. effect影响;B. effort努力;C. affection深情;D. patience耐心。短语have a great affection for sth.意为“对某物钟爱,对某物有深挚的感情”。故选C。
考查名词辨析。句意:那个政党已经执政很多年了,并且在处理许多重要问题上显现出了它的优势。in power意为“执政、当权”,故排除C.D。energy意为“能量”,strengths意为“优势”。根据翻译可知B项正确。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:——你同意和你在一起的朋友会以这样或那样的方式改变你的生活吗?——完全同意,希望我们的学生在选择朋友方面表现出很强的鉴别能力。A. accommodation住处;B. discrimination鉴别力;C. reputation名誉;D. distinction区别。根据“their choices of friends”可知此处表示“鉴别力”,故B项正确。
考查名词词义辨析。A. connection联系;B. description描述;C. expression表达;D. concentration集中。句意:已经证实吸烟和某些疾病之间有联系。根据句意可知此处表示“联系”,故A项正确。
6.How amazing it is that Zuckberg can speak Chinese! After all, it is a big_____ for any westerner to learn such a totally different language.