
1.I am excited about my upcoming trip.我对我的即将到来的旅行感到兴奋。
2.We are going to visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris.我们将去巴黎参观埃菲尔铁塔。
3.I have packed my suitcase with all the essentials.我用所有必需品装满了我的行李箱。
4.The weather forecast predicts sunshine for our trip.天气预测显示我们的旅行期间将是晴天。
5.I cant wait to try the local cuisine.我迫不及待地想尝试当地美食。
6.We have booked a tour to explore the citys history.我们预订了一个游览城市的历史的旅行团。
7.Ive always wanted to see the Grand Canyon.我一直想看看大峡谷。
8.We will be traveling by train to our destination.我们将乘坐火车前往目的地。
9.Ive downloaded a map of the city for our trip.我为旅行下载了城市的地图。
10.Ive made a list of mustsee attractions.我列出了必看的景点。
11.Ive researched the best places to shop while were there.我研究了我们在那里时最好的购物地点。
12.Were staying in a hotel with a great view of the city.我们住在一家可以俯瞰城市的酒店。
13.Ive learned a few basic phrases in the local language.我学了一些当地语言的基本短语。

当你在旅游中需要使用英语时,以下是一些常用的旅游英语句子,可以帮助你与其他人交流:1. Where can I find a taxi?我在哪里可以找到出租车?2. How much does a ticket cost?一张票多少钱?3. Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?你能推荐附近的一家好餐厅吗?4. Where is the nearest ATM?最近的自动取款机在哪里?5. How do I get to the train station?我怎样才能到达火车站?6. Is there a bus that goes to the airport?有没有去机场的公交车?7. Excuse me, can you take a photo for us?对不起,你能帮我们拍照吗?8. Is there a discount for students?学生有折扣吗?9. Can you give me directions to the nearest hotel?你能告诉我去最近的酒店的路吗?10. What time does the museum open?博物馆几点开门?11. Do you have a map of the city?你们有城市地图吗?12. Can you help me with my luggage?你能帮我拿行李吗?13. Where is the nearest pharmacy?最近的药店在哪里?14. How far is it to the beach?到海滩有多远?15. What is the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?16. Can I try this on?我可以试穿这个吗?17. Can you recommend any local attractions?你能推荐一些当地的景点吗?18. Are there any guided tours available?有没有导游接待?19. Can you tell me where the nearest restroom is?你能告诉我最近的洗手间在哪里吗?20. Is there Wi-Fi available here?这里有Wi-Fi吗?21. How long does it take to get to the city center?到市中心需要多长时间?22. Are there any vegetarian options on the menu?菜单上有素食选项吗?23. Can you help me book a hotel room?你能帮我预订一间酒店房间吗?24. What time is check-in/check-out?入住/退房时间是几点?25. Can I pay with credit card?我可以用信用卡付款吗?26. Is there a tour guide available?有导游可以提供吗?27. Can you recommend a good place for shopping?你能推荐一个购物的好地方吗?28. Are there any local festivals or events happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的节日或活动?29. Can you help me exchange currency?你能帮我兑换货币吗?30. Is there a swimming pool in the hotel?酒店里有游泳池吗?31. Do you have any recommendations for local dishes?你有没有当地菜的推荐?32. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest tourist attraction?你能告诉我如何去最近的旅游景点吗?33. Is there a shuttle service to the airport?有去机场的班车服务吗?34. Can I get a refund if I cancel my reservation?如果我取消预订,可以退款吗?35. Are there any hiking trails nearby?附近有什么徒步小径吗?36. Can you help me rent a car?你能帮我租一辆车吗?37. Are there any special discounts for seniors?有没有给老年人的特别折扣?38. Can you recommend a good spot for taking photos?你能推荐一个适合拍照的好地方吗?39. Is there a nearby park where I can relax?附近有一个我可以放松的公园吗?40. Can you provide me with a city map?你能给我一份城市地图吗?41. Do I need to make a reservation for the restaurant?我需要为餐厅做预约吗?42. Are there any guided tours available in English?有没有提供英语导游服务?43. Can you recommend a good place for nightlife?你能推荐一个好的夜生活场所吗?44. Is it safe to walk around at night in this area?在这个地区晚上四处走动安全吗?45. Can you help me find a local SIM card?你能帮我找一张当地的SIM卡吗?46. Can you recommend any scenic spots for outdoor activities?你能推荐一些适合户外活动的风景区吗?47. Is there a local market where I can buy fresh produce?有没有一个本地市场可以买到新鲜的农产品?48. What are the popular tourist attractions in this city?这个城市有哪些受欢迎的旅游景点?49. Can you help me book tickets for a show/concert?你能帮我预订一场演出/音乐会的门票吗?50. Is there a tourist information center nearby?附近有旅游咨询中心吗?51. Can you recommend a good spot for hiking?你能推荐一个适合徒步的好地方吗?52. Are there any historical sites that I shouldn't miss?有没有我不该错过的历史遗迹?53. Can you recommend a good place for water sports?你能推荐一个适合水上运动的好地方吗?54. Is there a local tour that includes transportation and guide?有没有提供交通和导游的当地旅游线路?55. Can you help me find a local souvenir shop?你能帮我找一个本地纪念品店吗?56. Are there any restrictions or rules I should know when visiting religious sites?参观宗教场所时有没有我应该知道的限制或规定?57. Can you recommend a good place to experience the local culture?你能推荐一个体验当地文化的好地方吗?58. Is there a local festival happening during my stay?在我逗留期间有没有当地的节日?59. Can you provide me with a schedule of local transportation?你能提供给我一个当地交通的时间表吗?60. Is it safe to drink tap water here?这里的自来水安全饮用吗?61. Can you recommend a good place for a scenic hike?你能推荐一个适合观赏风景的徒步好地方吗?62. Are there any local customs or traditions I should be aware of?有没有我应该了解的本地风俗或传统?63. Can you help me find a good place to try local cuisine?你能帮我找一个品尝当地美食的好地方吗?64. What are the must-see attractions in this city?这个城市有哪些必看的景点?65. Can you recommend a reliable tour guide?你能推荐一个可靠的导游吗?66. Are there any bike rental services available?有没有自行车租赁服务?67. Can you provide me with a list of recommended hotels?你能给我提供一份推荐的酒店列表吗?68. Are there any art galleries or museums worth visiting?有没有值得参观的艺术画廊或博物馆?69. Can you help me book a table at a popular restaurant?你能帮我在一家热门餐厅预订一张桌子吗?70. Are there any local festivals or events happening soon?有没有即将举行的当地节日或活动?71. Can you recommend a good place for shopping for souvenirs?你能推荐一个购买纪念品的好地方吗?72. Is there a specific dress code for visiting religious sites?参观宗教场所有特定的着装要求吗?73. Can you help me find a good spot to watch the sunset?你能帮我找一个观看日落的好地方吗?74. Are there any local markets or bazaars worth exploring?有没有值得探索的当地市场或集市?75. Can you recommend a good place for spa and relaxation?你能推荐一个适合水疗和放松的好地方吗?76. Can you recommend a good spot for bird-watching?你能推荐一个适合观鸟的好地方吗?77. Are there any local specialties or delicacies I should try?有没有我应该尝试的当地特色或美食?78. Can you help me find a good place for water activities like snorkeling or diving?你能帮我找一个适合浮潜或潜水等水上活动的好地方吗?79. Is there a local guidebook or tourist information brochure available?有没有当地的旅游指南书或宣传册?80. Can you recommend a good spot for photography?你能推荐一个适合摄影的好地方吗?81. Are there any famous landmarks or monuments in this area?这个地区有没有著名的地标或纪念碑?82. Can you help me arrange transportation for a day trip to a nearby city?你能帮我安排去附近城市的一日游交通吗?83. Are there any scenic drives or routes worth exploring?有没有值得探索的风景驾车路线?84. Can you recommend a good place for outdoor adventure activities like hiking or kayaking?你能推荐一个适合徒步或划船等户外冒险活动的好地方吗?85. Is there a local traditional performance or cultural show I can attend?有没有我可以参加的当地传统表演或文化秀?86. Can you help me find a good place to experience the local nightlife?你能帮我找一个体验当地夜生活的好地方吗?87. Are there any local workshops or classes where I can learn a traditional craft or skill?有没有我可以学习传统工艺或技能的当地工作坊或课程?88. Can you recommend a good place for family-friendly activities?你能推荐一个适合全家一起参加的好地方吗?89. Are there any scenic viewpoints or observation decks in the area?这个地区有没有风景观点或观景台?90. Can you help me plan a customized itinerary based on my interests and preferences?你能根据我的兴趣和偏好帮我制定一个定制的行程吗?91. Can you recommend a good place for camping or outdoor adventure?你能推荐一个适合露营或户外冒险的好地方吗?92. Are there any local cultural festivals or events happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的文化节日或活动?93. Can you help me find a good place for horseback riding?你能帮我找一个适合骑马的好地方吗?94. Are there any guided tours that focus on the local history and heritage?有没有专注于当地历史和文化遗产的导游服务?95. Can you recommend a good spot for bird-watching or wildlife photography?你能推荐一个适合观鸟或野生动物摄影的好地方吗?96. Are there any local cooking classes or food tours available?有没有提供当地烹饪课程或美食之旅?97. Can you help me find a good place for water rafting or kayaking?你能帮我找一个适合漂流或划独木舟的好地方吗?98. Are there any local traditional markets or flea markets worth exploring?有没有值得探索的当地传统市场或跳蚤市场?99. Can you recommend a good place for stargazing or observing the night sky?你能推荐一个适合观赏星空的好地方吗?100. Are there any local vineyards or wineries that offer wine tasting tours?有没有当地的葡萄园或酒庄提供品酒游览?101. Can you recommend a good place for scuba diving or snorkeling?你能推荐一个适合潜水或浮潜的好地方吗?102. Are there any local music festivals or concerts happening during my stay?在我逗留期间有没有当地的音乐节或音乐会?103. Can you help me find a good spot for fishing?你能帮我找一个适合钓鱼的好地方吗?104. Are there any historical walking tours available in the city?这个城市有没有提供历史步行游览?105. Can you recommend a good place for rock climbing or bouldering?你能推荐一个适合攀岩或攀石的好地方吗?106. Are there any local cultural performances or traditional dances I can watch?有没有我可以观看的当地文化表演或传统舞蹈?107. Can you help me find a good place for hot air balloon rides?你能帮我找一个适合热气球飞行的好地方吗?108. Are there any local farm tours or agritourism experiences available?有没有当地的农场游览或农业旅游体验?109. Can you recommend a good place for camping under the stars?你能推荐一个适合露营观星的好地方吗?110. Are there any local art galleries or exhibitions worth visiting?有没有值得参观的当地艺术画廊或展览?111. Can you help me find a good place for paragliding or skydiving?你能帮我找一个适合滑翔伞或跳伞的好地方吗?112. Are there any local cultural heritage sites or UNESCO World Heritage sites nearby?附近有没有当地的文化遗产或联合国教科文组织世界遗产?113. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife safari or nature exploration?你能推荐一个适合野生动物观赏或自然探索的好地方吗?114. Are there any local cooking workshops or culinary tours I can join?有没有我可以参加的当地烹饪工作坊或美食之旅?115. Can you help me find a good place for yoga or wellness retreats?你能帮我找一个适合瑜伽或健康养生的好地方吗?116. Can you recommend a good place for cultural immersion or homestay experiences?你能推荐一个适合文化融入或寄宿体验的好地方吗?117. Are there any local sports events or tournaments happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的体育赛事或锦标赛?118. Can you help me find a good place for birdwatching or nature photography?你能帮我找一个适合观鸟或自然摄影的好地方吗?119. Are there any local traditional crafts or artisan workshops I can visit?有没有我可以参观的当地传统工艺品或工匠工作坊?120. Can you recommend a good place for off-road adventures like ATV riding or dune bashing?你能推荐一个适合越野冒险,如骑ATV或沙丘冲浪的好地方吗?121. Are there any local cultural museums or heritage centers worth exploring?有没有值得探索的当地文化博物馆或遗产中心?122. Can you help me find a good place for river rafting or whitewater kayaking?你能帮我找一个适合漂流或白水划艇的好地方吗?123. Are there any local traditional festivals or ceremonies I can witness?有没有我可以见证的当地传统节日或仪式?124. Can you recommend a good place for cycling or bike tours?你能推荐一个适合骑行或自行车旅行的好地方吗?125. Are there any local historical trails or walking routes I can explore?有没有我可以探索的当地历史小径或徒步路线?126. Can you help me find a good place for hot springs or thermal baths?你能帮我找一个适合温泉或温泉浴的好地方吗?127. Are there any local eco-tours or nature reserves I can visit?有没有我可以参观的当地生态旅游或自然保护区?128. Can you recommend a good place for cultural performances or traditional music?你能推荐一个适合文化表演或传统音乐的好地方吗?129. Are there any local adventure parks or amusement parks for families?有没有适合全家游玩的当地冒险公园或游乐园?130. Can you help me find a good place for meditation or spiritual retreats?你能帮我找一个适合冥想或精神修养的好地方吗?131. Can you recommend a good place for wine tasting or vineyard tours?你能推荐一个适合品酒或葡萄园游览的好地方吗?132. Are there any local cultural villages or heritage sites I can visit?有没有我可以参观的当地文化村或遗址?133. Can you help me find a good place for skiing or snowboarding?你能帮我找一个适合滑雪或滑板的好地方吗?134. Are there any local cooking competitions or food festivals happening soon?近期有没有即将举行的当地烹饪比赛或美食节?135. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife safaris or animal encounters?你能推荐一个适合野生动物保护区或动物接触的好地方吗?136. Are there any local cultural performances or traditional dances I can learn?有没有我可以学习的当地文化表演或传统舞蹈?137. Can you help me find a good place for spelunking or cave exploration?你能帮我找一个适合洞穴探险的好地方吗?138. Are there any local art and craft markets or fairs happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的艺术和手工艺市场或展会?139. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage walks or guided tours?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产步行或导览的好地方吗?140. Are there any local festivals or events where I can experience traditional costumes?有没有我可以体验传统服饰的当地节日或活动?141. Can you help me find a good place for paddleboarding or kayaking in calm waters?你能帮我找一个适合在平静水域划桨板或划独木舟的好地方吗?142. Are there any local theaters or performance venues with shows in English?有没有有英语演出的当地剧院或演出场所?143. Can you recommend a good place for farm-to-table dining experiences?你能推荐一个适合农场餐饮体验的好地方吗?144. Are there any local heritage trails or historical walking tours available?有没有当地的遗产小径或历史步行游览?145. Can you help me find a good place for hot air balloon festivals or events?你能帮我找一个适合热气球节或活动的好地方吗?146. Can you recommend a good place for cultural exchanges or volunteer opportunities?你能推荐一个适合文化交流或志愿者机会的好地方吗?147. Are there any local photography workshops or photo tours available?有没有当地的摄影工作坊或摄影之旅?148. Can you help me find a good place for horseback riding on the beach?你能帮我找一个适合在海滩骑马的好地方吗?149. Are there any local food markets or street food stalls I shouldn't miss?有没有我不该错过的当地食品市场或街边小吃摊?150. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage preservation or conservation projects?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产保护或环保项目的好地方吗?151. Are there any local music or dance classes I can join during my visit?在我访问期间有没有我可以参加的当地音乐或舞蹈课程?152. Can you help me find a good place for zip-lining or canopy tours?你能帮我找一个适合滑索或丛林飞跃的好地方吗?153. Are there any local cultural exchange programs or homestay opportunities?有没有当地的文化交流项目或寄宿机会?154. Can you recommend a good place for off-the-beaten-path exploration or adventure?你能推荐一个适合探索未知领域或冒险的好地方吗?155. Are there any local food and wine festivals happening soon?近期有没有即将举行的当地美食和葡萄酒节?156. Can you help me find a good place for traditional handicraft shopping?你能帮我找一个适合购买传统手工艺品的好地方吗?157. Are there any local storytelling or folklore tours available?有没有提供当地故事讲述或民间传说导览?158. Can you recommend a good place for sailing or yachting experiences?你能推荐一个适合帆船或游艇体验的好地方吗?159. Are there any local meditation retreats or wellness centers I can visit?有没有我可以参观的当地冥想修行或健康中心?160. Can you help me find a good place for cultural performances or theater shows?你能帮我找一个适合文化表演或剧场演出的好地方吗?161. Can you recommend a good place for snorkeling with marine life or coral reefs?你能推荐一个适合与海洋生物或珊瑚礁浮潜的好地方吗?162. Are there any local cultural festivals or events celebrating the indigenous culture?有没有庆祝土著文化的当地文化节日或活动?163. Can you help me find a good place for rock climbing or bouldering with experienced guides?你能帮我找一个有经验导游的适合攀岩或攀石的好地方吗?164. Are there any local culinary schools or cooking classes I can attend?有没有我可以参加的当地烹饪学校或烹饪课程?165. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife conservation volunteering or eco-tourism initiatives?你能推荐一个适合野生动物保护志愿者或生态旅游项目的好地方吗?166. Are there any local historical reenactments or living history museums?有没有当地的历史再现或活历史博物馆?167. Can you help me find a good place for mountain biking or cycling tours?你能帮我找一个适合山地自行车或骑行旅行的好地方吗?168. Are there any local art festivals or exhibitions happening soon?近期有没有即将举行的当地艺术节或展览?169. Can you recommend a good place for exploring ancient ruins or archaeological sites?你能推荐一个适合探索古代遗址或考古遗址的好地方吗?170. Are there any local cultural workshops or classes where I can learn traditional crafts?有没有我可以学习传统工艺的当地文化工作坊或课程?171. Can you help me find a good place for birdwatching or bird photography?你能帮我找一个适合观鸟或鸟类摄影的好地方吗?172. Are there any local literary festivals or book fairs happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的文学节或书展?173. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage trails or walking tours?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产小径或步行导览的好地方吗?174. Are there any local adventure sports centers or facilities for adrenaline-filled activities?有没有当地的冒险运动中心或设施提供刺激的活动?175. Can you help me find a good place for hot springs or thermal baths with natural surroundings?你能帮我找一个自然环境中适合温泉或温泉浴的好地方吗?176. Can you recommend a good place for cultural immersion programs or language exchanges?你能推荐一个适合文化融入项目或语言交流的好地方吗?177. Are there any local traditional music or dance performances I can attend?有没有我可以参加的当地传统音乐或舞蹈表演?178. Can you help me find a good place for wildlife photography or safari tours?你能帮我找一个适合野生动物摄影或野生动物观赏游览的好地方吗?179. Are there any local cultural heritage sites that are UNESCO World Heritage sites?有没有当地的文化遗产地也是联合国教科文组织世界遗产?180. Can you recommend a good place for adventure activities like ziplining or canyoning?你能推荐一个适合滑索或峡谷探险等冒险活动的好地方吗?181. Are there any local food and wine tours or gastronomic experiences available?有没有当地的美食和葡萄酒之旅或美食体验?182. Can you help me find a good place for hiking or trekking in the mountains?你能帮我找一个适合在山区徒步或远足的好地方吗?183. Are there any local cultural museums or art galleries with contemporary exhibits?有没有当地的文化博物馆或艺术画廊有现代展览?184. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife conservation projects or volunteer work?你能推荐一个适合野生动物保护项目或志愿者工作的好地方吗?185. Are there any local traditional festivals or events celebrating local customs?有没有庆祝本地习俗的当地传统节日或活动?186. Can you help me find a good place for paddleboarding or kayaking in scenic lakes or rivers?你能帮我找一个适合风景如画的湖泊或河流划桨板或划独木舟的好地方吗?187. Are there any local historical landmarks or monuments that are significant to the region?有没有对该地区有重要意义的当地历史地标或纪念物?188. Can you recommend a good place for stargazing or astronomy tours?你能推荐一个适合观赏星空或天文之旅的好地方吗?189. Are there any local architecture tours or visits to iconic buildings?有没有当地的建筑导览或参观标志性建筑?190. Can you help me find a good place for cultural performances or traditional theater shows?你能帮我找一个适合文化表演或传统戏剧演出的好地方吗?191. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage walks or guided tours?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产步行或导览的好地方吗?192. Are there any local music festivals or concerts happening soon?近期有没有即将举行的当地音乐节或音乐会?193. Can you help me find a good place for wildlife watching or nature photography?你能帮我找一个适合观赏野生动物或自然摄影的好地方吗?194. Are there any local art workshops or classes I can join?有没有我可以参加的当地艺术工作坊或课程?195. Can you recommend a good place for adventure sports like rock climbing or white-water rafting?你能推荐一个适合攀岩或白水漂流等冒险运动的好地方吗?196. Are there any local cultural events or festivals celebrating the local traditions?有没有庆祝当地传统的当地文化事件或节日?197. Can you help me find a good place for bird watching or birding tours?你能帮我找一个适合观鸟或鸟类观赏游览的好地方吗?198. Are there any local food markets or culinary tours showcasing the local cuisine?有没有展示当地美食的当地食品市场或烹饪之旅?199. Can you recommend a good place for cultural exchanges or homestay experiences?你能推荐一个适合文化交流或寄宿体验的好地方吗?200. Are there any local historical sites or landmarks that are a must-visit?有没有必去的当地历史遗址或地标?201. Can you help me find a good place for scuba diving or snorkeling in coral reefs?你能帮我找一个适合在珊瑚礁进行潜水或浮潜的好地方吗?202. Are there any local cultural museums or galleries showcasing local artists?有没有展示当地艺术家作品的当地文化博物馆或画廊?203. Can you recommend a good place for hiking or trekking with beautiful scenery?你能推荐一个适合徒步或远足的好地方,风景优美吗?204. Are there any local festivals or events that celebrate the local traditions and customs?有没有庆祝当地传统和习俗的当地节日或活动?205. Can you help me find a good place for wildlife conservation projects or volunteer opportunities?你能帮我找一个适合野生动物保护项目或志愿者机会的好地方吗?206. Can you recommend a good place for cultural performances or traditional dance shows?你能推荐一个适合文化表演或传统舞蹈展示的好地方吗?207. Are there any local eco-tours or nature reserves that I can explore?有没有我可以探索的当地生态旅游或自然保护区?208. Can you help me find a good place for kayaking or canoeing on scenic rivers?你能帮我找一个适合在风景优美的河流划独木舟或皮划艇的好地方吗?209. Are there any local street markets or flea markets that I should visit?有没有我应该去参观的当地街头市场或跳蚤市场?210. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage preservation or restoration projects?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产保护或修复项目的好地方吗?211. Are there any local theater performances or live shows that I can attend?有没有我可以参加的当地剧院演出或现场表演?212. Can you help me find a good place for mountain climbing or mountaineering?你能帮我找一个适合登山或攀登的好地方吗?213. Are there any local food tours or gastronomic experiences that I can join?有没有我可以参加的当地美食之旅或美食体验?214. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife sanctuaries or animal rehabilitation centers?你能推荐一个适合野生动物保护区或动物康复中心的好地方吗?215. Are there any local cultural workshops or classes where I can learn traditional arts and crafts?有没有我可以学习传统艺术和手工艺的当地文化工作坊或课程?216. Can you help me find a good place for hot air balloon rides with panoramic views?你能帮我找一个适合俯瞰全景的热气球飞行的好地方吗?217. Are there any local historical walking tours or guided heritage walks available?有没有当地的历史步行游览或导览遗产之旅?218. Can you recommend a good place for underwater diving or snorkeling adventures?你能推荐一个适合水下潜水或浮潜冒险的好地方吗?219. Are there any local cultural festivals or events that showcase traditional music and dance?有没有展示传统音乐和舞蹈的当地文化节日或活动?220. Can you help me find a good place for cultural exchange programs or volunteer opportunities?你能帮我找一个适合文化交流项目或志愿者机会的好地方吗?221. Can you recommend a good place for outdoor adventure activities like zip-lining or rock climbing?你能推荐一个适合滑索或攀岩等户外冒险活动的好地方吗?222. Are there any local cultural heritage sites or museums that offer guided tours?有没有提供导览服务的当地文化遗产地或博物馆?223. Can you help me find a good place for birdwatching or bird photography in natural reserves?你能帮我找一个适合在自然保护区观鸟或拍摄鸟类照片的好地方吗?224. Are there any local food markets or street food vendors known for their specialties?有没有以特色美食而闻名的当地食品市场或街头小吃摊?225. Can you recommend a good place for cultural festivals or events celebrating the local traditions?你能推荐一个适合庆祝当地传统的文化节日或活动的好地方吗?226. Are there any local art galleries or exhibitions featuring contemporary artists?有没有展示当代艺术家作品的当地艺术画廊或展览?227. Can you help me find a good place for mountain biking or cycling in scenic trails?你能帮我找一个适合在风景如画的小径上骑山地自行车或骑行的好地方吗?228. Are there any local historical landmarks or ancient ruins with guided tours available?有没有提供导览服务的当地历史地标或古代遗址?229. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife safaris or nature walks?你能推荐一个适合野生动物观赏游览或自然步行的好地方吗?230. Are there any local cultural workshops or classes where I can learn traditional music or dance?有没有我可以学习传统音乐或舞蹈的当地文化工作坊或课程?231. Can you help me find a good place for river rafting or kayaking in adventurous rapids?你能帮我找一个适合在刺激的急流中漂流或划独木舟的好地方吗?232. Are there any local festivals or events that showcase traditional crafts and artisans?有没有展示传统工艺品和工匠的当地节日或活动?233. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage walks or architectural tours?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产步行或建筑导览的好地方吗?234. Are there any local adventure parks or theme parks for family-friendly activities?有没有适合全家参与的当地冒险公园或主题公园?235. Can you help me find a good place for meditation retreats or wellness retreats?你能帮我找一个适合冥想修行或健康养生的好地方吗?236. Can you recommend a good place for cultural performances or traditional theater shows?你能推荐一个适合文化表演或传统戏剧演出的好地方吗?237. Are there any local food markets or culinary tours that focus on organic or farm-to-table cuisine?有没有注重有机或农场至餐桌美食的当地食品市场或烹饪之旅?238. Can you help me find a good place for wildlife conservation volunteering or eco-tourism initiatives?你能帮我找一个适合野生动物保护志愿者工作或生态旅游项目的好地方吗?239. Are there any local historical sites or museums that offer audio guides in multiple languages?有没有提供多种语言语音导览的当地历史遗址或博物馆?240. Can you recommend a good place for water sports like surfing or kiteboarding?你能推荐一个适合冲浪或风筝冲浪等水上运动的好地方吗?241. Are there any local cultural festivals or events that feature traditional costumes and dances?有没有展示传统服饰和舞蹈的当地文化节日或活动?242. Can you help me find a good place for hiking or trekking in the mountains with experienced guides?你能帮我找一个有经验导游的适合在山区徒步或远足的好地方吗?243. Are there any local markets or bazaars known for their handicrafts or souvenirs?有没有以手工艺品或纪念品而闻名的当地市场或集市?244. Can you recommend a good place for birdwatching or wildlife photography in natural reserves?你能推荐一个适合在自然保护区观鸟或野生动物摄影的好地方吗?245. Are there any local cultural workshops or classes where I can learn traditional martial arts?有没有我可以学习传统武术的当地文化工作坊或课程?246. Can you help me find a good place for hot springs or thermal baths with healing properties?你能帮我找一个具有疗效的温泉或温泉浴的好地方吗?247. Are there any local festivals or events that celebrate the local music and dance traditions?有没有庆祝当地音乐和舞蹈传统的当地节日或活动?248. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage tours or visits to historical landmarks?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产导览或参观历史地标的好地方吗?249. Are there any local adventure sports centers or facilities for activities like bungee jumping or skydiving?有没有提供蹦极或跳伞等活动的当地冒险运动中心或设施?250. Can you help me find a good place for traditional tea ceremonies or tea tastings?你能帮我找一个适合传统茶道或品茶的好地方吗?251. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage walks or guided tours?。

准备出行1. 预订机票和酒店•What time is our flight?•When does the hotel shuttle arrive?2. 行李•Could you help me with my luggage?•Is there a baggage limit for this flight?在机场1. 登机•Can I see your boarding pass, please?•Where is the gate for flight (flight number)?2. 安检•Please put your bags on the conveyor belt.•Do I need to take off my shoes?3. 登机•Excuse me, is this seat taken?•What time are we expected to arrive?在酒店1. 入住•I have a reservation under the name of (your name).•Can I have a wake-up call at 7 a.m. tomorrow?2. 房间设施•How do I connect to the Wi-Fi?•Is breakfast included in the room rate?3. 服务请求•Could you please bring me some extra towels?•I need to check out. What time is the check-out?在餐馆1. 点菜•What’s the specialty of the house?•Can I have the menu, please?2. 付款•Can I have the bill, please?•Do you accept credit cards?在旅游景点1. 导览•How long will the tour last?•Can you take a photo for me?2. 询问•Excuse me, where is the restroom?•Is there a gift shop in the vicinity?结语以上是一些常用的旅游英语口语,希望可以帮助您在旅行中更加顺利地与他人交流。

出国旅游英语(通用)一、旅行准备1.I want to book a roundtrip ticket from New York to London. 我想预定一张从纽约到伦敦的往返机票。
2.How much does it cost to fly to Paris roundtrip? 飞往巴黎的往返机票多少钱?3.Do you have any discount for students? 你们对学生有优惠吗?4.I need to check in for my flight to Los Angeles. 我需要办理飞往洛杉矶的登机手续。
5.Do you have any luggage to check in? 你有行李需要托运吗?6.What time does the flight take off? 飞机什么时候起飞?7.How long will the flight take? 飞行时间有多长?8.What is the status of my flight? 我的航班状态怎么样?9.Can I change my seat? 我可以换座位吗?10.D o you have any duty-free items? 你有免税商品吗?二、旅行途中1.Excuse me, where is the restroom? 请问洗手间在哪里?2.Could you tell me how to fasten the seat belt? 你能告诉我如何系安全带吗?3.I feel a little bit nervous. 我感觉有点紧张。
4.Can I get some pillow and blanket? 可以给我枕头和毛毯吗?5.Would you mind lowering the back of the seat? 你介意把椅背放低一点吗?6.Can I get some coffee? 可以给我一杯咖啡吗?7.What kind of food do you have on this flight? 这架飞机上供应什么样的食物?8.Would you like to order some meals? 您要点餐吗?9.Can I use my mobile phone during the flight? 在飞行过程中我可以使用手机吗?10.D o you have any in-flight entertainment? 这架飞机上有娱乐设施吗?三、出行交通1.How can I get to the subway station? 请问怎么去地铁站?2.Is there a bus to the city center? 有公交车到市中心吗?3.How much is the fare to the train station? 到火车站的车费是多少?4.Can I share a taxi with someone? 我可以和其他人共乘一辆出租车吗?5.How long does the ride take? 乘车需要多长时间?6.Do you need to stop anywhere on the way? 路上需要停靠在什么地方吗?7.Can I walk to the destination? 我可以步行到目的地吗?8.Is there a pedestrian-only zone nearby? 附近有步行街区吗?9.Can you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station? 你能告诉我如何去最近的地铁站吗?10.D o you have any information about public transportation? 你有什么关于公共交通的信息吗?四、住宿问题1.Do you have a reservation? 您有预订吗?2.I want a room with a double bed. 我想要一个双床房。

出国旅游英语300句_常用的英语句子有哪些出国旅游,即使没有一口流利的英语,了解一些常用的旅游英语口语也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些常用出国旅游英语300句,希望这些旅游英语会对大家有所帮助!出国旅游英语句子:预订机票1 我想预定一张去纽约的机票。
I want to book a seat to New York.2 我想订一张6月23号的单程机票。
I want a one-way ticket for June 23rd.3 我想明天上午动身。
I want to depart tomorrow morning.4 我要一张往返票。
I want a round trip ticket.5 明天到亚特兰大的航班都是几点的? What time are your flights to Atlanta tomorrow?6 您要头等舱的,还是要经济舱的? Will you be traveling in first class or economy?7 打折吗? Is there a discount?8 这趟航班要飞多长时间?How long will this flight take?9 我想搭乘直飞的航班。
I want to take a direct flight.出国旅游英语句子:更改航班10 我想取消我预定的去伦敦的航班。
I'd like to cancel my reservation to London.11 如果我想推迟我的航班怎么办?What if I want to put off my flight?12 如果可能的话,我想改一下我预定的机票。
I'd like to change my reservation if possible.13 我可以等退票。
You can put me on standby.14 我应该提前几个小时退票?How many hours in advance should I return the ticket?15 这些机票退不了吗?Are these tickets non-refundable ?16 我若退票的话有罚款吗?Is there a penalty for returning the ticket?17 我刚刚错过了航班,需要重新确定时间。

店铺整理了关于旅游英语口语,欢迎阅读!关于旅游英语口语一如何询问是否度假第一句:Are you going to take a trip there?你打算去那里旅行吗?A: Could you tell me something about Disneyland?你给我讲讲迪斯尼乐园的情况好吗?B: Sure. Are you going to take a trip there?当然可以,你打算去那里旅行吗?第二句:Do you plan to take a trip to Europe?你计划去欧洲旅行吗?A: Do you plan to take a trip to Europe?你计划去欧洲旅行吗?B: Yes, I plan to go there with my girlfriend for the honeymoon.是的,我打算和我女友去那儿度蜜月。
关于旅游英语口语二如何表达赏景之情第一句:What a wonderful view!多美的景色啊!A: What a wonderful view!多美的景色啊!B: Yeah, we can get a view of the whole city.是啊,我们能看到全城的景色。
第二句:How beautiful a view!这风景真是太美了!A: How beautiful a view!这风景真是太美了。
B: It sure is. The Grand canyon is truly a masterpiece.一点不假,大峡谷真是大自然的杰作。

9.Sorry!This is non-smoking cabin.
10.We have to hurry up to catch。
11.Do you want to take the window side or the passage side?
3.Where is the nearest underground station?
4.I would like to buy one sleeping train ticket to Haikou.
5.Would you mind an upper berth in your train?
12.Hold tight please!This road is bumpy a lot.
Useful Expressions
1.What type of transportation are you planning to use?
2.I think subway is the most convenient options in China.
6.Do I need to transfer to another train?
7.Excuse me.The plane is taking off.Please turn off your mobile phone.

6.I want to go to tБайду номын сангаасe railway station. Could you show me the way?我想去火车站,您能带我去 吗?
各种生活场景和一些常见问题,了解旅游英语口语,解决因为语言问题而引起国外出行障碍, 旅游常用英语口语以简单实用为主,可以通过旅游英语口语,了解国外语言文化和生活文化。
如果有长期国外旅行计划或者频繁旅游行程,那一线口语可以为你提供旅游英语口语课程,通 过北美外教一对一真人在线上课,认识旅游常用英语口语,充分了解国外风土人情,了解国外 生活和一些注意事项。
旅游常用英语口语 300句,值得珍藏
走出国门旅游,一些旅游常用英语口语都不会岂不是很尴尬。就算雅思托福都能过,但那毕竟 是应试英语,而不是生活中实用性强的旅游英语口语,总归会有脑袋发懵不知道该如何用英语 表达的时候,小编分享一些超级实用的旅游常用英语口语300句之问路篇给大家,可以解决出国 旅途中很多实际问题,赶紧往下看看这些问路的旅游英语吧!
7.Where's this place in the map?这里在地图的哪个位置? 8.Is this the right way to the station?往车站走这条路对吗? 9.Excuse me. Can you direct me to the toy department, please?打扰一下,请你告诉我到玩具部 门怎么走好吗?

小编精心收集了旅游英语口语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!旅游英语口语情景对话1A:I'm so glad we decided to go on a cruise for our vacation.我很高兴我们决定坐船去度假。
B:Are you even glad that we get to buy new clothes too?如果我们买新衣服,你也会高兴吗?A:Ah, that's all part of the fun. What do you think of these shorts?啊,那正是有趣的地方,你觉得这些短裤如何?B:They look really good on you. They look comfortable too.你穿起来很好看,感觉上也很舒服。
A:They are. I think I'm going to get a hat too.的确很舒服,我还要买顶帽子。
B:Okay. I chose this swimming suit. Do you like it?好啊。
我挑了一件泳衣,你觉得呢?A:Wow. You look great.哇,你看起来真美。
B:Great and white! Which reminds me, let's pick up some heavy duty sunscreen!又美又白,这倒提醒我,我们得买一些高效的防晒油!旅游英语口语情景对话2A:Good morning,sir! Can I help you?早上好!能为您服务吗?B:Good morning! I'd like to buy twelve tickets to Beijing for October 14th.早上好!我想买十二张10月14日到北京的火车票。

以下是整理的《旅游英语⼝语300句(句型)》,希望⼤家喜欢!Yes. Here you are.好的,都在这⼉。
You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage.您先去办⼿续,我来帮您照看⼤件⾏李。
That's great. I'll come back right after the formalities.那太好了。
What type of visa have you got?您持的是哪种签证? I have atourist visa.旅游签证。
Would you mind opening your suitcase?请把您的箱⼦打开,好吗? Not atall. Check it, please.好的,请检查。
Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies?请把你所带的外币登记⼀下,好吗?OK. I'll do as you say.好的,照办。
Have you filled in the baggage declaration?⾏李申请单填好了吗?No. I really don't know how to go about it.没有。
Do youhave anything to declare for customs?有什么要申报呀? No. I havenothing to declare.没有。
How long are you going to stay here?您在这⾥呆多久?About one month. I'm just sightseeing.⼤约⼀个⽉。
Haveyou anything dutiable?您有应缴税的东西吗?No, these are only personal effects.没有,这只是些私⼈⽤品。

以下是一些旅行话语的英语口试短句:1. I'm planning a trip to (destination) next month. 我计划下个月去(目的地)旅行。
2. I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to see everything. 我不知道是否有足够的时间看遍所有景点。
3. I've been to (destination) before and always enjoyed myself no matter what. 我以前去过(目的地),每次都玩得很开心。
4. I'm not really interested in organized tours, I prefer to explore on my own. 我对跟团游不太感兴趣,我更喜欢自己探索。
5. I like to try local food and experience the local culture as much as possible. 我喜欢尝试当地的食物,并尽可能体验当地的文化。
6. I'm not really into shopping, but I do enjoy window shopping. 我不太喜欢购物,但我喜欢逛橱窗。
7. I'm looking forward to (activity) while I'm there. 我很期待在那里能进行(活动)。
8. I'm hoping to meet some new people while I'm traveling. 我希望在旅行中能结识一些新朋友。
9. I'm not really sure how to get around there. 我不太确定在那里怎么出行。
10. I'm planning on staying at a hostel/hotel/ Airbnb. 我计划住在青年旅社/酒店/民宿。

描写旅游的英文句子有哪些篇11.Travel can be very exciting.旅游非常有趣。
2. Many people like to travel.很多人喜欢旅游。
3. People think travel is expensive.人们觉得旅游挺花钱的。
4. This need not be so.事实未必如此。
5. We can travel by many ways.旅游的方式多种多样。
6. Walking is a form of travel.走路是一种旅游方式。
7. It can be very interesting.它可以是非常有趣的。
8. Walkingnbsp;enables us to see many things in detail.走路让我们能够仔细地观察很多事物。
9. We can travel by plane, bus, train or car.我们可以乘飞机、乘公共汽车、乘火车、乘汽车旅游。
10. When we travel that way, we get to places quickly.如果我们用上述的方式旅游,我们可以较快地到达目的地。
11. However, we donrsquo;t see things so deeply.然而,这样做我们不能很仔细地观察事物。
12. A bicycle is a quicker way to travel than walking.骑车旅游比走路快一些。
13. By bicycle, we can still see things in detail.骑车时,我们仍然可以较详细地观看许多事物。

旅游实用英语300句1. Are you ready to go on a trip?2. Where are you planning to travel to?3. I'm going to visit Paris.4. Do you have your passport and visa?5. I need to book a hotel room.6. How much does the hotel room cost per night?7. Can I make a reservation?8. When is the best time to visit this city?9. What attractions are there in this city?10. I want to visit the Eiffel Tower.11. How do I get to the city center from the airport?12. Is there a shuttle service available?13. How much does a taxi cost from the airport to the city center?14. Is public transportation easily accessible?15. I would like to rent a car.16. What is the daily rate for car rental?17. Are there any discounts available?18. Where can I find a good restaurant?19. Can you recommend a local specialty?20. How much does a meal cost on average?21. Is it customary to tip in this country?22. How do you say "thank you" in the local language?23. Where can I exchange currency?24. What is the exchange rate for USD to local currency?25. Are credit cards widely accepted?26. I need to withdraw cash from an ATM.27. Is there a fee for using an ATM?28. Can you recommend any local souvenirs?29. Is there a famous shopping district in this city?30. I would like to buy some local handicrafts.31. How much does this souvenir cost?32. Do you have any discount coupons?33. Can I try this on before buying it?34. What is the weather like today?35. Do I need to bring an umbrella?36. I forgot to pack my toothbrush. Where can I buy one?37. Can I use the hotel's laundry services?38. How much does it cost to do laundry?39. I would like to use the hotel's gym facilities.40. Is there a swimming pool in the hotel?41. Can I use the hotel's Wi-Fi?42. What is the Wi-Fi password?43. I need to check in for my flight. Where is the airline counter?44. Is there a weight limit for checked baggage?45. How many carry-on bags am I allowed to bring?46. Can I bring liquids in my carry-on bag?47. Is there a duty-free shop at the airport?48. Are there any travel restrictions I should be aware of?49. I lost my passport. What should I do?50. Can you recommend any local festivals or events?51. Are there any guided tours available?52. How much does a guided tour cost?53. Can I get a map of the city?54. Is there a tourist information center nearby?55. I would like to rent a bicycle.56. Are there any bike lanes in the city?57. Can I bring my pet with me on the trip?58. Are there any pet-friendly accommodations?59. Is it safe to walk alone at night in this city?60. Can you recommend any local safety precautions?61. Is it safe to drink tap water in this country?62. I need to see a doctor. Is there a hospital nearby?63. How much does medical treatment cost here?64. Is there a pharmacy where I can buy over-the-counter medication?65. I need to call a taxi. What is the local taxi company's number?66. Can you recommend any local cuisine?67. Is there a dress code for visiting religious sites?68. What is the local time?69. Can I use my phone charger in this country?70. Is there a power adapter I can borrow?71. How long does it take to travel from this city to the next city by train?72. Are there any discounts available for train tickets?73. Can I buy a train ticket online?74. What is the baggage allowance on trains?75. Is there a restroom on the train?76. How long does it take to travel from this city to the next city by bus?77. Are there any discounts available for bus tickets?78. Can I buy a bus ticket online?79. Is there a restroom on the bus?80. Can I bring food and drinks on the train?81. Can I bring food and drinks on the bus?82. Are there any scenic spots near the city?83. Can I hike up the mountain?84. What is the difficulty level of the hiking trail?85. Are there any safety precautions I should be aware of when hiking?86. Can I go swimming in the lake?87. Are there any water sports available at the beach?88. Can I go snorkeling or scuba diving?89. Is there a tour guide available for outdoor activities?90. How much does it cost to rent outdoor equipment?91. Can I go camping in the national park?92. Is there a designated camping area?93. Can I have a campfire?94. Are there any fishing spots nearby?95. Do I need a fishing license?96. Can I go horseback riding?97. Are there any horse riding trails?98. Can I go on a boat tour?99. Are there any boat rentals available?100. Can I go on a hot air balloon ride?101. Are there any restrictions for hot air balloon rides? 102. Can I take a scenic helicopter tour?103. Are there any restrictions for helicopter tours?104. Can I go on a safari tour?105. Are there any wildlife reserves or national parks? 106. Can I see any endangered species?107. Can I go on a river cruise?108. Are there any famous bridges or landmarks on the river? 109. Can I go on a bike tour?110. Are there any bike routes or trails?111. Can I go on a wine tasting tour?112. Are there any vineyards nearby?113. Can I go on a historical tour?114. Are there any historical sites or museums?115. Can I go on a food tasting tour?116. Are there any food markets or local specialty shops? 117. Can I go on a shopping tour?118. Are there any popular shopping districts or malls? 119. Can I go on a photography tour?120. Are there any scenic viewpoints or landmarks? 121. Can I go on a cultural tour?122. Are there any cultural festivals or events?123. Can I go on a music or art tour?124. Are there any music or art venues or museums? 125. Can I go on a theater or opera tour?126. Are there any theater or opera performances?127. Can I go on an adventure tour?128. Are there any adrenaline-pumping activities available? 129. Can I go on a spiritual or religious tour?130. Are there any famous temples or shrines?131. Can I go on a beach or island hopping tour?132. Are there any nearby islands or beaches?133. Can I go on a wellness or spa tour?134. Are there any wellness centers or spa resorts?135. Can I go on a skiing or snowboarding tour?136. Are there any ski resorts or slopes?137. Can I go on a hiking or trekking tour?138. Are there any challenging hiking trails or treks? 139. Can I go on a cycling or mountain biking tour? 140. Are there any cycling routes or mountain bike trails? 141. Can I go on a wildlife or nature tour?142. Are there any nature reserves or wildlife habitats? 143. Can I go on a bird watching tour?144. Are there any bird sanctuaries or birding spots? 145. Can I go on a fishing tour?146. Are there any fishing spots or charters?147. Can I go on a farm or agricultural tour?148. Are there any farms or agricultural attractions? 149. Can I go on a river or lake tour?150. Are there any scenic rivers or lakes?151. Can I go on a boating or sailing tour?152. Are there any marinas or sailing clubs?153. Can I go on a heritage or historical tour?154. Are there any heritage sites or historical buildings? 155. Can I go on a culinary or cooking tour?156. Are there any cooking classes or culinary workshops? 157. Can I go on a wine or beer tasting tour?158. Are there any wineries or breweries?159. Can I go on a shopping or fashion tour?160. Are there any fashion boutiques or shopping districts? 161. Can I go on a music or nightlife tour?162. Are there any live music venues or nightclubs? 163. Can I go on a sports or adventure tour?164. Are there any sports facilities or adventure parks? 165. Can I go on a wellness or relaxation tour?166. Are there any wellness retreats or relaxation centers? 167. Can I go on a yoga or meditation tour?168. Are there any yoga studios or meditation centers? 169. Can I go on a photography or art tour?170. Are there any photography exhibitions or art galleries? 171. Can I go on a theater or cultural tour?172. Are there any theater performances or cultural shows? 173. Can I go on a film or cinema tour?174. Are there any film festivals or cinema events?175. Can I go on a literature or book tour?176. Are there any literary events or bookshops?177. Can I go on a dance or ballet tour?178. Are there any dance performances or ballet shows? 179. Can I go on a wellness or spa tour?180. Are there any wellness resorts or spa retreats? 181. Can I go on a spiritual or meditation tour?182. Are there any spiritual retreats or meditation centers? 183. Can I go on a cycling or bike tour?184. Are there any cycling routes or bike trails?185. Can I go on a skiing or snowboarding tour?186. Are there any ski resorts or snowboarding slopes? 187. Can I go on a hiking or trekking tour?188. Are there any hiking trails or trekking routes? 189. Can I go on a wildlife or safari tour?190. Are there any wildlife reserves or safari parks? 191. Can I go on a bird watching tour?192. Are there any bird watching spots or sanctuaries? 193. Can I go on a fishing or angling tour?194. Are there any fishing spots or angling charters? 195. Can I go on a farm or agricultural tour?196. Are there any farms or agricultural attractions? 197. Can I go on a river or lake tour?198. Are there any scenic rivers or lakes?199. Can I go on a boating or sailing tour?200. Are there any marinas or sailing clubs?201. Can I go on a heritage or historical tour?202. Are there any heritage sites or historical landmarks? 203. Can I go on a culinary or food tour?204. Are there any cooking classes or food festivals? 205. Can I go on a wine or beer tour?206. Are there any wineries or breweries?207. Can I go on a shopping or fashion tour?208. Are there any shopping districts or fashion boutiques? 209. Can I go on a music or nightlife tour?210. Are there any music venues or nightclubs?211. Can I go on a sports or adventure tour?212. Are there any sports facilities or adventure parks? 213. Can I go on a wellness or relaxation tour?214. Are there any wellness retreats or relaxation centers? 215. Can I go on a yoga or meditation tour?216. Are there any yoga studios or meditation centers? 217. Can I go on a photography or art tour?218. Are there any photography exhibitions or art galleries? 219. Can I go on a theater or cultural tour?220. Are there any theater performances or cultural shows? 221. Can I go on a film or cinema tour?222. Are there any film festivals or cinema events?223. Can I go on a literature or book tour?224. Are there any literary events or bookshops?225. Can I go on a dance or ballet tour?226. Are there any dance performances or ballet shows? 227. Can I go on a wellness or spa tour?228. Are there any wellness resorts or spa retreats?229. Can I go on a spiritual or meditation tour?230. Are there any spiritual retreats or meditation centers? 231. Can I go on a shopping or fashion tour?232. Are there any shopping districts or fashion boutiques? 233. Can I go on a music or nightlife tour?234. Are there any music venues or nightclubs?235. Can I go on a sports or adventure tour?236. Are there any sports facilities or adventure parks? 237. Can I go on a wellness or relaxation tour?238. Are there any wellness retreats or relaxation centers? 239. Can I go on a yoga or meditation tour?240. Are there any yoga studios or meditation centers? 241. Can I go on a photography or art tour?242. Are there any photography exhibitions or art galleries? 243. Can I go on a theater or cultural tour?244. Are there any theater performances or cultural shows? 245. Can I go on a film or cinema tour?246. Are there any film festivals or cinema events?247. Can I go on a literature or book tour?248. Are there any literary events or bookshops?249. Can I go on a dance or ballet tour?250. Are there any dance performances or ballet shows? 251. Can I go on a wellness or spa tour?252. Are there any wellness resorts or spa retreats?253. Can I go on a spiritual or meditation tour?254. Are there any spiritual retreats or meditation centers? 255. Can I go on a cycling or bike tour?256. Are there any cycling routes or bike trails?257. Can I go on a skiing or snowboarding tour?258. Are there any ski resorts or snowboarding slopes? 259. Can I go on a hiking or trekking tour?260. Are there any hiking trails or trekking routes?261. Can I go on a wildlife or safari tour?262. Are there any wildlife reserves or safari parks? 263. Can I go on a bird watching tour?264. Are there any bird watching spots or sanctuaries? 265. Can I go on a fishing or angling tour?266. Are there any fishing spots or angling charters? 267. Can I go on a farm or agricultural tour?268. Are there any farms or agricultural attractions? 269. Can I go on a river or lake tour?270. Are there any scenic rivers or lakes?271. Can I go on a boating or sailing tour?272. Are there any marinas or sailing clubs?273. Can I go on a heritage or historical tour?274. Are there any heritage sites or historical landmarks? 275. Can I go on a culinary or food tour?276. Are there any cooking classes or food festivals? 277. Can I go on a wine or beer tour?278. Are there any wineries or breweries?279. Can I go on a shopping or fashion tour?280. Are there any shopping districts or fashion boutiques? 281. Can I go on a music or nightlife tour?282. Are there any music venues or nightclubs?283. Can I go on a sports or adventure tour?284. Are there any sports facilities or adventure parks? 285. Can I go on a wellness or relaxation tour?286. Are there any wellness retreats or relaxation centers? 287. Can I go on a yoga or meditation tour?288. Are there any yoga studios or meditation centers? 289. Can I go on a photography or art tour?290. Are there any photography exhibitions or art galleries? 291. Can I go on a theater or cultural tour?292. Are there any theater performances or cultural shows? 293. Can I go on a film or cinema tour?294. Are there any film festivals or cinema events?295. Can I go on a literature or book tour?296. Are there any literary events or bookshops? 297. Can I go on a dance or ballet tour?298. Are there any dance performances or ballet shows? 299. Can I go on a wellness or spa tour?300. Are there any wellness resorts or spa retreats?。

旅游英语口语300句目录1.问路2.预订酒店3.去购物4.餐厅用餐5.交通工具6.游览景点7.紧急情况问路1.Which way to the beach?2.Can you show me on the map?3.Where is the nearest subway station?4.Excuse me, how do I get to the museum?5.Is it far from here?6.Can you tell me how to get to the airport?7.How long does it take to walk there?8.Could you please give me directions to the bus stop?9.Is the hotel within walking distance from here?10.Could you point me in the right direction?预订酒店11.I’d like to book a room for two nights.12.Do you have any rooms available for this weekend?13.What are the room rates?14.Is breakfast included in the price?15.Can I have a non-smoking room?16.I’d like a room with a sea view.17.Do you have a double bed?18.What time is check-in/check-out?19.Can I pay with a credit card?20.Could you please arrange a wake-up call for me?去购物21.How much does this cost?22.Can I try this on?23.Do you have this in a different color?24.I’d like to return this.25.Is there a discount on this item?26.Do you accept credit cards?27.What is your refund policy?28.Can I get a receipt, please?29.I’m looking for a gift for my friend.30.Could you recommend something for me?餐厅用餐31.Do you have a table available for two?32.What’s the specialty of the house?33.Can I see the menu, please?34.Do you serve vegetarian dishes?35.Is the service charge included in the bill?36.Could we have the check, please?37.Can I have some water, please?38.I’d like to make a reservation for tonight.39.Is there a dress code for this restaurant?40.Could you recommend a good local dish?交通工具41.How much is a taxi to the airport?42.Where is the nearest bus stop?43.Do you have Uber in this city?44.Can you call me a cab?45.How often does the train come?46.Which platform does the train leave from?47.Is it faster to take the subway or the bus?48.Can I buy a ticket on the bus/train?49.How many stops to the city center?50.Is there a shuttle bus to the hotel?游览景点51.What time does the museum open/close?52.Is photography allowed inside?53.How long does the tour last?54.Is there an audio guide available?55.Can you recommend a good place for hiking?56.Are there any guided tours?57.What’s the admission fee?58.Where can I buy tickets?59.Are there any discounts for students/seniors?60.When is the best time to visit?紧急情况61.Help! I’ve lost my passport.62.My bag has been stolen!63.I need to see a doctor.64.Can you help me find a police station?65.I’ve missed my flight.66.I need to cancel my reservation.67.I’ve been in an accident.68.My hotel room has been broken into.69.I need to report a lost credit card.70.Can you recommend a good hospital?71.Excuse me, where is the nearest post office?72.Can you recommend a good place to rent a bike?73.What’s the weather like today?74.Are there any good local markets to visit?75.I’d like to book a tour of the city.76.Can you recommend a good spa for a massage?77.I need to find a pharmacy, can you help?78.Are there any traditional festivals happening soon?79.What time is the last train back to the city?80.Can you recommend a good place to watch the sunset?81.How do I get to the nearest beach?82.What time do the shops open/close?83.Can you recommend a good place for live music?84.Is there a public swimming pool nearby?85.I need to change some money, where is the nearest exchange office?86.Can you recommend a good place for a picnic?87.What’s the best way to get to the city center?88.Are there any good hiking trails nearby?89.Can you recommend a good place to sample local cuisine?90.What time is the best time to visit the local market?91.When is the best time to visit the local museum?92.I need to find a good place to buy souvenirs, can you help?93.Is there a good spot for bird watching nearby?94.Are there any good local art galleries to visit?95.What time is the last bus to the airport?96.Can you recommend a good place for a romantic dinner?97.What’s the best way to get to the top of the mountain?98.Where is the nearest tourist information center?99.Can you recommend a good place for a sunset view?100.What’s the best way to get around the city?101.How do I get to the nearest historical site?102.Can you recommend a good place to rent a car?103.Is there a good spot for stargazing nearby?104.Are there any good local cooking classes to take?105.What time is the train to the next city?106.Can you recommend a good place for a family picnic?107.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall?108.Where is the nearest emergency service?109.Can you recommend a good place for a sunrise view?110.What’s the best way to get to the nearest beach?111.Where is the nearest famous landmark?112.Can you recommend a good place to rent a boat?113.Is there a good spot for wildlife watching nearby?114.Are there any good local cultural performances to watch?115.What time is the next ferry to the nearby island?116.Can you recommend a good place for a beach barbecue?117.What’s the best way to get to the nearest national park?118.Where is the nearest foreign embassy?119.Can you recommend a good place for a mountain view?120.What’s the best way to get to the nearest hot spring?121.How do I get to the nearest amusement park?122.Can you recommend a good place to rent a surfboard? 123.Is there a good spot for scuba diving nearby?124.Are there any good local wine tasting tours to take?125.What time is the boat to the nearby island?126.Can you recommend a good place for a camping trip? 127.What’s the best way to get to the nearest botanical garden? 128.Where is the nearest police station?129.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view?130.What’s the best way to get to the nearest lake?131.Where is the nearest famous zoo?132.Can you recommend a good place to rent a kayak?133.Is there a good spot for horseback riding nearby?134.Are there any good local cheese tasting tours to take? 135.What time is the next train to the neighboring city?136.Can you recommend a good place for a lakefront picnic? 137.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall?138.Where is the nearest hospital?139.Can you recommend a good place for a desert view?140.What’s the best way to get to the nearest botanical park? 141.How do I get to the famous natural reserve?142.Can you recommend a good place to rent a snorkel?143.Is there a good spot for mountain biking nearby?144.Are there any good local tea tasting tours to take?145.What time is the next bus to the nearby town?146.Can you recommend a good place for a riverside picnic? 147.What’s the best way to get to the nearest canyon?148.Where is the nearest fire station?149.Can you recommend a good place for a vineyard view? 150.What’s the best way to get to the nearest hot air balloon ride? 151.Where is the nearest famous lighthouse?152.Can you recommend a good place to rent a jet ski?153.Is there a good spot for paragliding nearby?154.Are there any good local chocolate tasting tours to take? 155.What time is the next tram to the neighboring city?156.Can you recommend a good place for a lakefront barbecue? 157.What’s the best way to get to the nearest geyser?158.Where is the nearest veterinary clinic?159.Can you recommend a good place for a volcano view? 160.What’s the best way to get to the nearest sand dunes? 161.How do I get to the famous observation point?162.Can you recommend a good place to rent a paddleboard? 163.Is there a good spot for zip-lining nearby?164.Are there any good local beer tasting tours to take?165.What time is the next cable car to the summit?166.Can you recommend a good place for a lakeside picnic? 167.What’s the best way to get to the nearest glacier?168.Where is the nearest dentist’s office?169.Can you recommend a good place for a waterfall view? 170.What’s the best way to get to the nearest zip-lining course? 171.Where is the nearest famous botanical garden?172.Can you recommend a good place to rent a canoe?173.Is there a good spot for rock climbing nearby?174.Are there any good local rum tasting tours to take?175.What time is the next funicular to the hilltop?176.Can you recommend a good place for a riverside barbecue? 177.What’s the best way to get to the nearest observatory? 178.Where is the nearest pharmacy?179.Can you recommend a good place for a volcano view? 180.What’s the best way to get to the nearest desert safari? 181.How do I get to the famous theme park?182.Can you recommend a good place to rent a pedal boat? 183.Is there a good spot for bungee jumping nearby?184.Are there any good local whisky tasting tours to take? 185.What time is the next monorail to the neighboring city? 186.Can you recommend a good place for a beachfront picnic? 187.What’s the best way to get to the nearest cave?188.Where is the nearest consulate?189.Can you recommend a good place for a mountain view?190.What’s the best way to get to the nearest water park? 191.Where is the nearest famous waterfall?192.Can you recommend a good place to rent a golf cart? 193.Is there a good spot for hang gliding nearby?194.Are there any good local gin tasting tours to take?195.What time is the next chairlift to the peak?196.Can you recommend a good place for a scenic picnic? 197.What’s the best way to get to the nearest glacier?198.Where is the nearest embassy?199.Can you recommend a good place for a river view?200.What’s the best way to get to the nearest seashore? 201.How do I get to the famous suspension bridge?202.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 203.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?204.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take? 205.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village? 206.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue? 207.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?208.Where is the nearest embassy?209.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view? 210.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall? 211.Where is the nearest famous waterfall?212.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 213.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?214.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take? 215.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village? 216.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue? 217.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?218.Where is the nearest embassy?219.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view? 220.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall? 221.How do I get to the famous waterfall?222.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 223.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?224.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take? 225.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village? 226.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue? 227.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?228.Where is the nearest embassy?229.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view? 230.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall? 231.Where is the nearest famous waterfall?232.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 233.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?234.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take? 235.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village? 236.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue? 237.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?238.Where is the nearest embassy?239.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view? 240.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall? 241.How do I get to the famous waterfall?242.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 243.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?244.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take? 245.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village? 246.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue? 247.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?248.Where is the nearest embassy?249.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view? 250.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall? 251.Where is the nearest famous waterfall?252.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 253.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?254.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take? 255.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village? 256.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue? 257.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?258.Where is the nearest embassy?259.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view?260.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall? 261.How do I get to the famous waterfall?262.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 263.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?264.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take? 265.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village? 266.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue? 267.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?268.Where is the nearest embassy?269.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view? 270.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall? 271.Where is the nearest famous waterfall?272.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 273.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?274.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take? 275.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village? 276.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue? 277.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?278.Where is the nearest embassy?279.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view? 280.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall? 281.How do I get to the famous waterfall?282.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 283.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?284.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take? 285.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village? 286.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue? 287.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?288.Where is the nearest embassy?289.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view? 290.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall? 291.Where is the nearest famous waterfall?292.Can you recommend a good place to rent a mountain bike? 293.Is there a good spot for skydiving nearby?294.Are there any good local sake tasting tours to take?295.What time is the next gondola to the neighboring village?296.Can you recommend a good place for a seaside barbecue?297.What’s the best way to get to the nearest iceberg?298.Where is the nearest embassy?299.Can you recommend a good place for a forest view?300.What’s the best way to get to the nearest waterfall?This markdown document includes 300 travel English sentences divided into different scenarios that a traveler might encounter while exploring a new place. These sentences are designed to help travelers communicate effectively in English while on a trip.。

交通1. 寻找方向•Can you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?•Excuse me, could you point me in the direction of the bus stop?2. 打的•I need a taxi to take me to the airport.•How much does a cab to the city center cost?3. 公共交通•Is there a bus that goes to the museum?•Which train should I take to get to the beach?住宿1. 酒店•I have a reservation under the name of [Your Name].•Could I get a wake-up call at 7 am tomorrow, please?2. 房间•Is breakfast included in the room rate?•Could I have an extra pillow, please?3. 投诉•The air conditioning in my room is not working properly.•There is no hot water in my shower.饮食1. 餐厅•Table for two, please.•What do you recommend on the menu?2. 点餐•I’ll have the steak medium-rare, please.•Could I have the bill, please?3. 特殊要求•I am allergic to peanuts, is this dish safe for me?•Can I have the sauce on the side?旅游景点1. 游览•Is there a guided tour of the castle available?•How long does it take to walk around the whole park?2. 娱乐•What time does the show start?•Are there any discounts for students?3. 常见问题•Where is the nearest rest area?•Do you have a map of the museum?购物1. 询问价格•How much does this souvenir cost?•Can you give me a discount if I buy two?2. 试穿•May I try on these shoes?•Do you have this T-shirt in a different size?3. 结账•I would like to pay by credit card.•Could I get a receipt for this purchase?总结在旅游中运用英语口语是非常重要的,它不仅能方便您与当地人沟通,还能让您更好地体验当地的文化。

【篇⼀】去泰国旅游常⽤的英语⼝语 ⼀、出⾏ Tuk-tuk,三轮摩托车。
shuttle bus,班车。
long tail boat,长尾船。
By meter, please. 请打表。
Where can I take the Tuk-tuk/shuttle bus/long tail boat...? 我在哪可以搭乘三轮摩托车/班车/长尾船......? 友情提⽰:在泰国飚摩托车被拦下来会被罚款,但是可以讲价,Can you make it cheaper? ⼆、住宿 I'd like to check in, please. 我想⼊住。
I've already booked a room online. 我已经在上预定了。
Do I have to pay a deposit? 我需要付押⾦吗? What's the rate? 多少钱?(⼊住酒店⽐较少⽤How much) Where's my room? 我的房间在哪? Sorry, could you take me to my room? 不好意思,您能带我去我房间吗? I'd like to check out, please. 我想退房。
三、购物 Can I get it duty free? 我能免税买下它吗? May I try it on? 我能试穿吗? Where's the fitting room/changing room? 试⾐间在哪? How much? 多少钱? Could you gift wrap it? 您能帮我包装下吗? It's too expensive. 太贵了 Could you give me a discount? 您能给我打个折吗?(注意,打⼋折是让利百分之⼆⼗,20 percent off,所以不要听到20 percent就以为打⼆折哦) I can't buy with your price. 您这价格我买不了。

旅游英语口语大全共100句含翻译1. Where are you planning to go on your next vacation?(你计划下次去哪里度假?)2. I'm thinking about visiting Europe. Have you been there before?(我在考虑去欧洲。
你去过那里吗?)3. How long are you planning to stay?(你计划待多久?)4. I'm going to book a flight and hotel soon.(我打算很快预订机票和酒店。
)5. What's the best time to visit this city?(什么时候是参观这个城市的最佳时机?)6. I prefer to travel during the off-peak season to avoid the crowds.(我更喜欢在淡季旅行,以避免人群。
)7. Are you planning to go sightseeing or just relax on the beach?(你打算去观光还是只是在沙滩上放松?)8. I want to explore the local culture and try authentic food.(我想探索当地文化,尝试正宗的食物。
)9. Do you have any recommendations for must-visit attractions?(你有什么必游的景点推荐吗?)10. I heard the local markets are a great place to experience the culture.(我听说当地的市场是体验文化的好地方。
)11. How do you usually plan your itinerary when traveling?(你在旅行时通常如何安排行程?)12. I like to have a mix of planned activities and free time to explore.(我喜欢将计划好的活动和自由时间结合起来探索。

暑假旅游英语口语句子1.暑假旅游英语口语句子篇一1.We're going on a cruise/road trip this summer. 我们这个夏天要去度假/自驾游。
2.Where is the nearest bus stop? 最近的公交车站在哪里?3.Can you call a taxi for me? 你能替我叫辆出租车吗?4.How much does it cost to get to the airport? 去机场要多少钱?5.The water is so clear, you can see the fish swimming. 水很清澈,你可以看到鱼在游。
2.暑假旅游英语口语句子篇二1.Can I have my room cleaned, please? 请给我打扫房间好吗?2.Is there free Wi-Fi in the hotel? 酒店有免费的Wi-Fi吗?3.Can I pay by credit card? 我可以用信用卡支付吗?4.The sun is shining, and it's a perfect day for a picnic. 阳光明媚,正是野餐的好日子。
5.Let's rent a kayak and explore the river. 我们租艘皮划艇去探索河流吧。
3.暑假旅游英语口语句子篇三1.Do you have a bus service from the airport? 有饭店的bus在机场接送吗?2.Will you write that down for me?您能给我写下来吗?3.Where is the lost luggage office?行李遗失申报处在哪里?4.The camera is for my personal use.这个相机是我私人使用的。
5.Which would you like for dinner, beef, chicken or fish?晚餐想吃牛肉、鸡肉或是鱼?4.暑假旅游英语口语句子篇四1. I need help.我需要帮助。
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6.Do I need to transfer to another train?
7.Excuse me.The plane is taking off.Please turn off your mobile phone.
3.Where is the nearest underground station?
4.I would like to buy one sleeping train ticket to Haikou.
5.Would you mind an upper berth in your train?
8.Could you direct me to my seat?
9.Sorry!This is non-smoking cabin.
10.We have to hurry up to catch our plane.
11.Do you want to take the window side or the passage side?
Useful Expressions
1.What type of transportation are you planning to use?
2.I think subway is the most convenient options in China.
你t please!This road is bumpy a lot.