
1.下列关于RNA的叙述,不正确的是A.其组成元素与磷脂分子相同 B.在真核细胞内只分布在细胞质中C.某些RNA有氢键连接形成的碱基对 D.某些RNA 能降低化学反应的活化能2.下列关于酒精在相关生物实验中作用的叙述,不正确的是A.检测生物组织中的脂肪时,可用50%的酒精洗去浮色B.植物组织培养接种前,可用70%的酒精对工作台消毒C.观察植物细胞有丝分裂时,可用95%的酒精配制解离液D.萃取法提取β-胡萝卜素时,可用100%的酒精作萃取剂3.浆细胞产生抗体是免疫调节中的重要环节,下列叙述正确的是A.浆细胞与记忆B细胞膜上的糖蛋白种类有差异B.浆细胞与效应T细胞中的遗传信息有明显差异C.浆细胞内对抗体进行加工的细胞器中含有DNAD.抗体与抗原的特异性结合发在浆细胞的表面4.“Na+—K+泵”是细胞膜上的一种重要载体,也是能催化ATP 水解的酶。

������������������3 分 ������������������5 分 ������������������6 分
( ) ) , 由( 可知平面 A 2 1 B C ⊥ 平面 P A C. ∴B O ⊥ 平面 P A C.
∵ 平面 A B C ∩ 平面 P A CB C, 1 ∴ VB-POQ = S△PQO ������B O 3
1 1. A
1 2. B
第 Ⅱ 卷( 非选择题 , 共9 0 分) ( 二、 填空题 : 每小题 5 分 , 共2 0 分)
( ) 解: 设数列 { 1 7. 1 a n } 的公差为d . 解得 d =2, a1 =1.
( 三. 解答题 : 共7 0 分)
3+ 3 . 1 3.2 ; 1 4. 1 2; 1 5. 6; 1 6. 4
������������������8 分
1 1 1 × S△PAO ×4= ×3×4=4. 3 2 3
������������������1 1分 ������������������1 2分
a 2 2 ( )∵ 解: 2 0. 1 c = 3, =2, a2 = b +c , b
∴ a =2, b =1.
∴ 四面体 P -O B Q 的体积为 4.
( ) 易知当直线l 的斜率为 0 时 , 不合题意 . 2 联立
∴ 椭圆的标准方程为
x2 2 +y =1. 4
������������������5 分 ������������������6 分
, 当直线l 的斜率不为 0 时 , 设直线l 的方程为x =m M( x1 , N( x2 , . y +1, y1) y2)

成都七中高 2018 届高三一诊模拟题语文一、现代文阅读(35 分)第 I 卷 阅读题(一)论述类文本阅 读(9 分,每小题 3 分) 阅读下面的文字,完成 1~3 题。
随着市场的发展壮大,从农村流入城镇的 人口日益增多。
城镇居民相对地减少了对土地的依附,人际关系更紧密,人的 自主意识也变强。
这一时 期,文化领域出现了以王学左派为代表的“异端”思想,许多剧作家受此影响,更多地思考 戏曲应如何针砭现实,促进社会进步。
人民群众对 戏曲的热情,使许多具有高度文化修养的诗人积极参与戏曲创作,甚至自操檀板,粉墨登场。
在这个大变动的时代,讲求情与理合一的思潮让进步剧作家 们更多地面对社会现实,同情人民大众,反思历史得失。
他们长期观 察社会,深入体验人生,认真检索文献,总之,苦心孤诣才进行写作。
《长生殿》“盖经十 余年,三易稿而成”。
孔尚任说《桃花扇 》写“朝政得失,文人聚散 ,皆确考时地,全无假借”;又说,经过十余年的酝酿,“凡三易稿而书成”。
汤显祖曾“凡 文以意、趣、神、色为主。
他通 过写杜丽娘这一典型人物与典型环境之间的冲突一经问世,便“家传户诵,几令《西厢》减价”。
《牡丹亭》写杜丽娘 因情成梦,因梦而死,死而复生,曲折微妙地凸显封建时代青年对理想的追求。

1. When will the speakers meet?A. On Monday.B. On Tuesday.C. On Thursday.2. What did the man do over the weekend?A. He went hiking.B. He went camping.C. He went dancing.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. The woman’s trousers.B. The woman’s shoes.C. The woman’s socks.4. What is the weather like on the wedding day?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Windy.5. What does the woman think of her trip to Mexico?A. Enjoyable.B. Ordinary.C. Terrible.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
四川省成都市2017-2018学年高三一诊考试试卷 语文 Word版含答案

满分1 5 0分,考试时间1 5 0分钟。
第Ⅰ卷阅读题(共7 0分)一、现代文阅读(3 5分)(一)论述类文本阅读(9分,每小题3分)阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。
2018年高三最新 成都市2018届高中毕业班第一次诊断性

成都市2018届高中毕业班第一次诊断性检测题数学(理科)第I 卷 (选择题,共60分) 一、选择题本题共有12个小题,每小题5分;在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把正确选项的代号填在机读卡的指定位置上。
1.已知双曲线的离心率是2,则它的两条渐近线的夹角为(A )30° (B )45° (C )60° (D )90°2.设P 、Q 是两个非空集合,定义P * Q ={(a ,b)|a∈P,b∈Q},若P={0,1,2},Q={1,2,3,4},则P * Q 中元素的个数是(A )4个 (B )7个 (C )12个 (D )16个 3.下列各组向量中,共线的是(A )→1a =(-2,3),→1b =(4,6) (B )→2a =(2,3),→2b =(3,2) (C )→3a =(1,-2), →3b =(7,14) (D )→4a =(-3,2), →4b =(6,-4)4.已知一个简单多面体的每一个面都是三角形,以每个顶点为一端都有5条棱,则此多面体的棱数为(A )30 (B )32 (C )20 (D )18 5.若3个平面将空间分成n 部分,则n 的值为(A )4 (B )4或6 (C )4或6或7 (D )4或6或7或86.若i a +=2,则1616161515152216116...1a C a C a C a C +-++-的值为(A )82- (B )82 (C )16)3(i - (D )16)3(i +7.设函数f(x)是定义在R 上的以3为周期的奇函数,若f(t)>1,f(2)=132+-a a ,则 (A )a<32 (B )a<32且a≠-1 (C )a>32或a<-1 (D )-1<a<328.已知真命题:“a≧b ⇒c>d ”和“a<b ⇔e≦f”,那么“c≦d”是“e≦f”的(A )充分不必要条件 (B )必要不充分条件 (C )充要条件 (D )既不充分又不必要条件 9.=+++++++++∞→nn n n n n n C C C 3...331)13( (i)221(A )0 (B )-32 (C )1 (D )3210.已知10,0log log log 3)1(212 a x x x a a a+==,则1x 、2x 、3x 的大小关系是(A )3x <2x <1x (B )2x <1x <3x (C )1x <3x <2x (D )2x <3x <1x11.将函数y=f(x)sinx 的图象向右平移4π个单位后,再作关于x 轴的对称变换,得到y=1-2sin 2x 的图象,则f(x)可以是(A)cosx (B)2cosx (C)sinx (D)2sinx12.设曲线y=21x和曲线y=x 1在它们交点处的两切线的夹角为θ,则tan θ= (A )1 (B )21 (C )31 (D )32第I 卷(非选择题,共90分) 二、填空题:(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分)把答案填在题中横线上。
四川省成都市2018届高三高考模拟试卷(一)英语试题 Word版含答案

例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.15.C. £9.18.答案是B。
1. Where are the man’s gloves at the moment?A. On the shelf.B. On the desk.C. In the cupboard.2. When will the speakers have a meeting today?A. At 12:00 p.m.B. At 2:00 p.m.C. At 7:00 p.m.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. A film.B. A novel.C. A writer.4. What does the woman plan to do on Friday?A. Work.B. Buy tickets.C. Attend a concert.5. Why didn’t the woman read the e-mail from the man?A. She lost the e-mail.B. She wasn’t in the company.C. She forgot to check her e-mail box.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

每段对话仅读一遍.1. When will the speakers meet?A. On Monday. B。
On Tuesday。
On Thursday.2。
What did the man do over the weekend?A。
He went hiking. B。
He went camping。
He went dancing.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. The woman’s trousers。
The woman’s shoes. C. The woman’s socks.4. What is the weather like on the wedding day?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Windy。
5. What does the woman think of her trip to Mexico?A。
B. Ordinary。
What does Billy want to do?A. Meet a lifeguard. B。

1. When will the speakers meet?A. On Monday.B. On Tuesday.C. On Thursday.2. What did the man do over the weekend?A. He went hiking.B. He went camping.C. He went dancing.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. The woman’s trousers.B. The woman’s shoes.C. The woman’s socks.4. What is the weather like on the wedding day?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Windy.5. What does the woman think of her trip to Mexico?A. Enjoyable.B. Ordinary.C. Terrible.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

第⼀节(共5 ⼩题;每⼩题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下⾯5 段对话。
每段对话后有⼀个⼩题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关⼩题并阅读下⼀⼩题。
1. Who w a nts to borrow a camera?A. Mary.B. Jane.C. Alice.2. What is the man doing?A. Attending an appointment.B. Discussing an agreement.C. Applying for a position.3. Where are the tw o speakers talking?A. In a shop.B. In a bank.C. In a cinema.4. How long did Eric stay abroad in all?A. 9 days.B. 11 days.C. 16 days.5. Why w i ll Mr. Rogers be off w o rk next w e ek?A. To make his holiday.B. To attend a w e dding.C. To travel on business.第⼆节(共15⼩题;每⼩题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下⾯5段对话或独⽩。

1. When will the speakers meet? A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C.On Thursday. 2. What did the man do over the weekend? A. He went hiking. B. He went camping. C. He went dancing. 3. What arethe speakers talking about? A. The woman's trousers. B. The woman's shoes. C. The woman's socks.4. What is the weather like on the wedding day? A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy.5. What does the woman think of her trip to Mexico? A. Enjoyable. B. Ordinary. C. Terrible.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

理科综合 一诊 参考答案㊀第1㊀页(共5页)成都市2018级高中毕业班第一次诊断性检测理科综合参考答案及评分意见第Ⅰ卷(126分)一㊁选择题1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D5.B6.C7.C 8.B9.A10.B11.B12.C 13.D 二㊁选择题14 C15 D 16 A17 B18 B19 A D20 A C21 C D第Ⅱ卷(共174分)三㊁非选择题(一)必考题22.(6分)(1)A (1分)㊀C (1分)㊀㊀(2)1 95(2分)㊀㊀(3)2k-m 0(2分)23.(9分)(1)左(2分)㊀(2)R 1(2分)㊀(3)(R 1+r 1)I 1I 2-I 1(3分)㊀㊀(4)211(2分)24 (12分)解:(1)小球受三力作用静止,电场力方向与场强方向相同,故小球带正电(2分)由力的平衡条件得:q E =m g t a n θ(2分)解得小球的电荷量:q =3m g4E(1分)(2)设小球在O 点的速度大小为v 1摆下过程中,由动能定理有:m gL (1-c o s 37ʎ)=12m v 21(2分)v 1=25g L 小球在第三象限做类平抛运动水平方向有:d =v 1t(1分)竖直方向做匀加速直线运动,由牛顿第二定律有:m g -q E =m a (1分)由运动学规律有:v y =a t(1分)小球运动到B 点的速度:v 2=v 21+v 2y(1分)联立各式解得:v 2=25gL +5g d 232L(1分)(其他合理解法,参照给分)25 (20分)解:(1)v 0=0时,货箱受四力(其中摩擦力方向沿传送带向下)作用向上做匀加速运动由牛顿第二定律有:F -μm g c o s 30ʎ-m g s i n 30ʎ=m a (2分)代入数据得:a =2m /s2由运动学规律有:L=12a t2(1分)代入数据解得:t=6s(1分) (2)v0=4m/s时,货箱先受四力(其中摩擦力方向沿传送带向上)作用向上做匀加速运动直到速度达到4m/s,设此过程加速度为a1,运动时间为t1,发生位移为x1由牛顿第二定律有:F+μm g c o s30ʎ-m g s i n30ʎ=m a1(1分)代入数据得:a1=8m/s2由运动学规律有:v0=a1t1,x1=12a1t21(2分)代入数据得:t1=0 5s,x1=1m货箱与传送带间的相对路程为:Δx1=v0t1-x1=1m此后,摩擦力反向,货箱继续沿斜面向上做加速运动,由受力情况可知加速度a2=a=2m/s2,设此过程的时间为t2,发生位移为x2x2=L-x1=5m由运动学规律有:x2=v0t2+12a2t22(1分)代入数据得:t2=1s货箱与传送带间的相对路程为:Δx2=x2-v0t2=1m规定沿传送带向上的方向为正方向则有:I f=μm g c o s30ʎt1-μm g c o s30ʎt2(1分) Q=μm g c o s30ʎ(Δx1+Δx2)(1分)代入数据解得:I f=-1 5N s,方向沿传送带向下(2分) Q=6J(1分) (3)t1=0 5s时,货箱速度达到4m/s,从0 5s到0 7s,货箱以加速度a2沿传送带向上做加速运动,设此过程时间为t3,发生位移为x3,末速度为vt3=0 7s-0 5s=0 2s由运动学规律有:v=v0+a2t3,x3=v0t3+12a2t23(2分)代入数据得:v=4 4m/s,x3=0 84m力F消失后,货箱先沿传送带向上做减速运动(摩擦力方向沿传送带向下)直到速度再次到达4m/s,设此过程发生位移为x4由动能定理有:-(m g s i n30ʎ+μm g c o s30ʎ)x4=12m v20-12m v2(2分)代入数据得:x4=0 21m此后,摩擦力方向沿传送带向上,传送带继续向上减速运动,设货箱速度从4m/s减至0的过程中发生的位移为x5由动能定理有:-(m g s i n30ʎ-μm g c o s30ʎ)x4=0-12m v20(1分)代入数据得:x5=4m因:x1+x3+x4+x5=6 05m>L(1分)所以,货物能到达高平台(1分) (其他合理解法,参照给分)理科综合 一诊 参考答案㊀第2㊀页(共5页)26.(14分)(1)C u+2H2S O4(浓)ә C u S O4+S O2ʏ+2H2O(2分)㊀防倒吸(1分,答 安全瓶 也给分)(2)N a H S O3(2分)(3)2N a H S O3ә N a2S2O5+H2O(2分)㊀N a2S O3(或N a2S O4或其他合理答案)(2分)小火加热控制温度,尽量减少与空气接触(或隔绝空气)等(2分,各1分,其它合理答案也可给分)(4)9.5V1-47.5V2(2分)㊀㊀偏高(1分)27.(14分)(1)N H3㊁C O2(2分,写化学名称正确也给分,后同)㊀S i O2(1分)(2)引入新杂质M n2+,产品不纯;将C l-氧化为C l2造成污染(2分,答出引入M n2+即可给2分)否,若不先将F e2+氧化为F e3+,调p H分步沉淀中产生的F e(OH)2为絮状沉淀,不易通过过滤分离除去(或可以,空气中焙烧时已将F e2+氧化成F e3+)(3分,判断1分,理由2分)(3)M g O(或M g C O3㊁M g(O H)2㊁M g2(O H)2C O3等)(2分)(4)N a2C O3碱性更强,反应中易生成更多M g(O H)2而不利于M g O纳米材料的生成,纳米M g O纯度降低(2分, 不利于纳米材料的生成 和 产品纯度 各1分)(5)N H4C l(2分,多写H2O不扣分,只写H2O给1分)28.(15分)(1)(5b+c-5a-d)k J/m o l(2分)(2)①1 2ˑ10-3m o l/(L m i n)(2分)㊀㊀②0 0120 005ˑ0 0153L2 m o l-2(2分)③=(1分)㊀5m i n时,0.08>0.07,说明T2温度高,反应速率快,T2先达到平衡,所以15m i n时T2已达到平衡(2分)(3)①Ⅳ(1分)㊀㊀㊀放热(1分)②温度升高,催化剂活性增强,反应速率加快,所以反应物浓度快速减小(2分)③压强增大,吸附速率虽然增大,但不利于解吸,解吸速率减小更多,所以反应速率减小(2分)29.(10分)(1)叶绿体基质(1分)㊀有关(1分)㊀C3的还原需要光反应产生的[H]和A T P(2分) (2)升高C O2浓度可提升暗反应速率,使磷酸丙糖生成加快;高C O2浓度会抑制T P T的活性,减少磷酸丙糖从叶绿体输出,有利于合成更多的淀粉(4分).(3)适当增施磷肥(2分)30.(10分)(1)较高(1分)㊀㊀防止水分蒸发,保持实验过程中2,4-D溶液浓度相对稳定(2分) (2)能(1分)㊀㊀a~d浓度促进生根,e浓度抑制生根(2分)(3)取两组备用液适当稀释后处理同样的月季插条,一段时间后测量并记录根的长度.插条生根长度较大的一组为d浓度,插条生根长度较小的一组为a浓度.(4分)理科综合 一诊 参考答案㊀第3㊀页(共5页)理科综合 一诊 参考答案㊀第4㊀页(共5页)31.(9分)(1)多个(1分)㊀㊀神经递质结合ң特异性受体引发ң电位变化产生ң神经冲动(2分)(2)双向(2分)㊀㊀更快(2分)㊀㊀带电离子能迅速地通过离子通道传递电信号(或没有电信号和化学信号间的转换)(2分)32.(10分)(1)显性(2分)㊀㊀常(2分)㊀㊀该对相对性状在子代的表现无性别差异(2分)(2)2和3(2分)㊀㊀2和4(2分)(二)选考题33 [物理 选修3-3](1)(5分)A C E(2)(10分)解:(ⅰ)设充气结束后的胎内气体压强为p 2,体积为V 2充气结束后的状态:压强p 2=2 4a t m ,体积V 2=V 0+10%V 0=1 1V 0(1分)理论状态:压强p 理=1 7a t m ,体积V 理由玻意耳定律有:p 2V 2=p 理V 理(2分)代入数据解得:V 理=13285V 0(2分)(ⅱ)设充气时间为t 充入胎内的气体在压强为1 7a t m 时的体积为:V ᶄ=V 理-V 0=13285V 0-V 0=4785V 0(1分)对充入胎内的气体:初态压强p 1=1a t m ,体积V 1=60t ΔV =t2V 0(1分)理论状态:压强p 理=1 7a t m ,体积V ᶄ=4785V 0由玻意耳定律有:p 1V 1=p 理V ᶄ(1分)代入数据解得:t =4725m i n(2分)(其他合理解法,参照给分)34 [物理 选修3-4](1)(5分)B C E(2)(10分)解:(ⅰ)当øA O B =106ʎ时,光在A O 边恰好发生全反射,光路如答图1所示由几何关系得:C =90ʎ-øA O B2=37ʎ(1分)又:s i n C =1n (2分)联立求解得:n =53(1分)因n =53<2 42,故该钻石是假钻石(1分)(ⅱ)继续打磨该钻石后,光在A O 边的入射角增大,发生全反射后接着射到B O 边时恰好发生全反射,光路如答图2所示由反射定律得:θ2=θ1=øA O B2(1分)由几何关系得:θ4=90ʎ-θ3=C=37ʎ(1分)θ3=180ʎ-θ2-øA O B=53ʎ(1分)联立上式解得:øA O B=84 67ʎ(2分)(其他合理解法,参照给分)35.(15分)(1)3(1分)㊀<(1分)(2)①O㊀(1分)㊀s p3㊁s p2杂化(2分)㊀②b㊁d㊁e(2分)(3)[C o(N H3)4C l2]+(2分)㊀变大(1分)(4)①面心立方堆积(1分)㊀②F e3(Ⅱ)F e(Ⅲ)N(2分,写F e4N也给分)㊀③1193ρN A(2分)36.(15分)(1)甲苯(2分)㊀㊀光照(1分)(2)(2分)(3)(2分)(4)(2分)㊀消去反应(1分)(5)②(1分)(6)3(2分)㊀㊀㊀(2分)说明:1.本试卷中其它合理答案,可参照此评分标准酌情给分2.方程式未写条件或条件不完全㊁不写 ˌ 或 ʏ 均扣一分,不配平不得分37.(15分)(1)高压蒸汽灭菌法(2分)㊀㊀提高溶解氧㊁同时让菌体与营养物质充分接触(2分) (2)稀释涂布平板法(2分)㊀㊀B㊁C培养皿中的菌种接种位置相同(2分)㊀㊀(3)便于观察菌落特征和分离目的菌株(2分)㊀㊀B(2分)在培养皿B中有菌落,而在培养皿C中的对应位置没有菌落(3分)38.(15分)(1)限制性核酸内切(2分)㊀㊀质粒㊁噬菌体和动植物病毒(3分)(2)g R N A的碱基序列与靶D N A的碱基序列互补配对(3分)碱基序列越短,与其他D N A序列配对的可能性就越大,造成g R N A与目的基因以外的序列结合(4分)(3)可以人为的选择D N A上的目标位点进行切割,目的性更强(3分)理科综合 一诊 参考答案㊀第5㊀页(共5页)。

1. When will the speakers meet? A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Thursday. 2. What did the man do over the weekend? A. He went hiking. B. He went camping. C. He went dancing. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. The woman‟s trousers.B. The woman‟s shoes.C. The woman‟s socks.4. What is the weather like on the wedding day? A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy. 5. What does the woman think of her trip to Mexico? A. Enjoyable. B. Ordinary. C. Terrible. 分)第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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成都市高2018级高三一诊模拟试题英语考试时间:120分钟总分:150分第I卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;)1. What is the man buying?A. A scarf.B. A jacket.C. A suit.2. What would the man like?A. Coca-Cola.B. Lemon soda.C. Orange juice.3. Why will the street be decorated?A. To celebrate a festival.B. To make the city beautiful.C. To welcome some famous players.4. Where does the conversation take place?A. On a boat.B. On a train.C. On a plane.5. What does the woman mean?A. She hates murder and war.B. People are becoming worse.C. She’s optimistic about people.第二节(共15小题;)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。
6. Where are the speakers heading?A. To New York.B. To Mexico City.C. To Arizona.7. What will the speakers do next?A. Find some help.B. Go to a drugstore.C. Get something to eat. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. What will the woman probably do?A. Buy a new watch.B. Give the watch away.C. Take the man’s advice.9. What does the man say about his watch?A. He doesn’t bother to set it right.B. He spent a lot of money on it.C. He got it from a family member.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10. Where does the man want Bill to go after high school?A. To a large school.B. To a private university.C. To a college in another state.11. Why is the woman worried?A. She might not be able to see Bill often.B. Bill cannot take care of himself.C. The man is too strict with Bill.12. Who will make the final decision?A. The man.B. The woman.C. Bill himself.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Neighbors.B. Roommates.C. Host and guest.14. What did the woman see the cat do?A. Tear the morning paper.B. Run past her quickly.C. Get behind the bookcase.15. Where is the cat hiding?A. In the bedroom.B. In the living room.C. In the laundry room.16. What does the man suggest about the cat?A. She never tries to go outside.B. She is afraid of the outside world.C. She never comes back by herself.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. Who is the speaker probably talking to?A. Office employees.B. College students.C. Company presidents.18. When did the speaker get his first paid job?A. At 18.B. At 21.C. At 35.19. How does the speaker feel about his life?A. He’s embarrassed.B. He’s regretful.C. He’s proud.20. What’s the speech mainly about?A. How to do well in school.B. How to work with computers.C. How to achieve career success.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节)第一节(共15 小题;满分30分)ALake Forest High School ClubsEnvironmental ClubClub members are provided opportunities to realize their goals of environmental service. The majority of projects are studentinitiated. Last year’s activities included: the LFHS Courtyard Garden upkeep, Bike to School Day with free cocoa and snacks, an “eat local”100mile dinner, recycling solutions for LFHS, beach clean-up through the Great Lakes Alliance, and Earth Week celebrations.Meetings: First Friday of the month in Room 5 at 7:00 a.m.Advisor:MsMaryBethNawor,********************Peer TutoringStudents volunteer to help fellow students in improving their academic and organizational skills. Students tutor LFHS and middle school students on an individually scheduled basis. LFHS tutors must have proficiency(精通) in the academic area in which they wish to tutor, but middle school tutors only need general academic proficiency.Meetings: All tutoring is done on an individually scheduled basis.Advisor:MsKathyO’Hara,********************Young IdeaYoung Idea is LFHS’s art and literary magazine. Students of all ages who love writing and art are encouraged to become part of the staff of this award-winning magazine. Young Idea encourages all students to submit art and literature works to the magazine, whether they are a part of the staff or not. From September to February, Young Idea meets on Thursdays after school in the Public Room to discuss the pieces that have been submitted to the magazine and provide feedback for the authors.Meetings: See above explanation.Advisor:MsDebbieZare,*******************Scout BuddiesScout Buddies is a friendship club which helps build friendship among individuals with and without disabilities. Club members participate in a variety of social activities both within the school and in the community. Activities includeorganizing holiday parties in the school, bowling, going to the movies, and eating out in local restaurants.Meetings: Monthly meeting dates vary, but in Room 134.Advisor:MsDonnaLovitsch,***********************21. Which club provides help for students poor in study?A. Environmental Club.B. Peer Tutoring.C. Young Idea.D. Scout Buddies.22. When is the staff of Young Idea most likely to meet?A. 6:30 p.m., August 11, ThursdayB. 7:00 p.m., September 23, FridayC. 7:30 a.m., November 17, ThursdayD. 6:00 p.m., January 5, Thursday23. What is the requirement for students to join a certain club?A. They are required to have a bike to join Environmental Club.B. They need to be academically proficient to join Peer Tutoring.C. They need to win a literary award to join Young Idea.D. They need to be athletic to join Scout Buddies.BHaving just finished high school, I wasn't sure what I wanted to study in higher education, so I decided to take a gap year to figure that out.One of my biggest passions has always been Africa and I have always wanted to do some kind of volunteering. However, I was afraid that, especially when it comes to volunteeri ng in research, I wouldn’t be able to go into much depth with the research I would be doing. I needn’t have worried about this internship(实习期)though. It has been perfect for me because not only am I doing the same activities as all the other volunteers but I also get to do my own research in addition to those activities.The internship program I am following focuses on big predators(食肉动物). I have decided to focus on cheetahs(猎豹)for my individual project, collecting data on the two cheetahs that live in Rietspruit, one of the reserves that African Impact does research in. With both cheetahs having only been reintroduced into the area this year, there is still a lot of data that can be collected on the pair. Large predatorreintroduction is a common strategy used to return these animals to their historic range. The problem is that the success rates of these reintroductions are very low, mainly because of lack in research done on how different factors influence the reintroduction.Both cheetahs are wearing a GPS-collar from which I can download a lot of information including where the cheetah has been, what the weather was like and how far the cheetah travelled. Having organized and categorized the information, I have been able to create some very interesting graphs.Even though it is quite difficult since I’ve never done any research like this, I really enjoy all the challenges and problems I have had to face and solve. And I’m glad that I can do something to help wildlife.24. Why did the author take a gap year after high school?A. He was asked to do some voluntary work.B. He didn’t think he was quite ready yet.C. He wanted to do some travelling in Africa.D. He didn’t really like receiving higher education.25. What did the author realize after joining the internship program?A. It was what he had expected.B. It separated him from others.C. It was too challenging for him.D. It was really suitable for him.26. The author’s work mainly involves ___________.A. collecting information about two cheetahsB. observing two cheetahs in the wild secretlyC. walking around Rietspruit to serve scientistsD. collecting data on some different big predators27. What is the best title for the text?A. My experience on the predator research internshipB. My experience of rescuing wildlife in AfricaC. My experience of receiving higher educationD. My experience of protecting cheetahsCWhen you start working on something but don’t finish it, thoughts of the unfinished work continue to jump into your mind even whe n you’ve moved on to other things. Psychologists refer to this psychological phenomenon as the Zeigarnik effect. The effect was first observed by a Russian psychologist named Bluma Zeigarnik. While sitting in a busy restaurant in Vienna, she noted the waiters had better memories of unpaid orders. Once the bill was paid, however, the waiters had difficulty remembering the exact details of the orders.In one of her studies, participants were asked to complete simple tasks such as putting together puzzles, or solving math problems. Half of the participants were interrupted halfway through these tasks. After an hour-long delay, Zeigarnik asked the participants to give an account of what they’d been working on. She discovered that those who had their work interrupted were twice as likely to remember what they had been doing as those who had actually completed the tasks.We can use this effect to our advantage. For example, if you’re struggling to memorize something important, momentary interruptions might actually work to your advantage. Rather than simply remember the information over and over again, review it several times and then take a break. While you’re focusing on other things, you’ll find yourself mentally returning to the information you were studying.We often put off tasks until the last moment, only completing them in a rush at the last possible moment. Unfortunately, this tendency can lead to heavy stress and even poor performance. One way to overcome this is to put the Zeigarnik effect to work. Sta rt by taking the first step, no matter how small. Once you’ve begun,but not finished your work, you’ll find yourself thinking of the task until, at last, you finish it. You might not finish it all at once, but each small step you take puts you closer to your final goal.28. What does the Zeigarnik effect refer to ?A. Waiters tend to have good memories.B. Once interrupted, one will forget things easily.C. Most people can’t focus on one thing for a long time.D. People remember unfinished tasks better than completed ones.29. What were all the participants required to do in the study?A. Describe their tasks.B. Express their feelings.C. Test their intelligence.D. Design simple activities.30. How should we study according to the Zeigarnik effect?A. Repeat over and over again.B. Divide up our study session.C. Focus on several tasks at a time.D. Have enough rest before studying.31. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?A. How to get rid of heavy stress.B. Why we should set a final goal.C. How to break the habit of delaying work.D. Why we always complete tasks in a rush.DWe’ve certainly seen a dog nursing a wound, or a deer calling out in pain. But many animals suffer in silence. The most silent sufferers in the animal world may be fish.Do fish feel pain? A new study from the University of Liverpool has found that fish feel pain in a way that’s “strikingly similar” to humans. For the study, Lynne Sneddon, from the university’s Institute of Integrat ive Biology, reviewed the existing body of research 98 studies in all and concluded that they feel pain just as sharply as we do.“When subject to a potentially painful event, fish show changes in behavior such as stopping feeding and reduced activity, which are prevented when a pain-relieving drug is provided. In fact, like us, they breathe heavily and stop eating when they’re hurting. They will even rub the part of their body that aches.” Sneddon notes in a university release.To understand pain in other species, scientists look at nociceptors, which send signals to the brain when the body is being damaged. Humans have them throughout their skin, bones and muscles. Nociceptors have also been found in many other species, including even those tiny fruit flies. Fish have the same means to detect pain signals and the equipment to receive them.Besides, the fishermen’s opinion that fish feel no pain just doesn’t add up from an evolutionary view. Pain is an efficient messenger that tells us that we’vegot a pro blem. An animal that can’t feel it won’t get that memo(备忘录), even if it hurts itself.“If we accept fish experience pain, then this has great significance for how we treat them,” Sneddon says. “Care should be taken when handling fish to avoid damaging the ir sensitive skin and they should be humanely caught and killed.”32. What can we learn about fish?A. They are insensitive to pain.B. They are able to sense pain.C. They won’t react to painkillers.D. Their brain is the first to send pain signals.33. What will a fish do when its lips get hurt?A. It might rub its lips.B. It will keep its mouth open.C. It will swim around like crazy.D. It will keep eating to forget pain.34. What is the significance of the study according to Sneddon?A. People will treat fish in a kinder way.B. People can understand evolution better.C. People can develop more drugs to save fish.D. People will think of more ways to catch fish.35. What does the underlined part “add up” probably mean?A. DisappearB. Put forwardC. Make senseD. Happen第二节,七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Walking with a purposeHumans were made for walking. With our strong leg muscles, our bodies were literally designed with walking in mind-which is what makes it such perfect exercise. 36 And best of all, it’s a great way to see new things and meet new people!This month, why not focus on walking with a purpose? Wherever you are, in the city or at the campground, you’ll find plenty of walking going on. Maybe you already love to walk, but you’re getting tired of going your same old route day after day. Or maybe you’re new to walking and aren’t sure how to get started.37 To get started, sit down with a map and make a plan. Ask yourself, what do you want to get out of walking aside from the health benefits? Do you want to meet other people? 38 Get out into the wilderness or explore a city? Knowing your priorities will help you decide on the type of walk you want to do.If making friends and socializing is your goal, call up your friends and schedule walks with them. 39 Go online and look up your local mall or shopping center. Many malls have groups that come every day, or every weekend, to “walk the mall”. These groups are always happy to include one more walker!40 Then tie on your walking shoes and prepare to get to know the place from the ground up! Many of our great historic cities offer detailed and well-planned walking tours. Nearly any city you can think of offers a walking tour with maps, provided by the tourist bureau. And small towns generally have a scenic route that will carry you past its best boutiques(精品店), shops, and cafes.A. See new places?B. Head to a new city.C. It’s kind to our bodies and great for our waistlines.D. Everyone loves walking and you’re no exception.E. Ask your friends where they like to walk and go there.F. Either w ay, it’s time to bear-hug the idea of walking with a purpose.G. Ask local people to get you out of town and into the wilderness or countryside. 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Shortly after I graduated from junior high in 1968, my mother began repeating her boring words: “Learn to41 , and doors will open for you, Pam.” I would42 with a sigh “Yes, Mom” or, an eye roll when out of her 43 .As an immigrant mother, she believed typing was a(n) 44 “American skill”. T hat meant it was up to me, her American-born child, to learn to type. Then a typewriter appeared for my birthday.“Thanks, Mom, but I can’t type,” I45 reminded her.“That’s going to46 ,” she answered, also gently. “Soon.”Mom was a woman of her 47 . “Soon” arrived just one week later, when she took me to the Crown Business Institute and put my name on the 48 of the institute’s typing lessons.Every morning I 49 to Crown and by noon we were finished, 50 ached terribly. As the lessons progressed, Mom began to show me a completely 51 side. The usually mild-mannered woman changed into a 52 armyofficer, making me practice over and over, and I’m sure even my typewriter was begging for 53 . My mother encouraged and comforted me when I 54 or wanted to give up. She stated her 55 but still effective typing-can-open-doors words, and I would just continue 56 . When I finally completed the course, showing the 57 to my mother, Mom cried.Mom was right. Many 58 did open for me. My life would have been different had Mom not 59 my learning to type at a young age. It was Mom who 60 me through one door so future doors could open. That old and faded certificate is just as much hers as it is mine.41. A. write B. drive C. draw D. type42. A. agree B. respond C. start D. share43. A. touch B. reach C. doubt D. view44. A. essential B. difficult C. convenient D. easy45. A. eagerly B. urgently C. gently D. gratefully46. A. change B. prepare C. choose D. learn47. A. mood B. deed C. word D. mind48. A. card B. note C. basis D. list49. A. explained B. reported C. appealed D. listened50. A. head B. eyes C. fingers D. mouth51. A. different B. normal C. irrelevant D. new52. A. strict B. perfect C. serious D. brave53. A. pardon B. mercy C. help D. advice54. A. slept B. refused C. regretted D. struggled55. A. much-practiced B. well-known C. well-worn D. much–deserved56. A. complaining B. blaming C. practicing D. wandering57. A. application B. notice C. present D. certificate58. A. wonders B. doors C. accounts D. situations59. A. relied on B. insisted on C. worried about D. wondered about60. A. pushed B. left C. dropped D. cut第II卷第二节:语法填空(共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的词(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。