《英语学术论文写作》PPT unit1

The notion that the phonological representation of an utterance consists of a string of discrete segments is not the whole truth. A number of other units, consisting of strings of segments of different sizes, need to be recognised for a variety of purposes. The units we shall consider here are the following:
Most advisors encourage students to work out their own topics. To negotiate a topic, the student must first locate a good research subject, and then resorts to one or a combination of the following exercises: following personal interests, talking with other people, brainstorming and reading source materials.
How to Write a Dissertation in English
1234 Q
The following is an excerpt from An Encyclopedia of Language about linear and nonlinear phonology:
Most advisors encourage students to work out their own topics. To negotiate a topic, the student must first locate a good research subject, and then resorts to one or a combination of the following exercises: following personal interests, talking with other people, brainstorming and reading source materials.
How to Write a Dissertation in English
1234 Q
The following is an excerpt from An Encyclopedia of Language about linear and nonlinear phonology:

Detailed description of the research design, data collection methods, and analysis techniques
Present the findings in a logical and coherent manual, avoiding excessive detail and focusing on key results
Experimental design
Select appropriate experimental methods based on the research question to ensure representativeness and reproducibility of the experiment.
Fundamentals of Academic English Writing
The language used should be clear and straightforward, avoiding complex or aggressive intentions
Academic English Writing Standards and FormatsAcademic English Writing Evaluation and Feedback
This course is designed to improve students' ability in writing English for academic purposes
Present the findings in a logical and coherent manual, avoiding excessive detail and focusing on key results
Experimental design
Select appropriate experimental methods based on the research question to ensure representativeness and reproducibility of the experiment.
Fundamentals of Academic English Writing
The language used should be clear and straightforward, avoiding complex or aggressive intentions
Academic English Writing Standards and FormatsAcademic English Writing Evaluation and Feedback
This course is designed to improve students' ability in writing English for academic purposes

We-sentences appear in many leading journals
In this report, we define a mechanism for … and discover distinct roles for … We use … assays to … We demonstrate that … We
provide evidence that … (Science)
The majority of known … To identify the responsible genes, we mapped virulence in F1 progeny derived from crosses between type II and type III strains, which we17源自Ⅲ. It-sentence
“It-sentences” are often used in science writing, particularly by Chinese authors. However, most of the “it-sentences” are unnecessary.
1. History
1) It has begun publication since 1990(semiannual publication)
2) It has become a quarterly journal and indexed by EI compendex since 2019
3) It has become the cooperated with Elsevier since 2019(attracting foreign authors)
We-sentences appear in many leading journals
In this report, we define a mechanism for … and discover distinct roles for … We use … assays to … We demonstrate that … We
provide evidence that … (Science)
The majority of known … To identify the responsible genes, we mapped virulence in F1 progeny derived from crosses between type II and type III strains, which we17源自Ⅲ. It-sentence
“It-sentences” are often used in science writing, particularly by Chinese authors. However, most of the “it-sentences” are unnecessary.
1. History
1) It has begun publication since 1990(semiannual publication)
2) It has become a quarterly journal and indexed by EI compendex since 2019
3) It has become the cooperated with Elsevier since 2019(attracting foreign authors)
英文学术论文写作方法 ppt课件

Genre:语类,语体,体裁,即根据写作目的把天下文章归 类划分的行为。
Swales (1990): A class of communicative events, the members of which share some set of communicative purposes.
Bhatia(1993):A recognizable communicative event characterized by a set of communicative purposes identified and mutually understood by the members of the professional academic community in which it regularly occurs. Most often it is highly structured and conventionalized.
名词化不但增加了词汇密度,而且使得新信息变成旧信息, 更使得更新的信息被介绍进来。层层深入,直达核心,越 来越具体,象剥洋葱。
P6集成引用、非集成引用、施事、盖然性 引用是指在论文的某些章节(例如在文献回顾、讨论部分),
要提到某个研究者,并引用这位研究者所说过的一句话或 理论主张,或下的定义,或研究发现。 集成引用指的是在论文里直接提到作者。下面的Chomsky 的例子就是。再如, Swales(1990) stated that , (P92,第 8段第4行、第15段第3行 ),当作者重要时. 非集成引用指的是不直接提及作者,而是注释一下,例如放 在句末括号里,或标注(P15第1段第3、5、7行),当作 者不重要时 。 施事,agent:指做某件事的人,与受事recipient对应。被 动态中的施事指的是被动句中动作的发出者,例如:As is suggested by Chomsky(1965).这句中的Chomsky就 是一个施事。 盖然性, 或然性,probability: 数学概念,指某种情况的发生 概率不是100%,而是处于0-1之间(若为no,则是0,若为yes,则是1, 处于两者之间的就是probably) 。在书中此处意思是过去时和现 在完成时的使用不是完全非此即彼,文中用了“比较普 遍”,“多使用”等词表示。Mostly, usually, sometimes, always, maybe,

This paper is organized as follows.
In this paper, we adopt an IA scheme for SISO transmission……
Present Perfect Tense
When describing recent advances in a certain research field, or aiming to emphasize the impact of something happening recently on the present, you are suggested to use present perfect tense.
How to Write the Introduction
Group Members:
➢ 1、引言及其作用 ➢ 2、如何写引言 ➢ 3、引言部分的语言特征 ➢ 4、总结
➢ 1.1 什么是引言 ➢ 1.2 为什么要写引言 ➢ 1.3 引言的作用 ➢ 1.4 何时写引言
What is Introduction?
The function of Introduction
To answer the basic questions
What is the subject about ?
Why I (we) carried out the experiment, that is to say, what is the problem?
e.g.1: In this paper, we adopt an IA scheme for SISO transmission, and we
This paper is organized as follows.
In this paper, we adopt an IA scheme for SISO transmission……
Present Perfect Tense
When describing recent advances in a certain research field, or aiming to emphasize the impact of something happening recently on the present, you are suggested to use present perfect tense.
How to Write the Introduction
Group Members:
➢ 1、引言及其作用 ➢ 2、如何写引言 ➢ 3、引言部分的语言特征 ➢ 4、总结
➢ 1.1 什么是引言 ➢ 1.2 为什么要写引言 ➢ 1.3 引言的作用 ➢ 1.4 何时写引言
What is Introduction?
The function of Introduction
To answer the basic questions
What is the subject about ?
Why I (we) carried out the experiment, that is to say, what is the problem?
e.g.1: In this paper, we adopt an IA scheme for SISO transmission, and we
学术英语写作English Academic WritingPPT课件

For Academic Writing:
--- It is based on extensive research of proved facts and authoritative testimony.
first-hand experiments
field research
--- Value Principle
--- Scientific Principle
--- Innovative Principle
--- Feasibility Principle
2.2 Methods for Choosing a Title
--- Consult your professor or an expert
The role of women in today’s society is changing. One reason is that women have begun to assert themselves as independent people through the women’s movement. Also, women are aware of the alternatives to staying at home. Another reason is that increasing numbers of women who enter new fields and interests serve as role models for other women. Moreover, men are becoming more conscious of the abilities of women and have begun to view their independence positively.
英语学术论文写作 ppt课件

meaning and theme, thus striking the reader as having some deliberate and
unique artistic values in the novel and reinforce the theme of the novel with an
• William Faulkner (1897-1962 )
• The repetition of certain nouns in the sound and the fury
• What is the function of repetition in the novel?
• 优:because solvent reorganization is a potential contributor, the selection of data is very
• B) 用“AND” 或 “OR” 时含义要明确,避免用斜线符号(/)。 • 劣:hot / cold extremes will damage the samples. • 优:hot and cold extremes will damage the samples.
unique artistic values in the novel and reinforce the theme of the novel with an
• William Faulkner (1897-1962 )
• The repetition of certain nouns in the sound and the fury
• What is the function of repetition in the novel?
• 优:because solvent reorganization is a potential contributor, the selection of data is very
• B) 用“AND” 或 “OR” 时含义要明确,避免用斜线符号(/)。 • 劣:hot / cold extremes will damage the samples. • 优:hot and cold extremes will damage the samples.
英语学术论文写作 PPT课件

address as a data. A qualitative one rather than a quantitative one.
❖ Anderson, R. The power and the word—Language, Power and Change [M]. London: Praeger Publisher, 1998.
do for you; ask what you can do for your country”—derived from Kennedy’s presidential inaugural address
Thank You!
2. Literature review
Previous studies:
❖ 1、Halliday :defines the semantic system. ❖ 2、Brainslaw Malinowski:puts forward phatic communion. ❖ 3、Buhler:from a psychological perspective, distinguished three functions of
Somethings we have learned:
❖ 1 realizes the significance for the successful use of interpersonal meaning in political speech.
❖ 2 makes comparisons with each review,finds the deficiency,and trys to make good.
Candidate:xxx Supervisor: xxxxxxxx
❖ Anderson, R. The power and the word—Language, Power and Change [M]. London: Praeger Publisher, 1998.
do for you; ask what you can do for your country”—derived from Kennedy’s presidential inaugural address
Thank You!
2. Literature review
Previous studies:
❖ 1、Halliday :defines the semantic system. ❖ 2、Brainslaw Malinowski:puts forward phatic communion. ❖ 3、Buhler:from a psychological perspective, distinguished three functions of
Somethings we have learned:
❖ 1 realizes the significance for the successful use of interpersonal meaning in political speech.
❖ 2 makes comparisons with each review,finds the deficiency,and trys to make good.
Candidate:xxx Supervisor: xxxxxxxx

• Outline
• I. There has been a heated debate on Wang Meng’s literary techniques, the point at issue being whether the author is flouting or enriching the Chinese way of novel writing by using the stream-of-consciousness technique.
• 1. 根据学位等级的不同,毕业论文可分为学士学位论文、硕士学位论文和博 士学位论文。这里所讨论的是本科生的毕业论文,即学士学位论文。
• 2. 根据专业的内容和性质的不同,毕业论文可分为两大类:社会科学类毕业 论文和自然科学类毕业论文。
• 3. 根据研究方法的不同,毕业论文可分为理论性论文、实验性论文、描述性 论文和设计性论文。后三种论文主要是理工科大学生可以选择的论文形式。 文科大学生一般写的是理论性论文。理论性论文具体又可分成两种:一种是 以纯粹的抽象理论为研究对象,其研究方法是严密的理论推导和数学运算, 有的也涉及实验与观测,用以验证论点的正确性。另一种是以对客观事物和 现象的调查、考察所得观测资料以及有关文献资料数据为研究对象,其研究 方法是对有关资料进行分析、综合、概括、抽象,通过归纳、演绎、类比, 提出某种新的理论和新的见解。
• 标题(及副标题):
• The Stream-of-consciousness Technique in Wang Meng’s The Butterfly
• (as seen through a comparison with Virginia Woolfs’s To the Lighthouse)
• I. There has been a heated debate on Wang Meng’s literary techniques, the point at issue being whether the author is flouting or enriching the Chinese way of novel writing by using the stream-of-consciousness technique.
• 1. 根据学位等级的不同,毕业论文可分为学士学位论文、硕士学位论文和博 士学位论文。这里所讨论的是本科生的毕业论文,即学士学位论文。
• 2. 根据专业的内容和性质的不同,毕业论文可分为两大类:社会科学类毕业 论文和自然科学类毕业论文。
• 3. 根据研究方法的不同,毕业论文可分为理论性论文、实验性论文、描述性 论文和设计性论文。后三种论文主要是理工科大学生可以选择的论文形式。 文科大学生一般写的是理论性论文。理论性论文具体又可分成两种:一种是 以纯粹的抽象理论为研究对象,其研究方法是严密的理论推导和数学运算, 有的也涉及实验与观测,用以验证论点的正确性。另一种是以对客观事物和 现象的调查、考察所得观测资料以及有关文献资料数据为研究对象,其研究 方法是对有关资料进行分析、综合、概括、抽象,通过归纳、演绎、类比, 提出某种新的理论和新的见解。
• 标题(及副标题):
• The Stream-of-consciousness Technique in Wang Meng’s The Butterfly
• (as seen through a comparison with Virginia Woolfs’s To the Lighthouse)

What is Introduction?
Introduction is the first section of a
scientific paper, including the background
information of the research, the nature and
scope of the problem investigated.
作者在结论的第一句重述主旨, 但不重复用过的词语,以免单 调乏味 。作者在这结论的第二 、三句里也用了另外一种结论 方法:对讨论的问题提出建议 或方法。
(“Problems Caused by MicrowaveOvens”)
【 宽 背 景 】Delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) dehydratase (ALAD)is the second
lead burdenand causes the toxicity of lead in some soft tissues, such as bone marrow. The larger fraction of lead in blood cells is mainly bound to ALAD protein [Sakai et al., 1982; Bergdahl et al., 1997]. Thus, ALAD might also play an important role in the dynamic interchange of the body lead pool.Human ALAD gene is located in chromosome 9q34 [Potluri et al., 1987]. The gene frequencies of ALAD alleles 1 and 2 were rereportedly about 0.9 and 0.1, respectively, in several Caucasian populations [Battistuzzi et al., 1981; Benkmann et al., 1983; Astrin et al., 1987]. In 1991, a simple method using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed for the analysis of the ALAD genotype [Wetmur et al., 1991a]. In comparison with the ALAD1 sequence, the only difference in the ALAD2 cDNA was a G-to-C transversion of nucleotide 177 in the coding region, which creates an MspI restriction site and causes the replacement of a lysine by a asparagine [Wetmur et al., 1991a]. The difference in the amino acid might result in a distinct charge isozyme, and the ALAD2 protein may bind lead more tightly than a dose of the ALAD1 protein [Wetmur, 1994].

如果担心字数不够可以在 "First and foremost" 前面加上 Two arguments can be listed to support this view/Reasons can be listed as follows: 对于词数要求在300以上时,可列举三个论据,举两个例子用开 扩充文章。
第一段:① 引言; ② 通俗含义;③ 有何启发
As the saying/remark/proverb/quotation has it (goes): ① ——— . In other words/To put it another way, ② —— — ;Simple as the saying/remark/proverb /quotation may sound ,it conveys a thought-provoking notion/message that ③ ———. ★ As the saying/remark/proverb/quotation has it (goes): ——— .可以替换为:
for the festival.(比喻) 孩子们准备过节忙得像蜜蜂一样。
◆ 表达到位,才能看得明白
通常,作者对自己论述的观点是清楚的,但在将 观点传达给读者时,往往因为用词不准确,逻辑欠严 密,或因受中国式思维的干扰而令表达不到位,结果 使读者不知所云。
Example: They gave me what I need,but not what I want.
How to write an argumentation
第一组:曹世江 学号:2015221166
第一段:① 引言; ② 通俗含义;③ 有何启发
As the saying/remark/proverb/quotation has it (goes): ① ——— . In other words/To put it another way, ② —— — ;Simple as the saying/remark/proverb /quotation may sound ,it conveys a thought-provoking notion/message that ③ ———. ★ As the saying/remark/proverb/quotation has it (goes): ——— .可以替换为:
for the festival.(比喻) 孩子们准备过节忙得像蜜蜂一样。
◆ 表达到位,才能看得明白
通常,作者对自己论述的观点是清楚的,但在将 观点传达给读者时,往往因为用词不准确,逻辑欠严 密,或因受中国式思维的干扰而令表达不到位,结果 使读者不知所云。
Example: They gave me what I need,but not what I want.
How to write an argumentation
第一组:曹世江 学号:2015221166

• An XYZ battery is a battery that ... The electrodes in an XYZ teleቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱhone battery are made of a composite of gold and silver, coated with a layer of platinum. The gold and silver provide structural support, while the platinum provides resilience. The performance of the battery can be strongly affected by the number of times the battery is recharged and the duration of each individual recharge. The battery is subject to three possible failure modes. ... A research program has recently been started by the authors in collaboration with a major battery manufacturer, with the goal of developing new design models for XYZ batteries. Analytical techniques are needed that can predict ...
• PART 1 DEFINITION OF THE TOPIC PLUS BACKGROUND (1–3) This introductory phrase may not be necessary in your paper. Here the definition of the XYZ battery indicates to the reader that this is the background topic (i.e. the general context) of the paper. This is the place to include notations, technical definitions, and explanations of key words.

Use proper grammar and Ensurpe uthnatcytouurasetnitoennces
are grammatically correct and use appropriate punctuation marks to clarify your meaning.
How to maintain clear and concise language
Use persuasive phrases
Use phrases that are designed to persuade your reader. For example, you can use phrases like "it is evident that," "it is clear that," or "there is no doubt that" to strengthen your argument.
Argumentative essay,又称议论性文章,是一种阐述观点、论证论题的写作形式。 其主要目的是通过逻辑推理和事实证据来支持或反驳某一观点,从而说服读者。
Argumentative essays在学术和日常生活中都非常重要。在学术领域,它们是 评估学生批判性思维和表达能力的重要方式。在日常生活中,良好的议论文写作 能力有助于我们清晰地表达观点,说服他人,以及解决问题。
supporting your overall argument.
The arguments of argumentative essays
How to use facts and data as evidence

Technical vocabulary
Specialized vocabulary and jargon are often used to discuss academic concepts, ensuring clarity and precision in communication
Complex presence structure
Course content
The course covers the essential elements of academic writing, including the structure, language, and formatting of academic papers
Course delivery The course is delivered through a combination of lectures, workshops, and online resources to ensure a comprehensive learning experience
Research Design
Data Collection
Determine the most appropriate research design for your topic, considering its exploration, descriptive, or explanatory nature
Writing • Epilogue
Course Introduction
Course objectives
This course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to write high quality academic papers in English
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This paper is organized as follows.
In this paper, we adopt an IA scheme for SISO transmission……
Present Perfect Tense
When describing recent advances in a certain research field, or aiming to emphasize the impact of something happening recently on the present, you are suggested to use present perfect tense.
3.1 引言部分的时态与语态 3.2 引言部分常用的句型 3.3 引言部分常用的词语 3.4 引言部分的注意事项
Tense and Voice in Introduction
Present Tense
The present tense (is, are) is used when stating generalizations or conclusions.
Introduction is the first section of a scientific paper, including the background information of the research, the nature and scope of the problem investigated.
Basic requirement
Structural Layout of Introduction
The first layer 1.1 Introducing the general research area including its background,
importance, and present level of development 1.2 Reviewing previous research in this area The second layer
Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant question
The function of Introduction
To answer the basic questions
What is the subject about ?
Why I (we) carried out the experiment, that is to say, what is the problem?
How to Write the Introduction
Group Members:
1、引言及其作用 2、如何写引言 3、引言部分的语言特征 4、总结
1.1 什么是引言 1.2 为什么要写引言 1.3 引言的作用 1.4 何时写引言
What is Introduction?
How do we solve the problem?
When do we write the introduction?
Many books recommend writing your introduction last, after you finish your project. This is to make sure that you introduce what you are actually going to say.
The third layer Specifying the purpose of your research
The fourth layer 4.1 Announcing your major findings 4.2 Outlining the contents of your paper
One Template
Why do we have to write an introduction?
Without an introduction it is sometimes very difficult for your readers to figure out what you are trying to say. There needs to be a thread of an idea that they will follow through your paper.
a) 题X是重要的。 b) 前人的工作A、B曾经研究过这个问题。 c) A、B有一些缺陷。 d) 我们提出了方法D。 e) D的基本特征,和A、B进行比较。 f) 实验证明D比A、B优越。 g) 研究前景。
Research The backgroundThemaeutthhoodr’s
information reasrteiacrlech structure
2.1 引言的组成 2.2 引言的特点 2.3 引言的结构与布局 2.4 引言实例
The content of an Introduction
1.The background information
2.The relevant literature
3.The nature,scope,purpose and significance of the problems investigated
4.The method to tackle the problems 5.The results of the investigation
6.The conclusions suggested by the results
7.The explanation and definition of terms or abbreviations
This paper is organized as follows.
In this paper, we adopt an IA scheme for SISO transmission……
Present Perfect Tense
When describing recent advances in a certain research field, or aiming to emphasize the impact of something happening recently on the present, you are suggested to use present perfect tense.
3.1 引言部分的时态与语态 3.2 引言部分常用的句型 3.3 引言部分常用的词语 3.4 引言部分的注意事项
Tense and Voice in Introduction
Present Tense
The present tense (is, are) is used when stating generalizations or conclusions.
Introduction is the first section of a scientific paper, including the background information of the research, the nature and scope of the problem investigated.
Basic requirement
Structural Layout of Introduction
The first layer 1.1 Introducing the general research area including its background,
importance, and present level of development 1.2 Reviewing previous research in this area The second layer
Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant question
The function of Introduction
To answer the basic questions
What is the subject about ?
Why I (we) carried out the experiment, that is to say, what is the problem?
How to Write the Introduction
Group Members:
1、引言及其作用 2、如何写引言 3、引言部分的语言特征 4、总结
1.1 什么是引言 1.2 为什么要写引言 1.3 引言的作用 1.4 何时写引言
What is Introduction?
How do we solve the problem?
When do we write the introduction?
Many books recommend writing your introduction last, after you finish your project. This is to make sure that you introduce what you are actually going to say.
The third layer Specifying the purpose of your research
The fourth layer 4.1 Announcing your major findings 4.2 Outlining the contents of your paper
One Template
Why do we have to write an introduction?
Without an introduction it is sometimes very difficult for your readers to figure out what you are trying to say. There needs to be a thread of an idea that they will follow through your paper.
a) 题X是重要的。 b) 前人的工作A、B曾经研究过这个问题。 c) A、B有一些缺陷。 d) 我们提出了方法D。 e) D的基本特征,和A、B进行比较。 f) 实验证明D比A、B优越。 g) 研究前景。
Research The backgroundThemaeutthhoodr’s
information reasrteiacrlech structure
2.1 引言的组成 2.2 引言的特点 2.3 引言的结构与布局 2.4 引言实例
The content of an Introduction
1.The background information
2.The relevant literature
3.The nature,scope,purpose and significance of the problems investigated
4.The method to tackle the problems 5.The results of the investigation
6.The conclusions suggested by the results
7.The explanation and definition of terms or abbreviations