
浦东新区2015学年度第一学期期末质量测试高三英语考生注意: 1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。
第Ⅰ卷 (共103分)I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, conversation, a a a question question question will will will be be be asked asked asked about about about what what what was was was said. said. said. The The The conversations conversations conversations and and and the the the questions questions questions will will will be be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. At a restaurant. B. In a pet shop. C. At a clinic. D. On a boat. 2. A. The woman. B. The w oman‟s woman‟swoman‟s mother. mother. C. The man. D. The children. 3. A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Husband and wife. D. Boss and secretary. 4. A. She will go to school in the man‟s car . . B. She will join him in his exercise class. C. She will give the man a ride. D. She will ride her bicycle to the school. 5. A. Make a plan carefully. B. Give her more information. C. Ask more people for advice. D. Buy a gift for his father. 6. A. He didn‟t tell the woman the truth. B. He doesn‟t keep his promises.C. He spends his spare time going to parties. D. He is always ready to help others. 7. A. The woman feels sorry for the man. B. The man is a member of the staff. C. The woman is asking the man to leave. D. The area is for passengers only. 8. A. Relieved. B. Confused. C. Annoyed. D. Sympathetic. 9. A. Turn the alarm off. B. Move his alarm farther. C. Catch a later bus. D. Go to bed earlier. 10. 10. A. A. T he girl‟s request will be granted The girl‟s request will be granted . B. The girl is outstanding in the class. C. The girl has completed the course. D. Only the girl took the make-up exam. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Because she wasn‟t being taken seriously. B. Because she deserved respect from others. C. Because she dressed improperly. D. Because she was not capable enough. COMPLAINT FORM Name of customer: Sally Lo Room No.: 17 Complaint about: (Please tick the right boxes) þ service ☐ food þ 18 area Details of complaint: service slow waiters 19 carpet 20 and smelly Complete the form. Write What What is is is the the the article article article in in in the the the newspaper newspaper about? 21 may may be be be allowed allowed allowed during during during the the flight. Why does the man hate the idea? Because he enjoys the 22 . According to the man, when are people likely to come up with new ideas? W h e n t h e y a r e a l o n e w i t h o u t 23 . How can people now communicate with those not on board? By 24 . Directions: After After reading reading reading the the the passages passages passages below, below, fill fill in in in the the the blanks blanks blanks to to to make make make the the the passages passages passages coherent coherent coherent and and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. AA. risky B. solution C. adaptation D. genetic E. restricted F. partially G. ruined H. inconvenience I. occur J. qualify K. completely terrible potential effects, like speeding ageing or increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Then there‟s the danger of deep-vein thrombosis (深静脉血栓), ___55___ to germs and radiation. And finally, of course, business travellers tend to get less exercise and eat less healthily than people who stay in place. The psychological and emotional damage of business travel is more abstract, but just as real. Frequent flyers experience “travel disorientation” from ___56___ places and time zones so often. They also ___57___ mounting stress, given that “time spent travelling will rarely be balanced through a reduced workload, and that that there there there may may may be be be anxieties anxieties anxieties ___58___ ___58___ ___58___ with with with work work work continuing continuing continuing to to to pile pile pile up up up while while while being being being away”. away”. away”. ___59___ ___59___ ___59___ the the absence from family and friends, “hypermobility is frequently a /an ___60___ e xperience,” the authors write. experience,” the authors write. The accumulated impact can be astonishing and great. Finally, Finally, there there there are are are the the the ___61___ ___61___ ___61___ effects. effects. effects. Marriages Marriages Marriages suffer suffer suffer from from from the the the time time time apart, apart, apart, as as as does does does children‟s children‟s behaviour. What is more, relationships tend to become more ___62___, as the partner who stays at home is forced to take on more ___63___ duties. There‟s a gender inequality here, since most business travellers are men. men. Friendships Friendships Friendships also also also suffer suffer suffer, , , as as as business business business travellers travellers travellers often often often “sacrifice “sacrifice “sacrifice local local local collective collective collective activities activities activities and and and instead instead ___64___ their immediate families when returning from trips”.Of course, these impacts are moderated by the fact that they fall disproportionately on a small part of the population population that that that is is is already already already doing doing doing rather rather rather well. well. well. The The The “mobile “mobile elite (精英)” ” tend tend tend to to to have have have higher higher higher incomes incomes incomes and and ___65___ to better health care than the population at large. So these may be problems of the 1% (or the 3%, or the 5%). But they‟re real enough regardless. By all means feel jealous of acquaintances' Instagram photos of exotic meals and faraway attractions. But harbour a small amount of concern as well. 51. A. travel B. proof C. damage D. consequence 52. A. brighter B. wiser C. darker D. lazier 53. A. effects B. benefits C. limits D. costs 54. A. impose B. foresee C. declare D. memorize 55. A. connection B. adaptation C. exposure D. familiarity 56. A. changing B. leaving C. taking D. pursuing 57. A. handle B. relieve C. suffer D. lay 58. A. infected B. associated C. greeted D. packed 59. A. Due to B. According to C. Regardless of D. In case of 60. A. surprising B. relaxing C. fulfilling D. isolating 61. A. cultural B. conscious C. social D. negative 62. A. unequal B. invisible C. pleasant D. permanent 63. A. personal B. related C. professional D. domestic 64. A. prioritize B. mobilize C. seek D. support 65. A. devotion B. objection C. response D. access Section BDirections: Read Read the the the following following following passages. passages. passages. Each Each Each passage passage passage is is is followed followed followed by by by several several several questions questions questions or or or unfinished unfinished statements. statements. For each of them there For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A)In a class this past December, after I wrote some directions on the board for students about their final examination, one young woman quickly took a picture of the board using her smart phone. When I looked in her direction, she apologized, “Sorry. Was it wrong to take a picture?”“I can‟t read read my own handwriting,”my own handwriting,” the young woman explained. “It‟s b est if I take best if I take a picture of your writing so I can understand the notes.”That remark started a class-wide conversation about taking a picture instead of taking notes. For those in the photo-taking camp, motivations extended beyond their inability to comprehend their own handwriting. Some took pictures of notes because they knew their phone was a safe place to store material. They might lose paper, they reasoned, but they wouldn‟t lose their phones. Some took photos because they wanted to record exactly the manner in which I had noted information on the board. Others told me that during class they liked to be able to listen to the discussion attentively. Yet the use of cameras as note takers, though it may be convenient, does raise significant questions for the classroom. Is a picture an effective replacement for the process of note-taking? Instructors encourage students to take notes because the act of doing so is more than merely recording necessary information —it helps prepare the way for understanding. Encouraging students to take notes may be an old-fashioned instructional method, but just because a method has a long history doesn‟t mean it‟s out of of date. date. date. Writing Writing things things down down down engages engages engages a a a student‟s student‟s student‟s br br brain ain ain in in in listening, listening, listening, visual, visual, visual, and and kinesthetic (触觉的) learning learning——a a view view view supported supported supported by by by a a a longstanding longstanding longstanding research. research. research. The The The act act act of of of writing writing writing down down down information information information enables enables enables a a person to begin committing it to memory, and to process and combine it, establishing the building blocks of learning new concepts. Taking Taking a a a picture picture picture does does does indeed indeed indeed record record record the the the information, information, information, but but but it it it deletes deletes deletes some some some of of of the the the necessary necessary necessary mental mental engagement that taking notes employs. So can the two be equally effective? 66. The woman apologized in the class because she_________. A. had the bad handwriting B. miss ed the teachers‟ directionsC. took a picture of the board D. disturbed other students‟ learning67. According to the passage, which of the following may NOT explain students‟ reluctance to take notes? A. They lack proper techniques for taking notes. B. They want to listen more attentively in class. C. They believe smart phones are much safer for storing notes. D. They want to have the exact version of the notes on the board. 68. According to the passage, taking notes by hand__________. A. requires students to think independently B. helps students actively participate in learning C. proves to be an old and useless learning method D. seems unsuitable for students to learn new ideas 69. What is the main idea of this passage? A. The traditional way of note-taking should be replaced. B. A modern way of note-taking is catching on. C. Note-taking by hand is not out of date. D. A picture is worth a thousand words. (B)Travelling BrochureTravelling Information in Melbourne, AustraliaTour Name: Phillip Island, Penguins, Koalas and Kangaroos Price: Starting from AUD $115 per personl Tour HighlightsPhillip Island, Penguins, Koalas and Kangaroos Per person Season Aug 1, 2012 to Mar 31, 2013 Tour Code Days of Week Adult Child Tour only Mon…Sun$115.00 $58.00 Mon…Sun$140.00 $83.00 Tour includingViewing PlatformPenguin Plusthemselves. I imagine children must be rather relieved to be thrown out, for in the process of being cared for, he or she is reluctantly carried about in a hide sling (背婴儿带) wherever the mother goes. Whenever themother is in her field, she loosens the sling and lets the baby to the ground none too slowly, and laughs if it is hurt. Then she goes about her business, leaving the child there, almost hoping that some fierce animals will come along and carry it off. This sometimes happens. Such behaviour does not endear children to theirparents or parents to their children.Many of you probably reacted to the Ik with some horror and shock. It is very tempting to conclude that these these people people people are are are primitive, primitive, primitive, savage savage savage and and and inhuman, inhuman, inhuman, and and and that that that their their their concept concept concept of of of the the the ……family family‟‟ is is deeply deeply deeply wrong. wrong. However, sociologists argue that it is wrong to simply judge such societies and their family arrangements as unnatural and untypical. We need to understand that such arrangements may have positive functions. In the case case of of of the the the Ik, Ik, Ik, with with with the the the exceptional exceptional exceptional circumstances circumstances circumstances they they they find find find themselves themselves themselves in in —drought drought and and and famine famine —their family arrangements help ensure the survival of the tribe. Moreover, Moreover, some some some of of of you you you may may may have have have concluded concluded concluded that that that British British British family family family life life life and and and the the the Ik Ik Ik have have have some some some things things things in in common. common. British British British family family family is is is not not not universally universally universally experienced experienced experienced as as as positive positive positive for for for all all all family family family members. members. members. For For For some some members of our own society —for young and old alike —family life may be characterized by violence, abuse and isolation. The The problem problem problem with with with studying studying studying the the the family family family is is is that that that we we we all all all think think think we we we are are are experts. experts. experts. This This This is is is not not not surprising, surprising, considering that most of us are born in families and socialized into family roles and responsibilities. It is an institution most of us feel very comfortable with and regard as …natural natural‟‟. For many of us, it is a cornerstone of our social world, a place to which we can retreat and take refuge from the stresses of the outside world. It is the place in which we are loved for who we are, rather than what we are. Family living and family events are are probably probably probably the the the most most most important important important aspects aspects aspects of of of our our our lives. lives. lives. It It It is is is no no no wonder wonder wonder that that that we we we tend tend tend to to to hold hold hold very very very fierce, fierce, emotional, and perhaps irrational, views about family life and how it ought to be organized. Such …taken for granted granted‟‟ views make it very difficult for us to objectively examine family arrangements that differ from our own experience —such as those of the Ik —without making critical judgements. 73. Which of the following ideas do the Ik hold according to the passage? A. The family is the centre of their life. B. The old are the luxuries they should treasure. C. Their children should be abandoned when born. D. The survival of the tribe is what they should strive for. 74. Which of the following will the author probably agree with in the case of Ik? A. The children are a great burden to their family. B. Mothers prefer to carry their children here and there. C. The children enjoy warm relationship with their parents. D. Many children should be left at the mercy of fierce animals in the field. 75. According to the author, both British family life and that of the Ik ______. A. contain negative elements B. ensure longevity C. experience ups and downs D. endear family members 76. All of the following statements support “family is the cornerstone ” EXCEPT that ______. A. we turn to family as our harbour in heart B. we find we love and are loved in the family C. we believe family is the top priority in our life D. we pour our bad mood upon our family members 77. The author writes this passage to tell us ______. A. family life has various positive functions The carmaker is in the pioneer of a materials revolution, which genome”—a database with the properties of all known and predicted a database with the properties of all known and predicted ) that has usually depended mostly researchers will first define what they want, and their computers will then develop a list The new science will improve today‟s materials, too, leading to stron ger steels, new kinds of alloy and part plastic. plastic. plastic. On On On the the the far far far horizon horizon horizon are are are bigger bigger of electric electric electric cars cars cars or or or store store store solar solar solar and and and wind wind wind power, power, As well as revolutionising products, these new materials could also revolutionise how they are made. There will always be room for the mass production of some low-value, commodity items. But as a rule, when 我认为在做出最终决定前,我们有必要和父母讨论一下这个问题。

2016年浦东新区高三一模英语试卷及答案2016年浦东新区高三一模英语试卷及答案Directions: Beneath each of the folloing sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one anser that best pletes the sentence.Section ADirections: Beneath each of the folloing sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one anser that best pletes the sentence.25. China has made a series of technological advances _______ constructing high-speed railays.A. onB. toC. inD. for26. Our principal ould like to accept _______ of the practical suggestions on ho to improve students lunch.A. eitherB. neitherC. bothD. any27. Look! Someone _______ the laptop.Well, it asn t me. I didn t do it.A. has repairedB. is repairingC. had repairedD. as repairing28. After the meeting, e ent to the supermarket to do some shopping, only to be told that it _______.A. as being decoratedB. as decoratingC. is being decoratedD. has been decorating29. Babies given more love and affection by their mothers_______ deal better ith stress and anxiety hen they gro up.A. needB. mustC. shallD. may30. The latest research _______ shos that micro blog is the most popular social netorking tool among Chinese netizens.A. to undertakeB. undertakenC. undertakingD. having been undertaken31. _______ our life goals ill guide us to a bright future,ithout hich e may aste our lifetime.A. Having setB. SetC. SettingD. To be set32. The government ill e up ith more volunteer projects just _______ the volunteer industry.A. to promoteB. to be promotedC. promotingD. being promoted33. _______ you start ith one small positive thing during your day, you ll begin to move into a more positive situation.A. Even ifB. In caseC. As long asD. As far as34. When you are older, you are better equipped mentally to cope ith _______ happens.A. hoeverB. heneverC. hicheverD. hatever35. A lot of lovers chose to get married on Dec. 12, 2016, _______ the date, the month and the year match.A. thatB. on hichC. in hichD. hich36. The limits of a person s intelligence are fixed at birth, but _______ he reaches these limits depends on his environment.A. ifB. thatC. hetherD. hat37. From inside the dark house _______.A. some strange smell cameB. came some strange smellC. had some strange smell eD. did some strange smell e38. Changing the passord on your hacked account isn t a lasting solution if you don t remove any virus, _______?A. don t youB. do youC. isn t itD. is it39. The ord positive energy is being more than mon in nespapers and magazines _______you could notice.A. beforeB. sinceC. henD. after40. _______ several important decisions based on emotion instead of reason, he felt bitterly regretted.A. MakingB. Having madeC. MadeD. To makeSection BDirections: Complete the folloing passage by using the ords inthe box. Each ord can only be used once. Note that there is one ord more than you need.A. inappropriateB. questionC. inexperiencedD. changesE. trendsF. job-relatedG. assessH. dissatisfactionI. professionJ. occursNursing, as a typically female profession, must deal constantly ith the false impression that nurses are there to ait on the position. As nurses, e are licensed to provide nursing care only. We do not have any legal or moral obligation to any physician. We provide health teaching, __41__ physical as ell as emotional problems, coordinate patient-related services and make all of our nursing decisions based upon hat is best or suitable for the patient. If, in any circumstance, e feel that the physician s order is __42__ or unsafe, e have a legal responsibility to __43__that order or refuse to carry it out. Nursing is not a nine-to-five job ith every eekend off. All nurses are aare of that before they enter the __44__. The emotional and physical stress, hoever, hich __45__ due to hard orking hours is a prime reason for a lot of the career __46__. It is sometimes required that e ork overtime and that e change shifts four or five times a month. That disturbs our personal lives, disrupts our sleeping and eating habits, and isolates us from everything except __47__ friends and activities. The quality of nursing care is being affected dramatically by these situations. Most hospitals are no staffed by ne graduates as experienced nurses finally give up trying to change the system. Consumers of medically-related services have evidently not been affected enough yet to demand __48__ in our medical system. But if __49__ continue as predicted, they ill find that most critical hospital care ill be provided by ne, inexperienced and sometimes inadequately-trained nurses.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the folloing passage there are four ords or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank ith the ord or phrase that best fits the context.The famous American inventor Thomas Alva Edison once claimed that genius as one percent inspiration and ninety?-nine percent perspirationonly by gifted individuals. Talent is a false belief, and it is time that people got rid of it, they said. This theory a dramatic __55__ ith traditional beliefs has been __56__ by academics orldide. In fact, studies of acplished artists and mathematicians, and top tennis players and simmers, have reported fe early signs of __57__ in these people before any parental encouragement. No case has been found of anyone reaching the highest levels of achievement ithout __58__ himself or herself to thousands of hours of serious training. Even those ho are believed to be exceptionally talented hether in music, mathematics, chess, or sports have needed lengthy periods of instruction and practice to achieve their highest level of success. Thepersistent false belief that some people reach high levels of performance ithout spending numerous hours practising __59__ much to the fact that their practice is usually outside the casual observer s vie, stated one scientist.。

Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的容,选出相应的图片) (6 分)1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______6. ______B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分)7. A) A reporter. B) A TV host. C) An air hostess. D)A lawyer.8. A) Classical music. B) Jazz. C) Country music. D) Rock.9. A) ¥110. B) ¥100. C)¥90. D)¥80.10. A) Anything he liked. B) Jacket and tie.C) Jacket and hat. D) Suit and tie.11. A) In an old house. B) In a little shop. C) On a train. D) On a boat.12. A) He will be waiting for a package. B) He will do some online shopping.C) He will deliver jeans to customers. D) He has ordered some food online.13. A) The man is saving money for a new car. B) The man spends a lot of money on gas.C) The man is driving his parents' car. D) Repairing the car costs the man a lot.14. A) Susan can sell her present house. B) It's necessary for Susan to buy a new house.C) Susan can't afford a new house. D) It's not wise of Susan to buy another house.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true orfalse (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7分)15. The story happened on a windy and rainy day.16. Two children came to the house to sell newspapers.17. The speaker invited them in and served them milk and bread.18. They kept talking to the speaker while she was doing housework.19. The speaker failed to get rid of the dirty marks on the carpet.1.20. The story tells us th should be at we thankful for everything we have.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列容。

杨浦区..模拟测试(一)....高三..........第二学期...20..11..学年度英语试卷....20..1.2.. .3.本试卷分为第...分。
.......................第.I.卷.(共.....分)..105I...Listening Comprehension...........................(30%)Section.......A .Directions:...................................................................... A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of ..Section........... Ineach conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the ............................................................................questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the ....................................................................................four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is th ....................................................e best answer to the question you...........................have heard...........1... A. At 11:35................... D. 12:45........... B. At 11:45........... C. At 12:00.2... A. By car.................. D. By bus........... C. By taxi......... B. By train.3... A. In a r.............. C. In a hotel....................... D. On a plane.......estaurant........... B. In a hospital.4... A. He's unwilling to f.................................etch the laundry.B. He picked up the laundry 3 hours ago.................................C. He will go before the laundry is closed....................................D. He doesn’t know who picked up the........ ..............................laundry5... A. Boss and secretary................................. B. Colleagues.C. Interviewer and interviewee.......................................... D. Classmates.6... A... The man is not suitable for the position...................................B. The job has been given to someone else...................................C. She received only one application letter.......................................D. The application arrived a week earlier than expected.................................................7... A. $15.............. B. $30....... D. $100....... C. $50.8... A. He has not adjust..................................ed to the new culture.B. He has been studying hard at night................................C. He finds biology difficult to learn..................................D. He is...................... in a different zone..................time......not accustomed to the9... A. He is the right man to get the job done..................................B. He is a man with professional....... ...........................skillsC. He i............................s not easy to get along with.D. He is not likely to get the job............................10................. B. Call the booking office...........................A. Go to the office.C. Try online booking................................. D. See a doctor.Section....... B .Directions:.........................................e asked three questions on ....... B, you will hear two short passages, and you will b................................. In..Sectioneach of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. .................................................................................When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one ...........................................................................would be the best answer to the questi..............................................on you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage...................................................11.............A. At 6:15.......... B. At 6:45.C. At 7:15................... D. At 7:45.12.......................................A. Students who are often late for school.................................... B. All the students of Durfee High School.C. Parents send...................D. Parents who are always late for work..................................... no..tes to the headmaster..............ing13......................... B. Give every student an alarm clock...................................A. Call the students at 6:15.C. Make study hours longer................................................ D. Post students..............’. names on the school website.Questions 14 through 16 are based on.................. news .............................. the following14..............................................................A. Because dragon babies will have more educational opportunities.B. Because dragon babies are believed to be rich and successful in the future..................................................................C. Because couples can only have a dragon baby every twelve years........................................................D. Because drago........ ..............................culture..............n is...an.. imaginary creature in the Chinese15........th... ....A. May 2......nd.... B. May 10C. May 12........nd...........th.... D. May. 2216.............................................. B. To get better service....A. To avoid one child policy.C. To gain more job opportunities............................................................ D. To gain better child educationSection...........................C Longer ConversationsDirections:.....................................................................C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read ..Section...........Intwice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with ..............................................................................information you have heard. Wri..........................................................te your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.....................................................Complete the....... for each answer.......ONE WORD................... Write...........formBlanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.....................................................Complete the form. Write.....................NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.................................. for each answer.II....Grammar.........................and vocabulary (25%)Section A........Directions:................................................................................Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.choose the one answer that best complet...............................................es the sentence.25.........._____........ the...................................-.-.13.8%, far.......... smoking hit a new low in the latest surveys...In New York,..........high schoolnational average.................A. over.............. B. beyondC. below........... D. on26........eathing rate is different....... their br.........................Doctors.......should...... take special care when treating children...................................becausefrom _____ of adults...................A. one............ B. thoseC. some............ D. that27........ badly.....,. the same way he was treated...student................................teacher...A.fter being a......., .he.. found himself............_____..... hisby his...............teacher.....formerA. treated....................... B. being treatedC.. treating................ D. treat28........................................................................Best....-.selling author and race car driver Han Han offered a 20 million RMB reward to _____could prove his works were ghostwritten (..).。

One【虹又区】 I. Translation. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
!5. 尽管前途未卜,为了不让人生留有遗憾,他习惯尽力做好每一件事。(Despite) ! ! ! !Eight【静安区】 !1.有可能防止金融危机将来再次发生吗?(possible) !2.除非采取紧急措施,否则我们的计划将泡汤。(spoil) !3.整个团队只有互相配合才能按时完成这项任务。(Only) !4.据报道上海迪斯尼乐园的面积将是香港迪斯尼的四倍。(report v.) ! 5.有所得就有所失,我们要意识到这一点。(while) ! ! ! !Nine【崇明县】
4. 一些慈善机构往往将眼光放在如何让受助对象脱贫上,而忽略了受助者的心理需求。
5. 新郎新娘们很少意识到真正令人难忘的是新人间的浓浓的爱意,而非豪华的婚纱,或

One【2016届上海市虹口区高三英语一模】Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose theone that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)In job interviews, we’re often asked about our strengths and weaknesses. And, as a matter of fact, most of us know automatically how to respond.Common wisdom tells us to use faux weaknesses, which means things that are strengths described as negatives and turned into positives. You might even be able to change your weaknessinto a skill for a job you’re not fully qualified for.In America, in a championship game you are unlikely to see athletes showing weakness. Ifthe athletes become hurt in this game, they will hide their injuries —they don’t want their competitors to know their weak spots. But there is absolutely no need for us to act like this inbusiness affairs.At work and in business, you can have shortcomings because these can be overcome andturned into strengths. The only fatal thing is to not realize that all your weaknesses can be madestrong. Of course, to make up for shortcomings, you must first be aware of what your weaknessesreally are.Have you ever wondered what has happened when you interview for a job you’re fullyqualified for, but it goes to someone who doesn’tseem to be qualified at all? How would thatperson get the job when he had none of the qualifications listed in the job ad?That applicant figured out the business pain point that is seldom, if ever, mentioned in the jobad, and then how to address it. He didn’t talk about how he met each of the requirements on the job ad. He had none of the qualifications. He asked questions instead. He asked probing (探询的) questions to learn more about the business pain. By doing so, this less-qualified person soonlearned that the hiring managers needed something different from what was listed in the job ad.Not accepting the job ad as an unquestionable truth is the key. There is no reason to think thathiring managers actually know what they need when they write job ads. They may need someonecompletely different from what they describe. That is why you can get a job that you’re notqualified for.66. The underlined word “faux” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to “__________”.A. incorrectB. illogicalC. falseD. imaginary67. What exactly does the author advise you to do when you are a weak candidate for a job?A. Don’t ask questions if you think you are a weak candidate.B. Ask questions about the job until you find you have something to offer.C. Don’t let your interviewer know your weaknesses but tell him your strengths.D. Ask questions according to the job description to see if you can be a qualified candidate.68. Why does the author think an applicant can get a job that he’s not qualified for?A. Because hiring managers may change their mind in the job interview.B. Because hiring managers may actually need someone who can ask questions.C. Because the applicant may not know that he actually has the required qualifications.D. Because hiring managers may not know what they actually need when writing the ad.69. What is the passage mainly talking about?A. You can change you weaknesses into strengths in job interviews.B. Don’t expose your weaknesses but show your strengths in job interviews.C. Find out the business pain point not mentioned in the job ad in job interviews.D. Hiring managers usually don’t know what qualifications they really need.Keys: 66-69: CBDATwo【2016届上海市黄浦区高三英语一模】Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose theone that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Rosalind Franklin always liked facts. She was logical and precise,and impatient with things that were otherwise. She decided to become ascientist when she was 15. She passed the examination for admission toCambridge University in 1938, and it sparked a family crisis. Althoughher family was well-to-do and had a tradition of public service and charity,her father disapproved of university education for women. He refused to pay. An aunt stepped inand said Franklin should go to school, and she would pay for it. Franklin’s mother also took her side until her father finally gave in.She was invited to King’s College in London to join a team of scientists. The leader ofthe team assigned her to work on DNA with a graduate student. Franklin’s assumption was that it was her own project. The laboratory’s second-in-command, Maurice Wilkins, was on vacation at the time, and when he returned, their relationship was puzzling. He assumed she was to assist his work; she assumed she’d be the only one working on DNA. They had powerful personality differences as well: Franklin direct, quick, decisive, and Wilkins shy, hesitant, and passive.In 1953, Wilkins changed the course of DNA history by disclosing, without Franklin’s permission, her Photo 51 to competing scientist James Watson, who was working on his own DNA model with Francis Crick at Cambridge. Upon seeing the photograph, Watson said, “My jaw fell open and my pulse began to race,” according to author Brenda Maddox who wrote the book Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA.The two scientists did in fact use what they saw in Photo 51 as the basis for their famous model of DNA, which they published on March 7, 1953, and for which they received a Nobel Prize in 1962. Crick and Watson were also able to take most of the credit for the finding: they included a footnote acknowledging that they were “stimulated by a general knowledge”of Franklin’s and Wilkin’s unpublished contribution, when much of their work was rooted in Franklin’s photo and findings. Franklin didn’t know that these men based their article on her research, and she didn’t complain either, likely as a result of her upbringing. Franklin “didn’t do anything that would invite criticism… (that was) bred into her,” Maddox said.66. Wilkins’ relationship with Franklin was characterized by __________.A. unity and harmonyB. confusion and competitionC. cooperation and miscommunicationD. misunderstanding and conflict67. What does Watson mean by saying “My jaw fell open and my pulse began to race”?A. He was confused that Crick had not made this discovery.B. He was surprised that Wilkins had discovered this information.C. He was satisfied with the importance of Photo 51.D. He was anxious about the progress Wilkins and Franklin had made.68. What is Brenda Maddox’s main intention according to the quote in the last paragraph?A. To re-evaluate the importance of the DNA model.B. To criticize King’s College and Cambridge.C. To emphasize Franklin’s importance in science.D. To deny Watson’s and Crick’s contribution to science.69. Franklin’s career as a scientist demonstrates _____________.A. that her work was pointing at the most difficult problemB. that she was the only female scientist during the periodC. the importance of DNA in modern scienceD. that perseverance leads to success and recognition of field scientistsKeys: 66—69 CBCDThree【2016届上海市浦东新区高三英语一模】Section BDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choosethe one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)In a class this past December, after I wrote some directions on the board for students abouttheir final examination, one young woman quickly took a picture of the board using her smartphone. When I looked in her direction, she apologized, “Sorry. Was it wrong to take a picture?“I can’t read my own handwriting,” the young woman explained. “It’s best if I take a pictu of your writing so I can understand the notes.”That remark started a class-wide conversation about taking a picture instead of taking notes.For those in the photo-taking camp, motivations extended beyond their inability to comprehendtheir own handwriting. Some took pictures of notes because they knew their phone was a safeplace to store material. They might lose pape r, they reasoned, but they wouldn’t lose their phones.Some took photos because they wanted to record exactly the manner in which I had notedinformation on the board. Others told me that during class they liked to be able to listen to thediscussion attentively.Yet the use of cameras as note takers, though it may be convenient, does raise significantquestions for the classroom. Is a picture an effective replacement for the process of note-taking?Instructors encourage students to take notes because the act of doing so is more than merelyrecording necessary information—it helps prepare the way for understanding. Encouragingstudents to take notes may be an old-fashioned instructional method, but just because a methodhas a long history doesn’t mean it’s out of date. Writing things down engages a student’listening, visual, and kinesthetic(触觉的) learning—a view supported by a longstanding research.The act of writing down information enables a person to begin committing it to memory, and toprocess and combine it, establishing the building blocks of learning new concepts.Taking a picture does indeed record the information, but it deletes some of the necessarymental engagement that taking notes employs. So can the two be equally effective?66. The woman apologized in the class because she_____________.A. had the bad handwritingB. missed the teachers’ directionsC. took a picture of the boardD. disturbed other students’ learning67. According to the passage, which of the following may NOT explain students’ reluctance totake notes?A. They lack proper techniques for taking notes.B. They want to listen more attentively in class.C. They believe smart phones are much safer for storing notes.D. They want to have the exact version of the notes on the board.68. According to the passage, taking notes by hand_____________.A. requires students to think independentlyB. helps students actively participate in learningC. proves to be an old and useless learning methodD. seems unsuitable for students to learn new ideas69. What is the main idea of this passage?A. The traditional way of note-taking should be replaced.B. A modern way of note-taking is catching on.C. Note-taking by hand is not out of date.D. A picture is worth a thousand words.Keys: 66—69 CABCFour【2016届上海市长宁区高三英语一模】Section BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questionsor unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choosethe one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)“When I Have Death is a serious theme worthy of great poets. For example, John Keats’sFea rs That I May Cease to Be” and John Donne’s “Death, Be Not Proud” both discuss death in reflective ways. However, the imagery (意象) in these poems shows that while Keats believes thatdeath can only destroy, Donne believes that death can be overcome.Keats is afraid of death, because to him death means the loss of those things that make hislife worth living: “On the shore/ of the wide world I stand alone, and think / Till Love and Fame tonothingness do sink.” Earlier in the poem, Keats says that he hopes this “Love” will be a romance” with a “fair creature.” He also says that he hopes the “Fame” he seeks will be the of the “high piled books” produced by his “crowded brain.” In other words, Keats’s fea death is a “nothingness” that will arrive before he can finish his life’s work or find his tru Donne has a different attitude toward death, and so the imagery in his poem is different, too.s,To Donne, death should “be not proud,” because it is not “mighty and dreadful.” Unlike K Donne sees death as weak and merely a “slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men.”the sleep ofsays that death is like “rest and sleep”. Donne believes that we will all wake fromdeath to everlasting life, just as we wake from our normal sleep to our everyday lives. In fact,Donne believes that only death itself will die: “One short sleep past, we wake forever, / And Death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.”Keats and Donne both know that death is a part of life, and both poets use powerful imageryto talk about that difficult theme. The differences in this imagery show two very different attitudestoward the subject, one of which is much more positive than the other. Which poet to believe is upto the reader to decide.Not surprisingly, the readers’ own experiences may play a part in the way they respond tothese poets’ approaches. Like the two poets and their beliefs, contemporary readers also may beand Donne’s poetr y remains fascinatingdivided on the subject. This may explain why Keats’syears after their own deaths.66. According to the passage, _________ makes Keats’s life worth living.A.expressing his grand passion for poetryB. walking on the shore with a pretty ladyC. defeating nothingness with his true loveD. pursuing the fame of being a romantic poet67. In Donne’s poems he believes that death is ______.A. generally powerful and terribleB. only a ceaseless sleepC. merely the loss of work and loveD. hardly worth the fear_____.68. Contemporary readers may view the two poets’ serious subject differently because ___A. they are attracted to the two poets’ everlasting opposite beliefsB. they are divided naturally by their positive or negative personalitiesC. their own life experiences affect the understandings of the poemsD. their preferences for the poets’ strong imageries are various69. Which of the following best describes the main writing style of the passage?A. Analysis.B. Argument.C. Comparison.D. Reasoning.Keys:66—69 ADCCFive【2016届上海市徐汇区高三英语一模】Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose theone that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Dad,I’m writing to you as I feel it’s been quite a while since we last spoke (two years to be exact, you hung up on me). So how is Germany? How old are your other children now? What have youbeen up to this year? I finished my A-levels this summer. But enough small talk. On our Europeanroad trip in the summer, the journey took us close to your house and I asked Mum and my stepdadif we could pay a visit so that I could see you. Outside your house, I couldn’t bring myself out of the car and knock on the door.I’ve tried so many different forms of communication -email, the phone and I alsosuggested Skype. Yet I still can’t get through to you.My mum, stepdad and I sat around the table trying to work out why I had felt unable to knockon your door that day. At last it came to me. I think, perhaps subconsciously, I was saving myselfthe grief of your response.Why can’t your parental obligations stretch to all three of your children, not just your tworecent ones? In our previous conversations, which ended suddenly, as your older son needed to beput to bed, I’d ask you how he was doing at school, and you’d talk about the weather. No one listening would be able to tell there was any difference between our relationship and one youmight have with a neighbour.Forget your excuses – that the flight to visit me is expensive and that you need to look afteryour other children (I hope you can see the irony(讽刺) in that). While you watch their schoolve liked you to be there at mine?plays, don’t you consider that I would haPerhaps the reason I didn’t knock on your door was that I just don’t care anymore. I’mexhausted trying to make this work. Maybe a part of me wasn’t actually bothered whether I sawyou or not that day —you’ve already los t so much meaning in my life; you are someone who justsends me a birthday card.This isn’t me being bitter, although I was initially. It’s just a way of telling you how I really feel.Phoebe66. How did Phoebe feel when she was sitting in the car outsid e her father’s house?A. ExcitedB. PuzzledC. DisappointedD. Embarrassed67. Based on this letter, we can learn that Phoebe’s father _____________.A. lives in the same city with his daughterB. got divorced and left Phoebe and her motherC. has never had any communication with PhoebeD. takes good care of all his childrenirony” refer to in Paragraph 5?68. What does the “A. He ended his conversation with Phoebe just to put his son to bed.B. He lives in a big house but has no money to buy an air ticket.C. He talked with Phoebe, his daughter, as if with a neighbour.D. Phoebe is also his child but he excuses himself from caring about her.69. Phoebe didn’t knock on her father’s door that day because _____________.expected responses to her visitA. she was afraid of his dad’s unB. she didn’t want to bother her father’s happy life with his current familyC. she was tired of being the one who make efforts for their relationshipD. she suddenly realized that her father had no meaning in her lifeKeys: 66-69 CBDCSix【2016届上海市闵行区高三英语一模】Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)(You may read the questions first.)We have designed all our bank cards to make your life easier.Using your NatWest Service CardAs a Switch card, it lets you pay for all sorts of goods and services, whenever you see the Switch logo. The money comes straight out of your account, so you can spend as much as you like as long as you have enough money (or an agreed overdraft (透支) to cover it). It is also a cheque guarantee card for up to the amount shown on the card. And it gives you free access to your money from over 31,000 cash machines across the UK.Using your NatWest Cash CardYou can use your Cash Card as a Solo card to pay for goods and services wherever you see the Solo logo. It can also give you access to your account and your cash fromover 31,000 cash machines nationwide. You can spend or withdraw what you have inyour account, or as much as your agreed overdraft limit.Using your cards abroadYou can also use your Service Card and Cash Card when you’re abroad. You can withdraw cash at cash machines and pay for goods and services wherever you see theCirrus or Maestro logo displayed.We take a commission charge(手续费) of 2.25% of each cash withdrawal you make (up to£4) and a commission charge of 75 pence every time you use Maestro topay for goods or services. We also apply a foreign-exchange transaction fee of 2.65%.Using your NatWest Credit CardWith your credit card you can do the following:-free credit.*Pay for goods and services and enjoy up to 56 days’ interest*Pay in over 24 million shops worldwide that display the MasterCard or Visa logos.*Collect one AIR MILE for every£20 of spending that appears on your statement (结cheques bought, interest算单). (This does not include foreign currency or traveler’sand other charges.)66. If you carry the Service Card or the Cash Card, ____________.A. you can use it to guarantee things as you wishB. you can draw your money from cash machines convenientlyC. you can spend as much money as you like without a limitD. you have to pay some extra money when you pay for services in the UK67. If you withdraw£200 from a cash machine abroad, you will be charged ___________.A. £4B. £4.5C. £5.25D. £5.368. Which of the following is TRUE about using your NatWest Credit Card?A. You have to pay back with interest within 56 days.B. You can use the card in any shop across the world.C. You will be charged some interest beyond two months.。
上海市杨浦区 2016 学年度第一学期质量监控试卷高三英语(一模)word版含答案

上海市杨浦区2016 学年度第一学期质量监控试卷高三英语(满分140 分,考试时间120 分钟)II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.In two days , it will be Christmas, children all over world (21) (look) forward to this day for weeks. People celebrate Christmas with food, decorations, music and more. But for many people , gift-giving is the most exciting part of the holiday.I have fond memories of Christmas shopping with my family as a child. I enjoyed the challenge of keeping my parents‟ gifts a secret. It was hard to buy gifts right.(22) their noses without them seeing. Everyoneplaced(23) (wrap) gifts under the Christmas tree until Christmas morning, (24) we opened them.Picking a great gift require (25) (know) the person you‟re giving it to. You need to know the person‟s tastes and find something the person doesn‟t already have. This can be quite a big challenge . Often it‟s wise to provide a receipt(26) _the person needs to exchange the gift.The best gifts are personal . Many Americans don‟t feel money constitutes a good gift(27) it doesn‟t require any thought. They prefer something chosen just for the person. If the gift is a high-quality homemade gift, that‟s even better.Gift-giving reflects the reason(28) people celebrate Christmas. Christians in particular remember the birth of Jesus. When he was born, wise men traveled many miles to visit him, (29) (bring) expensive gifts. But the greatest gift wasn‟t from the wise man, but from God ---- the baby Jesus. God gave this gift because everyone needed it. We needed God to forgive our bad actions so that we (30) live forever with him. So on Christmas we give presents to imitate God‟s action of giving the perfect gift.Section BF. militaryK. illegallyG. suspend H. guidance I. violently J. claimed A. dominance B. lifts C. divided D. assumes E. urged Directions: Fill each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Donald Trump 31 his place as the United States 45th president aftercrossing the 270 electoral vote threshold(门槛) on November 9. The 70-year-old Republican will take over from Barack Obama, a two-term president to occupy with White House.The rise of Trump , a celebrity businessman with no previous experience inthe 32 or elected office, surprised nearly everyone in politics. Trump‟s victory over Clinton will end eight years of Democratic 33 of the White House. He will govern with Congress fully under Republican control and lead a country deeply 34 by his campaign against Clinton. Given the numerous Republicans who never backed him , Trump will have to face divisions within his own party, too.As he claimed victory, Trump 35 Americans to “ come together asone united people.” “I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans ,” he said in his victory speech . Striking a gentle tone, Trumpcontinued that he would teach out to a few of those who had chosen not to support him for 36 and help so that “ we can work together and unify our great country.”As president, Trump‟s governing agenda remains unclear. The president elect has promised to bring changes to the United States. He said he would build a wall along the U.S-Mexio border to stop immigrants from coming into thecountry_ 37 . 38 immigration from countries with ties to terroristgroups, and bargain with foreign governments such as those of Russia and China. Trump has also promised to prioritize the economic growth that creates jobs and 39 incomes for all Americans.Trump is a wild card, many voters said, but he definitely has a chance to be a successful president as long as he recognizes the responsibilities he 40 and follows through on his promises.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Security guard, truck driver, salesperson—year after year, these jobs appear on lists of the unhappiest careers. Although many factors can make a job _ 41--unusual hours, low pay, no chance for advancement—these three jobs _ 42 for another reason: a lack of small talk.Psychologists have long said that connecting with others is central to our well-being, but just how much conversation we require is under 43 . In one study, researchers overheard undergraduates for four days and then 44 each conversations either “small talk” (“What do you have there? Pop corn? Yummy!”)or “serious” (“Did they break up soon after?”). They fo und that the second type is connected with happiness—the happiest students had roughly twice as many “serious” talks as the unhappiest ones. Small talk, meanwhile, 45 only ten percent of their conversation, versus almost 30 percent of conversation among the unhappiest students.However, don‟t just consider small talk 46 _ yet. Scientists believe that small talk could promote bonding. Chatting with strangers could 47 our morning. In a series of experiments, psychologists found that those who chatted with other train passengers reported a more pleasant journey than those who didn‟t.Small talk can also help us feel connecter to our _ 48 . People who smiled at, made eye contact with and 49 spoke with their Starbucks baristas (咖啡师)reported a greater sense of 50 than those who rushed through the transaction(交易). 51 , when volunteers broke the silence of the art gallery to chat with gallery-goers, the visitors felt happier and more connected to the exhibit than those who were not 52 .Of course, some of us are better than others at turning small talk into something bigger. In one study, people who were rated “less curious” by researchers had trouble getting a conversation 53 on their own. People who were considered “curious”, meanwhile, needed no help54 conversations about ordinary things like favorite holidays into friendly exchanges. A “curious mindset,” the researchers concluded, can lead to “positive social 55 .”Therefore, go ahead—small talk needn‟t be idle, and nosiness isn‟t all bad.41. A. rewarding B. depressing C. exhausting D. challenging42. A. stand out B. turn up C. give off D. put forward43. A. negotiation B. construction C. investigation D. examination44.A. divided B. entitled C. imposed D. cataloged45.A. figured out B. made up C. look over D. added to46.A. worthless B. essential C. boring D. ridiculous47.A. occupy B. satisfy C. brighten D. spoil48.A. emotions B. heart C. customers D. surroundings49.A. purposefully B. briefly C. continuously D. generally50.A. responsibility B. security C. belonging D. achievement51.Consequently B. Oppositely C. Unexpectedly D. Similarly52.A. approached B. attached C. addressed D. attended53.A. breaking B. pausing C. rolling D. stopping54.A. evolving B. substituting C. adapting D. transforming55.A. interaction B. standard C. impact D. involvementSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Dear Alcohol,You‟ve been around forever, I can remember all the pain you‟ve caused me.Do you remember the night you almost took my father‟s life? I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He‟s addicted to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went spinning through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn‟t the only one hurt by you that night.Do you remember the night of my first high school party? You were there. My friends were intrigued by you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could. I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen completely. “I‟m so embarrassed,” they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit. “I‟m sorry,” they said when I called taxies f or them, walking them out and paying the driver in advance. “This won‟t happen again,” they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you.Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do youknow how we all felt when he hit another car and killed the two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. She didn‟t realize her brother was in the midst of it all. She never saw him again. And it‟s all your fault.I wish you‟d walk out of my life forever. I don‟t want anything to do with you. Look at all the pain you‟ve caused. Sure, you‟ve made people happy too from time to time. But the damage you‟ve caused in the lives of millions is inexcusabl e. Stop luring(引诱)in the people I love. Stop hurting me, please.Sincerely,Anonymous56.What did alcohol do to the author‟s father?A.It took his life away one night.B.It helped to get rid of his problems.C.It pushed him to hurt others when driving.D.It got him seriously injured in a car accident.57.The underlined words “were intrigued by” in paragraph 3 are closest in meaning to .A. were familiar withB. were curious aboutC. were disappointed atD. were fed up with58.Which of the statements is TRUE about the author‟s neighbor or his sister?A.He drove to pickup his drunken sister.B.His sister was to blame for the car accident.C.He crashed into a car from the other direction.D.His sister was too scared to look at the scene of the accident.59.What is the tone of the article?A. HumorousB. DoubtfulC. indifferentD. Critical(B)60.The total capacity for the public forum on nee and joint pain is people.A. 5B. 20C. 50D. 10061.Mr Li, a marathon runner, has an irreparable slip disc(椎间盘突出).Which hospital should he go to if he does not want to undergo any operation?A. Mt Elizabeth HospitalB. Gleneagles HospitalC. Changi General HospitalD. Singapore General Hospital62.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Any Singaporean can attend Dr Tan‟s talk free-of-charge.B.Participants of public forum can get a book $20 cheaper.C.People “like” the Mind Your Body Facebook page can win a prize.D.People can book the Bone Density Scan on Feb 4th at a special price.(C)China‟s domestically developed, long-acting experimental AIDS drug is undergoing a final review by the China Food and Drug Administration, the last stage in the approval process.Different from traditional oral drugs that require daily use, but it‟s a heavy burden for patients to take medicine every day for years. As a result, long-acting drugs are the future direction in developing innovative AIDS medicine. For Chinese patients, the number of oral drugs available in the domestic market is very limited, so there is an urgent need for drugs to solve the problem of drug resistance.Zhao Yan, a treatment specialist at the National Center for AIDS said seven or eight oral drugs for AIDS are currently provided to patients for free. “The injection solution could give an alternative to patients … if it could be included in the country‟s health insurance system,” she said.“Now very few patients are using drugs from the health insurance system, both because no differentiated drugs are provided and because the procedure is more complex an d could harm their privacy,” she said. “New drugs will be broadly used only if the system can embrace more varieties of drugs.”Albuvirtide went into the research and development stage in 2002 and entered phase three of clinical trials—a step to assure safety and effectiveness before market approval—in 2014. Phase three is the last round of clinical trials for new drug tests in China. If the drug can pass the reviews of the country‟s drug watchdog, usually at least two rounds, it can then enter the market. The time needed for the review ranges from months to years.Clinical trials showed that the new drug performs even better than the oral drugs being used. Most of the oral drugs for AIDS being used in China are generic drugs developed in t he 1970s and …80s that are not so efficient. In terms of safety and effectiveness, evidence so far showed that Albuvirtide is better than most second-line drugs—drugs used when first-line standard drugs fail—in developed countries because of lower toxicity(毒性)and fewer side effects.Worldwide, a number of long-acting AIDS drug are in development. None has been approved for sale. Only Albuvirtide and a few in the United States have entered phase three of clinical trials.63.Albuvirtide is .A.a China-developed long-acting oral AIDS drugB.undergoing a clinical test on dogs to assure its safetyC.more efficient than other AIDS drugs and has fewer side effectsD.the only AIDS drug that has entered the last round of clinical trials64.Albuvirtide is good news for AIDS patients in China because .A.it‟s a new drug and they are not resistant to itB.it is one of the most effective first-line drugsC.it has been included in the health insurance systemD.they can keep their privacy by being injected once a week65.Which of the following statements is FALSE?A.The research and development of Albuvirtide began in 2002.B.There are usually three phases in the clinical trial for a new drug.C.Albuvirtide is now in the stage of carrying out clinical trials.D.The time needed for review varies from drug to drug.66.We can infer from the passage that .A.Albuvirtide can spare patients from taking oral drugs every dayB.the health insurance system has room for further improvementC.most AIDS drugs being used now were developed in last centuryD.China is leading the whole world in the field of AIDS researchSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentencegiven in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A.In a list ranking countries by the happiness of their citizens, it pm tropical Fiji50 places below freezing Iceland.B.The street sweeper can hold his head up high as he proudly does his job.C.Danish people aren‟t as suspicious as many other nations.D.Most Danes are used to seeing between 50-70% of their salary going to thegovernment!E.Those 5.5 million people who call Denmark their home.F.People have nice things in their houses, but they‟re not mad about shoppingand spending.Where do you think the world‟s happiest people live? Somewhere hot with sandy beaches? A country with a tradition of the fine food and culture? Not according to a recent study by the university of Leicester. Who are the happiest people on Earth? 67 Surprised? Well you‟ll be more surprised when y ou hear that the Danes pay some of the highest taxes in the world. So what is the secret of their success?Let‟s start with all that tax they pay. The Danish government provides its people with one of the finest education and health systems in the world. It spends more on children and elderly people per capital than other country.And there‟s another advantage to those high taxes. Because a shop assistant‟s final salary is not that much less than someone who works in a bank, for example, Danes don‟t choose their careers based on money or status as people in other countries do. They choose the job they want to do. There‟s a philosophy in Denmark known as “Jante-lov”, which translates as “you‟re no better than a nybody else.”68 But workers in order countries are not used to looking at life in this way.Money doesn‟t seem as important in Denmark. It has been called a “post consumerist” society. _69 What is more important is the sense of society and it‟s no surprise that Danes are very used to socializing. 92% of Danes belong to some kind of social club and these clubs are even paid for by the government.70 They also show an amazing amount of trust in each other and their government. You can see sighs of this all over the country. You‟ll find vegetablestalls with no assistant. You take what you want and leave the money in a basket. perhaps the bike is a good symbol for Denmark. The Danes can afford cars but they choose bikes—simple, economical, non-polluting machines that show no status and help keep people fit.IV.Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.On a damp, boring, stay-in-house kind of day, I was a 4-year-old artist armed with a new treasure: my own big box of crayons(蜡笔).S omehow, the usual paper wasn‟t special enough for these 64 perfect, sweet-smelling sticks of vivid color. I looked around for a bigger canvas(画布). If only there were hidden walls. Walls like the ones in Mom and Dad‟s closet.Slipping quietly down the hall to the bedroom, I stood on tiptoe to reach the string for the closet light. Words and images filled my mind faster than my hands could make them.A brilliant rainbow was seen on one wall, with a cheery golden sun peeking out from above. Below, a giant shade tree supported a swing for stick-figure children. Around them, flowers bloomed everywhere.My masterpiece! All my very own magic! I look in the walls, the colors and the brightness. Joy swelled inside me. But as my creativity wound down, a thought popped up: I‟ve got to show Mom! Suddenly I was still.Mom called out, “Dinner‟s ready.” After a short time, her footsteps approached, and then finally, the closet door opened. I stood nervously in the corner.Mom breathed in sharply, then stood frozen. Only her eyes moved as she slowly looked over my masterpiece. She was quiet for a long, long time. I didn‟t dare breathe.Finally, she turned to me.“I like it,” she said, “No, I love it! I feel I have a new closet!”Now, 45 years later, my childhood artwork is still there. And in my own house, the closet walls are masterpieces, too, created by my own daughters when they were little girls.Every time I open a closet door, I remember that, as big as that box of crayons and white walls seemed when I was little, my monther‟s love was the biggest thing of all.I.TranslationsDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.为了赶时髦,一些年轻人花费一个月的工资去购买新发行的电子产品。

上海市杨浦区2016学年度第一学期质量监控试卷高三英语(满分140分,考试时间120分钟)II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.In two days, it will be Christmas, children all over world (21) ________(look) forward to this day for weeks. People celebrate Christmas with food, decorations, music and more. But for many people, gift-giving is the most exciting part of the holiday.I have fond memories of Christmas shopping with my family as a child. I enjoyed the challenge of keeping my parents’ gifts a secret. It was hard to buy gifts right.(22)______their noses without them seeing. Everyone placed(23)__________(wrap) gifts under the Christmas tree until Christmas morning,(24)________we opened them.Picking a great gift require (25)________(know) the person you’re giving it to. You need to know the person’s tastes and find something the person doesn’t already have. This can be quite a big challenge. Often it’s wise to provide a receipt(26)______ _________the person needs to exchange the gift.The best gifts are personal. Many Americans don’t feel money constitutes a good gift (27)_______it doesn’t require any thought. They prefer something chosen just for the person. If the gift is a high-quality homemade gift, that’s even better.Gift-giving reflects the reason (28)______ people celebrate Christmas. Christians in particular remember the birth of Jesus. When he was born, wise men traveled many miles to visit him, (29)________(bring) expensive gifts. But the greatest gift wasn’t from the wise man, but from God-----the baby Jesus. God gave this gift because everyone needed it. We needed God to forgive our bad actions so that we (30)______ live forever with him. So on Christmas we give presents to imitate God’s action of giving the perfect gift.Section Bcan be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Donald Trump ___31___ his place as the United States 45th president after crossing the 270 electoral vote threshold(门槛) on November 9. The 70-year-old Republican will take over from Barack Obama, a two-term president to occupy with White House.The rise of Trump, a celebrity businessman with no previous experience in the ___32___ or elected office, surprised nearly everyone in politics. Trump’s victory over Clinton will end eight years of Democratic ___33___of the White House. He will govern with Congress fully under Republican control and lead a country deeply ___34__ by his campaign against Clinton. Given the numerous Republicans who never backed him, Trump will have to face divisions within his own party, too.As he claimed victory, Trump ___35___ Americans to “come together as one united people.” “I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans,” he said in his victory speech. Striking a gentle tone, Trump continued that he would teach out to a few of those who had chosen not to support him for___36___and help so that “we can work together and unify our great country.”As president, Trump’s governing agenda remains unclear. The president elect has promised to bring changes to the United States. He said he would build a wall along the U.S-Mexio border to stop immigrants from coming into thecountry___37___.___38___ immigration from countries with ties to terrorist groups, and bargain with foreign governments such as those of Russia and China. Trump has also promised to prioritize the economic growth that creates jobs and___39___incomes for all Americans.Trump is a wild card, many voters said, but he definitely has a chance to be a successful president as long as he recognizes the responsibilities he ___40__and follows through on his promises.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Security guard, truck driver, salesperson—year after year, these jobs appear on lists of the unhappiest careers. Although many factors can make a job ___41___ --unusual hours, low pay, no chance for advancement—these three jobs ___42___ for another reason: a lack of small talk.Psychologists have long said that connecting with others is central to our well-being, but just how much conversation we require is under ___43___. In one study, researchers overheard undergraduates for four days and then ___44___ each conversations either “small talk” (“What do you have there? Pop corn? Y ummy!”) or “serious” (“Did they break up soon after?”). They found that the second type is connected with happiness—the happiest students had roughly twice as many “serious” talks as the unhappiest ones. Small talk, meanwhile, ___45___ only ten percent of their conversation, versus almost 30 percent of conversation among the unhappiest students.However, don’t just consider small talk ___46___ yet. Scientists believe that small talk could promote bonding. Chatting with strangers could ___47___ our morning. In a series of experiments, psychologists found that those who chatted with other train passengers reported a more pleasant journey than those who didn’t.Small talk can also help us feel connecter to our ___48___. People who smiled at, made eye contact with and ___49___ spoke with their Starbucks baristas (咖啡师)reported a greater sense of ___50___ than those who rushed through the transaction(交易). ___51___, when volunteers broke the silence of the art gallery to chat with gallery-goers, the visitors felt happier and more connected to the exhibit than those who were not ___52___.Of course, some of us are better than others at turning small talk into something bigger. In one study, people who were rated “less curious” by researchers had trouble getting a conversation ___53___ on their own. People who were considered “curious”, meanwhile, needed no help ___54___ conversations about ordinary things like favorite holidays into friendly exchanges. A “curious mindset,” the researchers concluded, can lead to “positive social ___55___.”Therefore, go ahead—small talk needn’t be idle, and nosiness isn’t all bad.41. A. rewarding B. depressing C. exhausting D. challenging42. A. stand out B. turn up C. give off D. put forward43. A. negotiation B. construction C. investigation D. examination44. A. divided B. entitled C. imposed D. cataloged45. A. figured out B. made up C. look over D. added to46. A. worthless B. essential C. boring D. ridiculous47. A. occupy B. satisfy C. brighten D. spoil48. A. emotions B. heart C. customers D. surroundings49. A. purposefully B. briefly C. continuously D. generally50. A. responsibility B. security C. belonging D. achievement51. Consequently B. Oppositely C. Unexpectedly D. Similarly52. A. approached B. attached C. addressed D. attended53. A. breaking B. pausing C. rolling D. stopping54. A. evolving B. substituting C. adapting D. transforming55. A. interaction B. standard C. impact D. involvementSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Dear Alcohol,You’ve been around forever, I can remember all the pain you’ve caused me.Do you remember the night you almost took my father’s life? I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He’s addicted to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went spinning through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn’t the only one hurt by you that night.Do you remember the night of my first high school party? You were there. My friends were intrigued by you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could. I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen completely. “I’m so embarrassed,” they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit. “I’m sorry,” they said when I called taxies for them, walking them out and paying the driver in advance. “This won’t happen again,” they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you.Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car and killed the two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. She didn’t realize her brother was in the midst of it all. She never saw him again. And it’s all your fault.I wish you’d walk out of my life forever. I don’t want anything to do with you. Look at all the pain you’ve caused. Sure, you’ve made people happy too from time to time. But the damage you’ve caused in the lives of millions is inexcusable. Stop luring(引诱)in the people I love. Stop hurting me, please.Sincerely,Anonymous56. What did alcohol do to the author’s father?A. It took his life away one night.B. It helped to get rid of his problems.C. It pushed him to hurt others when driving.D. It got him seriously injured in a car accident.57. The underlined words “were intrigued by” in paragraph 3 are closest in meaning to ______.A. were familiar withB. were curious aboutC. were disappointed atD. were fed up with58. Which of the statements is TRUE about the author’s neighbor or his sister?A. He drove to pickup his drunken sister.B. His sister was to blame for the car accident.C. He crashed into a car from the other direction.D. His sister was too scared to look at the scene of the accident.59. What is the tone of the article?A. HumorousB. DoubtfulC. indifferentD. Critical(B)60. The total capacity for the public forum on nee and joint pain is ______ people.A. 5B. 20C. 50D. 10061. Mr Li, a marathon runner, has an irreparable slip disc(椎间盘突出).Which hospital should he go to if he does not want to undergo any operation?A. Mt Elizabeth HospitalB. Gleneagles HospitalC. Changi General HospitalD. Singapore General Hospital62. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Any Singaporean can attend Dr Tan’s talk free-of-charge.B. Participants of public forum can get a book $20 cheaper.C. People “like” the Mind Your Body Facebook page can win a prize.D. People can book the Bone Density Scan on Feb 4th at a special price.(C)China’s domestically developed, long-acting experimental AIDS drug is undergoing a final review by the China Food and Drug Administration, the last stage in the approval process.Different from traditional oral drugs that require daily use, but it’s a heavy burden for patients to take medicine every day for years. As a result, long-acting drugs are the future direction in developing innovative AIDS medicine. For Chinese patients, the number of oral drugs available in the domestic market is very limited, so there is an urgent need for drugs to solve the problem of drug resistance.Zhao Yan, a treatment specialist at the National Center for AIDS said seven or eight oral drugs for AIDS are currently provided to patients for free. “The injection solution could give an alternative to patients … if it could be included in the country’s health insurance system,” she said.“Now very few patients are using drugs from the health insurance system, both because no differentiated drugs are provided and because the procedure is more complex and could harm their privacy,” she said. “New drugs will be broadly used only if the system can embrace more varieties of drugs.”Albuvirtide went into the research and development stage in 2002 and entered phase three of clinical trials—a step to assure safety and effectiveness before market approval—in 2014. Phase three is the last round of clinical trials for new drug tests in China. If the drug can pass the reviews of the country’s drug watchdog, usually at least two rounds, it can then enter the market. The time needed for the review ranges from months to years.Clinical trials showed that the new drug performs even better than the oral drugs being used. Most of the oral drugs for AIDS being used in China are genericdrugs developed in the 1970s and ‘80s that are not so efficient. In terms of safety and effectiveness, evidence so far showed that Albuvirtide is better than most second-line drugs—drugs used when first-line standard drugs fail—in developed countries because of lower toxicity(毒性)and fewer side effects.Worldwide, a number of long-acting AIDS drug are in development. None has been approved for sale. Only Albuvirtide and a few in the United States have entered phase three of clinical trials.63. Albuvirtide is ______.A. a China-developed long-acting oral AIDS drugB. undergoing a clinical test on dogs to assure its safetyC. more efficient than other AIDS drugs and has fewer side effectsD. the only AIDS drug that has entered the last round of clinical trials64. Albuvirtide is good news for AIDS patients in China because ______.A. it’s a new drug and they are not resistant to itB. it is one of the most effective first-line drugsC. it has been included in the health insurance systemD. they can keep their privacy by being injected once a week65. Which of the following statements is FALSE?A. The research and development of Albuvirtide began in 2002.B. There are usually three phases in the clinical trial for a new drug.C. Albuvirtide is now in the stage of carrying out clinical trials.D. The time needed for review varies from drug to drug.66. We can infer from the passage that ______.A. Albuvirtide can spare patients from taking oral drugs every dayB. the health insurance system has room for further improvementC. most AIDS drugs being used now were developed in last centuryD. China is leading the whole world in the field of AIDS researchSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Where do you think the world’s happiest people live? Somewhere hot with sandy beaches? A country with a tradition of the fine food and culture? Not according to a recent study by the university of Leicester. Who are the happiest people on Earth? ___67___ Surprised? Well you’ll be more surprised when you hear that the Danes pay some of the highest taxes in the world. So what is the secret of their success?Let’s start with all that tax they pay. The Danish government provides its people with one of the finest education and health systems in the world. It spends more on children and elderly people per capital than other country.And there’s another advantage to those high taxes. Because a shop assistant’s final salary is not that much less than someone who works in a bank, for example, Danes don’t choose their careers based on money or status as people in other countries do. They choose the job they want to do. There’s a philosophy in Denmark known as “Jante-lov”, which translates as “you’re no better than anybody else.” ___68___ But workers in order countries are not used to looking at life in this way.Money doesn’t seem as important in Denmark. It has been called a “post consumerist” society. ___69___ What is more important is the sense of society and it’s no surprise that Danes are very used to socializing. 92% of Danes belong to some kind of social club and these clubs are even paid for by the government.___70___ They also show an amazing amount of trust in each other and their government. You can see sighs of this all over the country. You’ll find vegetable stalls with no assistant. You take what you want and leave the money in a basket. perhaps the bike is a good symbol for Denmark. The Danes can afford cars but they choose bikes—simple, economical, non-polluting machines that show no status and help keep people fit.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.On a damp, boring, stay-in-house kind of day, I was a 4-year-old artist armed with a new treasure: my own big box of crayons(蜡笔). Somehow, the usual paper wasn’t special enough for these 64 perfect, sweet-smelling sticks of vivid color. I looked around for a bigger canvas(画布). If only there were hidden walls. Walls like the ones in Mom and Dad’s closet.Slipping quietly down the hall to the bedroom, I stood on tiptoe to reach the string for the closet light. Words and images filled my mind faster than my hands could make them.A brilliant rainbow was seen on one wall, with a cheery golden sun peeking out from above. Below, a giant shade tree supported a swing for stick-figure children. Around them, flowers bloomed everywhere.My masterpiece! All my very own magic! I look in the walls, the colors and the brightness. Joy swelled inside me. But as my creativity wound down, a thought popped up: I’ve got to show Mom! Suddenly I was still.Mom called out, “Dinner’s ready.” After a short time, her footsteps approached, and then finally, the closet door opened. I stood nervously in the corner.Mom breathed in sharply, then stood frozen. Only her eyes moved as she slowly looked over my masterpiece. She was quiet for a long, long time. I didn’t dare breathe.Finally, she turned to me.“I like it,” she said, “No, I love it! I feel I have a new closet!”Now, 45 years later, my childhood artwork is still there. And in my own house, the closet walls are masterpieces, too, created by my own daughters when they were little girls.Every time I open a closet door, I remember that, as big as that box of crayons and white walls seemed when I was little, my monther’s love was the biggest thing of all.I. TranslationsDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 为了赶时髦,一些年轻人花费一个月的工资去购买新发行的电子产品。

III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Why girls do better at school than boys?For centuries, boys were top of the class. But these days, that’s no longer the case.A new study by the OECD, a club of mostly __51__ countries in Europe and North America, examined how 15-year-old boys and girls performed at reading, mathematics and science. Boys still get somewhat better __52__ at maths and physics, and in other science courses the genders are roughly __53__. But when it comes to the students who really struggle and suffer at school, the difference is __54__: boys are 50% more likely than girls to fall short of basic standards in all three areas.__55__, why are girls performing better at school than their male classmates?First, girls read more than boys. Reading proficiency (熟练) is the basis upon which all other learning is built. When boys don’t do well in reading, their __56__ in other school subjects suffers too.Second, girls spend much more time on their homework and out-of-class learning. __57__, girls spend five and a half hours per week doing homework while boys spend a little less than four and a half hours. Researchers suggest that doing homework __58__ by teachers is linked to better accomplishment in maths, reading and science. Boys, it appears, spend more of their free time in the __59__ world; they are 17% more likely to play cooperative online games than girls every day. They also use the internet more.Third, peer __60__ plays a role. A lot of boys decide early on that they are just too cool for school. They adopt a so-called concept of masculinity(男子气概) that includes a disregard for __61__, which means they’re more likely to be rude and noisy in class. Teachers mark them down for this. In anonymous(匿名的) tests, boys perform better. In fact, the gender gap in reading __62__ by a third when teachers don’t know the gender of the pupil they are marking.So what can be done to close this gap? Getting boys to do more homework and cut down on screen-time would help. And offering boys a __63__ to read non-fiction would help too: they’re keener on comics and newspapers. But most of all, abandoning gender stereotypes(旧模式) would __64__ all students. Thus, boys in all countries with the best schools read much better than girls. As we know, girls in Shanghai, Singapore and Seoulare good at mathematics, and they __65__ boys from anywhere else in the world.51. A. backward B. wealthy C. regular D. miserable52. A. scores B. directions C. guidance D. evaluation53. A. practical B. reliable C. relevant D. equal54. A. stable B. vague C. obvious D. logical55. A. However B. Therefore C. Similarly D. Instead56. A. behaviour B. comment C. preparation D. performance57. A. In brief B. On average C. On the contrary D. In addition58. A. researched B. designed C. assigned D. approved59. A. virtual B. realistic C. future D. artificial60. A. relationship B. contact C. responsibility D. pressure61. A. experts B. authorities C. adults D. peers62. A. develops B. widens C. narrows D. forms63. A. chance B. task C. favour D. resource64. A. influence B. harm C. satisfy D. benefit65. A. advance B. overtake C. overcome D. challengeSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.New Tech Network, a new education organization, strives to ensure all students have the skills, knowledge, and attributes they need to thrive in post-secondary education, career and civic life.New Tech Network cooperates with district leaders, administrators, and teachers who share a common purpose: to provide an education in which students acquire knowledge and develop skills vital to __51__ in the post-secondary path of their choosing. The New Tech design is simply a blueprint, __52__ a set of core beliefs, tools, and strategies to help each school fulfill its purpose. New Tech design principles provide for an __53__ approach centered on project-based learning, a culture that enables students and teachers, and the use of technology in the classroom. Through extensive professional development, personalized coaching, and access to Echo, New Tech Network, a learning __54__ system, enables principals, teachers, and students to develop relevant and meaningful learning communities.TEACHING THAT ENGAGESA K-12 PathwayThrough project-based learning, internships(见习期), dual enrollment, and other experiences in New Tech schools, students are well __55__ post-secondary pursuits.__56__, New Tech Network has worked with public school districts to redesign high schools. More recently, however, New Tech Network is partnering with several school districts to __57__ New Tech middle schools and elementary schools. In some districts, this provides students with a K-12 pathway. In elementary and middle schools, the design principles are the same—teaching that engages, culture that empowers, and technology that enables. As the elementary and middle schools mature, New Network will measure success on student__58__.Learning __59__The years spent in a New Tech school allow students to gain the academic and deeper learning skills necessary for success in any post-secondary option. New Tech students learn disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct inquiry and solve real-world problems. Throughout a project, they cooperate with peers, facilitators, and experts in the field. Students __60__ their learning through effective oral and written communication for authentic audiences.Ownership of their learning experience and engagement in relevant and challenging taskshelps students develop a sense of agency, a skill essential to success in __61__, career, and civic duty.Project-Based LearningProject-based learning is at the heart of New Tech Network’s instructional approach. Students cooperate on projects, ranging in __62__ from two to eight weeks, which require critical thinking and communication. Projects often occur in integrated subject area courses, where Entry Events, the Need-to-Know (NTK) process, and skill building workshops support student-centred learning. During projects, students often engage withsubject matter experts who provide feedback on real-world products. Through project-based learning, students not only master __63__ content, but also successfully apply content when solving authentic problems.__64__ -Based InternshipsNew Tech students also engage in experiences designed to prepare them for success in the contemporary workplace. By cooperating with others on projects, students acquire a level of responsibility similar to a __65__ work environment. Students engage with field experts and community stakeholders(利益相关者) during projects, and final products are presented to authentic audiences. Additionally, two-thirds of New Tech high schools offer such practical activities, with nearly half of all seniors participating.51. A. success B. rescue C. survival D. reform52.A. owing to B. getting rid of C. depending on D. accompanied by53.A. intermediate B. intelligent C. instructional D. informative54.A. innovation B. requirement C. management D. negotiation55.A. related to B. prepared for C. classified by D. compared with56.A. Accidentally B. Accordingly C. Absolutely D. Historically57.A. evaluate B. observe C. connect D. create58.A. teaching B. learning C. engaging D. developing59.A. Problems B. Outcomes C. Strategies D. Discipline60.A. demonstrate B. promote C. highlight D. motivate61.A. elementary schoolsB. middle schools C. high schools D. college62.A. length B. courses C. topics D. targets63.A. advanced B. academic C. complex D. adequate64.A. Network B. Workshop C. Community D. College65.A. permanent B. professional C. popular D. familiarSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Many of us have found ourselves trying to explain to friends and colleagues, ―No, busine ss travel isn’t as fun and fascinating as it seems.‖Finally, there could be ___51___ to back this up. Researchers at the University of Surrey, in Britain, and Linnaeus University, in Sweden, have published a new study highlighting what they call ―a ___52___ side of hypermobility(常飞行)‖.The study, which combines existing research on the ___53___ of frequent travel, finds three types of consequence: physiological, psychological and emotional, and social.The physiologicalones are the most obvious. Jet lag is the suffering travellers know best, although they may not ___54___ some of its more terrible potential effects, like speeding ageing or increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Then there’s the danger of deep-vein thrombosis(深静脉血栓), ___55___ to germs and radiation. And finally, of course, business travellers tend to get less exercise and eat less healthily than people who stay in place.The psychological and emotional damage of business travel is more abstract, but just as real. Frequent flyers e xperience ―travel disorientation‖ from ___56___ places and time zones so often. They also ___57___ mounting stress, given that ―time spent travelling will rarely be balancedthrough a reduced workload, and that there may be anxieties ___58___ with work continuing to pile up while being away‖. ___59___ the absence from family and friends, ―hypermobility is frequently a/an ___60___ experience,‖ the authors write. The accumulated impact can be astonishing and great.Finally, there are the ___61___ effects. Marriages suffer from the time apart, as does children’s behaviour. What is more, relationships tend to become more ___62___, as the partner who stays at home is forced to take on more ___63___ duties. There’s a gender inequality here, since most business travellers are men. Friendships also suffer, as business travellers often ―sacrifice local collective activities and instead ___64___ their immediate families when returning from trips‖.Of course, these impacts are moderated by the fact that they fall disproportionately on a small part of the population that is already doing rather well. The ―mobile elite(精英)‖ tend to have higher incomes and ___65___ to better health care than the population at large.So these may be problems of the 1% (or the 3%, or the 5%). But they’re real enough regardless. By all means feel jealous of acquaintances' Instagram photos of exotic meals and faraway attractions. But harbour a small amount of concern as well.51. A. travel B. proof C. damage D. consequence52. A. brighter B. wiser C. darker D. lazier53. A. effects B. benefits C. limits D. costs54. A. impose B. foresee C. declare D. memorize55. A. connection B. adaptation C. exposure D. familiarity56. A. changing B. leaving C. taking D. pursuing57. A. handle B. relieve C. suffer D. lay58. A. infected B. associated C. greeted D. packed59. A. Due to B. According to C. Regardless of D. In case of60. A. surprising B. relaxing C. fulfilling D. isolating61. A. cultural B. conscious C. social D. negative62. A. unequal B. invisible C. pleasant D. permanent63. A. personal B. related C. professional D. domestic64. A. prioritize B. mobilize C. seek D. support65. A. devotion B. objection C. response D. accessSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.At 1:30 p.m. on March 31, 1981, John Hinckley Jr. stepped from a crowd of onlookers and tried to kill Ronald Reagan, the president of the United States. Although he failed, he did cause injury to the president. The crime was committed in clear view of many people. 51 , at the end of his trial, Hinckley was found not 52 by reason of insanity (精神失常). Instead of prison, Hinckley was sent to a mental hospital, where he remains.The judgment in Hinckley’s case did more than annoy a few people. It53 a nationwide debate about whether people accused of a crime can claim they were insane when they did it. If they were capable of 54 and then committing a crime, how could they later claim to have been insane? One starting point is to identify what insane means in a U.S. court of law.Very young children cannot be 55 if they do not know right from wrong, because they cannot be held morally responsible for their actions. For most people, moral responsibility comes with age and maturity. Psychologists, however, say that there are some adults who cannot recognize right from wrong. Since these adults cannot tell the 56 , they should not be held morally responsible for their actions. In a U.S. court of law, an adult like this may be considered insane. Hinckley was judged insane because 57 determined that his mind was not functioning like a(n) 58 adult’s so he had no idea what he was doing. Instead of spending the rest of his life in prison, Hinckley would be committed to a mental hospital, where he could be treated for his illness.People who are against the use of an insanity defense say that criminals like Hinckley do know what they are doing. 59 of the insanity defense say that everyone who commits a serious crime like Hinckley’s could be said to be mentally ill. Otherwise, the person would not commit the crime 60 . There are many people who struggle with severe mental illness who do not commit crimes. The illnesses should not be used as a(n) 61 for violent behavior.People who 62 the insanity defense believe that mental illnesses are not always treatable.Psychologists have been able to detect patterns of behavior. These mental detectives have 63 evidence that a person can be insane but seem normal. Hinckley and others with 64 conditions suffer from delusions (错觉). Even though people with delusions may seem normal, the world does not appear to them as it does to other people. Therefore, experts say, such people cannot be held to the rules of behavior other people are held to. Their punishments should be 65 .51. A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Moreover52. A. hurt B. healthy C. safe D. guilty53. A. kicked off B. cleared up C. let out D. put away54. A. confessing B. starting C. planning D. discovering55. A. sentenced B. punished C. annoyed D. defended56. A. insanity B. truth C. responsibility D. difference57. A. judges B. psychologists C. experts D. detectives58. A. mature B. independent C. normal D. capable59. A. Opponents B. Onlookers C. Victims D. Researchers60. A. on the contrary B. by this means C. in the first place D. at the same time61. A. example B. excuse C. defense D. idea62. A. study B. refuse C. transform D. support63. A. destroyed B. compared C. examined D. gathered64. A. realistic B. ordinary C. similar D. treatable65. A. severe B. negotiable C. acceptable D. legalSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Are we too slow to praise and quick to blame? It seems we are.Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. And yet, we are somehow 51 to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. To make matters worse, most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of 52 .It’s strange how chary(吝啬的) we are about praising. Perhaps it’s because few of us know how to accept compliments gracefully. 53 , we are embarrassed and shrug off(不予理睬) the words we are really so glad to hear. Because of this 54 reaction, direct compliments are surprisingly difficult to give. That is why some of the most valued pats on the back are those which come to us 55 , in a letter or passed on by a friend. When one thinks of the speed with which spiteful(恶意的) remarks are conveyed, it seems a pity that there isn’t more effort to pass 56 comments.It’s especially rewarding to give praise in areas where effort generally goes unnoticed or 57 . An artist gets complimented for a glorious picture, a cook for a perfect meal. But do you ever tell your 58manager how pleased you are when the shirts are done just right?Praise is particularly appreciated by those doing 59 jobs: gas-station attendants, waitresses -even housewives. Do you ever go into a house and say, ―What a tidy room‖? Hardly anybody does. Shakespeare said, ―Our praises are our wages.‖ Since so often praise is the only 60 a housewife receives, surely she of all people should get her measure.Teachers agree about the value of praise. One teacher writes that instead of drowning students’ compositions in critical red ink, the teacher will get far more 61 results by finding one or two things which have been done better than last time, and commenting 62 on them. ―I believe that a student knows when he has handed in something above his usual standard,‖ writes the teacher, ―and that he waits hungrily for a brief comment in the margin(空白处) to show him that the teacher is aware of it, too.‖To give praise 63 the giver nothing but a moment's thought and a moment’s effort. It is such a small 64 . And yet consider the results it may produce. ―I can live for two months on a good compliment,‖ said Mark Twain. So, let’s be 65 to the small excellences around us —and comment on them. We will not only bring joy into other people’s lives, but also, very often, add happiness into our own.51. A. guilty B. impatient C. fortunate D. reluctant52. A. charity B. criticism C. chemical D. command53. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise54. A. extreme B. immediate C. defensive D. positive55. A. naturally B. indirectly C. similarly D. closely56. A. pleasing B. unfair C. interesting D. objective57. A. unchanged B. unmatched C. unmentioned D. unemployed58. A. hotel B. personnel C. sales D. laundry59. A. ideal B. routine C. demanding D. steady60. A. wage B. chance C. input D. support61. A. inevitable B. constructive C. disappointing D. concrete62. A. frequently B. occasionally C. critically D. favorably63. A. highlights B. provides C. costs D. signals64. A. achievement B. challenge C. investment D. substitute65. A. certain B. alert C. resistant D. superiorSection ATwo friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever, even though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country. 51 , according to an official report on youth violence, ―in our country today, the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment, but the terrible reality of violence‖. Given that this is the case, why aren’t students taught to manage 52 the way they are taught to solve math problemsor stay physically fit?First of all, students need to realize that conflict is 53 . A report indicates that most violent inc idents between students begin with a relatively minor 54 . For example, a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. 55the sandwich can lead to insults, which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn’t in thesandwich, but in the way students deal with the conflict.Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable, they can 56 the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. Once the student feels calmer, he should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude wordsand accusation only add fuel to the emotional fire. On the other hand, 57 words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key 58 for conflict resolution: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. Afterward, the listener can ask non-threatening questions to make the speaker’s position clear. Then the two people should change 59 .60 , students need to consider what they are hearing. This doesn’t mean trying to figure out what’s wrong with the other person. It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to 61 . For example, a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask themselves questions such as these: How did this start? What do I really want? What am I afraid of? As the issue becomes 62 , the conflict often simply becomes smaller. Even if it doesn’t, 63 thought helps both sides figure out a bettersolution.After students started a conflict resolution, there has been an increase in student 64 . Learning to resolve conflicts can help students 65 friends,teachers, parents, bosses and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.51.A. As a result B. In fact C. By contrast D. On the contrary52.A. conflict B. lives C. relationships D. affairs53. A. violent B. global C. unresolved D. unavoidable54.A. remark B. assumption C. insult D. resolution55.A. Preferencefor B. Particularity aboutC. Complaint overD. Laughter over56.A. interpret B. practice C. assess D. bend57.A. soft B. tough C. critical D. clear58.A. measure B. strategy C. assessment D. application59.A. responses B. attitudes C. roles D. intentions60.A. Contrarily B. Relatively C. Consequently D. Finally61.A. accomplish B. ignore C. foresee D. seek62.A. wider B. clearer C. more complex D. more critical63.A. unselfish B. initial C. inspiring D. careful64.A. cooperation B. argument C. gratitude D. support65.A. admire B. select C. deal with D. back upIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.While residents of wealthy nations tend to have greater life satisfaction, new research shows that those living in poorer nations report having greater meaning in life.These findings, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological science, suggest that meaning in life may be higher in poorer nations __51__ greater religiosity(笃信宗教). As countries become richer, religion becomes less __52__ to people’s lives and they lose a sense of meaning in life.―Thus far, the wealth of nations has been almost always __53__ longevity, health, happiness or life satisfaction,‖ explains psychological scientist Shigehiro Oishi of the University of Virginia. ―Given that meaning in life is an important aspect o f overall well-being, we wanted to look more carefully at differential __54__, correlates(相关物), and predictors for meaning in life.‖Oishi and colleague Ed Diener of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign __55__ life satisfaction, meaning, and well-being by examining data from the 2007 Gallup World Poll, a __56__ survey of over 140,000 participants from 132 countries. __57__ answering a basic life satisfaction question, participants were asked: ―Do you feel your life has an important __58__ ormeaning?‖ and ―Is religion an important part of your daily life?‖The data revealed some unexpected __59__:―Among Americans, those who are high in life satisfaction are also high in meaning in life,‖ says Oishi. ―But when we looked at the societal level of analysis, we found a completely __60__ pattern of the association between meaning in life and life satisfaction.‖When looking across many countries, Oishi and Diener found that people in wealthier nations were more educated, had fewer children, and expressed more individualistic attitudes compared to those in poorer countries –all factors that were associated with higher life satisfaction but a __61__ lower sense of meaning in life.‖The data suggest that religiosity may play an important role: Residents of wealthier nations, where religiosity is lower, reported __62__ meaning in life and had higher suicide rates than poorer countries.According to the researchers, religion may provide meaning to life to the extent that it __63__ people to overcome personal difficulty and cope with the struggles of working to survive in poor economic conditions:Oishi and Diener hope to reproduce these findings using more comprehensive meas ures of meaning and religiosity, and are interested in __64__ countries over time to track whether economic __65__ gives rise to less religiosity and less meaning in life.51. A. by means of B. as a result of C. for the sake of D. with regard to52. A. central B. ideal C. formal D. superior53. A. related with B. combined with C. associated with D. represented with54. A. models B. styles C. designs D. patterns55. A. investigated B. diagnosed C. explored D. exploited56. A. nationwide B. thorough C. complete D. large-scale57. A. Except for B. Instead of C. Rather than D. In addition to58. A. opportunity B. temptation C. purpose D. definition59. A. trends B. practices C. outlooks D. currents60. A. precious B. similar C. relevant D. different61. A. exactly B. significantly C. adequately D. partially62. A. better B. less C. more D. fewer63. A. allows B. requests C. reminds D. helps64. A. following B. chasing C. pursuing D. predicting65. A. priority B. profit C. prosperity D. potentialSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.New research offers fresh insight on when to launch a product or service, and shows that being first to market isn’t always a competitive advantage.In 2004, David Cohen had an idea for a social network for mobile phones that would connect users in the real world. His company, called iContact, launched a beta version ( 测试版 ), and seemed ready to tap the muchpublicized mobile software market. Cohen, then 36, had already founded a successful software company. __51__, after 18 months, he was unable to get phone carriersto distribute his software, and he closed the company.Bets on mobile applications didn’t begin to __52__ until Apple’s iPhone app stor eopened the market in 2008.Conventional __53__ says being first to market creates a competitive advantage. Reality is more complicated. Market opportunities are __54__ opening and closing, and a hit idea at one point could be a failure a year earlier or a yawning ― me too ‖ business a year later. It’s tough---likely __55__ ---to identify the best moment to enter a market, but common sense dictates new entrepreneurs ( 创业人) can improve their odds ( 机会) if they __56__ how much they bearto gain or lose by waiting.New academic research suggests one way entrepreneurs can __57__whether they should enter a market first or wait on the sidelines. The decision depends on how hostile ( 不利的) the learning environment is; __58__, how much entrepreneurs can learn by observing other players before they __59__, compared to what they learn from participating after they enter, according toMoren Levesque, an entrepreneurship researcher at the University of Waterloo. Levesque, along with professors Maria Minniti of Southern Methodist University and Dean Shepherd of Indiana University, used a mathematical __60__ to weigh the risks and benefits of entering the market early. Their research is among the first to explore ― how different learning environments may influence the ent ry behavior of entrepreneurs.‖The key tothe academics’ findings on timing is this: In a hostile learning environment, entrepreneurs gain relatively __61__ benefit by watching others. For example, if the relevant knowledge is __62__intellectual property, studying the market before entering wouldn’t yield much advantage. In these situations, the trade-off ( 权衡利弊) __63__ entering early. But in less hostile learning environments, where entrepreneurs gain valuable information __64__to increase their success just by watching other companies, companies benefit from waiting and learning lessons from earlier players. IContact’s successors, for example, may have learned from watching the company’s trouble in getting mobile networks to distribute their software, a b arrier that was __65__ by the iPhone’s app store.51.A. Otherwise B. Moreover C.However D. Therefore52.A. pay in B. pay back C. pay for D. pay off53.A. custom B. wisdom C. habit D. experience54.A. completely B. confusingly C. constantly D. increasingly55.A. impossible B. possible C. potential D. manageable56.A. imagine B. interpret C. weigh D. measure57. A. value B. evaluate C. ensure D. convince58.A. after all B. as a result C.in other words D.in addition59.A. launch B. campaign C. strike D. function60. A. version B. pattern C. example D. model61.A. few B. many C. little D. much62.A. provided B. protected C. shared D. improved63.A. favors B. dislikes C. opposes D. concerns64.A. unlikely B. likely C. unbelievable D. questionable65.A. lowered B. created C. resolved D. removed。

杨浦区2015学年度第二学期高三模拟英语2016.05第I卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection A1. A. In the kitchen. B. At home. C. In a fashion shop. D. In a net bar.2. A. 50 francs. B. 150 francs. C. 250 francs. D. 500 francs.3. A. It's his turn to pay for the lunch. B. Sue likes Japanese food very much.C. He doesn't like Japanese food at all.D. Both of them should treat Sue to dinner.4. A. Boss and employee. B. Doctor and patient.C. Teacher and student.D. Interviewer and interviewee.5. A. She doesn't have time to find a new flat. B. She has paid three months' rent in advance.C. She is unlikely to find such a satisfactory flat.D. She doesn't like the idea of decorating an empty flat.6. A. Mike. B. Sandy. C. An unexpected friend. D. A handyman.7. A. Make a recovery plan. B. Find a full-time job.C. Drop out of school.D. Resign from her present job.8. A. The woman was fully absorbed in the music.B. The woman couldn't understand the music very well.C. The woman lost her way to the concert that evening.D. The concert was no better than what the woman imagined.9. A. Extreme sports. B. Travel insurance.C. Travel arrangements.D. Courage and safety.10. A. She is talkative. B. She is quiet. C. She is active. D. She is sociable.Section BQuestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. 28 billion copies. B. 567 million copies. C. 1953 million copies. D. 2015 million copies.12. A. Interviewed the vice-president of the Commercial Press in China.B. Completed data investigation, collection and examination for the records.C. Compared the sales volumes of the Secret Garden and Harry Potter series.D. Delivered enough Xinhua dictionaries to the presentation ceremony.13. A. It is the best-selling book in the world.B. It is the world's most popular dictionary.C. It is a useful tool for learners of the Chinese language.D. It has influenced several generations of Chinese people.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Over a billion people do not have enough safe drinking water.B. Diseases and bacteria in the water kill millions of people every day.C. People in rich countries take their clean drinking water for granted.D. Clean, bottled water is expensive to transport to poor rural villages.15. A. It is a plastic straw. B. It uses batteries or electricity.C. It can be used for one year.D. It's portable and cheap.16. A. Appeal to the government to supply clean water for everyone.B. Provide easy access to clean water to destroy the bacteria.C. Offer The WaterTube free to people in developing countries.D. Sell The WaterTube to every person who needs one.Section CQuestions 17 through 20 are based on the following passage.Kingsley's view on starting a small businessAdvantages • Be yo ur own boss• Make your own __17__ decisions• Closer relationship with customersDisadvantages • Higher risk of __18__Threat from bigger businessesWays to get the start-up money • Personal __19__• A grant from a private organization• __20__ from t he bankQuestions __21__ through __24__ are based on the following passage.What is the ad in the school newspaper about? The __21__ needs more hands.What kind of job is it? It's __22__Why does the man apply for the job? To gather __23__ job for the futureWhat is the man's major? __24__II. Grammar and VocabularySection A(A)Salt is a must-have seasoning in our homes. But having too much of it may cause health problems, from strokes to heart disease. So should we just give it up? Well, for salt lovers who also like to look after their health, the good news is that Japanese scientists (25) ________ (give) us a guilt-free way of enjoying the seasoning. They've created an electric salt-flavored fork. The Electro Fork, which (26) ________ run for six hours without charging, can give food a salty taste. It was developed by Tokyo University (27) ________ part of the No Salt Restaurant project, (28) ________ aims to offer low-salt or salt-free food. The restaurant opened its doors for a trial on April 10. How do you get to taste salt? All you have to do is to press the button on the fork. Then it releases (29) ________ electrical current, which stimulates your tongue. In addition to stimulating the tongue (30) ________ (make) you taste saltiness, this device can also be used to make you taste sourness. It is based on the fact (31) a human tongue feels salty or sour when electricity (32) ________ (apply) to it, according to The Telegraph newspaper.(B)One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. A young couple ahead of me chattered nonstop between (33) ________. I watched them a moment and decidedshe was doing all the talking. I admired his patience for putting up with her constant parade of words. (34) ________ (disturb) by their noise, I moved on.I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a purchase (35) ________ the couple approached the exit. Before they left, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He extended it into a long cane and then tapped his way into the coatroom to get his wife's jacket."He's a brave man," the clerk at the counter said. "Most of us would give up (36) ________ we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a vow his life wouldn't change. So, as before, he and his wife come in (37) ________ there's a new art show.""But what does he get out of the art?" I asked. "He can't see.""You are wrong. He sees a lot. More than you or I do," the clerk said. "His wife describes each painting(38) ________ ________ he can see it in his mind."I learned something about patience, courage and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife (39) ________ (describe) paintings to a person without sight and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to alter his life. And I saw the (share) between two people as I watched this couple walk away with their arms intertwined.Section BA. issueB. imposedC. desireD. awarenessE. accidentalF. sufferedG. captureH. riskyI. unnecessary J. responsibility K. unavoidableThe smartphones that can take selfies (自拍照) have set us free. We can now document every moment of our life and instantly share it with the world through the Internet. However, some believe that it's also causing people to take __41__ risks that sometimes prove to be deadly!According to recent reports, the __42__ to take a breathtaking selfie killed 12 people last year. Though that may not seem like a lot, it's 33% more than the death from shark attacks.While the __43__ has been known for a while, it came to a head on September 21, 2015, following the __44__ death of Hideto Ueda at the Taj Mahal in New Delhi. It turned out that the 66-year-old Japanese and his companion were trying to take a selfie with the Royal Gate as the background when they fell down some stairs.Other fatal accidents this year include a 21-year-old Russian woman who fell off a bridge while trying to __45__ an exciting selfie. Three Indian students __46__ a similar fate after they were run over by a train while taking a selfie on the railway tracks.The rising number of injuries is forcing officials to take measures. Russia has begun a nationwide __47__ program to make its young citizens realize the dangers of this hobby. The campaign's slogan is: Even a million "likes" on social media are not worth your life and well-being.Though no other country has followed their lead, many are banning the selfie sticks! The Museum of Modem Art in New York and the Getty Center in Los Angeles are among those to have __48__ a ban on the selfie sticks, claiming concerns over the safety of their artwork as well as visitors.While these measures may help reduce the incidents, the only way to stop selfie-related injuries and deaths is to take __49__ - not just for themselves but for their friends. So next time you decide to take a selfie that appears a little __50__, be sure to stop and ask yourself: is it worth it?III. Reading ComprehensionSection AHealthy self-esteem is like a child's armor against the challenges of the world. Kids who know their strengths and weaknesses and feel good about themselves seem to have a(n) __51__ time handling conflicts and __52__ negative pressures. They tend to smile more readily and enjoy life. These kids are realistic and generally optimistic. In contrast, kids with low self-esteem can find challenges to be sources of major anxiety and __53__. Those who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solutions to problems. If given to self-critical thoughts such as "I'm no good" or "I can't do anything right," they may become passive, __54__, or depressed. Faced with a new challenge, their immediate response might be "I can't."Self-esteem is __55__ to self-worth (how much a person values himself or herself). This can change from day to day or from year to year, but __56__ self-esteem tends to develop from infancy and keep going until we are adults.Self-esteem also can be __57__ as feeling capable while also feeling loved. A child who is happy with a(n) __58__ but does not feel loved may __59__ experience low self-esteem. Likewise, a child who feels loved but is hesitant about his or her own abilities can also develop low self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem comes when a good __60__ is maintained.Patterns of self-esteem start very early in life. The concept of success following effort and __61__ starts early. Once people reach adulthood, it's harder to make changes to how they see and define themselves. So, it's wise to think about developing and __62__ self-esteem during childhood. As kids try, fail, try again, fail again, and then finally succeed, they develop ideas about their own capabilities. At the same time, they're creating a self-concept __63__ interactions with other people. This is why parental __64__ is key to helping kids form accurate, healthy self-perceptions.Parents and caregivers can promote healthy self-esteem by showing encouragement and enjoyment in many areas. __65__ focusing on one specific area, for example, success on a spelling test, which can lead to kids feeling that they're only as valuable as their test scores.51. A. hard B. good C. easy D. enjoyable52. A. resisting B. appreciating C. supporting D. concealing53. A. puzzle B. frustration C. impression D. ignorance54. A. proven B. grown C. withdrawn D. mistaken55. A. contrary B. senior C. similar D. familiar56. A. overall B. global C. whole D. thorough57. A. treated B. evaluated C. considered D. defined58. A. passion B. cooperation C. achievement D. endurance59. A. generally B. eventually C. immediately D. incredibly60. A. record B. balance C. attitude D. pace61. A. enthusiasm B. preparation C. diligence D. persistence62. A. promoting B. displaying C. polishing D. exploring63. A. exposed to B. composed of C. based on D. applied for64. A. investment B. implement C. punishment D. involvement65. A. Escape B. Avoid C. Deny D. ExcuseSection B(A)Life for Ron and Joanne Wickham used to be full of soccer games, birthday parties, school plays, and parent-teacher conferences. For most of the past 20 years, they spent their evenings reminding their children todo homework and helping them complete it. Now the evenings are empty except for TV, and the weekends seem to last forever. The children whose activities used to fill their time have moved away and have left empty spaces. The Wickham parents have what is usually called Empty-Nests Syndrome.Ron and Joanne both work for the Heritage Insurance Company in Ukiah, California. In their mid-50s, they have two children, Anne and Josh. Anne just graduated from California State University — Fullerton and is looking for a banking job in the Bay Area. Josh is still a junior at Claremont McKenna College near Los Angeles, but he can only rarely make the 460-mile trip home to visit his parents. Back in Ukiah, Ron and Joanne often feel the house is too big. "It doesn't really echo," says Ron, "but it feels like it should. Where is everybody?"Empty-nesters everywhere know the feeling. They are entering a new stage of life, but they remain tied to their former stage. They are typically between the ages of 48 and 60 - still working, still involved in their communities, still rooted. This means they aren't free to travel for entertainment or to pull up stakes and move elsewhere. Generally, they live in the homes where they raised their children. Their daily routines may still echo their full-nest days, with wake-up times meant for driving kids to school or meals that include the children's favorite foods. Therapists point out that Empty-Nest Syndrome doesn't last forever. "Eventually, a so-called empty nest starts to feel normal and new routines develop," says UCLA psychology professor Jaswant Singh. "Most parents complete this journey just fine, but it usually feels pretty lonely."66. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Ron and Joanne?A. Their house is so big that it echoes when their children are not at home.B. Their health condition doesn't allow them to eat steak and move elsewhere.C. They can now do nothing to kill time but help Josh complete his homework.D. Their son, a college student, occasionally travels a long distance to visit them.67. The underlined word "This" in paragraph 3 refers to ______.A. having entered middle ageB. their former stageC. their communityD. being tied to a place68. People with Empty-Nest Syndrome ______.A. usually feel fine when they are on a journeyB. usually lead a normal life but feel quite lonelyC. need psychologists' help to develop new routinesD. can hardly recover from it without taking medicine69. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. Ungratefulness of Grown-up ChildrenB. Adjustment to Brand New LifeC. Emptiness of Empty-NestingD. Sacrifice Made for Children(B)Spellmasters Spelling CompetitionsSpellmasters Spelling Competitions are open to all school children aged 15years old or younger. There are two divisions: Junior and Senior.• Words used in all competitions will be chosen from The MacquarieDictionary .• The competition is conducted orally. Once the pronouncer has given the speller the word to spell, thespeller should say the word aloud so that the judges can hear it clearly.• Once the speller has repeated his word, he has one and a half minutes to complete the spelling. At the60-second mark, the speller will be informed (e.g. ring of a bell) that he has 30 seconds left to complete thespelling. A second ring of the bell at 90 seconds will show that time is up. If the speller hasn't completed thespelling of his word at the 90-second mark, he is immediately disqualified.• The speller may ask the pronouncer to say the word again, define it, use it in a sentence, provide the partof speech or provide the language of origin. The pronouncer shall accept all such requests until the judgesagree that the word has been made clear to the speller. Root word questions will not be accepted.• Once a speller starts to spell the word, each letter he says can't be changed. The speller may choose topause and then continue with the spelling of the word.• Upon confirmation by the judges, the speller will be advised of a correct or incorrect result. Thepronouncer will spell the word correctly immediately following an incorrect judgement.• Winners, 2nd and 3rd places will attend Final Championships.70. In the competition, students are advised to ______.A. look up The Macquarie DictionaryB. ring a bell to spell their wordsC. give their answers within 90 secondsD. pause to change the incorrect letter71. If a speller doesn't understand what the pronouncer says, he can ______.A. ask him to speak aloudB. turn to judges for helpC. let him make a sentence with the wordD. require him to show the root word72. Who will correct students' mistakes?A. The judges.B. The pronouncer.C. The spellers.D. The winners.73. The purpose of the text is mainly to ______.A. introduce the rules of a spelling competitionB. tell the popularity of spelling competitionsC. advise people to pay attention to spelling wordsD. improve people's spelling skills(C)Car makers have long told this story to Americans: "We don't have the technology to build good electric cars. Customers don't want electrics because they are so unattractive, slow and hard to charge. We would build them if only people wanted them." Chris Paine casts serious doubt on that story in his hard-hitting documentary film, Who Killed the Electric Car ? The title suggests a murder mystery, and that's what Paine provides. Well, some of it is a mystery. We know the victim from the start - an electric car called the EV1. Also, we can see that Paine will largely blame the General Motors Corporation (GM).GM built the EV1 because the California Air Resources Board (CARB) ruled that cars in the state had to stop adding pollution to the air. The EV1, being electric, did not bum gasoline or put out any pollution. With technology available in 1990, GM had no trouble producing a car that could go 100 miles on a single charge and could recharge from an ordinary household electrical outlet. Remember the auto companies' claim that they don't have good electric-car technology? If that were true, the EV1 would never have been born. The company made 1000 EV1s and leased them to customers in Southern California. (In a lease, a customer does not own a car but pays to use it for a certain time.)Because of its anti-pollution rule, CARB was sued (起诉) by oil companies, car companies, and the federal government. Under such pressure, CARB dropped its rule. No longer needing the EV1 to obey California's rules, GM responded by attacking its own child. The company ran advertisements saying how bad the EV1 was. Company representatives went on TV and radio shows to say it was unreliable. The company wanted to get the cars back and destroy them. The fact that EV1 were leased, not sold, is an important part of Paine's tale. GM still owned every car and could legally take them back. A few of them went to museums, but GM crushed most of them flat. If EV1s had been owned by their drivers, they would probably still be on the road. Many people who drove them loved them. In fact a group of EV1 drivers offered GM $1.8 million to buy a large number of cars and keep them going. GM refused. The company wanted the car to disappear.Paine's criticism of the car industry, Washington's close relationships with the oil industry, and California's state government are harsh. Each, he says, played a role in the murder of the EV1. Each has also defended itself in the wake of the film, but Paine's excellent documentary will be hard for them to dismiss.74. What's Paine's attitude towards car makers’ story?A. Supportive.B. Indifferent.C. Doubtful.D. Neutral.75. The E VI is invented to ______.A. show the advanced technology of GMB. obey California's rules about air pollutionC. help those who can't afford to buy a carD. get rid of the cars burning gasoline76. Which of the following statements is TRUE about EV1s?A. They are not popular because their users don't like them.B. They are not reliable because of technical problems.C. They need special equipment to get them charged.D. They are owned by GM rather than customers.77. What can be inferred from Paine's documentary?A. CARB is to blame for the murder of the EV1.B. The drive of profits leads to the disappearance of the EV1.C. People can no longer see EV1s because they have been destroyed.D. Pressures from car-related companies forced CARB to stick to its rules.Section CThe sounds you make while chewing have a significant effect on the amount of food you eat, a new study has found. The results suggest that people are likely to consume less if they can hear themselves eating.Researchers at Brigham Young University and Colorado State University have found that your TV, radio and computer are making you fat. Not by bombarding (轰炸) you with food ads (though, they totally are) but by blocking the sounds of your chewing. In a recent study, they found that the noise your food makes while you're eating can have a significant effect on how much food you eat."Sound is typically labeled as the forgotten food sense," adds Ryan Elder, assistant professor of marketing at BYU's Marriott School of Management. "But if people are more focused on the sound the food makes, it could reduce consumption.”"For the most part, consumers and researchers have overlooked food sound as an important sensory cue in the eating experience," said study coauthor Gina Mohr, an assistant professor of marketing at CSU.The team carried out three separate experiments to quantify the effects of food sound on quantity of food consumed during a meal. In one experiment, participants were given snacks to eat while they wore headphones playing either loud or quiet noises. The ones loud enough to mask the sound of chewing made subjects eat more - 4 pretzels compared to 2.75 pretzels for the "quiet" group.In another of their experiments they found that just having people hear chewing sounds through an advertisement can decrease the amount they eat.Elder and Morh call this the "Crunch Effect". The main takeaway of their work should be the idea of mindfulness, they said. Being more mindful of not just the taste and physical appearance of food, but also of the sound it makes can help consumers to eat less."When you mask the sound of consumption, like when you watch TV while eating, you take away one of those senses and it may cause you to eat more than you would normally." Elder said.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS)78. Why do TV, radio and computer make people fat?79. The researchers intended to find out the effects of food sound through experiments by observing _________80. What will happen to people if they hear chewing sounds through a food advertisement?81. Apart from sound, other sensory cues such as ______ may influence food consumption.第II卷(共47分)I. Translation1. 由于天气恶劣,我在网上订购的礼物比预计晚到了一周。

上海市杨浦区2016学年度第一学期高三模拟质量调研英语试卷2016.12 II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.In two days ,it will be Christmas, children all over world (21) ________(look) forward to this day for weeks. People celebrate Christmas with food, decorations, music and more. But for many people , gift-giving is the most exciting part of the holiday.I have fond memories of Christmas shopping with my family as a child. I enjoyed the challenge of keeping my parents’gifts a secret. It was hard to buy gifts right.(22)______their noses without them seeing. Everyone placed(23)__________(wrap) gifts under the Christmas tree until Christmas morning, (24)________we opened them.Picking a great gift require (25)________(know) the person you’re giving it to. You need to know the person’s tastes and find something the person doesn’t already have. This can be quite a big challenge . Often it’s wise to provide a receipt (26)______ _________the person needs to exchange the gift.The best gifts are personal . Many Americans don’t feel money constitutes a good gift(27)_______it doesn’t require any thought. They prefer something chosen just for the person. If the gift is a high-quality homemade gift, that’s even better.Gift-giving reflects the reason(28)______ people celebrate Christmas. Christians in particular remember the birth of Jesus. When he was born, wise men traveled many miles to visit him, (29)________(bring) expensive gifts. But the greatest gift wasn’t from the wise man, but from God-----the baby Jesus. God gave this gift because everyone needed it. We needed God to forgive our bad actions so that we (30)______ live forever with him. So on Christmas we give presents to imitate God’s action of giving the perfect gift.Section BDirections: Fill each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Donald Trump ___31___ his place as the United States 45th president after crossing the 270 electoral vote threshold(门槛) on November 9. The 70-year-old Republican will take over from Barack Obama, a two-term president to occupy with White House.The rise of Trump , a celebrity businessman with no previous experience in the ___32___ or elected office, surprised nearly everyone in politics. Trump’s victory over Clinton will end eight years of Democratic ___33___of the White House. He will govern with Congress fully under Republican control and lead a country deeply ___34__ by his campaign against Clinton. Given thenumerous Republicans who never backed him , Trump will have to face divisions within his own party, too.As he claimed victory, Trump ___35___ Americans to “come together as oneunited people.”“I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans ,”he said in his victory speech . Striking a gentle tone, Trump continued that he would teach out to a few of those who had chosen not to support him for ___36___and help so that “we can work together and unify our great country.”As president, Trump’s governing agenda remains unclear. The president elect has promised to bring changes to the United States. He said he would build a wall along the U.S-Mexio border to stop immigrants from coming into the country___37___.___38___ immigration from countries with ties to terrorist groups, and bargain with foreign governments such as those of Russia and China. Trump has also promised to prioritize the economic growth that creates jobs and ___39___incomes for all Americans.Trump is a wild card, many voters said, but he definitely has a chance to be a successful president as long as he recognizes the responsibilities he ___40__and follows through on his promises.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Security guard, truck driver, salesperson—year after year, these jobs appear on lists of the unhappiest careers. Although many factors can make a job ___41___ --unusual hours, low pay, no chance for advancement—these three jobs ___42___ for another reason: a lack of small talk. Psychologists have long said that connecting with others is central to our well-being, but just how much conversation we require is under ___43___. In one study, researchers overheard undergraduates for four days and then ___44___ each conversations either “small talk”(“What do you have there? Pop corn? Yummy!”) or “serious”(“Did they break up soon after?”). They found that the second type is connected with happiness—the happiest students had roughly twice as many “serious”talks as the unhappiest ones. Small talk, meanwhile, ___45___ only ten percent of their conversation, versus almost 30 percent of conversation among the unhappiest students.However, don’t just consider small talk ___46___ yet. Scientists believe that small talk could promote bonding. Chatting with strangers could ___47___ our morning. In a series of experiments, psychologists found that those who chatted with other train passengers reported a more pleasant journey than those who didn’t.Small talk can also help us feel connecter to our ___48___. People who smiled at, made eye contact with and ___49___ spoke with their Starbucks baristas (咖啡师)reported a greater sense of ___50___ than those who rushed through the transaction(交易). ___51___, when volunteers broke the silence of the art gallery to chat with gallery-goers, the visitors felt happier and more connected to the exhibit than those who were not ___52___.Of course, some of us are better than others at turning small talk into something bigger. In one study, people who were rated “less curious”by researchers had trouble getting a conversation ___53___ on their own. People who were considered “curious”, meanwhile, needed no help ___54___ conversations about ordinary things like favorite holidays into friendly exchanges. A“curious mindset,”the researchers concluded, can lead to “positive social ___55___.”Therefore, go ahead—small talk needn’t be idle, and nosiness isn’t all bad.41. A. rewarding B. depressing C. exhausting D. challenging42. A. stand out B. turn up C. give off D. put forward43. A. negotiation B. construction C. investigation D. examination44. A. divided B. entitled C. imposed D. cataloged45. A. figured out B. made up C. look over D. added to46. A. worthless B. essential C. boring D. ridiculous47. A. occupy B. satisfy C. brighten D. Spoil48. A. emotions B. heart C. customers D. surroundings49. A. purposefully B. briefly C. continuously D. generally50. A. responsibility B. security C. belonging D. achievement51. Consequently B. Oppositely C. Unexpectedly D. Similarly52. A. approached B. attached C. addressed D. attended53. A. breaking B. pausing C. rolling D. stopping54. A. evolving B. substituting C. adapting D. transforming55. A. interaction B. standard C. impact D. InvolvementSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Dear Alcohol,You’ve been around forever, I can remember all the pain you’ve caused me.Do you remember the night you almost took my father’s life? I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He’s addicted to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went spinning through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn’t the only one hurt by you that night.Do you remember the night of my first high school party? You were there. My friends were intrigued by you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could.I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen completely. “I’m so embarrassed,”they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit. “I’m sorry,”they said when I called taxies for them, walking them out and paying the driver in advance. “This won’t happen again,”they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you.Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car andkilled the two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. She didn’t realize her brother was in the midst of it all. She never saw him again. And it’s all your fault.I wish you’d walk out of my life forever. I don’t want anything to do with you. Look at all the painyou’ve caused. Sure, you’ve made people happy too from time to time. But the damage you’ve caused in the lives of millions is inexcusable. Stop luring(引诱)in the people I love. Stop hurting me, please.Sincerely,Anonymous56. What did alcohol do to the author’s father?A. It took his life away one night.B. It helped to get rid of his problems.C. It pushed him to hurt others when driving.D. It got him seriously injured in a car accident.57. The underlined words “were intrigued by”in paragraph 3 are closest in meaning to ______.A. were familiar withB. were curious aboutC. were disappointed atD. were fed up with58. Which of the statements is TRUE about the author’s neighbor or his sister?A. He drove to pickup his drunken sister.B. His sister was to blame for the car accident.C. He crashed into a car from the other direction.D. His sister was too scared to look at the scene of the accident.59. What is the tone of the article?A. HumorousB. DoubtfulC. indifferentD. Critical(B)60. The total capacity for the public forum on nee and joint pain is ______ people.A. 5B. 20C. 50D. 10061. Mr Li, a marathon runner, has an irreparable slip disc(椎间盘突出).Which hospital should he go to if he does not want to undergo any operation?A. Mt Elizabeth HospitalB. Gleneagles HospitalC. Changi General HospitalD. Singapore General62. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Any Singaporean can attend Dr Tan’s talk free-of-charge.B. Participants of public forum can get a book $20 cheaper.C. People “like”the Mind Your Body Facebook page can win a prize.D. People can book the Bone Density Scan on Feb 4th at a special price.(C)China’s domestically developed, long-acting experimental AIDS drug is undergoing a finalreview by the China Food and Drug Administration, the last stage in the approval process. Different from traditional oral drugs that require daily use, but it’s a heavy burden for patients to take medicine every day for years. As a result, long-acting drugs are the future direction in developing innovative AIDS medicine. For Chinese patients, the number oforal drugs available in the domestic market is very limited, so there is an urgent need for drugs to solve the problem of drug resistance.Zhao Yan, a treatment specialist at the National Center for AIDS said seven or eight oral drugs for AIDS are currently provided to patients for free. “The injection solution could give an alternative to patients …if it could be included in the country’s health insurance system,”she said. “Now very few patients are using drugs from the health insurance system, both because nodifferentiated drugs are provided and because the procedure is more complex and could harm their privacy,”she said. “New drugs will be broadly used only if the system can embrace more varieties of drugs.”Albuvirtide went into the research and development stage in 2002 and entered phase three of clinical trials—a step to assure safety and effectiveness before market approval—in 2014. Phase three is the last round of clinical trials for new drug tests in China. If the drug can pass the reviews of the country’sdrug watchdog, usually at least two rounds, it can then enter the market. The time needed for the review ranges from months to years.Clinical trials showed that the new drug performs even better than the oral drugs being used. Most of the oral drugs for AIDS being used in China are generic drugs developed in the 1970s and ‘80s that are not so efficient. In terms of safety and effectiveness, evidence so far showed that Albuvirtide is better than most second-line drugs—drugs used when first-line standard drugs fail —in developed countries because of lower toxicity(毒性)and fewer side effects. Worldwide, a number of long-acting AIDS drug are in development. None has been approved for sale. Only Albuvirtide and a few in the United States have entered phase three of clinical trials.63. Albuvirtide is ______.A. a China-developed long-acting oral AIDS drugB. undergoing a clinical test on dogs to assure its safetyC. more efficient than other AIDS drugs and has fewer side effectsD. the only AIDS drug that has entered the last round of clinical trials64. Albuvirtide is good news for AIDS patients in China because ______.A. it’s a new drug and they are not resistant to itB. it is one of the most effective first-line drugsC. it has been included in the health insurance systemD. they can keep their privacy by being injected once a week65. Which of the following statements is FALSE?A. The research and development of Albuvirtide began in 2002.B. There are usually three phases in the clinical trial for a new drug.C. Albuvirtide is now in the stage of carrying out clinical trials.D. The time needed for review varies from drug to drug.66. We can infer from the passage that ______.A. Albuvirtide can spare patients from taking oral drugs every dayB. the health insurance system has room for further improvementC. most AIDS drugs being used now were developed in last centuryD. China is leading the whole world in the field of AIDS researchSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. In a list ranking countries by the happiness of their citizens, it put tropical Fiji 50 places below freezing Iceland.B. The street sweeper can hold his head up high as he proudly does his job.C. Danish people aren’t as suspicious as many other nations.D. Most Danes are used to seeing between 50-70% of their salary going to the government!E. Those 5.5 million people who call Denmark their home.F. People have nice things in their houses, but they’re not mad about shopping and spending.Where do you think the world’s happiest people live? Somewhere hot with sandy beaches? A country with a tradition of the fine food and culture? Not according to a recent study by the university of Leicester. Who are the happiest people on Earth? ___67___ Surprised? Well you’ll be more surprised when you hear that the Danes pay some of the highest taxes in the world. So what is the secret of their success?Let’s start with all that tax they pay. The Danish government provides its people with one of the finest education and health systems in the world. It spends more on children and elderly people per capital than other country.And there’s another advantage to those high taxes. Because a shop assistant’s final salary is not that much less than someone who works in a bank, for example, Danes don’t choose their careers based on money or status as people in other countries do. They choose the job they want to do. There’s aphilosophy in Denmark known as “Jante-lov”, which translates as “you’re no better than anybody else.”___68___ But workers in order countries are not used to looking at life in this way.Money doesn’t seem as important in Denmark. It has been called a “post consumerist”society.___69___ What is more important is the sense of society and it’s no surprise that Danes are very used to socializing. 92% of Danes belong to some kind of social club and these clubs are even paid for by the government.___70___ They also show an amazing amount of trust in each other and their government. You can see sighs of this all over the country. You’ll find vegetable stalls with no assistant. You take what you want and leave the money in a basket. perhaps the bike is a good symbol for Denmark. The Danescan afford cars but they choose bikes—simple, economical, non-polluting machines that show no status and help keep people fit.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of thepassage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.On a damp, boring, stay-in-house kind of day, I was a 4-year-old artist armed with a new treasure: my own big box of crayons(蜡笔). Somehow, the usual paper wasn’t special enough for these 64 perfect, sweet-smelling sticks of vivid color. I looked around for a bigger canvas(画布). If only there were hidden walls. Walls like the ones in Mom and Dad’s closet.Slipping quietly down the hall to the bedroom, I stood on tiptoe to reach the string for the closet light. Words and images filled my mind faster than my hands could make them.A brilliant rainbow was seen on one wall, with a cheery golden sun peeking out from above. Below, a giant shade tree supported a swing for stick-figure children. Around them, flowers bloomed everywhere.My masterpiece! All my very own magic! I look in the walls, the colors and the brightness. Joy swelled inside me. But as my creativity wound down, a thought popped up: I’ve got to show Mom! Suddenly I was still.Mom called out, “Dinner’s ready.”After a short time, her footsteps approached, and then finally, the closet door opened. I stood nervously in the corner.Mom breathed in sharply, then stood frozen. Only her eyes moved as she slowly looked over my masterpiece. She was quiet for a long, long time. I didn’t dare breathe.Finally, she turned to me.“I like it,”she said, “No, I love it! I feel I have a new closet!”Now, 45 years later, my childhood artwork is still there. And in my own house, the closet walls are masterpieces, too, created by my own daughters when they were little girls.Every time I open a closet door, I remember that, as big as that box of crayons and white walls seemed when I was little, my monther’s love was the biggest thing of all.I. TranslationsDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 为了赶时髦,一些年轻人花费一个月的工资去购买新发行的电子产品。

2016-2017学年上海市杨浦区高三英语期中考试试卷Section AShanghai is a city on wheels. Bicycles, motorcycles, cars, and buses are everywhere. In the old days, our streets were flooded with people (21) ___________ (ride) bicycles to and from shops, work and school, but times (22)_____________(change) . People are wealthier .Many families now own a private car or two. This sounds great, but the traffic jam and the air pollution remind us of the cost of all these motorized vehicles.Many Shanghai citizens are realizing that some of their old habits are worth hanging on to, so people are reaching for their bicycles again rather than car keys. A new service (23)__________ (launch) by Beijing Mobike Technology is helping us do that. You’ve probably seen Mobike’s bicycles around the city , as they are easy (24)___________ (spot) with their bright orange wheels . The app-enabled program allows users to find bikes available in their area(25)____________ the use of GPS trackers installed on the bikes. This (26) ____________ be found and returned anywhere a roadside parking area exists. This is far (27)____________(convenient) than other services ,(28) __________ require bikes to be left only in special stalls . The app even tells you how many calories you burned and the carbon emission prevented – a reminder (29)_____________ it’s healthy for you and the environment . These reasons should motivate all of us to consider “greener”options when commuting.Please put on a helmet and ride your bicycle to school. Let’s show Shanghai and the world how great it is to be green (30) _______ _______ your wheels are orange.Section BDirections: complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.South Korean tech giant Samsung has _____31___ ceased production of its high-end Galaxy Note 7 smartphones after reports of the devices catching fire.The firm already reduced Galaxy Note 7 production volumes. Owners are expected to be able to return the phones for a refund or an exchange for a different Samsung phone.“We recently ____32___ the production volume for thorough investigation and quality control, but putting consumer safety as top ___33____, we have reached a final decision to stop production of Galaxy Note 7s,”, the company said.Earlier, consumer tech analyst Caroline Milanesi of Creative Strategies told the BBC that Samsung should “call it a day “on production of the Galaxy Note 7 to _____34___ long-term risk to the brand. However ,South Korean’s finance minister had warned that the country’s ___35_____ would be hurt if the phone model was scrapped(报废)In September, Samsung recalled around 2.5 million phones after ___36____ of exploding batteries. It later insisted that all replaced devices were __37_____. However, there were then reports that those phones were catching fire too.It is said that__38___ in the US and South Korean are investigating why even the replacement Note 7 phones that Samsung ___39___ with a safer battery reportedly caught fire. An official at the South Korean safety agency said the replacement phones might have a defect that was different from the problem with the _____40___ Galaxy Note 7s.III Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four word or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with word or phrase that best fits the context.In the past nobody would have known what the British Prime Minister had for breakfast, or what the name of the America president’s dog was. Many politicians these days, however, are trying to become media stars, and we learn ___41___ of their private lives from chat shows and glossy magazines. Is this a development we should be happy with?Of course, there are people who think it is perfectly __42____ that politicians are media stars. They might argue that society has changed, and __43___ is part of our daily lives. If politicians want to be accepted by a large number of people, they need to __44___ to our lifestyles and appear on chat shows, and not just on news programs. They could also argue that the better we get to know our politicians as humans, and not just as __45____ of a political party, the easier it is to decide who to vote for.____46_, politics is about gaining power. If a good politician gets more public support by__47__ on chat shows, so be it!__48_____, there are lots of arguments against politicians becoming media stars. Although entertainment is certainly part of our daily lives, politics should not be about fun. Politicians need to be serious and ___49___, and they should focus on their important work, and not be distracted by seeking __50____ and celebrity (名人)status. In the same way, one might argue that people switch on the TV because they want to get away from politics and the problems of their daily lives, and they don’t want to see politicians ___51___ their favorite TV shows. And last but not least, it can be harmful for the development of a political system if politics becomes __52___ up with entertainment. Politics should be about truth and reality, not entertainment, and so there should be strict rules to keep them ____53_____.All things considered, personally I am not really against politicians becoming media stars because I am not affected by their celebrity personas. In order to decide who to vote for, I try to be well __54___ by reading newspapers and through discussions with friends who are also seriously interested in politics. I will _55____ never be influenced in my decision by superficial TV programs!41 A routine B arrangements C details D background42 A ridiculous B civilized C democratic D acceptable43 A exposure B entertainment C exhibition D exploration44 A apply B adapt C agree D attach45 A pioneers B applicants C masters D representatives46 A In addition B On the contrary C As a result D By the way47 A taking up B cheering up C turning up D messing up48 A Apart from that B On the other hand C By comparison D In other words49 A favorable B dominant C professional D neutral50 A fame B pleasure C fortune D peace51 A appreciating B spoiling C launching D imitating52 A caught B fed C mixed D made53 A alert B motivated C independent D apart54 A received B educated C protected D informed55 A definitely B generally C obviously D particularlySection BDirections : read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B , C and D . Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)One of my favorite professors in college was a self-confessed liar.I guess that statement needs a bit of explanation.The topic of Capital Markets is exceptionally boring subject matter. Dr K was memorable because of something he introduced at the beginning of his first class:“Between today and the class right before finals, I will work into each of my lectures … one lie. Your job, as students, among other things, is to try and catch the Lie if the Day.”And then began our 10-week course.This was a brilliant way to focus our attention –by asking students to challenge his statements. Early in the quarter, the Lie if the Day was usually obvious –immediately causing raised hands to challenge it.As the quarter went on, the Lie of the Day became more undetectable, and many ended up slipping past most students unnoticed until a very alert person stopped the lecture to flag it.Every once in a while, a lecture would end with nobody catching the lie. On those days, Dr K, looking quite pleased with himself, would say:” Ah ha! Each of you has one falsehood in your lecture notes. Discuss among yourselves what it might be, and I will tell you next Monday.”Those lectures forced us to work in study groups so we could approach him with our theories the following week.Brilliant… but what made Dr K’s technique genius was, during the most technically difficult lecture of the entire quarter, there was no lie.At the end of the lecture in which no lie was found, he offered the same challenge to work through the notes. On the following Monday , he heard our theories for what the falsehood might be for almost ten minutes before he finally said:” Do you remember the first lecture-how I said that‘every lecture has a lie?’”Exhausted from having our best theories shot down, we nodded.“Well, THAT was a lie. My previous lecture was completely on the level. But I am glad you reviewed your notes carefully this weekend.”While my knowledge of the Economics of Capital Markets has faded in time, the lessons have stayed with me :” Experts “ can be wrong and say things that sound right, so always evaluate new information and cheek it against things you already accept as fact.56 Which of the following statements is true?A Not all the lies were obviousB There was no lie in the first lectureC Dr. K didn’t admit that he was a liarD There was a lie in each of the lectures57 The underlined phrase “on the level” is closet in meaning to _____?A academically focusedB honest and correctC confusing and demandingD technically difficult58 Which is not among Dr. K’s purpose of asking students to catch the lies in the lecture.A To focus their attention in classB To stimulate them to go through notesC To encourage them to discuss in study groupsD To enable them to distinguish truth from falsehood.59 How does the writer benefit from Dr; K ‘s lectures ?A He still remembers the knowledge of Economics of Capital MarketsB He won’t accept anything blindly and dares to challenge authoritiesC He is quick at accepting new information and learning techniquesD He develops a habit of checking everything before evaluation(B)Editor in ChiefIndoTrading .comJakarta, IndonesiaBriefJob Category: Media &JournalismJob Type: Full-timeSalary Range: IDR 6,000,000-8,000,000Industries: Classifieds, E-Commerce PlatformsJob Description &RequirementsResponsibilities:● Responsible for selecting the writers, planning the content and publishing schedule , assign them stories and edit their articles , write larger stories , oversee features and business editors.● Responsible for crating original that fits our brand , engage customers across all marketing channels , including but not limited to websites and social media.● Responsible for setting the tone, editorial direction and policies●Responsible for the overall and day to day management and supervision of the News Department● Develop , implement and improve digital content& digital program● Ensure the final draft is complete and there are no omissions ,cross-checking facts, spelling ,grammar ,writing style and page design● Maintain and build good relationship with internal and external● Motivate and develop News Department teamRequirements:●Passionate about writing and journalism articles on business aspect& having a good leadership ●Familiar and able to write the articles in business aspect●Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising/Media/Journalism, MassCommunications or equivalent●Good in communication ,content development and management skill,●At least 5 years of working experience in the related field●Internet ability with a good sense of content that works well online●Preferably Manager /Assistant Managers specializing in Journalism/ Editor or equivalent● A team player who cooperates well with internal teams on original ideas, best practices andoptimization●Full-time positions available●Applicants must be willing to work in JL.Meruya ilir Raya , Business Park Kebon Jeruk JakartaBaratRequried skills●Copywriting &Editing, Creating Writing60 This job advertisement is most likely to appear____ .A in a magazineB in a newspaperC on a websiteD on a poster61 An editor in chief is expected to _______.A read the first draft carefully and correct errorsB decide on the tone, style and details of the articlesC select capable writers and give them special trainingD establish good relationship with colleagues and customers62 The applicants for the position must_______.A have the ability to plan the contentB possess a bachelor’s degree in businessC be able to write creative articles in different aspectsD have the experience of being a manager or equivalent(C)Teacher burnout(倦怠)and student stress may be linked, according to a University of British Columbia study. The study is the first of its kind to examine the connection between teacher burnout and students’ cortisol level(可体松水平),which are a biological indicator of stress.Researcher collected saliva (唾液) samples from over 400 elementary school children and tested their cortisol levels. They found that in classroom in which teachers experienced more burnout , or feelings of emotional exhaustion , students’ cortisol levels were elevated. Higher cortisol levels in elementary school children have been linked to learning difficulties as well as mental health problems.“This suggests that stress spreading might be taking place in the classroom among students and their teachers,” said Eva Oberle, the study’s lead author. Indeed, the relationship between student stress and teacher burnout is a chicken and egg question. It is unknown what came first –evaluated cortisol or teacher burnout. We consider the connection between student and teacher stress a cyclical problem in the classroom.Oberle said a stressful classroom climate could be a result of inadequate support for teachers, which may impact teachers’ ability to effectively manage their students. A poorly managed classroom can contribute to students’ needs not being met and increasing stress. This could be reflected in elevated cortisol levels in students.Alternatively, stress could originate from students, who may be more challenging to teach because of increases in anxiety, behavioral problems, or special needs. In this situation, teachers could feel overwhelmed and report higher levels of burnout.“Our study is a reminder of the systemic issues facing teachers and educators as classroom sizes increase and supports for teachers are cue,” said Oberle.“ It is clear from a number of recent research studies that teaching is one of the most stressful professions , and that teachers need adequate resources and support in their jobs in order to battle burnout and relieve stress in the classroom,” said UBC education professor Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, the study ‘s co-author and director of HELP. “If we do not support teachers, we risk the collateral damage(附带损害) of students.”63 Which is the best title for the passage?A How to Relieve Stress in the classB A Puzzling Question of Egg and ChickenC The Most Stressful Profession in the worldD The Link Between Students Stress and Teacher Burnout64 Paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 are intended to make it clear that ______.A teacher burnout may be the cause of the elevated cortisol levels in studentsB the connection between students and teacher stress is a cyclical problemC students with higher stress level are more likely to have learning difficultiesD students’ behavioral problems may result in teacher’s higher level of burnout65 According to the writer, many British teachers face the problem that_______.A teachers are not well trained to deal with students’ problemsB teachers’ income increases but teaching resources are cutC there’re more students in each class and less support for teachersD there is a widening gap between students’ need and teachers’ ability66 Which of the following statements is FALSE?A The more burnout teachers experience, the higher cortisol levels in students.B Adequate support may help teachers manage students more effectivelyC Students will benefit as a result of reduced teacher burnout.D High cortisol level indicates high level of burnout.Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.What do you get when you combine “the greenest building material” with “the most efficient machine ever created”? Bryan McClelland says you end up with his company’s bamboo bicycle.McClelland, a Filipino-American, runs his company Bambike in Victoria, a small town about 83 kilometers from Manila. ___67__ McClelland came up with the idea in 2007 when he was still a volunteer for Gawad Kalinga, but it wasn’t until 2010 that he officially started the business. By employing locals, Bambike aids its community and keeps people from moving to crowded urban areas. Most employees craft the bicycles while a few also make “bambowties” with the extra bamboo pieces.Some might question the marriage of bamboo and bicycles, but McCelland insists it’s a nearly perfect union. Bamboo dampens the vibration of the bike, so it takes a lot of wear-and –tear off the rider’s joints when riding through uneven streets. One particular kind of mature bamboo is as strong as steel, as light as aluminum and as sustainable as anything. __68__ Abaca, a Filipino plant, and some aircraft-quality metals are also used. With all of these materials, Bambikes stand up to tough industry standards alongside Giants and Schwinns.___69___ Ten percent of its profits go back to the local community. Additionally, in order to help promote education, Bambike sponsors local teachers and has started feeding programs for students.A bamboo playground as well as school supplies and scholarship programs are other benefits. The company is also careful to plant more bamboo than it harvests to ensure that production and progress continues. In the future, improvements are also planned for Victoria’s water and sanitation.___70___ The bicycles are shipped worldwide and have become known for quality and eco-friendly materials .Filipino President Benigno Aquino III has even gifted them to world leader, including Brack Obama. TripAdvisor has also ranked Bambike’s Manila bike tour as one of the top activities to experience in the city. A bamboo revolution has started in the Philippines, and it’s pedaling at lightning speed.IV. Summary Writing (10%)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.It is a common sight on campus or in the streets: a young person rides by on an electric scooter, traveling quickly and proudly. But Beijing’s traffic authorities have said that starting on Sept.5, people who are caught riding electric scooters on public roads or bicycle lanes will be fined 10 yuan. They will also be given a warning not to use the vehicles on public roads again.The announcement was made after traffic police in Shanghai started a campaign to get electric scooters off public roads, with police officers stopping riders because the scooters could cause traffic problems.The Beijing Consumer Association said it had tested more than 20 electric scooters of different brands recently and found that most had substandard brakes. It added that 16 of the tested scooters could go faster than the maximum 20 km per hour set for electric bikes. According to the trafficpolice, people who ride electric scooters at certain speeds can easily bump into the vehicles in the vehicle lane and hurt people who walk in the bicycle lanes.But seeing the benefits that electric scooters have brought to young people, experts are worried that the ban may take effect slowly.Electric scooters are a great answer to the “last mile problem” of getting from a public transport station to one’s home. They’re light enough to throw over your shoulder. They’re easy to ride just about anywhere and don’t need a lot of physical effort. The scooter can travel 25 km on one charge. It’s convenient and easy to control.The are also good for the environment. Unlike cars and buses, electric scooters produce no carbon dioxide, need no fuel and make almost no noise.For many young people, they use them to copy cool celebrities they have seen in videos.第II卷(40分)I.Translation(15%)Directions : Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.18岁以下的青少年禁止吸烟喝酒(forbid)2.令我高兴的是自从高中毕业以来,我的学校发生了很大的变化。

杨浦区2016学年第一学期高三英语质量调研(改编版)杨浦区2016学年第一学期高三英语质量调研Donald Trump claimed his place as the United States’ 45th president after crossing the 270 electoral vote threshold (门槛) on November 9. The 70-year-old Republican will take over from Barack Obama, a two-term president, ________ (occupy) the White House.The rise of Trump, a celebrity businessman with no previous experience in the military or elected office, ________ (surprise) nearly every one in politics. Trump’s vi ctory over Clinton will end eight years of Democratic dominance of the White House. He will govern with Congress fully under Republican control and lead a country deeply divided by his campaign against Clinton. ________(give) the numerous Republicans who never backed him, Trump will have to face divisions within his own party, too.As he claimed victory, Trump urged Americans to “come together as one united people.” “I pledge to every citizen of our land ________ I will be presid ent for all Americans,” he s aid in his victory speech. ________ (strike) a gentle tone, Trump continued that he would reach out to a few of those ________ had chosen not to support him for guidance and help________ ________ “we can work together and unify our great country.”As presi dent, Trump’s government agenda remains unclear. The president-elect has promised to bring changes to the United States. He said he would build a wall along the U.S-Mexico border to stop immigrants from coming into the country illegally. Suspend immigration from countries with ties to terrorist groups, and bargain with foreign governments ________ ________ those of Russia and China. Trump has also promised to prioritize theeconomic growth______creates jobs and lifts incomes for all Americans.Trump is a wild card, many voters said, but he definitely has a chance to be a successful president ________ ________ ________ he recognizes the responsibilities he assumes and follows through on his promises.Security guard, truck driver, salesperson---year after year, these jobs appear on lists of the unhappiest careers. Although many factors can make a job________--unusual hours, low pay, no chance for advancement---these three jobs stand out for another reason: a lack of small talk.Psychologists have long said that ________ with others is central to our well-being, but just how much conversation we require is under________. In one study, researchers overheard undergraduates for four days and then________ each conversations either “small talk” (“What do you have there? Pop corn? Y ummy!”) or “serious” (“Did they break up soon after?”). They found that the second type is connected withhappiness---the happiest students had ________ twice as many “serious” talks as the unhappiest ones. Small talk, meanwhile, made up only ten percent of their conversation, versus almost 30 percent of conversation among the unhappiest students.However, don’t just consider small talk________ yet. Scientists believe that small talk could promote bonding. Chatting with strangers could ________ our morning. In a series of experiments, psychologists found that those who chatted with other train passengers reported a more pleasant journey than those who didn’t.Small talk can also help us feel connecter to our surroundings. People who smiled at, made eye contact with and briefly spoke with their Starbucks baristas (咖啡师) reported a greater sense of belonging than those who rushed through the transaction (交易). ________ , when volunteers broke the silence of the art gallery to chat with gallery-goers, the visitors felt happier and more connected to the exhibit than those who were not approached.Of course, some of us are better than others at turning small talk into something bigger. In one study, people who were rated “less curious” by resea rchers had trouble getting a conversation ________on their own. People who were considered “curious”, meanwhile, needed no help transforming conversations about ordinary things like favorite holidays into friendly exchanges. A “curious mindset,” the researchers concluded, can lead to “positive social ________.”Therefore, go ahead---small talk needn’t be idle, and nosiness isn’t all bad.China’s domestically developed, long-acting experimental AIDS drug is undergoing a final review by the China Food and Drug Administration, the last stage in the approval process.Different from traditional oral drugs ____1___ require daily use, Albuvirtide is an injection solution that can be administered weekly.In developed countries, oral AIDS drugs are very efficient, ____2___ it's a heavy burden for patients to take medicine every day for years. As a result, long-acting drugs are the future direction in developing innovative AIDS medicine. For Chinese patients, the number of oral drugs available in the domestic market is very limited, so there is an urgent need for drugs ____3______(solve) the problem of drug resistance.Zhao Yan, a treatment specialist at the National Center for AIDS said seven or eight oral drugs for AIDS are currently provided to patients for free. "The injection solution could give an alternative to patients ... _____4____ it could be included in the country's health insurance system," she said."Now very few patients are using drugs from the health insurance system, _____5___ because no differentiated drugs are provided and because the procedure is more complex and couldharm their privacy," she said. "New drugs will be broadly used ___6___ ________the system can embrace more varieties of drugs."Albuvirtide went into the research and development stage in 2002 and entered phase three of clinical trials-a step to assure safety and effectiveness before market approval-in 2014. Phase three is the last round of clinical trials for new drug tests in China. If the drug __7___ pass the reviews of the country's drug watchdog, usually at least two rounds, it can then enter the market. The time needed for the review ranges ____8_____ months to years.Clinical trials showed that the new drug performs even better than the oral drugs _____9______(use). Most of the oral drugs for AIDS being used in China are generic drugs developed in the 1970s and '80s that are not so efficient. ___10____ _______ _______ safety and effectiveness, evidence so far showed that Albuvirtide is better than most second-line drugs-drugs used when first-line standard drugs fail-in developed countries because of lower toxicity (毒性) and fewer side effects.Worldwide, a number of long-acting AIDS drugs are in development. ____11____ has been approved for sale. Only Albuvirtide and a few in the United States ______12_____( enter) phaseDear Alcohol,You’ve been around forever, I can remember al the pain you’ve caused me.Do you remember the night you almost took my father's life?I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He's ___1____to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went ____2___through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn't the only one hurt by you that night.Do you remember the night of my first high school party? You were there. My friends were ____3____by you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could. I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen_____4___. "I'm so embarrassed," they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit. "I'm sorry," they said when I called taxies for them, walking them out and paying the driver in____5_____. "This won't happen again," they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs___6____. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you.Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car and killed the two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people ___7____on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. Shedidn't realize her brother was in the midst of it all. She never saw him again. And it's all your___8___.I wish you'd walk out of my life forever. I don't want anything to do with you. Look at all the pain you've caused. Sure, you've made people happy too from time to time. But the ___9____you've caused in the lives of millions is_____10____. Stop luring (引诱) in the people I love. Stop hurting me, please.Sincerely,AnonymousChina’s domestically developed, long-acting experimental AIDS drug is _____1____a final review by the China Food and Drug Administration, the last stage in the approval process.Different from traditional oral drugs that require daily use, Albuvirtide is an _____2____solution that can be administered weekly.In developed countries, oral AIDS drugs are very___3_____, but it's a heavy burden for patients to take medicine every day for years. As a result, long-acting drugs are the future direction in developing innovative AIDS medicine. For Chinese patients,the number of oral drugs ____4____in the domestic market is very limited, so there is an urgent need for drugs to solve the problem of drug resistance.Zhao Yan, a treatment specialist at the National Center for AIDS said seven or eight oral drugs for AIDS are ___5___provided to patients for free. "The injection solution could give an alternative to patients ... if it could be included in the country's health insurance system," she said."Now very few patients are using drugs from the health insurance system, both because no differentiated drugs are provided and because the ____6___is more complex and could harm their privacy," she said. "New drugs will be ____7____used only if the system can embrace more varieties of drugs."Albuvirtide went into the research and development stage in 2002 and entered phase three of clinical trials-a step to assure safety and effectiveness before market_____8___-in 2014. Phase three is the last round of clinical trials for new drug tests in China. If the drug can pass the reviews of the country's drug watchdog, usually at least two rounds, it can then enter the market. The time needed for the review ____9____from months to years.Clinical trials showed that the new drug performs even better than the oral drugs being used. Most of the oral drugs for AIDS being used in China are generic drugs developed in the 1970s and '80s that are not so efficient. In terms of safety and______10______, evidence so far showed that Albuvirtide is better than most second-line drugs-drugs used when first-line standard drugs fail -in developed countries because of lower toxicity (毒性) and fewer side effects.Worldwide, a number of long-acting AIDS drug are in development. None has been approved for sale. Only Albuvirtideand a few in the United States have entered phase three of clinical trials.Grammar (1) 1,to occupy 2,surprised 3,Given 4,that 5,Striking 6,who 7,so that 8,such as 9,that 10,as long asGrammar(2) 1,Although 2,connecting 3,either 4,ones 5,the unhappiest 6,However 7,can 8,who 9,reported 10,were not approached 11,into 12,getting 13,likeGrammar(3) 1,have been 2,when 3,crashing 4,hurt 5,as if 6,could 7,so that 8,as 9,pumped 10,how 11,gathering Grammar(4) 1,that/which 2,but 3,to solve 4,if 5,both 6,only if 7,can 8,from 9,being used10,in terms of 11,None 12,have enteredV ocabulary(1) K H C G E J F D B I(2) K B I F E D G H C J(3) D H C A E J G I F B(4) H I C D K F G J A B。
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杨浦区2015学年度第一学期高三“3+1”质量调研英语学科试卷2016. 1本试卷分为第I卷(第1-13页)和第II卷(第14页)两部分。
2. 第I卷(1-16小题,41---77小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。
第I卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Tour guide and traveler. B. Teacher and student.C. Boss and secretary.D. Bank clerk and customer.2. A. The woman should tell her feeling to her sister.B. The woman should respect her boyfriend’s privacy.C. The woman should not interfere in her sister’s love affairs.D. The woman should have a talk with her sister’s boyfriend.3. A. A cartoon. B. A movie about a talk show.C. A comedy.D. A violent movie.4. A. Their professional development. B. Project investment.C. Current circumstances.D. Appreciation for opinions.5. A. 100 cents. B. 85 cents.C. 45 cents.D. 70 cents.6. A. The train seldom arrives on time.B. The schedule has been misprinted.C. The speakers arrived at the station late.D. The company has trouble printing a schedule.7. A. The man desires to work in a power plant.B. The woman is working in a kindergarten.C. The man’s ideal job is to be a business manager.D. The woman wants to take care of children at home.8. A. At a motel. B. At a department store.C. At a restaurant.D. At a house agency.9. A. He has been taken for a fool.B. He doesn’t feel at ease in the firm.C. He has been given a better position.D. He doesn’t get on well with the others.10. A. Mr. Johnson’s ideas are nonsense.B. H e quite agrees with Mr. Johnson’s views.C. Mr. Johnson is good at expressing his ideas.D. He has his own opinions on social welfare.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. It is a regular school with strict disciplines.B. It is a place where people learn how to drive.C. It is a school for offenders to learn traffic rules.D. It is a place to pay a fine and get points on licence.12. A. They can avoid getting points on licence.B. They have no choice, or they can’t drive.C. They want to improve their driving skills.D. They needn’t pay a fine if having a course.13. A. All of them are free of charge.B. Most courses are given online.C. Offenders have to take a driving test.D. They take not more than twelve hours.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Test flights are not affordable.B. Rockets are sent on one-way missions.C. Rockets are easily damaged before test.D. Rockets are made of high-quality materials.15. A. New Shepard. B. Blue Origin.C. Amazon.D. Jeff Bezos.16. A. It can be refueled in the air and fly 100 km again.B. It was developed by a private company and passed the test.C. It was successfully launched and fell back to Earth afterward.D. It reached an altitude of 100km and landed safely back on Earth.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)About 60 percent of American students go directly from high school into college. Choosing a college can be difficult. But (25) _____ these students are in college, there is one other choice that seems to be even (26) _____ (hard) – deciding on a major.On average, college students in the United States change their major three times. There are several reasons for this, according to academic advisers. About half of all freshmen start college not knowing what to major in. (27) _____ those who think they know (28) _____ they want to study, six out of ten end up changing their major as well.College is a time of discovery. As students take classes, they find new areas that they are interested in. Unfortunately, some of those students find so many interesting classes (29) _____ they are not able to decide on a major. Some advisers say that students need better tools, both in colleges and in high schools, (30) _____ (help) them figure out what major is best for them. A few universities have started offering special computer programs to help. Students can learn more about different majors, or even about what kinds of jobs people find with each kind of major. They are sometimes surprised to find philosophy majors (31) _____ (work) for a software development company or biology majors in the tourism industry. Even with many tools available to them, choosing a major is difficult for many students.(B)Nov. 2 was a day to remember in China’s aviation(航空)history. It was the day (32) _____ its first homemade large passenger aircraft, the C919, was shown to the public in Shanghai. This makes China the third region (33) _____ (manufacture) large passenger aircraft, (34) _____ (follow) the US’Boeing company and the European Union’s Airbus line.A large passenger aircraft is a plane that (35) _____ (weigh) over 100 tons when it takes off. The name is also linked to (36) _____ number of seats on the plane. In China, an airliner with more than 150 seats (37) _____ (consider) a large aircraft. And in the international world, it means a plane with over 300 seats.According to Xinhua, the C919, which will make its first flight in 2016, (38) _____ seat 190 people at most. It has a standard flight range of 4,075km and an extended range of 5,555km. This means it can fly directly from Beijing to Singapore.“The ability to manufacture large passenger aircraft is a symbol of a country’s overall strength,” said President Xi Jinping last year. This is (39) _____ making large aircraft is a high-tech intensive industry that involves different disciplines, (40) _____ (range) from aerodynamics (空气动力学)to material science.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.TIME Magazine gave a number of reasons why it chose Merkel, from how she’s handled Europe's economic crisis, to how she’s responded to terrorist attacks in the region, to how she’s __44__ the continent's ongoing refugee crisis. Her high __45__ rating in Germany has slipped re cently because many Germans don’t agree with her __46__ to that crisis. So, the reaction in her home country was __47__.Nancy Gibbs, the editor of TIME wrote that the Chancellor was awarded the title fo r “asking more of her country than most politicians would dare, for standing firm against tyranny.”She also praised Merkel, the first woman to be named the title for 29 years, for her leadership during the refugee crisis. “At a moment when much of the wo rld is once more __48__ in a debate about the balance between safety and freedom, the Chancellor is asking a great deal of the German people, and by their example, the rest of us as well. She views refugees as victims to be __49__ rather than __50__ to be repelled...”III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.A child’s place in the family birth order may play a role in the type of occupations that will interest him or her as an adult, new research suggests. In two related studies, researchers found that only children were more interested in intellectual, cognitive careers than later-born children. __51__, later-born children were more interested in both artistic and outdoor-related careers.“For example, parents may be extremely __52__ of only children and worry about their physical safety. That may be why only children are more likely to show interest in academic __53__ rather than physical or outdoor activities. An only child will tend to get more time and attention from their parents than children with siblings (兄弟姐妹). This will often make them feel special but the downside is that they may suffer from __54__ and loneliness when friends discuss their brothers and sisters and family life.”The first-born is an only child until the second child comes along – __55__ them from being the centre of attention, to then sharing the care of parents. Parents will also expect them to be responsible and “set an example”. The change from being the focus of a family may be quite a __56__ and so shape the first-born’s outlook on life. Therefore, first-borns may try to get back their parents’attention and approval by achieving success in their career. It is true that first-borns are __57__ more often found as political leaders than any other birth-order position.Being the youngest in the family can sometimes be a(n) __58__ experience, especially if the child wants to be taken seriously. The last-born is more likely than the other birth-order positions to take up dangerous sports. This may be a __59__ of the last-born’s rebellious characteristic –a result of being __60__ up with always being bossed about by everyone else in the family.Middle children, __61__, have different issues. “Middle –child syndrome”can mean feeling __62__ between two other “more important” people – an older sibling who gets all the rights and is treated like an adult and a younger sibling who gets all the __63__ and is treated like a spoilt child. Middle-borns have to learn to get on with older and younger children, and this may __64__ them becoming good negotiators –of all the birth-order positions they are most skillful at dealing with both authority figures and those holding __65__ positions.51. A. In other words B. In addition C. In contrast D. In particular52. A. proud B. protective C. positive D. precious53. A. pursuit B. exchange C. freedom D. reputation54. A. regret B. jealousy C. sympathy D. neglect55. A. prohibiting B. varying C. preventing D. transforming56. A. disaster B. tragedy C. shock D. tendency57. A. enormously B. significantly C. unexpectedly D. extremely58. A. exciting B. confusing C. frustrating D. rewarding59. A. sample B. signal C. symbol D. sign60. A. tied B. fed C. mixed D. caught61. A. therefore B. however C. otherwise D. meanwhile62. A. sandwiched B. trapped C. combined D. balanced63. A. honours B. resources C. privileges D. expectations64. A. insist on B. contribute to C. approve of D. result from65. A. former B. superior C. latter D. inferior Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Hell for most of us, yes, but all in a day’s work for Charlotte Uhlenbroek. She moves as elegantly through the hall of London’s Savoy as she does through the Amazon jungle. But while she loves the adventure, she is also glad to be back in “civilization”, at least for the moment.Sh e’s just finished filming a TV series called jungle – a demanding 19-week job that involved her exploring the dense jungles of the Congo, the Amazon and Borneo. She says that it was fascinating, but daunting as well. So what was her most challenging experience? “Definitely climbing an 80-meter-high tree in Borneo, when I’m scared of heights! I had to keep going up and up, when a voice inside me was saying, “Down! Down!” I kept thinking the ropes were going to break and send me plummeting down below.”And “down below” was where the bugs were. Apart from the usual mosquitoes, in the Amazon rainforest she was troubled by sand-fly bites. “I’ve had some horrible bites but these really are the itchiest(最痒的)bites I’ve ever had. At one stage, Icounted 70 bites on one arm,” she says. “Just as annoying were the sweat bees in the Congo. They try to drink the sweat on your face and even the tears from your eyes. The most horrible thing, though, was trying to pull the slimy leeches(水蛭)off your skin. The more I pulled, the more they stretched and the tighter their jaws clung to my leg. I kept shouting, “Get them off!” and the film crew kept saying, “Just a minute …this makes a really good shot!”Charlotte’s journey into the heart of the world’s most significant rainforests was an inspiring experience. “The rainforest really is like a city. Each tree is like an urban highrise building with hundreds of residents. If you knock it down, you cause just as much disturbance and damage as if those residents were human. The jungle is extraordinary because although it only covers about 6 percent of the world, it contains over 50 percent of all known animal and plant species, plus lots more that are unknown, too.”Back in London, what has she been enjoying since her return to “civilization”? “I’ve been having lots of nice, long showers,” she says. “In the Congo, the possibility of using up our water supplies was always a worrying thought. And I find that when I’ve been in hot, uncomfortable conditions for a while, the things I look forward to more than anything else are being with my family and enjoying my favorite meal.”66. The underlined word “daunting” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.A. frighteningB. excitingC. encouragingD. satisfying67. When bitten by ______, a person will feel unbearably itchy.A. usual mosquitoesB. sand fliesC. sweat beesD. leeches68. A tree in the rainforest is compared to a highrise building because ______.A. many people come to explore the jungleB. the trees are 80 metres high on averageC. many trees have been knocked downD. there are so many living things in it69. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The film crew gave Charlotte a shot to prevent infection.B. Charlotte looks and feels “out of place” in the Savoy Hotel.C. Water supply was always a big concern for Charlotte in the jungle.D. The jungle contains half of all the animal and plant species in the world.(B)AA wo juu 就A world-class family focused theatrecompany proudly presentsG rimm’sFairy talesTickets to go on sale from 1 Nov.2015This musical is recommended for children of 4 years of age and above. If you have questions about the content, please do not hesitate to email us at *******************A NOTE TO PARENTS Show Dates:15 to 23 December 2015Venue: Drama Center TheatreDuration: 90 minutes with15 minutes intervalGrimm ’s Fairy Tales have fed the imaginations of generations of people.Why watch one story when you can enjoy a whole collection? What stories will we tell? Look out for Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood and The Valiant Little Tailor! This musical will entertain people of all ages. It is filled with beautifully crafted stories for the young ones coupled with subtext and multi-layered performances to challenge and engage the adults. Nobody in the family will be left out!TICKETING INFORMATIONEnjoy Early Bird discount of 10% off regular ticket prices before 15 November 2015 Cat 1 Cat 1 (Early Bird) Cat 2 Cat 2(Early Bird) Single Child/Adult $30.00 $27.00 $25.00 $22.50 Family package of 4$108.00$97.20$90.00$81.0015% Discount – Passion Card members, NTUC Card members10% Discount –Students (Local &International), Senior Citizens (Above 55 years old) *Applicable for bookings after 14 November 2015 Tickets are on sale through SISTIC website: .sg. SISTIC hotline: 6123 4567 and SISTIC authorized agents island-wide. A FREE resource pack will be given to schools that make a group booking. Contact A-Theatre at 6333 2222 for more details. Look out for these learning points: 1. Problem solving2. Identifying key moral issues3. Creative thinking and teamwork4. Exploration of the oral tradition ofstorytelling using theatreWritten and directed by Brian Seward.Music composed and arranged by Bang Wenfu. Official Sponsors:ntucSupported by:a.r.t.s. fund70. How do schools enquire about the free resource pack?A. Contact A-Theatre at 6333 2222B. Contact SISTIC hotline at 6123 4567C. Email enquiries to *******************D. Visit any SISTIC authorized agents island-wide71. Which of the following is NOT a suggested learning point of this musical?A. Thinking creatively.B. Combining stories together.C. Knowing the importance of teamwork.D. Solving problems.72. Which of the following statement is TRUE?A. Grimm’s Fairy Tales is recommended only for children above 4 years of age.B. The stories, subtext and performances are designed mainly to attract children.C. People can buy tickets more than one month ahead of the show date.D. Bang Wenfu is the writer, director and music composer of the event.73. According to the discount rules, ______.A. NTUC Card members can enjoy 15% off early bird rates before 15 November.B. international students who buy their tickets on 1 Nov. can have 10% discount.C. a Passion Card member who is above 55 years old can enjoy 25% discount.D. a NTUC Card member should pay $25.50 if he buys a Cat 1 ticket on 15 Nov.(C)Adding math talk to story time at home is a winning equation for children's math achievement, according to a new research from the University of Chicago. The study from psychologists Sian Beilock and Susan Levine shows a marked increase in math achievement among children whose families used Bedtime Math, an iPad app that delivers engaging math story problems for parents and children to solve together.Even children who used the app with their parents as little as once a week saw gains in math achievement by the end of the school year. The app's effect was especially strong for children whose parents tend to be anxious or uncomfortable with math.Previous research from this group has demonst rated the importance of adults’attitudes about math for children's math success. For example, a recent study found that math-anxious parents who help their children with math homework actually weaken their children’s math achievement.The new findings demonstrate that structured, positive interactions around math at home can cut the link between parents’ uneasiness about math and children's low math achievement.“Many Americans experience high levels of anxiety when they have to solve a math problem, with a majority of adults feeling at least some worries about math,”said Beilock, professor in Psychology and author of Choke, a book about stress and performance. “These math-anxious parents are probably less likely to talk about math at home, which affects how competent their children are in math. Bedtime Math encourages a dialogue between parents and kids about math, and offers a way to engage in high-quality math interactions in a low-effort, high-impact way.”Study participants included 587 first-grade students and their parents. Families were given an iPad installed with a version of the Bedtime Math app, with which parents and their children read stories and answer questions involving math, including topics like counting, shapes and problem-solving. A control group received a reading app that had similar stories without the math content and questions related to reading comprehension instead. Children's math achievement was assessed at the beginning and end of the school year. Parents completed a questionnaire about their nervousness with math.The more times parents and children in the math group used the app, the higher children’s achievement on a math assessment at the end of the school year. Indeed, children who frequently used the math app with their parents outperformed similar students in the reading group by almost three months in math achievement at year's end.74. Bedtime Math is an iPad app that _____.A. requires parents and children to answer reading comprehension questionsB. assesses children’s math achievement and paren ts’ nervousness with mathC. teaches children how to count, recognize shapes and solve practical problemsD. encourages children together with their parents to solve math story problems75. The previous study found that _____.A. help from math-anxious parents improves children’s math achievementB. children’ math achievement is related to parents’ attitude about mathC. interactions around math at home will cut off the family relationshipD. children can achieve more success if they see the importance of math76. We can infer from the passage that ______.A. children using app for three months can see gains in math achievementB. children whose parents are uneasy about math outperform other studentsC. it is the math problems related to the stories that make the great differenceD. the frequency of using the app has nothing to do with children’s achievement77. Which is the best title for the passage?A. High-quality math interactions improve performance.B. Frequent use of app can develop problem solving ability.C. Low-effort activities create good parent-child relationship.D. High-anxiety parents influence children’s attitude about math.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Most people make a donation if they want to help those in need. And they hope that if they join demonstrations or hand out leaflets, they’ll make others aware of the terrible conditions some people face. But 47-year-old British comedian, Eddie Izzard, did something completely different. He decided to raise money by running 1,100 miles through England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. And he managed to raise more than £200,000!How long did it take him to run 1,100 miles? Believe it or not, it took him just 51 days. For six days out of every seven he ran at least 26 miles . In other words, he ran 43 marathons in less than two months, before he finished in great style and pouring rain in London’s Trafalgar Square!When asked how he felt, he told the BBC that he was planning to “sleep for a week”. He thanked the people who had waited for him in Trafalgar Square despite the rain. They had all come to support him and to applaud his incredible achievement.And the comedian admitted that his journey was pretty painful. He had to have his feet bandaged every day but still lost several of his toenails, and he had blisters (水泡)all over his feet. He wouldn’t have been able to do what he did if he hadn’t taken ice baths for his legs at the end of each day. These baths helped to “stop your legs inflating to twice the size of an elephant”, as Eddie commented.People who have no idea about running and experts alike are impressed with what he has achieved. Andy Dixon, editor of Runner’s World, a magazine for long-distance runners, says, “Covering 26 miles in a day at whatever speed for 43 runs, it’s demanding. A five-hour marathon is fairly decent pace. It’s a massive achievement.So, how did he do it? Well, when he decided to run, he wasn’t even particularlyfit. He ran his marathons slowly at first. Ten hours a day to begin with and, as he got fitter, he got faster. In the end he was finishing in just over five hours. But fitness alone was not enough. What was more important was the fact that he wanted to make a difference to other people’s lives.What Eddie Izzard did was so special that the documentary of his run has been made into an inspiring film: Believe! “You’ve got to believe you can be something else,” Eddie says in the film. “I’ve done that a few times. That’s why I keep going.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN THIRTEEN WORDS)78. How do most people help those in need?_________________________________________________________________ 79. What did people do to support Eddie?_________________________________________________________________ 80. What measures did Eddie take to ensure his marathons every day?_________________________________________________________________ 81. Apart from getting fitter and raising money, Eddie’s run was intended_______________________________________________.第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 在这么短的时间内看完一篇5000字的报告是几乎不可能的。