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( )1、A. This is a cake. B. That a cake. C. It is a cake.

( )2、A. Whose is this B. Who is this teacher C. Who’s this

( )3、A. It’s 354900 B. It’s 345900 C. It’s 543900

( )4、A. What can you see in the picture

B. Can you see the picture

C. What’s in the picture

( )5、A. Here you are. B. Oh, thank you. C. Nice to see you.

Ⅱ. 情景应答(听句子,选择适当的答句,听两遍)(5分)

( )1、A. I’m a student. B. I’m in Class One, Grade One. C. Yes, I am.

( )2、A. I’m good. B. I’m 11. C. I’m fine.

( )3、A. Yes, I can. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, I am. ( )4、 A. They are black and white dogs.

B. They are yellow.

C. They are cats.

( )5. A. It’s 3054. B. It’s time to get up. C. It’s ten to ten..


( )1. Bill is now in ______ .

A. China

B. America



( )2.Bill is in ______ .

A. class1, grade 2

B. Class3, Grade 1


class2, grade 1

( )3. There are ____ people in bill’s family.

A. two

B. three

C. four

( )4. The apple tree is ______ .

A. in the garden

B. in the house

C. beside

the house

( ) 5. Bill’s house is ______ .

A. big but old

B. big and new


small but nice



Ⅰ. 基础选择( 20分):

( )1. What’s this English


B. on

C. in D . with

( ) 2. She has an .

A. map

B. oranges

C. book D . apple ( )3.--- ______is my notebook—It’s in the drawer(抽屉).

A. Where

B. What

C. What color



( ) 4. Thank you ______ your dictionary.

A. to

B. at

C. for D .


( ) 5. Are ______ her parents

A. this

B. these

C. she D .that ( ) 6. A ping-pong ball and a tennis under the bed.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. is


( ) 7 ---Is this a key --- ______.

A. No, it isn’t.

B. It’s a ruler

C. Yes,

its. D. OK

( )8. ---

--- They’re fine, thank you.

A. How are you

B. Who are you

C. What are they

D. How are your mother

and father

( )9. --- Is this your ball, Nick

--- Yes, .

A. this is

B. its

C. here is

D. it is

( )10 Miss Fang is ______ English teacher. is a good teacher.

A. our, Her

B. my, He

C. a, She

D. an, She

( )11 --- What’s in the reading room

--- There a teacher, twenty desks and thirty chairs in it.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

( )12 --- in the box

--- There are twelve pencils in it.

A. What

B. What’s

C. Are there any pencils


Are pencils

( )13. --- is this boy in the art room

--- He’s my new friend.

A. Who’s

B. What

C. How

D. Who

( )14.--- The books on the chair Millie’s, right

--- Yes, they are.

A. is

B. they’re

C. it’s



( )15. 17.Are they from ______

A. Australian

B. English


D. Canada

( )16. 10.Mary doesn't _____her homework after lunch.

A. does

B. say

C. do


( )17.--- Is there a poster on the wall

--- No, .

A. it isn’t

B. there isn’t

C. there aren’t

D. they aren’t

( )18. Mother often home early.
