
2015 年高考上海英语试卷考生注意:1. 考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分 150 分。
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试卷分为第I 卷(第 1-12页)和第H 卷(第 13页),全卷共13页。
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第I 卷(共103分)I .Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between tow speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on you paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.C.PleasedD.Regretful C.At the dentist 's D.At the chemist 's C.A translator D.A writer B. He can 't help the woman with her math. D.He doesn 't know where the “on ”button is.5. A.The woman should go to another couner.B. The woman gives the man so many choices.C. The man dislike the sandwiches offered there.D.The man is having trouble deciding what to eat.6. A.She has no idea where to find the man 's exam result.B. She isn 't allowed to tell students their grades.C. Dr.White hasn 't finished grading the papers.D.Dr.White doesn 't want to be contacted while he 's away.7. A .Move to a next dormitory B.Find a person to share their apartment.C. Clean the room with roommateD.Write an article about their roommate.8. A.Bob won 't take her advice.B. Bob doesn 't want to go abroad.C. She doesn 't think Bob should study overseas.D. She hasn 't talked to Bob since he went abroad.9. A.The snack bar isn 't usually so empty.B.Dessert is served in the snack bar.C.The snack bar is near the library.D. Snacks aren 't sllowed in th library.10. A .Take her bicycle to the repair shop.B.Leave her bicycle outside.C.Clean the garage after the rain stops.D. Check if the garage is dry.Section BDirections: In Section B,you will hear two short passages,and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,read the four possibleanswers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A.ImpatientB.Confused 2.At a bus stopB.At a laundry 3.An actor B.A salesman4. A .He lost his classmate 'sQuestion 11 through 13 are based on the follow ing passage.11. A.It helps care for custermer ' dogs.C.None of the dogs are caged12. A.She likes the food there.C.She can have free coffee.13. A.A new kind of care.C.A new home for pets. Questi on 14 through 16 are based on the follow ing passage.14. A.A trend that high achiever are given a lower salary.B. A view that life quallity is more importa nt tha n pay.C. A dream of the young for fast-paced jobsD. A new term created by high achivers15. A. 10% B.12% C.6% D.7%16. A .P eople are less satisfied with their lives. B.The finan cial in vestme nt may in crease.C.Well-paid jobs are not easy to find.D.Un expected problem may arise. Sectio n CDirections: In Sectio n C,you will hear tow Ion ger con versati on s.The con versati ons will be read twice.After you hear each con versatio n,you are required to fill in the nu mbered bla nks with the in formatio nyou have heard. Write your an swersBlanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.n .Grammar and vocabularySectio n ADirections: Af ter readi ng the passages below, fill in the bla nks to make the passages cohere nt and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other bla nks, use one word that best fits each bla nk.(A)Gift from a stra ngerMy local supermarket is aways busy. The first parking space I found was convenient,but I ' noticed awoman in a blue car cireling for a white (25) _____ I was in a good mood, I left her have it .On the edge of thecar park I backed into the next available spot-it was a tight fit.B.You have to buy food for dogs. D.There is a dog n amed Prin cess B.She enjoys the fun with a pet. D.She does n'tlike to be alone. B.A new brand of coffee.D.A new way to raise pets.Pretty soon I ' made my way through the supermarket and was back in the fresh air. Feeling good, I (26) _ (empty) my purse change into the heads of a homeless man and helped a struggling woman reverse park.Just as I approached my car, I saw the woma n I'd let have my car spot carlier.She was fivi ng me (27) odd-look half puzzled,half intent( 热切的).I smiled and wished her a pleasant day. As I back into mycar, I saw the same lady(28) _____ (look) in at me. Hello, ” she said ,hesitantly This (29) ______ sould crazy,but I was on my way to drop some of my mother ' thing off at the charity bins. You are just so much (30) __her. You helped those people , I noticed, and you seemed so happy." She looked at me meaningfully and paused a box in through the window. “ think she would like you to have it. "(31) ___________________ (shock), I took itfrom her automatically. She smiled and walked away.After a pause. I ope ned the box. In side was a beautiful gold n ecklace with a large grey pearl. It was (32) _ (nice) gift I ' ever receibed, and I was from a complete stanger. The necklace was around my neck, a warm remin der of huma n kindn ess.(B)Ask Helpful HannahDear Helpfu hann ah,I'd got a problem with my husba nd, Sam. He bought a smartpho ne a couple of mon ths ago, and be took it on our recent ski vacation to Colorado. It was a great trip except for one problem. He has a constant arge (33) (check) for text messages, he checks his phone every five minutes! He ' so addicted to it that he just can ' sta nd the idea(34) there may be an importa nt text . He can 'help check ing eve n at in appropriate timeslike whe n we are eati ng in a restaura nt and I am talk ing to him ! He behaves (35) ___ ___ any smallamount of boredom can make him feel the need to check his phone even when he knows he shouldn ' The temptation to see (36) ___________________ is connecting him is just too great.When I ask him to please put down the phoneand stop (37) ___ (igoore) me, he says, “n a minute," but still checks to see if (38) ____ has postedsomething new on the internet. Our life (39) ___ (interrupt). If we go somewhere and I ask him to leave thephone at home ,he suffers from withdrawal symptoms. Mybe this depe ndency on his smartph one has become more tha n an everyday problem.I recently read an article about homophobia" (40) _______ is real illness people can suffer from the feat ofbeing without your phone! I am worried that Sam may be suffering from this illness because he feels anxious if he does n 'have his phone with him, even for a short time.Who would have thought that little devices like these could have brought so much trouble!Sick and Tired SadieSectio n BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more tha n you n eed.Considering how much time people spend in offices,it is important that work spaces be wellldesigned.Well-designed office spaces help create a corporation s image. They motivate workers, and they make an impressi on on people who visit and might be pote ntial, or 41 ,customers,They make bus in esses work better, and they are a part of the corporate culture we live in.As we move away from an in dustrial-based economy to a kno wledge-based on e,office desig ners have come up with 42 tothe traditi onal work envionments of the past, The desig n in dustry has moved away from a fixed offices setup and created more flexible strategic man ageme nt environmen ts ".These 43 soluti ons are meant to support better orga ni zati onal performa nee.As employee hierachies (等级制度) have flattened,or decreased,office designers response to this changehas bee n to move ope n-pla n areas to more desirable locati ons with in the office and crate fewer formal private offices. The n eed for in creased flexibility has also bee n 44 by cha nges in workstati on desig n. Offices and work spaces ofte n are not 45 to a give n pers on on a perma nent basis. Because of cha nges to methods of work ing, new desig ns allow for expa nsion or moveme nt of desks, storage,a nd equipme nt with in the workstatio n.Ano ther importa nt desig n goal is com muni cati on, which desig ners have improved by loweri ng the walls that 46 workstati on s.Desig ners have also created in formal gatheri ng places,a nd upgraded employees' 47 to heavily traficked areas such as copy and coffee rooms.Corporate and in stituti onal office desig ners ofte n struggle to resolve a nu mber of compet ing and ofte n 4 demands,including budgetary limits, employee hierarchies,and techological innovation (especially in relationto computerizati on ) .These dema nds must also be bala need with the n eed to careate in teriors (内饰)that inIsome way en cha nce,establish,or promote a compa ny s inm age and will en able employees to 49 at their best.All these 50 of office desig n are related.The most successful office desig ns are like a good marriage-thewell-desig ned office and the employess that occupy it are seem in gly made for each other.III. Readi ng Comprehe nsionSectio n ADirections: For each bla nk in the follow ing passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each bla nk with the word or phrase that best fits the con text.If you studied pictures that ancient people left on rock walls and you tried to determine their meaning, you would not detect in terest i n roma nee among the artists. 51 , you would see ple nty of ani mals with people running after them. Life for ancient people '(snelaiD n eid(tcBO^nd|etheri ng wild foods formeals.In modern times, when food is available in grocery stores, finding love is more 52 to people ' s lives. The 53 is all around us. It is easy to prepare a list of modern stories having to do with love. An endless nu mber of books and movies qualify as love stories in popular culture.Researchers are studying whether love, a highly valued emotional state, can be 54 . They ask, what is love? Toothpaste companies want us to think attraction is all about clean teeth, but clean teeth go only so far. Scientists wonder how much the brain gets involved. You have probably heard that opposites attract but that 55 attract, too. One thing is certa in: The truth about love is not yet set in stone.First Impressi onTo help determ ine the 56 of attract ion, researchers paired 164 college classmates and had them talk for 3, 6 or 10 minutes so they could get a sense of each other 'individuality. Then students were asked to 57 what ki nd of relati on ship they were likely to build with their part ners. After nine weeks, they reported what happe ned.As it turned out, their 58 judgeme nts ofte n held true. Stude nts seemed to 59 at an early stagewho would best fit i nto their lives.The 60 K nowsScie ntists have also tur ned to non huma ns to in crease un dersta nding of attract ion. Many an imals give off phero mones —n atural chemicals that can be detected by, and the n can produce a resp onse in, other ani mals of the same species. Pheromones can signal that an animal is either ready to fight or is feeling ―61 _________________ topartn erships. In con trast, huma ns do not seem to be as 62 as other ani mals at detect ing such chemicals.Smell, however, does seem to play a part in huma n attract ion. Although we may not be aware of chemicals like pheromones consciously, we give and receive loads of information through smell in every interaction with other people.Face ValueBeing fond of some one seems to have a nu mber of factors, in clud ing see ing someth ing we find attractive. Researchershad people judge faces for 63 . The participa nts had 0.013 sec onds to view each face, yet somehow they gen erally con sidered the images the same as people who had more time to study the same faces. The way we 64 attractive ness seem to be somewhat automatic.When shown an attractive face and then words with good or bad associations, people responded to 65 words faster after viewing an attractive face. Seeing something attractive seems to cause happy thinking.51. A. I nstead B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise52. A. roma ntic B. stressful C. cen tral D. artificial53. A. priority B. proof C. possibility D. prin ciple54. A. seated B. impressed C. changed D. erased55. A. appeara nces B. virtues C. similarities D.posit on56. A. illustrati ons B. imagi nati ons C. in gredie nts D. in structors57. A. predict B. in vestigate C. diag nose D. recall58. A. critical B. i nitial C. ran dom D. mature59. A. memorize B. disti nguish C. n egotiate D. questi on60. A. Nose B . Eye C. Heart D. Ha nd61. A. open B. alert C. resista nt D. superior62. A. disappo in ted B. amazed C. con fused D. gifted63. A. emotion B. attractive ness C. i ndividuality D. sig nals64. A. enhance B. possess C. main tai n D. asses65. A. familiar B. plain C. positive D. Irritat ingSectio n BDirections: Read the follow ing three passages. Each passage is followed by several questi ons or unfini shed statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Look to many of history ' s cultural symbols, and there you ' ll find an ancestor of Frosty, the snowmar the movie Frozen. It appeared on some of the first postcards, starred in some of the earliest silent movies, and was the subject of a couple of the earliest photos, dat ing all the way back to the 1800s. I discovered even more about one of humanity ' s earliest forms of life art during several years of research around the world.For example, sno wme n were a phe nomenon in the Middle Ages, built with great skill and thought. At a time of limited means of expression, snow was like free art supplies dropped from the sky. It was a popular activity for couples to leisurely walk through tow n to view the temporary works of chilly art. Some were created by famous artists, i ncludi ng a 19-year-old Michela ngelo, who in 1494 was appo in ted by the ruler of Florence, Italy, to build a snowman in his mansion ' s courtyard.The Miracle of 1511 took place duri ng six freez ing works called the Win ter of Death. The city of Brussels was covered in sno wme n — an impressive scene that told stories on every street corner. Some were political in nature, criticizing the church and government. Some were a reflection of people ' s imagination. F( of Brussels, this was a defining moment of defining freedom. At least until spring arrived, by which time they were deali ng with damagi ng floods.If you fear the heyday of the snowman has passed, don ' t worry: I ' ve learned that some explosive snowman history is still being made today. Every year since 1818, the people of Zurich, Switzerland,celebrate the beg inning of spri ng by blow ing up a sno wma n. On the third Mon day of April, the holiday Sechselaute n is kicked off whe n a cott on sno wma n called the Boogg is stuffed with explosive and paraded through tow n by bakers and other tradesme n who throw bread to the crowds. The parade ends with the Boogg being placed on a 40-foot pile of firewood. After the bells of the Church of St. Peter have rung six times, represe nti ng the pass ing of win ter, the pile is lit. When the sno wma n explodes, win ter is con sidered officially over —the quicker it is bur nt dow n, the Ion ger summer is said to be.66. According to the passage, why did snowmen become a phenomenon in the Middle Ages?A. People thought of snow as holy art supplies.B. People Ion ged to see masterpieces of snow.C. Buildi ng sno wme n was a way for people to express themselves.D. Buildi ng sno wme n helped people develop their skill and thought.67. “ The heyday of the sno wma n ” (paragraph 4) means the time when _________ .A. sno wme n were made mai nly by artistsB. sno wme n enjoyed great popularityC. sno wme n were politically criticizedD. sno wme n caused damagi ng floods68. In Zurich, the blow ing up of the Boogg symbolizes ________________ .A. the start of the paradeB. the coming of a Ion ger summerC. the pass ing of the win terD. the success of tradesme n69. What can be con cluded about sno wme n from the passage?A. They were appreciated in historyB. They have lost their valueC. They were related to moviesD. They vary in shape and size(B)Scary BunnyThe Curse of the Were-Rabbit(2005) is the first full-le ngth feature film made by directors Nick Park and Steve Box with their amazing plasticine(粘土) characters Wallace and Gromit. It won an Oscar in2006, and if you watch it, you ' ll understand why. ItEtew s an absolibrilliant cartoon comedy.Cheese-lovi ng inven tor Wallace and his brainy dog Gromit have started a companyto protect the town s vegetables f rom hungry rabbits. However, just before the annualGia nt Vegetable70. In the film review, what is paragraph A mainly about?A. The introduction to the leading rolesB. The writer ' s opinion of actingC. The writer ' s comments on the storyD. The background information71. According to the film review, “ monster ” (paragraph B) refers to ____ .A. a gun-crazy hun terB. a brainy dogC. a scary rabbitD. a gia nt vegetable72. Which of the following is a reason why the writer recommends the film?A. It ' s full of wit and humour.B. Its characters show feeli ngs without words.C. It is an adventure film directed by Peter Sallis.D. It is about the harm ony betwee n man and ani mals.(C)One of the executives gathered at the Aspe n In stitute for a day-l ong leadership workshop using the worksof Shakespeare was discussing the role of Brutus in the death of Julius Caesar. “ Brutus was notman, ” he said. “ He was a(tr叛徒).And he murdered some one in cold blood. ” The agreeme nt was thatBrutus had acted with cruelty when other options were available to him. He made a bad decision, theysaid—at least as it was prese nted by Shakespeare- to take the lead in murderi ng Julius Caesar. And thoughone of the executives ack no wledged that Brutus had the good of the republic in mind, Caesar wasnevertheless his superior. “ You have to endeavor, ” the executives said, “ our policy is to obey the comma nd. ”During the last few years, bus in ess executives and book writers look ing for a new way to advisecorporate America have been exploiting Shakespeare ' s wisdom for profitable ends. None more so thanhusba nd and wife team Kenn eth and Carol Adelma n, well-k nown advisers to the White House, who started up a training company called “ Movers and Shakespeares ” . They are amateur Shakespeare scholars and Shakespeare lovers, and they have comb ined their passi on and their high level con tacts into a man ageme nt training bus iness. They con duct betwee n 30 and 40 workshops annu ally, focus ing on half a doze n differe nt plays, mostly for corporati ons, but also for gover nment age ncies.The workshops all take the same form, focusing on a single play as a kind of case study, and using individual scenes as specific lessons. In Julius Caesar , sly provocation (狡诈的挑唆) of Brutus to take up arms against the what was a basis for a discussion of methods of team building and grass roots organism.Although neither of the Adelmans is academically trained in literature, the programmes, contain plenty of Shakespearetradition and background. Their workshop on Henry V, for example, includes a helpful explanation of Henry ' s winning strategy at the Battle of Agincourt. But they do come toetxhtewtith a fewbiases ( 偏向 ): their reading of Henry V minimizes his misuse of power. Instead, they emphasize the story of the youth who seizes opportunity and becomes a masterful leader. And at the workshop on Caesar, Mr. Adelmans had little good to say abo ut Brutus, saying“ the noblest Roman of them all ” couldn ' t make h mind up about things.Many of the participants pointed to very specific elements in the play that they felt related Caesar which led to his murder, and Brutus 's madisintagktehsein alefter the murder, they said, raise vitalquestions for anyone serving as a business when and how do you resist the boss?73. According to paragraph 1, what did all the executives think of Brutus?A. Cruel.B. Superior.C. Honorable.D. Bade74. According to the passage, the Adelmans set up “ Movers and Shakespeares” to _______ . A. help executives to understand Shakespeare ' s plays betterB. give advice on leadership by analyzing Shakespeare ays ' s plC. provide case studies of Shakespeare ' s plays in literature workshopsD. guide government agencies to follow the characters in Shakespeare' s plays. 75. Why do the Adelmans conduct a workshop on Henry V?A. To highlight the importance of catching opportunities.B. To encourage masterful leaders to plan strategies to win.C. To illustrate the harm of prejudices in management.D. To warn executives against power misuse.76. It can be inferred from the passage that _ .A. the A delmans ' programme proves biased as the roles of characters are maximized.B. executives feel bored with too many specific elements of ShakespeareC. the Adelmans will make more profits if they are professional scholars.D. Shakespeare has played an important role in the management field.77. The best title for the passage is ___s plays: Executives reconsider corporate culture s plays: An essential key to business success splalye s :saon for business motivation s plays: Dramatic training brings dramatic resultsSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Youth sport has the potential to accomplish three important objectives in children' s development. sport programs can provide youth with opportunities to be physically active, which can lead to improved physical health. Second,youth sport programs have long been consi dered important to youth ' s psychosocial development, providing opportunities to learn important life skills such as cooperation, discipline, leadership, and self-control. Third, youth sport programs are critical for the learning of motor skills; these motor skills serve as a foundation for future national sport stars and recreational adult sport participants. When coachers develop activities for youth practices and when sport organizations design youth-sport programs, they mustconsider the implication of deliberate play and deliberate practice.Research from Telama (2006) states that regular participation in deliberate play or deliberate practice activities during childhood and youth (ages nine to eighteen) increases the likelihood of participation in sports during adulthood by six times for s plays.A. ShakespeareB. ShakespeareC. ShakespeareD. Shakespeareboth males and females. C? t &2002) defines deliberate play activities in sport as those designed to maximize enjoyment. These activities are regulated by flexible rules adapted from standardized sport rules and are set up by the children or by an involved adult. Children typically change rules to find a point where their game is similar to the actual sport but still allows for play at their level. For example, children may change soccer and basketball rules to suit their needs and environment (e.g. in the street. on a playing field or in someone 's backyard). When involved in deliberate play activit children are less concerned with the outcome of their outcome of their behavior. (whether they win or lose) than with the behavior. (having fun).On the other hand, Ericsson (1993) suggests that the most effective learning occurs through involvement in highly structured activities defined as deliberate practice. Deliberate practice activities require effort, produce no immediate rewards, and are motivated by the goal of improving performance rather than the goal of enjoyment. When individuals are involved in deliberate play, they experiment with different combinations of behaviors, but not necessarily in the most effective way to improve performance. In contrast, when individuals are involved in deliberate practice, they exhibit behavior. focused on improving performance by the most effective means available. For example, the backhand skills in tennis could be learned and improved over time by playing matches or by creating fun practice situations. However, players could more effectively improve their backhand performance by practicing drills that might be considered less enjoyable. Although drills are used in most effective means available practice might not be the most enjoyable, they might be the most relevant to improving performance. (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)78. Besides the learning of motor skills, what are the other two important objectives of youth sport?79. If children participate in deliberate play or deliberate practice activities, they are more likelyto _______________ .80. In deliberate play activities, what do children do to maximize enjoyment?81. In contrast to deliberate play, deliberate practice is aimed at ___________ .第II 卷 (共47 分)I. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 美食是人们造访上海的乐趣之一。

一、语法新题型(A)“If the one ever appeared, anyone else would just be a compromise. But I don’t want to compromise.” This line has become the talk of the town since TV drama My Sunshine debuted on Jan 10. It has become 25 instant hit, with the premiere episode reaching a record 104 million online views by the end of the day.Many fans follow the series ______ ______26 all the pretty faces, especially stunner Tiffany Tang, 31, and the well-dressed Wallace Chung, 40. However, the show’s success is also due to the tremendous fan base __27____original Web novel Silent Separation has accumulated since 2003. The novel started a craze as soon as writer Gu Man published the first chapter online.The story is about two sweethearts that separate and are given a second chance. Zhao Mosheng and He Yichen fall in love in college but separate due to misunderstandings. Seven years later, fate tosses them together again. They work hard to resolve their misunderstandings and, in the end, become happily married.The TV drama attracts me not only because it stays true to the novel, but also because it depicts my ideal romance. Whether they admit it or not, every woman dreams of having a handsome man chase after them exclusively. Well, He Yichen is just that. As one of the top lawyers in China, he is cute, competent, rational and rich. But after__28____ (marry), the seemingly cold lawyer gives Zhao a dream wedding, cooks for her, picks her up after work and protects her anytime she needs it -almost everything a dream husband should do.Also, __29____makes the TV drama stand out among so many counterparts is the experiential proximity it creates for the audience. The love between the main couple is touching but not overstated. It is not only a fantasy or a daydream that takes the audience away but also an experience that __30___occur in our daily lives.My Sunshine is a success, at least for me. It maintains the beauty of the novel, adds cute faces to create a feast for the eyes, satisfies many girls’ fantasies about love, and__31___, encourages all of us to seize every available opportunity to embrace happiness.25. an 26. because of 27. its 28. being married 29. what 30. can 31. most importantly(B)Bilbo Baggins finally returns home in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies after a long and tough journey that transforms him into a wiser, more experienced, and more compassionate man. However, it’s hard to say goodbye now that the three-part movie adaptation of English writer J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel has reached its conclusion.______ ______(32) you missed the first two installments of the series, here is a brief introduction. This prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy centers on Bilbo (Martin Freeman), a small humanoid creature living in the lands of Middle-earth. Bilbo is a homebody content with the daily pleasures of living a simple life. However, when the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen) and 13 dwarves ask his help in retrieving treasure ___33___(steal) by the dragon Smaug (voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch), Bilbo is faced with a choice.The Battle of Five Armies opens with the defeat of Smaug. But with the dragon’s fall ___34___(come)new problems, as his treasure forces the dwarves, humans, elves and goblins to decide between working together and being destroyed.Exciting visual effects are the key to any fantasy-based movie, and The Hobbit’s third outing delivers in this regard. Spectacular castles, boundless mountains, breathtaking war scenes and colorful creatures abound. The Battle of Five Armies reaches the levels of its predecessors, but it’s lacking in innovation.On top of that, there’s English actor Orlando Bloom as Legolas. For 14 years, Legolas ___35____(draw)audiences (particularly females) into theaters with his blond hair and blue eyes. Appearance is power, and in __36___case, the power remains strong.The Hobbit movies haven’t won the same praise as The Lord of the Rings trilogy, with some critics__37____(point) out that repetitive fight scenes cause the film to feel empty and short on plot and character development. __38____well-grounded criticism, The Hobbit trilogy serves as a welcome chronicle of one man’s spiritual development and fight against the temptations of greed and power. For many, these are the true themes of Tolkien’s novel, and they___39___(present) well on film. Step into Middle-earth and allow your imagination __40_____(stretch)by the mystery of this magical world.32. In case 33. stolen 34. comes 35. has been drawing 36. this 37. pointing 38. Despite 39. are represented 40. to be stretchedSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.monetaryB.presenceC.claimedD.altered AB.Handed AC. Customary AD.Emerged BC.CrowdingBD.Basically CD.Done ABC. DeliberatelyPopular messaging service WeChat is hogging the limelight(抢尽风头) this Chinese New Year- by giving the traditions typical of this festive period a facelift.As technology has _D____ the way people in China carry out certain traditions during Chinese New Year, at no point is it clearer that Weixin, the version of Wechat available in the country, has ___AD__ as a frontrunner in the wave of change.The weixin team came upon a brilliant idea of taking the Chinese New Year tradition of gifting money into the digital era. _BD____, rather than giving red envelopes of money to family and friends, Weixin users could tap into digital payments and send _A___ gifts of up to CNY100(around$16.50)per go to others on the chat app.State media Xinhua reports that the first two days of Chinese New Year saw more than five million people across China taking part in Weixin’ s online red envelope activity, with more than 20 million redenvelopes___AB____ out, according to data from Tencent, the company that owns Wechat.At its peak, 585,000 people took part in gifting red envelopes over a mere five minutes on Weixin, with 121,000 red envelopes being _C_____. The messaging service has an estimated 500 million plus registered users in China alone, while it has 270 million active users worldwide.Another tradition has been entirely improved by Weixin as well.It is _AC___ to send New Year well-wishes to your friends on the eve of Chinese New Year- and this year, a whopping(巨大的) 10 million messages were sent in one minute at peak on the eve of Chinese New Year via Weixin. The number of messages sent this year on the chat app was double that of last year, showing that more people are _BC___ to the app instead of sending cards or SMS-es.Chinese New Year is a time dipped in tradition, and the fact that Weixin has managed to make its __B__ so strongly welcomed by users speaks volumes about its ability to straddle(跨越) the space between old and new.As Wechat moves into verticals such as mobile-commerce, it wouldn’t be any surprise if the app soon disrupts other traditions next year. Who knows, we may just get to see Chinese New Year grocery shopping ordelivery, or the booking of transportaion back to p eople’s hometowns, __CD___ entirely via Wechat in the future.Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Hong Kong is part of China, but it is like China? Overseas employers and students might say yes,51 , more than 17 years have passed since the former British colony’s return to the mainland. But business schools in Hong Kong insist that an education in the special administrative region is so different that student should place it in a different 52 .The studentThere are 53 differences between Hong Kong Chinese student and their mainland counterparts, TJ Wong, dean of CUHK Business School at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He says his school attracts the cream of the crop from China who have very strong fundamental skills in English, Chinese and mathematics. Hong Kong Chinese students, adds Prof.Wong, tend to have a stronger global view and are more willing to speak out in class. Mainland student tend to value listening to their superiors more, he says.Sachin Tipnis, executive director of MBA programmes at the University of Hong Kong, notes that mainland and Hong Kong Chinese students bring vastly different backgrounds to the classroom. Many Hong Kong students work in the financial services industry and they also have more 54 to the whole region. Mainland Chinese students are not only more country specific, he says, they also have different corporate backgrounds. “In Hong Kong, not many people are 55 to manufacturing,” he points out.Sean Ferguson, associate dean of masters programmes at HKUST Business School, also thinks Hong Kong students have a broader 56 , but says HKUST has made efforts to recruit (征召) mainland Chinese students who will not be reticent (沉默寡言的) about contributing. “Five to 10 years ago that was 57the stereotype (典型形象),so we changed what we’re looking for.”NetworkingMainland Chinese students represent valuable future contacts for students hoping to do business in the greater China region. Clearly, a mainland Chinese school will offer most opportunities in this respect, but mainland students also 58 between 10 per cent and 25 per cent of full-time MBA students at the three highest-ranking homegrown business schools HKU, CUHK and HKUST.Business linksHong Kong business schools admit that a school based in Shanghai or Beijing is currently a better place to learn about doing business in China.“It’s a trade-off. Obviousl y you can learn more about being there.” says Kalok Chan, acting dean of HKUST.But Hong Kong schools also say that the 59 is a good place to come to learn more about doing business with China. “We want student to remember that business is global,” says Mr. Tipnis.Southern China opportunitiesAll three schools have their eyes on southern China and say students should 60growing expertise (专业知识) in those economically prosperous provinces closest to Hong Kong, but which61 have no good business schools.CUHK appears to be ahead of its 62 in southern China. It is opening a campus in Shenzhen, north of the border with Hong Kong. The first intake of undergraduate business student will be in September.Job prospectsA significant distinguishing factor is also Hong Kong’s 63 visa environment and the widespread use of English. Mr. Tipnis says every graduate student is 64 to apply for a Hong Kong work visa. He says that 60 per cent of graduates from HKU’s business school remain and work in the region. In addition, English is widely spoken in Hong Kong and so language is not the 65 it can be for many students studying in China.51. A. believe it or not B. after all C. vice versa D. on the contrary52. A. category B. approach C. division D. classification53. A. apparent B. respective C. distinct D. invalid54. A. restrictions B. clues C. refunds D. exposure55. A. connected B. resistant C. opposed D. accustomed56. A. initiative B. ambition C. shoulder D. view57. A. definitely B. decently C. virtually D. essentially58. A. pick up B. make up C. put up D. Show up59. A. location B. island C. territory D. mainland60. A. expect B. evaluate C. distribute D. diagnose61. A. permanently B. peculiarly C. considerably D. currently62. A. colleagues B. peers C. courses D. modes63. A. preferential B. influential C. residential D. potential64. A. addicted B. patented C. entitled D. blinded65. A. barrier B. domination C. shelter D. mercy参考答案:51—55 BAAAB 56—60 DABBB 61—65 DBBCAAPeople tend to be more impressed by evidence that seems to confirm some relationship. Thus many are convinced their dreams are prophetic (预言的) because a few have come true; they fail to notice the many that have not. Consider also the belief that “the phone always rings when I’m in the shower.” If it does ring while you are in the shower, the event will stand out and be remembered. If it doesn’t ring, that nonevent probably won’t even register (留下印象).People want to see order, pattern and meaning in the world. Consider, for example, the common belief that things like personal misfortun es, plane crashes, and deaths “happen in threes.” Such beliefs stem from the tendency of people to allow the third event to define the time period. If three plane crashes occur in a month,then the period of time that counts as their “happening together” i s one month; if three crashes occur in a year, the period of time is stretched. Flexible end points reinforce such beliefs.We also tend to believe what we want to believe. A majority of people think they are more intelligent, more fair-minded and more skilled behind the wheel of an automobile than the average person. Part of the reason we view ourselves so favorably is that we use criteria that work to our advantage. As economist Thomas Schelling explains, “Everybody ranks himself high in qualities he values: careful drivers give weight to care, skilled drivers give weight to skill, and those who are polite give weight to courtesy,” This way everyone ranks high on his own scale.Perhaps the most important mental habit we can learn is to be cautious (谨慎的) in drawing conclusions. The “evidence” of everyday life is sometimes misleading.66. In the first paragraph the author states that ________.A) dreams cannot be said to be prophetic even though a few have come trueB) dreams are prophetic because some of them did come trueC) dreams may come true if clearly rememberedD) dreams and reality are closely related67. By “things like...” “happen in threes” (Para. 3, Line 2), the author indicates that people believe ________.A) personal misfortunes tend to happen every now and thenB) personal misfortunes, plane crashes, and deaths usually happen togetherC) misfortunes tend to occur according to certain patternsD) misfortunes will never occur more than three times to a person in his lifetime68. Ten wo rd “courtesy” (Para. 4, line 6) probably means ________.A) good mannersB) appropriate speechC) friendly relationsD) satisfactory service69. It can be concluded from the passage that ________.A) there is some truth even in the wildest dreamsB) one s hould take notice of other people’s meritsC) there is no order or pattern in world eventsD) we should not base our conclusions on accidental evidence答案:66-69ACADCStart-ford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry--William Shakespeare--but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches. There is the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), which presents superb productions of the plays at the Shakespeare Memorial Theater on the Avon. And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays, but to look at Anne Hathaway' s Cottage, Shakespeare's birthplace and the other sights.The worthy residents of Stafford doubt that the theater adds a penny to their revenue. They frankly dislike the RSC ,S actors ,them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness. It's all deliciously ironic when you consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor(with a beard)and did his share of noise-making.The tourist streams are not entirely separate. The sightseers who come by bus-and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side--don't usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theater in Stafford. However, the playgoers do manage a little sightseeing along with their play-going. It is the playgoers, the RSC contends, who bring in much of the town's revenue because they spend the night(some of them four or five nights)pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants. The sightseers can take in everything and get out of town by nightfall...The townsfolk don't see it this way and local council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Stafford cries poor traditionally. Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge. Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquet Banqueting Room, and so forth, and will be very expensive.Anyway, the townsfolk can't understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy. (The theater has broken attendance records for three years in a row. Last year its 1,431 seats were 94 per cent occupied all year long and this year they'll do better.) The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayed low.It would be a shame to raise prices too much because it would drive away the young people who are Stanford's most attractive clientele. They come entirely for the plays, not the sights. They all seem to look alike (though they come from all over)--lean, pointed, dedicated faces, wearing jeans and sandals, eating their buns and bedding down for the night on the flagstones outside the theater to buy the 20 seats and 80 standing-room tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box of rice opens at 10:30am.From the first two paragraph, we learn that ______A.the townsfolk deny the RSC' s contribution to the town's revenueB.the actors of the RSC imitate Shakespeare on and off stageC.the two branches of the RSC are not on good termsD.the townsfolk earn little from tourismIt can be inferred from paragraph 3 that ______A. The sightseers cannot visit the castle and the placed separatelyB. The playgoers spend more money than the sightseersC. the sightseers do more shopping than the playgoersD. The playgoers go to no other places in town than theaterAccording to the townsfolk the RSC deserve no subsidy because_______A.ticket prices can be raised to cover the spendingB. The company is financially ill-managedC. The theater attendance is on the riseD. The behavior of the actors is not socially acceptableFrom the text we can conclude the author______A.is supportive of both sideB.Favors the town-folks viewC.Take a detach attitudeD.Is sympathetic to the RSCKey ABCBSection cIf your resolutions for the new year are typical, they probably include a determination to lose weight. But if your are like most Americans ,any success you have losing pounds will be short-lived ,and you will end the year weighing more than you do right now.So why are Americans obsessed with weight loss? Many people say they want to loss weight to improve their health, but this may not actually be their primary motivation .In one of the more interesting polls I have seen ,more than three fourths of the 231 dieters surveyed said they would take a pill that would achieve or maintain their desired weight even if it would lower their life expectancy. On average, they were willing to give up 5.7 years.These findings may seems puzzling, but they are not so surprising when you consider weight-loss attempts for what they really are: efforts to protect against weight- based discrimination. Yale researchers have shown that weight discrimination has increased dramatically in the last decades especially among women. Multiple studies have documented weight bias in employment, education and public spaces---unequal treatment based on labeling fat people as lazy ,unmotivated ,and lacking self-discipline and competence .Heavy women are routinely ridiculed in advertisements, television and films.Of course ,there are genuine health risks associated with higher body mass .The clearest case is that of Type 2 diabetes ,which becomes more likely as weight goes up. Yet as many medical researchers have pointed out, this association may not be causal. It has become increasingly clear that the link between weight and health is complicated. In some cases ,higher body mass seems to protect against death rate .For instance, there is growing evidence documenting an “obesity paradox(肥胖矛盾)”,in which elevated body mass is associated with lower death rate among people with heart disease and among those with Type 2 diabetes. But it is clear that anti-fat bias in and of itself has a serious effect on public health in ways many may not suspect. Fear of ridicule leads many heavier women to avoid exercising in public or even—when they are very heavy –to avoid leavingtheir homes, depriving themselves of social interaction. And the fear of becoming fat can lead women of all sizes to develop eating disorders that can diminish their lives and be dangerous to their health. What should be done about weight-based discrimination? The answer is to call for increasing tolerance and appreciation of different body types .This year ,before starting yet another diet, ask yourself why you want to lose weight .If it is to improve your health, perhaps you should focus on health-enhancing behaviors that are more directly linked to health.(NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)78.According to some interesting polls ,what actually may be people’s primary motivation to lose weight?To achieve or maintain their desired weight.79.Why do many people in America take the risk of lowering their life expectancy to lose weight?To protect against weight- based discrimination.80.Fat people are thought of as _______________________________________, which results in the unequal treatment of them.lazy ,unmotivated ,and lacking self-discipline and competence81.No doubt that anti-fat bias has a bad effect on public health because they stop fat people_________________________________________.From living a normal life .翻译1.we must bear in mind that the past ,if not forgotten ,can be served as a guide for the future.2.Let your laptop and the cable on the table connected and you can open the internet browser.3.There is over pursuit of luxury and waste among people now days ,Chinese virtue of thrifty is abandoned behind their mind,4.His progress was depended on more inner emotions a nd motivations than outside or others’ encouragement.5.Only when the test-oriented education is transformed into quality-oriented education can students have chances to develop their ability in various fields.II. Guided WritingDirections: writing an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假如你叫宋展,是一家英国造纸公司的总经理助理。
各2015届高三英语一模试卷分类汇编 回答问题专题

上海市各区2015届高三英语一模试卷分类汇编:回答问题专题One【虹口区】Section CDirections: Read the following passage and then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.All of us rely on what we see. We say to ourselves, "I know I was there; I saw it happen" and that seems to settle the matter. Or does it? Can we really trust the evidence of our eyes?Take competitive sports for example. Most fans at sports events are always controlled by emotion, which leads to the fact that they will not agree with each other and even disagree with the referee although they watch the same game. "He was out of bounds when he caught the pass," says one fan. Another says, "You're crazy. I saw it with my own eyes. He was five feet in bounds. You must be blind." The referee rules that the receiver did step out of bounds. But thousands of fans are still not convinced—because they were there!It's the same story in the courtroom. Trial (审判) procedure depends on witnesses giving sworn testimony (证词). But just how reliable is the testimony of a person who reports what he has seen? In a recent study, ten thousand witnesses were asked to describe the man they saw commit a crime. The study reveals that, on the average, the witnesses overestimated the man's height by five inches, his age by eight years, and gave the wrong hair colour in 83 percent of the cases. These witnesses didn't play tricks on them!What can we do to keep error to minimum? Above all, don't let your emotions interfere with your vision. Don't see something because you want to see it. Another solution to the problem would, of course, be to note down what you see. Don't rely on your memory alone. Take pictures, make recordings, and use any other aid, which will help a lot to reduce distortion. One more solution is also needed: The error is not likely to be minimized until the people involved stay relaxed. If you are tense, you are very likely to see red when the colour is blue.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)78. The reason why fans disagree with each other at sports events is that few of them_____.79. The word "them" in Para.3 refers to________.80. What are the other two solutions to keeping visual error to minimum besides not letting your emotions interfere with your vision?81. It can be inferred from the passage that the author takes sports events and courtroom as examples in order to illustrate ______.78. are not controlled by emotion79. the man's height, age and hair colour80. Nothing down what you see and staying relaxed.81. We can't completely trust the evidence of eyesTwo【黄浦区】Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.On October 29, 1929, the United States stock market crashed. In the days that followed, banks and businesses closed, the number of the unemployed workers rose to 15million, and many people lost their savings. As the economic crisis wore on, it became known as the Great Depression. It left many people feeling anxious and uncertain about the future.Within days of his inauguration(就职典礼) in 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt(FDR) began taking steps to stabilize the banking system, support the economy, and provide jobs for unemployed workers. To keep the American public informed about the changes that were underway, he gave a series of radio addresses called fireside chats. FDR used these broadcasts to speak about a number of issues. The first of Roosevelt’s fireside chats was delivered on Sund ay, March 12,1933. His goal in this message was to explain the bank crisis in the United States.He explained to American why banks had run out of money. Roosevelt assured people that their money was safe and that they could get their money when they really needed it. He said that most of the banks would be open the next day and that others would be open again very soon. His message’s purpose was to restore American’s confidence in their banking system.Roosevelt’s chats to America were popular with the peo ple. Many looked forward to hearing what FDR had to say. The White House did not always tell the public whether a particular radio address was to be regarded as a fireside chat. As a result, there is some question about the exact number of these speeches. Twenty-eight such addresses were definitely identified, and two other radio addresses could have also been chats.Roosevelt delivered his final fireside chat on June 12,1944. The focus was opening a fifth war-loan drive. He complimented the American people for supporting the war effort with the purchase of more than $32 billion of war bonds. He encouraged them to buy more as the war effort continued to cost money every day, money that he confidently predicted would lead to final victory. (Notes:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78.______________ led to the Great Depression according to the passage.79. What’s the purpose of Roosevelt’s fireside chats?80. Roosevelt delivered his first fireside chat to assure people of _____________________.81. Why did Roosevelt praise the American people in his final fireside chat?Keys:78. The crash of the United States stock market79. To keep the American public informed about importance issues/messages/the changes80. The safety of their money81. Because they supported the war effort by buying war bondsThree【浦东新区】Sunshine might be healthier than most people think, outweighing the risk of skin cancer. British doctors suggested last week and ran straight into a storm. The four researchers at Bristol University in western England were accused of weakening years of campaigning to warn people of the dangers of too much sun. Experts agree exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (紫外线) increases the risk of skin cancer and accelerates the signs of aging. But in the British Medical Journal, the Bristol team led by Andrew Ness wrote, “There is evidence that the potential benefits of exposure to sunlight may outweigh the widely publicized negative effects on the incidence of skin cancer.”Vitamin D, made in the body in reaction to sunlight, prevented rickets (软骨病) in children and was associated with a protective effect against heart disease.Sunshine was also useful for treating certain skin conditions and there was evidence that it reduced the incidence of multiple sclerosis (硬化症). There was also the “feel good effect of lying or sitting in the sun.” The researchers said it was too early to advise people to spend more time in the sun, but suggested the basis of the current advice to cover up should be reviewed.“Perhaps, while we await the conclusions of such formal analyses, those of us who enjoy spending time in the sun can rest assured that the chance that we will be one of the people dying from the sun is small.” they added.Their article was strongly criticized by health campaigners who claimed it was unbalanced and not backed by scientific evidence. Britain’s Health Education Authority said skin cancer was the most common form of cancer in the country, with more than 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year and more than 2,000 people dying from the disease. It said treatment almost always required surgery and almost 50 per cent of cases were fatal. The authority’s skin cancer campaign manager Christopher New said, “We are very disappointed with this controversial article. It doesn’t have enough supporting evidence and runs the risk of undoing many years of good health education.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)78. According to the four researchers at Bristol University, ______________________________ does more good than harm.79. What does the author mean by saying “the British doctors ran straight into a storm”?80. The “good health education” reminds people ______________________________.81. People have not yet been able to reach an agreement on ______________________________. Keys:78. exposure in sunshine.79. their article aroused a heated debate.80. that sunshine may cause skin cancer.81. whether sunshine is good for people or not.Four【长宁区】Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.The paper is written in an attempt to discuss what the creative process is .Though much theory has accumulated ,little is really known about the power that lies at the bottom of poetic creation. It is true that great poets and artists produce beauty by employing all the powers of personality and by combing emotions, reason, and intuitions(直觉). But what is the magical synthesis(合成) that joins and arranges these complex parts into poetic unity?John L.Lowes, in his justly famous” The Road to Xanadu,” developed one of the earliest and still generally acceptable answers to this interesting question. Imaginative creation. He concludes, is a complex process in which the conscious and unconscious minds jointly operate. “there is ….the deep well with its chaos(杂乱) of accidently mixing images ,but there is likewise the vision which sees shining in and through the chaos of the potential lines of form , and with the vision, the controlling will ,which gives to that potential beauty actuality.”The deep well is the unconscious mind that is peopled with the facts, ideas , feelings of the conscious activity. The imaginative vision, an unconscious activity, shines through the land of chaos, of lights and shadows , silently seeking pattern and form. Finally, the conscious mind again, through will , captures and embodies the idea in the final work of art. In this way is unity born out of chaos.Though there can be no absolute certainty, there is general agreement that the periods in the development of a creative work parallel(与….相似),to some extent ,Lowes’s theory of well , vision , form and will. There are at least three stages in the creative process: preparation, inspiration, work.In a sense, the period of preparation is all of the writer’s life. It is the deep well. It is especially a period of concentration which gives the unconscious mind an opportunity to communicate with the conscious mind. When remembrance of things past reaches the conscious level of the writer’s mind, he is ready to go on with the process. Part of this preparation involves learning a medium---learning a language, learning how to write, learning literary forms. It is important to note here that form cannot be imposed upon the idea. Evidence, though not enough, shows that the idea gives birth to the form that can best convey it. It is the vision, according to Lowes, that sees shining in and through the chaos of the potential lines of form.(Answer the questions or complete the statements in no more than TEN words)78.John L. Lowes has provided an acceptable answer to the question of ______________________.79._________________________are the four elements of John L. Lowes’ theory.80. How does the preparation stage contribute to the development of a creative work?81.According to the passage, what is the relationship between the idea and form.Keys:78.what the creative process is.79.Well, vision, form and will.80.By giving the unconscious mind an opportunity to communicate with the conscious mind.81.form cannot be imposed upon the idea but the idea gives birth to the form that can best convey it.Five【徐汇区】Section CDirection:Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external (外在的) result or a product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a rise, the student whose grades improve, and the foreigner who learns a new language--all these examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.By contrast, the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way. The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have , their caution or courage, as they meet with new experiences and unexpected difficulties. In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to face theunknown, and to accept the possibility that they may "fail" at first. How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential for our ability to grow.Do we see ourselves as quick and curious? If so, we tend to take more changes and be more open to unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we're shy and indecisive? Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe. Do we think we are slow to adapt to change or that we're not smart enough to deal with a new challenge? Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all.These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. If we do not face or overcome these internal fears and doubt, if we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making.Based on the two basic ways to view growth mentioned in the passage, “Jane won the first prize in the speech competition.” can be regarded as______________________________.The process of growth refers to ___________________________________,when people come across new experiences and obstacles.If someone is keen on learning anything new, he is likely to____________________________.________________________________________or too much self-protection may prevent us growing.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in No More Than Ten Words.)Six【闵行区】Seven【奉贤区】Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.The $11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like "I never do anything right" into positive ones like "I can succeed." But was positive thinking advocate Norman Vincent Peale right? Is there power in positive thinking?Researchers in Canada just published a study in the journal Psychological Science that says trying to get people to think more positively can actually have the opposite effect: it can simply highlight how unhappy they are. The study’s authors, Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick, begin by citing older research showing that when people get feedback which they believe is overly positive, they actually feel worse, not better. If you tell your dim friend that he has the potential of an Einstein, you’re just underlining his faults. In one 1990s experiment, a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled. When the essayists were later praised for their sympathy, they felt even worse about what they had written.In th is experiment, Wood, Lee and Perunovic measured 68 students’ self-esteem. The participants were then asked to write down their thoughts and feelings for four minutes. Every 15 seconds, one group of students heard a bell. When it rang, they were supposed to tell themselves, "I am lovable." Those with low self-esteem didn’t feel better after the forced self-affirmation. In fact, their moods turned significantly darker than those of members of the control group, who weren’t urged to think positive thoughts.The paper provides support for newer forms of psychotherapy (心理治疗) that urge people to accept their negative thoughts and feelings rather than fight them. In the fighting, we not only often fail but can make things worse. Meditation (静思) techniques, in contrast, can teach people to put their shortcomings into a larger, more realistic perspective. Call it the power of negative thinking.(Note: Answer the question or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12 WORDS)The self- help industry is based on _________________________________________.The finding of the Canadian researchers is that______________________________.From the experiment of Wood, Lee and Perunovic, we knowthat__________________.From the last paragraph, we know that ___________________ may prove to be agood form of psychotherapy.Keys:78.the idea that you should turn negative thoughts into positive ones.79.Thinking more positively have a opposite effect.80.overly positive thinking doesn’t make people feel better.81.Meditation techniquesEight【静安区】Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.From boy to manGROWING up on-screen for a decade as Harry Potter, 22-year-old Daniel Radcliffe has had to deal with typecasting (同类角色出演) his whole career. However, in a new release called The Woman in Black, the successful child actor finally escapes J.K. Rowling’s hero by taking on the lead role in a classic ghost story.The movie, which hit Chinese cinemas on Sept 20, 2012, tells the tale of a widowed(丧妻的)lawyer named Arthur Kipps (Radcliffe)who is sent to a remote village in the north of England for a late client’saffairs. There, he discovers the town’s tragic past—children die after they see a mysterious woman dressed in black. To clear things up, he decided to stay alone in an old house, which is completely cut off from the mainland at high tide.His fears grow when he sees a woman in black looking at him from the window and hears the sound of a pony and trap in difficulty, followed by the screams of a young child. Kipps decides he must find a way to break the cycle of horror after his son is threatened by the mysterious woman.The story pulls out every old, dark house cliché(老套路)going: demonic(恶魔的)dolls, rocking chairs, and the ghostly black-cloaked(穿黑披风的)woman herself. However, it has become one of that year’s biggest box office winners in the UK when it was released there.British movie critic Jamie Russell thinks what makes it so different is how character-driven it is and how Radcliffe makes it count.“The Woman in Black works because of Radcliffe, not in spite of him,”he said. “Radcliffe’s face convinces you that Kipps knows what it is to have loved and lost forev er.”There is not much conversation. Director James Watkins’s gambledon Radcliffe’s acting. He was not disappointed. “It’s an absolute joy doing the slow push in on Dan, reading his thoughts and lettingthe camera drift closer and closer into his eyes, ”h e told British magazine Total Film.For the former Potter star who has longed for a career away from Hogwarts, this ghost movie is a step in the right direction.“It’s mainly about working hard and proving to people you’re serious about it, and stret ching(倾注全力)yourself and learning. ”Radcliffe told British online newspaper The Huffington Post.And he understands fame is fleeting. “The line that has made the most lasting impression on me was by [US writer] William Goldman. He said something like,' Stars come and go, only actors last’. ”he told the news website.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)78. The movie The woman in Black is about ____________.79. Why does Kipps have to find a way to break the cycle of horror?80. How The woman in Black is successful is that it has been____________________.81. What does The woman in Black mean for Radcliffe, the former Harry Potter star?Keys:78. how Arthur Kipps deals with a mysterious woman in black79. Because his son is threatened by the woman in black.80. one of this year’s biggest box office winner in Britain.81. It is a step on his way to make a breakthrough.Nine【崇明县】Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Defenders of the French language are angered by plans to introduce courses taught in English at public universities, arguing that France must protect itself against the risk of losing its cultural identity.The French Parliament recently started to debate the issue as part of a bill on a broader reform of higher education, but all attention has focused on an article that would lift a 19-year ban on English as a teaching language at public universities.The French government backs the change, which it says would help to attract foreign students and help French graduates compete in a global economy as the country struggles to regain competitiveness. More French students fearing poor job prospects at home, where youth unemployment is nearly 25 percent, are studying and working abroad. One of their destinations is London, which now has become the sixth largest French population in the world.However, opponents of the law, including professors, lawmakers and the French language supervision body Academic France, say the community of other French-speaking peoples must be defended and that the change would be a betrayal of other French-speaking nations."If France gives other French-speaking countries the wrong signal by leading an assault against the language, that would be a very, very regrettable thing indeed," said Claude Hagege, a language scientist.France has long defended its culture at home and abroad. In 1994, the so-called " Toubon Law" made the use of French mandatory in all TV broadcasts, meaning all foreign-language programs are dubbed, while radio stations must play at least 40 percent of French music for most of the day. Business leaders criticize France's low ranking for English proficiency(熟练度)- it placed 23rd in a 2012 global ranking published by education company Education First - even though the use ofEnglish has grown, notably in academic circles.Higher Education Minister Genevieve Fioraso said offering English would increase the appeal of French universities at a time when they are falling further behind in international rankings. In a 2011-2012 survey by Britain's Times newspaper, the highest-ranked French university is in 59th position. Private business schools where English is taught rank higher.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78. What does “the change” in Paragraph 3 refer to ?79. Some people are against the change because they think it would_____________________.80. According to “Toubon Law” , what is a must for TV stations in France?81. Genevieve Fioraso thinks the release of the bill may help French universities __________. Keys:78. Allowing using English as a teaching language at public universities.79. be a betrayal of other French-speaking nations/make France lose its cultural identity80. Using French in all TV broadcasts / The use of French in all TV broadcasts.81. attract more students/be more appealing/rank higher in international rankingsTen【普陀区】Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Different people may find that different learning methods work best for them. While some would turn to tutoring in order to get better grades, others choose to join study groups. In fact, many universities encourage their students to form study groups and make good use of them.“Two heads are better than one.”That’s the simple idea behind study groups. By participating in a study group, students can benefit from some of their best academic resources: other students. They get to pick each other’s brains and improve their own understanding of different problems. Moreover, study groups can create the slightly tense atmosphere in which it’s good to study. For example, some students tend to procrastinate(拖延) when they are studying by themselves; however, by joining a study group, they get to observe their peers who are working diligently and are likely to thus have motivation for working harder.Study groups work best when they are small , but not too small -four to five participants is about right. And it’s necessary to make sure everyone has the same goal, to prepare for a particular test, to discuss class readings or to review the week’s lec ture notes. Besides, socializing in the group would make studying more fun as long as it took up only a small portion of group study time.In addition, to maximize the efficiency, some study groups like to assign members certain roles, and thus efficiency will be promoted. Besides an organizer, who gets group members to agree to a common purpose and a convenient time and place, there often is a group member playing the role of a source-seeker, whose duty is to remind group members to identify their sources. For instance, when a group member says “I read somewhere that...”, the source-seekers should ask for specifics. This person reminds the group that it’s important to know who said what and where it was said. And a gatekeeper, who tries to make sure that all group members are participating, may ask a direct question to help a shy person participate, or find a way to get a dominating member to listen.(Note: Answer the question or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)Many universities encourage students to take advantage of _________for better grades rather than learning alone.Peers are not only the best academic resources but also motivate each other to __________when learning in groups.According to paragraph 3, besides the small size, what are the other two factors that could help a study group work best?All the members in the study group will be assigned different roles because people believe that it will result in________.Keys:study groupswork harderThe same goal and specializing in the groupmaximizing the efficiencyEleven【闸北区】Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.The herds of bulls and horses depicted running along the walls of the Lascaux caves in France are among the most magnificent examples of prehistoric art ever discovered.But rather than displaying hunting scenes, new evidence suggests that the images actually represent the frightening sounds which came from the mouths of the caves.US researcher Steven Waller believes that the echoes(回声) of clapping outside the cave would have sounded like hundreds of animal feet drumming on the ground. He proposes that the caves were preserved for their sound properties, which prehistoric peoples mistook for supernatural noises.Ancient stories explained echoes from the mouths of certain giant caves as replies from spirits, so our ancestors chose to decorate these caves with paintings believing that they were inhabited by spirits and gods.Beside animal sounds, many ancient cultures attributed thunder in the sky to ‘thunder gods,’ so it makes sense that some lasting echoes within the caves were interpreted as thunder and inspired paintings of those thunder gods on cave walls.The idea is also supported by audio theory, which shows statistically significant similarities between the rock are sites and modern sound reflection equipment.As for the presence of the famous Stonehenge(巨石阵) in Britain, Mr. Walker also suggests it may have been the sound of the prehistoric monument, rather than the sight, that inspired its creation.He claims that its architects may have been trying to recreate a sound-effect similar to the ritual sound made during religious dancing.People taking part in a religious dance around a pair of pipes would have heard the music grow quieter as they moved past certain pipes due to a natural phenomenon known as an ‘interference pattern.’ If they were blindfold, it would have created the illusion that th e sound was intermittently being reduced by invisible gods as they danced. According to Dr. Walker, the effects became so impressive that ancient people attempted to capture it in store. Therefore the Stonehenge。

上海市各区2015届高三英语一模试卷分类汇编:写作专题Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.目前,在网上购物的人越来越多,有人说在网上购物比在实体店购物优势多,有人说还是在实体店购物好。
你的文章必须包括:●简要介绍两种购物方式的不同之处●你喜欢那种购物方式?为什么?参考:Shopping online vs. shopping in physical storesAs scientific technologies developed faster and faster, our common lives have changed more and more, one of which is our shopping way.We have been shopping in physical stores, where a salesman may introduce many products to you and give you some advice about which one is the best choice, and you can try those clothes or shoes in person, even change another one if you find it not suitable to yourself.However, a new shopping method sprang up --- shopping online. There appear quantities of various stores on the Internet. You just need to click your mouse, and then you can see different kinds of commodities in them, with colorful pictures and detailed descriptions. If you are not clear about something, you can ask the customer service staff for help, who usually very kind and glad to answer your any question. Moreover, you can compare the same kind of products in different stores at the same time, which is able to save your time and avoid embarrassment.But every coin has two sides. Shopping online is not exceptional, so there are some disadvantages. First, you can never be sure whether the product is exactly what you see in the picture or read in the descriptions. What you receive may be much different from what is in your mind, for instance, strange color, wrong size or bad quality. Secondly, the products may be lost in the express delivery.From my perspective, I prefer shopping online, because I am too busy to have time go shopping in physical stores and goods online are usually cheaper. But I always choose the shops which have good reputation.【答案解析】文中包含题干的两个问题即可。

2015年上海市杨浦区中考英语一模试卷I.ListeningComprehension(听力理解):(共30分)A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到地内容,选出相应地图片):1.(6分)2.(1分)A.He went camping.B.He visited campus.C.He stayed at home.D.He did housework.3.(1分)A.Rainy.B.Fine.C.Windy.D.Snowy.4.(1分)A.Every day.B.Once a week.C.Every two days.D.A couple of times a year.5.(1分)A.10 yuan.B.20 yuan.C.30 yuan.D.40 yuan.6.(1分)A.In the supermarket.B.At the airport.C.In the church.D.At the post office.7.(1分)A.The weather.B.Southeast Asia.C.Travel plan.D.Christmas gifts.8.(1分)A.By taxi.B.By plane.C.By train.D.By bus.9.(1分)A.Several towns were struck by the floods.B.Several people were killed in the floods.C.Nobody got hurt or killed in the floods.D.Many people were homeless after the floods.10.(6分)Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到地短文内容,符合地用"T"表示,不符合地用"F"表示):15.Tom went interview and was told to take s test.16.The manager of the big company wanted to email the test result to Tom.17.Tom didn't get the job as an office boy because he didn't have an email.18.With $10 Tom bought 10 kilos of tomatoes and sold them on the streets.19.It took several years for Tom to become one of the biggest food retailers (零售商)in the US.20.The story tells us that modem technology brings great convenience to businessmen.11.(5分)2I.Tim Berners﹣Lee studied at Oxford University,andwhile he was there he built his first computer.22.In 1980 he a computer program to organize his notes.23.He designed a system called HTML that allows people to and put them on a web on the Internet.24.In 1991,11 years after his first idea for a program,the World Wide Web.25.Berners﹣Lee wanted his invention to be for everybody.II.Choosethebestanswer(选择最恰当地答案):(共20分,每小题1分)12.(1分)I could see he was carrying a gun.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?()A./gu;n/ B./gʌn/ C./gɔn/ D./gən/13.(1分)Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?()A.Wild animals should not be kept in zoos.B.Add a little more liquid to the sauce.C.I had a burning desire to visit France.D.It's not wise for hurt to travel alone.14.(1分)The sign says we can park our car here.It's information sign.()A.a B.an C.the D./15.(1分)A fire had broken out and caused much to the roof.()A.death B.accident C.damage D.problem16.(1分)The stampede(踩踏事件)which happened at the Bund area is disaster to hit Shanghaiin recent years.()A.bad B.worse C.worst D.the worst17.(1分)The war lasts,the more the people there will suffer.()A.Long B.The long C.Longer D.The longer18.(1分)95% of the passengers say they are satisfied the public transport service.()A.in B.for C.to D.with19.(1分)I called my father and told him about my progress.He sounded really .()A.happy B.happily C.happiness D.unhappy20.(1分)Even a small portable computer store huge amounts of information.()A.can B.may C.must D.should21.(1分)Would you mind me a small favor?()A.do B.doing C.to do D.to doing22.(1分)There are no empty seats on this flight,but there are available on the next one.()A.few B.a few C.little D.a little23.(1分)the government has promised to improve road safety,little has been achieved so far.()A.If B.Although C.Unless D.Because24.(1分)They in Italy for twelve years before they moved to England.()A.live B.were living C.have lived D.had lived25.(1分)As soon as the sun______down,the temperature drops sharply.()A.goes B.went C.will go D.had gone26.(1分)The house was just what I wanted,it was the right price.()A.or B.but C.and D.so27.(1分)I don't believe in letting children whatever they want to do.()A.do B.doing C.to do D.to doing28.(1分)The Red Cross is always the first help to victims when a disaster happens.()A.provide B.providing C.to provide D.to providing29.(1分)exciting program Tint Running Man is!()A.What B.What a C.What an D.How30.(1分)Here is the package yon ordered.It this morning.()A.deliver B.is deliveredC.delivered D.was delivered31.(1分)﹣﹣Are you going to buy a car this year?﹣﹣______The price for a car plate is so high.I'll wait and see,()A.Why not?B.Not really.C.Well,I'll certainly buy one.D.1 couldn't agree with you more.Ⅲ.Completethefollowingpassagewiththewordsorphrasesinthebox.Eachwordorphra secanonlybeusedonce(将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)32.(4分)A.prefer B.attention C.care about D.predict E.personal What do you look for when you go shopping for clothes?Do you choose something fashionable,or comfortable?Do you like to look different?Or do you wear the same clothes as your friends?Do you go for this year's clothes?Is it the logo﹣the company symbol﹣that catches your (46)?Or maybe film stars are wearing these clothes?What helps you choose the clothes you like?Everyone spends money on clothes and everyone has their (47)look.The bestselling clothing companies sell their"designer"clothes all over the world.But the number of these big name companies is in fact very small,and the clothes they make are more expensive than the clothes made by less well﹣known companies.Many people even (48)them to cheaper clothes.Why?Many young people today (49)the way they look.They often buy"designer"clothes because they think they look cool.Then the less well﹣known companies make clothes which look the same.But they don't sell as well because they don't have the logo.33.(4分)A.succeed B.speed up C.speed D.shown offE.popularPeople also think designer clothes are better made.For example,many people,think the right running shoes will make you run faster or play better.Of course,this is not always true.It's the training not the trainers﹣that improves your(50)or your score.But that's not the﹣point.People believe that and then buy the shoes.The big companies only want to make money.Most of all,designer clothes are more (51)because of clever advertising.All of the International companies,spend millions of dollars every year to make us buy their clothes.And they(52).Most people dress in a way that their personality can be(53).But if some of us buy expensive clothes just to look cool what does that say about us?Maybe it's just clever advertising.So next weekend,think about the clothes you put on.What's the logo on your trainers?Who made your coat?And how many of your friends wear the same clothes as you do?And then think that maybe some of us could spend our money better.Ⅳ.Completethesentenceswiththegivenwordsintheirproperforms(用括号中所给单词地适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共8分,每小题1分)34.(1分)Small greeting are available at the Information Desk.(card).35.(1分)Last summer I went for a budget trip with my father to.It was great fun.(German):36.(1分)Kevin made all the furniture.He's very good with his hands,(he)37.(1分)﹣What is your country's language?﹣French.(officer)38.(1分)Hundreds of soldiers died from and hunger.(ill)39.(1分)These plates are damaged,so please be careful with them.(easy)40.(1分)In the educational program four players will with animals for food.(competition)41.(1分)This program has the of being more expensive than the others.(advantage)Ⅴ.Rewritethefollowingsentencesasrequired.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子.62-67题,每空格限填一词.68题注意句首大写):(共14分,每小题2分))42.(2分)My family used to go to church regularly.(改为一般疑问句)your family to go to church regularly?43.(2分)The new light rail line will be built in two years.(对划线部分提问)will the new light rail line he built'?44.(2分)The new Law for the Protection of Children will become effective immediately.(保持句意基本不变)The new Law for the Protection of Children will become effective.45.(2分)We don't allow people to smoke anywhere in the building,(改为被动语态)People to smoke anywhere in the building.46.(2分)Lydia was very tired.She almost fell asleep at the dinner table.(保持句意基本不变)Lydia was tired she almost fell asleep at the dinner table.47.(2分)"Does water cover most of the Earth's surface?"asked the boy.(改为宾语从句)The boy wanted to know water most of the Earth's surface.48.(2分)From,weather,prevented,bad,leaving,us(连词成句).Ⅵ.Readingcomprehension(阅读理解):(共50分)A.Choosethebestanswer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当地答案):(6分)49.(6分)Taking a trip by air?When you get to an airport,check inside for a TV display like the one below.The departure display will give you information about the plane you're taking.69.Most airlines ask you to check in one hour before the scheduled departure time.What time should you check in for your flight to Salt Lake City?A.At 6:05a.m.B.At 7:00a.m.C.At 7:15a.m.D.At 8:05a.m.70.When you get to the airport,you see that your flight to Shanghai.A.will leave on timeB.will leave one hour laterC.has taken offD.has been cancelled71.Imagine you're headed for Paris on the 8:15a.m flight.Which sign below can help you get tothe right gate?A.Gates 1﹣9B.Gates 10﹣21C.Gates 22﹣30D.Gates 31﹣40.B.Choosethebestanswer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当地答案):(6分)50.(6分)An artist painted many pictures of great beauty.But he found that he had not yet painted a"real"beautiful picture.He began his trip to look for the most beautiful thing in the world.On the way.hemet an aged priest (牧师)who asked him where he was going."1don't know,'"said the artist,"1want to paint the most beautiful thing in the world.Perhaps you can direct me to it.""How easy!"replied the priest.In any church,you will find it﹣"Faith"is the most beautiful thing in the world."The artist travelled on.Later,a young mother told him the most beautiful thing is"Love"."Love makes the world go around.Without love there is no Beauty." Still the artist continued his search.He asked a soldier the same question and his answer was"Peace".He said,"War is ugly and wherever you find Peace,you will find beauty,Faith and Love.""How can I paint them﹣Faith,Love and Peace?"the artist thought as he moved away.But to the artist's surprise,he got to his familiar place.As he entered the doorway of his home,the artist realized that his search was over.In the faces of his wife and children,he saw Love and Faith."We're thinking of you all the time.We prayed you would return to us safely,"said his wife,'The artist sat on his favorite old chair and his heart at peace.Finally,the artist painted the most beautiful thing in the world and called it" ".72.What was the purpose of the artist's trip?A.To find the most beautiful picture in the world.B.To visit other artists and get ideas from them.C.In search of the most beautiful thing in the world.D.In search of his missing,wife and children.73.thinks"Faith"is the most beautiful.A.An aged priestB.A young motherC.A soldierD.The artist's wife74.What name would you give the painting?Choose the word that best fits theblank in the last sentence.A.Smile.B.Care.C.Home.D.Happiness.C.Choosethewordsorexpressionsandcompletethepassage(选择最恰当地单词或词组完成短文):(12分)51.(12分)Have you ever heard of gypsies(吉普赛人)?Do you know anything about their lives?Read the following and you will(75)about the interesting world of gypsies.The life of a gypsy is very different from yours or mine.Gypsy families usually live in tents or mobile homes,sometimes on the side of the roads,in forests,or in special fields designed for gypsies to come and stay.It is (76)for a gypsy family to travel all over the country,and even the world.Surveys show about one million gypsies live and travel around in the USA alone.Many speak English but some groups have their own language.Experts say it is (77)the language people speak in India.The culture of the gypsy is very much focused on (78).Most times the children in a gypsy family do not even go to school.This is probably because of all the travelling.Going to school is not a big part of the gypsy culture anyway.A lot of gypsies arc not even able to read or write because of it.A gypsy family may have as many as ten children.The children in a gypsy family will often learn different (79).They learn how to hunt for food,identify different plants in the wild,and cook,from a young age.(80),gypsies learn to play instruments and dance at a young age.A lot of time is spent with music.I do not know if I would like to be a gypsy.I enjoy going to school very much,and I feel like I would have fewer friends if my family moved around so much.75.A.point out B.find out C.turn out D.fill out 76.A.impossible B.necessary C.common D.uneasy 77.A.made up of B.similar to C.familiar with D.responsible for 78.A.education B.development C.honesty D.freedom 79.A.skills B.subjects C.attitudes D.technologies 80.A.Above all B.Also C.After all D.Instead.D.Readthepassageandfillintheblankswithproperwords(在短文地空格内填入适当地词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)52.(14分)When he was a teenager,Hunter Adams was very unhappy,and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s in a hospital for people with mental health problem.When he (81)l the hospital,Adams decided to become a doctor,so be went to medical school in the state of Virginia,in the U.S.There he often did things differently from the doctors and other students.For example,he didn't like the doctor's (82)w coats,so he wore shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients.He also tried to make them happy.The doctors at the medical school didn't like Adams because he was too different.But Adams believed that people in a hospital need more than (83)m.He saw that patients were lonely and unhappy.He tried to help them,not just as patients but as people,too.He spent a lot of time with children int he hospital.He often put on a red rose to look like a clown and to make the children (84)l.When he finished medical school and became a doctor,Adams and some other doctors began an organization called the Gesundheit Institute.One of their (85)g is to build a clinic and teaching center.It will be a place with a different way of working with sickpeople.Hunter Adams became (86)f during the 1980s,and in 1998,Universal Pictures made a successful (87)m about Adams's life called Patch Adams.Robin Williams played Adams.Williams said,"Hunter is a really warm person,who believes that patients need a doctor who is a friend.I enjoy playinghim."E.Answerthequestions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分)53.(12分)What do you do with the things you love?You probably take care of them and keep them safe.That's not what Cameron Payne does.This fifth grader from North Carolina is sharing his love of books by giving them away.In 2008,Cameron was looking for a way to help Iris community when he heard about a family who lost everything in a house fire.He was sad that all of their books were destroyed,and he wanted to find a way to help them.That's when he created his program,which gives books away to people in need.Cameron collects books for young people of all ages and reading levels.He collects books for kids who are.blind or low vision,too,because he wants everyone to have books.Cameron knows that books can help kids think about their future.They do this by helping kids dream about what they might be when they grow up.Learning about new things can give kids new interests.Seven years later,Cameron is still giving away books.Many of the books he gives away were given to him by others,but Cameron's grandmother also shops for books that don't cost a lot.She buys books that are new or that look new.In addition to working with schools.Cameron and his grandmother give books to children ir,places near their home,such as hospitals,libraries,and day camps.Cameron wants to keep his program going and growing.Over the past seven years,he has given away more than 3,000books.He has also won many prizes for ins work.His program has grown over the years,too.Last Christmas,Cameron was even able to give away toys and clothes.Cameron Payne is making a difference in kids'lives by giving away the things he love:books.Who needs help in your community?How might you help?88.Is Cameron Payne student at present?89.What does Cameron Payne's program do?90.How long has Cameron rim the program991.How did Cameron get all his books?92.Besides books,what else did Cameron give away?93.What do you think of Cameron and his program'?(Explain in 2﹣3sentences).Ⅶ.Writing(作文):(共20分)54.(20分)In 60to 120words,write about the topic"The best gift I've received".(以"我收到地最好地礼物"为题,写一篇60﹣120个词地短文,标点符号不占格)The following are for reference only.(以下问题仅供参考)√What is the gift?Who was it from?√What is the gift like?√Why d o you like it so much?√What makes it so special?(注意:短文中不得出现考生地姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分.).2015年上海市杨浦区中考英语一模试卷参考答案与试题解析I.ListeningComprehension(听力理解):(共30分)A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到地内容,选出相应地图片):1.(6分)【解答】1 G2 D3 B4 A5 H6 C7 C8 A9 D10 B 11 D12 C13 B14 A15 T16 F17 T18 F19 T20 F21 until 197622 worked on23 write pages24 was born25 something free2.(1分)A.He went camping.B.He visited campus.C.He stayed at home.D.He did housework.【解答】略B.Fine.C.Windy.D.Snowy.【解答】略4.(1分)A.Every day.B.Once a week.C.Every two days.D.A couple of times a year.【解答】略5.(1分)A.10 yuan.B.20 yuan.C.30 yuan.D.40 yuan.【解答】略6.(1分)A.In the supermarket.B.At the airport.C.In the church.D.At the post office.【解答】略7.(1分)A.The weather.B.Southeast Asia.C.Travel plan.D.Christmas gifts.【解答】略B.By plane.C.By train.D.By bus.【解答】略9.(1分)A.Several towns were struck by the floods.B.Several people were killed in the floods.C.Nobody got hurt or killed in the floods.D.Many people were homeless after the floods.【解答】略10.(6分)Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到地短文内容,符合地用"T"表示,不符合地用"F"表示):15.Tom went interview and was told to take s test.16.The manager of the big company wanted to email the test result to Tom.17.Tom didn't get the job as an office boy because he didn't have an email.18.With $10 Tom bought 10 kilos of tomatoes and sold them on the streets.19.It took several years for Tom to become one of the biggest food retailers (零售商)in the US.20.The story tells us that modem technology brings great convenience to businessmen.【解答】略11.(5分)2I.Tim Berners﹣Lee studied at Oxford University略略,and while he was there he built his first computer.22.In 1980 he略略 a computer program to organize his notes.23.He designed a system called HTML that allows people to略略and put them on a web on the Internet.24.In 1991,11 years after his first idea for a program,the World Wide Web略略.25.Berners﹣Lee wanted his invention to be略略for everybody.【解答】略II.Choosethebestanswer(选择最恰当地答案):(共20分,每小题1分)12.(1分)I could see he was carrying a gun.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?()A./gu;n/ B./gʌn/ C./gɔn/ D./gən/【解答】答案:B根据句意"我能看到他带着一把枪"gun"枪"其中字母u发/ʌ/故单词读作/gʌn/故选B.13.(1分)Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?()A.Wild animals should not be kept in zoos.B.Add a little more liquid to the sauce.C.I had a burning desire to visit France.D.It's not wise for hurt to travel alone.【解答】答案B.little中地i发/i/;wild中地i发/ai/;desire中地i发/ai/;wise中地i发/ai/.故选B.14.(1分)The sign says we can park our car here.It's information sign.()A.a B.an C.the D./【解答】答案B本题考查不定冠词用于可数名词前表示同类事物中地一种,又因information地发音以元音开头,其前应用an.an information sign信息标志表示sign其中一种,故答案选B.15.(1分)A fire had broken out and caused much to the roof.()A.death B.accident C.damage D.problem【解答】答案:C 根据a fire…caused much…to the roof,可知这场火给屋顶造成了很多地…根据选项含义:death死亡;accident事故;damage损害;problem 麻烦.可知此处需要"损害"一意.故选C.16.(1分)The stampede(踩踏事件)which happened at the Bund area is disaster to hit Shanghaiin recent years.()A.bad B.worse C.worst D.the worst【解答】答案:D考查形容词地比较等级.根据语境及in recent years地比较范围可知,应用最高级,表近几年发生在上海地最严重地灾难,应用bad地最高级worst,可排除A,B;又知所缺地单词是在句中做disater地定语所以是形容词地最高级,故不可省略定冠词the.故选D17.(1分)The war lasts,the more the people there will suffer.()A.Long B.The long C.Longer D.The longer【解答】答案D根据the+比较级,the+比较级意为"越…就越…"结合该结构及下文the more the people there will suffer故填the longer故选D18.(1分)95% of the passengers say they are satisfied the public transport service.()A.in B.for C.to D.with【解答】答案:Din在…里面;for为了;to到,向;with和…在一起;be satisfied with对…感到满意,固定短语,故选D.19.(1分)I called my father and told him about my progress.He soundedreally .()A.happy B.happily C.happiness D.unhappy【解答】答案:A;happy高兴地,形容词;happily高兴地,副词;happiness高兴,名词;unhappy不高兴地,形容词;根据句意I called my father and told him about my progress我打电话给我地父亲,告诉他我地进步,推测下句句意:他听起来真地很高兴;故选A.20.(1分)Even a small portable computer store huge amounts of information.()A.can B.may C.must D.should【解答】答案:A.can能,会;may可以;must一定,必须;should应该.根据Even a small portable computer store huge amounts of information,可知即使是一个小型地便携式计算机也能存储大量地信息,在这里表示地是一种能力.can能,会.故选A.21.(1分)Would you mind me a small favor?()A.do B.doing C.to do D.to doing【解答】答案:B根据would you mind可知mind后面接动词地ing形式.故选B.22.(1分)There are no empty seats on this flight,but there are available on the next one.()A.few B.a few C.little D.a little【解答】答案:B 根据上句There are no empty seats on this flight和下句关键词but可知,下个航班有少量座位.seats是可数名词,little,a little是不可数地.故排除.few,a few是可数地,a few表肯定,few含否定意味,不合题意,故选B23.(1分)the government has promised to improve road safety,little has been achieved so far.()A.If B.Although C.Unless D.Because【解答】答案:Bif如果,unless除非,二者都引导条件状语从句;although尽管,引导让步状语从句;because因为,引导原因状语从句;承诺得多,实现得少,所以要用让步状语从句,表转折意义,故选B.24.(1分)They in Italy for twelve years before they moved to England.()A.live B.were living C.have lived D.had lived【解答】答案:D.他们搬到英格兰是过去时,他们生活在意大利是在他们搬到英格兰之前,应该是过去地过去,所以用过去完成时,过去完成时地构成:主语+had+动词地过去分词,故选D.25.(1分)As soon as the sun______down,the temperature drops sharply.()A.goes B.went C.will go D.had gone【解答】答案:A.句中the temperature drops sharply,此句中用地是一般现在时,因此前面也该用一般现在时,主语是the sun,是第三人称单数,故用goes,故选A.26.(1分)The house was just what I wanted,it was the right price.()A.or B.but C.and D.so【解答】答案:C;or或者,表示选择;but但是,表示转折;and和,并且,表示并列;so于是,表示因果;根据The house was just what I wanted这房子正好是我想要地,it was the right price这是一个合适地价格,可知二者之间是并列地关系;故选C.27.(1分)I don't believe in letting children whatever they want to do.()A.do B.doing C.to do D.to doing【解答】答案:A.根据I don't believe in letting children whatever they want to do,可知这里考查了let地用法,后面跟动词地话,to应省略,要用动词原形形式,结构为let sb do sth,意思是让某人做某事.故选A.28.(1分)The Red Cross is always the first help to victims when a disaster happens.()A.provide B.providing C.to provide D.to providing【解答】答案:C.根据The Red Cross is always the first,可知这里考查了短语be always the first to do sth,表示总是第一个做某某事地人,后面跟地是to引导地动词不定式形式.故选C.29.(1分)exciting program Tint Running Man is!()A.What B.What a C.What an D.How【解答】答案:C 根据exciting program可知,感叹修饰地中心词是名词,应该用What引导;又根据感叹句地句式:What+a/an+形容词+单数名词+主+谓,program是可数名词单数形式,而exciting是以元音音素开头地单词,所以前面加冠词an,故选C.30.(1分)Here is the package yon ordered.It this morning.()A.deliver B.is deliveredC.delivered D.was delivered【解答】答案D 根据句中this morning判断句子为一般过去时,主语it指package 是谓语动词deliver地承受者,二者形成被动关系,故用被动语态,所以空处为一般过去时地被动语态,一般过去时地被动语态地结构为was/were+及物动词地过去分词.故选D31.(1分)﹣﹣Are you going to buy a car this year?﹣﹣______The price for a car plate is so high.I'll wait and see,()A.Why not?B.Not really.C.Well,I'll certainly buy one.D.1 couldn't agree with you more.【解答】答案:B;Why not?为什么不;Not really事实上不是;Well,I'll certainly buy one哦,我一定会买一个;1 couldn't agree with you more我再也不能同意你;根据答语I'll wait and see推知上句句意:事实上不是;故选B.Ⅲ.Completethefollowingpassagewiththewordsorphrasesinthebox.Eachwordorphra secanonlybeusedonce(将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)32.(4分)A.prefer B.attention C.care about D.predict E.personal What do you look for when you go shopping for clothes?Do you choose something fashionable,or comfortable?Do you like to look different?Or do you wear the same clothes as your friends?Do you go for this year's clothes?Is it the logo﹣the company symbol﹣that catches your (46)B?Or maybe film stars are wearing these clothes?What helps you choose the clothes you like?Everyone spends money on clothes and everyone has their (47)E look.The bestselling clothing companies sell their"designer"clothes all over the world.But the number of these big name companies is in fact very small,and the clothes they make are more expensive than the clothes made by less well﹣known companies.Many people even (48)A them to cheaper clothes.Why?Many young people today (49)C the way they look.They often buy"designer"clothes because they think they look cool.Then the less well﹣known companies make clothes which look the same.But they don't sell as well because they don't have the logo.【解答】46 B,考察名词辨析及上下文理解,文中提到Is it the logo﹣the company symbol﹣that catches your是商标还是公司地名字…因为是在买衣服,所以应该是抓住你地注意力,catch your attention抓住你地注意力,由此确定选择B.47 E,考察形容词辨析及上下文理解,文中提到Everyone spends money on clothes and everyone has their每个人都会花钱买衣服,但是由于每个人不一样,所以同一件衣服穿在不同人身上时,风格也是完全不一样地,也就是说有自己地风格,根据句意可知选择E.48 A,考察动词辨析及上下文理解,文中提到clothes they make are more expensive than the clothes made by less well﹣known companies大公司做地衣服数量少,比较贵,小公司地比较便宜,但是我们知道,人们都是爱买那种有名地衣服,即使比较贵,prefer to偏爱…根据句意可知选择A.49 C,考察动词短语辨析及上下文理解,文中提到They often buy"designer"clothes 现在地人们经常会买设计师设计地衣服,其原因主要是爱面子,也就是在意自己穿地怎么样,care about意为在意,由此确定选择C.33.(4分)A.succeed B.speed up C.speed D.shown offE.popularPeople also think designer clothes are better made.For example,many people,think the right running shoes will make you run faster or play better.Of course,this is not always true.It's the training not the trainers﹣that improves your(50)C or your score.But that's not the﹣point.People believe that and then buy the shoes.The big companies only want to make money.Most of all,designer clothes are more (51)E because of clever advertising.All of the International companies,spend millions of dollars every year to make us buy their clothes.And they(52)A.Most people dress in a way that their personality can be(53)D.But if some of us buy expensive clothes just to look cool what does that say about us?Maybe it's just clever advertising.So next weekend,think about the clothes you put on.What's the logo on your trainers?Who made your coat?And how many of your friends wear the same clothes as you do?And then think that maybe some of us could spend our money better.【解答】50 C,考察名词辨析及上下文理解.后文说"your score"成绩,此处用or 来连接两个并列成分.此外,前文写出"run faster or play better",其中play better 与好地成绩对应,则run faster与"speed"速度对应,因此选择C.51 E,考察形容词辨析及上下文理解.文章中说"designer clothes are more"设计师地衣服变得越来越…,而其原因为"because of clever advertising"可知由于有着精明地广告,所以他设计地衣服被更多人所了解,也就是受欢迎,填写"popular",因此选择E.52 A,考察形容词辨析及上下文理解.前文说"All of the International companies,spend millions of dollars every year to make us buy their clothes"公司会花费很多钱来做广告,吸引顾客来买自己地衣服,这里指出原因"because of clever advertising"精明地广告,可知他们成功(succeed)了,所以选择A.53 D,考察形容词辨析及上下文理解.文中说"Most people dress in a way that their personality can be"许多人穿衣服和个性有关,因此是说日常穿衣是符合自己地个性地,所以应该是穿衣只是为了表现自己地个性,所以选择"shown off",因此选择D.Ⅳ.Completethesentenceswiththegivenwordsintheirproperforms(用括号中所给单词地适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共8分,每小题1分)34.(1分)Small greeting cards are available at the Information Desk.(card).【解答】答案:cards.提示词card是名词,意为"卡片",根据所给单词结合语境可以推测句意为"在服务台可获得小地问候卡.",由于设空处单词在句子中作主语,且后面是be动词are,所以应填名词复数cards,故答案为:cards.35.(1分)Last summer I went for a budget trip with my father to Germany.It was great fun.(German):【解答】答案:Germany.提示词German是名词,意为"德国人;德语",根据所给单词结合语境可以推测句意为"去年夏天我和爸爸一起去德国进行了一次预算旅行,非常有趣.",由于设空处单词放在介词to后面且根据句意缺少一个表示国家地名词,所以应填Germany,故答案为:Germany.36.(1分)Kevin made all the furniture himself.He's very good with his hands,(he)【解答】答案:himself.本身Kevin made all the furniture是个完整地句子,表示凯文做了所有地家具,那么根据括号中地he可以联想到反身代词himself作为主。


2024届上海市杨浦区高三一模英语试卷2023.12考生注意:1 .考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。
2 .本次考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。
所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上, 做在试卷上一律不得分。
3 .务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。
I. Listening ComprehensionSection A Short ConversationsDirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A. Receptionist and guest. B. Manager and employee.C. Lecturer and student.D. Mechanic and customer.2.A. Keep them in the closet. B. Donate them to her university.C. Sell them to Sally at a low price.D. Give them away to a second-hand shop3.A. It is too late to sign up for the course. B. Learning the basics is more fun.C. The woman is not ready to learn coding.D. The woman should do more exercises.4.A. Alice will drive Jack to the airport. B. Alice will cook something for Jack.C. Jack will be away for quite some time.D. Jack has missed the meal at the airport.5.$84. B. $82. C. $72. D. S80.6.A. She is not good at typing on the computer.B. She shops online less often than before.C. She is incapable of writing the report.D. She is not as busy as she claims.7.A. Because she forgot which room she had stayed.B. Because she thought she had been wrongly accused.C. Because she had left her credit card in the room.D. Because she wanted to make sure what items she had broken.8.A. Excited. B. Annoyed. C. Confused. D. Relaxed.9.A. Wear something formal for the occasion.B. Bring the copies of her exam certificates.C. Behave casually during the whole process.D. Prepare a smart device for registration.10.A. He has learned to use the system by reading the manual.B. He will teach the woman the new tricks himself.C. It is not difficult to leani to use the new system.D. It is possible that the rocket project will be stopped.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Native people. B. Lawyers in Britain.C. Non-humans.D. Children in Wales.12.A. They focus on better ways to tackle climate change.B. They forbid other creatures to use trees for food or shelter.C. They recognize the legal rights of the whole natural system.D. They protect things humans find interesting like trees and pets.13.A. Defending native cultures by law. B. Using laws to protect nature.C. Fighting the loss of biodiversity.D. Using technology to protect the environment.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A. They can make us focus on the task at hand.B. They serve as proof of what we have achieved.C. They provide us with guidance to accomplish the tasks.D. They can serve as a means to drown out our anxiety.15.A. We perform the tasks on the lists quickly.B. We tend to forget about the warm-up tasks.C. The less anxious we are, the sooner we complete the tasks.D. We remember the unfinished tasks better than the finished ones.16.A. What we include in to-do lists. B. When we improve productivity.C. Why our brains love lists.D. How we connect lists with tasks.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17.A. She turned in a business proposal to the company.B. She informed the company of her decision to quit.C. She discussed her future plan with the man.D. She helped the man work independently in the new office.18.A. At the heart of a neighborhood. B. Near the entrance to the old company.C. At the center of a night market.D. Not far from the MRT station.19.A. A place has been rented for the business.B. The date has been set to open the business.C. Preparation work has been completed.D. A contract has been signed with business partners.20.A. Invest his savings in her drink stand.B. Treat coworkers to a drink at her stand.C. Buy drinks regularly at the stand.D. Pay full prices for the discounted drinks.II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Going Hungry in the Land of the RichThe United States is one of the world's wealthiest countries.Despite this,many Americans struggle just to put healthy food,or any food at all,on the table every day.One might think that a food shortage(21)_________(happen)in America,but this is not the case.There is more than sufficient food for everyone,40%of(22)_________is unfortunately,wasted every day.There are many different ways food(23)_________(waste):farmers only pick the best-looking crops, deliveries aren't made on time,supermarkets throw out extra products,customers buy more than they need,and so on.The highest level of wastage tends to happen in the richest communities.Meanwhile,people who live in poor or rural areas often have little or no access to food. These areas are called"food deserts."They have fewer supermarkets,and the only food options that they(24)_________afford are often unhealthy ones.Healthy foods(25)_________ _________fresh fruits and vegetables may be impossible to find.Sadly,12.8%of the American population live in the food deserts.What can we do to help(26)_________who don't have enough food?Shirley and Annie Zhu came up with a solution.In2017,when Hurricane Harvey destroyed over100,000homes in their city,Houston,the sisters got involved.(27)_________helping to clear water from a flooded supermarket,they saw a huge amount of food being wasted.At the same time,thousands of people in the city didn't have enough(28)_________(eat).The girls set up Fresh Hub with10of their classmates,(29)_________(hope)to do something to help.They created an app which could be used by residents to find out(30) _________fresh food was available.Then they contacted local farmers and supermarkets to ask for their extra food.To date,Fresh Hub has delivered more than15,000pounds of food to people in need.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.normallyB.boostC.sustainD.gainsE.assessingF.substantiallyG.efforts H.mixed I.surprising J.anticipate K.assignedYour Social-Media Detoxes(脱瘾治疗)Probably Aren't Helping You We've all heard the supposed benefits of unplugging from digital devices,even for24hours. Such breaks are said to(31)_________self-confidence,reduce social competitiveness and fears of missing out,and make room for more-enriching,in-person interactions.Yet studies exploring those effects have produced(32)_________results.So a global research team set out to systematically test the idea that social media detoxing delivers meaningful psychological(33) _________.The researchers recruited600undergraduate students in three places:the United States,the United Kingdom,and Hong Kong.All participants were randomly(34)_________to keep away from social media on either the first or the second day of a two-day experiment.On the other day, they were to interact with the digital platforms as they(35)_________would.Each evening they answered survey questions aimed at(36)_________various aspects of well-being.Contrary to the researchers'expectations,the one-day detox made no noticeable impact on positive or negative emotions,self-confidence,or daily satisfaction.When it did have an effect,it decreased daily satisfaction and social relatedness,although the changes were not significant once the analysis was adjusted to control for gender.Just as(37)_________,people didn't use the time freed up from looking at screens for other forms of socializing.In fact,they reported(38)_________lower levels of face-to-face,phone,and email interactions on their detoxing days.Even short social-media breaks can be hard to(39)_________--indeed,only half the participants in the experiment did what was required and these results suggest that they may not be worth the(40)_________."We did not find any evidence that social media detoxing for one day had significant positive impacts on psychological well-being,"the researchers write.III.Reading ComprehensionsSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage,there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Often,we know what makes us happy...but,despite this,often we don't put the theory into action.Why do I(the person who tells you that taking breaks(41)_________stress and makes you more efficient)sit at my computer eating my lunch?I know this is unhelpful for me,so what on earth is going on?It all started at a time of huge pressure when I was training,and I began eating my lunch at my desk to(42)_________time.I did it over and over again until it became (43)_________to my brain.My brain will choose this route by default(默认情况下),because it is the most learned behaviour.Something in my office(44)_________(probably my stomach rumbling(发咕咕声)will send a signal to my brain that it's lunchtime,and I will pick up my sandwich and eat it with very little(45)_________.It is a no-brainer to my brain;it's just what it does.Habits don't(46)_________new learning from the brain;they are stored as a sequence of activities in the brain.The brain adds a routine of behaviours together so they all happen(47)_________in sequence when activated by a signal(that rumbling stomach)to get us to a reward (my lunch),which(48)_________strengthens that learned behaviour.Your brain uses habits to (49)_________effort and save energy,and will default to these behaviours when signalled.How can we build happiness habits into our lives?Step1:What is it that you want to doDecided what you want to(50)_________as small daily habits.Next,think about how and when you will do this.(51)_________,consider the habits that affect happiness negatively and that you want to break.Like me,do you want to(52)_________eating lunch at your desk and get outside instead?Step2:Be(53)_________about your whyWhat will you gain from this new happiness habit?Why is it important to you?This helps you to want to make the effort to break your default habits.Step3:Be specificDecide when specifically you will(54)_________your new habit and what you will do--for example,"I want to go for a walk to connect with nature at lunchtime."Start as small as you can,because this is more likely to be achievable,repeatable and rewarding--three things were need to happen to shift from a(n)(55)_________new behaviour to a habit.41.A.increases B.reduces C.suggests D.excludes42.A.kill B.spend C.save D.make43.A.habitual B.continual C.relevant D.remote44.A.context B.council C.entry D.format45.A.assistance B.appreciation C.appetite D.awareness46.A.regulate B.require prise D.consume47.A.subsequently B.collectively C.automatically D.individually48.A.in turn B.in return C.by far D.by contrast49.A.enhance B.attain C.reverse D.minimize50.A.bury B.change C.add D.delete51.A.Generally B.Alternatively C.Eventually D.Initially52.A.enjoy B.imagine C.delay D.stop53.A.crazy B.calm C.clear D.curious54.A.engage in B.call for C.appeal to D.give up55.A.hopeful B.hopeless C.effortful D.effortlessSection BDirections:Read the following two passage.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Homing pigeons combine precise internal compasses and memorized landmarks to re-trace a path back to their lofts--even four years after the previous time they made the trip,a new study shows.Testing nonhuman memory retention(保持)is challenging;in research studies,"it's rare that there is a gap of several years between when an animal stores the information and when it is next required to retrieve it,"says University of Oxford zoologist Dora Biro.For a recent study in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B,Biro and her colleagues compared domestic homing pigeons' paths three or four years after the birds established routes back to their loft from a farm8.6 kilometers away.The study built on data from a2016experiment in which pigeons learned routesin different social contexts during several flights--on their own or with peers that did or did not know the way.Using data from GPS devices temporarily attached to the birds'backs,the researchers compared the flight paths a pack of pigeons took in2019or2020,without the birds visiting the release site in between.Some birds missed a handful of landmarks along the way,but many others took"strikingly similar"routes to those they used in2016,says Oxford zoologist and studyco-author Julien Collect:"It was...as if the last time they flew there was just the day before,not four years ago."The team found that the pigeons remembered a route just as well if they first flew it alone or with others and fared much better than those that had not made the journey in2016.The result is not surprising,says Verner Bing-man,who studies animal navigation at Bowling Green State University and was not involved with the study.But it provides new confirmation of homing pigeons'remarkable memory,he says:"It closes the distance a little bit between our self-centered sense of human intellectual abilities and what animals can do."56.The underlined word"retrieve"is closest in meaning to_________.A.reserveB.returnC.recoverD.record57.Which of the following conclusions may be found in the recent study in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B?A.Pigeons remember specific routes home after years away.B.Pigeons remember routes better when flying with others.C.Pigeons can find their way back though taking different routes.D.Pigeons can retrace the path home through an attached GPS device.58.Which of the following is TRUE about the2016experiment?A.Oxford zoologist Julien Coolet designed the experiment procedure.B.GPS devices were attached permanently to collect data about flight routes.C.The experiment was designed to eliminate pigeons that missed key landmarks.D.Pigeons were made to fly from the release site to their lofts several times.59.What can be inferred from the best paragraph?A.Humans need to adopt a more rigid approach to pigeons'memory.B.Humans are blinded by superiority when it comes to animal intelligence.C.Riddles about animals are too complex to be solved in the foreseeable future.D.There have been mixed responses to the findings about pigeons'memory.(B)A-Z OF COACHINGWelcome to Barefoot Coaching's A-Z series.We aim to simplify what might otherwise be complex psychological theories and models and talk about them in a way that anybody can understand.We believe that everybody benefits from learning about and practising coaching skills -and it's catching!Coaching spreads into other areas of our life and work and the positive effects are felt far beyond just ourselves.Each issue we will be focusing on a different element of st month we explored Happiness,this month we will focus on Intuition.'I'IS FOR INTUITION"There is a voice that doesn't use words.Listen."RumiIf you have ever followed a"hunch",gone with your gut,listened to your inner voice,or felt"I just know",then you have accessed your intuition.We don't have to reject logic or intellect to embrace intuition-good decisions are often the result of instinct and intellect working together. Here are3ways to improve your intuition:●Wild writing.Every day for a week,sit quietly and write for5minutes without thinking.Justlet the words appear on the page.Then notice what you learn from your untamed thoughts.●Walking without purpose.Go for a walk(without your phone or others distractions).Takenotice if you find your attention being drawn to any particular sights or sounds.Identify what feelings,thoughts or meaning they have for you.●When faced with a decision,ask yourself"What does my head,heart and gut say?" JOIN A FREE TASTER SESSONSCAN HERE TO FIND OUT MORE AND BOOK YOUR TASTER SESSIONWe offer free Sessions to help you make up your mind about whether we are the right coach training provider for you.Sessions run on a weekly basis from10:00-13:e the code PSYCHOLOGIESMAG when booking to receive a free pack of our Coaching Cards. MAKE A CHANGE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE PODCASTTune in to hear how Barefoot trained coaches are making a difference to the lives of others.60.Which of the following is TRUE about Intuition?A.It is a born skill that can not be improved.B.It enables wise decisions when used properly.C.It is contradictory to the power of reasoning.D.It guides us to notice the little things in our life.61._________was most likely the topic for the month before last.A.Pity.B.Jazz.C.Gratitude.D.Harmony.62.What can be learned about the Taster Sessions?A.Each session lasts about3hours.B.A password is needed for booking a session.C.They run at a fixed time every day.D.They are free to regular members only.(C)In memory of Eleanor--a woman_________[1]Eleanor Lowenthal-my grandmother-om desperate need of income to put her husband through graduate school,walked into the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology.There,she convinced the scientists that she was the perfect person to mount(安放)and catalog their growing ant collection.[2]At the time,a promising graduate student named E.O.Wilson was coming up in the department.Wilson,who passed away in December2021,was called the"father of biodiversity". When Eleanor joined the department,researchers were racing to collect and catalog specimens(标本).As Wilson shifted research towards smaller,less glamorous species that nonetheless held ecological significance,he set the stage for conservation biology.Behind the scenes,technicianslike my grandmother preserved the specimen that furthered Wilson's work and continue to provide new insights and opportunities for researchers across the globe.[3]At the time,hiring a21-year-old woman who had dropped out of art school was a significant gamble.It paid off.Eleanor's job as a technician required the same manual flexibility and coordination that art school had demanded.The job required her to work quickly,yet precisely.Rushing could risk ruining a rare specimen,but Eleanor could process ants as quickly as Wilson could mail them back from his expeditions to Australia and Papua New Guinea.She sometimes mounted as many as200a day.[4]It wasn't a coincidence that Eleanor found work in entomology.Wilson's high-profile research on ants cracked an opening for women in previously male-dominated field of conservation,which was centered around studying big game in the first half of the20th century.[5]Even when women's early work has been credited,the language used to describe their contributions often minimized their role in the team,not mentioning them by name.A recently discovered department report includes lines such as,"A large amount of spreading and setting insects was done by the lady assistant,"and"The collection has been remarkably free from pests...due to the continuous care of the lady assistant."[6]The department now functions like a library(specimen can be borrowed for study or examined on site),and serves as a training center for the next generation of scientists who use the collection in ways Wilson and my grandmother probably never imagined.[7]Eleanor didn't realize the impact of her contribution at the time-the technician role was just a job that paid$38a week.But she's come to appreciate the significance of her work on a project that spans centuries."You can see how it goes from one era to another,"says Eleanor,"It's so important to have this library for people to make connections and new discoveries."63.The first two paragraphs write about_________.A.why Eleanor was chosen to be an assistant for WilsonB.what convinced Wilson switch to the study of antsC.how Eleanor's and Wilson's career paths crossedD.when technicians like Eleanor started to get hired64.Why were the lines in the report cited in the fifth paragraph?A.To prove how important women's early work was.B.To show women's role at the time was not fully recognized.C.To give a vivid description of the nature of women's work.D.To teach the wisdom of writing good science reports.65.What can be learned from the last two paragraphs?A.Today's researchers are still enjoying the benefits of Eleanor's work.B.Eleanor is now working as a supervisor in the department.C.New scientific discoveries are the results of collective wisdom.D.Nobody's work is as important as Eleanor's in the department.66.Which of the following should be filled in the title"In memory of Eleanor-as woman_________".A.whose struggle mirrored the social changes in the status of womenB.whose work won her fame in the then male-dominated field of conservationC.who pioneered a unique ant management system at the Harvard MuseumD.who worked behind the scenes with extraordinary speed,accuracy and artistrySection CDirections:Read the passage carefully.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A.There'll still be times when old thoughts cause sadness,or you're anxious about what's next.B.The usefulness of nostalgia seems to vary with age.C.Today we have a much more positive attitude to nostalgia.D.You'll get faster at finding it,and add extra layers of detail each time.E.The answer lies in connecting with your past and future selves.F.But there's also a growing body of research into time travel"the other way".How to Travel in TimeThe term"NNOSTALGIA"(怀旧)used to describe a mental disease.The"algia"bit means "pain",and the word was coined by a17th-century doctor treating homesick soldiers,whose symptoms included hallucinations(幻觉)and depression.(67)_________And it's a great example of the benefits of a strong memory--choosing to recapture moments from the past to enjoy them all over again.As evidence,a recent report highlighted the increase in old songs being streamed of Spotify during lockdown.It seems that we found strength in musical memories of happier times.(68)_________Because memory skills can take you into the future,too--bringing a whole new set of rewards.In another pandemic experiment,people wrote letters to their future selves,and found that they improved their mood by imagining themselves safely on the other side of COVID-19.Here are my tips for becoming a confident time traveller yourself:*To reawaken happy feelings,use all your senses--not just sight.Smell,taste,touch and sound will also help you to recreate the past in rich clarity.If you find a memory that's particularly helpful--for reassurance,say--keep using it!(69)__________________*When you're procrastinating(拖延),visualise an end result.Flash forward to see the floor swept or the easy finished,and use that positive image to spur you into action.*Ahead of major challenges,imagine the full impact of success.Don't just picture yourself getting that great job:fill your mind with the really big ways it's going to change your life.(70)__________________But the more you learn to control your memory,the better you'll be at mining your past,and shaping your future,to be your best self now.IV.Summary WritingDirections:Read the following three passages.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more e your own words as far as possible.Ignoring Your Biggest RegretsRegrets,people often feel,are to be avoided.Mistakes may be unavoidable,but they should be kept to a minimum.And when they do occur,the best course of action is to ignore them as inevitable steps on our journey.That seems logical,at least until you consider that one of the criteria for mental illness is an inability to feel regret.As author Kathryn Schulz argues,"If you want to be fully functional,and fully human,and fully humane,I think you need to learn to live not without regret,but with it."Counter-intuitively,she and other experts argue feeling regret is essential for living your best life.No one is saying,of course,that getting trapped in your past mistakes is a good idea.But neither is a"no regrets and never look back"mentality.Regret forces us to engage in a reflective analysis to understand why we thought or acted theway we did and makes us try things differently in the future.If you keep telling yourself"no regrets,"then learning isn't going to happen.Besides,hiding from regret doesn't make it hurt less. Action,recent research shows,is the best way to make regret hurt less.So if you're troubled by your failure to travel when you were young,science suggests you consciously plan an adventurous trip now that you're older and wiser.Upset about a broken friendship?Act to try to repair it.Acknowledging our mistakes,rather than ignoring them,reminds us that we are valuable and worthy despite our faults.That sort of acceptance is the basis both of real self-confidence and of true kindness.As Schulz sums up in her talk:"Regret doesn't remind us that we did badly.It reminds us we know we can do better."V. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.72.两个小朋友分别得到一盒蜡笔和一本书作为奖励。

杨浦区2015高三英语二模卷英语试卷2015. 4II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)reasons (25) ______ theyfriend.‖ Now a study shows newDogs are called ―man’s bestreally are our best pals. Researchers at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, saythat dogs (26) ______ be good for people’s health.The study focused on 76 patients who were in the hospital for heart problems. First the patients (27) ______ (split) into three groups. Some were visited by human volunteers with dogs. (28) ______ were visited by people only. The third group had no visitors. Then the researchers wrote down how the patients felt before, during, and after the visit.Researchers f ound that dog visits (29) ______ (make) the patients feel better. Patientswho had been visited by dogs felt 24 percent less scared. Those patients who were visited byjust people felt only 10 percent less scared. After just 12 minutes with dogs, patients’ hearts and lungs seemed to be working (30) ______ (well).It is not news to pet lovers that furry friends can help people feel happier. But before the study there was little proof (31) ______ therapy animals make us healthier. Nurse Kathie M.Cole was a member of the UCLA Medical Center study. She hopes that doctors and hospitalssee the good effects (32) ______ using therapy animals.said Cole. ―They make people happier,calmer, and feel “Dogs are a great comfort,‖ more loved. That is huge when you are scared and not feeling well.‖(B)A couple had two little boys, (33) ______ were excessively naughty. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that, (34) ______ anything terrible occurred intheir town, their sons were probably involved.The boys’mother heard that a clergyman (牧师) in town had been successful in (35)______ (discipline) children, so she asked (36) ______ he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed, but asked to see them individually. So the mother sent her 8-year-old first,in the morning, with the older boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.The clergyman, (37) ______ huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy downand asked him sternly, ―Where is God?‖The boy made no response, (38) ______ (sit) there with his mouth hanging open,―Where is God!!?‖wide-eyed. So the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone,Again the boy made no attempt (39) ______ (answer). So the clergyman raised his voice evens face and shouted, ―Where is God?‖more and shook his finger in the boy’The boy screamed, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him. When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, ―What happened?‖The younger brother, gasping for breath, (40) ______ (reply), ―We are in big trouble this time. God is missing -- and they think we did it!‖Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. availableB. legallyC. incorrectD. deniedE. blocksF. labeledG. tie H. roughly I. birth J. appropriate K. limitsDear Editor,Most public libraries now offer all visitors, kids and adults alike, free access to all siteson the Internet. Just like any powerful tool, __41__ must be placed on it. After all, not all sites are good for children or appropriate for them. Some are violent. Some, in the name of free speech, say irresponsible things. Others feature __42__ information for research. And many should be __43__ ―For Adults Only.‖In 2000, there were 7 .1 million publicly __44__ sites on the Web, with over 200 new adult sites added each day. Couple this figure with the fact that there are __45__ 200 million American children under the age 18 with Internet access, and you have a recipe for disaster.Back in l967, the American Library Association (ALA) passed a resolution(决议)that stated ―a person’sright to use a library should not be __46__ …because of origin, age,resolution gives children the right to free background, or views.‖ Some groups argue that thisand total access to the Internet and its unsuitable sites.This resolution was fine in the past, but it never considered the __47__ of the Internet.government agency. It has no power to pass laws, and its resolutions Besides, the ALA isn’t aare not __48__ binding(有约束力的).We must pass real laws that __49__ U .S. government funds for library computers to the use of software that __50__ out offensive material online. If the libraries don’t use the software, then they don’t get computers.As a working parent, I can’t be with my child every time he turns on the computer. I don’t expect libraries to be babysitters. But I do expect them to work with me, not against me, in making sure my child is protected from adult-only and other irresponsible sites.Sincerely,Julie RichardsonRedding, CaliforniaIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases markedA, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.How many New Year’s resolutions have been made, only to dissolve before the end of the month or even the week? As we all know, making a decision is easy, but being consistent is not. This is __51__ true when a sense of achievement is not enough __52__ to reach a goal. Dean Karlan, an economics professor at Yale University, knows all too well that people don’t always follow through with what they say they want to do. __53__, provided with the right incentives (奖励、激励), people are more likely to __54__ their goals, such as losing weightor exercising __55__. Mr Karlan believes, __56__ on his own experience and years of research, that commitment contracts help people __57__ commitment they would not otherwise keep.Karlan brainstormed about his idea with a fellow professor and a student at Yale. Together, they soon __58__ , a website where people __59__ commitment contracts. The second K in stickK is the shorthand symbol for contract used in legal documents. In a contract, a person usually agrees to place a bet on a certain goal. If the goal is not reached by a __60__, the amount of money that is bet is __61__ to a charity, a friend, or even a(n) __62__. Losing money is a very __63__ threat as well as a strong incentive. That is why people that are eager to get rid of those unwanted pounds __64__ give out their credit card information when they place their bets on stick. Office workers, college students, and even athletes have had __65__ taking advantage of this service. If you still need stimuli to lose weight this year, rush to stick, place a bet, and start exercising right away.51. A. gradually B. obviously C. especially D. desperately52. A. demonstration B. motivation C. preparation D. instruction53. A. Moreover B. Otherwise C. However D. Anyway54. A. attempt B. keep C. abandon D. achieve55. A. regularly B. automatically C. willingly D. formally56. A. focused B. based C. relied D. taken57. A. adapt to B. worry about C. hold on D. stick to58. A. set B. entered C. founded D. activated59. A. sign B. dissolve C. renew D. break60. A. degree B. deadline C. requirement D. force61. A. donated B. voted C. sponsored D. exchanged62. A. relative B. team C. opponent D. owner63. A. dangerous B. economic C. vivid D. realistic64. A. urgently B. readily C. responsibly D. randomly65. A. terrible experience B. good relationshipC. negative influenceD. great successSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. F or each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Rock climbing might seem extremely dangerous, but most climbers know what they’redoing. Over the years, climbers know what they’re doing. Over the years, climbers have developed knowledge and techniques that allow them to conquer rocks safely. There are different kinds of rock climbing, and it’s mainly based on the equipment used. The two main categories are aid climbing and free climbing. Aid climbing uses equipment, such as screws (螺丝钉) inserted into rocks, to help climbers pull themselves to the top. In free climbing, most climbers use equipment only to protect themselves from falling; they don’t use any tool to help them climb up the rock. In free climbing, it’s all about skill, strength, and knowledge.You might think that muscles are the most important factors in this extreme sport. Not so, says Jeremy Norin, a rock climber in US. ―You can’t muscle your way through climbing no matter how hard you try,‖ he says. More important factors are balance, coordination, and the ability to make your body tense, which helps climbers pull themselves up. Norin also says that lower-body strength is actually more important than upper-body strength. One of the best climbers Norin knows can only do seven pull-ups, but he has no problems climbing up some of the most rugged rock faces around.Although some climbers have mastered the sport, beginners are welcome. Start with bouldering, a kind of climbing without a rope that take place on a rock three to five meters tall, so that falling won’t result in serious injury. Believe me – it won’t seem that low when you are looking down from the top.66. The main difference between aid climbing and free climbing lies in ______.A. the function of the equipmentB. the way climbers keep balanceC. the rocks climbers choose to conquerD. the strength climbers use67. Which of the following statements is TRUE about free climbing?A. Screws are required so climbers can pull themselves up.B. Skill, strength and knowledge play a great role in it.C. Climbers are not allowed to use any kind of tools.D. The rules are not so strict as those of aid climbing.68. What can we learn from the example of the climber Norin knows (in para. 2)?A. Conquering rocks has nothing to do with strength.B. Muscles are the most important factors in rock climbing.C. The more pull-ups a climber does, the tenser his body will be.D. Upper-body strength is not as important as lower-body strength.69. The writer suggests that beginners should ______.A. first take a basic level courseB. overcome the fear of heightC. climb without a rope to a lower heightD. learn to protect themselves from injury(B)Elephant RidingAt Thom's Elephant Camp we take great pride in our animals! We have happy Elephants.Just being close to one of these beautiful giants is simply amazing; riding bareback into the mountains, high up on Ot, Pom Paem or Tutdao — feeling the sway (摇摆) of their gait as they move sure-footedly through the jungle is a wonderful adventure.Bathing in the river with the elephants and playing with them in the water is an experience you will never forget!You can choose treks of between one and three hours;choose to ride with or without a seat and afterwards, if you care to, play with them in the river and feed them.Round off your day by bathing in our hot tubs — the water comes directly from Tha Pai Hot Springs.Bamboo RaftingBamboo rafting is an experience you should not miss. Our bamboo rafting trips are a great way to see moreof everyday rural life in the countryside of traditional Thailand. As you float along the Pai River with your guide, you can observe local farmers at work, children playing on the river banks, explore the beautiful scenery along the river and see wildlife and birds of the area. Traveling by traditional bamboo rafts means that you can enjoy your trip without disturbing locals or animals with noise, without polluting the river, or damaging the environment. If you love nature and are fascinated by its beauty, Bamboo rafting is definitelyan option that you should try.Our popular one-day tour combines elephant riding in the morning and bamboo rafting in theafternoon, and includes lunch at the camp, bathing in our hot tubs, transportation and insurance. You are sureto have a fantastic day out!70. The tourist information is most likely to be found in ______ column.A. Elephant TrainingB. Tours and PricesC. Camping and SpaD. Elephant Show71. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The elephants at the camp are of good temper.B. Riding bareback is not as safe as riding with a seatC. Tourists are not allowed to feed elephants in the jungle.D. It is dangerous to ride an elephant because it can’t walk steadily.72. Bamboo rafting trip is highly recommended because tourists can ______.A. bathe in the river and play with childrenB. float on the river without making any noiseC. see the everyday rural life of the local peopleD. learn more about the wildlife in Thailand from their guide73. Which of the following is NOT included in a one-day trip?A. Enjoying a hot springB. Lunch at the camp.C. Pick-up service in the camp.D. Bamboo weaving.(C)Students wishing to safeguard their careers against changes in the job market shouldchoose science rather than arts degrees, according to a survey of undergraduates. Engineeringand chemistry were considered to be the most ―future proof‖, as they are courses most likelyto lead to an enduring and adaptable career.Students polled by a college were broadly optimistic(乐观的)that their chosen courseswould prepare them for a world in which the job market could change dramatically duringtheir working lives.But opinion was sharply divided over which degrees were best for future-proof careers.Eighty-two per cent of respondents believed engineering would help develop future-proofskills, with 74 per cent believing the same of chemistry and 73 per cent of computer science.But just 33 per cent of undergraduates believed history would lead to a future-proof career,and 40 per cent English.However more than two thirds of students - 67 per cent - thought the world of workwould be significantly different or completely unrecognisable in 20 years.The findings, published today, come after Education Secretary Nicky Morgan sparked controversy(争论)with claims that teenagers should s teer clear of t he arts and humanitiesand choose science or maths subjects if they want to access the widest range of jobs.She said that in previous decades students would only take maths or science if theywanted to pursue a specific career such as medicine or pharmacy, but nowadays that―couldn’tbe further from the truth‖.―If you wanted to do something different, or eve n if you didn’t know what you wanted towe weredo…then the arts and humanities were what you chose. Because they were useful –told – for all kinds of jobs. Of course now we know that coul dn’t be further from the truth,and that the subjects that keep you ng people’s options open and unlock doors to all sorts of careers are the STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects.‖She also described maths as the subject that employers value most and said that pupils who studyA-level maths will earn 10 per cent more over their lifetime.―These figures show us that too many young people are making choices at the age of 15 which will hold them back for the rest of their lives,‖ she said.74. According to most students, what will the world of work be like in 20 years?A. The same as it is now.B. Greatly different from what it is now.C. Dramatically challenging.D. More open with a wider range of jobs.75. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase ―steer clear of‖?A. keep away fromB. be familiar withC. have a good command ofD. catch up with76. We can infer from the passage that ______.A. Students who choose science have a wide choice of careers excluding medicine andpharmacy.B. Few students are satisfied with their chosen courses, for they don’t help developfuture-proof skills.C. Arts and humanities used to be considered as future-proof degrees unlocking doors tomany careers.D. 73% of the respondents are studying computer science, believing it leads to enduringcareer.77. Which of the following is FALSE about the students who choose maths?A. They will enjoy more job opportunities after graduation.B. They are likely to earn more money if they study A-level maths.C. They will likely be favored by employers over students of other majors.D. They are learning a subject that will hold them back in the future.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Do you feel stressed if your phone is not in sight?(转移,分心)you – even if you Don’t be. Just the sight of your mobile phone can distracthave turned it off and put it on the table, researchers from the University of Southern Maine in the US have found.The researchers a sked two groups of students to carry out two different tasks which require paying attention.First, they were given a page of 20 rows of numbers and asked to circle one number in particular whenever they saw it.Second, they had to do the same and also cross off any two numbers in different rows that were next to each other and added up to the target number.During both experiments, half the students kept their phones on their desks and the other half put them out of sight.Those who put their phones in their pocket or their bag got an average of 20 percent higher in the test.We love using phones so much that it’s becoming a problem, previous studies have found.An Android app followed how many times its 150,000 users checked their phone per dayin 2013. The average figure was 110 times.A team at Baylor University in the US published a study in September saying that femalestudents spent an average of 10 hours a day texting, e-mailing and on social media, whilemale students spent nearly eight.Why are we behaving like this? People want a ―constant connectivity‖, said Bill Th a social psychologist at the University of Southern Maine in the US. Many ―check theirphones when they wake up and as the last thing before they go to bed‖, he told the DailyMail.he added. Also, we react Such behavior is bad for ―our ability to maintain attention‖,more slowly as a result.If you are always getting distracted by your phone, here’s some advice for you: crea no-phone time zone.First, find out at least two hours of your day when you’re most productive. Then turn your phone and stay completely dedicated to the work you have to do.Oh yes, and don’t forget to put the phone away as well.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TENWORDS)78. The result of the two experiments shows that______________________________________.79. Girl students ______________________ t han boys in texting, e-mailing and on socialmedia.80. According to social psychologists, what leads to the high frequency of checking phonesand long screen time?_________________________________________________________________81. How can people avoid being distracted in their most productive hours?_________________________________________________________________第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences i nto English, using the words given in thebrackets.1. 仔细检查作文的话,许多拼写错误是可以避免的。

2. 第I卷(1-16小题,41---77小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。
第I卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. He was infected by a virus.B. He didn’t sleep much last night.C. He spent the whole night in the hospital.D. He wrote essays on the computer the whole night.2. A. Go out with a couple. B. Go straight home.C. Read in the library.D. Spend time in the classroom.3. A. It’s the fact. B. It’s a good reflection.C. It’s just an excuse.D. It’s a white lie.4. A. The woman is not in before nine o’clock.B. The woman is unwilling to help the man.C. The woman will leave her roommate a message.D. The woman’s roommate knows today’s homework.5. A. On the plane. B. In the ward.C. In the library.D. In the cinema.6. A. Traveling plans. B. Hobbies.C. Personalities.D. Ideal Jobs.7. A. Attractive. B. Horrible.C. Boring.D. Classical.8. A Criminal and policeman. B. Clerk and manager.C. Librarian and reader.D. Student and teacher.9. A. $2.50. B. $0.50.C. $3.00.D. $52.50.10. A. Not smoke in this room. B. Quit smoking for good.C. Pay attention to details.D. Set a good example for babies.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. It lasted only a week.B. Children were unwilling to have it.C. Electronic devices were not allowed.D. Teenagers booked tickets on their smartphones.12. A. Bathing in the sea. B. Playing with horses.C. Riding bicycles.D. Enjoying the sunshine.13. A. Too much screen time discourages face-to-face communication.B. American children spend more time on screen than Chinese children.C. Using tablets and smartphones affects children’s academic performance.D. Most American children use their parents’ smartphones four hours a day.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. A professional American actor.B. A beginner of English learning.C. An American university student.D. An editorial staff.15. A. By rewriting texts. B. By reading after the recording of the book.C. By reading level by level.D. By communicating with native speakers.16. A. All the texts are famous fairy tales.B. It is well planned, consisting of 4 levels.C. The texts are original versions of masterpieces.D. It focuses on students’ reading and listening abilities.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.General Information of Job ApplicantsName: LauraSpecial skills: NursingPrevious experience: Worked as a home health ____17____Reason to leave last job: Not a ____18____ jobStrength: Honest and ____19____Salary: A wage suitable to the positionOther request: Opportunities to ____20____Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Who’re in the Rah-rah group? The guys from the sports teams and the girlswho _____21_____.Where does the Big Brains hang out? By the _____22_____.What are the Artsy types like? Some are _____23_____, but some arecheerful and outgoing.Which group will the woman join? _____24_____.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Dogs are called “man’s best friend.” Now a study shows new reasons (25) ______ they really are our best pals. Researchers at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, say that dogs (26) ______ be good for people’s health.The study focused on 76 patients who were in the hospital for heart problems. First the patients (27) ______ (split) into three groups. Some were visited by human volunteers with dogs. (28) ______ were visited by people only. The third group had no visitors. Then the researchers wrote down how the patients felt before, during, and after the visit.Researchers found that dog visits (29) ______ (make) the patients feel better. Patients who had been visited by dogs felt 24 percent less scared. Those patients who were visited by just people felt only 10 percent less scared. After just 12 minutes with dogs, p atients’ hearts and lungs seemed to be working (30) ______ (well).It is not news to pet lovers that furry friends can help people feel happier. But before the study there was little proof (31) ______ therapy animals make us healthier. Nurse Kathie M. Cole was a member of the UCLA Medical Center study. She hopes that doctors and hospitals see the good effects (32) ______ using therapy animals.“Dogs are a great comfort,” said Cole. “They make people happier, calmer, and feel more loved. That is huge when you are scared and not feeling well.”(B)A couple had two little boys, (33) ______ were excessively naughty. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that, (34) ______ anything terrible occurred in their town, their sons were probably involved.The boys’ mother heard that a clergyman (牧师) in town had been successful in (35) ______ (discipline) children, so she asked (36) ______ he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed, but asked to see them individually. So the mother sent her 8-year-old first, in the morning, with the older boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.The clergyman, (37) ______ huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him sternly, “Where is God?”The boy made no response, (38) ______ (sit) there with his mouth hanging open, wide-eyed. So the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone, “Where is God!!?” Again the boy made no attempt (39) ______ (answer). So the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in t he boy’s face and shout ed, “Where is God?”The boy screamed, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him. When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, “What happened?”The younger brother, gasping for breath, (40) ______ (reply), “We are in big trouble this time. God is missing -- and they think we did it!”Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only beMost public libraries now offer all visitors, kids and adults alike, free access to all sites on the Internet. Just like any powerful tool, __41__ must be placed on it. After all, not all sites are good for children or appropriate for them. Some are violent. Some, in the name of free speech, say irresponsible things. Others feature __42__ information for research. And many should be __43__ “For Adults Only.”In 2000, there were 7 .1 million publicly __44__ sites on the Web, with over 200 new adult sitesadded each day. Couple this figure with the fact that there are __45__ 200 million American children under the age 18 with Internet access, and you have a recipe for disaster.Back in l967, the American Library Association (ALA) passed a resolution(决议)that stated “a person’s right to use a library should not be __46__ … because of origin, age, background, or views.” Some groups argue that this resolution gives children the right to free and total access to the Internet and its unsuitable sites.This resolution was fine in the past, but it never considered the __47__ of the Internet. Besides, the ALA isn’t a government agency. It has no power to pass laws, and its resolutions are not __48__ binding(有约束力的).We must pass real laws that __49__ U .S. government funds for library computers to the use of software that __50__ out offensive material online. If the libraries don’t use the software, then they don’t get computers.As a working parent, I can’t be with my child every time he turns on the computer. I don’t expect libraries to be babysitters. But I do expect them to work with me, not against me, in making sure my child is protected from adult-only and other irresponsible sites.Sincerely,Julie RichardsonRedding, CaliforniaIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.How many New Year’s resolutions have been made, only to dissolve before the end of the month or even the week? As we all know, making a decision is easy, but being consistent is not. This is __51__ true when a sense of achievement is not enough __52__ to reach a goal. Dean Karlan, an economics professor at Yale University, knows all too well that people don’t always follow through with what they say they want to do. __53__, provided with the right incentives (奖励、激励), people are more likely to __54__ their goals, such as losing weight or exercising __55__. Mr Karlan believes, __56__ on his own experience and years of research, that commitment contracts help people __57__ commitment they would not otherwise keep.Karlan brainstormed about his idea with a fellow professor and a student at Yale. Together, they soon __58__ , a website where people __59__ commitment contracts. The second K in stickK is the shorthand symbol for contract used in legal documents. In a contract, a person usually agrees to place a bet on a certain goal. If the goal is not reached by a __60__, the amount of money that is bet is __61__ to a charity, a friend, or even a(n) __62__. Losing money is a very __63__ threat as well as a strong incentive. That is why people that are eager to get rid of those unwanted pounds __64__ give out their credit card information when they place their bets on stick. Office workers, college students, and even athletes have had __65__ taking advantage of this service. If you still need stimuli to lose weight this year, rush to stick, place a bet, and start exercising right away.51. A. gradually B. obviously C. especially D. desperately52. A. demonstration B. motivation C. preparation D. instruction53. A. Moreover B. Otherwise C. However D. Anyway54. A. attempt B. keep C. abandon D. achieve55. A. regularly B. automatically C. willingly D. formally56. A. focused B. based C. relied D. taken57. A. adapt to B. worry about C. hold on D. stick to58. A. set B. entered C. founded D. activated59. A. sign B. dissolve C. renew D. break60. A. degree B. deadline C. requirement D. force61. A. donated B. voted C. sponsored D. exchanged62. A. relative B. team C. opponent D. owner63. A. dangerous B. economic C. vivid D. realistic64. A. urgently B. readily C. responsibly D. randomly65. A. terrible experience B. good relationshipC. negative influenceD. great successSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Rock climbing might seem extremely dangerous, but most climbers know what they’re doing. Over the years, climbers know what they’re doing. Over the years, climbers have developed knowledge and techniques that allow them to conquer rocks safely. There are different kinds of rock climbing, and it’s mainly based on the equipment used. The two main categories are aid climbing and free climbing. Aid climbing uses equipment, such as screws (螺丝钉) inserted into rocks, to help climbers pull themselves to the top. In free climbing, most climbers use equipment only to protect themselves from falling; they don’t use any tool to help them climb up the rock. In free climbing, it’s all about skill, strength, and knowledge.You might think that muscles are the most important factors in this extreme sport. Not so, says Jeremy Norin, a rock climber in US. “You can’t muscle your way through climbing no matter how hard you try,” he says. More important factors are balance, coordination, and the ability to make your body tense, which helps climbers pull themselves up. Norin also says that lower-body strength is actually more important than upper-body strength. One of the best climbers Norin knows can only do seven pull-ups, but he has no problems climbing up some of the most rugged rock faces around.Although some climbers have mastered the sport, beginners are welcome. Start with bouldering, a kind of climbing without a rope that take place on a rock three to five meters tall, so that falling won’t result in serious injury. Believe me – it won’t seem that low when you are looking down from the top.66. The main difference between aid climbing and free climbing lies in ______.A. the function of the equipmentB. the way climbers keep balanceC. the rocks climbers choose to conquerD. the strength climbers use67. Which of the following statements is TRUE about free climbing?A. Screws are required so climbers can pull themselves up.B. Skill, strength and knowledge play a great role in it.C. Climbers are not allowed to use any kind of tools.D. The rules are not so strict as those of aid climbing.68. What can we learn from the example of the climber Norin knows (in para. 2)?A. Conquering rocks has nothing to do with strength.B. Muscles are the most important factors in rock climbing.C. The more pull-ups a climber does, the tenser his body will be.D. Upper-body strength is not as important as lower-body strength.69. The writer suggests that beginners should ______.A. first take a basic level courseB. overcome the fear of heightC. climb without a rope to a lower heightD. learn to protect themselves from injury(B)Elephant RidingAt Thom's Elephant Camp we take great pride in our animals! We have happy Elephants.Just being close to one of these beautiful giants is simply amazing; riding bareback into the mountains, high up on Ot, Pom Paem or Tutdao — feeling the sway (摇摆) of their gait as they move sure-footedly through the jungle is a wonderful adventure.Bathing in the river with the elephants and playing with them in the water is an experience you will never forget!You can choose treks of between one and threehours; choose to ride with or without a seat andafterwards, if you care to, play with them in the riverand feed them.Round off your day by bathing in our hot tubs — thewater comes directly from Tha Pai Hot Springs.Bamboo RaftingBamboo rafting is an experience you should not miss.Our bamboo rafting trips are a great way to see moreof everyday rural life in the countryside of traditional Thailand. As you float along the Pai River with your guide, you can observe local farmers at work, children playing on the river banks, explore the beautiful scenery along the river and see wildlife and birds of the area. Traveling by traditional bamboo rafts means that you can enjoy your trip without disturbing locals or animals with noise, without polluting the river, or damaging the environment. If you love nature and arefascinated by its beauty, Bamboo rafting is definitely an option that you should try.Our popular one-day tour combines elephantriding in the morning and bamboo rafting in theafternoon, and includes lunch at the camp,bathing in our hot tubs, transportation andinsurance. You are sure to have a fantastic dayout!70. The tourist information is most likely to be found in ______ column.A. Elephant TrainingB. Tours and PricesC. Camping and SpaD. Elephant Show71. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The elephants at the camp are of good temper.B. Riding bareback is not as safe as riding with a seatC. Tourists are not allowed to feed elephants in the jungle.D. It is dangerous to ride an elephant because it can’t walk steadily.72. Bamboo rafting trip is highly recommended because tourists can ______.A. bathe in the river and play with childrenB. float on the river without making any noiseC. see the everyday rural life of the local peopleD. learn more about the wildlife in Thailand from their guide73. Which of the following is NOT included in a one-day trip?A. Enjoying a hot springB. Lunch at the camp.C. Pick-up service in the camp.D. Bamboo weaving.(C)Students wishing to safeguard their careers against changes in the job market should choose science rather than arts degrees, according to a survey of undergraduates. Engineering and chemistry were considered to be the most “future proof”, as they are courses most likely to lead to an enduring and adaptable career.Students polled by a college were broadly optimistic(乐观的)that their chosen courses would prepare them for a world in which the job market could change dramatically during their working lives.But opinion was sharply divided over which degrees were best for future-proof careers.Eighty-two per cent of respondents believed engineering would help develop future-proof skills, with 74 per cent believing the same of chemistry and 73 per cent of computer science. But just 33 per cent of undergraduates believed history would lead to a future-proof career, and 40 per cent English.However more than two thirds of students - 67 per cent - thought the world of work would be significantly different or completely unrecognisable in 20 years.The findings, published today, come after Education Secretary Nicky Morgan sparked controversy(争论)with claims that teenagers should steer clear of the arts and humanities and choose science or maths subjects if they want to access the widest range of jobs.She said that in previous decades students would only take maths or science if they wanted to pursue a specific career such as medicine or pharmacy, but nowadays that “couldn’t be further from the truth”.“If you wanted to do something different, or even if you didn’t know what you wanted to do…then the arts and humanities were what you chose. Because they were useful – we were told – for all kinds of jobs. Of course now we know that couldn’t be further from the truth, and that the subj ects that keep young people’s options open and unlock doors to all sorts of careers are the STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects.”She also described maths as the subject that employers value most and said that pupils who study A-level maths will earn 10 per cent more over their lifetime.“These figures show us that too many young people are making choices at the age of 15 which will hold them back for the rest of their lives,” she said.74. According to most students, what will the world of work be like in 20 years?A. The same as it is now.B. Greatly different from what it is now.C. Dramatically challenging.D. More open with a wider range of jobs.75. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase “steer clear of”?A. keep away fromB. be familiar withC. have a good command ofD. catch up with76. We can infer from the passage that ______.A. Students who choose science have a wide choice of careers excluding medicine and pharmacy.B. Few students are satisfied with their chosen courses, for they don’t help develop future-proof skills.C. Arts and humanities used to be considered as future-proof degrees unlocking doors to many careers.D. 73% of the respondents are studying computer science, believing it leads to enduring career.77. Which of the following is FALSE about the students who choose maths?A. They will enjoy more job opportunities after graduation.B. They are likely to earn more money if they study A-level maths.C. They will likely be favored by employers over students of other majors.D. They are learning a subject that will hold them back in the future.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Do you feel stressed if your phone is not in sight?Don’t be. Just the sight of your mobile phone can distract(转移,分心)you – even if you have turned it off and put it on the table, researchers from the University of Southern Maine in the US have found.The researchers asked two groups of students to carry out two different tasks which require paying attention.First, they were given a page of 20 rows of numbers and asked to circle one number in particular whenever they saw it.Second, they had to do the same and also cross off any two numbers in different rows that were next to each other and added up to the target number.During both experiments, half the students kept their phones on their desks and the other half put them out of sight.Those who put their phones in their pocket or their bag got an average of 20 percent higher in the test.We love using phones so much that it’s becoming a problem, previous studies have found.An Android app followed how many times its 150,000 users checked their phone per day in 2013. The average figure was 110 times.A team at Baylor University in the US published a study in September saying that female students spent an average of 10 hours a day texting, e-mailing and on social media, while male students spent nearly eight.Why are we behaving like this? People want a “constant connectivity”, said Bill Thornton, a social psycholog ist at the University of Southern Maine in the US. Many “check their phones when they wake up and as the last thing before they go to bed”, he told the Daily Mail.Such behavior is bad for “our ability to maintain attention”, he added. Also, we react more slowly as a result.If you are always getting distracted by your phone, here’s some advice for you: create a no-phone time zone.First, find out at least two hours of your day when you’re most productive. Then turn off your phone and stay completely dedicated to the work you have to do.Oh yes, and don’t forget to put the phone away as well.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)78. The result of the two experiments shows that ______________________________________.79. Girl students ______________________ than boys in texting, e-mailing and on social media.80. According to social psychologists, what leads to the high frequency of checking phones and long screen time?_________________________________________________________________81. How can people avoid being distracted in their most productive hours?_________________________________________________________________第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 仔细检查作文的话,许多拼写错误是可以避免的。

杨浦区2015高三英语二模卷英语试卷2015. 4II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Dogs are called ―man’s best friend.‖ Now a study shows new reasons (25) ______ they really are our best pals. Researchers at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, say that dogs (26) ______ be good for people’s health.The study focused on 76 patients who were in the hospital for heart problems. First the patients (27) ______ (split) into three groups. Some were visited by human volunteers with dogs. (28) ______ were visited by people only. The third group had no visitors. Then the researchers wrote down how the patients felt before, during, and after the visit.Researchers found that dog visits (29) ______ (make) the patients feel better. Patients who had been visited by dogs felt 24 percent less scared. Those patients who were visited by just people felt only 10 percent less scared. After just 12 minutes with dogs, patients’ hearts and lungs seemed to be working (30) ______ (well).It is not news to pet lovers that furry friends can help people feel happier. But before the study there was little proof (31) ______ therapy animals make us healthier. Nurse Kathie M. Cole was a member of the UCLA Medical Center study. She hopes that doctors and hospitals see the good effects (32) ______ using therapy animals.“Dogs are a great comfort,‖ said Cole. ―They make people happier,calmer, and feel more loved. That is huge when you are scared and not feeling well.‖(B)A couple had two little boys, (33) ______ were excessively naughty. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that, (34) ______ anything terrible occurred in their town, their sons were probably involved.The boys’mother heard that a clergyman (牧师) in town had been successful in (35) ______ (discipline) children, so she asked (36) ______ he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed, but asked to see them individually. So the mother sent her 8-year-old first, in the morning, with the older boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.The clergyman, (37) ______ huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him sternly, ―Where is God?‖The boy made no response, (38) ______ (sit) there with his mouth hanging open, wide-eyed. So the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone, ―Where is God!!?‖Again the boy made no attempt (39) ______ (answer). So the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy’s face and shouted, ―Where is God?‖The boy screamed, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him. When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, ―What happened?‖The younger brother, gasping for breath, (40) ______ (reply), ―We are in big trouble this time. God is missing -- and they think we did it!‖Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. availableB. legallyC. incorrectD. deniedE. blocksF. labeledG. tie H. roughly I. birth J. appropriate K. limitsDear Editor,Most public libraries now offer all visitors, kids and adults alike, free access to all sites on the Internet. Just like any powerful tool, __41__ must be placed on it. After all, not all sites are good for children or appropriate for them. Some are violent. Some, in the name of free speech, say irresponsible things. Others feature __42__ information for research. And many should be __43__ ―For Adults Only.‖In 2000, there were 7 .1 million publicly __44__ sites on the Web, with over 200 new adult sites added each day. Couple this figure with the fact that there are __45__ 200 million American children under the age 18 with Internet access, and you have a recipe for disaster.Back in l967, the American Library Association (ALA) passed a resolution(决议)that stated ―a person’s right to use a library should not be __46__ …because of origin, age, background, or views.‖ Some groups argue that this resolution gives children the right to free and total access to the Internet and its unsuitable sites.This resolution was fine in the past, but it never considered the __47__ of the Internet. Besides, the ALA isn’t a government agency. It has no power to pass laws, and its resolutions are not __48__ binding(有约束力的).We must pass real laws that __49__ U .S. government funds for library computers to the use of software that __50__ out offensive material online. If the libraries don’t use the software, then they don’t get computers.As a working parent, I can’t be with my child every time he turns on the computer. I don’t expect libraries to be babysitters. But I do expect them to work with me, not against me, in making sure my child is protected from adult-only and other irresponsible sites.Sincerely,Julie RichardsonRedding, CaliforniaIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases markedA, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.How many New Year’s resolutions have been made, only to dissolve before the end of the month or even the week? As we all know, making a decision is easy, but being consistent is not. This is __51__ true when a sense of achievement is not enough __52__ to reach a goal. Dean Karlan, an economics professor at Yale University, knows all too well that people don’t always follow through with what they say they want to do. __53__, provided with the right incentives (奖励、激励), people are more likely to __54__ their goals, such as losing weight or exercising __55__. Mr Karlan believes, __56__ on his own experience and years of research, that commitment contracts help people __57__ commitment they would not otherwise keep.Karlan brainstormed about his idea with a fellow professor and a student at Yale. Together, they soon __58__ , a website where people __59__ commitment contracts. The second K in stickK is the shorthand symbol for contract used in legal documents. In a contract, a person usually agrees to place a bet on a certain goal. If the goal is not reached by a __60__, the amount of money that is bet is __61__ to a charity, a friend, or even a(n) __62__. Losing money is a very __63__ threat as well as a strong incentive. That is why people that are eager to get rid of those unwanted pounds __64__ give out their credit card information when they place their bets on stick. Office workers, college students, and even athletes have had __65__ taking advantage of this service. If you still need stimuli to lose weight this year, rush to stick, place a bet, and start exercising right away.51. A. gradually B. obviously C. especially D. desperately52. A. demonstration B. motivation C. preparation D. instruction53. A. Moreover B. Otherwise C. However D. Anyway54. A. attempt B. keep C. abandon D. achieve55. A. regularly B. automatically C. willingly D. formally56. A. focused B. based C. relied D. taken57. A. adapt to B. worry about C. hold on D. stick to58. A. set B. entered C. founded D. activated59. A. sign B. dissolve C. renew D. break60. A. degree B. deadline C. requirement D. force61. A. donated B. voted C. sponsored D. exchanged62. A. relative B. team C. opponent D. owner63. A. dangerous B. economic C. vivid D. realistic64. A. urgently B. readily C. responsibly D. randomly65. A. terrible experience B. good relationshipC. negative influenceD. great successSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Rock climbing might seem extremely dangerous, but most climbers know what they’redoing. Over the years, climbers know what they’re doing. Over the years, climbers have developed knowledge and techniques that allow them to conquer rocks safely. There are different kinds of rock climbing, and it’s mainly based on the equipment used. The two main categories are aid climbing and free climbing. Aid climbing uses equipment, such as screws (螺丝钉) inserted into rocks, to help climbers pull themselves to the top. In free climbing, most climbers use equipment only to protect themselves from falling; they don’t use any tool to help them climb up the rock. In free climbing, it’s all about skill, strength, and knowledge.You might think that muscles are the most important factors in this extreme sport. Not so, says Jeremy Norin, a rock climber in US. ―You can’t muscle your way through climbing no matter how hard you try,‖ he says. More important factors are balance, coordination, and the ability to make your body tense, which helps climbers pull themselves up. Norin also says that lower-body strength is actually more important than upper-body strength. One of the best climbers Norin knows can only do seven pull-ups, but he has no problems climbing up some of the most rugged rock faces around.Although some climbers have mastered the sport, beginners are welcome. Start with bouldering, a kind of climbing without a rope that take place on a rock three to five meters tall, so that falling won’t result in serious injury. Believe me – it won’t seem that low when you are looking down from the top.66. The main difference between aid climbing and free climbing lies in ______.A. the function of the equipmentB. the way climbers keep balanceC. the rocks climbers choose to conquerD. the strength climbers use67. Which of the following statements is TRUE about free climbing?A. Screws are required so climbers can pull themselves up.B. Skill, strength and knowledge play a great role in it.C. Climbers are not allowed to use any kind of tools.D. The rules are not so strict as those of aid climbing.68. What can we learn from the example of the climber Norin knows (in para. 2)?A. Conquering rocks has nothing to do with strength.B. Muscles are the most important factors in rock climbing.C. The more pull-ups a climber does, the tenser his body will be.D. Upper-body strength is not as important as lower-body strength.69. The writer suggests that beginners should ______.A. first take a basic level courseB. overcome the fear of heightC. climb without a rope to a lower heightD. learn to protect themselves from injury(B)Elephant RidingAt Thom's Elephant Camp we take great pride in our animals! We have happy Elephants.Just being close to one of these beautiful giants is simply amazing; riding bareback into the mountains, high up on Ot, Pom Paem or Tutdao — feeling the sway (摇摆) of their gait as they move sure-footedly through the jungle is a wonderful adventure.Bathing in the river with the elephants and playing with them in the water is an experience you will neverforget!You can choose treks of between one and three hours;choose to ride with or without a seat and afterwards, if you care to, play with them in the river and feed them.Round off your day by bathing in our hot tubs — the water comes directly from Tha Pai Hot Springs.Bamboo RaftingBamboo rafting is an experience you should not miss. Our bamboo rafting trips are a great way to see more of everyday rural life in the countryside of traditional Thailand. As you float along the Pai River with your guide, you can observe local farmers at work, children playing on the river banks, explore the beautiful scenery along the river and see wildlife and birds of the area. Traveling by traditional bamboo rafts means that you can enjoy your trip without disturbing locals or animals with noise, without polluting the river, or damaging the environment. If you love nature and are fascinated by its beauty, Bamboo rafting is definitely an option that you should try.Our popular one-day tour combines elephant riding in the morning and bamboo rafting in theafternoon, and includes lunch at the camp, bathing in our hot tubs, transportation and insurance. You are sure to have a fantastic day out!70. The tourist information is most likely to be found in ______ column.A. Elephant TrainingB. Tours and PricesC. Camping and SpaD. Elephant Show71. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The elephants at the camp are of good temper.B. Riding bareback is not as safe as riding with a seatC. Tourists are not allowed to feed elephants in the jungle.D. It is dangerous to ride an elephant because it can’t walk steadily.72. Bamboo rafting trip is highly recommended because tourists can ______.A. bathe in the river and play with childrenB. float on the river without making any noiseC. see the everyday rural life of the local peopleD. learn more about the wildlife in Thailand from their guide73. Which of the following is NOT included in a one-day trip?A. Enjoying a hot springB. Lunch at the camp.C. Pick-up service in the camp.D. Bamboo weaving.(C)Students wishing to safeguard their careers against changes in the job market should choose science rather than arts degrees, according to a survey of undergraduates. Engineering and chemistry were considered to be the most ―future proof‖, as they are courses most likely to lead to an enduring and adaptable career.Students polled by a college were broadly optimistic(乐观的)that their chosen courses would prepare them for a world in which the job market could change dramatically during their working lives.But opinion was sharply divided over which degrees were best for future-proof careers.Eighty-two per cent of respondents believed engineering would help develop future-proof skills, with 74 per cent believing the same of chemistry and 73 per cent of computer science. But just 33 per cent of undergraduates believed history would lead to a future-proof career, and 40 per cent English.However more than two thirds of students - 67 per cent - thought the world of work would be significantly different or completely unrecognisable in 20 years.The findings, published today, come after Education Secretary Nicky Morgan sparked controversy(争论)with claims that teenagers should steer clear of the arts and humanities and choose science or maths subjects if they want to access the widest range of jobs.She said that in previous decades students would only take maths or science if they wanted to pursue a specific career such as medicine or pharmacy, but nowadays that ―couldn’t be further from the truth‖.―If you wanted to do something different, or eve n if you didn’t know what you wanted to do…then the arts and humanities were what you chose. Because they were useful – we were told – for all kinds of jobs. Of course now we know that coul dn’t be further from the truth, and that the subjects that keep you ng people’s options open and unlock doors to all sorts of careers are the STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects.‖She also described maths as the subject that employers value most and said that pupils who study A-level maths will earn 10 per cent more over their lifetime.―These figures show us that too many young people are making choices at the age of 15 which will hold them back for the rest of their lives,‖ she said.74. According to most students, what will the world of work be like in 20 years?A. The same as it is now.B. Greatly different from what it is now.C. Dramatically challenging.D. More open with a wider range of jobs.75. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase ―steer clear of‖?A. keep away fromB. be familiar withC. have a good command ofD. catch up with76. We can infer from the passage that ______.A. Students who choose science have a wide choice of careers excluding medicine andpharmacy.B. Few students are satisfied with their chosen courses, for they don’t help developfuture-proof skills.C. Arts and humanities used to be considered as future-proof degrees unlocking doors tomany careers.D. 73% of the respondents are studying computer science, believing it leads to enduringcareer.77. Which of the following is FALSE about the students who choose maths?A. They will enjoy more job opportunities after graduation.B. They are likely to earn more money if they study A-level maths.C. They will likely be favored by employers over students of other majors.D. They are learning a subject that will hold them back in the future.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Do you feel stressed if your phone is not in sight?Don’t be. Just the sight of your mobile phone can distract(转移,分心)you – even if you have turned it off and put it on the table, researchers from the University of Southern Maine in the US have found.The researchers asked two groups of students to carry out two different tasks which require paying attention.First, they were given a page of 20 rows of numbers and asked to circle one number in particular whenever they saw it.Second, they had to do the same and also cross off any two numbers in different rows that were next to each other and added up to the target number.During both experiments, half the students kept their phones on their desks and the other half put them out of sight.Those who put their phones in their pocket or their bag got an average of 20 percent higher in the test.We love using phones so much that it’s becoming a problem, previous studies have found.An Android app followed how many times its 150,000 users checked their phone per day in 2013. The average figure was 110 times.A team at Baylor University in the US published a study in September saying that femalestudents spent an average of 10 hours a day texting, e-mailing and on social media, while male students spent nearly eight.Why are we behaving like this? People want a ―constant connectivity‖, said Bill Thornton, a social psycholog ist at the University of Southern Maine in the US. Many ―check their phones when they wake up and as the last thing before they go to bed‖, he told the Daily Mail.Such behavior is bad for ―our ability to maintain attention‖, he added. Also, we react more slowly as a result.If you are always getting distracted by your phone, here’s some advice for you: create a no-phone time zone.First, find out at least two hours of your day when you’re most productive. Then turn off your phone and stay completely dedicated to the work you have to do.Oh yes, and don’t forget to put the phone away as well.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)78. The result of the two experiments shows that______________________________________.79. Girl students ______________________ than boys in texting, e-mailing and on socialmedia.80. According to social psychologists, what leads to the high frequency of checking phonesand long screen time?_________________________________________________________________81. How can people avoid being distracted in their most productive hours?_________________________________________________________________第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 仔细检查作文的话,许多拼写错误是可以避免的。

每题只能选一个选项)1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6 .D7.D 8 .B 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.C13.D 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.B19.B 20.A 21 .C 22.C 23.D 24.D25.C26.C 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.D简答题(共32分)31.(1)答案示例:安理会对国际问题的调停和裁决,实行5个常任理事国“大国一致”原则,即每项决议只要有一个常任理事国投否决票,便不能通过。

上海市各区2015届高三英语一模试卷分类汇编:回答问题专题Section CDirections: Read the following passage and then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.All of us rely on what we see. We say to ourselves, "I know I was there; I saw it happen" and that seems to settle the matter. Or does it? Can we really trust the evidence of our eyes?Take competitive sports for example. Most fans at sports events are always controlled by emotion, which leads to the fact that they will not agree with each other and even disagree with the referee although they watch the same game. "He was out of bounds when he caught the pass," says one fan. Another says, "You're crazy. I saw it with my own eyes. He was five feet in bounds. You must be blind." The referee rules that the receiver did step out of bounds. But thousands of fans are still not convinced—because they were there!It's the same story in the courtroom. Trial (审判) procedure depends on witnesses giving sworn testimony (证词). But just how reliable is the testimony of a person who reports what he has seen? In a recent study, ten thousand witnesses were asked to describe the man they saw commit a crime. The study reveals that, on the average, the witnesses overestimated the man's height by five inches, his age by eight years, and gave the wrong hair colour in 83 percent of the cases. These witnesses didn't play tricks on them!What can we do to keep error to minimum? Above all, don't let your emotions interfere with your vision. Don't see something because you want to see it. Another solution to the problem would, of course, be to note down what you see. Don't rely on your memory alone. Take pictures, make recordings, and use any other aid, which will help a lot to reduce distortion. One more solution is also needed: The error is not likely to be minimized until the people involved stay relaxed. If you are tense, you are very likely to see red when the colour is blue.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)78. The reason why fans disagree with each other at sports events is that few of them_____.79. The word "them" in Para.3 refers to________.80. What are the other two solutions to keeping visual error to minimum besides not letting your emotions interfere with your vision?81. It can be inferred from the passage that the author takes sports events and courtroom as examples in order to illustrate ______.78. are not controlled by emotion79. the man's height, age and hair colour80. Nothing down what you see and staying relaxed.81. We can't completely trust the evidence of eyesSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.On October 29, 1929, the United States stock market crashed. In the days that followed, banks and businesses closed, the number of the unemployed workers rose to 15million, and many people lost their savings. As the economic crisis wore on, it became known as the Great Depression. It left many people feeling anxious and uncertain about the future.Within days of his inauguration(就职典礼) in 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt(FDR) began taking steps to stabilize the banking system, support the economy, and provide jobs for unemployed workers. To keep the American public informed about the changes that were underway, he gave a series of radio addresses called fireside chats. FDR used these broadcasts to speak about a number of issues. Thefirst of Roosevelt’s fireside chats was delivered on Sunday, March 12,1933. His goal in this message was to explain the bank crisis in the United States.He explained to American why banks had run out of money. Roosevelt assured people that their money was safe and that they could get their money when they really needed it. He said that most of the banks would be open the next day and that others would be open again very soon. His message’s purpose was to restore American’s confidence in their banking system.Roosevelt’s chats to America were popular with the people. Many looked forward to hearing what FDR had to say. The White House did not always tell the public whether a particular radio address was to be regarded as a fireside chat. As a result, there is some question about the exact number of these speeches. Twenty-eight such addresses were definitely identified, and two other radio addresses could have also been chats.Roosevelt delivered his final fireside chat on June 12,1944. The focus was opening a fifth war-loan drive. He complimented the American people for supporting the war effort with the purchase of more than $32 billion of war bonds. He encouraged them to buy more as the war effort continued to cost money every day, money that he confidently predicted would lead to final victory.(Notes:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78.______________ led to the Great Depression according to the passage.79. What’s the purpose of Roosevelt’s fireside chats?80. Roosevelt delivered his first fireside chat to assure people of _____________________.81. Why did Roosevelt praise the American people in his final fireside chat?Keys:78. The crash of the United States stock market79. To keep the American public informed about importance issues/messages/the changes80. The safety of their money81. Because they supported the war effort by buying war bondsSunshine might be healthier than most people think, outweighing the risk of skin cancer. British doctors suggested last week and ran straight into a storm. The four researchers at Bristol University in western England were accused of weakening years of campaigning to warn people of the dangers of too much sun. Experts agree exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays (紫外线) increases the risk of skin cancer and accelerates the signs of aging. But in the British Medical Journal, the Bristol team led by Andr ew Ness wrote, “There is evidence that the potential benefits of exposure to sunlight may outweigh the widely publicized negative effects on the incidence of skin cancer.”Vitamin D, made in the body in reaction to sunlight, prevented rickets (软骨病) in children and was associated with a protective effect against heart disease.Sunshine was also useful for treating certain skin conditions and there was evidence that it reduced the incidence of multiple sclerosis (硬化症). There was also the “feel good effect o f lying or sitting in the sun.” The researchers said it was too early to advise people to spend more time in the sun, but suggested the basis of the current advice to cover up should be reviewed.“Perhaps, while we await the conclusions of such formal ana lyses, those of us who enjoy spending time in the sun can rest assured that the chance that we will be one of the people dying from the sun is small.” they added.Their article was strongly criticized by health campaigners who claimed it was unbalanced an d not backed by scientific evidence. Britain’s Health Education Authority said skin cancer was the most common form of cancer in the country, with more than 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year and more than 2,000 people dying from the disease. It said treatment almost always required surgery and almost 50 per cent of cases were fatal. The authority’s skin cancer campaign manager Christopher New said, “We are very disappointed with this controversial article. It doesn’t have enough supporting evidence and runs the risk of undoing many years of good health education.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)78. According to the four researchers at Bristol University,______________________________ does more good than harm.79. What does the author mean by saying “the British doctors ran straight into a storm”?80. The “good health education” reminds people ______________________________.81. People have not yet been able to reach an agreement on______________________________.Keys:78. exposure in sunshine.79. their article aroused a heated debate.80. that sunshine may cause skin cancer.81. whether sunshine is good for people or not.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.The paper is written in an attempt to discuss what the creative process is .Though much theory has accumulated ,little is really known about the power that lies at the bottom of poetic creation. It is true that great poets and artists produce beauty by employing all the powers of personality and by combing emotions, reason, and intuitions(直觉). But what is the magical synthesis(合成) that joins and arranges these complex parts into poetic unity?John L.Lowes, in his justly famous” The Road to Xanadu,” developed one of the earliest and still generally acceptable answers to this interesting question. Imaginative creation. He concludes, is a complex process in which the conscious and unconscious minds jointly operate. “there is ….the deep well with its chaos(杂乱) of accidently mixingimages ,but there is likewise the vision which sees shining in and through the chaos of the potential lines of form , and with the vision, the controlling will ,which gives to that potential beauty actuality.”The deep well is the unconscious mind that is peopled with the facts, ideas , feelings of the conscious activity. The imaginative vision, an unconscious activity, shines through the land of chaos, of lights and shadows , silently seeking pattern and form. Finally, the conscious mind again, through will , captures and embodies the idea in the final work of art. In this way is unity born out of chaos.Though there can be no absolute certainty, there is general agreement that the periods in the development of a creative work parallel(与….相似),to someextent ,Lowes’s theory of well , vision , form and will. There are at least three stages in the creative process: preparation, inspiration, work.In a sen se, the period of preparation is all of the writer’s life. It is the deep well. It is especially a period of concentration which gives the unconscious mind an opportunity to communicate with the conscious mind. When remembrance of things past reaches thec onscious level of the writer’s mind, he is ready to go on with the process. Part of this preparation involves learning a medium---learning a language, learning how to write, learning literary forms. It is important to note here that form cannot be imposed upon the idea. Evidence, though not enough, shows that the idea gives birth to the form that can best convey it. It is the vision, according to Lowes, that sees shining in and through the chaos of the potential lines of form.(Answer the questions or complete the statements in no more than TEN words)78.John L. Lowes has provided an acceptable answer to the question of______________________.79._________________________are the four elements of John L. Lowes’ theory.80. How does the preparation stage contribute to the development of a creative work?81.According to the passage, what is the relationship between the idea and form.Keys:78.what the creative process is.79.Well, vision, form and will.80.By giving the unconscious mind an opportunity to communicate with the conscious mind.81.form cannot be imposed upon the idea but the idea gives birth to the form that can best convey it.Section CDirection:Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external (外在的) result or a product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a rise, the student whose grades improve, and the foreigner who learns a new language--all these examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.By contrast, the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way. The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have , their caution or courage, as they meet with new experiences and unexpected difficulties. In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to face the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may "fail" at first. How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential for our ability to grow.Do we see ourselves as quick and curious? If so, we tend to take more changes and be more open to unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we're shy and indecisive? Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground issafe. Do we think we are slow to adapt to change or that we're not smart enough to deal with a new challenge? Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all.These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. If we do not face or overcome these internal fears and doubt, if we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making.78.Based on the two basic ways to view growth mentioned in the passage, “Jane won the first prize in the speech competition.”can be regarded as______________________________.79.The process of growth refers to ___________________________________,when people come across new experiences and obstacles.80.If someone is keen on learning anything new, he is likely to____________________________.81.________________________________________or too much self-protection may prevent us growing.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in No More Than Ten Words.)Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.The $11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like "I never do anything right" into positive ones like "I can succeed." But was positive thinking advocate Norman Vincent Peale right? Is there power in positive thinking?Researchers in Canada just published a study in the journal Psychological Science that says trying to get people to think more positively can actually have the opposite effect: it can simply highlight how unhappy they are. The study’s authors, Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick, begin by citing older research showing that when people get feedback which they believe is overly positive, they actually feel worse, not better. If you tell your dim friend that he has the potential of an Einstein, you’re just underlining his faul ts. In one 1990s experiment, a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled. When the essayists were later praised for their sympathy, they felt even worse about what they had written.In this experiment, Wood, Lee and Perunovic measured 68 students’ self-esteem. The participants were then asked to write down their thoughts and feelings for four minutes. Every 15 seconds, one group of students heard a bell. When it rang, they were supposed to tell themselves, "I am lovable."Those with low self-esteem didn’t feel better after the forced self-affirmation. In fact, their moods turned significantly darker than those of members of the control group, who weren’t urged to think positive t houghts.The paper provides support for newer forms of psychotherapy (心理治疗) that urge people to accept their negative thoughts and feelings rather than fight them. In the fighting, we not only often fail but can make things worse. Meditation (静思) techniques, in contrast, can teach people to put their shortcomings into a larger, more realistic perspective. Call it the power of negative thinking.(Note: Answer the question or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12 WORDS)78.T he self- help industry is based on _________________________________________.79.The finding of the Canadian researchers is that______________________________.80.From the experiment of Wood, Lee and Perunovic, we knowthat__________________.81.From the last paragraph, we know that ___________________ may prove to be agood form of psychotherapy.Keys:78.the idea that you should turn negative thoughts into positive ones.79.Thinking more positively have a opposite effect.80.overly positive thinking doesn’t make people feel better.81.Meditation techniquesSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.From boy to manGROWING up on-screen for a decade as Harry Potter, 22-year-old Daniel Radcliffe has had to deal with typecasting (同类角色出演) his whole career. However, in a new release called The Woman in Black, the successful child actor finally escapes J.K. Rowling’s hero by taking on the lead role in a classic ghost story.The movie, which hit Chinese cinemas on Sept 20, 2012, tells the tale of a widowed(丧妻的)lawyer named Arthur Kipps (Radcliffe)who is sent to a remote village in the north of England for a late client’saffairs. There, he discovers the town’s tragic past—children die after they see a mysterious woman dressed in black. To clear things up, he decided to stay alone in an old house, which is completely cut off from the mainland at high tide.His fears grow when he sees a woman in black looking at him from the window and hears the sound of a pony and trap in difficulty, followed by the screams of a young child. Kipps decides he must find a way to break the cycle of horror after his son is threatened by the mysterious woman.The story pulls out every old, dark house cliché(老套路)going: demonic(恶魔的)dolls, rocking chairs, and the ghostly black-cloaked(穿黑披风的)woman herself. However, it has become one of that year’s biggest box office winners in the UK when it was released there.British movie critic Jamie Russell thinks what makes it so different is howcharacter-driven it is and how Radcliffe makes it count.“The Woman in Black works because of Radcliffe, not in spite of him,”he said. “Radcliffe’s face convinces you that Kipps knows what it is to have loved and lost forever.”There is not much conversation. Director James Watkins’s gambledon Radcliffe’s acting. He was not disappointed. “It’s an absolute joy doing the slow push in on Dan, reading his thoughts and letting the camera drift closer and closer into his eyes, ”he t old British magazine Total Film.For the former Potter star who has longed for a career away from Hogwarts, this ghost movie is a step in the right direction.“It’s mainly about working hard and proving to people you’re serious about it, and stretching(倾注全力)yourself and learning. ”Radcliffe told British online newspaper The Huffington Post.And he understands fame is fleeting. “The line that has made the most lasting impression on me was by [US writer] William Goldman. He said something like,' Stars come and go, only actors last’. ”he told the news website.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)78. The movie The woman in Black is about ____________.79. Why does Kipps have to find a way to break the cycle of horror?80. How The woman in Black is successful is that it has been____________________.81. What does The woman in Black mean for Radcliffe, the former Harry Potter star? Keys:78. how Arthur Kipps deals with a mysterious woman in black79. Because his son is threatened by the woman in black.80. one of this year’s biggest box office winner in Britain.81. It is a step on his way to make a breakthrough.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Defenders of the French language are angered by plans to introduce courses taught in English at public universities, arguing that France must protect itself against the risk of losing its cultural identity.The French Parliament recently started to debate the issue as part of a bill on a broader reform of higher education, but all attention has focused on an article that would lift a 19-year ban on English as a teaching language at public universities.The French government backs the change, which it says would help to attract foreign students and help French graduates compete in a global economy as the country struggles to regain competitiveness. More French students fearing poor job prospects at home, where youth unemployment is nearly 25 percent, are studying and working abroad. One of their destinations is London, which now has become the sixth largest French population in the world.However, opponents of the law, including professors, lawmakers and the French language supervision body Academic France, say the community of other French-speaking peoples must be defended and that the change would be a betrayal of other French-speaking nations."If France gives other French-speaking countries the wrong signal by leading an assault against the language, that would be a very, very regrettable thing indeed," said Claude Hagege, a language scientist.France has long defended its culture at home and abroad. In 1994, the so-called " Toubon Law" made the use of French mandatory in all TV broadcasts, meaning all foreign-language programs are dubbed, while radio stations must play at least 40 percent of French music for most of the day.Business leaders criticize France's low ranking for English proficiency(熟练度)- it placed 23rd in a 2012 global ranking published by education company Education First - even though the use of English has grown, notably in academic circles.Higher Education Minister Genevieve Fioraso said offering English would increase the appeal of French universities at a time when they are falling further behind in international rankings. In a 2011-2012survey by Britain's Times newspaper, the highest-ranked French university is in 59th position. Private business schools where English is taught rank higher.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78. What does “the change” in Paragraph 3 refer to ?79. Some people are against the change because they think itwould_____________________.80. According to “Toubon Law” , what is a must for TV stations in France?81. Genevieve Fioraso thinks the release of the bill may help French universities__________.Keys:78. Allowing using English as a teaching language at public universities.79. be a betrayal of other French-speaking nations/make France lose its cultural identity80. Using French in all TV broadcasts / The use of French in all TV broadcasts.81. attract more students/be more appealing/rank higher in international rankingsSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Different people may find that different learning methods work best for them. While some would turn to tutoring in order to get better grades, others choose to join study groups. In fact, many universities encourage their students to form study groups and make good use of them.“Two heads are better than one.”That’s the simple idea behind study groups. By participating in a study group, students can benefit from some of their best academicresources: other students. They get to pick each other’s brains and improve their own understanding of different problems. Moreover, study groups can create the slightly tense atmosphere in which it’s good to st udy. For example, some students tend to procrastinate(拖延) when they are studying by themselves; however, by joining a study group, they get to observe their peers who are working diligently and are likely to thus have motivation for working harder.Study groups work best when they are small , but not too small -four to five participants is about right. And it’s necessary to make sure everyone has the same goal, to prepare for a particular test, to discuss class readings or to review the week’s lecture no tes. Besides, socializing in the group would make studying more fun as long as it took up only a small portion of group study time.In addition, to maximize the efficiency, some study groups like to assign members certain roles, and thus efficiency will be promoted. Besides an organizer, who gets group members to agree to a common purpose and a convenient time and place, there often is a group member playing the role of a source-seeker, whose duty is to remind group members to identify their sources. For instance, when a group member says “I read somewhere that...”, the source-seekers should ask for specifics. This person reminds the group that it’s important to know who said what and where it was said. And a gatekeeper, who tries to make sure that all group members are participating, may ask a direct question to help a shy person participate, or find a way to get a dominating member to listen.(Note: Answer the question or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)78.Many universities encourage students to take advantage of _________for better grades rather than learning alone.79.Peers are not only the best academic resources but also motivate each other to __________when learning in groups.80.According to paragraph 3, besides the small size, what are the other two factors that could help a study group work best?81.All the members in the study group will be assigned different roles because people believe that it will result in________.Keys:78.study groups79.work harder80.The same goal and specializing in the group81.maximizing the efficiencySection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.The herds of bulls and horses depicted running along the walls of the Lascaux caves in France are among the most magnificent examples of prehistoric art ever discovered.But rather than displaying hunting scenes, new evidence suggests that the images actually represent the frightening sounds which came from the mouths of the caves.US researcher Steven Waller believes that the echoes(回声) of clapping outside the cave would have sounded like hundreds of animal feet drumming on the ground. He proposes that the caves were preserved for their sound properties, which prehistoric peoples mistook for supernatural noises.Ancient stories explained echoes from the mouths of certain giant caves as replies from spirits, so our ancestors chose to decorate these caves with paintings believing that they were inhabited by spirits and gods.Beside animal sounds, many anci ent cultures attributed thunder in the sky to ‘thunder gods,’ so it makes sense that some lasting echoes within the caves were interpreted as thunder and inspired paintings of those thunder gods on cave walls.The idea is also supported by audio theory, which shows statistically significant similarities between the rock are sites and modern sound reflection equipment.。

上海市各区2015届高三英语一模试卷分类汇编:写作专题Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.目前,在网上购物的人越来越多,有人说在网上购物比在实体店购物优势多,有人说还是在实体店购物好。
你的文章必须包括:●简要介绍两种购物方式的不同之处●你喜欢那种购物方式?为什么?参考:Shopping online vs. shopping in physical storesAs scientific technologies developed faster and faster, our common lives have changed more and more, one of which is our shopping way.We have been shopping in physical stores, where a salesman may introduce many products to you and give you some advice about which one is the best choice, and you can try those clothes or shoes in person, even change another one if you find it not suitable to yourself.However, a new shopping method sprang up --- shopping online. There appear quantities of various stores on the Internet. You just need to click your mouse, and then you can see different kinds of commodities in them, with colorful pictures and detailed descriptions. If you are not clear about something, you can ask the customer service staff for help, who usually very kind and glad to answer your any question. Moreover, you can compare the same kind of products in different stores at the same time, which is able to save your time and avoid embarrassment.But every coin has two sides. Shopping online is not exceptional, so there are some disadvantages. First, you can never be sure whether the product is exactly what you see in the picture or read in the descriptions. What you receive may be much different from what is in your mind, for instance, strange color, wrong size or bad quality. Secondly, the products may be lost in the express delivery.From my perspective, I prefer shopping online, because I am too busy to have time go shopping in physical stores and goods online are usually cheaper. But I always choose the shops which have good reputation.【答案解析】文中包含题干的两个问题即可。

Section BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)PEOPLE—________This Thursday, Irena Sendler will be honored for her work as a smuggler (偷运者). During World War II, the Polish social worker smuggled nearly 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto (聚居区). She gave them new identities, found them safe places with good-hearted Christians, and kept the children's real names buried in jars in her neighbours' gardens. (The play, Life in a Jar, based on her story, is being performed.) At 93, Sendler lives in a Warsaw nursing home and is too weak to travel to Washington D.C., to receive the 2003 Jan Karski Award for Valor and Compassion from the American Center of Polish Culture. One of the children she saved will accept the award for her.You risked your life to save the children.I was taught by my father that when someone is drowning, you don't ask if they can swim, you just jump in and help. During the war, everyone was drowning, but mostly the Jewish children.How did you persuade parents to give up their children?I had to answer honestly that I didn't even know if we would get past the guards.What was the most frightening moment?When I saw a priest (牧师) in charge of an orphanage for Jewish children in the ghetto walk with them out to be killed. The children were in their best Sunday suits. The priest was killed with them.How did you get the children to behave as you smuggled them out?I told the older children to act as if they were sick and sometimes gave the younger ones a sleeping pill. They were told to remember their new names. I also told the children to tell guards they had only been visiting a servant in the ghetto and were going back to their real homes outside.Did you tell your own two children what you did?I never told them. Only when my daughter went to Israel did she learn all about me. I thought it was only normal to do so. And it was a very painful subject. It was always on my mind that I couldn't do more.66. We can learn from the passage that Irena Sendler________.A. will go to Washington to accept the award with her daughterB. was caught a few times while she was rescuing the Jewish childrenC. told those parents that their children's lives would be guaranteedD. saved thousands of Jewish children at the risk of her own life67. The expression "everyone was drowning" can best be replaced by "________".A. everyone was involved in the warB. all the people were drownedC. all the people were facing danger and deathD. Jewish children were being killed68. Which one could NOT be expected when Sendler was smuggling the Jewish children?A. The children pretended to be brothers and sisters from one big family.B. Some children pretended to be returning home after visiting servants in the ghetto.C. The children were asked to remember and use new names instead of real ones.D. Some children were told to pretend to be sick in front of the guards.69.Which of the following is best for the blank in the title?A. DISASTER SURVIVORB. NOBLE SMUGGLERC. AWARD RECEIVERD. SECRET DEFENDERKeys: 66-69 DCABSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)In 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered a new object in the sky. He thought it was an undiscovered comet. After further observation, he realized that it behaved more like a small planet than a comet. Piazzi named it Ceres after the Sicillian goddess of grain. Ceres remains the largest known asteroids(小行星)in the sky. It means almost 600 miles(1,000 km) in diameter. By the end of the nineteenth century, severalhundred other asteroids had been identified.Tens of thousands of asteroids have since been discovered, with thousands more found each year. Asteroids are masses of rock and metal that orbit(绕轨道而行)the sun between Mars and Jupiter. They did not form into planets because the perturbations of Jupiter kept them moving too fast to join together. The total mass of all of the asteroids is less than the size of Earth’s moon.Some of the asteroids move in orbits outside the zone between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids that come relatively close to Earth are known as near-Earth asteroids(NEAs). Scientists estimate that about 1,000 of these asteroids are 0.6 miles(1km) in diameter. An asteroid of this colliding(碰撞)with Earth would be disastrous.Scientists have found two sites where giant asteroids struck Earth millions of years ago. One asteroid hit Antarctica about 250 million years ago. Another asteroid struck Mexico’s Yucantan Peninsula around 65 million years ago, leaving a hole 112 miles(180km) wide and 1,000 yards (915m) deep. One theory blames the extinction of the dinosaurs on this asteroids’s collision with Earth and the climate change that resulted from its impact.Occasionally, small asteroids strike Earth. These cause little damage. Major collision, such as the one that may have killed the dinosaurs, occur rarely--perhaps only once every 100 million years.Although the chance of an asteroid striking the planet anytime soon is small, scientists continue to study the orbits of asteroids in the sky. They pay particularly close attention to the asteroids whose paths are close to Earth, and have even landed a spacecraft on an NEA named Eros. Their work helps them learn about the formation of the solar system. It may even help them discover ways to avoid an asteroid disaster in the future.66. Which of the following statement is NOT true about asteroids?A. Asteroids are composed of rock and metal.B. Asteroids orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter.C. Large near-Earth asteroids are sure to strike Earth.D. A large asteroid colliding with Earth would cause a disaster.67. The word “perturbations”(paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to “ ”.A. Formation of rocksB. Disturbance of motionC. Estimation of scientistsD. Influences of size68. What scientists have found implies thatA. two sites of Earth hit giant asteroids millions of years agoB. Antarctica was once struck by an asteroid millions of years agoC. one asteroid left a huge hole in Mexico 250 million years agoD. the extinction of dinosaurs resulted in asteroid’s collision with Earth69. Which of the following events happened third according to the passage?A. Giuseppe Piazzi discovered a new object and name it Ceres.B. Scientists had a spacecraft land on Eros to learn more about the solar system.C. Asteroids orbiting the sun failed to form into planets.D. Several hundred asteroids had been identified by the end of the nineteenth century.Keys: 66-69 CBBDSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Being a normal, healthy nineteen-year-old, Rhona was in the habit of falling asleep the moment her head touched her pillow and not wakening up again until her mother called her at seven-thirty.When she awoke that morning in the grey light of early dawn, she had no idea what had disturbed her. Then she imagined, or thought she imagined, a faint smell of smoke around her nostrils (鼻孔). What was strange, though, was the very fact that she was wide awake and, according to her bedside clock, it was only a quarter to four.She sat up, listening, alert. There was definitely a smell of burning. Rising quickly, she crossed to the window and opened it quietly, thinking it would be the remains of some garden bonfire. But it wasn’t. She saw smoke and flames billowing out of a downstairs window next door.Barefoot and in pyjamas, she ran first to her parents’ room, opening their door to call, “Mum! Dad! There’s a fire next door!”Downstairs in a flash, she hurriedly dialed 999 and gave her name and address in clear, brief tones. By the time she had finished, Graeme, her elder brother, was coming running downstairs.“You go to their front door—I’ll go to the back,” she said to him.As she banged on their neighbors’ back door, she could hear a child crying in fear. Without stopping to think, Rhona lifted the large doorstop and smashed it through a glass panel, put her hand in and turned the key which opened the door.Through the smoke she saw a drying screen hung with white washing and she grabbed at as many of the damp clothes as she could on her way past towards the stairs. Halfway up she met Mr Parker carrying the baby and she hurriedly gave him some wet towels before doing the same for Mrs Parker who was behind him leading two-year-old Clare by the hand.“Crouch down as low as you can,” Rhona directed them as she took the child’s other hand. Within a matter of seconds the family was safely outside.66. Rhona woke up early in the morning because_________.A. her mother called her for an emergencyB. she heard a baby crying in fear downstairsC. she smelt something burning in the airD. the alarm clock rang as she set it67. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Rhona, together with her brother, Graeme, went to the Parkers’ rescue.B. The Parkers escaped from the burning house together.C. Rhona broke into the house by back door after smashing the glass panel.D. Rhona covered her mouth with the damp clothes before entering the Parkers’.68. According to the article, Rhona can be best described as _________.A. alert and timidB. courageous and stressedC. panic and sympatheticD. decisive and responsive69. It can be inferred that when the fire broke out, _________.A. The Parkers were at a loss what to doB. Rhona had a good knowledge of survival skillsC. Rhona showed the Parkers a safe fire escapeD. Rhona’s parents helped to save the scared childrenKeys: 66-69 CDDBSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The day began early.An agreement had been made with the little boys the evening before. They were to be allowed to celebrate the Fourth of July, the glorious day, by the blowing of horns exactly at sunrise. But they were to blow them for precisely five minutes only, and no sound of the horns should be heard afterward till the family were downstairs. It was thought that a peace might thus be brought by a short, though crowded, period of noise.The morning came. Even before the morning, at half-past three o’clock, a terrible blast of the horns aroused the whole family.The number of the horns was most remarkable! It was as though every cow in the place had arisen and was blowing through both her own horns! “How many little boys are there? How many have we?” exclaimed Mr. Peterkin, going over their names one by one mechanically thinking he would do it, as he might count imaginary sheep jumping over a fence, to put himself to sleep. The counting could not put him to sleep now, in such a loud noise.And how unexpectedly long the five minutes seemed! Elizabeth Eliza was to take out her watch and give the signal for the end of the five minutes, and the ceasing of the horns. Why did not the signal come? Why did not Elizabeth Eliza stop them?And certainly it was long before sunrise; there was no dawn to be seen! “ We’ll not try this plan again,” said Mrs. Peterkin. “If we live to another Fourth,” added Mr. Peterkin, hurrying to the door to inquire into the state of affairs.Alas! Amanda, by mistake, had waked up the little boys an hour too early. And by another mistake the little boys had invited three or four of their friends to spend the night with them. Mrs. Peterkin had given them permission to have the boys for the whole day, and they understood the day as beginning when they went to bed the night before. This accounted for the number of horns.It would have been impossible to hear any explanation; but the five minutes were over, and the horns had ceased, and there remained only the noise of a singular leaping of feet, explained perhaps by a possible pillow-fight, that kept the family below partially awake until the bells and cannon made known the drowning of the glorious day, the sunrise, or “the rising of the sons,” as Mr. Peterkin jokingly called it when they heard the little boys and their friends clattering down the stairs to begin the outside festivities.66. According to the passage, which event happened first?A. Mr. Peterkin noted how many boys there were.B. The Peterkins were awakened by the boys.C. Elizabeth gave the signal to stop the horns.D. Mr. Peterkin exclaimed how many boys they had.67. What did the 7th paragraph talk about?A. The place where the boys blew their horns.B. The time when Elizabeth Eliza stopped them.C. The way how the boys blew their horns.D. The reason why more horns were over there.68. The probable main idea of this passage is that _______________.A. the little boys didn’t carry out the agreement thoroughlyB. the little boys didn’t see the signal to stop blowing their horns.C. the little boys blew horns to greet the dawn of July 4th so early.D. the Peterkins enjoyed children’s blowing of the horns on July 4th.69. Which question is not answered in the story?A. When did the horn blowing begin?B. How long ago did the custom start?C. Why did the boys blow the horns in the morning?D. How did the Peterkins feel about the horn blowing?Keys: 66-69 BDCBSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Culturally speaking, America might be called a European colony. No other country whose origins lie in Europe has had so sharp an awareness of its distinction and superiority to the parent cultures. Running through American history, and therefore through American literature, is a double consciousness of Old World modes and New World possibilities. As American, the writer has distributed Europe; as writer, he has envied the riches available to his European Counterpart.In the nineteenth century some immigrants came in order to avoid military service in their homeland. But even so, the snowballing process had for most Americans a deep, almost legendary significance.In the legends, Europe was associated with the Past, with British red-coats at Concord, absentee landlords(不在的地主),dynastic pride, hunger, poverty, oppression. America, by contrast, was the future: plenty, prosperity, freedom. For much of its history America has been a busy, restless land, more interested in innovation than in conservation(保守). Its people have been highly optimistic, setting great store by the ability of the individual to overcome obstacles. The individual has had a right to expect success. Optimism and pessimism mix unusually in American writing; Mark Twain is an obvious example. Or, the individual tends to set himself up in a dramatic relationship to society.Yet although American literature has revealed certain fairly permanent trends, it has not been a still affair. Its tone has changed from decade to decade.66. What does the underlined p hrase “the parent cultures” refer to?A. Culture of parentsB. Culture of EuropeC. Culture of BritainD. Culture of America67. What is the American writer’s attitude towards Europe?A. He hates Europe for its conversation, poverty and permission.B. He has no trust in Europe and is also jealous of its riches.C. He envies that all the Europeans are much richer.D. He believes that America is looked down upon.68. What is the main characteristic of the American writing?A. The description of a dramatic relation between the individual and society.B. The optimistic description of the Americans overcoming obstacles.C. The strange combination of optimism and pessimism.D. The ever changing of its characteristic from decade to decade.69. The main idea of this passage is about _____.A. a double consciousness in American literature.B. the European culture’s contribution to America literature.C. optimism and pessimism in America writingD. Americans can always overcome obstacles.Keys: 66-69 BBCASection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Dennis Sinar, 51, a doctor from New York, is quick to explain why he took a year-long break from his job. “I was pretty burned out after practicing medicine for 26 years. I needed a recharge.” So he took a“gap year”, from July 2011 to June 2012, to explore things like ancient buildings, antique restoration, archaeology and traditional Eastern medicine, in locations including Alaska, Nepal and Romania.“Taking a break from work is an excelle nt way for adults to go into a new career or refresh an old one,” said Holly Bull, president of Princeton, N, J. “In recent years, mid-career breaks have been gaining more interest,” she said. A report on adult gap years published this year by a market res earch company also described the potential American market for gap years as a “sleeping giant.”“A gap year is a challenge for the older individual to step out of a comfort zone and take a risk. I enjoyed that side most.” said Dr. Sinar, who kept a daily b log about his experience. His time studying Eastern medicine “assured the reasons I went into health care,” said Dr. Sinar, who returned to practice medicine at his old job, although he works fewer days. “I use those experiences to provide my patients with more care,” he added. “And I listen better than I did before.”George Garritan, chairman of the Department of Leadership and Human Capital Management at New York University, certainly agrees with Dr. Sinar. He said a gap-year experience could be worthwhile for employees and companies. For employees, investing in themselves and improving skill sets is a move that will benefit throughout their career. He added that returning employees feel refreshed and have given more thought to their career. For companies, offering unpaid leaves makes good sense for attracting and keeping talented employees.66. Dr. Sinar took a gap year because he ________.A. had lost his old jobB. wanted to refresh after 26 years’ workC. had a desire for travellingD. became interested in historical research67. The phrase “sleeping giant” (in 2nd paragraph) indicates that ________.A. it’s too early for people to accept the conception of gap yearB. the effect of gap year policy remains to be seenC. it’s difficult to fores ee the gap year marketD. more American people will accept the gap year policy68. What’s George Garritan’s attitude toward the “gap year”?A. Positive.B. DoubtfulC. Uninterested.D. Uncertain.69. What’s the passage mainly about?A. How an adult plans a mid-career gap year.B. Why a gap year is worthwhile for adults.C. Whether a gap year is popular with adults.D. Why a gap year is challenging for individuals.Keys: 66-69 BDABSection BDirections: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)It’s a typically Snoopy card: cheerful message, bright colors, though a little yellow and faded now. Though I’ve received fancier, more expensive card over the years, this is the only one I’ve saved. One summer, it spoke volumes to me.I received it during the first June I faced as a widow to raise two teen age daughters alone. In all the emotional confusion of this sudden single parenthood, I was overwhelmed with, of all things, the simplest housework: leaky taps, oil changes, even barbecues. Those had always been my husband’s jobs. I was embarrassed every time I hit my thumb with a hammer or couldn’t get the lawnmower started. My uncertain attempts only fueled the fear inside me: How could I be both a father and mother to my girls? Clearly, I lacked the tools and skills.On this particular morning, my girls pushed me into the living room to see something.(I prayed it wasn’t another repair job.)The “something “turned out to be an envelope and several wrapped bundles on the carpet. My puzzlem ent must have been plain as I gazed from the colorful packages to my daughter’s bright faces.“Go ahead! Open them! “They urged. As I unwrapped the packages, I discovered a small barbecue grill and all the necessary objects including a green kitchen glove with a frog pattern on it."But why?" I asked."Happy Father's Day!" they shouted together."Moms don't get presents on Father's Day". I protested."You forgot to open the card". Jane reminded. I pulled it from the envelope. There sat Snoopy, on top of his dog house, merrily wishing me a Happy Father's Day. "Because", the girls said, "you've been a father and mother to us. Why shouldn't you be remembered on Father's Day?"As I fought back tears, I realized they were right, I wanted to be a "professional" dad, who had the latest tools and knew all the tricks of the trade. The girls only wanted a parent they could count on to be there, day after day, performing repeatedly the maintenance tasks of basic care and love.The girls are grown now, and they still send me Father's Day cards, but none of those cards means as much to me as that first one. Its simple message told me being a great parent didn't require any special tools at all—just a willing worker.66. By "it spoke volumes to me", (Para. 1) the mother in the story means the card______. A.conveyed significant meanings to her B.aroused great sorrow in herC.brought her pleasant feelings D.made her feel important67. After her husband’s death, the mother found it was the hardest to______.A. handle the emotional shockB. face the terrible lonelinessC. Keep harmony of the familyD. Fulfill a male role in the house68. The girls gave their mother a barbecue set probably because ______.A. It was what their mother wantedB.it was a pro per Father’s Day giftC. barbecue was their favorite foodD. they wanted their mother to barbecue69. Which of the following statements is true about the first Father’s Day card?A. It made the mother eager to get the latest toolsB. It praised the mother as a professional dadC. Its fancy design impressed the mother mostD. It showed the girl’s appreciation for their mother’s loveKeys:66-69 A D D DSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)On October 24, 1929—”Black Thursday”—a wave of panic selling of stocks swept the New York Stock Exchange. The Great Depression began. By 1932, thousands of banks and businesses had failed. Industrial production was cut in half, farm income had fallen by more than half, wages had decreased 60 percent, new investment was down 90 percent and one out of every four workers was unemployed.The Republican president, Herbert Hoover was unable to take measures to deal with the economic collapse. So in the 1932 election, he was defeated by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised “a New Deal for the American people”.Within the “Hundred Days”, Roosevelt rushed through Congress a number of laws to aid the recovery of the economy. The Civilian Conservation Corps put young men to work in reforestation and flood.The Federal Emergency Relief Administration aided state and local relief funds. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration paid farmers to reduce production, thus raising crop prices. The Tennessee Valley Authority built a network of dams in the Tennessee River area to generate electricity, control floods and manufacture fertilizer. The National Recovery Administration regulated fair competition among businesses and ensured bargaining rights and minimum wages for workers.The Social Security Act of 1935 established contributory old age and survivors’ pensions, as well as a joint federal state program of unemployment insurance.The Work Progress Administration was one of the most effective of the New Deal measures. Financed by taxes collected by the federal government, the WPA created millions of jobs by undertaking the construction of roads, bridges, airports and other public buildings. It kept workers in the job, thus preserving their skills and their self-respect.The New Deal programs did not end the Depression. But the economy improved as a result of this program of government intervention.66. According to the passage, “Black Thursday” is the day ________ .A. of selling stocksB. of reducing industrial productionC. the Great Depression beganD. the New Deal was implemented67. The New Deal is a number of laws ________ .A.to make young people plant trees and build damsB.to aid state and local relief fundsC.to deal with workersD.to deal with economic problems68. The WPA was an effective measure because ________ .A.it provided workers jobs of building roads and airportsB.it preserved workers’ skill and self-respectC.it provided financial aids to workersD.it ensured workers’ minimum wages69. Roosevelt made his New Deal programs effective through ________ .A. his presidential powerB. government taxationC. congress reputationD. government interventionKeys:66-69 CDADSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The term “resume” means a document describing one’s educational qualifications and professional experience. However guidelines for preparing a global resume are constantly changing. The best advice is to find out what is appropriate regarding the company culture, the country culture, and the culture of the person making the hiring decision. The following list is a good place to start.* In many countries, it is standard procedure to attach a photo or have your photo printed on your resume. Do not attach a photograph to your resume if you are sending it to the United States, though.* Educational requirements differ from country to country. In most case of “cross-border” job hunting, just stating the title of your degree will not be enough. Provide the reader with details about your studies。

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杨浦区2014学年度第一学期高三年级学业质量调研英语试卷2015. 1本试卷分为第I卷(第1-11页)和第II卷(第12页)两部分。
2. 第I卷(1-16小题,41---77小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。
第I卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Chinatown. B. Columbia University.C. The Empire State Building.D. The United Nations Building.2. A. In a book shop. B. At the hairdresser’s.C. At a booking office.D. At a French gallery.3. A. Professor and student. B. Lecturer and listener.C. Interviewer and interviewee.D. Librarian and reader.4. A. Warm. B. Cold.C. Mild.D. Foggy.5. A. $21. B. $80.C. $400.D. $640.6. A. Jog outdoors. B. Write a poem on spring breeze.C. Relax without doing anything.D. Join the man at the gym.7. A. They don’t sell lipstick to customers with a particular demand.B. They don’t have the particular lights that the woman wants.C. They have lipstick in a lighter shade but of different brand.D. The color of the particular lipstick is a little bit too light.8. A. Watching TV and videos. B. Communicating with parents.C. Having substitute teachers.D. Getting involved in video games.9. A. Mr Bush was promoted to be the sales manager.B. The colleagues in the sales department hate Mr Bush.C. Mr Bush enjoyed working in the sales department.D. Mr Bush doesn’t like his new position very much.10. A. She knows the result. B. The result is within her expectation.C. The result ruined her enjoyment.D. She doesn’t care who won.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. 70,000 tons. B. 2,000,000 tons.C. 2030 tons.D. Not mentioned.12. A. Most farmers were infected with diseases.B. Cocoa farmers lack professional training.C. The global consumption is increasing every year.D. Cocoa trees are growing more slowly because of the weather.13. A. The world is running out of chocolate.B. Cocoa farmers are looking for other jobs.C. Eating too much chocolate is not good for health.D. Asian people are eating more and more chocolate.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. To tell the purpose of learning history.B. To explain the history of education.C. To criticize students’ history study habits.D. To present a new approach to history education.15. A. By asking questions about the future.B. By studying in the traditional method.C. By looking for answers to present-day problems.D. By memorizing historic facts.16. A. Predict the future. B. Memorize details.C. Raise critical questions.D. Demonstrate the link between past and future.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Things needed for a student visa☑ Evidence of _____17_____ status for five years☑ Documents relating to _____18_____☐ _____19_____ showing the result of language test☐ _____20_____Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)When the British 13-year-old Cassidy arrived at school in her uniform on Nov. 5th , she (25) _____ (stop). She had to go home for “wearing the wrong uniform”. What was wrong? It turned out to be her black pumps (轻便鞋).Her school, Hanson Academy in the UK, began a new dress code on Nov. 4. The (26) _____ (require) uniform includes a blazer, a tie, and tailored trousers. If that sound s fine to you, there’s more.Students can’t wear jumpers, jackets or coats indoors. Also, girls and boys (27) _____ wear black leather shoes and black socks. Sports shoes are not allowed. (28) _____ the first three days of the new rule, about 200 students were sent home.(29)_____ there was mixed feedback from students and parents, school headmaster Elizabeth Churton said rules were an important part of growing up. “What we wear and how we wear our clothes is all part Why was Julia afraid to go into the city center at night? Becausethe police haven’t _____21_____. Why did people show great concern for the local girl? She was dying of a _____22_____.What did her parents do to help their daughter? They tried to _____23_____ to have hertreated.How did Julia feel when she learned a man won a lottery(彩票)?She felt _____24_____.and parcel of the way (30) _____ _____ we communicate with each other.” she told the BBC.Strict school uniform rules (31) _____ (become) increasingly common in recent years in the UK. In June, 250 girls at Ryde Academy were taken out of class because their skirts were “too short”. The US is seeing the same trend. More than half of US public schools now have strict dress codes, USA Today said.Do you dislike your uniform? Well, at least you can still keep your favorite sports shoes.(B)Charity is the voluntary giving of help, usually in the form of money, to people in need. Traditionally, Chinese have not been open-handed when it comes to (32) _____ (give) money to strangers: money is meant (33) _____ (stay) in the family. But three teenagers are setting an example for others to try to change that attitude.Two brothers, along with their friend, have taken all the money they have saved over the past ten years, a total of 500,000 yuan, and set up a charity to help poor students in rural areas.This is (34) _____ unusually generous gesture when you compare charitable donation in China with (35) _____ in the U.S. Chinese individuals give just $8 a year to charity, (36) _____ American individuals gives $1,000 a year. And in the past year, charitable donations in China have actually fallen by 17% according to the Chinese Social Science Academy.This last statistic may have something to do with the scandals (丑闻) that have surrounded some of the big charities in China such as the Guo Meimei scandal (37) _____(involve) the Red Cross. Chinese donors want to be sure (38) _____ their money is being spent wisely.That is (39) _____ the three boys have set up their own charity. Now they can control how the money is spent and they are learning about responsibility and how to operate a charity. (40) _____ (importantly), they are also showing that young people can lead the way in helping those in need to have a better life. Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. conveyingB. objectiveC. complexityD. rewardingE. victimF. impactG. confused H. effective I. published J. unavailability K. addingFriendly doctors are bad for their patients' health, researchers have warned as a new study revealed two thirds of young medics struggle to be truthful with patients they like.Blurring(模糊)the lines between social and professional relationships can __41__ on the level of care offered and prevent patients from being honest about important side effects. Doctors should avoid __42__ patients as friends on Facebook, and they should not hug or allow patients to call them by their first names, regulators have warned.It comes as a survey of 338 oncologists(肿瘤医师)under the age of 40, __43__ in The Lancet Oncology, found 59 per cent said they found it difficult to tell the truth to those patients they liked. Sixty per cent of respondents said if doctors felt too close to their patients, it could prevent them from making __44__ decisions about a person’s care.Lesley Fallowfield, of Brighton and Sussex Medical School, said: “Oncology is a specialty that can be enormously __45__ but is filled with challenges. Young oncologists have to master dealing with anxious patients who are facing a life-threatening disease; __46__ the true prediction; discussing the __47__ of modern treatments; and explaining the __48__ of some drugs and the side-effects of treatment.”But she said for those doctors who have entered the pro fession in the age of the ‘cyber world’, are more likely to fall __49__ to breaking the professional boundaries with patients.She said: “The difficulty, if you hug and kiss patients, if you allow them to call you by your first name, is that quickly the relationship can become __50__ as a social one rather than a professional one.”III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.You may have been told before not to be afraid of anything. Fear is often associated with weakness. Fear is something to be __51__.But that’s not true, according to Time For Kids magazine. Fear can be good for us.Fe ar tells us about __52__. Without fear, we wouldn’t know to run away from a tiger or step back from a cliff.In a study published in the Justice Quarterly Journal in August, researchers from Michigan State University said that a healthy fear of crime keeps teenagers away from __53__ dangerous people, places, and activities.Fear makes us jump, scream and sweat. But __54__, sometimes we make ourselves feel fear __55__. Think about scary books and movies, and also the long lines for a scary roller coaster ride (过山车). Margee Kerr, a US sociologist, explained why to Time For Kids. Fear __56__ our brain with __57__ chemical substances, especially endorphins and dopamine(内啡肽和多巴胺), and these things create feelings of happiness and __58__ us, according to Kerr.__59__, when you’re scared, your body produces a chemical which helps people __60__with each other. “Watch people walking out of a haunted house (鬼屋), and you’ll see lots of smiles and high fives,” Kerr told Time For Kids. That also explains why schools and companies organize __61__ trips and physical activities to __62__ team spirit.People experience and deal with fear in different ways. If you happen to be a “coward”(胆小鬼)who gets scared easily, don’t worry. There is some evidence that being scared can help a person __63__ stressful situations. Kerr said that things like giving a presentation in front of your class or performing in a school play help build a sort of __64__ to fear that makes us more confident. “You become more comfortable with the physical e xperience of fear, and so you’re better able to work through it during __65__ situations,” said Kerr.So learn to love your fear. It only grows when we forget how helpful our fear is trying to be.51. A. recommended B. avoided C. suspected D. investigated52. A. disadvantage B. courage C. danger D. adventure53. A. potentially B. beneficially C. unfortunately D. unconsciously54. A. undoubtedly B. personally C. interestingly D. positively55. A. in advance B. in public C. at random D. on purpose56. A. connects B. combines C. spoils D. fills57. A. healthy B. harmful C. poisonous D. sensitive58. A. worry B. excite C. depress D. disappoint59. A. On the contrary B. In other words C. For example D. In addition60. A. argue B. unite C. fight D. compete61. A. relaxing B. inviting C. challenging D. imposing62. A. build up B. put down C. take over D. make out63. A. adapt B. manage C. skip D. experience64. A. endurance B. devotion C. objection D. tendency65. A. regular B. embarrassing C. ridiculous D. tenseSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Sixth-grader Ivory Kelly finished up an English assignment at the blackboard. Then ... Ping! Ping! He felt something hitting his head. The 12-year-old knew just who was dissing him. He turned around and shouted at DeAngela Byrd. DeAngela claimed she was innocent. Then she called Ivory a “guinea pig.” “Hosemouth!” he shouted back. Their teacher, Linda Mann, didn’t send them to the principal. She didn’t even make them stand in the hall. Instead, she sent them to work things out in a small storage room. The room is Glengarry Elementary’s mediation center (调解中心).Mediation in school is a way to solve conflicts without having teachers punish students. Kids called mediators are trained to listen to classmates accused of misbehaving or fighting. Without taking sides, the mediators help troubled kids come up with their own solutions. It usually takes no more than 15 minutes.At Glengarry, 30 students from third through sixth grades are trained to settle fights. After calmly discussing the attack and name calling with sixth-grade mediators, Michael Reese and Tracie Thacker, Ivory and DeAngela signed a promise “not to mess with each other.”Many U.S. elementary schools are starting to give kids more responsibility for discipline. In the past 10 years, one-tenth of the nation’s 86,000 public schools have started programs to resolve conflicts, mostly in middle or high schools. But educators want to begin more mediation programs sooner. They say elementary-age kids are even better at talking about their feelings and deciding on a fair solution than older kids are! When a teacher or principal is not involved, “kids talk more freely,” says Glengarry Principal Loraine Johnson.So far, mediation seems to work well. In one survey of 115 Ohio elementary schools with mediation programs, two out of three noted a decrease in fights, and more than half said fewer kids were being sent to the principal’s office. In New Mexico, reports of bad behavior in elementary schools have dropped 85% since mediation programs began.66. The underlined word “dissing” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.A. attemptingB. insultingC. invadingD. interrupting67. Students trained in the mediation ______.A. are neutral, never taking sidesB. provide a solution for the troubled kidsC. accuse students of misbehaving or fightingD. decide on the punishment for misbehaving students68. Which of the following statements is false?A. Teachers are not me diators and won’t give judgments.B. Mediation programs in schools seem to reduce misbehavior.C. Elementary-age children are able to solve conflicts among schoolmates.D. Mediation programs encourage students to work with teachers to solve conflicts.69. What’s the best title for the passage?A. Don’t Mess with Each OtherB. A Drop in MisbehaviorC. Keep the Grownups Out of ItD. Stricter Discipline Promotes Behavior(B)Public busesThe Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) is charged with providing bus service to people living and working in Bangkok and the nearby provinces (i.e. Nothaburi, Pathum Thani, Samut Sakhon, Samut Prakan and Nakhon Pathom Provinces). As of February, 2005, the BMTA operated a total of 113 routes, served by 3,526 buses, of which 1,665 were regular buses and 1,861 air-conditioned buses. There were also privately-owned buses operated under the BMTA with a total of 3,535 regular and air-conditioned buses and 1,067 minibuses including 2,325 small buses which provide services in lanes. An average of 3.4 million people use these services daily.Type Bus Color Fare Service TimeRegular bus Cream-Red 7 baht 05:00-23:00Regular bus White-Blue 8 baht 05:00-23:00Expressway bus Cream-Red 9 baht 05:00-23:00All-night service bus Cream-Red 8.50baht 23:00-05:00Air conditioned bus Cream-Blue 11 13 15 17 19 baht05:00-23:00(depending on the distance)05:00-23:00 EURO-II bus Yellow-Orange 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 baht(depending on the distance)The following passengers are eligible for bus fare exemptions:1.BMTA bus inspectors2.Buddhist monks and novices3.Mailmen in uniform while on duty4. Holders of BMTA employee ID cardsHalf-Price Concessions (优惠)The following passengers are eligible for half-price fares when using the service of regular buses.1.The blind with a certificate from the Association of the Blind.2.Soldiers and policemen in uniform3.Holders of official certificates or medals as specified by the Regulation on Bus FareConcession at the exact rates specified by the Transport ControlVictory Medal (Off-spring后代of holders of this medal are also entitled.)European Royal MedalBorder Service MedalFree-Man Protection MedalNon-active War Veterans Classes 1 2 3 and 4.Fare Concessions for Air-conditioned BusesHolders of the following official certificates and medals are eligible for air-conditioned bus fare reductions.1.Victory Medal (Off-spring of this medal are also entitled)2.Border Service Medal3.Free-Man Protection Medal4.European Royal War Medal5.Non-active War Veterans Classes 1 2 3 and 46.BTMA Employee ID cardsConcessions:Regular Fare Reduced Fare12 Baht 8Baht14 Baht 10 Baht16 Baht 11 Baht18 Baht 13 Baht20 Baht 14 Baht22 Baht 15 Baht24 Baht 17 BahtSearch for bus route here@ Bangkok Tourism Division70. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Buses in Bangkok are of the same size.B. At least 3.4 million people take a bus every day.C. BMTA provides city buses and inter-provincial bus service.D. Buses operated under the BMTA are owned by individuals.71. Jonny sees a cream-blue bus coming. It must be ______.A. a regular busB. an air-conditioned busC. a night-service busD. an expressway bus72. ______ needn’t pay fares on a regular bus.A. A grandson of a Victory Medal holderB. A postman, together with his familyC. A blind person with a medical certificateD. A BMTA inspector with his employee card73. How much should a soldier in uniform pay when he takes a white-blue bus?A. 4bahtB. 5.50bahtC. 7bahtD. 8baht(C)We all dream of living a long, happy life, but where are the happiest places in the world?A new map of 151 countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe deliver long and happy lives for their citizens. The results may surprise you, with Costa Rica, Colombia and Vietnam topping the league. The UK features at position 44 - higher than Germany (47), Spain (62), Canada (65), Australia (76) and the US (105).The map was made by the relocation website Movehub, using data from the latest Happy Planet Index (HPI) - a global measure of sustainable wellbeing(可持续幸福).The HPI measures life expectancy(平均寿命), the level of well-being experienced and ecological (生态的)footprint. Each of the three aspects is given a traffic-light score based on thresholds for good (green), middling (amber) and bad (red) performance. These scores are combined to an expanded six-color traffic light for the overall HPI score, where, to achieve bright green – the best of the six colors, a country would have to perform well on all three individual components.Experienced well-being: This was assessed using a question called the ‘Ladder of Life’. This asks respondents to imagine a ladder, where 0 represents the worst possible life and 10 the best possible life, and report the step of the ladder they feel they currently stand on.Life expectancy: Alongside experienced well-being, the Happy Planet Index includes a universally important measure of health – life expectancy. We used life expectancy data from the 2011 UNDP Human Development Report.Ecological Footprint: The HPI uses the Ecological Footprint promoted by the environmental charity WWF as a measure of resource consumption. It is a per capita(人均)measure of the amount of land required to su stain a country’s consumption pattern.Two of the three main factors are directly about happiness. The third (Ecological footprint) is regarded as sustainable happiness. i.e. whether a country could sustain its citizens without any outside help. The idea is that if there was an incident which cut a country completely off from the outside world, or a country had to be completely self-sufficient, most of the developed world would be unable to do that.The reason for some high-income nations to score significantly below other nations is the ecological footprint left on the planet. Mexicans and Canadians both appear to be happier than their US neighbor - most likely due to the country's ecological footprint.74. According to the passage, the happiest places in the world are countries ______.A. which deliver long, happy and sustainable lives for the peopleB. which offer good medical care to help people live longerC. which are wealthy enough to provide free social servicesD. whose citizens are leading a happy and luxurious life75. If a country whose traffic-light score of the experienced well-being is red, it means that ______.A. people there are happy with their present situationB. people’s previous life was much betterC. people are not very satisfied with their lifeD. most people choose to be on the top of the ladder76. What do the two underlined words “This” refer to?A. Experienced well-being; A real ladder.B. Experienced well-being; The question.C. The Happy Planet Index (HPI); The “Ladder of Life”.D. The individual component; The researcher.77. If the U.S. footprint per capita is 9.0 gha(全球公顷), while that of Switzerland is 5.6 gha, we canconclude that ______.A. people in the U.S. are happier than those in SwitzerlandB. the U.S is less dependent on outside help than SwitzerlandC. the land in U. S. is more productive than that in SwitzerlandD. people in U.S. consume more natural resources than those in SwitzerlandSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Speed-reading is a crucial skill in the Internet age. We skim over articles, e-mails and tweets to try to grasp key words and the essential meaning of a certain text. Bombarded with information from our electronic devices, it would be impossible to cope if we read word by word, line by line.But a new trend calls on people to unplug and enjoy reading slowly, using the linear pattern, left-to-right sequence.A recent story from The Wall Street Journal reported on a book club in Wellington, New Zealand, where members meet in a cafe and turn off their smartphones. They sink into cozy chairs and read in silence for an hour.Unlike traditional book clubs, the point of the Slow Reading Club isn’t exchanging ideas about a certain book, but to get away from electronic devices and read in a quiet, relaxed environment. According to the Journal, the Wellington Book Club is just one example of a movement initiated by book lovers who miss the old-fashioned way of reading before the Internet and smartphones.Slow readers, such as The Atlantic’s Maura Kelly, say a regular reading habit sharpens the mind, improves concentration, reduces stress levels and deepens the ability to empathize(有同感,起共鸣).Some of these benefits have been backed up by science. For example, a study of 300 elderly people published by the journal Neurology last year showed that regular engagement in intellectual activities like reading slowed the rate of memory loss later in life.Another study published last year in Science showed that reading novels helps people understand others’ mental states and beliefs, a crucial skill in building relationships.Slow reading means a return to an uninterrupted, linear pattern, in a quiet environment free of distractions. Aim for 30 minutes a day, advises Kelly from The Atlantic. “You can squeeze in that half hour pretty easily if only during your free moments – whenever you find yourself automatically firing up your laptop to check your favorite site, or scanning Twitter for something to pass the time–you pick up a meaningful work of literature,” Kelly said. “Reach for your e-reader, if you like. Kindles make books like War and Peace less heavy, and also ensure you’ll never lose your place in the book.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS)78.Speed-readers read an article by __________________________________________.79.What do the members of the Wellington Book Club usually do?____________________________________________________________________.80.Slow reading will benefit people’s future life because it can _________________________.81.According to Kelly, what are the two advantages of e-readers like Kindles?____________________________________________________________________.第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 每位同学就坐后老师才开始上课。