
外贸常用英语词汇大全1.商品品质数量包装价格品质条件品质quality 规格specifications 等级grade 标准standard样品sample 色彩样品colour sample 款式样品pattern sample原样original sample 复样duplicate sample对等样品countersample 参考样品reference sample封样sealed sample 代表性样品representative sample商品目录catalogue 宣传小册pamphlet 说明书description公差tolerance 货号article No.花色(搭配)assortment 增减5% plus or minus大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality数量条件个数number 长度length 面积area 体积volume 容积capacity净重net weight 毛重gross weight 皮重tare 毛作净gross for net溢短装条款more or less clause 重量weight 装运重量shipping weight卸货重量landed weight 理论重量theoretical weight公吨metric ton 长吨long ton 短吨short ton 公斤kilogram, kilo, kg磅pound, lb 盎司ounce, oz件piece 双pair 打dozen 令ream 套setl 立方米cubic meter 升litre 加仑gallon 蒲式耳bushel公制metric system 英制british system 美制U.S.System包装方法起泡包装blister packing 中性包装neutral packing 吸塑包装skin packing挂式包装hanging packing 引某人注目catch sb's eye唛头mark 无牌的包装unlabelled packing 散装in bulk 散装in loose packing 裸装nude packing 整批包装bulk pack 零售包装consumer pack大包装large packing 小包装inner packing, external packing, end packing,压缩包装shrunk packaging 喷泡沫包装foam-spary packaging礼品包装gift-wrap 袋bag, sack麻袋jute bag 塑料袋polythelene bag, plastic bag尼龙绳网袋polythelene net 拉链袋zippered bag箱case, chest 盒box 木箱wooden case 纸箱carton集装箱container 板条箱rate 纤维板箱fibre board case小包packet 包bale 捆bundle 罐头tin , can篮,篓,筐basket 竹篓bamboo basket 瓶bottle小木桶wooden keg 大桶hogshead 铁桶iron drum 铁桶cylinder琵琶桶barrel 圆桶drum防水纸waterproof paper 玻璃纸cellophone 牛皮纸kraftpaper 沥青纸tar paper 蜡纸wax paper帆布canvas 油布、防水帆布tarpaulin纤维板fibreboard 尼龙腰子nylon strap 塑料腰子plastic strap胶带adhesive tape 填料stuffing material 尼龙丝nylon plastic泡沫塑料fermented plastic 纸屑paper scrap 木屑saw dust润滑油slushing compound价格条件价格术语trade term (price term) 价目表price list 总值total value 金额amount净价net price 零售价retail price 批发价wholesale price 单价unit price运费freight 码头费wharfage 卸货费landing charges 码头费wharfage港口税port dues 关税customs duty 印花税stamp duty折扣discount, allowance 佣金commission 回佣,回扣return commission含佣价price including commission .装运港port of shipment 卸货港port of discharge 目的港port of destination进口许口证import licence 出口许口证export licence现货价格spot price期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price 国际市场价格world (International)Market price 参考价格indicative price进口附加税import surcharge import variable 进口差价税duties海关估价customs valuation外汇foreign exchange 法定贬值devaluation 外币foreign currency法定升值revaluation 汇率rate of exchange 浮动汇率floating rate国际收支balance of payments硬通货hard currency 软通货soft currency直接标价direct quotation 间接标价indirect quotation金平价gold standard 买入汇率buying rate 卖出汇率selling rate固定汇率fixed rate 通货膨胀inflation金本位制度gold standard 黄金输送点gold points 铸币平价mint par纸币制度paper money system 国际货币基金international monetary fund黄金外汇储备gold and foreign exchange reserve汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuatio2.国际贸易术语FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货进出口贸易出口信贷export credit 出口津贴export subsidy 商品倾销dumping外汇倾销exchange dumping优惠关税special preferences 保税仓库bonded warehouse贸易顺差favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade进口配额制import quotas 自由贸易区free trade zone对外贸易值value of foreign trade 国际贸易值value of international trade普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT3.国际货物运输交货条件交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S) 装运、装船shipment租船charter (the chartered ship)交货时间time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter 装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor 收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner 驳船lighter舱位shipping space 油轮tanker 报关clearance of goods 陆运收据cargo receipt 提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill 正本提单original BL 选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或optional charges for Buyers’ account一月份装船shipment during January 或January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或Jan./Feb. shipment在......(时间)分两批装船shipment during....in two lots在......(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during....in two equal lots分三个月装运in three monthly shipments 分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments 即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C不允许/允许分批装船partial shipment not allowed /partial shipment not permitted /partial shipment not unacceptable4.国际货物运输保险贸易保险术语All Risks 一切险F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average) 平安险W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or With Particular Average) 水渍险War Risk 战争险 F.W.R.D. (Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡水雨淋险Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险Risk of Leakage 渗漏险Risk of Odor 串味险Risk of Rust 锈蚀险Shortage Risk 短缺险T.P.N.D. ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷窃提货不着险Strikes Risk 罢工险5.国际国务买卖合同交易磋商、合同签订订单indent 订货;订购book; booking 电复cable reply实盘firm offer 递盘bid; bidding递实盘bid firm 还盘counter offer 发盘(发价)offer 发实盘offer firm询盘(询价)inquiry;enquiry指示性价格price indication 速复reply immediately 参考价reference price习惯做法usual practice交易磋商business negotiation 不受约束without engagement业务洽谈business discussion限**复subject to reply ** 限* *复到subject to reply reaching here **有效期限time of validity有效至**: valid till ** 购货合同purchase contract 销售合同sales contract购货确认书purchase confirmation 销售确认书sales confirmation一般交易条件general terms and conditions以未售出为准subject to prior sale 需经卖方确认subject to seller’s confirmation需经我方最后确认subject to our final confirmation6.贸易方式stocks 存货,库存量cash sale现货purchase 购买,进货bulk sale 整批销售,趸售distribution channels 销售渠道wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业hire-purchase 分期付款购买fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市unfair competition不合理竞争dumping 商品倾销dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping 反倾销customs bond 海关担保chain debts 三角债freight forwarder 货运代理trade consultation 贸易磋商mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解partial shipment 分批装运restraint of trade 贸易管制RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差bonded warehouse 保税仓库transit trade 转口贸易tariff barrier 关税壁垒tax rebate 出口退税TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技术性贸易壁垒INT (拍卖auction) 寄售consignment 招标invitation of tender投标submission of tenderagent 一般代理人general agent总代理人agency agreement 代理协议accumulative commission累计佣金compensation trade补偿贸易(或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade(又叫:往返贸易)counter tradeprocessing on giving materials来料加工assembling on provided parts 来料装配exclusive right独家经营/专营权exclusivity agreement 独家经营/包销/代理协议sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency;exclusive agent独家代理7.商检仲裁索赔claim 争议disputes 罚金条款penalty 仲裁arbitration不可抗力force Majeure 仲裁庭arbitral tribunal产地证明书certificate of origin 品质检验证书inspection certificate of quanlity重量检验证书inspection certificate of weight (quantity)**商品检验局**commodity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B)品质、重量检验证书inspection certificate8.贸易机构及贸易伙伴词汇WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织CTG (Council for Trade in Goods) 货币贸易理事会EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 欧洲自由贸易联盟AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) 东盟自由贸易区JCCT (China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade) 中美商贸联委会NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area) 北美自由贸易区UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 联合国贸易与发展议GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关贸总协定trade partner 贸易伙伴manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer, tradesman 零售商merchant 商人,批发商,零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方carrier 承运人consignee 收货人。

例如:一个苹果(an apple)、一只狗(a dog)、一件衣服(a piece of clothing)等。
二、集体量词单位集体量词单位用于表示多个相同的物品,例如:1. 几(a few):表示肯定的数量,通常用于可数名词复数形式。
2. 一些(a number of):表示一定数量的物品,可以用于可数或不可数名词。
3. 许多(many):表示大量物品,用于可数名词复数形式。
4. 大量(a large amount of):表示大量不可数物品。
例如:1. 英寸(inch):用于长度或宽度。
2. 英尺(foot):用于长度或高度。
3. 磅(pound):用于重量。
4. 英里(mile):用于距离。
例如:1. 瓶(bottle):用于液体或固体的包装。
2. 包(package):用于包装固体物品。
3. 箱(box):用于包装或储存物品。
4. 桶(bucket):用于液体或固体的储存或包装。
例如:1. 种(kind):表示种类,用于描述不同的事物。
2. 点(point):表示小的数量或程度,常用于描述优点、缺点等。
3. 片(piece):用于描述部分的数量,通常与不可数名词连用。

英语常用量词一览表1 a cup of (一杯)a cup of coffee (一杯咖啡)a cup of tea (一杯茶)2 a bottle of (一瓶)a bottle of water (一瓶水)a bottle of wine (一瓶酒)3 a sheet of (一张,一片)a sheet of paper (一张纸)a sheet of information (一张信息)4 a piece of (一片,一块)a piece of cake (一块蛋糕)a piece of advice (一条建议)5 a dozen (一打)a dozen eggs (一打鸡蛋)6 a pair of (一双)a pair of shoes (一双鞋)7 a gallon of (一加仑)a gallon of milk (一加仑牛奶)8 a pound of (一磅)a pound of meat (一磅肉)9 a slice of (一片)a slice of bread (一片面包)a slice of pizza (一片比萨)10 a can of (一罐)a can of soda (一罐苏打)a can of beans (一罐豆)11 a box of (一盒)a box of chocolates (一盒巧克力)a box of tissues (一盒面纸)12 a bag of (一袋)a bag of chips (一袋薯片)a bag of rice (一袋大米)13 an ounce of (一盎司)an ounce of gold (一盎司黄金)14 a pint of (一品脱)a pint of ice cream (一品脱冰淇淋)15 a yard of (一码)a yard of fabric (一码布料)。

【外贸英语之数量,Quantity】外贸英语外贸英语之数量Quantity外贸英语之数量Quantity 外贸英语(一) Let“s talk about the problem of quantity. 我们谈谈数量的问题吧。
You“ll issue a certificate of quantity and weight. 你们必须出具数量和重量证明书。
The package number and quantity are identical with each other. 包装号与商品数量相吻合。
Quantity matters as much as quality of price,doesn"t it 数量和价格、质量一样重要,是吗We believe we shall be able to better satisfy our customers quantitatively. 我们相信能在数量上更好地使客户满意。
The quantity you ordered is considerable. 你们订的数量还可以。
We can supply any reasonable quantity of this merchandise. 对此商品,我们能提供任何适当的数量。
I must advise the farm of the quantity of the wheat as per the contract. 我将按合同规定通知农场小麦的数量。
If the quantity of the goods does not conform to that stipulated in the contract,the importer will refuse to accept the goods. 如果进口商发现货物数量与合同规定不符,他将拒收。
Is there any quantity limitation for the import of cotton cloth from China从中国进口的棉布有数量限制吗You remarked yesterday you would sell on shipped quality,quantity,and weight. 你昨天强调过你们售货以船装质量、数量和重量为准。

一、单复数情形差异辨析案例1-1:在外贸出口实务中,有一份信用证单据条款规定,“certificate 1 copy issued by third party for each type of ordered products proving compliance of the products ……” (每一种类型的订单产品都要出具证明商品相符的第三方证明一份……),国内出口商提供了一份第三方认证副本,国外开证行认为不符,要求提交正本单据。
出口商感到不解,因为该信用证在本单据条款的发票条款中要求提供“3 original and 3 copies”,开证行理解为三份正本和三份副本,上述第三方认证单据要求提供“1 copy”为何又要理解为一份正本的呢?“1 copy ”从本信用证条款来看,应理解为“in 1 copy”,意为一份,但从字面无法明确此一份应为正本还是副本。
根据国际商会《跟单信用证统一惯例》(Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits,国际商会第600号出版物,以下简称UCP600)17条A款:“信用证规定的每一种单据必须至少提交一份正本”,本案例中出口商仅需提交的一份单据显然必须为正本。

一、基本量词1. 个(个体):a/an,one例句:I have a book.(我有一本书。
)2. 些(不确定的数量):some,a few例句:There are some apples on the table.(桌子上有一些苹果。
)3. 每(每个):each,every例句:She watered each plant carefully.(她仔细地给每一株植物浇水。
)二、时间相关量词1. 秒:second例句:He finished the race in thirty seconds.(他用30秒完成了比赛。
)2. 分钟:minute例句:I will be there in five minutes.(我将在5分钟内到达那里。
)3. 小时:hour例句:The movie lasted for two hours.(电影持续了两个小时。
)4. 天:day例句:Tomorrow will be a sunny day.(明天将是一个晴朗的日子。
)5. 星期/周:week例句:We are going on a vacation next week.(我们下周要去度假。
)6. 月:month例句:She will turn 30 next month.(下个月她将年满30岁。
)7. 年:year例句:They got married last year.(他们去年结婚了。
)三、数量量词1. 一些(不确定的数量):some,a few例句:I need some pens.(我需要一些钢笔。
)2. 大量的:a lot of,lots of,plenty of例句:There are a lot of books on the shelf.(书架上有很多书。

报关常用量词中英文对照表4:常见包装量词中英文对照表英文/中文英文/中文 Case,C/-箱 Plastic bag塑料袋5-ply Paper Bag五层Carton,Ctn.纸箱纸袋Polythelene Net尼龙Cardboard纸板箱绳网袋Wooden Case木箱 Zippered Bag拉链袋 Three-plywood Case三Cask桶(小桶) 夹板箱Box,Bx.盒 Drum圆桶(铁皮圆桶) Wooden Box木盒 Keg小圆桶 Iron Box铁盒 Barrel琵琶桶 Plastic TransparencyWooden Cask木桶 Box塑料透明盒Bag(Sack)袋 Plastic Drum塑料桶 Jute Bag Gunny Bag麻Iron Drum铁桶袋Bale包 Pallet托盘 Packet小包 Pair双 Bottle瓶 Dozen打 Flask长颈瓶Ream令 Jar罐(坛子) Gross罗 Vial药水瓶 Bolt(Piece)匹 Carboy大玻璃瓶Yard码 Can罐头 Roll卷 Tin听 Block块 Basket篮(篓、筐) Bundle捆Pannier盖篮 Unit辆 Container集装箱 In Nude裸装 Nude with Iron Wire In Bulk散装 Bundle铁丝捆裸装(4)进口成交方式如果是:表5:常用度量衡英文名称和简写名称英文名称简写克 Gram g. 公斤 Kilogram Kg. 公担 Quintal q. 公吨 Metric ton m.t. 长吨 Long ton l.t. 短吨 Short ton Sh.t. 英担Hundredweight Cwt. 美担 Hundredweight cwt. 磅 Pound lb. 两(常衡) Ounce oz. 两(金衡) Ounce oz.t 司马担 Picul 米 Metre m. 公里 Kilometre Km. 厘米Centimetre cm. 毫米 Milimerte mm.码 Yard Yd. 英尺 Foot Ft. 英寸 Inch In. 平方米 Square metre Sq.m. 平方英尺 Square foot Sq.ft. 平方码 Square yard Sq.yd. 立方米 Cubic metre Cu.m. 立方英尺 Cubic foot Cu.ft. 升 Litre l. 毫升 Millilitre Ml. 加仑Gallon Gal. 蒲式耳 Bushel Bu. 克拉 Carat Car. 马力 Horse Power h.p. 千瓦Kilowatt Kw. 公吨度 Metric ton unit m.t.u. 表6:常见英文单位Bag 袋bottle 瓶bale 包carton/ctn 纸Case(c/s) 箱、Box 箱盒箱合、套Container 集coil 圈 Crate 板条箱装箱gross 罗(12Dozen 打 drum 桶打)In bulk 散lot 批 package 件装pallet 托Pieces/pcs 件 Ream 令盘roll 卷 set 套、台、坐 Sheet 张、件unit 辆、台、strand 股 Vial 药瓶单位。

常用的外贸英语单词外贸中的POC 是停靠港Port of Call P.O.C下面详细介绍:单证中英文对照表汇总表1:发票(Invoice)上的主要内容中英文英文缩写中英文英文缩写发票Invoice(INV.)合同Contract ONT. 单价Unit Price货物描述Description Goods 总额Amount AMT规格、型号Model 总价Total Amout尺寸Size 件数Packages PKGS数目Quantity 毛重Gross Weight G.W.原产国Made In / Origin 净重Net Weight N.W.装货港Port of Loading P.O.L. 保险费Insurance目的国Destination Country 杂费Extras指运港Port of Destination P.O.D. 佣金Commission运费Freight 折扣Rebate/Allowance 表2:装箱单(Packing List)上的主要内容中英文英文缩写中英文英文缩写装箱单Packing List件数Packages PKGS 净重Net Weight N.W.毛重Gross Weight G.W/GR.WT. 所附单证Document Attached DOC.ATT.单证Documents DOC(S) 表3:提单(Bill of loading)上的主要内容中英文英文缩写中英文英文缩写提单Bill of loading B/L承运人Carrier 托运人Shipper收货人Consignee 被通知人Notify Party空运提单Air Way Bill A.W.B. 停靠港Port of Call P.O.C空运提单Air Freight Bill A.F.B. 卸货港Port of Discharge P.O.D原产国Made In/Origin/M 装货港Port of Loading P.O.L船名及航次Ocean Vessel Voy. No. 转运港Port of Transfer到达港Port of Arrival P.A 经过Via指运港Port of Destination P.O.D. 转运到Intransit to 表4:常见包装量词中英文对照表英文/中文英文/中文Case,C/-箱Plastic bag塑料袋Carton,Ctn.纸箱5-ply Paper Bag五层纸袋Cardboard纸板箱Polythelene Net尼龙绳网袋Wooden Case木箱Zippered Bag拉链袋Three-plywood Case 三夹板箱Cask桶(小桶)Box,Bx.盒Drum圆桶(铁皮圆桶)Wooden Box木盒Keg小圆桶Iron Box铁盒Barrel琵琶桶Plastic Transparency Box塑料透明盒Wooden Cask木桶Bag(Sack)袋Plastic Drum塑料桶Jute Bag Gunny Bag麻袋Iron Drum铁桶Bale包Pallet托盘Packet小包Pair双Bottle瓶Dozen打Flask长颈瓶Ream令Jar罐(坛子)Gross罗Vial药水瓶Bolt(Piece)匹Carboy大玻璃瓶Yard码Can罐头Roll卷Tin听Block块Basket篮(篓、筐)Bundle捆Pannier盖篮Unit辆Container集装箱In Nude*装Nude with Iron Wire Bundle铁丝捆*装In Bulk散装(4)进口成交方式假如是:? ①FOB,按公式“CIF=FOB+I+F”转换成CIF(C—COST,I—INSURANCE,F—FREIGHT),在运费栏填写运费率或单价或总价。

对外汉语常用量词个带英语注释及例句文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]常用量词1.个gèperson:一个人,两个朋友,三个姐姐,四个学生place:一个地方,三个大学,六个房间fángjiān(room)Time,date:一个星期,两个月yuè(month)Things:A.Dailynecessitiesasacontainer:一个杯子bēizi(cup),两个包bāo(bag),四个箱子xiāngzi(suitcase)B.food/friutinaroundshape:一个面包miànbāo(bread),几个苹果píngguo(apple),半个西瓜xīgua(watermelon) C.Smallelectric/electronicdevices(withbatary):一个手机sh?ujī(cellphone),一个剃须刀tìxūdāo(shaver),两个USB Information/message一个电话diànhuà(phonecall),几个e-mail,一个短信du?nxìn(message),一个消息xiāoxi(news)一个广告gu?nggào(AD)Abstractthingsthatcannotbetakenintoparts一个建议jiànyì(suggestion),一个学位(academicdegree),一个想法xi?ngf?(idea,opinion)2.Borrowed量词liàngcí盒子hézi(box)杯子bēizi(cup)瓶子píngzi(bottle)罐子guànzi(tin)两盒牛奶li?nghéniún?i(milk)一杯咖啡yìbēikāfēi(coffee)五瓶水w?píngshu?(water)一罐可乐yíguànkělè(cococola)3.本běn bondedatoneside,withprintingonpages一本书shū(book)两本杂志zázhì(magzine)4.条tiáo tomodifylong,thin,flectionalthings一条鱼yú(fish)那条路lù(road)这条河hé(river)5.支zhīstraight,hard,slimthings一支笔b?(pen)一支笛子dízi(flute)6.首(sh?u)tomodifysongspoemetc.一首诗shī(poem)一首歌gē(song)7.篇(piān)tomodifyarticles,textetc.一篇文章wénzhāng(article)一篇课文kèwén(text)8.根gēn slenderthingsissimilartoroots一根竹子zhúzi(bamboo)一根黄瓜huángguā(cucumber)一根头发tóufa(hair)一根草cǎo(grass)9.台tái bigmachine/electricorelectronic一台电脑diànn?o(computer)两台冰箱bīngxiāng(frig)10.辆liàng tomodifyvehicle一辆汽车qìchē(car)两辆自行车zìxíngchē(bicycle)11.件jiàn clothe,individualthings一件衣服yīfu(clothing)两件衬衫chènshān(shirt)一件事儿shìr(matter/business/issue)这件事情shìqing(formalterm)12.双shuāng asapair/notconnected一双筷子kuàizi(chopsticks)一双鞋子xiézi(shoes)一双袜子wàzi(socks)一双眼睛y?njing(eyes)13.张zhāng regularshape(squareorrectangle)onesidevalid一张桌子zhuōzi(table)两张纸zhǐ(paper)三张名片儿míngpiànr(namecard)四张票piào(ticket)14.把b?tool/withahandle一把刀子dāozi(knife)两把叉子chāzi(fork)三把剪刀ji?ndāo(scissors)四把椅子y?zi(chair)15.棵kēplant/withroot一棵树shù(tree)一棵草c?o(grass)16.块kuài artisticshape,notbig一块香皂xiāngzào(soap)一块糖táng(sugar)一块手表sh?ubi?o(watch)*一块钱17.头tóu forbiganimal一头牛niú(cow)一头大象dàxiàng(elephant)18.只zhīsmallanimal一只鸡jī(chicken)两只狗g?u(dog)三只狐狸húli(fox)四只老虎l?oh?(tiger)19.家jiāfamily,companyandshop一家公司gōngsī(company)两家医院yīyuàn(hospital)三家饭店fàndiàn(restaurant)四家电影院diànyǐngyuàn(cinema)这家商店shāngdiàn(shop)那家超市chāoshì(supermarket)20.座(zuò)tall,setteledbuildingorthings一座桥qiáo(bridge)几座楼lóu(building)一座山shān(mountain)那座雕像diāoxiàng(statue)。

1. MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity)MOQ是外贸中最小起订量的简称。
2. FOB (Free On Board)FOB是一个国际贸易术语,意味着商品的责任和风险在装运时转移给买家。
3. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight)CIF是另一个国际贸易术语,是指成本、保险和运费。
4. EXW (Ex Works)EXW是指卖方将商品放在自己的工厂或仓库,买方需要自行承担所有的运输和保险费用。
5. DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)DDP是指卖方负责将商品交付到买方指定的目的地,并承担所有与货物进口相关的费用和义务,包括运输、保险、进口关税、清关手续费等。
6. MOA (Memorandum of Association)MOA是指公司的组织文件,其中包含了公司的名称、目的、注册地址、股东的权益等重要信息。

外贸实用英语和纺织英语词汇一、Quotation报价单词汇model 型号QTY(quantity)数量PCS(pieces)个数CTNS(cartons)纸箱数mean 平均的mean time平均时NW KGS(net weight kilograms)净重(公斤)GW KGS(general weight kilograms)毛重(公斤)PCS/CTN(pieces per carton)个数/箱CBM is short for cubic meter立方米Unit price 单价Per 每句子:Please countersign by return,I want to make a summary of what I have done and what I want to do.I want to summarize what I have done and what I have to do.二、Transportation运输词汇B/L(提单)is short for bill of lading.Consignee on B/L(收货人),Notify party on B/L(收货人代理)Consignor,托运人,发货人Freight运费Form…to…从…到…Port 港口Port of destination目的港Port of shipment装运港:Xingang, Tianjin.Port of discharge 卸货港:New YorkRenting boat and confirming shipping space租船定舱三、Price Terms价格术语FOB Xinggang, free on board, Tianjin. 离岸价CIF is short for cost, insurance and freight. In addition to cost and freight of CFR, the seller is obliged to pay the insurance of the goods. 主运费已付CNF(CFR)成本加运费四、Terms of payment付款方式Remittance(汇付): T/T 电汇T/T(电汇) is short for telegraphic transfer.LC (Letter of credit) 信用证Sight L/C 即期信用证Usance L/C 远期信用证Bank slip 银行水单Deposit定金Eg: 1, our terms of payment are by letter of credit by draft at sight.2, since the total amount is so big and the monetary market is so instable, we can’t accept any terms of payment other than letter of credit. .3, we suggest that you reduce your order by half.4, could you possibly effect the shipment (send out the shipment) more promptly?5, the shipment will be effected within 1 week on receipt of your letter of credit.6, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation.7, please double check it, I hope I haven’t made a mistake.8、30% T/T paid in advance, and the 70% of the balance should be paid before theshipment.五、Contract销售合同词汇Settlement account 结算账户Payer account number 付款人账号Commodity/goods: 商品、货物Quantity 数量Packing包装Production period生产期Insurance 保险Shipment date 装运期:before the 12th day of NovemberTotal value of the contract合同总额: say US dollars one hundred dollars only.六、国际贸易单证词汇LC信用证Sales contract 销售合同Commercial invoice商业发票Packing list 箱单BL 提单Certificate of Origin 原产地证明Insurance Policy 保险单Inspection Certificate 商检证书Record of spare part shipment配件发送情况记录单Spare part list配件单Shipping advice 装运通知Port of discharge 卸货港Port of shipment 装运港Place of delivery 交货地点Destination 目的地ETD(Estimated time of departure)预计离港时间ETA (Estimated time of arrival) 预计到港时间Delay V. 延迟七、纺织类词汇1、产品里料:lining面料:fabric平纹:plain/taffeta 斜纹:twill / drill缎面:satin春亚纺:pongee格子:check/ ribstop 条子:stripe双层:double-layer 双色:two-tone高士宝:koshibo 雪纺:chiffon乔其:georgette塔丝隆:taslon弹力布:spandex/elastic/stretch/ lycra 牛仔布:jean牛津布:oxford帆布:cambric涤棉:T/C; P/C涤捻:T/R白条纺:white stripe 黑条纺:black stripe空齿纺:empty stripe水洗绒/桃皮绒:peach skin 卡丹绒:peach twill玻璃纱:organdy透明硬纱:organza绒布:flannelette2、面料整理染色dyeing固色color fixing 切割cut涂层coating烫金gold print 磨毛brushed起皱crinkled防霉anti-fungus 防水water proof (W/P)缩水water shrinkage (W/S) 抗静电anti-static抗起球anti-pilling印花printing提花:jacquard烂花:burnt-out棉C:cotton羊毛W:wool 马海毛:mohair 兔毛:rabbit hair 真丝:silk亚麻:linen 涤纶:polyester莫代尔:model腈纶:acrylic尼龙:nylon全拉伸丝:FDY (full drawn yarn)拉伸变形丝:DTY(drawn textured yarn)4、产品颜色奶白cream大红red紫色burgundy/ plum/ violet/ purple 紫红wine/ bordeaux绿色green灰色grey黄色yellow卡其kahki淡紫色lilac棕色brown玫红fuschia 橄榄绿olive天蓝sky blue海蓝navy blue 湖蓝色lake blue 淡蓝色light blue 粉红pink米色beige橘色orange驼色camel特黑black炭黑charcoal卷杆rolling散装loose packing 编织袋PP bag纸箱carton木箱wooden case 吊牌label唛头shipping mark 船样shipping sample 塑料袋poly/plastic bag 匹长roll length门幅width克重weight毛重G.W./ gross weight 净重N.W./ net weight 集装箱container总重量total weight6、产品质量问题疵点defect经柳streaky warp 断经broken end 急经right end粗经coarse end 断纬broken pick 纬斜skewing slope 破洞hole污迹stain/ dirt渗色color bleeding褪色color fading擦伤scratch/ winch mark 折痕crease mark7、其他打样lab dips 寄送send 检查check 确认confirm验货inspection 附件中enclosed。

3:水果,蛋类,球类---(ลูก)例:8个西瓜แตงโมแปดลูก4:船,飞机,竹竿,甘蔗---(ล า)两艘船เรือสองล า

6. pound, lb 磅
7. ounce, oz 盎司
8. number 个数
9. piece 件
10. pair 双
11 dozen 打
12. ream 令
13. set 套
14. length 长度
15. area 面积
16. volume 体积
17. cubic meter 立方米
18. capacity 容积
19. litre 升
20. gallon 加仑
21. bushel 蒲式耳
22. metric system 公制
23. british system 英制
24. U.S.System 美制
25. gross weight 毛重
26. net weight 净重
在做外贸货品交易时,避免不了要用到量词。下面小编整理了外贸英语常用到的量词词汇 公吨
3. long ton 长吨
4. short ton 短吨
27. shipping weight 装运重量
28. landed weight 卸货重量
29. theoretical weight 理论重量

另外,英语中还有一些常用的量词,如下所示:1、片 (slice)。
例如:I'd like three slices of bread.我想要三片面包。
2、瓶 (bottle)。
例如:I bought two bottles of water.我买了两瓶水。
3、盒 (bo某)。
例如:I'll have a bo某 of chocolates, please.请给我一盒巧克力。
4、罐 (can)。
例如:He drank two cans of beer last night.昨晚他喝了两罐啤酒。
5、个 (piece)。
例如:We need four pieces of paper for the project.项目需要四张纸。
6、条 (bar)。
例如:She ate a bar of chocolate after dinner.她晚餐后吃了一根巧克力。
7、件 (piece)。
例如:She bought a new piece of furniture for her house.她为自己的房子买了一件新的家具。
8、辆 (vehicle)。
例如:I'll buy a new car ne某t year.明年我会买一辆新车。

英语量词知识点总结大全Types of Quantifiers1. Numbers: Numbers are the most basic type of quantifiers and are used to indicate a specific quantity or amount. They can be cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc.) or ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.). Numbers can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. For example:- There are three cats in the garden.- She is the first person to arrive at the party.2. Determiners: Determiners are words that come before a noun to give information about quantity, possession, or specificity. There are several types of determiners, including articles (a, an, the), demonstratives (this, that, these, those), possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, our, their), and quantifiers (some, any, much, many, few, several, etc.). Determiners are used with both countable and uncountable nouns. For example:- The cat is sleeping on the couch.- These books are mine.- There are some apples in the fridge.- I don't have much time to finish my homework.3. Pronouns: Pronouns are words that are used instead of a noun and are used to indicate quantity or amount. There are several types of pronouns that can function as quantifiers, including indefinite pronouns (someone, anyone, nobody, everybody, etc.) and interrogative pronouns (how much, how many). Pronouns are used with both countable and uncountable nouns. For example:- Somebody is knocking on the door.- How many students are in the classroom?- Nobody likes to be criticized.Usage of Quantifiers- Countable and Uncountable Nouns: It's important to understand whether a noun is countable or uncountable when using quantifiers. Countable nouns refer to things that can be counted individually, such as books, cats, or cars. Uncountable nouns refer to things that cannot be counted individually, such as water, milk, or happiness. Different quantifiers are used with countable and uncountable nouns. For example:- I have two cats. (countable noun)- There is some milk in the fridge. (uncountable noun)- Specificity: Some quantifiers express a specific or definite quantity, while others express a non-specific or indefinite quantity. For example, "the" is a specific quantifier, while "some" is a non-specific quantifier. This affects the meaning of the sentence. For example:- Please pass me the salt. (specific)- Would you like some water? (non-specific)- Positive and Negative Statements: Quantifiers can be used in both positive and negative statements. For positive statements, quantifiers such as "some" and "many" are used, while for negative statements, quantifiers such as "no" and "few" are used. For example:- She has some free time this afternoon. (positive)- There are few people at the party. (negative)Examples of QuantifiersHere are some examples of how different quantifiers are used in sentences:- Countable Nouns:- I have a few friends in this city.- There are many books on the shelf.- She bought several new dresses for the party.- Uncountable Nouns:- Can you please give me some advice on this matter?- There is not much sugar left in the jar.- I have a little money to lend you.- Specificity:- I need the exact amount of money by the end of the day.- Would you like any help with your homework?- Positive and Negative Statements:- There are no apples left in the basket.- He has some great ideas for the project.Common Mistakes with QuantifiersThere are some common mistakes that English learners make when using quantifiers. Here are a few examples:- Using a plural noun with a non-specific quantifier: Incorrect: There are many informations to consider. Correct: There is much information to consider.- Using a non-specific quantifier with a specific noun: Incorrect: Can you pass me a salt? Correct: Can you pass me the salt?- Forgetting to use a quantifier with an uncountable noun: Incorrect: There is water in the glass. Correct: There is some water in the glass.- Using a singular noun with a plural quantifier: Incorrect: She has many money. Correct: She has much money.ConclusionQuantifiers are an essential part of English grammar and are used to describe the quantity or amount of something. Understanding the different types of quantifiers, their usage, and some examples can help English learners use them correctly in their everyday language. By knowing how to use quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns, understanding their specificity, and avoiding common mistakes, English learners can enhance their language skills and communicate effectively in English.。

不可数名词的量词Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998a mouthful ofsnow一口雪a truckload ofsteel一卡车钢材a packet ofcigarette一包烟4.表示行为动态的量词:a fit oflaughter一阵笑声a peal ofthunder一阵雷声a flash oflight一道闪电a display offorce一番武力展示英语量词词组所表示的数或量,大致可归纳为四种类型,即定量、不定量、大量和少量。
1.表示定量的量词词组,譬如:acoupleof(两个、一对)—acoupleofdays,acoupleofplayers,acoupleoftimes acupfulof(一满杯)—acupfulofjelly,acupfulofwateraportionof(一份/客)—aportionofduck,aportionofroastbeef2.表示不定量的量词词组,譬如:amajorityof(大多数/大半)—amajorityofopinions,amajorityofvotesanatomof(一点)—anatomoffood,anatomoftruthaspellof(一阵/一段时间)—aspelloffineweather,aspellofcoughing3.表示大量的量词词组,譬如:afloodof—afloodofink(洋洋大篇),afloodoftears(泪如泉涌)aheapof—aheapofearth(一堆泥土),aheapofcustomers(许多顾客)amountainof—amountainofdebts(债台高筑),amountainofdifficulties(困难重重)4.表示少量的量词词组,譬如:adropof—adropoffever(有点热度),adropofdew(一点露水)aparticleof—aparticleoffeeling(一丝感情),aparticleofdust(一点灰尘)ashadowof—ashadowofdoubt(一点怀疑),ashadowoffreedom(一点自由)有些数量词组修饰可数名词,有些数量词组修饰不可数名词,还有些则两者均可修饰。

There are 100 tons of wheat on board the ship.船上装有100吨小麦。
How many pieces all together?共有多少件?500 pieces in total.总共有500件。
We made a total of 100,000 jackets.我们一共订了10万件上衣。
We can only supply you with 20,000 yards of pure silk.我们只能供应两万码的真丝绸。
We want a minimum of 1,000 dozen of men's shirts and minimum of 5,000 dozen of embroidered shirts.男衬衣至少要1000打,绣花衬衣至少需要5000打。
Can you give us an additional 200 cases?能再增加200箱吗?We place an order for additional 4,000 shirts.我们多订了4000件衬衣。
This year we can buy an extra 700 blue jeans.今年我们可以多订700件牛仔裤。
We'll try our best to satisfy you with the additional 10,000 tons of coal as you asked.你们要求增加一万吨煤,我们将尽量满足你们。
We'll increase the quantity of medicines by 300 boxes.我们将增加300盒药品。
The maximum quantity of cotton jerseys this year is about DM25,000.我们今年最多能订购大约25000马克的棉毛衫。