人教版高中英语选修六unit4课件 PPT
Unit 4 Warming up and Reading 课件-高中英语人教新课标选修六

• 大气层
8. fossil fuel
• 化石燃料
9. carbon dioxide
• 二氧化碳
10. renewable source
• 可再生资源
11. non-renewable source
• 不可再生资源
12. Natural resources
• 天然资源
• Now that we have learned some sources of energy are non-renewable, What should we do with energy ?
Carbon dioxide has caused the global temperature to __g_o__u_p____. An increase of five degrees would be a _c_a_ta_s_t_r_o_p_h_e_ and could be _v_e_r_y__s_e_ri_o_u_s__.
giving examples, using graphs, explanation
Part3 (6)
List two different attitudes among scientists towards global warming.
giving examples, making contrast
makes the greenhouse
_h_e_a_t_u_p___and so the
plants can grow throughout the cold period.
What function do greenhouse gases play?
Greenhouse gases perform the same function

2)tendency n.倾向 a tendency to/towards sth…的倾向,趋势 have a tendency to do sth. 倾向于做某事, 往往会做某事
Eg. My grandmother tends to go to bed early every day.
5. Without the ‘green house effect’, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. 如果没有温室效应, 地球会比现在冷33℃。 这是一个含蓄虚拟条件句。 有时假设的情况并不以条件从句形式表示 出来, 而是通过一个介词短语或其他方式 表示。常用的词或短语有: without, but for,
e.g. What are you going to do with the amount of money?
7. It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.
Compared with your brother, you
should make greater efforts to study English.和你哥哥相比,你应该更加努 力学习英语。
3. So how has this come about and does it matter?
come about: 发生, 造成, 相当于happen 你能告诉我事情是怎么发生的吗?
①用于否定句或疑问句, 后接that引导的宾语 从句。 ②用于肯定句, 一般接whether 或if引导的宾语 从句。 如: I don't doubt _t_h_a_t__ he is telling the truth. 我毫不怀疑他在讲真话。
人教版高中英语选修六课件:unit4 Using language(共43张PPT)

Skim the first letter, and answer the questions below:
1. What is Ouyang Guang’s opinion about environmental problems? Individuals can have little effect on environmental problems.
not very practical with present technology Energy from does not produce carbon dioxide
I'll accept any job as / so long as I don't have
to get up early. 只要不必早起, 任何工作我都可以接受. 在用as / so long as连接的从句中, 当其谓语为 be,而主语和主句的主语相同时, 则从句的主语 和be可以省略。如:
A.economical B. economic
B.C. economically D. financial
C.2. It’s the thought that counts. (Choose the synonym of the underlined word)
What can we do about global warming?
on behalf of 代表,为了
He spoke on behalf of all the members of the faculty and staff. 他代表全体教职员工讲了话。 on sb.‘s behalf 以某人的名义; 为了某人; 代表 某人
in behalf of For the benefit of; in the interest of. 为了…;为了…利益
高中英语人教版(新课程标准)选修6【全单元教学课件】 Unit 4 (共127张PPT)

3. We can replace fossil fuels with cleaner sources of energy. Disagree 4. Nuclear power is a good source of energy. Disagree
1. We should stop depending on fossil fuels for our energy. 2. 90% of our energy comes from fossil fuels. 3. We can replace fossil fuels with cleaner sources of energy. 4. Nuclear power is a good source of energy.
a nuclear power plant
solar panels
hydro-electric dam
Li Bin is interviewing Professor Keeling about using different sources of energy. Read the statements below and tick the ones you agree with.
Fossil fuels
Wind power
• clean • not practical: need huge areas of land to provide enough energy
Energy from the • clean • not very practical with present sun
2. Listen to Part 1 again and tick the energy sources that are mentioned. Complete the notes on them.
新人教版高中英语选修六 Unit 4 Workbbook教学课件

Listening on page 62
Julie, a teenager who belongs to Milleunnium Kids, is visiting a class. Before Listening, Look at the exercises and discuss with your partner what you think
the first
1993 Clean Up the World Day Clean Up 2001 the world Day
30 million volunteers in 80 countries
40 million volunteers in 128 countries;
cleaned streets,
Listening text
Julie, a teenager who belongs to an organization in Australia called Millennium Kids is visiting a class. The teacher and students are asking
concerned with the environment.
S1: Julie, may I ask how it started? J: It was started by four Western Australian kids who organized a children's conference
sorts of projects do you do?
人教版选修6英语课件Unit 4

元 质
· renewable energy sources will combat global warming,
量 评
考 protect human health, create new jobs, protect habitat and 估
wildlife, and ensure a secure, affordable energy future.
量 评
begun to tip that balance. We’ve overloaded the atmosphere
with heat-trapping gases from our cars and factories and
power plants. If we don’t start fixing the problem now,
The United States, with only four percent of the world’s
备 population, is responsible for 22% of the world’s greenhouse 单
资 gas emissions. A rapid transition to energy efficiency and
元 质 量
参 考
made enormous impacts on our planet that affect our well-
评 估
being and even our survival as a species.
The world’s leading science journals report that glaciers

Ouyang Guang Earth Care
Individuals can have little effect on huge environmental problems.
Individuals can make a difference.
Purpose ask for suggestions giving suggestions
Watch the video and try to find what we can do to live a
low-carbon life.
• 1.Turn offelectrical appliances when not using them. • 2.Don't turn up the heat; put on more clothes.
•3. Walk or ride a bike if you can.
• 4. Recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers. • 5.Bring things made from recycled materials. • 6.Buy products that are economical with energy. • 7. Plant trees. • 8.Be an educator. Talk with family and friends about global warming.
A slogan
Imperative sentence 祈使句
Effect: to give instructiono clearly and
人教版高中英语选修六 Unit 4 Workbbook 课件

can save energy; you can wear a warm
on the environment in 1996. Now
we hold a conference every year.
Kids come to it from all over Australia -- and from other countries too. It's great fun. We discuss what we’ve done and decide what projects we’ll do in the following year. S2: That sounds so interesting! What
Listening text
Julie, a teenager who belongs to an organization in Australia called Millennium Kids is visiting a class. The teacher and students are asking
To draw attention to the
The horse that Saved the World
did they
last year?
What was the purpose of performing the play?
To explain why it’s better for the environment if we walk to school, ride bikes or go by bus.
新课标人教版-选修六Book6 Unit4 Reading

5. What is the main topic of the article?
Global warming/ the warming of the earth.
2. True: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 False: 1, 2, 4, 9, 10
Correct sentences: 1. The temperature last century increased
新课标人教版-选修六Book6 Unit4 ReadingPPT-精品课件(实用版)
This small amount makes a huge difference, causing glaciers to melt and, potentially (潜在的), sea level to rise. We could see even more of this in the future, (maybe another 3°C, or 5°F)
Giving examples, making contrast.
(Paragraph 6 )
It's up to readers to Using a question,
think and decide
leaving readers to
whether people should think over the
Scientists Opinions George ◆ Believes that we shouldn’t Hambley worry about 5_h_i_g_h_l_e_v_e_ls_ of
carbon dioxide in the air . ◆ Predicts that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental 6_c_o_n_s_e_q_u_e_n_c_es. ◆7_S_t_a_t_e_s_that more carbon dioxide is actually a 8_p_o_s_i_ti_v_e_ thing, which will make life for human beings better.

T同步-U4基础知识梳理(建议2-5分钟)Q1: Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow?Q2:What kind of disasters have you seen in the film?洪灾Flood Q3:What have you learnt from the movie?Global WarmingWhat other disasters will be caused by global warming?批注:上面图片中一部分为电影截图,可以由电影激发学生兴趣,通过问题引出话题-global warming,时间允许的话可以讨论原因,危害等,最后切入主题。
(建议20-25分钟)让我们先扫开单词障碍吧!一、词汇Words1. consume vt. 消耗;消费;耗尽;吃完consumer(n)=customer/buyere.g. 1.Before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.2. The hotel was quickly consumed by fire.3. Arguing about details consumed many hours of our valuable time.4. She consumed most of her time in reading.[牛刀小试]:1. 他的旧汽车耗油很多。
His old car ________ much gasoline.2. 每年美国人都消耗掉世界能源的很大比例Each year Americans _________________.解析:consumed/consumes; consume a high percentage of the world's energy.批注:掌握consume的基本意义及用法即可。
Unit 4 人教版英语选修6同步ppt下载

9.文中有多处文言的表达,这不但使 文章在 短小的 篇幅内 具有很 大的容 量,而 且使得 文章语 言典雅 ,充溢 着传统 文化的 魅力。
10.人类的发展,历史的进步,充分告 诉我们 :个人 要自立 ,民族 要自立 ,人类 要自立 。只有 这样, 个人才 能成长 ,民族 才能自 强,人 类才会 发展。 美国艾 略特说 :“天 上永远 不会掉 下玫瑰 来,如 果想要 更多的 玫瑰, 必须自 己种植 。
U n i t 4 人 教 版英语 选修6 同步pp t下载
Unit 4 Global warming
On the average, we throw away more trash and garbage than the year before. ① The burning of garbage contributes to air pollution. Many major industries are also responsible for the dirty air in the around cities.The fumes from iron,steel, chemical,and petroleum production add particles to the air.
6. 经典阅读可以让人们在潜移默化中 习得珍 贵的思 维方式 和价值 观念, 尤其是 在童年 、少年 和青年 时期。
7.经典阅读带来的思维模式和情感模 式就像 大脑的 最佳操 作系统 ,任何 时候安 装都不 算晚, 但一定 是越早 安装越 好。
8.家训和家风有着密切的联系,家庭 中的尊 长以身 作则, 同时又 教育其 他成员 循规守 矩,久 而久之 ,良好 的家风 便逐渐 形成并 延传下 来。
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Ⅲ.构词填读 1.consume vt. 消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完→__________ n. 消费者;顾客;用户 [答案] consumer 2.steady adj. 平稳的;稳固的;持续的 →__________ adv. 平稳地;持续地 [答案] steadily
3.__________ n.生存;存在→exist vi. 生存;存在 [答案] existence 4.__________ n. 增长;生长→grow vi. 生长;vt. 种植 [答案] growth 5.casual adj. 随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的→__________ adv.随便地;漫不经心地 [答案] casually
6.average adj.平均的;n.平均数→________ average平均 [答案] on 7.on______________代表……一方→represent vt.代表 →stand for代表;象征 [答案] behalf of 8.______________________忍受;容忍→tolerate/ bear/ stand忍受;容忍 [答案] put up with
2.It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on __________ __________ (只要) you are using it—______________ (如果不用 的话),turn it off!
3.Quantities (大量) of __________(温室) gases are sent into the air. ______________(结果),the temperature tends (倾 向于……) to __________(上升) constantly.
[答案] greenhouse;As a result;go up 4.______________(即使) you fail,you have to try a second time. You will succeed at last ______________(只要) you don't give up. [答案] Even if;as long as
contents 1.识记填读 2.联想填读 3.构词填读 4.语境填读 5.句式填读 6.核心词汇 7.单元语法 8.微型考场 9.名师讲坛
Ⅰ.识记填读 1.__________ vi.同意;捐赠;订阅 [答案] subscribe 2.__________ n.量;数量 [答案] quantity 3.__________ vt. 陈述;说明 [答案] state
5.__________________(总体而言), we have achieved our goal we set last year. So ________________( 代 give you some money in reward.
[答案] On the whole;on behalf of
6.refresh vt. 使恢复;使振作→__________ adj.令人耳目 一新的;使人精力充沛的
[答案] refreshing 7.__________ n. 显示;演出→present vt.展现;表现; 提交;adj.在场的 [答案] presentation
Ⅳ.语境填读 1.How did it______________(发生) that so few people __________( 赞 成 ) to the plan while so many people are __________(反对) to it. [答案] come about;subscribe;opposed 2.I can't understand how you could ______________(容 忍) your son's attitude. Your weakness will __________(导致) his worse behaviour. [答案] put up with;result in
4.__________ vi. 看一下;扫视 [答案] glance 5.__________ adj. 平均的 [答案] average 6.__________ n. 环境;情况 [答案] circumstance
Ⅱ.联想填读 1.______________发生→come out出版→come up(问题) 被提出→______________提出→__________________偶遇 [答案] come about;come up with;come across 2.tend vi.趋向;易于→tend______________倾向于/易于 做 [答案] to do
Ⅴ.句式填读 1.________________________ (毫无疑问) the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. [答案] There is no doubt that
3.__________________导致→lead to/ ___________导致 →result from因……发生
[答案] result in;contribute to 4.opposed adj.反对的→oppose/ be________________反对 →object to反对 [答案] opposed to 5 . consequence n . 后 果 → as a consequence/ in consequence/ __________结果,因此 [答案] consequently