随着互联网技术的普及和农业产业的转型升级,农业电子商务发展呈现以下几个现状:1. 市场规模逐年扩大:随着中国农业电子商务市场的升温,相关平台的涌现和用户数量的增加,农业电子商务市场规模逐年扩大。
2. 电商模式多样化:农业电子商务发展中,涌现了多种不同的电商模式。
3. 农产品品质提升:农业电子商务的发展为农产品的品质提升提供了平台和渠道。
4. 物流配送改善:农产品的物流配送一直是困扰农业电子商务发展的问题之一。
5. 电商扶贫助农:农业电子商务的发展为贫困地区提供了脱贫致富的新途径。
这4 方案 分 别是 企业 自有 电子 商务 平 台、 种 第三 方 电子 商务 平 台、 同 电子 商务 平 台和 国际化 电子 商务 平 协 台. 并从 适 应性 、 具备 的功 能 、 应 实施 策略 等 方 面对这4 方案 进行 了简要 的分析 和探 讨 。 种
列 电子 交易 活 动 ,它以 信息技 术 和 因特 网系统 为基 础 , 逐 步 完成 对农 产 品产 、 、 等 的~ 系列管 理 活动 , 电子 商 供 销 从 务 应用 的角 度来 讲 , 农业 电子商 务 的应用 问题 主 要在 于两
我 国是农 业大 国 , 农业 网站发 展很 快 。不仅 各 省市 普
场 。 网 上 经 营 的 品 种 也 一 改 过 去 以 粮 食 、化 肥 为 主 的 局
I, 食 、 禽 、 药 、 ( 1 家 i I 农 土特 产 、 卉 、 花 园林 、 产 品 、 叶 水 茶 鲜 果 等全 部 实现 网上经 营 ,为农 村 经济 信 息 进 村入 户 搭 建 了平 台。 目前 , 国农 村 电子商 务 网站 已超 过 20 0个 , 全 0
(. 东 商 学 院 信 息 学 院 , 东 广 州 5 0 2 2广 东省 电 子 商 务 市 场 应 用技 术 重 点 实 验 室 , 东 广 州 5 0 2 ) 1广 广 1 3 0;. 广 1 3 0
摘 要 : 分析 了我 国农 业 电子 商务 的应 用现 状和 存在 的 问题 , 出 了建设 农 业 电子 商务 平 台是 发展 农 业 电 指
和政策缺位等问题也 比较突出( 程宣梅 、 陈侃翔 、 林汉 川, 2 0 1 5 ) 。在 农村 电商发 展模式研 究 上 ,程红 莉 ( 2 0 1 4 )提出从电子商务深度 的角度分析有信息类和 交 易 类 两 大 类 .从 参 与 方 的 角 度 分 析 则 有 F 2 B、 F 2 M 2 B 、 F 2 C与 F 2 M 2 C等 四种模式 ; 有的按照共生结 构则分为寄生模式、 非对称模式 、 偏利模式 、 对称模式
对物流 、 保鲜等要求比较高 , 线上销售难度较大 。 东部沿海地区发展水平明显高于中西部地 区。 已有研 究表明 : 我 国农村 电商发展地区间差距较大 , 且与当 地经济发展水平呈正相关关系( 郑亚琴 , 2 0 0 7 ) 。2 0 1 4 年全国 2 1 2 个淘宝村主要分布在 l 0 个省市 ,其中浙 江、 广东 、 福建 、 河北 、 江苏和 山东分别达到 6 2 个、 5 4
优势创造有利条件。因此, 国务院扶贫办积极与京东、
阿里、 苏宁等企业合作 , 如2 0 1 6 年1 月与京东签署“ 电
商精准扶贫战略合作框架协议” ,提出双方共同探索 “ 产业扶贫 、 创业扶贫 、 用工扶贫” 三大模式 , 并将在 8 3 2 个贫困县中选择 2 0 0 个县作为电商扶贫示范县。
一、农村电商平台的优势(Strengths)1. 市场需求大:农村电商平台可以满足广大农村居民在生活和消费上的需求,如农产品、农资、家庭日用品等。
2. 降低交易成本:农村电商平台可以减少传统交易中的中间环节,降低了交易的成本,让农民可以直接把产品卖给消费者,从而提高了利润空间。
3. 促进农村发展:农村电商平台可以促进农村发展,提高农业产值和农民收入,同时也为农民提供了一条新的就业途径。
4. 提高服务质量:农村电商平台可以提高服务质量,如物流配送等方面,让消费者享受更为便捷的购物体验。
二、农村电商平台的劣势(Weaknesses)1. 基础设施滞后:农村地区的基础设施相对滞后,如网络覆盖不完善、物流配送不便等,影响了农村电商平台的发展。
2. 缺乏信任度:由于农村电商平台的发展时间较短,消费者对其信任度不高,需要平台方加大宣传,提高消费者的信任度。
3. 人员素质不高:农村地区的人员素质相对较低,从而影响了农村电商平台的管理和服务质量。
4. 竞争激烈:随着农村电商平台的发展,竞争也变得越来越激烈,平台需要不断创新和提高服务质量,才能保持自己的竞争优势。
三、农村电商平台的机会(Opportunities)1. 电商政策支持:国家政策支持电商的发展,在政策引导下,农村电商平台可以得到更好的发展。
2. 人口红利:随着城市化的加速和城市人口的增加,农村电商平台可以通过拓展城市市场,获得更多的商机。
3. 产品多样化:农村地区的产品种类多样,可以通过农村电商平台,将更多的产品推向市场,满足消费者的需求。
4. 服务升级:随着技术的发展和物流配送的完善,农村电商平台可以提供更为便捷的服务,从而吸引更多的消费者。
考虑在 报表 附注 中专 门增加对关联 方信息 以及债务 重组信息 披露 的综合分析报 告,增加披露 的效果,对有效披 露关联方 重组起很好 的规范作用 。 参考文 献: f 1 1中华人 民共和 国财政 部 . 企业会 计 准则 第 1 2号—— 债务重组 f M】 . 北京 : 经济科 学 出版社 , 2 0 0 6 . [ 2 ] 葛 家澎 . 关于 高质 量会计 准则的 几个 问题 Ⅱ 】 . 会 计研
究 , 2 0 0 2 , 1 0 : 3 - 5 .
要求 在报表 附注中增加披 露, 由独立第 三方签字 盖章的 债务人 持续经营评 估证 明。这样一来 ,在债 权人和债 务人签 订债务 重组协议前 ,不得不寻求 独立的第三 方对债务人 的持 续经营 能力做一客 观评估 ,而作 为一个独立 的机构 ,也会 将
证 明
重 组双方置 于平 等的地位 ,公正地完成债 务重组评估工作 , 提 高 了信 息 的可 信 度 。 3 .对于涉及关联方 的债 务重组披露 ,就 目前来看 ,依然 做 得 不 够 好 我 国与债 务重组信息披 露相关的制度 主要包括 《 企业会 计准 则—— 债务 重组》、 《 企业会 计准则——关联 方关系及 其交 易》及证监会对 上市公 司信 息披 露的有关 要求,这些规 定相 互交叉 、相互补 充,形成一个有 机的整体 。新 关联方交 易准 则相较 l B 准 则,在关联方披 露上面提 出了:无 论是否发 生 关联方交 易,存在 控制关系 的关联方企业应 当在 报表附注 中披 露母公 司的关系,包括母 公司、最终控制 方、对 外公开 提供财 务报表 的最低 中间控股 公司。因此对于涉及 关联方交 易 的债 务重组信 息,准则的披露 要求更加 明确 具体。因此 ,
农村电子商务策划有以下重要性:1. 促进农产品品牌建设:通过策划与推广,可以提升农产品的知名度和认可度,建立起独特的品牌形象。
2. 加强农村电商平台建设:通过策划与推广,可以改善农村电商平台的功能和服务,提升用户体验,增加用户粘性,吸引更多的消费者和商家参与到农村电子商务的活动中来。
3. 推动农产品供应链的整合与优化:通过策划与推广,可以推动农产品供应链的整合,提高农产品的质量和安全标准,解决农产品的包装、储运等问题,实现供应链的高效运作。
4. 提供农民培训与支持:通过策划与推广,可以提供农民培训和支持,帮助他们了解电子商务的基本知识和技能,提高销售和经营能力,增加农民收入。
子 商务的发展提 出建议 。 关键词 : 电子商务 ; 农业领 域; 发展
的发展 , 可以将农产品信息要进行深加工,综合处理分析 中 国农民对信息服务方式和需求发生了新的变化 , 特 后, 按地域、 品种等分类发给相关企业。 2电子商务在我国农业领域的作用分析 别是种养大户、 购销大户、 民 农 专业合作社、 农业龙 头企业等农业生产经营主体, 特别需要通过电子商 加入了 WT 我国农业已向世界敞开市场, O, 在 更多的是压力 , 因此要实现我国农 务手段及时获取市场行情 , 降低营销成本 , 提高生 机遇与压力中 , 业的高效现代化, 电子商务的作用不可忽视。加速 产经营效益。 以家庭为单位的小规模生产使农业 据统计, 中国已 7 有 万多家农业产业化龙头企 农业信息流通。 农户以经验来进 业 , 1 万个农村合作及中介组织, 10 近 5 近 5 万农村 生产者之间基本上不存信息交流 , 这种被动产销局面使农民收人徘徊不前。 经营大户 , 0 2 多万农 民经纪人。广大农 民 为商 行生产 , 6 作 品生产者和市场经营主体 , 既需要政府的公益性信 电子商务的运用, 使农产品供需双方可以跨跃时间 息服务, 也迫切需要商业性信息服务 , 以更好地解 和地域的界限 , 做到及时沟通 , 依据市场信息情况 决小生产与大市场对接的矛盾, 中国农业电子 合理定产,避免了市场波动带来的效益不稳定, 因此 降 商务蕴藏巨大发展空间。 低了农业生产风险。 拓宽农产品销售渠道。目 , 前 我国农产品流通 1电子商务发展现状 体系尚不健全 , 产品销售渠道窄、 环节多、 交易成本 1 全求电子商务现状 . 1 电子商务 l t n o m r , ) e r i Cm e e C, co c c E 目前在全 高、 供需链之间严重割裂。通过建立电子商务 网上 球发展很快; 平均大约每九个月其交易额将翻一番。 交易平台, 实现了产业化带动下 的 农产品流通 的规 组织化 , 一方面使交易双方处于信息对等的 据美国行政服务 部及国防部联合主持的跨 1 部的 模化 、 2 另一方面 , 还提供了一种全新的农产品销售 联邦电子商务项 目 小组测评 : 20 年美国国内 地位 ; 到 02 的 It t n me网上电子商 e 务逾 3o 亿 元 , 0 年~ 方式 , Oo ∈ 2 3 0 让供求双方可 以直接进行交易, 降低交易成 20 年企业间电子商务交易额将占全部交易额的 本。 04 创新农产品营销方式。 长期以来, 现代商品营销 评估与猜测、 市场定位、 产品品 9o达 100 O, 30 亿美元 , 20 年全球网络上 的年 中的市场调查分析、 / 到 06 交易额达到 100 200 80 亿 ̄00 亿美元 的规模 , t— 牌包装、  ̄e nr 服务与促销等环节与手段并没有在农业产 业化中得到充分运用。通过创建 电子商务网站, 进 nt e电子商务的市场达到 50 .oo 00z- o 亿美元 。 4 s . 行网上广告 、 订货、 、 付款 客户服务和货物递交等销 1 电子商务在我国农业领域的应用。 2 ’ 售前和售后服务 , 以及市场调查分析、 财务核算 目 我国 前, 农业产业化正处于起步阶段 , 农户、 售、
一、农业电商为农产品销售提供新渠道1.1 农产品线上销售农业电商平台为农产品提供了线上销售的机会,农民可以通过电商平台直接销售农产品,减少中间环节,提高销售效率。
1.2 农产品线下配送农业电商通过建立物流配送网络,实现农产品的快速配送,解决了农产品销售中的最后一公里问题,提升了消费者的购买体验。
1.3 农产品品牌化推广农业电商平台能够匡助农产品进行品牌化推广,提升产品知名度和美誉度,增加产品附加值,提高农产品的市场竞争力。
二、农业电商促进农村经济发展2.1 带动农产品加工业农业电商的发展带动了农产品加工业的发展,促进了农产品的深加工,提高了农产品附加值,增加了农民的收入。
2.2 促进乡村旅游业农业电商推动了农村特色旅游业的发展,吸引了更多游客前来体验农村生活,促进了当地农产品的销售。
2.3 增加农村就业机会农业电商的兴起为农村创造了更多的就业机会,吸引了一大批年轻人返乡创业,促进了农村经济的多元发展。
三、农业电商助力乡村振兴战略实施3.1 促进农村产业结构升级农业电商的发展促进了农村产业结构的升级,推动了传统农业向现代农业的转变,提高了农村经济的竞争力。
3.2 优化农村资源配置农业电商平台能够优化农村资源配置,匡助农产品实现精准销售,提高资源利用效率,推动乡村振兴战略的实施。
3.3 促进农村数字化发展农业电商的发展推动了农村数字化发展,提高了农民的信息化水平,促进了农村经济的现代化。
四、农业电商面临的挑战与发展方向4.1 电商平台建设农业电商平台建设需要投入大量资金和技术支持,如何建设完善的电商平台是当前面临的挑战之一。
4.2 农产品质量保障农产品质量是农业电商发展的重要保障,如何保证农产品的质量和安全也是一个亟待解决的问题。
中国农产品电子商务发展报告一、发展现状1. 市场规模逐年扩大近年来,我国农产品电子商务市场规模呈现高速增长态势。
2. 电商平台不断涌现在农产品电子商务市场,各类电商平台纷纷涌现,既有天猫、京东等综合类电商平台,也有拼多多、云集等社交电商平台,还有农淘、农村淘宝等专业农产品电商平台。
3. 产业链整合加速农产品电子商务的发展推动了产业链的整合,从生产、加工、储存、物流到销售环节,各个环节都在逐步实现线上线下融合,提高了产业效率。
4. 政策支持力度加大近年来,国家高度重视农产品电子商务发展,出台了一系列政策措施,如《关于促进农村电子商务加快发展的意见》、《农业农村部等部委关于推进农村电商物流仓储体系建设的指导意见》等,为农产品电子商务发展提供了有力保障。
二、面临挑战1. 品质把控难度大农产品具有易腐烂、保质期短等特点,因此在物流运输和储存环节容易出现品质问题。
2. 物流配送体系不健全虽然我国农产品电子商务市场规模不断扩大,但物流配送体系尚不健全,特别是农村地区的物流配送能力不足,成为制约农产品电子商务发展的瓶颈。
3. 人才短缺农产品电子商务涉及多个领域,如生产、加工、物流、营销等,需要各类人才共同推进。
4. 市场竞争加剧随着越来越多的企业和资本进入农产品电子商务市场,市场竞争日益加剧。
三、发展建议1. 加强政策支持,优化发展环境继续加大对农产品电子商务的政策支持力度,优化发展环境,引导和鼓励各类电商平台创新和发展。
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Vol.8, No.1 (2015), pp.1-10/10.14257/ijunesst.2015.8.1.01 Construction of Agricultural E-commerce Platform in ChinaWu YanyanSchool of computer and information engineeringHarbin University of CommerceHarbin, Chinawyyhrb@AbstractThe decentralized management of agricultural production is inconsistent with the big market and circulation in China. Agricultural e-commerce platform can help connecting supply and demand better. The paper analyzes the application and characteristics of agricultural e-commerce in China and points out that the construction of agricultural e-commerce platform is the first step in the development of agricultural e-commerce. Combined with the situation and characteristics of the Chinese agriculture, several construction frames are given for the development of agricultural e-commerce platform. For example, big enterprises build third party agricultural public trade platform under the guide of the government based on market operation. And then local government may lead to construct collaborative agricultural e-commerce platform to integrate the local resources. At the same time, some strategies should also be implemented in order to realize the sustainable development of the platform, especially the application of mobile e-commerce.Keywords: agriculture, E-commerce, Third-party e-commerce, collaborative e-commerce1.IntroductionWith the quick development of information technology, e-commerce has been defined as “...the process of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services, and information via computer networks” (Turban et al., 2004). The meaning refers to all works related with the sharing of supply and demand information, maintaining relationships, and conducting transactions through networks (Zwass, 1996). Its emergence is believed to transform the conduct and structure of business (Kauffman & Waiden, 2001) [1]. For agricultural firms including producers, processors, retailers, wholesalers, e-commerce can serve as an additional trade and marketing channel. Because agricultural e-commerce platform can provide good opportunity to extend supply chain (Henderson, 1981). Generally, agricultural e-commerce may play an important role for agricultural enterprises, especially providing them an alternative communication medium with business partners and further developing their business activities through Internet [2]. The types of agricultural e-commerce platform can be distinguished in three major categories (Wilson, 2001): e-markets for the outputs of farms, namely B2C e-commerce; e-markets for the production factors and inputs of farms, namely B2B e-commerce; e-markets of services by third parties, namely professional e-commerce platform [3]. It is important to note that agricultural e-markets demonstrate different degrees of e-commerce adoption. Agricultural e-commerce is in rapid development, and many agricultural enterprises are actively adopting e-commerce, especially in China.ISSN: 2005-4246 IJUNESSTVol.8, No.1 (2015)2.E-commerce Adoption in China AgricultureAgriculture is one of the basic industries that supports all activities and pursuits of humankind. It represents an important percentage of GDP in China, ensures and creates jobs as well. With the development of information technology, agriculture also is involved in the trend. Agriculture e-commerce has become the most popular issue.China is an agricultural country, agriculture website is developing quickly. Many provinces generally not only have established "agricultural information website", but also have produced some large online market, e.g. "Fuzhou peak", "Nanjing BaiYunting" etc. Online business varieties also expands from agricultural food, fertilizer to agricultural chemicals, special local product, flowers, tea, fresh fruit and so on, which created a platform for the rural economic development.At present, there are more than 2, 000 rural e-commerce sites in China, and the agriculture web site for more than 10, 000. The agriculture websites issue much information about vegetables, fruits, trees, livestock and poultry, aquaculture and other agricultural supply and demand information and related economic, investment information. The agricultural e-commerce websites have played an important role to prompt agricultural products circulation, improve agricultural efficiency and farmers' income. Some websites have produce great influence such as China's agricultural science and technology information network (), China agricultural information network (), seed group co., LTD. (), the north China seed industry information center () and so on. This shows that China's agricultural e-commerce is into a period of rapid development. Due to December 2013, the scale of rural Internet users reached 177 million, and the rural population accounted for 28.6% of Internet users in China. China's rural Internet penetration rate reached 27.5%, and it continued to increase. All of these have provided good basis for the development of agricultural e-commerce of China [4].3.Types of Agricultural E-commerce in ChinaAccording to McKertich (2004), the nature of the agricultural sector has shaped essentially two types of e-marketplaces that address the needs of the agricultural supply chain, from livestock, dairy products, fruit and vegetables, or aquaculture, distribution, and retailing. One of them is online exchange which is typically a digital marketplace. The other one is e-marketplace, which usually provides management services to support business and generally attracts the retail and processing end of the supply chain, as the buying process is more structured and less dependent on perishability of goods [5]. In China, types of agricultural e-commerce may include as follows.3.1.Professional Agricultural e-commerce WebsitesThis type agricultural e-commerce mainly provides agricultural product supply and demand information services, agricultural products trading as a supplement and mainly facing a locality. So it can be seen as an information release platform. This type website is constructed by information and technology companies and supported by the local government which service for the local agriculture business and peasant.For example, the websites including , , and are built by network information and technological company and local or national agriculture department are information service platform. They provide information services, logistics services as an agricultural products e-commerce platform, but cannot provide online exchange.ZhongNong network () so-called the biggest agricultural products e-commerce based on traceability, provides agricultural products price index, wholesale,Vol.8, No.1 (2015) food traceability etc. agricultural products information services. But its services are mainly facing Shenzhen, Guangdong not the whole nation.Heilongjiang agriculture information website () is hosted by Heilongjiang government, providing agricultural products information in Heilongjiang province. In the whole, this type agriculture e-commerce has obviously regional characteristic, and mainly provides information of supply and demand to speed up the transaction.3.2. Agricultural Products Transaction based on Comprehensive B2B Platform.Some famous B2B platform have all provide agricultural products transaction, such as Alibaba () provides food and agriculture plate subdivided into snack market, fresh fruit market, rice grain and oil goods, drinks and tea market, maternal and infant health market. Huicong website () includes feed market, seedling market, food market. The trading volume of this type of agricultural e-commerce is less than other products, and with little attention.3.3. Professional Agricultural Products B2C PlatformThis e-commerce has been developing quickly. For example, , , , and are the professional fresh agricultural food platform. And Benlai network provides cold chain logistics in 8 hours and it is famous for the sale of “Chu orange”.So it is a better agricultural products platform in China, but it has a limited distribution business scope. And the development of SFbest is based on the SF express, but it has no use well its distribution network. And the development of Youcai and Tootoo websites is not well. Therefore, the B2C platform of agricultural products is developing difficult.4.Characteristics of Chinese Agricultural e-commerceComprehensively, at present, we can see that agricultural e-commerce in China has faced big barrier. It is mainly reflected from the following aspects:4.1. Obvious Regional CharacteristicsChina is a large country and the land area is big. There are huge types and quantity of agricultural products. At the same time, due to agricultural products have higher logistics requirements. The sale of agricultural products is limited in a small region. Therefore, China's agricultural e-commerce market has obvious regional characteristics.4.2.Mainly Provide Agricultural Prices Information ServiceMost agricultural e-commerce has not yet been formed sales model, and they mainly provide the information service such as prices, production and demand. Online payment, online marketing and other business model have not been widely used. A few fresh electric business enterprises are exploring online direct marketing model.4.3.Service Object Mainly Facing to the Final Agricultural ProductsThe main purpose of agricultural e-commerce in China is still in use of network to expand sales channels. And the sales object is the final consumer. So, the development of electronic commerce activity is to meet the needs of final consumers. And there is less e-commerce for the purpose of agricultural reprocessing. As a result, it limited the scale of agricultural e-commerce.Vol.8, No.1 (2015)4.4. Lack of Large-scale Agricultural e-commerce EnterprisesAgricultural e-commerce development in China more depends on the third-party e-commerce platform. As a result, the market structure is small and loose. There are many small and medium enterprises in the competition stage, and there has not yet formed a scale of professional electric business enterprise of agricultural products, especially the lack of large-scale agricultural enterprise websites. Moreover, agricultural e-commerce business model is similar. And most of the business is in the exploratory stage, has not formed a fixed operating mode or operating characteristics, and most enterprises have limited scale and poor profitability.4.5. Logistics Distribution is the Bottleneck and Lack of Offline Experience StoreAgricultural products have a short shelf life and perishable, so cold chain logistics in agricultural products distribution is required [6]. But at present, except a few professional fresh agricultural products e-commerce enterprises have a certain range of cold chain logistics capability. Most e-commerce companies don't have the requirement of cold chain logistics, which leads to severe constraints for the sale of agricultural products. In addition to, agricultural products are less standardized goods. And consumers’preference of agricultural products is different. So building experience shop and community distribution network is the important basis for the development of e-commerce of agricultural products.5.Construction Schemes for China Agricultural e-commerce PlatformUnder the condition of agricultural enterprises and agricultural e-commerce in China, the paper puts forward several agricultural e-commerce platform construction plans, and analyzes them in detail.5.1. E nterprise’s Own e-commerce PlatformBy changing the management and operation mode, agricultural enterprises can establish their own e-commerce platform, through increasing investment in information infrastructure construction, building internal network, as shown in Figure 1.The construction scheme is suitable for the large agricultural companies, which has relatively developed information network, good information infrastructure and wide customer base [7]. This type platform should have the following functions: relevant policies and regulations, information consulting, online product information and the query, online business negotiation, online trading, commodity distribution, after-sales service and related information etc.Figure 1. Frame of Enterprises’ Own e-commerce PlatformVol.8, No.1 (2015)5.2.Based on Third-party e-commerce Public PlatformFor the present situation of "small farmers and big market" in Chinese agriculture, the e-commerce platform need to solve the problems such as small scale, weak infrastructure, lack of effective connection between enterprises and markets, especially for the small and medium-sized agricultural entities [8]. In addition, high transaction costs, inventory pressure, low level of specialization and scale problems are also the main problems. The third parties e-commerce platform can provide the public platform to carry out the agricultural e-commerce activity suitable for SMEs, as shown in Figure 2.Figure 2. Frame of Third-party e-commerce Public Platform The construction scheme is suitable for small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. They rely on third parties to provide the public platform of e-commerce activities, which can implement electronic commerce, and join the third-party e-commerce platform with lower cost and enjoy professional information services and value-added services [9]. It may increase opportunities for the development of the agricultural production and business operation. And the third-party e-commerce providers should utilize the commercial Web site running mechanism to set up an electronic commerce system which is cross-industry, open and service for the whole business process in the true sense [10]. Moreover, after several years of exploration and management, third-party e-commerce has been relatively mature. And at present, this e-commerce application mode is generally used in Chinese small and medium-sized agricultural business.The most basic function of the third party e-commerce mode is to provide information intermediary services for online transactions between buyers and sellers. So it should have the following functions: first of all, buyers and sellers can release their purchasing or sales information on the Internet and select potential suppliers or customers according to the published information. Second, it should provide additional information service such as industry information and sent buy and sell information to the customer regularly. Third, it should provide services matching trade, such as online contracts, online payment, etc. Fourth, provide customer management functions, namely, online transaction management, including the hosting service for the enterprise contract, transaction records, customer information.Third-party e-business pattern has changed the traditional way of working and the inherent thinking mode, which is more easily accepted by agricultural enterprises. Many agricultural production and business operation entities gathering on a third party platform can bring advantage of the new procurement, planning and decision-making for e-commerce alliance members. Third-party e-commerce model is effective to promote the development of agricultural e-commerce in China. With the support of social forces and the government, the third party agricultural e-commerce platform can provide more effective e-commerce support for more agricultural entities.Vol.8, No.1 (2015)5.3. Collaborative e-commerce PlatformCollaborative e-commerce is mainly based on the B2B e-commerce mode. And its basic idea is put forward by Gartner Group in 1999. It utilizes information network technology, through integrated business platform to provide business integration, information sharing and collaborative work for the enterprise and its partners. It can realize information collaboration, internal and external coordination to develop an effective value chain [11]. According to the basic idea of collaborative e-commerce, agricultural entities can be combined and in accordance with the system theory and synergetics they can build the e-commerce platform composed by “supply,production and sales” chain and integration of modern management techniques (CRM, SCM, etc.,) which can build a virtual integration market. The frame structure is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Frame of Collaborative e-commerce Platform Collaborative e-commerce will effectively reduce the development cost of agricultural e-commerce platform. Using the collaborative e-commerce can make enterprises expand in the whole supply chain even global supply chain, and make highly flexible, rapid response virtual enterprises. And it may realize the services business model and business integration for the mining, processing, design, production, distribution, transportation, and marketing in global.Collaborative e-commerce should have collaboration in technology, application and service. Technology collaboration refers to using software component technology, such as middleware technology and service-oriented architecture (SOA) technology to make the platform has good integration, scalability, portability and consistency to ensure the sharing of information resources. Application collaboration refers to utilize SCM, CRM, and other modern management technology, make a huge virtual market. Service collaboration is to create a service chain of supply, production, sales service by enterprise alliance.5.4. International Agricultural e-commerce PlatformEstablishing international e-commerce platform with characteristics is one of the effective means to exploit the international market, which can make full use of the Internet convenience and advantage. It is also an effective way to show enterprise image when agricultural enterprises participate in international competition. As shown in Figure 4.Vol.8, No.1 (2015)Figure 4. Frame of International e-commerce Platform This kind of platform is suitable for the enterprises or enterprises alliance. They want to explore international market, have the international market competitiveness, and the production of agricultural products has won the international quality certification [12]. The platform should have the following functions: product information release system, online customer consultation system, the international order query system, customer feedback system, customer service centers, investment opportunities, product knowledge, FAQ, a global sales network, the global procurement system, etc. International e-commerce platform should achieve the goals including: international customers can order or feedback information directly through the platform, to release the latest product information and development of the enterprise and to collect the latest information reference, more importantly, it should realize the online trading of international trade, global sourcing and distribution and so on, eventually reduce business costs, improve work efficiency, improve the competitiveness.6.Construction Strategies for Chinese Agricultural e-commerce PlatformEstablishing agricultural e-commerce platform is the first step, in order to build agricultural e-commerce platform, promote the rapid development of agricultural e-commerce, the following several aspects should be followed.6.1.Choose the Proper Agricultural e-commerce Platform Construction SchemeFor few large agricultural enterprises with better information infrastructure, they can choose to build their own e-commerce platform, and through the Internet to realize the internationalization of e-commerce. For most small and medium enterprises, they can rely on third-party e-commerce platform to implement electronic commerce. And for the enterprise alliance with closely business links and intensive management they can build collaborative e-commerce platform by the method of integration. And for enterprises or enterprise alliance with strong market competitiveness and trying to develop the global market, they can set up international e-commerce platform, participating in international competition.6.2.Strengthen the Promotion of Agricultural e-commerce PlatformNo matter adopting what kind of solution to set up e-commerce platform, propaganda and promotion must be done which can expand the visits and win the attention and recognition [13]. At that time, we should pay attention to: the platform design should have agricultural characteristics; it must have a good safety and interactive; in the public media to release website information; to publish online advertising, set up links, send an email to potential customers; to set up their own position in search engines to let potential customers find themselves.Vol.8, No.1 (2015)6.3.Perfect Functions of Agricultural e-commerce PlatformAt present, a lot of agricultural e-commerce platform only have static information, this is obviously not enough. And a good agricultural e-commerce platform must provide latest information quickly, and at the same time, it also should provide the following functions: product information, online customer consultation, online payment transaction, logistics, customer service, investment opportunities etc. Only a fully functional e-commerce platform can win more business opportunities.6.4.Develop Mobile Agricultural e-commerceMobile client access to the electronic commerce has become the new hot spot and tendency of the development of the electronic commerce. In several online equipment, rural Internet users more choose mobile phone to access to the Internet, the proportion of using mobile phone is higher than that of using the rest of the equipment are all below the town. As of December 2013, in rural areas the proportion of Internet users use mobile Internet has reached 84.6%, 5% higher than that in cities and towns [14]. Mobile Internet with the advantage of low cost, easy to operate has been becoming the mainstream of access to the Internet. Therefore, agricultural e-commerce platform should also actively launch mobile e-commerce client, speed up the popularization of mobile agricultural e-commerce.7.ConclusionsE-commerce has just been developing quickly in China. Agricultural e-commerce is also facing the huge opportunity, and serious challenges. There are still many questions to face and many difficulties need to be solved. The construction of agricultural e-commerce platform can only build from the fact and only in this way the sales market of agricultural products can be opened. Only break the regional limitation, national boundaries and participate in international competition, Chinese agriculture enterprises can success in the global competition. Therefore, the discussion of the construction of agricultural e-commerce platform may have a reference for the development of agricultural e-commerce in China.AcknowledgementsThe paper is supported by Heilongjiang Philosophy and Social Science Fund NO.14B008.References[1]N. Manouselis, A. Konstantas, N. Palavitsinis,C. Costopoulou and A. B. Sideridis, “A Survey of GreekAgricultural E-Markets”, Agricultural Economics Review, vol. 10, no. 1, (2009), pp. 97-112.[2] E. Cloete and M. Doens, “B2B e-Marketplace Adoption in South African Agriculture”, InformationTechnology for Development, vol. 14 , no. 3, (2008), pp. 184–196.[3]S. D. Zapata, C. E. Carpio, O. Isengildina-Massa and R. Dave Lamie, “The Economic Impact ofServices Provided by an Electronic Trade Platform: The Case of MarketMaker”, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 38, no. 3, (2013), pp. 359–378.[4]“China internet network development statistic report”, (2014), /hlwfzyj/ hlwxzbg/.[5]Rolf A. E. 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