托福听力 场景词汇总结

托福听力场景词汇总结campus situations和professor(最多)1.谈实习的收获elementray school:小学observation:观察interdisipline:多学科mythology 神话Greek and Roman 希腊的和罗马的Research skills:调查研究技能2.论文,课程作业Climate variation 气候变化Data 数据Expert 专家Research project 研究项目General or casual idea 大致的想法Rule of thumb 凭经验的方法Research journal 研究日记Evolution in thought 想法的进化Meteorological records 气象记录Statistical tests 统计检验Reference section 参考文献Jot down 随便写下Note Pad 笔记本Draft version 草稿Prerequisite 先决条件Term paper 课程论文Dialect 方言Manageable 可操控的Proposal 设计Food-born bacteria 食物上长的细菌Preliminary 初步的Carton board 纸板Flavor 味道Dairy 牛奶场Swamped 忙死了Scope of the assignment 作业的范围Stick to 坚持Tangential 外围的Mid-summer dream 仲夏夜之梦Video collection 录像集Track down 找到Ironic 讽刺的Transient 瞬息万变的3.报名项目Assume 假设Introductory 导论Relief 轻松Main lecture hall 教学主楼Excavate 开掘Barn 谷仓Artifact 手工艺品Button 纽扣Clay pottery 泥质陶Extra credit 额外的分数Tough time 困难Incentive 动力Retirement partyDean 系主任Anthropology 人类学Pitch in 加入V ersatile 多才多艺的Hiring process 招聘过程Qualified applicant 合格的候选者Sample lecture 样板课堂Academic interest 学科兴趣Student representative 学生代表Candidate 候选人Perspective 观点4.小组活动Due 到期Supreme court 最高法庭Municipal land use cases 市政土地使用案例Owning disputes 所有权争议Stress out 压力大Free-rider 搭便车Split up 分割Goof off 打发时间Go down the drain 泡汤Personal liberty 个人自由Start from scratch 重新开始Synthesis 总和Congnitive 认知的Couch 沙发5.课上的内容Strategic marketing 营销策略High end 高端的Aerobics 有氧体操Gallery 画廊Context 背景Monsoon 季风At stake 濒于险境Surrender 放弃6.考试Track meet 径赛Lab project 实验室项目Exmplary 杰出的Cell division 细胞分裂Blank out 空白Fresh in my mind 新鲜Medieval 中世纪Take-home exam 带回去做的考试Speculate 推断两个studentsRegister 选课Contemporary literature 当代文学Seminar 研讨班Junior high 初中Theory class 理论课Till the end of the month 直到月末Thesis 毕业论文Revise 修改Short of credits 学分不够和receptionist at the registrar’s office 1.课被取消了Room assinment sheet 教室分配表格Bulletin board 公告板Cancel 取消Junk mail 垃圾邮件Mailing address 通信地址Administration office 行政办公室Practical 实际的Instructor 指导者Sign up 报班Enroll 注册Physics depatment 物理系Info 信息Time slot 时间空档2.毕业要求Diploma 文凭Intermediate 中等Issue 发布Chairperson 主席,导师Field work 实地考察V erify 证实和counselor/ faculty advisor1.在学校不习惯Overwhelmed 吓到了Culture shock 文化震惊Understatement 低估Keep pace with 跟上Cello 大提琴String quartet 弦乐团四重奏Audition 面试2.工作招聘会Shoot 说Career fair 工作招聘会Flyer and post 传单和海报Accounting firm 会计公司Zillion 庞大的数字3.专业Teacher the year 年度教室Byline 署名Specialize in 专业化District court 地区法庭Resume 简历Prospective 预选的,准。

常见套路:(1)常见病症的词汇(2)常见治疗手段的词汇(3)治病的常见句型总结场景词汇:Diagnose, patient’s illness, painful, technological advance, blood and tissue sample血液组织样本, diagnostic techniques, detect diseases, variations in temperature, X rays, side effect, uncomfortable, endure pain, health care,Medical clinic and infirmary诊所医务室, nursing staff护理人员, get sick, a really bad cold, develop terrible coughs, pneumonia[njuː'məʊnɪə] 肺炎, stay in the infirmary, don’t feel well, rest more an d skip a few classes, get medical excuse, the clinic hour, emergency numberModern medical facility, health needs, dental clinic牙科诊所, maternity[mə'tɜːnɪtɪ] ward产房, operating room, special surgery外科手术, surgeons外科医生,Student Health Services, blood pressure, university nutritionists营养学家, processed foods加工食品, university hospital,Pain, discharge排放、流出, slight earache耳朵痛, take it easyPrevention, symptoms, cough, fever, running nose, head and bones ache, chill寒冷, flu, influenza[ɪnflʊ'enzə] 流行性感冒, overtired过度疲劳, stressed out筋疲力尽的, exposure to virus, sneeze[sniːz]喷嚏, airborne virus空气传播病毒,body’s resistance人体抵抗力, ward off the flu抵御流感, rest, eat well, drink a lot of water, immune[ɪ'mjuːn]system免疫系统, fight off illness对抗疾病, immunized[ai]免疫的, vaccine['væksiːn]疫苗, university health center2.校园生活场景:场景特点:关于学生租房子或者宿舍相关的话题场景。

托福听力分类词汇汇总植物学botany植物学botanical / botanic 植物学的horticulture 园艺学aquatic PIaIIt 水生植物ParaSite PIant 寄生植物root 根CanOPy树冠层 /顶棚foliage / Ieaf 叶Ieaflet小叶rosette (叶的)丛生Steln 茎StaIk 杆IeafStaIk 叶柄ShOOt/ SPrOUt 嫩芽/抽枝flower 花bud花蕾PetaI花瓣Peel / SkilI果皮Shen (硬)果壳husk (干)果壳/ (玉米苞叶trunk树干bark树皮branch树枝bough大或者粗的树枝twig小树枝jungle丛林IaWll 草meadow 草地/牧场Prairie大草原InOSSeS苔W ShrUb Zbush灌木CIUSter 一簇(灌木)fern蕨类植物horsetails 木贼类植物ClUb mosses石松类植物herb 草PhOtOSylltheSiS光合作用ChIOrOPhyn叶绿素SymbiOSiS 共生SynlbiotiC 共生的Wither /ShriVeI / fade 凋谢blossom 花POlIen花粉pollinate 传授(starch) 碳水larch 落叶松花粉petal 花化合物(淀粉)pine 松树瓣nectar 花蜜glucose 葡萄spruce 云杉tissue 组织糖starch 淀粉juniper 刺organ 器官fat 脂肪柏;杜松system 系统protein 蛋白sequoia 红杉seeds种子质elm 榆树everlasting 永vitamin 维他walnut 核桃树久的命redwood 红木crossbreed 杂malnourished 树交营养不良的plum blossomroot pressure nutrition 营养梅花根压perennial 多年orchid 兰花bore 腔/肠一生的chrysanthemu cohesion-tensi annual 一年一m 菊花on 凝聚压力生的water lily 荷花column 花柱verdant 嫩绿/莲花necrosis 坏死的,翠绿的rhododendron barren 贫瘠evergreen 常杜鹃花的;不生育的青树carnation 康futile 无用的conifer tree 针乃馨carbohydrate 叶树jasmine 茉莉花mealie 玉米rye 黑麦helianthus / pumpkin 南瓜barley 大麦heliotrope / tomato 番茄oats 燕麦sunflower 向lettuce 莴苣日葵cabbage 卷心camellia 茶花菜corn / maize / wheat 小麦微生物学antibody 抗体bacteria 细菌virus 病毒toxin 毒素fermentation disinfection 消immunity 免发酵毒sterilization 疫inflection 传染灭菌immunology / 感染免疫学microorganisvaccine 疫苗m / microbefungus 真菌微生物生物学biology 生物biology 海洋虫学学生物学ornithology 鸟marine entomology 昆类学microbiology 微生物学underwater 水下的survival of thefittest 适者生genetics 遗传marine 海洋的存学scuba 水下呼origin of speciology 物吸器species物种起种学diving 潜水/ 源parasitology 跳水wild寄生虫学one-celled environmentpaleontology organism 单细野生环境古生物学胞有机体insecticide 杀paleontologist tissue(动植物虫剂古生物学家细胞的)组织prenatal caredinosaur 恐龙protective 产后护理die out / camouflage 保habitat 栖息地extinction 灭护色tentacle 触须绝predator 捕猎prey 捕食mammal 哺乳者navigate 导航动物oceanic snail tiny receptor carnivore 食蜗牛a 接收器肉动物nimal nerve /rodent 啮齿类adaptation 动specimen 物种动物物适应性amphibian 两栖类动物decline in the hatch 孵化incubation 孵酶cell 细胞number 数量化nucleus 细胞减少nest 巢核gene 基因offspring 子孙cytoplasm 细genetic 基因的chew up 咀嚼胞质endangered unfertilized plasma lemma species濒危动eggs未受精卵/ cell 物nutrient 营养membrane survival 活着品细胞膜的nourishment cell wall 细胞transition 转变营养品/ 食壁/过渡物protein 蛋白microbe 微生feed 喂养质物cannibalism amino acid yeast 酵母同类相食核酸(菌)respiration 呼plankton 浮游bacteria 细菌吸生物single-cell 单ingestion 摄食heredity 遗传细胞digestion 消化mutation of reptile 爬行类digestive species 物种变动物enzyme 消化异chromosome 染色体solitary 独居social 群居s 变态/ 变形mutation 变种genetic bio-diversity variation 变异engineering 遗生物多样性传工程metamorphosi动物学zoology 动物无脊椎动物ruminant 反刍学vertebrate 脊动物Darwinism 达椎动物parasitic尔文学说aquatic life animal 寄生动natural 水生动物物selection 自然reptile 爬行动primate 灵长选择物动物phylum 门amphibian / plankton 浮游class 纲order amphibious 生物目animal 两栖动mollusk 软体suborder 亚目物动物family 科protozoa 原生coelenterate genus 属动物腔肠动物species种rodent 啮齿动(如水母、海invertebrate 物蜇、珊瑚等)herbivore 食草动物mammal 哺乳动物homotherm 恒温动物cold-blooded animal 冷血动物poikilotherm 变温动物scavenger 食腐动物carnivorous 食肉的herbivorous 食草的omnivorous 杂食的bird 鸟类camouflage 伪装hibernate 冬眠;蛰伏卫生设施regeneration monogamous 再生一夫一妻的predatory / /一雌一雄的carnivore 食polygamous 肉的一夫多妻的predator 捕食/一雄多雌的者prey 捕食polyandrous hordes / 一妻多夫的swarms(昆虫/一雌多雄的等)群nomadic 游牧flock (牛、羊的;流浪的等)群trapper 诱捕community 动动物者物的群落或人niche 小生态的部落环境population 种vestige 退化器群fertilizer 使受herd 兽群精hygiene 卫生metabolism 新sanitation 陈代谢公共卫生;breed(名词)品种;(动词)system 消化系esophagus 食繁殖统excretory 管stomach 胃multiply / system 排泄系small intestine reproduce 繁统小肠large 殖reproductive intestine 大肠spawn ( 鱼、syste生殖系统anus 肛门虾、蛙等)孵circulatory digestive anatomy 解剖system 循环系gland 消化腺学统salivary gland appetite 食欲respiratory 唾液腺creature 生物system 呼吸系liver 肝scales鳞统gallbladder 胆feathers 羽毛hormonal pancreas 胰armor 甲system 内分泌spinal cord 系脊椎digestive ductdigestive 消化管水生动物jellyfish 水母coral 珊瑚shrimp 小虾nettle fish 海dolphin 海豚prawn 对虾蜇whale 鲸鱼lobster 龙虾crab 螃蟹sponge 海绵octopus 章鱼mussel 贻贝;starfish 海星sole 鳎;鳎目蚌类squid 鱿鱼;乌鱼clam 蛤蜊贼plaice 鲽,红oyster 牡蛎burro / 斑比目鱼哺乳动物squirrel 松鼠猩猩牛hippo 河马marten 貂baboon 狒狒sloth 树懒bat 蝙蝠hyena 鬣狗slothful 懒惰squeak(老鼠moose 驼鹿的等)吱吱beaver 海狸otter 水獭elk 麋鹿antelope 羚羊reindeer 驯鹿gorilla 大猩猩giraffe 长颈鹿chimpanzee 黑rhinoceros 犀两栖动物、爬行动物frog 青蛙scorpion 蝎子色龙tadpole 蝌蚪turtle 龟cay men / salamander 蝾lizard 蜥蜴crocodile 鳄鱼螈chameleon 变centipede 蜈蚣鸟类robin 知更鸟vulture 秃鹫装wing 翅膀owl 猫头鹰crane 鹤bill (鸟)嘴barnacle 北极stork 鹳beak(鹰等的)鹅ptarmigan 雷嘴penguin 企鹅鸟canary 金丝雀migrate 迁移chirp (鸟、虫plumage 羽体的叫声)camouflage 伪昆虫insect 昆虫worm 虫/蠕虫earthworm 蚯wasp 黄蜂cicada 蝉蚓hornet 大黄蜂mantis 螳螂antenna / spider 蜘蛛cockroach tentacle 触须pest 害虫蟑螂larva 幼虫生态学ecology 生态balance of flora 植物群学nature 自然界rain forest 雨ecosystem 生生态平衡林态系统fauna 动物群food chain 食物链acid rain 酸雨制air pollutionwastewater 污水greenhouse 温空气控制sewage室效应water purification 污infrared pollution 水污水净化radiation 红外染swage线辐noxious / toxic disposal 污水ozone layer / 有毒的处理ozonosphere fumes ( 有毒decibe(l 噪音)臭氧层的)废气分贝ultraviolet waste 废物radiation 紫外solid waste辐pollution 固体废物control 污染控sewage /能源和环境fossil fuel 矿物solar energy 保护能源燃料太阳能resource 资源process of nonrenewable energy source photo 不可再生的能源资源synthesis 光合energy tidal energy 潮作用conservation 汐能fuel-efficient 节能型的rush hour 高峰期zero emission 零辐射wildness 野生/天然preservation 保护atmosphere 大气carbon 碳dioxide 二氧化物burning of coal and oil 煤油燃烧global warming 全球变暖greenhouse level 海平面上升long-term climatic change 长期的气候变化environmentalrecyclingcenter 再循环利用中心litter/trashgarbage 垃圾pollutant 污染物desertification沙漠化deforest 滥伐森林drought干旱offshorespillage 近海岸溢出carbondioxide release二氧化碳排放industrialsewage工业污水recycling 再循环purify 净化deteriorate恶化acid rain酸雨sewagedisposal 污水处理environment effect 温室效water 应shortage 水源rise in sea 缺乏protection 环境保护废物处理emission(汽车尼诺现象ozone layer 臭废气的)排放氧层soot 烟尘waste disposal El Ni? o 厄尔天文学astronomy 天cosmology 宇sky atlas 天体文学宙图astronomical infinite 无限的celestialobservatory cosmic 宇宙的sphere 天球天文台cosmic dwarf / dwarfplanetarium radiation 宇宙star 矮星天文馆辐射quasar 类星体astrophysics cosmic rays 宇constellation 天文物理学宙射线星座astrology 占星celestial 天体galaxy / Milky 学的Way 银河系pseudoscience celestial body star cluster 星伪科学/ heavenly 团cosmos / body 天体asterism 星群universe 宇宙celestial map / solar system太阳系Uranus 天王飞船solar corona 星space shuttle 日冕Neptune 海王航天飞机solar eclipse 星space日食Pluto 冥王星telescope 空间solar orbit 轨道望远镜radiation 太阳spin 旋转astronaut /辐射satellite 卫星spaceman 宇planet 行星lunar 月球的航员planetoid / meteor 流星space suit 宇asteroid 小行meteor 航服星shower 流星雨stellar 恒星的revolve 旋转star 恒星intergalactic twinkle 闪烁meteoroid 流星系间的naked eye 肉星体interstellar 恒眼meteorite 陨石星间的Mercury 水星comet 彗星interplanetary Venus 金星space / outer 行星间的Earth 地球space 太空,asteroid 小行Mars 火星外层空间星nebula 星云Jupiter 木星spacecraft / space debris Saturn 土星spaceship 宇宙太空垃圾ammonia 氨日珥(发生幻影体photosphere 在色球层)faint 微弱的光球;光球层convection image 影像chromosphere zone 对流层gravitational s 色球;色球层vacuum 真空force 吸引力chromosphere infrared ray molten 融化的s-corona 红外线leap year 闰年transition absolute rotation 自传zone 色球- 日magnitude 绝revolution 公冕过渡层对量级转sunglow 日冕emission 发射/ black hole 黑sunspot 太阳散发洞黑子(发生在high-resolutio ultraviolet ray 光球层)n 高清晰度紫外线flare 耀斑(发interferomete luminosity生在色球层)r 干扰仪,干光度solar 涉仪light year 光prominence illusive object 年气象学meteorology meteorologist meteorologica 气象气象学家l station 气象站forecast / moisture 潮湿,水气torrential rain大雨predict 预报spell 某种天气tempest climate 气候持续一段时(storm) / atmosphere 大vapor 蒸汽torrential rain 气层evaporate 蒸暴风雨troposphere 发drizzle 细雨对流层damp / moist / shower 阵雨stratosphere humid 潮湿hail 冰雹平流层humidity 湿度blizzard /mesosphere中moisture 潮湿snowstorm 暴间层saturate 饱和风雪ionosphere 电dew 露avalanche / 离层frost 霜fog / snow slide雪exosphere mist 雾smog 崩逸散层烟precipitation cold front 冷droplet 小水(雨、露、雪锋condense浓缩等)降水warm air crystal 水晶体thunder 雷mass 热气团shee(t 水、冰、breeze 微风current (气)雪的)一层sandstorm 沙流downpour / 暴monsoon 季风tidal wave 潮流gale 大风汐;浪潮wind velocity whirlwind 旋upper 风速风typhoon atmosphere 上wind direction层大气funnel 风向台hurricane 飓漏斗云long-range风disaster / forecast 长期tornado / calamity / 预报twister / catastrophe 灾numerical cyclone 龙卷难weather风devastation 破prediction wind scale 风坏数值天气预级submerge 淹报tsunami / 没drought 旱nephanalysis seismic sea 灾云层分析;wave 海啸convection 对卫星云图地理学hemisphere parallel 平行/ 经度半球圈elevation meridian 子latitude 纬线海拔午线/ 经线longitude 经线altitude 高度/ 海拔aurora 极光lowland 低地basin 盆地horizon 地平tropics of线Cancer 北回oasis绿洲equator 赤道归线enclave 飞地temperature tropics of peak 山峰latitudes 温带Capricorn 南cordillera /地区回归线ranges 山脉tropics 热带地international carven / cave 区date line 国际洞穴Arctic / the 日期变更线terrain 地域North Pole time subterranean 北极difference 地底下Antarctic / 时差coastland 沿海Antarctic a 南time zone 时地区极the 区coastline 海岸Antarctic topography 线Continent 南地形/ 地watershed极洲形学分水岭the Antarctic plain 平原upper reaches Circle 南极圈plateau / 上游the Arctic highland 高lower reaches Circle 北极圈地下游tributary volcanic continental 支流island 火山岛shelf 大陆架deposit 沉积coral island canyon / spring / 珊瑚岛gorge 峡谷fountain 泉水islet 小岛channel /iceberg 冰山peninsular 半strait 海峡riverbed 河床岛remote-sensingulf / bay archipelago g 遥感的海湾群岛terrestrialwaterfall delta 三角洲地球的/ 瀑布landlocked 陆地的cascade 小瀑area 内陆terrestrial 布;喷流inland heat /reef 暗礁tide waterway 内陆geothermal 湖水河地热torrent 水的急subcontinent terrestrial流次大陆magnetism 地tropical rain cliff 山崖磁forest 热带雨valley 山谷continental林hillside / drift 大陆漂continental mountain 移学说island 大陆岛slope 山坡sea-floorspreading the primeval Pyrenees 比利海床扩展forest 原始森牛斯山脉evaporation 林Carpathians 蒸发Scandinavia 喀尔巴阡山脉salinity 含盐度斯堪的纳维Vesuvius 维苏ocean bottom 亚(半岛)(瑞威火山海床典、挪威、丹Pompeii 庞贝sediment 沉积麦、冰岛的泛precipice 悬崖物称)eon 世;纪;tropical 热带fjord 峡湾代的coral reef 珊瑚glacier 冰河temperate 礁Pangaea 盘古温带的Chalk 白垩纪大陆frigid 寒带的cataclysm dune 沙丘frost heaving 大洪水Lagoon 咸水冻胀现象ridge 山脊;湖tundra 苔原,分水岭冻原abyss 深渊fieldstone 卵石territory 版Mediterranea 图;领土;地n Sea 地中海域地质学crust 地n ore 矿石壳mantle 地幔分解deposit 矿床core 地核erosion 腐蚀rubble 碎石continental fossil 化石debris 残骸crust 大陆地igneous rock platinum 白金壳火成岩/铂金silver 银oceanic crust sedimentary copper 黄铜海洋地壳rock 沉积岩aluminum 铝layer / metamorphic tin 锡lead 铅stratum 地层rock 变质岩zinc 锌stratigraphy limestone 石nickel 镍地层学灰岩mercury 汞/ fault 断层granite 花岗岩水银fault plane 断marble 大理石sodium 钠gem层面lithosphere 岩宝石fault zone 断层石圈diamond 钻石带magma / emerald 绿宝rift / crack / molten lava 岩石split 断裂浆ruby 红宝石disintegration quartz 石英glacier 冰川/decompositio mineral 矿物glacial 冰川的glacial epoch / 锥状火山地震age / period 冰(陡峭)seismic地震的川期eruption 火山seismology glacial drift 冰喷发地震学渍crater 火山口magnitude moraines 冰碛caldera (开口震级iceberg 冰山较大)火山口seismic volcano 火山depression 洼intensity scale active volcano 地,凹陷处;震烈度活火山盆地seismic waveextinct lava 火山岩浆地震波volcano 死火volcanic dust transverse山火山尘wave 横波dormant volcanic ash longitudinal volcano 休眠火山灰wave 纵波火山geyser 间歇喷epicenter 震中(sloping) 泉epicentral shield volcano hot spring distance 震中盾状火山温泉距(平缓)earthquake / aftershock 余(steep-sided) quake / 震cone volcano tremor / seism cataclysm 灾变tsunami / tidal swamp 沼泽peat bog 泥炭crumpleszones 地质缓/ force 海啸沼泽冲地带undersea Great Canyon bedrock 岩床landslide 海底大峡谷bulge 凸起物山崩Nile River 尼melt global 罗河warming 全球Colorado逐渐变暖river 科罗拉aquifer 蓄水层多河考古学archaeology 学家ancestor 祖先考古学ecological hominid 人paleontology anthropologist (科)古生物学生态人类学家homogeneousanthropology psychological 同以种族(种人类学anthropologist 类)的archaeologist 心理人类学tribe 部落clan 人类学家家氏族pale-anthropo originate 起源excavation 挖logist 古人类于掘excavate / unearth 挖掘ruins 遗迹/ 废墟remains 遗产/ 遗骸artifact 手工艺品relic 遗物/ 文物antique 古物/ 古董antiquity 古代/古老Stone Age 石建筑学architecture 建筑学architect 建筑学家construct 结构青铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的morphology 形态学skull 颅骨cranial 颅骨的wing 辐楼/侧楼design设计elevator电梯skyscraper 摩天大楼civilization 古代文明caveman 山顶洞人cultural relics文物rockpainting 岩画designelement 设计元素log structure 原木结构器时代fossil 化石Bronze Age ancientcabin 小木屋天文馆神像beam 梁aquarium 水the triumphal prototype 原型族馆arch 凯旋门building archives 档案sphinx 狮身人technique 建筑馆office 面像工艺building 写字pyramid 金字new material 楼塔新材料cathedral 大教castle 城堡metal-frame 堂金属结构mosque 清真repair person 寺修理工the statue ofplanetarium liberty 自由女政治、经济学类subsistence 存的生活水平据;账单活,生活kinship 亲属bank loan 银subsistence 关系,血缘关行贷款wage 刚够养系interest 利息家糊口的工资commodity 商withdraw 从subsistence 品银行账户中提level 收支平衡check 支票;收款人物artist 艺术家 choreographe r 舞蹈编排家honor (cheque/bill/d raft) 承兑 a runon a bank 挤兑 the Great Depression 大萧条 consumerism 消费主义(认为高消费对个人和社会有利的看法); 保护消费者权益主义 affluence 富 裕,富足 sophisticated 世故的,老练 的;复杂的,尖端的教育学highereducation 高 等教育moralcharacter 道 德品质domain 领域 faculty 全体教treasurer 生活委员/财务大 臣 elective system 选课制 度curriculum 课程(总称)discipline 学科 /管理learn by rote 死记硬背encyclopedias 百科全书/ 专科全书员alumni 校友critic 批评家誉领袖的satirist 讽刺作disciple 学徒innocent 天真家apprentice 学的/无罪的inventor 发明徒lovelorn 相思家mechanic 机械病苦的biographer 自工emotional 情传作家minimalist 简绪的/情感的sculptor 雕塑单抽象派艺术sentimental家家感伤的/多feminist 女权avant-garde 愁善感的主义者前卫派cheerless 无精humanitarian territory 领域打采的/无生人道主义者genre 风格/ 命力的imagist 意象体裁patriarchal派诗人eccentric 古怪家长的/族philanthropist 的长的慈善家odd 怪诞的/奇rigid 僵化的proprietor 业数的spare 简朴的主mortal 犯人erratic 奇怪的clumsy 笨拙的precursor 先weird 怪异的/ zigzag 曲折的驱不可思议的contemporary figurehead 名romantic 浪漫当代的acclaimed 受欢迎的genuine 真正的emotive 感人的preeminent 杰authentic 逼真prodigious 巨出的的/原汁原味大的versatile (人)的classic 经典的多才多艺的/ symbolic 象征posthumous (物)多功能性的死后的的immortal 不朽household 的/神家庭的/家nostalgia 怀旧喻户晓的主义/思乡摄影photographer 景exposure 曝光摄影家background instantpanorama 全背景camera 拍立景照片high 得snap shot 快照definition 高camera lens相developing 清晰度机镜头冲洗close-up 特写tripod 三脚架enlarge 放大out of focus 调dark room foreground 前焦不准暗室wide angle lens 广角镜头long focus lens长镜头filter 滤色镜文学pose 散文model 人物原流派diary 日记型comparative autobiograph leading literature 比较y 传记character 主文学editorial 社论人公realism 现实narrative main plot 主主义prose 叙述性要情节surrealism descriptive prelude 序曲超现实主义prose 描写性prologue 序言futurism 未来essay 随笔epilogue 尾声主义poetry 诗歌literary modernism 现ballad 民谣criticism 文学代主义lullaby 催眠曲批评aestheticism fiction 小说literary 唯美主义allegory 寓言studies 文学研fairy tale 童话究legend 传说schools ofproverb 谚语literature 文学音乐musical pop music 流管instrument 乐行音乐oboe 双簧管器classical keyboard orchestra (管music 古典音instrument 弦)乐队乐键盘乐器shook rattle 摇Jazz 爵士乐percussion 震拨浪鼓symphony 交荡/打击乐器pound drum 响乐vocal music 击鼓rock and roll 声乐foot beat 跺脚摇滚乐concerto 协奏note 音符band music / 曲score 乐谱wind music sonata 奏鸣曲movement 乐管乐serenade 小夜章string 弦乐曲fanatical 狂热violin 小提琴solo 独奏/独唱的viola 中提琴duet 二重唱hillbilly music cello 大提琴conducting 指乡村音乐harp 竖琴挥folk music 民horn 号;喇叭podium 指挥间音乐clarinet 单簧台accompanime harmony 和声epilogue 尾声nt 伴奏rest 休止quality 音质time 节拍volume 音量lullaby 催眠曲chord 和弦prelude 序曲美术(绘画和雕塑)fine arts 美术画caricatureoil painting 油mural 漫画画painting / pigment 颜色,water color fresco 壁画色素水彩画engraving 版canvas 油画布tempera 蛋彩画brush 画笔画lithograph 石drawing sketch 速写/素板画board 画板描landscape perspective pastel 彩色蜡painting 风景透视画法笔画画original 原作poster 海报/招still life 静物copy 临本贴画画reproduction / charcoal portrait 肖像replica 复制品drawing 木炭画genuine 真的fake 假的gallery 美术馆autograph真迹panorama 全景画calligraphy 书法paste 裱糊impressionisti c style 印象派风格framing 装框sculpture 雕塑sculptor 雕塑家figurine 小雕像bust 半身雕塑像statue 塑像unique 唯一的/独特的animator 漫画家saxophonist 萨克斯风管吹奏者indigo 靛蓝purple 紫色。

part 1. 天文类1 astronomy 天文astronomy 天文学astronomical 天文的astronomical observatory 天文台astronomer 天文学家astrophysics 天文物理学astrology 占星学pseudoscience 伪科学cosmos(universe) 宇宙cosmology 宇宙学infinite 无限的cosmic 宇宙的cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic rays 宇宙射线celestial 天的celestial body (heavenly body) 天体celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图celestial sphere 天球dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星quasar 类星体,类星射电源constellation 星座galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系cluster 星团solar system 太阳系solar corona 日冕solar eclipse 日食solar radiation 太阳辐射planet 行星planetoid (asteroid) 小行星revolve 旋转,绕转twinkle 闪烁naked eye 肉眼Mercury 水星Venus 金星Earth 地球Mars 火星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin 旋转satellite 卫星lunar 月球的meteor 流星meteor shower 流星雨meteoroid 流星体meteorite 陨石comet 彗星space (outer space) 太空,外层空间spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员space suit 宇航服,航天服space shuttle 航天飞机space telescope 空间望远镜astronaut 宇航员star 恒星stellar 恒星的intergalactic 星系间的interstellar 恒星间的interplanetary 行星间的asteroid 小行星nebula 星云space debris 太空垃圾ammonia 氨corona 日冕chromosphere 色球photosphere 色球层convection zone 对流层vacuum 真空infrared ray 红外线chondrite 球粒absolute magnitude 绝对量级radiation 辐射emission 发射,散发high-resolution 高清晰度interferometer 干扰仪2 geography 地理geography 地理geographer 地理学家hemisphere 半球meridian 子午线,经线parallel 平行圈,纬线latitude 经度longitude 精度elevation 海拔altitude 高度temperate latitudes 温带地区horizon 地平线equator 赤道tropics 热带地区Arctic 北极Antarctic(Antarctica) 南极expedition 探险time zone 时区topography 地形,地形学plain 平原plateau (highland) 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地cavern (cave) 洞穴terrain 地域subterranean ( underground) 地底下coastland 沿海地区island 岛屿continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island 珊瑚岛islet 小岛peninsular 半岛continent 大陆continental shelf 大陆架ranges 山脉valley 峡谷canyon 峡谷channel (strait) 海峡remote-sensing 遥感的terrestrial 地球的,陆地的terrestrial heat (geothermal) 地热terrestrial magnetism (geomagnetism) 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学说sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation 蒸发salinity 含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment 沉淀物,沉积物tropical 热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的formation 形成frost heaving 冻胀现象fieldstone 卵石3 geology 地质学geologist 地质学家crust 地壳mantle 地幔core 地核continental crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust 海洋地壳layer (stratum,复数strata) 地层plate 板块fault 断层fault plane 断层面fault zone 断层带rift (crack; split) 断裂disintegration (decomposition) 分解erosion 腐蚀fossil 化石igneous rock 火成岩sedimentary rock 沉积岩metamorphic rock 变质岩quartz 石英limestone 石灰岩marble 大理石granite 花岗岩lithogenous 岩成的lithosphere 岩石圈magma 岩浆mineral 矿物ore 矿石deposit 矿床platinum 白金,铂silver 银copper 黄铜aluminum 铝tin 锡lead 铅zinc 锌nickel 镍mercury 汞,水银sodium 钠gem 宝石diamond 钻石emerald 绿宝石ruby 红宝石glacier 冰川glacial 冰川的glacial epoch ( age, period) 冰川期glacial drift 冰渍iceberg 冰山volcano 火山active volcano 活火山extinct volcano 死火山dormant volcano 休眠火山eruption 火山喷发crater 火山口lava 火山岩浆volcanic 火山的volcanic dust 火山尘volcanic ash 火山灰earthquake ( quake; tremor; seism) 地震seismic 地震的seismology 地震学magnitude 震级seismic wave 地震波cataclysm 灾变4 anthropologist 人类学家paleoanthropologist 古人类学家ecological anthropologist 生态人类学家psychological anthropologist 心理人类学家origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族archeologist 考古学家excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品relic 遗物,文物antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的archaeology 考古学anthropology 人类学morphology 形态学skull 颅骨cranial 颅骨的5 ecology 生态学ecologist 生态学家ecosystem 生态系统balance (of nature) 自然界生态平衡fauna 动物群flora 植物群rain forest 雨林food chain 食物链acid rain 酸雨greenhouse effect 温室效应infrared radiation 红外线辐射ozone layer (ozonosphere) 臭氧层ultraviolet radiation 紫外辐射pollution 污染pollution control 污染控制air pollution 空气污染water pollution 水污染noise pollution 噪音污染soil pollution 土壤污染pollution-free 无污染pollutant 污染物noxious (toxic) 有毒的fumes (有毒)废气waste 废物solid waste 固体垃圾sewage (wastewater) 污水sewage purification 污水净化sewage disposal 污水处理decibel (噪音)分贝6 meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (predict) 预报climate 气候atmosphere 大气层troposphere 对流层current (气)流vapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和dew 露frost 霜fog (mist) 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrential rain) 大雨tempest (storm) 暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水breeze 微风gale 大风whirlwind 旋风typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风funnel 漏斗,漏斗云disaster (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难devastation 破坏submerge 淹没drought 旱灾7 chemistry 化学chemical property 化学特性,化学性质chemical composition ( makeup ) 化学成分chemical agent 化学试剂chemical reaction 化学反应chemical change 化学变化chemical bond 化学键chemical apparatus 化学器械substance (matter; material) 物质element 元素periodic table 周期表hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧nitrogen 氮helium 氦carbon 碳calcium 钙silicon 硅sulfur 硫iodine 碘compound 化合物hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物derivative 衍生物alchemy 炼金术petroleum (oil) 石油petroleum products 石油产品crude oil 原油refine 提炼,精炼gasoline 汽油methane 甲烷solution 溶液dissolve 溶解solvent 溶剂solubility 可溶性cohesive 聚合力adhesive 粘合力atom 原子nucleus 原子核electron 电子neutron 中子proton 质子molecule 分子particle 粒子ion 离子particle accelerator 粒子加速器catalysis (复数catalyses)催化作用catalyst 催化剂artificial 人造的synthetic 合成的synthetic fiber 人造纤维polymer 聚合物polymerization 聚合作用plastic 塑料dye 染料cosmetics 化妆品8.physics物理physics 物理mechanics 力学thermodynamics 热力学acoustics 声学electromagnetism 电磁学optics 光学dynamics 动力学force 力velocity 速度acceleration 加速度equilibrium 平衡statics 静力学motion 运动inertia 惯性gravitation 引力relativity 相对gravity 地心引力vibration 震动medium (media) 媒质frequency 频率wavelength 波长pitch 音高intensity 强度echo 回声resonance 回声,洪亮sonar 声纳ultrasonics 超声学electricity 电static electricity 静电magnetism 磁性,磁力magnet 磁体electromagnet 电磁magnetic field 磁场electric current 电流direct current (DC) 直流电alternating current (AC) 交流电electric circuit 电路electric charge 电荷electric voltage 电压electric shock 触电electric appliance 电器conductor 导体insulator 绝缘体semiconductor 半导体battery (cell) 电池dry battery 干电池storage battery 蓄电池electronics 电子学electronic 电子的electronic component (part) 电子零件integrated circuit 集成电路chip 集成电器片,集成块electron tube 电子管vacuum tube 真空管transistor 晶体管amplification (名词)放大amplify (动词)放大amplifier 放大器,扬声器oscillation 震荡optical 光(学)的optical fiber 光学纤维lens 透镜,镜片convex 凸透镜concave 凹透镜microscope 显微镜telescope 望远镜magnifier 放大镜spectrum 光谱ultraviolet 紫外线X rays X射线Gamma rays γ射线infrared rays 红外线microwaves 微波dispersion 色散transparent 透明translucent 半透明opaque 不透明的9 mathematics mathematics 数学mathematician 数学家arithmetic 算术calculation 计算calculator 计算器abacus 算盘numeral 数字sum 和total (sum total) 总和,总数aggregate 总计fraction 分数,小数decimal 十进位,(十进)小数digit 数字,数位percentage 百分比addition 加法plus 加上subtraction 减法minus 减去multiplication 乘法multiplication table 乘法表multiply 乘以times乘以power 乘方square 平方division 除法divide 除以algebra 代数quantity 表示量的数(或符号)equation 方程式,等式formula 公式root 根geometry 几何geometric 几何的dimension 维parallel adj. 平行的n. 平行线quadrilateral 四边形square 正方形area 面积rectangle 长方形,矩形polygon 多边形cube 立方形volume 体积sphere 球形circle 圆形ellipse (oval) 椭圆形cone 圆锥形circumference 圆周diameter 直径radius 半径triangle 三角形angle 角degree (角) 度calculus 微积分differential calculus 微分学integral calculus 积分学function 函数probability 概率statistics 统计quantitative 量的,数量的qualitative 质的,质量的deduction (inference) 推论,演绎induction 归纳10 agriculture 农业agriculture (farming) 农业agricultural 农业的land (soil) 土壤;土地soil conservation 土壤保护soil erosion 泥土流失silt 粉砂,泥沙clay 黏土,湿土clod 土块agrarian 土地的,农业的pilot (experimental ) 试验性的harrow( rake) 耙,耙土ridge 田埂furrow 犁沟plot (patch)小块地ranch 农场,牧场plantation 种植园orchard 果园nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床sickle 镰刀spade 铲,锹shovel (平头) 铲pick 稿tractor 拖拉机cultivate (till) 耕作sow(seed) 播种harvest 收割weed 除草irrigate 灌溉manure(fertilizer) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药)insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂pest 害虫rust 锈病grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒granary(grain store) 粮仓mill 碾,磨wheat 小麦corn 玉米rice 大米barley 大麦sorghum 高粱oats燕麦rye 黑麦millet 粟,小米vegetable 蔬菜horticulture 园艺学hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhouse(glasshouse, hotbed) 温室cabbage 洋白菜lettuce 生菜mustard 芥菜spinach 菠菜broccoli 花椰菜cucumber 黄瓜eggplant 茄子pepper 辣椒pumpkin 南瓜tomato 西红柿beet 甜菜carrot 胡萝卜radish 小红萝卜pea 豌豆soybean 大豆celery 芹菜garlic 大蒜leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆peanut 花生sesame 芝麻cotton 棉花husbandry (animal husbandry) 畜牧业pasture 牧场livestock 家畜fowl (poultry) 家禽cattle 牛,家畜buffalo 野牛dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场hay (作饲料用)干草haystack 干草堆fodder (feed) 饲料trough 饲料槽barn(shed) 牲口槽stable 厩,马厩cowshed 牛棚pigpen (hog pen, pigsty) 猪圈sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house) 鸡舍fish farm 养鱼场aquaculture 水产养殖11 animal 动物Darvinism 达尔文学说natural selection 自然选择class 纲order 目family 科genus 属suborder 亚目species 种invertebrate 无脊椎动物vertebrate 脊椎动物aquatic( life) 水生动物reptile 爬行动物amphibian (amphibious animal) 两栖动物dinosaur 恐龙bird 鸟类extinction 灭绝mammal 哺乳动物primates 灵长目动物insect 昆虫antenna (复数antennae) 触须tentacle larva 幼虫,幼体camouflage 伪装pest 害虫worm 虫,蠕虫hibernate 冬眠lizard 蜥蜴chameleon 变色蜥蜴regeneration 再生turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticate 驯养predatory (carnivorous ) 食肉的predator 捕食者prey (动词)捕食(名词)被捕食的动物scavenger 食腐动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀,翼bill (鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢dolphin 海豚whale 鲸鱼bat 蝙蝠gorilla 大猩猩chimpanzee 黑猩猩habitat 栖息地rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)primate 灵长动物plankton 浮游生物mollusk 软体动物coelenterate 腔肠动物(如珊瑚)shrimp 小虾prawn 对虾lobster 对虾crab 螃蟹clam 蛤蜊sponge 海绵coral 珊瑚starfish 海星canary 金丝雀chirp (鸟,虫的叫声)唧唧squeak (老鼠等)吱吱porpoise 海豚sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的hygiene 卫生sanitation 卫生parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾caterpillar 毛虫hordes (昆虫等)群swarms (昆虫等)群flock (鸟,羊等)群community 动物的群落或人的部落herd 兽群bunch (花等)束,捧beaver 海狸monogamous 一夫一妻的,一雄一雌的polygamous一夫多妻的,一雄多雌的polyandrous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的trapper 诱捕动物者rhinoceros 犀牛niche 小生态环境vestige 退化器官,遗迹fertilizer 使…受精larvae 幼虫tentacle 触角homotherm 恒温动物poikilotherm 变温动物metabolism 新陈代谢baboon 狒狒breed (名词)品种,(动词)繁殖multiply (reproduce)繁殖hatch 孵spawn (鱼、虾、蛙等)孵offspring (young) 解剖学anatomy 解剖学appetite 食欲creature 生物microbe 微生物herbivorous 食草的carnivorous 食肉的omnivorous 杂事的12 plant 植物botany 植物学botanist 植物学家botanical (botanic) 植物的plant 植物aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy 树冠层,顶棚foliage (leaf) 叶leaflet 小叶rosette (叶的)丛生stem 茎stalk 杆leafstalk 叶柄shoot (sprout ) 嫩芽,抽枝flower 花bud 花蕾petal 花瓣peel(skin) 果皮shell (硬) 果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk树干branch 树枝bough 大或者粗的树枝twig 小树枝bark 树皮jungle 丛林meadow 草地,牧场prairie 大草原shrub (bush) 灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)fern 蕨类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用symbiosis 共生wither (shrivel, fade) 凋谢pollen 花粉pollinate 传授花粉pollination 授粉cell 细胞tissue 组织organ 器官system 系统seeds 种子everlasting 永久的orchid 兰花pollinate 授粉crossbreed 杂交shrub 灌木sequoia 红杉root pressure 根压cohesion-tension 凝聚压力bore 腔,肠column 花柱symbiotic 共生的immunity 免疫organism 生物,有机物necrosis 坏死barren 贫瘠futile 无用的carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉),糖类glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维他命calorie 卡路里(热量单位)malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养13 politics 政治constitution 宪法legislation 立法Democrats 民主党Republicans 共和党Amendment 修正案Congress 美国国会Senate 参议院House of Representatives 众议院monarchy 君主制anarchism 无政府主义federal system 联邦制presidential system 总统制municipal 市的,市政的metropolitan 大都市的centralized 中央集权的ideology 意识形态maneuver 擦略tariff 关税immigrant 移民institutionalize 机构化election 选举vote 投票officeholding 任职veto 否决American Revolution 美国革命/独立战争Independence War 美国独立战争American Civil War 美国内战radical 激进的,根本的overturning 颠覆性的independent 独立的breathtaking 激动人心的military 军事的colonize 拓殖,殖民per capita 人均treason 叛国conspiracy 阴谋imprisonment 监禁release 释放pardon 特赦accusation 谴责,指控welfare 福利patronage 资助,赞助unionization 联合,结合14 education 教育educator 教育家higher education 高等教育moral character 道德品质domain 领域faculty 全体教员alumni 校友treasurer 生活委员,财务大臣elective system 选课制度curriculum 课程(总称)discipline 学科,管理learn by rote死记硬背15 music音乐musical instrument 乐器orchestra 乐队string 弦乐wind 管乐shook rattle 摇拨浪鼓pound drum 击鼓footbeat 点脚,跺脚percussion 震荡,打击乐器note 音符score 乐谱movement 乐章fanatical 狂热的hillbilly music 乡村音乐folk music 民间音乐pop music 流行音乐classical music 古典音乐Jazz 爵士乐16 psychology 心理mental 心理的physical 身体的,物质的,物理的spiritual 心灵的conformity 从众majority 多数人minority 少数人threshold judgment (心理学)初始性判断subject 受实验对象17 people 人物artist 艺术家choreographer 舞蹈编排家critic 批评家satirist 讽刺作家inventor 发明家biographer 自传作家sculptor 雕塑家feminist 女权主义者humanitarian 人道主义者imagist 意象派诗人philanthropist 慈善家proprietor 业主mortal 犯人precursor 先驱figurehead 名誉领袖disciple 学徒apprentice 学徒mechanic 机械工minimalist 简单抽象派艺术avant-garde 前卫派territory 领域genre 风格,体裁eccentric 古怪的odd 怪诞的,奇数的erratic 奇怪的weird 怪异的,不可思议的unique 独一无二的romantic 浪漫的innocent 天真的,无罪的lovelorn 相思病苦的emotional 情绪的,情感的sentimental 感伤的,多愁善感的cheerless 无精打采的,无生命力的patriarchal 家长的,族长的rigid 僵化的spare 简朴的clumsy 笨拙的nervous 紧张的zigzag 曲折的contemporary 当代的acclaimed 受欢迎的preeminent 杰出的outstanding 杰出的versatile (人)多才多艺的,(物体)多功能的household 家庭的,家喻户晓的genuine 真正的authentic 逼真的symbolic 象征性的immortal 不朽的,神nostalgia 怀旧主义,思乡emotive 感人的prodigious 巨大的classic 经典的posthumous 死后的。

CONVERSATION1. 课程相关事务场景♦D iscussion讨论, presentation 发言topic题目, lecture演讲slide滑过,幻灯片library图书馆, collection聚集,收藏品,check in 报到,记录check out借,结账离开librarian图书管理员♦R eport报道, office hour办公时间,师生互动时间, submit上交on disk在磁盘上hard copy纸质版, soft copy电子文件, print打印, computer lab电脑室♦P roject课题,理科生作业tons of大量, cover 包括,写过,报导re-write 重写, research data研究数据database数据库, input输入output输出, , complete完成♦T erm paper,期末论文grade成绩, complicated复杂的, terrible mistake严重的错误, edited version编辑过的版本, overtired过于劳累的, rushing against the clock争分夺秒, mark标记,成绩, draft草稿, print打印, final paper,期末论文maintaining average维持平均, application申请, drop放弃re-take再上一遍, extension延期, discuss讨论, check back查阅记录, re-reading重读, submission服从,提交(物),投降♦e xam schedule考试日程表, term术语,学期(mid-term期中考试), date日期, book,预定department部门,系, invigilator监考人, sign up注册, sheet纸张,单bulletin board公告栏faculty lounge老师休息室, square广场, draft,草稿dean院系主任, review复习,评论, draw up起草, manually用手,手动的, consult商量,请教, register登记♦P hysiology 生理学, sophomore大二学生, junior student大三学生,senior student 大四学生,second year course大二课程, first year student一年级学生, transfer转学, begin my first lecture开始我的第一堂讲课, introduce介绍, approach接近,方法, laws of physics and chemistry物理和化学定理, process of life生命的过程, vital force生命力, philosophical approach哲学方法, scientific experimentation科学实验♦F inal exam期末考试, midterm期中考试, multiple choice question多选题, essay question问答题,论述题comprehensive exam综合题, subject科目, textbook教科书, class note课堂笔记the final will count for 50% of your grade期末成绩将占你总成绩的50%,research project研究科目, run into problems遭遇问题♦S chool bulletin board学校公告栏, required course 必修课,first year student一年级学生, third year student3年级学生, research paper研究论文, final format最终格式, hand in上交, assignment作业, final grade期末成绩♦different concept不同的观念, hand in上交, issue发出,发行,问题revision 修正,复习, proposed topics所推荐的题目make comment作出评论the most frequent problem很多频繁的问题, broad宽的, preliminary outline最初的纲要, schedule时间表, available可利用的, appointment约定, final outline 最终的大纲, no more than two pages long不超过2个页长,thesis statement 论文观点, precise statement明确的观点, conclusion结论♦W orkshop研讨会, intensive加强的, techniques and skills技术和技能, personal attention 个人的注意力, advantage优势♦C onsecutive summer接下来的夏季, community center社区中心, workshop 研讨会, beginning students初学生, advanced students高学生, last four weeks前四个星期, credit(学分,积分)is awarded给予学分, spring break 美国各大学的春季休息,春假♦D iscuss讨论, administer管理, attendance出席, optional class选修课2. 相关事务+专业讨论场景♦C ourse课程, summer session暑假课程, elective n.选修课程, bird course容易的课程, splendor光彩,显赫, lecture hall,演讲厅lab实验室, tough decision艰难的问题, pick选择,挖, choose选择, relaxed放松, advice劝告♦E nquiry询问, credit course学分课程, off-campus在校外, program课程, remote远程, access使用,进入, internet因特网, degree学位distance education远程教育, diploma毕业证书, requirement要求, format格式, printed materials打印材料, audio-tapes磁带, video视频, teleconferencing 电话对话的, deliver投递, cost花费, fixed date固定日期, history历史,历史学♦D rop降低,退(课)fail,不及格flunk不及格math 数学, rough粗糙的, test,试验med school医学院♦U se your advice使用你的建议, premed医学预科生, introductory course介绍课程, non-science major主修科学, be weak in在某一方面是弱项, do poorly in在某些方面较弱, meet at the same time遇见在同一时间, modern drama course现代戏剧课程♦S emester学期, enroll in登记, 注册graduate course研究生课程, qualified 有资格的, hard time keeping up有困难跟上, favorite interest喜欢的兴趣, challenging反对,挑战的,要求, easy grade 容易混学分的课程♦P ermission to register允许注册, take the prerequisite先决条件, the beginning course课程开始, catalog目录, instructor教员,指导书, previous experience以前的经验, formal training正式的培训, decision决定♦S ignature信号,签名, schedule card选课卡, advisor’s approval导师赞同, quite a heavy load相当沉重的负担, drop the course放弃课程, seminar讨论会♦S ign up for a noncredit course报名没有学分的课程, intermediate level中级的水平, regular meeting定期的会议♦T ransfer转学, bachelor’s degree学士学位, associate degree, selectives选择性的, letters of recommendation推荐信♦H ard course艰难的进程rehearsal练习,训练, extra time额外的时间, once a week一星期一次♦F light program飞行计划,license执照, excellent reputation极好的声望3. 迟到旷课场景♦f eel good感觉好, point out指出, chapter章,回textbook课本, divide分开, project课题, focus重点, due到期的show up显示出, transcribe抄写,email电子信函♦o versleep睡过头, talk about谈论关于♦l ecture series讲座系列, attend出席,照顾,致力于, admission允许,录取♦f ill me in something: to tell sb about recent events,esp because they havebeen away from a place♦e g. You’d better fill me in on what’s been happening.dentist牙科医生, emergency紧急情况,非常时刻, missed somebody’s lecture错过某人的演讲, note笔记,记录,注意, make sense能说的通sense of humor/achievement/responsibility幽默感/成就感/责任感4. 转学场景♦g rad school 研究生院,public university公立的大学, private university私人的大学, community college社区学院, reputation名声class size班级大小, personal attention个人注意力, individual attention特别, interact互相影响, group discussion讨论团体, tuition学费,讲授, expense消费,开支, cost 花费, afford提供, affordable负担的起, location位置, environment环境, large city大城市, small town小城镇, college town学院城镇, top student顶尖学生, application申请,应用, experience经历,经验, special特别的,专车,特刊5. 实验室场景♦L aboratory实验室, research procedure研究程序, lab assistant实验室助手, retrieve information恢复信息, track the course追踪进程, monitor班长,监控,监视器, track the progress跟踪进度♦L ab instructor实验室教员, lab experience实验室经验, setup计划,设置,机构, equipment设备, result结果,产生, grade成绩, lab notebook实验室手册, proper precautions预先措施, protective goggles护目镜, toxic effect of chemicals化学品有毒的影响, lab procedure实验室程序, heavy metal重金属♦W orkbook工作手册,练习本, material重要的,材料, experiment尝试, available可利用的,有效的6. 图书馆场景♦L ibrary图书馆, spread out伸展出去, focus焦点, jam拥挤,果酱, spot地点,认出,恰巧, crowd人群,拥挤, comfy舒服的,轻松的,comfirm证实,far away 遥远的♦f inish完成,结束, renew更新,重申,renew a book续借, library card图书馆卡, late最近的,晚的;晚, mixed up使混合, request请求, fine罚款, overdue 过期的, pay工资,付, process处理,过程, sign符号,签名, suspend推迟,使暂停, privilege优待borrowing privilege借书特权(延长借书的时间)♦L ibrarian图书管理员, facilities设备, reference room资料室, reference material参考资料, dictionary字典, bibliography参考书目, literature guide文学指南, telephone book电话本, periodical room期刊室, newspaper报纸, magazine杂志, academic journal学术期刊, current issue现期刊物, back issue过期发行物, card catalog卡片目录, listed by title通过标题列出, by author and by topic依据作家和题目, call number电话号码♦R eturn返回,报答, shelves架子,check out借, reserve book预定书籍, overnight use 只出借一夜(的书)♦s econdhand bookstore二手书的书店, inscription题词,刻印, front cover封面,机壳前盖, signature签名,信号, poetry book诗卷♦p aperback section平装部分, index索引搜索♦e xit gate大门出口reserve预订,储备, additional copy额外的副本, article 物品,文章7. 课堂内容讨论场景♦b ursary大学奖学金,财务办公室, department部门,系, financial aid财政的援助, monetary财政的, grant授予,同意, determine决定, committee委员会, donor捐赠者, apply for申请,请求, financially金融上, in need在需要, consider认为, out-of-town城外的, requirement要求, website网站, on-line 上线, official官方的,官员, document文件, in person亲自,外貌上♦S cholarship学问,奖学金, available可利用的,有效的, maintain维持, average平均的, mark标记, apply for申请,请求, applicant申请人, committee委员会, honor信用,荣誉, award奖品, candidate候选人, weight 重量, guarantee担保, grade point average (GPA)平均分数, percent百分比, website网站, address地址, rigorous严格的, extra-curricular课外, hardship 困苦, achievement成就,完成, letter of recommendation推荐信, fill满足,被充满, time consuming job耗时的工作, recommend推荐, eligibility合格,适任, enrollment入学,注册8. 论文场景♦O rganize组织, essay小论文topic题目, chosen选择,精选的, broad宽的, narrow it down沿着狭窄的, compare比较, focused专心的,聚焦, interested 感兴趣的, begin开始,首先, discussion讨论, opinion意见,主张, fact实际, support支持, check检查, statistics统计学, percentage百分率, include包括, words语言,字, rough draft草稿, break down打断, subtopic小标题, reference 引用,参考,证明, material题目,主题,一般规则♦R esearch paper研究论文, discuss讨论, theory理论,推测, work progress工作进度♦R eport报告, subject科目, catalog目录, published source已发布的资料, gather material收集材料♦I nformation信息, plagiarize抄袭, failing grade失败的成绩, gather收集, assimilate the information thoroughly彻底地吸收信息, paraphrase释义, capture the mian idea获得主意, quote directly直接地应用, finalize the research paper完成研究论文♦D raft草稿, clear up the problem澄清这一问题9. 实地考查场景♦L ist列表, supply供给, on site, kit装备,工具箱, notebook笔记本, axe斧, glove 手套, instrument工具, measure测量,程度,尺寸, clean使干净,打扫, cancel 取消, weather天气,露天的, clothes衣服, outside外部的,在…范围之外, food 食物, snack小吃, transportation运输, transport运输, dig挖♦T rip leader旅行领袖, participate参与,分享,分担, report报告, field trip野外旅行10. 体育运动场景♦S pring cycling season春天骑自行车的时节, regular hobby一般嗜好, physical fitness routine日常健身例行要做的事, bicyclist骑脚踏车的人, expert riders熟练的骑手♦E ndurance test忍耐力测验, recreational cyclists娱乐骑自行车的人, racers比赛者♦S ki patrol滑雪巡逻队, ski patroller滑雪巡逻员, safety安全♦P hysical education class 体育课, rock climbing攀登岩石, rope绳, belt地带, buckle扣住, safety equipment安全设备,游玩场景♦B reak休息,打破,突变, racket球拍, reserve a court预定一个球场♦R ock concert摇滚音乐会, vacation假期,搬出, weather天气,露天的,风化11. 打工场景♦S ummer break暑假, excellent opportunity极好的机会, practice练习, dilemma 困境, difficult decision困难的决定, plan计划, volunteer志愿者, NGO (nongovernmenal organization)民间组织, chance可能性,机会, share分享, interesting有趣的, spend花费, accept同意, program程序, interview面试, company公司, application申请, apply for申请, money钱, advice建议♦T ough艰苦的, stressed有压力的,紧张的, dread可怕的, cram for the exam 临时抱佛脚(为准备考试)part-time兼职, balance平衡, hit the book k书, energy活力, tired疲倦的, sconsolation安慰, get through到达,做完, fondness爱好♦A nnouncement通告, hire租金,工钱,出租, part-time assistant兼职助理, experience经历, daily每日的♦L aboratory assistant研究室助手, fill out an application填一张申请表, fit into my schedule(将某事)安排进我的时间表♦V ariety of job opportunities多样的工作机会, responsible for有责任的, volunteer志愿者, service服务,维修, postions are open空缺的职位, link of service维修环节, career training职业培训, demand physical endurance需要身体的忍耐力, receive no salary没有薪水收到, pay for living expense支付生活开销, housing and food allowance住房和伙食补助, additional information 额外的信息♦I nternship实习, career opportunities事业机会, working experience工作经历, short term experience简短的学期经验, permanent employment永久就业full-time专职的,全日制的, academic credit学分, supervise管理,指导,监督, hand out分发, career advisory service职业咨询服务, living expense生活开销♦R un奔跑,管理,经营, marathon马拉松赛跑, motivator动力, inspire鼓舞, positive积极的, sponsor保证人,赞助, tons of money许多钱,♦I ntroduce介绍, volunteer志愿者, salary薪水, ceremony典礼, alumni男校友12. 报到注册场景♦R egistration注册,登记,挂号, time时间, determine决定, first year student 一年级学生, mail邮件, designated date指定的日期, specific time特定的时间, admission letter 录取信(通知), average平均, previous以前的, session会议,学期,开会, pay支付, credit card信用卡, bank银行,岸, teller讲述者,计票员, confirmation slip确认错误, in person亲自♦R egistration注册, date日期,约会, newly admitted student最近承认的学生, undergraduate大学生, junior晚辈,大三学生, sophomore大二年级生, returning student回归生, senior高级的,年长的, check检查, pay attention专心, time时间,定期的, register注册,记录,登记, designated time指定的时间, pay支付, fee小费, financial aid财政的援助, financial officer财政的公务员, sponsor保证人,赞助, authorization letter认可信, on-line上线13. 校园生活场景♦m eal ticket 饭票,student card 学生卡,cafeteria 自助餐厅,move迁居,移动, accent口音,pod豆荚, international group国际团体, major主要的,成年人,主修, lucky幸运的, excellent极好的, booklet小册子, regulation规则,管理, rule规则,统治, conductive传导的, self-policed自身的治安, problem难题, allow允许, smoke烟, cook煮, plug插头, dryer烘干机, voltage电压, alarm警报, kitchen厨房, leftover残余物, clean-up day打扫日, hot water热水, meter 公尺, washroom洗手间, laundry facility洗熨设备, basement地下室, conserving energy保存能力, lounge area休息室, heat高温,压力, air-conditioning空气调节, storage area仓库, permit允许, hallway门厅, community space社区空间, prior notification优先的告示, safe安全的,保险箱, valuable有价值的, housekeeper管家, vacuum cleaner吸尘器, lock锁, key 钥匙, fire prevention equipment炉火预防设备, arrange安排, in advance预先,提前, religious propaganda宗教的宣传, dorm宿舍, furnishing:an article of furniture for the interior of a building, park公园,停放♦R oommate室友, dormitory宿舍,住宅的, unpacking our things取出用品, neat 优雅的,平滑的,齐整的♦H ousing office住宿办公室, living off campus在校外住宿, cost花费, rent租金,出租,租借, utilities实用工具, need a car to commute用一辆车的交换, noisy 响声,嘈杂的, peace and quiet安静♦W inter break寒假, dean院长,系主任, vacation arrangement假期准备, fill up the forms填满表格, heating cost暖气费,temporary accommodation暂时的住处♦H ousing director住宿主管, checkout procedure借出手续, leave for vacation 动身去度假, return your key归还你的钥匙, maintenance crew 物业, residence advisor宿舍舍监, pass around大约经过♦A partment公寓, dump倾倒,倒垃圾, functional功能的, noisy响声,嘈杂的14. 医院场景♦D iagnose诊断, patient’s illness患者的疾病, painful痛苦的, technological advance先行的技术, blood and tissue sample血液和组织样本, diagnostic techniques诊断的技术, detect diseases发现疾病, X rays X射线, side effect 副作用, uncomfortable不安的, endure pain忍耐疼痛♦M edical clinic and infirmary医院, nursing staff护理人员, get sick生病, a really bad cold重感冒, develop terrible coughs发生很糟糕的咳嗽, pneumonia肺炎, stay in the infirmary呆在医院, don’t feel well身体不好, rest more and skip a few classes休息和翘一些课, have medical excuse 请病假, emergency number紧急号码♦M odern medical facility近代的医学设施, health needs健康需要, dental clinic 牙医诊所, maternity ward产科病房, operating room(外科)手术室, special sugery特殊手术, surgeons外科医生♦S tudent Health Services学生健康检查部门, blood pressure(生理)血压, university nutritionists大学营养学家, processed foods加工食品, universityhospital大学医院♦P ain疼痛, discharge排放, slight earache轻微的耳痛, take it easy放轻松♦P revention阻止, symptoms症状, cough咳嗽, fever发热, chill寒心, flu流感, influenza流行性感冒, overtired累过头的, stressed out压得,累得喘不过气, virus病毒, sneeze打喷嚏,喷嚏, airborne virus靠空气传播的病毒, body’s resistance 身体抵抗力, ward off the flu避开流感, immune system免疫系统, fight off illness击退疾病, immunized免疫的,使免疫, vaccine疫苗,疫苗的, university health center大学健康中心。

场景词汇:Discussion课堂讨论, presentation课堂展示, topic主题, lecture讲座/课程, good choice明智的选择, slide幻灯片, library图书馆, collection藏书,资料收集, check核实, librarian图书管理员Report报告, office hour办公时间, submit提交, on disk磁盘提交, hard copy打印版, soft copy邮件发送, computer计算机, print,打印 computer lab机房Project作业, ton of大量, cover涵盖, re-write重写, research data调查数据, information信息, input输入, presentation课堂展示, complete完全的Term paper学期论文, grade分数, complicated复杂的, terrible mistake严重的错误, edited version修订版, submit提交, overtired过度疲劳, stressed压力大的, rushing against the clock忙碌, mark分数, draft草稿, print打印, final paper终稿, maintaining average保持平均分, application申请, drop放课, re-take重修, due截止日期, extention延期, discuss讨论, check back核查记录, re-reading重读, submission提交Information信息, exam schedule考试时间表, term学期, date日期, book预定, department院系, invigilator监考人员, sign up注册, sheet单子, bulletin board公告板, faculty lounge, square方格, draft,草稿 dean系主任, review 复习, draw up结论, manually手工的, consult咨询, register注册Physiology 生理学, sophomore大二学生, second year course大二课程, first year student新生, transfer转系转专业, begin my first lecture开始第一次课, introduce,介绍 complete完全的, approach方法途径, laws of physics and chemistry物理化学定律, process of life生命进程, vital force关键力量, philosophical approach哲学方法, scientific experimentation科学实验Final exam,期末考试 midterm期中考试, multiple choice question多选题, essay question问答题, comprehensive exam综合测试, the subject,主题 review,复习 textbook教材, class note课堂笔记, the final will count for 50% of your grade期末考试占总成绩的50%, research project调查项目, run into problems遇到困难School bull etin学校公告栏, required writing course必修写作课程, first year student大一新生, third year stuent 大三学生, research paper调查报告, sign up注册, cover the entire process of writing a research paper涵盖论文写作的全过程, selecting topic选择性题目, final format最终格式, presentation课堂展示, hand in提交, assignment,作业final grade最终分数Class meeting班会, lecture讲座,课程, different concept不同的概念, hand in提交, issue发行, revision复习,grade分数Research paper论文, due截止日期, proposed topics推荐的论文选题, make comment评论, the most frequent problem最常见的问题, broad广泛的, preliminary outline初步提纲, schedule计划表, available可利用的, appointment预约,约会, final outline最终提纲, no more than two pages long不得多于2页, thesis statement论文陈述, precise statement精确的陈述, conclusion总结Workshop小型研讨会, intensive精读, techniques and skills技巧, personal attention个人参与度, register注册, advantage优点Consecutive summer连续的暑假, community center社区活动中心, seminar研讨会, workshop小型研讨会, beginning students新生, advanced students高年级学生, last four weeks最后四周, credit is awarded学分奖励, information信息Discuss讨论, schedule计划表, midterm期中考试, administer管理, attendance出勤, optional class选修课以上就是小编为大家准备的托福听力情景词汇PDF版全套大全的部分内容,大家要是想索取全部资料可以点击下载阿牛即可免费下载。

新托福IBT听力场景入学:enrollment 登记, 注册opening ceremony n.开业典礼, 仪式commencement ceremony 毕业典礼convocation n.正式会议(可指简单的毕业典礼)orientation meeting开学说明会staff n.全体职员freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生tuition, fee 费用placement test 开学测试excellent 出色的average 平均的,一般的below average 低于平均水平的,差的结构及称谓: university- president 大学,校长chancellor 名誉校长college 学院school 学院dean 院长principal 中学校长professor 教授associate professor 副教授assistant professor 助理教授coordinator 班主任,协调人counselor 辅导员advisor 指导老师instructor 讲师tutor 个人辅导supervisor 管理人undergraduate 本科graduate 研究生建筑物buildings:canteen.餐厅cafeteria.自助餐厅administration building 行政大楼main building主楼wing/annex 配楼teaching building教学楼dormitory n.宿舍auditorium n.会堂, 礼堂=lecture hall assembly n.集合,集会hallcomputer lab 计算实验室,机房dining hall 食堂选课学科major 主修minor 副修science理科, arts文科, engineering 工科Mathematics 数学physics 物理chemistry 化学biology 生物学geography 地理学electronics 电子学computer science 计算机科学astronomy 天文学electronics engineering 电子工程学botany 植物学psychology 心理学zoology 动物学architecture 建筑学oceanography 海洋学ecology 生态学medical science 医学archaeology 考古学history 历史学linguistics 语言学pedagogies 教育学,教学法anthropology 人类学economics 经济学statistics 统计学accounting 会计学philosophy 哲学类型required、compulsory course 必修课selective/optional course选修课elective course 选修课lecture 讲座seminar 高级研讨性课colloquium n.报告课tutorial 个人辅导课程workshop 专题课程级别Introductory 入门级elementary, fundamental 初级Intermediate, secondary 中级Advanced 高级Prerequisite 先修课程上课:Attend class 上课Miss class 缺课Skip class逃课Syllabus 教学大纲Required textbook 要求的课本Attendance 出勤Grading system 打分体系Class participation 课堂参与杂semester/term 学期quarter小学期course guideline 课程纲要major 主修minor 副修exemption 免修syllabus 教学大纲Professor’s signature 教授的签字(用于注册课程)Course cap课程容量(可以招收的学生数),openings (可供注册的名额)Take选(课), drop 退(课)Late registration晚注册Deregistration 注销教师称号professor 教授lecturer = instructor 讲师teaching assistant = TA 助教research assistant = RA 助研counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问president 大学校长teacher/faculty 教师student's advisor 学生顾问physicist 物理学家mathematician 数学家chemist 化学家historian 历史学家statistician 统计学家作业:assignment 作业homework = coursework = schoolwork = studies 作业lab report 实验报告book report 读书报告project 作业presentation 发言term paper 学期论文(research paper)thesis/essay/dissertation 论文journal 学术期刊social investigation 社会调查survey 调查questionnaire n.调查表, 问卷observation n.观察interview vt.n.采访collect data 收集数据broad (论文等)内容宽泛narrow down (论文等)缩小范围source (写论文的)参考资料critical thinking 评判性思维lack your own ideas缺少自己的想法deadline n.最终期限extension 延期due date/time期限outline n.大纲, 提纲(roadmap) bibliography n书目, 参考书目reference 参考plagiarism n. 抄袭revise v. 修改rewrite v. 重写final draft 完成稿speech n.演讲presentation 演讲,陈述eye contact 目光接触intonation 音调考试:mid-term exam 期中考final exams = finals 期末考cumulative final 总结性考试take-home exam(拿回家的开卷考试,一般有限定的时间)open-book exam 开卷考试subjective test 主观性测试objective test 客观性测试pop quiz 抽查式测验blue book 答题本assessment n估价appraisal n.评价, 估价make up for补考,resit, retake重考grade (mark 、score)分数成绩:perfect grade 优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分passing grade 及格分failing grade 不及格分full marks 满分straight A's 全Abe all A's and B's 全是A和BB plus B加A minus A减pass the iexam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书考试问题:分析成绩低的原因,给出解决办法图书馆:library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物periodical 期刊magazine 杂志book catalogue 图书目录classified catalogue 分类目录bibliography 参考书目title index 书目索引alphabetic index 按字母顺序排列的索引circulation desk借书处reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅)library card 借书证overdue fine 过期罚金periodical reading room 期刊阅览室online journal 在线期刊video tape 录像带back issue 过期杂志current issue 近期杂志archive 档案non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science-fiction 科幻小说copier 复印机check out 办理(借、还)手续renew 续借overdue过期interlibrary service 馆际服务部分名称information desk n.服务台delivery/circulation desk借书台shelf n.书架photocopy room复印室return area 还书处students locker 学生存储间reference section 参考书部科研过程HypothesisAlternative hypothesis择一假说Null hypothesis无效假说, 零假说Collect dataSurvey, questionnaire ExperimentInterfere, influence ObservationAnalyze dataInterpret dataAnalysisAnalyticalSubjectSampleTreatment groupNon-treatmentControl group校内工作,课外活动及寻找经济援助:Letter of reference/recommendation CompetitiveBenefit future careerField researchCollect data for papersWaiter, waitress,BabysitterWork at the library Qualification资格, qualified 合格的Resume, CVfinancial aid经济援助Scholarship Fellowship Teaching assistantship 助教奖学金Research assistantship 研究奖学金Grant 助学金Loan 贷款Need-based以需求为基础Merit-based 以优秀为基础Student union 学生会Clubs 俱乐部Membership 成员资格Career service住宿:宿舍:accommodation n.住处, 膳宿residence hall宿舍suite 套间studio 工作室,独立套间village 村落(校内一栋一栋的房子,可以用做宿舍)lounge n.公共大厅(可以用做娱乐)home-stay 在国外住在房东家里的那种roommate同屋者,室友corridor n. 走廊,过道,租房lease n.租借, 租约landlord 房东landlady女房东rent租金tenant 房客patio n.阳台,sliding door n.推拉门single room 单人房twin room 双人房two-bedroom apartmenthouse key 房锁匙床上用品:pillow n.枕头bed linen n. 床上用品sheet n. 被单mattress n.床垫blanket n.毯子towel n.手巾, 毛巾quilt n.棉被电器类electric appliance(instrument; equipment) 电器heater, furnace 加热器,炉子heating unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove 炉子microwave oven 微波炉washer / dryer 洗衣机/烘干机(laundry 洗衣店)utensil 器皿;用具kitchen utensil 炊具oven 烤箱;烤炉range 煤气灶dishwasher 洗碟机washing machine 洗衣机(hot-water) heater 热水器coffeepot 咖啡壶refrigerator (freezer) 冰箱vacuum cleaner 吸尘器tape player 录音机CD player CD机Laundromat 自动洗衣店maintenance 维修,保养家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch 沙发chest 柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau) 梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cupboard (closet) 碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug 小地毯carpet 地毯curtain 窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furnishings 室内陈设日常生活/问题:personalpossessions/property/belongings个人财产get insurance for personal possessions/property/belongs garbage/rubbish/waste n.垃圾dispose v. 处理gas meter煤气表insect n.昆虫burglar n.夜贼leaking/leakage n. 泄漏lost key丢钥匙break in 闯入讲座场景词汇Geology地质学Slide n. 滑坡Landslide n.山体滑坡Mud泥土, soil土壤Earth n. 土Sink v.下沉Ground water 地下水Irrigation n. 灌溉Freeze, froze, frozen v.冷冻Melt v.融化molten Gravity n.重心Aggravate v.加重Lean v.倾斜Slope n.斜坡Steep adj.陡峭Erode v., erosion n.腐蚀Fossil n.化石Dinosaur n.恐龙Sediment, deposit 沉淀物Marble 大理石granite 花岗岩Ore 矿石Stalactite 钟乳石Refine v. 提炼Platinum v. 铂金Seismology 地震学Vibration, tremor, 震动Wave 波动Volcano, volcanic 火山,火山的Volcanic eruption 火山喷发Magnitude 级数Collision n.碰撞Active adj.积极的Dormant adj.休眠的Extinct adj. 熄灭的Magma n.岩浆Lava n.岩浆Erupt v.喷发explode v.爆炸(explosion)boom n.爆炸Blast n.爆炸Avalanche n.雪崩地球科学Earth’s interior 地球的内部Seismic waves地震波Compression 压缩Shear(a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a direction parallel to themselves)Slow down减慢速度Reflect 反射Depth深度Density 密度Boundary边界Mantle地幔Crust地壳Core地心Continental plate 大陆板块Tectonic plate (地球表面的)构造板块Continental drift 大陆漂移Layer, strata 层Stratify 分层Crack 裂缝Molten lava 融化的岩浆Climatic shift=Climatic changes气候变化Consistent pattern 统一的,始终一致的Solar energy太阳能Radiate 发射,放射Crude approximation 大概的猜测Speculation猜测Cooling down冷却Mechanism 机制Length of the dayPhysical force 体力Imaginary line虚拟线Artificial reservoir 人工水库LatitudeRedistribute再分配,再分布Spin 快速旋转Minerals 矿物质Diverse 多样的Specimen,Sample样品Abundant 丰富的Glassy像玻璃的Amazon stones天河石Firing vapor 炙热的水蒸汽Wipe out 根除,彻底消灭Mt Everest 珠穆朗玛峰Elevation 海拔,海拔增高Precise measurement精确的测量Global Positioning System全球定位系统Longitude 经度Latitude 维度Alternative sources of energy 可替代资源Gas hydrate气体水合物Trap 困住Flame 火焰Potential 潜在的Model 模式Geological fault地质断层Crack 裂缝seismic gap地震活动空白地带postulate 假设chunk 大块cylinder 圆柱cylindrical 圆柱形的ground tilt measurement地倾斜观测evacuate 撤出sedimentary adj. 沉淀性的accumulate 积累商业Insurance 保险Note 注意Contract合约Verbal agreement口头协议Repay 偿还Interest 利息Merchant 商人Cautious 谨慎的Paramount 极为重要的Manufacture 制造Label 标签Contention 所持观点Inform 告知Cost成本Profit利润loss损失Net净的,gross粗略的Supply and demand供求Supply chain供应链Fluctuation 浮动Recession 衰退Depression 萧条Marketing strategies市场营销策略Survey 调查Surplus 剩余Shipment 运输Distribution 分布Retail 零售Whole sale 批发Franchise特许经营Budget预算哲学Socrates, Plato and Aristotle Theme 主题Logic 逻辑Rhetoric 修辞Fundamental causes 基本原因Principles of the universe 宇宙的原则Perceive 看待,观察Perception 观点Sense 感觉Soul 灵魂spiritElement 组成成分Reasoning 推理Ration理性, rational有理性的Contemplation 沉思,思考Judgment判断Just公正的,justice公正Justify证明, justification 合理的理由Explicit 明确的Ethics道德规范Ethical theory 伦理理论Moral 有道德的Ultimate truth终极真理Universal 普遍的Search for truth 追求真理Vary v.不相同Intrinsic 内部的Extrinsic 外部的Critic 评论家Old-fashioned 过时的Valuable 有价值的Survive 生存,存活Conservative 保守的Liberal 开放的Impractical不实际的Empirical经验主义的Cognitive 认知的Weaken 削弱Diminish (影响力)减小Medieval 中世纪Renaissance 文艺复兴Doctrine教义,主义,学说Idealism 唯心论,理想主义Epistemology n. 认识论Metaphysics形而上学,玄学Reconcile和解,调停天文学astronomy constellation 星座zodiac (星象学的星座)planet 行星sun 恒星Jupiter 木星Pluto 冥王星Saturn 土星Mercury 水星Mars 火星Venus金星Neptune海王星Uranus天王星Ceres 谷物星(the largest asteroid and the first discovered)White dwarf 白矮星Big Dipper 北斗七星Asteroid belt 小行星带Milky Way 银河系Galaxy n.星系orbit v.运行n.轨道rotate v. 转Axis n.轴track n. 轨道outer space外太空gravity n.重力equator n.赤道tropical 热带的brightness n.亮度dimension n.维度distance n. 距离Eclipse (日月食)Wane, diminish v. 逐渐变小Centripetal 向心Centrifugal 离心Nebula 星云(an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space)Nebulous adj. 星云的Gas 气体(rock, ice, hydrogen, oxygen) Particle 微粒Polar light 极光Astronomical 天文的Astrophysics 天文物理学Big Dipper 北斗七星Black hole 黑洞Celestial天体的Celestial map 天体图Centrifugal force 离心力Chondrite 球粒状陨石Chromosphere太阳的色球层Clockwise 顺时针Cluster 星团,一群星星Comet 彗星Cosmos宇宙,cosmetic宇宙的Cosmology宇宙学Emission 排放物,发射Faint 微弱的Feeble 微弱的Gaseous bodies 气态包Gravitational force 吸引力Greenwich mean time 格林尼治时间High resolution 高清晰度Ignite 引燃Illusive object 幻影物体Image 影响,形象Infinite 无限的Infrared ray 红外射线Interferometer 干扰仪Intergalactic 星系间的International date line 国际日期变更线Interplanetary 星球间的Interstellar星际的Leap year 闰年Light year光年Luminosity光亮度Lunar阴历的,月亮的Massive 巨大的Meteor流星Meteor shower 流星雨Meteorite陨石Meteoroid流星体Molten 融化的Naked eye 裸眼Observatory 天文台Photosphere 光球层Planetarium 天文馆Planetoid 小行星Polestar 北极星Pseudoscience 伪科学Quasar类星体Radiation 辐射Revolution 旋转Rotation 旋转Satellite 卫星Sky atlas天体图Solar corona日冕Space debris 太空垃圾Space shuttle 太空飞船Space suit 太空服Spin 快速旋转Star cluster 星群,星团Stellar 星星的Sunspot 太阳黑子Time difference 时差Time zone 时区表演艺术(舞蹈,电影,音乐etc.)Genre 艺术分类Performing art 表演艺术modern dance piece现代舞concert 音乐会play剧opera歌剧film 电影camera 摄影camera shotanalytical 分析的parallel 平行的ballet芭蕾舞choreographer 舞蹈指导Fine/visual arts 视觉艺术Abstract art抽象艺术landscape风景photography摄影exposure 曝光develop film 冲洗胶卷negative n. 底片portrait(portray v. )肖像, 人像、still life静物sculpture雕塑statue 人物雕像lifelike 逼真的vividanthem 国歌Critic 评论家Criticism 批评,评论Review n.评论Masterpiece 杰作Have aesthetic value 有美学价值Aesthetic appeal 美学吸引力Feature 特点Characteristics 特点Distinct adj.与众不同的Unique 独一无二的Style 风格Technique 技巧Gallery n.画馆Edition n.专辑Release v. 发行Debut n.首映Impressionist 印象主义者Impressionism 印象派Perspective 透视法Angle 角度Press/Publishing house出版社Acclaim v. 盛赞mirage 海市蜃楼prolific 多产Preserve v. 保存Extinct adj.灭绝的,消失的文学Literature 文学Poetry诗歌biography传记autobiography 自传detective stories 侦探小说drama戏剧novel小说Novelist 小说家collection of short stories短篇小说集Allegory寓言Comparative literature比较文学Diary 日记Editorial 社论,重要评论Fiction 小说Aestheticism 唯美Autobiography 自传Descriptive prose 描述散文Fairy tale 童话Futurism 未来派Legend 传说Literary studies 文学研究Narrative prose 叙述性散文Podium 讲台Prose 散文Realism 现实主义School of literature 文学派别Leading character 主要角色Literary criticism 文学评论Literary studies 文学学习Modernism 现代主义Plot 情节Poetry 诗歌Prologue前言Proverb谚语Surrealism 超现实主义美术Art gallery艺廊Calligraphy书法Imitating模仿Landscape painting风景画Oil painting油画Paste粘贴Crayon 蜡笔,粉笔,颜料Pigmentation 颜料Canvas 帆布Wax 蜡Spectrum 光谱Perspective透视画法Poster海报Portrait肖像Model模式,模特mural 壁画Panorama全景Pastel drawing蜡笔画Sketch草图Autograph手稿建筑Architecture建筑学Architect建筑师Architectural style建筑风格Art deco 装饰艺术Art moderneGeometric patterns 几何图形Arch 拱门Castle 城堡Cathedral大教堂Framing结构Lobby n. 大厅(entrance hall) Elevator n. 电梯Façade n. 正面Stairs 楼梯Interior 内部的Exterior 外部的Impressionistic style印象派风格Mosque清真寺Pyramid金字塔Revival 复活Renaissance 文艺复兴Medieval中世纪Byzantine architecture 527 (Sofia)-1520音乐Accompaniment 伴奏Audition 试听,试表演Band music 乐队音乐Chord弦乐,弦Classical music古典音乐Concerto 协奏曲Lullaby 催眠曲Duet 二重奏Harmony 和弦,和谐Rock and roll 摇滚Serenade 小夜曲Solo 独奏Sonata 奏鸣曲Symphony 交响乐Ballad歌谣Folk music 民间音乐Prelude 前奏Epilogue 尾声Score 乐谱Note 音符Notation 乐谱,记号法Chord symbol和弦符号Lyrics 歌词Tempo 节奏Melody 主旋律Rhythm节奏Tune 旋律Conduct 指挥Violin 小提琴Viola 中提琴Cello大提琴Oboe双簧管Clarinet单簧管krummhorn['krʌmhɔ:n]n. 变号(一种古双簧乐器)Harp 竖琴考古anthropologist 人类学家ecological 生态的anthropologist 生态人类学家archaeology 考古学anthropology 人类学morphology 形态学Ancient civilization 古代文明origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族archeologist 考古学家excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘Scoop铲子ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品pottery 陶器(potter)Porcelain瓷器fossil 化石relic 遗物,文物Rock painting 岩石画antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老skull 颅骨Cranial颅骨的Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的Exhume 挖掘Paleoanthropology Prehistoric史前的Primitive原始的动物微生物Amino acid 氨基酸Antibody 抗体Bacterium 细菌Biological agencyCalcium钙Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Cell细胞Chromosome 染色体Disinfection 消毒Enzymes 酶Fatigue 疲惫Fermentation 发酵Fungus 菌类Gene基因Genetic engineering 基因工程学Glucose 葡萄糖Immunology免疫学Incubation 孵蛋Inflection传染Malaria 疟疾Microbe 微生物Nucleus 细胞核One-celled单细胞的Oxidation氧化Parasitic animal 寄生动物Parasite disease 寄生虫病Parasitology 寄生虫学Pathogen 病菌,病原体Protozoa 原生动物Sanitation 卫生Schistosomiaisis 血吸虫病Starch 淀粉Sterilization 消毒Toxin 毒素Vaccine 疫苗Virus 病毒Yeast 酵母动物living organism 生物bacterium(pl.bacteria) 细菌algae海藻coral珊瑚rodent 啮齿类动物primate 灵长类动物ape 猿chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩gorilla 大猩猩monkey n. 猴子mammal 哺乳类动物dinosaur n.恐龙bat (ecolotion) 蝙蝠(声波定位)snowshoe hare 雪兔子raccoon 浣熊polar bear 北极熊snout (动物的)口鼻部;reptile 爬行类动物snake, cobra眼镜蛇, rattle snake 响尾蛇lizard蜥蜴,snail 蜗牛amphibian adj. 两栖动物crocodile 鳄鱼frog n. 青蛙tadpole 蝌蚪toad 蟾蜍pond 池塘puddle 水坑insect n.昆虫mosquito 蚊子fly 苍蝇cricket 蟋蟀grasshopper 蚱蜢honey beemonarch butterfly 大花蝶large migratory American butterfly having deeporange wings with black and white markings; the larvae feed on milkweed egg 卵larvae 幼虫caterpillar 毛虫pupa/ chrysalis 茧termite n. 白蚁marine adj. 海洋的beaver 狸whale 鲸shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚penguin 企鹅predator n. 捕食者prey n. 被捕食者aquatic adj.水生的shrimp 虾lobster 龙虾clam 蚌crab 螃蟹bird, humming birdartery 动脉scale 鳞片claw爪, paw爪子horn 角hormone 荷尔蒙intestine 肠hive 蜂巢pollen n. 花粉pollinate v.授粉hibernate 冬眠migrate v. 迁徙communicate v. 交流camouflage 保护色evolve 进化evolution n. 进化endotherm n.温血动物,恒温动物poikilotherm n. 冷血动物beak 鸟嘴enzymes 酵母secretion(n.) secrete(v.) 分泌pancreas 胰腺odor 气味(还有aroma fragrance scent smell)gland 腺体chromosome 染色体植物botany植物学botanist 植物学家tundra苔原;冻土地带,冻原fungus(pl. fungi ) 菌类laurel 月桂chestnut tree 栗子树root 根branch 枝stem 茎algae(pl. alga) 海藻organism 有机物birch tree (bark) 桦树crops 谷物corn 玉米maize 玉米chlorophyll 叶绿素amino acids 氨基酸protein 蛋白质nitrogen 氮photosynthetic(adj.) photosynthesis(n.) 光合作用lichen 地衣,苔藓squash 南瓜one of a group of large vegetables with solid flesh and hard skins, such as PUMPKIN sbean 豆类植物nectar花蜜flower花floral 花的petal 花瓣bloom 开花blossom 花pollen花粉moss 苔藓herbicide 除草剂herb 草本植物herbivorous 食草的classification 分类hierarchy 级别hazardous 有毒害的Meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (predict) 预报climate 气候atmosphere 大气层troposphere 对流层Convection 对流Stratosphere 同温层Barometer 气压计current (气)流vapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和absorb 吸收dew 露frost 霜fog (mist) 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrential rain) 大雨tempest (storm) 暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水Thunder 雷Lightening 闪电breeze 微风Blast 大风gale 大风whirlwind 旋风Cyclone 旋风,飓风typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风Monsoon 季风Sandstorm沙尘暴Dust storm沙尘暴tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风Tropical depression热带低气压Wind direction 风向Wind velocity 风速Wind scale 风力funnel 漏斗,漏斗云cumulonimbus 积雨云disaster (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难devastation 破坏submerge 淹没overwhelm v. 淹没drought 干旱Avalanche雪崩Balmy 温和的Chilly寒冷的Frigid僵硬的,严格的Heat-wave热浪Tepid adj.微温的环保environmental protection 环境保护environmentally-friendly 环保的preserve v.保护,保存污染:pollute, pollution, pollutant contaminant n.污染物contaminate v.污染ecosystem生态系统ecology n.生态学antiseptic adj.防腐的atmospheric pollution大气污染垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter 处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill), recycle, reduce, reuse,dump回收:glass, paper, water,milk carton牛奶盒, tyre,aluminium cans铝罐,plastic bags, rubbish bags biodegradable packaging可降解包装, throwaway 可丢弃的disposable 可丢弃的discourage v. 不鼓励燃料none-renewable 不可再生的fossil fuels矿石燃料:natural gas, coal, petroleumlimited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源alternative energy替代能源,replace=substitute v.取代wind power, hydropower水电,solar (lunar) power太阳能,nuclear power核能radioactivity n. 辐射性use up, deplete, exhaust v. 用光,耗尽conserve v. 节省,节约,污染: water pollution, air pollution,soil pollution土壤污染,noise pollutionsoil erosion 土壤侵蚀soil pollution土壤污染stain n.污染,污点,玷污stink v.发出臭味tar n.焦油toxic chemical 有毒的化学物品fume n.烟,气味light pollution日光污染refuse废物sewage污水pesticide n.杀虫剂chemical waste化学废料congest v.使充满危害动物:poaching非法打猎,盗猎,damage natural habitat破坏自然栖息地, rare breed稀有物种,endangered species濒危物种,extinct adj.灭绝(die out, disappear), animal rights activist动物权益保护者, natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区,protect wild life保护野生动物, preserve v.保护disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏, have disastrous effect on…对。

住宿:宿舍:accommodation 住处, 膳宿residence hall宿舍suite 套间studio 工作室,独立套间lounge 公共大厅(可以用做娱乐)home-stay 在国外住在房东家里的那种corridor 走廊,过道roommate 同屋者,室友租房lease 租借, 租约landlord 房东landlady 女房东rent 租金tenant 房客patio / balcony 阳台sliding door 推拉门single room 单人房twin room 双人房two-bedroom apartment两间卧室的公寓house key 房锁匙床上用品:pillow 枕头bed linen 床上用品sheet 被单mattress 床垫blanket 毯子towel 手巾, 毛巾quilt 棉被家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch 沙发chest 柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau) 梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cupboard (closet) 碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug 小地毯carpet 地毯curtain 窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furnishings 室内陈设电器类electric appliance(instrument;equipment)电器heater, furnace 加热器,炉子heating unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove 炉子microwave oven 微波炉washer/dryer洗衣机/烘干机(laundry洗衣店)laundromat 自动洗衣店utensil 器皿;用具kitchen utensil 炊具oven 烤箱;烤炉range炉灶; (能利用余热的)多功能炉灶dishwasher 洗碟机washing machine 洗衣机coffee pot 咖啡壶refrigerator (freezer/ icebox) 冰箱vacuum cleaner 吸尘器tape player 录音机CD player CD机maintenance 维修,保养日常生活/问题:personal possessions/ property/ belonging个人财产get insurance for sthgarbage/ rubbish/ waste 垃圾dispose 处理gas meter煤气表burglar 夜贼burglary 入室行窃leaking/leakage 泄漏lost key 丢钥匙break in 闯入文学背景词汇literature 文学rewrite 重写final draft 完成稿genre 分类poetry 诗歌biography传记autobiography 自传drama 戏剧poetry 诗歌novel 小说novelist 小说家science fiction 科幻小说detective novels 侦探小说non-fiction 非小说类文学作品collection of short stories 短篇小说集allegory 寓言comparative literature 比较文学diary 日记editorial 社论,重要评论descriptive prose 描述散文aestheticism 唯美narrative prose 叙述性散文fairy tale 童话legend 传说school of literature 文学派别futurism 未来派realism 现实主义romanticism 浪漫主义modernism 现代主义surrealism 超现实主义literary studies 文学研究literary criticism 文学评论literary studies 文学学习literacy 读写能力podium 讲台common people, interaction 交流leading character 主要角色protagonistplot 情节prologue 前言proverb 谚语考古类背景词汇archaeology 考古学archaeologist考古学家anthropology 人类学anthropoligist人类学家Paleoanthropology 古人类学morphology 形态学ancient civilization 古代文明primitive 原始的prehistoric 史前的origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科),原始人类homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘exhume 挖掘scoop/spade铲子ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸site故址artifact 手工艺品pottery 陶器(potter) porcelain瓷器fossil 化石relic 遗物,文物dinosaur 恐龙rock painting 岩石画antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老skull 颅骨cranial颅骨的Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的Geology地质学landslide n.山体滑坡mud泥土soil土壤earth 土sink 下沉ground water 地下水irrigation 灌溉gravity 重心aggravate 加重lean 倾斜slope 斜坡steep 陡峭的erode v erosion n 腐蚀fossil 化石sediment, deposit 沉淀物marble 大理石granite 花岗岩ore 矿石stalactite 钟乳石stalagmite石笋refine 提炼platinum 铂金seismology 地震学vibration, tremor, 震动wave 波动volcano, volcanic 火山,火山的volcanic eruption 火山喷发magnitude 级数collision 碰撞active 活的dormant 休眠的extinct 熄灭的magma 岩浆lava 岩浆erupt 喷发explode 爆炸(explosion) boom 爆炸blast 爆炸avalanche 雪崩微生物amino acid 氨基酸antibody 抗体bacterium 细菌biotical agency生命因子calcium钙carbohydrate 碳水化合物carbon dioxide 二氧化碳cell细胞chromosome 染色体disinfection 消毒enzymes 酶fermentation 发酵fungus 菌类gene基因genetic engineering 基因工程学glucose 葡萄糖Immunology免疫学incubation 孵蛋inflection传染malaria 疟疾microbe 微生物nucleus 细胞核one-celled单细胞的oxidation氧化parasitic animal 寄生动物parasite disease 寄生虫病parasitology 寄生虫学pathogen 病菌,病原体protozoa 原生动物sanitation 卫生schistosomiaisis 血吸虫病starch 淀粉sterilization 消毒toxin 毒素Vaccine 疫苗virus 病毒yeast 酵母动物rodent 啮齿类动物primate 灵长类动物ape 猿chimpanzee 黑猩猩gorilla 大猩猩monkey 猴子mammal 哺乳类动物dinosaur 恐龙bat (ecolotion) 蝙蝠(声波定位)snowshoe hare 雪兔子raccoon 浣熊polar bear 北极熊snout (动物的)口鼻部;reptile 爬行类动物snake, cobra 眼镜蛇rattle snake 响尾蛇lizard 蜥蜴snail 蜗牛amphibian 两栖动物crocodile 鳄鱼frog n. 青蛙tadpole 蝌蚪toad 蟾蜍pond 池塘puddle 水坑insect n.昆虫mosquito 蚊子fly 苍蝇cricket 蟋蟀grasshopper 蚱蜢honey beemonarch butterfly 大花蝶egg 卵larvae 幼虫caterpillar 毛虫pupa/ chrysalis 茧termite 白蚁marine 海洋的beaver 狸whale 鲸shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚penguin 企鹅predator 捕食者prey 被捕食者aquatic 水生的shrimp 虾lobster 龙虾clam 蚌crab 螃蟹humming bird 雀鸟artery 动脉scale 鳞片paw/ paw爪子horn 角hormone 荷尔蒙intestine 肠hive 蜂巢pollen 花粉pollinate 授粉hibernate 冬眠migrate 迁徙camouflage 保护色evolve 进化evolution 进化endotherm 温血动物,恒温动物poikilotherm 冷血动物beak 鸟嘴enzymes 酵母secretion(n.) secrete(v.) 分泌pancreas 胰腺odor 气味(aroma/ fragrance/ scent/ smell) gland 腺体植物Botany 植物学botanist 植物学家tundra 苔原;冻土地带,冻原fungus(pl. fungi ) 菌类laurel 月桂chestnut tree 栗子树root 根branch 枝stem 茎algae(pl. alga) 海藻organism 有机物birch tree (bark) 桦树crops 谷物corn 玉米maize 玉米chlorophyll 叶绿素amino acids 氨基酸protein 蛋白质nitrogen 氮photosynthetic(adj.) photosynthesis(n.) 光合作用lichen 地衣,苔藓squash 南瓜bean 豆类植物nectar 花蜜flower 花floral 花的petal 花瓣bloom 开花blossom 花pollen 花粉moss 苔藓herbicide 除草剂herb 草本植物herbivorous 食草的classification 分类hierarchy 级别hazardous 有毒害的污染:pollute, pollution, pollutantcontaminant 污染物contaminate 污染ecosystem 生态系统ecology 生态学antiseptic 防腐的atmospheric pollution大气污染垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter 处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill), dump recycle, reduce, reuse,回收:glass, paper, water,milk carton 牛奶盒aluminium cans 铝罐plastic bags, rubbish bags biodegradable packaging 可降解包装throwaway 可丢弃的disposable 可丢弃的discourage 不鼓励water pollutionair pollution,soil pollutionnoise pollutionsoil erosion 土壤侵蚀soil pollution土壤污染stain 污染,污点,玷污stink 发出臭味tar 焦油toxic chemical 有毒的化学物品fume 烟,气味light pollution 日光污染refuse 废物sewage 污水pesticide 杀虫剂chemical waste 化学废料congest 使充满燃料none-renewable 不可再生的fossil fuels 矿石燃料:natural gas, coal, petroleumlimited/finite natural resources 有限的自然环保environmental protection 环境保护environmentally-friendly 环保的preserve 保护,保存资源alternative energy 替代能源, replace=substitute 取代wind power, hydropower 水电, solar (lunar) power 太阳能, nuclear power 核能radioactivity 辐射性use up, deplete, exhaust 用光,耗尽conserve 节省,节约危害动物:poaching 非法打猎,盗猎,damage natural habitat 破坏自然栖息地, rare breed 稀有物种,endangered species 濒危物种,extinct 灭绝(die out, disappear), animal rights activist 动物权益保护者, natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫) 自然保护区protect wild life 保护野生动物,preserve 保护disastrous 灾难性的devastation 破坏,have disastrous effect on…对…有灾难性的影响危害植物:vegetation 植被, deforestation 森林消失tropical rain forest 热带雨林landslide 山体滑坡mudslide 泥石流危害环境:landscape 自然风景carbon dioxide 二氧化碳, acid rain 酸雨(erode腐蚀) greenhouse effect 温室效应(worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化) global warming 全球变暖unleaded petrol 无铅汽油其他:Green Belt 绿化带genetically modified 转基因的organic 有机的battery farming 圈养free-range farming 放养Meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (predict) 预报climate 气候atmosphere 大气层troposphere 对流层convection 对流stratosphere 同温层barometer 气压计current (气)流vapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和absorb 吸收dew 露frost 霜fog (mist) 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrential rain) 大雨tempest (storm) 暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水thunder 雷lightening 闪电breeze 微风blast 大风gale 大风whirlwind 旋风cyclone 旋风,飓风typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风monsoon 季风sandstorm沙尘暴dust storm沙尘暴tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风tropical depression热带低气压wind direction 风向wind velocity 风速wind scale 风力funnel 漏斗,漏斗云cumulonimbus 积雨云disaster (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难devastation 破坏submerge 淹没overwhelm 淹没drought 干旱balmy 温和的chilly 寒冷的frigid 僵硬的,严格的heat-wave 热浪tepid 微温的天文学astronomyconstellation星座zodiac (星象学的星座)planet 行星sun 恒星Jupiter 木星Pluto 冥王星Saturn 土星Mercury 水星Mars 火星Venus金星Neptune海王星Uranus天王星Ceres 谷物星(the largest asteroid and the first discovered)White dwarf 白矮星Big Dipper 北斗七星Asteroid belt 小行星带Milky Way 银河系galaxy 星系orbit 运行n.轨道rotate 转axis 轴track 轨道outer space外太空equator 赤道tropical 热带的brightness 亮度dimension 维度distance 距离eclipse (日月食)wane, diminish 逐渐变小centripetal 向心centrifugal 离心nebula 星云(an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space)nebulous adj. 星云的Gas 气体(rock, ice, hydrogen, oxygen) particle 微粒polar light 极光astronomical 天文的astrophysics 天文物理学black hole 黑洞celestial天体的celestial map 天体图chondrite 球粒状陨石chromosphere太阳的色球层clockwise 顺时针cluster 星团,一群星星comet 彗星cosmos宇宙,cosmetic宇宙的cosmology宇宙学faint 微弱的feeble 微弱的gaseous bodies 气态包gravitational force 吸引力Greenwich mean time 格林尼治时间high resolution 高清晰度ignite 引燃illusive object 幻影物体image 影响,形象infinite 无限的infrared ray 红外射线interferometer 干扰仪intergalactic 星系间的international date line 国际日期变更线interplanetary 星球间的interstellar星际的leap year 闰年light year光年luminosity光亮度lunar阴历的,月亮的massive 巨大的meteor流星meteor shower 流星雨meteorite陨石meteoroid流星体molten 融化的naked eye 裸眼observatory 天文台photosphere 光球层planetarium 天文馆planetoid 小行星polestar 北极星pseudoscience 伪科学quasar类星体radiation 辐射revolution 旋转rotation 旋转satellite 卫星sky atlas天体图solar corona日冕space debris 太空垃圾space shuttle 太空飞船space suit 太空服spin 快速旋转star cluster 星群,星团stellar 星星的sunspot 太阳黑子time difference 时差time zone 时区科研过程hypothesisalternative hypothesis择一假说null hypothesis无效假说, 零假说collect datasurvey, questionnaire experimentinterfere, influence observation analyze data interpret data analysis analytical subject sample treatment group non-treatment control group图书馆:library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物periodical 期刊magazine 杂志book catalogue 图书目录classified catalogue 分类目录bibliography 参考书目title index 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电视cinema 电影院film = movie 电影subscription television 收费电视close-circuit television 闭路电视direct-broadcast satellite(DBS) system 卫星直播telecast (动词)电视广播;(名词)电视广播节目live 现场直播relay 转播documentary 记录片TV special 专题片comedy 喜剧片tragedy 悲剧片sitcom情景喜剧(如“成长的烦恼”,“朋友”等)channel eight 八频道remote control 遥控器cable TV system 有线电视系统plot 情节美术Art gallery艺廊Calligraphy书法Imitating模仿Landscape painting风景画Oil painting油画Paste粘贴Crayon 蜡笔,粉笔,颜料Pigmentation 颜料Canvas 帆布Wax 蜡Spectrum 光谱Perspective透视画法Poster海报Portrait肖像Model模式,模特mural壁画Panorama全景Pastel drawing蜡笔画Sketch草图Autograph手稿音乐accompaniment 伴奏audition 试听,试表演band music 乐队音乐chord弦乐,弦classical music古典音乐concerto 协奏曲lullaby 催眠曲duet 二重奏harmony 和弦,和谐rock and roll 摇滚serenade 小夜曲solo 独奏sonata 奏鸣曲symphony 交响乐ballad歌谣folk music 民间音乐prelude 前奏epilogue 尾声score 乐谱note 音符notation 乐谱,记号法chord symbol和弦符号lyrics 歌词tempo 节奏melody 主旋律rhythm节奏tune 旋律conduct 指挥violin 小提琴viola 中提琴cello大提琴oboe双簧管clarinet单簧管krummhorn['krʌmhɔ:n]变号(一古双簧乐器) harp 竖琴表演艺术(舞蹈,电影,音乐etc.)genre 艺术分类performing art 表演艺术modern dance piece现代舞concert 音乐会play剧opera歌剧film 电影camera 摄影camera shotanalytical 分析的parallel 平行的ballet芭蕾舞choreographer 舞蹈指导fine/visual arts 视觉艺术Abstract art抽象艺术landscape风景photography摄影exposure 曝光develop film 冲洗胶卷negative 底片portrait(portray v. )肖像, 人像、still life静物sculpture雕塑statue 人物雕像lifelike 逼真的vividanthem国歌critic 评论家criticism 批评,评论review 评论masterpiece 杰作have aesthetic value 有美学价值aesthetic appeal 美学吸引力feature/ characteristics 特点distinct 与众不同的unique 独一无二的style 风格technique 技巧gallery 画馆edition专辑release发行debut首映impressionist 印象主义者impressionism 印象派perspective 透视法angle 角度press/publishing house出版社acclaim盛赞mirage海市蜃楼prolific多产哲学Socrates, Plato and Aristotletheme 主题logic 逻辑rhetoric 修辞fundamental causes 基本原因principles of the universe 宇宙的原则oerceive 看待,观察perception 观点sense 感觉soul 灵魂spiritelement 组成成分reasoning 推理ration理性, rational有理性的contemplation 沉思,思考judgment判断just公正的,justice公正justify证明, justification 合理的理由explicit 明确的ethics道德规范ethical theory 伦理理论moral 有道德的ultimate truth终极真理universal 普遍的search for truth 追求真理vary v.不相同intrinsic 内部的extrinsic 外部的critic 评论家old-fashioned 过时的valuable 有价值的survive 生存,存活conservative 保守的kiberal 开放的impractical不实际的empirical经验主义的cognitive 认知的weaken 削弱diminish (影响力)减小medieval 中世纪renaissance 文艺复兴doctrine教义,主义,学说idealism 唯心论,理想主义epistemology 认识论metaphysics形而上学,玄学reconcile和解,调停地球科学e arth’s interior 地球的内部seismic waves地震波compression 压缩shear (a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a direction parallel to themselves)slow down减慢速度reflect 反射depth深度density 密度boundary边界mantle地幔crust地壳core地心continental plate 大陆板块tectonic plate (地球表面的)构造板块continental drift 大陆漂移layer, strata 层stratify 分层crack 裂缝molten lava 融化的岩浆climatic shift=climatic changes气候变化consistent pattern 统一的,始终一致的solar energy太阳能radiate 发射,放射crude approximation 大概的猜测speculation猜测cooling down冷却mechanism 机制length of the dayphysical force 体力imaginary line虚拟线artificial reservoir 人工水库redistribute再分配,再分布spin 快速旋转minerals 矿物质diverse 多样的specimen,Sample样品abundant 丰富的glassy像玻璃的amazon stones天河石firing vapor 炙热的水蒸汽wipe out 根除,彻底消灭Mt Everest 珠穆朗玛峰elevation 海拔,海拔增高precise measurement精确的测量Global Positioning System全球定位系统longitude 经度latitude纬度alternative sources of energy 可替代资源gas hydrate气体水合物trap 困住flame 火焰potential 潜在的model 模式geological fault地质断层crack 裂缝seismic gap地震活动空白地带postulate 假设chunk 大块cylinder 圆柱cylindrical 圆柱形的ground tilt measurement地倾斜观测evacuate 撤出sedimentary 沉淀性的accumulate 积累建筑architecture建筑学architect建筑师architectural style建筑风格art deco 装饰艺术art modernegeometric patterns 几何图形arch 拱门castle 城堡cathedral大教堂framing结构lobby 大厅(entrance hall) elevator 电梯façade 正面stairs 楼梯iterior 内部的exterior 外部的impressionistic style印象派风格mosque清真寺Pyramid金字塔revival 复活Renaissance 文艺复兴Medieval中世纪Byzantine architecture 527 (Sofia)-1520农业agricultural 农业的aquaculture 农业barn 谷仓cotton 棉花cultivate 种植cultivation培养, 教养, 耕作eggplant 茄子fodder 饲料granary 粮仓greenhouse 温室hay 甘草horticulture 园艺conservatory 温室cowshed 牛栏fertile 肥沃的garlic 大蒜graze 吃草,放牧harvest 收割haystack 干草堆husbandry 耕种hydroponics 水栽法irrigate 灌溉manure 肥料pasture 大草场plantation 种植prolific 多产的seedbed 苗床,苗圃tractor 拖拉机indigenous 本土的,土产的livestock 家畜orchard 果园pigpen 猪圈poultry 禽类ranch 农场silt 淤泥weed 野草arable land耕地hectare公顷crop庄稼,农作物chemical fertilizer化学肥料wheat小麦oat燕麦barley大麦acre英亩prospect前景depopulation人口减少商业insurance 保险note 注意contract合约verbal agreement口头协议repay 偿还interest 利息merchant 商人cautious 谨慎的paramount 极为重要的manufacture 制造label 标签contention 所持观点inform 告知cost成本orofit利润loss损失net净的,gross粗略的supply and demand供求supply chain供应链fluctuation 浮动recession 衰退depression 萧条marketing strategies市场营销策略survey 调查surplus 剩余shipment 运输distribution 分布retail 零售whole sale 批发franchise特许经营budget预算物理与化学acceleration 加速acoustics 声学biochemistry 生物化学cathode 阴极combustion 燃烧conduction 传导deceleration 减速dilution 稀释distillation 蒸馏element 成分fluorescence 荧光acceleration of gravity 重力加速度anode阳极calorie 热量chemical reaction 化学反应compound化合物conservation of energy能量守恒decomposition分解direct current 直流electrode 电极expansion 扩张frequency 频率gasify汽化isotope 同位素magnet 磁铁magnetism 磁性n ewton’s law of motions organic chemistry 有机化学power能量reagent 试剂reflection 反射resonance 共振solidify 固化inorganic chemistry无机化学liquefy 液化magnetic force 磁力mechanics 力学optics 光学physics 物理学radioactivity 放射性reduction 还原refraction 折射,曲折sensitivity 敏感性solution 溶解test tube 试管ultraviolet ray紫外线vaporize 蒸发voltage 电压ultrasonic 超声uniform motion 统一运动volt 伏特watt 瓦特校内工作,课外活动及寻找经济援助:Letter of reference/recommendationCompetitiveBenefit future careerField researchCollect data for papersWaiter, waitress,BabysitterWork at the libraryQualification资格, qualified 合格的Resume, CVfinancial aid经济援助Scholarship FellowshipTeaching assistantship 助教奖学金Research assistantship 研究奖学金Grant 助学金Loan 贷款Need-based以需求为基础Merit-based 以优秀为基础Student union 学生会Clubs 俱乐部Membership 成员资格Career service生病类动词结构类to visit (the doctor) 看病to examine, to be examined 检查to prescribe (medicine) 开(药)to treat(an illness) 治疗to perform(an operation) 动(手术)to heal, to cure 治疗to sneeze 打喷嚏to cough 咳嗽to run, to water 流鼻涕to vomit, to throw up 呕吐to run a fever, to have a fever, temp 发烧to faint, to pass out 晕倒,昏过去to hurt, to be in pain 疼to poison, to be poisoned 中毒to be allergic, to have an allergy 过敏to be injured, to have an injury 受伤to recover, to get well 恢复to take (or measure)the temperature 量体温to make an appointment 预约看病to write out a prescription 开处方to fill the prescription 拿处方抓药名词结构类doctor, physician 医生specialist 专家ophthalmologist 眼科医生dentist 牙科医生surgeon 外科医生dermatologist 皮肤科医生physician 内科医生pharmacist 药剂师hospital 医院nurse 护士clinic 诊所infirmary 医务室dentist’s office牙科诊所laboratory, lab 实验室clinic, emergency clinic 门诊,急诊operation, surgery 手术,外科手术appointment 预约accident 事故headache 头疼cough 咳嗽allergy 过敏disease, illness 疾病cold, flu, influenza 感冒X-ray X-光crutches 拐杖temperature 体温blood pressure 血压symptom 病症medical examination, checkup医疗检查,体检shots, immunizations 打针,免疫prescription, prescription drugs 处方health insurance 解毒药tablets (pills, powder) 药片(药丸,药粉)health insurance 医疗保险first consultation 初查subsequent consultation 复查emergency 急诊laboratory report 实验报告blooding test result 验血结果形容词结构类healthy 健康的unwell, ill, sick 有病的weak, tired 虚弱的nervous, jumpy 紧张的sweaty, feverish 有汗的,发烧的shivery, chilled 发抖mild 温和的fatal 致命的contagious, catching, infectious 传染的noncontagious, noninfectious 不感染的emergency紧急的allergic 过敏的入学:enrollment 登记, 注册opening ceremony开业典礼, 仪式commencement ceremony 毕业典礼convocatio正式会议(可指简单的毕业典礼)orientation meeting开学说明会staff n.全体职员freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生tuition, fee 费用placement test 开学测试excellent 出色的average 平均的,一般的below average 低于平均水平的,差的结构及称谓:university- president 大学,校长chancellor 名誉校长college 学院school 学院dean 院长principal 中学校长professor 教授associate professor 副教授assistant professor 助理教授coordinator 班主任,协调人counselor 辅导员advisor 指导老师instructor 讲师tutor 个人辅导supervisor 管理人undergraduate 本科graduate 研究生建筑物buildings:canteen.餐厅cafeteria.自助餐厅administration building 行政大楼main building主楼wing/annex 配楼teaching building教学楼dormitory 宿舍auditorium 会堂, 礼堂=lecture hall assembly 集合,集会hall computer lab 计算实验室,机房dining hall 食堂学科major 主修minor 副修science理科, arts文科, engineering 工科Mathematics 数学physics 物理chemistry 化学biology 生物学geography 地理学electronics 电子学computer science 计算机科学astronomy 天文学electronics engineering 电子工程学botany 植物学psychology 心理学zoology 动物学architecture 建筑学oceanography 海洋学ecology 生态学medical science 医学archaeology 考古学history 历史学linguistics 语言学pedagogies 教育学,教学法anthropology 人类学economics 经济学statistics 统计学accounting 会计学philosophy 哲学类型required、compulsory course 必修课selective/optional course选修课elective course 选修课lecture 讲座seminar 高级研讨性课colloquium 报告课tutorial 个人辅导课程workshop 专题课程级别Introductory 入门级elementary, fundamental 初级Intermediate, secondary 中级Advanced 高级Prerequisite 先修课程选课上课:choose, selectregister/enrolno openingask for the professor’s signature (sign you in)Drop (philosophy, poetry) attend class miss classskip class attendance rate class participation required textbook attendance grading system Syllabus 教学大纲杂semester/term 学期quarter小学期course guideline 课程纲要major 主修minor 副修exemption 免修syllabus 教学大纲Professor’s signature 教授的签字(用于注册课程)Course cap课程容量(可以招收的学生数), openings (可供注册的名额)Take选(课), drop 退(课)Late registration晚注册Deregistration 注销教师称号professor 教授lecturer = instructor 讲师teaching assistant = TA 助教research assistant = RA 助研counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问president 大学校长teacher/faculty 教师student's advisor 学生顾问B.A.(Bachelor of Arts)文学士M.A(degree of Master of Arts)文学硕士M.S.(Master of Science)理硕士M.D.(Doctor of Medicine)医学博士Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)(哲学)博士president 大学校长teacher/faculty 教师student's advisor 学生顾问physicist 物理学家mathematician 数学家chemist 化学家historian 历史学家statistician 统计学正评价fascinating = fantastic 精彩的thought provoking 发人深思的stimulating 令人兴奋的sense of humor 幽默感负评价boring 无聊的drop off to sleep 睡着了doze off 打瞌睡drowsy 昏昏欲睡的clock watcher一直看表的人make no sense 毫无意义考试:mid-term exam 期中考semester final exams = finals 期末考cumulative final 总结性考试take home,open booksubjective test 主观性测试objective test 客观性测试pop quiz 抽查式测验pop corn blue book 答题本assessment 估价evaluation appraisal n.评价, 估价make up for补考missresit, retake重考grade (mark 、score)分数成绩:perfect grade 优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分passing grade 及格分failing grade 不及格分full marks 满分straight A's 全A straight Abe all A's and B's 全是A和BB plus B加A minus A减pass the exam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业毕业:diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书drop out 辍学quit school离开学校violate school discipline 校纪expel sb. from school v.驱逐, 开除transfer to another school 转学graduation commencement 毕业典礼作业:assignment 作业homework=coursework=schoolwork=studies 作业lab report 实验报告book report 读书报告project 作业presentation 发言term paper 学期论文(research paper)thesis/essay/dissertation 论文journal 学术期刊social investigation 社会调查survey 调查questionnaire 调查表, 问卷observation.观察interview vt.采访collect data 收集数据data/ statistic analysisbroad (论文等)内容宽泛narrow down (论文等)缩小范围outline 大纲, 提纲(roadmap) source (写论文的)参考资料bibliography 书目, 参考书目reference 参考Draft初稿deadline 最终期限extension 延期due date/time期限plagiarism 抄袭critical thinking 评判性思维lack your own ideas缺少自己的想法revise 修改。

新托福IBT听力场景词汇对话场景选课学科major 主修minor 副修science理科, arts文科, engineering 工科Mathematics 数学physics 物理chemistry 化学biology 生物学geography 地理学electronics 电子学computer science 计算机科学astronomy 天文学electronics engineering 电子工程学botany 植物学psychology 心理学zoology 动物学architecture 建筑学oceanography 海洋学ecology 生态学medical science 医学archaeology 考古学history 历史学linguistics 语言学pedagogies 教育学,教学法anthropology 人类学economics 经济学statistics 统计学accounting 会计学philosophy 哲学类型required、compulsory course 必修课selective/optional course选修课elective course 选修课lecture 讲座seminar 高级研讨性课colloquium n.报告课tutorial 个人辅导课程workshop 专题课程级别Introductory 入门级elementary, fundamental 初级Intermediate, secondary 中级Advanced 高级Prerequisite 先修课程上课:Attend class 上课Miss class 缺课Skip class逃课Syllabus 教学大纲Required textbook 要求的课本Attendance 出勤Grading system 打分体系Class participation 课堂参与杂semester/term 学期quarter小学期course guideline 课程纲要major 主修minor 副修exemption 免修syllabus 教学大纲Professor’s signature 教授的签字(用于注册课程)Course cap课程容量(可以招收的学生数),openings (可供注册的名额)Take选(课), drop 退(课)Late registration晚注册Deregistration 注销教师称号professor 教授lecturer = instructor 讲师teaching assistant = TA 助教research assistant = RA 助研counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问president 大学校长teacher/faculty 教师student's advisor 学生顾问physicist 物理学家mathematician 数学家chemist 化学家historian 历史学家statistician 统计学家作业、论文assignment 作业homework = coursework = schoolwork = studies 作业lab report 实验报告book report 读书报告project 作业presentation 发言term paper 学期论文(research paper)thesis/essay/dissertation 论文journal 学术期刊social investigation 社会调查survey 调查questionnaire n.调查表, 问卷observation n.观察interview vt.n.采访collect data 收集数据broad (论文等)内容宽泛narrow down (论文等)缩小范围source (写论文的)参考资料critical thinking 评判性思维lack your own ideas缺少自己的想法deadline n.最终期限extension 延期due date/time期限outline n.大纲, 提纲(roadmap) bibliography n书目, 参考书目reference 参考plagiarism n. 抄袭revise v. 修改rewrite v. 重写final draft 完成稿speech n.演讲presentation 演讲,陈述eye contact 目光接触intonation 音调考试mid-term exam 期中考final exams = finals 期末考cumulative final 总结性考试take-home exam(拿回家的开卷考试,一般有限定的时间)open-book exam 开卷考试subjective test 主观性测试objective test 客观性测试pop quiz 抽查式测验blue book 答题本assessment n估价appraisal n.评价, 估价make up for补考,resit, retake重考grade (mark 、score)分数成绩:perfect grade 优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分passing grade 及格分failing grade 不及格分full marks 满分straight A's 全Abe all A's and B's 全是A和BB plus B加A minus A减pass the iexam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书考试问题:分析成绩低的原因,给出解决办法图书馆library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物periodical 期刊magazine 杂志book catalogue 图书目录classified catalogue 分类目录bibliography 参考书目title index 书目索引alphabetic index 按字母顺序排列的索引circulation desk借书处reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅)library card 借书证overdue fine 过期罚金periodical reading room 期刊阅览室online journal 在线期刊video tape 录像带back issue 过期杂志current issue 近期杂志archive 档案non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science-fiction 科幻小说copier 复印机check out 办理(借、还)手续renew 续借overdue过期interlibrary service 馆际服务部分名称information desk n.服务台delivery/circulation desk借书台shelf n.书架photocopy room复印室return area 还书处students locker 学生存储间reference section 参考书部科研过程HypothesisAlternative hypothesis择一假说Null hypothesis无效假说, 零假说Collect dataSurvey, questionnaireExperimentInterfere, influenceObservationAnalyze dataInterpret dataAnalysisAnalyticalSubjectSampleTreatment groupNon-treatmentControl group校内工作,课外活动及寻找经济援助Letter of reference/recommendation CompetitiveBenefit future careerField researchCollect data for papersWaiter, waitress,BabysitterWork at the libraryQualification资格, qualified 合格的Resume, CVfinancial aid经济援助Scholarship FellowshipTeaching assistantship 助教奖学金Research assistantship 研究奖学金Grant 助学金Loan 贷款Need-based以需求为基础Merit-based 以优秀为基础Student union 学生会Clubs 俱乐部Membership 成员资格Career service入学enrollment 登记, 注册opening ceremony n.开业典礼, 仪式commencement ceremony 毕业典礼convocation n.正式会议(可指简单的毕业典礼)orientation meeting开学说明会staff n.全体职员freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生tuition, fee 费用placement test 开学测试excellent 出色的average 平均的,一般的below average 低于平均水平的,差的结构及称谓:university- president 大学,校长chancellor 名誉校长college 学院school 学院dean 院长principal 中学校长professor 教授associate professor 副教授assistant professor 助理教授coordinator 班主任,协调人counselor 辅导员advisor 指导老师instructor 讲师tutor 个人辅导supervisor 管理人undergraduate 本科graduate 研究生建筑物buildings:canteen.餐厅cafeteria.自助餐厅administration building 行政大楼main building主楼wing/annex 配楼teaching building教学楼dormitory n.宿舍auditorium n.会堂, 礼堂=lecture hall assembly n.集合,集会hall computer lab 计算实验室,机房dining hall 食堂住宿宿舍:accommodation n.住处, 膳宿residence hall宿舍suite 套间studio 工作室,独立套间village 村落(校内一栋一栋的房子,可以用做宿舍)lounge n.公共大厅(可以用做娱乐)home-stay 在国外住在房东家里的那种roommate同屋者,室友corridor n. 走廊,过道,租房lease n.租借, 租约landlord 房东landlady女房东rent租金tenant 房客patio n.阳台,sliding door n.推拉门single room 单人房twin room 双人房two-bedroom apartmenthouse key 房锁匙床上用品:pillow n.枕头bed linen n. 床上用品sheet n. 被单mattress n.床垫blanket n.毯子towel n.手巾, 毛巾quilt n.棉被电器类electric appliance(instrument; equipment) 电器heater, furnace 加热器,炉子heating unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove 炉子microwave oven 微波炉washer / dryer 洗衣机/烘干机(laundry 洗衣店)utensil 器皿;用具kitchen utensil 炊具oven 烤箱;烤炉range 煤气灶dishwasher 洗碟机washing machine 洗衣机(hot-water) heater 热水器coffeepot 咖啡壶refrigerator (freezer) 冰箱vacuum cleaner 吸尘器tape player 录音机CD player CD机Laundromat 自动洗衣店maintenance 维修,保养家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch 沙发chest 柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau) 梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cupboard (closet) 碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug 小地毯carpet 地毯curtain 窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furnishings 室内陈设日常生活/问题:personalpossessions/property/belongings个人财产get insurance for personal possessions/property/belongsgarbage/rubbish/waste n.垃圾dispose v. 处理gas meter煤气表insect n.昆虫burglar n.夜贼leaking/leakage n. 泄漏lost key丢钥匙break in 闯入【小站托福TPO】iPad版•Practice模式下,可以逐题突破,对照注解、原文及翻译;长按原文单词,可以开启字典查词功能,也可加入生词本,每日反复背诵加强;Test模式下,可高度模拟真实考试,为考试做好充分准备。

托福听力词汇完整版文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-新托福IBT听力场景入学:enrollment/register 登记, 注册opening ceremony n.开业典礼, 仪式commencement ceremony 毕业典礼convocation n.正式会议(可指简单的毕业典礼)orientation meeting开学说明会staff n.全体职员freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生tuition fee 费用placement test 开学测试excellent 出色的average 平均的,一般的below average 低于平均水平的,差的结构及称谓: university- president 大学,校长chancellor 名誉校长college 学院science/ arts school 理科/文科学院undergraduate 本科postgraduate /graduate 研究生建筑物buildings:canteen.餐厅/cafeteria.自助餐厅dining hall 食堂administration building 行政大楼wing/annex 配楼teaching building教学楼dormitory n.宿舍auditorium n.会堂, 礼堂=lecture hallassembly n.集合,集会computer lab 计算实验室,机房选课学科major 主修 minor 副修science理科, arts文科, engineering 工科Mathematics 数学physics 物理chemistry 化学biology 生物学(micro-微marin-海洋)geography 地理学electronics 电子学computer science 计算机科学astronomy 天文学electronics engineering 电子工程学botany 植物学psychology 心理学zoology 动物学architecture 建筑学oceanography 海洋学ecology 生态学medical science 医学archaeology 考古学history 历史学linguistic 语言学pedagogy 教育学,教学法anthropology 人类学economics 经济学statistics 统计学accounting 会计学philosophy 哲学课程类型required、 compulsory course 必修课selective/optional course选修课elective course 选修课lecture 讲座seminar 高级研讨性课colloquium n.报告课tutorial 个人辅导课程workshop 专题课程级别Introductory 入门级elementary, fundamental 初级Intermediate, secondary 中级Advanced 高级Prerequisite 先修课程上课:Syllabus 教学大纲Required textbook 要求的课本Attendance 出勤Grading system 打分体系Class participation 课堂参与Otherssemester/term 学期 quarter小学期course guideline 课程纲要exemption 免修Professor’s signature 教授的签字(用于注册课程)Course cap课程容量(可以招收的学生数)openings (可供注册的名额)Take选(课), drop 退(课)Late registration晚注册Deregistration 注销教师称号professor 教授lecturer = instructor 讲师teaching assistant = TA 助教research assistant = RA 助研counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问president 大学校长faculty 全体教职员dean 院长coordinator 班主任,协调人tutor 个人辅导supervisor 管理人作业:assignment 作业(lab/book/oral/mix media)report 实验报告project 项目survey 调查presentation 发言term paper 学期论文(research paper)thesis/essay/dissertation 论文journal 学术期刊social investigation 社会调查questionnaire n.调查表, 问卷observation n.观察interview vt.n.采访collect data 收集数据broad (论文等)内容宽泛narrow down (论文等)缩小范围source (写论文的)参考资料critical thinking 评判性思维lack your own ideas缺少自己的想法deadline n.最终期限extension 延期due date/time期限outline n.大纲, 提纲 (roadmap) bibliography n书目, 参考书目reference 参考plagiarism n. 抄袭revise v. 修改rewrite v. 重写final draft 完成稿speech n.演讲presentation 演讲,陈述eye contact 目光接触intonation 音调考试:mid-term exam 期中考final exams = finals 期末考cumulative final 总结性考试take-home exam(拿回家的开卷考试,一般有限定的时间)open-book exam 开卷考试subjective test 主观性测试objective test 客观性测试pop quiz 抽查式测验blue book 答题本assessment n估价appraisal n.评价, 估价make up for补考,resit, retake重考grade (mark 、score)分数成绩:perfect grade 优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分passing grade 及格分failing grade 不及格分full marks 满分straight A's 全Abe all A's and B's 全是A和B B plus B加A minus A减pass the exam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书考试问题:分析成绩低的原因,给出解决办法图书馆:library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物periodical 期刊magazine 杂志book catalog 图书目录classified catalog 分类目录title index 书目索引alphabetic index 按字母顺序排列的索引circulation desk借书处reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅)library card 借书证overdue fine 过期罚金periodical reading room 期刊阅览室online journal 在线期刊video tape 录像带back issue 过期杂志current issue 近期杂志archive 档案non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science-fiction 科幻小说copier 复印机check out 办理(借、还)手续renew 续借overdue过期interlibrary service 馆际服务部分名称information desk n.服务台delivery/circulation desk借书台shelf n.书架(vt.)stacks 书架photocopy room复印室return area 还书处students locker 学生存储间reference section 参考书部科研过程Hypothesis 假说Alternative hypothesis择一假说Null hypothesis无效假说, 零假说Collect dataSurvey 调查Questionnaire 调查问卷Experiment 实验Interfere, influence 打扰Observation 观察Analyze data 分析数据Interpret data 翻译数据Analysis 分析Analytical 分析的Subject 主题,科目,受制于…的SampleTreatment group 实验组Control group 实验对照组校内工作,课外活动及寻找经济援助:Letter ofreference/recommendation 推荐信Competitive 竞争的Benefit future careerField research 实地调查研究Collect data for papers Waiter, waitress,Babysitter 临时保姆Work at the library Qualification资格, qualified 合格的Resume, CV 简历financial aid经济援助Scholarship/Fellowship 奖学金Teaching assistantship 助教奖学金Research assistantship 研究奖学金Grant 助学金Loan 贷款Need-based以需求为基础Merit-based 以优秀为基础Student union 学生会Clubs 俱乐部Career service住宿:宿舍:accommodation n.住处, 膳宿residence hall宿舍suite 套间studio 工作室,独立套间village 村落(校内一栋一栋的房子,可以用做宿舍)lounge n.公共大厅(可以用做娱乐)home-stay 在国外住在房东家里的那种roommate同屋者,室友corridor n. 走廊,过道,租房lease n.租借, 租约landlord 房东landlady女房东rent租金tenant 房客patio n.阳台, sliding door n.推拉门single room 单人房twin room 双人房two-bedroom apartmenthouse key 房锁匙床上用品:pillow n.枕头bed linen n. 床上用品sheet n. 被单mattress n.床垫blanket n.毯子towel n.手巾, 毛巾quilt n.棉被电器类electricappliance(instrument;equipment) 电器heater, furnace 加热器,炉子heating unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove 炉子microwave oven 微波炉washer / dryer 洗衣机/烘干机(laundry 洗衣店)utensil 器皿;用具kitchen utensil 炊具oven 烤箱;烤炉dishwasher 洗碟机washing machine 洗衣机(hot-water) heater 热水器coffeepot 咖啡壶fridge(refrigerator/freezer)冰箱vacuum cleaner 吸尘器tape player 录音机CD player CD机Laundromat 自动洗衣店maintenance 维修,保养家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch 沙发chest 柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau) 梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cupboard (closet) 碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug 小地毯carpet 地毯curtain 窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furnishings 室内陈设日常生活/问题:personalpossessions/property/belonging s个人财产get insurance for personal possessions/property/belongs garbage/rubbish/waste n.垃圾dispose v. 处理gas meter煤气表insect n.昆虫burglar n.夜贼leaking/leakage n. 泄漏lost key丢钥匙break in 闯入讲座场景词汇Geology地质学Slide n. 滑坡Landslide n.山体滑坡Mud泥土, soil土壤Earth n. 土Sink v.下沉Ground water 地下水Irrigation n. 灌溉Freeze, froze, frozen v.冷冻Melt v.融化 moltenGravity n.重心Aggravate v.加重Lean v.倾斜Slope n.斜坡Steep adj.陡峭Erode v., erosion n.腐蚀Fossil n.化石Dinosaur n.恐龙Sediment, deposit 沉淀物Marble 大理石granite 花岗岩Ore 矿石Stalactite 钟乳石Refine v. 提炼Platinum v. 铂金Seismology 地震学Vibration, tremor, 震动Wave 波动Volcano, volcanic 火山,火山的Volcanic eruption 火山喷发Magnitude 级数Collision n.碰撞Active adj.积极的Dormant adj.休眠的Extinct adj. 熄灭的Magma n.岩浆Lava n.岩浆Erupt v.喷发explode v.爆炸 (explosion) boom n.爆炸Blast n.爆炸Avalanche n.雪崩地球科学Earth’s interior 地球的内部Seismic waves地震波Compression 压缩Shear (a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a directionparallel to themselves)Slow down减慢速度Reflect 反射Depth深度Density 密度Boundary边界Mantle地幔Crust地壳Core地心Continental plate 大陆板块Tectonic plate (地球表面的)构造板块Continental drift 大陆漂移Layer, strata 层Stratify 分层Crack 裂缝Molten lava 融化的岩浆Climatic shift=Climatic changes气候变化Consistent pattern 统一的,始终一致的Solar energy太阳能Radiate 发射,放射Crude approximation 大概的猜测Speculation猜测Cooling down冷却Mechanism 机制Length of the dayPhysical force 体力Imaginary line虚拟线Artificial reservoir 人工水库LatitudeRedistribute再分配,再分布Spin 快速旋转Minerals 矿物质Diverse 多样的Specimen,Sample样品Abundant 丰富的Glassy像玻璃的Amazon stones天河石Firing vapor 炙热的水蒸汽Wipe out 根除,彻底消灭Mt Everest 珠穆朗玛峰Elevation 海拔,海拔增高Precise measurement精确的测量Global Positioning System全球定位系统Longitude 经度Latitude 维度Alternative sources of energy 可替代资源Gas hydrate气体水合物Trap 困住Flame 火焰Potential 潜在的Model 模式Geological fault地质断层Crack 裂缝seismic gap地震活动空白地带postulate 假设chunk 大块cylinder 圆柱cylindrical 圆柱形的ground tilt measurement地倾斜观测evacuate 撤出sedimentary adj. 沉淀性的accumulate 积累商业Insurance 保险Note 注意Contract合约Verbal agreement口头协议Repay 偿还Interest 利息Merchant 商人Cautious 谨慎的Paramount 极为重要的Manufacture 制造Label 标签Contention 所持观点Inform 告知Cost成本Profit利润loss损失Net净的,gross粗略的Supply and demand供求Supply chain供应链Fluctuation 浮动Recession 衰退Depression 萧条Marketing strategies市场营销策略Survey 调查Surplus 剩余Shipment 运输Distribution 分布Retail 零售Whole sale 批发Franchise特许经营Budget预算哲学Socrates, Plato and Aristotle Theme 主题Logic 逻辑Rhetoric 修辞Fundamental causes 基本原因Principles of the universe 宇宙的原则Perceive 看待,观察Perception 观点Sense 感觉Soul 灵魂spiritElement 组成成分Reasoning 推理Ration理性, rational有理性的Contemplation 沉思,思考Judgment判断Just公正的,justice公正Justify证明, justification 合理的理由Explicit 明确的Ethics道德规范Ethical theory 伦理理论Moral 有道德的Ultimate truth终极真理Universal 普遍的Search for truth 追求真理Vary v.不相同Intrinsic 内部的Extrinsic 外部的Critic 评论家Old-fashioned 过时的Valuable 有价值的Survive 生存,存活Conservative 保守的Liberal 开放的Impractical不实际的Empirical经验主义的Cognitive 认知的Weaken 削弱Diminish (影响力)减小Medieval 中世纪Renaissance 文艺复兴Doctrine教义,主义,学说Idealism 唯心论,理想主义Epistemology n. 认识论Metaphysics形而上学,玄学Reconcile和解,调停天文学astronomy constellation 星座zodiac (星象学的星座)planet 行星sun 恒星Jupiter 木星Pluto 冥王星Saturn 土星Mercury 水星Mars 火星Venus金星Neptune海王星Uranus天王星Ceres 谷物星(the largest asteroid and the first discovered)White dwarf 白矮星Big Dipper 北斗七星Asteroid belt 小行星带Milky Way 银河系Galaxy n.星系orbit v.运行n.轨道rotate v. 转Axis n.轴track n. 轨道outer space外太空gravity n.重力equator n.赤道tropical 热带的brightness n.亮度dimension n.维度distance n. 距离Eclipse (日月食)Wane, diminish v. 逐渐变小Centripetal 向心Centrifugal 离心Nebula 星云(an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space)Nebulous adj. 星云的Gas 气体 (rock, ice, hydrogen, oxygen)Particle 微粒Polar light 极光Astronomical 天文的Astrophysics 天文物理学Big Dipper 北斗七星Black hole 黑洞Celestial天体的Celestial map 天体图Centrifugal force 离心力Chondrite 球粒状陨石Chromosphere太阳的色球层Clockwise 顺时针Cluster 星团,一群星星Comet 彗星Cosmos宇宙,cosmetic宇宙的Cosmology宇宙学Emission 排放物,发射Faint 微弱的Feeble 微弱的Gaseous bodies 气态包Gravitational force 吸引力Greenwich mean time 格林尼治时间High resolution 高清晰度Ignite 引燃Illusive object 幻影物体Image 影响,形象Infinite 无限的Infrared ray 红外射线Interferometer 干扰仪Intergalactic 星系间的International date line 国际日期变更线Interplanetary 星球间的Interstellar星际的Leap year 闰年Light year光年Luminosity光亮度Lunar阴历的,月亮的Massive 巨大的Meteor流星Meteor shower 流星雨Meteorite陨石Meteoroid流星体Molten 融化的Naked eye 裸眼Observatory 天文台Photosphere 光球层Planetarium 天文馆Planetoid 小行星Polestar 北极星Pseudoscience 伪科学Quasar类星体Radiation 辐射Revolution 旋转Rotation 旋转Satellite 卫星Sky atlas天体图Solar corona日冕Space debris 太空垃圾Space shuttle 太空飞船Space suit 太空服Spin 快速旋转Star cluster 星群,星团Stellar 星星的Sunspot 太阳黑子Time difference 时差Time zone 时区表演艺术(舞蹈,电影,音乐etc.)Genre 艺术分类Performing art 表演艺术modern dance piece现代舞concert 音乐会play剧opera歌剧film 电影camera 摄影camera shotanalytical 分析的parallel 平行的ballet芭蕾舞choreographer 舞蹈指导Fine/visual arts 视觉艺术Abstract art抽象艺术landscape风景photography摄影exposure 曝光develop film 冲洗胶卷negative n. 底片portrait(portray v. )肖像, 人像、still life静物sculpture雕塑statue 人物雕像lifelike 逼真的vivid anthem 国歌Critic 评论家Criticism 批评,评论Review n.评论Masterpiece 杰作Have aesthetic value 有美学价值Aesthetic appeal 美学吸引力Feature 特点Characteristics 特点Distinct adj.与众不同的Unique 独一无二的Style 风格Technique 技巧Gallery n.画馆Edition n.专辑Release v. 发行Debut n.首映Impressionist 印象主义者Impressionism 印象派Perspective 透视法Angle 角度Press/Publishing house出版社Acclaim v. 盛赞mirage 海市蜃楼prolific 多产Preserve v. 保存Extinct adj.灭绝的,消失的文学Literature 文学Poetry诗歌biography传记autobiography 自传detective stories 侦探小说drama戏剧novel小说Novelist 小说家collection of short stories短篇小说集Allegory寓言Comparative literature比较文学Diary 日记Editorial 社论,重要评论Fiction 小说Aestheticism 唯美Autobiography 自传Descriptive prose 描述散文Fairy tale 童话Futurism 未来派Legend 传说Literary studies 文学研究Narrative prose 叙述性散文Podium 讲台Prose 散文Realism 现实主义School of literature 文学派别Leading character 主要角色Literary criticism 文学评论Literary studies 文学学习Modernism 现代主义Plot 情节Poetry 诗歌Prologue前言Proverb谚语Surrealism 超现实主义美术Art gallery艺廊Calligraphy书法Imitating模仿Landscape painting风景画Oil painting油画Paste粘贴Crayon 蜡笔,粉笔,颜料Pigmentation 颜料Canvas 帆布Wax 蜡Spectrum 光谱Perspective透视画法Poster海报Portrait肖像Model模式,模特mural 壁画Panorama全景Pastel drawing蜡笔画Sketch草图Autograph手稿建筑Architecture建筑学Architect建筑师Architectural style建筑风格Art deco 装饰艺术Art moderneGeometric patterns 几何图形Arch 拱门Castle 城堡Cathedral大教堂Framing结构Lobby n. 大厅(entrance hall) Elevator n. 电梯Fa?ade n. 正面Stairs 楼梯Interior 内部的Exterior 外部的Impressionistic style印象派风格Mosque清真寺Pyramid金字塔Revival 复活Renaissance 文艺复兴Medieval中世纪527 (Sofia)-1520音乐Accompaniment 伴奏Audition 试听,试表演Band music 乐队音乐Chord弦乐,弦Classical music古典音乐Concerto 协奏曲Lullaby 催眠曲Duet 二重奏Harmony 和弦,和谐Rock and roll 摇滚Serenade 小夜曲Solo 独奏Sonata 奏鸣曲Symphony 交响乐Ballad歌谣Folk music 民间音乐Prelude 前奏Epilogue 尾声Score 乐谱Note 音符Notation 乐谱,记号法Chord symbol和弦符号Lyrics 歌词Tempo 节奏Melody 主旋律Rhythm节奏Tune 旋律Conduct 指挥Violin 小提琴Viola 中提琴Cello大提琴Oboe双簧管Clarinet单簧管krummhorn['kr?mh?:n]n. 变号(一种古双簧乐器)Harp 竖琴考古anthropologist 人类学家ecological 生态的anthropologist 生态人类学家archaeology 考古学anthropology 人类学morphology 形态学Ancient civilization 古代文明origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族archeologist 考古学家excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘Scoop铲子ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品pottery 陶器 (potter) Porcelain瓷器fossil 化石relic 遗物,文物Rock painting 岩石画antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老skull 颅骨Cranial颅骨的Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的Exhume 挖掘Paleoanthropology Prehistoric史前的Primitive原始的动物微生物Amino acid 氨基酸Antibody 抗体Bacterium 细菌Biological agency Calcium钙Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Cell细胞Chromosome 染色体Disinfection 消毒Enzymes 酶Fatigue 疲惫Fermentation 发酵Fungus 菌类Gene基因Genetic engineering 基因工程学Glucose 葡萄糖Immunology免疫学Incubation 孵蛋Inflection传染Malaria 疟疾Microbe 微生物Nucleus 细胞核One-celled单细胞的Oxidation氧化Parasitic animal 寄生动物Parasite disease 寄生虫病Parasitology 寄生虫学Pathogen 病菌,病原体Protozoa 原生动物Sanitation 卫生Schistosomiaisis 血吸虫病Starch 淀粉Sterilization 消毒Toxin 毒素Vaccine 疫苗Virus 病毒Yeast 酵母动物living organism 生物bacterium(pl.bacteria) 细菌algae海藻coral珊瑚rodent 啮齿类动物primate 灵长类动物ape 猿chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩gorilla 大猩猩monkey n. 猴子mammal 哺乳类动物dinosaur n.恐龙bat (ecolotion) 蝙蝠(声波定位)snowshoe hare 雪兔子raccoon 浣熊polar bear 北极熊snout (动物的)口鼻部;reptile 爬行类动物snake, cobra眼镜蛇, rattle snake 响尾蛇lizard蜥蜴,snail 蜗牛amphibian adj. 两栖动物crocodile 鳄鱼frog n. 青蛙tadpole 蝌蚪toad 蟾蜍pond 池塘puddle 水坑insect n.昆虫mosquito 蚊子fly 苍蝇cricket 蟋蟀grasshopper 蚱蜢honey beemonarch butterfly 大花蝶large migratory American butterfly having deep orange wings with black and white markings; the larvae feed on milkweedegg 卵larvae 幼虫caterpillar 毛虫pupa/ chrysalis 茧termite n. 白蚁marine adj. 海洋的beaver 狸whale 鲸shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚penguin 企鹅predator n. 捕食者prey n. 被捕食者aquatic adj.水生的shrimp 虾lobster 龙虾clam 蚌crab 螃蟹bird, humming birdartery 动脉scale 鳞片claw爪 , paw爪子horn 角hormone 荷尔蒙intestine 肠hive 蜂巢pollen n. 花粉pollinate v.授粉hibernate 冬眠migrate v. 迁徙communicate v. 交流保护色evolve 进化evolution n. 进化endotherm n.温血动物,恒温动物poikilotherm n. 冷血动物beak 鸟嘴enzymes 酵母secretion(n.) secrete(v.) 分泌pancreas 胰腺odor 气味(还有aroma fragrance scent smell)gland 腺体chromosome 染色体植物botany植物学botanist 植物学家tundra苔原;冻土地带,冻原fungus(pl. fungi ) 菌类laurel 月桂chestnut tree 栗子树root 根branch 枝stem 茎algae(pl. alga) 海藻organism 有机物birch tree (bark) 桦树crops 谷物corn 玉米maize 玉米chlorophyll 叶绿素amino acids 氨基酸protein 蛋白质nitrogen 氮photosynthetic(adj.) photosynthesis(n.) 光合作用lichen 地衣,苔藓squash 南瓜one of a group of large vegetables with solid flesh and hard skins, such as PUMPKIN sbean 豆类植物nectar花蜜flower花floral 花的petal 花瓣bloom 开花blossom 花pollen花粉moss 苔藓herbicide 除草剂herb 草本植物herbivorous 食草的classification 分类hierarchy 级别hazardous 有毒害的Meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (predict) 预报climate 气候atmosphere 大气层troposphere 对流层Convection 对流Stratosphere 同温层Barometer 气压计current (气)流vapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和absorb 吸收dew 露frost 霜fog (mist) 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrential rain) 大雨tempest (storm) 暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水Thunder 雷Lightening 闪电breeze 微风Blast 大风gale 大风whirlwind 旋风Cyclone 旋风,飓风typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风Monsoon 季风Sandstorm沙尘暴Dust storm沙尘暴tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风Tropical depression热带低气压Wind direction 风向Wind velocity 风速Wind scale 风力funnel 漏斗,漏斗云cumulonimbus 积雨云disaster (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难devastation 破坏submerge 淹没overwhelm v. 淹没drought 干旱Avalanche雪崩Balmy 温和的Chilly寒冷的Frigid僵硬的,严格的Heat-wave热浪Tepid adj.微温的环保environmental protection 环境保护environmentally-friendly 环保的preserve v.保护,保存污染:pollute, pollution, pollutant contaminant n.污染物contaminate v.污染ecosystem生态系统ecology n.生态学antiseptic adj.防腐的atmospheric pollution大气污染垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill),recycle, reduce, reuse,dump 回收:glass, paper, water, milk carton牛奶盒, tyre, aluminium cans铝罐,plastic bags, rubbish bags biodegradable packaging可降解包装,throwaway 可丢弃的disposable 可丢弃的discourage v. 不鼓励燃料none-renewable 不可再生的fossil fuels矿石燃料:natural gas, coal, petroleum limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源alternative energy替代能源, replace=substitute v.取代wind power, hydropower水电, solar (lunar) power太阳能, nuclear power核能radioactivity n. 辐射性use up, deplete, exhaust v. 用光,耗尽conserve v. 节省,节约,污染: water pollution, air pollution,soil pollution土壤污染,noise pollutionsoil erosion 土壤侵蚀soil pollution土壤污染stain n.污染,污点,玷污stink v.发出臭味tar n.焦油toxic chemical 有毒的化学物品fume n.烟,气味light pollution日光污染refuse废物sewage污水pesticide n.杀虫剂chemical waste化学废料congest v.使充满危害动物:poaching非法打猎,盗猎, damage natural habitat破坏自然栖息地,rare breed稀有物种, endangered species濒危物种, extinct adj.灭绝 (die out, disappear),animal rights activist动物权益保护者 ,natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区,protect wild life保护野生动物, preserve v.保护disastrous灾难性的,devastation破坏,have disastrous effect on…对。

GEOLOGY地质学geology 地质学geologist 地质学家crust 地壳mantle 地幔core 地核continental crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust 海洋地壳layer (stratum,复数地层plate 板块fault 断层fault plane 断层面fault zone 断层带rift (crack; split) 断裂disintegration (decomposition) 分解erosion 腐蚀fossil 化石igneous rock 火成岩sedimentary rock 沉积岩metamorphic rock 变质岩quartz 石英limestone 石灰岩marble 大理石granite 花岗岩lithogenous 岩成的lithosphere 岩石圈magma 岩浆mineral 矿物ore 矿石deposit 矿床platinum 白金,铂silver 银copper 黄铜aluminum 铝tin 锡lead 铅zinc 锌nickel 镍mercury 汞,水银sodium 钠钻石绿宝石冰川冰川的glacial epoch ( age, period)冰渍冰山火山活火山死火山volcano 休眠火火山喷发火山口火山的火山尘火山灰( quake;地震地震的地震学震级地震波灾变地理学家半球子午线,经线平行圈,纬线纬度经度海拔高度latitudes 温带地区horizon 地平线equator 赤道tropics 热带地区Arctic 北极Antarctic(Antarctica) 南极expedition 探险time zone 时区topography 地形,地形学plain 平原plateau (highland) 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地cavern (cave) 洞穴terrain 地域subterranean( underground) 地底下coastland 沿海地区island 岛屿continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island 珊瑚岛islet 小岛peninsular 半岛continent 大陆continental shelf 大陆架ranges 山脉valley 峡谷canyon 峡谷channel (strait) 海峡remote-sensing 遥感的terrestrial 地球的,陆地的terrestrial heatgeothermal) 地热terrestrial magnetism(geomagnetism) 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学说sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation 蒸发salinity 含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment 沉淀物,沉积物tropical 热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的formation 形成frost heaving 冻胀现象fieldstone 卵石生物学与相关学科BIOLOGY植物PLANTbotany 植物学botanist 植物学家botanical (botanic) 植物的plant 植物aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy 树冠层,顶棚foliage (leaf) 叶leaflet 小叶rosette (叶的)丛生stem 茎stalk 杆leafstalk 叶柄shoot (sprout ) 嫩芽,抽枝flower 花bud 花蕾petal 花瓣peel(skin) 果皮shell (硬) 果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk 树干branch 树枝bough 大或者粗的树枝twig 小树枝bark 树皮jungle 丛林lawn 草坪meadow 草地,牧场prairie 大草原shrub (bush) 灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)fern 蕨类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用symbiosis 共生wither (shrivel, fade) 凋谢pollen 花粉pollinate 传授花粉pollination 授粉cell 细胞tissue 组织organ 器官system 系统seeds 种子everlasting 永久的orchid 兰花pollinate 授粉crossbreed 杂交shrub 灌木sequoia 红杉root pressure 根压cohesion-tension 凝聚压力bore 腔,肠column 花柱symbiotic 共生的immunity 免疫organism 生物,有机物necrosis 坏死barren 贫瘠futile 无用的carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉),糖类glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维他命calorie 卡路里(热量单位)malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养动物ANIMALDarvinism达尔文学说natural selection 自然选择class 纲order 目family 科genus 属suborder 亚目species 种invertebrate 无脊椎动物vertebrate 脊椎动物aquatic( life) 水生动物reptile 爬行动物amphibian (amphibiousanimal) 两栖动物dinosaur 恐龙bird 鸟类extinction 灭绝mammal 哺乳动物primates 灵长目动物insect 昆虫antenna (复数antennae)触须larva 幼虫,幼体camouflage 伪装pest 害虫worm 虫,蠕虫hibernate 冬眠lizard 蜥蜴chameleon 变色蜥蜴regeneration 再生turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticate 驯养predatory (carnivorous )食肉的predator 捕食者prey (动词)捕食(名词)被捕食的动物scavenger 食腐动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀,翼bill (鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢dolphin 海豚whale 鲸鱼bat 蝙蝠gorilla 大猩猩chimpanzee 黑猩猩habitat 栖息地rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)primate 灵长动物plankton 浮游生物mollusk 软体动物coelenterate 腔肠动物(如珊瑚)shrimp 小虾prawn 对虾lobster 龙虾crab 螃蟹clam 蛤蜊sponge 海绵coral 珊瑚starfish 海星canary 金丝雀chirp (鸟,虫的叫声)唧唧squeak (老鼠等)吱吱porpoise 海豚sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的hygiene 卫生sanitation 卫生parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾caterpillar 毛虫hordes (昆虫等)群swarms (昆虫等)群flock (鸟,羊等)群community 动物的群落或人的部落herd 兽群bunch (花等)束,捧beaver 海狸monogamous 一夫一妻的,一雄一雌的polygamous一夫多妻的,一雄多雌的polyandrous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的trapper 诱捕动物者rhinoceros 犀牛niche 小生态环境vestige 退化器官,遗迹oyster 牡蛎fertilizer 使…受精larvae 幼虫tentacle 触角homotherm 恒温动物poikilotherm 变温动物metabolism 新陈代谢baboon 狒狒breed (名词)品种,(动词)繁殖multiply (reproduce)繁殖hatch 孵spawn (鱼、虾、蛙等)孵offspring (young) 解剖学anatomy 解剖学appetite 食欲creature 生物microbe 微生物herbivorous 食草的carnivorous 食肉的omnivorous 杂食的生态学ECOLOGYecologist 生态学家ecosystem 生态系统balance (of nature) 自然界生态平衡fauna 动物群flora 植物群rain forest 雨林food chain 食物链acid rain 酸雨greenhouse effect 温室效应infrared radiation 红外线辐射ozone layer (ozonosphere) 臭氧层ultraviolet radiation 紫外辐射pollution 污染pollution control 污染控制air pollution 空气污染water pollution 水污染noise pollution 噪音污染soil pollution 土壤污染pollution-free 无污染pollutant 污染物noxious (toxic) 有毒的fumes (有毒)废气waste 废物solid waste 固体垃圾sewage (wastewater) 污水sewage purification 污水净化sewage disposal 污水处理decibel (噪音)分贝农业AGRICULTURE agriculture (farming) 农业agricultural 农业的land (soil) 土壤;土地soil conservation 土壤保护soil erosion 泥土流失silt 粉砂,泥沙clay 黏土,湿土clod 土块agrarian 土地的,农业的pilot (experimental ) 试验性的harrow( rake) 耙,耙土ridge 田埂furrow 犁沟plot (patch)小块地ranch 农场,牧场plantation 种植园orchard 果园nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床sickle 镰刀spade 铲,锹shovel (平头) 铲pick 稿tractor 拖拉机cultivate (till) 耕作sow(seed) 播种harvest 收割weed 除草irrigate 灌溉manure(fertilizer) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药)insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂pest 害虫rust 锈病grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒granary(grain store) 粮仓mill 碾,磨wheat 小麦corn 玉米rice 大米barley 大麦sorghum 高粱oats燕麦rye 黑麦millet 粟,小米vegetable 蔬菜horticulture 园艺学hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhouse(glasshouse,hotbed) 温室cabbage 洋白菜lettuce 生菜mustard 芥菜spinach 菠菜broccoli 花椰菜cucumber 黄瓜eggplant 茄子pepper 辣椒pumpkin 南瓜tomato 西红柿beet 甜菜carrot 胡萝卜radish 小红萝卜pea 豌豆soybean 大豆celery 芹菜garlic 大蒜leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆peanut 花生sesame 芝麻cotton 棉花husbandry (animalhusbandry) 畜牧业pasture 牧场livestock 家畜fowl (poultry) 家禽cattle 牛,家畜buffalo 野牛dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场hay (作饲料用)干草haystack 干草堆fodder (feed) 饲料trough 饲料槽barn(shed) 牲口槽stable 厩,马厩cowshed 牛棚pigpen (hog pen, pigsty)猪圈sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house) 鸡舍fish farm 养鱼场aquaculture 水产养殖人类学ANTHROPOLOGYanthropologist 人类学家paleoanthropologist 古人类学家ecological anthropologist生态人类学家psychologicalanthropologist 心理人类学家origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族archeologist 考古学家excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品relic 遗物,文物antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的archaeology 考古学anthropology 人类学morphology 形态学skull 颅骨cranial 颅骨的物理PHYSICSphysics 物理mechanics 力学thermodynamics 热力学acoustics 声学electromagnetism 电磁学optics 光学dynamics 动力学force 力velocity 速度acceleration 加速度equilibrium 平衡statics 静力学motion 运动inertia 惯性gravitation 引力relativity 相对gravity 地心引力vibration 震动medium (media) 媒质frequency 频率wavelength 波长pitch 音高intensity 强度echo 回声resonance 回声,洪亮sonar 声纳ultrasonics 超声学electricity 电static electricity 静电magnetism 磁性,磁力magnet 磁体electromagnet 电磁magnetic field 磁场electric current 电流direct current (DC) 直流电alternating current (AC) 交流电electric circuit 电路electric charge 电荷electric voltage 电压electric shock 触电electric appliance 电器conductor 导体insulator 绝缘体semiconductor 半导体battery (cell) 电池dry battery 干电池storage battery 蓄电池electronics 电子学electronic 电子的electronic component(part) 电子零件integrated circuit 集成电路chip 集成电器片,集成块electron tube 电子管vacuum tube 真空管transistor 晶体管amplification (名词)放大amplify (动词)放大amplifier 放大器,扬声器oscillation 震荡optical 光(学)的optical fiber 光学纤维lens 透镜,镜片convex 凸透镜concave 凹透镜microscope 显微镜telescope 望远镜magnifier 放大镜spectrum 光谱ultraviolet 紫外线X rays X射线Gamma rays γ射线infrared rays 红外线microwaves 微波dispersion 色散transparent 透明translucent 半透明opaque 不透明的化学CHEMISTRYchemical property 化学特性,化学性质chemical composition( makeup ) 化学成分chemical agent 化学试剂chemical reaction 化学反应chemical change 化学变化chemical bond 化学键chemical apparatus 化学器械substance (matter;material) 物质element 元素periodic table 周期表hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧nitrogen 氮helium 氦carbon 碳calcium 钙silicon 硅sulfur 硫iodine 碘compound 化合物hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物derivative 衍生物alchemy 炼金术petroleum (oil) 石油petroleum products 石油产品crude oil 原油refine 提炼,精炼gasoline 汽油methane 甲烷solution 溶液dissolve 溶解solvent 溶剂solubility 可溶性cohesive 聚合力adhesive 粘合力atom 原子nucleus 原子核electron 电子neutron 中子proton 质子molecule 分子particle 粒子ion 离子particle accelerator 粒子加速器catalysis (复数catalyses)催化作用catalyst 催化剂artificial 人造的synthetic 合成的synthetic fiber 人造纤维polymer 聚合物polymerization 聚合作用plastic 塑料dye 染料cosmetics 化妆品政治POLITICSconstitution 宪法legislation 立法Democrats 民主党Republicans 共和党Amendment 修正案Congress 美国国会Senate 参议院House of Representatives 众议院monarchy 君主制anarchism 无政府主义federal system 联邦制presidential system 总统制municipal 市的,市政的metropolitan 大都市的centralized 中央集权的ideology 意识形态maneuver 擦略tariff 关税immigrant 移民institutionalize 机构化election 选举vote 投票officeholding 任职veto 否决American Revolution 美国革命/独立战争Independence War 美国独立战争American Civil War 美国内战radical 激进的,根本的overturning 颠覆性的independent 独立的breathtaking 激动人心的military 军事的colonize 拓殖,殖民per capita 人均treason 叛国conspiracy 阴谋imprisonment 监禁release 释放pardon 特赦accusation 谴责,指控welfare 福利patronage 资助,赞助unionization 联合,结合教育EDUCATIONeducator 教育家higher education 高等教育moral character 道德品质domain 领域faculty 全体教员alumni 校友treasurer 生活委员,财务大臣elective system 选课制度curriculum 课程(总称)discipline 学科,管理learn by rote 死记硬背天文学ASTRONOMYastronomical 天文的astronomical observatory天文台astronomer 天文学家astrophysics 天文物理学astrology 占星学pseudoscience 伪科学cosmos(universe) 宇宙cosmology 宇宙学infinite 无限的cosmic 宇宙的cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic rays 宇宙射线celestial 天的celestial body (heavenlybody) 天体celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图celestial sphere 天球dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星quasar 类星体,类星射电源constellation 星座galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系cluster 星团solar system 太阳系solar corona 日冕solar eclipse 日食solar radiation 太阳辐射planet 行星planetoid (asteroid) 小行星revolve 旋转,绕转twinkle 闪烁naked eye 肉眼Mercury 水星Venus 金星Earth 地球Mars 火星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin 旋转satellite 卫星lunar 月球的meteor 流星meteor shower流星雨meteoroid 流星体meteorite 陨石comet 彗星space (outer space) 太空,外层空间spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员space suit 宇航服,航天服space shuttle 航天飞机space telescope空间望远镜astronaut 宇航员star 恒星stellar 恒星的intergalactic 星系间的interstellar 恒星间的interplanetary 行星间的asteroid 小行星nebula 星云space debris 太空垃圾ammonia 氨corona 日冕chromosphere 色球photosphere 色球层convection zone 对流层vacuum 真空infrared ray 红外线chondrite 球粒absolute magnitude 绝对量级radiation 辐射emission 发射,散发high-resolution 高清晰度interferometer 干扰仪。

托福听力归类词汇Multiply:1.历年TOEFL听力最常考的衣类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)服装种类:名词结构类clothing 衣服总称costume 传统服装;戏服fabric(textile) 织物;织品wash-and-wear fabric 免烫织物suit 一套男(女)服tie 领带vest 背心jacket 茄克衫cloak 披风;斗篷T-shirt 短袖圆领汗衫(运动衫)pants(trousers) 裤子;长裤overalls 工装裤jeans 牛仔裤uniform 制服leisurewear 家常便服underwear (undergarment) 内衣stockings 长统袜down jacket 羽绒服sweater 毛衣gloves 手套mitten 无指手套scarf 围巾sandals 凉鞋slippers 拖鞋boots 皮靴sneakers = gym shoes 运动鞋running shoes 跑步鞋jogging shoes 慢跑鞋tailor 裁缝clothing store 服装店形容词结构类formal = spiffy 正式的casual 休闲的navy blue 海军蓝的dark blue 深蓝的solid orange 纯黄色的large 大号的medium 中号的small 小号的tight 紧的loose = baggy 宽松的2)装饰品ornament(adornment; decoration) 装饰品accessory 附件;(妇女)装饰品jewelry 珠宝necklace 项链bracelet 手镯ivory 象牙pearl 珍珠brooch 胸针;领针ring 戒指earring 耳环souvenir(reminder, token) 纪念品3)化妆品makeup(cosmetic) 化妆品perfume 香水lipstick 口红powder 粉cream 脸油;护肤霜razor 剃刀shampoo 洗发剂spray 喷剂;喷雾剂polish (指甲、鞋)油shave 刮胡子(毛发)4)面料图案wool 羊毛:毛线cotton 棉制harsh chemicals 刺激性化学物质polka dot 带圆点的striped 带条纹的plaid 带格子的solid 纯色的natural 自然的pure 纯的5)编织类knitting 编结;针织sewing 缝纫needlework 针线活stitch 一针;针脚seam 线缝lining 衬里Multiply:2.历年TOEFL听力最常考的食类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)咖啡类coffee 咖啡black coffee 不加伴侣的咖啡white coffee 加伴侣的咖啡(一般加sugar, milk, or cream三种) gourmet coffee 美食家咖啡instant coffee 速溶咖啡flavor 咖啡尝起来的味道aroma 咖啡闻起来的香味coffee pot = coffee maker 咖啡壶coffee set = coffee service 做咖啡的全套器具microwave oven 微波炉caffeine 咖啡因coffee break 喝咖啡时的休息时间2)乳品饮料类drink=beverage 饮料water 水mineral water 矿泉水natural spring water 天然泉水orange juice 橙汁lemonade 柠檬汁cocktail 鸡尾酒bar 酒吧wine 葡萄酒liquor 烈性酒alcoholic 含酒精的dairy 奶制品butter 黄油cheese 奶酪cream 奶油ice cream 冰淇淋yogurt 酸奶yeast (leaven; ferment) (名词)酵母;(动词)发酵3)素食类vegetarian 素食cereal(grain) 谷类事物flour 面粉bread 面包toast 土司面包bagel 一种欧式面包doughnut=donut 甜面包圈pastry 面点心fruit 水果salad 色拉oatmeal 燕麦片potato chips 薯片hamburger 汉堡hot dog 热狗cake 蛋糕4)荤食类meat 荤食beef 牛肉(beef) steak 牛排;鱼排ground beef 绞牛肉;牛肉酱pork 猪肉mutton 羊肉sea food 海味fried egg(sunny-side up ;over) 荷包蛋(单煎一面;煎两面) scrambled egg 炒鸡蛋ham and eggs (bacon; sausage) 火腿蛋(熏咸肉;香肠) 5)饮食评价类名词结构类nutrient 营养(成分)fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维生素calorie 卡(路里)nutrition 营养dietitian 营养学家health food (green foodstuff) 保健食品(绿色食品) convenience food 方便食品形容词结构类nourishing (nutritious) 有营养的malnourished 营养不良的edible 可食用的sour 酸的sweet 甜的bitter 苦的spicy = hot 辣的bland 无味儿的;淡的tangy 味道浓的awful 味道糟糕的hit the spot = out of this world = delicious好吃的rare (肉)生的;嫩的medium (肉)中等程度的,适中的well-done (肉)熟透的overdone (肉)过老的burnt 烧焦的canned 罐装的fresh 新鲜的6)烹调类名词结构类cuisine 烹调recipe 食谱;配方spice(seasoning) 香料;调味品spread 涂抹食品的酱dressing 填馅;调料gourmet 美食家connoisseur 鉴赏家condiment 调味品动词结构类to bake 烘(糕点等)to roast 烤(肉等)to barbecue 烧烤to broil = grill = roast (在烤架等上面)烤to toast 烤(面包)to stew (simmer) 炖;焖to boil 煮7)付帐类to pick up the bill = to foot the bill 付帐to be on sb. = to be one’s dollar (buck) 由某人请客to take care of the bill 请客to treat sb. 请某人的客to split the bill 各付各的to split the expense 各付各的to go fifty fifty 各付各的to share the expense 各付各的8)饭店类restaurant 饭店coffee shop 咖啡馆;小吃店cafeteria 自助餐馆menu 菜谱cook 厨师bakery 面包店kitchen 厨房appetizer 开胃品dessert 甜食;点心snack = refreshments小吃;茶点speciality 特色菜肴,特产menu 菜单a course 一道菜waiter (waitress) 侍者chef 厨师tableware 餐具banquet 宴会paper napkin 餐巾纸be stuffed 吃饱work up an appetite 促进食欲on a diet 节食grab a snack = have a bite 吃点小吃或点心Multiply:1)宿舍类mess 乱七八糟mess up 搞得乱七八糟messy 乱的chaotic 乱的spacious = roomy 宽敞的cramped 拥挤的tiny 狭小的at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟的traffic 交通(噪音来源)roommate 室友(噪音来源)neighbor 邻居(噪音来源)construction field 建筑工地(噪音来源)drill 钻孔(噪音来源)drive sb. crazy/mad/banana/nuts/insane 把某人逼疯(噪音影响) drive sb. out of one’s mind/senses 把某人逼疯(噪音影响) drive sb. up the wall 把某人逼疯(噪音影响)get on one’s nerves 惹人烦(噪音影响)soundproof 隔音(噪音解决)ask for dorm supervisors 求助宿舍管理员(噪音解决)turn down 降低音量(噪音解决)3)旅馆类reception desk (旅馆的)接待处service counter 服务台lounge 休息厅double room 双人间baggage terminal 行李房attendant (宾馆)服务员check in 办理住宿登记手续check out 结帐离开旅馆resident, tenant居住者security 安全,保安动词结构类to maintain(in good repair, condition) 保持,维护to repair, to fix 修理to replace 替换to complain 抱怨,投诉to damage 破坏to clog, to be clogged, blocked 堵塞名词结构类landlord 房东renter, tenant 房客responsibility 责任deposit 定金lease, lease agreement = rental agreement 租赁合同,租赁协议landlord, manager 房东,管理员property 财产fee, charge 费用appliances 装置,用具plumbing 管件,管子stain, spot 污点electrical outlet = wall socket = plug 电源插座faucet 水龙头toilet 洗手间maintenance man, superintendent(“super”) 维修工监管人wiring 配线,接线complaint 投诉,抱怨形容词结构类damaged, broken 被破坏的normal 正常的shabby, worn 破旧的spotted, stained 有污点的,被弄脏的fresh, new 新的rusty, corroded 生锈的,腐蚀的Multiply:7.历年TOEFL听力最常考的娱乐类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)剧院类名词结构类theater 剧院drama club 剧社aisle seat 过道两边的座位balcony 楼上包厢的座位orchestra section 前排的座位(价位高)screen 屏幕box office 售票处ticket line 排队买票的队伍student card (ID) 学生证student discount 学生折扣standing ovation 起立鼓掌lines 台词rehearsal 排练;彩排ballet 芭蕾舞ballerina 芭蕾舞演员形容词结构类fantastic /awesome /amazing /gorgeous /marvelous /fabulous / magnificent /fascinating 精彩绝伦的packed 人满为患的2)音乐类instrument 乐器string 弦bow 弓violin (fiddle) 小提琴cello 大提琴guitar 吉他wind (instrument) 管乐器flute 长笛whistle 口笛;口哨clarinet 黑管;单簧管saxophone 萨克斯管horn(French horn) (法国)号trumpet 喇叭drum 鼓shake 摇keyboard 键盘piano 钢琴pipe organ 管风琴band 管乐队university band 校乐队orchestra 管弦乐队philharmonic 爱乐交响乐团music 音乐a piece of music 一支曲子country music 乡村音乐rock’n’roll (rock and roll) 摇滚乐rap 说唱jazz 爵士乐classical music 古典乐folk music 民族音乐pop music 流行乐pop rock 流行摇滚symphony 交响乐mainstream music 主流音乐alternative music 非主流音乐musician 音乐家concert 音乐会concert hall 音乐厅solo 独唱;独奏soloist 独唱者;独奏者pianist 钢琴家violinist 小提琴家conductor 指挥chorus (unison) 合唱;合唱队choir 唱诗班duet 二重唱;二重奏trio 三重唱;三重奏audition 参加试听;面试3)旅游类动词结构类to travel 旅行to make (a reservation) 预定to reserve = to book 预定to inform 告知to arrive 到达to depart 离开to confirm 确认to list 列表to schedule 制定日程to pack 打(行李),整(装)to refund 归还to check 托运(行李)名词结构类travel agency/agent 旅行社,旅行代理人tourist 游客transportation 交通representative 代表destination 目的地hotel/motel 饭店taxi, cab 出租车bus 公共汽车train 火车airplane 飞机route 路线carry-on luggage 随身携带的行李形容词结构类vacant 空的economy 经济的first-class头等的round-trip 往返的convenient 方便的4)报纸类newsletter 简报newsstand 报摊journal 定期刊物school newspaper 校报special issue 特刊sports section 体育版classified ads section 分类广告版help-wanted section 招工版editorial section 社论版headline 头条editor 编辑cover (动词)报道5)影视类television 电视cinema 电影院film = movie 电影subscription television 收费电视close-circuit television 闭路电视direct-broadcast satellite(DBS) system 卫星直播telecast (动词)电视广播;(名词)电视广播节目live 现场直播relay 转播documentary 记录片TV special 专题片comedy 喜剧片tragedy 悲剧片sitcom 情景喜剧(如“成长的烦恼”,“朋友”等) channel eight 八频道remote control 遥控器cable TV system 有线电视系统plot 情节6)摄影类photographer 摄影师photo album 相集take pictures 拍照a roll of film 一卷胶卷develop the film 冲洗胶卷under exposed 爆光不足over exposed 过度爆光shutter 快门flashlight 闪光灯lens 透镜;镜头enlargement 放大的照片blurry 模糊的out of focus 未对好焦距photo studio 照相馆7)展览类art museum 艺术博物馆gallery 美术馆auto show 汽车展exhibit 展览品exhibition 展览会artist 艺术家painter 画家abstract painting 抽象画landscape painting 风景画poster 装饰画water color 水彩画painting bush 画笔frame 画框sculpture 雕塑Multiply:8.历年TOEFL听力最常考的运动类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)项目赛事类soccer 英式足球kick 踢goal 射门得分block 封网hold 持球goal keeper 守门员football field 足球场baseball 棒球bat 球棒pitcher 投手batter 击球员base 垒run 跑垒得分baseball pitch 棒球场tennis 网球tennis shoes 网球鞋racket 网球拍singles 单打doubles 双打toss 掷(钱币等)决定谁先发球game 一局set 一盘tennis court 网球场serve 发球backhand 反手球forehand 正手球restring the racket 给球拍重新上弦track and field 田径event 比赛项目race 赛跑track 跑道stadium 体育场marathon 马拉松jump 跳远(高)triple jump 三级跳high jump 跳高gymnastics 体操rhythmic gymnastics 艺术体操floor exercise 自由体操swimming 游泳stroke 游泳姿势freestyle 自由泳breaststroke 蛙泳backstroke 仰泳butterfly 蝶泳jogging 慢跑dive 跳水boxing 拳击cycling 自行车运动football 美式橄榄球volleyball 排球ice-hockey 冰球field hockey 曲棍球aerobics 体操hiking 徒步旅行golf 高尔夫球(golf course 高尔夫球场) mountain climbing 登山camping 露营chess 象棋bridge 桥牌game (match) 比赛Olympic Games (Olympics) 奥林匹克运动会contest 竞赛;对抗赛contestant 参赛人competitor 竞争者championships 锦标赛playoff 季后赛mid-Atlantic championship 中大西洋锦标赛tournament 比赛;竞赛champion (title; first place) 冠军runner-up(second place) 亚军prize 奖品trophy (奖杯等)奖品;胜利纪念品medal 奖章stadium 体育场gym 体育馆race 比赛participate (enter) 参加participant (entrant) 参加者2)受伤类break/ twist one’s ankle 扭了脚踝strain one’s shoulder 扭伤肩膀hurt/ injure / wound 受伤swelling 肿swollen 肿的go down 消肿black and blue 青一块紫一块be on crutches 拄拐cut, wound 伤口bandage 绷带fracture, broken bone 骨折stitches 缝针3)其它sportsmanship 运动员品格(风度)fair play 光明磊落;按规则进行的比赛teamwork 全队配合;团队精神athletic (vigorous; muscular) 强壮的;敏捷的alert 机警的;敏捷的agility 敏捷;灵活flexibility 灵活性courage 勇气stamina(endurance) 耐力;持久力coordination 协调strategy 战略;策略tactics 战术;手段Multiply:9.历年TOEFL听力最常考的其它类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)邮局类动词结构类to send, to mail 邮寄to receive, to get 收到to register 登记to sign for 为……签字to deliver 递送,交付to pick up a package 提取包裹;领取to stamp(an envelope) 贴邮票to seal(an envelope) 封信封口名词结构类post office 邮局ordinary (surface) letter 平信registered letter 挂号信air mail 航空邮件postcard 明信片postage 邮费邮资commemorative stamps 纪念邮票sticker 背面有粘胶的标签(或封口邮票) special delivery 专送函insured package 报价包裹package 包裹post office box = mailbox 邮筒mail delivery 邮递postal carrier, mail carrier 邮递员postage 邮资insurance 保险,保险形容词结构类registered 被挂号的,已注册的,已登记的insured 被保险的stamped 贴上邮票的express 急速的,特殊的overweight 超重2)理发类cut 剪发trim 修剪perm 烫发curly hair 卷发straight hair 直发barber 理发师stylist / hair-dresser发型师hairstyle 发型sides 两边的头发bangs 刘海top 头顶的头发shampoo 洗发香波3)修理类名词结构类plumber 管道工carpenter 木工electrician 电工repairman = repairperson 修理工形容词结构类stuck (门或抽屉)卡住的blocked (水槽等)堵住的loose (百叶窗等)松了leaking (水龙头等)漏了broken (打字机或网球拍等)坏了4)银行类动词结构类to open (an account) 开户to deposit, to make a deposit 存款to withdraw, to make a withdrawal 取款to cash(a check) 兑现支票to overdraw (the checking account) 透支,退票to earn(interest), to pay (interest) 得到利息,支付利息to endorse 背书名词结构类bank 银行checking account 活期存款帐户savings account 储蓄存款帐户passbook (银行)存折deposit 存款check(s) 支票cashier 收银员teller 出纳员accountant 会计师signature 签名traveler’s check 旅行支票automatic teller machine (ATM) 自动取款机interest 利息interest rate 利率identification 确认身份receipt 收据currency 通货货币bond 债券full refund 全额偿还withdraw 取出repay 偿还close one’s account 结清某人的帐户bill 票面change 零钱nickel 五分dime 角half-dollar 五角coin 硬币dollar=buck 美元名词结构类weather forecast 天气预报weather man 天气预报员humidity 湿度heavy rain 大雨light rain 小雨downpour 倾盆大雨shower 阵雨heavy snow 大雪snowstorm 暴风雪breeze 微风wind 阵风thunderstorm 雷暴hail 冰雹动词结构类keep up = hold up 持续下去clear up 放晴let up = stop (雨)停warm up 变暖cool down 变冷形容词结构类sunny 晴朗的foggy 起雾的rainy 下雨的wet 湿的snowy 下雪的cloudy 多云的windy 起风的breezy 有微风的gusty 刮大风的icy / freezing / chilly / ice cold / frigid 寒冷的stuffy 闷的super / burning / blazing hot 酷暑unbearable / scorcher hot 难以忍受的酷暑1) 1) 生病类2) 动词结构类3) to visit (the doctor) 看病4) to examine, to be examined 检查5) to prescribe (medicine) 开(药)6) to treat(an illness) 治疗7) to perform(an operation) 动(手术)8) to heal, to cure 治疗9) to sneeze 打喷嚏10) to cough 咳嗽11) to run, to water 流鼻涕12) to vomit, to throw up 呕吐13) to run a fever, to have a fever, temp 发烧14) to faint, to pass out 晕倒,昏过去15) to hurt, to be in pain 疼16) to poison, to be poisoned 中毒17) to be allergic, to have an allergy 过敏18) to be injured, to have an injury 受伤19) to recover, to get well 恢复20) to take (or measure)the temperature 量体温to make an appointment 预约看病to write out a prescription 开处方to fill the prescription 拿处方抓药名词结构类doctor, physician 医生specialist 专家ophthalmologist 眼科医生dentist 牙科医生surgeon 外科医生dermatologist 皮肤科医生physician 内科医生pharmacist 药剂师hospital 医院nurse 护士clinic 诊所infirmary 医务室dentist’s office 牙科诊所laboratory, lab 实验室clinic, emergency clinic 门诊,急诊operation, surgery 手术,外科手术appointment 预约accident 事故headache 头疼cough 咳嗽allergy 过敏disease, illness 疾病cold, flu, influenza 感冒X-ray X-光crutches 拐杖temperature 体温blood pressure 血压symptom 病症medical examination, checkup 医疗检查,体检shots, immunizations 打针,免疫prescription, prescription drugs 处方health insurance 解毒药tablets (pills, powder) 药片(药丸,药粉) health insurance 医疗保险first consultation 初查subsequent consultation 复查emergency 急诊laboratory report 实验报告blooding test result 验血结果形容词结构类healthy 健康的unwell, ill, sick 有病的weak, tired 虚弱的nervous, jumpy 紧张的sweaty, feverish 有汗的,发烧的shivery, chilled 发抖mild 温和的fatal 致命的contagious, catching, infectious 传染的noncontagious, noninfectious 不感染的emergency紧急的allergic 过敏的7)购物类动词结构类to shop, to go shopping 购物to buy, to purchase 买to pay(for) 支付to charge 要价to order 订购to try on 试穿to compare 比较to make out the bill 请算帐cash or charge? 付现金还是记帐?be worth the money 合算try it for size 试试大小go well with 和…很配名词结构类a shop, a store 商店groceries 杂货店hardware store 五金店supermarket 超级市场skyscraper 摩天大楼grocer 杂货商(discount stores 折扣商店) mall, shopping mall 购物市场department store 百货公司drugstore 药店salesman(=salesperson) 推销员clerk, salesclerk 售货员customer 顾客counter 柜台bargain 便宜货ready-made goods 现成货物things in sale 廉价商品ads for sales 大减价的广告retail trade 零售show window 陈列窗pattern 式样、图案daily’s necessities日用必需品Lady’s Department 妇女用品部house ware 家用器皿sale 销售special 特价shopping cart, shopping basket 购物车,购物篮size 尺寸,大小cost, price 成本,价格product 产品price sticker, price tag 价格标签window shopping 逛商店形容词结构类frozen 冰冻的canned 罐装的fresh 新鲜的spoiled, rotten 腐烂的,变质的ripe 熟的dozen 一打half dozen 半打for sale 代售on sale 减价be in season = up to date = updated 合时的out of style 过时的in = fashionable 时尚的;流行的8)电话类动词结构类to call, to make a call(=to ring) 打电话to dial(the phone) 拨号to hang up(the telephone) 挂断to connect(phone service) 接线to disconnect(phone service) 断线to be cut off 被切断to hold on 别挂电话名词结构类telephone, telephone set 电话,电话机telephone book 电话本operator 接线员area code 区号long-distance 长途emergency(number, call) 紧急电话hot line 热线pay telephone 付费电话collect calls 对方付费电话形容词结构类loud 高音的soft 轻声的noisy 嘈杂的quiet 安静的busy 占线的buzzing 嘈杂的,嗡声的9)社交类动词结构类to invite 邀请to receive an invitation 接受邀请to attend 参加,出席to wear 穿(formal dress, casual dress)to visit 拜访to celebrate 庆祝to change your plans 改变计划to introduce 介绍名词结构类dinner 晚餐,正餐party 晚会wedding 结婚graduation ceremony 毕业庆典banquet 宴会cocktails 鸡尾酒barbecue (吃烤肉的)野外宴会picnic (自带食物的)郊游,野餐reception 接待potluck supper 家常便饭invitation 邀请entertainment 娱乐host 男主人hostess 女主人social event 社会活动形容词结构类elegant 优雅的formal 正式的informal 不正式的gracious 雅致的,有礼貌的well-mannered 行为端庄的black-tie西装革履的,衣冠整洁的beautiful 美丽的spiffy 正式的;衣官楚楚的。

托福听力归类词汇Multiply:1.历年TOEFL听力最常考的衣类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)服装种类:名词结构类clothing 衣服总称costume 传统服装;戏服fabric(textile) 织物;织品wash-and-wear fabric 免烫织物suit 一套男(女)服tie 领带vest 背心jacket 茄克衫cloak 披风;斗篷T-shirt 短袖圆领汗衫(运动衫)pants(trousers) 裤子;长裤overalls 工装裤jeans 牛仔裤uniform 制服leisurewear 家常便服underwear (undergarment) 内衣stockings 长统袜down jacket 羽绒服sweater 毛衣gloves 手套mitten 无指手套scarf 围巾sandals 凉鞋slippers 拖鞋boots 皮靴sneakers = gym shoes 运动鞋running shoes 跑步鞋jogging shoes 慢跑鞋tailor 裁缝clothing store 服装店形容词结构类formal = spiffy 正式的casual 休闲的navy blue 海军蓝的dark blue 深蓝的solid orange 纯黄色的large 大号的medium 中号的small 小号的tight 紧的loose = baggy 宽松的2)装饰品ornament(adornment; decoration) 装饰品accessory 附件;(妇女)装饰品jewelry 珠宝necklace 项链bracelet 手镯ivory 象牙pearl 珍珠brooch 胸针;领针ring 戒指earring 耳环souvenir(reminder, token) 纪念品3)化妆品makeup(cosmetic) 化妆品perfume 香水lipstick 口红powder 粉cream 脸油;护肤霜razor 剃刀shampoo 洗发剂spray 喷剂;喷雾剂polish (指甲、鞋)油shave 刮胡子(毛发)4)面料图案wool 羊毛:毛线cotton 棉制harsh chemicals 刺激性化学物质polka dot 带圆点的striped 带条纹的plaid 带格子的solid 纯色的natural 自然的pure 纯的5)编织类knitting 编结;针织sewing 缝纫needlework 针线活stitch 一针;针脚seam 线缝lining 衬里Multiply:2.历年TOEFL听力最常考的食类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)咖啡类coffee 咖啡black coffee 不加伴侣的咖啡white coffee 加伴侣的咖啡(一般加sugar, milk, or cream三种) gourmet coffee 美食家咖啡instant coffee 速溶咖啡flavor 咖啡尝起来的味道aroma 咖啡闻起来的香味coffee pot = coffee maker 咖啡壶coffee set = coffee service 做咖啡的全套器具microwave oven 微波炉caffeine 咖啡因coffee break 喝咖啡时的休息时间2)乳品饮料类drink=beverage 饮料water 水mineral water 矿泉水natural spring water 天然泉水orange juice 橙汁lemonade 柠檬汁cocktail 鸡尾酒bar 酒吧wine 葡萄酒liquor 烈性酒alcoholic 含酒精的dairy 奶制品butter 黄油cheese 奶酪cream 奶油ice cream 冰淇淋yogurt 酸奶yeast (leaven; ferment) (名词)酵母;(动词)发酵3)素食类vegetarian 素食cereal(grain) 谷类事物flour 面粉bread 面包toast 土司面包bagel 一种欧式面包doughnut=donut 甜面包圈pastry 面点心fruit 水果salad 色拉oatmeal 燕麦片potato chips 薯片hamburger 汉堡hot dog 热狗cake 蛋糕4)荤食类meat 荤食beef 牛肉(beef) steak 牛排;鱼排ground beef 绞牛肉;牛肉酱pork 猪肉mutton 羊肉poultry 家禽sea food 海味fried egg(sunny-side up ;over) 荷包蛋(单煎一面;煎两面) scrambled egg 炒鸡蛋ham and eggs (bacon; sausage) 火腿蛋(熏咸肉;香肠) 5)饮食评价类名词结构类nutrient 营养(成分)fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维生素calorie 卡(路里)nutrition 营养dietitian 营养学家health food (green foodstuff) 保健食品(绿色食品) convenience food 方便食品形容词结构类nourishing (nutritious) 有营养的malnourished 营养不良的edible 可食用的sour 酸的sweet 甜的bitter 苦的spicy = hot 辣的salty 咸的bland 无味儿的;淡的tangy 味道浓的awful 味道糟糕的hit the spot = out of this world = delicious好吃的rare (肉)生的;嫩的medium (肉)中等程度的,适中的well-done (肉)熟透的overdone (肉)过老的burnt 烧焦的canned 罐装的fresh 新鲜的6)烹调类名词结构类cuisine 烹调recipe 食谱;配方spice(seasoning) 香料;调味品spread 涂抹食品的酱dressing 填馅;调料gourmet 美食家connoisseur 鉴赏家condiment 调味品动词结构类to bake 烘(糕点等)to roast 烤(肉等)to barbecue 烧烤to broil = grill = roast (在烤架等上面)烤to toast 烤(面包)to stew (simmer) 炖;焖to boil 煮7)付帐类to pick up the bill = to foot the bill 付帐to be on sb. = to be one’s dollar (buck) 由某人请客to take care of the bill 请客to treat sb. 请某人的客to split the bill 各付各的to split the expense 各付各的to go fifty fifty 各付各的to share the expense 各付各的8)饭店类restaurant 饭店coffee shop 咖啡馆;小吃店cafeteria 自助餐馆menu 菜谱cook 厨师bakery 面包店kitchen 厨房appetizer 开胃品dessert 甜食;点心snack = refreshments小吃;茶点speciality 特色菜肴,特产menu 菜单a course 一道菜waiter (waitress) 侍者chef 厨师tableware 餐具banquet 宴会paper napkin 餐巾纸be stuffed 吃饱work up an appetite 促进食欲on a diet 节食grab a snack = have a bite 吃点小吃或点心Multiply:1)宿舍类mess 乱七八糟mess up 搞得乱七八糟messy 乱的chaotic 乱的spacious = roomy 宽敞的cramped 拥挤的tiny 狭小的at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟的2)噪音类traffic 交通(噪音来源)roommate 室友(噪音来源)neighbor 邻居(噪音来源)construction field 建筑工地(噪音来源)drill 钻孔(噪音来源)drive sb. crazy/mad/banana/nuts/insane 把某人逼疯(噪音影响) drive sb. out of one’s mind/senses 把某人逼疯(噪音影响) drive sb. up the wall 把某人逼疯(噪音影响)get on one’s nerves 惹人烦(噪音影响)soundproof 隔音(噪音解决)ask for dorm supervisors 求助宿舍管理员(噪音解决) turn down 降低音量(噪音解决)3)旅馆类reception desk (旅馆的)接待处service counter 服务台lounge 休息厅double room 双人间baggage terminal 行李房attendant (宾馆)服务员check in 办理住宿登记手续check out 结帐离开旅馆resident, tenant居住者security 安全,保安4)租房类动词结构类to maintain(in good repair, condition) 保持,维护to repair, to fix 修理to replace 替换to complain 抱怨,投诉to damage 破坏to clog, to be clogged, blocked 堵塞名词结构类landlord 房东renter, tenant 房客responsibility 责任deposit 定金lease, lease agreement = rental agreement 租赁合同,租赁协议landlord, manager 房东,管理员property 财产fee, charge 费用appliances 装置,用具plumbing 管件,管子stain, spot 污点electrical outlet = wall socket = plug 电源插座faucet 水龙头toilet 洗手间maintenance man, superintendent(“super”) 维修工监管人wiring 配线,接线complaint 投诉,抱怨形容词结构类damaged, broken 被破坏的normal 正常的shabby, worn 破旧的spotted, stained 有污点的,被弄脏的fresh, new 新的rusty, corroded 生锈的,腐蚀的Multiply:7.历年TOEFL听力最常考的娱乐类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)剧院类名词结构类drama club 剧社aisle seat 过道两边的座位balcony 楼上包厢的座位orchestra section 前排的座位(价位高)screen 屏幕box office 售票处ticket line 排队买票的队伍student card (ID) 学生证student discount 学生折扣standing ovation 起立鼓掌lines 台词rehearsal 排练;彩排ballet 芭蕾舞ballerina 芭蕾舞演员形容词结构类fantastic /awesome /amazing /gorgeous /marvelous /fabulous / magnificent /fascinating 精彩绝伦的packed 人满为患的2)音乐类instrument 乐器string 弦bow 弓violin (fiddle) 小提琴cello 大提琴wind (instrument) 管乐器flute 长笛whistle 口笛;口哨clarinet 黑管;单簧管saxophone 萨克斯管horn(French horn) (法国)号trumpet 喇叭drum 鼓shake 摇keyboard 键盘piano 钢琴pipe organ 管风琴band 管乐队university band 校乐队orchestra 管弦乐队philharmonic 爱乐交响乐团music 音乐a piece of music 一支曲子country music 乡村音乐rock’n’roll (rock and roll) 摇滚乐rap 说唱jazz 爵士乐classical music 古典乐folk music 民族音乐pop music 流行乐pop rock 流行摇滚symphony 交响乐mainstream music 主流音乐alternative music 非主流音乐musician 音乐家concert 音乐会concert hall 音乐厅solo 独唱;独奏soloist 独唱者;独奏者pianist 钢琴家violinist 小提琴家conductor 指挥chorus (unison) 合唱;合唱队choir 唱诗班duet 二重唱;二重奏trio 三重唱;三重奏audition 参加试听;面试3)旅游类动词结构类to travel 旅行to make (a reservation) 预定to reserve = to book 预定to inform 告知to arrive 到达to depart 离开to confirm 确认to list 列表to schedule 制定日程to pack 打(行李),整(装)to refund 归还to check 托运(行李)名词结构类travel agency/agent 旅行社,旅行代理人tourist 游客transportation 交通representative 代表destination 目的地hotel/motel 饭店taxi, cab 出租车bus 公共汽车train 火车airplane 飞机route 路线carry-on luggage 随身携带的行李形容词结构类vacant 空的economy 经济的first-class头等的round-trip 往返的convenient 方便的4)报纸类newsletter 简报newsstand 报摊journal 定期刊物school newspaper 校报special issue 特刊sports section 体育版classified ads section 分类广告版help-wanted section 招工版editorial section 社论版headline 头条editor 编辑cover (动词)报道5)影视类television 电视cinema 电影院film = movie 电影subscription television 收费电视close-circuit television 闭路电视direct-broadcast satellite(DBS) system 卫星直播telecast (动词)电视广播;(名词)电视广播节目live 现场直播relay 转播documentary 记录片TV special 专题片comedy 喜剧片tragedy 悲剧片sitcom 情景喜剧(如“成长的烦恼”,“朋友”等) channel eight 八频道remote control 遥控器cable TV system 有线电视系统plot 情节6)摄影类photographer 摄影师photo album 相集take pictures 拍照a roll of film 一卷胶卷develop the film 冲洗胶卷under exposed 爆光不足over exposed 过度爆光shutter 快门flashlight 闪光灯lens 透镜;镜头enlargement 放大的照片blurry 模糊的out of focus 未对好焦距photo studio 照相馆7)展览类art museum 艺术博物馆gallery 美术馆auto show 汽车展exhibit 展览品exhibition 展览会artist 艺术家painter 画家abstract painting 抽象画landscape painting 风景画poster 装饰画water color 水彩画painting bush 画笔frame 画框sculpture 雕塑Multiply:8.历年TOEFL听力最常考的运动类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)项目赛事类soccer 英式足球kick 踢goal 射门得分block 封网hold 持球goal keeper 守门员football field 足球场baseball 棒球bat 球棒pitcher 投手batter 击球员base 垒run 跑垒得分baseball pitch 棒球场tennis 网球tennis shoes 网球鞋racket 网球拍singles 单打doubles 双打toss 掷(钱币等)决定谁先发球game 一局set 一盘tennis court 网球场serve 发球backhand 反手球forehand 正手球restring the racket 给球拍重新上弦track and field 田径event 比赛项目race 赛跑track 跑道stadium 体育场marathon 马拉松jump 跳远(高)triple jump 三级跳high jump 跳高gymnastics 体操rhythmic gymnastics 艺术体操floor exercise 自由体操swimming 游泳stroke 游泳姿势freestyle 自由泳breaststroke 蛙泳backstroke 仰泳butterfly 蝶泳jogging 慢跑dive 跳水boxing 拳击cycling 自行车运动football 美式橄榄球volleyball 排球ice-hockey 冰球field hockey 曲棍球aerobics 体操hiking 徒步旅行golf 高尔夫球(golf course 高尔夫球场) mountain climbing 登山camping 露营chess 象棋bridge 桥牌game (match) 比赛Olympic Games (Olympics) 奥林匹克运动会contest 竞赛;对抗赛contestant 参赛人competitor 竞争者championships 锦标赛playoff 季后赛mid-Atlantic championship 中大西洋锦标赛tournament 比赛;竞赛champion (title; first place) 冠军runner-up(second place) 亚军prize 奖品trophy (奖杯等)奖品;胜利纪念品medal 奖章stadium 体育场gym 体育馆race 比赛participate (enter) 参加participant (entrant) 参加者2)受伤类break/ twist one’s ankle 扭了脚踝strain one’s shoulder 扭伤肩膀hurt/ injure / wound 受伤swelling 肿swollen 肿的go down 消肿black and blue 青一块紫一块be on crutches 拄拐cut, wound 伤口bandage 绷带fracture, broken bone 骨折stitches 缝针3)其它sportsmanship 运动员品格(风度)fair play 光明磊落;按规则进行的比赛teamwork 全队配合;团队精神athletic (vigorous; muscular) 强壮的;敏捷的alert 机警的;敏捷的agility 敏捷;灵活flexibility 灵活性courage 勇气stamina(endurance) 耐力;持久力coordination 协调strategy 战略;策略tactics 战术;手段Multiply:9.历年TOEFL听力最常考的其它类场景之特色词汇汇编:1)邮局类动词结构类to send, to mail 邮寄to receive, to get 收到to register 登记to sign for 为……签字to deliver 递送,交付to pick up a package 提取包裹;领取to stamp(an envelope) 贴邮票to seal(an envelope) 封信封口名词结构类post office 邮局ordinary (surface) letter 平信registered letter 挂号信air mail 航空邮件postcard 明信片postage 邮费邮资commemorative stamps 纪念邮票sticker 背面有粘胶的标签(或封口邮票) special delivery 专送函insured package 报价包裹package 包裹post office box = mailbox 邮筒mail delivery 邮递postal carrier, mail carrier 邮递员postage 邮资insurance 保险,保险registered 被挂号的,已注册的,已登记的insured 被保险的stamped 贴上邮票的express 急速的,特殊的overweight 超重2)理发类cut 剪发trim 修剪perm 烫发curly hair 卷发straight hair 直发barber 理发师stylist / hair-dresser发型师hairstyle 发型sides 两边的头发bangs 刘海top 头顶的头发shampoo 洗发香波3)修理类名词结构类plumber 管道工carpenter 木工electrician 电工repairman = repairperson 修理工stuck (门或抽屉)卡住的blocked (水槽等)堵住的loose (百叶窗等)松了leaking (水龙头等)漏了broken (打字机或网球拍等)坏了4)银行类动词结构类to open (an account) 开户to deposit, to make a deposit 存款to withdraw, to make a withdrawal 取款to cash(a check) 兑现支票to overdraw (the checking account) 透支,退票to earn(interest), to pay (interest) 得到利息,支付利息to endorse 背书名词结构类bank 银行checking account 活期存款帐户savings account 储蓄存款帐户passbook (银行)存折deposit 存款check(s) 支票cash 现金cashier 收银员teller 出纳员accountant 会计师signature 签名traveler’s check 旅行支票automatic teller machine (ATM) 自动取款机interest 利息interest rate 利率identification 确认身份receipt 收据currency 通货货币bond 债券full refund 全额偿还withdraw 取出repay 偿还close one’s account 结清某人的帐户bill 票面change 零钱nickel 五分dime 角half-dollar 五角coin 硬币dollar=buck 美元5)天气类名词结构类weather forecast 天气预报weather man 天气预报员humidity 湿度heavy rain 大雨light rain 小雨downpour 倾盆大雨shower 阵雨heavy snow 大雪snowstorm 暴风雪breeze 微风wind 阵风thunderstorm 雷暴hail 冰雹动词结构类keep up = hold up 持续下去clear up 放晴let up = stop (雨)停warm up 变暖cool down 变冷形容词结构类sunny 晴朗的foggy 起雾的rainy 下雨的wet 湿的snowy 下雪的cloudy 多云的windy 起风的breezy 有微风的gusty 刮大风的icy / freezing / chilly / ice cold / frigid 寒冷的stuffy 闷的super / burning / blazing hot 酷暑unbearable / scorcher hot 难以忍受的酷暑1) 1) 生病类2) 动词结构类3) to visit (the doctor) 看病4) to examine, to be examined 检查5) to prescribe (medicine) 开(药)6) to treat(an illness) 治疗7) to perform(an operation) 动(手术)8) to heal, to cure 治疗9) to sneeze 打喷嚏10) to cough 咳嗽11) to run, to water 流鼻涕12) to vomit, to throw up 呕吐13) to run a fever, to have a fever, temp 发烧14) to faint, to pass out 晕倒,昏过去15) to hurt, to be in pain 疼16) to poison, to be poisoned 中毒17) to be allergic, to have an allergy 过敏18) to be injured, to have an injury 受伤19) to recover, to get well 恢复20) to take (or measure)the temperature 量体温to make an appointment 预约看病to write out a prescription 开处方to fill the prescription 拿处方抓药名词结构类doctor, physician 医生specialist 专家ophthalmologist 眼科医生dentist 牙科医生surgeon 外科医生dermatologist 皮肤科医生physician 内科医生pharmacist 药剂师hospital 医院nurse 护士clinic 诊所infirmary 医务室dentist’s office 牙科诊所laboratory, lab 实验室clinic, emergency clinic 门诊,急诊operation, surgery 手术,外科手术appointment 预约accident 事故headache 头疼cough 咳嗽allergy 过敏disease, illness 疾病cold, flu, influenza 感冒X-ray X-光crutches 拐杖temperature 体温blood pressure 血压symptom 病症medical examination, checkup 医疗检查,体检shots, immunizations 打针,免疫prescription, prescription drugs 处方health insurance 解毒药tablets (pills, powder) 药片(药丸,药粉) health insurance 医疗保险first consultation 初查subsequent consultation 复查emergency 急诊laboratory report 实验报告blooding test result 验血结果形容词结构类healthy 健康的unwell, ill, sick 有病的weak, tired 虚弱的nervous, jumpy 紧张的sweaty, feverish 有汗的,发烧的shivery, chilled 发抖mild 温和的fatal 致命的contagious, catching, infectious 传染的noncontagious, noninfectious 不感染的emergency紧急的allergic 过敏的7)购物类动词结构类to shop, to go shopping 购物to buy, to purchase 买to pay(for) 支付to charge 要价to order 订购to try on 试穿to compare 比较to make out the bill 请算帐cash or charge? 付现金还是记帐?be worth the money 合算try it for size 试试大小go well with 和…很配名词结构类a shop, a store 商店groceries 杂货店hardware store 五金店supermarket 超级市场skyscraper 摩天大楼grocer 杂货商(discount stores 折扣商店) mall, shopping mall 购物市场department store 百货公司drugstore 药店salesman(=salesperson) 推销员clerk, salesclerk 售货员customer 顾客counter 柜台bargain 便宜货ready-made goods 现成货物things in sale 廉价商品ads for sales 大减价的广告retail trade 零售show window 陈列窗pattern 式样、图案daily’s necessities日用必需品Lady’s Department 妇女用品部house ware 家用器皿sale 销售special 特价shopping cart, shopping basket 购物车,购物篮size 尺寸,大小cost, price 成本,价格product 产品price sticker, price tag 价格标签window shopping 逛商店形容词结构类frozen 冰冻的canned 罐装的fresh 新鲜的spoiled, rotten 腐烂的,变质的ripe 熟的dozen 一打half dozen 半打for sale 代售on sale 减价be in season = up to date = updated 合时的out of style 过时的in = fashionable 时尚的;流行的8)电话类动词结构类to call, to make a call(=to ring) 打电话to dial(the phone) 拨号to hang up(the telephone) 挂断to connect(phone service) 接线to disconnect(phone service) 断线to be cut off 被切断to hold on 别挂电话名词结构类telephone, telephone set 电话,电话机telephone book 电话本operator 接线员area code 区号long-distance 长途emergency(number, call) 紧急电话hot line 热线pay telephone 付费电话collect calls 对方付费电话形容词结构类loud 高音的soft 轻声的noisy 嘈杂的quiet 安静的busy 占线的buzzing 嘈杂的,嗡声的9)社交类动词结构类to invite 邀请to receive an invitation 接受邀请to attend 参加,出席to wear 穿(formal dress, casual dress)to visit 拜访to celebrate 庆祝to change your plans 改变计划to introduce 介绍名词结构类dinner 晚餐,正餐party 晚会wedding 结婚graduation ceremony 毕业庆典banquet 宴会cocktails 鸡尾酒barbecue (吃烤肉的)野外宴会picnic (自带食物的)郊游,野餐reception 接待potluck supper 家常便饭invitation 邀请entertainment 娱乐host 男主人hostess 女主人social event 社会活动形容词结构类elegant 优雅的formal 正式的informal 不正式的gracious 雅致的,有礼貌的well-mannered 行为端庄的black-tie西装革履的,衣冠整洁的beautiful 美丽的spiffy 正式的;衣官楚楚的。

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听力分科词汇(熟悉读音)第一类动物学ZoologyPrimate 灵长类Rodent 啮齿类Vertebrate 脊椎动物Invertebrate 无脊椎动物Reptile 爬行动物Amphibian 两栖动物Carnivore 食肉动物Carnivorous 食肉类的Herbivore 食草动物Omnivore 杂食动物Homoiotherm 恒温动物Poikilotherm 变温动物;冷血动物Tissure 组织Organ 器官Liver 肝Lung 肺Kidney 肾Front/back/rear legRespiratory system 呼吸系统Reproductive system 生殖系统Nerve system 神经系统Immune system 免疫系统Endocrine system 内分泌系统Excretory system 排泄系统Circulatory system 循环系统Blood vessel 血管Vein 静脉Artery 动脉Membrane 隔膜;细胞膜Compound 复眼Sloth 树懒Bat 蝙蝠Dolphin 海豚Turtle 绿毛龟Penguin 企鹅Phylum 门——class 纲——order 目——family 科——species 种Adder 小毒蛇Alge (复数algae)Anatomy 解剖学Anthropoid 类人猿Aquatic 水生的Armor 甲Asymmetric 不对称Baboon 狒狒Alligator 美洲鳄Ancestry 系谱;血统Animal cognition 动物的认知能力Antenna(复数antennae)触须Aquarium 养鱼池Arachnid 节肢动物Auk 海雀Beaver 水懒Biological vacuum 生物演变真空期Bivalve 双壳类Brant 黑雁Breed n.品种v.繁殖Burrow 洞穴Buffalo 美洲野牛Canary 金丝雀Carrion crow 吃腐肉的乌? Caterpillar 毛虫Caviar 鱼子酱Centipede 蜈蚣Chameleon 变色龙Chemical composition 化学成分Chimpanzee 黑猩猩Chipmunk 花栗鼠Chirp 叽叽喳喳叫Cicada 蝉Clam 蛤蜊Claw 爪子Cobra 眼镜蛇Cockroach 蟑螂Cocoon 蚕茧Coelenterate 腔肠动物Cricket 蟋蟀Darwinism 达尔文学说Degeneration 退化Digestive enzyme 消化酶Domesticate 驯养Echolocation 声波定位Entomology 昆虫学Fauna 动物群Fertilize 受精Genus 种类Grasshopper 蚂蚱Gregarious 群居的Hatch 孵化Herd 兽群Heredity 遗传Hibernation 冬眠Hormone 荷尔蒙Ingestion 摄食Insecticide 杀虫剂Larva 幼虫(复数larvae)Mandible 下颚Metamorphosis 变形Lizard 蜥蜴Mate 交配Mollusk 软体动物Monogamous 一雄一雌的Mutation 变种Offspring 后代Order 目Ornithology 鸟类学Oyster 牡蛎Paleontology 古生物学Parasite 寄生虫Polyandrous 一雌多雄的Prairie dog 草原犬鼠Rattlesnake 响尾蛇Regeneration 再生Rhinoceros 犀牛Ruminant 反刍动物Salamander 蝾螈Scale 鳞片Scuba 水下呼吸器Secretion 分泌Solitary 独居的Spawn 卵;产卵Spine 脊骨Spleen 脾Squid 鱿鱼Symbiosis 共生现象symbiotic 共生的Symmetry 对称Tentacle 触须Venom 毒液第二类植物学BotanyFoliage 叶子Stem 茎Trunk 树干Branch 树枝Bark 树皮Bud 花蕾Nectar 花蜜Moss 苔类Herb 草本类Fern 蕨类Fungus 菌类Hybrid 杂交植物Phobia 恐性Hydro-phobia 狂犬病Petal 花瓣Chlorophyll 叶绿素Stamen 花蕊Jasmine 茉莉Peony 牡丹Orchid 兰花Lotus 莲花Plum 梅花;李子第三类生物、微生物学Biology and Micro-biology Amino acid 氨基酸Antibody 抗体Biotical agency 生物媒介Calcium 钙Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Chromosome 染色体Disinfection 消毒Enzymes 酵母Fatigue (组织、器官等对刺激失去反应能力的)疲劳Fermentation 发酵Fungus 真菌Glucose 葡萄糖Immunology 免疫学Incubation 孵蛋Malaria 疟疾;瘴气Microorganism 微生物Microscopic 精微的Nucleus 细胞核Oxidation 氧化Parasitic disease 寄生虫病Pathogen 病菌Penicillin 青霉素Sanitation 卫生Schistosomiasis 血吸虫病Sterilization 杀菌Toxin 毒素Vaccine 疫苗Yeast 酵母第四类人类学与考古学Anthropology and archeology Excavate 挖掘excavation 出土Relics 文物古迹Stone Age 石器时代Iron Age 黑铁时代Bronze Age 青铜时代Neolithic 新石器时代Mesolithic 中石器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代Matriarchy 母系氏族Patrilineal 父系氏族Pottery 陶Ancient civilization 古代文明Antique 古董Archaic 古老的Artifact 人造物品Ascend 攀登Chronological 按年代排序的Clan 氏族Cranial 颅骨的Cultural relics 文物Exhume 掘出Hominid 原始人类Porcelain 瓷器Prehistoric 史前的Primitive 原始的Scoop 铲子Skull 头骨Tribe 部落第五类地理地质学Geography and geology美国五大湖:Huron 休伦湖Ontario 安大略湖Michigan 密歇根湖Erie 伊利湖Superior 苏比利尔湖Extinct volcano 死火山active volcano 活火山dormant 休眠火山Erupt 火山爆发eruption 爆发Magma 岩浆lava 岩浆Crater 火山口Core 地核Crust 地壳Mantle 地幔Layer/stratum 地层South Pole 南极North Pole 北极Antarctic 南极的Antarctica 南极洲Arctic 北极的Aurora 极光Equator 赤道Longitude 经度Latitude 纬度Altitude 海拔the Tropic of Cancer 北回归线the Tropic of Capricorn 南回归线Glacier 冰川Ice berg 冰山Seismology 地震学seismic waves 地震波Magnitude 震级Epicenter 震中Basin 盆地Plane 平原Plateau 高原Low land 低地Arm/gulf/bay 海湾the Great Salt Lake 大盐湖Yellowstone National Park 黄石公园Grand Canyon 大峡谷the Dead Valley 死谷Arid 干旱的Canal 运河Cleft 缝隙Cliff 悬崖Continental drift 大陆漂移Continental shelf 大陆架Contour 轮廓;等高线Cosmopolitan 世界性的Crack 裂缝Crest 山顶Debris 碎片Demolish 破坏;粉碎Deposit 堆积物;沉积物Diffuse 传播;扩散Disintegration 分解Elevation 抬高;高地Endemic 风土的;地方的Evaporation 蒸发Expedition 探险Extract 开采Fault plane 断层面Fieldstone 卵石Frost heaving 冻胀现象Geothermal 地热的Gorge 峡谷Hemisphere 半球Igneous rock 火成岩Incandescent 白炽的Infertile 贫瘠的Insular 海岛Insulate 隔离Ledge 矿脉Margin 边缘Marine 航海的Meridian 子午线Navigation 航海的Oasis 绿洲Offshore 离岸的Parallel 纬线Peninsula 半岛Precipice 悬崖Salinity 盐度Sediment 沉淀物Smelt 冶炼Strait 海峡Subsidiary 辅助的;补充的Subterrane 表层下基岩subterranean 地下的Tectonics 构造学Temperate 温带的Terrain 地形Terrestrial 地球的;陆地的Terrestrial magnetism 地磁Topography 地形;地形学Tropic 热带的Aluminum 铝Bonanza 富矿带Fault 断层Geologic survey 地质调查Geomagnetism 地磁学Granite 花岗岩Jurassic period 侏罗纪时期Landlocked area 内陆Lead 铅Limestone 石灰岩Lithosphere 岩石圈Lower reach 下游Metamorphic rock 变质岩Nickel 镍Northern Hemisphere 北半球Petrify 石化Platinum 白金;铂Quartz 石英Ravine 峡谷Reclaim 开垦Sedimentary rock 沉积岩Seismic prospecting 地震勘探Seismograph 地震仪Sodium 钠Speculate 推测Swamp 沼泽Sulfur 硫磺Tributary 支流Tropical rain forest 热带雨林Vertical 垂直的Watershed 分水岭Zinc 锌第六类法学Law庭审的三种方式:trial=prosecution 审判(private/public)、arbitration 仲裁、hearing 听证会Defendant 被告Prosecutor 刑事原告Plaintiff 民事原告Cop 警察Attorney 律师Judge 法官Suit 上诉Appeal 申诉appealent 申诉人Aerdict 陪审团意见Judgement 二审最终结果Jury panel 陪审团Capital punishment 极刑Sentence 刑期第七类商科Business and economyCompete competition competitorFree/pure compete 自由竞争Monopolistic compete 垄断竞争Supply and demand 供求Surplus 盈余Deficit 赤字run in redBoycott 联合抵制Devaluation 贬值Bubble economy 泡沫经济GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值GNP gross national product 国民生产总值CPI consumer price index 消费价格指数Anti-dumping 反倾销Revenue/duty/tax 税收The federal 美联储Marketing: do market research (segmentation 市场细分/high-eral/low-eral) Sales: pre-sales after-sales第八类文学LiteratureRealism 现实主义Surrealism 超现实主义Modernism 现代主义Postmodernism 后现代主义Romance of three kingdoms 三国演义Red dreams of mansion 红楼梦Western journey 西游记Outlaws of marsh 水浒传Biography 传记文学Autobiography 自传Essay 杂记Prose 散文Epic 史诗Criticism 文学评论Thriller 恐怖小说Detective story 侦探小说Novel/fiction(虚构的)小说Editorial 社论的Leading character 主人公Legend 传说Proverb 谚语Schools of literature 文学流派第九类艺术Music Accompaniment 伴奏Aestheticism 唯美主义Allegory 寓言Ballad 民谣Epilogue 尾声Serenade 小夜曲Sonata 奏鸣曲Symphony 交响乐Time 节拍Architecture 建筑Art gallery 美术馆Autograph 真迹Calligraphy 书法Cathedral 大教堂Imitating 临摹Impressionistic style 印象派风格Landscape painting 山水画Mosque 清真寺Panorama 全景画Perspective 透视画法Portrait 肖像画Sketch 素描The statue of liberty 自由女神像The triumphal arch 凯旋门第十类哲学Philosophy Socrates 苏格拉底Plato 柏拉图Aristotle 亚里士多德The republic 理想国The law 法律Idealism 唯心主义Materialism 唯物主义Ration 理性emotion 感性第十一类气象学Meteorology Formation 形成Hail 冰雹Atmosphere 大气层Stratosphere 平流层Troposphere 对流层Current-air 气流Mass 气团warm/coldVapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发Droplet 小水珠Ice crystal 冰晶体Stratum 地层Updraft air 上升气流Downdraft air 下沉气流Temperate zone 温带Tropical 热带Frigid 寒带亚前加sub~Dew 露珠Mist 薄雾Drizzle 毛毛雨Avalanche snow 雪崩Tornado 龙卷风Blizzard 暴雪Tsunami 海啸Balmy 温和的Barometer 气压计Convection 对流Cumulonimbus 积雨云Damp 潮湿的Devastation 破坏Downpour 倾盆大雨Humidity 湿度Monsoon 季风Precipitation 降水Tempest 暴风雨Tepid 微温的Torrential rain 暴雨Tropical depression 热带低气压Typhoon 台风Wind scale 风级Wind velocity 风速第十二类天文学Astronomy Comet 彗星Star 恒星Planet 行星Mercury 水星Venus 金星Mars 火星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星Planet solar system 太阳系Asteroid belt 小行星带Meteor 流星Rotation 自转Revolution 公转Galaxy 银河Light year 光年Constellation 星座Sign 属相Orbit 轨道Astrology 占星术Ammonia 氨Astronaut 宇航员Astronomical object 天体Big dipper 北斗七星Celestial 天上的celestial body 天体Centrifugal force 离心力Centripetal force 向心力第十三类生理学PhysiologyNeutron nerve cell 神经元细胞Conduct bioelectricity 传导生物电Gliacell 胶质细胞:support neutron、conduct chemistryNuclear 细胞核Cytoplasm 细胞质Membrane 细胞膜Cell-wall 细胞壁Enzyme 酶Chromosome 染色体Gene mutation 基因突变Mutation of species 物种突变第十四类物理、化学和农业Physics、Chemistry and Agriculture Element table 元素周期表Platinum 铂金Aluminum 铝Lead 铅Nickel 镍Magnesium 镁Sodium 钠Uranium 铀Calcium 钙Mercury 水银Oxygen 氧Nitrogen 氮Ammonia 氨Silicon 硅Sulfur 硫Atom 原子Molecule 分子Nuclear 核Proton 质子Neutron 中子Electron 电子Particle 粒子Acceleration 加速度Acceleration of gravity 重力加速度Acoustics 声学Anode 正极Cathode 负极Combustion 燃烧Conservation of energy 能量守恒Decomposition 分解Dilution 稀释Distillation 蒸馏Electrode 电极Fluorescence 荧光Inorganic chemistry 无机化学Isotope 同位素Magnet 磁铁Mechanics 力学Newton’s laws of motion 牛顿运动定律Optics 光学Reagent 试剂Reduction 还原Reflection 反射Refraction 折射Resonance 共振Solution 溶液Test tube 试管Ultrasonic 超声波Ultraviolet ray 紫外线Uniform motion 匀速运动Voltage 电压Aquaculture 水产业Arable 可耕的Conservatory 温室Fertile 肥沃的Fodder 饲料Garlic 大蒜Granary 谷仓Graze 放牧Haystack 干草堆Horticulture 园艺Husbandry 管理Hydroponics 水耕法Indigenous 本土的Livestock 家畜Orchard 果园Plantation 种植园Prolific 多产的Silt 淤泥Tractor 拖拉机。

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期末考 cumulative final 总结性考试 take-home exam (拿回家的开卷考试, 一般有限定的时间)ope n-book exam 开卷考试 subjective试 pop quiz 抽查式测验 blue book 答题本 assessme nt n 估价 appraisal n 评价,估价 make up for 补考, resit, retake 重考 grade (mark 、score )分数 成绩:perfect grade 优异成绩 low grade 低分 high mark 高分 pass ing grade 及格分 faili ng grade 不及格分 full marks 满分 straight A's 全 A be all A's and B's 全是 A 和 B B plus B 加 A minus A 减 pass the iexam with flying colors 以优 异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业 diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学 位,证书考试问题:分析成绩低的原因,给出 解决办法circulati on desk 借书处reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆 内借阅)library card 借书证 overdue fine 过期罚金 periodical readi ng room 期刊阅览室 on li ne journal 在线期干刊 video tape 录像带 back issue 过期杂志 curre nt issue 近期杂志 archive 档案 non-fiction 非小说类文学作品 scie nce-fict ion 科幻小说 copier 复印机check out 办理(借、还)手续 renew 续借 overdue 过期 in terlibrary service 馆际服务 部分名称 information desk n.服务台delivery/circulati on desk 借书台 shelf n.书架 photocopy room 复印室 return area 还书处 stude nts locker 学生存储间 refere nee section 参考书咅 E科研过程HypothesisAlter native hypothesis 择一假说Null hypothesis 无效假说,零假说Collect dataSurvey, questi onn aire Experime ntIn terfere, i nflue nee Observati on An alyze data In terpret data An alysis An alytical SubjectSampleTreatme nt groupNon-treatme ntCon trol group校内工作,课外活动及寻找经济援助Letter of refere nce/recomme ndati on CompetitiveBen efit future careerField researchCollect data for papersWaiter, waitress, BabysitterWork at the libraryQualification 资格,qualified 合格的Resume, CVfinancial aid经济援助Scholarship FellowshipTeach ing assista ntship 助教奖学金Research assista ntship研究奖学金Gra nt助学金Loa n贷款Need-based以需求为基础Merit-based以优秀为基础Stude nt union 学生会Clubs俱乐部Membership成员资格Career serviceen rollme nt登记,注册opening ceremony n开业典礼,仪式comme nceme nt ceremony 毕业典礼con vocation n正式会议(可指简单的毕业典礼)orie ntatio n meet ing 开学说明会staff n.全体职员freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生tuiti on, fee 费用placeme nt test 开学测试excellent出色的average平均的,一般的below average低于平均水平的,差的结构及称谓: uni versity- preside nt 大学,校长cha ncellor名誉校长college 学院school学院dea n院长principal中学校长professor 教授associate professor副教授assista nt professor 助理教授coordi nator班主任,协调人coun selor辅导员advisor指导老师in structor 讲师tutor个人辅导supervisor 管理人un dergraduate 本科graduate研究生建筑物buildings: can tee n餐厅cafeteria.自助餐厅adm ini strati on build ing 行政大楼ma in buildi ng 主楼wing/annex 配楼teach ing buildi ng 教学楼dormitory n.宿舍auditorium n.会堂,礼堂=lecture hall assembly n集合,集会hallcomputer lab计算实验室,机房dining hall 食堂宿舍:accommodati on n 住处,膳宿reside nee hall 宿舍suite套间studio工作室,独立套间village村落(校内一栋一栋的房子,可以用做宿舍)lounge n.公共大厅(可以用做娱乐)home-stay在国外住在房东家里的那种roommate同屋者,室友corridor n.走廊,过道,租房lease n租借,租约Ian dlord 房东Ian dlady女房东rent租金tenant房客patio n.阳台,sliding door n.推拉门sin gle room 单人房twin room双人房two-bedroom apartme nt house key房锁匙床上用品: pillow n.枕头bed linen n.床上用品sheet n.被单mattress n床垫bla nket n 毯子towel n.手巾,毛巾quilt n.棉被电器类electric applia nce(i nstrument;equipme nt)电器heater, furn ace力卩热器,炉子heati ng unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove炉子microwave ove n 微波炉washer /dryer洗衣机/烘干机(la un dry洗衣店) utensil器皿;用具kitche n ute nsil 炊具oven烤箱;烤炉range煤气灶dishwasher 洗碟机washi ng machi ne 洗衣机(hot-water) heater 热水器coffeepot咖啡壶refrigerator (freezer)冰箱vacuum clea ner 吸尘器tape player 录音机CD player CD 机Laundromat自动洗衣店maintenance维修,保养家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch沙发chest柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau)梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cupboard (closet)碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug小地毯carpet地毯curta in 窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furni shi ngs 室内陈设日常生活/问题:pers onal possessi on s/property/bel ongings个人财产get in sura nee for pers onal possessi on s/property/bel ongs garbage/rubbish/waste r垃圾dispose v.处理gas meter煤气表in sect n.昆虫burglar n.夜贼leak in g/leakage n.泄漏lost key丢钥匙break in 闯入Duang Duang Duang 略位同学大家好! 小站又一全新模考 APF 力作横空出世惹【小站托福TPO iPad 版Practice 模式下,可以逐题突破,对照注解、原文及翻译;长按 原文单词,可以开启字典查词功能,也可加入生词本,每日反复 背诵加强;Test 模式下,可高度模拟真实考试,为考试做好充分 准备。