
航空专业术语(一)航空专业术语AVIATIONGLOSSARY A-E- -ATIS AirportTerminal Information Service 机场终端信息服务ATISAutomated(automatic) Terminal Information Service 自动终端情报服务ATM Air TrafficManagement 空中交通管理ATN AeronauticalT elecommunications Network 航空电信网ATNP (ICAO)AeronauticalTelecommunication Network Panel (国际民航组织)航空电信网专家组ATO Actual TimeOver 实际经过时间ATRK Along-TrackError 沿航线误差ATS Air TrafficServices 空中交通服务ATSC Air TrafficServices Communication 空中交通服务通信ATT Attitude 姿态AUSSATAustralian Satellite 澳大利亚卫星AUTODINAutomated Digital Network 自动化数字网络AUTOVONAutomatic Voice Network 自动化话音网络AUX Auxiliary 辅助AVOL AerodromeVisibility Operational Level 机场能见度运行等级AVPAC AviationVHF Packet Communications 航空甚高频分组通信AVS AviationStandards 航空标准AWANS AviationWeather And NOTAM System 航空气象和航行通告系统AWOP (ICAO) AllWeather Operations Panel (国际民航组织)全天候运行专家组AWOS AutomatedWeather Observing System 自动化气象观测系统AWP AviationWeather Processor 航空气象处理器AWS AviationWeather Service 航空气象服务AZ Azimuthtransmitter 方位台BBARO Barometric 气压BAZ Back Azimuth后方位,背航道BER BasicEncoding Rules 基本编码规则BER Bit ErrorRate 误码率BITBuilt-In-Test 机内测试BITEBuilt-In-Test Equipment 机内测试设备BOP Bit OrientedProtocol 面向位的协议BPS bits persecond 每秒传送位数;每秒比特数BPSK BiphaseShift Keying 两相相移键控BRITE BrightRadar Indicator T ower Equipment 塔台高亮度雷达显示设备BRL BearingRange Line 方位距离线BSU BeamSteering Unit 天线方位控制组件BUEC BackupEmergency Communications 备用紧急通信C 通信C-Band Approx.5,000MHz C波段C/A (CA) CodeCourse Acquisition Code 粗获码(民用的)C/ICarrier-to-Interference Ratio 信号干扰比C/NCarrier-to-Noise Ratio 信噪比CA ConflictAlert 冲突告警CA GPS Course-Acquisition Code 粗捕获码(民用码)CA/MSAW ConflictAlert/Minimum Safe Altitude Warning 冲突告警/最低安全高度警告CAA CivilAviation Administration, Civil Aeronautical Authority, Civil Aviation Authority民航局CAAC GeneralAdministration of Civil Aviation of China 中国民用航空总局CAASD Center forAdvanced Aviation System Development(The MITRE Corporation) (MITRE公司)高级航行系统开发中心CAB Civil AeronauticalBureau 民航局CARF CentralAltitude Reservation Function 中央飞行高度保留功能CARs Civil AirRegulations 民用航空规则CASITAF CNS/ATMimplementation task force 新航行系统实施特别工作组CAT Category 仪表着陆等级CATⅠ Category Ⅰ 一类仪表着陆CATⅡ Category Ⅱ 二类仪表着陆CAT Ⅲa Category Ⅲa 三类a级仪表着陆CAT Ⅲb Category Ⅲb 三类b级仪表着陆CAT Ⅲc Category Ⅲc 三类c级仪表着陆CATC CivilAviation Training Center 民航培训中心CATMACCo-operative Air Traffic Management Concept 空中交通管理合作方案CBA Cost/BenefitAnalysis 成本效益分析C-BAND Thefrequency range between 4000 and 8000MHz 4000到8000MHz频段CBI ComputerBased Instruction 计算机基本指令CBTComputer-Based Training 计算机辅助训练CC ConnectionConfirm 联接确认CCA ContinentalControl Area 大陆管制区CCC 蜂窝式CNS概念CCD ConsolidatedCab Display 综合机舱显示器CCIRInternational Radio Consultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITTInternational Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee 国际电报电话咨询委员会CCP ContingencyCommand Post 应急指挥站CCWS Commoncontroller workstation 通用管制员工作站CD CommonDigitizer 通用数字化仪设备CDC ComputerDisplay Channel 计算机显示通道CDI Course DeviationIndicator 偏航指示器CDM Codedivision multiplex 码分复用CDM ContinuousDelta Modulation 连续增量调制CDMA CodeDivision Multiple Access 码分多址CDT ControlledDeparture Times 管制离场时间CDTI CockpitDisplay of Traffic Information 驾驶舱交通信息显示CDU ControlDisplay Unit 控制显示组件CEP Circularerror probability 圆概率误差CERAC CombinedCenter Radar Approach Control 雷达进近管制联合中心CFCC CentralFlow Control Computer 中央流量管制计算机CFCF CentralFlow Control Facility 中央流量管制设施(功能)CFDPS CompactFlight Data Processing System 小型飞行数据处理系统CFWP CentralFlow Weather Processor 中央流量气象处理机CFWSU CentralFlow Weather Service Unit 中央流量气象服务单元(组件)CHI ComputerHuman Interface 机人接口CIDIN CommonICAO Data Interchange Network 国际民航组织公用数据交换网CIS Cooperativeindependent surveillance 合作式独立监视CLAM ClearedLevel Adherence Monitoring 放行高度保持监视CLB Climb 爬升CLK Clock 时钟CLNPConnectionless Network Protocol 无连接网络规程(协议)CLR Clear 清除CMC CentralMaintenance Computer 中央维护计算机CMD Command 命令CMS CabinManagement System 机舱管理系统CMUCommunications Management Unit 通信管理单元CNDB CustomizedNavigation Database 用户导航数据库CNS ConsolidatedNOTAM System 综合航行通告系统CNS/ATMCommunication Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management 通信导航监视/空中交通管理CODECCoder/Decoder 编码器/解码器COM/MET/OPSCommunication/ Meteorology/ Operations 通信/气象/运行COMLO CompassLocator 罗盘定位器;罗盘示位信标COMMCommunication 通信COMP Compressor 压缩器COMSECCommunications Security 通信保安CON Continuous 连续CONUSContinental, Contiguous, or Conterminous United States 美国大陆本部(四十八州)COP Change OverPoint 转换点COP CharacterOriented Protocol 面向字符协议COTS CommercialOff-the-Shelf 商业货架产品供应CPDLC ControllerPilot Data Link Communications 管制员驾驶员数据链通信CPFSK ContinuousPhase Frequency Shift Keying 连续相位频移键控CR ConnectionRequest 联接申请CRA ConflictResolution Advisory 冲突解脱咨询CRC CyclicRedundant Check 循环冗余校验CRCO CentralRoute Charges Office 中央航路收征费办公室CRM C ReferenceModel C参考模式CRM CollisionRisk Modeling 碰撞危险模型CRM CrewResource Management 机组人员安排CRT Cathode RayTube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CSA StandardAccurate Channel 标准精度通道CSE CourseSetting Error 航线设定误差CSMA CarrierSense Multiple Access (datalink protocol) 载波侦听多址访问C/SOITCommunication/ Surveillance Operational Implementation Team 通信监视运行实施小组(美国)CTA CalculatedTime of Arrival 计算到达时间CTA Control Area管制区CTAS CentralTracon Automation System 中央终端雷达进近管制自动系统CTL Control 控制CTMO Centraltraffic Management Organization 中央交通流量管理组织CTMO CentralizedTraffic Management Organization 中央交通管理组织CTOLConventional Take Off and Landing 常规起飞着陆CTR Control zone管制地带CTS ControlTracking Station 控制跟踪站CU Control Unit 控制单元C§W Control and Warning 控制和告警CW Carrier Wave 载波CWI ContinuousWave Interference 连续波干扰CWP CentralWeather Processor 中央气象处理器CWSU CenterWeather Service Unit 中央气象服务单元DD/ADigital-to-Analog 数/模转换DABS DiscreteAddressable Beacon System 离散寻址信标系统DADC Digital AirData Computer 数字大气数据计算机D-ATIS DigitalAutomatic Terminal Information Service 数字自动终端信息服务DA DecisionAddressing beacon system 决断寻址信标系统DA DemandAssignment 按需分配DA/H DecisionAltitude(Height) 决断高度DARC DirectAccess Radar Channel 直接存取雷达信道DARP Dynamic AirRoute Planning 动态航线计划DARPS DynamicAircraft (Air) Route Planning Study 动态飞机航线计划研究DC DepartureClearance 离场放行许可DC DirectCurrent 直流(电)DCC DisplayChannel Complex 显示通道组合DCIU DataControl Interface Unit 数据控制接口单元DCL DepartureClearance Delivery 起飞许可传送DCPC DirectController Pilot Communication 管制员驾驶员直接通信DES DataEncryption Standard 数据加密标准DF DirectionFinder 测向器DFCS DigitalFlight Control System 数字飞行控制系统DFDAU DigitalFlight Data Acquisition Unit 数字飞行数据采集单元DGCADirector-General Civil Aviation 民航局长DGNSSDifferential Global Navigation Satellite System 差分全球导航卫星系统DGPSDifferential Global Positioning System 差分全球定位系统DH DecisionHeight 决断高度DIP Diplexer 双工器DL Data Link 数据链DLAC Data LinkApplications Coding 数据链应用编码DLASDifferential GNSS Instrument Approach System 差分GNSS仪表进近系统DLK data link 数据链DLORT FAA DataLink Operational Requirements Team FAA数据链运行要求工作组DMAP ICAO DataLink Mobile Applications Panel(proposed) 国际民航组织数据链移动应用专家组(建议)DME DistanceMeasuring Equipment 测距设备DME/N DistanceMeasuring Equipment/Normal 标准测距设备DME/P DistanceMeasuring Equipment/Precision 精密测距设备DMU DataManagement Unit 数据管理单元DO(DOC) Document 记录(文件)DOD Departmentof Defense (美国)国防部DOP Dilution ofPrecision 精度扩散因子DOT Departmentof Transportation (美国)运输部DOTS DynamicOcean Tracking System 动态海洋跟踪系统DP DisconnectRequest 分离拆线请求DPF DataProcessing Function 数据处理功能D8PSKDifferential Eight-Phase Shift Keying 差分8相移键控DPSKDifferential Phase Shift Keying 差分相移键控DRMS DistanceRoot Mean Square 距离均方根值DRN DocumentRelease Notice 文件发放通告DSB-AM Double Sideband Amplitude 双边带调幅DSDU Data SignalDisplay Unit 数据信号显示单元DSP DepartureSequencing Program 起飞排序计划;离港排序计划DT Data 数据DTE DataTerminal Equipment 数据终端设备DT&EDevelopment Test and Evaluation 开发测试和评估DTF Data TestFacility 数据检测设备DTG 待飞距离DTN DataTransport Network 数据传输网络DUAT Direct UserAccess Terminal 用户直接存取终端DVOR DopplerVery high frequency Omni-directional Range 多普勒甚高频全向信标EEANPG EuropeanAir Navigation Planning Group 欧洲航行规划小组E-DARC EnhancedDirect Access Radar Channel 增强的直接存取雷达信道EARTS En routeAutomated Radar Tracking System 航路自动化雷达跟踪系统EASIE EnhancedATM and Mode S Implementation in Europe 欧洲S模式和增强的空中交通管理实施项目EATCHIP EuropeanATC Harmonization Implementation Program 欧洲空中交通管制协调实施计划EATMS EuropeanAir Traffic Management System 欧洲空中交通管理系统ECAC EuropeanCivil Aviation Conference 欧洲民航会议ECEF 地心地固坐标EDCT EstimatedDeparture Clearance Time 预计离港起飞放行时间EET EstimatedElapsed Time 预计经过时间EFAS En routeFlight Advisory Service 航路飞行咨询服务EFAS ExtendedFinal Approach Segment 扩展最后进近段EFIS ElectronicFlight Instrument System 电子飞行仪表系统EFC ExpectFurther Clearance 预期进一步放行许可EFIS ElectronicFlight Information System 电子飞行情报系统EGNOS Europeanglobal navigation overlay system 欧洲全球导航重迭系统EHSI ElectronicHorizontal Situation Indicator 电子平面状态显示器EIRP EquivalentIsotropic Radiate Power 等效各向同性辐射功率EISA ExtendedIndustry Standard Architecture 扩展的工业标准结构EL ElevationTransmitter 仰角台ELOD En routesector Load 航路扇区负载管制飞机数量ELT EmergencyLocator Transmitter 紧急示位发射机EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility 电磁兼容EMIElectromagnetic Interference 电磁干扰ENRI ElectronicNavigation Research Institute (日本)电子导航研究所EOF EmergencyOperations Facility 应急运行设施EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency 环境保护署ER Error 误差ERLEnvironmental Research Laboratories 环境研究实验室ERM En RouteMetering 航路计量管制ERN EarthReferenced Navigation 大地参考导航ERP EffectiveRadiated Power 有效幅射功率ES End System 终端系统ESA EuropeanSpace Agency 欧洲航天局ESCAN Electronic Scanning(radar antenna)ESMMC EnhancedSMMC 增强的系统维护监视台ESP En routeSpacing Program 航路间隔计划EST Estimatedmessage 预计信息ETA EstimatedTime of Arrival 预计到达时间ETB EstimatedTime of Boundary 预计边界时间ETD EstimatedTime of Departure 预计离港时间ETG EnhancedTarget Generator 增强的显示目标产生器ETN EstimatedTime of Entry 预计进入时间ETO EstimatedTime Over 预计飞越时间ETSI EuropeanTelecommunications Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准学会EU EuropeanUnion 欧洲联盟EURATN EuropeanATN 欧洲航空电信网EUROCAE EuropeanOrganization for Civil Aviation Electronics 欧洲民用航空电子学组织EUROCONTROLEuropean Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation 欧洲航行安全组织(欧安局)EVS EnhancedVision System 增强视景系统EWAS En-routeWeather Advisory Service 航路气象咨询服务FF&EFacilities and Equipment 设施和设备F,E&DFacilities, Engineering, and Development 设施、工程和开发FAA FederalAviation Administration (美国)联邦航空局FAATC FAATechnical Center (美国)联邦航空局技术中心FAF FinalApproach Fix 最终进近坐标FANS ICAO FutureAir Navigation Systems (国际民航组织)未来航行系统FANS SpecialCommittee on Future Air Navigation Systems 未来航行系统特别委员会FANS(Phase II)Special Committee for the Monitor- ing and Co-ordination of Develop- ment andTransition Planning for theFuture Air Navigation System 未来航行系统监督、协调发展与过渡规划专门委员会FAR FederalAviation Regulation 联邦航空条例FAS FinalApproach Segment 最后进近段FASID FacilitiesAnd Services Implementation Document 设施和服务实施文件FCC FlightCommunication Center 飞行通信中心FCC FederalCommunication Commission 联邦通信委员会FCC Flight ControlComputer 飞行控制计算机FDAU Flight DataAcquisition Unit 飞行数据收集单元FDDI FiberDistributed Data Interface 光纤分布数据接口FDEP Flight DataEntry and Printout 飞行数据输入和输出FDI FaultDetection and Isolation 故障检测和隔离FDIO Flight DataInput/Output 飞行数据输入/输出FDM FrequencyDivision Multiplex 频分复用FDMA FrequencyDivision Multiple Access 频分多址FDP Flight DataProcessor 飞行数据处理器FDPS Flight DataProcessing System 飞行数据处理系统FDR Flight DataRecorder 飞行数据记录仪FEATS FutureEuropean ATS System Concept 未来欧洲空中交通服务系统方案FEATS ICAOFuture European Air Traffic Management System 国际民航组织未来欧洲空中交通管理系统FEC ForwardError Correction 前向纠错FGC FlightGuidance Computer 飞行引导计算机FGCC FederalGeodetic Control Committee 联邦大地测量管理委员会FI FlightInspection 飞机校验FIC FlightInformation Center 飞行信息中心FIFO FirstIn-First Out 先入先出FIFO FlightInspection Field Office 飞行检查现场办事处FIR FlightInformation Region 飞行情报区FIS FlightInformation Services 飞行情报服务FISA AutomaticFlight Information Service 自动飞行信息服务FL Flight Level 飞行高度层FLIR ForwardLooking Infra-red Detection 前视红外线探测FM FrequencyModulation 调频FMC FlightManagement Computer 飞行管理计算机FMEA FailureMode Effects Analysis 故障模式效果分析FMS FlightManagement System 飞行管理系统FMS FrequencyManagement System 频率管理系统FMSG FrequencyManagement Study Group 频率管理研究组FMU FlightManagement Unit 飞行管理组件FMU FlowManagement Unit 流量管理单元FOC FullOperation Capability 全运行能力FOM Figure ofMerit 性能指数FPA Flight PathAngle 航迹倾角FPD Flight PlanData 飞行计划数据FPS MilitaryPrimary Radar 军用一次雷达FREQ Frequency 频率FRP FederalRadio navigation Plan 联邦无线电导航计划(美国)FS FunctionalStatement 功能描述FSAS FlightService Automation System 飞行服务自动化系统FSDPS FlightService Data Processing System 飞行服务数据处理系统FSK FrequencyShift Keying 频移键控FSP Flight StripPrinter 飞行进程单打印机FSS Flight ServiceStation 飞行服务站FSTN FederalSecurity Telephone Network 联邦政府保安电话网络FT FunctionalTest 功能测试FTE FlightTechnical Error 飞行技术误差FY Fiscal Year 财政年度; 会计年度GGA GeneralAviation 通用航空GA Ground annta 地面天线GatelinkDatalink for packed aircraft 网关数据链路GADS GenericAircraft Display System 通用航空器显示系统GAITGround-based Augmentation and Integrity Technique 陆基增强和完好性技术GAO GovernmentAccounting Office (联邦)政府会计署GBAGeostationary broadcast area 静止卫星广播区域GCAS GroundCollision Avoidance System 地面防撞系统GCS GroundControlled Approach 地面控制系统GDLP Ground DataLink Processor 地面数据链处理器GDOP GeometicDilution of Position 位置几何扩散因子GDOP GeometryDilution of Precision 精度几何扩散因子GEOGeostationary 静地的GEOGeostationary Earth Orbit 相对地球静止轨道静止卫星GES Ground EarthStation 地面地球站GFEGovernment-Furnished Equipment 政府提供的设备GHz Giga hertz 千兆赫兹GIB GNSSintegrity broadcast 全球导航卫星系统完好性数据广播GIC GNSSIntegrity Channel 全球卫星导航系统完好性通道GICBGround-initiated Comm-B 地面启动的B类通信GIRU GroundInterrogator Receiver Unit 地面应答机接收单元GIS GeographicalInformation System 地理信息系统GLONASS GlobalOrbit Navigation Satellite System 全球轨道导航卫星系统(俄罗斯)GLS GPS LandingSystem GPS着陆系统GM GuidanceMaterial 指导材料GMC GroundMovement Control 地面活动管制GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingGMT GreenwichMean Time 格林威治时间GNAS General NAS综合国家空域系统GND Ground 地GNE GrossNavigational Error 总导航误差GNR GlobalNavigation Receiver 全球导航接收机GNSS GlobalNavigation Satellite System 全球导航卫星系统GNSSP ICAOGlobal Navigation Satellite Systems Panel 国际民航组织全球卫星导航系统专家组GPSSU GlobalPositioning System Sensor Unit 全球定位系统(GPS)传感器组件GOESGeostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 静地运行环境卫星GOS Grade ofService 服务等级GOSEP GovernmentOpen Systems Interconnection Profile 政府开放系统互联结构GOSIP GovernmentOpen systems Implementation Profile 政府开放系统实施结构GP Glide-Path 下滑道GPIP Glide-PathIntercept Point 下滑道截获点GPIWP Glide PathIntercept Waypoint 滑行道切入点GPO/GPI GeneralPurpose Output/General Purpose Input 通用输出/通用输入GPS GlobalPositioning System 全球定位系统GPWS GroundProximity Warming System 近地告警系统GREPECASCaribean/South American Planning and Implementation Regional Group 加勒比/南美洲计划和实施区域小组GRSGround-Reference Station 地面基准站GRS80Geodetic-Reference System-80大地基准系统-80GS(G/S) GlideSlope 下滑坡度GS Ground Speed 地速GSA General ServicesAdministration 综合服务管理局(联邦政府下属)GSL GeneralSupport Laboratory 综合保障实验室GSM GlobalSystem (or Mobile) Communication 全球通信系统GWS GraphicWeather Service 图形气象服务HH Homing radiobeacon 归航无线电信标HARN HighAccuracy Reference Network 高精度参考网HAT Height AboveTouchdown 高于接地点的高度HCI HumanComputer Interface 人机接口HDD Head DownDisplay 下视显示器HDG Heading 航向HDOP HorizontalDilution Of Precision 精度水平扩散因子HEMP HighAltitude Electromagnetic Pulse 高空电磁脉冲HEO HighElliptical Orbit 高椭圆率轨道HF HighFrequency(3-30MHz) 高频HFDL HighFrequency Data Link 高频数据链HGA High GainAntenna 高增益天线HIRF HighIntensity Radiated Fields 高强度辐射场HIWAS HazardousIn-flight Weather Advisory Service 飞行时遇危险天气的咨询服务HMI HumanMachine Interface 人机接口HPA high poweramplifier 高功率放大器HPF HorizontalPosition Fix Error 水平位置坐标误差HSI HorizontalSituation Indicator 水平位置指示器HUD Head-upDisplay 平视显示仪HUI Head up DisplayHVAC Heating,Ventilating, And air Conditioning 加热,通风和空调Hybird GNSS/ILSPrecision Approach/Landing based on combination of GNSS localizer and ILS glidepath 基于GNSS航向和ILS下滑道组合的精密进近/着陆系统Hz Hertz 赫兹IIA5International Alopabet 5 国际字母表第5号码IACAInternational Air Carrier Association 国际航空公司协会IACSPInternational Aeronautical Communication Service Provider 国际航空通信业务提供者IAF InitialApproach Fix 初始进近点(坐标)IAGInternational Association of Geodetical 国际测地协会IAINInternational Association of Institutes of Navigation 国际导航学会联合会IAOPAInternational Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations 航空器企业主和驾驶员协会国际委员会IAP InstrumentApproach Procedure 仪表进近程序IAR Intersectionof Air Routes 航路交叉点IAS IndicatedAir Speed 指示空速IASC Inter AreaSpeech Circuit 区域间话音线路IATAInternational Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会IBACInternational Business Aviation Council 国际商业航空委员会ICAO InternationalCivil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织ICCAI(A)International Co-ordination Council of Aerospace Industries Associations 国际宇航工业联合会合作委员会ICD InterfaceControl Document 接口控制文件ICO InterimCircle Orbit 中高度圆轨道ICSS IntegratedCommunications Switching System 综合通信转换系统IDIdentifier(Identification) 标识码(编码、识别标志)ID InstrumentDeparture 仪表离场IDSG ICAOInternet Working Standards Drafting Group 国际民航组织网间标准起草小组IEEE Instituteof Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气和电子工程师学会IF Intermediateapproach Fix 中间进近定位点IFALPAInternational Federation of Airline Pilots Associations 航空公司驾驶员协会国际联合会IFATCAInternational Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations 空中交通管制员协会国际联合会IFCNInterfacility Flow Control Network 设施(单位)间流量管制网络IFF 敌我识别器IFM IntegratedFlow Management 综合流量管理IFR InstrumentFlight Rules 仪表飞行规则IFRBInternational Frequency Registration Board 国际频率注册委员会IFSSInternational Flight Service Station 国际飞行服务站IBMInternational Business Machines (美国)国际商用机器公司ILAInternational Law Association 国际法律协会ILS InstrumentLanding System 仪表着陆系统IMA IntegratedModular Avionics 集成化模块式航空电子设备IMAWP InitialMissed Approach Waypoint 起始复飞航路点IMC InstrumentMeteorological Conditions 仪表气象条件IMCS Interim MCS过渡性监控/管制软件IMOInternational Maritime Organization 国际海事组织IMS IntegrityMonitoring System 完好性监视系统IN InformationNeed 信息需求INMARSATInternational Marine Satellite Organization 国际移动卫星组织(原名国际海事卫星组织)INS InertialNavigation System 惯性导航系统INS Insert 插入INTNETIntegrated Data Communications Network 集成化数据通信网络I/O input/output输入/输出IOACG InformalIndian Ocean Air Traffic Services Coordinating Group 非正式印度洋空中交通服务协调小组IOC InitialOperational Capability 初始运行能力IOD GPS Issue ofData 全球定位系统数据发布ION Institute ofNavigation 导航学会IOR Indian OceanRegion 印度洋区域IOT§E Initial Operational Test andEvaluation 初始运行测试和评估IP InternetworkProtocol 网络间协议IPACG InformalPacific Air Traffic Control Coordination Group 非正式太平洋空中交通管制协调小组IRS InertialReference System 惯性参考系统ISAInternational Standard Atmosphere 国际标准大气ISDN IntegratedService Digital Network 综合业务数字网络ISNS 国际卫星导航服务ISOInternational Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织ISPACG InformalSouth Pacific ATS Co-Ordination Group 非正式南太平洋空中交通服务协调小组ISSS InitialSector Suite Subsystem 起始扇区管制席位分系统ITU InternationalTelecommunication Union 国际电信联盟ITWS IntegratedTerminal Weather Service 综合终端气象服务IVAD IntegrateVoice and Data 综合话音和数据(通信数据链)IVRS InterimVoice Response System 过渡性话音响应系统IWP InterimWorking Party 临时工作组JAWS JointAirport Weather Studies 联合机场气象研究JCAB Japan CivilAviation Bureau 日本民航局JAWS JointAirport Weather Studies 联合机场气象研究JPO Joint GPSPlanning Office 联合GPS规划办公室JSS JointSurveillance System 联合监视系统Kbps Kilo bitsper second 千位每秒KDP Key DecisionPoint 关键性决定点kHz Kilohertz 千赫KLAAS KinematicsLocal Area Augmentation System 动态地面局域增强系统KLADGNSSKinematics Local Area Differential GNSS 动态地局域差分GNSSkW Kilowatt 千瓦kWh Kilowatthour 千瓦小时。

有关航空和空军的一些词汇A================================= advise 指示。
常见用法为:Radar contact multiple bandits, bearing 229, range 24miles, 2 o'clock, please advise. (雷达发现敌机,航向229,距离24英里,2点钟方向,请指示。
)affensive 有进攻性的affirmative 是,遵命(同aye-aye, sir,反义词为negative airborne 升空air superiority 制空权ambush 伏击assistance 援助、协助attitude 飞行姿态(高度)AWACS(Airborne Warning and Control System) link 空中预警引导aye-aye, sir 遵命,长官(同affirmative)B================================= bail out (爬出座舱)跳伞bearing 航向,一般与数字搭配使用,如bearing 229为航向229。
black out 由于指向头部方向的加速度过大而导致的大脑缺血,引起的暂时性失明和意识丧失。
bogie 原指妖怪或可怕的人,空战中指敌机。
bandit 原指强盗,空战中指敌机(同bad guy)bombing run 炸弹攻击brake 阻力板(降落时塔台呼叫call the ball就是指放下阻力板)bug out 撤出战区bull's eye 原指圆形箭靶的中心,空战中的意思是“正中!”,类似的短语还有:direct hit, that's one, great balls of fun, splash one, one down等。

美军常用军事术语(中英对照)National Communications System 国家通信系统national emergency 全国紧急状态national infrastructure 本国部队专用的永久性设施National Military Command System 国家军事指挥系统National Military Joint Intelligence Center 国家军事联合情报中心national military strategy 国家军事战略national security 国家安全national security interests 国家安全利益national security strategy 国家安全战略national support element 国家支援分队naval base 海军基地naval expeditionary warfare 海军远征作战naval gunfire operations center 舰炮作战中心naval gunfire support 海军炮火支援naval operation 海军军事行动;海军作战行动naval port control office 海军港口控制局naval special warfare 海军特种作战naval special warfare task element 海军特种作战特混分队naval stores 海军补给品naval surface fire support 海军水面炮火支援navy tactical air control center 海军战术空中控制中心net sweep 拖网扫雷neutral 中立的neutralization fire 压制射击;压制火力neutralize 压制night vision device 夜视装置no-fire area 射击安全区;无射击区no-fire line 禁止射击线nonbattle injury 非战斗负伤noncombatant evacuees 作为非战斗人员的撤离人员nondestructive electronic warfare 非破坏性电子战nonlethal weapons 非杀伤性武器nonstrategic nuclear forces 非战略性核部队normal charge 正常装药;标准装药量North American Aerospace Defense Command 北美航空航天防御司令部nuclear, biological, and chemical defense 核、生、化防御nuclear burst 核爆炸nuclear parity 核均势nuclear round 核弹nuclear strike warning 核打击警报nuclear weapon 核武器number…in (out) XX炮执行(不执行)numbered wave 编号攻击波Oobjective 目标objective area 目标地域;目标地区objective force level 达成目标所需的兵力水平observation helicopter 观察直升机observed fire 能观察的火力observer-target line 观目线observer-target range 观目距离obstacle 障碍;障碍物occupied territory 占领区offensive counterair 打击敌空中力量的进攻性行动offensive information operations 进攻性信息战;进攻性信息行动offensive minefield 攻势雷场officer in tactical command 战术指挥官officer of the deck 舰上总值日军官offset bombing 按辅助瞄准点轰炸;间接瞄准轰炸offset distance 偏差距离offshore patrol 近海巡逻队on-call targets 按呼唤预以打击的目标on-scene commander 现场指挥官operating forces 作战部队operation 军事行动;作战行动operational control 作战控制operational control authority 作战指挥官(海军)operational design 作战构想operationally ready 作好战斗准备operational necessity 作战必要性operational readiness 战备状态operational reserve 作战储备operational route 作战路线operational design 作战构想operation order 作战命令operations research 作战研究;军事运筹opportunity target 临时目标;意外目标opposite numbers 职务对等的军官order 命令order of battle 战斗序列ordnance 军戒organic 建制的organizational equipment 部队装备organization for combat 战斗编制,战术配置organization for landing 登陆编成organization of the ground 阵地编成original destination 原目的地overseas search and rescue region 海外搜索与求援区over-the-horizon radar 超视距雷达Ppace 步速pace setter 步速基准兵;行进速度标兵packaged forces 准备执行特别任务的部队parallel sheaf 平行射向paramilitary forces 准军事部队parlimentaire 军事谈判代表parrot 敌我识别(应答)器partisan warfare 游击战passage of lines 越线;越线换防passive 无源的;被动的passive defense 消极防御passive homing guidance 被动寻的制导password 口令patrol 巡逻队pattern bombing 定形轰炸payload 载重量;战斗部;有效负载peacekeeping 维护和平(行动)peacemaking 调解,调停penetration 突破penetration aids 突防装置;空防技术perishable target 易消亡目标permissive action link 核武器启动连接装置persistency 持久性person in custody 受羁押人员personnel recovery 人员求援phase line 调整线phases of military government 建立军事管制机构的各个阶段photoflash bomb 照相闪光(炸)弹photoflash cartridge 低空照相闪光弹physical security 保卫pinpoint 精确位置pipeline 补给线;补给系统plan for landing 登陆计划planned target (nuclear) 计划目标(核)point defense 要点防御port operations group 港口行动大队port security 港口保卫Positional defense 阵地防御position defense 阵地防御positive identification and radar advisort zone 敌我识别与雷达咨询区poststrike reconnaissance 攻击后侦察power projection 力量投送practice mine 教练雷prearranged fire 预定射击preassault operation 突击前的作战行动precautionary launch 预防性起飞precision bombing 精确轰炸precision-guided munitions 精确制导彈藥predicted fire 预测射击preemptive attack 先发制人的进攻pre-launch survivability 发射前的生存能力preliminary demolition target 预先爆破(破坏)的目标preparation fire 火力准备preplanned air support 预有计划的空中支援prescribed nuclear load 规定的核武器携行量preset guidance 预定程序制导pressure mine 压力地雷;压力水雷prestrike reconnaissance 攻击前侦察preventive war 预防性战争primary control officer 主要控制军官primary target 主要目标primed charge 待发装药priority designator 优先等级符号priority message 急电prisoner of war 战俘prisoner of war camp 战俘营proactive measures 预防性措施probability of damage 毁伤概率probable error 概率误差probable error deflection 方向概率偏差probe 探测program aircraft 在编飞机Programmed Forces 规划的部队Proliferation (nuclear weapons ) 扩散核武器proportional navigation 比例接近法引导protection 防护protective clothing 防护服protective mask 防护面罩proximity fuze 近炸引信pseudopursuit navigation 伪追踪引导psychological operations 心理战行动psychological warfare 心理战pursuit 追击。

FAA专业术语FAA(US)—Federal Aviation Administration美国联邦航空局EASA(EU)—European Aviation Safety Agency欧洲航空安全总局CAAC—Civil Aviation Administration of China中国民用航空总局FSDO—Flight Standards District Offices飞行标准区域办公室ACO —Aircraft Certification Offices 飞机认证办公室TFMS—affic Flow Management System 空中交通流量管理系统Manufacturer C/C Certificant of ConformanceFAR—Federal Aviation Regulations美国联邦航空条例STC—Supplemental Type Certificates补充型号证书TSO—Technical Standard Orders 技术标准订单认证TSOA—Technical Standard Orders Authorization 技术标准授权RFMS—Rotorcarft Flight Manual supplement旋翼飞机补充手册PMA—Parts Manufacturer Approval 零部件生产商认证批准AOG—“Aircraft on Ground”紧急航材OEM—Original Equipment Manufacturer原始设备制造商Onboard Systems Owner’s Manual机载系统用户使用说明书Onboard Systems Component Maintenance Manual机载系统零部件维护手册MARAC—Aircraft Maintenance Repair StationCNS —Communication, Navigation, Surveillance(通讯,导航,监控)ICS —Intercommunication Systems 对讲系统SAR —Search & Rescue 搜索救援PLB —Personal Locator Beacons(个人定位信标)ELT—Emergency Locator Transmitter(紧急定位发射仪)ATC—Air Traffic Control Equipment and Supplies空中交通管制设备与用品。

advance to contact 接敌运动;接敌前进 adverse weather 恶劣天候 Aegis “宙斯盾”舰空导弹系统 aerial picket 空中预警飞机 aerial port航空港;航空站
aerial port control center航 空港控制中心 aerial port squadron航 空港勤务中队 aerodynamic missile 飞航式导弹 aeromedical evacua on 航空医疗后送;伤病员空运后送 aeronau cal chart 航空图
airborne troops 空降兵 air-breathing missile 空气喷气式导弹 airburst 空中爆炸 air cargo 空运物资 air control opera ons 制空作战

missile['mɪs!]n. 1.飞弹,导弹2.投射物;投射武器
NASA:美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
摄氏零度之海平面音速约为1193 km/hr;一万公尺高空之音速约为1062 km/hr,当航空器速度接近音速时,将会逐渐追上自己发出的声波。声波叠合累积的结果,会造成震波的产生,进而对飞行器的加速产生障碍。这种因为音速造成提升速度的障碍称为「音障」。

航空专业英语专业词汇low Earth orbit 近地轨道lunar module 登月舱lunar rover 月球车main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场manned space 载人航天打算manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船Milky Way 银河系multi-manned and multi-day spaceflight 多人多天太空飞行multistage rocket 多级火箭NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国航空航天治理局nozzle of the main engine 主发动机喷嘴orbit 轨道orbit the earth 绕地球飞行orbital module 轨道舱emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置Experimental Spacecraft 试验太空船fine-tune orbit 调整轨道geosynchronous satellite 地球同步人造卫星hatch 舱口Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜International Space Station 国际空间站ladder 扶梯landing area 着陆区landing pad 着陆架launch a satellite 放射卫星launch pad 放射台life support system 生命维持系统LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭Long March II F carrier rocket 长征二号F运载火箭access flap 接口盖antenna 天线Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船ascent stage 上升段astronaut 航天员capsule 太空舱carrier rocket 运载火箭rocket launcher 火箭放射装置;火箭放射器CAST(the Chinese Academy of Space Technology) 中国空间技术讨论院CNSA(China National Space Administration)中国航天局command module 指令舱,指挥舱communication satellite 通信卫星descent stage 下降段directional antenna 定向天线outer space; deep space 外太空payload capability 有效载荷力量propelling module 推动舱recoverable satellite 返回式卫星re-entry module 返回舱remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 太阳同步轨道卫星second stage 其次级service module 效劳舱Shenzhou VI spacecraft 神舟六号solar cell 太阳电池solar panel 太阳能电池板space elevator 太空升降舱space food 太空食物space outfits(space suits, gloves, boots, helmet etc.)太空服space physics exploration 空间物理探测space shuttle 航天飞机spacecraft 航天器Telstar 通讯卫星third stage 第三级unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 无人飞船weather satellite 气象卫星launch a satellite 放射卫星artificial satellite 人造卫星。

试析美国空军新术语的汉译高洁诸海鹰吴恒赵团结(空军预警学院外语教研室,湖北武汉430019)摘要:军事翻译中常常遇到外军创造的新术语,翻译工作者应该根据术语所处的具体语境确定意义,再结合术语翻译的标 准灵活处理,达到准确性、可读性和透明性的统一。
文章结合五个具体的术语案例,说明了如何在术语翻译中融合这些 要求。
关键词:军事翻译,新术语,语境中图分类号:N04;H059;E154 文献标识码:A D O I:10. 3969/j.issn.1673-8578. 2016. 06. 008Analysis of E-C Translation of Several New Terms of US Air Force//GAO Jie,DU Haiying,WU Heng,ZHAO TuanjieA b s tra c t:New terms created by foreign arm ed forces are q u ite com m on in m ilita ry tra n sla tio n.Translators should base on the specific context of these ter^ns to id e n tify th e ir exact m e a n in g,and abide by the standards of term tra nslation in a fle x ib le m anner to strike a balance betw-een accu ra cy,re a d a b ility and transparency.T h is a rtic le illu stra te s the balance based on fiv e cases of new,term s.K e yw o rd s:m ilita ry tra n s la tio n,new,te rm s,context术语是某种语言中专门指称某一专业知识活 动领域一般理论概念(具体或抽象)的词汇单元。

aerobatic英音:[,ɛərə'bætik]美音:[,ɛrə'bætɪk]形容词a. 特技飞行的aerobatics英音:[ɛərəu'bætiks]美音:[eərə'bætɪks]名词n. 特技飞行;特技飞行表演;特技飞行术aerodynamics英音:['ɛərəudai'næmiks]美音:[,ɛrodaɪ'næmɪks]名词n. 气动力学;航空动力学aeronautical(=aeronautic)英音:[,ɛərə'nɔ:tikəl]美音[,ɛrə'nɔtɪk!]形容词 a. 航空学的;飞行术的aircraft英音:['ɛəkrɑ:ft]美音:['ɛr,kræft]名词n.航空器airfoil名词n. 【空】机翼,螺旋桨airframe英音:['ɛə,freim]美音:['ɛr,frem]名词n.【空】机身airline英音:['ɛəlain]美音:['ɛr,laɪn]名词n. (飞机的)航线,.航空公司airport英音:['ɛəpɔ:t]美音:['ɛr,port]名词n. 机场;航空站airspace英音:['ɛəspeis]美音:['ɛr,spes]名词n. 上空;空间;领空airspeed名词n.空速air traffic control (ATC)空中交通管制air traffic controller固定词组ph. 空中交通管制员;空中交通指挥员airways英音:['ɛəweiz]美音:['ɛr,wez]名词n.航空公司altimeter英音:[æl'timi:tə]美音:[æl'tɪmətɚ]名词n. 测高仪,高度计[C]altitude英音:['ælti,tju:d]美音:['æltə,tjud]名词n. 高,高度;海拔anti-icing名词n.防冰approach英音:[ə'prəutʃ]美音:[ə'protʃ]名词n.进场,近场(飞行器向目的地机场开始下降的阶段)attitude英音:['ætitju:d]美音:['ætətjud]名词n.飞行姿态(高度)autopilot缩写词abbr.(= automatic pilot)自动驾驶仪,自动操舵装置aviator英音:['eivi,eitə]美音:['evɪ,etɚ]名词n. 飞行员,飞机驾驶员avionics英音:[,eivi'ɔniks]美音:[,evɪ'ɑnɪks]名词n. 1.航空电子学;航空电子技术2.航空电子设备bank名词n.倾斜business aircraft 公务机,商务机business jet公务机;公务喷气式客机captain英音:['kæptin]美音:['kæptɪn]名词n. [C] (飞机的)机长ceiling【空】绝对升限;【气】云幂高度checklist名词n.检查单,检查清单,清单clearance英音:['kliərəns]美音:['klɪrəns]名词n.出入港许可证certificate英音:[sə'tifikit]美音:[sɚ'tɪfəkɪt]证明书;执照certification英音:[,sə:tifi'keiʃən]美音:[,sɝtɪfə'keʃən]名词n. 证明;检定;保证cockpit英音:['kɔkpit]美音:['kɑk,pɪt]名词n. [C](飞机,小艇,赛车等的)驾驶员座舱CVR=cockpit voice recorder 座舱通话机器collision英音:[kə'liʒən]美音:[kə'lɪʒən]名词n. [U][C]碰撞;相撞collision avoidance system固定词组ph.防撞系统compass名词n. 罗盘,指南针control surface 操纵面control tower固定词组ph. (机场)控制塔,塔台copilot英音:['kəu,pailət]美音:['ko,paɪlət]名词n.【空】副驾驶员corporate aircraft 1.公务(飞)机corporate aviation公务航空,商业航空cowling英音:['k auliŋ]美音:['kaulɪŋ]名词n. (飞机引擎上的)整流罩crosswind英音:['krɔswind]美音:['krɔs,wɪnd]名词n. 【气】侧风cruising speed巡航速度deicer英音:[di:'aisə]美音:[di'aɪsɚ]名词n. 防冰器delta wing三角形机翼downwind英音:[,daun'wind]美音:[,daun'wɪnd]形容词a. 顺风的;副词ad. 顺风地;在下风drag阻力;摩擦力;elevator电梯;升降机;【空】升降舵empennage英音:['empinidʒ]美音:['ɛmpɪnɪdʒ]词n. 1.【法】【空】机尾;尾翼面;尾翼empty weight无载重量enroute n.航路FAA=Federal Aviation Administration美国联邦航空管理局(隶属交通部(Department of Transportation), 负责民航的飞行、航空管制和安全管理等) (FAA)FBO=Fixed-base operator 固定基地运营商flap英音:[flæp]美音:[flæp]名词n.【空】(飞机的)襟翼, 阻力板flight attendant 空中服务人员、空乘人员flight data recorder飞行数据记录器fuselage英音:['fju:zilidʒ]美音:['fjuz!ɪdʒ]名词n. 1.【空】机身general ['dʒenərəl]形容词adj.一般的,普遍的;通用的general aviation 通用航空General Aviation Manufacturer Association (GAMA) (美国)通用航空厂商协会glide英音:[glaid]美音:[glaɪd]滑动,滑行;滑翔;乘滑翔机飞行glide slope 下滑道gross weight 毛重,总重量hangar英音:['hæŋə]美音:['hæŋɚ]名词n.1.飞机库;飞机棚heading【航】航向headwind英音:['hed,wind]美音:['hɛd,wɪnd]名词n. 顶头风,逆风helicopter英音:['helikɔptə]美音:['hɛlɪkɑptɚ]名词n. 直升飞机helipad英音:['helipæd]美音:['hɛlɪ,pæd] 名词n.直升机停机坪.helicopter pad=helipad名词n.直升机停机坪.holding pattern 等待模式instrument landing system(ILS)仪表着陆系统instrument panel固定词组ph. 1.仪表板jet英音:[dʒet]美音:[dʒɛt]名词n.喷射,喷射式, 喷气式飞机knot英音:[nɔt]美音:[nɑt]名词n. [C]【海】节;海里(相当于每小时1.151英里) landing gear固定词组ph. 1.起落架;起落装置lift [lift] 名词n.升力logbook英音:['lɔgbuk]美音:['lɔg,buk]航空日志maintenance维修,保养nacelle英音:[nə'sel]美音:[nə'sɛl]名词n. 1.(飞机、飞船)的引擎舱;吊舱;气球吊篮nautical mile固定词组ph. 海里;里(合1.852公里)navaid助航,助航系统nose 名词n. 机头oxygen mask固定词组ph. 1.氧气面罩payload英音:['peiləud]美音:['pelod]名词n.收费载重量;商务载重量pilot (飞机等的)驾驶员,飞行员pilot in command机长power plant固定词组ph. 1.动力工场;发电厂2.电动装置;发电机preflight英音:['pri:flait]美音:['pri,flaɪt]形容词a. 1.飞行前的propeller名词n. 1.螺旋桨;推进器[C]pressurization名词n. 1.压力输送;挤压;加压;气密radar名词n. 1.雷达[C]ramp英音:[ræmp]美音:[ræmp]名词n.1.斜面;斜坡;坡道2.(上下飞机用的)活动舷梯range英音:[reindʒ]美音:[rendʒ]名词n.航程rivet英音:['rivit]美音:['rɪvɪt]名词n. 1.铆钉rotorcraft英音:['rəutəkrɑ:ft]美音:['rotɚ,kræft]名词n. 1.旋翼飞机rudder名词n. [C] (飞机的)方向舵run-up英音:['rʌn,ʌp]美音:['rʌn,ʌp]名词n. (为预热或检测)发动机高速运转runway英音:['rʌnwei]美音:['rʌn,we]名词n. [C]1.(机场的)跑道scheduler(或dispatcher)英音:[di'spætʃə]美音:[dɪ'spætʃɚ]名词n. 调度员simulator英音:['simjuleitə]美音:['sɪmjə,letɚ]名词n. 1.模拟训练装置,飞行模拟器skin 名词n.(飞机)蒙皮spin名词n.螺旋旋转,螺旋stabilizer名词n.安定装置;安定翼stall失速stick英音:[stik]美音:[stɪk] 横舵柄;飞机操纵杆tail尾部;尾状物tailwind英音:['teil,wind]美音:['tel,wɪnd]名词n.1.顺风takeoff英音:['teikɔ:f]美音:['tek,ɔf]名词n.起飞taxi英音:['tæksi]美音:['tæksɪ]滑行taxiway英音:['tæksi,wei]美音:['tæksɪ,we]名词n. .飞机滑行道throttle英音:['θrɔtl]美音:['θrɑt!]名词n. [C]1.;油门;风门thrust英音:[θrʌst]美音:[θrʌst]【物】推力,驱动力touchdown【空】着陆;降落transponder英音:[træn'spɔndə]美音:[træn'spɑndɚ]名词n. 1.发射机应答器;询问机trim (船,飞机等)获得平衡;(帆)修正方向turbulence英音:['tə:bjuləns]美音:['tɝbjələns]名词n.湍流;紊流upwind英音:['ʌp'wind]美音:['ʌp'wɪnd]逆风,迎风vector英音:['vektə]美音:['vɛktɚ] n.用无线电引导;为...导航visibility英音:[,vizi'biliti]美音:[,vɪzə'bɪlətɪ]名词n.能见度;可见度,视见度VFR=Visual Flight Rules目视飞行规则waypoint航路点weight and balance 载重平衡wing机翼yoke横舵柄;飞机操纵杆130个左右的词汇。

•低速综合机动俗称“低悠悠”(Low-speed Yo-yo),低速综合机动是先俯冲,增加自己的飞行速度,然后爬升攻击。
•高速综合机动俗称“高悠悠”(High-speed Yo-yo),先爬升后俯冲,适用于自己比敌机速度快、容易冲前的情况。
它来源于英文“Split S”,其中的“S”就代表剪式飞行(Scissors)。

有关航空和空军的一些词汇了解航班情况Asking About FlightTony : Do you have any direct flight to ......?Clerk: Sorry, we don't. But I think you can flyon ...... to ....... and then have a connecting flighton ...... to ....... And it is the most economical flight, just .......Tony : When does the Flight ...... depart?Clerk: At ....... By the way, it also makes arefueling stop at .......Tony : How big is the layover at ......?Clerk: Less than one hour.Tony : And how long do I have to stay in ......for the connecting flight?Clerk: Not so long, just one hour.Tony : So the time for the whole journey isabout…Clerk: About ...... hours.Tony : Let me count ...... OK, it works out for mytime schedule. Thanks a lot.Clerk: You are welcome.译文:了解航班情况东尼:你们有没有直飞……的航班?售票员:对不起,我们没有直飞的航班,但你可以乘坐……航空公司……航班到达……,转乘……公司的……班机到达……。

abort中断absolute dud哑核弹absolute height绝对高度absorbed dose吸收剂量accidental attack偶发性袭击(攻击)accompanying supplies 随伴补给品accuracy of fire射击精度accuracy of information 情报资料的准确性acoustical surveillance测音监听;音响监听acoustic intelligence测音情报;音响情报acoustic mine音响水雷acoustic minehunting音响探雷acoustic warfare音响战acquire探测;截获acquisition获取action agent执行人员action deferred推迟行动action information center 战斗情报中心activation加入现役active defense积极防御active duty现役active duty for training现役训练Active Guard and Reserve國M警卫队和后备役部队现役成员active homing guidance主动寻的制导active mine主动水雷active sealift forces现役海运部队active status现役状况adjust进行试射adjust fire试射adjustment of fire射击修正administrative control行政控制administrative escort行政护航舰船administrative landing非战斗登陆administrative loading非战斗装载administrative movement非战斗行军advance提前advance force (amphibious)先遣部队(两栖)advanced base前进基地advanced guard前卫advanced logistic support site前进后勤支援站advanced operations base前进作战基地advance force先遣部队advance guard前卫advance guard support前队advance to contact接敌运动;接敌前进adverse weather恶劣天候Aegis“宙斯盾”舰空导弹系统aerial picket空中预警飞机aerial port航空港;航空站aerial port control center航空港控制中心aerial port squadron航空港勤务中队aerodynamic missile飞航式导弹aeromedical evacuation航空医疗后送;伤病员空运后送aeronautical chart航空图aeronautical plotting chart标图作业航图aerospace航空航天空间aerospace control operations制空制天作战aerospace defense航空航天防御affiliation training协同训练afloat pre-positioning force海上预置部队afloat pre-positioning operation 海上预置行动afloat support海上支援;海上补给agency情报机构;情报人员agent谍报员,特工agent authentication提供假证明agent net谍报网aggressor forces侵略军;假设敌air空炸air alert空中待战air apportionment空中兵力配置air assault空中突击air attack空中攻击airborne空降的;空运的;机载的;升空的airborne assault weapon空降突击武器airborne battlefield command and control center 空中战场指挥与控制中心airborne command post空中指挥所airborne early warning空中预警airborne early warning and control空中预警与控制airborne force空降部队airborne interception equipment机载截击装备airborne mission commander空中任务指挥官airborne operation空降作战airborne order起飞命令airborne troops空降兵air-breathing missile空气喷气式导弹airburst空中爆炸air cargo空运物资air control operations制空作战air corridors空中走廊aircraft飞机aircraft arresting barrier飞机(着陆)拦阻装置aircraft arresting system飞机拦阻系统aircraft carrier航空母舰aircraft commander机长aircraft control and warning system 飞机控制与警报系统aircraft cross-servicing飞机交叉服务aircraft loading table飞机装载表aircraft mission equipment飞机任务装备aircraft monitoring and control机载监控设备aircraft scrambling飞机紧急起飞air cushion vehicle气垫运载工具,气垫船,气垫车air defense防空,对空防御air defense action area防空行动区air defense area防空区air defense artillery高射炮,防空炮兵air defense battle zone防空战斗区域air defense command防空指挥权air defense commander防空司令air defense control center防空控制中心air defense direction center防空指挥(引导)中心air defense division防空小分区air defense early warning防空预警air defense emergency防空紧急状态air defense ground environment 防空地面设施系统air defense identification zone 防空识别区air defense operations area防空作战区air defense operations center防空作战中心air defense operations team防空作战组air defense readiness防空战备状态air defense region防空分区air defense sector防空小分区air defense suppression压制敌防空系统air defense warning conditions 防空警报等级air delivery空中投送air delivery equipment空投设备air division空军师air drop空投air employment/allocation plan 空中力量使用/分配计划air evacuation空中后送air expeditionary force空中远征部队air expeditionary wing空中远征联队air facility航空设施airfield飞机场air fire plan航空火力计划Air Force base空军基地Air Force Component Headquarters联合部队中的空军部队司令部Air Force special operations base空军特种作战基地Air Force special operations component 空军特种作战组成部队Air Force special operations detachment 空军特种作战分遣队Air Force special operations element空军特种作战小队Air Force special operations forces空军特种作战部队air ground operations system空地作战协同系统airframe飞机机体;飞艇艇体;导弹弹体airhead空降场air interception空中截击air interdiction空中遮断;空中阻滞air intercept zone空中截击区air landed机降的air landed operation机降活动air-launched ballistic missile空射弹道导弹air liaison officer空军联络官airlift capability空运能力airlift coordination cell空运协调室airlift mission commander空运任务指挥官airlift service空运勤务air logistic support空中后勤支援air mission空勤任务air mission intelligence report 空勤任务情报报告airmobile forces空中机动部队airmobile operation空中机动作战airmobility空中机动能力Air Mobility Command空中机动司令部air mobility division空中机动处air mobility element空中机动分队air movement空中输送air movement column空中输送纵队air movement table空中输送计划表air observation空中观察air observation post空中观察哨air observer空中观察员air observer adjustment空中观察校射air offensive空中进攻air operations center空中作战指挥中心air photographic reconnaissance 航空照相侦察air picket空中预警飞机air plot空情图标可空运的airport surface detection equipment 机场地面雷达;机场地面探测设备airport surveillance radar机场监视雷达air raid reporting control ship空袭报知控制舰air reconnaissance航空(空中)侦察air reconnaissance liaison officer航空(空中)侦察联络官air request net空中支援申请网air sovereignty空域主权airspace control空域控制airspace control area空域控制区airspace control authority空域控制当局airspace control in the combat zone 作战区空域控制airspace control order空域控制命令airspace control sector空域控制分区airspace coordination area空域协调区air space warning area空域警戒区air spot空中观察air strike空中打击air strike coordinator空中打击协调官air strip简易机场air superiority空中优势air supply空中补给空中支援air support operations center空中支援作战中心air support request空中支援申请air supremacy最高级空中优势air surface zone海空禁区air surveillance对空监视air surveillance officer对空监视军官air target chart空中目标图Air Target Materials Program空中目标资料计划air tasking order空中任务命令air-to-air guided missile空对空导弹air-to-air missile空空导弹air-to-surface guided missile空对地(舰)导弹air-to-surface missile空地(舰)导弹air traffic control and landing system 空中交通管制和降落系统air traffic control center空中交通管制中心air traffic control service空中交通管制勤务air transportable unit可空运的部队air transported force空运的部队air transported operations作战空运活动air transport group空运大队air transport liaison officer空运联络军官air weapons controller航空武器控制员alert戒备;警报;战备值班;警戒先例;预先警报;紧急警报;戒备待飞alert force戒备(战备值班)部队alerting service报警勤务alert order戒备命令,制定危机行动计划的指令all appropriate action正当自卫行动all available全体射击alliance联盟allied staff盟军参谋部allocation拨(分)配allotment拨配all-purpose hand-held weapon通用手持式武器all-source intelligence全源情报all-weather air defense fighter全天候防空战斗机alternate command authority预备指挥人员alternate command post预备指挥所alternate headquarters预备司令部ammunition彈藥ammunition controlled supply rate彈藥控制补给率ammunition lot彈藥批次ammunition supply point彈藥补给站amphibious assault两栖突击amphibious aviation assault ship两栖攻击舰amphibious chart两栖作战海图amphibious command ship两栖指挥舰;登陆指挥舰amphibious construction battalion两栖修建营amphibious control group两栖作战指挥组amphibious demonstration两栖佯攻amphibious force两栖部队;两栖舰种指挥部amphibious operation两栖作战amphibious squadron两栖中队amphibious tractor两栖履带式车辆amphibious transport dock两栖船坞登陆舰angle of safety最小射角angle T观目夹角annual screening年度甄别antenna mine触须式水雷antiaircraft operations center防空作战中心antiarmor helicopter反装甲直升机antiair warfare反空袭战antiamphibious minefield (land mine warfare) 抗登陆布雷场anticountermining device感应雷防爆器antimateriel operation摧毁物资行动antipersonnel mine (land mine warfare)防步兵地雷(地雷战)antiradiation missile反辐射导弹antirecovery device防起雷装置antisubmarine反潜antisubmarine action反潜作战行动antisubmarine air close support 反潜近距离空中支援antisubmarine operation反潜作战antisubmarine warfare反潜战antisurface air operation空中反舰作战antisweep device反扫雷器antitank helicopter反坦克直升机antitank mine反坦克地雷antiterrorism反恐怖主義,反恐antiterrorism awareness反恐意识applicable materiel assets适用的军用物资资产apportionment兵力分配approach control进场控制台approach march接敌行进approach schedule接敌时间表,登陆时间表area air defense commander地区防空指挥官area bombing面积轰炸area command地区部队;地区司令部area of intelligence responsibility 情报责任区area of interest关心地域area of limitation限制区域area of operations作战地域;责任区area operations海域作战area oriented针对特定区域的area search地域搜索area target面目标armament delivery recording武器投放记录armed forces武装部队;武装力量armed forces censorship武装部队通信保密检查armed forces courier武装部队信使Armed Forces of the United States 美国武装部队armed helicopter武装直升机armed mine待发雷armed reconnaissance武装侦察armed sweep加强扫雷arming解除保险;成待发状态arming delay device延期装置;解除保险延迟装置aiming pin保险销arming system解除保险系统aiming wire保险丝armistice停战;休战armistice demarcation line停战分界线armored personnel carrier装甲人员输送车arms control军备控制arms control agreement军备控制协定army集团军;陆军;军队Army Air Defense Command Post 陆军防空指挥所army air-ground system陆军空地协调系统army base陆军基地army corps军army service area集团军勤务地域army special operations component 陆军特种作战组成部队army special operations forces陆军特种作战部队artillery fire plan table炮兵火力计划表artillery preparation炮火准备artillery survey control point炮兵测地控制点aspect angle目标进入角assault冲击,突击assault aircraft机降突击运输机assault area突击登陆地区assault craft突击登陆艇(车)assault echelon突击梯队(空运)assault fire突击火力assault follow-on echelon突击后续梯队assault phase突击阶段assault shipping突击登陆船舶assembly anchorage集结锚地assembly area集结地域;装配区assessment评估assign编入建制;委派assigned forces所属部队assisted recovery受援回撤assumed azimuth假定方位assumed grid假定坐标网asymmetrical sweep非对称扫雷at my command听我命令,待令放atomic air burst空中原子爆炸atomic defense原子防御atomic demolition munition原子爆破彈藥; 原子爆破装置;原子地雷atomic warfare原子战争atomic weapon原子武器at priority call优先响应呼唤attach配属;派遣attack aircraft carrier攻击航空母舰attack assessment攻击评估attack assessment两栖货船,登陆物资运输舰attack group突击群,攻击大队attack heading攻击航向attack helicopter攻击直升机attack position进攻位置attack size袭击(攻击)规模attack timing袭击(进攻)时间attrition minefield消耗性雷场attrition sweeping消耗性扫雷augmentation forces增援部队automatic resupply自动再补给automatic search jammer自动搜索干扰机Automatic Secure Voice Communications Network 自动保密话音通信网automatic supply自动补给autonomous operation独立作战availability date待发日available-to load date可装载日avenue of approach接敌途径aviation combat element航空战斗分队avoidance规避axial route纵向道路axis of advance进攻轴线azimuth方位azimuth angle方位角azimuth resolution方位分辨力backfill再召力量back-haul airlift返程空运backshore背岸back tell向下报知;情报下送balisage暗光路标ballistic missile弹道导弹ballistic missile early warning system 弹道导弹预警系统ballistics弹道学ballistic trajectory弹道轨迹ballistic wind弹道风balloon reflector气球反射器bar浅滩bare base简易基地barrage弹幕;气球阻塞;阻塞式干扰barrage fire拦阻射击;弹幕射击barrage jamming阻塞式干扰;全波段干扰barricade阻拦网,障碍物barrier障碍barrier combat air patrol空中阻拦战斗巡逻barrier forces阻拦部队base基地base cluster commander基地群指挥官base cluster operations center基地群作战中心base command基地区;基地司令部base ejection shell弹底喷射炮弹base element基准分队base line基线baseline environmental survey基线环境勘察base map基本情况要图;底图;基本(地)图base of operations作战基地base section后勤地带基地区base unit基准单位baseline costs基线开支basic intelligence基本情报basic load基本携行量basic military route network基本军用道路网basic tactical organization基本战术编组basic undertakings基本措施basic of issue拨发基数battalion landing team营登陆队battery炮兵连;兵器群battery center炮兵连阵地中心battery (troop) left (right)全连火炮自左(右)依次射击battle casualty战斗减员;战斗伤亡battle damage assessment战斗损毁评估battle damage repair战斗损坏修复battlefield coordination detachment 战场协调分遣队battlefield illumination战场照明battlefield surveillance战场监视battle force作战部队(海军)battle group作战大队(海军)battle map作战地图battle reserves战斗预备补给品battlespace作战空间beach海滩(滩头);登陆海滩beach group海岸勤务队beachhead滩头堡;登陆场beach landing site滩头登陆点beachmaster海滩勤务队队长beach organization海滩勤务编组beach reserves海滩备用补给品beacon信标beam attack侧向攻击beam rider波束制导导弹bearing方位(方位角)beaten zone命中界;被弹区beleaguered被困Besieged被困billet营房;设营;职位;职务binary chemical munition二元化学彈藥biographical intelligence人物情报biological agent生物战剂biological defense生物防御biological operations生物作战biological warfare生物战biological weapon生物武器black隐藏的black list黑名单blast爆炸;爆炸气浪;冲击波blast effect爆炸效果;爆炸气浪作用;冲击波效应blast wave爆炸气浪;冲击波blocking position拦阻阵地blow暴露boat wave艇波bomb damage assessment轰炸效果判定bomb disposal unit未爆弹处理分队bomber轰炸机bomb impact plot炸彈弹着点标示图bombing angle轰炸(投弹)角bombing errors轰炸偏差bombing run轰炸航路bomb release ling投弹线bomb release point投弹点bomb sighting systems轰炸瞄准系统booster传爆药;助推器booster phase助推阶段bore safe fuze膛内保险引信bound跃进;跃进距离boundary分界线bouquet mine集束水雷bracketing夹叉射击branch部门(处、科);分支机构;兵种;分支计划breakaway阵面脱离;脱离目标break off停止攻击bridgehead桥头堡briefing下达简令brigade旅buffer zone缓冲区bug窃听器;安装窃听器bugged装有窃听器的buildup逐步增加burn-through range烧穿距离;雷达作用距离call fire呼唤火力call for fire火力呼唤call sign呼号camouflage伪装camp营地campaign战役campaign planning制定战役计划canalize诱逼cannot observe无法观察capsule密封座舱;弹射舱captive firing系留点火试验,试验台点火试验cardinal point effect方位基点效应caretaker status看管状态cargo classification (combat loading ) 物资分类(战斗装载)carpet bombing地毯式轰炸carrier air wing队航空母舰载机联队carrier battle group航空母舰作战大carrier striking force航空母舰突击部队casual待命士兵casual伤亡人员casualty category伤亡类别casualty evacuation伤员后送casualty status伤亡状况catapult弹射器caveat警示标志CEASE BUZZER终止电子攻击cease fire停止射击cease fire line停火线celestial guidance天文制导cell特工小组center of burst爆心central control officer中心控制军官centralized control集中控制chaff箔条;干扰物chain of command指挥系统,指挥链change查询charge装药charged demolition target 装药待炸目标chart location of the battery 炮兵连图上位置check firing暂停射击checkout检测check point检查点;检查站;弹着中心;爆炸中心chemical agent化学战剂chemical ammunition化学彈藥chemical defense化学防御,防化学chemical operation化学作战chemical survey化学侦察chemical warfare化学战chemical weapon化学武器chief of staff参谋长CINC’S required date总司令要求日CINC’S strategic concept总司令战略概念civil defense民防civil engineering(军事)土木工程civilian internee被拘留的平民civil-military cooperation军民合作civil-military operations民事军事行动classes of supply补给品分类classification确定保密等级clearance rate扫雷率clearing operation扫雷活动,清扫行动近距离空中支援close-controlled air interception精确引导空中截击closed area禁区;封锁区close support近距离支援火力closure结束,部队抵达closure minefield封锁性布雷区cluster bomb unit子母弹;炸彈组合;集束炸彈装置clutter杂乱回波coarse mine低感应水雷coastal frontier海岸防区code代码;密码cold war冷战collection(acquisition)搜集(获取)情报collection asset情报搜集资源,情报搜集手段collection operations management 情报搜集活动管理collection planning制定情报搜集计划collection point收容(收集)点collective call sign集体呼号collocation共同驻扎column formation纵队队形column gap纵队间隔column length行军长径(行军长度)空中战斗巡逻combat airspace control战斗空域控制combatant command作战司令部combatant command (command authority) 作战指挥(指挥权限)combatant commander作战(司令部)司令combat area作战地域combat assessment作战评估combat camera战斗照相combat cargo officer战斗运输军官combat chart作战海图combat engineering战斗工程(任务)combat forces战斗部队combat intelligence战斗情报combat loading战斗装载combat power战斗力combat readiness战备状态combat ready作好战斗准备combat search and rescue战斗搜索与求援combat search and rescue task force战斗搜索与求援特遣部队combat service support战斗勤务支援combat service support element战斗勤务支援分队combat support战斗支援combat surveillance战场监视combat survival战斗救生措施combating terrorism抗击恐怖主义combat trail战斗纵队combat troops战斗部队combat vehicle战斗车辆combat zone作战地幅combination influence mine复式感应雷combined联军的;联合的combined arms team诸兵种全盛战斗队,联合兵种小队combined force联军combined operation联军作战combined staff联军参谋部combustor燃烧装置command指挥,指挥权;命令,口令;部队,司令部,管辖区command and control指挥与控制command and control system指挥与控制系统command and control warfare指挥与控制战command axis指挥轴线command center指挥中心command channel指挥渠道,指挥系统command, control, communications and computer systems 指挥、控制、通信与计算机系统command destruct signal自毁指令信号command detonated mine遥控起爆雷command element指挥分队commander, amphibious task force两栖特遣部队司令commander’s concept指挥官的作战方案commander’s estimate of the situation 指挥官的情况判断command guidance指令制导command information部队信息commanding officer of troops部队指挥官command net指挥通信网command post指挥所command relationships指挥关系commission编入现役;军官委任状;军官委任commit投入截击common infrastructure共用基础设施common operational picture公共作战图像common servicing军种间勤务common-user logistics共用后勤common-user military land transportation 共用地面军事运输communicate通信communication deception通信欺骗communications center通信中心communications intelligence通信情报communications mark通信标志communications satellite通信卫星communications security通信保密communications terminal通信终端communications zone后勤(补给)地幅community relations当地军民关系compartmentation隔离;遮蔽complete round整装弹;全弹;全备弹complex contingency operations 综合应急行动component组成部队,部分;部件,元件composite warfare commander 合成作战指挥官composite wing混合联队compromise暴露;泄密concealment隐蔽concentrated fire集中射击;集火射击;集中火力concentration area集中地区;集中射击区concept of logistic support后勤支援方针concept of operations作战方案;作战方针conflict冲突confusion reflector干扰反射器console操纵台,控制台合并;联合consolidation so position巩固阵地constitute赋予番号consumer logistics消费后勤contact发现目标;接触传染病contact lost失去接触contact report发现敌情报告contact mine触发雷contact point联络点contact reconnaissance联络性侦察contact report发现敌情报告contain牵制,钳制,围困contingency紧急情况contingency operation应急行动contingent zone of fire应急射击地带continuous fire连续射击continuous illumination fire不间断照明射击contour flight沿地形飞行,地形回避飞行control控制(指挥);控制点;控制力;控制标记control area控制区controlled airspace管制空域controlled firing area射击控制区有控制的部队controlled information受控情报controlled shipping管制航运control point调整哨;导航控制点;图根点conventional forces常规部队conventional weapon常规武器converge集火converged sheaf集火射convergence集中火力射击convoy船队(护航运输队);车队convoy escort船队护航队;车队护送队convoy loading船队装载cooperative logistics合作后勤coordinated attack协同进攻coordinated fire line协调射击线coordinated illumination fire协同照明射击coordinates坐标coordinating authority协调官;协调权coordinating review authority 协调审核单位corner reflector角反射器corps support command军支援司令部corps troops军直属部队counterair夺取空中优势counterattack反击,反冲击,反突击counterbattery fire反炮兵火力counterdrug operations反毒品行动counterfire反击,反火力counterforce打击军事力量counterguerrilla warfare反游击战counterinsurgency反叛乱counterintelligence反情报countermeasures干扰;对抗;对抗措施(反措施)countermobility operations反机动行动countercffensive反攻counterpreparation fire火力反准备counterreconnaissance反侦察countersign联络暗号,口令countersubversion反颠覆counterterrorism反恐怖主义coup de main突击,奇袭cover掩护;保护;守听;掩蔽物(防护物);照片(影像);监视coverage覆盖范围;掩护(保护);侦察程度;监视范围covering fire掩护火力covering force掩护部队covert operation隐蔽活动coxswain艇长crater弹坑creeping barrage徐进弹幕射击creeping mine游动水雷crested被遮蔽,有障碍critical intelligence紧急情报critical speed临界速度crossing area渡河地域cruising missile巡航导弹cruising level巡航高度culminating point顶点,极点current force现有部队current intelligence 现实情报cutoff attack切半径攻击damage assessment 毁伤判定;损失估计damage radius毁伤半径danger close非常危险danger space命中界;必中界data数据;诸元datum基准datum point基准点D-day预定进攻日deadline停止使用dead space盲区;静区;死界;死角decentralized control分散控制deception欺骗deception means欺骗手段deception objective欺骗目的decision height决断点decision engagement决定性交战decisive point决定点declassification销密decoy诱饵decoy ship伪装舰船decrypt解密;脱密deep minefield深水雷场deep supporting fire纵深支援火力de facto boundary事实分界线defense area防御地域defense classification国防保密等级Defense Communications System 国防通信系统Defense Data Network国防数据网defense emergency防御紧急状态defense in depth纵深防御defense readiness condition戒备状态defensive coastal area岸防区defensive counterair防御性防空defensive information operations 防御性信息行动defensive sea area海防区;防御海区defensive zone防区defilade遮蔽;遮蔽高delay延迟火力支援delayed entry program延迟加入现役部队计划delaying action迟滞行动deliberate attack预有准备的进攻deliberate defense预有准备的防御delivery error发射偏差demilitarized zone非军事区demobilization解除动员;实行复员;遣散军队demolition chamber药室demolition firing party爆破(破坏)实施组demolition kit爆破包demonstration佯动denial measure阻遏措施,阻止措施denied area禁入区Department of Defense国防部Department of the Air Force空军部Department of the Army陆军部Department of the Navy海军部departure airfield出发机场departure area出发地域deployable joint task force augmentation cell可部署联合特遣部队增援分队deployed nuclear weapons移交的核武器deployment展开;调动;部署;配置deployment order部署令depot补给站;仓库;维修;维修与供应基地;兵员补充站depot maintenance后方维修desired effects预期效果desired perception预期欺骗效果destroyer驱逐舰destruction破坏;摧毁destruction fire破坏射击destruction radius破坏半径destructive fire mission破坏射击任务detachment分遣队detained在拘留中的伤员detainee被拘留者detainee collecting point被拘留者收容点detection发现deterrence威慑deterrent options威慑备选方案deviation炸点偏差量;磁坐偏角偏差量differential ballistic wind差动弹道风dip下沉direct action直接行动direct action fuze瞬发引信direct air support center直接空中支援中心directed energy定向能directed-energy device定向能装置directed-energy warfare定向能战directed-energy weapon定向能武器direct fire直接瞄准火力;直瞄火力directing staff演习指挥参谋direction方向direction finding测向;定向direction of attack进攻方向directive指令direct laying直接瞄准direct support artillery直接支援炮兵director of mobility forces机动部队司令director support直接支援direct support artillery直接支援炮兵direct supporting fire直接支援火力disarmament裁军disease and nonbattle injury casualty疾病和非战斗负伤减员disengagement脱离接触dispenser子母弹箱;集束弹箱dispersion射弹散布;炸点散布;疏开;分散;喷洒;施放;散布;疏散dispersion error射弹散布dispersion pattern射弹散布样式disposition部署;配置;病人离院disruptive pattern迷彩distributed fire分火射击distribution配置;分布;散布;分发;分配distribution point分发站ditching水上迫降diversionary attack牵制性进攻division师;海军分队;空军师;处;科;舰上区队division artillery师属炮兵doctrine作战条令;作战理论;基本作战原则DOD civilian国防部文职人员domestic intelligence国内情报doppler radar多普勒雷达double agent两面间谍douptful可疑弹draft征兵;吃水深度drift偏移dual agent双重间谍dual-capable forces具有双重能力的部队dual-purpose weapon高射平射两用武器dual(multi)-purpose weapons双(多)用途武器dud哑弹;不炸彈dummy模仿物;佯攻dump堆集所dwell at/on持续射击early warning预警echelon司令部梯队;指挥层次;梯次;梯形;梯形配置effective damage有效毁伤ejection弹射,投放electromagnetic deception电磁欺骗electromagnetic environment电磁环境electromagnetic interference电磁干扰electromagnetic intrusion电磁入侵electromagnetic jamming 电磁干扰electronic attack电子攻击electronic deception电子欺骗electronic intelligence电子情报electronic masking电子屏蔽electronic probing电子探测electronic reconnaissance 电子侦察electronic warfare电子战electro-optical intelligence 电(子)光(学)情报element分队elevation of security安全射角emergency in war战争紧急情况emission control发射控制emplacement掩体;进入阵地end of mission射击完毕engage攻击;火力压制engagement攻击;交战envelopment包围environmental cleanup环境清扫environmental services环境勤务equipment装备escalation逐步升级(战争)逃俘escort护航舰;护航队;护送队;护航飞机;护送兵;仪仗兵;护航;陪同escort forces护卫部队espionage间谍活动establishment机构;人员装备编制表estimate估计;判断evacuation后送;疏散;撤离;撤运evacuation policy后送方针;撤离方针;撤运方针evacuee(s)被疏散人员evaluation评价;鉴定evasion脱险evasion and recovery脱险与营救exclusive economic zone专属经济区execute order执行命令exercise演习exercise commander演习指挥官exercise directing staff演习导演部exercise term演习代号exfiltration撤出expedition远征expeditionary force远征军expendable property消耗品起爆装置explosive ordnance军用爆炸物explosive ordnance disposal 军用爆炸物处理explosive train传爆系统extent of a military exercise 军事演习的范围extent of damage毁伤范围external reinforcing force 外部增援部队extraction parachute索引伞feasibility可行性feint佯攻field army野战集团军field artillery野战炮兵field control野外控制点field exercise野外演习field headquarters野战司令部field of fire射界field of vision视野field training exercise野外训练演习fighter cover战斗机掩护fighter engagement zone战斗机攻击区filler装药;装料;装填物filler personnel补充人员。

军事英文术语absolute altitude 绝对高度absolute weapon 终极武器acceleration 加速accuracy 精确度acoustic intelligence (ACOUSTINT) 声学情报acoustic resonance spectroscopy (ARS) 声学共振谱学active countermeasures 主动反措施active defense 积极防御advanced airborne digital computer 先进机载数字计算机advanced conventional munitions 先进常规武器advanced missile system 先进导弹系统advanced mono-pulse seeker 先进单脉冲导引头advanced point defense system 先进点防御系统advanced power management system 先进电力管理系统advanced range instrumentation aircraft (ARIA) 高级靶场仪器飞机advanced range instrumentation ship (ARIS) 高级靶场仪器船advanced short-range air-to-air missile 先进近程空对空导弹aerial refueling (aircraft) 空中加油(飞机)aerodynamic methods of uranium enrichment 铀浓缩的空气动力法ailerons 副翼air armament 空中武器air assault 空中袭击air burst 空气爆炸air defense 防空air defense alerting device 防空预警装置air defense anti-missile system 防空反导弹系统air defense artillery 高射炮air defense identification zone 防空识别区airborne 机载的;空降的airborne alert 空中警戒airborne early warning (AEW) 空中早期警戒airborne laser 机载激光器airborne moving target indicator 机载活动目标指示器airborne task forces 空降兵特遣部队airborne warning and control system (AWACS) 机载警报和控制系统air-breathing missile 空气喷气式导弹air-combat information 空战情报aircraft prepared for service (APS) 待命飞行器aircraft weapon delivery system 机载武器运载系统air defense antitank system (ADA TS) 防空访坦克系统air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) 空中发射的弹道导弹air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) 空中发射的巡航导弹air power 空军实力airspace coordination area (ACA) 空域协调区air-to-air missile (AAM) 空对空导弹air-to-surface aerodynamic missile 空对地飞航式导弹air-to-surface missile (ASM) 空对地导弹alliance 联盟altitude marking radar 高度指示雷达ammunition 弹药ammunition depot 弹药库ammunition dump 弹药储藏所ammunition identification code (AIC) 弹药识别符号ammunition point 弹药存放点ammunition shipment order (AMSO) 药弹运输单amphibious tank; amphibious plane 水路两栖(坦克); ; 水路两用(飞机) analog 模拟analysis of variance (ANOV A) 方差分析analytical photogrammetric positioning system 摄影测量分析定位系统angle of attack 攻击角angle position indicator 空中位置指示器angular position sensor 角度位置传感器anti-armor cluster munitions 反装甲集束弹anti-ballistic missile (ABM) 反弹道导弹anti-landing 反登陆anti-oxidant compound 抗氧化合物anti-personnel bomb 杀伤炸弹anti-personnel grenade 杀伤榴弹anti-satellite weapons (ASAT weapons) 反卫星武器Anti-submarine warfare 反潜战anti-tactical ballistic missile 反战术弹道导弹apogee 远地点approach control radar 进场控制雷达Ardeer Cordite Tubular 阿迪尔柯达型管状发射药area denial artillery munition (ADAM) 区域封锁炮弹aperture 孔径approval request 申请批armament munitions requirement and development (AMRAD) 武器弹药要求与发展arming 待发状态arming device 解脱保险装置armor piercing discarding sabot 脱壳穿甲弹armor, armament and ammunition 装甲, 军械和弹药armored 装甲的; 武装的armored division 装甲师armor-piercing projectile 穿甲弹armor-piercing reduced caliber projectile (APRC) 次口径穿甲弹arms control 军备控制(军控)arms expansion 扩军arms race 军备竞赛arms reductions 军队裁减arms sales 武器销售army 陆军; 集团军;军队army tactical missile system 陆军战术导弹系统arrival angle 入射角arrival vector 到达失量artillery 炮兵;火炮artillery saturation rocket system 炮兵压制火箭系统assured destruction 保证破坏战略atmosphere layer 大气层atmospheric test 大气层试验atomic bomb 原子弹atomic demolition munitions 原子爆破弹药atomic energy detection system 原子能探测系统attrition inventory quantity 损耗总量augmented proportional navigation 扩充比例导航augmented satellite launch vehicle 增大卫星发射工具auto-igniting propellant 自动点燃推进剂automatic bomb sight 自动投弹瞄准器automatic chemical alarm 自动化学报警器automatic control module 自动控制模块automatic data acquisition 自动数据采集automatic inspection of data 自动数据检测automatic picture transmission 自动图象传输automatic program control 自动程序控制autonomous marine system 自主式海军系统autonomous navigation installation 自主式导航装置autopilot flight director 自动驾驶飞行指挥仪auxiliary detonating 辅助起炮average deviation 平均偏差aviation personnel 航空兵avionics 航空电子学azimuth 方位;炸弹弹道方向偏差bacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌backbone militia 基干民兵bacteriological weapon 细菌武器balance of power 力量均势ballistic impact and trajectory 弹道落点与轨道ballistic missile (BM) 弹道导弹ballistic missile defense (BMD) 弹道导弹防御ballistic missile early warning system 弹道导弹预警系统ballistic missile interceptor (BMI) 弹道导弹截击机ballistic trajectory 惯性飞行轨迹beam rider; riding missile 波束制导导弹; 驾束式导弹beryllium 铍beyond containment strategy 超越遏制战略bilateral disarmament 双边裁军bilateral, unilateral, multilateral 双边,单边,多边biological and chemical weapons 生物化学武器biological warfare agent 生物战剂biological weapon 生物武器blanket 覆盖物blast 爆炸; 爆破blast wave 冲击波blast weapon 冲击波武器blue water training 远海训练boiling water reactor (BWR) 沸水反应堆bomber (light, medium, heavy) 轰炸机(轻,中,重型)booster 助推器; 多级火箭的第一级运载火箭botulinum toxin (XR) 肉毒杆菌毒素breeder reactor 增殖反应堆Brilliant Eyes 智能眼Browning Aircraft Machinegun 勃朗宁航空机枪buffer zone 缓冲地带burner reactor (核) 燃烧反应堆burster 爆炸剂caisson 沉箱Canadian deuterium-uranium reactor 加拿大重水铀反应堆carrier 运载工具centrifuge 离心机chain reaction 连锁反应challenge inspections 质疑视查;质疑监察chemical defense 防化chemical defense corps 防化兵(GSD) chemical defense sub-department [PRC] (总参)防化分部[中国] chemical enrichment method 化学浓缩法chemical processing 化学加工circular error probable (CEP) 人民防空(民防)civil air defense [PRC] 人民防空(民防) [中国]civilian use 民用close-in fall out 近距理(放射性) 微尘沉降cockpit 驾驶舱cold war 冷战collateral damage 附带损伤collective security 集体安全(行动)combat radius 作战半径command, control and communication (C3) 指挥控制与通讯command-fire mine 遥控水雷command module 指令舱communications intelligence (COMINT) 通讯情报communications satellite 通讯卫星complete prohibition and destruction of nuclear weapons 全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器(US-PRC) comprehensive engagement (美中)全面接触concussion bomb 震央炸弹confidence and security building measures (CSBMs) 建立信任和安全措施confidence-building measures 建立信任措施conformal fuel tank 适型油箱consultations 协商contact mine 触发水雷containment 反扩散(IAEA safeguard) containment and surveillance (C/S) (国际原子能机构安全保障手段)封隔和监视continuous monitoring 连续监视control rods 控制棒conventional submarine 常规潜艇conventional weapons 常规武器conversion 转换; 变换converter reactor (核)转换反应堆coolant 冷却剂cooperative measures (核查)合作措施core 活性区; 反应堆芯corvett [Taiwan] 护卫舰[ 湾]counterforce 打击军事力量countervalue 打击社会财富critical mass 临界质量cruising range 巡航范围cruising speed 巡航速度deactivate 撤销decay (放射性)衰变decontamination 净化decoy 假目标; 诱饵de-escalation 降级defense policy 国防政策defense spending 国防支出; 国防开支defense system analysis (DSA) 防御系统分析delayed radiation effect 缓发辐射效应delivery system 运载系统denuclearization 非核化depleted uranium 贫铀deployment 部署depression bomb; stifling bomb 窒息弹detecting (核弹头核查)探测型detector probe 探测器détente 缓和deterrence; deterrent 威慑;威慑力量development, production and stockpiling (DPS) 发展生产和储存diptheria 白喉disarmament 裁军discriminate deterrence 有选择的遏制政策diversion 他用;另用dog fight 空中格斗Dongfeng (PRC missile) 东风(中国导弹名称)dual-capable weapons 双重能力武器dummy bomb fuse 教练炸弹引信earth penetrating nuclear munitions 钻地核弹头electromagnetic isotope separation 电磁同位素分离法electromagnetic pulse (EMP) 电磁脉冲electron 电子electronic countermeasure (ECM) 电子干扰;电子对抗electronic intelligence (ELINT) 电子情报(电子侦察)electronic missile attack simulator 导弹攻击电子模拟器electronic ocean reconnaissance satellite (EORSAT) 电子海洋侦察卫星electronic support measures (EMS) 电子支持措施electronic tag (R&D by Los Alamos Lab) 电子标签(Los Alamos 实验室研制) elliptical orbit 卫星椭圆轨道endoatmosphere 大气层内enrichment 浓缩equality and mutual benefit 平等互利equipment renewal 设备更新equivalent megatonnage (EMT) 百万吨当量escalation 逐步升级exoatmosphere 大气层外Exocet guided missile 飞鱼导弹expansionism 对外扩张; 扩张主义explosive reactive armor (ERA) 爆炸反应装甲export control 出口管制externally observable difference 外部观察差异extremely high frequency (EHF) 极高频F/A-18 Hornet warplane FA-18大黄蜂战斗机fail-safe procedures 自动防止辐射程序fallout (放射性)沉降(物)false alert 虚警fast breeder reactor 快中子增殖反应堆feed stock 进料fertile material 增殖性材料fiber lock (R&D by E. J. Brooks Company) 纤维锁(E. J. Brooks 公司研制) fiber optic cable communications 光缆通信fighter-bomber 战斗轰炸机fire resistant pits 防火弹芯fire-storm (原子爆炸等引起的) 风暴性大火first strike 第一次(核)打击fissile material 可裂变材料fission 裂变fission bomb 裂变炸弹fission weapon 裂变武器Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence 和平共处五项原则fixed parameter 确定参数flight information region 飞行情报区fly-by-wire flight control system 电传飞控系统follow on early warning system (FEWS) 后续早期警戒系统foreign aggression 外患foreign instrumentation signals intelligence 外国仪器信号情报formation 编队forward based system 前沿配置的系统fractional orbital bombardment 轨道爆炸fractionation 分馏法; 粒度级free rocket over ground (FROG) 克劳夫野战火箭; "蛙"式战术火箭frigate [PRC] 护卫舰[中国]front army 方面军fuel assemblies (核)燃料组件fuel cycle 燃料循环fuel fabrication 燃料组合fuel rod 条形燃料fuel-air explosive 云炸弹;燃烧空气炸弹full-scope safeguards 全面保障监督functionally related observable difference 功能导向观察差异fusion 核聚变fusion weapon 热核武器gas centrifuge method of uranium enrichment 铀浓缩的气体离心法gas centrifuge process 气体离心过程gas-cooled reactor 气冷式反应堆gaseous diffusion 气体扩散gaseous diffusion method of uranium enrichment 铀浓缩的气体扩散法general and complete disarmament (GCD) 全面彻底裁军geo-synchronous orbit (GEO) 卫星地球同步轨道geo-synchronous satellite 地球同步卫星global positioning satellite 全球定点卫星global positioning system 全球定位系统global space launch vehicle (GSLV) 全球空间发射飞行器graphite 石墨ground alert 地面待机ground zero 地零点(地面上直接位于核爆炸之下的一点)ground-based electro-optical deep space surveillance 地面光电高空观测ground-launched cruise missile 地面发射的巡航导弹group army 集团军guidance 制导; 导航guided missile 导弹gun-howitzer 加榴炮gun method 枪法;压拢型(超临界状态取得方式)H-5 bomber group 轰5型轰炸机群H-6 strategic bomber 轰6型战略轰炸机half-life 半衰期; 半排出期hard target 硬目标Harrier close support attack plane [UK] 洋狂密接支援攻击机[英国] heavy water 重水heavy water production 重水生产heavy water reactor (HWR) 重水反应堆hegemonism 霸权主义height of burst 爆炸高度high explosive (HE) 高能烈性炸药high frequency (HF) 高频high yield test 高威力试验high-explosive bomb 高能炸弹high-line transfer deck (navy) 高线传递甲板(海军)high-thrust turbine fan engine 大推动涡轮风扇引擎highly enriched uranium 高浓缩铀high-speed anti-radar missile (HARM) 高速反雷达导弹homing 寻的homing device 自动引导装置horizontal proliferation 水平扩散hot cells 热室hot spot 热点(放射性最强点)howitzer 榴弹炮hydrogen bomb 氢弹hydronuclear explosion (HNE) 流体核实验hyperchannel 超级通道Hypervelocity Guided Missile System (HGM) 超高速导弹系统implosion bomb 爆缩型核武器identifying (核弹头核查)鉴别型implosion method 内爆型;压紧型(超临界状态取得方式) incapacitating agent 失能剂inertial guidance 惯性制导inertial navigation system 惯性导航系统infrared (IR) 红外线initial operational capability (IOC) 初期作战能力initiator (原子弹)中子源点火器inshore defense 近岸防御intercept (e.g., missile) 拦截;截击intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) 洲际弹道导弹interim test range (ITR) 临时测试范围intermediate nuclear forces (INF) 中程核力量;《中导条约》intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM) 中程弹道导弹international technical means 国际技术手段inverted pass 倒飞通过isotope 同位素isotopic separation 同位素分离item-only safeguards 定项保护jet-assisted take-off (JATO) 起飞喷气加速器; 起飞助推火箭joystick 摇杆killer-satellite 截击卫星kiloton weapon 千吨当量武器landing operation(s) 登陆作战laser method of uranium enrichment 铀浓缩的激光法launch (e.g., missile) 发射launch vehicle 运载火箭launch weight 运载重量launcher 发射装置light water 轻水light water reactor (LWR) 轻水反应堆limited nuclear option 有限的核被选方案Long March 2E rocket with strap-on boosters [PRC] 长征二E 捆绑火箭[中国] long-range ballistic missile (LRBM) 远程弹道导弹low earth orbit (LEO) 卫星低轨道;近地卫星low frequency (LF) 低频low level missile target drone 低空导弹目标声low-enriched uranium 低浓缩铀maneuverable reentry vehicle (MARV) 可操纵返航运载工具marine corps 登陆队;陆战队maritime rights 海洋权materials test reactor 物质试验反应堆material unaccounted-for (MUF) 材料损失Maverick air-to-surface missile [US] 小牛空对地导弹[美国] maximum range 最大射程measurement and control 测控mechanized 机械化mediate 调停medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) 中程弹道导弹mid-course guidance 飞行中段制导military bloc 军事集团military hardware 武器装备military spending 军事开支; 军费military use 军用military-industrial complex (MIC) 军事工业复合体mine detector 探雷器minelaying machine; minelayer 布雷器mini-nuke 小型核武器missile fast attack craft 导弹快艇missile silo 导弹地下发射井mixed-oxide fuel 混氧燃料mobile formation 机动编队mobile missile 机动导弹moderator 减速器moon craft 月球探测机multilateral disarmament 多边裁军multinational technical means 多国技术手段multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle (MIRV) 多弹头分导再入飞行器multiple protective shelter (MPS) 多重保护壳multiple reentry vehicle (MRV) 多弹头返航运载工具multiple rocket launcher (MRL) 多管火箭炮multiple-launcher rocket system 多管火箭系统multiple-tube rocket gun 多管火箭炮multiple-warhead missile 多弹头导弹multipolarity 多级化mutual non-aggression 互不侵犯mutual non-interference 互不干涉national defense 国防national security 国家安全national sovereignty 国家主权national technical means 国家技术手段natural uranium 天然铀naval aviation corps 海军航空兵部队naval space surveillance (NA VSPASUR) 海军空间监测NBC protective clothing 三防服near-site verification 近场核查negative security assurance 消极安全保证neutron 中子neutron bomb 中子弹no first use 不首先使用nominal weapon 低威力核武器(2万吨级以下)non-interference in each other's internal affairs 互不干涉内政non-nuclear weapon states (NNWS) 非核武器国家non-proliferation 不扩散non-proliferation policy 不扩散政策non-use assurance 不使用核武器保证nuclear air-burst 空中核爆炸nuclear attack submarine 核动力攻击潜艇nuclear deterrent 核威慑力量nuclear device 核装置nuclear doctrine 核条令nuclear fuel 核燃料nuclear fuel cycle capacities 核燃料循环容量nuclear proliferation 核扩散nuclear radiation 核辐射nuclear reactor 核反应堆nuclear stockpile 核武器储备nuclear testing 核试验nuclear weapon states (NWS) 核武器国nuclear weapon-free zone 无核区nuclear yield 核当量nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons/warfare (NBC) 核,生物和化学武器/战争off-line refueling 线外式加燃料off-site monitoring 远距离监视once-through fuel cycle (核)燃料单一循环AA 对空AAA 对空高炮AAC 武装机群AAH 先进的攻击直升机AAM 空对空导弹ACM 空战机动AEW 空中早期警戒ALCM 空射巡航导弹APERS 反人员ASM 空对面导弹ASRAAM 先进短程空对空导弹AT 反坦克BVR 超视距CAP 空中战斗巡逻CAS 近距离空中支援CEP 园概率误差,或圆公算偏差,用于衡量导弹命中精度。

军事英文术语AWOL:Absent WithOut Leave = 擅离职守;无故离队;开小差A:Attacker = 攻击机AA:Anti-Air = 防空AAA:Anti-Air Artillery = 高射炮AAAV:Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle = 先进两栖突击车AAM:Air-to-Air Missile = 空对空导弹AAR:Air-to-Air Refueling = 空中加油AAW:Anti-Air Warfare = 防空作战ABL:AirBorne Laser = 机载激光器ABM:Anti-Ballistic Missile = 反弹道导弹ACMS:Air Combat Maneuvering System = 空战机动系统ACV:Armored Combat Vehicle = 装甲战车AFV:Armored Fighting Vehicle = 装甲战车AEM&C:Airborne Early Warning and Control = 空中预警与指挥AEW:Airborne Early Warning = 空中早期预警AFB:Air Force Base = 空军基地AGM:Air-to-Ground Missile = 空对地导弹AGS:Armored Gun System = 装甲火炮系统AGS:Advance Gun System = 先进火炮系统AIM:Air Intercept Missile = 拦射空空导弹ALBM:Air-Launched Ballistic Missile = 空射弹道导弹ALCM:Air-Launched Cruise Missile = 空射巡航导弹AMRAAM:Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile = 先进中程空空导弹APAR:Active Phase-Array Radar = 主动相控阵雷达APC:Armored Personnel Carrier = 装甲人员输送车APFSDS-T:AP Fin-Stab. Discarding Sabot-Tracer = 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲曳光弹APS:Artillery Pointing System = 火炮指示系统ARM:Anti Radiation Missile = 反辐射导弹ASM:Air-to-Surface Missile = 空对舰导弹ASRAAM:Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile = 先进短程空空导弹ASROC:Anti-Submarine Rocket = 反潜火箭ASuW:Anti-Surface Warfare = 反面作战ASW:Anti-Submarine War = 反潜ASW:Anti-Submarine Warfare = 反潜作战ATC:Air Traffic Control = 空中交通管制ATGM:Anti-Tank Guided Missile = 反坦克导弹ATM:Advanced Turret Module = 先进炮塔模块AUV:Autonomous Underwater Vehicle = 自主式水下航行器AWAC:Airborne Warning And Control = 空中预警和控制AWACS:Airborne Warning and Control System = 空中预警与指挥系统B:Bomber = 轰炸机BB:Battle Ship = 战列舰BC:Battle Cruiser = 战列巡洋舰BDA:Battle Damage Assessment = 战斗损害评估BPI:Boost Phase Intercept = 加速阶段拦截BRAA:Bearing, Range, Altitude and Aspect = 目标飞行情况BVR:Beyond Visual Range = 超视距BVRAAM:Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile = 超视距空空导弹C:Carrier = 运输机C3:Command, Control and Communication = 指挥控制通信系统CAP:Combat Air Patrol = 战斗空中巡逻CAS:Close Air Support = 近距空中支援CASE:Computer Aided Software Engineering = 电脑辅助软件工程CBU:Clustered Bomb Unit = 集束炸弹CENTCOM:Central Command = 中央司令部CFC:Carbon Fiber Composite = 碳纤维复合材料CC:Cruiser = 巡洋舰CG:Cruiser (Guided-missile) = 导弹巡洋舰CIC:Combat Information Center = 战斗信息中心CIC:Commander in Chief = 最高指挥官CIWS:Close-In Weapon System = 近战武器系统CIWS:Close Intercept Weapon System = 近程防御系统CNO:Chief of Naval Operation = 海军作战部长COMINT:Communication Intelligence = 通信情报COMDAC INS:Command Display and Control Integrated Navigation System = 集成控制导航系统CR:Close Range = 近程C/S:Course and Speed = 航向与速度CV:Carrier Vessel = 常规动力航空母舰CVN:Carrier Vessel (Nuclear-powered) = 核动力航母CVBG:Carrier Battle Group = 航母战斗群DASS:Defensive Aids Sub-System = 防御性辅助子系统DD:Destroyer = 驱逐舰DDG:Destroyer (Guided-missile) = 导弹驱逐舰DU:Depleted Uranium = 贫铀DVI:Direct Voice Input = 直接语音输入技术E:Electronic = 电子战机ECCM:Electronic Counter-Counter Measures = 电子反对抗,反电子战ECM:Electronic Counter Measures = 电子对抗,电子战ELINT:Electronic Intelligence = 电子情报EMCON:Emissions Control = 发射控制EML:ElectricMagnet Launcher = 电磁炮EMP:ElectricMagnet Palse = 电磁脉冲ERAAM:Extended Range Air-to-Air Missile = 延程空空导弹ESM:Electronic Signal Measures = 电子信号警告ESM:Electronic Support Measures = 电子支援ETG:Electro Thermal Gun = 电热炮ETCG:Electro Thermal Chemical Gun = 电热化学炮EW:Early Warning = 预警EW:Electronic Warfare = 电子战EWAC:Early Warning And Control= 预警及控制F:Fighter = 战斗机FAE:Fuel Air Explosive = 油气炸弹FEL:Free Elctron Laser = 自由电子激光器FF:Frigate = 护卫舰FFG:Frigate(Guided-missile) = 导弹护卫舰FLIR:Forward Looking Infra-Red = 前视红外FLOT:Forward Line Of Troops = 前线FMRAAM:Future Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile = 未来中程空空导弹FMTV:Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles = 中型战术车族GEM:Guidance-Enhanced Missile = 制导增强导弹GEO:Geo-Stationary Orbit = 地球同步轨道GPS:Global Positioning System = 全球定位系统GZ:Ground Zero = 核爆炸中心地面投影H:Helicopter = 直升机HE:High Explosive = 高爆炸药HEAT:High-Explosive Anti-Tank = 高爆反坦克炸药(成形炸药) HMD:Helmet Mounted Display = 头盔显示器HPM:High Power Microwave = 高功率微波HQ:Headquarters = 总部HUD:Head-Up Display = 抬头显示器HVU:High Value Unit = 高价值单位IADS:Integrated Air Defense System = 综合防空系统ICBM:Intercontinental Ballistic Missile = 洲际弹道导弹IFF:Identification of Friend or Foe = 敌我识别IFV:nfantry Fighting Vehicle = 步兵战车IPE:Individual Protection Ensemble = 单兵防护装备IRBM:Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile = 中程弹道导弹IRST:Infra-Red Search and Track = 红外搜索跟踪JDAM:Joint Direct Attack Munitions = 联合直接攻击弹药JHMCS:Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System = 联合头盔指引系统JSF:Joint Strike Fighter = 联合打击战斗机J-STAR:Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar system = 联合侦察和目标打击系统JTIDS:Joint Tactical Info Distribution System = 联合战术信息分发系统K:Kerosene = 加油机KIA:Kill in Action = 阵亡LANTIRN:Low-Alt. Nav.& Targeting Infra-Red for Night = 低空导航与目标指示红外夜视仪LAV:Light Armored Vehicle = 轻型装甲车辆LCA:Light Combat Aircraft = 轻型战斗机LEO:Low Earth Orbit = 近地轨道LD:Laser Designator = 激光导引LGB:Laser Guided Bomb = 激光制导炸弹LORCAP:Long-Range Combat Air Patrol = 长距离战斗空中巡逻LPT:Low Profile Turret = 低矮炮塔LRBM:Long-Range Ballistic Missile = 远程弹道导弹LRIP:Low Rate Initial Production = 低速试产MBT:Main Battle T ank = 主战坦克MC:Marine Corps = 海军陆战队MCA:Medium Combat Aircraft = 中型战斗机MCM:Mine Counter-Measures = 扫雷MFD:Multi-Function Display = 多功能显示器MFR:Multifunction Radar = 多用途雷达MIL-STD:Milliraty Standard = 军事标准MLU:Mid-Life Update = 中期延寿(战机)MOPP:Mission-Oriented Protective Posture = 攻击中的防范状态MOAB:Massive Ordnance Air Blast = 巨型空中炸弹MOAB:Mother Of All Bombs = 炸弹之母MPRF:Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency = 中脉冲重复频率MRLS:Multiple Rocket Launching System = 多管火箭发射系统NAVSSI:Navigation Sensor System Interface = 导航传感器系统界面NCTR:NonCooperative Target Recognition = 非己方目标识别NBC:Nuclear Biological and Chemical = 核、生物、化学OICW:Objective Individual Combat Weapon = 目标单兵战斗武器OOB:Order Of Battle = 战斗序列OPCW:Org. for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons = 禁止化学武器组织OTH:Over the Horizon = 超视距OWS:Overhead Weapon System = 遥控炮塔P:Patrol = 巡逻机PA:Phase Array = 相控阵PAC:Patriot Advanced Capability = 改进型爱国者导弹PGM:Precision-Guided Munitions = 精确制导炸弹PIM:Path of Intended Motion = 预定机动路线PK:Probability of Kill = 杀伤率PLGR:Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver = 精确轻型GPS接收器R:Reconnaissance = 侦察机RATO:Rocket Assisted Take-Off = 火箭辅助起飞RCS:Radar Cross Section = 雷达截面RLG:Retractable Landing Gear = 回收式起落架ROE:Rules of Engagement = 交战规则ROV:Remote Operated Vehicle = 遥控车辆、飞机RPG:Rocket Propelled Grenade = 火箭助推榴弹RTB:Return T o Base = 返回基地RTO:Ready to Take-Off = 起飞准备就绪RWR:Radar Warning Receiver = 雷达告警器SAM:Surface to Air Missile = 防空导弹SAR:Search and Rescue = 搜索救援SAR:Synthetic Aperture Radar = 合成孔径雷达SATCOM:Satellite Communication = 卫星通信SDV:Swimmer Delivery Vehicle = 潜水员输送载具SEAD:Suppression of Enemy Air Defense = 压制敌方防空任务SLBM:Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile = 潜射弹道导弹SLGR:Small Lightweight GPS Receiver = 小型轻便GPS接收器SOP:Standard Operation Procedure = 标准操作程序SRBM:Short-Range Ballistic Missile = 近程弹道导弹SSBN:Ballistic-missile Nuclear-powered Strategic Sub. = 战略导弹核潜艇SSL:Solid State Lasers = 固态激光器SSM:Surface-to-Surface Missile = 面对面导弹SSN:Strike Submarine (Nuclear-powered) = 攻击型核潜艇SSNDS:SSN Direct Support = 直接支援核潜艇SSPK:Single-Shot Probability of Kill = 单发杀伤率START:Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty = 战略武器削减条约STK:Strike = 袭击STN:Satellite Tracking Network = 卫星跟踪网STOL:Short Take Off and Landing = 短距起降STOP:Simultaneous Time on Top = 同时到达SURTASS:SURface Towed Array Sonar System = 水面拖曳阵列声纳系统TASM:Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile = 战斧反舰导弹TEL:Transporter/Erector/Launcher = 运输/起竖/发射车THAAD:Theater High Altitude Area Defense = 战区高空区域防空TLAM:T omahawk Land Attack Missile = 战斧对地攻击导弹TMA:Target Motion Analysis = 目标运动分析TOW:Tube-launched Optic-tracked Wire-guided = 光学有线制导管内发射反坦克导弹(陶式导弹)TVC:Thrust Vector Converter = 矢量推力UAV:Unmanned Air Vehicle = 无人驾驶飞行器UCAV:Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle = 无人驾驶战斗机UFCP:Up Front Control Panel =(战机座舱)前部控制屏UUV:Unmanned Underwater Vehicle = 无人水下航行器VL:Verticle Landing = 垂直起降VLS:Vertical Launch System = 垂直发射系统VTOL:Vertical Take Off and Landing = 垂直起降WECDIS:Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems = 海图显示和信息系统WRM:War Reserve Materials = 战争物资储备W/S:Weapon System = 武器系统WYPT:Waypoint = 路径点A,是空中(机载),I是对空,M是导弹,AIM就是空对空导弹了。
航空术语词表 (中英对照)

深感责任重大,怎么才能提高这些选手的英语实力呢?好吧,先从背词开始吧!邱政政2011.8航空术语词表(中英对照)Accuracy Landing 準确著陆17 Acknowledgment 领知18 Acoustic Velocity (Speed of Sound) 音速19 Acquisition and Tracking Radar 搜索及追踪雷达20 Acrobatic Flight 特技飞行21 Across Wnd Force Spectrum 侧风力分佈谱22 Across Wind Load 侧风负载23 Active Runway 使用中跑道24 Actuating Cylinder 制动缸25 Actuator Motor 制动马达26 Adcock Antenna 艾特可克定向天线27 ADF 自动寻向计28 Adjustable Pitch Propeller 可调变距螺旋桨29 Adjustable Stabilizer 可调式垂直安定面30 Advection 平流31 Advection Fog 平流雾32 Adverse Yaw 反向偏航33 Advisory Area 諮询区域34 Advisory Circulars 民航通告35 Advisory Route 諮询航线36 Advisory Service 飞航諮询服务37 Aerodrome 机场38 Aerodrome Beacon 机场标灯39 Aerodrome Control Service 机场管制服务40 Aerodrome Control Tower 机场管制塔台41 Aerodrome Operating Minimum 机场最低飞航限度42 Aerodrome Rating 机场检定43 Aerodrome Traffic Zone 机场交通带44 Aerodynamic Axis of Airfoil 气动力轴45 Aerodynamic Center(of Wing Section) 气动力中心(翼剖面)46 Aerodynamic Heating 气动热47 Aerodynamics 空气动力学48 Aerodyne 重航空器49 Aeronautical Approach Chart 航空进场图50 Aeronautical Broadcasting Service 航空广播服务51 Aeronautical Chart 航空图52 Aeronautical Fixed Service 航空固定业务53 Aeronautical Function 飞航功能54 Aeronautical Ground Light 航空地面灯光55 Aeronautical Information Publication AIP 飞航指南56 Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service 航空无线电助航服务57 Aeronautical Route Chart 航路图58 Aeronautical Station 通空电台59 Aeronautical Telecommunications Service 航空通信服务60 Aeronautical Telecommunications Station 航空电台61 Aeronautics 航空学62 Aeroplane 飞机63 Aerospace 太空64 Aerostatics 空气静力学65 Aging 时效66 AGT 自动导轨系统67 Aileron 副翼68 Air Brakes 空气减速装置69 Air Bridge 空桥70 Air Cargo Entrepot 航空货物集散站经营业71 Air Cargo Terminal 航空货运站72 Air Cargo, Air Freight 空运货物73 Air Carrier 航空公司74 Air Carrier Airport 民航运输机场75 Air City 航空城76 Air Container 航空货柜77 Air conveyance, Air transportation 航空运输78 Air Corridor 空中走廊79 Air Crew 空勤组员80 Air Defense Identification Zone 防空识别区81 Air Density 空气密度82 Air Envelop 大气层83 Air Express 航空快递84 Air express carrier 航空快递业者85 Air fare 航空运费86 Air Flow 气流87 Air force 空军88 Air Freight Forwarder 航空货运承揽业89 Air Freight Tag 空运货物掛籤90 Air Freighter 货机91 Air hub, Hub airport 空运中心92 Air Lock 气塞93 Air Mass 气团94 Air Navigation 空中导航95 Air Navigation Aid 助导航设备96 Air Navigation Chart 航行图97 Air Navigation Service 航空导航服务98 Air network 飞航网路99 Air Operator Certificate AOC 飞航作业许可100 Air Pressure 气压101 Air Pressure Guage 气压表102 Air Priority 空中优先次序103 Air Refueling 空中加油104 Air Report 空中报告105 Air Rescue 空中救护106 Air Resistance 空气阻力107 Air Right 空权108 Air Route 航线109 Air Route Certificate 航线证书110 Air Route Traffic Control Center 航路管制中心111 Air Service Agreement 空运服务协定112 Air Speed 空速113 Air Speed, Calibrated 校正空速114 Air Speed, Indicated 指示空速115 Air survey 空中侦测116 Airport 机场117 Air Traffic 空中交通118 Air Traffic Control ATC 空中交通管制;飞航管制119 Air Traffic Control Clearance 航管许可120 Air Traffic Control Instruction 航管指示121 Air Traffic Control Service 航管服务122 Air Traffic Flow Management 飞航流量管理123 Air Traffic Management 飞航管理124 Air Traffic Radar 空中交通管制雷达125 Flight safety 飞航安全126 Air Transport 空运;航空运输127 AirTransportation Safety, Aviation Safety 航空安全128 Air Vector 空中引导129 Air Way 航路130 Air Waybill 空运提单131 Airbill Label 空运提单标示132 Airborne Lifeboat 航空救生艇133 Airborne Transmitter 空用发射机134 Aircraft 航空器135 Aircraft Accident 飞航失事136 Aircraft Cable 航空缆绳137 Aircraft Equipment 航空器设备138 Aircraft Flight Operation Regulations 航空器飞航作业管理规则139 Aircraft Floor Loading System 飞机甲板装载设施140 Aircraft Icing 飞机积冰141 Aircraft Inspection 航空器检查142 Aircraft Instrument 航空器仪表143 Aircraft Log Book 航空器纪录簿144 Aircraft maintenance 航空器维护145 Aircraft Maintenance Manual 航空器维护手册146 Aircraft Major Repair 航空器大修理147 Aircraft Manufacture 航空器製造人148 Aircraft Marking 航空器标誌149 Aircraft Minor Alteration 航空器小改装150 Aircraft Minor Repair 航空器小修151 Aircraft Noise 航空器噪音152 Aircraft Noise Monitoring Network 航空器噪音监测网153 Aircraft Operator 航空器操作人154 Aircraft Owner 航空器所有人155 Aircraft pallet 空运货盘156 Aircraft pallet net 盘网157 Aircraft Performance 航空器性能158 Aircraft Performance Limitation 航空器性能限制159 Aircraft Registration 航空器登记160 Flight scheduling 飞航排程161 Aircraft Stand 停机位162 Aircraft Structure 飞机结构163 Aircraft Type 机型164 Aircraft type choice 机型选择165 Aircraft Units 飞机用盘柜166 Aircraft Utilization 航空器使用率167 Airworthy 航空器适航168 Airdrome 飞机场169 Airfield 飞行场170 Airfoil 翼面171 Airfoil flutter 机翼颤振172 Airframe 航空器结构体173 Air-Ground Communication 陆空通信174 Airline 航空公司175 Airliner 民航客机176 Airloading 装机177 Airman 飞行员178 Airman Rating Record 飞行员检定纪录179 Airman’s Guide 飞行员指南180 Airmanship 飞行员素养181 Airplane 飞机182 Airplane Flight Manual 飞机飞行手册183 Airport 飞机场;航空站184 Airport Access 机场联外运输185 Airport Advisory 机场飞航諮询186 Airport apron 停机坪187 Airport Beacon 机场标灯188 Airport Capacity 机场容量189 Airport city 机场都巿190 Airport Design 航空站设计;机场设计191 Airport Elevation 机场标高192 Airport Engineering 机场工程193 Airport Freight Terminal 航空货运站194 Airport Ground Access Road 机场联外道路195 Airport Ground Access System 机场联外运输系统196 Airport Landside Service Procedure 机场地勤程序197 Airport Layout Planning and Design 机场佈设规划与设计198 Airport Management 机场管理199 Airport Master Plan 机场主计画200 Airport Noise 机场噪音201 Airport Operation 机场营运202 Airport Reference Point 机场参考点203 Airport Remote Parking 机场远端停车204 Airport Rotating 机场旋转205 Airport Runway 机场跑道206 Airport Surface Detection Equipment 机场场面雷达207 Airport Surveillance Radar 机场搜索雷达208 Airport System Planning 机场系统规划209 Airport Terminal 航站大厦210 Airscrew 螺旋桨211 Airside 空侧212 Airspace 空域213 Airspeed , True 真空速214 Airspeed Indicator 空速表215 Airway 航路216 Airway Beacon 航路标灯217 Airway Course Lights 航向灯218 Airworthiness Certificate 适航证明书219 Airworthiness Directives 适航指令220 Alert Phase 守助时期221 All-Cargo Aircraft 全货机222 Allowable Cargo Load 容许货物负荷223 Allowable Crosswind Component 容许最大侧向风速224 Allowable Engine Operating Time 发动机许可使用时间225 Allowable Gross Takeoff Weight 许可起飞总重226 All-wave Antenna 全波天线227 Alternate Aerodrome 备用机场228 Alternate Communications Facility 备用通信设施229 Altimeter ALT 高度表230 Altimeter Setting 高度表设定231 Altitude 高度232 Altocumulus 高积云233 Altostratus 高层云234 Amphibian 水路两用航空器235 AN Codes 美军编号236 Anchor Light 碇泊灯237 Anemoscope 测风器238 Aneroid Altimeter 空盒高度表239 Angle of Attack 冲角240 Angle of Stabilizer Setting 安定面装配角241 Annealing 退火242 Anodic Treatment 阳极氧化处理243 Antenna 天线244 Antenna Array 天线组245 Antenna Dipole 双极天线246 Anticyclone 反气旋区247 Anti-G Suit 抗G衣248 Antistatic Wire 防静电线249 Apparent Solar Time, Apparent Time 视太阳时;视时250 Approach 进场;近场251 Approach Clearance 进场许可252 Approach Control Position 终端管制席位;进场管制席位253 Approach Control Procedures 进场管制程序254 Approach Control Radar 进场管制雷达255 Approach Control Service 进场管制服务256 Approach Control Unit 进场管制站257 Approach Control Zone 进场管制地带258 Approach Fix 进场点259 Approach Gate 进场入口260 Approach Indicator 进场指示器261 Approach Light 进场灯光262 Approach Light Contact Height 进场灯目视高度263 Approach Light System 进场灯光系统264 Approach Lights 进场灯265 Approach Path 进场路线266 Approach Rating 进场检定267 Approach Sequence 进场管制顺序268 Approach Surface 进场面269 Apron, Ramp 停机坪270 Arctic Fog 北极雾271 Area Control Center 区域管制中心272 Area Control Service 区域管制服务273 Area Navigation System ARNAV 区域飞航系统274 Area Rating 区域检定275 Armature 电枢276 Arrival Messages 到场电报277 ARSR 航路搜索雷达278 Aspect Ratio 展旋比279 Assisted Takeoff 辅助起飞280 Astronautics 太空学281 Athodyd 热气动力管282 Atmospheric Circulation 大气环流283 Atmospheric Gases 大气气体284 Atmospheric Layer 大气层285 Atmospheric Motion 大气运动286 Atmospheric Visibility 大气能见度287 Attention Signal 注意讯号288 Attenuater 衰减器289 Attitude of Fight 飞行状态290 Authorized Frequency 核定频率291 Auto Coordination 转向协调仪292 Autogiro 旋翼机293 Automatic Directional Finder 自动定向仪294 Automatic Mixture Control 自动混合比操纵295 Automatic Pilot 自动驾驶仪296 Automatic Relay 自动中继装置297 Automatic Riveting Machine 自动铆接机298 Automatic Terminal Information Service ATIS 终端资料自动广播服务299 Auxiliary Airport Beacon 航站辅助灯标300 Auxiliary Airway Beacon 航路辅助灯标301 Aviation Gasoline 航空燃油302 Aviation Medicine 航空医药303 Aviation weather 飞航天气304 Aviation weather forecast 飞航天气预报305 Avionics 航空电子学306 Axes of Aircraft 航空器轴307 Axial Flow 轴向流动308 Azimuth Direction 方位角309 B310 Back Course 飞回航路311 Backhaul 回载312 Baffles 折流板(或挡板)313 Balanced Surface 平衡面314 Ballast 压载物315 Band 印字通讯速度单位316 Band Width 频带宽度317 Band-pass Filter 选带滤波器318 Bank 倾斜319 Barometer 气压表320 Barometric Pressure Gradient 气压梯度321 Barometric Tendency 气压趋势322 Beacon 标灯323 Beacon, Radio 无线电信标324 Beading 波纹325 Beam, radio 无线电波柱326 Bearing 方位327 Beaufort Scale of Wind Velocity 蒲幅风速分级法328 Bell Crank 双臂曲柄329 Blackout 黑晕330 Blade Angle 桨叶角331 Blast Pad 喷气防护坪332 Blind Flying 盲目飞行333 Blind Speed 盲速334 Blind Transmission 盲发335 Blind Zone 盲区336 Block Altitude 阻挡高度337 Block Speed 站间速率338 Block Time 全程时间339 Blood Albumen Glue 血质蛋白胶340 Blower 吹风器341 Booster 增压器;啟动磁电机342 Bottom Rudder 下舵343 Boundary Light 边界灯344 Boundary Layer Control 边界层控制345 Boundary Marker 边界标誌346 Brake Horsepower 实马力347 Briefing 提示;任务讲解348 Bubble Point 起泡点349 Bulkhead 隔框350 Buys Ballots Law 白贝罗定律351 C352 Cabin 机舱353 Cabin crew 客舱组员354 Cabin Pressure altitude 舱压高度355 Cable Tension Indicator 钢绳张力指示器356 Cabotage 国内航行权357 Call Sign or Identification 呼号或识别358 Calm 无风(或称静风)359 Calm Wind Run Way 静风跑道360 Camber 线弧361 Candle-power 烛光20362 Captain 机长363 Carburetor 汽化器364 Carburetor Heat 汽化器加温计365 Cargo 货物366 Cargo Compartment 货舱367 Cargo Liner 民用货运机368 Cargo Load 货载369 Cargo Load Factor 载货率370 Cargo Parachute 投物伞371 Cargo Terminal, Freight Terminal 货运站372 Cargo Transportation, Freight Transportation, Goods Transportation 货物运输373 Catapult 弹射器374 Category I Approach Runway 第一类仪降跑道375 Catering Service 空厨业376 Cathedral angle 下反角377 Ceiling 云幕高378 Ceiling Balloon 测云汽球379 Ceiling Projector 云幂灯380 Ceiling Unlimited 云幂无限381 Celestial Navigation 天文航行382 Center of Gravity 重心383 Center of Pressure (of Airfoil) 压力中心(翼剖面)384 Center of Pressure Travel 压力中心行程385 Certificated Aircraft 登记航空器386 Certificated Mechanic 领有证书机械员387 Certificated Repair Station 领有证书修理厂388 Certification Service 航空器认证389 Channel (Radio) 频道(无线电)390 Channel Light 水道灯391 Characteristic Curves (of Airgoil) 特性曲线(翼剖面)392 Charter Flight 包机393 Check Sheet 检查表394 Checkpoint 校对点395 Chord 弦396 Chord Component 弦分力397 Chord Length 弦长398 Chord Line 弦线399 Chord Load 弦载荷22400 Chronometer 航行錶401 Circular Polarization 圆极化402 Circular Taxiway 圆形滑行道403 Cirrocumulus 卷积云404 Cirrostratus 卷层云405 Cirrus 卷云406 City Fog 城市雾407 Civil (Mean Solar)Time 民用(平均太阳)时408 Civil Aeronautics Administration CAA 交通部民用航空局409 Civil Air Service 民用航空业410 Civil Air Transport Enterprise 民用航空运输业411 Civil Aircraft 民用航空器412 Civil and Military Airport 军民合用机场413 Civil aviation 民用航空414 Civil Aviation Law 民用航空法415 Clear for Take-off 准许起飞416 Clear Ice 坚冰417 Clear to Land 准许落地418 Clear to Taxi 准许滑行419 Clearway 清除区420 Clear Zone 清除地带421 Clear(or Cleared)准许422 Cleared Area 清除区423 Climate 气候424 Cloud 云425 Cloud Amount 云量426 Cloud Banner 云麾427 Cloud Cap 帽状云428 Cloud Height 云高429 Cockpit 座舱;驾驶舱430 Cockpit Flight Signal 机内飞行讯号431 Cockpit Inspection 座舱检查432 Cockpit voice recorder CVR 座舱通话纪录器433 Code Beacon 信号灯标434 Code Share 共用班号435 Coder 臺号发送机436 Cold Wave 寒潮437 Collision 碰撞438 Color Position Light Signal 方位色灯号誌439 Communication COM 通讯440 Communication Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Management 通讯、导航、监视与飞航管理441 Compass 罗盘442 Compass Heading 罗向443 Compass Locater 定位臺444 Compass Locator Outer Marker 外定位信标臺445 Compass North 罗北446 Compass Rose 罗盘标度面447 Composite Powerplant 复合发动机448 Compression Pressure Ratio 压缩压力比449 Compression Rate 压缩比(内燃机)450 Compression Stall 压缩机失速451 Compulsory Reporting Point 强制报告点452 Computer Reservation Service 电脑订位服务453 Conditionally Unstable Air 条件性不稳定空气454 Cone of Silence 锥形无声区455 Console 控制台456 Constant Speed propeller 恆速螺旋桨457 Contact Flying, Pilotage 地标飞行458 Contact Navigation 地标飞航459 Contour 等高线460 Contour Interval 等高线间距461 Control Area 管制区域462 Control Flight into Terrain 操控下接近地障463 Control Slash 管制目标464 Control Station 主臺465 Control Surface 操纵面466 Control Tower 塔臺467 Control Yoke 控制秆468 Control Zone 管制地区469 Controllability 操纵性470 Controllable Pitch Propeller 变距螺旋桨471 Controlled Airdrome 管制机场472 Controlled Airport 管制机场473 Controlled Airspace 管制空域474 Controller Air Traffic Control Specialist 飞航管制员475 Convection 对流476 Convention On International Civil Aviation 国际民用航空公约477 Coordinated Turn 协同转向478 Co-pilot, First-officer 副驾驶479 Copy 抄收480 Coriolis Effect 柯氏效应481 Coscant Squred Beam 餘割平方波柱482 Course 航线483 Course Bend 无线电航轨弯曲484 Course Corrections 航线修正485 Course Error 航线误差486 Course Light 航路灯487 Course Line 航线488 Course Line Computer 航线计算器489 Course Line Deviation 航线偏差490 Course Selector 航道选择钮491 Course Separation 航向隔离492 Coverage 涵盖493 Cowling 整流罩494 Crankshaft 曲轴495 Crash 毁机失事496 Crash Landing 毁机落地497 Crew Member 组员498 Critical Altitude 临界高度499 Critical Angle of Attack 临界冲角500 Critical Speed 临界速度501 Cross-country Flight 越野飞行502 Cross-feed valve 交输瓣503 Crosswind 侧风504 Cross-wind Force 侧风力505 Cross-wind Landing 侧风落地506 Crosswind Leg 侧风边507 Cross-wind Take-off 侧风起飞508 Cruise 巡航509 Cruise Control 巡航操纵510 Cruise Control Chart 巡航操纵图511 Cruising Altitude 巡航高度512 Cruising Level 巡航空层513 Cruising Speed 巡航速度514 Current Flight Plan 现行飞航计划515 Cyclone 气旋516 Cylinder 汽缸517 D518 Damping Moment 减振力距519 Danger Area 危险区520 Dangerous Goods 危险货品521 Dashboard 仪表板522 Dead Reckoning 推测航行523 Dead-stick Landing 滑翔著陆524 Debarkation 卸载525 Debarkation Point 卸载点526 Decision altitude DA 决定高度527 Decision height DH 决定实际高度528 Decoder 解密机529 Decompression Sickness 减压病530 Deicer 除水器531 Delta Wing 三角机翼532 Departure Message 离场电报533 Depot Maintenance 工厂维护修理534 Depot Overhaul 工厂翻修535 Depression 低气压536 Depth Perception 深度知觉体537 De-registration on Aircraft 航空器登记证之撤销538 Descent 下降539 Deviation 偏向540 Deviation of Wind 风偏向541 Dew point 露点542 Dielectric 介质543 Diffuser 扩散器544 Dihedral Angle 上反角545 Dinghy 救生筏546 Direct Channel 直通波道547 Direct Flight 直航548 Direction-finding System 定向系统549 Dispatcher 签派员550 Distance-measuring Equipment DME 测距仪551 Distress Call 遇险呼救552 Distress Phase 遇险时期553 Distress Radio Frequency 遇险无线电频率554 Distress Signal 遇险信号555 Ditching 水上迫降556 Ditching Procedure 水上迫降程序557 Diurnal-Heating 每日加温558 Diversion 转移559 DME Separation 测距仪隔离标準560 Domestic airway 国内航路561 Doppler Effect 杜卜勒效应562 Doppler Shift 杜卜勒偏移563 Down-draft Carburetor 下向汽化器564 Downwash 下向气流565 Downwind 顺风566 Downwind Leg 顺风边567 Drag 阻力568 Drift 偏流569 Drone 无人飞机(或靶机)570 Drop Ramp 活动斜臺571 Duralumin (Dural) 硬铝572 Dust Strip 沙质起落道573 Dynamic Balance Stand 动力平衡试验架574 Dynamic Lift 动升力575 Dynamic Load 动力负荷576 Dynamometer 功率表577 Dynamotor 电动发电机578 E579 Elevator Trim 升降舵配平580 Emergency Escape Ramp 紧急滑行道581 Emergency Locator Transmitter ELT 求救定位讯号发设器582 Enhanced Ground Proximate Warning System EGPWS 加强型接近地面警告系统583 Entrance Taxiway 入口滑行道584 Equiphase Zone 等相区585 Equisignal Beacon 等信号信标586 Equisignal Station 等信号臺587 Equisignal Zone, Sector 等信号区588 Equivalent Flat Plate Area 等值平板面积589 Error Signal 误差讯号590 Estimated Elapse Time 预计航程时间591 Estimated Time Over 预计通过时间592 Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间593 Estimated Time of Departure 预计离场时间594 Evans Skyloader 伊文斯装货架595 Executive Aircraft 公务航空器596 Expected Approach Time 预计进场时间597 Expected Further Clearance Time 预期次一许可时间598 Express Handling Unit 快递货物专区599 F600 Factor of Safety 安全因数601 Fade 消失602 Fairing 整流片603 False Targers(Primary Radar)假目标(初级雷达)604 False(Fake)Cone of Silence 假锥形无声区605 Fan-type Marker 扇形标誌606 Faraliax 视差607 Fatigue 疲劳608 Feathering Propeller 顺位螺旋桨609 Federal Aviation Administration FAA 美国联邦航空总署610 Federation Aeronautique International 国际航空联盟611 Feeder Line 馈电线路612 Field of Vision 视界613 Fifty-hour Inspection 五十小时检查614 Fin 直尾翅615 Final Approach 最后进场616 Fineness Ratio 细度比617 Finger System 指状式系统618 Finger-Pier System 指状凸堤式系统619 FIR, Flight information region 飞航情报区620 Fire Wall 防火壁621 First aid kit FAK 急救箱622 First Point of Aries 春分点623 Fix 定位624 Fixed-base Operation 普通航空业机场业务625 Fixed-pitch Propeller 定距螺旋桨626 Fixture 固定模架627 Flap 襟翼628 Flare 平飘629 Flares 火焰630 Flashing Sequence Light 顺序闪光灯631 Fleet scheduling 机队调度632 Flight 飞航633 Flight accident 飞航失事634 Flight arc 航次节线635 Flight Check 飞航查核636 Flight Crew Member 飞航组员637 Flight Data Position 飞航资料席位638 Flight Data Recorder 飞航资料纪录器639 Flight delay 班机延误640 Flight duty period 执勤时段641 Flight Engineer 随机机械员642 Flight Forecast 航线预报643 Flight frequency 航次频数644 Flight Information Center 飞航情报中心645 Flight Information Region 飞航情报区646 Flight Information Service 飞航情报服务647 Flight Level 飞航空层648 Flight Line 停机线649 Flight Log 飞行记录表650 Flight Manual 飞航手册651 Flight Monitoring 飞行监护652 Flight Operation Manual 航务手册653 Flight Path 飞行路线(航跡)654 Flight Path Deviation 飞行路线偏差655 Flight Performance 飞行性能656 Flight Plan 飞航计画657 Flight Plan Departure Messages 飞航计画起飞电报658 Flight Plan Messages 飞航计画书659 Flight Progress Strips 飞航进度纪录条660 Flight Recorder 飞航纪录仪661 Flight Safety 飞行安全662 Flight Scheduling 飞行排程663 Flight Segment 航段664 Flight Simulation 飞行模拟665 Flight Simulator 飞航模拟机666 Flight time 飞航时间667 Flight Training Device 飞航训练器668 Flight-Line Maintenance 停机线维护669 Float 浮筒670 Flood Lights 照明灯671 Flow, Laminar 分层流动672 Flow, Streamline 稳定流动673 Flow, Turbulent 扰流674 Flutter 振动(或颤动)675 Flying Boat 飞船676 Flying Equipment Maintenace 飞行设备维护677 Flying Fatigue 飞行疲劳678 Flying height 航高679 Flying Operation Cost 飞行成本680 Flying Range 飞行距离(航程)681 Follow-me Vehicle 引导车682 Forced Landing 强迫降落683 Forecast Folder 预报手摺684 Four Cycle Engine 四冲程发动机685 Four-Course Radio Range 四航路无线电导航臺686 Four-stroke Cycle principle 四冲程循环原理687 Fracto Stratus 碎积云688 Freedom of The Airspace 天空自由第15页共36页航空全名简称英文行号中文689 Freeing Mist 冰冻雾690 Frequency 频率691 Frequency Modulation 调频692 Frequency Range 频率范围693 Frontal Weather 锋面天气694 Fuel 燃料695 Fuel Consumption Rate 燃油消耗率696 Fuel Pump 燃料泵697 Full Rudder 全舵698 Fuel System 燃料系统699 Fuel Tank 油箱700 Fundamental Frequency 基频(电磁波)701 Fundamental or Natural Frequency 基本频率(或自然频率)702 Furnishing 机内陈设703 Fuselage 机身704 G705 Galling 磨损706 Gas Lift 气体昇力707 Gas Weld 气焊708 Gate 登机门709 Gate Assignment 机门指派710 Gate Lounge 内候机室711 Gauge 仪表712 General Aviation 普通航空业713 General Aviation Airport 普通航空业专用机场714 Generator 发电机715 Geographical Meridian(True Meridian)地理子午线716 Geographical Poles 地极717 Geographical Separtion 地理隔离718 Glider 滑翔机719 Glide Path 下滑航线720 Glide Path Angle 下滑角721 Glide Path Intercept Altitude 下滑高度722 Glide Path Station 下滑线电臺723 Glide Path Width 下滑航道宽度724 Glide Siope 下滑台725 Glide 滑翔726 Global Navigation Satellite System 全球卫星导航系统727 Global Positioning System 全球定位系统728 Go Around 重飞729 Goniometer 测向器730 Governor 调速器731 Great Circle Course 大圆航线732 Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治平均时733 Greenwich Sidereal Time 格林威治恆星时734 Gross Weight 总重735 Ground Check 地面查核736 Ground Clutter 地面混乱737 Ground Controlled Approach 地面管制进场738 Ground Controlled Approach System GCA 地面进场管制设备739 Ground Effect 地面效应740 Ground Equipment 地面设备741 Ground Handling Service 地勤业742 Ground Lock 地面卡锁743 Ground Operation Expenses 地面勤务费用744 Ground Power Unit 地面发电机745 Ground proximate warning system GPWS 接近地面警告系统746 Ground Speed 地面速度747 Ground Temperature 地面温度748 Ground Time 地面时间749 Ground Visibility 地面能见度750 Gust Load 阵风载荷751 Gust Velocity 阵风速度752 Gyro Horizon 陀螺地平仪753 Gyro Pilot 自动驾驶仪754 Gyroscope, Directional 方向陀螺仪755 H756 Hail 雹757 Hangar 棚厂758 Hardstand 硬面地坪759 Hardstart 外力起动760 Hatch 舱门761 Haze 霾762 Head Wind 逆风763 Heading 航向764 Heading Indicator 航向指示器765 Heat Treatment 热处理766 Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft 重航空器767 Height 实际高度768 Helicopter 直升机769 Heliport 直升机飞行场770 HF 高週率771 High Octane fuel 高辛烷油料772 High Pitch(Prop)高螺距773 High Speed Taxiway 快速滑行道774 High-lift Devices 高升力装置775 Hinterland 腹地776 Hold Your Position 原地等待777 Holding 等待778 Holding Apron 等待机坪779 Holding Fix 等待点780 Holding Pattern 等待航线781 Holding Point 等待点782 Holophanc Light 何洛凡灯783 Homing 归航784 Homing Beacon 归航信标785 Homing Mechanisms 归航设备786 Homing Station 归航臺787 Horizon 地平线788 Horizon, Artificial 人工地平仪789 Horizontal Displacement Wind 横风790 Horizontal Stabilizer 水平安定面791 Horsepower 马力792 Horsepower Available 可用马力793 Horsepower Required 需要马力794 Horsepower-Thrust Ratio 推力马力比795 Hours of Darkness 黑夜时间796 Hours of Day Light 白昼时间797 Hovering 悬飞798 Hovering Ceiling 悬飞升限799 Hub 转运中心800 Human Engineering 人体工程学801 Humidity 溼度802 Hurricane 颶风803 Hydraulic Accumulator 液压蓄积器804 Hydraulic pump 液压泵805 Hydraulic System 液压系统806 Hydraulic Test Bench 液压试验臺807 Hydrofoil, Hydrovane 著水板808 Hyperbolic Navigation System 双曲线导航系统809 I810 ICAO Circuit Numbers 国际民航电路代号811 Ice Rain 冰雨812 Identification Beacon 识别信标813 Identification Friend(or Foe)IFF 敌我识别器814 Identification Light 识别灯815 Identification Panel Code 识别板符号816 Idling 慢车817 IFR Clearance 仪器飞行许可818 IFR Flight 仪器飞行819 Ignition Harness 点火线装置820 Ignition System 点火系统821 Impedance 阻抗822 Inaugural Flight 首航823 Inboard(Stabilizing)Float 内浮筒824 Inclination of the Wind 风向倾角825 Inclinometer 倾斜仪826 Indicated Airspeed 指示空速827 Indicated Pressure Altimeter 指示气压高度828 Inducted Drag 诱导阻力829 Inertial Navigation System 惯性导航系统830 In-flight Refueling 空中加油831 In-flight Shutdown 空中关车832 Initial Approach 最初进场833 Initial Training 新进训练834 Inner Marker IM 内信标台835 Insignia 标誌836 Inspection Window 检查窗837 Institute of The Aeronautical Science 航空科学学会838 Instrument Meteorological Condition 仪器飞行天气情况839 Instrument Approach 仪器进场840 Instrument Approach and Landing Operations 仪器进场及落地作业841 Instrument Approach Chart 仪器进场图842 Instrument Approach Procedure 仪器进场程序843 Instrument Check 仪器检核844 Instrument Flight Rules 仪器飞行规则845 Instrument Landing 仪器降落846 Instrument Landing System ILS 仪器降落系统;仪降系统847 Instrument Light 仪表灯848 Instrument Panel 仪表板849 Instrument Rating 仪器飞行检核850 Instrument Runway 仪降跑道851 Instrument Take-off 仪器起飞852 Integral Tank 併体箱853 Intersection 航路交叉点854 Interchangeability 互换性855 Intercom 对讲电话856 Interference 干扰857 Interline Baggage 转运行李858 Intermediate Approach 中期进场859 Internal Combustion Engine 内燃机860 International (Domestic) Air Routes 国际(国内)航线861 International Aeronautical Radio 国际航空无线电通讯862 International Air Services Transit Agreement 国际航空业务过境协定863 International Air Traffic Rights 国际航权864 International Air Transport Agreement 国际航空运输协定865 International Air Transport Association IATA 国际航空运输协会866 International Air-Navigation Conversion 国际航空公约867 International airport 国际机场;国际航空站868 International Candle 国际烛光869 International Civil Aviation Convention 国际民用航空公约870 International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO 国际民航组织871 International courier service 国际快递872 International Date Line 国际换日线873 International Morse Code 国际摩氏电码874 International Standard Atmosphere 国际标準大气875 International Tape Relay Network 国际全自动通讯网876 International Telecommunications Union ITU 国际电信联合会877 Interphone System 通话系统878 Interrogator 询问器879 Inversion 逆增880 Isobar 等压线881 Isogonic Chart 等磁差图882 J883 Jamming 扰乱884 Jamming Device 扰乱装置885 Jet Engine 喷射发动机886 Jet Engine Aircraft 喷射式航空器887 Jet fuel 喷射机燃油888 Jet Stream 喷射气流889 Jet-fan 喷射扇890 Jig 样板891 K892 Keel 龙骨893 Kilocycles 千週894 Klystron 调速管895 Knot 浬/时(节)896 L897 Lambert Projection 蓝伯投影898 Laminar Flow 层流899 Landing 落地(降落)900 Landing Aid 降落辅助设备901 Landing Approach 降落进场902 Landing Area 降落区域903 Landing Beam 降落电波904 Landing Chart 降落区状况图905 Landing Check 落地前检查906 Landing Clearance 落地许可907 Landing Direction Indicator 落地方向指示灯908 Landing Distance 降落距离909 Landing fee 降落费910 Landing Field 降落场911 Landing Flare 降落用照明灯912 Landing Gear 起落架913 Landing Interval 降落间隔914 Landing Light 著陆灯915 Landing Load 著陆负荷916 Landing Mat 降落垫板917 Landing Minimums 落地最低天气标準918 Landing Pattern 落地航线919 Landing Strip 起落地带920 Landing Tee 降落T字布921 Landmark Beacon 地形标灯922 Landmark Navigation 地标航线923 Landside 陆侧924 Large aeroplane 大型航空器925 Lateral Axis 横轴926 Lateral Separation 左右隔离927 Lateral Stability 横向安定性928 Latitude 纬度929 Leading Edge 前缘930 Leeward 下风931 Leeway 风压角932 Left Hand Engine 左发动机933 Left Hand Propeller 左转螺旋桨934 Life Preserver 救生装置935 Life raft 救生筏936 Life Vest 救生衣937 Lift 升力938 Lift Capacity 空运能量939 Light aircraft 轻航机940 Light Beacon 标灯941 Light Gun 通信灯942 Line Inspection (of Aircraft) 飞行线检查943 Line of Position 位置线944 Line of Sight Transmission 直线传播945 Line operating experience 线上(实际)操作经验946 Link Trainer 林克教练机947 Liquid Cooled Engine 液冷式发动机948 Listing watch 听音守候949 Litter Aircraft 担架航空器950 Load Adjuster 装载计算尺951 Load Center of Gravity Extremes 负载重心极限952 Load Factor 承载率953 Load Message 装载电报954 Load Waterline 载重水线955 Loaded Limit 载重限度956 Loading and Unloading Apron 装卸停机坪957 Loading Chart 装载图958 Loading Ramp 装卸机坪959 Local Apparent Time 地方视时960 Local Delivery 当地传递961 Local Mean Time 地方平均时962 Localizer LOC 左右定位臺963 Localizer Course Width 左右定位臺航轨宽度964 Locator 定位台965 Log 纪录簿966 Long Distance Aids 长程助航设备967 Long Range Navigation Chart 长程航行图968 Long Range Weather Forecast 长期天气预报969 Longeron 纵樑970 Longitude 经度971 Longitudinal Axis 纵轴972 Longitudinal Separation 前后隔离973 Longitudinal stability 纵向安定性974 Loop Antenna 环状天线975 Loop-type Radio 环型天线导航臺976 Loran 长程无线电导航(或称洛兰)977 Loran Chain 洛兰连锁电臺978 Loran Chart 洛兰航图979 Loran Station 洛兰电臺980 Loran Triplet 洛兰鼎力臺981 Low Frequency(简称LF)低频982 Low pitch 低螺距983 Lubrication Oil 润滑油984 Lubrication System 润滑系统。

美国军事术语大全Aabort 中断absolute dud 哑核弹absolute height 绝对高度absorbed dose 吸收剂量accidental attack 偶发性袭击(攻击)accompanying supplies 随伴补给品accuracy of fire 射击精度accuracy of information 情报资料的准确性acoustical surveillance 测音监听;音响监听acoustic intelligence 测音情报;音响情报acoustic mine 音响水雷acoustic minehunting 音响探雷acoustic warfare 音响战acquire 探测;截获acquisition 获取action agent 执行人员action deferred 推迟行动action information center 战斗情报中心activation 加入现役active defense 积极防御active duty 现役active duty for training 现役训练Active Guard and Reserve 國M警卫队和后备役部队现役成员 active homing guidance 主动寻的制导active mine 主动水雷active sealift forces 现役海运部队active status 现役状况adjust 进行试射adjust fire 试射adjustment of fire 射击修正administrative control 行政控制administrative escort 行政护航舰船administrative landing 非战斗登陆administrative loading 非战斗装载administrative movement 非战斗行军advance 提前advance force (amphibious) 先遣部队(两栖)advanced base 前进基地advanced guard 前卫advanced logistic support site 前进后勤支援站advanced operations base 前进作战基地advance force 先遣部队advance guard 前卫advance guard support 前队advance to contact 接敌运动;接敌前进adverse weather 恶劣天候Aegis “宙斯盾”舰空导弹系统aerial picket 空中预警飞机aerial port航空港;航空站aerial port control center 航空港控制中心aerial port squadron 航空港勤务中队aerodynamic missile 飞航式导弹aeromedical evacuation 航空医疗后送;伤病员空运后送aeronautical chart 航空图aeronautical plotting chart 标图作业航图aerospace 航空航天空间aerospace control operations 制空制天作战aerospace defense 航空航天防御affiliation training 协同训练afloat pre-positioning force 海上预置部队afloat pre-positioning operation 海上预置行动afloat support 海上支援;海上补给agency 情报机构;情报人员agent 谍报员,特工agent authentication 提供假证明agent net 谍报网aggressor forces 侵略军;假设敌air 空炸air alert 空中待战air apportionment 空中兵力配置air assault 空中突击air attack 空中攻击airborne 空降的;空运的;机载的;升空的airborne assault weapon 空降突击武器airborne battlefield command and control center 空中战场指挥与控制中心 airborne command post 空中指挥所airborne early warning 空中预警airborne early warning and control 空中预警与控制airborne force 空降部队airborne interception equipment 机载截击装备airborne mission commander 空中任务指挥官airborne operation 空降作战airborne order 起飞命令airborne troops 空降兵air-breathing missile 空气喷气式导弹airburst 空中爆炸air cargo 空运物资air control operations 制空作战air corridors 空中走廊aircraft 飞机aircraft arresting barrier 飞机(着陆)拦阻装置aircraft arresting system 飞机拦阻系统aircraft carrier 航空母舰aircraft commander 机长aircraft control and warning system 飞机控制与警报系统 aircraft cross-servicing 飞机交叉服务aircraft loading table 飞机装载表aircraft mission equipment 飞机任务装备aircraft monitoring and control 机载监控设备aircraft scrambling 飞机紧急起飞air cushion vehicle 气垫运载工具,气垫船,气垫车air defense 防空,对空防御air defense action area 防空行动区air defense area 防空区air defense artillery 高射炮,防空炮兵air defense battle zone 防空战斗区域air defense command 防空指挥权air defense commander 防空司令air defense control center 防空控制中心air defense direction center 防空指挥(引导)中心air defense division 防空小分区air defense early warning 防空预警air defense emergency 防空紧急状态air defense ground environment 防空地面设施系统air defense identification zone 防空识别区air defense operations area 防空作战区air defense operations center 防空作战中心air defense operations team 防空作战组air defense readiness 防空战备状态air defense region 防空分区air defense sector 防空小分区air defense suppression 压制敌防空系统air defense warning conditions 防空警报等级air delivery 空中投送air delivery equipment 空投设备air division 空军师air drop 空投air employment/allocation plan 空中力量使用/分配计划air evacuation 空中后送air expeditionary force 空中远征部队air expeditionary wing 空中远征联队air facility 航空设施airfield 飞机场air fire plan 航空火力计划Air Force base 空军基地Air Force Component Headquarters 联合部队中的空军部队司令部 Air Force special operations base 空军特种作战基地Air Force special operations component 空军特种作战组成部队 Air Force special operations detachment 空军特种作战分遣队 Air Force special operations element 空军特种作战小队Air Force special operations forces 空军特种作战部队air ground operations system 空地作战协同系统airframe 飞机机体;飞艇艇体;导弹弹体airhead 空降场air interception 空中截击air interdiction 空中遮断;空中阻滞air intercept zone 空中截击区air landed 机降的air landed operation 机降活动air-launched ballistic missile 空射弹道导弹air liaison officer 空军联络官airlift capability 空运能力airlift coordination cell 空运协调室airlift mission commander 空运任务指挥官airlift service 空运勤务air logistic support 空中后勤支援air mission 空勤任务air mission intelligence report 空勤任务情报报告airmobile forces 空中机动部队airmobile operation 空中机动作战airmobility 空中机动能力Air Mobility Command 空中机动司令部air mobility division 空中机动处air mobility element 空中机动分队air movement 空中输送air movement column 空中输送纵队air movement column 空中输送纵队air movement table 空中输送计划表air observation 这中观察air observation post 空中观察哨air observer 空中观察员air observer adjustment 空中观察校射air offensive 空中进攻air operations center 空中作战指挥中心air photographic reconnaissance 航空照相侦察air picket 空中预警飞机air plot 空情图标air portable 可空运的airport surface detection equipment 机场地面雷达;机场地面探测设备 airport surveillance radar 机场监视雷达air raid reporting control ship 空袭报知控制舰air reconnaissance 航空(空中)侦察air reconnaissance liaison officer 航空(空中)侦察联络官air request net 空中支援申请网air sovereignty 空域主权airspace control 空域控制airspace control area 空域控制区airspace control authority 空域控制当局airspace control in the combat zone 作战区空域控制airspace control order 空域控制命令airspace control sector 空域控制分区airspace coordination area 空域协调区air space warning area 空域警戒区air spot 空中观察air strike 空中打击air strike coordinator 空中打击协调官air strip 简易机场air superiority 空中优势air supply 空中补给air support 空中支援air support operations center 空中支援作战中心air support request 空中支援申请air supremacy 最高级空中优势air surface zone 海空禁区air surveillance 对空监视air surveillance officer 对空监视军官air target chart 空中目标图Air Target Materials Program 空中目标资料计划air tasking order 空中任务命令air-to-air guided missile 空对空导弹air-to-air missile 空空导弹air-to-surface guided missile 空对地(舰)导弹air-to-surface missile 空地(舰)导弹air traffic control and landing system 空中交通管制和降落系统air traffic control center 空中交通管制中心air traffic control service 空中交通管制勤务air transportable unit 可空运的部队air transported force 空运的部队air transported operations 作战空运活动air transport group 空运大队air transport liaison officer 空运联络军官air weapons controller 航空武器控制员alert 戒备;警报;战备值班;警戒先例;预先警报;紧急警报;戒备待飞 alert force 戒备(战备值班)部队alerting service 报警勤务alert order 戒备命令,制定危机行动计划的指令all appropriate action 正当自卫行动all available 全体射击alliance 联盟allied staff 盟军参谋部allocation 拨(分)配allotment 拨配all-purpose hand-held weapon 通用手持式武器all-source intelligence 全源情报all-weather air defense fighter 全天候防空战斗机alternate command authority 预备指挥人员alternate command post 预备指挥所alternate headquarters 预备司令部ammunition 彈藥ammunition controlled supply rate 彈藥控制补给率ammunition lot 彈藥批次ammunition supply point 彈藥补给站amphibious assault 两栖突击amphibious aviation assault ship 两栖攻击舰amphibious chart 两栖作战海图amphibious command ship 两栖指挥舰;登陆指挥舰amphibious construction battalion 两栖修建营amphibious control group 两栖作战指挥组amphibious demonstration 两栖佯攻amphibious force 两栖部队;两栖舰种指挥部amphibious operation 两栖作战amphibious squadron 两栖中队amphibious tractor 两栖履带式车辆amphibious transport dock 两栖船坞登陆舰angle of safety 最小射角angle T 观目夹角annual screening 年度甄别antenna mine 触须式水雷antiaircraft operations center 防空作战中心antiarmor helicopter 反装甲直升机antiair warfare 反空袭战antiamphibious minefield (land mine warfare) 抗登陆布雷场 anticountermining device 感应雷防爆器antimateriel operation 摧毁物资行动antipersonnel mine (land mine warfare) 防步兵地雷(地雷战) antiradiation missile 反辐射导弹antirecovery device 防起雷装置antisubmarine-- 反潜antisubmarine action 反潜作战行动antisubmarine air close support 反潜近距离空中支援antisubmarine operation 反潜作战antisubmarine warfare 反潜战antisurface air operation 空中反舰作战antisweep device 反扫雷器antitank helicopter 反坦克直升机antitank mine 反坦克地雷antiterrorism 反恐怖Z義,反恐antiterrorism awareness 反恐意识applicable materiel assets 适用的军用物资资产apportionment 兵力分配approach control 进场控制台approach march 接敌行进approach schedule 接敌时间表,登陆时间表area air defense commander 地区防空指挥官area bombing 面积轰炸area command 地区部队;地区司令部area of intelligence responsibility 情报责任区area of interest 关心地域area of limitation 限制区域area of operations 作战地域;责任区area operations 海域作战area oriented 针对特定区域的area search 地域搜索area target 面目标armament delivery recording 武器投放记录armed forces 武装部队;武装力量armed forces censorship 武装部队通信保密检查armed forces courier 武装部队信使Armed Forces of the United States 美国武装部队armed helicopter 武装直升机armed mine 待发雷armed reconnaissance 武装侦察armed sweep 加强扫雷arming 解除保险;成待发状态arming delay device 延期装置;解除保险延迟装置aiming pin 保险销arming system 解除保险系统aiming wire 保险丝armistice 停战;休战armistice demarcation line 停战分界线armored personnel carrier 装甲人员输送车arms control 军备控制arms control agreement 军备控制协定army 集团军;陆军;军队Army Air Defense Command Post 陆军防空指挥所army air-ground system 陆军空地协调系统army base 陆军基地army corps 军army service area 集团军勤务地域army special operations component 陆军特种作战组成部队army special operations forces 陆军特种作战部队artillery fire plan table 炮兵火力计划表artillery preparation 炮火准备artillery survey control point 炮兵测地控制点aspect angle 目标进入角assault 冲击,突击assault aircraft 机降突击运输机assault area 突击登陆地区assault craft 突击登陆艇(车)assault echelon 突击梯队(空运)assault fire 突击火力assault follow-on echelon 突击后续梯队assault phase 突击阶段assault shipping 突击登陆船舶assembly anchorage 集结锚地assembly area 集结地域;装配区assessment 评估assign 编入建制;委派assigned forces 所属部队assisted recovery 受援回撤assumed azimuth 假定方位assumed grid 假定坐标网asymmetrical sweep 非对称扫雷at my command 听我命令,待令放atomic air burst 空中原子爆炸atomic defense 原子防御atomic demolition munition 原子爆破彈藥; 原子爆破装置;原子地雷 atomic warfare 原子战争atomic weapon 原子武器at priority call 优先响应呼唤attach 配属;派遣attack aircraft carrier 攻击航空母舰attack assessment 攻击评估attack assessment 两栖货船,登陆物资运输舰attack group 突击群,攻击大队attack heading 攻击航向attack helicopter 攻击直升机attack position 进攻位置attack size 袭击(攻击)规模attack timing 袭击(进攻)时间attrition minefield 消耗性雷场attrition sweeping 消耗性扫雷augmentation forces 增援部队automatic resupply 自动再补给automatic search jammer 自动搜索干扰机Automatic Secure Voice Communications Network 自动保密话音通信网 automatic supply 自动补给autonomous operation 独立作战availability date 待发日available-to load date 可装载日avenue of approach 接敌途径aviation combat element 航空战斗分队avoidance 规避axial route 纵向道路axis of advance 进攻轴线azimuth 方位azimuth angle 方位角azimuth resolution 方位分辨力Bbackfill 再召力量back-haul airlift 返程空运backshore 背岸back tell 向下报知;情报下送balisage 暗光路标ballistic missile 弹道导弹ballistic missile early warning system 弹道导弹预警系统ballistics 弹道学ballistic trajectory 弹道轨迹ballistic wind 弹道风balloon reflector 气球反射器bar 浅滩bare base 简易基地barrage 弹幕;气球阻塞;阻塞式干扰barrage fire 拦阻射击;弹幕射击barrage jamming 阻塞式干扰;全波段干扰barricade 阻拦网,障碍物barrier 障碍barrier combat air patrol 空中阻拦战斗巡逻barrier forces 阻拦部队base 基地base cluster commander 基地群指挥官base cluster operations center 基地群作战中心base command 基地区;基地司令部base ejection shell 弹底喷射炮弹base element 基准分队base line 基线baseline environmental survey 基线环境勘察base map 基本情况要图;底图;基本(地)图base of operations 作战基地base section 后勤地带基地区base unit 基准单位baseline costs 基线开支basic intelligence 基本情报basic load 基本携行量basic military route network 基本军用道路网basic tactical organization 基本战术编组basic undertakings 基本措施basic of issue 拨发基数battalion landing team 营登陆队battery 炮兵连;兵器群battery center 炮兵连阵地中心battery (troop) left (right) 全连火炮自左(右)依次射击 battle casualty 战斗减员;战斗伤亡battle damage assessment 战斗损毁评估battle damage repair 战斗损坏修复battlefield coordination detachment 战场协调分遣队battlefield illumination 战场照明battlefield surveillance 战场监视battle force 作战部队(海军)battle group 作战大队(海军)battle map 作战地图battle reserves 战斗预备补给品battlespace 作战空间beach 海滩(滩头);登陆海滩beach group 海岸勤务队beachhead 滩头堡;登陆场beach landing site 滩头登陆点beachmaster 海滩勤务队队长beach organization 海滩勤务编组beach reserves 海滩备用补给品beacon 信标beam attack 侧向攻击beam rider 波束制导导弹bearing 方位(方位角)beaten zone 命中界;被弹区beleaguered 被困besieged被困billet 营房;设营;职位;职务binary chemical munition 二元化学彈藥biographical intelligence 人物情报biological agent 生物战剂biological defense 生物防御biological operations 生物作战biological warfare 生物战biological weapon 生物武器black 隐藏的black list 黑名单blast 爆炸;爆炸气浪;冲击波blast effect 爆炸效果;爆炸气浪作用;冲击波效应 blast wave 爆炸气浪;冲击波blocking position 拦阻阵地blow 暴露boat wave 艇波bomb damage assessment 轰炸效果判定bomb disposal unit 未爆弹处理分队bomber 轰炸机bomb impact plot 炸彈弹着点标示图bombing angle 轰炸(投弹)角bombing errors 轰炸偏差bombing run 轰炸航路bomb release ling 投弹线bomb release point 投弹点bomb sighting systems 轰炸瞄准系统booster 传爆药;助推器booster phase 助推阶段bore safe fuze 膛内保险引信bound 跃进;跃进距离boundary 分界线bouquet mine 集束水雷bracketing 夹叉射击branch 部门(处、科);分支机构;兵种;分支计划breakaway 阵面脱离;脱离目标break off 停止攻击bridgehead 桥头堡briefing 下达简令brigade 旅buffer zone 缓冲区bug qie听器;安装qie听器bugged 装有qie听器的buildup 逐步增加burn-through range 烧穿距离;雷达作用距离Ccall fire 呼唤火力call for fire 火力呼唤call sign 呼号camouflage 伪装camp 营地campaign 战役campaign planning 制定战役计划canalize 诱逼cannot observe 无法观察capsule 密封座舱;弹射舱captive firing 系留点火试验,试验台点火试验cardinal point effect 方位基点效应caretaker status 看管状态cargo classification (combat loading ) 物资分类(战斗装载) carpet bombing 地毯式轰炸carrier air wing队航空母舰载机联队carrier battle group航空母舰作战大carrier striking force 航空母舰突击部队casual 待命士兵casual 伤亡人员casualty category 伤亡类别casualty evacuation 伤员后送casualty status 伤亡状况catapult 弹射器caveat 警示标志CEASE BUZZER 终止电子攻击cease fire 停止射击cease fire line 停火线celestial guidance 天文制导cell 特工小组center of burst 爆心central control officer 中心控制军官centralized control 集中控制chaff 箔条;干扰物chain of command 指挥系统,指挥链change 查询charge 装药charged demolition target 装药待炸目标chart location of the battery 炮兵连图上位置check firing 暂停射击checkout 检测check point 检查点;检查站;弹着中心;爆炸中心chemical agent 化学战剂chemical ammunition 化学彈藥chemical defense 化学防御,防化学chemical operation 化学作战chemical survey 化学侦察chemical warfare 化学战chemical weapon 化学武器chief of staff 参谋长CINC’S required date 总司令要求日CINC’S strategic concept 总司令战略概念civil defense 民防civil engineering (军事)土木工程civilian internee 被拘留的平民civil-military cooperation 军民合作civil-military operations 民事军事行动classes of supply 补给品分类classification 确定保密等级clearance rate 扫雷率clearing operation 扫雷活动,清扫行动close air support 近距离空中支援close-controlled air interception 精确引导空中截击 closed area 禁区;封锁区close support 近距离支援火力closure 结束,部队抵达closure minefield 封锁性布雷区cluster bomb unit 子母弹;炸彈组合;集束炸彈装置 clutter 杂乱回波coarse mine 低感应水雷coastal frontier 海岸防区code 代码;密码cold war 冷战collection(acquisition) 搜集(获取)情报collection asset 情报搜集资源,情报搜集手段collection operations management 情报搜集活动管理collection planning 制定情报搜集计划collection point 收容(收集)点collective call sign 集体呼号collocation 共同驻扎column formation 纵队队形column gap 纵队间隔column length 行军长径(行军长度)combat air patrol 空中战斗巡逻combat airspace control 战斗空域控制combatant command 作战司令部combatant command (command authority) 作战指挥(指挥权限) combatant commander 作战(司令部)司令combat area 作战地域combat assessment 作战评估combat camera 战斗照相combat cargo officer 战斗运输军官combat chart 作战海图combat engineering 战斗工程(任务)combat forces 战斗部队combat intelligence 战斗情报combat loading 战斗装载combat power 战斗力combat readiness 战备状态combat ready 作好战斗准备combat search and rescue 战斗搜索与求援combat search and rescue task force 战斗搜索与求援特遣部队 combat service support 战斗勤务支援combat service support element 战斗勤务支援分队combat support 战斗支援combat surveillance 战场监视combat survival 战斗救生措施combating terrorism 抗击恐怖Z義combat trail 战斗纵队combat troops 战斗部队combat vehicle 战斗车辆combat zone 作战地幅combination influence mine 复式感应雷combined 联军的;联合的combined arms team 诸兵种全盛战斗队,联合兵种小队combined force 联军combined operation 联军作战combined staff 联军参谋部combustor 燃烧装置command 指挥,指挥权;命令,口令;部队,司令部,管辖区command and control 指挥与控制command and control system 指挥与控制系统command and control warfare 指挥与控制战command axis 指挥轴线command center 指挥中心command channel 指挥渠道,指挥系统command, control, communications and computer systems 指挥、控制、通信与计算机系统command destruct signal 自毁指令信号command detonated mine 遥控起爆雷command element 指挥分队commander, amphibious task force 两栖特遣部队司令commander’s concept 指挥官的作战方案commander’s estimate of the situation 指挥官的情况判断command guidance 指令制导command information 部队信息commanding officer of troops 部队指挥官command net 指挥通信网command post 指挥所command relationships 指挥关系commission 编入现役;军官委任状;军官委任commit 投入截击common infrastructure 共用基础设施common operational picture 公共作战图像common servicing 军种间勤务common-user logistics 共用后勤common-user military land transportation 共用地面军事运输communicate 通信communication deception 通信欺骗communications center 通信中心communications intelligence 通信情报communications mark 通信标志communications satellite 通信卫星communications security 通信保密communications terminal 通信终端communications zone 后勤(补给)地幅community relations 当地军民关系compartmentation 隔离;遮蔽complete round 整装弹;全弹;全备弹complex contingency operations 综合应急行动component 组成部队,部分;部件,元件composite warfare commander 合成作战指挥官composite wing 混合联队compromise 暴露;泄密concealment 隐蔽concentrated fire 集中射击;集火射击;集中火力 concentration area 集中地区;集中射击区concept of logistic support 后勤支援方针concept of operations 作战方案;作战方针conflict 冲突confusion reflector 干扰反射器console 操纵台,控制台consolidation 合并;联合consolidation so position 巩固阵地constitute 赋予番号consumer logistics 消费后勤contact 发现目标;接触传染病contact lost 失去接触contact report 发现敌情报告contact mine 触发雷contact point 联络点contact reconnaissance 联络性侦察contact report 发现敌情报告contain 牵制,钳制,围困contingency 紧急情况contingency operation 应急行动contingent zone of fire 应急射击地带continuous fire 连续射击continuous illumination fire 不间断照明射击contour flight 沿地形飞行,地形回避飞行control 控制(指挥);控制点;控制力;控制标记 control and area 控制区controlled airspace 管制空域controlled firing area 射击控制区controlled forces 有控制的部队controlled information 受控情报controlled shipping 管制航运control point 调整哨;导航控制点;图根点conventional forces 常规部队conventional weapon 常规武器converge 集火converged sheaf 集火射convergence 集中火力射击convoy 船队(护航运输队);车队convoy escort 船队护航队;车队护送队convoy loading 船队装载cooperative logistics 合作后勤coordinated attack 协同进攻coordinated fire line 协调射击线coordinated illumination fire 协同照明射击coordinates 坐标coordinating authority 协调官;协调权coordinating review authority 协调审核单位corner reflector 角反射器corps support command 军支援司令部corps troops 军直属部队counterair 夺取空中优势counterattack 反击,反冲击,反突击counterbattery fire 反炮兵火力counterdrug operations 反毒品行动counterfire 反击,反火力counterforce 打击军事力量counterguerrilla warfare 反游击战counterinsurgency 反叛乱counterintelligence 反情报countermeasures 干扰;对抗;对抗措施(反措施)countermobility operations 反机动行动countercffensive 反攻counterpreparation fire 火力反准备counterreconnaissance 反侦察countersign 联络暗号,口令countersubversion 反颠覆counterterrorism 反恐怖Z義coup de main 突击,奇袭cover 掩护;保护;守听;掩蔽物(防护物);照片(影像);监视 coverage 覆盖范围;掩护(保护);侦察程度;监视范围covering fire 掩护火力covering force 掩护部队covert operation 隐蔽活动coxswain 艇长crater 弹坑creeping barrage 徐进弹幕射击creeping mine 游动水雷crested 被遮蔽,有障碍critical intelligence 紧急情报critical speed 临界速度crossing area 渡河地域cruising missile 巡航导弹cruising level 巡航高度culminating point 顶点,极点current force 现有部队current intelligence 现实情报cutoff attack 切半径攻击Ddamage assessment 毁伤判定;损失估计damage radius 毁伤半径danger close 非常危险danger space 命中界;必中界data 数据;诸元datum 基准datum point 基准点D-day 预定进攻日deadline 停止使用dead space 盲区;静区;死界;死角decentralized control 分散控制deception 欺骗deception means 欺骗手段deception objective 欺骗目的decision height 决断点decision engagement 决定性交战decisive point 决定点declassification; declassify销密decoy 诱饵decoy ship 伪装舰船decrypt 解密;脱密deep minefield 深水雷场deep supporting fire 纵深支援火力de facto boundary 事实分界线defense area 防御地域defense classification 国防保密等级Defense Communications System 国防通信系统Defense Data Network 国防数据网defense emergency 防御紧急状态defense in depth 纵深防御defense readiness condition 戒备状态defensive coastal area 岸防区defensive counterair 防御性防空defensive information operations 防御性信息行动 defensive sea area 海防区;防御海区defensive zone 防区defilade 遮蔽;遮蔽高delay 延迟火力支援delayed entry program 延迟加入现役部队计划delaying action 迟滞行动deliberate attack 预有准备的进攻deliberate defense 预有准备的防御delivery error 发射偏差demilitarized zone 非军事区demobilization 解除动员;实行复员;遣散军队demolition chamber 药室demolition firing party 爆破(破坏)实施组demolition kit 爆破包demonstration 佯动denial measure 阻遏措施,阻止措施denied area 禁入区Department of Defense 国防部Department of the Air Force 空军部Department of the Army 陆军部Department of the Navy 海军部departure airfield 出发机场departure area 出发地域deployable joint task force augmentation cell 可部署联合特遣部队增援分队 deployed nuclear weapons 移交的核武器deployment 展开;调动;部署;配置deployment order 部署令depot 补给站;仓库;维修;维修与供应基地;兵员补充站depot maintenance 后方维修desired effects 预期效果desired perception 预期欺骗效果destroyer 驱逐舰destruction 破坏;摧毁destruction fire 破坏射击destruction radius 破坏半径destructive fire mission 破坏射击任务detachment 分遣队detained 在拘留中的伤员detainee 被拘留者detainee collecting point 被拘留者收容点detection 发现deterrence 威慑deterrent options 威慑备选方案deviation 炸点偏差量;磁坐偏角偏差量differential ballistic wind 差动弹道风dip 下沉direct action 直接行动direct action fuze 瞬发引信direct air support center 直接空中支援中心directed energy 定向能directed-energy device 定向能装置directed-energy warfare 定向能战directed-energy weapon 定向能武器direct fire 直接瞄准火力;直瞄火力directing staff 演习指挥参谋direction 方向direction finding 测向;定向direction of attack 进攻方向directive 指令direct laying 直接瞄准direct support artillery 直接支援炮兵director of mobility forces 机动部队司令director support 直接支援direct support artillery 直接支援炮兵direct supporting fire 直接支援火力disarmament 裁军disease and nonbattle injury casualty 疾病和非战斗负伤减员disengagement 脱离接触dispenser 子母弹箱;集束弹箱dispersion 射弹散布;炸点散布;疏开;分散;喷洒;施放;散布;疏散 dispersion error 射弹散布dispersion pattern 射弹散布样式disposition 部署;配置;病人离院disruptive pattern 迷彩distributed fire 分火射击distribution 配置;分布;散布;分发;分配distribution point 分发站ditching 水上迫降diversionary attack 牵制性进攻division 师;海军分队;空军师;处;科;舰上区队division artillery 师属炮兵doctrine 作战条令;作战理论;基本作战原则DOD civilian 国防部文职人员domestic intelligence 国内情报doppler radar 多普勒雷达double agent 两面间谍douptful 可疑弹draft 征兵;吃水深度drift 偏移dual agent 双重间谍dual-capable forces 具有双重能力的部队dual-purpose weapon 高射平射两用武器dual(multi)-purpose weapons 双(多)用途武器dud 哑弹;不炸彈dummy 模仿物;佯攻dump 堆集所dwell at/on 持续射击Eearly warning 预警echelon 司令部梯队;指挥层次;梯次;梯形;梯形配置effective damage 有效毁伤ejection 弹射,投放electromagnetic deception 电磁欺骗electromagnetic environment 电磁环境electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰electromagnetic intrusion 电磁入侵electromagnetic jamming 电磁干扰electronic attack 电子攻击electronic deception 电子欺骗electronic intelligence 电子情报electronic masking 电子屏蔽electronic probing 电子探测electronic reconnaissance 电子侦察electronic warfare 电子战electro-optical intelligence 电(子)光(学)情报element 分队elevation of security 安全射角emergency in war 战争紧急情况emission control 发射控制emplacement 掩体;进入阵地end of mission 射击完毕engage 攻击;火力压制engagement 攻击;交战envelopment 包围environmental cleanup 环境清扫environmental services 环境勤务equipment 装备escalation 逐步升级(战争)escapee 逃俘escort 护航舰;护航队;护送队;护航飞机;护送兵;仪仗兵;护航;陪同 escort forces 护卫部队espionage 间谍活动establishment 机构;人员装备编制表estimate 估计;判断evacuation 后送;疏散;撤离;撤运evacuation pollcy 后送方针;撤离方针;撤运方针evacuee(s) 被疏散人员evaluation 评价;鉴定evasion 脱险evasion and recovery 脱险与营救exclusive economic zone 专属经济区execute order 执行命令exercise 演习exercise commander 演习指挥官exercise directing staff 演习导演部exercise term 演习代号exfiltration 撤出expedition 远征expeditionary force 远征军expendable property 消耗品exploder 起爆装置explosive ordnance 军用爆炸物explosive ordnance disposal 军用爆炸物处理 explosive train 传爆系统extent of a military exercise 军事演习的范围 extent of damage 毁伤范围external reinforcing force 外部增援部队extraction parachute 索引伞Ffeasibility 可行性feint 佯攻field army 野战集团军field artillery 野战炮兵field control 野外控制点field exercise 野外演习field headquarters 野战司令部field of fire 射界field of vision 视野field training exercise 野外训练演习fighter cover 战斗机掩护fighter engagement zone 战斗机攻击区filler 装药;装料;装填物filler personnel 补充人员final bearing 最终方位角final destination 最终目的地final protective fire 最后拦阻火力filter center 防空情报鉴定中心fire 放;发射fire barrage 拦阻射击fire control 火力控制fire control radar 火控雷达fire control system 火控系统fire coordination 火力协调fire direction center 火力指挥中心fire for effect 效力射fire message 火力呼唤fire mission 火力任务;准备射击fire plan 火力计划firepower 发射数量;火力突击能力;火力发射能力 fires 火力fire support 火力支援firing chart 射击图firing mechanism 击发装置,发火装置,引爆装置 firing system 发射(发火、击发)系统first strike 第一次打击fix 定位;测量点fixed ammunition 定装式彈藥;定装弹fixed station patrol 定位巡逻flag officer 将级军官flame thrower 喷火器flank guard 侧卫flanking attack 翼侧进攻;侧击flash blindness 闪光盲flash ranging 光侧flash suppressor 枪(炮)口帽;消焰器fleet ballistic missile submarine 舰队导弹潜艇 Fleet Marine Force 舰队陆战队flexible response 灵活反应flight 机群;小队;飞行floating mine 浮动水雷follow-up 跟进follow-up echelon 后续梯队force 部队;(海军)特混部队force activity designator 部队活动代字force beddown 部队驻扎用品force closure 部队集结结束时间force multiplier 力量倍增器force planning 编制兵力计划force projection 兵力投送force protection 部队保护force shortfall 兵力不足forces in being 现有部队force sourcing 兵力来源force structure 部队结构force tabs 兵力部署表force tracking 部队跟踪forcible entry 强行进入formation 队形;编队forming up place 进攻位置forward area 前方地域forward arming and refueling point 前方彈藥与燃料补给点 forward edge of the battle area 战斗地域前沿forward line of own troops 已方部队前锋线forward logistic site 前方后勤站forward observer 前进观察员forward operations base 前沿作战基地forward slope 正斜面forward tell 上报,上送free drop 自由空投;无伞空投friendly 已方(目标)friendly fire 已方火力;自残frigate 护卫舰front 正面;战线;前线front attack 正面进攻,正面攻击full charge 全装药;强装药full command 全面指挥权full mobilization 全面动员functional plans 职能计划;任务计划gadget 雷达装备gap 通路gap filler radar 盲区弥补雷达garrison force 卫戍部队,完备部队general military intelligence 一般军事情报general quarters 一级战备状态general reserve 总预备队general staff 一般参谋机构general support 全般支援,全般炮火支援general support artillery 全般支援炮兵general war 全面战争glide bomb 滑翔炸彈Global Combat Support System 全球作战支援系统Global Command and Control System 全球指挥和控制系统global positioning system 全球定位系统grand strategy 大战略grazing fire 低伸射击grid bearing 坐标方位,格网方位。

一、地面部队 (Ground Forces)1. 军队 (Army) - 一支由陆军士兵组成的军事组织。
2. 步兵 (Infantry) - 作战时使用步枪等轻武器的士兵。
3. 坦克 (Tank) - 一种装备有重型武器和装甲的陆军战车。
4. 前线部队 (Frontline Forces) - 首先接触到敌人的部队。
5. 掩体 (Bunker) - 供士兵躲避敌人炮火的地下建筑或工事。
二、空中部队 (Air Forces)1. 空军 (Air Force) - 负责空中作战和防空的军事组织。
2. 飞行员 (Pilot) - 专门驾驶飞机或直升机的人员。
3. 轰炸机 (Bomber) - 用于投掷炸弹的战斗机或轰炸机。
4. 歼击机 (Fighter) - 用于进行空中战斗的军用飞机。
5. 导弹 (Missile) - 一种通过自主动力或被发射器射出的飞行器。
三、海上部队 (Naval Forces)1. 海军 (Navy) - 负责海上作战和舰艇运作的军事组织。
2. 航母 (Aircraft Carrier) - 装备有舰载机的大型舰艇,可用于舰载机起降。
3. 潜艇 (Submarine) - 能在水下航行的战舰。
4. 驱逐舰 (Destroyer) - 一种用于执行护航任务、实施攻击和布雷的军舰。
5. 舰队 (Fleet) - 由多艘军舰组成的编组,用于执行特定任务。
四、战术与策略 (Tactics and Strategy)1. 防御 (Defense) - 针对敌方进攻采取的保卫措施。
2. 进攻 (Offense) - 发起攻击或进攻敌方的行动。
3. 侦察 (Reconnaissance) - 获取情报和敌情,以便做出相应的决策。
航空术语英汉对照 港台汉语讲解

Accuracy Landing 准确着陆Acknowledgment 领知Acoustic Velocity (Speed of Sound) 音速Acquisition and Tracking Radar 搜索及追踪雷达Acrobatic Flight 特技飞行Across Wind Load 侧风负载Across Wnd Force Spectrum 侧风力分布谱Active Runway 使用中跑道koActuating Cylinder 制动缸Actuator Motor 制动马达Adcock Antenna 艾特可克定向天线ADF 自动寻向计Adjustable Pitch Propeller 可调变距螺旋桨Adjustable Stabilizer 可调式垂直安定面Advection Fog 平流雾Advection 平流Adverse Yaw 反向偏航Advisory Area 谘询区域Advisory Circulars 民航通告Advisory Route 谘询航线Advisory Service 飞航谘询服务Aerodrome Beacon 机场标灯Aerodrome Control Service 机场管制服务Aerodrome Control Tower 机场管制塔台Aerodrome Operating Minimum 机场最低飞航限度Aerodrome Rating 机场检定Aerodrome Traffic Zone 机场交通带Aerodrome 机场Aerodynamic Axis of Airfoil 气动力轴Aerodynamic Center(of Wing Section) 气动力中心(翼剖面) Aerodynamic Heating 气动热Aerodynamics 空气动力学Aerodyne 重航空器Aeronautical Approach Chart 航空进场图Aeronautical Broadcasting Service 航空广播服务Aeronautical Chart 航空图Aeronautical Fixed Service 航空固定业务Aeronautical Function 飞航功能Aeronautical Ground Light 航空地面灯光Aeronautical Information Publication AIP 飞航指南Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service 航空无线电助航服务Aeronautical Route Chart 航路图Aeronautical Station 通空电台Aeronautical Telecommunications Service 航空通信服务Aeronautical Telecommunications Station 航空电台Aeronautics 航空学Aeroplane 飞机Aerospace 太空Aerostatics 空气静力学Aging 时效AGT 自动导轨系统Aileron 副翼Air Brakes 空气减速装置Air Bridge 空桥Air Cargo Entrepot 航空货物集散站经营业Air Cargo Terminal 航空货运站Air Cargo, Air Freight 空运货物Air Carrier Airport 民航运输机场Air Carrier 航空公司Air City 航空城Air Container 航空货柜Air conveyance, Air transportation 航空运输Air Corridor 空中走廊Air Crew 空勤组员Air Defense Identification Zone 防空识别区Air Density 空气密度Air Envelop 大气层Air express carrier 航空快递业者Air Express 航空快递Air fare 航空运费Air Flow 气流Air force 空军Air Freight Forwarder 航空货运承揽业Air Freight Tag 空运货物挂签Air Freighter 货机Air hub, Hub airport 空运中心Air Lock 气塞Air Mass 气团Air Navigation Aid 助导航设备Air Navigation Chart 航行图Air Navigation Service 航空导航服务Air Navigation 空中导航Air network 飞航网路Air Operator Certificate AOC 飞航作业许可Air Pressure Guage 气压表Air Pressure 气压Air Priority 空中优先次序Air Refueling 空中加油Air Report 空中报告Air Rescue 空中救护Air Resistance 空气阻力Air Right 空权Air Route Certificate 航线证书Air Route Traffic Control Center 航路管制中心Air Route 航线Air Service Agreement 空运服务协定Air Speed 空速Air Speed, Calibrated 校正空速Air Speed, Indicated 指示空速Air survey 空中侦测Air Traffic Control A TC 空中交通管制;飞航管制Air Traffic Control Clearance 航管许可Air Traffic Control Instruction 航管指示Air Traffic Control Service 航管服务Air Traffic Flow Management 飞航流量管理Air Traffic Management 飞航管理Air Traffic Radar 空中交通管制雷达Air Traffic 空中交通Air Transport 空运;航空运输Air Vector 空中引导Air Way 航路Air Waybill 空运提单Airbill Label 空运提单标示Airborne Lifeboat 航空救生艇Airborne Transmitter 空用发射机Aircraft Accident 飞航失事Aircraft Cable 航空缆绳Aircraft Equipment 航空器设备Aircraft Flight Operation Regulations 航空器飞航作业管理规则Aircraft Floor Loading System 飞机甲板装载设施Aircraft Icing 飞机积冰Aircraft Inspection 航空器检查Aircraft Instrument 航空器仪表Aircraft Log Book 航空器纪录簿Aircraft Maintenance Manual 航空器维护手册Aircraft maintenance 航空器维护Aircraft Major Repair 航空器大修理Aircraft Manufacture 航空器制造人Aircraft Marking 航空器标志Aircraft Minor Alteration 航空器小改装Aircraft Minor Repair 航空器小修Aircraft Noise Monitoring Network 航空器噪音监测网Aircraft Noise 航空器噪音Aircraft Operator 航空器操作人Aircraft Owner 航空器所有人Aircraft pallet net 盘网Aircraft pallet 空运货盘Aircraft Performance Limitation 航空器性能限制Aircraft Performance 航空器性能Aircraft Registration 航空器登记Aircraft Stand 停机位Aircraft Structure 飞机结构Aircraft type choice 机型选择Aircraft Type 机型Aircraft Units 飞机用盘柜Aircraft Utilization 航空器使用率Aircraft 航空器Airdrome 飞机场Airfield 飞行场Airfoil flutter 机翼颤振Airfoil 翼面Airframe 航空器结构体Air-Ground Communication 陆空通信Airline 航空公司Airliner 民航客机Airloading 装机Airman Rating Record 飞行员检定纪录Airman 飞行员Airman’s Guide 飞行员指南Airmanship 飞行员素养Airplane Flight Manual 飞机飞行手册Airplane 飞机Airport Access 机场联外运输Airport Advisory 机场飞航谘询Airport apron 停机坪Airport Beacon 机场标灯Airport Capacity 机场容量Airport city 机场都巿Airport Design 航空站设计;机场设计Airport Elevation 机场标高Airport Engineering 机场工程Airport Freight Terminal 航空货运站Airport Ground Access Road 机场联外道路Airport Ground Access System 机场联外运输系统Airport Landside Service Procedure 机场地勤程序Airport Layout Planning and Design 机场布设规划与设计Airport Management 机场管理Airport Master Plan 机场主计画Airport Noise 机场噪音Airport Operation 机场营运Airport Reference Point 机场参考点Airport Remote Parking 机场远端停车Airport Rotating 机场旋转Airport Runway 机场跑道Airport Surface Detection Equipment 机场场面雷达Airport Surveillance Radar 机场搜索雷达Airport System Planning 机场系统规划Airport Terminal 航站大厦Airport 飞机场;航空站Airport 机场Airscrew 螺旋桨Airside 空侧Airspace 空域Airspeed , True 真空速Airspeed Indicator 空速表AirTransportation Safety, Aviation Safety 航空安全Airway Beacon 航路标灯Airway Course Lights 航向灯Airway 航路Airworthiness Certificate 适航证明书Airworthiness Directives 适航指令Airworthy 航空器适航Alert Phase 守助时期All-Cargo Aircraft 全货机Allowable Cargo Load 容许货物负荷Allowable Crosswind Component 容许最大侧向风速Allowable Engine Operating Time 发动机许可使用时间Allowable Gross Takeoff Weight 许可起飞总重All-wave Antenna 全波天线Alternate Aerodrome 备用机场Alternate Communications Facility 备用通信设施Altimeter ALT 高度表Altimeter Setting 高度表设定Altitude 高度Altocumulus 高积云Altostratus 高层云Amphibian 水路两用航空器AN Codes 美军编号Anchor Light 碇泊灯Anemoscope 测风器Aneroid Altimeter 空盒高度表Angle of Attack 冲角Angle of Stabilizer Setting 安定面装配角Annealing 退火Anodic Treatment 阳极氧化处理Antenna Array 天线组Antenna Dipole 双极天线Antenna 天线Anticyclone 反气旋区Anti-G Suit 抗G衣Antistatic Wire 防静电线Apparent Solar Time, Apparent Time 视太阳时;视时Approach Clearance 进场许可Approach Control Position 终端管制席位;进场管制席位Approach Control Procedures 进场管制程序Approach Control Radar 进场管制雷达Approach Control Service 进场管制服务Approach Control Unit 进场管制站Approach Control Zone 进场管制地带Approach Fix 进场点Approach Gate 进场入口Approach Indicator 进场指示器Approach Light Contact Height 进场灯目视高度Approach Light System 进场灯光系统Approach Light 进场灯光Approach Lights 进场灯Approach Path 进场路线Approach Rating 进场检定Approach Sequence 进场管制顺序Approach Surface 进场面Approach 进场;近场Apron, Ramp 停机坪Arctic Fog 北极雾Area Control Center 区域管制中心Area Control Service 区域管制服务Area Navigation System ARNA V 区域飞航系统Area Rating 区域检定Armature 电枢Arrival Messages 到场电报ARSR 航路搜索雷达Aspect Ratio 展旋比Assisted Takeoff 辅助起飞Astronautics 太空学Athodyd 热气动力管Atmospheric Circulation 大气环流Atmospheric Gases 大气气体Atmospheric Layer 大气层Atmospheric Motion 大气运动Atmospheric Visibility 大气能见度Attention Signal 注意讯号Attenuater 衰减器Attitude of Fight 飞行状态Authorized Frequency 核定频率Auto Coordination 转向协调仪Autogiro 旋翼机Automatic Directional Finder 自动定向仪Automatic Mixture Control 自动混合比操纵Automatic Pilot 自动驾驶仪Automatic Relay 自动中继装置Automatic Riveting Machine 自动铆接机Automatic Terminal Information Service ATIS 终端资料自动广播服务Auxiliary Airport Beacon 航站辅助灯标Auxiliary Airway Beacon 航路辅助灯标Aviation Gasoline 航空燃油Aviation Medicine 航空医药Aviation weather forecast 飞航天气预报Aviation weather 飞航天气Avionics 航空电子学Axes of Aircraft 航空器轴Axial Flow 轴向流动Azimuth Direction 方位角Back Course 飞回航路Backhaul 回载Baffles 折流板(或挡板)Balanced Surface 平衡面Ballast 压载物Band Width 频带宽度Band 印字通讯速度单位Band-pass Filter 选带滤波器Bank 倾斜Barometer 气压表Barometric Pressure Gradient 气压梯度Barometric Tendency 气压趋势Beacon 标灯Beacon, Radio 无线电信标Beading 波纹Beam, radio 无线电波柱Bearing 方位Beaufort Scale of Wind Velocity 蒲幅风速分级法Bell Crank 双臂曲柄Blackout 黑晕Blade Angle 桨叶角Blast Pad 喷气防护坪Blind Flying 盲目飞行Blind Speed 盲速Blind Transmission 盲发Blind Zone 盲区Block Altitude 阻挡高度Block Speed 站间速率Block Time 全程时间Blood Albumen Glue 血质蛋白胶Blower 吹风器Booster 增压器;启动磁电机Bottom Rudder 下舵Boundary Layer Control 边界层控制Boundary Light 边界灯Boundary Marker 边界标志Brake Horsepower 实马力Briefing 提示;任务讲解Bubble Point 起泡点Bulkhead 隔框Buys Ballots Law 白贝罗定律Cabin crew 客舱组员Cabin Pressure altitude 舱压高度Cabin 机舱Cable Tension Indicator 钢绳张力指示器Cabotage 国内航行权Call Sign or Identification 呼号或识别Calm Wind Run Way 静风跑道Calm 无风(或称静风)Camber 线弧Candle-power 烛光Captain 机长Carburetor Heat 汽化器加温计Carburetor 汽化器Cargo Compartment 货舱Cargo Liner 民用货运机Cargo Load Factor 载货率Cargo Load 货载Cargo Parachute 投物伞Cargo Terminal, Freight Terminal 货运站Cargo Transportation, Freight Transportation, Goods Transportation 货物运输Cargo 货物Catapult 弹射器Category I Approach Runway 第一类仪降跑道Catering Service 空厨业Cathedral angle 下反角Ceiling Balloon 测云汽球Ceiling Projector 云幂灯Ceiling Unlimited 云幂无限Ceiling 云幕高Celestial Navigation 天文航行Center of Gravity 重心Center of Pressure (of Airfoil) 压力中心(翼剖面)Center of Pressure Travel 压力中心行程Certificated Aircraft 登记航空器Certificated Mechanic 领有证书机械员Certificated Repair Station 领有证书修理厂Certification Service 航空器认证Channel (Radio) 频道(无线电)Channel Light 水道灯Characteristic Curves (of Airgoil) 特性曲线(翼剖面)Charter Flight 包机Check Sheet 检查表Checkpoint 校对点Chord Component 弦分力Chord Length 弦长Chord Line 弦线Chord Load 弦载荷Chord 弦Chronometer 航行表Circular Polarization 圆极化Circular Taxiway 圆形滑行道Cirrocumulus 卷积云Cirrostratus 卷层云Cirrus 卷云City Fog 城市雾Civil (Mean Solar)Time 民用(平均太阳)时Civil Aeronautics Administration CAA 交通部民用航空局Civil Air Service 民用航空业Civil Air Transport Enterprise 民用航空运输业Civil Aircraft 民用航空器Civil and Military Airport 军民合用机场Civil Aviation Law 民用航空法Civil aviation 民用航空Clear for Take-off 准许起飞Clear Ice 坚冰Clear to Land 准许落地Clear to Taxi 准许滑行Clear Zone 清除地带Clear(or Cleared)准许Cleared Area 清除区Clearway 清除区Climate 气候Cloud Amount 云量Cloud Banner 云麾Cloud Cap 帽状云Cloud Height 云高Cloud 云Cockpit Flight Signal 机内飞行讯号Cockpit Inspection 座舱检查Cockpit voice recorder CVR 座舱通话纪录器Cockpit 座舱;驾驶舱Code Beacon 信号灯标Code Share 共享班号Coder 台号发送机Cold Wave 寒潮Collision 碰撞Color Position Light Signal 方位色灯号志Communication COM 通讯Communication Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Management 通讯、导航、监视与飞航管Compass Heading 罗向Compass Locater 定位台Compass Locator Outer Marker 外定位信标台Compass North 罗北Compass Rose 罗盘标度面Compass 罗盘Composite Powerplant 复合发动机Compression Pressure Ratio 压缩压力比Compression Rate 压缩比(内燃机)Compression Stall 压缩机失速Compulsory Reporting Point 强制报告点Computer Reservation Service 电脑订位服务Conditionally Unstable Air 条件性不稳定空气Cone of Silence 锥形无声区Console 控制台Constant Speed propeller 恒速螺旋桨Contact Flying, Pilotage 地标飞行Contact Navigation 地标飞航Contour Interval 等高线间距Contour 等高线Control Area 管制区域Control Flight into Terrain 操控下接近地障Control Slash 管制目标Control Station 主台Control Surface 操纵面Control Tower 塔台Control Yoke 控制秆Control Zone 管制地区Controllability 操纵性Controllable Pitch Propeller 变距螺旋桨Controlled Airdrome 管制机场Controlled Airport 管制机场Controlled Airspace 管制空域Controller Air Traffic Control Specialist 飞航管制员Convection 对流Convention On International Civil Aviation 国际民用航空公约Coordinated Turn 协同转向Co-pilot, First-officer 副驾驶Copy 抄收Coriolis Effect 柯氏效应Coscant Squred Beam 余割平方波柱Course Bend 无线电航轨弯曲Course Corrections 航线修正Course Error 航线误差Course Light 航路灯Course Line Computer 航线计算器Course Line Deviation 航线偏差Course Line 航线Course Selector 航道选择钮Course Separation 航向隔离Course 航线Coverage 涵盖Cowling 整流罩Crankshaft 曲轴Crash Landing 毁机落地Crash 毁机失事Crew Member 组员Critical Altitude 临界高度Critical Angle of Attack 临界冲角Critical Speed 临界速度Cross-country Flight 越野飞行Cross-feed valve 交输瓣Cross-wind Force 侧风力Cross-wind Landing 侧风落地Crosswind Leg 侧风边Cross-wind Take-off 侧风起飞Crosswind 侧风Cruise Control Chart 巡航操纵图Cruise Control 巡航操纵Cruise 巡航Cruising Altitude 巡航高度Cruising Level 巡航空层Cruising Speed 巡航速度Current Flight Plan 现行飞航计划Cyclone 气旋Cylinder 汽缸Damping Moment 减振力距Danger Area 危险区Dangerous Goods 危险货品Dashboard 仪表板Dead Reckoning 推测航行Dead-stick Landing 滑翔着陆Debarkation Point 卸载点Debarkation 卸载Decision altitude DA 决定高度Decision height DH 决定实际高度Decoder 解密机Decompression Sickness 减压病Deicer 除水器Delta Wing 三角机翼Departure Message 离场电报Depot Maintenance 工厂维护修理Depot Overhaul 工厂翻修Depression 低气压Depth Perception 深度知觉体De-registration on Aircraft 航空器登记证之撤销Descent 下降Deviation of Wind 风偏向Deviation 偏向Dew point 露点Dielectric 介质Diffuser 扩散器Dihedral Angle 上反角Dinghy 救生筏Direct Channel 直通波道Direct Flight 直航Direction-finding System 定向系统Dispatcher 签派员Distance-measuring Equipment DME 测距仪Distress Call 遇险呼救Distress Phase 遇险时期Distress Radio Frequency 遇险无线电频率Distress Signal 遇险信号Ditching Procedure 水上迫降程序Ditching 水上迫降Diurnal-Heating 每日加温Diversion 转移DME Separation 测距仪隔离标准Domestic airway 国内航路Doppler Effect 杜卜勒效应Doppler Shift 杜卜勒偏移Down-draft Carburetor 下向汽化器Downwash 下向气流Downwind Leg 顺风边Downwind 顺风Drag 阻力Drift 偏流Drone 无人飞机(或靶机)Drop Ramp 活动斜台Duralumin (Dural) 硬铝Dust Strip 沙质起落道dymodelDynamic Balance Stand 动力平衡试验架Dynamic Lift 动升力Dynamic Load 动力负荷Dynamometer 功率表Dynamotor 电动发电机Elevator Trim 升降舵配平Emergency Escape Ramp 紧急滑行道Emergency Locator Transmitter ELT 求救定位讯号发设器Enhanced Ground Proximate Warning System EGPWS 加强型接近地面警告系统Entrance Taxiway 入口滑行道Equiphase Zone 等相区Equisignal Beacon 等信号信标Equisignal Station 等信号台Equisignal Zone, Sector 等信号区Equivalent Flat Plate Area 等值平板面积Error Signal 误差讯号Estimated Elapse Time 预计航程时间Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间Estimated Time of Departure 预计离场时间Estimated Time Over 预计通过时间Evans Skyloader 伊文斯装货架Executive Aircraft 公务航空器Expected Approach Time 预计进场时间Expected Further Clearance Time 预期次一许可时间Express Handling Unit 快递货物专区Factor of Safety 安全因数Fade 消失Fairing 整流片False Targers(Primary Radar)假目标(初级雷达)False(Fake)Cone of Silence 假锥形无声区Fan-type Marker 扇形标志Faraliax 视差Fatigue 疲劳Feathering Propeller 顺位螺旋桨Federal Aviation Administration FAA 美国联邦航空总署Federation Aeronautique International 国际航空联盟Feeder Line 馈电线路Field of Vision 视界Fifty-hour Inspection 五十小时检查Fin 直尾翅Final Approach 最后进场Fineness Ratio 细度比Finger System 指状式系统Finger-Pier System 指状凸堤式系统FIR, Flight information region 飞航情报区Fire Wall 防火壁First aid kit FAK 急救箱First Point of Aries 春分点Fix 定位Fixed-base Operation 普通航空业机场业务Fixed-pitch Propeller 定距螺旋桨Fixture 固定模架Flap 襟翼Flare 平飘Flares 火焰Flashing Sequence Light 顺序闪光灯Fleet scheduling 机队调度Flight accident 飞航失事Flight arc 航次节线Flight Check 飞航查核Flight Crew Member 飞航组员Flight Data Position 飞航资料席位Flight Data Recorder 飞航资料纪录器Flight delay 班机延误Flight duty period 执勤时段Flight Engineer 随机机械员Flight Forecast 航线预报Flight frequency 航次频数Flight Information Center 飞航情报中心Flight Information Region 飞航情报区Flight Information Service 飞航情报服务Flight Level 飞航空层Flight Line 停机线Flight Log 飞行记录表Flight Manual 飞航手册Flight Monitoring 飞行监护Flight Operation Manual 航务手册Flight Path Deviation 飞行路线偏差Flight Path 飞行路线(航迹)Flight Performance 飞行性能Flight Plan Departure Messages 飞航计画起飞电报Flight Plan Messages 飞航计画书Flight Plan 飞航计画Flight Progress Strips 飞航进度纪录条Flight Recorder 飞航纪录仪Flight safety 飞航安全Flight Safety 飞行安全Flight scheduling 飞航排程Flight Scheduling 飞行排程Flight Segment 航段Flight Simulation 飞行模拟Flight Simulator 飞航模拟机Flight time 飞航时间Flight Training Device 飞航训练器Flight 飞航Flight-Line Maintenance 停机线维护Float 浮筒Flood Lights 照明灯Flow, Laminar 分层流动Flow, Streamline 稳定流动Flow, Turbulent 扰流Flutter 振动(或颤动)Flying Boat 飞船Flying Equipment Maintenace 飞行设备维护Flying Fatigue 飞行疲劳Flying height 航高Flying Operation Cost 飞行成本Flying Range 飞行距离(航程)Follow-me Vehicle 引导车Forced Landing 强迫降落Forecast Folder 预报手折Four Cycle Engine 四冲程发动机Four-Course Radio Range 四航路无线电导航台Four-stroke Cycle principle 四冲程循环原理Fracto Stratus 碎积云Freedom of The Airspace 天空自由Freeing Mist 冰冻雾Frequency Modulation 调频Frequency Range 频率范围Frequency 频率Frontal Weather 锋面天气Fuel Consumption Rate 燃油消耗率Fuel Pump 燃料泵Fuel System 燃料系统Fuel Tank 油箱Fuel 燃料Full Rudder 全舵Fundamental Frequency 基频(电磁波)Fundamental or Natural Frequency 基本频率(或自然频率)Furnishing 机内陈设Fuselage 机身Galling 磨损Gas Lift 气体升力Gas Weld 气焊Gate Assignment 机门指派Gate Lounge 内候机室Gate 登机门Gauge 仪表General Aviation Airport 普通航空业专用机场General Aviation 普通航空业Generator 发电机Geographical Meridian(True Meridian)地理子午线Geographical Poles 地极Geographical Separtion 地理隔离Glide Path Angle 下滑角Glide Path Intercept Altitude 下滑高度Glide Path Station 下滑线电台Glide Path Width 下滑航道宽度Glide Path 下滑航线Glide Siope 下滑台Glide 滑翔Glider 滑翔机Global Navigation Satellite System 全球卫星导航系统Global Positioning System 全球定位系统Go Around 重飞Goniometer 测向器Governor 调速器Great Circle Course 大圆航线Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治平均时Greenwich Sidereal Time 格林威治恒星时Gross Weight 总重Ground Check 地面查核Ground Clutter 地面混乱Ground Controlled Approach System GCA 地面进场管制设备Ground Controlled Approach 地面管制进场Ground Effect 地面效应Ground Equipment 地面设备Ground Handling Service 地勤业Ground Lock 地面卡锁Ground Operation Expenses 地面勤务费用Ground Power Unit 地面发电机Ground proximate warning system GPWS 接近地面警告系统Ground Speed 地面速度Ground Temperature 地面温度Ground Time 地面时间Ground Visibility 地面能见度Gust Load 阵风载荷Gust Velocity 阵风速度Gyro Horizon 陀螺地平仪Gyro Pilot 自动驾驶仪Gyroscope, Directional 方向陀螺仪Hail 雹Hangar 棚厂Hardstand 硬面地坪Hardstart 外力起动Hatch 舱门Haze 霾Head Wind 逆风Heading Indicator 航向指示器Heading 航向Heat Treatment 热处理Heavier-Than-Air Aircraft 重航空器Height 实际高度Helicopter 直升机Heliport 直升机飞行场HF 高周率High Octane fuel 高辛烷油料High Pitch(Prop)高螺距High Speed Taxiway 快速滑行道High-lift Devices 高升力装置Hinterland 腹地Hold Your Position 原地等待Holding Apron 等待机坪Holding Fix 等待点Holding Pattern 等待航线Holding Point 等待点Holding 等待Holophanc Light 何洛凡灯Homing Beacon 归航信标Homing Mechanisms 归航设备Homing Station 归航台Homing 归航Horizon 地平线Horizon, Artificial 人工地平仪Horizontal Displacement Wind 横风Horizontal Stabilizer 水平安定面Horsepower Available 可用马力Horsepower Required 需要马力Horsepower 马力Horsepower-Thrust Ratio 推力马力比Hours of Darkness 黑夜时间Hours of Day Light 白昼时间Hovering Ceiling 悬飞升限Hovering 悬飞Hub 转运中心Human Engineering 人体工程学Humidity 湿度Hurricane 飓风Hydraulic Accumulator 液压蓄积器Hydraulic pump 液压泵Hydraulic System 液压系统Hydraulic Test Bench 液压试验台Hydrofoil, Hydrovane 着水板Hyperbolic Navigation System 双曲线导航系统ICAO Circuit Numbers 国际民航电路代号Ice Rain 冰雨Identification Beacon 识别信标Identification Friend(or Foe)IFF 敌我识别器Identification Light 识别灯Identification Panel Code 识别板符号Idling 慢车IFR Clearance 仪器飞行许可IFR Flight 仪器飞行Ignition Harness 点火线装置Ignition System 点火系统Impedance 阻抗Inaugural Flight 首航Inboard(Stabilizing)Float 内浮筒Inclination of the Wind 风向倾角Inclinometer 倾斜仪Indicated Airspeed 指示空速Indicated Pressure Altimeter 指示气压高度Inducted Drag 诱导阻力Inertial Navigation System 惯性导航系统In-flight Refueling 空中加油In-flight Shutdown 空中关车Initial Approach 最初进场Initial Training 新进训练Inner Marker IM 内信标台Insignia 标志Inspection Window 检查窗Institute of The Aeronautical Science 航空科学学会Instrument Approach and Landing Operations 仪器进场及落地作业Instrument Approach Chart 仪器进场图Instrument Approach Procedure 仪器进场程序Instrument Approach 仪器进场Instrument Check 仪器检核Instrument Flight Rules 仪器飞行规则Instrument Landing System ILS 仪器降落系统;仪降系统Instrument Landing 仪器降落Instrument Light 仪表灯Instrument Meteorological Condition 仪器飞行天气情况Instrument Panel 仪表板Instrument Rating 仪器飞行检核Instrument Runway 仪降跑道Instrument Take-off 仪器起飞Integral Tank 并体箱Interchangeability 互换性Intercom 对讲电话Interference 干扰Interline Baggage 转运行李Intermediate Approach 中期进场Internal Combustion Engine 内燃机International (Domestic) Air Routes 国际(国内)航线International Aeronautical Radio 国际航空无线电通讯International Air Services Transit Agreement 国际航空业务过境协定International Air Traffic Rights 国际航权International Air Transport Agreement 国际航空运输协定International Air Transport Association IATA 国际航空运输协会International Air-Navigation Conversion 国际航空公约International airport 国际机场;国际航空站International Candle 国际烛光International Civil Aviation Convention 国际民用航空公约International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO 国际民航组织International courier service 国际快递International Date Line 国际换日线International Morse Code 国际摩氏电码International Standard Atmosphere 国际标准大气International Tape Relay Network 国际全自动通讯网International Telecommunications Union ITU 国际电信联合会Interphone System 通话系统Interrogator 询问器Intersection 航路交叉点Inversion 逆增Isobar 等压线Isogonic Chart 等磁差图JJamming Device 扰乱装置Jamming 扰乱Jet Engine Aircraft 喷射式航空器Jet Engine 喷射发动机Jet fuel 喷射机燃油Jet Stream 喷射气流Jet-fan 喷射扇Jig 样板Keel 龙骨Kilocycles 千周Klystron 调速管Knot 浬/时(节)Lambert Projection 蓝伯投影Laminar Flow 层流Landing Aid 降落辅助设备Landing Approach 降落进场Landing Area 降落区域Landing Beam 降落电波Landing Chart 降落区状况图Landing Check 落地前检查Landing Clearance 落地许可Landing Direction Indicator 落地方向指示灯Landing Distance 降落距离Landing fee 降落费Landing Field 降落场Landing Flare 降落用照明灯Landing Gear 起落架Landing Interval 降落间隔Landing Light 着陆灯Landing Load 着陆负荷Landing Mat 降落垫板Landing Minimums 落地最低天气标准Landing Pattern 落地航线Landing Strip 起落地带Landing Tee 降落T字布Landing 落地(降落)Landmark Beacon 地形标灯Landmark Navigation 地标航线Landside 陆侧Large aeroplane 大型航空器Lateral Axis 横轴Lateral Separation 左右隔离Lateral Stability 横向安定性Latitude 纬度Leading Edge 前缘Leeward 下风Leeway 风压角Left Hand Engine 左发动机Left Hand Propeller 左转螺旋桨Life Preserver 救生装置Life raft 救生筏Life Vest 救生衣Lift Capacity 空运能量Lift 升力Light aircraft 轻航机Light Beacon 标灯Light Gun 通信灯Line Inspection (of Aircraft) 飞行线检查Line of Position 位置线Line of Sight Transmission 直线传播Line operating experience 线上(实际)操作经验Link Trainer 林克教练机Liquid Cooled Engine 液冷式发动机Listing watch 听音守候Litter Aircraft 担架航空器Load Adjuster 装载计算尺Load Center of Gravity Extremes 负载重心极限Load Factor 承载率Load Message 装载电报Load Waterline 载重水线Loaded Limit 载重限度Loading and Unloading Apron 装卸停机坪Loading Chart 装载图Loading Ramp 装卸机坪Local Apparent Time 地方视时Local Delivery 当地传递Local Mean Time 地方平均时Localizer Course Width 左右定位台航轨宽度Localizer LOC 左右定位台Locator 定位台Log 纪录簿Long Distance Aids 长程助航设备Long Range Navigation Chart 长程航行图Long Range Weather Forecast 长期天气预报Longeron 纵梁Longitude 经度Longitudinal Axis 纵轴Longitudinal Separation 前后隔离Longitudinal stability 纵向安定性Loop Antenna 环状天线Loop-type Radio 环型天线导航台Loran Chain 洛兰连锁电台Loran Chart 洛兰航图Loran Station 洛兰电台Loran Triplet 洛兰鼎力台Loran 长程无线电导航(或称洛兰)Low Frequency(简称LF)低频Low pitch 低螺距Lubrication Oil 润滑油Lubrication System 润滑系统Lumen 流明Mach Angle Cone 马赫角锥Mach number 马赫数Mach Number, Critical 临界马赫值Mach 马赫值Machmeter 马赫表Magnaflux Test 磁流试验Magnetic Azimuth 磁方位Magnetic Bearing MB 磁方位Magnetic Compass 磁罗盘Magnetic Course MC 磁航线Magnetic Heading 磁航向Magnetic North Pole 磁北极Magnetic variation 磁差Magneto 磁电机Main Float 主浮筒Maintenance Hangar 飞机维修棚厂Major Damage 重大损坏Major Overhaul 大翻修Maneuverability 可操纵性Maneuvering Area 操作区Manifest 运(舱)单Manifold 歧管Map Overlay 覆盖地区Marine Climate 海洋性气候Marker 信标台Master Minimum Equipment List MMEL 主最低装备需求手册Master Plan 主计画Master Station 主台Material 物料Max Takeoff Thrust 最大起飞推力Maximum Certificated Take-off Mass 最大起飞重量Maximum Climbing 最大爬升率Maximum Cruising Rating 最大巡航马力定额Maximum Cruising 最大巡航速度Maximum power 最大马力Maximum range 最大航程Maximum speed 最大速率Maximum stock level 最高存量May Day 求救信号Mean Aerodynamic Chord MAC 平均气动力翼弦Mean Noon 平均正午Mean Sea Level 平均海平面高度Mean Temperature 平均温度Mechanical Failure MF 机械故障Medical kit 医疗箱Medium Frequency 中频Medium-Range Weather Forecast 中期天气预报Megacycles 兆周Mercator Projection 麦氏投影(或称麦卡脱投影)Meridian of Celestial Sphere 天体子午线Meridians 子午线Message Number 电报号数Message Priority 电报等级Message Tapes 电报纸条Meteorological Ceiling 云高Meteorological Instability 气象不稳定性Meteorological Messages 气象电报Meteorological Satellite 气象卫星Micrometer 测微表Microphone 话筒Microscopic Inspection 显微检验MicroWave Landing System 微波降落系统Microwaves 微波Middle Marker MM 中信标台Milibar 毫巴Minimal Flight Path 节时飞行路线Minimum Descent Altitude MDA 最低下降高度Minimum Descent Height MDH 最低下降实际高度Minimum En-route Altitude IFR 最低航路高度Minimum Equipment List MEL 最低装备需求手册Minimum Fuel 最小油量Minimum Instrument Altitude MHA 最低仪器高度Minimum Navigation Performance Specification 最低航行性能规格Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude 障碍最低隔离高度Minimum Reception Altitude 最低收讯高度Mirage 海市蜃楼Miss Approach 误失进场Mixture 混合物Mobile Aeronautical Service 空中行动通信服务Modulated Wave 调幅波Monitoring Station 监听电台Monocoque 硬壳式Morse Circuit 莫尔斯电报电路Morse Code 莫尔斯电码Mountain and Valley Breeze(Winds)山谷风Movement Area 活动区Moving Target Indicator 活动目标指示器Multi-engine Aircraft 多发动机航空器Multileg itinerary 多航段旅程Multiple Address Message 多址电报Multiple flight crew 加强飞航组员Multiplex 多任务制Nacelle 短舱Narrow-Body Aircraft 窄体客机National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA 美国国家航空谘询委员会National Aeronautics Association NAA 美国全国航空协会Nationality of Aircraft 航空器国籍Nautical Mile 浬Navaglobe 地球航行法Navar 领航雷达Navarho 球航仪Navascope 领航雷达指示波器Navascreen 领航雷达显示幕Navigation Aid 导航设施Navigation Facilities 航行设备Navigation Instrument 航行仪表Navigation Light 导航灯Navigation NA V 航行Navigation TVORTAC 终端多向导航及太康台NDB 归航台Nephoscope 测云器Night Effect 夜间影响Nimbus 雨云Noise Abatement 噪音防制Noise Level 噪音阶层Non-direction Radio Beacon ….. 归航台Non-Precision Instrument Runway 非精确仪降跑道Non-retractable Landing Gear 固定式起落架Nonstop Flight 连续飞行Normal Load Water Line 正常负载吃水线North Star 北极星Northerly Turning Error 北转误差Northern Hemisphere 北半球Notice to Airmen NOTAM 飞航公告Null 无讯区Object of Interest(Radar)重要目标(雷达)Obstacle clearance altitude OCA 障碍许可高度Obstacle clearance height OCH 障碍物实际高度Obstacle 障碍物Obstruction Light 障碍物标示灯Occult Light 明暗灯Ocean Station Vessel 海洋船站Ocean Station 海洋电台Octane number 辛烷数Off-airway Area 航路外空域Oil Cooler 滑油冷却器Oil Filter 滑油滤Oil pump 滑油泵Oil Tank 滑油箱Omni-bearing Indicator 多方位指示器Omni-bearing Selector OBS 多向导航台选择器Omni-bearing 多向导航方位Omni-directional 多向性On Board Courier 专差快递专区On-course Signal 正航信号One-piece Propeller 整片螺旋桨One-way Communication 单向通讯Open Sky Agreement 开放天空协定Open sky 开放天空Operating Frequency 使用频率Operating on Reduced Power 使用低电力工作Operation specification 操作规范Operational flight plan 操作飞航计画Operations manual 操作手册Operator 航空器使用人;通信员Orbit Flight 圆圈飞行Orbit 运行轨道ornithopter 扑翼机Orographic Rain 地形雨Oscillator 震荡器Oscilloscope 示波器Outboard Float 外浮筒Outer Fix 外信号点Outer Marker OM 外信标台Overload 超载Overshooting 进场过高Overtaking 超越Over-the-top Flight 云上飞航Overwater Emergency Equipment 水上救生装备Overwater Flight 越洋飞航Pacific Standard Time PST 太平洋标准时间Packplane 可换货舱航空器Paint 描画(或涂料)Pan 盘Pancake Landing 平墬着陆Passenger Aircraft 客机Passenger Kilometer 延人公里Passenger Load factor 客运承载率Passenger Mile 延人哩Passenger Terminal 旅客航厦Passenger Traffic 客运量Passenger 乘客;旅客Pathfinder 探路雷达。

美空军航空术语美空军航空术语(基本)UCAV 无人驾驶作战飞机ATT 先进战区运输机LOCAAS 低成本自动攻击系统CDA 概念验证飞行器STOVL 短距起飞/垂直降落PIDS 整和投射载台的发射架MRP 模组化侦察荚舱IRLS 红外直线扫描器INS 惯性导航系统HOTAS 单手操控与油门控制HMD 头盔显示器JHMCS 联合头盔标示系统ECM电子对抗ILS 着陆导航系统GPS 全球定位系统IFF 敌我识别Fox 1: 半主动雷达诱导导弹发射时提醒友军战机注意的代号Fox 2: 红外诱导导弹发射时提醒友军战机注意的代号Fox 3:主动雷达诱导弹发射时提醒友军战机注意的代号Break: 提醒同机战友或友机进行急速转向脱离的代号RTB: (Return To Base) 返回基地Vector: 机首方位的表示,以正北为0/360度,角度向右递增,90度即为正东PAN PAN PAN: 国际紧急无线电通讯信号,表示飞机遇到紧急状况,不至于遇难,但已处于需要警戒的状态AB 驻外空军基地AFB 国内空军基地BARCAP 战区封锁CSAR 战区搜索和营救CAS 近空支援C3I 战场管理的基本元素FEBA 战区前沿FOB 战区基地LZ 临时着陆区OTH 经过伪装地面的目标RAM 吸波材料Strike package混编攻击机群AWACS 机载预警与控制系统BDA 轰炸效果评估AA 防空炮AAM 空对空导弹AGM 空对地导弹AIM 空中拦截导弹JDAM 联合攻击武器LGB 激光制导炸弹UGB 核炸弹RET 延迟炸弹SAM 地面对空导弹ASRAAM 先进短程空对空导弹AMRAAM 先进中距空对空导弹AMLAAM 先进远程空对空导弹HARM 高速反辐射导弹ACM 空战机动BFM 基础空战机动Fur ball 多机近距缠斗Jinking 规避AoA攻角:机翼与气流间夹角ASL水平高度AGL距地高度Airspeed空速IAS指示空速(表速)Mach马赫数Nautical mile海里Angels千英尺KIAS海里/小时Kts节/小时MSA最小安全高度TAS真实空速Vc接近速度Vne速度上限Vmax最大速度Vertical velocity垂直速度Wingman僚机Vector航向Bearing相对方向角Heading飞行方向角G过载Blackout黑视Redout红视BVR超视距Engage有效射程WVR可视范围内Pitch斜度NOE突防飞行Bank倾斜转向Bingo归航燃料量Afterburner加力燃烧室Buster加力燃烧室的俗称Cans加力燃烧室的俗称Dry thrust净推力Full grunt全加力Military power全加力Scramble急速起飞Taxi滑跑Tracers机炮轨迹Six快速的转到对方身后(6点方向)Callsign特殊飞行员的代名Bandit敌机Contrails凝结尾迹Flaperons襟副翼Flaps襟翼Fly-by-wire电传操作HUD平视显示器Punch out弹射的俗称Pop-up跃升Rookie新手Lock on锁定Roger受到,是NegativeSmoke in the air来袭导弹Slick(指飞机)没有挂可减小机动性,增加雷达反射截面的外部装备Stall机翼上表面的气流分离Strip脱离编队Death dot瞄准具准心Chaff迷惑导弹的金属条Flare热追踪干扰弹Tally-ho!发现目标No joy未发现敌目标Turbulence飞机达到最大速度或遇到大风时发生的颤动Yaw固有不稳定状态Waterline地平仪的地平线Weapons free自由猎杀Weapons hold火力管制Steerpoint预设航行指示点Shack命中目标的内部叫法Bitchin’ Betty飞行员咒骂机载(女声发音)计算机的话Bogey未判定身份的飞机KIA被击落KIT被判击落Bingo(fuel):愿意是指猜对游戏中的答案。
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UCAV 无人驾驶作战飞机
ATT 先进战区运输机
LOCAAS 低成本自动攻击系统
CDA 概念验证飞行器
STOVL 短距起飞/垂直降落
PIDS 整和投射载台的发射架
MRP 模组化侦察荚舱
IRLS 红外直线扫描器
INS 惯性导航系统
HOTAS 单手操控与油门控制
HMD 头盔显示器
JHMCS 联合头盔标示系统ECM电子对抗
ILS 着陆导航系统
GPS 全球定位系统
IFF 敌我识别
Fox 1: 半主动雷达诱导导弹发射时提醒友军战机注意的代号Fox 2: 红外诱导导弹发射时提醒友军战机注意的代号
Fox 3:主动雷达诱导弹发射时提醒友军战机注意的代号Break: 提醒同机战友或友机进行急速转向脱离的代号RTB: (Return To Base) 返回基地
Vector: 机首方位的表示,以正北为0/360度,角度向右递增,90度即为正东
PAN PAN PAN: 国际紧急无线电通讯信号,表示飞机遇到紧急状况,不至于遇难,但已处于需要警戒的状态
AB 驻外空军基地
AFB 国内空军基地
CSAR 战区搜索和营救
CAS 近空支援
C3I 战场管理的基本元素
FEBA 战区前沿
FOB 战区基地
LZ 临时着陆区
OTH 经过伪装地面的目标
RAM 吸波材料
Strike package混编攻击机群
AWACS 机载预警与控制系统
BDA 轰炸效果评估
AA 防空炮
AAM 空对空导弹
AGM 空对地导弹
AIM 空中拦截导弹
JDAM 联合攻击武器
LGB 激光制导炸弹
UGB 核炸弹
RET 延迟炸弹
SAM 地面对空导弹ASRAAM 先进短程空对空导弹AMRAAM 先进中距空对空导弹AMLAAM 先进远程空对空导弹HARM 高速反辐射导弹ACM 空战机动
BFM 基础空战机动
Fur ball 多机近距缠斗Jinking 规避
Nautical mile海里
Vertical velocity垂直速度
Dry thrust净推力
Full grunt全加力
Military power全加力
HUD平视显示器Punch out弹射的俗称Pop-up跃升
Lock on锁定
Smoke in the air来袭导弹
Death dot瞄准具准心
Tally-ho!发现目标No joy未发现敌目标
Weapons free自由猎杀
Weapons hold火力管制
Bitchin’ Betty飞行员咒骂机载(女声发音)计算机的话
Cold Nose:“冷鼻头”,比较有意思的词。
Feet Dry:指飞机从海上进入到陆地上空的时候使用的无线电用语。
相反“Feet Wet”表示从陆地上空进入海洋上空。
Martin Baker Fan Club:马叮.贝克追星俱乐部。
Milk Run:指比较安全的战斗任务。