
法律英语重点专业词汇解析1. 法律英语概述法律英语是法学专业中的重要分支之一,涉及到法律文件、合同、法律案例等与法律相关的各种文字材料。
2. 法律英语重点专业词汇在法律英语中,有许多准确而专业的词汇需要掌握。
以下是一些常见的法律英语专业词汇的解析:- Act: 法案,指一项通过国会或议会法律程序,成为法律的法案。
- Arbitration: 仲裁,指由第三方解决争议的法律程序。
- Defendant: 被告,指在法庭上被控告的一方。
- Injunction: 禁令,指法院颁发的禁止某些行为的命令。
- Jurisdiction: 管辖权,指法院有权处理某一特定案件的权力。
- Litigation: 诉讼,指通过法律程序解决争议的过程。
- Patent: 专利,指一项新的发明或发现的独特技术。
- Plaintiff: 原告,指在法庭上提起诉讼的一方。
- Tort: 侵权行为,指侵犯他人权益的非法行为。
- Waiver: 放弃,指明确放弃某种合法权利的行为。
3. 法律英语研究方法了解法律英语的专业词汇是研究法律英语的基础。
以下是一些研究法律英语的方法:- 积累词汇:通过背诵和记忆法律英语的专业词汇,增加词汇量和理解能力。
- 阅读法律文本:阅读法律文件、合同和案例,提高对法律英语的理解和应用能力。
- 借助工具:使用法律英语词典、翻译软件等工具,提供准确、专业的词汇解释和翻译。
4. 结论法律英语的专业词汇对于学习和理解法律文本具有至关重要的意义。

AAb initio从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。
如reach an accord达成和解协议,accord and satisfaction和解与清偿等。
如The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。
Acquittal罪名不成立刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。
如:Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, direct the Commission to act or forbear from。

一、合同(Contracts)1. Offer(要约)- An expression of willingness to enter into a contractual agreement.2. Acceptance(接受)- The act of agreeing to the terms of an offer made by another party.3. Consideration(对价)- Something of value exchanged for the promise of another party in a contract.4. Breach(违约)- The failure to fulfill the terms of a contract withouta legitimate excuse.5. Termination(终止)- The ending or cancellation of a contract by the parties involved.6. Damages(损害赔偿)- The monetary compensation awarded to a party who suffers harm as a result of a breach of contract.7. Force Majeure(不可抗力)- An unforeseeable and uncontrollable event that prevents the fulfillment of contractual obligations.8. Assignment(转让)- The transfer of rights and obligations under a contract from one party to another.9. Non-performance(不履行义务)- The failure to fulfill contractual responsibilities.10. Confidentiality(保密性)- The requirement to keep certain information obtained during the course of a contract confidential.二、法院和司法程序(Courts and Judicial Procedures)1. Plaintiff(原告)- The party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint in court.2. Defendant(被告)- The party against whom the lawsuit is filed and who must respond to the complaint.3. Trial(审判)- A formal legal proceeding in court in which evidence is presented and a decision is reached.4. Evidence(证据)- The information presented in court to support or refute a claim.5. Witness(证人)- A person who provides testimony under oath in court.6. Verdict(裁决)- The decision reached by the judge or jury in a trial.7. Appeal(上诉)- The process of asking a higher court to review and overturn a decision made by a lower court.8. Jurisdiction(管辖权)- The authority of a court to hear and decide a specific type of case.9. Subpoena(传票)- A legal document that requires a person to appear in court or produce evidence.10. Contempt of Court(蔑视法庭)- Behavior that disrespects or obstructs the functioning of a court, punishable by fines or imprisonment.三、知识产权(Intellectual Property)1. Patent(专利)- An exclusive right granted to an inventor to protect their invention from being used, made, or sold by others.2. Trademark(商标)- A distinctive sign or symbol that identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one party from those of others.3. Copyright(版权)- The exclusive rights granted to authors, artists, and other creators to protect their original works.4. Infringement(侵权)- The unauthorized use or reproduction of intellectual property protected by law.5. Licensing(许可证)- The process of granting permission to use intellectual property to another party.6. Trade Secret(商业秘密)- Confidential information that provides a competitive advantage to its owner and is protected from disclosure.7. Royalties(专利权使用费)- Payments made to the owner of intellectual property for the use or sale of their rights.8. Fair Use(合理使用)- The limited use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder, typically for purposes such as criticism, commentary, or education.9. Anti-counterfeiting(反盗版)- Measures taken to prevent the unauthorized production, distribution, and sale of counterfeit goods.10. Infringement Notice(侵权通知)- A formal notice sent to an alleged infringer of intellectual property rights, demanding that they cease their infringing activities.这份法律英语词汇大全涵盖了合同、法院和司法程序以及知识产权等方面的关键词汇,能够帮助您更好地理解和运用法律英语。

My Vocabulary Briefing in Legal English同一词语普通用语与法律用语意义不同的对比同一意义正式与非正式的表达一词多义:Advise释义:advise在法律英语中有两个常用意思:①律师等法律工作者提供法律建议,如The partner of the law firm advised the Manager on various specialist legal issues。
②通知,相当于notify或inform,如The use of advise in the sense of “inform, notify,”was restricted to business correspondence and legal contexts. Thus one may say the suspects were advised of their rights, but it would be considered pretentious to say you’d better advise your friends that the date of the picnic has been changed。
advise 表示“通知,告知”的这种用法局限地用于商业往来及法律情况。
Deposit释义:deposit在法律英语中通常最常用的意思有两个:①存款,这是他在普通英语和法律英语都很常见的意思,既可作名词也可作动词,如He has a deposit of 10,000yuan in ICBC。
People tend to deposit their idle money in the bank。

英语合同中的法律词汇英文回答:Legal Terminology in English Contracts.Introduction:Contracts, legally binding agreements, form the cornerstone of commercial and personal relationships. To ensure clarity and precision, legal terminology plays a crucial role in drafting contracts. This article explores essential legal vocabulary commonly found in English contracts, providing insights into their meaning and significance.1. Consideration:Consideration refers to the exchange of value between the parties to a contract. It can be anything of value, such as money, goods, or services. Consideration isessential for a contract to be legally enforceable.2. Offer:An offer is a proposal by one party to enter into a contract with another party. It must be clear, definite, and communicated to the other party. An offer can be accepted or rejected.3. Acceptance:Acceptance is the agreement by one party to the terms of an offer. It must be unconditional and communicated to the offeror. Acceptance creates a binding contract.4. Breach of Contract:A breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill their obligations under the agreement. Breaches can be material or minor, and the consequences vary depending on the severity of the breach.5. Damages:Damages are monetary compensation awarded to a party who has suffered a loss due to a breach of contract. Damages aim to restore the non-breaching party to the position they would have been in if the contract had been performed.6. Indemnity:An indemnity clause obligates one party to protect another party from liability or loss. It is commonly usedin contracts to allocate risk and minimize financial exposure.7. Warranty:A warranty is a promise or guarantee that certain facts or conditions are true. Warranties can be express (explicitly stated) or implied (inferred from the circumstances).8. Termination:Termination is the legal process of ending a contract before its expiration date. Termination can be triggered by various events, such as breach of contract, mutual agreement, or specific contract provisions.9. Force Majeure:A force majeure clause excuses a party's performance due to unforeseen events beyond their control. Examples include natural disasters, war, or government actions.10. Governing Law:The governing law clause specifies the legaljurisdiction that will govern the interpretation and enforcement of the contract. It is crucial to choose the applicable law carefully, as it will determine the rights and obligations of the parties.Conclusion:Legal terminology in English contracts is essential for ensuring clarity and enforceability. By understanding these key terms, parties can navigate contractual relationships more effectively, minimize risks, and ensure their rights are protected.中文回答:英文合同中的法律词汇。

以下是一些与合同相关的英语法律知识点:1. Offer and acceptance (要约和承诺)在合同形成过程中,一方向另一方发出的写实或口头的要约称为offer,另一方对此作出同意称为acceptance。
2. Consideration(对价)合同的有效性通常要求有一定的对价存在。
3. Breach of contract(违约)当一方未能履行合同中规定的义务时,就构成了合同违约。
以下是一些著作权法方面的英语法律知识点:1. Copyright(版权)著作权保护包括文学、艺术、音像、电脑软件等作品。
2. Fair use(合理使用)合理使用是指在符合某些限制条件下,非授权使用他人著作的权利,例如学术研究、评论和新闻报道等。
3. Infringement(侵权)未经版权拥有者的许可,擅自制作、复制、发行他人作品都属于侵权行为。
以下是一些与知识产权法相关的英语法律知识点:1. Trademark(商标)商标用于识别来源于特定企业的商品或服务,它可以是标志、名称、声音或颜色等。
2. Patent(专利)专利授予发明者对其发明的独特权利,确保其在一段时间内独占市场。
3. Industrial design(工业设计)工业设计保护产品的外观,使其不被未经许可的抄袭。

合同法常用法律词汇合同法常用法律词汇acceptance 承诺affirm 维持原判appeal 上诉as is 以现状为准assumpsit 损害赔偿之诉bad faith 恶意basis of bargain 交易基础battle of forms 格式之争boiler plate clause 锅板条款bona fide 善意breach of contract 违反合同cause of action 诉因caveat emptor 买者自慎之concuring opinion 对流条件condition 条件consideration 对价mutuality of consideration 对价的互惠illusory consideration 空洞的对价past cnsideration 过去的对价consequential loss 间接损失construction 书面解释constructive conditions 推定条件couteroffer 反要约course of dealing 交易过程damages 损害赔偿金compensatory damages 补偿金exemplary damages 惩罚性赔偿金liquidated damages 约定的赔偿金punitive damages 惩罚性赔偿金defendant 被告dictum 附带意见discretion 裁量权dismissed 驳回dissenting 异议duress 胁迫equity 衡平法exculpatory clause 免责条款expectation interest 期待利益fiduciary duty 信托义务fiduciary relation 信托关系forfeitture 没收foreseeability 可预见性franchise 特许经营权fraud 欺诈。

1. 合同法(Contract Law)合同法是英文法律体系中的关键部分,它规定了人们在购买商品、签订合作协议以及其他经济交易中的权利和义务。
2. 知识产权法(Intellectual Property Law)知识产权法保护创作者和发明家的权益,包括专利、商标、版权和商业秘密等。
3. 劳动法(Labor Law)劳动法涉及雇佣关系和劳动者权益保护。
英文法律术语中,常见的有employment contract(雇佣合同)、minimum wage(最低工资)、dismissal(解雇)和discrimination(歧视)等。
4. 不动产法(Real Estate Law)不动产法涉及土地和建筑物的买卖、租赁和产权等问题。
在英文法律术语中,我们需要熟悉的词汇有property(财产)、title(产权)、mortgage(抵押)和tenancy agreement(租赁合同)等。

法律英语合同常见词汇法律英语合同常见词汇汇总写了这么多,无非在说一件事情:学习法律英语,就是学习法律;学习法律,就必须知道“what they are talking about”,要知道法律在说什么,就要找到那个议论的逻辑起点;要找到这个起点,就必须从法律的基础学起。
yjbys网分享法律英语合同常见词汇汇总如下:『01』常见合同名称carriage/transportation/forwardingcontractconstruction engineering and installation contractcontract for compensation trade 补偿贸易合同contract of sale for commodity housesemployment contract for legal consultantfactoring contract 保理合同import and export contractinsurance contractjoint venture contractlabor contractlease and transfer of the right to the use of land loan contract 租赁和转让土地使用权的贷款合同mortgage contract 抵押合同property management contractpurchase contractwarehousing contract 仓储保管合同agency appointment contractbrokerage contract 居间合同carriage contractcontract for construction projectcontract for loan of moneycontract for supply of power, water, gas or heatfinancial leasing contract 融资租赁合同gift contract 赠予契约leasing contractsafe-keeping contractsales contracttechnology contracttrading trust contract 行纪合同work-for-hire contract 承揽合同『02』常见协议名称adoption agreementagency agreementagreement on assignment of equity interestsarticles of association/incorporation, memorandum of associationcomposition agreement 和解协议confidentiality agreementcontract for assignmentdivorce agreementescrow/deposit agreement 有条件转让协议financing agreementhuman agency agreementlegacy-support agreement 遗赠扶养协议letter of intent 意向书heads of agreementlicensing agreementmemorandum (of understanding)non-compete agreementoutsourcing agreementpartnership agreementpreliminary agreement 初步协议retainer agreement 聘用协议share transfer/purchase agreementservice agreementsecurity/suretyship agreement 担保协议stock option agreementsupply agreementtechnical consulting agreementtechnical development agreementtechnical service agreementtechnical transfer agreementtenancy agreementventure capital management agreement 风险投资管理协议『03』正文ArbitrationCounterpartDispute Resolution/SettlementEntirety/Entire Agreement 全部协议/完整合约HeadingsIndemnification 赔偿Intellectual Property RightLanguageLiabilities for Breach of Contract/Default Miscellaneous (Other Provisions) 其他条款NoticeRepresentation and Warranties 陈述与保证Rights and ObligationsSeverability 合同中止条款SurvivalTransfer/Assignment (No) Waiver 弃权条款。

英文合同专业术语解析1. Agreement:合同,指双方或多方达成的一致意见,具有法律约束力。
2. Party:当事人,指参与合同的一方,可以是个人或法人。
3. Terms and Conditions:条款和条件,指合同中规定的双方应遵守的具体规则。
4. Offer:要约,指一方向另一方提出的合同内容,包括承诺和条件。
5. Acceptance:承诺,指受要约方完全同意要约内容的行为。
6. Consideration:对价,指合同各方为履行合同所承担的义务和付出的代价。
7. Breach of Contract:违约,指合同当事人未履行合同规定的行为。
8. Damages:损害赔偿,指违约方因违约行为给守约方造成的损失。
9. Termination:终止,指合同提前结束,双方不再履行合同义务。
10. Arbitration:仲裁,指双方因合同争议无法协商解决时,提交第三方进行裁决的方式。
11. Jurisdiction:管辖权,指法院对某一合同争议进行审理的权利。
12. Warranty:保证,指一方对某一事实或行为的真实性、合法性所作的承诺。
13. Indemnity:赔偿,指一方承诺在特定情况下对另一方承担的经济损失进行补偿。
14. Force Majeure:不可抗力,指无法预见、无法避免且无法克服的客观情况,导致合同无法履行。
15. Governing Law:适用法律,指合同争议应适用的法律体系。
当然,让我们继续深入探讨英文合同中的其他专业术语:16. Liquidated Damages:预定损害赔偿,指合同中预先约定的,若一方违约,则应支付给对方的固定金额作为赔偿。
17. Confidentiality Clause:保密条款,合同中规定当事人对于合同内容以及对方商业秘密保密的条款。
18. Expiration Date:到期日,指合同规定的有效期结束的日期。
19. Assignment:转让,指合同一方将其在合同中的权利和义务转让给第三方的行为。

Name, Legal Address(domicile), Principal Place of Business (主要营业地), Registered Place, Legal Representative/Authorized Representative
memorandum of association composition agreement confidentiality agreement contract for assignment
non-compete agreement outsourcing agreement partnership agreement preliminary agreement retainer agreement share transfer/purchase agreement service agreement
consultant factoring contract
agency appointment contract brokerage contract carriage contract contract for construction project contract for loan of money contract for supply of power, water,
(duly) organized/incorporated and (effective) existing under the laws of
A national of/an individual with the nationality of

一、合同 (Contract)合同是法律中最常用的文件,用于规定各方之间的权利和义务。
一个合同必须包含以下要素:Offer (提议)、Acceptance (接受)、Consideration (对价)、Intention to create legal relations (意图产生法律关系)以及Legality (合法性)。
当起草合同时,以下几个词汇是常用的:1. Party (当事人) - 指合同中的各方,可以是个人或组织。
2. Terms and Conditions (条款和条件) - 合同中规定的权利和义务。
3. Breach of Contract (违约) - 一方未能履行合同义务。
4. Termination (终止) - 双方协商或法定的方式下结束合同。
5. Force Majeure (不可抗力) - 无法预测和控制的情况下,免除合同责任。
二、诉讼 (Litigation)诉讼是司法系统处理法律争议的过程。
以下是一些在诉讼中常用的法律英语词汇:1. Plaintiff (原告) - 提起诉讼的一方。
2. Defendant (被告) - 受诉方。
3. Evidence (证据) - 在法庭上证明主张的材料。
4. Witness (证人) - 为案件提供证词的人。
5. Judgment (判决) - 法官作出的最终决定。
三、知识产权 (Intellectual Property)知识产权涉及到版权、商标和专利等方面的法律保护。
在处理这些法律问题时,以下词汇是常见的:1. Copyright (版权) - 通过创作来保护作品的权利。
2. Trademark (商标) - 用于标识和区分商品或服务来源的标志。

一、合同和责任1. Contract (合同): A legally binding agreement between two or more parties, which establishes the rights and obligations of each party.- Offer (要约): A proposal made by one party to another, indicating their willingness to enter into a contract.- Acceptance (接受): The act of agreeing to the terms and conditions of an offer, creating a legally binding contract.- Consideration (对价): Something of value exchanged between the parties, typically money or goods, as part of the contract.2. Breach of contract (违约): The failure, without legal excuse, to perform any promise that forms the whole or part of a contract.- Damages (损害赔偿): Monetary compensation awarded to the injured party in a breach of contract case, intended to restore them to the position they would have been in if the contract had been performed.- Specific performance (强制履行): A court order requiring the breaching party to fulfill their obligations as specified in the contract.- Rescission (撤销): The cancellation of a contract, returning the parties to their positions prior to the contract.3. Tort (侵权行为): A civil wrong that causes harm or loss to someone, giving the injured party the right to sue for damages.- Negligence (疏忽): Failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm to another person.- Duty of care (注意义务): The legal obligation to act in a way that avoids causing harm to others.- Proximate cause (直接原因): The primary cause of an injury, which is legally sufficient to result in liability.二、争议解决和证据1. Arbitration (仲裁): A process in which disputes are resolved by one or more impartial individuals, known as arbitrators, rather than by a court.- Mediation (调解): A process in which a neutral third party assists the disputing parties in reaching a voluntary and mutually acceptable agreement.- Litigation (诉讼): The process of going to court to resolve a legal dispute.- Plaintiff (原告): The party who initiates a lawsuit and seeks a legal remedy.- Defendant (被告): The party against whom a lawsuit is filed and who is required to respond to the allegations made by the plaintiff.2. Evidence (证据): Any type of information or material that is presented in court to prove or disprove a fact in issue.- Testimony (证词): Oral or written statements made by a witness under oath.- Exhibit (展品): A document or physical object presented as evidence in court.- Expert witness (专家证人): A person with specialized knowledge or experience in a particular field, called upon to provide an opinion or analysis in court.三、赔偿和保险1. Compensation (赔偿): Payment or remuneration for injury, loss, or harm suffered by someone.- Personal injury (人身伤害): Physical or psychological harm caused to an individual, often resulting in a claim for compensation.- Wrongful death (非正当死亡): A death caused by the negligent or intentional actions of another person, leading to a legal claim by the deceased person's family or estate.- Liability insurance (责任保险): Insurance coverage that protects individuals or businesses from the risk of being sued and held legally liable for injuries or damages caused to others.2. Settlement (和解): An agreement reached between the parties involved in a legal dispute, typically resulting in the withdrawal of a lawsuit in exchange for specific terms and conditions.- Release (解除): A legal document signed by a party, absolving the other party from any further liability or obligation, often in exchange for a settlement payment.- Indemnity (赔偿款): A contractual obligation to compensate an individual or entity for losses or damages they may suffer.四、合法程序和法院1. Due process (正当程序): The principle that individuals have the right to fair treatment and a fair trial before being deprived of life, liberty, or property.- Habeas corpus (人身保护令): A legal action that requires a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure their release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention.- Jurisdiction (管辖权): The power and authority of a court to hear and decide a case.- Appellate court (上诉法院): A court that reviews decisions made by lower courts, typically focusing on issues of law rather than fact.2. Plaintiff's attorney (原告律师): The lawyer who represents the plaintiff in a civil lawsuit.- Defense attorney (辩护律师): The lawyer who represents the defendant in a civil lawsuit.- Judge (法官): The official who presides over a court of law and decides legal issues and the outcome of a case.- Jury (陪审团): A group of citizens selected to hear and evaluate the evidence presented in a trial and render a verdict.总结:本文介绍了一些常用的法律英语词汇,涵盖了民事法律中的合同和责任、争议解决和证据、赔偿和保险,以及合法程序和法院等方面。

1. Agreement - 协议,合同
2. Contract - 合同
3. Party - 当事方,合同方
4. Terms and Conditions - 条款和条件
5. Effective Date - 生效日期
6. Termination - 终止
7. Obligations - 义务,责任
8. Representations and Warranties - 陈述和保证
9. Indemnification - 赔偿,偿付
10. Confidentiality - 保密
11. Governing Law - 管辖法律
12. Force Majeure - 不可抗力
13. Liability - 责任,义务
14. Breach - 违约,违反
15. Jurisdiction - 管辖权
17. Amendment - 修改,变更
18. Counterpart - 对应物,一方副本
19. Prevailing Party - 胜诉方
20. Severability - 可分割性,可分离性

英语合同中的法律词汇Legal Vocabulary in English Contracts.Contracts are legal documents that create binding obligations between parties. They are used in a wide variety of business and personal transactions, from simple sales agreements to complex mergers and acquisitions. As such, it is important to understand the legal terminology used in contracts in order to ensure that you understand your rights and obligations.Some of the most common legal terms used in contracts include:Agreement: A legally binding contract between two or more parties.Breach of contract: A failure to fulfill the terms of a contract.Consideration: Something of value that is exchangedfor a promise.Damages: A payment made to compensate for a breach of contract.Default: A failure to perform a contractual obligation.Force majeure: An event that prevents a party from fulfilling a contractual obligation due to circumstances beyond their control.Indemnity: A promise to reimburse someone for lossesor damages.Liquidated damages: A specific sum of money that is agreed upon in advance as compensation for a breach of contract.Offer: A proposal to enter into a contract.Party: A person or entity that is involved in acontract.Remedies: Actions that can be taken to enforce a contract or compensate for a breach.Term: A provision of a contract.Void: A contract that is not legally binding.Voidable: A contract that can be canceled by one or more of the parties.In addition to these general terms, there are also a number of specific legal terms that may be used in contracts depending on the subject matter of the agreement. For example, a contract for the sale of goods may include terms such as "warranty" and " MERCHANTABILITY". A contract for the provision of services may include terms such as "scope of work" and "performance standards".It is important to carefully review any contract before you sign it to make sure that you understand the terms andconditions. If you have any questions about the legal terminology used in a contract, you should consult with an attorney.中文回答:合同是具有法律约束力的文件,在各方之间建立了具有约束力的义务。

My Vocabulary Briefing in Legal English同一词语普通用语与法律用语意义不同的对比同一意义正式与非正式的表达一词多义:Advise释义:advise在法律英语中有两个常用意思:①律师等法律工作者提供法律建议,如The partner of the law firm advised the Manager on various specialist legal issues。
②通知,相当于notify或inform,如The use of advise in the sense of “inform, notify,”was restricted to business correspondence and legal contexts. Thus one may say the suspects were advised of their rights, but it would be considered pretentious to say you’d better advise your friends that the date of the picnic has been changed。
advise 表示“通知,告知”的这种用法局限地用于商业往来及法律情况。
Deposit释义:deposit在法律英语中通常最常用的意思有两个:①存款,这是他在普通英语和法律英语都很常见的意思,既可作名词也可作动词,如He has a deposit of 10,000yuan in ICBC。
People tend to deposit their idle money in the bank。

1. Agreement:协议,合同,是指双方或者多方认可的一项书面契约,具有法律效力,通常涉及到经济、商务等领域。
2. Clause:条款,协议或者合同的构成部分,每个条款都有其独立
3. Covenant:盟约,契约,是指有权威参与者之间达成的关于遵守
4. Disclosure:披露,是指当事人告知关于双方权利义务的相关信息。
5. Indemnity:赔偿,该条款规定,当被起诉或者拒绝执行合同时,
6. Liability:责任,是指其中一行为可能导致其中一实体承担法律
7. Negotiations:谈判,协商,是指双方或者多方通过对话、讨论
8. Obligation:义务,是指一些行为是必须要执行的,一旦发生的
9. Precedent:先例,指一类案件的案例判决,可以供未来例似案件
10. Warrant:授权,是指特定的一实体具有代表另一实体或者特定

1. Agreement - 合同,协议2. Party - 当事方,合同方3. Obligation - 义务,责任4. Termination - 终止,解除5. Duration - 期限,持续时间6. Confidentiality - 保密,机密性7. Breach - 违反,违约8. Indemnification - 赔偿,补偿9. Governing Law - 法律适用10. Force Majeure - 不可抗力11. Jurisdiction - 管辖权,司法管辖权12. Amendment - 修改,修订13. Arbitration - 仲裁14. Non-Disclosure - 保密,不泄露15. Representations and Warranties - 陈述和保证16. Liability - 责任,义务17. Assignment - 转让,让与18. Counterpart - 对方,副本19. Entire Agreement - 整个协议20. Consultation - 协商,咨询以上是商务英语合同中常见的一些高频英语单词,这些单词在商务合同中经常出现,掌握它们可以帮助我们更好地理解合同内容并与合作伙伴进行沟通和协商。

法律英语合同常见术语与表达摘要:合同英语学习时,会出现法言法语,中古英语及外来语的表达,尤其是here, there等词的衍生词及普通词汇的法律话。
关键词:herein, hereunder, hereof, thereof, thereby, shall, advise, under, conclude, save.英文合同中,虽然已经有了plain English(简明英语)的现象转变,“法言法语”仍常常用一些中古英语和外来词语表达,比如常见的vice versa(反之亦然)、null and void (无效)、inter alia(除了别的之外)、“here+介词”、“there+介词”系列等等,我们来探讨一下后两者的用法。
一、h e r e+介词1.hereinThe SELLER shall have no authority to make any statements, representations, or commitments of any kind or to take any action which shall be binding upon BUYER except as expressly provided forhereinor as may be authorized in writing by BUYER.除非本合同作出明确规定或得到买方书面授权外,卖方无权作出任何形式的声明、陈述或承诺,或采取对买方具有约束力的任何行动。
这里的herein 就相当于in this contract/agreement。
2.hereunder“Facility A” means the term loan facility in US Dollars offeredhereunderpursuant to Section 2 (Facilities).“贷款A ”是指根据第2 节(贷款)提供的美元定期贷款。
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My Vocabulary Briefing in Legal English
The partner of the law firm advised the Manager on various specialist legal issues。
The use of advise in the sense of “inform, notify,” was restricted to business correspondence and legal contexts. Thus one may say the suspects were advised of their rights, but it would be considered pretentious to say you’d better advise your friends that the date of the picnic has been changed。
advise 表示“通知,告知”的这种用法局限地用于商业往来及法律情况。
He has a deposit of 10,000yuan in ICBC。
People tend to deposit their idle money in the bank。
②定金,保证金,相当于earnest money。
The shop undertook to keep the goods for me provided that I paid a deposit.
商店答应, 倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货。
He discharged his obligations after the call of the creditors。
His liability to pay the loan to the bank was discharged due to his bankruptcy。
释义:draft在法律英语中通常有两个含义,一个是起草,如draft a law 起草法律,draft a contract起草合同等。
另一个意思是汇票,如承兑汇票也可以是honor a draft,开具汇票可以说是issue a draft等。
如the contract shall take effect upon its execution 合同自签订之日起生效。
但execution 的确有执行、履行的意思,如果它与表示一段的时间状语连用,那肯定是执行、
履行的意思,如in the course of the execution of the contract在合同履行过程中。
释义:issue的意思是签发,如issue an order签发命令,issue a notice 签发通知,issue stock发行证券,issue a draft开具汇票等。
用作名词时,意思是争点、争议点,即当事人之间关于事实或法律的争议事项,如issue at/in law 法律上的争点,issue of fact事实上的争点等。
释义:representation在法律英语中有两个含义,一是代表,如representation by counsel由律师代表,一个是陈述,通常和warranty连用,出现在合同中,representation and warranty为合同的“陈述与保证条款”。
释义:underwrite在法律英语中有两个常见含义,一是承保、给…保险,如underwrite the goods in transit为运输途中的货物承保,另外一个意思是证券承销、报销,如underwriting agreement证券承销协议,underwriting spread 承销差价等。
释义:settlement在法律英语中的常见含义是和解,如reach a settlement 达成和解,settlement out of court庭外和解。
另外,settlement也可作账目的结算,如settlement of an account账目结算,settlement date交割日等。
释义:term在法律英语中有两个常见含义,一是期限,如term of office 任期,term of the contract 合同有效期,另外一个是条件,如term of the purchase购买条件,terms and conditions条件及条款等。
释义:withdraw有两个常用意思,一是支取、提款,如withdraw money from the bank从银行提款,另一个意思是撤回、撤销,如withdraw an offer撤回邀约,withdraw a charge撤回指控,withdraw from criminal activities推出犯罪活动等。
释义:withhold在法律英语中有两个常见含义,一是扣付,如withhold tax 代扣税款,另外一个是拒绝(公开、给予等),如withhold consent不同意,withhold sentence不予判刑等。
joint and several
释义:joint and several是一个常用词组,意思是连带的,如joint (and several ) liability连带责任,又如a warranty,representation,undertaking, indemnity, covenant or agreement on the part of two or more persons binds them jointly and severally.两人或两人以上对其所作的保证、陈述、承诺、赔偿、约定或协议负有连带责任。
null and void
释义:void的意思是无效的,常常和null连用,即null and void无效,如an act in conflict of law shall be null and void与法律冲突的行为无效。
Void contract无效合同,void marriage无效婚姻,void legacy无效遗嘱,void release无效弃权等。